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Guidelines for preparing

Quality Assurance Plan (QAP)

for welding activities.

Prepared in line with the international welding standard EN 15085

(Railway applications —Welding of railway vehicles and components)

Prepared by
Advanced Welding Training Institute
Integral Coach Factory, Chennai-38.
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Guidelines for Quality Assurance Plan for
fabricated items.

This QAP is prepared in line with the international practices in welding and

firms may follow the best practices given in the welding standard ISO

3834-2 & EN 15085 and incorporate the same in their QMS documents.

This document is for guidelines only. Firm may add any other special

requirement as indicated in the drawing/purchase order/special conditions.

I Activities to be done before welding

1.0 Identification of critical weld joints

List of critical weld joints to be identified based on the weld performance class
and inspection class for the subject assembly and the details shall include
 base material type ex. mild steel, stainless steel
 base material thickness, 10mm with 8mm
 Weld performance class like CPA,CPB ,etc.
 weld inspection class CT1, CT2, etc
 type of joint
 Edge preparation
 Weld position
 Filler metal type ex. Solid wire, flux core wire, metal core wire.
 Shielding gas used
A sample format of above is given in annexure-1

2.0 Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) as per ISO 15614

The manufacturer shall prepare the welding-procedure specification(s)

and shall ensure that these are used correctly in production. Welding
procedures shall be qualified prior to production
a) Welding procedure specification shall be prepared, approved &
validated for various joints identified as per clause 1.0 above.
b) Weld joints can be grouped such that prepared WPS shall cover all
possible combinations as given in the standard. The aim of this
exercise is to demonstrate the firms capability to perform qualification
of welding process for all applicable situations.
c) Welding procedure specification shall be prepared as per ISO 15614-1
(for steel) for all the joints wherever it is possible to prepare standard
test specimen and conduct all standard tests.

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d) WPS as per ISO 15609-1/ shall be submitted as per format presented
in annexure 2.
e) For other production joints where it is not possible to produce
standard test specimen and conduct standard tests enlisted in ISO
15614-1 the WPS shall be prepared as per ISO 15613. WPS as per
ISO 15613 shall be submitted as per (annexure 3)
f) PQR shall be prepared as per ISO:15614-1 and shall be submitted as
per annexure-4.
a) Laboratory reports in support of WPS prepared shall be submitted as
per annexure-5.

3.0 Equipment maintenance

The manufacturer shall have documented plans for the maintenance

of equipment. The plan shall ensure maintenance checks of those items in
the equipment which control variables listed in the relevant procedure
specifications. The plans may be limited to those items which are essential
for assuring the quality of the product. Examples of these items are as
3.1 Welding plant calibration:

 All welding plants to be calibrated as per ISO 17662 and record shall
be submitted. following are to be checked
 Condition of ammeters and voltmeters, flow meters etc. used for the
operation of the welding equipment shall be checked;
 Condition of cables, hoses, connectors, etc.;
 Condition of control system in mechanized and/or automatic welding
 Condition of temperature-measurement instruments;
 Condition of wire feeders and conduits.
 Condition of guides in equipment for thermal cutting, mechanized
fixtures etc.

4.0 Welding personnel

The manufacturer shall have at his disposal sufficient and competent

personnel for the planning, performing and supervising of the welding
production according to specified requirements.

4.1 Welders and welding operator’s qualification:

a)All the welders shall be qualified as per ISO 9606-1.welders shall be
qualified as per joint, position, material and other details as per annexure -
1 . The certificate shall be submitted as per Annexure-6
b) Laboratory test report in support of welder qualification shall be
submitted as per annexure-6.

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c) Welders should have knowledge in trouble shooting of MIG welding plants
such that defects are prevented.

d) Welding operators shall be qualified as per ISO 14732 and the certificate
shall be submitted (annexure-7)
e) Test results for welding operator qualification shall be submitted.

4.2 Welding coordinating engineer:

Firms shall identify and nominate a welding coordinator responsible

for all welding operations. The welding coordinator can monitor and control
all welding activities. Firm can refer ISO 14731 standard for the welding
coordinator tasks.

4.3 Welding inspection and testing personnel:

The manufacturer shall have at his disposal sufficient and competent

personnel for planning, performing, and supervising the inspection and
testing of the welding production according to specified requirements.
a) Drawings indicate weld performance class and inspection class. Where
ever inspection level of CT1& CT2 are indicated in drawing, such weld joints
shall be inspected and certified by Inspection personnel having
ASNT/ISNT/ LEVEL-II qualification in visual inspection. Where ever the
inspection class not indicated in drawing , the above qualification is still
required to be followed.

b) NDT personnel carrying out radio graphic examination, ultrasonic testing,

magnetic particle examination& dye penetrant testing should be qualified in
level-II from ASNT/ISNT.

5.0 Details for execution of welding:

5.1 Welding processes are indicated in the drawing. The processes are
notified as per ISO 4063.Where ever welding process not notified firms may
refer to ICF for process details. For bogie items RDSO spec 9202 (applicable
revision)shall be followed.

5.2 Shielding gas: Firm shall use a shielding gas as used for qualification
of WPS and welder qualification.(for ref ISO 14175 can be used.)
5.3 Filler metal:
5.3.1 Firm shall use a filler wire as qualified in WPS and welder
qualification. For reference RDSO spec IRS M-28& IRS M-46,M-39 or
any other specification notified by RDSO. For example for IS 2062 Filler
metal specified- ER 70S6 of AWS A 5.18 .

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5.3.2 Storage and handling of electrodes shall be specified by the firm. Firm
shall ensure the electrodes used are within shelf life specified by
manufacturer, inspection agency can verify this point.
5.4 Weld edge preparation:
 Edge preparations shall be in accordance with ICF drawings. Edge
preparation shall be done to ensure proper fit up and have surfaces free of
slags and other defects.
 Whenever gas cutting is used for cutting/edge preparation of plates used for
fabrication, the cut quality should confirm to 33 as referred in ISO 9013
5.5 Welding techniques
 The welding shall reveal high standard of workmanship.
 As far as possible, all the weld joints shall be welded in down hand position,
manipulators to be used if necessary.
 Weaving bead technique and inter pass cleaning technique shall be adopted
by grinding and using wire brushes.
 Robotic welding shall be used wherever possible. Manual MAG welding may
be done for areas which are not accessible.
 Wherever sub merged arc welding is specified they shall be used
 MMAW/SMAW is permitted only for tack welding.

 Wherever indicated in the drawing to have run off plates following

procedure to be followed. Run-on and run-off plates shall be used
according to EN 15085-3:2007, 7.3.11.

Example of run-on and run-off plates for butt welds

 For t ≥ 8 mm they shall have the same joint preparation as the

actual weld.
 The run-on and run-off plates shall be made so as to enable the
welding to be started or stopped beyond its necessary length.
 The parts to be assembled and the plates, which are "integrated" into
the design or implanted as small plates on the parts to be welded, are
 The preparation of these plates shall be the same as that used on the
joints to be made.
 The plates shall either be fixed by mechanical or magnetic means

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and can be welded.
 After having completed the joint, the plates can either be
mechanically removed or cut using a blowpipe or plasma.
 A longitudinal grinding shall be made after the removal of the
plates. Any rupture caused by shock is prohibited.

 If welding of temporary attachments is necessary this shall be agreed with

the design department.
 The surfaces in the weld shall be free from damp and
contamination such as dirt, rust, scale, slag, oil and paint.
 For multi-run welding the surface of the previous run shall be
prepared so that a satisfactory welding of the next run is possible. Dirt,
slag and unacceptable imperfections shall be removed.
 For corrosion protection on overlap joints and other areas that
are no longer accessible after welding, the application of shop primer paint
or coating is acceptable if the following conditions are met:
 using these primers or coatings is acceptable to the
customer, if customer approval is required;
 The requirement is included in the design;
 The WPQR has been qualified with the primer being applied;
 The requirements of EN ISO 17652-1 and EN ISO 17652-2 are

II Activities to be followed during welding.

 Weld build up, weld direction and weld sequence shall be

chosen so that the welding produces minimized residual stresses and
distortion, so that the weld quality and the required mechanical properties are
 If possible the welding should be done in position PA or PB.
Suitable manipulator/rotating equipment should be used.
 The welding shop shall be protected against the effects of
detrimental weather when welding (e.g. against wind, rain, snow and
draughts in the shop).
 The welding current return line (work piece clamp) shall be
attached directly to the component to be welded so that there is a
satisfactory electrical contact with low resistance. It is recommended to
attach the welding current return line as near as possible to the welding area.
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 When welding on rail vehicles the welding current return line
shall be attached to the vehicle in vicinity of the place where the welding
will be done. Because of the danger of damaging bearings by current flowing
through them attaching the welding current return line to the rails is
 If necessary, before the beginning of the welding work the
batteries should be bonded out and the vehicle electronics should be
protected, e.g. by removing or electrically disconnecting them.
 The necessary rules to prevent fire shall be considered.
 If components have to be moved before the welding is
complete (rotated or transported) they shall be able to accept the loads
without plastic deformation.
 If necessary the preheat and interpass temperature of the
weld area should be specified depending on the material, the thickness and
the component to be welded. Preheat and interpass temperature shall be
maintained during tacking and welding within the limits specified and
 Preheating procedure: When heating the joint to be welded,
the AWS D1.1 code requires that the minimum preheat temperature be
established at a distance that is at least equal to the thickness of the thickest
member, but not less than 3 in (75 mm) in all directions from the point of
welding. To ensure that the full material volume surrounding the joint is
heated, it is recommended practice to heat the side opposite of that which is
to be welded and to measure the surface temperature adjacent to the joint.
Finally, the inter pass temperature should be checked to verify that the
minimum preheat temperature has been maintained just prior to initiating the
arc for each pass. Preheating temperature is measured using suitable
thermometer like non- contact type.
 if the temperature of the work piece is below 5 °C, preheating is
necessary in any case.
 If tack welds are incorporated in the final weld, they are
subject to the same requirements as the weld.

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 If tack welds should not remain in the final weld they shall be
carried out in such a way or machined so far that they are correctly melted
during welding.
 If welds of the weld performance classes CP A, CP B or CP C1
with full penetration and sealing run ( ) are specified by the design, before
welding the first run on the second side the root shall be removed by grinding
or machining. Otherwise the applied procedure shall be qualified by a
procedure qualification test in accordance with EN ISO 15613 or EN ISO
15614 or by a production weld test.
 Tack welds outside the weld area (e.g. on the remaining root
backing) are only permissible if they are provided as part of the design. They
are subject to the same requirements as the weld.
 Stray arcing on the surface of the work piece is not allowed. If
it occurs, stray arcing shall be ground out. For weld performance classes CP
A, CP B or CP C1 a surface test shall be carried out (surface test covers all
surface breaking defects including cracks).
 Permanent backing is only allowed if it is specified on the drawing.
 For adding temporary attachments the agreement of the designer
is necessary.
 After removing notches caused by finishing work (e.g. grinding
notches, ledges) the remaining wall thickness shall be at least 95 % of the
nominal wall thickness. If the nominal wall thickness is weakened more
than 5 % a repair operation is necessary (grinding out, welding, grinding,
crack detection).
 If for reasons of design, the drawing specifies the machining or
grinding of the excess weld metal the remaining undercuts, craters or other
surface defects may only remain if they shall meet the quality requirements.
 If the drawings specify notch free grinding for strength reasons,
the weld should be ground in the direction of loading.
 For repair welds only qualified procedures, suitable for the weld
performance class shall be used.
 Welding over cracks is not permissible.

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 Before the repair of cracks by welding the exact location of the
crack shall be established. If necessary, the end of the crack should be
drilled out and then the crack should be machined out and re-welded. A
surface test shall be carried out before and after welding.
 For flame straightening the following principles shall be noted:Flame
straightening may only be used when it is permissible for the respective
material or the component and does not lead to a reduction of strength. The
maximum temperature shall not be exceeded and shall be monitored by
suitable measuring equipment for high-strength materials.. Melting is not
 Members distorted by welding shall be straightened by carefully
supervised application of heat. The temperature of heating areas shall not
exceed 750oC which shall be assessed by suitable means viz., thermal crayons
or non- contact infrared thermometer.
 Stress relieving of the welded assembly shall be performed as per the
guidelines of RDSO C 9202 for bogie frames. For assemblies other than bogie
frame a suitable procedure shall be prepared and submitted to ICF.
III Activities to be carried out after welding.

6.0 Inspection & Testing Facilities.

6.1 Inspection instruments for visual inspection

 The firm shall have calibrated measuring gauge, Vernier caliper, digital
depth gauge, digital throat gauge, straight edge Level, GO & NO GO
Gauges etc.
 All the digital gauges shall be accurate to 0.01mm.

6.2 Visual inspection requirements.

 For carrying out Visual examination a magnifying lens x2 to x5 shall be

used if necessary.
 Weld joints shall have uniform beadings and smooth change over from weld
deposited to the parent metal and thorough fusion between adjacent layers
of weld metal and between weld metal and parent metal.
 Quality level of imperfections shall be as per ISO 5817 quality level B.

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6.3 Acceptance Criteria for Visual Inspection for Butt & Fillet Welds

General :

This section specifies the acceptance criteria for visual inspection of welded
joints in respect of butt & fillet welds. The acceptance criteria for visual inspection
is based on ISO:5817 (latest version). This acceptance criteria shall be used for
fusion welded joints in steels.

Depending on the stress category and safety category, weld joints are
classified as CP A, CP B, CP C1, CP C2, CP C3 & CP D as per EN 15085-3.
Accordingly weld imperfections are classified as given below.

 Quality level-B- Stringent level

 Quality level-C- intermediate level
 Quality level –D-least level

Quality level of imperfections as per quality level-B


Undercut is not permited for material thickness upto 3mm. For material
thickness above 3mm the undercut depth shall not be more than 0.05t (where t is
“material thickness) or 0.5mm whichever is lower.

Illustrative example:

Material 2mm 4 mm 5 mm 8 mm 10 mm >

thickness 10mm

Permissible Not 0.2mm 0.25mm 0.4mm 0.5mm 0.5mm

undercut permitted

@ For other thickness the formula h ≤ 0.05t, shall be applied.

Non conformities shall be rectified and re inspected.


Surface pore is not permitted for any material thickness.


Crater crack and end crater pipe shall not be permitted.


Spatters shall not be permitted. Weld bead and its vicinity shall be free from
spatters. Spatters if any shall be removed and dressed smooth.
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6.3.5 CRACK:

The weld bead shall be free from crack. Cracks of any types (Longitudinal,
transverse, toe, underbead, centerline etc) shall not be permitted.


The weld contour shall be uniform with regular profile and it shall meet the
requirements of acceptable standards displayed in the section.

Irregular welds such as one sided welds (Fillet welds with excessive
asymmetry), welds with unfilled cavities, welds with trapped slags shall not be
permitted. The welds shall be clear of sticking stubs, wire electrodes sticking to
the welds & slag.

The weld toe shall blend with the parent material with smooth transition.


Weld dimension shall meet the stipulations of the drawing and shall also
meet the criteria mentioned below.

Butt welds:

6.3.8 The height of excess reinforcement/excess weld metal shall be less than
1mm + 0.1b (where ‘b’ is the width of the weld at the area of

6.3.9 The depth of excess penetration (root side) shall be less than 1mm + 0.1b
(b = width of weld at root) for material thickness upto 3mm. For material
thickness above 3mm the depth of excess penetration shall be 1mm + 0.2b
or 3mm whichever is lesser.

6.3.10 Incomplete root penetration is not permitted in case of single side welding
on butt joint without any backing.

Fillet welds:

6.3.11 The throat thickness mentioned in the drawing shall be considered as

the minimum throat thickness required. Insufficient throat thickness shall
not be permitted.

6.3.12 Excessive throat thickness shall be less than 1mm + 0.15a (a is the
required throat thickness as per drawing) or 3mm whichever is lower. Leg
length shall be measured to evaluate the excessive throat thickness.

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Illustrative example:

Throat 2mm 4 5 mm 8 10 12mm 16mm

thickness @ mm mm mm

Permissible 1.3m 1.6m 1.75 2.2m 2.5m 2.8m 3 mm

excess throat m m mm m m m

@ For other thickness the formula h ≤ 1mm + 0.15a, shall

be applied.

6.3.13 The leg length shall be more or less equal and the inequality or
asymmetry of leg length shall be less than 1.5mm + 0.15a, where “a” is the
required throat thickness as per drawing.

Illustrative example:

Throat thickness 2mm 4 5 mm 8 10 12m 16m

@ mm mm mm m m

Permissible 1.8m 2.1m 2.25 2.7m 3mm 3mm 3

asymmetry of m m mm m mm
leg length

@ For other thickness the formula h ≤ 1.5mm + 0.15a, shall be



Lack of fusion is not permitted in any weld types.

6.3.15 OVERLAP:

Overlap in butt and fillet welds shall not be permitted.


Burn through shall not be permitted in any types of weld.

6.3.17 STRAY ARC:

Stray arc shall not be permitted in any weld types.

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6.3.18 IMPERFECTIONS IN JOINT GEOMETRY: Linear misalignment in case of butt welds shall be less than

0.2mm+0.1t ( t is material thickness) for material thickness upto 3mm. For
material thickness over 3mm, the linear misalignment shall be less than 0.1
times the material thickness or 3mm whichever is lower. In case of tee joint fillet welds, the incorrect root gap (Joint gap
between the vertical plate and the horizontal plate) shall be less than
0.2mm + 0.1a (a is throat thickness) for material thickness upto 3mm. For
material thickness above 3mm the incorrect root gap shall be less than
0.5mm + 0.1a (a, is the required throat thickness) or 2mm whichever is


6.4.1 Welded samples complying with ISO 5817 quality level B shall be displayed
at production areas for the welders reference.

6.5 The firm shall have in house testing facilities for the following and supply
run out piece with the finished components. (Acceptance criteria for the
following tests shall be ISO 5817)

 Macro etch test for fusion of fillet weld

 Dye penetrant test.

6.5.1 Macro examination

Macro examination shall be carried out on specimens cut from run out
pieces of the welded assembly. The tests shall be carried out in accordance
with ISO:17639.

6.5.2 Acceptance For Macro Etch Test Fillet welds shall have fusion to the root of the joint and good corner
penetration. Shall have complete fusion between adjacent layers of weld metal and
with base metal. Shall have no cracks
6.6 Dye penetrant testing:

6.6.1 Testing method: Dye penetrant testing to be carried out as per the
percentage indicated in the drawing. All the welded joints including both fillet and
butt welds shall be examined by dye Penetrant test for weld imperfections. Dye
Penetrant test shall be done as per ISO 3452-1.

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6.6.2 Acceptance criteria for dye penetrant test:
 No linear indication except undercut is permitted. Depth of undercut shall
be done by visual inspection.
 Surface pores of any type and position are not permitted.
 All other imperfections shall be evaluated as per ISO 5817/ quality level B.

6.6.3 Acceptance/rejection:

All imperfections exceeding quality level B of ISO 5817, shall be

removed and repaired by chipping or grinding and subsequent welding. After
rectification, the area shall be re examined by the same method to verify that
they have been rectified completely.

6.7 Radio graphic testing:

 The firm shall have in house facility or tie up for radiographic test as per
ISO 17636-1 and interpretation as per ISO 5817. Radiographic films shall
be enclosed along with Inspection Certificate.
 Wherever stipulated, radiographic examination shall be conducted and the
radiographic film shall be submitted for verification. Position of
radiographic examination and the corresponding film shall have easy means
of linking. Testing by ultrasonic for bogie frame butt welds not permitted.

6.8 Base material testing:

6.8.1 The firm shall submit test certificate for chemical & mechanical
properties from the supplier .
6.8.2 The firm shall have in house facility or tie up for conducting chemical
composition analysis preferably using “positive material identifying “ or
“portable optical emission Spectrophotometer”.
6.8.3 The values obtained during onsite chemical composition shall be in
agreement with that provided by the supplier.
6.8.4 Test reports shall be enclosed along with Inspection Certificate.

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1. List of documents to be submitted by the firm as part of welding
S.NO Document Description Sample format as
per Annexure

1 List of critical joints along with essential Annexure -1

variables shall be identified and presented in
the format

2 WPS (Welding procedure specification) as per Annexure -2

ISO 15609-1

3 For weld joints which are very typical and does Annexure -3
not fall under any standard joint configuration a
production weld test representing the actual
sample to be prepared and the welding
procedure(WPS) is qualified as per ISO 15613.

4 Procedure Qualification Record for WPS as per Annexure -4

ISO 15614-1

6 Laboratory reports in support of WPS prepared. Annexure -5

7 Welder qualification certificates as per ISO Annexure-6

9606-1& Laboratory test report in support of
welder qualification

8 Welding operators qualification certificate as per Annexure-7

ISO 14732 & Laboratory test results in support
of welding operator qualification

9 Check list for visual inspection as per ISO 5817 Annexure-8

Quality level B.

This checklist to be submitted with each

bogie frame or any other assembly

10 Calibration certificates of welding plants as per Firm to submit in

ISO 17662. the standard

11 Work instructions for fabrication of subject Firm to prepare

components with clear cut link to WPS.

12 Calibration certificates of welding gauges used Firm to submit in

for quality assessment. the standard

Page 15 of 39


List of critical joints for which WPS shall be prepared.

A sample format –Only for illustrative purpose

Drg Base Base Weld Weld joint Weld Throa Filler Shiel WPS
.no materi materi perfor inspec type positio t metal ding ref.no.
al-1 al-2 mance tion n thick type gas
(type (type class class ness
and and
thickn thickn
ess) ess)
Sole Cross CPC2 CT2 T- Flat, 5m ER70 CO2 Xxx/
bar beare Joint vertic m S6 wps/
6mm r al oo1
Corte 5mm
n Corte
steel n
Sole Liftin CPC2 CT2 T- Flat, 5m ER70 CO2 Sam
bar g pad Joint vertic m S6 e as
6mm 8 al abov
Corte mm e
n Corte sl.no
steel n 1
Sole Sole CPC2 CT2 butt Flat, 5m ER70 CO2 Xxx/
bar bar vertic m S6 wps/
6mm 6mm al oo2
Corte Corte
n n
steel steel

Page 16 of 39
Annexure 2
Welding procedure specification as per ISO 15609-1
(Sample format for illustrative purpose only)
Welding Process& Code : Type :


Type of joint:
Throat Size:
Material Specification: Current & Polarity :

Volts (range)
Group :
ELECTRODE: Technique:
Specification: String/Weave bead :
Size : Multi or Single pass :
Initial cleaning :
FILLER WIRE: Not Applicable Interpass cleaning :
Specification: --- Travel speed range :
Size : ---


Gas : Preheat Temperature :
Flow rate : Time :

Filler metal Curren
Pass process
Volt Travel
Joint or Type & Ampere
Class Dia. range speed Remarks
Detail weld Polarity range(A)
(V) mm/min

Annexure 3
Page 17 of 39
Welding procedure specification as per ISO 15613 (sample format)
Welding Process & Code : Type :



Joint Design:



Material Specification: Current & Polarity :

PASS Root I pass

Thickness : Current(A)

Group : Voltage(V)

Wire feed speed(m/min)

ELECTRODE: Technique:

Specification: String / Weave bead :

Multi or Single pass :

Size : Initial cleaning :

Inter pass cleaning :

Gouging :

Travel speed range :


Preheat Temperature &Time

Gas &flow rate


Filler metal

Pass or proces Volt Travel

Joint Type & Ampere
weld s Class Dia. range speed Remarks
Detail Polarity range(A)
layers (V) mm/min

Page 18 of 39
Annexure -4


(EN ISO 15614-1)

Welding procedure qualification – Test certificate

Manufacturer’s WPQR No:

Manufacturer : Examiner :
Address : Reference No.
Code/Testing standard : EN ISO 15614-1
Date of welding :
Range of qualification:
Welding process :
Type of joint and weld :
Parent material group and sub group :
Parent material thickness :
Weld metal thickness (mm) :
Throat thickness (mm) :
Single run/multi run :
Outside pipe diameter (mm) :
Filler material designation :
Filler material make :
Filler material size :
Designation of shielding gas :
Designation of backing gas :
Type of welding current and polarity :
Mode of metal transfer : ---
Heat input : ---
Welding position :
Preheat temperature :
Interpass temperature : ---
Post heating :
Post weld heat treatment :
Other information : ----

Certified that test welds prepared, welded and tested satisfactorily in accordance
with the requirements of the code/testing standard indicated above

Date Examiner
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Annexure -5


Location : Examiner/examining body :

Manufacturer’s WPS No : Reference No :
Manufacturer’s WPQR No : Method of preparation :

Manufacturer : Parent material specification :

Mode of metal transfer : Material thickness :
Joint type and weld : Outside pipe diameter(mm) : ---
Welding position :
Weld preparation details
Joint Design

Type of joint:
Throat Size:
Welding Details:
Run Welding Size of Size of Current Voltage Type of Wire feed Travel
Process Electrode filler (A) (V) current speed Speed
(Dia) wire / (mm/min) mm/min
(Dia) polarity

Filler material designation and make

&Any Special baking or drying
Shielding Gas & Gas flow rate
Weaving (maximum width of run)
Oscillation: Pulse welding details
Distance contact tube/work piece
Details of back gouging/backing
Preheat temperature, Interpass temperature & Post heating
Torch angle

Authorised Signatory with seal

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Annexure -5(contd)


Manufacturer’s WPQR no :
Examiner :
Reference No :

Test Details
Visual Inspection :
Penetrant / Magnetic particle :
Hardness Survey :
Macroscopic examination :

Remarks :

Tests carried out in accordance with the requirements of : ISO 15614-1

Laboratory Report reference no :
Tests results were acceptable / not acceptable :

DATE: Examiner

Page 21 of 39
Annexure -6

Welder's qualification test certificate

(As per ISO: 9606-1)

Designation(s): ................................................................................................................
WPS – Reference: Examiner or examining body – Reference No.:
Welder's name:
Method of identification: Photograph
Date and place of birth: (if required)
Code/testing standard:
Job knowledge: Acceptable/Not tested (delete as necessary)
Test piece Range of qualification
Welding process(es);
Transfer mode
Product type (plate or pipe)
Type of weld
Parent material group(s)/subgroups
Filler material group(s)
Filler material (Designation)
Shielding gas
Auxiliaries ------------------------
Type of current and polarity ------------------------
Material thickness (mm)
Deposited thickness (mm)
Outside pipe diameter (mm)
Welding position
Weld details
Multi-layer/single layer
Supplementary fillet weld test (completed in conjunction with a butt weld qualification): acceptable/not acceptable
Type of test Performed and accepted Not tested Name of examiner or
Visual testing examining body:
Radiographic testing Place, date and signature
of examiner or examining
Fracture test body:
Bend test Date of issue: 2007-01-20
Notch tensile test
Macroscopic examination

Revalidation Valid until Revalidation Valid until Revalidation Valid until

9.3 a) 2010-01-20 9.3 b) 2009-01-20 9.3 c) 2007-07-20
Revalidation for qualification by examiner or examining body for the following 2 years [refer to 9.3 b)]
Date Signature Position or title

Confirmation of the validity by employer/welding coordinator/examiner or examining body for the following 6 months [refer to
Date Signature Position or title

Page 22 of 39
Annexure 7

Welding operator test report

Qualification test certificate for welding operators or weld setters
as per ISO 14732

Manufacturer's welding procedure specification

Examiner or examining body Reference No. (if
applicable): ........................................
Reference No. ....................
Name of welding operator or weld setter: ..............
Identification: ........................................................................
Method of identification:
Date and place of birth:
Code/testing standard:
Functional knowledge test (mandatory):
Job knowledge: acceptable/not tested (delete as necessary)

Test Range of qualification

Welding process(es) piece
Welding equipment
Welding unit
Details for mechanized
welding Visual
control/visual remote
control Automatic arc
length control
Automatic joint tracking
run Material
Details for automatic
Joint sensor
Arc sensor control
Single run/multi run
Type of welding unit
Page 23 of 39
Annexure-7 (contd)
Additional information is available on attached sheet and/or welding procedure
specification No.: ........

The qualification is based on: Name, date and signature

— welding procedure test ...................................................
— pre-production welding test .....................
— standard test piece Examiner or examining body
— production test or production ...............................................
sample testing
Results of the qualification test see Date of welding of test piece
document No....... (Welding .................................................
Re-validation for qualification by
procedure qualification record or employer/ welding coordinator for the
other documents of testing) Location 6 months
Re-validation for qualification by ............................ Validity of
Date Signature Position or
examiner or examiner qualification until title
ing body for the following 6 years ...................................

Requalificati Valid Revalidatio Valid until Revalidati Valid until

on until n on

Confirmation of the validity by examiner or examining body for the following 3

years (refer to 5.

Date Signature Position or title

Confirmation of the validity by examiner or examining body for the following 6

months (refer to

Date Signature Position or title

Page 24 of 39
Check list for visual inspection of bogie frame, bogie bolster, LS
beam, under frame, Head Stock, Bodybolster, Endpart Etc.

Sl.no. Defect Acceptance criteria as per ISO 5817

“quality level B”

0.5 - 3 mm ≥ 3 mm
thickness thickness

1 Overlap Not permitted

2 Burn through Not permitted

3 Poor restart (lump Metal) Not permitted

4 Stray arc Not permitted

5 Spatter Not permitted

6 Surface pore Not Not permitted

For butt weld

For fillet weld

7 Continuous undercut Not h ≤ 0.05 t,

Intermittent undercut. but max. 0.5

8 Excessive asymmetry of fillet h ≤ 1.5 mm + 0.15 a

weld (excessive unequal leg

9 Insufficient throat thickness Not permitted

10 Excessive throat thickness h ≤ 1 mm + 0.15 a, but

max. 3 mm

11 Excess weld metal (butt h ≤ 1 mm + 0.1 b, but max.

weld) 5 mm

The above list is for illustrative purpose and not exhaustive. Firm has to
complete the check list as per ISO:5817, quality level B.

Page 25 of 39
Guidelines for stainless steel welding
1.0 General guidelines for fabrication, storage &handling.
 Facilities for fabrication of stainless steels shall be segregated from other
works and kept free of all possible contaminating materials such as lead,
zinc, copper, copper alloys or carbon steels, etc.

 Forming tools shall be cleaned thoroughly before use to avoid cross

contamination. All lubricants used in the forming operations shall be removed
from the workpiece.

 Only tools dedicated to stainless steel shall be employed; this particularly

applies to grinding wheels and wire brushes.

 Welding heats up the parent metal which causes formation of oxide films both
on the weld metal and on the surrounding areas of the weld. These oxides as
well as slags produced by covered electrodes, flux cored wires and
submerged arc welding, shall be removed if the weld is to be exposed to a
corrosive medium or for other reasons

 When preparing fusion faces, oxidation, hardening and general contamination

from thermal cutting processes should be eliminated by mechanically
machining to a sufficient depth from the cut face. During shearing cracking
can occur. These may also require to be removed prior to welding.

 Where cut edges do not form fusion faces, care should be taken to ensure that
the shearing or thermal cutting does not adversely affect the performance of
the fabrication.

 Hard stamping should be avoided, but when it has to be used attention is

drawn to the danger of it being applied in highly stressed or corrosive areas
and the purchaser should give guidance as to the location of such
marks. when Indentations used for marking in radiographic examination
should be subject to similar precautions.

Page 26 of 39
 Welds which are to be inspected and approved should not be painted or
otherwise treated until they have been accepted.

7.2 Weld details during welding

 Heat input should be low to reduce the risk of distortion, hot cracking and
sensitization or intermetallic precipitation.

 Preheat should be avoided when welding austenitic stainless steels as the

additional heat input will increase the risk of distortion, hot cracking,
sensitization and intermetallic precipitation.

 Joint preparations for welding are similar to those used for carbon steels,
although different angles and root gaps may be used, e.g. nitrogen alloyed
steels may require wider joint preparations.

 When welding thin sheet and plate, a weld may be possible by fusing the
joint edges together, without filler metal.This if used has to qualified.

 Interpass temp. max 150o C.

7.3 Distortion in a weldment results from non-uniform expansion and contraction of

weld metal and adjacent parent metal during welding. In austenitic stainless steel
this phenomenon is much more pronounced than in unalloyed steel due to a larger
expansion coefficient and a lower thermal conductivity.

There are various practical ways of minimizing distortion such as:

- minimizing the weld metal volume;

- balanced (double sided) joint welding;
- reduced heat input;
- reduced numbers of weld layers;

Page 27 of 39
- backstep welding;
- preset of the parts to be welded;
- jigs and mechanical restraints;
- tack welding;
- heat sinks.

Care should be taken that the methods chosen do not have a deleterious effect
on the properties of the welds and the overall structure.

Post-weld Cleaning

The corrosion resistance of stainless steel weldments is significantly affected

by their surface condition. The degree of post weld cleaning necessary depends
upon the weld quality requirements and should be as required by the design

Post weld cleaning can be carried out by several processes, either separately
or in combination, for example:

- Brushing: Dedicated wire brushes made with stainless steel bristles or

other compatible material should be used. This technique cannot be used, in
general, to remove adherent contaminants. Care should be taken when using
mechanical rotary brushing as this may deform the surface giving micro
crevices which will reduce corrosion resistance. It may be necessary to follow
brushing with a pickling operation.

- Blasting: This technique is used for removal of adherent contaminants and

also to give residual compressive stresses in the surface. Recommended
blasting media include glass and stainless steel shot. These shall be free
from iron or carbon steel contamination.

- Grinding: Dedicated iron free grinding discs, belts or wheels should be

used. Excessive grinding should be avoided to prevent damage to the surface

Page 28 of 39
and thinning of the parent metal. The technique is used to remove heavy
surface contaminants and to blend the weld smoothly into the parent metal.

- Pickling: Pickling removes surface oxides or surface layers of the steel by

chemical reaction. An acid medium is used whose composition is
dependent on the type of steel, pickling temperature and time. Careful
removal of all pickling products needs to be carried out.

- Electro-polishing: This is used, generally, on nonstabilized stainless steels

to give a smooth surface for optimum corrosion resistance.

For optimum corrosion resistance the most effective cleaning processes are
pickling and electro-polishing, followed by a natural or induced passivation treatment.

Consumables for Stainless Steel Welding.

Process Electrode type Electrode specification Shielding gas

SMAW Stick electrode M4 of IRS M28 Not applicable

GMAW Class –VII of IRS M46 Ar+(1-5%oxygen)

Solid Wire (AWS 5.9 to ER309L)
FCAW Flux Core Wire Class –VII of IRS M46 CO2
(AWS 5.22 to E309T1-1)

Note: firms can refer EN 1011-3 for further guidelines for stainless steel welding.

Page 29 of 39
Guidelines for preparation of QAP for Resistance spot welding.

1.0 Quality requirements.

 Firm shall follow the quality requirements as per EN 15085-3
 Welding operator to be qualified as per ISO 14732. Record shall be
submitted as per annexure-7
 Welding plant shall be calibrated as per ISO 17662, record shall be
 Welding procedure specification as per 15614-12&ISO 15609-5.record
shall be submitted as per annexure- (for reference list of tests to be
done is given below) table-
Testing requirements for preparation of WPS for spot welding

Sl.no Description of Standards Purpose of test


1 Tensile/ shear ISO 14273 Determine the shear force the specimen
test can sustain

2 Mechanized Peel ISO 14270 Peel force that the specimen can sustain

3 Macro etch test. To find

 Depth of penetration
 Hardness
 Sheet separation
4 Torsion test ISO 17653 Influence on welding parameter on
different steel types and deformation

5 Cross tension test ISO 14272 Tensile force that the specimen can

6 Hardness test ISO 14271 To check the harness in weld, heat

affected zone and base metal

7 Indentation test EN 15085- Determine the surface quality


8 Nugget diameter EN 15085- To measure the nugget diameter


9 Chisel and peel ISO 10447 To determine weld size and failure
Test type(plug and interface failure)

Page 30 of 39
1.1 Surface quality
Surface quality depends on the application and is defined in
Table F.3 of EN 15085-3-2007

Surface Requirements Application

1 Shall be agreed between manufacturer Shall be agreed
and customer. between manufacturer
and customer.
2 Surfaces where welding marks For surfaces with
(electrode impressions, ring shaped aesthetic
imperfections, through heat distortion requirements side
etc.) do not amount to more than 10 % walls, front walls
of the particular single sheet metal
thickness. and roofs of

Note: If required the indentation can be passenger trains).

filled in
3 Surfaces where welding marks do not Surfaces for non-
amount to more than 25 % of the aesthetic requirement
particular metal thickness. In this area Ex.
are also firmly adhering welding spatter trough floor
permitted as long as the drawing does
not demand that it shall be free of burrs
and splatters.
4 Without quality requirements For simple parts of
importance without
aesthetic requirements

Firm has to select the quality level according to the component and
proceed accordingly.

Page 31 of 39
1.2 Checklist and acceptance criteria for spot weld defects.

Sl.no Defects Acceptance criteria

1 Crack Not permissible
2 Gas pore
Uniformly distributed porosity Not permissible
Localized porosity
4 Surface imperfection
1. Electrode impressions, ring Not amounting to more than 10%
shaped reinforcement-
formation, imperfections
through heat distortion Not amounting to more than 25%
2. Welding marks
5 Burn through from one side Not permissible
6 Adhering electrode material Not permissible
7 Insufficient depth of penetration of Minimum 30% maximum 90% of the
nugget particular sheet metal thickness
Lack of fusion Not permissible
No weld
1 Insufficient depth of penetration of Minimum 30% maximum 90% of
nugget sheet thickness
2 Permissible for visual test &
Crack simplified weld production test in the
centre area of welding lens
(maximum half diameter)
3 Gas pore & solid metal inclusion Permissible for visual test & Normal
weld production test
4 Lack of fusion & no weld Not permissible

1.3 Testing plan to ensure quality of spot during production.

S.NO Test to be done Testing Frequency of test

1 Surface Quality EN15085-3 /2007 Daily before start of work.
Table F-2 at change of the WPS
2 Peel test ISO 14270 at tool modification
3 Visual Examination EN15085-3
4 Tensile shear strength ISO 14273&EN
5 Nugget Dia ISO 14270

Page 32 of 39
Welding procedure specification as per ISO 15609-5

Part I- Planned Process requirement

Product Details


Issue /Revision


Assembly name

Assembly Drawing Number

Joint Type

Parent Material

Surface condition

Quality acceptance specification

Number of welds per joint


Procedure specification

Welding rate(weld/min):

Environmental constraints:


Machine identification No.:

Machine type:


Machine size/capacity:
Electrode set-up :
Tooling :

Special services needed:

Electrode change/dressing program:

Machine control type:

Control settings (program) Chart No.:

Electrode holder drilled/not drilled

Welding current form:

Machine control identification number:

Page 33 of 39
Monitor type:

Auxiliary services:

Welding current(kA):

Type of actuator (air cylinder):

Secondary voltage(V) :

Electrode force(KN):

Cooling type/flow rate(l/min):

Special Instruction :

Page 34 of 39
Welding procedure specification as per ISO 15609-5

II – Quality acceptance criteria

Product Details


Issue /Revision


Assembly name

Assembly Drawing Number

Joint Type


Quality Requirements

Type of weld

Welds quality rating


Nuggetdiameter (min.)

Electrode indentation depth (max.)

Sheet separation (max.)

Shear force(Min)

Fracture type-Shear test

Fracture type-Peel test

Special Instructions:

Page 35 of 39
Welding procedure specification as per ISO 15609-5

Part III-Weldingmachineset-up
Product details
Assembly name

Assembly Drawing Number

Joint Type


Machine Details

Machine/Gun type:

Machine identification No.:

Electrode dimension (mm):

Secondary cable/shunt sizes(mm x mm):

Transformer rating(KVA):

Transformer identification No.:

Control timer/programmer:

Control timer/programmer Id No.:

Cylinder type:

High lift:

Cooling type/flow rate(l/min)

Electrode force(KN):

Location (work station):


Weld current(KA):

Squeeze time(cycles):

Number of pulsation

Weld time(cycles):


Page 36 of 39
Hold time(cycles)


Stepper control type:

Condition of electrodes

Condition of tooling

Special Instructions :

Page 37 of 39
Welding operator test report
Qualification test certificate for welding operators or weld setters
as per ISO 14732

Manufacturer's welding procedure specification

Examiner or examining body Reference No. (if
applicable): ........................................
Reference No. ....................
Name of welding operator or weld setter: ..............
Identification: ........................................................................
Method of identification:
Date and place of birth:
Code/testing standard:
Functional knowledge test (mandatory):
Job knowledge: acceptable/not tested (delete as necessary)

Test Range of qualification

Welding process(es) piece
Welding equipment
Welding unit
Details for mechanized
welding Visual
control/visual remote
control Automatic arc
length control
Automatic joint tracking
run Material
Details for automatic
Joint sensor
Arc sensor control
Single run/multi run
Type of welding unit

Page 38 of 39
Additional information is available on attached sheet and/or welding
procedure specification No.: ........

The qualification is based on: Name, date and signature

— welding procedure test ...................................................
— pre-production welding test .....................
— standard test piece Examiner or examining body
— production test or production ...............................................
sample testing
Results of the qualification test see Date of welding of test piece
document No....... (Welding .................................................
Re-validation for qualification by
procedure qualification record or employer/ welding coordinator for the
other documents of testing) Location 6 months
Re-validation for qualification by ............................ Validity of
Date Signature Position or
examiner or examiner qualification until title
ing body for the following 6 years ...................................

Requalificati Valid Revalidatio Valid until Revalidati Valid until

on until n on

Confirmation of the validity by examiner or examining body for the following

3 years (refer to 5.

Date Signature Position or title

Confirmation of the validity by examiner or examining body for the following

6 months (refer to

Date Signature Position or title

Page 39 of 39

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