12 - SMAW W 3 - Essentials of Welding
12 - SMAW W 3 - Essentials of Welding
12 - SMAW W 3 - Essentials of Welding
Week 3, Lesson 1
Capsulized Self - Learning
Empowerment Toolkit
1.1 Perform stringer or layered beads in
accordance with welding standards TLE_IAAW9-12FW-Ia-IIj-3
IMPORTANT: Do not write anything on this material. Write your answers on the learner’s activity and
assessment sheets provided separately.
Concept of Welding
Welding is a technique used for joining metallic parts usually through the application of h eat.
This also refers to the joining together of two pieces of metal by heating to a temperature high enough
to cause softening or melting, with or without the application of pressure, and with or without the use
of filler metal. Any filler metal used has either a melting point approximately the same as the metals
being joined or a melting point that is below these metals but above 800 degrees Fahrenheit (°F).
Welding is usually the best method to use when fastening metal. If we want to build
something made of metal, we can fasten the parts by using screws or rivets, bending the parts, or
even gluing the parts. However, a quality, long-lasting, attractive, safe product is best fabricated by
using one of the many types of prevailing welding processes.
Welders hold key positions in the major industries, they are important to the economic welfare
of our country. Without welding, the metal industry would be seriously restricted; many of the scientific
feats of the past and the future would be impossible. As long as there are metal products, welders will
be needed to fabricate and repair them.
Essentials of Welding
A Welding Technicians becomes so called “experts” as they get well-oriented and experienced
on the field that they work-on. Prior to this, welding technicians must observed consideration before
dealing or working with welding. This consideration is called “the essentials in welding”. These
essentials in welding are as follows:
All surfaces in the weld area must be free of dust, dirt, grease, and oxide prior to starting a weld.
Greasy or oily steel sheet should be degreased. Rusty steel sheet, or sheet covered in dark mill scale, must be
cleaned back to bare metal. Hand-held wire brush sand blasting or grinding.
When learning to use arc welding equipment, the first step is to practice striking an arc, depositing
some well metal and then breaking the arc. Get a piece of low carbon steel scrap plate 10 mm thick and clean
off any paint, loose scale or grease.
The type of electrode chosen will depend on the material to be welded. You are going to practice on a
piece of 10 mm low carbon steel. The electrode size to use will be a mild steel general purpose rod, size 4
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mm. The electrode size is determined by the thickness of material and the type of joint to be welded. To
prevent burning holes through thin material, a smaller size electrode would use
The correct choice of electrode size involves consideration of a variety of factors, such as the type, position,
and preparation of the joint, the ability of the electrode to carry high current values without injury to the weld
metal or loss of deposition efficiency, the mass of work metal and its ability to maintain its original properties
after welding, the characteristics of the assembly with reference to effect of stresses set up by heat application,
the practicability of heat treatment before and/or after welding, the specific requirements as to welding quality
and the cost of achieving the desired results.
Suitable amperages for various diameters of electrode are usually printed on the electrode packet,
although they can be varied to suit conditions. Welds on thin plate require low amperages to prevent burn
through, whilst deeper penetration is achieved by using higher amperages.
If current on equipment is too high or too low, you are certain to be disappointed in your weld. If too
high, the electrode melts too fast and your molten pool is large and irregular. If too low, there is not enough
heat to melt the base metal and your molten pool will be too small, will pile up, and look irregular.
The electrode The electrode angle is of particular importance in fillet welding and deep groove welding.
Generally speaking, when making a fillet weld, the electrode should be held so that it bisects the angle
between the plates (as shown at right) and is perpendicular to the line of weld, if undercut occurs in the vertical
member, lower the angle of the arc and direct the arc toward the vertical member.
Let’s Practice!
Directions: Fill-in with information/details/keywords the following concept map below. You can
enhance/modify. Write your answer on the answer sheet provided.
Key Points
Let’s see how much have you learned today!
(Answer on the Learner’s Activity and Assessment sheets)
Assessment 1
Directions: State the concept of welding by answering the following questions. Write your answer on
the answer sheet provided.
1. What is welding?
2. Why do you think welding technology considered as one of the demand jobs?
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Assessment 2
Directions: Read each statement below carefully. Write capital letter “T” if you think the statement is
“TRUE” and capital letter “F” if you think the statement is “FALSE”. Write your answer on the answer
sheet provided.
__1. Welding is joining of two pieces of metal by heating to a temperature low enough to cause sof tening or melting.
__2. Welding is a technique used f or joining metallic parts usually through the application of heat.
__3. Welders hold key positions in the major industries, they are important to the economic welf are of our country.
__4. A f iller metal used has either a melting point approximately the same as the metals being joined or a melting point
that is below these metals but above 900 degrees Fahrenheit (°F).
__5. Welding is usually the best method to use when f astening metal.
Assessment 3
Directions: Read carefully each item and encircle the corresponding letter of the correct answer. Write your
answer on the answer sheet provided.
• Welding.https://www.britannica.com/technology/welding
• Bonhart, Edward R.2012 Welding Principle and Practices.
REFERENCE/S https://www.academia.edu
• Taiza,Guillermo M.2019. Competency-Based Learning Material (CBLM) for
Shielded Metal Arc Welding NC II. https://www.academia.edu
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Written by:
Nomer P. Delos Reyes
Teacher II
DPLMHS Stand-Alone Senior High School
4 |P age
Learner’s Activity and Assessment
SAQ 1: Why do we mean by “essentials of welding”?
What is Digestion?
SAQ 2: Why is it necessary to know the essentials of welding?
What is Digestion?
Let’s Practice!
Directions: Fill-in with information/details/keywords the following concept map below. You can
enhance/modify. Write your answer on the answer sheet provided.
1. Concept of Welding 2. Essentials of Welding
Let’s see how much have you learned today!
Assessment 1
Directions: State the concept of welding by answering the following questions. Write your answer on the
answer sheet provided.
1. What is welding?
2. Why do you think welding technology considered as one of the demand jobs?
Assessment 2
Directions: Read each statement below carefully. Write capital letter “T” if you think the statement is “TRUE”
and capital letter “F” if you think the statement is “FALSE”. Write your answer on the answer sheet provided.
5 |P age
Topic: Essentials of Welding
Learning Competency: Perform stringer or layered beads in accordance with elding standards
Let’s Practice Assessment 1:
1. Concept of Welding
1. What is welding?
Welding is a technique used for
joining metallic parts usually through the
application of heat.
Assessment 2
1. F
In Demand 2. T
3. T
2. Essentials of Welding 4. F
5. T
Assessment 3
1. c
Electrode Selection 2. b
3. c
4. d
5. a
Electrode Selection
Amperage Selection
6 |P age
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Zamboanga City
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in the criterion items under each factor below.
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page/s, briefly indicate the errors found, and give your recommendations in the attached Summary of Findings
3. Write Not Applicable (NA) for criterion items that does not apply in the LR evaluated.
I certify that this evaluation report and the recommendation(s) in the summary report are my own and have been
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9 |P age
Summary of Content Findings, Corrections and Review for Locally Developed
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