Surveying Prof. Bharat Lohani Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur

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Prof. Bharat Lohani

Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur

Module – 5
Lecture – 1

(Refer Slide Time: 00:20)

Welcome to this another lecture on basic surveying. Today we are going to start a new
module. This is module number 5, and we will be talking about theodolites and total
stations in this module. These are the instruments, very important instruments, and we
cannot think of doing surveying without these instruments. So, this is really very
important module of this entire lecture series on basic surveying.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:49)

Today our first lecture, will deal with something about the theodolites - some
introductory remarks about the theodolite. But before we go into theodolite, we will like
to see what we have done so far. Particularly, in our last two lectures or the last module,
the last module was about compass surveying and we had two lectures for that. And
before we discussed about compass surveying, we also saw the why should we go for
compass? You know not always it was possible we saw it, that we can do surveying with
only chain or tape.

There are many occasions, when we need to carry out measurements which are angular
measurements also in the field. Now, in all these cases whenever the angular
measurement is required, we need an instrument which can carry out angular
measurement, and compass was one such instrument. So, we saw about this in your
construction of the compass, what are the various parts of it? How to take observations,
the errors in the compass, all this things you have seen.
(Refer Slide Time: 01:59)

Now, today in theodolite total station, though they are several lectures will you start
today, in our first lecture with what is the theodolite? Then why we need it? As I was
saying that, we need to carry out angular measurements, we can carry out angular
measurements with compass also, so why we need theodolite. Then you will again look
into this basic thing, then why angle measurement, so far we saw only the case of a map
making there are many other possibilities in surveying, where we need to carry out angle

Then, this is very important concept of an angle in surveying, what do you mean by an
angle, then we will look into the various parts of the theodolite, the structure of the
theodolite what it is like, and then of course finally, how to obtain how to take the
reading from a Vernier theodolite. We will see also some electronic circles or the
measuring circles, and we will see how they give you the angle value.
(Refer Slide Time: 03:07)

So, before we get into the theodolite, let us talk about something of angle measurement.
In angle measurement, you have seen that why we need it just in one example of
traverse, in case of bringing the ground to the laboratory or to the computer, or on to a
sheet, the drawing sheet the map. We can bring the ground also in the form of, I can say
the skeleton of the ground or traverse, traverse is the control network to the control or the
skeleton of the ground can be brought into the sheet, we have seen it.

And in order to do the traverse in, we need to carry out these measurements, all these
lines and all these angles. So basically, the linear measurements and the angular
measurements, we know about the instruments, which we can use for the linear
measurements. These are the chain, tape or electronic instruments. We have seen one
instrument, which was the compass for carrying out the angular measurements.
(Refer Slide Time: 04:19)

Now, let us see something very interesting, and that is a term call compatibility of
angular instrument and linear instrument. We have some instruments, which can majorly
linear dimension some to measure the angular value or the angle value, we need to know
are they compatible. Now, what is the meaning of compatibility first of all, compatibility
if I can give you an example, let us say you are driving a very good car is a very good car
very posh car, and it can reach the speed of, for example, let us say 200 kilometre per
hour, but the road where you are driving this car is having several pot holes.

So really, that car is not compatible with the road, so you cannot achieve your desired
thing that is the speed of 200 kilometre per hour. You cannot achieve that, because our
road and car they are not compatible they had to be compatible, in order to achieve the
result the desired result. So, a similar concept slightly similar concept, not exactly into
the same is about the compatibility of our instruments also.

For the linear measurements, you know if you are using chain, we can get accuracies
ranging from these are the relative precisions or relative errors, or relative accuracy we
can say. So, chain can give you this kind of relative accuracy; then about the tape, tape
can give us up to most of 40,000. You can start from 1 is to 10000 to 1 is to 40,000 that
kind of accuracies are achievable with the tape with EDMI, we know it we have seen we
can carry out the measurements, let us say on the ((Refer Time: 06:09)) at 1 is to 10,000
to also 1 is to 100,000.
Well, so far the instrument which we have seen for angular measurement was compass,
and the least count of the compass was 30 minutes or half a degree. Well if you have an
instrument of 30 minutes least count is it compatible with chain, or is it compatible with
tape, or is it compatible with EDMI.

(Refer Slide Time: 06:48)

Now, what is the meaning of compatibility here, well let us say this is our ground, and
there in the ground we have our survey line A and B they are two points. Point number
one which is C, and point number two which is D. This is our ground, and we want to
plot these 2 points A and B on a sheet or a map. Well, if you are plotting it, what we will
try to do, we will try to measure these distances, as well as the angle. Similarly here also,
if I show it by dotted line the distance and the angle, let us the distance is lc and ld, and
the angles are theta-c and theta-d.
(Refer Slide Time: 07:46)

If it is possible that we can measure these values without any error, so what will happen
in our map, this is our map we start plotting. So, first of all we plot our control control is
A and B, and we know that we have carried out the measurements without any error. So,
I will plot lc at an angle of theta-c, so the location of c is fixed similarly, I will plot ld
and theta-d, so locus of D is plotted. Now, in this case of course, whenever we are taking
these linear measurements for plotting, we are converting them to the scale, because this
is our sheet, so we are converting them to a certain scale.

Well, if there is error, while we are taking the observations here in the ground, our
instruments because all the instruments, they introduce some error. So, if you are
introducing that error, what will happen instead of lc, we will add up measuring let us
say lc plus some error. And here also theta c plus it is lc and theta-c, and for ld we can
we under placing ld plus delta ld, and for theta-d plus del theta-d, so these are the error
components. So, what we are doing, we are measuring our observations the required
things with some error.

If this is the case what will happen here. Well, if I plot now with the error, so instead of
lc I am also measuring del lc, instead of this theta-c I am measuring some extra value, it
is theta c. So, if this is so the length measure it, this value and the theta angle measured is
this, so what will happen? This particular point C will be plotted now here, because this
total length which lc plus del lc at an angle. This particular angle is theta-c plus del theta-
c, so instead of this point being plotted here, it will shift it is position.

Similarly, this point will also shift it is position may be somewhere here, wherever there
is a new position because of the error. So, what we see here the important thing, these
two points with had some geometrical relationship h is now. So, this geometrical
relationship here is not here, so the error in the instrument is resulting in this, coming
back to our original thing the compatibility.

(Refer Slide Time: 10:46)

Well same line A and B, this A and here is B a point C we want to plot this point, let me
write the C somewhere here, well this length is l and this angle is let us say theta. Now,
with the error, what will happen as we have seen with the error, this particular point C is
being plotted now, somewhere else, which we say as C dash. So, it is being shifted, thus
the shift of the point from it is original position, and this shift is because of number one,
if I take an arc here.

So, this length is l and this extra length is del l, the error not only this, this angle is theta
and this extra angle is theta. So, what is happening here, as we can see here this is the
shift of the line due to angle, while this is the shift of the point due to error in length
measurement. So, due to angle error, length error and this is how our point finally,
reaches here to the C dash. Now, in order to have the compatibility, compatibility means
both the error in angle and error in length should be nearly same. If it is, so you can very
well see over here.

Well, if I am write this point as D, so C D is l tan del theta, because this the angle is del
theta and this length is l. And C dash D, C dash D is the value here, this particular value
is del l, so this is the error because of angle, this is the error because of the length. So,
this two values should be same. So, for compatibility if they are compatible, l should be
same as l tan del theta. So, from here you can write tan del theta should be del l by l, so
this is the condition this should be satisfied, if the instruments are compatible.
Compatible means, this particular value the shift is as same as this shift.

(Refer Slide Time: 13:40)

Well, if the instruments are not compatible, what will happen? There is very little error in
length measurement for example, very little error how about the angle measurement,
error is this large. So, what will happen, even if this error is very small this point is going
to be shifted by this much amount, because useless, it is something like you know, we
our one instrument is very poor in measurement, while the other one is very precise.

We should not use that kind of arrangement, because using this instrument or this
precision instrument is useless here, because the other instrument, angle instrument is
introducing the error, this is why the concept of compatibility comes here.
(Refer Slide Time: 14:31)

For our compass, let us consider del theta is 30 minutes, because the least count of that
instrument is 30 minute and we are just considering right now it is 30 minute. So, if it is
so 30 minutes should be equal to del l by or we can write tan of theta, but it is very small
angle so we just leave it like this in radiance. And if you find the value, the value over
here you will find del l by l comes out to be somewhere nearly 130, you can do the

Now, what does it indicate? It indicates if we are using compass, we should use an
instrument for linear measurement, which is giving this kind of relative error. So, of
course chain, so when you are working with compass, we should not use along with that
the EDMI, because they are not compatible. Okay, have you understood this?
(Refer Slide Time: 15:27)

We know compass gives this kind of least count, there is because we have the EDMI,
which are very precise instruments. So, we should have equally precise instruments for
angle measurement also. So, are there in instruments for that, which can give the least
count, let us say directly we can say least count at the moment, but we will always say in
terms of the standard error or standard deviation of the measurements, which can give
the least count of 1 second or half of second, or 20 second, 5 second are the instruments
like this, yes the answer lies in theodolite and total stations now.

(Refer Slide Time: 16:24)

So, this is one reason why we need to go for the theodolite. The another reason why we
need to go for the theodolite, is again we are re-visiting, why we need to measure the
angle? We need to measure the angle for variety of reasons. We have seen to draw a
traverse form a line, this is the survey line there is a river here. We know these two
points A and B, and there are couple of towers here, we want to plot these towers with
respect to this line. So, what we can do in our map? I can plot line AB.

Well, the question is how to plot these towers, we cannot measure the distance across
this river. It is not possible to go there. So, with the angle measurement now, if we can
measure angles in horizontal like, this angle here and this angle. So, we can easily locate
this points, so all these points which are not accessible, approachable can be located.

(Refer Slide Time: 17:31)

Similarly, another example you might have done in your trigonometry also. If there is a
tower like this you cannot climb this tower, but it still you want to determine the height
of the tower, how to determine the height? The interesting problem of the Taj mahal.
One of the towers of the Taj mahal, it is said that they are getting eccentric, they know
some inclination is being introduce in those, because of some foundation problem
whatever the problem. So, if you want to observe, monitor that how these towers are
tilting, you need to carry out angle measurements.

So, you will go for some very precise instruments like theodolite or total stations for
taking measurements like that. So because of these reasons we need to use the theodolite.
Now, till I reach totally station I will keep saying theodolite, because total station and
theodolite basically the principles are same, total station is an advance version of
theodolite, which also have some distance measurement thing within it, which also has
some extra softwares in order to do some computations. So, we will go to total station
later on, but henceforth will only talk about the theodolite.

(Refer Slide Time: 18:56)

So, we have seen now, why we need the theodolite for vertical and horizontal angle
measurement, because in a problem like this as I was saying here. We need to measure
the vertical angles, not the horizontal angle. So, we can measure the vertical angle also
with the theodolite.
(Refer Slide Time: 19:09)

Now, I am coming to the one basic thing that is concept of angle. What do you
understand by angle in surveying? It should be understood to you by this time, but
nevertheless out thought that I think that, it is advisable to repeat this thing or to revisit
this thing, that what do we mean by angle, when we talk about angle.

(Refer Slide Time: 19:37)

Let us say I am going to draw a little figure here, let us say there is a plane and there are
two objects one and two this is A, and this is B. If I project these objects, they project at
this point, at this point. I write it as A dash and B dash. Somewhere here we are standing.
Now, from this point I want to measure the angles, let us say the angle that I want to
measure is to object A, and to object B also I rather let us put this problem this way. I
want to measure the vertical angles for A and B, and as well as the horizontal angle
between A and B. So, whenever we said this horizontal angle between A and B, what do
we mean?

We mean the angle between the lines which are projected on this datum. So, the angle
between A and B is this angle theta, which is on the projected plane on the horizontal, so
whenever we say angle in surveying, we mean the horizontal angle, unless we specify
that angle is a certain plane or something like that. So, it is always the angle in horizontal
plane, we should always keep this thing in our mind. Now, here as we see the objects are
at different elevations, this particular value A A dash is not equal to B B dash. So, the
angle between A and B is angle between A dash and B dash, which are the projected
points A and B on this plane.

Well, how about the vertical angle, this is about the horizontal angle or simply angle,
what is the vertical angle? The vertical angle as you can guess easily, is the angle in
vertical plane from the horizontal line. So, for B object at this point where observer is,
the vertical angle is B O B dash is the vertical angle, and as is seen in the diagram this is
an angle which is in the vertical plane. So, always we measure the vertical angle from the
horizontal surface or a horizontal line, and thus our vertical angle. So, we should keep
these things always in our mind, whenever we are talking about the angles.
(Refer Slide Time: 22:34)

So, now we start talking about the theodolite, and here is a theodolite with us. What we
will do first. We will start with the parts and construction of theodolite. As I told you that
the theodolite is basically for angle measurement, the horizontal angle measurement and
the vertical angle measurement. Well, looking into the parts of the theodolite, first of all
if you begin, we will begin from the tripod, tripod is these three legs, we make use of
these three legs in order to support the instrument on top of it.

We will talk about the tripod later on, however in the tripod besides these three legs, we
have the tripod head, and in this head we will see it in some more advance kind of
tripods, there is a centring head. So, we will see that centric head and use of that later on.
Now, coming to the theodolite, here in the theodolite the bottom most plate which is
fitted to the tripod, over here we can see this is called trivet, on top of that trivet we have
levelling screws.

Now, where are the levelling screws, there are three levelling screws here one, two and
three. We will see later on, that we can make use of these screws, in order to make the
theodolite horizontal, what is the use of that? Why we do it? We will see all this things
later on, but these levelling screws can be rotated in order to raise or lower the
instrument, or the levelling to change the levelling on the instrument. On top of that, we
have a plate that is called tribach, now this plate the tribach, if you go further up though
going for the up over here I can rotate it also, so what is there over here is a horizontal
circle, it is a graduated circle.

(Refer Slide Time: 24:43)

If I draw this, it looks like a circle like this and it is a glass circle made of glass, and it
has got the graduations, starting from 0, 90, 180, 270, and so on. So, all these are the
graduations, so this is called horizontal circle, and we make use of this for measuring the
horizontal angles as we will see in a moment. Now, further on top of this top of the
horizontal circle or horizontal plate, we have we cannot see right now, but we have two
windows here, one little window here and one little window on this side, but these two
windows are basically to see the readings.

Because, as I was saying that we have the horizontal circle here, we need to read the
angle values in this horizontal circle or this graduated circle. So, to read this horizontal
circle, which is inside this cover, this is all metal inside this metal to read it, we have to
look through the eye pieces, so this two are the eyepieces two diagonally opposite ones.
We say generally vernier A and vernier B for this eye pieces, and using this eye piece I
can focus it for my eye, and after focusing it I look through it, and I can see the reading

Now, it is very obvious, if you are seeing the reading, what you are seeing about. Well,
in the case of this horizontal circle there is one additional thing, which we say index,
index may look like this. What is this index? There in the horizontal circle, we have the
graduations. And depending the type of the theodolite this graduations will vary, while in
the index, again further we have the graduations, and basically the job of these two is to
serve as vernier. This particular assembly here A, and this one here B they ensure that
the observations are taken with better least count; we will see this also in a moment.

(Refer Slide Time: 27:18)

Now, what happens how it is measuring the angles, what is the thing which is going
which happening there inside; we will try to look into that part now. Well you can see, if
I can show you by my hand also, thus the horizontal plate or horizontal circle or we say
lower circle also, because this is the lower one on top of this is the index.
(Refer Slide Time: 27:38)

This assembly, which I had just plotted this also called index or vernier arm. Well, the
index A and B vernier. Similarly here, for example we can imagine, let us this is A index
and this is B index, thus the horizontal circle just for the sake of showing you here, I am
showing you like this, otherwise in instrument it is this way. Now, when you measure the
angle, we rotate our theodolite and we are sighting through this telescope, we will see
this telescope in a movement, so we rotate it.

So, basically what is happening, if for example, let say this 0 degree, the reading initially
for this vernier and this vernier are 0 and 0. We rotate our telescope, so what happens our
index rotates, so once this index rotates the reading against this vernier over here, this
angle and for this vernier this angle changes. So, what happens, by rotation of this we are
able to measure the angles.
(Refer Slide Time: 28:49)

So basically, thus my horizontal circle the initial location of the vernier was like this,
vernier A and vernier B, and there is some value of the reading. Well later on, after
rotating the telescope the vernier A may reach here, and vernier B may reach here. And
now, it will see the corresponding observation or the reading. So, the angle at this point
can be seen by reading these graduations. Well, what was the value of the observation
here and what is the value of observation over here? Now the difference of these two,
will give us this particular angle, so this is what is happening there inside the instrument.

(Refer Slide Time: 29:49)

Well regarding the construction of this. Before the construction, I will draw a diagram,
here is the diagram and in this diagram what I am try to show, I am trying to show you
how the instrument is constructed. Because, here in instrument, I will you can see in the
diagram here. We have first, this is and this is the upper plate, upper plate means the
index or the vernier, we have also down here. And this, because this is the cross section
of the instrument, and this is the lower plate or the horizontal circle, which is the full
circle as we are seeing.

Well, we have this screw A, which is an upper plate clamp, so this screw A is upper plate
clamp and this B is lower plate clamp. Now, what is their role, if you can see in this
diagram also, well let us start doing it. If you, for example unclamp this B, if this B is
unclamped, that means B comes out to this direction this way, this how the B comes. If it
is, so what will happen, this upper plate as well as the lower plate they are free now from
this block. So, if I rotate my instrument now, so upper plate and the lower plate both will
rotate, because this A is clamped right now.

Now, if I release this A also, I release this A, so A also comes out in this direction, what
will happen, the contact between the lower plate and the upper plate will be lost. Now, in
this case, if I rotate my instrument only the upper plate will rotate, so the case is I have
clamped this B, I have unclamped A. So, not this total assembly, because I have clamped
this B, so this lower plate is clamped with this spindle, while this upper plate is free to
rotate, because we have taken this A towards this side. So, rotating the instrument only
the upper plate will rotate.

So, how do we do with this instrument? Here in the instrument if you see, we have the
upper clamp and the lower clamp, right now I have, if you can see it better this way. This
is the lower clamp and this the upper clamp, I unclamp the lower one, now I rotate the
instrument. The upper one is clamped, so what is happening in this case, both the
horizontal circle and as well as the index both are rotating together, because the lower
one is unclamped and upper one is clamped, so both rotate together right now.

Well I clamp it, though lower one is clamped, lower one is clamped means this is now it
cannot rotate, and upper one I unclamp, that means the upper one is free to rotate. Now,
in this case if I rotate my instrument, it is still rotating, but the bottom plate is a
stationary, is not rotating the only rotation is in the index arm or the vernier arm, only
this is rotating. And this is why, you can guess it very well, if my upper is clamped,
lower is unclamped, mind it both are fit together. Now, I rotate the instrument, is the
angle value changing? The angle value is not changing, because what is happening here,
these both of them they rotate like this together.

So, the angle value means, these the readings against vernier A and vernier B is not
changing, but by clamping the lower one and clamping the upper one, the rotation is like
this, and the angle value are changing, and this is what is happening here. So, this is how,
you can change the angle readings, and this how you can observe the horizontal angle,
we will see more about this in a movement. Now, along with these clamp screws, for
example we saw this is the upper clamp, we have one more screw here, this is called
upper tangent screw.

Similarly, for the bottom plate also, bottom clamp, bottom tangent screw. Now, what is
the role of these tangent screws? This would clamp the motion, but many time to bisect
the ranging rod, which we are sighting through the telescope. We need to give very mild
rotations to the instrument, so those mild rotations can be given by the tangent screw. So,
this is why we have got a tangent in both upper and lower. Well, we go further up having
understood this construction of the bottom plate, upper plate, angle measurement. We
look through this is vernier A vernier B; these are the glass windows here, so that I can
see inside, and I can see these verniers and readings.

(Refer Slide Time: 35:37)

If you go further up here is a bubble tube, what is this bubble tube? Bubble tube as you
might have seen somewhere also is a part of a large tube, which is circular, so we cut up
little part of that and this part is the bubble tube, something like this and this is filled with
some liquid. We will see later on about the bubble tube, what this liquid is, what should
be the characteristic of the liquid, this we will see and a little space is left here.

Now, this little space over here, serve as the bubble or this little ear, it is surf as the
bubble. So, depending, if my bubble tube is horizontal or may be let us say, this line is
called the axis of the bubble tube, tangent at this point. If this line is horizontal line, the
bubble will be in centre, how the bubble looks like in the plain view thus the plain view
of the bubble tube. Well, here inside we have the bubble and there are some graduations,
and the bubble may appear like this, right now the bubble is not in centre, because centre
means it has to be here.

And, if we make this bubble in centre, the ear bubble will come over here, and once it is
in centre this line is horizontal. So, it is how we use the bubble tube, and similar bubble
tube is fitted here, because we want to ensure that this plate is horizontal. We want to
measure the angles, all the angles are to be measured on a horizontal plane, we want
make this plate horizontal that is how we make use of the bubble tube.

(Refer Slide Time: 37:42)

So, we will see about this in a movement, well going further up in the instrument. If you
go further up, we have these parts are called the standard or a frame, A standard or A
frame. And they support, you can see over here a standard here and they are supporting
on the horizontal axis, this axis of the instrument you can visualise it here. And axis of
the instrument here about which this telescope rotates, you can visualise a line passing
through here, this the horizontal axis. So, this standard or A frame supports the telescope,
furthermore there are more interesting things here, we will talk about the telescope later

Well, what I can do here, I can rotate this telescope as we have seen that, while we are
measuring the angle particular in the vertical angle, we need to sight some object. For
example, like this and this should give me the amount of the vertical angle for a
particular point here, so how do we observe that vertical angle? Well, we can see here,
similar to the horizontal case, there in the vertical also we have a plate attached to the
telescope, so if I am rotating this telescope along with this a plate is also rotating.

(Refer Slide Time: 39:03)

The construction of this vertical circle is, we have a telescope as we can see here. There
is the telescope and I as I told you, that while we are rotating this is telescope, along with
this a vertical circle is also rotating, where this vertical circle. This vertical circle is
something like attached with the telescope, and this vertical circle is graduated, I just
show it like this. So that you can have a feel of the telescope behind and thus the vertical
circle, and we have the graduations in the vertical circle.
These graduations may start from 0, these 90 degrees here, again may have 90 degrees or
may be a different arrangement 0 to 10 to 60 depending the theodolite, but right now I
am taking as 0, and then 90 degrees here and there. So, this is the graduated circle, when
we rotating it what is happening, this is the telescope and thus the vertical circle, and
both of them they rotate together. So, how we are measuring the angle, what we are
doing in order to measure the angle, there should be a reference, there should be an
index, we need something called index.

And as we have seen for our vertical angle measurement, the reference is the horizontal
plane. So somehow, we need to establish that horizontal plane or horizontal line here. So,
in addition to this telescope and this vertical circle, we also have an additional index
frame here, that index frame looks like this. Now, what is this index frame? This index
frame basically, we say vernier A and vernier B and the line joining vernier A and
vernier B will be a horizontal line. So, while we rotate our telescope this vertical circle
also rotates, but our index remains stationary now.

Well, so this is stationary, these two points the vernier A and vernier B they give us a
horizontal line of side, and I am rotating my vertical circle with the telescope. Well the
initially, let us say the reading was 0 0 my telescope is horizontal, my telescope is like
this and the reading is 0 0. Now, I rotate my telescope, so my vertical circle will rotate,
so the angle between these two will be the vertical angle, and this what we are doing
here, by rotating this we can see it again using this eye pieces.

We could not see those windows in case of the horizontal circle, but we can see the
windows very well in case of the vertical circle. So, this is window for vernier A, this is
the window for vernier B, so by making use of this window and this eye pieces, I can
again focus this eye piece to my eye, and we can see through this and see the readings.
So, right now for horizontal line of side the reading should be 0 0, if I change it as the
angle is increasing the reading will change.

Now, in order to ensure whether it is horizontal or not, because our line of our reference
for vertical angle is horizontal line, how do we ensure that this index frame, they it is
inside is horizontal or not. In order to ensure this, we have an additional bubble tube
here, this similar bubble tube to this, but it is more sensitive. We will talk about the
sensitivity of the bubble tube later, but using this bubble tube we can make our index
horizontal. So basically, the bubble tube is kept on the index, so by making this bubble
tube horizontal this index can be made horizontal.

So, we can draw it here in the diagram also, over here is our bubble tube and this bubble
tube is called altitude. Altitude bubble tube and you know, we have understood that we
make use of this for measuring vertical angles. Well, we will see some more parts of this
theodolite, here in the vertical circle what can I do, I think clamp it. Clamping means, in
this particular theodolite it is here. Once, I have clamped it I cannot rotate my telescope,
but using the tangent here, so this is the screw for vertical circle clamp, and this is the
screw for vertical circle tangent, so this is vertical tangent screw.

So, using this is still I can rotate my theodolite, but by various small amount, while if I
want to do it with large, I can use this one by unclamping this one. Now, here also in the
case of the telescope, if you look at the telescope, will look into the optics of the
telescope next time. But today, this part of the telescope is called eye piece, because I
keep it towards me, and I look through this. And mostly, whenever we shut this
instrument, we should ensure that the instrument is set in such a way that the eye piece is
at the height of my eye or the eye of the observer. Why is it important, because if you are
working in a field and, if this instrument is set in such a way that your eye piece is here.
So, every time you have to go up, in order to take the observations, or if it is down you
have to bend, so this is not comfortable, because when we work with this instrument in
the field, we work for hours. So, we should set to a comfortable height, as in this case
without any bending or without anything I can see through the eye piece. Well, over here
is the objective, so using this telescope, we can see and we can focus the eye piece over
here, and focus the objective using this screw, so this is objective focusing screw. We
will talk about the focusing phenomena, what is going on there inside, how the focusing
taking place in our next lecture.

Well, along with this, if you look at this telescope very carefully over here, there is a
little V and there is a little I. If I draw it here, what it looks like, there is a V and there is
an I, basically why we use it, the V is here and the I is here. We use it for example, if I
need to bisect an electric pole or a ranging rod, the field of view of the telescope is not
big. The field of view for a human being is very wide, I can see that ranging rod there,
but once I start bisecting that using the telescope, I will have to do many iterations of
rotating it in horizontal, rotating this in vertical then only I will be able to bisect the
particular point.

(Refer Slide Time: 46:49)

So, in order to save our time there, this target side is provided or this also called rifle
sight. As you might have seen, over all the rifles this kind of site is there, in order to aim.
So here, we make use of this, we make use of the W and the I will make it a w. And then
we take this W to that particular object, because once you have taken that w our field of
view is very large.

So, we can that way bisect the object fast. Along with this over here, as we are talking
about we have our index here, vertical index arm. And in this vertical index arm, we
have the altitude bubble fitted there, and this index arm becomes the reference for
vertical angle measurement, and we want to ensure that this index arm is horizontal.
(Refer Slide Time: 48:05)

Sometimes, you know after working with instrument it might happen that this not
horizontal in more, it has tilted, how to bring it back, to bring it back we have some one
more screw here. We use this screw and this is called clip screw, this clip screw is
basically fitted here, but rotating this clip screw it is possible that we can rotate our index
frame, and we can make it horizontal. So, this is the clip screw, one more thing which
you will observe here, all these screws are milled differently, here it is a smooth over
here it is very coarse milled.

This particular screw is very coarse milled, and this is very fine milled, why is it so?
Whenever you are working with the instrument. For example, if I am looking through the
instrument I am trying to bisect something, and I want to use a particular screw, for
example I want to use the clamp. So, it might happen, because I am looking through the
theodolite, it might happen the by accident I touch the tangent. So, if this happens the
angle value will change.

So, in order to gives us an idea, while we are looking through the eye piece, we are
engrossed in our work just by moving our hands here and there, by feeling these different
milling of the screw. It is possible to work without looking at this screws, this is why the
milling is different. As similarly here, the milling is very, very different, because we do
not always want to use the clip screw. In order to use the clip screw, we had to use some
additional needle then only we can use it.
(Refer Slide Time: 49:45)

So, this is why the milling is kept different, one more thing about this theodolite, I can
rotate this theodolite 280 degree, as you can see here, I can rotate it this kind of
theodolite which we can rotate are called transit theodolite. And this procedure is also
called transiting the theodolite, so we are transiting the theodolite. Well in addition, if I
am rotating my theodolite in horizontal circle like this, this is called swinging in
horizontal and transiting in vertical.

Now, along with this one last feature here at the top, over here this is a mirror, now what
is the use of the mirror there. In this particular strip a mirror is fitted, and down there is
the bubble tube, because my eye is here I cannot see this bubble tube, so in order to see
the bubble tube, I have to go up to see whether it is in centre or not. So, in order to avoid
that this mirror is fitted here, and I can see comfortably at from this sight only, whether
the bubble is in centre or not using this mirror, and this is why the mirror is fitted there.

This particular instrument, which we saw today is the vernier theodolite, it has the
vernier set up to take the observations the least count is 20 seconds. You will find in the
field different kinds of theodolite, and all those theodolites they need to be read
differently, depending upon what the instrument is. And, you will find the instructions in
the manual of the theodolite, how to read that one, but the vernier one which is a very
common one, we will see that how we read the vernier one now.
(Refer Slide Time: 51:26)

Well, as we have seen in the case of the vernier one, as we can see here this black one is
the horizontal circle or it may be the vertical circle also. And this A B is the index, either
in the case of the horizontal circle or in the case of the vertical. In any case, and what we
do, we read the theodolite or the angle value against these verniers that what is the value
of the reading, how to take these observations.

(Refer Slide Time: 51:58)

We will see that now, in case of our main scale, if I am showing the mini scale here, in
mini scale the graduations are written in such a way, then let us say this is 10, 11, 12, 13,
14, 15 all in degrees. We have got further subdivision. So, each degree is divided in
further divisions of 20 minute, so the least count of mini scale is 20 minute. So, if you
are using all in the mini scale, we can use up to 20 minute, but this is fitted with a
vernier. As we can see here in this case, this A and B are vernier, how these verniers are
actually there, and how we improve the precision using these verniers.

Now, in these verniers, now this particular part of 20 second here, if you just look at this
or any little graduation this is for 20 minute, I expand this 20 minute and I am showing
you here now this 20 minute, so 0 and 20 so this is 20 minute. Now, in this 20 minute we
have the vernier, and vernier is design in such a way that because in this 20 second, we
have 60 graduations of vernier. So, 59 graduations on the main are equal to 60
graduations on the vernier. So, this is actually you can make use of this in order to find
the least count of that.

(Refer Slide Time: 53:54)

Now, how it take the observations here it looks like this. We can see 5 degrees, 6
degrees, 7 degrees, 8 degrees, 9 and thus our vernier here, this is the mini scale. And in
vernier and in mini scale the graduation which meets or which gets aligned is over here, I
point it. So, what is the value of the reading, well first we read in the mini scale, so in the
main scale we have passed 5, 6 and 7. So, reading is more than 7 degrees, and then also
we are at this 20 minute, so 7 degrees 20 minute is the reading from the main scale.
So, this is from mini scale then in the vernier, thus the graduation which is aligning with
the graduation of the main scale. So, what is the value there, we have 6, 7, 8, because this
total is for 20 minutes. We have passed this 8th one, we have passed further if you can
see in the vernier each minute is further divided in three: 1, 2 this should be 9 here. So, it
is further divided in three: one part, second part and third part. So, each is corresponding
to 20 second. So, you can see the least count in the vernier is 20 second.

Well, what is the value of the angle, the angle here in this case we have passed this 8
minutes already, 8 is per minute from 8 to 9 in between our this red line is there which is
be aligning mark, and we have passed 1 and 2. So, the vernier says the reading is 40, so
the total reading will be 7, 28 and 40, 7 degrees 28 minutes and 40 seconds, because 20
second is the least count of this instrument, so this is one way of reading the vernier.

(Refer Slide time: 56:15)

Now, there are different kinds of reading devices, they are some electronic also, if we are
talking about the electronic instruments, we have some electronic devices which can read
the instrument, which can read give you the angle value. The different kinds of
constructions, the idea is one could be which is used a circle is there, this is the circle in
glass, and they are very fine graduations; very, very fine graduations are there and
underneath this glass.

If this is the glass, we have the graduations ashed into it, some 20,000 and underneath
there is the photo diode, which is emitting the light, and the size of that photo diode is
same as the size of the graduation. All these graduations are basically the black and
white lines like this very, very fine. So what happens, we initialize it at some value, and
then once we rotate it, the light which is coming out of it, because somewhere the light
will pass somewhere it will not pass.

So, what the light will do, it will generate a sinusoidal wave kind of thing, the light is
there it is not there; the light is there it is not there. So, counting these and further doing
some further you know, we can take the observation here; take the observation here, the
wave form generated here; and the wave form generated here is super imposed, in order
to achieve better precision. So, this is how, you know it can give the accuracy of the
order of 1 second also, or the least count the precision this kind of precision is possible
with this electronic device or electronic measuring plate.

So, we have varieties of these, so what we have seen today, starting from the beginning.
We saw, the significance of the angle, because we need angle measurement in horizontal
and vertical for many purposes. Then we saw that, we need to measure more, by more
precision, because we need to have compatibility of the instruments, somewhere you
need more accurate results more precise results, so we need to go for the theodolite.

So, in the case of the theodolite, we saw that it is really a very good instrument very
useful instrument in surveying. And we can carry out, as we saw in the case of the
theodolite the horizontal and vertical angle measurements. We saw the various parts of
the theodolite starting from the tripod, tribach, levelling screws, trivet, horizontal circle,
index arm and so on, up to the telescope and the mirror here, altitude bubble everything.

Then we saw, how we can take the observations using the vernier theodolite, I know it is
difficult for you to understand it directly from the video screen. Please, visit your
laboratory or wherever you can find a vernier theodolite, go and observe it, handle the
various part yourself with using your hand. Then only you have the feel of the
instrument, and observe the vernier theodolite yourself, see the readings this is how you
will know about the instrument in full. Well we end over this lecture today here.

Thank you very much.

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