Microsoft Word - Pile Cap Analysis
Microsoft Word - Pile Cap Analysis
Microsoft Word - Pile Cap Analysis
3 4
2500 mm
1 2
2500 mm
Pile cap details
Pile cap width, along x axis; Lx = 2500 mm
Pile cap width, along y axis; Ly = 2500 mm
Total cap depth; Dcap = 800 mm
Density of concrete; γconc = 25 kN/m3
Height of soil above pile cap; hsoil = 0 mm
Density of soil above pile cap; γsoil = 15 kN/m3
Column details
Column width, along x axis; lx,col = 300 mm
Column width, along y axis; ly,col = 300 mm
Column location, x axis; xc = 1250 mm
Column location, y axis; yc = 1500 mm
Pile details
Pile material; Concrete
Concrete pile section; Circular
Pile diameter; hpile = 500 mm
Allowable axial compression load; PpC,allow = 700 kN
Allowable axial tension load; PpT,allow = 300 kN
Allowable lateral load; Vp,allow = 0 kN
Number of piles; Np = 4.000
Pile embedment; dembed = 100 mm
Pile spacing; sp = 1500 mm
Edge distance; E = 500 mm
Surcharge loads
Surcharge dead load; pD,sur = 2.0 kN/m2
Surcharge live loads; pL,sur = 4.0 kN/m2
Column axial loads
Axial dead load; PD = 600 kN
Total area axial dead load; PD,area = γconc × Lx × Ly
× Dcap + pD,sur × (Lx × Ly - lx,col × ly,col) = 137.3 kN
Total area axial live load; PL,area = pL,sur × (Lx × Ly
- lx,col × ly,col) = 24.6 kN
Column shear loads
Shear dead load, along x axis; VxD = 15 kN
Shear dead load, along y axis; VyD = 50 kN
Column moment loads
Moment dead load, about x-x axis; MxD = 160.0 kNm
Moment dead load, about y-y axis; MyD = 100.0 kNm
Pile group centroid
Centroid location, x direction; xpg,c = (xp1 + xp2 + xp3 + xp4) / Np = 1250 mm
Centroid location, y direction; ypg,c = (yp1 + yp2 + yp3 + yp4) / Np = 1250 mm
Pile distance from centroid
Pile 1 centroid distance, x direction; xp1,c = xp1 - xpg,c = -750 mm
Pile 1 centroid distance, y direction; yp1,c = yp1 - ypg,c = -750 mm
Pile 2 centroid distance, x direction; xp2,c = xp2 - xpg,c = 750 mm
Pile 2 centroid distance, y direction; yp2,c = yp2 - ypg,c = -750 mm
Pile 3 centroid distance, x direction; xp3,c = xp3 - xpg,c = -750 mm
Pile 3 centroid distance, y direction; yp3,c = yp3 - ypg,c = 750 mm
Pile 4 centroid distance, x direction; xp4,c = xp4 - xpg,c = 750 mm
Pile 4 centroid distance, y direction; yp4,c = yp4 - ypg,c = 750 mm
Moment of inertia of pile group
Moment of inertia about x-x axis; Ixx = yp1,c2 + yp2,c2 + yp3,c2 + yp4,c2 = 2250000 mm2
Moment of inertia about y-y axis; Iyy = xp1,c2 + xp2,c2 + xp3,c2 + xp4,c2 = 2250000 mm2
Loading eccentricity
Eccentricity of column load, x direction; ex,c = xc - xpg,c = 0 mm
Eccentricity of column load, y direction; ey,c = yc - ypg,c = 250 mm
Dead load pile forces
Dead load moment about x-x axis; MxD,Des = MxD + (-1) × PD × ey,c + (-1) × VyD × Dcap = -30
Dead load moment about y-y axis; MyD,Des = MyD + VxD × Dcap = 112 kNm
Dead axial load on pile 1; Pp1,D = (PD + PD,area) /
Np + MyD,Des × xp1,c / Iyy + MxD,Des × (-1) × yp1,c / Ixx = 137
Dead axial load on pile 2; Pp2,D = (PD + PD,area) /
Np + MyD,Des × xp2,c / Iyy + MxD,Des × (-1) × yp2,c / Ixx = 212
Dead axial load on pile 3; Pp3,D = (PD + PD,area) /
Np + MyD,Des × xp3,c / Iyy + MxD,Des × (-1) × yp3,c / Ixx = 157
Dead axial load on pile 4; Pp4,D = (PD + PD,area) /
Np + MyD,Des × xp4,c / Iyy + MxD,Des × (-1) × yp4,c / Ixx = 232
Live load pile forces
Live load moment about x-x axis; MxL,Des = 0 kNm = 0 kNm
Live load moment about y-y axis; MyL,Des = 0 kNm = 0 kNm
Live axial load on pile 1; Pp1,L = (PL + PL,area) / Np = 6 kN
Live axial load on pile 2; Pp2,L = (PL + PL,area) / Np = 6 kN
Live axial load on pile 3; Pp3,L = (PL + PL,area) / Np = 6 kN
Live axial load on pile 4; Pp4,L = (PL + PL,area) / Np = 6 kN
ASCE 7-10 load combinations (ASD)
1.0D + 0.75L + 0.75Lr + 0.45W (FAIL)
Combination 11 results: 1.0D + 0.75L + 0.75Lr + 0.45W
Pile 4 axial load; Pp4 = 1.0 × Pp4,D + 0.75 × Pp4,L +
0.75 × Pp4,Lr + 0.45 × Pp4,W = 236.3 kN
max(Pp4 / PpC,allow,0) = 0.338
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Pile cap design
Material details
Compressive strength of concrete; f'c = 21.000 MPa
Concrete type; Normal weight
Concrete modification factor; λ=1
Yield strength of reinforcement; fy = 420.000 MPa
Nominal cover to top reinforcement; cnom,top = 75 mm
Nominal cover to bottom reinforcement; cnom,bot = 75 mm
ASCE 7-10 load combinations (LRFD)
1.4D (1.146)
1.2D + 1.6L + 0.5Lr (1.146)
Combination 2 results: 1.2D + 1.6L + 0.5Lr
Moment design, about x-x axis, positive moment
Ultimate bending moment; Mu = 331.4 kNm
Tension reinforcement provided; (10) 20 mm φ bot bars (258 mm c/c)
Area of tension reinforcement provided; As.prov = 3142 mm2
Minimum area of reinforcement (10.5.4); As.min = 0.0018 × Lx × Dcap = 3600 mm2
FAIL - Minimum area of reinforcement exceeds area of reinforcement provided
Maximum spacing of reinforcement (10.5.4); smax = min(3 × Dcap, 457 mm) = 457 mm
PASS - Maximum permissible reinforcement spacing exceeds actual spacing
Depth to tension reinforcement; d = Dcap - dembed - cnom,bot - φ / 2 = 615 mm
Depth of compression block; a = As.prov × fy / (0.85 × f'c × Lx) = 30 mm
Neutral axis factor; β1 = 0.85
Depth to neutral axis; c = a / β1 = 35 mm
Strain in tensile reinforcement (10.3.5); εt = 0.003 × d / c - 0.003 = 0.05004
PASS - Tensile strain exceeds minimum required, 0.004
Nominal moment capacity; Mn = As.prov × fy × (d - a / 2) = 792.0 kNm
Flexural strength reduction factor; φf = min(max(0.65 + (εt - 0.002) × (250 / 3), 0.65), 0.9) =
Design moment capacity; φMn = φf × Mn = 712.8 kNm
Mu / φMn = 0.465
PASS - Design moment capacity exceeds ultimate moment load
One-way shear design, along y axis
Ultimate shear force; Vu = 376.2 kN
Depth to reinforcement; dv = = 615 mm
Shear strength reduction factor; φv = 0.75
Nominal shear capacity (Eq. 11-3); Vn = 0.17 × λ × √(f'c × 1 MPa) × Lx × dv = 1197.8 kN
Design shear capacity; φVn = φv × Vn = 898.3 kN
Vu / φVn = 0.419