Kyoto University
Kyoto University
Kyoto University
Title Rainfall
Type Article
Textversion publisher
Kyoto University
International Symposium on Backward Problems in Geotechnical Engineering TC302-Osaka 2011
E. C. Shin
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Incheon, Republic of Korea
S. D. Cho
Geotechnical Engineering Lab., Korea Institute of Construction Technology, Republic of Korea
K. W. Lee
Geotechnical Engineering Lab., Korea Institute of Construction Technology, Republic of Korea
ABSTRACT: Recently number of reinforced earth walls had problems such as cracking on the facing wall,
breakage of connection pins in the modular block, differential settlement on the foundation and collapsing fac-
ing wall. This paper describes the recent application and design for both panel type and modular block type
faced reinforced walls. The failure case histories of reinforced earth wall during the extreme rainfall are also
1 INTRODUCTON The first part of this paper describes the design cri-
teria of reinforced earth walls incorporation with
The reinforced earth technology was introduced in the quality control of reinforced wall components,
the construction of earth embankment, castles, and that is, facing block, reinforcement material, back-
traditional houses with utilizing chopped rice straw filling soils. The comparison of design criteria of
or tree branch mixed with mud in the wooden wall reinforced earth wall between the design methods
frame(Lee, 1998; Kim, 2003). used in USA(NCMA, FHWA) and the design
The modern reinforced earth technology in Korea methods used in several Korean Agencies has been
was first introduced in the year 1980 for the con- made in the categories of external stability, internal
struction of No.3 Highway in Gyeonggi Province. stability, local stability, and design of reinforce-
The reinforcing material used in this project is a ment in its length and spacing.
flat type galvanized steel strip. The reinforced The second part of this paper is introduced the
earth technology has been getting widely accepted construction procedure of panel type and modular
since then and reached approximately 559 thou- block faced reinforced earth walls. Finally several
sand m2 construction work in the year April 2010 case histories of reinforced earth wall failure dur-
by the government agency and private industry. ing extreme rainfall are presented with the typical
Many different types of reinforcing materials like types of the failures, the total collapsing of the wall,
other countries are being used for the reinforced facing block collapse, differential settlement of
wall. The reinforcing materials for the reinforced foundation soil, facing wall cracking, and large
wall are mainly stiff geogrid(PP) and flexible ge- distortion of facing wall.
ogrid (PET), geosynthetic strip type, galvanized Lee and Cho(2010) presented the design and con-
steel strip, and soil nailing. The wire mesh type rein- struction data of reinforced earth walls for each re-
forced steel bar and steel bar with a cross-reinforcing gional district where is tabulated in Table 1.
angle are also used for the reinforced wall.
International Symposium on Backward Problems in Geotechnical Engineering TC302-Osaka 2011
Table1. Construction data of reinforced walls in Korea Table 3. Quality control of reinforced wall components
(Lee and Cho, 2010) Korea Korea Korea
No. of Reinforced wall Highway Slope Structu
constru Construc Actual Corp.(2009) Constr r al Fo
ction Design tion cost construct Wall component uction undatio
site (mଶ ) (million ion(mଶ ) Panel B lo ck D e s i g n Desi
US$) type type n ( 2 0 0 gn(200
Seoul 43 41,279 8.8 99,817 6) 9)
Daejeon 55 375,141 10.0 183,246 Unconf
Wonju 23 121,726 3.3 33,638 ined co Panel:
Iksan 61 318,818 8.8 113,603 mpressi 30MPa
Busan 67 309,539 8.5 128,519 ve stre block
Total 249 1,544,504 39.4 558,823 ngth (-)
Absorp Average less than 7,
2 DESIGN CRITERIA OF REINFORCED tion(%) Maximum less than 10
The design and construction criteria of reinforced Deviati ±3 ±5 - -
earth wall are fundamental guideline and important on
parameters in terms of stability and integrity of re- (mm)
inforced earth wall. The quality control guidelines Geosyn
of reinforced earth wall components such as facing Reinfo -
blocks (panel type and modular block type), rein- rcemen
t mate Galvani
forcement material (geosynthetics and galvanized 5.88N/
zed met 610g/mଶ -
metal strip), and backfilling soil are provided by rial mଶ
al strip
the Korea Highway Corporation(2009), Korea
Slope Construction Design Code(2006), and Korea Internal KSF 2343 Direct shear Greater
Structure Foundation Design Code(2009). The de- frictio result, greater than than
tail limit and values for each component are de- n angle design value 25°
scribed in Tables 2 and 3. Maxim
Most of reinforced earth walls in urban area are be- um siz 100 53 100
ing constructed in the hilly area to obtain the mar- e(mm)
ginal land for the parking space or play ground for % of p
children in the large scale apartment construction assing
site. In this kind of construction site, it is rather dif- NO.20
15 35 15
ficult to have a good backfill soil in the reinforced 0 sieve
earth wall. Because the Korean Peninsula is moun- (75m
tainous and 70% of the land is covered with moun- Backfil m)
tains. ling so PI 6 ≥ 6 ≥ - 6 ≥
So, the decomposed weathered granite soil is the il
major sources of backfill soil around the construc- PH 5~10 5~10 - -
tion site. The most of construction site use this Degree
kind of soil with the removal of large size of boul- of
der. 95%(D, E Types
Compa -
Table 2. Design criteria of backfill soil for reinforced (%)
earth wall in Korea(Lee and Cho, 2010) Lift thi
Grain size % of passing ckness
Galvanized metal strip of com 20 20 -
(102mm) paction
Geosynthetics reinforement (cm)
0.425mm(No. 40) 0~60 With consideration of the availability of soil, Ta-
0.075mm(No. 200) 0~15 bles 2 and 3 give the quality control limit for the
backfill soil in the reinforced earth wall.
PI ≤ 6
International Symposium on Backward Problems in Geotechnical Engineering TC302-Osaka 2011
Table 4. Comparison of design criteria of reinforced earth wall, (earthquake situation) (Lee and Cho, 2010)
Korea Korea Korea Slope
NCMA FHWA Road Structural Construc-
Design criteria Railway
(1998) (2001) Design( ) Foundation tion Design
(2000) Design (2006)
1.5(75%) 1.5(75%)
1.5(1.1) 1.5(1.2) 1.5(-) 1.5(1.1)
sliding Earth quake:
F.S(st) 0.75%
L/6 F.S≤2.0
in Soil (F.S≤1.5)
External Over- (75%) e≤L/6(e≤L/4)
stability 2.0(1.1) 2.0(75%) 1.5(-) 1.5(1.1)
turning L/4 in (soil)
Rock e≤L/6(e≤L/4)
(75%) (rock)
2.0(1.5) 2.5(75%) 2.5(75%) 2.5(2.0) 2.5(-) 2.5(2.0)
of 1.0(75%)
(F.S) Geogrid 1.5(75%)
Geosyn- 1.0(1.0) 1.0(-)
Internal thetic re-
stability 1.5(75%)
re- 1.5(1.1) 1.5(75%) 2.0(75%) 2.0(-) 1.5(-) 2.0(-)
tion with
1.5(1.1) 1.5(75%) -(-) 1.5(-) - -
Local block
stability Block
1.5(1.1) -(-) -(-) 1.5(-) - -
slope and
L/H 0.6H 0.7H heavy concen- - 0.7H
trated load:
The typical design methods are proposed by the 1996, 2001), NCMA method(National Concrete Ma-
USA, FHWA (Fedral Highway Administration, sonry Association), France MOT method(1980)
International Symposium on Backward Problems in Geotechnical Engineering TC302-Osaka 2011
England method(British Standard, 1995), and Japan struction sequences are shown in Figure 3.2. The re-
Civil Engineering Research Center method(2000). inforcement belt strip is stretched and anchored on
The most of these methods are based on the concept the facing panel by using a loop attachment and car-
of the limit equilibrium analysis. The first two meth- bon rod(L=17.5cm, D=25mm or 32mm). The rein-
ods are compared with the three Korean design forced earth wall shown in Figure 3.3 is for Sadang
methods in Table 4. The design method of stability Dealim apartment complex in southwest part of
analysis for reinforced earth wall is categorized into Seoul Metropolitan area on July, 1988. The height of
three parts (1) external stability; basal sliding, over- this reinforced wall is about 16m and consists of
turning, bearing capacity, and overall sliding, (2) in-
levels with a small beam in-between the 1st staged
ternal stability; tensile strength of reinforcement el-
wall and the 2nd staged wall(E & S Eng., 1997).
ement in breakage, pull-out resistance of
reinforcement element, (3) facing wall stability;
connector between facing wall and reinforcement,
block shearing resistance.
The design parameters of reinforcement element are
compared in term of reinforcement length, effective
resistance length(Le), and the maximum vertical
spacing of reinforcement. The most of Korea design
methods are based on the FHWA metohd.
3 PANEL TYPE REINFORCED EARTH WALL Fig 3.1 Reinforced earth wall for apartment complex
in Youngin, Gyeonggi Province.
The advanced reinforced earth wall technology in
Korea has been used in the past thirty one years. The
most of reinforced walls were applied along the
highway construction for retaining natural soil
slopes, embankment, and approach embankment of
bridge flyovers.
The wall facing of reinforced earth wall are general-
ly categorized into two types, either hard concrete
facing or geosynthetic soft facing. The most of rein-
forced earth wall are currently utilizing hard con-
crete discrete panels, either flat panel type like using
in Reinforced Earth Wall(REW) or modular block
type. These are usually made of precast concrete
with overlapping joints with compressive filler and Fig 3.2 Construction of reinforced earth wall with PET
are made of various sizes and shapes to fit the design belt type reinforcement.
A flexible soft facing is formed by wrapping each
layer of reinforcement around individual compacted
soil. The reinforcement is anchored back into the
backfill soil by pinning or partially buried. This type
of wall facing is usually applied in the temporary re-
taining wall structures.
Figure 3.1 shows the construction of the reinforced
earth wall to gain the extra land for the apartment
complex in Youngin, Kyeonggi Province on No-
vember, 1996. This marginal land can be used for
the parking space and play ground for resident.
Many of these kinds of construction techniques are Fig 3.3 Two stages of reinforced wall in Sadangdong,
practiced in Korea due to the dwindling of available Daelim apartment complex.
land in the urban area.
The reinforcing material in this particular project is a
belt type continuous strip which made of polyes-
ter(PET) with polyethylene(PE) coating. The con-
International Symposium on Backward Problems in Geotechnical Engineering TC302-Osaka 2011
The maximum wall height constructed is 18.3m in struction area for the residential & office buildings,
Namyangju, Kyeonggi Province for the apartment construction of apartment complex and industrial
complex on August, 1994. Figure 3.4 shows the con- factory complex in the hilly area to obtain the build-
struction of an approach embankment for overpass ing site with cutting off the hillside as shown in Fig-
bridge on Kyeongchung Highway in Seongnam, ure 4.2.
Kyeonggi Province on November, 1992. These rein-
forced earth techniques are mostly used in the high-
way cut to secure the earth slope against sliding fail-
ure. The galvanized metal strip which manufactured
in Korea is being used as a reinforcement(Figure
3.5). However, the quality is a little bit low as com-
paring with REW's in terms of mobilizing friction
angle and coating along the strip.
International Symposium on Backward Problems in Geotechnical Engineering TC302-Osaka 2011
(c) (d)
International Symposium on Backward Problems in Geotechnical Engineering TC302-Osaka 2011
(a) (b)
Figure 5.3 Total failure of entire reinforced earth wall ((a)
Highway construction site - Overall sliding failure; (b)
High school construction site - Overall sliding failure and
facing block sliding)(Lee and Cho, 2011)
(a) (b)
The facing block collapse can be occurred due to the
poor design of drainage layer in the behind of rein-
force earth wall and broken connector by freezing
during winter season. Figure 5.4 shows the failure of
facing wall in local road construction site.
(c) (d)
Figure 5.6 Failure case history of other reinforced earth
wall((a) loss of bottom front banking soil of REW due to
poor drainage system in the backfilling area, (b) loss of
backfilled soil due to improper construction of backfill ar-
ea and lack of drainage system, (c) collapse boundary area
between cutting area and banking area due to not suffi-
(a) (b) cient drainage system and lack of soil compaction, (d)
pull-out failure of reinforcement due to improper soil
Figure 5.4 Facing wall failure case history (Local road compaction and lack of pull-out capacity)(Lee et. al.,
construction area : (a) Deformed of middle part of REW 2011)
and collapse of facing wall, (b) Facing block sliding)(Lee
and Cho, 2011) 6 CONCLUDING REMARK
The excessive differential settlement of reinforce This paper describes the application of reinforced
earth wall foundation soil and the other failure is earth wall, design criteria, and construction problems.
caused by lacking of compaction for foundation soil The technological level of design and quantity con-
for REW where soil banking was implemented, and trol for reinforced earth wall in Korea is not suffi-
not sufficient bearing capacity due to improper ciently supported to cope with the growth quantity of
treatment of foundation soil as shown by Figures 5.5 reinforced earth wall construction market and the in-
and 5.6. creasing number of construction companies. If this
problem is being continued, the overall reinforce
earth market would be seriously damaged. Based on
the statement made above and throughout this study,
the following suggestions are made.
(1) The unified standard design and construction
(a) (b) criteria of reinforced earth wall should be estab-
lished with the detail consideration of overall per-
formance and stability.
(2) The development and providing of design soft
ware(program) needs to have a reliable design which
takes into account the domestic situation of rein-
(c) (d)
forced earth technology in Korea.
(3) The establishment of design review system
through the prominent institution to evaluate the de-
sign software, design manual, and construction
methodology of reinforced earth wall.
(4) The quality control of design and construction,
and cost of construction must be seriously executed
(e) (f)
to construct a high quality of reinforced earth wall.
International Symposium on Backward Problems in Geotechnical Engineering TC302-Osaka 2011
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