23.1.1 Element Library: Overview: Abaqus Analysis User's Manual
23.1.1 Element Library: Overview: Abaqus Analysis User's Manual
23.1.1 Element Library: Overview: Abaqus Analysis User's Manual
Abaqus has an extensive element library to provide a powerful set of tools for solving
many different problems.
Characterizing elements
Degrees of freedom (directly related to the element family)
Number of nodes
Each element in Abaqus has a unique name, such as T2D2, S4R, C3D8I, or C3D8R.
The element name identifies each of the five aspects of an element. For details on
defining elements, see “Element definition,” Section 2.2.1.
Figure 23.1.1–1 shows the element families that are used most commonly in a stress
analysis. One of the major distinctions between different element families is the
geometry type that each family assumes.
The first letter or letters of an element's name indicate to which family the element
belongs. For example, S4R is a shell element, CINPE4 is an infinite element, and
C3D8I is a continuum element.
Degrees of freedom
The degrees of freedom are the fundamental variables calculated during the
analysis. For a stress/displacement simulation the degrees of freedom are the
translations and, for shell and beam elements, the rotations at each node. For a heat
transfer simulation the degrees of freedom are the temperatures at each node; for a
coupled thermal-stress analysis temperature degrees of freedom exist in addition to
displacement degrees of freedom at each node. Heat transfer analyses and coupled
thermal-stress analyses therefore require the use of different elements than does a
stress analysis since the degrees of freedom are not the same.
See “Conventions,” Section 1.2.2, for a summary of the degrees of freedom available
in Abaqus for various element and analysis types.
Elements that have nodes only at their corners, such as the 8-node brick
shown in Figure 23.1.1–2(a), use linear interpolation in each direction and are
often called linear elements or first-order elements.
In Abaqus/Standard elements with midside nodes, such as the 20-node brick
shown in Figure 23.1.1–2(b), use quadratic interpolation and are often called
quadratic elements or second-order elements.
Modified triangular or tetrahedral elements with midside nodes, such as the
10-node tetrahedron shown in Figure 23.1.1–2(c), use a modified second-
order interpolation and are often called modified or modified second-order
Figure 23.1.1–2 Linear brick, quadratic brick, and modified tetrahedral elements.
Typically, the number of nodes in an element is clearly identified in its name. The 8-
node brick element is called C3D8, and the 4-node shell element is called S4R.
The beam element family uses a slightly different convention: the order of
interpolation is identified in the name. Thus, a first-order, three-dimensional beam
element is called B31, whereas a second-order, three-dimensional beam element is
called B32. A similar convention is used for axisymmetric shell and membrane
Abaqus uses numerical techniques to integrate various quantities over the volume of
each element, thus allowing complete generality in material behavior. Using
Gaussian quadrature for most elements, Abaqus evaluates the material response at
each integration point in each element. Some continuum elements in Abaqus can
use full or reduced integration, a choice that can have a significant effect on the
accuracy of the element for a given problem.
Abaqus uses the letter R at the end of the element name to label reduced-integration
elements. For example, CAX4R is the 4-node, reduced-integration, axisymmetric,
solid element.
Shell and beam element properties can be defined as general section behaviors; or
each cross-section of the element can be integrated numerically, so that nonlinear
response associated with nonlinear material behavior can be tracked accurately
when needed. In addition, a composite layered section can be specified for shells
and, in Abaqus/Standard, three-dimensional bricks, with different materials for each
layer through the section.
Combining elements
The element library is intended to provide a complete modeling capability for all
geometries. Thus, any combination of elements can be used to make up the model;
multi-point constraints (“General multi-point constraints,” Section 30.2.2) are
sometimes helpful in applying the necessary kinematic relations to form the model
(for example, to model part of a shell surface with solid elements and part with shell
elements or to use a beam element as a shell stiffener).
element types;
degrees of freedom;
nodal coordinates required;
element property definition;
element faces;
element output;
loading (general loading, distributed loads, foundations, distributed heat
fluxes, film conditions, radiation types, distributed flows, distributed
impedances, electrical fluxes, distributed electric current densities, and
distributed concentration fluxes);
nodes associated with the element;
node ordering and face ordering on elements; and
numbering of integration points for output.
For element libraries that are available in both Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit,
individual element or load types that are available only in Abaqus/Standard are
designated with an (S); similarly, individual element or load types that are available
only in Abaqus/Explicit are designated with an (E). Element or load types that are
available in Abaqus/Aqua are designated with an (A).
Most of the element output variables available for an element are discussed.
Additional variables may be available depending on the material model or the
analysis procedure that is used. Some elements have solution variables that do not
pertain to other elements of the same type; these variables are specified explicitly.
Abaqus has an extensive element library to provide a powerful set of tools for solving
many different problems.
Characterizing elements
Degrees of freedom (directly related to the element family)
Number of nodes
Each element in Abaqus has a unique name, such as T2D2, S4R, C3D8I, or C3D8R.
The element name identifies each of the five aspects of an element. For details on
defining elements, see “Element definition,” Section 2.2.1.
Figure 23.1.1–1 shows the element families that are used most commonly in a stress
analysis. One of the major distinctions between different element families is the
geometry type that each family assumes.
Figure 23.1.1–1 Commonly used element families.
The first letter or letters of an element's name indicate to which family the element
belongs. For example, S4R is a shell element, CINPE4 is an infinite element, and
C3D8I is a continuum element.
Degrees of freedom
The degrees of freedom are the fundamental variables calculated during the
analysis. For a stress/displacement simulation the degrees of freedom are the
translations and, for shell and beam elements, the rotations at each node. For a heat
transfer simulation the degrees of freedom are the temperatures at each node; for a
coupled thermal-stress analysis temperature degrees of freedom exist in addition to
displacement degrees of freedom at each node. Heat transfer analyses and coupled
thermal-stress analyses therefore require the use of different elements than does a
stress analysis since the degrees of freedom are not the same.
See “Conventions,” Section 1.2.2, for a summary of the degrees of freedom available
in Abaqus for various element and analysis types.
Elements that have nodes only at their corners, such as the 8-node brick
shown in Figure 23.1.1–2(a), use linear interpolation in each direction and are
often called linear elements or first-order elements.
In Abaqus/Standard elements with midside nodes, such as the 20-node brick
shown in Figure 23.1.1–2(b), use quadratic interpolation and are often called
quadratic elements or second-order elements.
Modified triangular or tetrahedral elements with midside nodes, such as the
10-node tetrahedron shown in Figure 23.1.1–2(c), use a modified second-
order interpolation and are often called modified or modified second-order
Figure 23.1.1–2 Linear brick, quadratic brick, and modified tetrahedral elements.
Typically, the number of nodes in an element is clearly identified in its name. The 8-
node brick element is called C3D8, and the 4-node shell element is called S4R.
The beam element family uses a slightly different convention: the order of
interpolation is identified in the name. Thus, a first-order, three-dimensional beam
element is called B31, whereas a second-order, three-dimensional beam element is
called B32. A similar convention is used for axisymmetric shell and membrane
Abaqus uses numerical techniques to integrate various quantities over the volume of
each element, thus allowing complete generality in material behavior. Using
Gaussian quadrature for most elements, Abaqus evaluates the material response at
each integration point in each element. Some continuum elements in Abaqus can
use full or reduced integration, a choice that can have a significant effect on the
accuracy of the element for a given problem.
Abaqus uses the letter R at the end of the element name to label reduced-integration
elements. For example, CAX4R is the 4-node, reduced-integration, axisymmetric,
solid element.
Shell and beam element properties can be defined as general section behaviors; or
each cross-section of the element can be integrated numerically, so that nonlinear
response associated with nonlinear material behavior can be tracked accurately
when needed. In addition, a composite layered section can be specified for shells
and, in Abaqus/Standard, three-dimensional bricks, with different materials for each
layer through the section.
Combining elements
The element library is intended to provide a complete modeling capability for all
geometries. Thus, any combination of elements can be used to make up the model;
multi-point constraints (“General multi-point constraints,” Section 30.2.2) are
sometimes helpful in applying the necessary kinematic relations to form the model
(for example, to model part of a shell surface with solid elements and part with shell
elements or to use a beam element as a shell stiffener).
For element libraries that are available in both Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit,
individual element or load types that are available only in Abaqus/Standard are
designated with an (S); similarly, individual element or load types that are available
only in Abaqus/Explicit are designated with an (E). Element or load types that are
available in Abaqus/Aqua are designated with an (A).
Most of the element output variables available for an element are discussed.
Additional variables may be available depending on the material model or the
analysis procedure that is used. Some elements have solution variables that do not
pertain to other elements of the same type; these variables are specified explicitly.
Shell elements are used to model structures in which one dimension, the thickness,
is significantly smaller than the other dimensions. Conventional shell elements use
this condition to discretize a body by defining the geometry at a reference surface. In
this case the thickness is defined through the section property definition.
Conventional shell elements have displacement and rotational degrees of freedom.
The conventions that are used for shell elements are defined below.
The “top” surface of a conventional shell element is the surface in the positive normal
direction and is referred to as the positive (SPOS) face for contact definition. The
“bottom” surface is in the negative direction along the normal and is referred to as the
negative (SNEG) face for contact definition. Positive and negative are also used to
designate top and bottom surfaces when specifying offsets of the reference surface
from the shell's midsurface.
The positive normal direction defines the convention for pressure load application
and output of quantities that vary through the thickness of the shell. A positive
pressure load applied to a shell element produces a load that acts in the direction of
the positive normal.
For shells in space the positive normal is given by the right-hand rule going around
the nodes of the element in the order that they are specified in the element definition.
See Figure 25.6.1–2.
For axisymmetric conventional shells (including the SAXA1n and SAXA2n elements
that allow for nonsymmetric deformation) the positive normal direction is defined by a
90° counterclockwise rotation from the direction going from node 1 to node 2.
See Figure 25.6.1–3.
Figure 25.6.1–4 Default normals and thickness direction for continuum shell
It is important that the continuum shells are oriented properly, since the behavior in the
thickness direction is different from that in the in-plane directions. By default, the element top
and bottom faces and, hence, the element normal, stacking direction, and thickness direction
are defined by the nodal connectivity. For the triangular in-plane continuum shell element
(SC6R) the face with corner nodes 1, 2, and 3 is the bottom face; and the face with corner
nodes 4, 5, and 6 is the top face. For the quadrilateral continuum shell element (SC8R) the
face with corner nodes 1, 2, 3, and 4 is the bottom face; and the face with corner nodes 5, 6,
7, and 8 is the top face. The stacking direction and thickness direction are both defined to be
the direction from the bottom face to the top face. Additional options for defining the element
thickness direction, including one option that is independent of nodal connectivity, are
presented below.
Surfaces on continuum shells can be defined by specifying the face identifiers S1–S6
identifying the individual faces as defined in “Continuum shell element
library,” Section 25.6.8. Free surface generation can also be used.
Pressure loads applied to faces P1–P6 are defined similar to continuum elements,
with a positive pressure directed into the element.
By default, the continuum shell stacking direction and thickness direction are defined
by the nodal connectivity as illustrated in Figure 25.6.1–4. Alternatively, you can
define the element stacking direction and thickness direction by either selecting one
of the element's isoparametric directions or by using an orientation definition.
You can define the element stacking direction to be along one of the element's
isoparametric directions (see Figure 25.6.1–5 for element stack directions). The 8-
node hexahedron continuum shell has three possible stacking directions; the 6-node
in-plane triangular continuum shell has only one stack direction, which is in the
element 3-isoparametric direction. The default stacking direction is 3, providing the
same thickness and stacking direction as outlined in the previous section.
where n = 1, 2, or 3.
Abaqus/CAE Usage: Use the following option to define the stacking direction based on the
element's isoparametric directions if the continuum shell is defined
using a composite layup:
Alternatively, you can define the element stacking direction based on a local
orientation definition. For shell elements the orientation definition defines an axis
about which the local 1 and 2 material directions may be rotated. This axis also
defines an approximate normal direction. The element stacking and thickness
directions are defined to be the element isoparametric direction that is closest to this
approximate normal (see Figure 25.6.1–6).
Figure 25.6.1–6 Example illustrating the use of a cylindrical system to define the
stacking direction.
“The pinched cylinder problem,” Section 2.3.2 of the Abaqus Benchmarks Manual,
and “LE3: Hemispherical shell with point loads,” Section 4.2.3 of the Abaqus
Benchmarks Manual, illustrate the use of a cylindrical and spherical orientation
system, respectively, to define the stack and thickness direction independent of nodal
Input File Usage: Use one of the following options to define the element stacking
direction based on a user-defined orientation:
Abaqus/CAE Usage: Use the following option to define the stacking direction based on a
user-defined orientation if the continuum shell is defined using a
composite layup:
You can verify the element stack and thickness direction visually in Abaqus/CAE by
either contouring the element section thickness or plotting the material axis.
Generally, the in-plane dimensions are significantly larger than the element
thickness. By contouring the shell section thickness, output variable STH, you can
easily verify that all elements are oriented appropriately and have the correct
thickness. If the element is oriented improperly, one of the in-plane dimensions will
become the element section thickness, resulting in a discontinuous contour plot.
Alternatively, you can plot the material axis to verify that the 3-axis points in the
desired normal direction. If the element is oriented improperly, one of the in-plane
axes (either the 1- or 2-axis) would point in the normal direction.
The section points through the thickness of the shell are numbered consecutively,
starting with point 1. For shell sections integrated during the analysis, section point 1
is exactly on the bottom surface of the shell if Simpson's rule is used, and it is the
point that is closest to the bottom surface if Gauss quadrature is used. For general
shell sections, section point 1 is always on the bottom surface of the shell.
For a homogeneous section the total number of section points is defined by the
number of integration points through the thickness. For shell sections integrated
during the analysis, you can define the number of integration points through the
thickness. The default is five for Simpson's rule and three for Gauss quadrature. For
general shell sections, output can be obtained at three section points.
For a composite section the total number of section points is defined by adding the
number of integration points per layer for all of the layers. For shell sections
integrated during the analysis, you can define the number of integration points per
layer. The default is three for Simpson's rule and two for Gauss quadrature. For
general shell sections, the number of section points for output per layer is three.
In Abaqus/Standard the default output points through the thickness of a shell section
are the points that are on the bottom and top surfaces of the shell section (for
integration with Simpson's rule) or the points that are closest to the bottom and top
surfaces (for Gauss quadrature). For example, if five integration points are used
through a single layer shell, output will be provided for section points 1 (bottom) and
5 (top).
In Abaqus/Explicit all section points through the thickness of a shell section are
written to the results file for element output requests.
Alternatively, you can define the element stacking direction based on a local
orientation definition. For shell elements the orientation definition defines an axis
about which the local 1 and 2 material directions may be rotated. This axis also
defines an approximate normal direction. The element stacking and thickness
directions are defined to be the element isoparametric direction that is closest to this
approximate normal (see Figure 25.6.1–6).
Figure 25.6.1–6 Example illustrating the use of a cylindrical system to define the
stacking direction.
“The pinched cylinder problem,” Section 2.3.2 of the Abaqus Benchmarks Manual,
and “LE3: Hemispherical shell with point loads,” Section 4.2.3 of the Abaqus
Benchmarks Manual, illustrate the use of a cylindrical and spherical orientation
system, respectively, to define the stack and thickness direction independent of nodal
Input File Usage: Use one of the following options to define the element stacking
direction based on a user-defined orientation:
Abaqus/CAE Usage: Use the following option to define the stacking direction based on a
user-defined orientation if the continuum shell is defined using a
composite layup:
Property module: Create Composite Layup:
select Continuum Shell as the Element Type: Stacking
Direction: Layup orientation
You can verify the element stack and thickness direction visually in Abaqus/CAE by
either contouring the element section thickness or plotting the material axis.
Generally, the in-plane dimensions are significantly larger than the element
thickness. By contouring the shell section thickness, output variable STH, you can
easily verify that all elements are oriented appropriately and have the correct
thickness. If the element is oriented improperly, onection points is defined by adding
the number of integration points per layer for all of the layers. For shell sections
integrated during the analysis, you can define the number of integration points per
layer. The default is three for Simpson's rule and two for Gauss quadrature. For
general shell sections, the number of section points for output per layer is three.
In Abaqus/Standard the default output points through the thickness of a shell section
are the points that are on the bottom and top surfaces of the shell section (for
integration with Simpson's rule) or the points that are closest to the bottom and top
surfaces (for Gauss quadrature). For example, if five integration points are used
through a single layer shell, output will be provided for section points 1 (bottom) and
5 (top).
In Abaqus/Explicit all section points through the thickness of a shell section are
written to the results file for element output requests.
Naming convention
The naming convention for shell elements depends on the element dimensionality.
For example, S4R is a 4-node, quadrilateral, stress/displacement shell element with reduced
integration and a large-strain formulation; and SC8R is an 8-node, quadrilateral, first-order
interpolation, stress/displacement continuum shell element with reduced integration.
For example, DSAX1 is an axisymmetric, heat transfer shell element with first-order
The value of temperatures at the integration locations in the surface of the shell used
to compute the thermal stresses depends on whether first-order or second-order
elements are used. An average temperature is used at the integration location in
linear elements so that the thermal strain is constant throughout the shell surface. A
linearly varying temperature distribution is used in higher-order shell elements. Field
variables in stress/displacement shell elements are interpolated the same way as
These elements, available only in Abaqus/Standard and only with conventional shell
element geometry, are intended to model heat transfer in shell-type structures. They
provide the values of temperature at a number of points through the thickness at
each shell node. This output can be input directly to the equivalent stress analysis
shell element for sequentially coupled thermal-stress analysis (“Sequentially coupled
thermal-stress analysis,” Section 6.5.3).
The temperature on the bottom surface of the shell (the surface in the negative
direction along the shell normal—see “Defining the initial geometry of conventional
shell elements,” Section 25.6.3) is degree of freedom 11. The temperature on the top
surface is degree of freedom . A maximum of 20 temperature degrees of
freedom can exist at a node. For a single-layer shell is the total number of
integration points used through the shell section. If a single section point is used for
the cross-section integration, there is no temperature variation through the thickness
of the shell and the temperature of the entire shell cross-section is degree of freedom
11. For a multi-layered shell the temperature at the top of each layer is the same as
the temperature at the bottom of the next layer. Therefore,
where ( > 1) is the number of integration points used in layer l. If =1, is equal to
the number of composite layers. In this case, there is no temperature variation through the
thickness of the shell, and the temperature of the entire composite is degree of freedom 11.
The internal energy storage and heat conduction terms for shells are integrated in the same
way as in the corresponding continuum elements (see “Solid (continuum) elements,” Section
Using shells in a thermal-stress analysis
To use the temperatures that are saved in the Abaqus/Standard results file directly as
input to a thermal-stress analysis, the mesh and the specification of the number of
temperature points in the shell sections must be the same in the heat transfer and the
stress analysis models. In addition, multi-layered heat transfer shell elements must
have the same number of integration points in each layer.
The continuum shell elements can be used for any thickness; however, thin
continuum shell elements may result in a small stable time increment in
General-purpose conventional shell elements
These elements allow transverse shear deformation. They use thick shell theory as
the shell thickness increases and become discrete Kirchhoff thin shell elements as
the thickness decreases; the transverse shear deformation becomes very small as
the shell thickness decreases.
Element types S3/S3R, S3RS, S4, S4R, S4RS, S4RSW, SAX1, SAX2, SAX2T,
SC6R, and SC8R are general-purpose shells.
Abaqus/Standard provides element types S8R and S8RT for use only in thick shell
In Abaqus/Standard thin shells are needed in cases where transverse shear flexibility
is negligible and the Kirchhoff constraint must be satisfied accurately (i.e., the shell
normal remains orthogonal to the shell reference surface). For homogeneous shells
this occurs when the thickness is less than about 1/15 of a characteristic length on
the surface of the shell, such as the distance between supports or the wave length of
a significant eigenmode. However, the thickness may be larger than 1/15 of the
element length.
Abaqus/Standard has two types of thin shell elements: those that solve thin shell
theory (the Kirchhoff constraint is satisfied analytically) and those that converge to
thin shell theory as the thickness decreases (the Kirchhoff constraint is satisfied
The element that solves thin shell theory is STRI3. STRI3 has six degrees of
freedom at the nodes and is a flat, faceted element (initial curvature is
ignored). If STRI3 is used to model a thick shell problem, the element will
always predict a thin shell solution.
The elements that impose the Kirchhoff constraint numerically are S4R5,
STRI65, S8R5, S9R5, SAXA1n, and SAXA2n. These elements should not be
used for applications in which transverse shear deformation is important. If
these elements are used to model a thick shell problem, the elements may
predict inaccurate results.
Element types S3/S3R, S4, S4R, SAX1, SAX2, SAX2T, SAXA1n, and
SAXA2n account for finite membrane strains and arbitrarily large rotations; therefore,
they are suitable for large-strain analysis. The underlying formulation is described
in “Axisymmetric shell elements,” Section 3.6.2 of the Abaqus Theory
Manual; “Finite-strain shell element formulation,” Section 3.6.5 of the Abaqus Theory
Manual; and “Axisymmetric shell element allowing asymmetric loading,”Section 3.6.7
of the Abaqus Theory Manual.
Continuum shell elements SC6R and SC8R account for finite membrane strains,
arbitrary large rotation, and allow for changes in thickness, making them suitable for
large-strain analysis. Computation of the change in thickness is based on the
element nodal displacements, which in turn are computed from an effective elastic
modulus defined at the beginning of an analysis.
In Abaqus/Explicit element types S3RS, S4RS, and S4RSW are provided for shell
problems with small membrane strains and arbitrarily large rotations. Many impact
dynamics analyses fall within this class of problems, including those of shell
structures undergoing large-scale buckling behavior but relatively small amounts of
membrane stretching and compression. Although solution accuracy may degrade as
membrane strains become large, the small-strain shell elements in Abaqus/Explicit
provide a computationally efficient alternative to the finite-membrane-strain elements
for appropriate applications. The underlying formulation is described in “Small-strain
shell elements in Abaqus/Explicit,” Section 3.6.6 of the Abaqus Theory Manual.
See “Defining a change in shell thickness due to straining” in “Using a shell section
integrated during the analysis to define the section behavior,” Section 25.6.5,
and “Defining a change in shell thickness due to straining” in “Using a general shell
section to define the section behavior,”Section 25.6.6, for details.
The elements that use five degrees of freedom (S4R5, STRI65, S8R5, S9R5) can be
more economical. However, they are available only as “thin” shells (they cannot be
used as “thick” shells) and cannot be used for finite-strain applications (although they
model large rotations with small strains accurately). In addition, output for the five
degree of freedom shell elements is restricted as follows:
At nodes that use the two in-surface rotation components, the values of these
in-surface rotations are not available for output.
When output variable NFORC is requested, moments corresponding to the in-
surface rotations are not available for output.
When five degree of freedom shell elements are used, Abaqus/Standard will automatically
switch to using three global rotation components at any node that:
In all elements that use three global rotation components at all nodes (whether activated as
described above or always present), a singularity exists at any node where the surface is
assumed to be continuously curved: three rotation components are used, but only two are
actively associated with stiffness. A small stiffness is associated with the rotation about the
normal to avoid this difficulty. The default stiffness values used are sufficiently small such
that the artificial energy content is negligible. In some rare cases this stiffness may need to
be altered. You can define a scaling factor for this stiffness, as described in “Using a shell
section integrated during the analysis to define the section behavior,” Section 25.6.5,
and “Using a general shell section to define the section behavior,” Section 25.6.6.
Reduced integration
Many shell element types in Abaqus use reduced (lower-order) integration to form the
element stiffness. The mass matrix and distributed loadings are still integrated
exactly. Reduced integration usually provides more accurate results (provided the
elements are not distorted or loaded in in-plane bending) and significantly reduces
running time, especially in three dimensions.
When reduced integration is used with first-order (linear) elements, hourglass control
is required. Therefore, when using first-order reduced-integration elements, you must
check if hourglassing is occurring; if it is, a finer mesh may be required or
concentrated loads must be distributed over multiple nodes. The second-order
reduced-integration elements available in Abaqus/Standard generally do not have the
same difficulty and are recommended in cases when the solution is expected to be
smooth. First-order elements are recommended when large strains or very high strain
gradients are expected.
Modeling issues
Both S3 and S3R refer to the same 3-node triangular shell element. This element is a
degenerated version of S4R that is fully compatible with S4R and, in
Abaqus/Standard, S4.
S3/S3R and S3RS provide accurate results in most loading situations. However,
because of their constant bending and membrane strain approximations, high mesh
refinement may be required to capture pure bending deformations or solutions to
problems involving high strain gradients.
Degenerating elements
Element types S4, S4R, S4R5, S4RS, S8R5, and S9R5 can be degenerated to
triangles. However, for elements S4 (element S4 degenerated to a triangle may
exhibit overly stiff response in membrane deformation), S4R, and S4RS it is
recommended that S3R and S3RS be used instead.
The quarter-point technique (moving the midside nodes to the quarter points to give
a singularity for elastic fracture mechanics applications) can be used with the
quadratic element types S8R5 and S9R5 (see “Element definition,” Section 2.2.1).
The accuracy of the element is very significantly reduced when it is degenerated to a
triangle; therefore, this is notrecommended except for special applications, such as
Element types S8R and S8RT cannot be degenerated to triangles. Element types
DS4 and DS8 can be degenerated to triangles, but it is recommended that DS3 and
DS6 elements be used instead.
Continuum shell elements must be oriented correctly, since these elements have a
thickness direction associated with them. See “Shell elements: overview,” Section
25.6.1, for further details on element connectivity and orientation.
When classical shell structures (structures in which only the midsurface geometry
and kinematic constraints are provided) are analyzed, care must be taken that
appropriate moments and rotations are specified. For example, a moment may be
applied as a force-couple system at the corresponding nodes on the top and bottom
faces. A rotation boundary condition may be specified through a kinematic constraint
to yield the appropriate displacement boundary conditions on the edge of the
continuum shell.
The SC6R element is a degenerated version of the SC8R element. The SC6R
element provides accurate results in most loading situations. However, because of its
constant bending and membrane strain approximations, high mesh refinement may
be required to capture pure bending deformations or solutions to problems involving
high strain gradients.
Continuum shell elements, SC6R and SC8R, allow two-sided contact with changes in
the thickness and are thus suitable for modeling contact.
Continuum shell elements cannot be used with the hyperfoam material definitions,
nor can they be used with general shell sections where the section stiffness is
provided directly.
For a “sandwich” shell, in which parts of the cross-section are made of a softer
material (especially when the layers are nonisotropic so that some layers are weak in
particular directions), the transverse shear flexibility can be important even when the
shell is rather thin. Use of general-purpose shell elements or stacking continuum
shell elements is recommended in such cases. See “Shell section behavior,” Section
25.6.4, for a discussion of transverse shear stiffness in shell elements.
Element type STRI3 is a flat facet element. If this element is used to model bending
of a curved shell, a dense mesh may be required to obtain accurate results.
Element type S8R5 may give inaccurate results for buckling problems of doubly
curved shells due to the fact that the internally defined center node may not be
positioned on the actual shell surface. Element type S9R5 should be used instead.
Using S4 elements
Element type S4 does not have hourglass modes in either the membrane or bending
response of the element; hence, the element does not require hourglass control. The
element has four integration locations per element compared with one integration
location for S4R, which makes the element computationally more expensive. S4 is
compatible with both S4R and S3R. S4 can be used for problems prone to
membrane- or bending-mode hourglassing, in areas where greater solution accuracy
is required, or for problems where in-plane bending is expected. In all of these
situations S4 will outperform element type S4R. S4 cannot be used with the
hyperelastic or hyperfoam material definitions in Abaqus/Standard.
Alternatively, a shell section integrated during the analysis (see “Using a shell
section integrated during the analysis to define the section behavior,” Section
25.6.5) allows the cross-sectional behavior to be calculated by numerical
integration through the shell thickness, thus providing complete generality in
material modeling. With this type of section any number of material points can
be defined through the thickness and the material response can vary from
point to point.
Both general shell sections and shell sections integrated during the analysis allow layers of
different materials, in different orientations, to be used through the cross-section. In these
cases the section definition provides the shell thickness, material, and orientation per layer.
For conventional shell elements you can specify an offset of the reference surface
from the shell's midsurface when the section properties are specified by one or more
material layers. When the section properties are given directly, you cannot directly
specify an offset; however, an offset can be included implicitly in the section
properties. A nonzero offset cannot be specified for continuum shell elements. If a
nonzero offset is specified for a continuum shell element, an error message is issued
during input file preprocessing.
When a shell section integrated during the analysis (see “Using a shell section
integrated during the analysis to define the section behavior,” Section 25.6.5) is
used, Abaqus uses numerical integration through the thickness of the shell to
calculate the section properties. This type of shell section is generally used with
nonlinear material behavior in the section. It must be used with shells that provide for
heat transfer, since general shell sections do not allow the definition of heat transfer
Use a general shell section (see “Using a general shell section to define the section
behavior,”Section 25.6.6) if the response of the shell is linear elastic and its behavior
is not dependent on changes in temperature or predefined field variables or, in
Abaqus/Standard, if nonlinear behavior in terms of forces and moments is to be
defined in user subroutine UGENS.
Transverse shear stiffness
For all shell elements in Abaqus/Standard that use transverse shear stiffness and for
the finite-strain shell elements in Abaqus/Explicit, the transverse shear stiffness is
computed by matching the shear response for the shell to that of a three-dimensional
solid for the case of bending about one axis. For the small-strain shell elements in
Abaqus/Explicit the transverse shear stiffness is based on the effective shear
In all shell elements in Abaqus/Standard that are valid for thick shell problems or that
enforce the Kirchhoff constraint numerically (i.e., all shell elements except STRI3)
and in the finite-strain shell elements in Abaqus/Explicit (S3R, S4, S4R, SAX1,
SC6R, and SC8R), Abaqus computes the transverse shear stiffness by matching the
shear response for the case of the shell bending about one axis, using a parabolic
variation of transverse shear stress in each layer. The approach is described
in “Transverse shear stiffness in composite shells and offsets from the
midsurface,” Section 3.6.8 of the Abaqus Theory Manual, and generally provides a
reasonable estimate of the shear flexibility of the shell. It also provides estimates of
interlaminar shear stresses in composite shells. In calculating the transverse shear
stiffness, Abaqus assumes that the shell section directions are the principal bending
directions (bending about one principal direction does not require a restraining
moment about the other direction). For composite shells with orthotropic layers that
are not symmetric about the shell midsurface, the shell section directions may not be
the principal bending directions. In such cases the transverse shear stiffness is a less
accurate approximation and will change if different shell section directions are used.
Abaqus computes the transverse shear stiffness only once at the begining of the
analysis based on initial elastic properties given in the model data. Any changes to
the transverse shear stiffness that occur due to changes in the material stiffness
during the analysis are ignored.
For most shell sections, including layered composite or sandwich shell sections,
Abaqus will calculate the transverse shear stiffness values required in the element
formulation. You can override these default values. The default shear stiffness values
are not calculated in some cases if estimates of shear moduli are unavailable during
the preprocessing stage of input; for example, when the material behavior is defined
by user subroutine UMAT, UHYPEL, UHYPER, orVUMAT or, in Abaqus/Standard, when the
section behavior is defined in UGENS. You must define the transverse shear
stiffnesses in such cases.
The transverse shear stiffness of the section of a shear flexible shell element is
defined in Abaqus as
are the components of the section shear stiffness ( refer to the default
surface directions on the shell, as defined in “Conventions,” Section 1.2.2, or to the
local directions associated with the shell section definition);
is a dimensionless factor that is used to prevent the shear stiffness from becoming
too large in thin shells; and
You can specify all three shear stiffness terms ( , , and ); otherwise,
they will take the default values defined below. The dimensionless factor is always
included in the calculation of transverse shear stiffness, regardless of the way is
obtained. For shell elements of type S4R5, S8R5, S9R5, STRI65, or SAXAn the average
of and is used and is ignored. The have units of force per length.
where A is the area of the element and t is the thickness of the shell. When a general shell
section definition not associated with one or more material definitions is used to define the
shell section stiffness, the thickness of the shell, t, is estimated as
If you do not specify the , they are calculated as follows. For laminated plates
and sandwich constructions the are estimated by matching the elastic strain
energy associated with shear deformation of the shell section with that based on
piecewise quadratic variation of the transverse shear stress across the section, under
conditions of bending about one axis. For unsymmetric lay-ups the coupling
term can be nonzero.
When a general shell section is used and the section stiffness is given directly,
the are defined as
where is the section stiffness matrix and Y is the initial scaling modulus.
When a user subroutine (for example, UMAT, UHYPEL, UHYPER, or VUMAT) is used to
define a shell element's material response, you must define the transverse shear
stiffness. The definition of an appropriate stiffness depends on the shell's material
composition and its lay-up; that is, how material is distributed through the thickness of
the cross-section.
The transverse shear stiffness should be specified as the initial, linear elastic
stiffness of the shell in response to pure transverse shear strains. For a
homogeneous shell made of a linear, orthotropic elastic material, where the strong
material direction aligns with the element's local 1-direction, the transverse shear
stiffness should be
and are the material's shear moduli in the out-of-plane direction. The number 5/6
is the shear correction coefficient that results from matching the transverse shear energy to
that for a three-dimensional structure in pure bending. For composite shells the shear
correction coefficient will be different from the value for homogeneous ones; see “Transverse
shear stiffness in composite shells and offsets from the midsurface,” Section 3.6.8 of the
Abaqus Theory Manual, for a discussion of how the effective shear stiffness for elastic
materials is obtained in Abaqus.
To obtain the and , you must run a data check analysis using a
composite general shell section definition. The will be printed under the title
you request model definition data (see “Controlling the amount of analysis input file
processor information written to the data file” in “Output,” Section 4.1.1). The
will be printed out under the title “SECTION STIFFNESS MATRIX.”
When a shell section integrated during the analysis is used, the transverse shear
stresses for the small-strain shells in Abaqus/Explicit are assumed to have a
piecewise constant distribution in each layer. The transverse shear force will
converge to the correct solution for single or multilayer isotropic sections and single-
layer orthotropic sections. The transverse shear stiffness is approximate for
multilayer orthotropic sections where convergence to the proper transverse shear
behavior may not be obtained as shells become thick and principal material
directions deviate from the principal section directions. The finite-strain S4R element
should be used with a shell section integrated during the analysis if accurate through-
thickness transverse shear stress distributions are required for the analysis of
composite shells.
The same transverse shear stiffness described for the finite-strain shells is used to
calculate the transverse shear force for the small-strain shells in
Abaqus/Explicit when a general shell section is used. Thus, for this case the
transverse shear force for multilayer composite shells will converge to the correct
value for both thin and thick sections.
All three-dimensional shell elements in Abaqus use bending strain measures that are
approximations to those of Koiter-Sanders shell theory (see “Shell element
overview,” Section 3.6.1 of the Abaqus Theory Manual). As per the Koiter-Sanders
theory the displacement field normal to the shell surface does not produce any
bending moments. For example, a purely radial expansion of a cylinder will result in
only membrane stress and strains—there are no variations through the thickness
and, hence, no bending. This applies to both the incremental strain measures for
linear elastic materials and the deformation gradient for hyperelastic materials.
For composite shell sections Abaqus computes the nodal masses based on an
average density through the section, weighted with respect to the layer thicknesses.
This average density is used to compute an average rotary inertia as if the section
were homogeneous. As a consequence, Abaqus does not account for an
unsymmetric distribution of mass: the center of mass is assumed to be at the
reference surface of the shell. For continuum shells the mass is equally distributed to
the top and bottom surface nodes.
25.6.5 Using a shell section integrated during the analysis to define the section
To define a shell made of a single material, use a material definition (“Material data
definition,”Section 17.1.2) to define the material properties of the section and
associate these properties with the section definition. Optionally, you can refer to an
orientation (“Orientations,” Section 2.2.5) to be associated with this material
definition. A spatially varying local coordinate system defined with a distribution
(“Distribution definition,” Section 2.7.1) can be assigned to the shell section
definition. Linear or nonlinear material behavior can be associated with the section
definition. However, if the material response is linear, the more economic approach is
to use a general shell section (see “Using a general shell section to define the
section behavior,” Section 25.6.6).
You specify the shell thickness and the number of integration points to be used
through the shell section (see below). For continuum shell elements the specified
shell thickness is used to estimate certain section properties, such as hourglass
stiffness, which are later computed using the actual thickness computed from the
element geometry.
You must associate the section properties with a region of your model.
You can define a laminated (layered) shell made of one or more materials. You
specify the thickness, the number of integration points (see below), the material, and
the orientation (either as a reference to an orientation definition or as an angle
measured relative to the overall orientation definition) for each layer of the shell. The
order of the laminated shell layers with respect to the positive direction of the shell
normal is defined by the order in which the layers are specified.
Optionally, you can specify an overall orientation definition for the layers of a
composite shell. A spatially varying local coordinate system defined with a distribution
(“Distribution definition,”Section 2.7.1) can be used to specify the overall orientation
definition for the layers of a composite shell.
For continuum shell elements the thickness is determined from the element geometry
and may vary through the model for a given section definition. Hence, the specified
thicknesses are only relative thicknesses for each layer. The actual thickness of a
layer is the element thickness times the fraction of the total thickness that is
accounted for by each layer. The thickness ratios for the layers need not be given in
physical units, nor do the sum of the layer relative thicknesses need to add to one.
The specified shell thickness is used to estimate certain section properties, such as
hourglass stiffness, which are later computed using the actual thickness computed
from the element geometry.
An example of a section with three layers and three section points per layer is shown
in Figure 25.6.5–1.
The material name specified for each layer refers to a material definition (“Material
data definition,” Section 17.1.2). The material behavior can be linear or nonlinear.
The orientation for each layer is specified by either the name of the orientation
(“Orientations,”Section 2.2.5) associated with the layer or the orientation angle in
degrees for the layer. In Abaqus/Standard spatially varying orientation angles can be
specified on a layer using distributions (“Distribution definition,” Section 2.7.1).
Orientation angles, , are measured positive counterclockwise around the normal
and relative to the overall section orientation. If either of the two local directions from
the overall section orientation is not in the surface of the shell, is applied after the
section orientation has been projected onto the shell surface. If you do not specify an
overall section orientation, is measured relative to the default local shell directions
(see “Conventions,” Section 1.2.2).
You must associate the section properties with a region of your model.
Unless your model is relatively simple, you will find it increasingly difficult to define
your model using composite shell sections as you increase the number of layers and
as you assign different sections to different regions. It can also be cumbersome to
redefine the sections after you add new layers or remove or reposition existing
layers. To manage a large number of layers in a typical composite model, you may
want to use the composite layup functionality in Abaqus/CAE. For more information,
see Chapter 22, “Composite layups,” of the Abaqus/CAE User's Manual.
Property module:
Create Section: select Shell as the
section Category and Compositeas the section Type: Section
integration: During analysis
Assign Material Orientation: select regions
Assign Section: select regions
The three-point Simpson's rule and the two-point Gauss quadrature are exact for
linear problems. The default number of section points should be sufficient for routine
thermal-stress calculations and nonlinear applications (such as predicting the
response of an elastic-plastic shell up to limit load). For more severe thermal shock
cases or for more complex nonlinear calculations involving strain reversals, more
section points may be required; normally no more than nine section points (using
Simpson's rule) are required. Gaussian integration normally requires no more than
five section points.
Gauss quadrature provides greater accuracy than Simpson's rule when the same
number of section points are used. Therefore, to obtain comparable levels of
accuracy, Gauss quadrature requires fewer section points than Simpson's rule does
and, thus, requires less computational time and storage space.
By default, Simpson's rule will be used for the shell section integration. The default
number of section points is five for a homogeneous section and three in each layer
for a composite section.
Simpson's integration rule should be used if results output on the shell surfaces or
transverse shear stress at the interface between two layers of a composite shell is
required and must be used for heat transfer and coupled temperature-displacement
shell elements.
In Gauss quadrature there are no section points on the shell surfaces; therefore,
Gauss quadrature should be used only in cases where results on the shell surfaces
are not required.
Gauss quadrature cannot be used for heat transfer and coupled temperature-
displacement shell elements.
You can define the distance (measured as a fraction of the shell's thickness) from the
shell's midsurface to the reference surface containing the element's nodes
(see “Defining the initial geometry of conventional shell elements,” Section 25.6.3).
Positive values of the offset are in the positive normal direction (see “Shell elements:
overview,” Section 25.6.1). When the offset is set equal to 0.5, the top surface of the
shell is the reference surface. When the offset is set equal to –0.5, the bottom
surface is the reference surface. The default offset is 0, which indicates that the
middle surface of the shell is the reference surface.
You can specify an offset value that is greater in magnitude than 0.5. However, this
technique should be used with caution in regions of high curvature. All kinematic
quantities, including the element's area, are calculated relative to the reference
surface, which may lead to a surface area integration error, affecting the stiffness and
mass of the shell.
Input File Usage: Use the following option to specify a value for the shell offset:
You can define a spatially varying thickness for conventional shells using a
distribution (“Distribution definition,” Section 2.7.1). The thickness of continuum shell
elements is defined by the element geometry.
For composite shells the total thickness is defined by the distribution, and the layer
thicknesses you specify are scaled proportionally such that the sum of the layer
thicknesses is equal to the total thickness (including spatially varying layer
thicknesses defined with a distribution).
The distribution used to define shell thickness must have a default value. The default
thickness is used by any shell element assigned to the shell section that is not
specifically assigned a value in the distribution.
If the shell thickness is defined for a shell section with a distribution, nodal
thicknesses cannot be used for that section definition.
Input File Usage: Use the following option to define a spatially varying thickness:
Abaqus/CAE Usage: Use the following option for a conventional shell composite layup:
You can define a conventional shell with continuously varying thickness by specifying
the thickness of the shell at the nodes. The thickness of continuum shell elements is
defined by the element geometry.
If you indicate that the nodal thicknesses will be specified, for homogeneous shells
any constant shell thickness you specify will be ignored, and the shell thickness will
be interpolated from the nodes. The thickness must be defined at all nodes
connected to the element.
For composite shells the total thickness is interpolated from the nodes, and the layer
thicknesses you specify are scaled proportionally such that the sum of the layer
thicknesses is equal to the total thickness (including spatially varying layer
thicknesses defined with a distribution).
If the shell thickness is defined for a shell section with a distribution, nodal
thicknesses cannot be used for that section definition. However, if nodal thicknesses
are used, you can still use distributions to define spatially varying thicknesses on the
layers of conventional shell elements.
Abaqus/CAE Usage: Use the following option for a conventional shell composite layup:
For conventional shell elements you can specify a value for the effective Poisson's
ratio for the section to cause a thickness direction strain under plane stress
conditions to be a linear function of the membrane strains. This value must be
between –1.0 and 0.5. A value of 0.5 will enforce incompressible behavior of the
element in response to membrane strains; a value of 0.0 will enforce constant shell
thickness; and a negative value will result in an increase in the shell thickness in
response to tensile membrane strains.
Alternatively, you can cause the shell thickness to change based on the element
initial elastic material definition, or in Abaqus/Explicit you can cause the thickness
direction strain under plane stress conditions to be a function of the membrane
strains and the (nonlinear) material properties.
Input File Usage: Use the following option to specify a value for the effective Poisson's
You can specify a fixed section Poisson's ratio either explicitly given or computed
from the material initial elastic behavior. Specifying a fixed section Poisson's ratio
causes the Poisson strain contribution from the membrane effects to be a linear
function of the membrane strains. Abaqus/Explicit also allows for a variable section
Poisson's ratio that is based on the current material state. In Abaqus/Standard the
default section Poisson's ratio is a fixed value of 0.5; in Abaqus/Explicit the default
section Poisson's ratio is based on the current material state.
By default, the effective thickness modulus for a single layer shell element with an
elastic or elastic-plastic material is twice the in-plane elastic shear modulus. In the
case of a composite shell with each layer either an elastic or elastic-plastic material,
the thickness modulus is computed as the thickness-weighted harmonic mean of the
contributions from the individual layers:
where is the effective thickness modulus, is the layer index, is the number of
layers, is the relative thickness of layer ( ), and is twice the initial in-
plane elastic shear modulus based on the material definition for layer . Alternatively, you can
specify a value for the effective thickness modulus directly. If the material properties are
unavailable during the preprocessing stage of input; for example, when the material behavior
is defined by the fabric material model or user subroutine UMAT or VUMAT, you must directly
specify the effective thickness modulus.
Input File Usage: Use the following option to define an effective thickness modulus
If you do not specify the transverse shear stiffness values, Abaqus will integrate
through the section to determine them. The transverse shear stiffness is
precalculated based on the initial elastic material properties, as defined by the initial
temperature and predefined field variables evaluated at the midpoint of each material
layer. This stiffness is not recalculated during the analysis.
For most shell sections, including layered composite or sandwich shell sections,
Abaqus will calculate the transverse shear stiffness values required in the element
formulation. You can override these default values. The default shear stiffness values
are not calculated in some cases if estimates of shear moduli are unavailable during
the preprocessing stage of input; for example, when the material behavior is defined
by the fabric material model or by user subroutine UMAT, UHYPEL, UHYPER, or VUMAT.
You must define the transverse shear stiffnesses in such cases except for STRI3
You can specify a nondefault hourglass control formulation or scale factors for
elements that use reduced integration. See “Section controls,” Section 23.1.4, for
more information.
In Abaqus/Standard you can modify the default values for hourglass control stiffness
based on the default total stiffness approach for elements that use reduced
integration and define a scaling factor for the stiffness associated with the drill degree
of freedom (rotation about the surface normal) for elements that use six degrees of
freedom at a node.
The stiffness associated with the drill degree of freedom is the average of the direct
components of the transverse shear stiffness multiplied by a scaling factor. In most
cases the default scaling factor is appropriate for constraining the drill rotation to
follow the in-plane rotation of the element. If an additional scaling factor is defined,
the additional scaling factor should not increase or decrease the drill stiffness by
more than a factor of 100.0 for most typical applications. Usually, a scaling factor
between 0.1 and 10.0 is appropriate. Continuum shell elements do not use a drill
stiffness; hence, the scale factor is ignored.
There are no hourglass stiffness factors or scale factors for hourglass stiffness for the
nondefault enhanced hourglass control formulation. You can define the scale factor
for the drill stiffness for the nondefault enhanced hourglass control formulation.
Input File Usage: Use both of the following options to specify a nondefault hourglass
control formulation or scale factors for reduced-integration elements:
You can specify temperatures and field variables for conventional shell elements by
defining the value at the reference surface of the shell and the gradient through the
shell thickness or by defining the values at equally spaced points through each layer
of the shell's thickness. You can specify a temperature gradient only for elements
without temperature degrees of freedom. The temperatures and field variables for
continuum shell elements are defined at the nodes and then interpolated to the
section points.
The actual values of the temperatures and field variables are specified as either
predefined fields or initial conditions (see “Predefined fields,” Section 29.6.1,
or “Initial conditions,” Section 29.2.1).
If temperature is to be read as a predefined field from the results file or the output
database file of a previous analysis, the temperature must be defined at equally
spaced points through each layer of the thickness. In addition, the results file must be
modified so that the field variable data are stored in record 201. See “Predefined
fields,” Section 29.6.1, for additional details.
Defining the value at the reference surface and the gradient through the
You can define the temperature or predefined field by its magnitude on the reference
surface of the shell and the gradient through the thickness. If only one value is given,
the magnitude will be constant through the thickness.
Input File Usage: Use the following option to specify that the temperatures or
predefined fields are defined by a gradient:
Alternatively, you can define the temperature and field variable values at equally
spaced points through the thickness of a shell or of each layer of a composite shell.
The number of predefined field points through each layer, n, must be the same as the
number of integration points used through the same layer in the analysis from which
the temperatures are obtained. This requirement implies that in the previous analysis
each of the layers must have the same number of integration points.
Input File Usage: Use the following option to specify that the temperatures or
predefined fields are defined at equally spaced points:
Figure 25.6.5–4 Defining temperature values at n equally spaced points using Gauss
The following Abaqus/Standard heat transfer shell section definition corresponds to this
For the same reason you must be careful if a different number of temperature points
is used in adjacent shell elements. For compatibility MPCs (“General multi-point
constraints,” Section 30.2.2) or equation constraints are also needed in this case.
In Abaqus/Explicit since no thermal MPCs and no thermal equation constraints are
available for degrees of freedom greater than 11, care must be taken when using a
different number of temperature points in adjacent shell elements. This should
usually have a localized effect on the temperature distribution, but it may affect the
overall solution for the cases in which the temperature gradient through the thickness
is significant.
If the temperature values were specified at equally spaced points through the
thickness, output at the temperature points can be obtained in an
Abaqus/Standard stress analysis, as in a heat transfer analysis, by using the nodal
variable NTxx. This nodal output variable is also available in Abaqus/Explicit for
coupled temperature-displacement analyses. The nodal variable NTxx should not be
used for output at the temperature points with the default gradient method. In this
case output variable NT should be requested; NT11 (the reference temperature
value) and NT12 (the temperature gradient) will be output automatically.
Other output variables that are relevant for shells are listed in each of the library
sections describing the specific shell elements. For example, stresses, strains,
section forces and moments, average section stresses, section strains, etc. can be
output. The section moments are calculated relative to the reference surface.
is used when numerical integration through the thickness of the shell is not
can be associated with linear elastic material behavior or, in Abaqus/Standard,
can invoke user subroutine UGENS to define nonlinear section properties in
terms of forces and moments;
can be used to model an equivalent shell section for some more complex
geometry (for example, replacing a corrugated shell with an equivalent smooth
plate for global analysis); and
cannot be used with heat transfer and coupled temperature-displacement
The linear elastic material behavior is defined with a material definition (“Material
data definition,”Section 17.1.2), which may contain linear elastic behavior (“Linear
elastic behavior,” Section 18.2.1) and thermal expansion behavior (“Thermal
expansion,” Section 22.1.2). The density (“Density,” Section 17.2.1) and damping
(“Material damping,” Section 22.1.1) behavior can also be specified as described
below; in Abaqus/Explicit the density of the material must be defined. However, no
nonlinear material properties, such as plastic behavior, can be included since Abaqus
will precompute the section response and will not update that response during the
analysis. Dependence of the linear elastic material behavior on temperature or
predefined field variables is not allowed.
where are the generalized stresses caused by a fully constrained unit temperature rise
that result from the user-defined thermal expansion, is the temperature, and is the initial
(stress-free) temperature at this point in the shell (defined by the initial nodal temperatures
given as initial conditions; see “Defining initial temperatures” in “Initial conditions,” Section
To define a shell made of a single linear elastic material, you refer to the name of a
material definition (“Material data definition,” Section 17.1.2) as described above.
Optionally, you can define an orientation definition to be used with the section
(“Orientations,” Section 2.2.5). A spatially varying local coordinate system defined
with a distribution (“Distribution definition,”Section 2.7.1) can be assigned to the shell
section definition. In addition, you specify the shell thickness as part of the section
definition. For continuum shell elements the specified thickness is used to estimate
certain section properties, such as hourglass stiffness, that are later computed from
the element geometry.
You must associate this section behavior with a region of your model.
You can redefine the thickness, offset, section stiffness, and material orientation
specified in the section definition on an element-by-element basis. See “Distribution
definition,” Section 2.7.1.
If the orientation definition assigned to a shell section definition is defined with
distributions, spatially varying local coordinate systems are applied to all shell
elements associated with the shell section. A default local coordinate system (as
defined by the distributions) is applied to any shell element that is not specifically
included in the associated distribution.
Defining a shell made of layers with different linear elastic material behaviors
You can define a shell made of layers with different linear elastic material behaviors.
Optionally, you can define an orientation definition to be used with the section
(“Orientations,” Section 2.2.5). A spatially varying local coordinate system defined
with a distribution (“Distribution definition,” Section 2.7.1) can be assigned to the
shell section definition.
You specify the layer thickness; the name of the material forming this layer (as
described above); and the orientation angle, , (in degrees) measured positive
counterclockwise relative to the specified section orientation definition. In
Abaqus/Standard spatially varying orientation angles can be specified on a layer
using distributions (“Distribution definition,” Section 2.7.1). If either of the two local
directions from the specified section orientation is not in the surface of the shell, is
applied after the section orientation has been projected onto the shell surface. If you
do not specify a section orientation, is measured relative to the default shell local
directions (see “Conventions,” Section 1.2.2). The order of the laminated shell layers
with respect to the positive direction of the shell normal is defined by the order in
which the layers are specified.
For continuum shell elements the thickness is determined from the element geometry
and may vary through the model for a given section definition. Hence, the specified
thicknesses are only relative thicknesses for each layer. The actual thickness of a
layer is the element thickness times the fraction of the total thickness that is
accounted for by each layer. The thickness ratios for the layers need not be given in
physical units, nor do the sum of the layer relative thicknesses need to add to one.
The specified shell thickness is used to estimate certain section properties, such as
hourglass stiffness, that are later computed from the element geometry.
In Abaqus/Standard spatially varying thicknesses can be specified on the layers of
conventional shell elements (not continuum shell elements) using distributions
(“Distribution definition,”Section 2.7.1). A distribution that is used to define layer
thickness must have a default value. The default layer thickness is used by any shell
element assigned to the shell section that is not specifically assigned a value in the
You must associate this section behavior with a region of your model.
Unless your model is relatively simple, you will find it increasingly difficult to define
your model using composite shell sections as you increase the number of layers and
as you assign different sections to different regions. It can also be cumbersome to
redefine the sections after you add new layers or remove or reposition existing
layers. To manage a large number of layers in a typical composite model, you may
want to use the composite layup functionality in Abaqus/CAE. For more information,
see Chapter 22, “Composite layups,” of the Abaqus/CAE User's Manual.
Property module:
Create Section: select Shell as the
section Category and Compositeas the section Type: Section
integration: Before analysis
Assign Material Orientation: select regions
Assign Section: select regions
Specifying the equivalent section properties directly for conventional shells
You can define the section's mechanical response by specifying the general section
stiffness and thermal expansion response— , , and , as
defined below—directly. Since this method then provides the complete specification
of the section's mechanical response, no material reference is needed. Optionally,
you can define , the reference temperature for thermal expansion.
You must associate this section behavior with a region of your model.
are the forces and moments on the shell section (membrane forces per unit length,
bending moments per unit length);
are the generalized section strains in the shell (reference surface strains and
are the section forces and moments (per unit length) caused by thermal strains.
These thermal forces and moments in the shell are generated according to the formula
are the user-specified generalized section forces and moments (per unit length)
caused by a fully constrained unit temperature rise.
that is, the direct membrane terms come first, then the shear membrane term, then the direct
and shear bending terms, with six terms in all. Engineering measures of shear membrane
strain ( ) and twist ( ) are used in Abaqus.
This method of defining the shell section properties cannot be used with variable
thickness shells or continuum shell elements.
The stiffness matrix, , can be defined as a constant stiffness for the section or in
an Abaqus/Standard analysis as a spatially varying stiffness by referring to a
distribution (“Distribution definition,” Section 2.7.1). If a spatially varying stiffness is
used, the distribution must have a default stiffness defined. The default stiffness is
used by any shell element assigned to the shell section that is not specifically
assigned a value in the distribution.
In Abaqus/Standard you can define the section response in user subroutine UGENS for
the more general case where the section response may be nonlinear. User
subroutine UGENS is particularly useful if the nonlinear behavior of the section involves
geometric as well as material nonlinearity, such as may occur due to section
collapse. If only nonlinear material behavior is present, it is simpler to use a shell
section integrated during the analysis with the appropriate nonlinear material model.
You must specify a constant section thickness as part of the section definition or a
continuously varying thickness by defining the thickness at the nodes as described
below. Even though the section's mechanical behavior is defined in user
subroutine UGENS, the thickness of the shell section is required for calculation of the
hourglass control stiffness. You must associate this section behavior with a region of
your model.
Abaqus/Standard calls user subroutine UGENS for each integration point at each
iteration of every increment. The subroutine provides the section state at the start of
the increment (section forces and moments, ; generalized section strains, ;
solution-dependent state variables; temperature; and any predefined field variables);
the increments in temperature and predefined field variables; the generalized section
strain increments, ; and the time increment.
The subroutine must perform two functions: it must update the forces, the moments,
and the solution-dependent state variables to their values at the end of the
increment; and it must provide the section stiffness matrix, . The complete
section response, including the thermal expansion effects, must be programmed in
the user subroutine.
You should ensure that the strain increment is not used or changed in user
subroutine UGENSfor linear perturbation analyses. For this case the quantity is
This method of defining the shell section properties cannot be used with continuum
shell elements.
If the section stiffness matrices are not symmetric, you can specify that
Abaqus/Standard should use its unsymmetric equation solution capability
(see “Procedures: overview,” Section 6.1.1).
Integer property values can be used inside user subroutine UGENS as flags, indices,
counters, etc. Examples of real (floating point) property values are material
properties, geometric data, and any other information required to calculate the
section response in UGENS.
The property values are passed into user subroutine UGENS each time the subroutine
is called.
To define the property values, enter all floating point values on the
data lines first, followed immediately by the integer values. Eight
values can be entered per line.
Idealizations allow you to modify the stiffness coefficients in a shell section based on
assumptions about the shell's makeup or expected behavior. The following
idealizations are available for general shell sections:
Retain only the membrane stiffness for shells whose predominant response
will be in-plane stretching.
Retain only the bending stiffness for shells whose predominant response will
be pure bending.
Ignore the effects of the material layer stacking sequence for composite shells.
The membrane stiffness and bending stiffness idealizations can be applied to homogeneous
shell sections, composite shell sections, or shell sections with the stiffness coefficients
specified directly. The idealization to ignore stacking effects can be applied only to composite
shell sections.
Idealizations modify the shell general stiffness coefficients after they have been
computed normally, including the effects of offset.
If you use any idealization, all membrane-bending coupling terms are set to
If you retain only the membrane stiffness, off-diagonal terms of the bending
submatrix are set to zero, and diagonal bending terms are set to 1 × 10 –
6 times the largest diagonal membrane coefficient.
If you retain only the bending stiffness, off-diagonal terms of the membrane
submatrix are set to zero, and diagonal membrane terms are set to 1 × 10 –
6 times the largest diagonal bending coefficient.
If you ignore the material layer stacking sequence in a composite shell, each
term of the bending submatrix is set equal to T 2/12 times the corresponding
membrane submatrix term, where T is the total thickness of the shell.
Input File Usage: Use the following option to retain only the membrane stiffness:
Abaqus/CAE Usage: Use any of the following options to apply an idealization to a shell
You can define the distance (measured as a fraction of the shell's thickness) from the
shell's midsurface to the reference surface containing the element's nodes
(see “Defining the initial geometry of conventional shell elements,” Section 25.6.3).
Positive values of the offset are in the positive normal direction (see “Shell elements:
overview,” Section 25.6.1). When the offset is set equal to 0.5, the top surface of the
shell is the reference surface. When the offset is set equal to –0.5, the bottom
surface is the reference surface. The default offset is 0, which indicates that the
middle surface of the shell is the reference surface.
You can specify an offset value that is greater in magnitude than 0.5. However, this
technique should be used with caution in regions of high curvature. All kinematic
quantities, including the element's area, are calculated relative to the reference
surface, which may lead to a surface area integration error, affecting the stiffness and
mass of the shell.
Input File Usage: Use the following option to specify a value for the shell offset:
You can define a spatially varying thickness for conventional shells using a
distribution (“Distribution definition,” Section 2.7.1). The thickness of continuum shell
elements is defined by the element geometry.
For composite shells the total thickness is defined by the distribution, and the layer
thicknesses you specify are scaled proportionally such that the sum of the layer
thicknesses is equal to the total thickness (including spatially varying layer
thicknesses defined with a distribution).
The distribution used to define shell thickness must have a default value. The default
thickness is used by any shell element assigned to the shell section that is not
specifically assigned a value in the distribution.
If the shell thickness is defined for a shell section with a distribution, nodal
thicknesses cannot be used for that section definition.
Input File Usage: Use the following option to define a spatially varying thickness:
Abaqus/CAE Usage: Use the following option for a conventional shell composite layup:
You can define a conventional shell with continuously varying thickness by specifying
the thickness of the shell at the nodes. This method can be used only if the section is
defined in terms of material properties; it cannot be used if the section behavior is
defined by specifying the equivalent section properties directly. For continuum shell
elements a continuously varying thickness can be defined through the element nodal
geometry; hence, the nodal thickness is not meaningful.
If you indicate that the nodal thicknesses will be specified, for homogeneous shells
any constant shell thickness you specify will be ignored, and the shell thickness will
be interpolated from the nodes. The thickness must be defined at all nodes
connected to the element.
For composite shells the total thickness is interpolated from the nodes, and the layer
thicknesses you specify are scaled proportionally such that the sum of the layer
thicknesses is equal to the total thickness (including spatially varying layer
thicknesses defined with a distribution).
If the shell thickness is defined for a shell section with a distribution, nodal
thicknesses cannot be used for that section definition. However, if nodal thicknesses
are used, you can still use distributions to define spatially varying thicknesses on the
layers of conventional shell elements.
Abaqus/CAE Usage: Use the following option for a conventional shell composite layup:
For conventional shell elements you can specify a value for the effective Poisson's
ratio for the section to cause a thickness direction strain under plane stress
conditions to be a linear function of the membrane strains. This value must be
between –1.0 and 0.5. A value of 0.5 will enforce incompressible behavior of the
element in response to membrane strain; a value of 0.0 will enforce constant shell
thickness; and a negative value will result in an increase in the shell thickness in
response to tensile membrane strains. The default value is 0.5.
When the equivalent section properties are specified directly, the section stiffnesses
are scaled during deformation to account for changes in the shell thickness. Specify
an effective Poisson's ratio of 0.0 if no scaling of the section stiffnesses is desired.
Alternatively, you can cause the shell thickness to change based on the initial elastic
properties of the material definition if these properties are available during the
preprocessing stage of input. For example, when the material behavior is defined by
user subroutine UMAT or VUMAT or when the section is defined by user
subroutine UGENS in Abaqus/Standard, Abaqus cannot compute an effective Poisson's
Input File Usage: Use the following option to specify a value for the effective Poisson's
For continuum shell elements the thickness strain is computed from the element
nodal displacements. The stress in the thickness direction is computed from the
effective thickness modulus and the effective thickness strain. The effective thickness
strain is defined as the difference between the thickness strain and the Poisson strain
contribution from the membrane effects under the plane stress assumption.
You can specify a fixed section Poisson's ratio either explicitly given or computed
from the material initial elastic behavior. Specifying a fixed section Poisson's ratio
causes the Poisson strain contribution from the membrane effects to be a linear
function of the membrane strains. The default section Poisson's ratio is a fixed value
of 0.5.
By default, the effective thickness modulus for a single layer shell element with an
elastic or elastic-plastic material is twice the in-plane elastic shear modulus. In the
case of a composite shell with each layer either an elastic or elastic-plastic material,
the thickness modulus is computed as the thickness-weighted harmonic mean of the
contributions from the individual layers:
where is the effective thickness modulus, is the layer index, is the number of
layers, is the relative thickness of layer ( ), and is twice the initial in-
plane elastic shear modulus based on the material definition for layer . Alternatively, you can
specify a value for the effective thickness modulus directly. If the material properties are
unavailable during the preprocessing stage of input; for example, when the material behavior
is defined by the fabric material model or user subroutine UMAT or VUMAT, you must directly
specify the effective thickness modulus.
Input File Usage: Use the following option to define an effective thickness modulus
You can provide nondefault values of the transverse shear stiffness. You must
specify the transverse shear stiffness for shear flexible shells in Abaqus/Standard if
the section properties are specified in user subroutine UGENS. If you do not specify the
transverse shear stiffness, it will be calculated as described in “Shell section
behavior,” Section 25.6.4.
You can define initial stresses (see “Defining initial stresses” in “Initial
conditions,” Section 29.2.1) for general shell sections that will be applied as initial
section forces and moments. Initial conditions can be specified only for the
membrane forces, the bending moments, and the twisting moment. Initial conditions
cannot be prescribed for the transverse shear forces.
You can specify a nondefault hourglass control formulation or scale factors for
elements that use reduced integration. See “Section controls,” Section 23.1.4, for
more information.
In Abaqus/Standard you can modify the default values for hourglass control stiffness
based on the default total stiffness approach for elements that use hourglass control
and define a scaling factor for the stiffness associated with the drill degree of freedom
(rotation about the surface normal) for elements that use six degrees of freedom at a
No default values are available for hourglass control stiffness if the section properties
are specified in user subroutine UGENS. Therefore, you must specify the hourglass
control stiffness when UGENS is used to specify the section properties for reduced-
integration elements.
The stiffness associated with the drill degree of freedom is the average of the direct
components of the transverse shear stiffness multiplied by a scaling factor. In most
cases the default scaling factor is appropriate for constraining the drill rotation to
follow the in-plane rotation of the element. If an additional scaling factor is defined,
the additional scaling factor should not increase or decrease the drill stiffness by
more than a factor of 100.0 for most typical applications. Usually, a scaling factor
between 0.1 and 10.0 is appropriate.
There are no hourglass stiffness factors or scale factors for hourglass stiffness for the
nondefault enhanced hourglass control formulation. You can define the scale factor
for the drill stiffness for the nondefault enhanced hourglass control formulation.
Input File Usage: Use both of the following options to specify a nondefault hourglass
control formulation or scale factors for reduced-integration elements:
You can define the mass per unit area for conventional shell elements whose section
properties are specified directly in terms of the section stiffness (either directly in the
section definition or, in Abaqus/Standard, in user subroutine UGENS). The density is
required, for example, in a dynamic analysis or for gravity loading.
See “Density,” Section 17.2.1, for details.
The density is defined as part of the material definition for shells whose section
properties include a material definition.
Input File Usage: Use the following option to define the density directly:
Defining damping
You can include mass and stiffness proportional damping in a shell section definition.
See“Material damping,” Section 22.1.1, for more information about material damping
in Abaqus.
Temperatures and field variables can be specified by defining the value at the
reference surface of the shell or by defining the values at the nodes of a continuum
shell element. The actual values of the temperatures and field variables are specified
as either predefined fields or initial conditions (see “Predefined fields,” Section
29.6.1, or “Initial conditions,” Section 29.2.1).
The following output variables are available from Abaqus/Explicit as element output:
section forces and moments, section strains, element energies, element stable time
increment, and element mass scaling factor.
The output that is available from Abaqus/Standard depends on how the section
behavior is defined.
If the matrix is used to specify the equivalent section properties directly or if user
subroutine UGENS is used, section point stresses and strains and section strains are
not available for output or visualization in Abaqus/CAE; only section forces and
moments can be requested for output or visualized in Abaqus/CAE.
1.4.2 Contour integrals for a conical crack in a linear elastic infinite half space
This example demonstrates the following Abaqus features and techniques for linear
elastic fracture mechanics:
evaluating contour integrals for axisymmetric and three-dimensional fracture
mechanics based on linear static stress analysis;
partitioning steps required to generate a mesh suitable for evaluating contour
integrals in two- and three-dimensional analyses;
evaluating three-dimensional contour integrals when the crack extension
direction varies along the crack front;
node-based submodeling in fracture problems (comparing results for a single
refined analysis with the submodeling approach);
surface-based submodeling based on global model stresses, with guidelines
for obtaining adequate accuracy; and
applying continuum infinite elements simulating an infinite domain.
Application description
This example examines the fracture behavior of a conical crack, which may result
from a small hard object impacting a large brittle body. It shows how to evaluate the
propensity of the crack to propagate under static loading but does not cover the
event that formed the crack.
The J-integral is a widely applied fracture mechanics parameter that relates to energy
release associated with crack growth and is a measure of the deformation intensity at
a crack tip. In practice, the calculated J-integral can be compared with a critical value
for the material under consideration to predict fracture. The T-stress represents
stress parallel to the crack face. Together, the T-stress and the J-integral provide a
two-parameter fracture model describing Mode I elastic-plastic crack-tip stresses and
deformation in plane strain or three dimensions over a wide range of crack
configurations and loadings. The stress intensity factors, , relate to the energy
release rate and measure the propensity for crack propagation.
The problem domain contains a conical crack in an infinite solid half-space, as shown
in Figure 1.4.2–1. The crack extension direction changes as the crack is swept
around a circle. The units for this example are nonphysical; therefore, dimensions,
loads, and material properties are described in terms of length and force units. The
crack circumscribes a circle with a radius of 10 length units on the free surface. The
crack intersects the free surface at 45° and extends 15 length units into the solid
This example includes six cases demonstrating different modeling approaches using
Abaqus/Standard. The crack is modeled as a seam since the crack surfaces in the
unloaded state lie next to one another with no gap.
The geometry is axisymmetric and can be modeled as such. However, the three-
dimensional cases demonstrate the Abaqus fracture mechanics capability, where the
crack extension direction varies along a curved crack front. The infinite half-space is
treated using multiple techniques. In Case 1 through Case 4, the domain is extended
well beyond the region of interest. Far-field boundary conditions applied a significant
distance from the region of interest have negligible influence on the response near
the crack. Cases 5 and Case 6 demonstrate the use of continuum infinite elements.
Axisymmetric and three-dimensional cases are provided with and without
submodeling. “Fracture mechanics,” Section 7.10 of the Abaqus Analysis User’s
Manual, provides detailed information on fracture mechanics procedures.
Case 5 Axisymmetric approach with submodeling and infinite elements using input files.
Case 6 Three-dimensional approach with submodeling and infinite elements using input files.
The following sections discuss analysis considerations that are applicable to several
or all the cases. More detailed descriptions are provided later including discussions of
results and listings of files provided. The models for Case 1 through Case 4 were
generated using Abaqus/CAE. In addition to the Python scripts that generate the
model databases, Abaqus/Standard input files are also provided for those cases.
Mesh design
The mesh includes a seam along the crack with duplicate nodes, which allow the
crack to open when loaded. The geometry is partitioned to map rings of elements
around the crack tip for the contour integral calculations. The models use either
quadrilateral or brick elements with a collapsed side to create triangular elements for
two-dimensional cases or wedge-shaped elements for three-dimensional cases,
which introduce a singularity at the crack tip. To be used for the evaluation of contour
integrals, the mesh around the crack tip must be modeled as described in “Using
contour integrals to model fracture mechanics,” Section 29.2 of the Abaqus/CAE
User's Manual. In the axisymmetric cases a circular partition is created to mesh
around the crack tip. In the three-dimensional cases the corresponding partition is a
curved tubular volume enclosing the crack tip.
A refined mesh at the crack tip is required to obtain contour-independent results; i.e.,
there is no significant variation in the contour integral values calculated for
successive rings of elements around the crack tip. In the circular partitioned region
surrounding the crack tip where the contour integrals are calculated, the mesh should
be biased moderately toward the crack tip. The accuracy of the contour integrals is
not very sensitive to the biasing. Engineering judgment is required to establish
adequate mesh refinement to produce contour-independent results while avoiding
the possibility of creating elements at the crack tip that are so small in relation to
other elements that they introduce numerical conditioning issues and associated
round-off errors.
When the deformation and the material are linear as in this example, the diameter of
the circular partition used to map the crack-tip mesh for contour integral calculations
is not critical. (If the material is elastic-plastic, the size of the circular partition should
generally contain the plastic zone and allow a number of the contours for the contour
integrals to enclose the plastic zone while still remaining in the elastic region.) The
remaining partitions are created so that the element shapes satisfy the element
quality criteria in the regions away from the crack tip.
The stress intensity factors and the T-stresses are calculated using the interaction
integral method, in which auxiliary plane strain crack-tip fields are employed. The
crack front radius of curvature is significant for this problem. Therefore, to calculate
the contour integrals accurately for the three-dimensional cases, a very refined mesh
is used to approach the plane strain condition locally around the crack front. This
refined mesh makes the contour integral domain sufficiently small to minimize the
influence of curvature on the results.
Additional details of the meshing procedures for the axisymmetric and three-
dimensional cases are discussed below within the descriptions of the individual
Material model
The linear static structural analysis requires specification of Young’s modulus, which
is 30,000,000 units of force/length2, and Poisson’s ratio, which is 0.3. One solid,
homogenous section is used to assign material properties to the elements.
A uniform pressure load of 10 units of force/length2 is applied along the free top
surface of the crack. In the axisymmetric models the load region, where the pressure
is applied is represented by a line segment. For the three-dimensional cases the load
region where the pressure is applied an area.
Analysis steps
Output requests
Output requests are used to specify calculation of contour integrals, stress intensity
factors, and T-stress. See “Requesting contour integral output,” Section 29.2.11 of
the Abaqus/CAE User's Manual, for more information regarding fracture mechanics
output. The global models used in the submodeling cases include output requests
necessary to write displacement and stress results to the output database (. odb) file;
in the case where node-based submodeling is used, displacement results are used to
establish boundary conditions on the corresponding submodels. In the case where
surface-based submodeling is used, stress results are used to establish boundary
tractions on the corresponding submodel.
Although the submodeling approach is not required for this example because the
refined models for the entire domain analyzed in Case 1 and Case 2 are small
enough to run on commonly available computing platforms, this application provides
an opportunity to demonstrate submodeling techniques for both axisymmetric and
three-dimensional fracture mechanics cases, as well as showing the differences
between node-based submodeling based on displacements and surface-based
submodeling based on stresses. Submodeling procedures are described in detail
in “Node-based submodeling,” Section 10.2.2 of the Abaqus Analysis User's
Manual, “Surface-based submodeling,”Section 10.2.3 of the Abaqus Analysis User's
Manual, and Chapter 35, “Submodeling,” of the Abaqus/CAE User's Manual.
Case 1 through Case 4 simulate the infinite extent of the domain with a continuum
mesh that is large compared to the crack dimensions with appropriate far-field
boundary conditions. In those cases the domain extends 20 times the crack length.
Case 5 and Case 6 demonstrate the use of continuum infinite elements and
represent the region of interest with reduced-integration continuum elements to a
distance approximately 10 times the crack dimensions surrounded by a layer of
continuum infinite elements. Far-field boundary conditions are not required in these
The axisymmetric domain is a solid with a radius equal to the height of 300 length
units (see Figure 1.4.2–2). The top edge of the model represents the free surface
containing the crack. The semi-infinite domain is simulated by extending the
continuum model to a distance 20 times the length of the crack and applying
appropriate far-field boundary conditions. This model uses continuum axisymmetric
quadratic reduced-integration (CAX8R) elements.
Mesh design
“Creating a seam,” Section 29.1.2 of the Abaqus/CAE User's Manual, describes how
to pick partition segments to define the seam (crack). Procedures to create a square
root singularity in strain at the crack tip are described in “Controlling the singularity at
the crack tip,” Section 29.2.8 of the Abaqus/CAE User's Manual. After defining the
seam, pick the crack tip to specify the region defining the first contour integral and
define the q vector to specify the crack extension direction as described in “Creating
a contour integral crack,” Section 29.2.9 of the Abaqus/CAE User's Manual.
Boundary conditions
The right edge of the model shown in Figure 1.4.2–3 is unconstrained to represent
the far-field boundary. The bottom edge of the model is constrained to zero
displacement (U2) to eliminate rigid body motion while simulating the far-field
boundary. These edges are far enough away from the area of interest around the
crack to represent an infinite domain with negligible influence on the area of interest.
Run procedure
The Case 1 model is generated using Abaqus/CAE to create and to mesh native
geometry. Python scripts are provided to automate building the model and running
the solution. The scripts can be run interactively or from the command line.
To create the model interactively, start Abaqus/CAE and select Run Script from
the Start Session dialog box that appears. Select the first file for the
case, AxisymmConeCrack_model.py. When the script completes, you can use
Abaqus/CAE commands to display and to query the model. When you are ready to
analyze the model, select Run Script from the File menu and choose the next
script,AxisymmConeCrack_job.py. The Python scripts provided allow you to modify the
model interactively with Abaqus/CAE to explore additional variations on the cases
provided here.
Alternatively, the Python scripts can be run from the command line with the
Abaqus/CAE noGUI option in the order listed:
where abaqus is the system command to run the program and filename is the name
of the script to be run.
abaqus input=AxisymmConeCrack.inp
The three-dimensional domain is a cube with an edge length of 300 units, as shown
in Figure 1.4.2–4. The mesh represents a quarter-symmetric segment of the problem
domain. The top of the model represents the free surface containing the crack. The
semi-infinite domain is represented by extending the continuum mesh to a distance
20 times the length of the crack with appropriate symmetry and far-field boundary
Mesh design
For details on how to define the crack propagation direction where the direction of the
vectors varies along the crack front (referred to as theq vector), see “Defining the
crack extension direction,” Section 29.2.4 of the Abaqus/CAE User's Manual. Figure
1.4.2–8 illustrates the qvectors.
Boundary conditions
Run procedure
The Python scripts provided to generate the Abaqus/CAE model and to analyze the
model are run following the same procedures as those described for Case 1.
Figure 1.4.2–9 shows a deformed shape plot for the three-dimensional model of the
crack from the full three-dimensional analysis of Case 2. The displacement is
exaggerated using a scaling factor to visualize the crack opening.
Mesh design
The axisymmetric global model has a relatively less refined mesh in the crack region.
The global model used for Case 3 has two rings of elements where the mesh focuses
on the crack tip, compared to 13 rings of elements around the crack tip in the full
model used in Case 1.
The axisymmetric global model and the submodel meshes for Case 3 are shown
in Figure 1.4.2–10. The axisymmetric submodel has a refined mesh around the crack
tip with 12 rings of elements surrounding the crack tip. It is assumed that the global
model’s coarse mesh is sufficiently accurate to drive the submodel: the submodel can
obtain accurate contour integral results if the global model's displacement field is
accurate at the boundaries of the submodel, which lie far from the crack tip. You can
verify this at the postprocessing stage by comparing stress contours at the
boundaries of the submodel to the corresponding contours of the global model.
Boundary conditions
The boundary conditions applied to the axisymmetric global model are the same as
those used in Case 1. The displacement solution from the global model is applied to
the submodel boundaries when the submodeling technique is used.
Run procedure
The models used for Case 3 are generated using Abaqus/CAE to create and to mesh
native geometry. The same procedures used to run the Python scripts for Cases 1
and 2 are used to create and to analyze the global model. The script that builds the
submodel refers to the global model output database (.odb) file, which must be
available when the submodel is analyzed. After analyzing the global model, run the
scripts to build and to analyze the submodel using the same procedure used for the
global model.
Abaqus/Standard input files are also provided to run this case. First, run the job to
create and to analyze the global model; then run the submodel job. The results from
the global model must be available to run the submodel. A typical execution
procedure is as follows:
Two versions of refined submodels of the area of interest are then used to obtain an
accurate solution in the crack-tip region. In one submodel analysis the area of
interest is driven by the displacement solution from the global model. In the other
submodel analysis the area of interest is driven by the stress solution from the global
Each of the models used in this case is much smaller than the fully refined three-
dimensional global model used in Case 2.
Mesh design
The three-dimensional global model, with a less refined mesh in the crack region, is
first analyzed and then used to drive the submodel. For the three-dimensional global
model only 18 elements are used along the crack line, whereas 38 elements are
used along the crack line in the submodel. Figure 1.4.2–11 shows the meshes for the
three-dimensional global model and the submodel.
Boundary conditions
The boundary conditions applied to the global model in Case 4 are the same as
those used in the full three-dimensional Case 2. The submodeling approach uses
either the displacement or stress solution from the global model to drive the
submodel boundaries.
Run procedure
The models used for Case 4 are generated using Abaqus/CAE to create and to mesh
native geometry. The same procedures used to run Case 3 can be used with Case 4.
The script that builds the submodel refers to the global model output database (. odb)
file, which must be available when the submodel is analyzed.
As an alternative to the Python scripts, Abaqus/Standard input files are also provided
to run this case. These are submitted using the same procedure described for the
input files under Case 3.
Mesh design
The axisymmetric global model, with a relatively less refined mesh in the crack
region, is first analyzed and then used to drive the submodel. The axisymmetric
global model and the submodel meshes for Case 5 are shown in Figure 1.4.2–12.
Boundary conditions
The continuum infinite elements eliminate the need for far-field constraints, which
were required in Case 1 through Case 4.
Run procedure
The models used for Case 5 are generated using Abaqus/Standard input files. First,
run the job to create and to analyze the global model; then run the submodel job. The
results from the global model must be available to run the submodel. A typical
execution procedure is as follows:
The submodeling technique requires two separate analyses, a less refined global
model and a refined submodel at the crack tip. Case 6 uses Abaqus/Standard input
files to generate the models rather than Abaqus/CAE Python scripts. Twenty-node
quadratic, reduced-integration solid elements (C3D20R) are used to model the solid
domain in the region adjacent to the crack. The domain is further extended using a
layer of 12-node quadratic one-way infinite brick elements (CIN3D12R) to a radius of
340 length units.
The submodel used in Case 6 does not encompass the complete crack face but
extends to a distance far enough from the crack tip that strong variations in the stress
field are captured within the submodel.
Mesh design
The three-dimensional global model, with a relatively less refined mesh in the crack
region, is first analyzed and then used to drive the submodel. The three-dimensional
global model and the submodel meshes for Case 6 are shown in Figure 1.4.2–13.
Boundary conditions
The continuum infinite elements eliminate the need for far-field constraints, which
were required in Case 1 through Case 4.
Run procedure
The models of Case 6 are generated using Abaqus/Standard input files. The same
procedure used in Case 5 is also used in Case 6. The files containing the node and
element definitions for the three-dimensional global model must be available when
the input file is run to create the global model . The output database (. odb) file from
the global model must be available to run the submodel.
Contour integral results obtained from the data (.dat) file for each case are
summarized in Table 1.4.2–1 through Table 1.4.2–4. These results are also available
from the output database (.odb) file by displaying history output in the Visualization
module of Abaqus/CAE. While there is no analytical solution available for
comparison, an additional axisymmetric analysis with extreme mesh refinement is
used as the basis for a reference solution. Each table includes the reference solution
value in the table title.
Abaqus calculates the J-integral using two methods. Values of the J-integral are
based on the stress intensity factors, JK, and by evaluating the contour integral
directly, JA. The stress intensity factors and , and the T-stresses are given
in Table 1.4.2–2, Table 1.4.2–3, andTable 1.4.2–4, respectively. When the stress
intensity factors are requested, Abaqus automatically outputs the J-integrals based
on the stress intensity factors, JK. Values of are not tabulated because these
values should equal zero based on the loading and are negligibly small relative to
and .
The tables list values for contour 1 through contour 5. Each contour corresponds to a
successive ring of elements progressing outward radially from the crack tip. For the
axisymmetric cases one set of results is available for each contour. For the three-
dimensional cases Abaqus/Standard provides contour integral values at each crack-
tip node. The values listed in Table 1.4.2–1 through Table 1.4.2–4 for the three-
dimensional cases correspond to the location halfway along the circumference of the
crack, which lies midway between the symmetry faces of the three-dimensional
models. A detailed examination of the results for the three-dimensional cases
confirms that the contour integral values are essentially constant at each node along
the circumference of the crack tip. The exception is the value calculated for ;
which fluctuates but remains small relative to and over almost the full length
of the crack; however increases at the open end faces of the crack
corresponding to the symmetry planes. A loss of accuracy occurring at the node
corresponding to the open end of a three-dimensional crack is a known limitation that
can be expected when applying this method.
Results from the first contour are generally not used when evaluating fracture
problems because the first contour is influenced by the singularity associated with the
crack tip. The average quantities reported in the tabular results exclude the first
contour. Comparisons refer only to contour 2 through contour 5. The axisymmetric
and the three-dimensional modeling approaches are in close agreement, with and
without submodeling. For each case, values of the tabulated quantities
for J calculated by evaluating the contour integrals directly, (JA), , , and T-
stresses deviate by less than 2% of the average of the corresponding values for
contour 2 through contour 5. The J-integral for each case, calculated from the stress
intensity factors (JK) deviate by less than 3.5% of the average of corresponding
values. The larger deviation for JK versus JA is expected because the method of
calculating contour integrals from the stress intensity factors (JK) is more sensitive to
numerical precision than calculating the contour integrals directly (JA). is
analytically equal to zero due to the geometry and loading symmetry in this example;
the numerical results for are negligibly small relative to and .
Submodeling results
The global models used to calculate the deformation and stress fields that drive the
submodels use crack-tip meshes that are too coarse to give accurate results for the
contour integrals; therefore, the results for the global models are not tabulated.
Results are tabulated for the submodels that refer to this global analysis. Generally
these results verify that the submodeling approach provides adequate accuracy in
fracture problems where it may not be practical to use a sufficiently refined mesh in
the crack-tip region of a global model. The node-based submodeling approach
provides greater accuracy than the surface-based approach.
The J-integral values for the node-based submodel analyses match those for the full
model analyses (analyses with adequate mesh refinement around the crack tip) to
within less than 1%.
Surface-based submodeling results
the submodel surface should intersect the global model in regions of relatively
low stress gradients, and
the submodel surface should intersect the global model in regions of uniform
element size.
Adjusted global and submodel analyses that adhere to these guidelines are run. In
this case the submodel driven surface is farther from the crack region and the high
stress gradient, and the global model mesh is refined so that elements are more
uniform in the region of the submodel surface. Figure 1.4.2–14 shows a comparison
of the submodel/global model pairs. The modeling arrangement on the left places the
lower submodel boundary too near to the crack and high stress gradients and cuts
through high aspect ratio elements. The arrangement on the right provides lower
aspect ratio elements in the global model and positions the lower submodel boundary
further from the crack. The adjusted analysis with the further boundary now matches
the J-integral values for the full model to within 2%. This accuracy difference
illustrates the importance of adhering to the guidelines for surface-based submodel
design. In practice, in the absence of a reference global solution, you should use the
following guidelines to ensure your surface-based solution is adequate:
As with any submodel analysis, compare solution results between the global
model and submodel on the submodel boundary. In this case a stress
comparison is appropriate. Figure 1.4.2–15 compares the 2-component of
stress for the two surface-based submodel analyses and their corresponding
global model. Results are plotted on a path lying in the lower submodel
boundary and extending from the center radially outward. The near-boundary
submodel has a significantly greater stress discrepancy with the global model.
In cases where inertia relief is employed to address rigid body modes in
surface-based submodeling, if the inertia relief force output variable (IRF) is
small compared to the prevailing force level in the model, the surface-based
stress distribution is equilibrated. In this model the prevailing force is the 10
units of pressure acting on the surface circumscribed on the crack (a radius of
6), or 786 units of force for the three-dimensional quarter symmetry model.
In this analysis the inertia relief force in the 2-direction is similar in both cases
(33 for the near-boundary model and 32 for the far-boundary model) and
relatively small; hence, in this case, the inertia relief force would not suggest
poorer results with the near-boundary submodel, and its small value is not a
sufficient measure of the adequacy of the submodel design.
You can use the Python scripts for Abaqus/CAE and input files for Abaqus/Standard
to create and to run the cases.
Script to create the model, including instructions for creating the mesh used for the
reference solution.
Script to create the model.
Script to analyze the model and to create the output database file that drives the
Script to analyze the submodel using the results from the global model output
database file to drive it.
Script to analyze the global model and to create the output database file that drives
the submodel. Refer to parameter definitions in the script to create the adjusted
global model referred to in “Submodeling results.”
Script to analyze the node-based submodel using the results from the global model
output database file to drive it.
Script to analyze the surface-based submodel using the stress results from the global
model output database file to drive it.
Script to analyze the surface-based submodel with the far-boundary submodel using
the stress results from the global model output database file to drive it.
Input file to create and to analyze the global model that is adjusted for improved
surface-based submodel accuracy.
Elements for SymmConeCrackSubOr.inp.
Input file to create and to analyze the submodel using the surface-based submodel
technique to drive the submodel stresses.
Input file to create and to analyze the submodel with the far-boundary submodel
using the surface-based submodel technique to drive the submodel stresses.
Input file to analyze the axisymmetric global model and to create the output database
file that drives the submodel.
Input file to analyze the axisymmetric submodel using the results from the global
model output database file to drive it.
Input file to analyze the three-dimensional global model and to create the output
database file that drives the submodel.
Input file to analyze the three-dimensional submodel using the results from the global
model output database file to drive it.
Table 1.4.2–1 J-integral estimates (×10–7) for conical crack using Abaqus. JK
denotes the J values estimated from stress intensity factors; JA denotes the J values
estimated directly by Abaqus. The reference solution J-integral value is 1.33.
Table 1.4.2–2 Stress intensity factor estimates for conical crack using Abaqus.
Contour 1 is omitted from the average value calculations. The reference solution
value is 0.491.
Case 6: Submodel three dimensional 0.522 0.528 0.529 0.530 0.530 0.528
Solution Contour Average Value,
Contours 2–5
1 2 3 4 5
Table 1.4.2–3 Stress intensity factor estimates for conical crack using Abaqus.
Contour 1 is omitted from the average value calculations. The reference solution
value is –2.03.
– – – – –
Case 1: Full axisymmetric –1.986
2.032 2.016 2.000 1.978 1.949
– – – – –
Case 2: Full three-dimensional –2.010
2.013 2.029 2.018 2.004 1.987
– – – – –
Case 3: Submodel axisymmetric –2.014
2.033 2.026 2.019 2.010 1.999
Table 1.4.2–4 T-stress estimates for conical crack using Abaqus. Contour 1 is
omitted from the average value calculations. The reference solution T-stress value is
– – – – –
Case 1:Full axisymmetric –0.973
0.982 0.979 0.976 0.972 0.967
– – – – –
Case 2: Full three-dimensional –0.963
0.942 0.972 0.966 0.960 0.954
– – – – –
Case 3:Submodel Axisymmetric –0.976
0.980 0.978 0.977 0.975 0.973
Figure 1.4.2–11 Case 4: Full three-dimensional global model and submodel meshes
around the crack line.
Figure 1.4.2–12 Case 5: Axisymmetric global model using infinite elements and
submodel meshes.
Figure 1.4.2–13 Case 6: Three-dimensional global model with infinite elements and
submodel meshes.
Figure 1.4.2–14 Case 4: Comparison of inadequate (left) and adequate (right) global
and submodel designs for a surface-based submodel stress solution.
Figure 1.4.2–15 Case 4: Confirmation of stress agreement between the global model
and submodel.
5. Using Shell Elements
Use shell elements to model structures in which one dimension (the thickness) is
significantly smaller than the other dimensions and in which the stresses in the
thickness direction are negligible. A structure, such as a pressure vessel, whose
thickness is less than 1/10 of a typical global structural dimension generally can be
modeled with shell elements. The following are examples of typical global
Abaqus shell elements assume that plane sections perpendicular to the plane of the
shell remain plane. Do not be confused into thinking that the thickness must be less
than 1/10 of the element dimensions. A highly refined mesh may contain shell
elements whose thickness is greater than their in-plane dimensions, although this is
not generally recommended—continuum elements may be more suitable in such a