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International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IJEAB) Vol-3, Issue-5, Sept-Oct- 2018

http://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijeab/3.5.37 ISSN: 2456-1878

Effects of Household Waste Generation, Disposal

and Management on Farmers’ Health in Owerri
Metropolis of IMO State, Nigeria
Nwachukwu D.O 1, Nwelue K.N.K2, Ibekwe C.C3, Anyanwu U.G4, Obilor F5,
Ekwe-Emeagha E6,Okereke-Ejiogu, N7, Ellah G.O8, Ohajianya D.O9
1 Mezzanine Consulting Associates Ltd, No. 2 Sola Oguntade close Lekki 1, Lagos
2 Niger Delta Development Commission, Bayelsa State Office, Yenagoa
3, 4, 9 Department of Agricultural Economics , Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Imo State.

5 First Bank of Nig. Ltd, Douglas Road Owerri, Imo State

6 Department of Entrepreneurship, School of General Studies, Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education Owerri, Imo State

7 Department of Agricultural Extension, Federal University of Technology Owerri, Imo State

8 Department of Agricultural Technology, Captain Elechi Amadi Polytechnic Rumuola, Port Harcourt, Rivers State.

Abstract— The study investigated the effects of household Contribution to knowledge: This study is one of the few
waste generation, disposal and management on farmers’ studies that evaluated effects of waste generation disposal
health in Owerri metropolis. It specifically ascertained the and management on farmers’ health. It also found that
socio-economic characteristics of the farmers, identified the wastes are majorly generated from markets and residential
types and sources of waste in the study area, examined the homes, and disposed through burning, landfills and open
waste disposal and management methods in the study area dumping, which destroys beauty of the environment, blocks
examined the effects of inappropriate waste disposal and drainages and pollutes the environment.
ascertained the appropriate waste disposal methods used in
the study area. A multi stage sampling technique was used I. INTRODUCTION
to select one hundred and eight farmers from the three The day to day activities of man generally draw inputs from
Local Government Area in Owerri metropolis. Data were the natural base in his environment. This may be by way of
collected using a validated questionnaire and were raw materials for industrial production or by direct
analyzed using descriptive statistics tool such as mean, utilization of the resources from the reserve in land, water
frequency, percentage, and mean scores. Results show that and air. However, the use of these resources in turn results
waste is majorly generated from markets and residential in the generation of various classes of unwanted, useless,
homes. Waste disposal methods were mainly burning, damaged and discarded materials termed “waste”
landfills and open dumping. Its effects includes destroys the (Anurigwo, 2000). Waste is defined as any useless,
beauty of the environment, blocks gutters and drainage unwanted and discarded material that is no longer needed
system, pollutes the environment among others. and therefore must be thrown away (Ruchi and Avinash
Subsequently, appropriate waste disposal methods in the (2007). Waste therefore, is any unavoidable material
study area includes burning of waste (29.17%), placing of resulting from industrial, household, and/or commercial
bins at appropriate places (16.07%). The study activity for which there is no economic demand by the
recommends amongst others that waste management owner and which must be disposed of (Ofodile, 2002).
environmental agency should make waste dumps or In every human activity, waste is generated and man
receptacles accessible to residents, public campaigns continues to generate waste all his life. Waste generation is
should be embarked upon to educate the citizens on ills of unavoidable by-product of many aspects and types of
dirty environment. human activities and households. Household wastes are
Keywords— Farmers’ health, household waste those unwanted materials (which must be discarded),
generation, waste disposal, waste management. produced in the kitchens or by any other activities of
households or homes (Attah, 2003). They include food and
packaging materials, leathers, metals, bottles (glasses),

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http://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijeab/3.5.37 ISSN: 2456-1878
plastics, polythene (sachet water and polythene bags), substances, scraps that await disposal or recycling, remain a
clothes, papers, ceramics, and vegetables/leaves and source of environmental degradation and threat to public
construction materials among others (Egun, 2012). Waste health in cities worldwide (Faccio et al., 2011). Again,
generation is a common feature in urban and rural Sanitation deficiency causes environmental and health
households. With annually generated solid waste in Nigeria threats in developing countries. Managing sanitation
been more than 25 million tonnes of 0.66 kg/cap/day in properly contributes to reducing mortality from diarrhea
urban areas and 0.44 kg/cap/day in rural areas (Adeniran, diseases by 65% and morbidity by 26% ( Haryanto, and
(2005) and Babatunde et al., 2013). Population pressure on Sutomo, 2012). All this is as a result of inappropriate waste
the available living areas, people’s poor attitude to waste disposal practices. Waste are dumped into the drainages that
disposal, the shift from agriculture to manufacturing, block the free flow of runoff water and this practice gives
resulting in the use of more plastics, glasses, metals, rise to flooding and the communities are adversely affected,
polythene and others, is an indication that we are certainly some people dumped their waste to the road side, thereby
heading to a crises stage if unmanaged and as such make reducing the width of the road and aesthetics of the cities
waste disposal practices an important topic of discourse if especially in Nigeria. This is evident as one walk across the
man has to live in harmony with his environment. nook and the crannies of Nigeria; you find heaps of refuse
One of the challenging environmental problem facing urban littering the entire landscape, road sides, parks, gardens,
centers worldwide, particularly in developing countries is commercial centres and other land use (Danbuzu, 2011,
the improper management of municipal solid waste (APO, Imam et al, 2007). Little attention is given to waste
2007). Solid waste comes from residential, institutional, management practices as it is common to see heaps of waste
commercial, agricultural or even industrial discards while in the major cities littering the streets, dumped
municipal solid waste has emerged as one of greatest indiscriminately in drainages, vacant plots and open space
generated hazards (Benjamin, Emmanuel & Gideon, 2014; especially in the developing world. This has contributed not
ABUJA-CITISERVE, 2004). The Management of only to the spread of communicable diseases in the affected
municipal solid waste consist of practices involving waste areas; it has effect on flooding and other environmental
generation, collection, sorting, storage, transport, transfer, problems (Wilson et al, 2009; Babalola et al, 2010). Health
processing and disposal (Habib, Abdolhossinpari & Hamed, issues related to waste are complex and gives rise to
2014), which can lead to environmental pollution like land numerous debates (Department for Environment, Food and
degradation, vector breeding ground, offensive odours, Rural Affairs 2004). Given the diversity of pollutants
emissions of toxic gases and groundwater contamination if present, management methods and routes of exposure,
not managed effectively in urban areas as noted by Farasat knowledge remains imperfect and still need to be improved.
et al., (2015) and even the formation of leachates which The uncollected or illegally dumped wastes constitute a
contains heavy metals, microorganisms and radioactive starting point for disaster of human health and the
elements (Egharevba, Amengialue, Edobor & Omoigberale, environmental degradation. Apart from the increasing
2013) especially in dumped open landfills (Olusegun, quantities, the waste composition and characterization
2013). Thus municipal waste disposal as reported by evolves, incomes and changing consumption habits have
Iyanda, Titilope & Olaniyi (2014) have reached a crucial also been affected by globalization (EPA, 2011).
point in major towns and cities in Nigeria including Owerri Knowledge of the type and sources of solid waste, method
urban. of waste disposal, its effect on farmers’ health along with
Again, differences in the wealth of communities and data on the composition of waste generation is basis to the
countries degree of urbanization and industrialization, and design and operation of the functional element associated
intensity of agricultural activities account for the significant with the management of solid waste.
differences in waste treatment and disposal problems faced
by developed and developing countries, and between urban II. METHODOLOGY
and rural areas. In Nigeria, 25million metric tonnes of solid The study was conducted in Owerri, Imo state. Owerri is the
wastes are generated yearly (Ogwueleka, 2009). About 2.2 capital of Imo State in Nigeria. Owerri consists of three
million people in developing countries die yearly from Local Government Areas including Owerri Municipal,
diseases associated with lack of safe drinking water, lack of Owerri North and Owerri West. It has an estimated
adequate sanitation and poor hygiene (Haryanto, and population of about 401,873 as of 2006 (Federal Republic
Sutomo, 2012). Expired materials that have no useful value of Nigeria Official Gazette, 2007) and is approximately 100
or materials that have outlived their life spans, unwanted square kilometres (40 sq mi) in area. Owerri is bordered by

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International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IJEAB) Vol-3, Issue-5, Sept-Oct- 2018
http://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijeab/3.5.37 ISSN: 2456-1878
the Otamiri River to the east and the Nworie River to the six (6) communities were randomly selected from Owerri
south. Its coordinate consists of 5°29′06″N West and Owerri North, which includes; Obinze, Ihiagwa,
7°02′06″E/5.485°N 7.035°E. Owerri has a tropical wet Nekede, Uratta, Emekuku, and Nazi. In the case of Owerri
climate according to the Köppen-Geiger system. Rain falls Municipal no community was selected at this stage because
for most months of the year with a brief dry season. The of the fact that their settlements are not known as
Harmattan affects the city in the early periods of the dry communities but as villages and residential areas. There are
season and it is noticeably less pronounced than in other five villages, which include, Umuororonjo, Amawom,
cities in Nigeria. The average temperature is 26.4 °C. Umuonyeche, Umuodu and Umuoyima and the residential
Owerri sits in the rain forest and produces many agricultural areas include, Ikenegbu, Aladinma, World bank housing
products, such as yams, cassava, taro, corn, rubber and palm estate etc. At the third stage, 2 villages were randomly
products. Owerri also sits on huge crude oil and natural gas selected from the communities selected from Owerri West
reserves like most of the Igbo land areas. Important and Owerri North namely; Umueje, Umuanunu, Umuelem,
educational institutions in Owerri include Imo State Nakaramoche, Umudibia, Umualum, Ezeogba, Ezedibia,
University, Federal University of Technology Owerri, Imo Akwakuma, Amakohia, Umuakali, and Umuezuo, while the
State Polytechnic Umuagwo, Federal Polytechnic, Nekede, five (5) villages and one residential area was selected from
African Institute of Science and Technology (AIST CCE Owerri Municipal. At the final stage, 6 farmers were
Owerri), and Federal College of Land Resources Oforola. randomly selected from the villages making it a total
Multi stage sampling technique was used to select the number of one hundred and eight (108) respondents.
respondents. At the first stage, the three local government Structured questionnaire was used to collect primary data
areas were purposively selected viz-a-viz Owerri West, from the field. Data analysis was achieved using descriptive
Owerri North and Owerri municipal. At the second stage, statistics like mean, frequency, and percentage.


3.1 Socio-economic Characteristics of farmers.
The socioeconomic features of the farmers are presented in table 1.

Table.1: Distribution of farmers according to their Socioeconomic Characteristics

Socioeconomic Characteristics Frequency Percentage Mean
Male 48 55.56
Female 60 44.44
Age (years)
21-30 20 19.05
31-40 35 32.41
41-50 29 26.85
51-60 17 15.74
61-70 7 6.48 32.69
Marital Status
Single 22 20.37
Married 49 45.37
Widowed 20 19.05
Divorced 17 15.74
Household size (number of persons)
1-3 22 20.37
4-6 47 43.52
7-9 39 36.11 5.47
Farm size (hectare)
1-3 57 52.78
4-6 31 28.70
7-9 20 18.52 3.97

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International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IJEAB) Vol-3, Issue-5, Sept-Oct- 2018
http://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijeab/3.5.37 ISSN: 2456-1878
Farming experience (years)
11-20 17 15.74
21-30 22 20.37
31-40 40 37.04
41-50 17 15.74
51-60 12 11.11 34.11
Education level (years)
0 (No formal education) 26 24.07
1-6 42 38.89
7-12 30 27.78
13-18 10 9.26 9.2
Income (naira)
11000-20000 26 24.07
21000-30000 43 39.81
31000-40000 21 19.44
41000-50000 7 6.48
51000-60000 11 10.19 29388.89
Social organization membership
Yes 51 47.22
No 57 52.78
Extension visits
Yes 52 48.15
No 56 51.85
Number of times visited by extension agents
Weekly 11 21.15
Forth nightly 14 26.93
Monthly 27 51.92
Source: Field Data, 2017.

The result in table 1. showed that 55.56% of the farmers stated that the size of household is a good indicator of
were female while 44.44% of them were male. This implies labour available for farm work. The mean Farm size was
that majority (44.44%) of waste managers at household 3.97 ha which implies that farmers in the study area are
level are female. It has been hypothes ized that women small holder farmers operating small farm holdings. This
demonstrate great enthusiasm about environmental issues supports the study of Ekong (2005) who stated that small
than men (Hampel et al, 1996). The mean Age of the holders farmers still persist in Nigeria based on Inheritance
farmers’ was 32.69 years which indicates that the Farming and prone to fragmentation. Average Farming experience
population of the study area is quite young and active in was 34.11 years indicating that with more experience, a
Farming. This further strengthens the findings of Bamiro, farmer can become less averse to the risk implied by
Otunaiya and Idowu (2012) who said that most active group adopting a new technology (Nwaobiala, 2014). It was
among rural farmers’ falls within 30-50 years of age. It was further observed that 38.89% of the respondents spent 1-6
found that 45.37% of the farmers were married, 20.37% of years in school, 27.78% of them spent 7-12 years in school,
them were single, 19.05% of them were Widowed while 24.07% of them had no formal education, while only 9.26
15.74% of the farmers were Divorced. This supports the of them had Tertiary education and spent 13-18 years in
finding of Sanful and Darko (2010), who stated that the school with mean level of education of 9.2years , indicating
majority of the farmers (74.5%) are faced with that the farming population in the study area is quite literate
responsibilities of taking care of their family. The result and have acquired one form of education or the other. This
also revealed that 43.52% of the farmers in the study area further support the statement by Obinne (1991), who stated
had an approximate average household size of 6 persons that education is advantageous to farmers as it will lead to
indicating that the farmer’s household contributes greatly to increased adoption of innovation. The mean income is N29,
Farm labour. This agrees with Baruwa and Oke 2012 who 388.89. According to Adedibu and Okekunle (1990)

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International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IJEAB) Vol-3, Issue-5, Sept-Oct- 2018
http://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijeab/3.5.37 ISSN: 2456-1878
personal income influences waste generation due to its increase farmer’s likelihood of adoption of improved
impact on individual consumption pattern. In addition, the agricultural practices (Salau et al., 2014). Majority
rate of solid waste generation per capital increase as the (51.92%) of the farmers visited by the extension agents
standards of living improves (UNCHS, 1992). It revealed were visited on a monthly basis, 26.93% of them were
that 52.78% of the respondents do not belong to social visited on a forth nightly basis, while, 21.15% of them were
organisation, while 47.22% of them belong to one social visited weekly.
organisation or the other. The result further revealed that
51.85% of farmers in the study area were not visited by 3.2 Types and Sources of waste Generated by
extension agents while 48.15% of them were visited. This Households.
shows that Extension contact in the study area is relatively The distribution of the types and sources of waste generated
poor. Though a good number of farmers were visited. It is by households in the study area is presented in tables 2. and
hypothesized that contact with extension workers and 3. respectively.
adequate information on production techniques will

Table.2: Distribution of farmers according to Types of Waste

Types of waste Frequency Percentage (% )
Biodegradable 51 47.22
Non-biodegradable 57 52.78
Total 108 100
Source: Field Data, 2017.

Table 2. shows the distribution of farmers according to type social status of the city could be the reason for the greater
of waste generated in the study area. The result indicates percentage (52.78%) of non-biodegradable wastes
that 52.78% of the farmers said the waste generated in the generated in the area. This finding disagrees with earlier
study area were Non-biodegradable waste while 47.22% of work by Oil Resources and Allied Investment Limited
them said it was Biodegradable waste. This is an (2008) which gave the figures of biodegradable and non -
implication that both biodegradable and non-biodegradable biodegradable wastes as 54% and 46% respectively.
wastes are present in the study area. The economic and

Table.3: Distribution of Farmers according to Sources of Waste

Sources of waste Frequency** Percentage (% )
Residential homes 72 23.92
Markets 101 33.55
Hospitals 48 15.95
Farms 43 14.29
Business places 37 12.29
**Multiple responses recorded
Source: Field survey data, 2017.

Investigation into the major sources of solid waste markets and residential homes could account for the huge
generation presented markets (33. 55%) and residential quantities of different kinds of wastes around the
homes (23.92%) as the main sources of waste in the study municipality and its environs. This finding concurs with the
area as seen in table 3. The table also indicates that 15.95% view of Ogwueleka (2009) who found that markets and
were generated from hospital, 14.29% of them generated residential homes are the major sources of wastes.
from Farms, while 12.29% of them were generated in
business places. It is certain that markets are centre’s of 3.3 Methods of waste disposal and management
commercial activities in any city and accommodate greater The methods of waste disposal and management in the
number of people than any other sector at any given time. study area are presented in Table 4.
The increased human population and activities in both

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International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IJEAB) Vol-3, Issue-5, Sept-Oct- 2018
http://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijeab/3.5.37 ISSN: 2456-1878
Table.4: Distribution of Farmers according to Methods of Waste disposal and Management
Waste disposal methods Frequency ** Percentage (%)
Landfills 102 26.91
Burning 106 27.97
Open dumping 98 25.86
Ocean dumping 42 11.08
Grinding and discharge in sewers 31 8.17
Waste management
Incineration 47 27.48
Composting of waste 52 31.52
Plasma gasification 37 22.42
Waste to energy 0 0
Waste minimization 10 6.06
Ploughing in Field 15 9.09
4 2.42
** Multiple responses recorded
Source: Field Data, 2017
Table 4 showed that 26.91% of the farmers dispose waste environmental sanitation as well as the method being cheap
through landfills, 27.97% through Burning, 25.86% of them but not cost effective. This finding agree with those of
through open dumping, 11.08% of them through Ocean Olafusi (2004) and Iman et al., (2007) who reported that in
dumping or dumping in river bodies and flowing/running most cities of Nigeria and other developing countries, the
water. It further shows that 31.52% of farmers carry out greater percentages of waste generated are dumped on the
Incineration as management practices of waste, 27.48% do surface of the ground along major roads, streets and open
Recycling, 22.42% compost waste, 9.09% do waste spaces. The finding was further confirmed by the
minimization, 6.06% convert waste to energy which 2.42% information obtained from field trips and direct
of them plough the waste in the field especially as a result observations which revealed the existence of more than 250
of mechanized Farming. The result implies that farmers dumpsites of different sizes within the municipality and its
adopt different methods of waste disposal and uses several environs.
strategies to manage waste the best way possible to them in
the study area. The reasons for adopting open dumping as 3.4: Effect of Inappropriate Waste disposal on Farmers’
the main waste management method could be unavailability Health
of adequate man-power and equipment, inaccessibility to The effect of inappropriate waste disposal on farmers’
final dumpsites, people’s poor attitude towards health is presented in table 5.
Table.5: Distribution of farmers according to effects of inappropriate waste disposal
Effects Mean Standard deviation
Foul odour 4.204 0.992
Disease outbreak 4.370 0.718
Attract animals like rats 4.037 1.013
Pollutes the environment 4.426 0.726
Blocks gutters and drainage system 4.444 0.777
Destroys the beauty of the
environment 4.602 0.528
Disrupts free movement to and from
the farm 4.129 1.014
Soil infertility
Farm flooding 4.306 1.008
4.1481 1.151
Mean <3.0: Not accepted; Mean ≥3.0: Accepted
Source: Field Data, 2017.

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http://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijeab/3.5.37 ISSN: 2456-1878
The result in Table 5 showed that all the effects listed are indicating high concentration around the mean and this
observed as effects in the study area, however some effects could have implication on the farmer’s heath. This agrees
are ranked higher because of its prevalence in the study with the study by Madukwe et al., (1996) that the heap of
area. As observed effects such as destroys the beauty of the the dump site creates obnoxious odour and encourage the
environment (M= 4.602), Blocks gutters and drainage growth of pathogens and insect pests lay their eggs on the
system (M =4.444), Pollutes the environment (M =4.426), heap.
disease outbreak (M =4.370), soil infertility (M = 4.306) are
major effects as seen in the study area. The result therefore 3.5 Appropri ate Waste Disposal Methods
revealed that Owerri metropolis is associated with poor The appropriate waste disposal methods identified in the
looking environment as a result of inappropriate waste study area is presented in table 6.
disposal. The standard deviations for all the items were low

Table.6: Distribution of farmers according to appropriate waste disposal methods in the study area.
Methods Frequency** Percentage (%)
Placing bins at designated places 54 16.07
Burning of waste 98 29.17
Recycling of waste 32 9.53
Composting of waste 37 11.01
Residents should be educated on
appropriate waste disposal 48 14.28
Separate bins for decomposable and
non-decomposable waste
Educating households on 20 5.95
appropriate waste disposal methods
47 13.98
**Multiple responses recorded.
Source: Field Data, 2017

Table 6 showed that 29.17% of the farmers exercise IV. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION
opening burning of waste, 16.07% uses bins placed in From the findings it was observed that due to rapid
appropriate places, 14.28% of them reveal that Residents urbanization in Owerri metropolis with its numerous hotels,
should be educated on appropriate waste disposal, 13.98% fast food centers and markets the volume of waste generated
also reveal that households should be educated on is on the increase and has become a major concern for farm
appropriate waste disposal, 11.01% compost waste while households and the government at large. Inappropriate
9.53% recycle waste, only 5.95% suggested the use of waste disposal practices have resulted in environmental
separate bins for decomposable and non-decomposable degradation with serious health implications on farmers.
waste. This implies that there are several appropriate Households should conceive appropriate waste disposal
measures available in the study area that household could practices as a crusade against poor living environment. It is
adopt for proper waste disposal to reduce waste effect on implicit that Owerri metropolis spends huge sums of money
farmers. The present finding is in consonance with the study in waste management. Therefore its residents need to be
of Ugboaja (2002) who reported that a greater percentage of educated on efficient waste disposal practices to reduce
the residents did not sort waste into biodegradable and non - health hazard on farmers., waste management
degradable. This accounts for large volume of waste environmental agency should make waste dumps or
deposited at the central positions in the municipal council. receptacles accessible to residents and appropriate sorting of
The finding is also in line with that of Chukwu (2012) who waste into decomposable and non-decomposable
reported that many cities in Nigeria today are suffering from components should be practiced by the residents.
sudden increase in solid waste and poor disposal practice.

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http://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijeab/3.5.37 ISSN: 2456-1878
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