Kaspersky Security Intelligence Training
Kaspersky Security Intelligence Training
Kaspersky Security Intelligence Training
Leverage Kaspersky Lab’s cybersecurity knowledge, experience
and intelligence through these innovative training programs.
Cybersecurity awareness and education are now critical requirements for enterprises
faced with an increasing volume of constantly evolving threats. Security employees need
to be skilled in the advanced security techniques that form a key component of effective
enterprise threat management and mitigation strategies, while all employees should have
a basic awareness of the dangers and how to work securely.
Kaspersky Lab’s Cybersecurity Training courses have been developed specifically for any
organization looking to better protect its infrastructure and intellectual property. All training
courses are offered in English.
The Courses
How It Works
Comprehensive but Training covers a wide range of security issues – from how data leaks occur
straightforward to internet based malware attacks and safe social networking, through
a series of simple exercises.
We use learning techniques – group dynamics, interactive modules,
cartoons and gamification to make the learning process engaging.
Continuous motivation We create teachable moments - by gamification and competition, and then
re-inforce these training moments throughout the year via online simulated
attack exercises, assessment and training campaigns.
Changing beliefs We teach people that it is human beings, not machines, who are the primary
targets of cybercriminals. We show how, through working in a more safety-
conscious manner, individuals can avoid becoming victims and exposing
themselves and their workplace to attack.
Building a corporate We train management to become security advocates; a culture where
cybersafety culture cybersecurity becomes second nature is best achieved through management
commitment and example, and cannot simply be imposed by IT.
Positive and collaborative We demonstrate how security practices make a positive contribution to
business efficiency, and promote more effective cooperation with other
internal departments, including the IT Security team.
Measurable We provide tools to measure employee skills, along with corporate-level
assessments analyzing staff attitudes to cybersecurity in their daily work.
These courses offer a broad curriculum in cybersecurity topics and techniques
and assessment ranging from basic to expert. All are available either in-class on
customer premises or at a local or regional Kaspersky Lab office, if applicable.
Courses are designed to include both theoretical classes and hands-on ‘labs’. On completion
of each course, attendees will be invited to complete an evaluation to validate their knowledge.
From a leading security vendor, working and learning
alongside our global experts who inspire participants
through their own experience at the ‘sharp end’ of
cybercrime detection and prevention.
TOPICS Duration Skills gained
LEVEL 1 – Core Security Fundamentals
• Cyberthreats & underground market overview 2 days • Recognize security incidents and take decisions to
• Spam & phishing, email security resolve them
• Fraud protection technologies • Reduce the load on Information Security
• Exploits, mobile and advanced persistent threats
• Increase the security level of each employer’s
• Investigation basics using public web tools
workplace with additional tools
• Securing your workplace
• Perform simple investigations
• Analyze phishing mails
• Recognize infected or fake websites
TOPICS Duration Skills gained
LEVEL 1 – Practical security fundamentals
• Security basics 5 days • Provide basic investigations, using public resources,
• Open-source intelligence specialist search engines and social networks
• Enterprise network security • Create a secure network perimeter
• Application security & exploit prevention • Basic penetration testing skills
• DDoS attacks & banking threats • Inspect traffic for different types of attack
• Wireless LAN security & global mobile network • Ensure secure software development
• Banking & mobile threats • Identify malicious code injection
• Cloud and virtual environment security incident response • Undertake basic malware analysis and Digital forensics
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