Task 2
Task 2
Task 2
Grade Level: ________1/6_______________ MST Name: Maryam
For each Tools used to monitor the Explain why you used that tool and reflect on
lesson learning (rubric, notes, how successful it was
taught chart…)
1 Drawing a tally chart on I used this tool to check on each group’s and
Lesson 1 the board students understanding. It was successful
because whenever a group rotates to an activity,
I ask them questions and upon their right
answers, I give a point until they reach 5 points
to get a reward.
2 Notes I used notes as a tool to write each student’s
Lesson 2 misunderstanding to focus more on them and fix
their misunderstandings before the next lesson.
3 Thumbs up and down I asked the students to raise their thumb if they
Lesson 3 assessment feel that they understood the lesson and put
their thumbs down if they did not understand
and need help. By doing this, I knew which
student needs help.
4 Worksheet By distributing a worksheet to the students at
Lesson 4 the end of the lesson helped me assess each
student and knew each pupil’s ability. Some
students did not solve all of the questions, so,
during the break I sat with them helped them
understand and solve.
5 Checklist I used a checklist to check on each and every
Lesson 5 student’s understanding, it is an easy, and
effective way. The checklist was successful
because I knew which student I should keep an
eye on and help in the next class.
6 Notes I also used notes as a tool for this lesson when
Lesson 6 the students were working on their activities. It
was successful because I kept in notice who are
the students that were doing well and kept on
track with me during the teacher talk to get a
reward, and who were not paying attention.
7 Thumbs up and down I was rotating on each group during the
Lesson 7 activities to help and scaffold, and when the
time was up, I used the thumbs up and down