Weekly Planning Al Maha Girls' School
Weekly Planning Al Maha Girls' School
Weekly Planning Al Maha Girls' School
Resources >Bridge to Success LB, >Bridge to Success LB, >Bridge to Success LB, >Bridge to Success LB, Story Time
Page 69, 75. Page 70, 77. Page 72, 74. Page 71, 73. >vocabulary cards
>Vocabulary cards. >Vocabulary cards. >Vocabulary cards. >Vocabulary cards.
>adjectivies with ‘toy’ >Colour Chart. >’c’ words >Number Chart
words >Shapes Chart
Vocabulary/ Review: Unit 1 words. Review: Unit 1 words. Review: Unit 1 words. Review: Unit 1 words. Review: Unit 2 words.
Spelling ball, doll, car, small, big, orange, brown. cat, camel, cactus. ten, diamond.
hard, soft.
Opening > Phonic song. > Phonic song. > Phonic song. > Phonic song. >Story time
>”What do you see?” >”What do you see?” >”What do you see?” >”What do you see?” >Review:
cards cards cards cards Chant Unit 2 words.
Teach (Whole) 1. Listen to chant . 1. Listen and point to 1. Identify sound ‘c’ at the 1. Listen and point to Reading Lesson:
1. Listening Skills orange pictures. beginning of a word. number10 or a diamond. Project based.
2. Chant the ‘toy’ words. Bumble Bee Booklet.
2. Speaking Skills 2. Tell me what you see. 2. Say words beginning 2. Count from 0 to 10.
3. Read the ‘toy’ words. ‘orange’, ‘brown’ with the sound ‘c’.
3. Reading Skills 3. Read ‘a diamond’, ‘an
4. Write the ‘toy’ words 3. “It is orange. It is brown.” 3. Recognize the ‘c’ sound orange diamond’.
4. Writing Skills with an adjective’ at the beginning of words.
4. ‘orange’, ‘brown’ 4. To trace the numbers 10
5. Language 5. a small car, a big car. 4. Copy and write and diamonds.
Focus: a soft teddy, a hard car. 5. “What colour is it?” “It’s uppercase and lowercase
orange/brown.” ‘Cc’ 5. Listen, colour, count,
What is it? It’s a ………
5. ‘c’ is for cat, camel, There are ten orange balls.
cactus. Is it a …? Yes (it is) How many camels are
No (It isn’t) I’ve got a doll. there.
Closure/ >Vocabulary challenge >Vocabulary challenge >Vocabulary challenge >Vocabulary challenge Play the new game.
Assessment with words from Unit 2. with words from Unit 2. with words from Unit 2. with words from Unit 2. Reward stickers.