09 Indeterminate
09 Indeterminate
09 Indeterminate
Demy 8vo. Handsome Cloth.
Part I. Sampling of Earth's Crust. Part III. Examination of Rocks.
"That the work deserves its title, that it is full of AIDS.' and in the highest degree
Professor of Mining and Director of the Otago University School of Mines late Director ;
Thames School of Mines, and Geological Surveyor and Mining Geologist to the
Government of New Zealand.
"A work which should find a place in the library of every mining engineer."
Mining World.
I am
greatly indebted to the various authors and publishers of
the books mentioned in the accompanying list for so kindly allow-
January 1911.
Geology in Systematic Notes and Tables, by Wintour F.
Gwinnell, F.G S. ; 2nd edition. Allmann & Sons, 67 New Oxford
Street, 1889.
An Intermediate Textbook of Geology, by Charles Lapworth,
F.R.S. William Blackwood & Sons, 1899.
Geology: Chemical, Physical, and Stratigraphical, vol. i.,
Chemical and Physical, by Joseph Prestwich. Clarendon Press, 1 886.
Geology : A Manual for Students in Advanced Classes and for
Vol. ii. of Prestwich's Geology (see No. 4).
Historical Geology, by Ralph Tate, Weale's series. Crosby,
Lockwood & Sons.
How to Observe: Geology, by H. T. de la Beche, F.R.S., etc.
Charles Knight, 1835.
A Guide to Analysis in Geological and Agricultural Chemistry,
by an Officer of the Bengal Engineers.
First Book of Mineralogy, by J. H. Collins, F.G.S.
William Collins & Sons.
The Principles of Waterworks Engineering, by J. H. T.
Tudsbery, D.Sc., and A. W. Brightmore, D.Sc.; 3rd edition.
E. & F. N. Spon, 1905.
The Water Supply of Cities and Towns, by W. Humber.
Crosby, Lockwood & Sons, 1876.
Sanitary Engineering, by Vernon Harcourt. Longmans,
Green &Co., 1907'.
Treatise on Waterworks, by S. Hughes. Crosby, Lockwood
& Sons, 1875.
Quarrying and Blasting Rocks, by Sir J. Burgoyne, Weale's
series. Crosby, Lockwood & Sons, 1895.
Treatise on Building and Ornamental Stones of Great
Britain and Foreign Countries, by Edward Hall. Macmillan
& Co., 1872.
Road-making and Maintenance, by T. Aitken. Charles
Griffin & Co., 1900.
Appendix by R. Mallet in Dobson's Brick and Tile Making,
Weale's series. Crosby, Lockwood & Sons.
Calcareous Cements, by G. R. Redgrave and Charles
Spackman. Charles Griffin & Co., 1905.
Limes, Cements, Mortars, etc., by G. R. Burnell, Weale's
series. Crosby, Lockwood & Sons.
Pioneer Engineering, by E. Dobson, Weale's series. Crosby,
Lockwood & Sons.
Road-making and Maintenance, by T. Aitken. Charles
Griffin & Co., 1900.
The Construction of Roads, Paths, and Sea Defences, by
Frank Latham, C.E. The Sanitary Publishing Company, Ltd.,
Professor Mahon's "Elementary Essay on Road-making,"
quoted in Rudiments of Art of Constructing Roads, by H. Law,
C.E., Weale's series. Crosby, Lockwood & Sons.
An article on "Broken Stone Roads," by Reginald Ryves in
Engineering, 1905, pp. 76 and 205.
37 The
Rudiments of Civil Engineering, by H. Law, C.E.,
Weale's series. Crosby, Lockwood & Sons, 1882.
Hydraulic Tables, by Nathaniel Beardmore. Waterlow &
Sons, 1852.
The General Principles of Mineralogy, by J. H. Collins,
F.G.S. Wm. Collins & Sons.
Tidal Rivers, by W. H. Wheeler, M.I.C.E. Longmans,
Green & Co., 1893.
Coast Erosion and Foreshore Protection, by J. S. Owens,
M.D., A.M.I.C.E., F.R.G.S., and G. 0. Case. St Bride's Press,
An article on "Coast Erosion and Reclamation," in The
Engineer of 27th April 1906, and subsequent numbers.
Deposition. Alluvium
Transporting Power Materials Chemical
(c) River terraces (d) ;
Consolidation .........
Plication, Metamorphism, Foliation, Cleavage
Laccolites Bosses ........
Necks Veins and Dykes
..... Massive
Classification. Native Elements Sulphides Fluorides Chlorides
Anhydrous Oxides Hydrous Oxides Anhydrous Silicates
Igneous Rocks.
Aqueous Rocks.
Argillaceous Calcareous
Hypabyssal ....
... 94-95
Altered and Metamorphic Hocks. Igneous Rocks Arenaceous
Argillaceous Calcareous . 95
. . 96-97
Principal Changes
General Terms . 98
Section I. Classification of Stratified Rocks.
Formations Periods and Systems 136-138
-Table I. Sedimentary Strata in Great Britain . . . . 138-143
Table II.
Table III.
Classified List of the Chief
Classification of
Animals ......
Cretaceous System
Section III. Mesozoic or Secondary Period.
Continental Europe
Equipment. Hammer Chisel Bag and Belt Walking-stick-
Compass Tape-measure Abney's Level Pocket-leiis Note-
book . 190-191
Preliminary Remarks
Maps. Contours
Introductory Remarks
Strata and their Inclination.
......... Principle of Stratification Dip and
Section I. Further Examination of Rocks.
Physical Characters.
Chemical Examination.
Hardness Specific Gravity
Detection of Carbonates
Preparation of
Section I. Rainfall and Evaporation.
Rainfall. Rain Quantity of Rain Estimation of Mean Annual
Fall Maximum and Minimum Fall 238-241
Evaporation and Absorption. Effect on Water-Supply Loss
Evaporation from Surfaces of Water Dry Weather Flow . 241-243
Hydraulic Limes.
Lime slowly recombines with Carbonic Acid Classification
of Limes
The Influence of Clayey Matters Artificial
Motion of Water in Rivers. Motion of Water Retarding Force
Velocity Contour Rotary Motion of Particles Dynamic
Action 354-358
The Transporting Power of Water. Transport of Material Erosion
Quantity of Material Motion of Particles of Matter in
Suspension Effect of Alteration in Dimensions of Channel
Proportion of Deposit carried Material transported 358-362
. .
Distribution of Valuable Minerals and Rocks.
Silver Platinum Mercury Tin Copper
Other Useful Minerals. Barytes
Iron Gold
Mica 393-394
Mineral Pigments.
Ochre Bole Reddle
Metallic Pigments Table
.... Whiting
INDEX . 397-423
1. Millstone grit, Yorkshire 6
2. Rocks passing up into soil 19 8
3. Section of ossiferous cavern with stalactites and stalagmites . 11
4. Fan at Tigar in Nubra at Ladakh 6 16
5. The Mer de Glace 6 18
6. Diagram of crag and tail
7. Action of the sea on the rocks of the coast 21
Volcanic dykes
Columnar structure
10. Jointed structure of granite
of basalt 19
....... 35
11. False-bedding 38
12. Lenticular, interposed, and divided beds 39
13. Exchange or alternation of beds
14. Section of outlier -
. 40
6 40
Map of outlier
Section of inlier 6
. .
18. Unconformity of stratification
19. Diagram of overlap 6
20. Anticlinal dip
......... 6
6 42
21. Synclinal dip
22. Breadth and throw of a fault 44
23. Dislocation of strata 44
24. Dislocation of vein 45
25. Reversed fault 45
26. Showing that cleavage does not pass through a bed of sandstone . 48
27. Parallel cleavage in contorted strata of North Devon . . . 48
6 50
28. Ideal section
29. Cubic system 13 . . . . 59
39 60
30. Tetragonal system
13 60
31. Rhombic system
Oblique system
Doubly oblique system
*> 13
........ 61
F *G
Hexagonal system
35. Imitative shapes
......... PAGE
36. Nummulites 6 153
37. Monograptus (MurcMson) . . 154
38. Diplograptus 17 154
39. Didymograptus 154
40. Rastrites (Lyell) . . . .154
41. Lithostrotion 3 154
42. Calceola 154
43. Madrepora 155
44. Favosites ( Murchison) . . . . . . . . .155
45. Heliolites (Dana) 155
46. Syringopora (Dana) 155
47. Pentacrinus 155
48. Encrinus liliiformis 3
. . . . .
. . . .155
49. Cypris 15 ., . . . .156
50. Estheria 156
51. Eurypterus 17
...''. . .156
52. Olenellus
..'..'. . .157
53. Paradoxides (Murchison) . .157
54. Fenestella 157
55. Spirifer " 157
56. Rhynchonella . . .
. .
, . . . . 158
.......... .158
57. Productus . . . . . . . . . .
58. Terebratula 158
59. Gryphsea . 158
60. Cyrena
. .... . . . ^ . . .158
61. Hippurites 158
62. Gasteropods (a) Bellerophon
; (b) Limnaea ; (c) Planorbis (Lyell) ;
(d) Paludina 159
63. Nautilus 6 '...,..159 159
64. Goniatites (Lyell) . . . . v . . . .
65. Ceratites
. . . . . . . . , . .159
66. Ammonites 159
3 '
67. Turrilites
68. Scaphites
69. Orthoceras
. . .
. 159
. . v .
., . . .
70. Belemnites
.... . ..... . .160
71. Hamites (Geikie) 160
72. Measurement of dip
73. Calculating thickness of strata
74. Thoulet's washing apparatus
. . . . .
\ 197
75. Spring at outcrop of permeable stratum 254
76. Hollow collecting water ^ 254
77. Spring arising from water falling on outcrop 254
78. Syphon action 255
at outcrop of permeable between
80. Inclined line of saturation
two impermeable beds . 256
two kinds of springs
* . .
83. Spring in valley caused
85. Spring thrown out
by fault
Spring on hill caused by fault
by dyke
25 258
stratum 23 ..........
Water held down in porous bed by superimposed impervious
Natural fissure giving
rise to artesian
Surface of saturation near a river
Road-cuttings in mountain pass
spring 259
^ 341
Road-cutting in mountain pass
90. . . . . . .
92. ........
91. Oscillation of particles of water
Action of oblique waves 41
41 374
93. Erosion by parallel waves
GEOLOGY the science which investigates the history of the
.foundations for bridges, cutting canals and docks,
it most necessary that he should know (1) the character of the
thickness; (3) the dip of the strata, and the direction of the
The practical value of geology to the engineer is therefore to
enable him to ascertain facts with regard to the present state of
the earth's crust and to deduce from those facts what is likely to
occur in the future, whereas the ordinary geological student is
more often^concerned with what occurred jnjbhe^jsast. 1
Branches of CreolCgy^^Th'e^cnlef branches of geology with
which the engineer is concerned are :
they furnish materials for subaqueous strata.
In dry countries, such as large parts of Central Asia, a fine
yellow dust often shrouds the sun and obscures the landscape.
This dust settles everywhere, and after many years a deposit of
considerable thickness accumulates. In this manner some of the
ancient cities of the world, such as Babylon and Nineveh, have
been gradually covered over with this fine dust, which is rendered
compact by the growth of weeds among the ruined houses and
walls. 1
Loess is a yellowish clay spread over the central parts of the
Old World from Germany to China, the formation of which has
been ascribed to the agency of the wind. In China it occasionally
attains a thickness of from 1500 to 2000 feet. 3
Sand-drift is sand driven and accumulated by the wind. Their
grains are usually more rounded than the grains of sand accumu-
lated under water, being subjected to more trituration than the
latter. Moving sands are, at the present time, altering the contour
of the land in many places. They cover extensive districts in the
interior of Asia, Africa, and Australia.
Sand dunes are low hills formed entirely of sand on low sandy
coastsand in sandy deserts, which sometimes attain the height of
200 to 300 feet. On the coast of the Bay of Biscay they are
advancing at the rate of about 60 feet per annum, covering up
everything as they go. Dunes are also found on the coasts of
Nairn, Cornwall, Wexford, etc. The only method of stopping their
advance is by planting sand-loving vegetation (see Section VI., p. 24).
Rain acts both chemically and mechanically. Its chemical
action is largely dependent on the nature of the substances drawn
manner cavities are formed in limestone (see Section II., pp. 10-11),
and deposits of clay with flints are formed from chalk when the
latter is dissolved.
Silicates of lime, soda, potash, iron, and manganese are also
attacked by rain-water containing carbonic acid, with the result
that carbonates of these bases are formed and silica is liberated.
The felspars are decomposed in this manner l (see Chapter VII.,
Section IV.).
In some cases, where limestones contain a large admixture of
siliceous matters, a sort of skeleton of the latter remains behind
when the bicarbonate of lime is dissolved out, forming what is
known as rotten-stone. 7
Hydration. Some anhydrous minerals, when exposed to air
containing moisture, become hydrated (absorb water) and may
then be more liable to additional change. Anhydrite thus becomes
gypsum, its bulk increasing by about 33 per cent. Hydration
thus often causes disruption of the rock. 1
Constructive Effects. Formation of soil and subsoil. These
are due to a variety of processes of which, however, the chemical
action of rain is, perhaps, the
most important. The rock
surface is broken up by the
weathering processes referred
to above as well as by the
action of frost and vegetation.
If the ground is level or con-
Amount of rainfall.
Rate of rainfall. The heavier the fall the less water sinks
into the ground, as the surface soon becomes waterlogged.
(3) Formation of the surface. The natter the ground, the more
water will sink in ; the steeper the slope, the quicker the water
runs off.
(4) Texture of the soil.
(5) Texture and structure of the underlying rock. Stratified rock
usually more favourable for the entrance of water than massive
rock. 1
through the more porous rocks above softens the clay, which
becomes slippery, and the superincumbent mass slides over it to a
lower level. 1
Constructive Effects. The mechanical sediment carried off by
underground water may be deposited either below the surface or
after the streams emerge from underground. 1
Rock formation. The rate of erosion is dependent on both
the structural and petrological characters of the rock (see
Chapters III. and VI.). Stratified and jointed rocks, or those
possessing cleavage properties like slate, are more easily eroded
than massive rocks, and fine-grained, compact rocks resist erosion
much better than those which cohere loosely.
Again, if rocks split up into angular fragments, the latter have
far more eroding effect than the rounded fragments afforded by
conglomerates, etc.
The chemical composition also a matter of much importance
Or it
may be said that bottom velocities of
30 feet per minute will not disturb clay with sand and stones.
40 ,, ,, will sweep along coarse sand.
60 fine gravel.
120 ,, rounded pebbles.
180 38
,, angular stones.
Materials. The average specific gravity of the materials varies
from two to three times that of water, and consequently, when
stones, etc., are carried along by the water, they lose from one-half
to one-third of their weight in air and thus large blocks are easily
carried along.
Coarse materials such as small stones, gravel, and coarse grains
of sand are rolled along the bottoms of streams, but finer
particles of matter are held in suspension, although their specific
gravity is considerably greater than that of water. If such
are that the valley should ascend up to, or nearly up to, the
snow-line, and should have, as indeed most mountain valleys
have, a great semicircular recess at its head (cirque) and above
it, a great snowfield. The snow and ice are then forced down
the slopes of the cirque and pushed down the valley. The mass
of ice and snow which fills the cirque and covers the ground
the ice travels, they often retain their scraggy edges at the
further end, under the lee of which a certain amount of debris
finds shelter and forms a short tail. This form of structure is
known as " crag and tail," and serves to indicate the direction of
the ice movement on old " glaciated surfaces 4 (see fig. 6).
in the
(c) By organic agencies which
are chiefly aggradational :
of coast>
fallen rock
^ .
any region the land of a country may in time all become cut
down foot by foot, by shore erosion, to a common plain-like level,
drowned by the waters of the sea. A plain-like expanse theoreti-
cally formed in this way has been termed a plain of marine
denudation? or base-level of erosion, but the denudation is often
due rather to subaerial forces, and the action of the sea is often
constructive rather than destructive ;
see under Deposition,
below. 1
Transportation. The eroded material is carried away by the
action of the waves, under-tow, and shore-currents, which keep the
sediment in transit and gradually sift it so that the coarsest
materials accumulate where there is most agitation, and the finer
parts remain in suspension or are deposited in calmer water.
Shore currents actuated by prevailing winds or tides cause the
shingle to travel along the coast.
Deposition. The incoming waves bring material to the shore
and the under-tow carries out detritus, hence where the waves
break ridges or barriers are formed which may increase until
they enclose lagoons, and eventually the latter become filled with
sediment. Deposition usually takes place opposite the mouth of
a bay, owing to the shore current being checked in the deeper
water of the bay.
The eroding action of the waves on a coast-line wears away the
land until it is reduced below the level of breaker action, when
it becomes covered with sand and other debris, and thus a sub-
marine plain is formed protecting the coast-line from further
Ocean Currents. Their erosive effect is not of much import-
ance, since most ocean currents do not touch bottom. In
places, however, where they are forced through narrow and
shallow passages they have considerable abrading effect ; e.g. the
Gulf Stream issues from the Gulf with a velocity of 4 or 5
miles an hour, and its shallow channel is abraded by the current.
The nature of the bottom beneath the current will show the
amount of erosive action at work.
The amount of transportation effected by ocean currents is
comparatively slight, and the amount of deposition is also small,
Heat. An examination of the temperature of the earth's crust
at various depths establishes the fact that the temperature below
the cool surface increases on descending, and that at great depths
there is still existing a vast reservoir of heat. From numerous
observations made in mines and artesian wells in France, England,
Prussia, Russia, and elsewhere, it is assumed as an approximation,
though subject to many variations from the different conducting
powers of different rocks, that below a depth of 100 feet
the stratum of variable temperature the temperature increases
1 F. in 60 feet of depth. If the rate of increase were considered
constant there would at 60,000 feet be a temperature of 1000
or that of low red heat. Descending still lower, the temperature,
at a very moderate depth compared with the magnitude of the
earth, would be found sufficient to retain mineral matter in a
state of fusion ; and it is therefore unnecessary to place at a great
depth the source of the melted rocks which are still poured out in
so many parts of the earth.
Hot springs which are found all over the earth also bear
witness to the internal heat of the earth. 1
Pressure. In cooling, the earth contracts and the outer crust
in settling down gets broken, crushed, and contorted. The lateral
squeezing of the crust, as it contracts like the rind of a withered
apple, generates additional heat.
Water. It is well known that in a closed vessel water may be
made white hot without being converted into vapour ; and if we
CH. II.]
suppose the water from the sea to penetrate down fissures in the
neighbourhood of volcanoes, then, heated beneath the surface by
contact with rocks at a high temperature, it would escape by the
path where the pressure was least, flashing into steam with
explosive energy as the pressure disappeared.
Water, superheated in this manner, will also have a far more
powerful solvent action than when at an ordinary temperature
Variation in the Sea-level. From the statical property of
water it is clear that if there be any permanent change of level
between the land and the ocean, the solid land must be the part
that is moved. An unstable change of sea-level is, however, due
to the tidal wave, barometric pressure, and to the force of winds.
These are, however, of slight importance.
The sedimentary rocks which constitute the main mass of the
land either have been elevated to their present position, or the
sea has been lowered. In which latter case the sea, which must
have been equally lowered over its whole area, must have been
reduced in depth equal in height to some of the highest
mountains. But the quantity of water on the earth remains the
same ; hence if the sea-level changes it must arise from the
formation of hollows in the crust of the earth, the filling up of its
deeper parts, or by the contraction of its capacity by the rising of
the solid rock. 9
Elevation and Subsidence of Land. Evidences of oscillation
of level are met with in the occurrence of sea-beaches now far
removed from the action of the sea, sunken rocks, and of
submerged forests, and such movements are indicated by accurate
measurements referred to some standard of level which has not
been disturbed.
Alterations of level, by elevation or depression, which are found
Cause. Earthquakes are earth waves due to a sudden shock,
(a) The cracking of rocks underwith production of faults
(see Chapter III., p. 44), the throw of which
may be very slight ;
Heat. Not only does the original heat of the globe, as well as
the heat due to the transformation of mechanical energy in the
crushing and crumpling of rocks, act upon the rocks themselves,
but the heat due to chemical changes within the earth's crust
must also be taken into account. Rocks expand on fusion and
contract on solidification.
Water. All rocks contain water within their pores, which is
known as interstitial water, and the minute cavities in crystals are
usually filled with water. This water usually contains other
matter in solution, and thus has a powerful chemical effect which
is greatly enhanced by heat.
Pressure acts (1) vertically, producing consolidation (see below) ;
(2) laterally, producing or tending to produce metamorphism
(see below) ; and (3) as a heat producer (see above).
Effects. The newest water-formed rocks are similar in appear-
ance to deposits which are now being deposited ; but the older
strata have often undergone changes which have obliterated some
of their original features which were due to deposition, and
have imparted characters which sometimes make it difficult or
impossible to discover from observation that they were ever
deposited in water at all.
Transformation. These changes are partly the consequence
of the slow infiltration of water, which dissolves certain mineral
constituents from one place or one rock and deposits them
again elsewhere, sometimes as crystalline minerals, but almost
always in different mineral combinations; and when a rock is
thus altered by the action of water, it may be said to be
Plication. Other changes of a more varied and important
character result from the action of pressure, when rocks are
forced by folding to occupy less space. See Chapter III., Section
II., p. 42, as regards plication.
Metamorphism. When from the action of pressure the original
distinction between minor layers of rock disappears and is
replaced by new planes of division, and when the original
mineral character of the rock disappears to give rise to a
crystalline texture, and to minerals which are never found in
the strata, the rocks are said to be metamorphosed. Afterwards
it may be seen that these changes go so far, that lavas and
are necessarily of the same geological age as the strata with which
they are associated. The igneous rocks belonging to the second
group are classed as Intrusive or Injected, because they were forced
into the subterranean cavities and fissures in which they after-
wards consolidated ; and as Subsequent, because their date of
origin, intrusion, and consolidation must have been subsequent to
that of the already consolidated rocks into whose fissures they
were intruded. 3
veins, and strings of granite, porphyry, etc., run out from the
main granitic mass into the surrounding sedimentary rocks.
These latter are intensely burnt and altered, and fragments and
masses of them are often caught up and isolated in the granitic
material of the boss and more or less metamorphosed (see Section
III., p. 47).
Nature. When igneous rocks cool they all contract, and thus
fissures which are called joints appear in them. These joints
run through the rock in different directions, according to its
composition and the conditions under which it cooled and ;
basalt, phonolite,and some other rocks the joints often form six-
sided columns, which may be straight or curved, and vary from
an inch or two in diameter up to a width of many feet. 6
Cause. There is no doubt that some joints are a consequence
of conditions under which the rock cools, but the forms and
directions which they assume have always some predisposing
cause, usually pressure or strain. The joints in granite could
not be accounted for by coolingunless it
alone, were
supposed that cooling took place from opposite sides of the
mass, so that the shrinkage planes formed on one side have
intersected those formed on the other side. And it seems likely
that jointing isprimarily a consequence of the development
of shrinkage planes in the direction of the predominant
arrangement in the rock of its principal mineral constituent.
Thus more than half of granite consists of orthoclase felspar,
and if the majority of the felspar crystals have a prevalent
direction, consequent either upon pressure or contraction, then
there must have been a tendency for the rock in cooling to
behave as though it consisted entirely of felspar, and to divide by
joints which correspond more or less with the cleavage planes of
orthoclase or with its crystalline faces. And when we bear in
mind the circumstance that in granite the minerals have been
arranged in at least two directions, it becomes probable that the
felspar crystals should have more than one direction, so that a
second set of cleavage planes may be produced running through
the other minerals associated with the felspar ; and this may be
the explanation of the fact that in most granite quarries the
joints which correspond with orthoclase cleavage are crossed by
others which, at first sight, seem to be inconsistent with it, and
correspond better with the angular directions of the crystalline
faces. In the same way the other kinds of joints might be
regarded as consequences of the influence of the rate of cooling
upon the mode of arrangement of the predominant mineral
forming the rock.
The hexagonal structure of ice, kcematite, and quartz would seem
to be connected with the fact that those substances crystallise in
and it not
infrequently happens that, owing to local modifications,
strata are interposed locally in various places l (fig. 12).
Character of Strata. Fine-grained deposits, such as limestone
and shale, havje a tendency to be more persistent and to cover
larger areas than do conglomerates and sandstones. Groups and
series may be composed of strata of every possible variety, but it
more generally happens that certain varieties of rock are
associated together ; thus fine-grained sandstone occurs with shale,
conglomerate with grit, limestone with fine shales, etc.
Moreover, individual beds often are found to vary in composi-
tion in different places. Conglomerate may pass into sandstone,
sandstone may pass into shale, and shale into limestone.
The stratification, too, may in some places be very regular and
in others very irregular, the thickness
varying extremely and
Coralline Oolite.
ir^.,.,,,, ,,.
Calcareout Grit.
that while the limestone above and the sandstone below are un-
mixed with other matter, there is a middle class of beds composed
of alternate layers of the sandstone and limestone. Thus in
fig. 13 let
a be the Coralline Oolite of England, and b calcareous
sandstone beneath; the middle beds a a", b' b" are alternately
oolite and sandstone.
In such a case, therefore, the two strata are said to exchange
beds or to be subject to alternation at their junction, and the
phenomenon seems to have been occasioned by temporary cessa-
tions of the deposit of sandstone allowing the limestone which
would normally have been only a cement to the sand to accumulate
and form a limestone deposit. 6
but every hill and valley, every variation in the texture of the
stratum, tends to make its direction variable and sinuous, because
outcrop lines are determined by the ways in which the overlying
strata are removed by the action of frost, rain, and the sea, so as
to uncover the layers beneath. The general direction of outcrop
follows the direction of strike, but the details are the consequences
of denudation. 6
centre, they have a centroclinal dip, or form a basin. Overthrust
occurs when the upper or arch limb has been pushed over the
lower or trough limb ; underthrust when the lower or trough
limb has been pushed under the upper or arch limb. 10
(iv) JOINTS.
more open.
In coarse sandstones the joints are very irregular, so that
quarries of this rock produce blocks of all sizes and forms. From
this cause coarse sandstone rocks show themselves against or
facing the sea, in- precipitous valleys, or on the brow of hills, in
rude and romantic grandeur.
In clay vertical joints are numerous, but small and confused,
whereas in indurated shale they are of extraordinary length, very
straight and parallel, dividing the rock into rhomboidal masses.
Rhomboidal joints are frequent and very regular in coal.
In limestone the vertical joints are generally regular, and
arranged in two sets, which cross at nearly equal distances, and
split the beds into equal-sized cuboidal blocks ;
and thus the
mountain limestone is found to be divided into vast pillars which
range in long perpendicular scars down the mining dales of the
north of England. 6
Master Joints. In examining with attention a considerable
surface of rock, it will be found that amongst the joints are some
more open, regular, and continuous than the others, which
occasionally altogether stop the cross joints, themselves ranging
uninterruptedly for some hundreds of yards, or even for greater
distances. There may be more than one such set of long joints,
and, indeed, this is commonly the case ; yet, generally, there is
one set more commanding than the others, more regular and
under the depressed and over the elevated portions of the disrupted
deposits which are now being laid down ; but the older strata
have often undergone changes which have obliterated some of
their original features which were due to deposition, and have
imparted characters which sometimes make it difficult or impossible
to discover from observation that they were ever deposited in
water at all. Thus clays have been changed into slates, sandy
clays into schists (see Foliation, p. 49), certain sandstones into
quartzites, and ordinary limestones into crystalline or statuary
marble. Rocks so changed are sometimes included under the
generic term Metamorphic, but it is more usual now to class rocks
which still retain traces of bedding and other obvious proofs of
their originally derivative condition as Altered, and to reserve the
term metarnorphic for rocks which have been more highly altered
and have acquired a foliated or schistose character (see Foliation,
p. 49), as when clay-slate,
which is itself an altered rock, has been
metamorphosed into a garnetiferous mica schist. The still more
highly metamorphosed massive crystalline rocks, such as
granitoid gneiss, bedded granite, and felsitic schist or Halleflinta,
are also classed as metamorphic. 1
Causes. These changes are due partly to the action of slowly
infiltrating water by which rocks became modified in composition,
which is known as Hydro-metamorphism ; partly to the action of
heat, by which rocks became modified in structure (see Chapter VI.,
p. 95), which is
known as Thermo-metamorphism, or, as the altera-
tion effected by heat is restricted to the rocks in contact with the
intrusive masses, as Contact Metamorphism and partly to the
surface of the joint J and the sloping surface of the bed B, and
are represented in the figure by fine lines.
It will be observed that these lines do not cross the bed marked
g. This is supposed to be a hard grit or conglomerate, and such
rocks are sometimes only in a slight degree
affected by the cleavage which, however,
is perfect above and below them in fine-
grained and more argillaceous strata.
Certain small joints, however, and numer-
ous cleavage planes often cross sandstone
beds, and then the cleavage and joint
planes in those beds are not parallel to
the general cleavage, but meet the
surfaces of stratification as in fig. 26, at
angles more nearly approaching to a
right angle. At I the cleavage crosses
nodular limestone or ironstone, and in
these irregular layers becomes irregular,
FIG. 26. Showing that
does not curved, and confused.
cleavage pass
through a bed of sand- On the surfaces of stratification the
stone^). cleavage structure is frequently traced in
narrow, interrupted hollows and ridges ;
these surfaces have in fact been folded, or plaited, or puckered
by the force which occasioned the cleavage ; and the little folds
thus occasioned are traceable across shells, trilobites, etc., which
are thus more or less distorted in figure.
Stratification and cleavage. One general relation appears
between the stratification and the cleavage a relation arising
from the displacement of the strata by axes of elevation and
depression. Parallel to these axes the "strike" or horizontal
1. Chemical composition.
2. Form.
3. Physical characters.
silicic acid.
The most important acids which affect rocks are silicic acid,
carbonic acid, and sulphuric acid. 1
Base. A compound body capable of neutralising an acid, either
partly or entirely. An alkali is only a base which is very
soluble in water. 8 The union of a metal with oxygen usually
produces a base, as A1 2 3 alumina ; CaO, lime.
component of limestone.
Most minerals are salts, by far the greater number which
form rocks being silicates of one of the bases, or mixtures of them ;
a few are carbonates, sulphates, sulphides, chlorides, etc. 2
Oxide. Any binary compound of oxygen either with an
element or with an organic radicle. Monoxide, an oxide
containing a single atom of oxygen in combination with a basic
radicle Sesquioxide, an oxide in which two basic radicles, usually
,T ,
, Atomic nr <. i Atomic
Non-metals. Metals.
Oxygen . . . 16'0 Aluminium . . 27'0
Silicon . . .28-4 Calcium . . 40 '0
Carbon . . . 12'0 Magnesium . . 24 '3
Sulphur . . 32-06 Potassium . . 39-11
Hydrogen .
. 1*008 Sodium . . 23-05
Chlorine . . 35 -45 Iron . . .56*0
Phosphorus . . 31'0 Manganese . . 55 '0
Fluorine . . 19'0 Barium. . . 137'0
Lithium . 7 '02
Chromium 52' 1
Oxygen . . . . . . . 50
Silicon . . -. . , '. 25
Aluminium . . . ... . , 10
Calcium . .
Magnesium . . . . .
The remainder
. .
100 5
forming with some acids, with others alkalies, and with others
neutral substances.
Silicon (Si), though very abundant in nature, is never found in
the free state, but always in combination, either with oxygen
alone, as silica (see Compounds, below), or with oxygen and
metals forming silicates. 10
Carbon (C) is especially remarkable for its uniform presence in
organic substances. Free carbon occurs in the form of diamond,
graphite, and anthracite. Carbon is capable of combining with
oxygen in two proportions, forming the compounds known as
carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (C0 2 ). Carbonates are
the salts of carbon dioxide.
Sulphur (S) is remarkable for its abundant occurrence in
nature in the uncombined state in many volcanic districts. 8
Sulphur and oxygen, though very dissimilar in their physical
characters, correspond very closely in the nature of the
compounds which they form, and in the properties they exhibit,
when both are in the gaseous state. 10 It is found as sulphuretted
hydrogen in many mineral waters, and very abundantly in com-
bination with metals forming sulphides and in combination with
oxygen and in metal-forming sulphates.
Chlorine (Cl) is never found in the uncombined state, but is
very abundant in the mineral world in the form of chlorides.
Chlorates are the salts of chloric acid (HC10 3 ). 8
Fluorine (Fl) is always found in combination. It does not
combine with oxygen, and chiefly occurs combined with calcium,
as fluor-spar.
Hydrogen (H) is very abundant in nature, occurring as a
constituent of water and in organic compounds.
The chemical composition of a mineral can only be ascertained
by exact analysis, which is beyond the scope of this book. It is,
however, given in some cases in the list of minerals in Chapter V.
as a guide to some of their properties.
Solubility in Acids. This test has been very freely applied to
minerals, though with results varying according to the strength
of the acid, the temperature employed, and the time allowed for
the attack. Hydrochloric and sulphuric acids are those most
commonly required ;
nitric acid may be useful if to hand. Organic
acids, such as citric, tartaric, and oxalic acids, may also be used.
Acids are chiefly used in the examination of carbonates. 15
See Chapter XL, Section III., for the methods of testing with
these reagents.
Odour not possessed by any minerals in a dry, unchanged
state ;
butmay be obtained from several by moistening with
Important forms are the octahedron (magnetic iron ore), fig. 29, a ;
(fig. 30, a) ; the same of the second order, differing only in the
b, pyramid and prism of second order ;c, ditetragonal pyramid and prism.
CL b rt e
FIG. 31. Rhombic system, a, b, c, d, e, various combinations.
length ;
sometimes longer, sometimes shorter. This is the only
variable element in the system. 39
The principal simple form is the hexagonal dodecahedron
crystals. The
surfaces of separation are called cleavage planes,
and are usually parallel to the faces of one of the principal
crystal forms of the mineral.
When the direction of such
surfaces is known, a comparatively slight cutting or wedging
strain will be sufficient to produce a separation, While the resist-
ance in the other directions may be considerably greater. 12
Cleavage is therefore directly related to crystalline structure, but
has no relation to tenacity or hardness.
Laws of Cleavage. (1) It is uniform in all the varieties of the
same mineral.
(2) It occurs parallel to the faces of a fundamental form, or
along the diagonals.
(3) It is always the same in character parallel to similar faces
of a crystal, being obtained with equal ease and affording planes
of like lustre ; and, conversely, it is dissimilar parallel to dissimilar
(4) All simple minerals do not submit to cleavage with the
same and in some the difficulty of effecting it is almost
insuperable. Quartz, for example, cannot be cleaved by the knife
and hammer ; but it may sometimes be made to exhibit the
property by plunging it into cold water while very hot.
(5) Some minerals present peculiar cleavages of subordinate
character, independent of the principal cleavage ; thus calc-spar
has sometimes a cleavage parallel to the longer diagonal of its
of lime, brown iron ore, malachite, and chalcedony are the chief
minerals found in a stalactitic form. Drusy a cavity is said to
be drusy when it is lined with distinct crystals. A mineral
having a drusy cavity is sometimes called a geode.
The hardness of minerals may be compared by trying to scratch
them with a knife or a file. Moh's scale of hardness is as
follows :
1. Talc. 6. Orthoclase.
2. Selenite. 7. Quartz.
3. Calcite. 8. Topaz.
4. Fluor-spar. 9. Sapphire.
5. Apatite. 10. Diamond.
a mineral will scratch talc with the same ease with which
selenite scratches it, its hardness will be 1'5; if it only just
scratches talc, its hardness will be I'l or T2; and if selenite
only just scratches it, its hardness will be 1-8 or 1-9.
and magnesite.
Harsh, or unpleasantly rough, as actinolite. Some minerals
adhere to the tongue?
Fusibility. Bor. =
Borax bead. Micr. = Microcosmic salt bead.
Cl. tube =
Closed tube. 0. tube = open tube. Ch. =0n charcoal.
Soda = Sodium carbonate. HCl = Hydrochloric acid. 7/2 $0 4 =
Sulphuric acid. Sol. Solubility in acids.
Testing Minerals. Chapter XL must be read in conjunction
with Chapter IV.
CaO 41-18, 2
S0 4 58'82 per cent. 14 Flame, calcium with
HCl. Fus., about 2 '5. Cl. tube, no water. Ch., with soda,
sulphur reaction. HCl. 15
Sol. in
Occurrence. Essentially an associate of rock-salt, and
generally of gypsum. When
exposed for a long period to the
air it becomes partially hydrated, or changes into gypsum 14
Flame, copper colours with HC1. Fus., easy. Bor. and Micr.,
copper reactions ; green in 0. F. when hot, owing to presence of
iron. CL tube, decrepitates, and some sulphur. Ch., fuses, with
intumescence and scintillation, to a magnetic globule. Roast in
0. F., and then reduce a copper bead separates in the mass.
FELSPARS (contd.)
striated. Comp., Na 2 Al P Si 6 16
to Si0 2
68-62, A1 2 3 19-56,Na 2 6 11-82
per cent. Fus., rather
more readily than orthoclase, colouring the flame yellow.
Sol., not acted on by acids.
Occurrence. As a constituent of granite and other
crystalline rocks, but usually in subordinate quantity to
orthoclase ; in crystals, or fibrous, lamellar, or globular
aggregates on veins.
Oligoclase (the commonest form of soda felspar.) Crys.,
similar to albite. CL, one perfect, one tolerably perfect;
basal cleavage surface usually finely striated, generally in
cleavable masses. H., 6'7. Sp. gr., 2-56-2-72. Tr.,
usually opaque or translucent at the edges. Col., white or
variously tinted, yellowish grey, bluish, green, or red ; mostly
very pale in tint. Lus., greasy on cleavage faces, vitreous
or subvitreous on others. 14 Comp., Si0 2 61*9, A1 2 3 24'1,
Na 2 8-8, CaO 5-2 per cent. 4 Flame, sodium. Micr.,
silica. Fus., 3-5. Sol., not decomposed by HC1.
Occurrence. As a constituent of igneous rocks, either as
the sole felspar, or in association with orthoclase and albite
as in granite, or with labradorite in basalt and dolerite. 14
Anorthite (the typical form of lirne felspar). 4 Crys.,
triclinic, also massive in granular or lamellar aggregates.
CL, two, both perfect. H., 6. Sp. gr., 2-66-2'78. Fr.,
conchoidal, brittle. Tr., transparent to translucent. Col.,
colourless, white, pale grey or reddish. Lus., vitreous,
pearly on cleavages. Comp., Si0 2 43-08, A1 2 3 36-82,
CaO 20"10 per cent. 14 Flame, calcium, on decomposition
with HC1. Fus., nearly as high as orthoclase. Micr., silica.
Sol., decomposed by HC1.
Occurrence. Comparatively rare found ;
in old lavas, diorite,
Labradorite. Crys., triclinic, mostly in cleavable masses,
repeatedly twinned like albite. CL, two, perfect; cleavage
faces generally striated. H., 6. Sp. gr., 2'68-2-82. Tr.,
translucent to nearly opaque. Col., colourless, but more
generally of a bluish or brownish grey, at times nearly black.
Lus., vitreous, pearly or greasy on cleavage faces. Comp.,
Al Si Si
frequently (Na 2 2 6 16 )2(CaAl 2 2 8 ). Flame, calcium and
sodium, the former often overpowered by the latter. Fus.,
3-5.Micr., silica. Sol., slowly decomposed by HC1.
Occurrence. The common felspar of basalt and dolerite, but
generally not recognisable except by the microscope.
Fluor-apatite, see Apatite.
CL, one highly perfect, one less perfect. H., 1*5-2. Sp. gr., 2-2'4.
Ten., flexible in thin laminae. Tr., transparent or translucent.
Col., colourless, snowy white, grey, reddish, or brown. Lus.,
vitreous, nacreous on the best-developed cleavage planes, and
Oxides of Iron.
Percentage of
metallic iron.
Monoxide or ferrous oxide, FeO . . . . 7 7 -7
Sesquioxide, peroxide, or ferric oxide, Fe 2 3
. . 70 -0
Magnetic oxide or ferrosoferric oxide, Fe 3 4 . . 7 2 '4
IRON (contd.)
Ten., rather brittle. Tr., usually opaque. Col., black.
Str., black. Lus., metallic. Comp., Feg0 4 Fus., 6.
. EOT.
and Micr .,
iron reactions. Mag., magnetic before reduction,
attracting its own powder many masses show polar magnet-
IRON (contd.)
rosette-like groups forming the so-called iron roses; also
massive, and in loose blocks and grains. CL, imperfect.
H., 5-6. Sp. gr., 4*30 -5'21. Fr., conchoidal, uneven.
Tr., opaque. Col., black, inclining to brown, or dark grey.
Sir., black. Lus., semi-metallic. Mag., sometimes magnetic.
Comp., contains iron, magnesium, titanium, and oxygen in
variable proportions. 14 Fus., practically infusible. Bor., iron
reactions. Micr., iron and titanium.
Ch., in R. F., magnetic
residue. The soda residue, boiled with tin in HC1, gives a
satisfactory titanium reaction.
Occurrence. Common as a constituent of crystalline and
igneous rocks in many parts of the world, and occasionally
in large deposits with quartz, rutile, felspar, garnet, and
other silicates.
Dist. characters. Presence of titanium.
Limonite (Brown Iron Ore, Brown Haematite, Bog Iron
Ore). Crys., amorphous, or in undefined cryptocrystalline
forms ;
in fibrous, granular, compact and earthy masses, and
in concretionary forms of all kinds; also pseudomorphous
after pyrites, siderite, etc. 14 H., 5-5 '5
purer forms ;
earthy forms often softer. Sp. gr., 3-6-4. Col., brown in
all shades, from nearly black to yellow. Sir., yellowish brown.
IRON (contd.)
Col., pale yellowish grey, or bluish when fresh, but becoming
darker or brown by exposure. Lus., pearly. Comp., FeC0 3
or FeO 62, C0 2 38 per cent. ; the corresponding amount of
metallic iron being 48 '2 per cent. Fus., infusible, de-
crepitates when heated and is converted into magnetic
oxide. Bor., reaction of iron with soda', manganese. Sol.,
slowly soluble in HC1, with effervescence.
Occurrence. The purer varieties of spathic iron ore and
those rich in manganese are especially valued for the production
of the highest classes of malleable iron and steel and ferro-
manganese. Clay iron ores are found in spheroidal or flattened
nodules, occasionally united into irregular beds in the shales
of the coal measures. Black-band ironstone is a variety of
compact ferrous carbonate, mixed with sufficient carbonaceous
matter to burn readily when ignited, so that it can be calcined
without additional fuel.
Fus., infusible. Micr., silica. Cl. tube, water Ch., with cobalt
nitrate, a fine alumina reaction. 15 Sol., insoluble in acids.
Occurrence. The it occurs more or less mixed
basis of all clay;
with water, ferric hydrates, quartz, and organic matter, forming
the variously coloured plastic clays. 14 As regards its origin see
Chapter VII., Section IV., p. 128.
Labradorite, see Felspars ; Plagioclase.
Lepidolite or Lithia Mica, see Micas and Talcs ; Muscovite.
Leucite. Crys., twenty-four faced trapezohedrons, generally
considered tetragonal, but resembling cubic. 1 CL, imperfect. H.,
5-5-6. Sp. gr., 2-45-2'50. Fr., conchoidal. Tr., semi-trans-
parent. Col., white, ash-grey, yellowish and reddish white. Lus.,
vitreous to greasy. Comp., K 2 21'53, A1 2 3 23-50, Si0 2 54'97
per cent. Fus., infusible. Flame, alumina with cobalt. Bor.,
transparent glass. Sol., completely decomposed by HC1, with
separation of granular silica.
Occurrence. A characteristic constituent of lavas and some
varieties of basalt. By mere hydration and loss of potash it is
convertible into orthoclase and china clay. 14
Limonite, see Iron.
Magnesite. Crys., rhombohedral, but rare; usually granular,
crystalline, or massive. Cl., rhombohedral, perfect. H., 4-4'5.
Sp. gr., 2'9-3'l. Tr., Col., Lus., colourless and translucent, with
strong vitreous lustre in some crystallised kinds, but usually
opaque, white, or variously tinted with yellow, brown, or grey.
Comp., Mg.C0 3 or Mg 48'73, C0 2 51-27 per cent.
infusible. Ch., with cobalt nitrate, fair magnesia reaction. Sol.,
effervesces fairly in hot HC1. 15
Occurrence. In crystals in talcose schist and occasionally in
beds. 14
MANGANESE is, next to iron, the most common colouring in-
gredient of rocks, sands, and gravels. It also forms the dendritic,
moss-like markings so common on the surfaces of joints and planes
of bedding of some rocks. Its usual colour is black, but it is
also brown, reddish, and green, according (like iron) to its differ-
ent states of oxidisation and combination. 4 It occurs in the
following forms :
MANGANESE (contd.)
Pyrolusite (or the black peroxide known as Soft Manganese
Ore). Crys., rhombic ; also massive and granular. H., 2,
when crystallised ; 1-1 5 in fibrous and earthy kinds. Sp. gr.,
Crys. and Cl. The minerals included under the general name
of Mica, though varying considerably in composition and in some
2-2 -5. 7 Sp. gr., 2 -83-2 '89. Col., colourless, grey, or light
mica. 15
Chlorite. The name of a group of minerals, Pennine,
Clinochlore, Ripidolite, etc., composed of silicates of magnesia,
ferrous and ferric oxides, and alumina in various proportions
with much water. Probably all monoclinic, though many
15 14
approach the hexagonal system. Cl., basal, very perfect.
H., 1-2-5. Sp. gr., 2'6-2*9. Ten., laminse flexible but not
elastic. Tr., transparent to translucent. Col., yellow-green
to blue-green. 15 Lus., vitreous, sometimes pearly on cleavage
faces. Fus., whiten and exfoliate, but do not melt easily,
unless rich in iron, when a black slag is produced. Soda,
reaction of iron. Sol., partly decomposed by acids, and more
readily after heating, sulphuric acid being most efficacious.
Occurrence. In chlorite slate, protogine gneiss, diabase,
corresponding to mica as a rock constituent.
Dist. characters. Laminae are not elastic like mica ; differ
from talc in being more easily decomposed in H 2
S0 4 and less
Micaceous Iron Ore, see Iron \
Microcline, see Felspars ; Plagioclase.
Muscovite, see Micas and Talcs.
Naphtha, see Asphalt.
Nepheline (Elseolite). Crys., hexagonal. Brown or greenish,
greasy-looking masses in holocrystalline rocks, or colourless grains
and short hexagonal prisms in lavas. H., 5*5. Very easily
decomposed, and then produces soft, grey-brown areas and pseudo-
morphs. Flame, sodium. Fus., 3 5. Micr., silica. Sol., with
ing to
I. Their mode of origin, viz. :
1. Igneous.
2. Aqueous or sedimentary or derivative.
3. Metamorphic and altered.
II. Their chemical and mineralogical composition.
III.Their structure.
The division according to mode of origin into igneous, aqueous,
and metamorphic rocks, which has been already adopted in
Chapter III., Structural Characters of Rocks, will be followed in
Chapter VII., in which the characteristics of rocks are described.
In the first three sections of this chapter the mode of origin,
chemical composition and mineral constituents, and structure
are treatedly separately, the subject-matter of each section being
subdivided under the heads of Igneous, Aqueous, and Metamorphic
Rocks. The physical characters of rocks are described in a
separate section.
Plutonic or abyssal rocks are those which consolidated at
considerable depth within the earth's crust.
Arenaceous or sand rocks are typically fragmented or clastic
in character, viz. composed of grains, derived from the waste of
igneous rocks, held together by a cement or base.
Argillaceous or clay rocks similarly consist of derived
elements held together by a fine textured base or paste and
retaining enough moisture to be plastic.
Calcareous or lime rocks are chiefly of organic origin. 1
Arenaceous Rocks. The commonest constituents of sands are
minerals, such as white mica and quartz, which are least liable to
chemical change, as the materials which formed the rocks from
which the sands were derived have probably been subjected to
chemical action during the processes of disintegration, transporta-
tion, and deposition.
Other constituents may be found locally, such as garnet, flint,
tourmaline, or ilmenite. The cement may be calcareous, ferruginous,
or siliceous. 1
In Argillaceous Rocks the constituents cannot easily be
identified owing to their minuteness. The derived portions may
be quartz, felspars, or micas ; carbonates, pyrites, and glauconite
also occur. The base, which is of exceedingly fine texture, is prob-
ably often of micaceous origin, though formerly it was supposed
to be kaolin. 1
Calcareous Rocks. These are composed, as a rule, of calcareous
organisms, the hard parts of which consist chiefly of calcite or
aragonite (see Chapter VII. Section II., p. 116). Impure calcareous
The smaller constituents flow round " eyes " formed by the larger
ones, and sometimes the intrusion of a non-homogeneous magma
produces a banded structure on a handsome scale.
Thesemay be divided into (1) coarsely fragmental rocks, (2)
ordinary stratified rocks, which will form groups 5 and 6 of the
whole series.
limestone, is usually
incomplete, but is evidenced by the additional
hardness and frangibility. 1
Cleavage (see Chapter III., Section III., p. 47) is a fissile structure
brought about by heat and pressure, and is best seen in slates.
Cleavage must be distinguished from lamination, hand specimens
at times leaving this point unsettled. Traces of the original
bedding must be keenly looked for, and hard, resisting bands or
coloured stripes at an angle to the cleavage-planes often afford the
necessary evidence. Fossils will sometimes be found distorted on
the cleavage-planes. A rippled, wavy structure, the herald of
foliation, often causes the cleavage to become imperfect.
The fluidal structure referred to under Igneous Rocks, group 3,
in this section is seen in vitrified sandstones. 1
parts of a constituent.
For determination of hardness see Chapter X., Section III.,
p. 201, and Chapter XL, Section I., p. 207. The scale of hardness
is given in Chapter IV., Section III., p. 66.
Fracture. --The character of the surface of fracture of a rock
depends on the kind of fracture of each of the constituents, on the
sizes and arrangement of the constituents, on their modes of
union, and on their cohesive and adhesive power. The terms
used are the same as in the case of minerals (see Chapter IV.,
Section III.), and the following are typical examples :
Conchoidal .
Splintery . . . Cast Iron.
Earthy . . . Chalk. 1
any depth are almost invariably blue or grey; the same beds
when quarried at the surface are brown or yellow. The same
difference may be noticed between the top and bottom beds of a
deep quarry. It is not uncommon, too, to come across blocks of
stone which are blue inside, "blue-hearted," and have a brown or
yellow outside crust. This change has naturally gone on to a
larger extent in porous rocks, like sandstone, than in impervious
clayey rocks.
The blue colour of rocks is caused by finely disseminated iron
pyrites in some cases, in others perhaps by ferrosoferric phosphate ;
the latter salt may also be the cause of the green colour of certain
rocks, while in other cases this colour may be due to a silicate of
iron, and sometimes perhaps to a ferric hydrate, or a ferrosoferric
A white colour may be due to the absence of metallic oxides, or
to weathering or bleaching (see Chapter VII., Section IV., p. 132).
Organic matter will colour clays and other rocks from light grey
to black ; and in some sandstones black patches of colour are due to
the presence of peroxide of manganese. Carbonaceous matter, of
course, usually gives a black colour, and so at times does iron in
the form of ilmenite or magnetite. 1
Lustre. The terms used for minerals (see Chapter IV., Section
III., p. 67) apply equally to rocks, but this quality is not of the
same value in the latter case. 1
Streak. While the hardness is being tried the colour and
lustre of the streak or mark left on paper by the abraded powder
(cf. Chapter IV., Section III., in the case of minerals) should also
be observed. 1
Feel and Smell are distinctive in the case of certain rocks, e.g.
talcose and other magnesian rocks often have a soapy or greasy
feel, and trachyte is notably rough. Some rocks have a distinct
bituminous odour. 1
Specific Gravity and Fusibility (see Chapter XI., Section I.).
Magnetism is important in the cases of rocks containing
magnetite, etc. (see Chapter XL, Section I.).
about 2-75. 15
Basaltic Andesites (Pyroxene Andesites). Structure lithoidal,
sometimes with glassy interspaces between the crystals. They
are darker than the trachytic andesites, and approach basalts in
(2) rocks formed by chemical or organic agencies.
Arenaceous Rocks.
water Clay generally occurs in valleys and low
lands ;
does not easily allow water to pass through it, but
a drop of cold acid is laid upon them ; but the dolomitic lime-
stones show a less rapid effervescence, and true dolomite gives
barely a trace until heated in the acid.
We may note that fissile limestones are rare, and that planes of
lamination, though they may be quite apparent, as in some Tyrol
dolomites, do not necessarily form easy planes of separation. The
distinct vertical joints, passing down through many feet of strata,
give, with the bedding-planes, the well-known block-like character
to exposed limestone surfaces, and tend to perpetuate the terraced
cliffs so familiar in the field. In the hand, compact limestones
break through with a clean fracture in almost any direction, the
surfaces produced by trimming being conchoidal in those of the
finest grain.
Concretions of silica (flint and chert, see (ii) Siliceous Rocks, in
this subsection), and the replacement of whole beds by pseudo-
morphic action, are common features of limestones of every age.
The faces of cracks in limestones, and the surfaces of hollows
and caves, will be commonly found coated with stalactitic crusts,
often of great delicacy. Similar deposition upon leaves, twigs,
etc., from springs containing carbonate of lime, gives rise to
travertine or "calcareous tufa," the interspaces becoming finally
filled up with calcite and the whole mass consolidated into a lime-
stone showing vegetable impressions. 15
Chalk is a white, fine-grained limestone containing at times as
much as 94 to 98 per cent, of carbonate of lime. It may be quite
soft and earthy or harder and more compact, and frequently con-
tains nodules of flint and iron pyrites.
Chalk marl is chalk mixed with clay.
Oolite or oolitic limestone is composed of grains like the roe Qf a
fish, and in pisolite or pisolitic limestone the grains are as large as
Siliceous Rocks.
= 7) are useful features in determination. Acids, moreover, have
no effect.
These concretions have been accumulated in the strata, after
their consolidation, by the solvent action of percolating waters,
which have dissolved the substance of various minute skeletons
of siliceous organisms, and redeposited the material. The chief
accumulations of flint are met with in the Carboniferous limestone
(p. 179), in the Portland and Purbeck beds (p. 174),
and in the
Chalk, p. 172 (see Chapter IX.). It is probable, in some cases, that
no small amount of this siliceous material has actually been
derived from the solution of overlying sandstones, which have
happened to contain sufficient lime to render the silica soluble.
Nodular flints and chert-bands are found to follow the lines of
stratification of the rocks in which they occur. They may also
be looked for in " tabular
forms along planes of jointing or
faulting. In the Chalk the white exterior of the flints is due to
porosity on a microscopic scale, caused by the removal of the
more soluble part of the chalcedonic silica.
With the unaided eye, duller white patches are often seen in
cherts and flints, which are the residue of chalk-mud, or of fossil
forms, mainly sponges, about which the segregation has taken
place. Fossils may be included without change, casts being
formed of them, or their calcareous substance may be partly or
wholly silicified.
Very few rocks are free from iron, but it usually occurs in
small quantities, so that its chief importance is as a colouring
agent; see Chapter VI., Section IV., p. 104; and, with regard to its
weathering properties, see Section IV. of this chapter. Magnetite,
ilmenite, specular iron ore, and limonite are, however, found in
many crystalline rocks and occasionally occur in beds or masses. 1
Ironstones. Many concretions consist of brown clay ironstone,
which effervesces with hot hydrochloric acid, the solution
becoming coloured a strong yellow. These nodules consist of
carbonate of iron with brown oxide crusts. The " black-band " of
the Coal Measure rocks is similar. Ironstones very frequently
result from the pseudomorphosis of some ordinary sedimentary
rock, though some arise from deposition as bog iron ore, and
others are merely cemented sandstones.
By the breaking up of concretionary carbonate of iron,
concentric coats of limonite are formed in succession around each
original centre ; where the rock is split up into cuboidal blocks
by jointing, each block on being broken open reveals towards the
centre sections of concentric spheroidal surfaces, marked brown
by the hydrated oxide, which is a stable product insoluble in
water. As these surfaces approach the joint-planes they conform
more to them, and the outermost coat is often box-like and well
consolidated, protecting the interior from further action.
Concretionary layers of limonite, with no apparent connection
with joint-planes, may be found in many sands, and serve to
protect fossils that might otherwise have been entirely dissolved.
groups shade the one into the other, so that authorities rarely
agree as to the separating lines between them.
The division adopted in this section is into "Altered Rocks"
and " Distinctly Foliated Rocks."
This group includes the schists and gneisses the origin of which
is still much discussed by geologists. Foliation has been de-
scribed in Chapter VI., Section III., p. 103. The division of foliated
rocks into altered sediments and altered igneous masses is beset
with such enormous difficulties that we must be content merely
to bear in mind the possibility of either origin, and to seek
diligently for elucidation in each case as it comes before us in the
which have been deformed by earth- pressure and the like into
lenticularmasses separated from each other by folia or wavy
films of finer crystalline material. 3
Augen-gneiss, augen-gabbro, augen-schist, etc. Igneous or
metamorphic rocks showing "eyes or inclusions of crystals, etc.,
set in a finer crystalline and foliated ground-mass. 3
Other basic volcanic rocks, such as dolerite, andesite, etc., are
also liable to decompose ; and so also in a less degree are
the trachytic lavas and scoriae. The vitreous lavas are less
liable to decompose.
Ordinary clays are not generally derived direct from the parent
igneous rock, but are reconstructed, especially in the later deposits,
from older clay beds. 4
Origin of Quartzose Sands and Sandstones. Granites (see
Section I.) consist of a more or less intimate mixture of quartz
and felspar, in proportions varying, on the average, from 40 to 50
per cent, of each, with 5 to 10 per cent, of mica. The quartz
forms a crystalline matrix, which, as the felspar decomposes,
breaks up in fine-grained granites into grains generally of small
size ; or, if it be of coarser grain, then into larger fragments. As
decomposition goes on the whole rock loses its coherence ; and, on
the removal of the decomposed soft parts, crumbles down into a
grit or gravel of quartz, with
flakes of the mica. These being
comparatively indestructible, the only further change they under-
go is through wear, by which their angles are gradually rounded
off and the size of the grains reduced. This takes place on shore-
lines, by and wave action (see Chapter I., Section V., p. 20).
The result the production of a fine quartzose, and more or less
uniting with some of the earthy or alkaline bases present, and the
protoxide passing into a hydrated peroxide.
The rock conse-
loses the dark colour due to the original pigment, and
retains only the slight tinge due to the presence of the iron-
THE aims of historical geology are (a) to classify and describe the
rocks of the earth's crust in the order of their formation, and (b)
to ascertain and point out the successive groups of animals and
plants which have made their appearance on the face of the globe
from the dawn of life up to the present time. 3
The sciences which deal with these aims are, respectively,
stratigraphy and palaeontology.
It is usual in geological text-books to describe the various
formations in ascending order, commencing with the lower, but to
the engineer who has to deal practically with the formations as he
finds them, the descending order will be more serviceable and has
been adopted in this part. 1
Lower boulder clay or till; a stiff clay interstratified with
beds of sand, fireclay, and peat.
Westleton sands and shingle.
Erratic blocks. 1
Miocene Formations.
Wanting in Britain.
Oligocene Formations.
Eocene Formations.
Middle Chalk (without flints) : harder and less white
than the Upper.
Upper . Loiver Chalk, including Grey Chalk, Chalk Marl, and
Chloritic Marl a greyish or yellowish marly
Upper Greensand : beds of siliceous sand with grains
of glauconite.
Gault : a bluish tenacious clay.
shelly limestones.
Jurassic System.
Liassic .
Triassic System.
" White Lias " of white and cream-coloured lime-
( stones and marls.
Carboniferous System.
Devonian System.
Silurian System.
muds tones.
Wenlock Limestone flaggy limestone of great thick-
Middle or
ness, with corals.
Wenlock Shales a thick mass of greenish-grey shales.
and conglomerate.
Lower Llandovery grits and flagstones. 3 :
Arenig. \ flags and dark shales.
. . Cambrian System.
Tremadoc Slates dark-grey earthy slates.
Upper. \
Lingula Flags bluish and black slates and flags
( flags, sandstones, and slates with conglomerates.
Limestones, sandstones,
gypsum, marls, and con-
Permian glomerates of the In-
terior Continental basin,
west of the Mississippi,
The Upper and Lower Coal
Measures of the Alle-
ghany region, Illinois,
Missouri, Michigan,
Upper Carboniferous Rhode Island, New
Palseozoic Brunswick, Nova Scotia,
or Car- northern half of Cali-
boniferous fornia, and parts of
Wyoming and Utah.
Conglomerates and sand-
stones of Appalachian
region, Virginia, and
Limestones, sandstones,
Sub- and shales of Illinois,
Carboniferous Kentucky, Iowa, Tennes-
see, Michigan, and Ar-
Limestones of Utah, Wy-
oming, and Northern
^ -3>
If! W S
1 Jg g O)
s? !
I ! -3 ..s|l
,2 d
Black-soil plains.
Pleistocene Ossiferous caves containing extinct
Lower Murrumbidgee beds.
Yars beds, etc., N.S.W.
Upper Mudstones of Yarralumla.
Slates, grits, limestones, Gordon River
I Lower
Gneiss and schists of Silverton, N.S.W.
Gneiss of Bathurst and S.W.A.
Pareora beds.
Mount Brown beds, Oamara beds, Num-
Upper Eocene mulitic beds.
Ototara stone, Fucoidal greensands,
Cretaceo-Tertiary Amuri limestone, Coal formation, pro-
pylite breccias.
Conglomerates with coal, porphyries,
Neocomian .
Mataura series, coal seams.
Pututaka beds, Flag-hill beds.
Liassic Cattin River and Bastion series.
Otapiri series, Wairoa series, Oreti
Permian .
Kaihiku series, Mount Potts and Glos-
sopteris beds.
Upper Carboniferous .
Wanting 1
Lower Carboniferous . )
Maitau series, Te-anan series.
Upper Devonian . .
Miocene Wanting.
Cretaceous . Umtafuna and Impengati beds.
Trigonia beds, \
fie 43. Madre- FIG. 44. Favosites. FIG. 45. Heliolites.
pora. (Young specimen.)
(b) Free forms, viz. whose
(4) Echinoidea or "sea-urchins,"
hard external crusts with knobs or tubercles and perforations
arranged geometrically are very noticeable and are abundant in
the Chalk 5 (5) Asteroidea or star-fishes; (6) Ophiuroidea or brittle-
articulated limbs. They have segmented bodies and a hard
skin of chitin, often calcified.
(1) Crustacea, the jointed shell-fish, with many paired legs,
gills, and a firm crust. The chief groups are : The lobsters and
crabs (Mesozoic) ; Barnacles ; Ostracods, Cypris (fig. 49) ;
(fig. 58), Spirifera (fig. 55), Productus (fig. 57), Atrypa, Orthis,
unsymmetrical, and placed right and left. The forms with but
one shell-muscle occur only in the sea, as Ostrea (oyster), Gryphcea
(fig. 59). Those with two may occur in either salt water, as
Cardium (cockle), Mytilus, Cyprina; or in fresh water, as Unio
(mussel), Anodonta, Cyrena (fig. 60), Hippurites (fig. 61).
Fishes. The internal skeleton varies from osseous to carti-
laginous. The external covering may be armour scales or no
protection. Scales are (1) ganoid (shining), or formed of bone
covered with enamel ; 3 (2) placoid (plate-like), when the body is
covered with horny plates or bristled with small eminences like
the shagreen of the shark ; 18 (3) cycloid, when they are bony or
horny, destitute of enamel, with a smooth surface often bearing a
central spine, and having rounded margins. (4) Ctenoid are of
similar composition, but are jagged at the edges like the teeth
of a comb. Tails of fishes may be diphycercal* (double-tail )>
heterocercal (with unequal lobes), or homocercal (with symmetrical
The vertebral column is straight throughout, and its terminal portion is
symmetrically surrounded by the caudal fin. In the others this terminal
portion is bent obliquely upwards, and the lower part of the caudal fin is,
developed into a distinct lobe, so that the tail becomes bilobed in form.
(a) Beds
of shell-marl or limestone, full of fresh-water shells.
Iron-stained sand, gravel, and conglomerate with fresh-
water and land plants, fishes, etc.
Marine deposits on old sea bottoms are marked by sea-weeds,
sea-shells, echinoderms, corals, foraminifera, etc.
valleys are composed of sand, shingle, and silt, and give evidence
of the former flood-levels of the river. It is usual to distinguish
these river gravels as low-level and high-level, the former being
the more modern and containing relics of Neolithic man, while the
older and higher terraces contain traces of Palaeolithic man.
Among alluvial formations must be grouped those wide-
spreading foreign sheets of gravel, sand, and mud, such as those
of the river-plains of Eastern North America, South America,
Siberia, the valley gravels of California, Australia, New Zealand,
etc. 3
Lacustrine deposits. Silted-up lakes are numerous in almost
every country, and many parts of alluvial valleys are but the
sites of former lakes and marshes filled up and obliterated. The
organic remains found in lake-deposits are strictly fresh-water and
terrestrial fresh-water shells, as Limncea, Planorbis, and
Paludina (fig. 52), in the marls; marsh plants, as the reed,
into being, taking the place of older forms which became extinct. 3
The percentage of existing species gradually increases upwards
and gives name to the successive systems or groups, e.g. Eocene
dawn of recent species ; Oligocene few recent ; Miocene
minority of recent ; Pliocene majority of recent.
Fossils. The era of Birds, Mammals, and Dicotyledons.
Vertebrata. The Fishes are dominantly Teleostean, but teeth of
Elasmobranchs are locally common. The Birds include many
forms which have now disappeared from north temperate regions,
together with the last of the toothed birds (Odontopteryx).
Among Mammals there are a few Marsupiala and Cetacea ; the
Ungulata are largely represented. Among the odd- toed forms
we have Dinotherium, Mastodon (Miocene), and the true elephant
(Pliocene) ; rhinoceros (Miocene) and the allied Chalicotherium ;
tapir (Miocene) and the Brontotherium and Pal&otherium ; the
horse (Pliocene) with its ancestors Orohippus, Miohippus, and
Hipparion. Among the even-toed forms are camels, deer,
antelopes, and gazelles and their relatives, e.g. Sivatherium of India.
The Carnivora are represented by most of the recent families,
and the Primates by anthropoid apes, apparently arboreal in habit,
and equalling men in stature.
Invertebrata. Foraminifera (Nummulites) (fig. 36) occur
occasionally in Britain, but are marvellously abundant in the
Mediterranean regions. Polyzoa are locally common, with but few
Brachiopoda. The Gasteropods include marine types, e.g. Fusus con-
trarius, now more characteristic of tropical and subtropical regions,
and terrestrial and fresh-water forms, e.g. Limncea, Paludina,
Planorbis (fig. 62), like those of temperate climates of the
present day. Lamellibranchs are locally abundant, the genera
being of recent types.
Flora. The Eocene rocks of Britain are rich in angiospermous
plants, both Monocotyledons and Dicotyledons, and there is
evidence of warm conditions. The genera include many now
more characteristic of African, Australian, American, and Asian
regions. In the Pliocene deposits of Europe we find the extreme
southern forms gradually disappearing as we ascend the succes-
sion, and their place taken first by North American (evergreen
oaks, planes, Sequoia, etc.) and East Asian types (bamboo,
cinnamon), and finally wholly by the ancestors of the present
European flora.
Great Britain. The typical development of British Tertiary
rocks is found in the London and Hampshire basins and the
Eastern counties, parts of Norfolk, Suffolk, and Essex. 3
The Pliocene strata are best developed in the Eastern counties.
The remains of the Forest Bed may still be seen on the Norfolk
coast. 1 This group rests on clays with which are associated sands
and gravels known as the Elephant ed, with remains of elephant,
rhinoceros, hippopotamus, horse, bear, beaver, and deer. 6 The
Norwich Crag is mammaliferous the Red Crag extends along the
became changed into gulfs, lakes, and river plains in time partly
filled up by deposits like the Nagelflue and Molasse of Switzerland,
the sands and clays of the Vienna and Hungary basins, and the
fresh-water marls of Auvergne. Where the conditions remained
longer, submarine strata were formed like the sub-Apennine series
of Pliocene times, which covers a large portion of the outer
the upper beds are clays and lignites with great sheets of basalt.
In New South Wales the region appears to have remained a land-
surface for the greater part of Tertiary times, and was eroded by
the streams into deep river beds, which now afford the auriferous
gravels of the country. These fluviatile deposits, which were
buried from sight by outflows of volcanic material, have yielded a
large number of extinct marsupial forms. Tertiary rocks occur
also in Tasmania, and cover large areas in New Zealand, where
they are associated with contemporaneous igneous rocks, are rich
in marine fossils, and are valuable because of their locally auri-
ferous character. 3
Section III. Mesozoic or Secondary Period.
great Saurian reptiles, the Ammonites and Belemnites, die out and
are replaced by the distinctive genera of Tertiary times.
Fossils. The age of Iguanodon, Mosasaurus, Hippurites.
Vertebrata.'2 The Fishes include Elasmobranchs Acrodus, Ptycho-
ness of some 16,000 feet, and the Laramie series, which is at the
top, extends over an area of some 18,000 square miles and contains
coal-beds varying from 5 to 20 feet in thickness. Cretaceous
strata extend to North Greenland, Vancouver Island, and the
Queen Charlotte group.
South America. Cretaceous strata occur in mass at many
points along the chain of the Andes from Venezuela to Cape Horn ;
the marine fossiliferous deposits have taken part in the great
earth-movements which have affected the region, and rise to
heights of from 10,000 to 20,000 feet above the present sea-
level. 3
Asia. Besides the two types found in Continental Europe, a
third type is met with in the lands surrounding the Indian and
Pacific Oceans (Indo-Pacific Province) and occurs in South India,
Japan, and Aleutian Islands as well as in California and
Vancouver. The rocks are often of shallow-water origin, and
occasionally contain workable coal-seams. In the central part of
Southern India their highest strata are fresh-water beds, and they
are associated with the famous Deccan traps sheets of basalt of
a collective thickness of more than 5000 feet, and covering an
area of 200,000 square miles. 3 A small outcrop of Lower Cre-
taceous occurs in Cutch. Marine strata are well developed around
Trichinopoly and Pondicherry and again slightly in the Narbada
valley. Cretaceous beds also occur in Sind and the Salt Range
of the Punjab with Hippurite limestones, which are also found in
Syria, Arabia, and Persia.
Africa. The Libyan desert of North Africa is floored by
Cretaceous rocks which are of the type of the White Chalk. In
South Africa occur beds related to the Indian Cretaceous. 3
Australasia. In Queensland Cretaceous strata cover large
tracts, and in New Zealand Upper Cretaceous strata are met with
land. In Skye and Ramsay the Lias is 1200 feet thick, and is
followed by the Inferior Oolite, Great Oolite, and Oxfordian. At
Brora estuarine beds of Jurassic age have been worked for coal. 3
Continental Europe. The formations of the English Jurassic
are continued into France and Germany, and are well displayed
round the Paris basin, in the Franco-Swabian area, and N.W.
Germany. In these areas the same divisions and fossil zones are
recognisable as those in England, but the nomenclature is that of
Vertebrata. Fishes :
Palceoniscus, Platysomus, in the marl
slate, and copper shales. Labyrinthodonts JSranchiosaurus,
Great Britain. On
the east side of England, from the coast
of Northumberland to the plains of the Trent, the Permian rocks
consist of a great central mass of limestone ; but on the west
side of the Pennines, and extending southwards into the central
counties, the calcareous zone disappears and we have a great
accumulation of red, arenaceous, and gravelly rocks. The Lower
division is typically developed in the Vale of Eden, where it
consists of brick-red sandstones and breccias; the red rocks
extend into the valleys of the Nith and Annan in Scotland, and
the breccias, further south in Staffordshire, attain a thickness of
400 feet. The Upper division is best seen at St Bees, near
Whitehaven. The Permian rocks of North Ireland consist of
fossiliferous magnesian limestone with red marls at its base, and
at the city of Armagh, of boulder beds and limestone breccias.
Products. Some of the finest building-stones of the country,
such as the Mansfield sandstones and the magnesian limestones
of Durham, York, and Nottingham ; marls for brickmaking and
a thick bed of rock-salt. 3
Continental Europe. In Northern Germany the Permian is
made up of the Zechstein and Rothliegende, which constitute the
so-called Dyassic type of the system. The Rothliegende occurs
also in Bohemia, Saxony, the Saar district in S.W. Germany, and
at many localities in Central France. In the typical Russian
district of Perm the Permian strata cover vast areas, and consist
of sandstones, limestones, and marls and shales in repeated
alternation. In the Alps the Permian is represented by the
Verrucano, and in the Tyrol by the sandstone and quartz-
porphyry series of Botzen, and by the richly fossiliferous marine
Bellerophon limestone. In Carinthia and Sicily the entire series
is marine.
Products. Copper-bearing deposits of Germany and Persia and
many workable coal-seams in France.
North America. Permian rocks are rare. The highest
division (the so-called Barren Measures) of the Coal Formation
of the Alleghany region have been referred to the Permian, and
contain an admixture of Coal Measure and Permain forms,
together with genera characteristic of the Jurassic period. In
Texas certain mottled clays, sandstones, and limestones, overlying
the local Coal Measures, are referred to the Permian. Marine
rocks of this age also occur in Spitzbergen?
South America. Strata of the Indian Gondwana type with the
GlossOpteris flora have been met with on the east of the Andes in
Brazil and Argentina?
Asia. In Southern India the Permian beds consist of great
thicknesses of sandstones and shales, with fresh-water and
black-shale type of the Hudson River and the lower reaches of the
St Lawrence, including the graptolite-bearing Quebec group
(Point Levis beds) and the Marsouin and Norman's Kill shales,
etc. 8
Asia. Lower Silurian rocks occur in the Salt Range and the
Simla area of India. 11
Australasia. Ordovician strata with abundant Arenig and
Llandeilo graptolites are found in Australia (Victoria) and also
in New Zealand. 3
This system consists of a vast succession of reddish grits, con-
glomerates, shales, slate, and quartzite ; but there is no gneiss,
and there are few schists and fewer limestones. It is divided into
Upper, Middle, and Lower zones.
Fossils. The characteristic fossils are Trilobites, of which the
genus Olenellus (fig.52) characterises the Lower, Paradoxides
(fig.53) the Middle, and Olenus the Upper Cambrian. The chief
invertebrate groups which occur, in addition, are Cephalopoda,
Gasteropoda, Lamellibranchiata, Pteropoda, Brachiopoda, Asteroidea,
Crinoidea, Hydroida, and Sponges. Vertebrata are very doubt-
fully represented ; and of plants only sea-weeds are known to
regard to the nature and structure of the rocks which are con-
cealed from view, and must learn to interpret rightly such facts
as are patent, without minimising their value or too greatly
PT. IV. CH. X.
IT is equipment or outfit for the field should be
essential that the
as light as possible. No
one can do good work of any kind with
a regular "Christmas tree" slung round him. The following
instruments are, however, indispensable hammer, knife, lens,
strap for the hammer cumbers the chest, and even in a belt the
head has to be prevented from touching and wearing through the
clothes. It is simple enough to slip the hammer into the side
bag itself, the handle projecting from the forward end under the
flap. The left hand, by resting on the handle, can then easily,
during long walking, keep the bag from rubbing unpleasantly on
the hip.
A walking-stick is indispensable on steep or roughish ground,
and where long slopes and taluses are in question its use will
make observations possible that might otherwise involve genuine
risk. A steep hillside should be traversed with the stick in the
inside, not in the outside, hand.
A compass is a necessity for the pedestrian. It may be com-
bined with the clinometer, as in the convenient box instruments
often made. Many of these, however, do not allow sufficient
length in the edge which is to be held coincident with the line of
dip observed. Anyone can construct a clinometer from an
ordinary protractor a swinging index, or even a weighted thread,
being hung from the centre of the straight edge so as to reach the
graduated arc. Of course the 90 marked on the protractor reads
as when a dip is to be taken ; thus, if the index points to 84
the dip is 6, and so on (see Section II., Geological Sections). 15
Tape-measure. To find the relation of the point where
observations are being made to features marked upon the map,
and thus in one's notes to localise the observation, is often difficult
in a wide and open country. Even the map on the scale of 6
inches to a mile cannot represent every rock and projecting boss,
arid measurements must be made extending from some recognisable
point to the place of observation. The tape-measure, so important
in determining the thicknesses of beds on faces of a quarry, is often
of use in direct measurement on the surface of the ground, for
which purpose it should be at least 40 feet in length. 15
An Abney's level is useful for contouring and measuring angles,
combining as it does the properties of a level and of a clinometer.
A common triplet pocket-lens, or any useful form which will
bear rough usage, must always be carried in the field, as indeed
it should be carried
by the geological observer every day of his
life, whether in town or country.
A note-book is indispensable, and should have some blank pages
for outline sketches. 15
Taking this into the field as a basis for his traverses and section
lines,the observer should record as much information as possible
on the plan and the remainder in his note-book. The actual
sections and geological plans can then be prepared at home.
The geological plans and sections taken together should contain
full information as to the geological structure, viz., dips,
curvatures, dislocations, etc., and all possible information of
economic value. 1
(1) When
the strata are horizontal, the boundary lines
coincide with the contours. This is obvious.
(2) When the strata dip towards a hill the boundary lines are
less winding than the contours.
curvature ; (iv) joints (v) dislocation.
For convenience we
will take (i), (ii), and (iii) together; as regards (iv), joints, see
p. 43.
layers make with the plane of the horizon. For example, the dip
may be 40 to the south, or 60 to the north-east, and so on, the
limits of variation of dip being the horizontal and the perpendicular.
The direction of the dip is ascertained by means of a pocket-
compass, and the amount of dip with a clinometer. The dip may
be stated by the incline of 1 in a given number of units of
length; thus a fall of 1 in 100 corresponds to an angle of 6.
The opposite term to dip is rise ; if the beds dip to the west, they
rise to the east.
The strike of a set of beds is denned to be the plane at right
angles to the direction of dip, on the course of a horizontal line
on the surface of inclined beds ; it coincides, therefore, with the
line of outcrop when the surface is horizontal. Consequently, the
edges of inclined strata, viewed in the line of their strike, will be
level, whilst a section at right angles will exhibit the true direc-
tion and maximum amount of slope of the strata. If, then, a bed
dips due east, its strike is due north and south. Through
knowing the strike, we do not necessarily learn either the direction
'of the dip because it may be to either side of the line or of its
amount ; yet to ascertain the true dip it is requisite that the line
of strike be determined, inasmuch as the direction and amount
of dip will vary with the section obtained. Thus, if the strike be
due N. and S., then all the sections, except the one at right
angles, will give a false dip ; if the dip be 45 E., then the varia-
tions in dip will be from W. and E. to N. and S., and from 45
to 0. 9
Measurement of dip. In observing a dip, the plane of the
graduated arc of the clinometer must be held parallel to a vertical
rock-face on which the beds appear exposed, and the distance
between the eye and the rocks should be reasonable, in order that
the straight-edge may appear coincident with a considerable length
of the dipping strata. The instrument is tilted until this edge
to lie along some well-marked line of stratification ; the
plummet or index then points to an angle equal to the angle of
dip observed. Several observations are desirable as checks to one
another ; any evidences of lenticular or current-bedding (cf. p. 38)
must be noted, and the compass-bearing of the face of rock utilised
must also be observed.
The dip thus found is very probably only an apparent dip, and
is less than the true dip, which runs in some other direction. Two
or more observations taken near to one another will settle this
point. Thus, where there are two dips seen on different walls of
the same quarry, or in closely adjoining quarries, and where these
are evidently not due to mere local slippings or to the very
common creep of the higher beds dowu the slope of a. hillside,
then the direction and amount of the true dip can be found by
the simple geometrical method of Mr W. H. Dalton.
The directions of the walls, or rock-faces, on which the dips are
seen are determined with the compass, and two lines are drawn to
represent them on paper, giving
the angle rab. Should one dip
in the actual quarry-sections incline
towards a and the other away
from a, one of the lines drawn /
must be produced, so that the dips
represented in direction by the
lines a r and a b both either incline
towards or away from a.
Draw ac perpendicular to a b,
and of any convenient
say, for greater accuracy, about 3
inches ; and draw a s perpendicular
to ar and equal to ac. From c r
and s draw lines making with ac FIG. 72. Measurement of dip.
and as respectively angles equal
to the complements of the observed angles of dip and cutting
a b and ar in d and t. Then the angles ad c and at s represent
the angles of observed dip along the directions a b and ar
Join d t ; this line represents the strike of the beds, a e, drawn
from a perpendicularly to it, gives us the direction of true dip.
Draw af perpendicular to a e and equal to ac or as; join fe.
The angle aef, when measured with a protractor, gives the
amount of true dip.
The matter is clear if the three triangles ast, acd, and afe
are imagined as bent up so as to stand perpendicularly to the
plane atd, which remains horizontal. The points s, c, and /
coincide, and a plane laid upon the dipping lines s t> fe, and c d
will represent truly a surface of one of the strata observed in the
field, when both the apparent dips were inclined away from a.
d t is a horizontal line in this surface, and is therefore the strike ;
the line/e now perpendicular to it, and also in the same surface,
represents the true dip both in compass-bearing and in inclination
to the horizon. 15
Calculating the Thickness of Strata. By knowing the upper
and lower boundaries of a stratum and its average dip, one can
readily determine approximately the depth at which it will be
found under any given spot, and its thickness. In fig. 73, suppose
AB to represent the level surface of the outcrop of a bed, the
thickness of which, and the depth of its lower surface below the
IV. CH. X.
= tanAxAB;
drawing nearer to one another and the outer or lower one dis-
appearing beneath the inner or higher bed.
Unconformity (cf. p. 41). There will usually be a considerable
difference in inclination, and the boundary lines will generally
draw near to one another at a considerable angle. 1
to crumble away, and thus the opening becomes filled with debris
and the fault is concealed. Again, later deposits frequently cover
the older rocks, and thus the dislocations among the latter are
hidden from view. 1
Compact or Homogeneous.
Foliated or Schistose.
P 5*a
I 1
3? 5
S -2
1 I
>1 131
>> t*>
S^: t< a
.a S?o c 5
te ted i -a |l|-
!53 2 g^ H ^
No. of
111 1!
S** js
, i u
PI nolite, rphyrite.
ill I s
e I
iO (O
ine-graine tains of Hi
rs c8
*I fe-
ll II'
(U C
SI 5 white
|s I Greenish
No. of
To observe the third precaution, it is often well to pick up clean
chips from specimens trimmed in the field, which, selected from
a large number, will serve both for the determination of specific
gravity and the making of microscopic sections, if required.
Since the range of specific gravity in rocks, the coals being
omitted, rarely exceeds the limits 2 '2 to 3 '4, many very diverse
rocks have the same specific gravity, and the results are not of
value in absolute determination. But in the case of igneous
rocks, provided that specimens are selected and examined from
different parts of an exposure, an excellent idea can be formed,
gritty matter occurs amid the silica, the fusion has not been
satisfactory, and the process must be begun again.
3. Alumina and ferric oxide. Add to the filtrate a few drops
of nitric acid, in order to ensure the conversion of ferrous to
ferric salts. Then add ammonia in very slight excess and boil.
The crushing of crystalline rocks, with a view to the isolation
of their constituents, is best performed between folds of smooth
cloth or even paper, to avoid the introduction of extraneous
metallic or mineral material.Any fibres from the paper used
will generally wash on soaking.
The powder of the rock, which must be fairly coarse, is passed
through sieves of various mesh, until a sample is procured, as
coarse as possible, in which each grain consists of only one mineral
species. For this purpose the sieves used in chemical laboratories
are convenient, several fitting one above the other. The crushed
mineral is placed in the topmost, which has the widest mesh, and
the whole being shaken, each sieve selects a sample increasing in
finenesstill we reach the lowest pan.
The objection to the use of sieves lies in the fact that some of
the constituents may be much more friable than others, and hence
for quantitative purposes no one sample may be satisfactory.
The contents of each sieve must be examined in order to determine
any mineral has become eliminated from this cause. The
sample, when selected after examination with the lens, may be
picked over by the aid of that instrument, or upon the stage of a
microscope with a low power. A fine brush should be moistened
with water (Dr Sorby recommends glycerine) and brought in
contact with the grain to be picked out. It is then dipped just
below the surface of a little vessel of distilled water, and the
grain is detached at once and sinks.
In this way, by care and patience, a quantity of any one con-
stituent can be accumulated sufficient even for a chemical
analysis. But for merely qualitative tests a very few grains will
principal form and strike a light blow with a hammer, when, if the
direction is near that of a principal cleavage, a more or less flat-
faced fragment will be removed. If, on the other hand, no cleavage
is obtainable in the direction of the blow, the fractured surface
Many minerals are softer when first obtained than after they
have been kept some time in a dry cabinet. In crystals, the
edges and angles are often considerably harder than the faces,
and those of the primitive form than of the modifications. 39
Determination of Specific Gravity (cf. p. 66). This is in
principle very simple, the substance being first weighed in air
arid then in water ; the difference between the two weights gives
the weight of an equivalent volume of water, and the quotient of
the original weight by the difference will be the specific gravity.
An exact determination is, however, a matter of considerable
nicety. When the substance contains cavities, it is necessary to
powder it before taking the specific gravity.
Chemical balance. The most familiar method of determining
the specific gravity of a body is that involving the use of an accurate
balance and a set of chemical weights. The specimen is suspended
by a light silk thread from the hook on the under side of a small
pan, which replaces the ordinary pan of the balance. It is
weighed in air (w) and then immersed in a glass of distilled water ;
all bubbles are carefully removed, the water being boiled if
necessary, or the vessel being placed for some time under an
air pump ; the weight of the specimen when suspended in water
a brush, withdraw the specimen and paint it
To remove bubbles with
which should be worked well into the hollows.
over, as it were, with water,
On again immersing, the bubbles will have broken and disappeared.
stopper, and wipe off any water that has flowed over. Place the
powdered or fragmentary specimen on the pan of the balance on
a scrap of smooth paper, a counterpoise to the paper being laid on
the other pan. Weigh thus in air (w). Now place the full bottle
beside the specimen in the pan, and determine the joint weight a.
Transfer the specimen to the bottle, remove bubbles with particular
care, replace the stopper, wipe, and weigh again (b). The weight
of water displaced by the specimen = a b. Then G= ,
Mohr's method is susceptible of considerable accuracy. The
gauging vessel is a glass cylinder, which is filled with water to a
standard point formed by a needle projecting from a slip of wood
across the top, the exact level being attained when the point of
the needle and its reflected image in the water coincide. The
weighed substance is then carefully lowered into the cylinder,
when it displaces its own volume of water, with a corresponding
rise of the surface level. The amount of displacement is measured
by drawing the water into a graduated tube or burette until the
original level is restored. A convenient size of graduated tube is
the ordinary alkalimeter used in volumetric analysis containing
1000 grains, and divided into 5-grain spaces, or an equivalent one
with metrical divisions. The level of the water may be adjusted
with great nicety by a simple valve formed of a piece of glass rod
inserted in the indiarubber delivery tube, the aperture of which
can be varied by a slight pressure of the finger upon the tube.
This method, which has the advantage of not requiring a correc-
tion for temperature, is well adapted for taking the specific
gravities of coal, limestone, and similar substances ranging from
2 to 3, which can be used in fragments of about half a pound
Walker's balance is the most convenient and portable instrument
of which the geologist can avail himself. A steel bar, A, is
supported in a rest, B, by a knife-edge piece fixed through it
about 3 inches from one end. The remainder, some 18 inches
long, is graduated into inches and tenths, starting from the point
of support.
The short arm of the bar is notched upon its upper surface,
and a heavy weight, C, can thus be hung from it at a variety of
distances from the fulcrum. The long arm passes through a
respectively, G=- .
b a
The results are accurate to the first place of decimals, and
often compete with the ordinary balance in the second place ;
while for mineral or rock specimens of a fair size they may be
held to be entirely satisfactory. 15
Jolly's spring balance is a simple laboratory instrument which
yields excellent results. It consists essentially of a pair of scale
Taste and Odour have been referred to in Chapter IV., Section I.,
p. 57. Odour is often most noticeable when the mineral has been
treated with acids ;
see below.
Solubility. is determined by treating a powdered mineral
with water, acids, or alkalies. The chief solvents used (and the
order in which they are applied) are as follows :
(a) Water.
(b) Hydrochloric acid : dilute at first, stronger afterwards,
if necessary.
(c) Nitric acid dilute at first, then strong.
(/) Special solvents, such as oxalic acid, ammonia, etc. ;
also citric and tartaric acids. 15
To ascertain the solubility of a mineral, a few grains of its
etc. The blowpipe lamp may burn oil, and be provided with a
screw-cap for travelling. The wick should be flat. Where space
is limited the best lamps are those filled with grease or solid
them, and the main store in the bottle must be left absolutely
uncontaminated. This precaution is very simple, but a warning
on the point is often necessary.
Tin-foil. Used to facilitate many reductions, both in borax
and in hydrochloric acid.
Copper-wire. (Some workers use cupric oxide) used in testing
for chlorine,owing to its combination with the copper, and the
colour consequently imparted to the flame.
Less important reagents are Potassium-bisulphate, fluor-
spar, magnesium-potassium-iodide, sulphur, silver chloride, etc.
Use of Blowpipe. Distend the cheeks and breathe in and out
as usual by the nose. Now place the blowpipe between the lips,
or the trumpet mouth against them. Some of the expired air
will pass out by the tube, under pressure from the tension of the
cheeks, and the remainder will pass out through the nose. At
short intervals the cheeks must be redistended in order to
maintain the pressure. In this way a continuous blast can be
kept up without interfering with the ordinary action of the lungs.
Practice is all that is necessary ; most of the difficulties that at
first occur are caused by the endeavour to force all the expired
air out through the blowpipe instead of by its natural exit, and
The complete blowpipe examination of a mineral consists of (a)
observation of flame-coloration, (6) observation of fusibility,
and (c) eight or more distinct observations, some of which may,
however, sometimes be omitted without much loss after a little
experience has been gained.
Assay. The fragment of mineral operated upon, called the
"assay," should not generally be much larger than a mustard
seed, a small assay being much more manageable than a larger
Observation of Flame-Coloration. Many volatile substances
impart characteristic colours to the flame. The observation
should be coupled with that of fusibility, but a negative result is
not conclusive. Should no colour be thus seen, the splinter, or
its powder on a moistened wire, should be dipped in a drop of
hydrochloric acid specially placed out for this purpose, and again
be introduced into the flarne. The volatile and decomposable
character of the chlorides thus formed often reveals the presence
of a metal (e.g. barium) that might otherwise remain undetected
throughout the analysis.
Compounds of phosphorus and borax are best treated with
sulphuric acid.
Silver chloride, mixed with the powder of the specimen, is
useful to intensify some reactions, notably those of copper
compounds, the blue flame due to copper chloride becoming at
once apparent.
Gypsum may similarly be used with certain silicates, which
become decomposed when heated with it, the metals present
being rendered volatile in the form of sulphates.
Often the assay must be held just in the edge of the flame, and
not brought too far within it. The coloration is sometimes
transient, sometimes intensified upon long heating or fusion.
Precautions. A black background should be used. The
forceps or wire should be cleaned with HC1 until they have no
effect on the flame. The acids must give no colour except the
transient yellow of sodium, which is scarcely to be avoided. The
wire must never be dipped into the acid-bottle, but drops must
be set out for the purpose.
Flame-colorations are as follows :
Observation of Fusibility. The ease with which a substance
fuses must depend greatly on the strength of flame employed and
on the skill of the operator, as well as on the size of the fragment
employed. Hence it is necessary for each worker to be in the
habit of using splinters of similar size and shape, comparison
being then possible between the results gained by himself from
different substances. The product, after heating, must always be
examined with the lens, and any change of colour, transparency,
etc., also noted. For most purposes the following broad
observations and statements suffice (a) Fusible in the unaided
flame of the lamp in fairly large (or small) fragments ; (6) fusible
thus, gold will be yellow and malleable silver and tin, white and
again, put in the oxidising, then the reducing, flame while counting
fifty in each case. If no distinct colour is produced, take a little
more of the assay on the same bead of borax and heat again. Do
this several times if necessary. Should a distinct colour be
produced, it will probably be one of those given in attached
table. 21
Colour in O.F.
Colour in O.F.
THE several sources of supply known to hydraulic engineering
science are to be regarded merely as stages of the various courses
pursued by water in its passage from the rain-clouds to the ocean.
Whether precipitated through the atmosphere as rain, or flowing
over the earth's surface as stream or river, or percolating the soil
and rocks beneath, the motion of water is to be explained
according to the same uniform physical laws.
that they are only approximations, and that observed facts are
infinitely preferable where they can be obtained. Where they
cannot be obtained, the departure of extreme years from the
mean may be estimated at 33 per cent, in excess for the wettest
year, and the same amount for defect in the driest. The three
driest consecutive years have ordinarily about 80 or 85 per cent,
of the mean annual fall ; and this value, or its equivalent five-
sixths of the mean is generally taken as the basis of calculations
annual fall (i.e. 3-20 inches) ; for each increase of 4 inches in the
mean annual fall it decreases 1 per cent, until the latter reaches
60 inches ;beyond that point it remains stationary at 6 per
cent., however great the annual fall may be. For example,
Seathwaite, mean annual fall 140 inches; 1-40 x 6
= 8-40 = the
the body and fibres of the tree or plant, and partly to be evaporated
from its leaves. In either case, however, it is lost as far as the
purposes of water-supply are concerned. The evaporation from
the ground surface will depend on the temperature, the physical
configuration, and the geological formation of the district, the state
of the drainage, the nature of the surface of the ground, arid the
rate at which the rain falls. The absorption of vegetation will, of
course, depend on the amount and nature of the vegetation. When
in the warmer seasons of the temperate zones the showers come
some will soak in. The part into which it soaks will be temporarily
saturated ; but the water will gradually sink by gravitation till it
reaches the saturated portion, where its downward course will be
stopped, as there will be no room for it. Near the outside of the
block it will easily make its way into the surrounding water ; but
the water in the centre will not be able to get away so readily, and
for some time the surface of saturation, instead of being flat, will
be curved high in the middle and sloping downward on each side.
The water in the small well will now stand higher than before ;
but gradually, as the water presses downwards and outwards, the
level will sink to its original position, the plane of saturation
gradually becoming less and less curved until it becomes flat as
at first. A fresh watering of the block will raise it again, but it
always tends to the level which is determined for it by the
surrounding water, rising higher when well watered, and sinking
towards its limit when left to itself. This experiment illustrates
the condition of the dry land under the combined influence of the
sea, rain, and evaporation. The saturation line never sinks much
below the level of the sea below that line the rocks are always
they absorb or part with it, and in the degree of accidental inter-
ruption that can interfere with the free course of the water
beneath the surface. Thus sands, if loose, allow water to perco-
late freely through them ; if hardened, they conduct water very
badly or not at all ; if broken, they offer natural channels, per-
mitting a very perfect but partial transmission. So limestones,
under certain circumstances, are good conductors, and under
other circumstances, very bad conductors of water and this is
surplus water. There may be plenty, but the rock may part
with it very slowly. Loose sand or a well-jointed and cracked
sandstone will part with its water with the greatest ease ; but if
any clayey material is present the case is very different, partly on
account of the strong affinity clay possesses for moisture, and
partly through the crevices getting choked with it. Chalk, again,
has a very large capacity for water, but a solid lump of chalk,
when once saturated, is not at all ready to surrender the water
again, as may be seen by trying to drain the water from it. In a
well sunk in the chalk the water issues chiefly, not from the
chalk itself, but from the cracks and joints. For this reason it
is usual, where a large supply is needed, to drive headings
through the chalk in various directions from the bottom of the
well in order to tap as many of these fissures as possible. 5
Porosity of Rocks. Tables showing the absorbent power of
various rocks as deduced from laboratory experiments are given
in part iii. of Rivington's Building Construction and other works,
from which it may be seen that the quantity of water absorbed
by the different strata is very variable. It is small in compact
sandstones and limestones, large in soft sandstones and oolites
When water falls from the clouds in the form of rain or snow,
sinks into the ground and percolates until it reaches an imperme-
able stratum, appearing again at the surface at a lower level, the
outgush is called a spring. The general conditions under which
springs are met with in nature are necessarily most varied,
dependent as they are on the geological structure of the locality,
the alternation and inclination of pervious and impervious strata,
and their endless contortions, dislocations, and faults. Water-
bearing strata are such as are of an open, porous, or absorbent
nature, and overlie other strata of an impermeable quality, the
latter serving to retain the water in the former.
Ordinary Springs. Pervious or impervious. The simplest case
under which springs are met with is where a pervious stratum
overlies an inclined impervious one, as in fig. 75, the rain falling
upon the surface of the former being delivered at S as a land or
shallow-seated spring.
If the impervious substratum be depressed into a hollow or
basin, the water will necessarily accumulate in the same, and the
lower part of the porous stratum will become permanently
saturated. Fig. 76 illustrates such a case, A B S being the line of
with the pervious bed, than make its appearance at certain places
only on this line, and then in the form of continuous gushing
streams. This, however, is explained by the fact that on the
surface of the impermeable bed numerous irregularities exist
similar to those on the exposed surface of the land, and these
FIG. 81. Inclined line of FIG. 82. Origin of two kinds of springs.
and the issues of water often give to the geologist notice of faults
of which the form of the surface affords no visible indication.
Figs. 83 and 84 show one of the most common modes of
occurrence where the fault X has caused a dislocation of the
strata and brought down the impermeable bed A in contact with
the porous stratum B. Fig. 83 shows the spring breaking out in
the valley at X, but the same effect sometimes takes place near
the tops of hills or on high tableland, as at X, fig. 84, especially if
the beds in B dip towards X.
It has been observed by geologists that the occurrence of
springs in limestone districts is one of the best indications of the
existence of faults. In the Carboniferous district of Gower the
limestone is traversed by a succession of nearly parallel faults,
which range across the limestone at right angles to the coast-line.
The lines of these faults are invariably marked on the surface by a
series of springs breaking out at different levels from that of the
the French province of Artois, where they are very common, and
were executed with the greatest success as far back as the twelfth
century. If J* the upper surface of the impervious stratum be
below the level determined by the hydrostatic force just mentioned,
Wells are either shallow or deep, as explained below they may
freely admit the passage of the water, it is obvious that the most
favourable site would be one below the fault, carefully selected
with regard to the position of the fault on plan, and also in such
a manner that the fault would be intersected by the well ; for the
water from a comparatively large extent of the stratum would be
drained into the fault and thence into the well. Should the fault
not be struck in the vertical line of the well, a tunnel or heading
driven from the well into the fault would have a similar result. 23
Wells as a Source of Supply. The waters of " shallow " wells
are frequently unfit for human consumption (see p. 260). The
waters of "deep" wells will depend for their characteristics upon
the nature of the strata through which they have percolated and
the soluble matters contained therein ; they are more free from
organic matters than river waters, as they undergo a more or less
complete natural filtration ; the greater the depth of the well, or
rather the longer the time which the process occupies, the more
complete will be the oxidation of the organic matters.
When comparing different sources on the ground of purity,
note must be taken of the possibility of contamination at future
periods, such as by mineral workings in mountain districts, or by
the cultivation of the land, or the increase of population in the
district. Of all sources, deep wells are least liable to have the
quality of their water injured by such causes, because of the great
depths of natural filtration which the waters undergo.
Quality of Water. Springs and Wells. The quality of water
is much affected by the rocks through which it
passes, although
it is not always safe to conclude what the result will be without
actual investigation. Thus water obtained from surface deposits
is almost sure to contain in solution some of those organic sub-
that enters their beds under the hydraulic head of the neighbour-
ing subterranean waters. The last-mentioned form of contribu-
tion is sometimes peculiarly marked by the evident increase in
the size of rivers, without the apparent cause that is afforded by
the junction of the tributaries. Thus, in defining the watershed
or catchment area of a river, it is necessary to consider not only
the superficial extent of land that discharges surface-water into
it, but, further, the area from which underground water is
contributed to it two elements that are seldom coincident. 22
Quality of Water dependent upon Strata. The water found
in rivers, streams, and lakes is either that which has been
immediately drained into them from the surface of the land or,
having been previously absorbed by porous strata, has fed them
in the shape of springs ; or, thirdly, that which has drained into
paratively free from foreign matters. The water from rivers and
lakes in such districts approaches more nearly the nature of rain
than any other natural water. It is the softest of river water,
and itssolvent powers are therefore comparatively high.
The next waters are the rivers which have passed over or
through districts containing carbonate of lime in some form or
other. They vary but little in the nature of their inorganic
constituents (consisting principally of carbonate of lime, sulphate
of lime, carbonate of magnesia, and chloride of sodium), but vary
meable strata, and the slopes of their sides are steep, a large
proportion of the rainfall flows down them into the valley below.
Accordingly, with a large available rainfall out of a considerable
total fall, the flow of a given drainage area is much greater in
such regions than elsewhere ; whilst the loss from evaporation,
both over the land and the reservoir, is reduced by the comparative
coldness of high altitudes. The catchment basins of mountain
streams are, indeed, necessarily very much smaller than those of
rivers in the lower portion of their course but lakes converted
The source of supply in gravitation works is the rainfall upon
the gathering-ground or catchment basin, a tract of land more or
less completely bounded by ridge lines or more properly watershed
lines. This latter distinction is necessary, because the hydro-
graphical basin is not necessarily coincident with that traced from
surface contours. Valleys of denudation on an anticlinal axis,
for instance, where permeable strata are superimposed, would
show from surface contours a gathering-ground larger than the
drainage area really available for the impounding of water, and
vice versa. In impervious or rocky districts the case is simplified
to one of surface observations. 23
Size of Catchment Area. Unusually heavy falls of rain are
the determining causes of the excessive floods that occur on
catchment areas ; and, as might be supposed, the relative magni-
tude of such floods is greater in the smaller areas.
There are two reasons for the decrease of the rate of flood-dis-
charge as the catchment area increases: (1) Extremely heavy
falls only last for a short time, and rain falling in the remote
portions of a large watershed takes appreciably longer to flow
to the place of discharge than does the rain precipitated at more
central parts ; so the duration of the flood is prolonged, whilst
its intensity is diminished. (2) Heavy falls of rain, occurring
only locally over limited areas, naturally affect but slightly the
discharge from extensive watersheds.
It is useful to remember that 1 inch of rainfall per twenty-four
hours over 1000 acres is approximately equivalent to 42 cubic feet
per second. Also that a fall at the rate of 1 inch per hour
corresponds with a discharge of 1 cubic foot per second off an area
of 1 statute acre. 22
Available Rainfall. The gathering-ground having been
determined, and its area ascertained, an estimate has to be made
of the available rainfall upon that area.
The available fall is a quantity more or less short of the mean
fall how much so remains to be seen. The mean annual fall is re-
ferred to in Section L, p. 240, and the first deduction from this is
one rendered necessary by the variations in the amount of fall. The
extent of the variations, as already stated, is found to be about
two-thirds of the mean fall that is, one-third in excess, and one-
third in defect. Were the whole of the rainfall (neglecting for a
moment the loss by evaporation) to be impounded, and a uniform
quantity, equal to the mean fall, to be discharged from the
reservoir, the storage capacity of the reservoir would have to be
far greater in proportion to the supply than has hitherto been
found economical. The greater the mean supply (rainfall) com-
pared with the mean demand, the less will be the storage capacity
required to ensure the demand being regularly met ; and it is
now the practice to consider as available no more than the mean
fall for three consecutive dry years, and to secure a gathering-
drainage ground with the returns from the rain-gauges for the
same period. The Difference will, of course, give the loss for that
period. If the period of stream-gauging be one in which the
rainfall has proved to be less than the mean annual fall, the
flowing in at the upper end can continue its course down the
valley below. The lake, in regulating the flow, stores up to some
extent over its large area the flood discharge of the river above ;
The alumina varies from 11*14 per cent, at White Gill, Skiddaw,
to 20 per cent, in the granite of Glen in Donegal. The peroxide
of iron ranges from -23 at Botallack to 7*3 in some of the granites
of Leinster ; whilst the protoxide of iron, which is so frequently
absent, amounts sometimes to upwards of 2 per cent. The lime
varies from J per cent, in some of the Cornish granites to up-
wards of 5 per cent, in some of those from Donegal. The
magnesia, which may be a mere trace, amounts to 3J per cent, in
Qualities. The granites are quarried, for the most part, from
hillsides and other rising grounds, have little or no superficial
covering, are blasted for smaller purposes, but split with wedge
and mallet for larger blocks and monoliths. In most quarries the
rock has a rudely jointed or tabular structure, but in some
instances it is massive and capable of yielding blocks of large
dimensions. Like other rocks it can be squared and dressed with
greater facility when newly raised and in possession of its quarry-
sap," and this, according to the texture of the rock, may vary from
5 to 1 per cent, of its weight. Some granites of open texture are
capable of absorbing as much, it is said, as from 2 to 3 gallons
per cubic yard, and those -absorbing the most are the least to be
relied upon for their durability. The specific gravity of ordinary
granites ranges from 2*6 to 2'8, a cubic foot weighs from 164 to
169 Ibs., and from experiments on inch cubes, the crushing force
varied, according to the texture and composition, from 3000 up to
13,000 Ibs. 11
Donegal Granites.6
in Scotland ;
and in Galway and Donegal in Ireland, as well as
among the metamorphic or crystalline rocks of most countries
France, Germany, Italy, Greece, the Urals, Egypt, India, Canada,
and North America yielding many varieties. 11
Crystalline Schists. These old rocks generally occur in a slaty
or fissile state, and are better adapted for roofing, paving, and
other slab purposes than for building and yet some of the
The basalts and felstones or claystones, as well as the rocks
known as greenstones or whinstones, are often all included under
the name of trap rocks, but the term trap is more properly applied
to the dark compact greenstones or basalts of which the successive
streams have flowed in great horizontal sheets and have given
rise to a step-like structure, as in the case of the lavas of the
Faroe Islands, the Deccan, Norway, etc. 4
Greenstone is an old name for the dark-green, fine-grained rocks
known as Diorite, Diabase, Gabbro, and Aphanite. The name is
sometimes confined to diorite, but the more general designation
is sufficient for practical purposes. These rocks 1 all occur as
dykes and veins, chiefly in the more ancient rocks. Their green
colour is derived partly from their hornblende and partly from a
small quantity of chlorite which is generally present. Gabbro is
coarse-grained, diabase and diorite are fine-grained, and aphanite
is very compact and fine-grained. They are all occasionally
amygdaloidal, and are, no doubt, varieties of the same rock
solidified under slightly different conditions. 5
Diorite, S.G. 2-6 to 2-9, contains silica 47-58 per cent. It is
found amongst Silurian, Cambrian, and metamorphic rocks,
generally in the form of dykes, often assuming a bedded aspect
and a columnar structure. It is generally extremely hard and
tough, and is consequently well suited for road material and
Mica trap or Minette occursin a manner precisely analogous to
diorite; it is generally tough, and weathers rusty brown. It
occurs in the form of intrusive dykes amongst the Silurian rocks
co Td n 'bbw
g53S8.S8g *
B 3 S
tEdo .
M o H M
Cambrian and The grits are for the most part very
but are useful for moulds in foundries. They are often variegated
and mottled and frequently exhibit false bedding 16 (cf. p. 38).
Jurassic. The rocks of the Jurassic period are for the most
part limestones, but good sandstone is quarried at Aislaby near
Whitby from the Lias, which is used not only in the locality
but at London, Cambridge, and other towns. 11 In Lincolnshire,
Northamptonshire, and Dorsetshire sandstone belonging to the
inferior Oolite is employed for building. 16 A hard and fine-
grained calciferous sandstone is found at Tisbury in Wiltshire.
Cretaceous. Those of most importance belong to the Hastings
sand series. This sand-rock is not a very coherent stone when
first dug, but it hardens on exposure and is used locally for
Statuary marbles of the finest hue and texture are brought from
Italy and Greece (Carrara and Paros), as are also many of the
parti-coloured varieties for internal decoration. Some beautiful
marbles are also obtained from Belgium and France, but several
useful sorts are derived from the formations of our islands, as
shown below. 11
Archaean. The limestones and marbles of Archaean age are
found chiefly in the Scottish Highlands, and are usually greyish
crystalline varieties, or bluish- and greenish-veined varieties. None
of them are used as building-stones, but only for mortar and
agricultural purposes.
Silurian. Developed chiefly in Wales and of comparatively
little value, except for mortar and agricultural purposes.
Devonian. Mainly restricted to Devonshire. The calcareous
beds of the Old Red Sandstone proper are limited and irregular,
often siliceous and concretionary, and seldom quarried, unless on
a very small scale for mortar and agriculture. 11 The Devonian
limestones are, however, extensively used for building and paving,
and some of them are well adapted for ornamental purposes on
account of the richly coloured mottling and veinings which they
frequently exhibit.
The South Devon marbles, which are worked at Plymouth, St
Mary's Church, Babbacombe, Totnes, Newton Bushel, and other
of white and
places, are of various shades of grey, with veins
yellow, occasionally reddish or flesh-coloured, with deeper veinings,
and not unfrequently coralline or "madrepore." The North
Devon marbles, though not so extensively quarried, present some
useful varieties, having a black ground irregularly traversed with
bold white veinings. 11
Carboniferous. In England the limestones of this system are
largely developed both in thickness and extent, comprising
main portion of the Lower division of the series. Several of the
limestones are used as ornamental marbles, notably the black
marbles of Ashford, Matlock, and Dent, the brown of Bake well,
the encrinal of Dent, and the grey-shelly and encrinal of Poolwash ;
the great bulk of them are quarried for the blast-furnace, for
mortars, cements, agriculture, road-making, bleaching, tanning,
from the Duchy of Nassau ; and in the east of Europe from other
places. Slates and slabs are also found in America. 13
Cambrian. The Cambrian slates are very important rocks,
affording compact roofing-slates of admirable quality, mostly of
a dark purple or greenish colour, and capable of being split into
very thin and large slates exceedingly free from pyrites, which is
common in many slates, but, from its decomposition, is most
detrimental to them as roofing material. The slates of the
Penrhyn and Bangor and of the Din or wig or Llanberis quarries
in North Wales are of Cambrian age. 16
Silurian.The Skiddaw (Lower Silurian slates of Cumberland)
are black, or dark-grey rocks, which are often traversed by many
sets of cleavage planes, causing them to break up into splinters
or dice, so that no good roofing-slate can, as a rule, be procured
from them. The best Lower Silurian slates of North Wales are
quarried in the Llandeilo and Bala beds. They are black, dark
grey, and pale grey. Ffestiniog, Llangollen, and Aberdovey are
Specific CO rH rH rH CO rH CO rH
Gravity. CO CO CO CO CO CO rH CO
Crushing Load
per sq. ft. in
Absorption in CO
percentage of
is Dry Weight.
Weight per o :
cub. ft. in Ibs. CO CO
rH iO iO OO * CO
Water and eo <p cp co rH p
os oo p CO
Loss. 00 rH rH CO CO CO CO fH rH CO COT*
Alumina and
rH O rH rH 00
? co o co os
Silica woscop. cpoooo
Carbonate ot^
s*l CO CO CO ^i vi t> iO O O OO
r- cotrH
^tMcoprr' coco^cpt^cp 1
co *
Phosphate of . .
Lime. :
Sulphate of .
g= ^
oaroonate 01f
T ^P?
rHrH>o^oop ipfT 1 1 5
Lime 0^^>tO
rf< kQ
% J a
1 J
^rl ^ rl J"^ 'ig'^rSj'!^^'!^^ Jlg^H If J |
and Oolite, they become more compact, and pass into the texture
and consistency of shales and clay slates. 11
As sedimentary deposits, resulting from the waste and decom-
position of pre-existing rocks, clays occur in various states of
purity and plasticity some being pure, unctuous, tenacious, or
long clays as they are termed, and others impure, meagre, and
short, or deficient in tenacity. Whatever their natural characters,
they are all improved by being dug in summer, laid out in heaps
of moderate thickness, and exposed to the action of air and frost,
during which they undergo a kind of fermentation or internal
decomposition. This ripening or tempering, as the workmen
term it, greatly improves their quality, and is no doubt the
result partly of chemical change, as the decomposition of lime,
pyrites, etc., and partly of mere mechanical disintegration.
Besides this mellowing most of the clays have to undergo various
processes of washing, crushing, pugging, and admixture, according
to the fabric for which they are intended a clay fit for a common
brick being unfitted for a fire-brick, and a clay suited for common
or brown earthenware being altogether unsuitable for porcelain
or china.
Refractory Qualities. Pure clay (silicate of alumina) is re-
fractory that is, capable of resisting intense heat ; and one
essential requisite in a good clay is, that it should not contain
iron oxide, lime, or other alkaline earth in such proportions as to
render it in any degree fusible. According to the experiments of
E. Richters (1868), the refractory qualities of clay are least
influenced by magnesia, more so by lime, still more by oxide of
iron,and most of all by potash. 11
Brick and Tile Clays are widely diffused. The thickest and
most extensive beds are the so-called "brick clays" (cf. p. 138) of
the Glacial or immediately post-Glacial period, and which are
generally fine in texture, and red, blue, yellow, or grey, according
to the rock formations from which they have been derived, or
with which they are associated ; but abundant supplies can also
be obtained from estuary silts, from the clays of the Tertiary
system, and occasionally from the outcrops of the argillaceous
beds of the older systems. 11
Brick-clay of the better kind consists of a tolerably pure
silicate of alumina, combined with sand in various proportions,
and free from lime and other alkaline ingredients, of which there
ought not to be more than 2 per cent. The relative percent-
ages of silica and alumina do not seem extremely important, and
there is always a variable proportion of water present, which is
also of little consequence. It is clear that, for use, the clay must
be tolerably free from large stones and coarse particles ; and, as
A certain proportion of iron compound is commonly present, and
this, when the brick burnt, usually passes into the state of per-
oxide and gives the brick a dark-red colour. Too large a quantity
of iron compound renders the brick liable to run into glass in the
kiln. 13
dried, and strongly fired. The lime causes the outside of the
quartz grains to fuse and adhere together.
Firestones. Any stone that stands heat for a considerable
time without perceptible injury is entitled to the designation of
a Firestone. The term, however, is usually applied to certain
sandstones of the Greensand, Oolitic, and Coal formations, employed
in the construction of ovens, glass furnaces, and similar erections
yellow or white heat, or rather below it, they bake into pottery or
brick. While many of the clays rich in alumina, silica, and iron
oxide do not fuse, or but very slowly, at the melting-point of cast-
iron, most of the calcareous clays melt at or below this tempera-
ture, or at least agglutinate, assuming a vitreous texture if the
heat be long continued.
Clays should, if possible, be delivered into the brickyard in
their moist natural state, for when they have been permitted to
dry up under a scorching sun or drying wind, they shrink and
harden greatly, and the labour of mixing into good brick "stuff"
is greater, and the
plastic mixture not so free and nice as
Analyses of various clays are given in the annexed table (p. 317).
Foreign Bodies. Most clays, as found in nature, contain some
organic matters and pebbles of foreign bodies. Unless these are
of hard pyrites or limestone, they are unimportant. Flinty
pebbles can generally be crushed in the clay-mill, or taken out by
the screen or sieve.
Whether a natural clay contains much or little sand naturally
is not important.
Every clay requires more or less grinding and
mixing, and when sand in a separate form is at hand, it is easiest
and best mixed in such proportions as we may require in the
pug-mill. Clays naturally very rich in lime or the alkalies
(derived from felspar) are the worst, and in fact a clay that
contains more than about 5 per cent, of lime is scarcely fitted for
good brick-making.
If the lime be in the state of carbonate, it is so much the worse,
and if it exist in the state of diffused limestone or chalk pebbles,
it is worst of all, for these burn into caustic lime in the kiln, and
then, when the brick absorbs moisture and carbonic acid, the
nodules of lime " slack
and swell in their places, and so burst
the brick to pieces.
Iron pyrites also is a not uncommon accidental product present
in clays, and unless separated, durable, to say nothing of well-
coloured brick can never be made of the clay. The pyrites is but
partially decomposed in the kiln oxide of iron and basic sulphides
clays ; but when these are taken from the seashore, from beneath
the sea-washes, or from localities in and about the salt formations
in all other respects excellent
(Trias), they frequently, though
clays, are unfit for burning into good brick. Chloride of sodium
is not only a powerful flux when mixed even in very small
proportion in clays, but possesses the property of being volatilised
by the heat of the brick-kiln, and in that condition it carries with
it, in a volatile state, various
metallic compounds, as those of iron,
which exist in nearly all clays, and also act as fluxes. The result
is that bricks made of such clays tend to fuse, to warp, twist, and
agglutinate together upon the surfaces long before they have
been exposed to a sufficient or sufficiently prolonged heat to burn
them to the core into good hard brick. " Place bricks can be
made of such clay, but nothing more ; and these are always bad,
because never afterwards free from hygrometric moisture.
Much carbonaceous matter naturally mixed in clays is also in
certain states objectionable, for when not burnt completely and in
the kiln, which is sometimes difficult with the denser clays, the
bricks are of a different colour in the exterior and interior, and
will not bear cutting for face- work without spoiling the appear-
ance of the brick-work. But, worse than this, such bricks, when
wetted in the wall, occasionally pass out soluble compounds like
those absorbed from soot by the bricks of the flue, and like these
(when used again in new work) discolour plastering or stucco-
work. 29
Normal Constituents. The normal constituents of brick clays,
then, may be said to be oxides of the earthy metals, and of a few
others, hydrated or not, with silicic acid, and with small amounts
of the alkalies, potash and soda, also present, together with
several other chemical compounds occasionally, but uncertainly,
present in minute proportions, with which we need not concern
Silicic acid, the great electro-negative element of clays when
combined with the oxides of the earthy bases, singly or in com-
bination, and exposed to high temperatures in certain proportions,
forms glass or enamel (i.e. opaque glasses).
Alumina, though in a less degree, also plays the part of acid
towards the earthy bases, though itself a base with respect to
silicic acid. As regards the oxides of the earthy metals, alumina,
lime, magnesia, etc., these, in accordance with the general law of
chemistry that bodies in the same range combine, oxides with
oxides, etc., also combine at high temperatures. The most
PT. V.
rich when falling only after eight or ten minutes, they are poor ;
and when requiring, it may be, several days to break up, they
are highly or energetically hydraulic.^ 1
It is, however, now known that this slaking action depends upon
numerous conditions which have to be specially studied for each
class of limes, and that any general deductions founded on the
act of hydration alone are likely to be inaccurate and misleading. 30
The old classification into fat, poor, medium, hydraulic, and
eminently hydraulic limes is still met with in many engineering
books, and as a rough guide is of considerable value if due
caution is observed. 1
The Influence of Clayey Matters. Absolutely pure lime-
stones are only met with in exceptional cases, as nearly all
limestone rocks, and the greater part of the Chalk formation,
contain varying percentages of clayey matters (silicates of
alumina), iron, alkalies, etc., and it is upon the proportion of
these ingredients present that the behaviour of the calcined
lime principally depends. It is, in fact, owing to the presence
of certain of these clayey matters that limes pass over by gradual
stages into the form of cements; that is to say, that these
substances so far influence the slaking action that they may even
bring about the ultimate setting of the mixture without change
of volume the characteristic property (as already stated) of
cements. 30
Artificial Admixture of Clayey Matters. It is not necessary,
however, that the limestone should have been the source from
which these clayey matters were derived ; they may be conveyed
to the calcined lime by admixture with it at the time when it is
treated with water, or they may be ground up along with the
lump lime before it is slaked. It is this fact which needs
careful consideration when we have to deal with the influence of
heat on mixtures of lime and clay, and the nature of the changes
effected in the kiln. The silica compounds are of a very complex
character, and may be produced, as we shall see, both by heat
and in the humid way. All that is necessary for the due action
of these clayey matters is that they should themselves have been
roasted or calcined either artificially or by volcanic heat. 30
Pozzuolana, Trass, etc. Certain of these substances which
are added to pure limes to bring about this action are called
pozzuolanas or trass. These are clayey or siliceous matters of
volcanic origin, but roasted shales, brick dust, and burnt clay or
ballast, all of them, more or less, possess this influence on the
pure limes, and have the power of imparting to them the
attributes of cements.
The volcanic ash found in the island of Santorin, and known
as Santorin earth, is typical of many kinds of scoriae which have
been used successfully with fat or pure limes to impart to them
hydraulic properties. The proportion of silicate of alumina in
this substance is relatively high, and there is much less iron than
in the case of trass and pozzuolana. 30
Influence of Heat on the Silicates. When limes, such as are
combined with varying percentages of silicates, are burnt in the
ordinary way in the kiln, the carbonic acid gas is first expelled
from them, as in the ca.se of the pure limestones, and the clayey
matters assist in its expulsion, owing partly to the affinity of the
silicic acid for the lime, and partly to the fact that the free and
combined water in the clay is driven off, and the steam produced
in this way facilitates the expulsion of the carbonic acid. There
is thus a double change to be effected in the kiln, and the
per cent, of the above ingredients, but with the soluble silica in
the proportion of at least one-half of them, the limestones yield
eminently hydraulic limes.
pure as possible, and free from the ash or clinker arising from
the fuel. It is, perhaps, less essential now than was formerly
the case that the lime used by the builder should be kept apart
from the ash of the fuel, as in nearly all important works it is
customary to prepare the mortar in a mill, which would crush
up these substances along with the lump lime and incorporate
them in the mortar. For use of the plasterer, the lime is slaked
and run through a sieve, by means of which all the impurities
and underburnt particles are eliminated. A much better-looking
lime no doubt results from the use of kilns in which all contact
with the fuel is avoided and although the cost of doing this
but when leaving from 20 to 30 per cent., such a lime will not
slake after burning without first being powdered, after which
process it often produces the best hydraulic mortar. After
calcination and slaking, such limestones as the blue lias require
careful screening to remove unburnt cores, not more than 1| sand
to 1 of lime, and are often improved in hydraulicity by the
addition of a small percentage of pounded surface-clinkers. 11
cement in character.
At a low temperature in the kiln the mixtures of lime and clay
have not mutually reacted the one on the other, and we obtain
a material in which the energy due to the hydration of the lime
overcomes the tendency of the silicic acid to enter into combina-
tion with this lime, under the agency of water.
When the second stage in the calcination is reached the silicic
acid is or rendered capable of attacking the lime,
yielding a cement which sets with comparative rapidity. While,
lastly, under still more intense firing, the stage of
calcination is
approached when silicates and aluminates are formed in the kiln
and when the material acts like a Portland cement, and when the
iron, moreover, which had during the first and second degrees of
calcination remained in the condition of a peroxide, passes into
that of a protoxide (as is always the case in perfectly prepared
Portland cement). This change in the oxide of iron is only
commerce) and
this powder, when worked into a paste with
water, though plastic and pliable for a while, soon sets hard with
considerable strength and solidity. When mixed with glue
instead of water, plaster of Paris becomes stucco.
Keene's and Parian Cements. If, instead of being used with
General Laws. A knowledge of the laws which appear to
regulate the geological distribution of the rocks which supply
hydraulic and other limes may prevent many useless researches
and save perhaps some injudicious outlay of capital.
It is known, to quote nearly the words of M. Parandier, that
should not give out much heat, nor yield to the effect of the
water before about two to five minutes. A lirne of this descrip-
tion requires to be slaked before being mixed with the sand for
use in a building ; but as some builders have a fancy for the
employment of lime hot," as they call it, it is safer to employ
the blue lias lime after being ground. The best descriptions of
blue lias lime are obtained from Warwickshire, Leicestershire,
Dorsetshire, the neighbourhood of Bath, Aberdare, Rugby, etc.;
but they are all of them of very variable composition, and
they require to be used with great precaution ; at least until
the precise nature of the beds has been ascertained. 31
British Limestones. The limestones, which lie at the founda-
tion of all limes, mortars, and cements, are abundantly diffused
through the stratified formations, there being scarcely a system
which does not present one or more horizons of calcareous
deposits. Indeed, every system, from the oldest to the most
recent, has its limestones the Metamorphic, its crystalline
marbles; the Silurian, its coralline and shelly beds; the Old
Red, its cornstones; the Devonian, its coralline and shelly
marbles; the Carboniferous, its coralline, encrinal, shelly, and
fresh-water beds ;
the Permian, its dolomites the Trias, its
for itsarea few countries can boast of such a varied and available
supply. As mixed rocks they vary, of course, in composition,
some being almost pure carbonates, some dolomitic or magnesian,
and others sulphates or gypsums ; while these varieties may
again be more or less siliceous, argillaceous, ferruginous, or
Whatever the varieties, or in whatever formations they may
occur, the most of these limestones come to the surface in
long stretches of outcrop, and are consequently quarried in open
workings hence the numerous openings, great and small, on the
and the septaria from the Lower Lias and London Clay are
well known to cement-makers for their strong and energetic
Section I. Road-making.
when water-bearing beds occur, free egress must be made for the
outflow, which otherwise would, in process of time, bring down
the strongest retaining wall. Where cuttings pass through rocks
suitable for building or for roads, a free face should be kept, if
possible, for future quarrying the situation being so available, not
only for the working, but for the removal of the quarried material.
Side-slopes. The forming of the side-slopes requires consider-
able attention, so as to ensure stability and prevent slipping.
The resistance to slip arises partly from the friction between the
grains composing the soil and partly from their mutual adhesion.
Friction is, however, the only force which can be relied upon for
permanent stability, as the adhesion of the earth is destroyed by
the action of air and moisture, this being especially the case
during alternate frost and thaw. The nature of the soil, its con-
dition as to internal moisture and the atmospheric influence,
therefore, combine in fixing the inclination of the side-slopes.
The angle of repose, or, as it is generally termed, the natural slope
at which different kinds of earth, by friction alone, will remain
permanently stable, is shown in the following table given by
Professor Rankine in his Civil Engineering :
ing to the locality, the inclination of the slope on the south side
in northern latitudes being made less steep in order that the
road-surface may be more exposed to the sun's rays.
The slaty rocks generally decompose rapidly on the surface,
when exposed to moisture and the action of frost. The side-
slopes in rocks of this character may be cut into steps, and then
be covered by a layer of vegetable mould sown with grass seed, or
else the earth may be sodded in the usual way.
The stratified soils and rocks, in which the strata have a dip or
inclination to the horizon, are liable to slips, or to give way, by
one stratum becoming detached and sliding on another which is
some feet into the side-slopes, and filling them with broken stone,
or else a general drain of broken stone may be made throughout
the whole extent of the side-slope by excavating into it. When
this is deemed necessary, it will be well to arrange the drain like
an inclined retaining wall, with buttresses at intervals projecting
into the earth further than the general mass of the drain. The
front face of the drain should, in this case, also be covered with a
layer of sods with the grass side beneath, and upon this a layer
of good earth should be compactly laid to form the face of the
side-slopes. The drain need only be carried high enough above
the foot of the side-slope to tap all the sources ; and it should be
sunk sufficiently below the roadway surface to give it secure
The drainage has been effected, in some cases, by sinking wells
or shafts at some distance behind the side-slopes, from the top
surface to the level of the bottom of the excavation, and leading
the water which collects in them, by pipes, into drains at the foot
of the side-slopes. In others, a narrow trench has been excavated,
parallel to the axis of the road, from the top surface to a sufficient
depth to tap all the sources which flow towards the side-slope, and
a drain formed either by filling the trench wholly with broken
stone, or else by arranging an open conduit at the bottom to
receive the water collected, over which a layer of brushwood is
laid, the remainder of the trench being filled with broken
stone. 35
Subsoil Drainage. Soils of a siliceous and calcareous nature
and rocks generally do not present any great difficulty, as their
porous nature assists in securing a dry and solid foundation. The
side drains in cuttings and the open ditches in the level portions
of a road will, as a rule, be sufficient for this purpose, even where
the roadway is of a great width.
It is the argillaceous and allied soils which require careful treat-
ment, as, being of a retentive nature, they become very unstable
when in contact with water and the action of frost. The drainage
of such soils may be effected by forming transverse or cross drains
in the form of the letter V the apex away from the direction of
flow with 2-inch or 3-inch salt-glazed pipes laid about 15 to 18
inches below the formation level, and properly connected to the
side drains. 33
possible. Either the crests of the hills may be cut down and the
valleys up to the extent required to obtain a suitable
next step is to ascertain its actual altitude and the distance from
the foot of the ascent to the summit of the pass. From these
data the gradient can be calculated approximately and it is to
(1) Take the sunny side of the valley if the ground will
(2) Carefully examine the stratification of the rocks to be cut
through, and avoid, if possible, all strata overhanging the line of
being much more rapid in the narrow road-strip than in the wide
strip of land served by the same ditch.
On a clay soil the treatment is radically different, and the
ditches need not be deep so long as they are big enough to carry
off the water which, during and after heavy rains, runs along and
off the surface. A stiff clay gets damp very slowly even in rain,
and dries very slowly by evaporation through the surface. The
stiffer a clay is the less use it is to drain it, the logical system of
under drains being (since 1 inch of clay can stop water) drains of
1 foot width, 12 inch
apart, centres. This is the principle of the
Telford pavement the logical outcome of placing drains close
enough to drain any particular soil. Under it the clay, though
becoming quite damp in time during rains, will remain quite
capable of sustaining the road, and only give way in proportion
as it is interleaved and mixed with water by surface action. 36
not too soft and too readily worn into dust and mud. Flints,
which from their hardness would seem valuable, are also inadvis-
able for want of some cause of roughness. 13
Suitable Road Metal. The hard igneous and metamorphic
rocks are chiefly used, the principal being granites, syenites,
diorites, basalts, dolerites, diabases, quartzites, mica schists, as
well as limestones, ragstones, sandstones, flints, and gravel.
Granites. Those which are compact and fine-grained, and
composed of muscovite and orthoclase, may be taken as reliable
material for road metal. The quartz and mica are practically un-
altered chemically ;
the felspar, however, especially when oligoclase
ispresent, decomposes rapidly into clayey mud on being subjected
to the disintegrating influence of air and water.
Syenite. The durability of syenite is greater when quartz and
hornblende predominate felspar and mica are weak and of a
Besides igneous rock, there are many of the tougher and more
durable of other stones which are suitable for any except the
heaviest traffic, others which have special advantages on certain
soils, and some which are valuable on weather-resisting roads.
Limestone. Among such stones limestone is the most im-
portant. The dust formed on a limestone road is seldom of a
very irritating kind, the stories do not cut rubber tyres, and
though the glare on white limestone is sometimes rather trying,
the gain is, on the whole, with a road which absorbs less heat
than others, while the lessened radiation diminishes frost. Lime-
stone wears evenly and smoothly, and yields a cementitious
detritus. It is therefore a good weather-resisting material, and
on " weather-resisting roads a fairly soft stone may be quite
suitable for light traffic. There is less shifting of material on a
limestone road than on most other kinds of similar cost ; and
shifted material does, as a rule, less damage to the road-crust.
Siliceous limestones have the advantage of producing a less
slimy mud than purer or than marly stones, and several useful
stones for road purposes lie on the border between sandstones and
limestones, the presence of carbonate of lime in considerable
quantity in the sandstone having a good effect upon the binding
and toughness of the broken stone. Gritstones are usually better
than sandstones proper, but are apt to yield a more irritating
dust. 36
Flints are largely used for by-roads in their districts, and are
exported a good deal. Though some flints are tougher than
others, they are generally too brittle for main roads, and produce
irritating dust. They break "unkindly,'' and the fractures are
sharp and bad for cycle tyres. Unbroken small flints are often
suitable for the "shoulders" of a road of a modest class. Water
does not rest upon the surface of such a strip, which forms a
means of draining the carriage-way without a scour. There is
a kind of interlocking between flints of irregular shapes which
enables them to sustain traffic to some extent with little disturb-
ance. For the carriage-way proper they should be broken small
and well consolidated with a binder, such as a little clay or marl.
For a very cheap road flints may be used to top a loamy gravel,
shoulders being made of the larger pebbles raked out. For roads
of quite an important class, flints have some uses, such as
side support, filling spaces where vehicles occasionally pass, and
bottoming or partly filling the cuts to drains. 36
Gravel. The materials commonly known as "gravel" vary
from a mass of pebbles by themselves to what is more than
any hard material, that does not soon work up into mud or grind
into dust, and that has the advantage of requiring no expensive
carriage, will be selected. It is well to remember, in such cases,
that sandstone is better than limestone, and hard limestone is
better than slate ; while basalts and granites are exceedingly good
or exceedingly bad, according to the proportion of alkaline earths
(especially soda) which they contain. 13
It is cheaperand easier to make a road with a good deal of
clayey or marly material than to make it of solid stone with
binder crushed in at the surface ; and as the road made with clay
consolidates, the may gradually be removed.
superfluous clay
But such a method not suitable for main roads with much
(see Chapter XIII., p. 288), but to carry it out properly the stone
should be immersed in water for twenty-four hours and then
exposed to the actual action of frost.
(5) The crushing test. To determine by means of a hydraulic
press the resistance of carefully dressed cubes of stone to crushing.
This test is a very misleading one so far as road metal is
concerned. 33
Durability of Road Stones. This quality depends partly upon
resistance to mechanical abrasion and partly upon its power to
withstand chemical decomposition. The resistance to abrasion
depends mainly on the composition of the component minerals
and the manner in which they are aggregated together into a
compact mass, while the texture of the rocks also enters largely
into the question. The disintegrating effect, on certain stones, of
the chemical influences met with on the surface of a road, is
brought about by the decomposition of certain of the component
elements causing the formation of a powdery clay. This is
particularly the case with felspar, especially when the soda or
lime varieties exist to any great extent. Biotite, or black ferro-
magnesian mica, is of a very weak and perishable nature, and
affects adversely rocks of which it is a component element.
The efficiency of igneous rocks generally depends on their
compact, granular texture. Those in which the grains are so
small that they are barely visible, forming a continuous mass,
cemented together in a siliceous paste, more or less compact, and
..10 .
. .21
to 25 (in one instance 4'8)
Basalt . . . .12 to 20
Porphyry . . . .10 to 20 (in one instance 5)
Quartzite . . . .11 to 18
Devonian schist
Schist .....12 . . .16
4 to 12
. .
. to 16
6 to 20 (generally 10 to 12)
Gneiss . . . . 9 to 12
Siliceous pebbles
Chalk flints
.... ....
and gravel
. .
8 to 19 (in one instance 6)
8 to 16
7 to 11-6
Siliceous limestone . . 6 to 18 (generally about 10 to 12)
Compact limestone . .14
Magnesian limestone . .12
Carboniferous limestone . 9
Oolitic limestone . . . 5 to 12
Lias limestone . . . 5 to 10
Jurassic limestone . . 5 to 8
Limestone . . .- ''.' 5 to 12
Mean of all France . . 10- 63
puddle, becoming dry, would crack ; and when the water again
rose it would escape through these cracks, which by its action
would be gradually enlarged until the puddle was rendered
useless. 37
Leakage. The importance of geological knowledge in canal-
making was long ago recognised, and was applied by Mr W.
Smith, in 1811, in a very successful manner. About that time
many canals were being cut in the west of England, and these,
crossing the oolitic hills, were found to be particularly liable to
accidents of leakage, being cut through open-jointed, and some-
times cavernous rocks, alternating with water-tight clays. In
the passage across the former rocks, and more especially when
the summit-level of the canal occurs in them, the water escapes
almost as fast as it enters, and all the skill of the engineer in
puddling and making an artificial bed is sometimes exerted in
vain, and cannot prevent great and ruinous loss. But the
existence of open joints and caverns is by no means the only, nor
indeed is it the greatest source of injury, for innumerable small
faults or slides traverse the country and confuse the natural
direction of the springs, rendering them short in their courses
and uncertain and temporary in their flow, weakening by their
irregular pressure every defence that may be opposed to them,
and causing leaks which let through a portion of the water
contained in that level of the canal. 13
The general remedy for all these evils was understood by
Mr Smith and proposed by him for adoption. It is " the entire
interception of all the springs which rise from a level above the
canal, and pass below it through natural fissures and cavities.
This is a process requiring great skill and extensive experience ;
some of the springs, for instance, which it is most important to
intercept come not to the surface at all in the ground above the
canal, but flowing naturally below the surface through shaken
or faulty ground, or along masses of displaced rock which extend
in long ribs from the brows down into the vale, emerge or
attempt to emerge in the banks of the canal ; there no ordinary
surface-draining will reach, and none but a draining-engineer,
well versed in the knowledge of strata, can successfully cope with
such mysterious enemies. But Mr Smith, confident in his great
experience, not only proposed, by a general system of sub-
terraneous excavation, to intercept all these springs and destroy
their power to injure the canal, but further to regulate and
equalise their discharge so as to render them a positive benefit.
This he would have accomplished by penning up the water in
particular natural areas, or pounds, which really exist between
most districts, or between certain ridges of clay
lines of fault in
Phillip's Life of William Smith, p. 69,
The existence of the deep pools which are found in the beds of
rivers, the curved motion which a stream assumes, and its power
to transport material of heavier specific gravity than itself, are
due to this upward and rotary action of the particles of water.
A large volume of water once in motion maintains its flow with
a very slight surface inclination. 40
Retarding Force. If, owing to the action of gravity, water
continued to flow in a river with no resistance, it would be
subject to a constantly accelerating force, but as its motion over
any given length is uniform, there must be also a retarding force.
This retarding force is due to the friction of the particles of the
water against the sides and bottoms, to the adhesion of the
particles of the fluid, to variations in the head and irregularities
in the form of the channel causing disturbance to the motion
and a loss of living force from the particles being reflected in
currents contrary to the general direction of motion, and to
turbidity of the water.
Velocity. As rivers increase in size the proportion of the
retarding to the accelerating force continually diminishes, and
they therefore require a less rate of inclination to produce the
same velocity.
Where the flow of water in a channel is uniform, the same
quantity of water will be discharged at the lower end of any
given length as enters at the upper end ; consequently, the same
quantity of water must pass each transverse section per second,
the velocity of the current increasing where the area is diminished
and decreasing where it is enlarged.
The velocity of a stream is not uniform throughout the whole
section. The contact of the particles with the sides and bottom
of the channel retards the velocity of the water
adjacent, and as the particles are reflected they transmit this
retardation to the more distant particles, the particles nearest
the rubbing surface being most affected, and each in succession
being less influenced, and the retardation decreasing towards
the part most distant from the bottom and the sides being at a
maximum at the former point and a minimum at the latter.
The point of maximum velocity is found to be on a vertical line
through the deepest part of the channel and a little below the
There exists a point where the velocity of the filaments of the
water is at a mean of the whole depth. This point varies with
the depth and other conditions of the river.
Generally, the mean velocity may be taken at 85 per cent,
of the maximum, and its position at the centre, or in deep rivers,
at 0'45 of the depth measured from the surface.
the course remains unaltered the contour of the bed will be found
to remain materially unaltered. Without an investigation of the
cause of this, it would seem natural that the heavy materia
carried by the water in suspension would be deposited in the
pools, and that they would become filled up, and the bed raised
throughout, in the same manner as occurs at the mouth of large
tideless rivers. After the contour of a river has once been deter-
mined, an equilibrium is set up between the erosive action of the
water and the resistance of the material of which the bed is com-
posed, and, this equilibrium being once established, the pools are
maintained by the rotary action of the flowing water. 40
Rotary Motion of Particles. It has been already shown that
the particles of water never move forward in a mass, but that
each particle is deflected from its course by the difference of level
of the surface and the irregularities of the bed. The tendency
of the particles is to move in a curved or rotary path, in which
acting directly on to the hollow side of the bank and eroding it,
will be gradually cushioned by that part of the stream which has
Sloyne in the Mersey, Lune Deeps in the Irish Sea, Lynn Well in
the Wash, and the steep mounds of sand with deeps on each side
which exist as bars at the mouths of some tidal rivers. 40 See
Bars at the Mouth of Rivers, p. 365.
any agency comes into play that disturbs the material composing
the bed or banks, the transporting power of the water then carries
away the soil, and the sectional area becomes enlarged. In the
the contending forces, and the regime of the rivers as they now
exist became established.
There are two sources from which the water flowing in a
riveris derived, distinguished respectively as tidal and fresh
The tidal water enters at the lower end, and is derived from
the tidal wave of the ocean, which, as its crest passes the mouth
of the river or its estuary, raises the level of the water during a
period of a little over six hours, filling the tidal basin and causing
a run of water up the river ; during a similar period, as the trough
of the tidal wave passes the estuary, the process is reversed. The
supply of tidal water is thus constant, the same quantity passing
out of the estuary on the ebb as entered during the flood.
The tidal motion continues as a wave so long as the depth of
water in the low-water channel is sufficient for its generation, but
is converted into a current as the depth shoals. This supply of
tidal water from the sea has enabled many rivers to be used for
right angles to the main set of the tidal stream along the coast,
or inclining rathr in the direction of the set of the tidal ebb and
flow. 40
Source of Detritus in Rivers. Although there may be excep-
tions, the material which a river has to deal with is supplied from
the interior, and not from the sea. Even where the tide flows
over a vast mass of sands, such as those which lie along the coast
outside the mouth of the river Mersey and the Kibble, or of the
Humber and the Severn, it will be found that the tidal water flows
into those estuaries bright and clear, and free from deposit, except
in stormy weather, and that it only becomes turbid after it has
mixed with the ebb.
Effect of obstructing the Free Flow of the Tide. Any cause
that obstructs the flow of the tidal water and the free propagation
of the tidal wave is detrimental to the maintenance of a river in
its most effective condition, and leads to the shoaling of the
The placing of weirs across tidal rivers, contractions of the
channel and irregularities in itsform, restricted entrances, and
similar causes, are destructive to the maintenance of a deep-water
channel. 40
The existence of tidal bars is due to the action of the sea, and
not to that of the land water. And the chief factors in their
maintenance are tidal currents and on-shore gales.
For their formation it is necessary that the bed of the estuary
and of the adjacent sea should consist of sand or shingle, and
that the depth of water should be sufficiently shallow to allow of
the action of waves and tidal currents on the bed.
Bars owe their origin and existence to the balance of forces
which was established when the coast-line and estuary assumed
their original form. These are forces which have continued to
operate ever since, and which tend to build up or disperse them.
The balance of forces originally set up, however, still continues.
On coasts where there is a travel of material along the shore, it
is drifted in its course across the opening in the coast-line which
forms the outlet for the river. The flood-tide, setting through
this opening into the estuary, tends to carry the material with it ;
River works have frequently the effect of making land in the
sense cf altering the disposition of existing materials rather than
of accumulating additional materials, but "Land-making is no
part of sound river engineering," said Mr D. Stevenson, and the
interests of land-making and navigation are often incompatible.
Embanking and Warping. Along most of our fens, levels,
carses, and tidal estuaries, there is always a considerable margin
of silt and low-lying land, little if at all above ordinary sea-level,
and consequently liable to be inundated during flood-tides and
storms. To reclaim and protect such lands, and further to
increase their growth and elevation, are the objects of sea and
river embankments.
Occasionally wood-and- wattle jetties are thrown out to intercept
the silt ; at other times a strong embankment, with sluices which
intercept the tide, but permit the exit of water when the tide is
back, is constructed ; and not infrequently the sluices are so
arranged as to admit the muddy tide, with its burden of silt, and
then, by closing them, to impound the water till the sediment has
fallen and enriched the land. Warping, as this latter process is
called, to elevate and enrich the surface ; embanking, to protect it ;
and intercepting, to increase its area are the main objects in
view ; and all require considerable ingenuity and skill on the part
of the engineer. 11
THE action of the sea and the effects produced by it in denuding
and reconstructing coast-lines have been briefly described in
Chapter I., Section V. Coast erosion is, however, a subject of so
much importance both to landowners and engineers that the
geologist and the hydraulic engineer must again work hand in
hand and give one another mutual assistance. 1
islands are formed would be more or less clear, for the sea
necessarily would cover the low land first. Similarly with the
sea ; lines which mark depths of increasing amount in hundreds
of feet enable us to understand how islands may be enlarged,
united together and into continents, and have the course of their
coast-line changed, by being merely uplifted so that the sea drains
off from regions which once covered.
Wherever a remains for some time unchanged in
level, the wearing power of the tides will usually convert what
had previously been a shelving shore into a sea-cliff. If, then,
land is upheaved at intervals, with periods of pause during which
no upheaval takes place, then inland cliffs will be formed which
correspond to these intervals of rest. The position in which cliffs
are produced is often governed by the way in which the layers of
rock forming the country are arranged. This arrangement of the
strata into hard beds and soft beds is accompanied by an inclination
of the deposits technically called "dip" (see Chapter III., Section
II., p. 40). The sea acting upon deposits so inclined abrades
and wears away the exposed edges so as to undermine the rocks
and convert them into precipices on the seashore, which are called
cliffs. But when the deposits shelve down gently into the water,
there are no weak places in the single stratum exposed which
make it easy for the sea to cut a way through the formation.
Since the whole country, even in recent geological times, has been
elevated from out of the ocean, terraces must inevitably have been
produced inland in this way at successive heights, though in
many cases the rounding influence of the action of rain has more
or less modified and obliterated the earlier work of the sea. 6
Minor Features. Besides its direction every shore presents
the minor features of bays, inlets, cliffs, and capes, whose existence
is only
intelligible by help of a knowledge of the ways in which
the several geological formations which make up the dry land
have been accumulated, folded, and upheaved so that the edges of
strata are exposed on the shores where land rises out of the sea. 6
Headlands. This dependence of headlands upon geological
formations is
exemplified in Flamborough Head, in the
North and South Foreland, in the promontory of Beachy Head,
and in Culver Cliff and the Needles at the east and west ends of
the Isle of Wight. All these headlands consist of chalk, and
although chalk may be worn away by the sea like any other
formation, when acted upon by the grinding power of the breakers,
it cannot be
disintegrated and washed up into easily transported
sediment like the underlying and overlying sands and clays. Hence,
since its removal is largely dependent upon the chemical power of
water to dissolve the limestone and take it up into invisible suspen-
sion, the rock ismore enduring than the associated deposits which
rest upon it and which it covers. And, being a thick homogeneous
formation, which often has its foreshore defended with a barrier
of flint derived from the waste of the Upper Chalk already
destroyed, it happens that this formation juts out into the sea,
while on each side of it the strata are excavated by tidal attrition
into bays. Of such bays, Sandown Bay and Compton Bay are
familiar examples, due to the removal of the soft underlying strata
below the chalk.
Inlets. But the sea is often admitted into the land without
any regard to the nature of the strata, simply because they
happen to be bent down into a trough, part of which sinks below
the sea-level. This is the case with the estuary of the Thames
and the Southampton water, both of which owe their existence to
lying in synclinal folds, though partly to the ease with which the
sea could encroach on the loose clayey and sandy formations,
when, owing to a different level of the land, circumstances were
more favourable for its work of excavation. The most important
class of inlets occupies the positions of what were formerly dome-
shaped or anticlinal folds.
The Shore. As a district became depressed and the sea
admitted, every portion of the land must in succession have been
a shore, and the shore moved gradually with the depression of the
land to a level which was progressively higher. When we
remember the power which the sea possesses of throwing up
around our coasts in stormy seasons not merely the spoils of life
but masses of rock from great depths, a mechanism becomes
discernible which has brought gravel beds and our pebble beaches
gradually into their present position in times antecedent to the
final shaping of the contours of the coasts. The beach follows
the shore, and it may be that much of the material thus brought
back again had previously been scoured from the present seaward
slopes of the country in an antecedent age, when its level was
higher. These materials are ever reinforced with the hard
fragments worn from the nearest local source, and with pebbles
driven along the shore by waves lashed by the wind. 6
Sea-cliffs. The same agencies which have brought the pebble
beds to our shores have been chiefly concerned in the production
of sea-cliffs. We know the rapid waste of certain parts of the
coast, where noble strips of land have in historic times passed,
often with towns and villages upon them, back into the sediments
of which they were originally composed, and have been swept out
over the flow of the German Ocean. But all our coasts happily do
not crumble away like those of Yorkshire, and though the changes
which take place from year to year prove that the existing aspect
of Wcw& Motion,
one along, the shore. Now, when the wash of the wave travels up
the beach, the velocity at right angles to the shore is destroyed
gradually by gravity, but the other component is unaffected,
except by friction, the result being that a particle of sand taken
from any point P is carried up in a curved path to 0, and down
again to X, if not deposited, the final result being a movement of
the particle alongshore from P to X. Hence these oblique waves
cause a travel of material alongshore in the direction towards
which they are inclined, or, in other words, in the direction of the
wind, the individual path of each particle being approximately
parabolic, such as is described by a projectile thrown at an angle
into the air. The return path from to X will, however, be
somewhat steeper than the path from P to 0, owing to the
retarding effect of friction upon the horizontal component of the
motion of the water particles.
If the moving power of the " shore ward- wash and "back-
wash are not equal, the resulting movement due to oblique wave
action either landward and alongshore, or seaward and
may be
alongshore. The more oblique the impact of breakers is on the
coast-line, the more powerful is the alongshore drift.
We thus see that the direction of wave impact is an important
factor in the movement of material by wave action. This in its
turn is governed by the aspect of the shore, its exposure, and the
direction of the prevalent wind.
The blows of large waves exert great disintegrating force on the
shore material, and this is especially so when the forward motion
of translatory waves is suddenly checked. There is no true wave
stroke at levels lower than the troughs, and the most efficient
impact of the waves is limited to levels between trough and
In considering the coastal movement of material, it is important
to keep in view the fact that the power of waves to move particles
on the bottom decreases rapidly as the depth of the water and
the distance from the land increases.
the slow rise and fall of the water-level, and consequent travel of
the water's edge up and down the foreshore ; (2) The effect of
currents and eddies set up, owing to differences of water-level and
the reaction of the land upon the tidal wave.
Slow Else and Fall. We may dismiss the slow landward and
seaward current as being too slight to have any effect in moving
material unless the very finest suspended matter. There is
another effect which is due to the travel up and down of the
breaking point of the waves, and this is most important, as what-
ever action is going on at the time, due to the breaking waves, is
applied successively to different parts of the foreshore, between
H.W.M. and L.W.M., whether it be erosive or the reverse. If
the tide rose and fell at a uniform rate, the result would be to
plane out a uniform gradient between the breaking points of the
waves at H. and L.W. ; but this is not so, since the rate of
the parts of the foreshore about these points than about mean
sea-level, and whatever erosive or accumulative effect is being
is most marked
produced by the waves, just below H.W.M. and
just above L.W.M. The bearing of this consideration upon the
length of groynes is obvious, as it indicates that they should
extend from above H.W.M, to below L.W.M.
When parallel waves are eroding the shore, the above con-
sideration shows that the result will be to cut out a section of
foreshore something like that shown in fig. 93, hollows being
dredged as seen, and corresponding hills or bars produced
seaward of each hollow whereas, if the waves were accumulating,
A A A A A.. _>0
FIG. 94. Joint action of waves and currents.
Effect of Wind. We have seen that in the case of forced
waves, running in before the wind, there is a forward translatory
movement of water as well as of the wave form. This slow,
rhythmical advance of the water is an important element of the
wind-formed current. The velocity of this translatory movement
of water decreases from the surface downwards. When the wind
commences to blow, the upper layers of water are drifted with
the wind. This forward movement is gradually propagated to
the lower layers, and, if the wind continues, eventually produces
a movement of the whole body of water, if not too deep.
The surface velocity of a current formed in this way is always
less than the velocity of the wind causing it, and seldom exceeds
one mile per hour. In shallow water near shore these currents
are an effective means of transporting material.
When the surface drift moves against an obstacle, such as an
cipitated on to the beach is at once carried into the deep sea, and
in course of time the remainder is so ground up into fine particles
that it too is swept away or gravitates into deep water. Thus
the erosion goes on. The construction of a wall protecting the
toe of the cliff will evil, although it may hinder it
not cure the
for a short time. prevent the access of the waves
The wall will
to the cliff, and will retain material dislodged by other natural
agencies, but it cannot prevent the constant grinding together of
the particles on the foreshore under the action of the waves and
wind. The result is the gradual disappearance of the foreshore
itself by gravitation towards the deeper sea, and by removal in
suspension, and ultimately the collapse of the wall.
Effect of Protective Works on Adjoining Coast-Line. It is
therefore clear that in order to increase the extent of any fore-
shore, or to maintain it even in its existing condition, the natural
and incessant losses must be made good by the accretion or trap-
ping of material derived from other parts of the coast. How is this
The answer is locally, by the construction of groynes
to be done ? :
Foraminifera, 23, 25, 153, 169, 172. Galway, 183, 187, 278, 281.
Forced waves, 375. Gannister, 141, 292, 310.
Forceps, for blowpipe work, 227. Ganoid, 160, 181.
Forces, internal, 26. Ganoidei, 161, 172, 174, 175.
Foreign bodies in clays, 312. Garlic odour, 57.
Forelands, the, 371, 387. Garnet, 63, 69, 79.
Forest bed, 138, 169. schist, 125.
marble, 140. Gaspe, 182.
of Dean, 180, 395. Gasteropoda, 160, 169, 176, 177, 184.
Forests, 24, 29, 165, 253. Gault, 140, 307, 330.
Forfarshire flags, 142. Geneva, 270, 302.
Formations, geological, 136-7. Geode, 65.
Formosa, 391. Geological age of granite, 274.
Forms of bedding, 38. distribution of limestones, 329.
Forth, River, 391. features in reservoirs, 271.
Fossils, 136, 152, 169, 172, 174, 175, formations, 136-7.
177, 179, 184, 187. observation, 189-236.
Fouque's method, 214-5. plan, 192.
Foxhills group, N. America, 145. section, 192, 194.
Foyaite, 108. surveying, 191-4.
Fracture of minerals, 62, 65, 224. Geology, definition of, 1.
of rocks, 104, 202. practical uses of, 1.
Fragmental rocks, 101, 112, 201. Georgia, 147, 392.
France, 131, 170, 172, 174, 178, 180, Geotectonic geology, 3.
183, 185, 278, 279, 281, 311, 391, German Ocean, 372.
394, 395. Germany, 7, 167, 170, 174, 176, 178,
Frangibility of minerals, 65. 180, 278, 281, 347, 391, 394,
Freestone, 114, 133. 395.
Free waves, 374. Geromagny, 279.
French chalk, 89. Gervillia, 176.
Freshwater portion of tidal river, Giallo-antico, 294.
362-3. Giant's Causeway, 99, 111.
Frost, 17, Girvan district, 184, 185.
Fucoid beds, 186. Glacial agencies, 17-20.
Fucoidal greensands, New Zealand, deposits, 138, 165-8.
151. period, N. America, 144.
Fuller's earth, 129, 140. Glaciers, 18, 19, 20.
Fumaroles, 28. Glamorgan, 828.
Fungi, 162. Glassy rocks, 100.
Fungia, 154. state of minerals, 1.
Fusibility, blowpipe, 230-1, 232. Glatz, 278.
of bricks, 314. Glauconite, 23, 69, 80, 298.
of rocks, 105. Glenkiln shales, 185.
scale of, 231. Globigerina, 23. 153.
Fusion-place, 229. Globular shape of minerals, 65.
Fusulina, 180. Glossopteris, 174, 177, 178, 179.
Fusus contrarius, 169. beds, New Zealand, 151.
Gneiss, 125, 206, 279, 351.
GABBRO, 109, 203, 281. decomposition of, 130.
Gaj series, Indian Empire, 148. Gneissoid rocks, 47.
Gala group, 183. Gneissose granite, 107.
Galapagos, 283. Godavery alluvium, Indian Empire,
Galashiels, 281. 148.
Galena, 67, 69, 79, 220. Gold, 233, 392, 396.
Galeosaurus, 175. Gondwana system, Indian Empire,
Galicia, 278. 148, 175, 177.
INDEX. 407
Joints of altered and metamorphic Lake District, 184, 185, 277, 280.
rocks, 49. Superior, 392.
of aqueous rocks, 43. Lakes, 16, 267, 270.
of igneous rocks, 36, 37. Lamellar structure of minerals, 64.
Jolly's balance, 215, 223. Lamellibranchiata, 158, 169, 174,
Jubbulpore series, Indian Empire, 176, 185.
148. Lameta series, Indian Empire, 148.
Junction of rivers with the sea, 364. Laminae, 38.
Jura, 175, 347, 348. Laminated structure, 102.
Jurassic system, 137, 140, 174-5, Lamorna, 131.
293, 297. Lamps for blowpipe work, 226.
Lanark, 311, 332.
KAIHIKU beds, New Zealand, 151. Lancashire, 165, 166, 275, 310, 391,
Kakberg, S. Africa, 168. 394.
Kames, 138, 166. Land, elevation and subsidence of,
Kansas, 145, 146. 29, 30.
Kaolin, 30, 69, 85, 128-9, 305, 309. reclamation, 368-9.
Karoo series, S. Africa, 152, 176, 179. Land's End, 130, 276.
Kasauli Indian Empire, 148.
series, Landslips, 11.
Katadgis series, Indian Empire, 148. Lapilli, 27, 34.
Katrol series, Indian Empire, 148. Lapis-lazuli, 395, 396.
Keeweenawan series, 187. Lapis ollaris, 127.
Kellaway's rock, 140. Laramie series, N. America, 145, 173.
Kendal, 281. Laterite, 132.
Kent, 310. Laurentian, 147, 149, 392.
Kentish rag, 298. period, N. America, 187.
Kenton sandstone, 290. Lava, 27, 34, 132, 283.
Kentucky, 146. Laying out new roads, 333-4.
Kereru beds, New Zealand, 151. Lead, 230, 232, 233, 392, 395.
Kerry, 183. Leakage in canals, 352.
Keswick, 281. Lebanon, 168.
Ketton limestone, 297, 303. Leicestershire, 187, 275, 276, 328,
Keuperbeds, 141, 176, 292, 391. 331.
Kienitz, 278. Leinster, 273, 274, 278.
Kilkenny, 294, 296, 391. Leipsic, 167.
Killaloe slates, 301. Lemnian, 394.
Kilns and fuel for lime, 323. Lens, 227.
Kimberley slates, S. Africa, 152. Lenticular, 38.
Kimmeridge clay, 132, 133, 140, 330. Lepidolite, 85, 88.
Kinder Scout, 6. Lepidotosaurus, 177.
Kirkby moor flags, 183. Leucite, 69, 85.
Kirthar series, Indian Empire, 148. Lewisian series, 143, 187.
Klein's solution of borotungstate of Lias lime, 330.
cadmium, 215. Liassic series, 132, 133, 141, 174, 248,
Koenigsberg, 5. 293, 297, 307, 330, 331, 332,
Kremnitz, 283. 392.
Kudernatch, 278. Libyan desert, 173.
Kurnool series, Indian Empire, 148. Liege, 391.
Life of road stone, 351.
LABRADORITE, 78, 85. Lightning, effect of, 5.
Labuan, 391. Lignite, 121, 391, 392.
Labyrinthodonts, 161, 175, 177. Lime felspar, 76, 78.
Laccolites, 35. Lime, hydraulic, 297, 318.
Lacustrine deposits, 163, 164. kilns, 323.
Lagoons, 22. Limes, 319-21.
Lake deposits, 182. and limestones, testing, 325-6.
system, 137, 141, 177, 292, 296. Plesiosauria,' 161, 172, 174.
Peroxide, 53. Plication, 31, 42.
Persia, 171, 173, 178. Pliocene formations, 138, 169.
Persian gulf, 29. Plumbago, 80, 90, 392.
Peru, 29, 175, 176, 392. Plunge of rivers, 376.
Pervious between impervious beds, Plutonic action, 3.
254. rocks, 94, 106-9.
on impervious strata, springs, 253. Pocket lens, 191.
Petrifaction, 152. Point Levis beds, N. America, 185.
Petrifying springs, 11. Polarisation, 62.
Petrography, 51. Polishing slate, 24, 310.
Petroleum, 72, 90, 182, 347. Polyzoa, 157, 169, 172, 179.
Petrology, 51. Pondicherry beds, 173.
Phacops, 157, 183 Poole clay, 307.
INDEX. 415
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