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Roscoe Postle Associates Inc. (RPA) was retained by Barrick Gold Corporation (Barrick) to
prepare an independent Technical Report on the Lagunas Norte Gold Mine (the Mine) in
Peru. The purpose of this report is to support the public disclosure of Mineral Resource and
Mineral Reserve estimates at the Mine as of December 31, 2015. This Technical Report
conforms to National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

Barrick is a Canadian publicly traded mining company with a large portfolio of operating
mines and projects. The Lagunas Norte Mine is located in the District of Quiruvilca in the
Province of Santiago de Chuco and the Department of La Libertad, in north-central Peru.
The mine site is approximately 90 km east of the coastal city of Trujillo.

The Mine is owned and operated by Minera Barrick Misquichilca S.A. (MBM), a wholly-
owned Peruvian subsidiary of Barrick. The mine is part of the Alto Chicama property. A
2.51% Net Smelter Return (NSR) royalty is paid to a Peruvian state company, Activos
Mineros S.A.C. (Activos Mineros), formerly Centromin Peru S.A. (Centromin). In December
2006, Centromin transferred all of its rights and obligations with respect to the mine to
Activos Mineros.

Lagunas Norte is a large open pit, heap leach gold and silver mine in the high Andes
Cordillera. Operations include open pit mining of gold-silver ore, crushing, and extraction of
precious metals using heap leaching and Merrill Crowe recovery. Since Lagunas Norte
started production in March 2005, the mine has recovered 9.0 million ounces (Moz) of gold
and 9.0 Moz of silver from approximately 222 million tonnes (Mt) of ore averaging 1.53 g/t Au
and 3.7 g/t Ag.

In June 2015, Barrick completed a scoping study, or Preliminary Economic Assessment

(PEA), of the potential to mine and process the Lagunas Norte sulphide resources below the
oxide orebody in the current open pit and to extend the life of the operation beyond 2018,
when mining of oxide material was scheduled to conclude (the Lagunas Norte Refractory
Material Mine Life Extension Project, or the Refractory Project). The refractory material
cannot be economically processed using heap leaching due to low recoveries. In December
2015, a prefeasibility study (PFS) was carried out on the Refractory Project.

Barrick Gold Corporation – Lagunas Norte Mine, Project #2590

Technical Report NI 43-101 – March 21, 2016 Page 2-1

Under the current mine plan, which incorporates the Refractory Project, open pit mining and
leaching of oxide material on the HLF will continue from 2016 to 2023. From 2016 to 2021,
the refractory ore is planned to be mined and stockpiled. Permitting and completion of
detailed engineering on the Refractory Project are expected to take up to four years from
2016 to 2019. Construction and commissioning of the new circuit is expected to take
approximately two years from 2020 to 2021, with first refractory gold production expected in
late 2021 and continuing to 2029. The plan contemplates an initial capital investment of
approximately $640 million for the installation of a 6,000 tonnes per day grinding-flotation-
autoclave and carbon-in-leach processing circuit to treat the refractory material. As
contemplated by the study, average annual production in the first five years is expected to be
240,000 ounces of gold at all-in sustaining costs of $625 per ounce.

The PFS on the Refractory Project will form the basis for a more detailed feasibility study
(FS). Capital estimates contained within the PFS may increase or decrease as a result of
changes incorporated at the feasibility study stage. Capital allocation decisions will be
evaluated as the Refractory Project advances through additional stages of the development.

The PFS on the Refractory Project supports the conversion of approximately 2.1 million
ounces of measured and indicated refractory sulphide gold resources to mineral reserves,
which could significantly extend the mine life. Based on the current reserves and mine plan,
which incorporates the Refractory Project, mine production is planned until 2023, while the
stockpiled material will continue to be processed until 2029. The addition of a refractory
processing facility could also unlock other potential refractory mineralization sources in the
region surrounding Lagunas Norte.

In addition to the Refractory Project, Barrick has recently conducted a technical review of the
Lagunas Norte operation with the objective of identifying potential opportunities for cost
reductions and revenue enhancement. These opportunities are referred to in this Technical
Report as the “Value Realization Initiatives”.

RPA Principal Geological Engineer Luke Evans, M.Sc., P.Eng., RPA Principal Mining
Engineer Hugo Miranda, MBA, RM (ChMC), and RPA Principal Metallurgist, Brenna Scholey,
P.Eng., visited the mine from January 6 to 7, 2015 and held meetings at the Barrick offices in

Barrick Gold Corporation – Lagunas Norte Mine, Project #2590

Technical Report NI 43-101 – March 21, 2016 Page 2-2

Trujillo and Lima on January 8 and 9, 2015, respectively. Discussions were held with the
following Barrick and MBM personnel:
 Hugo Roman, General Manager of Operations Lagunas Norte
 Angel Vera, Manager of Operations Mine
 Roberto Chumpitazi, Manager of Human Resources
 Aldo Leon, Manager of Environment - EIA
 Joe Pezo, Manager of Process
 Isaias Kleinerman, Manager of Health and Safety
 Manuela Hillenbrand, Manager of Community Relations
 Jesus Yalan, Chief Hydrologist
 Jose Nizama, Manager of Technical Services
 Michael Sanchez, Superintendent of Geology
 Fernando Porras, Superintendent of Engineering
 Percy Maguiña, Superintendent of Metallurgy
 Cesar Espejo, Superintendent of Leaching
 Pedro Bobadilla, Process Plant Superintendent
 Raul Orellana, Manager of Environment
 Kelly Diaz, Senior Supervisor of Environment
 Carlos Diaz, Senior Supervisor of Mining Properties
 Carlos Salguero, Superintendent of Purchasing
 Martin Castro, Senior Cost Supervisor
 Melissa Vasquez, Senior Modelling Geologist
 Augusto Mariscal, Supervisor Ore Control Geologist
 Angela Zapana, Supervisor Modelling Geologist
 Cristhel Becerra, AcQuire Database Administrator
 Mario Poma, Senior Geotechnical Supervisor
 Frank McCann, Barrick Regional Manager, Engineering and Planning
 Benjamin Sanfurgo, Senior Manager of Resource and Reserve Modelling
 Cristian Monroy, Manager of Reserves and Resources
 Cristobal Valenzuela, Senior Modelling Geologist

The Lagunas Norte Mine has been the subject of Technical Reports and resource/reserve
technical audits as follows:
 August 2015, NI 43-101 Technical Report, RPA

Barrick Gold Corporation – Lagunas Norte Mine, Project #2590

Technical Report NI 43-101 – March 21, 2016 Page 2-3

 March 2012, NI 43-101 Technical Report, RPA

 March 2009, NI 43-101 Technical Report, Barrick
 May 2008, Reserve Audit, Scott Wilson Roscoe Postle Associates Inc. (Scott
Wilson RPA, a predecessor company to RPA)
 April 2006, Reserve Procedure Audit, RPA
 February 2005, Reserve Procedure Audit, RPA
 March, 2003, NI 43-101 Technical Report, Barrick

Mr. Evans reviewed the geology, sampling, assaying, and resource estimate work and is
responsible for Sections 2 to 5, 7 to 12, 14, and 23. Mr. Miranda reviewed the mining,
reserve estimate, and economics and is responsible for Sections 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, and 22.
Ms. Scholey reviewed the metallurgical, environmental, and permitting aspects and is
responsible for Sections 13, 17, and 20. The authors share responsibility for Sections 1, 6,
24, 25, 26, and 27 of this Technical Report. RPA would like to acknowledge the excellent
cooperation in the transmittal of data by Barrick and MBM personnel.

The documentation reviewed, and other sources of information, are listed at the end of this
report in Section 27 References.

Barrick Gold Corporation – Lagunas Norte Mine, Project #2590

Technical Report NI 43-101 – March 21, 2016 Page 2-4

Units of measurement used in this report conform to the Imperial system. All currency in this
report is US dollars (US$ or $) unless otherwise noted.

a annum kWh kilowatt-hour

A ampere L litre
bbl barrels lb pound
btu British thermal units L/s litres per second
°C degree Celsius m metre
C$ Canadian dollars M mega (million); molar
cal calorie m2 square metre
cfm cubic feet per minute m3 cubic metre
cm centimetre  micron
cm2 square centimetre MASL metres above sea level
d day g microgram
dia diameter m3/h cubic metres per hour
dmt dry metric tonne mi mile
dwt dead-weight ton min minute
°F degree Fahrenheit m micrometre
ft foot mm millimetre
ft2 square foot mph miles per hour
ft3 cubic foot MVA megavolt-amperes
ft/s foot per second MW megawatt
g gram MWh megawatt-hour
G giga (billion) oz Troy ounce (31.1035g)
Gal Imperial gallon oz/st, opt ounce per short ton
g/L gram per litre PEN Nuevo Sol
Gpm Imperial gallons per minute ppb part per billion
g/t gram per tonne ppm part per million
gr/ft3 grain per cubic foot psia pound per square inch absolute
gr/m3 grain per cubic metre psig pound per square inch gauge
ha hectare RL relative elevation
hp horsepower s second
hr hour st short ton
Hz hertz stpa short ton per year
in. inch stpd short ton per day
in2 square inch t metric tonne
J joule tpa metric tonne per year
k kilo (thousand) tpd metric tonne per day
kcal kilocalorie US$ or $ United States dollar
kg kilogram USg United States gallon
km kilometre USgpm US gallon per minute
km2 square kilometre V volt
km/h kilometre per hour W watt
kPa kilopascal wmt wet metric tonne
kVA kilovolt-amperes wt% weight percent
kW kilowatt yd3 cubic yard
yr year

Barrick Gold Corporation – Lagunas Norte Mine, Project #2590

Technical Report NI 43-101 – March 21, 2016 Page 2-5


This report has been prepared by Roscoe Postle Associates Inc. (RPA) for Barrick Gold
Corporation (Barrick). The information, conclusions, opinions, and estimates contained
herein are based on:

 Information available to RPA at the time of preparation of this report;

 Assumptions, conditions, and qualifications as set forth in this report; and

 Data, reports, and other information supplied by Barrick and other third party

For the purpose of this report, RPA has relied on ownership information provided by Barrick.
RPA has not researched property title or mineral rights for the Lagunas Norte property and
expresses no opinion as to the ownership status of the property.

RPA has relied on Barrick for guidance on applicable taxes, royalties, and other government
levies or interests, applicable to revenue or income from Lagunas Norte.

Except for the purposes legislated under provincial securities laws, any use of this report by
any third party is at that party’s sole risk.

Barrick Gold Corporation – Lagunas Norte Mine, Project #2590

Technical Report NI 43-101 – March 21, 2016 Page 3-1


The Lagunas Norte Mine site is located on the 185 km2 Alto Chicama property in the district
of Quiruvilca in the Province of Santiago de Chuco, La Libertad Region, north-central Peru,
approximately 90 km east of the coastal city of Trujillo and 175 km north of Barrick’s Pierina
Mine (Figure 4-1). The property is located at 7º57' S latitude and 78º15' W longitude and lies
on the western flank of the Peruvian Andes at an elevation of 4,000 MASL to 4,260 MASL.

The Alto Chicama mining property encompasses four mining concessions; Acumulación Alto
Chicama (formerly Derecho Especial del Estado N° 1, 2 y 3), Los Angeles, Las Lagunas 15
and Las Lagunas 16, totalling 19,181.2760 ha (Table 4-1). In December 2002, MBM
acquired the mining concession “Acumulación Alto Chicama” encompassing 18,002.3216 ha
from Centromin, the Peruvian state mining company, pursuant to an international bid
process. The Lagunas Norte Mine is located on this mining concession. Production at
Lagunas Norte is subject to 2.51% NSR royalty, payable semi-annually to Activos Mineros
S.A.C. (Activos Mineros), formerly Centromin, on the extraction of gold and all other
minerals. Under the terms of agreement with Centromin, MBM paid Centromin an advance
contractual royalty of $2 million. In December 2006, Centromin transferred all of its rights
and obligations with respect to the mine to Activos Mineros, a state mining company.

The “Los Angeles” mining concession was acquired by MBM from Pan American Silver Peru
S.A.C. through a Transference Contract dated June 28, 2004. The “Las Lagunas 15” and
“Las Lagunas 16” mining concessions were granted by the Peruvian government on January
30, 2001. The Acumulación Alto Chicama mining concession has no expiry date since it is in
exploitation phase. In order to maintain its validity, however, a Validity Fee, of $3.00/ha,
must be paid no later than June 30 each year. Non-fulfillment for two consecutive years
results in expiration of a mining concession. The Validity Fee payments for the Alto Chicama
property were up to date as of December 2014. The Los Angeles, Las Lagunas 15 and 16
mining concessions pay, in addition to the Validity Fee, a Penalty of $20/ha per annum
because they are not in production. Non-payment of the Validity Fee and Penalty for two

Barrick Gold Corporation – Lagunas Norte Mine, Project #2590

Technical Report NI 43-101 – March 21, 2016 Page 4-1

consecutive years results in expiration of a mining concession. The Validity Fee payments
for the Alto Chicama property were up to date as of December 2015.


Barrick Gold Corporation – Lagunas Norte Mine

Area Effective Area Royalty Title

Code Mining Concession Name (ha) (ha) (%) Date
010000204L Acumulación Alto Chicama 18,002.3216 18,002.3216 2.51 04/10/2004
10204000 Las Lagunas 15 800.0000 534.8316 0 30/01/2001
10204100 Las Lagunas 16 900.0000 572.1228 0 30/01/2001
15005489X01 Los Angeles 72.0000 72.0000 0 01/10/1969
Totals 19,774.3216 19,181.2760

On December 29, 2004, Barrick entered into a Legal Stability Agreement with the Peruvian
government. The Legal Stability Agreement provides increased certainty with respect to tax,
administrative, and exchange stability to MBM, regarding the four mining concessions, for 15
years. The 15 year period commenced as of January 1, 2006 and ends on December 31,
2020. Under the terms of the Legal Stability Agreement which includes tax stability, Barrick
is required to pay national and municipal taxes in effect at December 29, 2004 and is subject
to a 32% income tax rate instead of the 30% general rate. In December 2014, the Peruvian
government enacted certain tax reform measures. Corporate income tax rates will be
gradually reduced from 28% in 2015 to 26% for 2019 and future years. The withholding tax
on dividends will gradually increase from 6.8% for 2015 to 9.3% for 2019 and future years. In
January 2015, Barrick made a limited election out of the tax stability provisions included in
the Legal Stability Agreement in order to benefit from the reduced income tax rates.

The mining concessions are shown in Figure 4-2. Note that the Las Lagunas 15 and Las
Lagunas 16 mining concessions overlap with Acumulación Alto Chicama, so the effective
area for the four combined mining concessions is 19,181.2760 ha. MBM controls surface
rights totalling 4,067.8721 ha in the mine area and the mine area has a fenced perimeter
(Figure 4-2 and Table 4-2). Surface rights are sufficient to mine the current reserves and all
reserves lie within MBM controlled lands.

The Acumulación Alto Chicama mining concession, subject to a 2.51% NSR payable semi-
annually to Activos Mineros, formerly Centromin, is shown in Figure 4-3.

Barrick Gold Corporation – Lagunas Norte Mine, Project #2590

Technical Report NI 43-101 – March 21, 2016 Page 4-2

RPA is not aware of any environmental liabilities on the property. MBM has all required
permits to conduct the proposed work on the property. RPA is not aware of any other
significant factors and risks that may affect access, title, or the right or ability to perform the
proposed work program on the property.


Barrick Gold Corporation – Lagunas Norte Mine

Count Number Name File P.E. N° Area (Ha)

1 39818 CUEVA II SE40286 04063644 0.4609
2 39819 EL PUENTE GRANDE SE040297 04063655 0.9855
3 39820 SAN JOSE DE PORCON PR017318 04017212 2.1600
4 39827 SAN JOSE DE PORCON PR017317 04017211 2.0000
5 41505 VIRA VIRA I SE039835 04063193 298.7030
6 41506 VIRA VIRA III SE039839 04063197 87.2315
7 41507 VIRA VIRA II SE039832 04063190 106.1590
8 41513 PAMPA DEL RAYO SE039836 04062796 53.6653
9 41514 QUISHUAR I SE039819 04062797 100.9850
10 41515 LAS PUSHAS SE039816 04063174 377.7120
11 41516 LAS PEÑAS COLORADAS II SE039812 04063170 7.3407
12 41517 LAS PEÑAS COLORADAS I SE039811 04063169 15.4522
13 41518 EL PUENTE GRANDE SE039810 04063168 1.0264
14 41519 LAS PEÑAS DE GENTE SE039809 04063167 420.6420
15 41520 LAS TAPADAS SE039815 04063173 63.7398
16 41521 SHULCAHUANGA SE039860 04063218 324.1460
17 41522 SHULCAHUANGA SE039861 04063219 77.5388
18 41523 SHULCAHUANGA SE039862 04063220 595.4410
19 41524 CALLACUYAN II SE039821 04063179 57.5634
20 41526 CALLACUYAN II SE039823 04063181 62.3906
21 41528 CALLACUYAN II SE039824 04063182 243.9590
22 41536 SAN JOSE DE PORCON PR022597 04022364 445.3168
23 41883 CRUZ VERDE I SE039831 04063189 18.1318
24 41885 CRUZ VERDE III 04063187 1.0175
25 LOTE B PR022533 04022300 318.0000
26 U.N.A. SAN JOSE DE PORCON (U.N.A) PR022598 04022365 15.6496
27 U.N.A. 41537 11050070 67.5982
28 U.N.A. LA RUBIA 11050071 0.5748
29 U.N.A. SIR GALLAHAD 11050069 12.4890
30 41504 LAGUNA DEL TORO - CABALLO MORO SE039814 04063172 34.7885
31 41527 CALLACUYAN II SE039833 04063191 201.1230
32 39832 EL QUISUAR 04017217 16.6918
33 39833 EL QUISUAR 04017217 22.8267
Total 4,067.8721

Barrick Gold Corporation – Lagunas Norte Mine, Project #2590

Technical Report NI 43-101 – March 21, 2016 Page 4-3
78° 72°

Equator Santo Domingo Puerto

0° de los Colorados Leguízamo

Quito o
Manta Nuevo Puerto
N Quevedo
ECUADOR Rocafuerte
La Pedrera
Ambato Vila Bittencourt

Guayaquil BRAZIL

Iquitos Leticia

Macará Nauta Tabatinga
Moyobamba Yurimaguas
6° 6°
Tarapoto u PERU
Cajamarca Cruzeiro America
do Sul

Trujillo Salaverry Lucia Pucallpa
Chimbote María

Huaraz Rio
PACIFIC Huánuco Branco
Goyllarisquizga Cerro
de Pasco
Atalaya Assis Brasil
Huacho Iñapari
OCEAN La Oroya
Tarma Cobija

12° Callao Huancayo Manú 12°
Legend: Maldonado
Quillabamba Machupicchu
National capital Ayacucho (ruins)
Region capital Pisco Alta Abancay Cusco
Town San Martín Ica
International boundary
Region boundary Rurrenabaque

Pan American Highway Nazca BOLIVIA

Road Juliaca
Railroad Lago
Puno Titicaca
Peru has 25 regions and one province (Lima Province).
Arequipa La Paz
Desaguadero Guaqui
Matarani Moquegua
Figure 4-1 Ilo
Tacna Oruro
18° 18°
Barrick Gold Corporation Arica

Lagunas Norte Mine
0 100 200 Kilometers
La Libertad Region, Peru
0 100 200 Miles
Location Map Transverse Mercator Projection, CM 75W

March 2016 Source: CIA Maps Website, 2015.

790,000 795,000 800,000 805000





Map Area









Benefit Concession Alto Chicama (2963.9700 ha)


Surface Lands MBM (34 surface lands - 4067.8721 ha)

Mining Property Alto Chicama (19,181,2760 ha)
Figure 4-2

0 1 2 3 4 5 Barrick Gold Corporation

Map Projection: PSAD-56 Zone 17 South Lagunas Norte Mine
La Libertad Region, Peru
790,000 795,000 800,000
March 2016 Source: Barrick Gold Corp., 2016.

790,000 795,000 800,000 805,000






Map Area









Benefit Concession Alto Chicama (2963.9700


ha) Royalties 2.51% N.S.R. (Activos Mineros

S.A.C.) Mining Property Alto Chicama
(19,181.2760 ha)
Figure 4-3

0 1 2 3 4 5 Barrick Gold Corporation

Map Projection: PSAD-56 Zone 17 South Lagunas Norte Mine
La Libertad Region, Peru
790,000 795,000 800,000 Royalty Map

March 2016 Source: Barrick Gold Corp., 2016.



The Lagunas Norte Mine is accessed from Trujillo, the capital of the La Libertad Region, by
driving on a public paved road heading east-northeast from Trujillo to Otuzco for
approximately 75 km. At Otuzco, the road splits and an all-season public paved road heads
east towards the mine site and beyond. Approximately 7.0 km before the mine site turnoff is
the mine airfield, which has a compacted gravel runway approximately 1.6 km long at 4,180
MASL. From the mine site turnoff it is 1.0 km to the main gate at 4,155 MASL. From the
main gate it is approximately 3.0 km to the Lagunas Norte open pit and 6.0 km to the camp
facilities at 3,800 MASL. The total driving distance from Trujillo is approximately 150 km one
way, and it takes four to five hours for a light vehicle to access the mine site in typical driving
conditions. Trujillo is serviced by daily commercial flights from Lima.

Most consumables and people working at the mine are transported along this route.

The property is considered to have mountain climate. The air temperature ranges from -4°C
to +16°C, with an average daily temperature of 7°C. The recorded seasonal air temperature
fluctuations are small. The prevailing wind direction is from the north-northeast to east-
northeast. The average wind velocity at Lagunas Norte is 17 km/hr, with a maximum
recorded of 51 km/hr. Precipitation at Lagunas Norte occurs primarily in the form of rainfall.
Dry, wet, and transitional periods can be distinguished during the year. The dry period is
observed from June through August, with the average monthly rainfall less than 40 mm. The
driest month is July, with the average monthly rainfall of 20 mm. The wet period is observed
from October through April, with the average monthly rainfall greater than 100 mm. The
wettest month is March, with the average monthly rainfall of 230 mm. The months of May
and September may be classified as transitional, with the average monthly rainfall amounts
of 89 mm and 79 mm, respectively. The maximum daily rain on record for the period from
1965 through 2002 is 61 mm. Strong electric storms are frequent during the wet period.

Barrick Gold Corporation – Lagunas Norte Mine, Project #2590

Technical Report NI 43-101 – March 21, 2016 Page 5-1

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