Static and Dynamic Testing of High-Speed Rail Bridges in Spain
Static and Dynamic Testing of High-Speed Rail Bridges in Spain
Static and Dynamic Testing of High-Speed Rail Bridges in Spain
Abstract: There has been a rapid development of high-speed rail in Spain. Many bridges have been constructed to carry these lines. The rel-
evant Spanish design codes require static and dynamic testing of these structures for acceptance of the design and construction before opening
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for service; such testing is considered too costly in some other countries. This paper presents the concept, practice, and results of such testing for
119 precast and posttensioned concrete girder bridges. Their static and dynamic properties and responses to loads have implications for their
structural safety, serviceability, and possibly durability. Inaccurate models used in design for static and dynamic parameters (such as stiffness,
first natural frequency, and damping ratio) may result in incorrect responses and possibly unsafe structures; therefore, in situ testing is required.
The test results of these structures also lead to an empirical relation between the first natural frequency and span length and a range of damp-
ing ratios for these types of structures, which can be useful for bridge engineers, particularly at a preliminary design stage of similar structures.
DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0000654. © 2014 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: High-speed rails; Bridges; Load testing; Natural frequency; Damping ratio.
Experimental Program
statistical regression. The results are shown in Table 1, with re- References
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proposed by Paultre et al. (1992) for highway bridges. Some low R2 European Commission. (1996). Council directive 96/48/EC of July 23, 1996
values in Table 1 are attributable to these variables: (1) construction on the interoperability of the trans-European high speed rail system,
method (precast or cast in place), (2) material properties, (3) to- Brussels, Belgium.
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bridges tested, Table 2 displays the average and SD for each su- tional rail system, Brussels, Belgium.
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