Lec 36
Lec 36
Lec 36
Welcome to lecture 11 which deals with mobile radio propagation specifically outdoor
propagation models. Let us look at the outline of today‟s lecture.
We will start by summarizing what we have learnt already in the previous lectures. We will then
discuss Log-Normal Shadowing in greater detail. We will look at an example to explain how we
calculate the different parameters related to Log-Normal Shadowing. We will also see how to
find out the path loss exponent n and sigma. We look at another interesting parameter called the
outage probability which is important for cell site planners. The other important thing to learn is
what the percentage of coverage area is. That is, how many users can actually be covered with
your base station placement. We would see if we can calculate and predict that. Then we will
have a brief introduction to outdoor propagation models. So as you can see, today‟s lecture is
geared towards outdoor measurement and estimation of how much area we can cover and what is
the probability of outage as well as what are the other possible propagation models. First let us
begin with a brief recap.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:02:53 min)
We started off last time by looking at the free space propagation model – “The Friss free space
model and we realized that the inverse square law holds, provided you are not taking any ground
reflections. Then we looked at small scale propagation model which actually takes into
consideration the reflection, diffraction and scattering effects. Then we looked at large scale
propagation model which primarily works on the basis of reflection. Only then we came up
primarily based on empirical data that log distance path model actually fits well for the path loss
model. However the Log Distance Path Loss Model is deterministic. It doesn‟t take into
consideration the shadowing effects. so what signal you actually receive is a random variable and
it depends on where you are actually sitting, whether you are on a shadow of a building or are
you being scattered well enough and things like that. Therefore you have to have some kind of a
random variable built into your equation so as to model the Log Normal Shadowing better.
(Refer slide Time: 00:04:13 min)
So we start with this Log Distance Path Loss Model. We remember that the average large scale
path loss for an arbitrary transmitter to receiver separation is expressed as a function of the
distance by simply using „n‟, the path loss exponent. We learnt last time that this n can go from 2
to even 6 depending upon how dense your environment is. In fact, we look at a special case
where n was less than two. The free space path loss exponent in line of site inside room scenarios
where the hallways inside buildings can give you a guiding effect. So it‟s better than two.
However „n‟ which characterizes the propagation environment usually is two for free space and
when obstructions are present that is, no line of site, you have a larger value of „n‟. Today we
will look at some examples to find out how to calculate „n‟ from measured data. We came up
with the following two equations. One was a proportionality that the path loss at a distance„d‟
can be expressed in terms of a path loss at a known distance d 0. Remember this equation holds
true only in the far field. Thus value of d0 is also measured in the far field. „n‟ is the path loss
exponent. Usually it is comfortable to express the whole thing in dB as explained here.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:05:56 min)
So just to summarize this equation this will form the starting point, PL bar denotes the average.
If you remember the actual measured data fluctuates about a mean. The fluctuations are
important but what really characterizes the path loss is the average value. Hence this PL bar
denotes the average large scale path loss at a distance„d‟. You have this d0 as your reference
distance. When we do an example we will make sure how to use this„d‟ and of course PL d0 is
computed using free space propagation model. That‟s different so this equation is mix and match
where PL d0 has been computed using a free space model where „n‟ is actually equal to two. It
can be measured or calculated. It‟s usually calculated and the rest of it assumes value of „n‟
which may be larger than two.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:07:02 min)
Let‟s go back to Log Normal Shadowing. Why do we need log normal shadowing? In order to
take into account the shadowing effects due to cluttering on the propagation path, a factor has to
be added. How is it added? Well, we have a same PL path loss average at a distance „d‟ plus this
factor X sigma in the terms of your PL d0 with respect to reference distance. PL (d) at a distance d
is nothing but the path loss measured at d0 plus 10 n log d over d0 plus X sigma. X sigma is
interesting because it is a zero mean Gaussian random variable in dB with a standard deviation
sigma which is also in dB. So please remember that this n and sigma are usually calculated using
measured data.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:08:21 min)
So how do we determine n and sigma? In practice, the values of n and sigma are computed from
measured data using linear regression. So that is, we take some measured data but somehow we
have to do some kind of a curve fitting. Now there many ways to fit a curve. What is done is, we
use something called as “a minimizing mean square error”. So the difference between the
measured data and the estimated path losses are minimized in a mean square error sense –
So what do we have to do now? We have to somehow fit our measured data in the best possible
manner in the mean square error sense into this equation. Since your Pr d0 „the reference
distance‟ is 0 dBm, my equation PL (dB) =PL d0 + 10 n log (d /d0). This simply reduces to
PL(dB)= 10 n log (d/ d0). Now this equation may be used to compute the estimated power levels
for a certain value of „n‟. I know the value of d0. I know the value of d because I have 3 more
entries in my table. I can have a sequence of numbers.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:11:54 min)
So let‟s do that. I have another column in my table now where for every distance corresponding
to the every measured power, I have an estimated value. Now the first row is zero of course
because it is based on the d0 itself. But rest of the three entries has to be a function of n. the
question before us is: what value of n do we choose so that these three points best fit this curve?
So the next step is to calculate the mean square error between the estimated which is this column
and the measured which is this column (Refer Slide Time: 12:48). The objective is to choose a
value of n such that the mean square error is minimized.
You either take a derivative or you do a plot. So if we plot the mean square error with respect to
n, the minimum point is reached close to 2.4. For this specific set of data points, the path loss
exponent is 2.4 which means it is a kind of an urban scenario but not densely populated urban
area. We do not have very many concrete buildings here. Otherwise n would have been 3 or
larger. Clearly it is not free space. There are a few obstructions like foliage, a little bit of
scattering and things like that. But it is a good estimate because your mean square error is fairly
close to zero. Now what do we do with this? We have got a handle on your n, „the path loss
exponent‟. If I had taken a larger set of measurements, then my error would have been larger.
The minimum error would have also been larger. It all depends upon the total number of data
points you had taken how easier or difficult it is to fit the curve.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:16:03 min)
Now let us focus our attention on the sigma part. What is the sigma part? Sigma is this standard
deviation. Now the sample variance sigma squared is defined as in the numerator summation I is
equal to one through k where k is the total number of measured data points. for our case it was
(4Pi - Pi hat) where Pi is the actual measured power, Pi hat is the estimate of the power at that
distance „d‟ connected from our equation squared whole divided by k where k is the number of
measured samples. so it‟s a measure of your sample variance from this and if you remember your
mean square error equation in the last slide, your sample variance sigma squared is equal to
mean square error for that value „n‟ which minimizes the MSE.
So if N represents that value of path loss exponent that minimizes the mean square error that
minimum value of that mean square error divided by k is sigma squared. This is obtained simply
by combining this equation and the equation for mean square error. It can also be represented as
that minimum error divided by k. the sigma which is your standard deviation is under root
MMSE divided by k. here, if the value of k is larger than from the weak law of large numbers,
the estimate of the value of sigma squared and hence sigma will be better. In practice, k is not 4.
You can take 20 to 100 measurements and remember each of these measured points are averaged
themselves. So just to give you a feel, we are doing some in-house data measurements for ultra-
wideband frequencies from 3.1 to 10.6 GHz.
We do the measurements in frequency domain, find out the h of the transfer function and then
take the inverse Fourier transform to get the impulse response of the channel. So this
measurement is not to measure the sigma squared but I am just talking from the perspective of
channel measurements. We take about 1600 measurements for every point and then average it.
The channel is fast changing. It is a time variant channel that we are talking about. So at every
location, we are taking close to 1600 measurements and then averaging it. Here we can average
just 20 measurements or so at every point and so you can get Pi by averaging say 20
measurements at a certain point. Averaging is very important because we have seen that there is
a lot of fluctuations that take place.
So let‟s continue with our example. We have this nice relationship between sigma squared, the
measured value, the estimated value and the number of measurements „k‟ for our case when „n‟
is 2.4, we substitute this value. So our M is 2.4 which minimizes the mean square error. We get
sigma squared as 3.11 which is very low. This is nothing but sigma equal to 1.76. If you
remember, the equation sigma is also expressed in dB. So you can take 10 log sigma squared
which will give you the expression in dB. Now what do we do? We enhance our log normal path
loss model. What we do is, a Gaussian random variable having a zero mean and variance sigma
squared can be added to the log distance path loss model to simulate the shadowing effects.
Please remember shadowing is very important even if you are sitting in a cell fairly close to the
base station. However because of the shadowing effect, you may not get enough power whereas
a person sitting farther away from you may enjoy power more than the required threshold. That‟s
because of the shadowing effect. It is a random variable. That will help us determine the
coverage. Not all points in the cell are covered because of the shadowing effect. You may be
closer to the base station and still enjoy less power as opposed to somebody whose farther away
from the base station. Let us now look at something called “outage probability”.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:21:23 min)
What we would like to know is: what is the probability that the receiver power which is denoted
by Pr (d) at a distance„d‟ of course measured in dB at a distance d is above or conversely below
some fixed value gamma? Now let us understand the objective behind the statement. We have
fixed at threshold value gamma now. The threshold value can be fixed because of several reasons
either my receiver sensitivity decreases the gamma or in that particular application, my
modulation scheme requires certain signal strength. That is, if my level is below gamma, I will
have to resort to a lower modulation scheme which will lead to a lower system capacity in the
overall cells. Or I might be prone to interference in the system and I need a certain signal
strength level so that I need to combat the effects of interference and interference limited
Again my received strength should be greater than gamma. Otherwise my system will fail
because I am troubled down by interference. All these reasons require me to find out somewhere
how I can decide the probability that my received strength should be greater than this threshold
gamma. Of course if you are below the threshold, then you are out. We are trying to calculate the
outage probability. So we would like to know the probability that the received power at the
distance„d‟ is greater than or equal to gamma conversely less than equal to gamma. Remember
these have to do something with your shadowing effect. Otherwise based on a clearly
deterministic situation, we cannot come up with these values. Now for a normally distributed
random variable X, we have probability that X is greater than a value X0 = integration from X 0
to infinity. This is your famous Gaussian random variable pdf. 1 over sigma under root 2 pi e to
the power –(X –mu) 2 /2 sigma squared d(x). Mu is the mean sigma in the standard deviation
sigma & squared is a variance. If you know mu and sigma for a Gaussian random variable you
know everything about it. That‟s the beauty of the Gaussian pdf. This is one of the most favorite
of all the pdf‟s in communication engineering. So for normally distributed random variable, the
probability X > X0 is given by this expression.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:23:39 min)
Let us now look at an example of outage probability here. We have plotted the Gaussian random
variables pdf. If you look on the X axis, I have plotted the received power. Now clearly there is a
mean. So if you look at the mean, the average power is centered around here but because of the
shadowing effect, you may get some power below it or above it. So on the y axis is the
probability and this bell shaped inverted bell is the pdf of the received power „Pr‟ at a fixed
distance„d‟. Now how broad is this and what is the sigma for this one will be determined by the
measured data if you remember. This equation that X < X0. So I have reversed the situation here.
I am trying to find out the probability for outage. Outage will occur when my received power is
below a threshold so if my threshold is x0 the probability that the value of the received power x is
less than x 0 is equal to - infinity to x0 area under the curve. So let‟s take a value for the sake of
illustration. Suppose I would like to have my Pr >3.3 dB for it to function value.
So what I do is, I draw a line here by now. You have already learnt that all the received power is
always being expressed in dB‟s. So I have drawn a line here and the area under the curve to the
left of it represents the probability that the received power is less than 3.3 dB. So whatever be the
area under the curve, the value is the probability that you will have the outage. So outage power
probability is given by the area shown by the shaded figure. So you can easily find out if, instead
of having 3.3 dB, my line was centered around the mean then the outage probability is 0.5.
Clearly, if I improve my receiver sensitivity that is, my receiver is more and more sensitive to the
received signal. That is, I can work it lower received power. I move the yellow line to the left
and my outage probability goes down it is not linear. It changes exponentially.
Conversation between Student and Professor: the question being asked is as follows. What is the
relationship between the threshold value and the hand off threshold? The answer is: yes. We
would like to use this to design our system in such a way that if it drops below a certain
threshold, you like to hand off but the hand off should happen when truly you are in a shadowed
region and not because of the random fluctuations. So far the whole theory is based on average
power bonds. If it falls below this threshold, I would definitely like to hand off.
So it‟s possible. It is a probabilistic quantity which you are not moving. You are sitting at one
location in the cell but because of the random nature of the shadowing, some scatterers have
moved. Some cars are moved around as the environment has changed in such a manner that you
are getting lesser power than your threshold. You would like to hand off another.
Conversation between student and professor: the question being asked is: what relationship does
this threshold have with the design of the amplifier? So the way people calculate it is as follows.
First of all here, outage probability is a selling feature. Your customer who is going to subscribe
wants to know what the coverage area is. What is the probability of outage? They are not known
in this term but they are some buzz words which can be told to you. You can claim that it is 99%
coverage which is also taken practice into account the outage probability. The first thing that the
service provider must understand is what the outage probability the person has to guarantee is.
Once the outage probability is decided, your average received power threshold is decided. Of
course, it also depends on the cell sizes, the interference requirements and other effects. You fix
what kind of an amplifier you want to choose. However amplifier strength for standard handsets
also comes kind of fixed. May be a better receiver, a better handset. A more expensive handset
might have a better amplification facility. It is possible. But in general, all you can play with as a
service provider is to manage this size of the cell. Answer is we can change the amplifier.
Maybe we can go into a more expensive model and it will lead to a better outage probability. But
that has nothing to do with the service provider. The service provider is not selling with the
handsets. But he is designing the cell for standard handsets available off the shelf. So in that
sense, you will have nothing to do with the amplifier. If we improve your amplification, your
outage probability will go down. A service provider should use this curve to actually plan the
cell sizes and will shortly look at an example to relate somehow these equations to the coverage
area. What is the percentage of area within the cell that I can provide service to? That‟s another
important feature. So this outage probability can give you a sense as to the percentage of time.
That‟s the fact you can come up. Or the percentage of people who will fall into the outage
category. But a more realistic prospective is to find out the percentage area within the cell which
is covered or which is not covered at a certain time. So let us now focus our attention on the
percentage of coverage area.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:32:30 min)
Due to the random effects of shadowing, some areas within the coverage may be below a
particular received signal threshold remembered. My intension was good when I designed my
cell. I ensured base to the average power measurement that everybody within the cell has enough
power. Unfortunately because of the random scattering effects shadowing, some people, despite
my calculation will be at a lower level. Is that point is clear? So even if I designed myself for
average values, I still have people within the cell who do not receive enough power. It is useful
to compute the percentage of coverage area. Please remember there is a Gaussian random
variable that has been placed at the average received power level and the Gaussian random
variable extends to minus infinity on one side. So no matter how much signal strength you pump
into the cell, they will be an extremely low but non-zero percentage of area which is not being
covered unless your sigma is zero. For a non-zero sigma you will always have some fraction of
the cell which is not being covered. None the less it could be very small.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:33:58 min)
So consider a circular coverage area for the sake of simplicity with a cell radius R from a base
station and a minimum threshold power level gamma. Let‟s draw it. I have a cell .I have put a
base station here and the radius of the cell is R. what we do need to find out is to determine the
percentage of area. Remember the percentage of area where received single level is greater than
or equal to gamma. So we are trying to find out the 1- outage probability. I am looking at the
optimistic perspective. What percentage of the cell is covered? The percentage area is given by
PA gamma. Clearly it will be a function of gamma. If I reduce my gamma, more and more area
will be covered and that is nothing but the probability that the received power is greater than
gamma, the threshold dA integrated over the whole cell area normalized with respect to the
entire cell area. So the area which is covered divided by the total cell area is easier to express in
polar coordinates. I have this double integral 0 to 2pi all around the cell, 0 to R. so moving
radially away from a certain cell section rdr d theta is a small area where the probability of
received power is greater than gamma. That is not formulation. So if you notice, this analysis is
simplistic. In the sense that, I am only walking for circular cell. I can extend that for a hexagonal
cell or a square cell by doing numerical integration. Let us label this as equation 1. We will use
this equation to come up to the final expression.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:36:20 min)
So we note that the probability that the received power at a distance „d‟ greater than gamma is
nothing but 1/ 2-(1/2) half error function gamma - Prd average over sigma under root 2. This
comes from the Gaussian random variable. This is a standard result. It is the area under the curve
in the Gaussian tale. Error function is defined as 1 over under root pi 0 to z, e to the power of
minus x square dx. So these expressions are coming because we have a normally distributed
received power. Now the path loss at a distance d which is given by PL(d) can be broken down
into three parts. So path loss from 0 to d is path loss from 0 to d0. What is d0? This is the
reference distance. So time and again, my reference distance is popping up and hence the
important of a measured value plus the path loss d0 to R - path loss d to R. so if you combine
them together, PL average d is nothing but PL average (d0) +10 n log (R/d0) + 10 n log (d/R).
(Refer Slide Time: 00:38:05 min)
If you combine equation 2 and 3 and do some basic mathematics, the probability Pr greater than
gamma or threshold can be expressed like this. Again we do a little bit more mathematics. If you
go back to your original equation which finds out the area where your received power is greater
than gamma, you get this expression where a and b are expressed as follows. b only depends on n
and sigma. By now we know how to calculate „n‟ and sigma by measured data which is not
difficult to calculate. „a‟ here depends on your threshold gamma. it has to depend on transmit
power and your n and sigma k. now once you simplify everything and when the dust settles, you
get the final expression of the percentage of area which will get the received power higher than
the threshold gamma as this following expression. There are two ways to use the expression.
Either you calculate „n‟ sigma. Figure out what is the transmit power PT and then substitute into
this equation or you can plot a family of curves and quickly look at the parameters and find out
what is the percentage of area. What are your parameters? Your parameters are that the
probability that your received power is greater than some gamma. That is one probability. The
other probability is the coverage area and then there are two parameters, sigma and n. you can
use something called as a normalized sigma over n variables. So there are three parameters with
which we can have a family of curves which will capture the essence of this equation. To do this
equation, let us plot the family of curves.
So going back to the family of curves which will help us relate the coverage area sigma and n.
here I have drawn some curves. Let us look at the axes first. On the x axis, I have tried to put a
normalized value of sigma, sigma over n. I have not separated out sigma nm. This is also done in
literature. Please remember if you have a small value of sigma, then you will have a larger and
larger coverage area because the randomness goes. What you designed for is what you get. On
the y axis ordinate I put the fraction of the total cell area where the signal is actually is greater
than threshold. So it‟s my useful area. This is my selling feature as a service provider. The
fraction of cell area where the signal strength is better than the required threshold. So one is the
best possible scenario. Zero is bad. As you know, intuitively if you move towards the left on the
x axis, that is, we go for a lower value of sigma for the same n, you move higher and higher up in
terms of the fraction of area that you cover.
This is intuitive. I have less randomness. On the other hand if you fix the sigma and you increase
n, this is hypothetical because sigma and n themselves are related as you saw in the previous
calculation. For example, if you fixed sigma and increased n, then you again move towards the
left. However that‟s not a fair comparison because sigma itself will be a function of n. if they are
more scatterers, n will go up and this sigma will also go up. So we cannot fix one with respect to
the other. On this side, I have put probability that your received power is greater than gamma.
Now you would like to have the probability that you received power is always greater than
threshold. You want to be absolutely sure in your cell design that you are exactly at the top level.
That much can be done about your strict requirement. On the other hand, I want 90 % of the time
that my received power is greater than my threshold. So 10 % of the time you may drop your
call. Then I am on a curve which is represented by 0.9.Imove along this curve. If on the other
hand, I am a service provider who is cutting corners and I said, “No look! 75% is good enough.
Let 25% of the calls get dropped once in a while because the received power is exceeding the
threshold value”. That probability is only 0.75. Then I move along this curve. Now let‟s consider
an example or continue with our previous example where we calculated n =2.4 and sigma =1.76.
In this case, if you take a ratio, then this is close to 0.76. See if we divide sigma 1.76 by 2.4, you
are somewhere here. Suppose I say, “Look. I would like to work at a level where my probability
required that my received power exceeds the required threshold 3.6. This is a poor design but
let‟s see where we are. Under this constraint I would like to know what fraction of the cell area
will be covered.
Please note I have not talked about how big my cell is. Those things are not coming into the
picture. Then if I follow this curve, I see that 93% of the people in the cell will have the received
power greater than the threshold with probability 0.6. It‟s a way to design your cellular system.
Let‟s look at a slightly different scenario and let‟s look at another set of values, n =2 and sigma
=4. So I have moved more into the rural area instead of having 2.4.Iam in more free space
environment and sigma is four. So under the situation, this curve is for four. It should be possibly
for sigma is equal to a value of eight where I have sigma/ n =4. So let‟s go by this example. But
for this set of parameters, I should have moved somewhere along this line of two. So when the
ratio of sigma to n is 4, if you modify this example of sigma =8 and n =2, then we say, “Look!
Let us look at 0.7 as a probability that your received strength is greater than the threshold”. So it
made my things stricter. In that sense, I will have this time the percentage coverage as only 87%.
Typically, I would like to work over 95 % coverage if I am going to make an economically
viable system with this family of curves. It gives you a very handy way to relate your n, your
sigma, the probability that you want to give your signal receive signal greater than the threshold
and the coverage area. This is true for the circular derivation. I can have another family of curves
for hexagonal where I will calculate this values based on numerical integration.
What are macro cells? Here, the base stations are located at high points on top of a tower, on top
of a building or on top of a tall building itself. The coverage could be of several kilometers. So
I‟m talking about a standard cellular mobile network. The average path loss in dB has a normal
distribution. This we have measured, seen and done the examples with. So these are all
characteristics of a macro cell. The average path loss is a result of many forward scatterings over
a large number of obstacles, each contributing a random multiplicative factor. Hence the notion
of fading converted to dB gives us a sum of random variables. Thus if you use the central limit
theorem, the sum is normally distributed. Hence you have the average path loss in dB being
distributed as normal. Those are characteristics of macro shells.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:50:52 min)
As opposed to microcell, the propagation differs significantly because you have a milder
propagation characteristic, the small multipath delay spread and shallow fading implying that the
feasibility of higher data rate transmission. We have also seen before that as you grow into
smaller and smaller cells, your data sending capacity increases. It is mostly used in crowded
urban environments. If the transmitter antenna is lower than the surrounding buildings, an
interesting thing happens. The streets start forming guides. The waves tend to become guided
along the streets. So the signal actually propagates along the streets and it forms the street
microcells. Now many times, you don‟t want your base stations to be very tall. Clearly in macro
cells, base stations must be as high as possible. “As high as possible” means more probability of
line of sight to the receiver, less blockage if you increase the base station height. However, the
interesting scenario is when we do not want the base station height to be much higher. In fact
almost at the level of the receiver. This is because if you can communicate happily with the
receiver in your cell or in your microcell without the maximum height, then why increase the
height. It will only cause interference to other base stations and other cells where the frequency
is being reused.
So your base station height should be only as high as required but not any higher because you
have a chance of sending out more interference signals. By design, we may want to put the base
stations not at very high locations. It depends on what is a system. So now let‟s look at this
scenario of street microcells. Most of the signal power propagates along the streets. An analogy
is inside your building if you do measurements along long corridors and hallway, you have the
similar effect.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:53:26 min)
In one of your earlier slides, you have seen that path loss exponent „n‟ can be less than 2 inside
the building where you have a line of sight and corridors. The signal may reach with line of sight
path if the receiver is along the same street or it may reach via an indirect propagation
mechanism if the receiver turns to another street. But the indirect mechanism could be scattering
or reflection or even diffraction but once the reflection or diffraction occurs, again you have the
guiding effect. Let us look at this graphically.
Now, a slide on macrocells verses microcells. The cell radius, as the name suggest, macro cells
are larger as opposed to the microcells. Macro cells can go from 1 km to 20km. of course, these
days you never have cell sizes of 20 km. much before that, you either get interference limited or
capacity limited but we will still call them macro cells. If my cell is a foot print of a satellite,
remember we are looking at wireless communication in general. Let‟s not think about only
mobile systems as the only means of wireless communication. A foot print of a cell is formed
because of satellite communication might have a radius of 20 km. microcells on the other hand
are much smaller. 0.1 km to 1 km in 802.16, the IEEE standard 802.16 wireless WAN standards.
The cell sizes are by definition in the microcell region. Maximum you have 2 km cells. So it‟s in
between. Clearly if your cell sizes are smaller, you require less transmit power. You should use
only as much power as required and no more because your power is interference for somebody
else. Transmit power ranges from 1 to 10 W whereas sub-watt 0.1 to 1 W for microcells. Fading
characteristics will also be different. Here it is Rayleigh. Clearly you don‟t have a line of sight.
On the other hand, in microcell, the probability of line of sight is much larger because it is closer
to the base station and you can have a recent distribution or a Nakagami-Rice distribution. The
delay spread depends on the multipath environment. If you have the reflectors far apart, you will
have a larger delay spread which is true for macro cells. But the delay spread could be 0.1 to 10
ms as opposed to very low 10 to 100 ns for microcells. If you are doing voice transmission, this
delay spread might cause a problem. The delay spread will be looked at in greater detail later on
when we look at counter measures for fading. Max bit rate also depends on the size of the cell.
Here we cannot go very much. However for microcells you can really go up to Mbps or even
higher. Actually this will be a function of bandwidth allocation as well. These are token numbers
So at this point, let us summarize what we have learnt today. We started off with Log Normal
Shadowing and then we looked at an example to find out how to determine „n‟ and sigma based
on measured value. We used the method of minimum mean squared error and we found out
value of n and sigma. Then we looked at the definition of outage probability and went onto cover
the percentage of coverage area which is an important design parameter for base station
allocation and cell sight planning. Again, we realize that the percentage of coverage area depends
on n, sigma and a threshold value. We also had an introduction to some outdoor propagation
models. We will look at specific propagation models in subsequent lectures. Thank you for your