Chapter 3

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Central Electricity Authority Requirement of Equipment & Material for Development of Power Sector



In this Chapter, the requirement of electrical and mechanical equipments has been
assessed for power generation stations, both hydro and thermal plants, as well as for
power substations. This requirement has been worked out corresponding to the tentative
capacity addition during the 11th and 12th Plans.

Equipment for nuclear stations has not been considered as the same is separately
expected to be done by Nuclear Power Corporation. Also the requirement of equipments
and materials for nuclear plants is difficult to estimate which in any case is expected to be
3200 MW and 8800 MW in the 11th and 12th Plans respectively and therefore a small
fraction of the total tentative capacity addition.



The estimated requirement of electrical equipments for generation plants coming up

during the 11th Plan and 12th Plans has been worked out considering tentative capacity
addition identified for these Plans, details of which have been furnished in Chapter 2.
Thermal projects for commissioning during the 11th and 12th Plan have been categorized
in five major groups on the basis of their unit sizes. In case of thermal plants, requirement
of major electrical equipment has been worked out for one unit of each of these categories
and subsequently depending on the number of units in the respective categories, the total
requirement has been assessed for 11th and 12th Plans. In case of hydro units such
categorisation is not tenable since each project is site specific and therefore the total
requirement of major equipments has been worked out for the 11th and 12th Plan.
Switchyard equipment at the generating stations has also been included. Details of the
above assessment are given below.

3.1.1 Thermal Power Plants (Including Switchyard Equipment)

The thermal plants have been categorized into five categories based on the unit size
i.e. 660/800 MW, 500 MW, 300/250/210 MW class and 125 MW for coal/lignite plants,
and gas/LNG modules. In case of Gas/LNG based power projects, numbers of
modules( comprising of 2GTs and 1 ST) corresponding to each project have been
assessed for 11th & 12th plans separately and as per the norms of equipment required for a
typical 360 MW gas module, the total requirement of electrical equipment has been
assessed. The requirement of electrical equipments for switchyards at the generating
station has also been indicated.

i) Item wise requirement of equipment for 660/800 MW category of thermal

plants during 11th and 12th Plans is given in Table 3.1.


Central Electricity Authority Requirement of Equipment & Material for Development of Power Sector


Requirement of Equipments for 660/800 Mw Coal/Lignite Based Units of 11th

Plan and 12th Plan Capacity Addition Programme

Requirement 11th Plan 12th Plan Total

One unit of 12 Units 40 Units 52 Units
Item 660 MW (6 Projects) (10 Projects) (16 Projects)

GT* 260MVA Gen V/420/√3kV

Three phase bank 3
42 130 172
ST 90/45/45 MVA 132/11.5/11.5 kV 1 12 40 52
UT 35MVA Gen V/11.5kV 2 24 80 104
ICT 200MVA 400/132kV - 6 10 16
Misc. Service Transformer - 6 10 16
20 MVA 132/34.5kV
Aux. Transformer 11/3.45kV 4 48 160 208
33kV Switchgear 8 96 320 416
11 kV Switchgear 68 816 2720 3536
3.3 kV Switchgear 84 1008 3360 4368
HT Motors 146 1752 5840 7592
LT Motors 1404 16848 56160 73008
LT Transformers 32 384 1280 1664
LT MCC Panels 350 4200 14000 18200
415 V Switchgear Panel 100 1200 4000 5200
DC Battery 5 60 200 260
Battery Charger 7 84 280 364
33 kV Single Core Cable (km) 3 36 120 156
11kV Single Core Cable (km) 21 252 840 1092
11kV Multi Core Cable (km) 24 288 960 1248
3.3 kV Single Core Cable (km) 8 96 320 416
3.3 kV Multi Core Cable (km) 12 144 480 624
1.1 kV Power Cable (km) 233 2796 9320 12116
1.1 kV Control Cable(km) 367 4404 14680 19084
Emergency DG Set 1500KVA* 1 18 50 68

* 1 no. spare GT and 1 no. spare DG is considered for each project

ii) Item wise requirement of electrical equipments for 500 MW category of thermal plants
during 11th and 12th Plans is given in Table 3.2.


Central Electricity Authority Requirement of Equipment & Material for Development of Power Sector


Requirement of Equipment for 500 MW Coal/Lignite Based Units of 11th Plan and 12th
Plan Capacity Addition Programme

Requirement 11th Plan 12th Plan Total

One unit of 47 Units 18 Units 65 Units
Item 500 MW (30 Projects) (10 Projects) (40 Projects)

GT* 200MVA Gen V/420/√3kV

Three Phase Bank 3 171 64 235
ST 80/40/40MVA
132/11.5/11.5 kV 1 47 18 65
UT 50 MVA Gen V/11.5kV 1 47 18 65
ICT 125 MVA 400/132kV - 30 10 40
Aux. Transformer 5 235 90 325
11 kV Switchgear 63 2961 1134 4095
3.3 kV Switchgear 66 3102 1188 4290
HT Motors 118 5546 2124 7670
LT Motors 1135 53345 20430 73775
LT Transformers 30 1410 540 1950
LT MCC Panels 287 13489 5166 18655
415 V Switchgear Panel 75 3525 1350 4875
DC Battery 4 188 72 260
Battery Charger 6 282 108 390
11 V Single Core Cable(km) 13 611 234 845
11 kV Multi Core Cable( km) 18 846 324 1170
3.3 kV Single Core Cable
( km) 12 564 216 780
3.3 kV Multi Core Cable (km) 8 376 144 520
1.1 kV Power Cable( km) 200 9400 3600 13000
1.1 kV Control Cable (km) 375 17625 6750 24375
Emergency DG Set
1500KVA* 1 77 28 105
* 1 no. spare GT and 1 no. spare DG have been considered for each project


Central Electricity Authority Requirement of Equipment & Material for Development of Power Sector

iii) Item wise requirement of equipment for 300/250/ 210 MW category of thermal plants
during 11th and 12th Plans is given in Table 3.3.

Requirement of Equipment for 300/250/210 MW Class Coal/Lignite Based
Units of 11th Plan and 12th Plan Capacity Addition Programme

Requirement for 11th Plan 12th Plan Total

One unit of 45 Units 14 Units 59 Units
Item 300/250/210 MW (27 Projects) (12 Projects) (31 Projects)
GT* 315MVA Gen V/237kV
Three Phase 1 72 18 90
ST 55/27.5/27.5 MVA
220/6.9/6.9 kV 1 45 14 59
UT 20 MVA Gen V/6.9 kV 2 90 28 118
Misc Service Trans 10MVA
6.6/11.5 1 45 14 59
11 kV Switchgear 15 675 210 885
6.6 kV Switchgear 96 4320 1344 5664
HT Motors 93 4185 1302 5487
LT Motors 1041 46845 14574 61419
LT Transformers 26 1170 364 1534
LT MCC Panels 225 10125 3150 13275
415 V Switchgear Panel 75 3375 1050 4425
DC Battery 6 270 84 354
Battery Charger 6 270 84 354
11kV Single Core Cable( km) 2 90 28 118
11kV Multi Core Cable( km) 2 90 28 118
6.6kV Single Core Cable(km) 16 720 224 944
6.6kV Multi Core Cable( km) 16 720 224 944
1.1kV Power Cable (km) 200 9000 2800 11800
1.1 kV Control Cable(km) 400 18000 5600 23600
Emergency DG Set 1 72 18 90
 1 no. spare GT and 1 no. spare DG have been considered for each project

iv) Item wise requirement of equipment for 125 MW categories of thermal plants during
11th is given in Table3.4. Requirement of 125 MW sets is nil during the 12th Plan.


Central Electricity Authority Requirement of Equipment & Material for Development of Power Sector


Requirement of Equipment for 125 MW Coal/Lignite Based Units Of 11th Plan

Capacity Addition Programme

Requirement for 11th Plan

One unit of 125 7 Unit
ITEM MW ( 4 Projects)
GT* 160MVA Three Phase 1 11
ST 55/27.5/27.5 MVA 1 7
UT 20MVA 2 14
Misc Service Trans 20 MVA 1 7
11 kV Switchgear 15 105
6.6 kV Switchgear 96 672
HT Motors 45 315
LT Motors 324 2268
LT Transformers 25 175
LT MCC Panels 17 119
415 V Switchgear Panel 75 525
DC Battery 6 42
Battery Charger 6 42
11kV Single Core Cable (km) 2 14
11kV Multi Core Cable (km) 2 14
6.6 kV Single Core Cable (km) 16 112
6.6 kV Multi Core Cable (km) 16 112
1.1kV Power Cable(km) 200 1400
1.1 kV Control Cable(km) 400 2800
Emergency DG Set 1500KVA* 1 11

* 1 no. spare GT and 1 no. spare DG have been considered for each project

v) Item wise requirement of equipment for gas based thermal plants during
11 and 12th Plans is given in Table3.5.


Central Electricity Authority Requirement of Equipment & Material for Development of Power Sector

Requirement of Equipment for Gas/LNG Based Units
of 11th Plan and 12th Plan Capacity Addition Programme

Requirement 11th Plan

for One
module 9 modules
Item (360 MW) (7 projects)
Gen. Transformer
(2 nos. 114 MVA & 1 nos.146
MVA) 3 34
Unit Aux Transformer 20 MVA 2 18
HT Motors 13 117
LT Motors 36 324
LT Transformers 10 90
415 V Switchgear Panel 17 153
DC Battery 7 63
Battery Charger 11 99
Emergency DG Set 1 16
Gen. Circuit Breaker 6 54
6.6 kV Switchgear 31 279
HT Power Cable (km) 200 1800
LT Power & Control Cable (km) 500 4500

 1 no. spare GT and 1 no. spare DG have been considered for each project

vi) Total requirement of equipment (Item wise) for thermal plants during 11and
12th Plans is given in Table 3.6.


Central Electricity Authority Requirement of Equipment & Material for Development of Power Sector


Total Requirement of Equipment for Thermal I.E. Coal, Lignite, Gas/LNG

Based Units of 11th Plan and 12th Plan Capacity Addition Programme

Total Requirement for
for Coal/ Lignite Gas/LNG
Item Based Plants Based Plants Total
GT 508 34 542
ST 183 183
UT 301 18 319
ICT 56 56
Misc Service Trans 20MVA 82 82
Aux. Transformer 533 533
33kV Switchgear 416 416
11 kVSwitchgear 8621 8621
6.6 kV Switchgear 6336 279 6615
3.3 kV Breaker 8658 8658
HT Motors 21064 117 21181
LT Motors 210470 324 210794
LT Transformers 5323 90 5413
LT MCC Panels 50249 50249
415 V Switchgear Panel 15025 153 15178
DC Battery 916 63 979
Battery Charger 1150 99 1249
33kV Single Core Cable (km) 156 156
11kV Single Core Cable (km) 2069 2069
11kV Multi Core Cable (km) 2550 2550
6.6kV Single Core Cable (km) 1056 1056
6.6kv Multi Core CablE (km) 1056 1056
3.3kV Single Core Cable (km) 1196 1196
3.3kV Multi Core Cable (km) 1144 1144
HT Power Cable 1800 1800
LT Power&Control Cable (km) 4500 4500
Gen. Circuit Breaker 54 54
1.1kV Power Cable (km) 38316 38316
1.1kV Control Cable (km) 69859 69859
Emergency DG Set 1500KVA 274 16 290
 1 no. spare GT and 1 no. spare DG have been considered for each project

vii) Requirement of Switchyard equipments for different voltage levels corresponding to

the unit size of each generation project have been assessed. For projects having unit size


Central Electricity Authority Requirement of Equipment & Material for Development of Power Sector

of 800 MW, switchyard equipments at voltage levels 765 kV and 132 kV have been
considered. Similarly, for projects having unit size of 660 MW and 500 MW, switchyard
equipments at voltage levels 400kV and 132 kV have been considered. For projects
having unit size of 300/250/210 MW & Gas modules having unit size of 360 MW,
switchyard equipments at voltage levels 220 kV have been considered. For projects
having unit size of 125 MW requirement of switchyard equipment has not been
considered since it would normally be at a voltage level of lesser than 132 kV.

For assessment of electrical equipments for switchyard of generating stations, 6

bays have been considered for each coal/Lignite based project, and 8 bays for each
module of gas project.

The layout of the substations has been considered according to the prevailing
practice for respective voltage levels. A Breaker and a half scheme has been assumed at
765 kV & 400 kV levels. For 220 kV level, Double main and transfer bus scheme has
been assumed. Main and transfer bus scheme has been assumed at 132 kV.

Requirement of electrical equipment (Item wise) for switchyard associated with

thermal plants during 11th and 12th Plans is given in Table3.7

Requirement of Electrical Equipments for Switchyards associated with
Thermal Stations

A. 765 kV Switchyard Equipment-Breaker and a half scheme

(For projects having unit size of 800 MW)
11th Plan 12th Plan Total
Requirement for
Item (2 Projects) (9 Projects) (11Projects)
one Bay
(12 Bays ) (54 Bays ) (66 Bays )
a. Circuit beaker 3 nos. per 2 bays 18 81 99
b. Isolators 4 isolators per bay 48 216 264
c. 2 sets per bay
Transformer 24 108 132
1 set per line bay
& 1 set per bus bar 16 72 88
e. Lightning arrestor 1 set per bay 12 54 66
f. Wave Trap 2 nos. per bay 24 108 132
B. 400 kV Switchyard Equipments- Breaker and a half scheme
(For projects having unit size of 660 MW & 500 MW)
12th Plan
11th Plan Total
Requirement for (11
Item (34 Projects) (53 Projects)
one Bay Projects) (318 Bays )
(204 Bays )
(96 Bays )
a. Circuit beaker 3 nos. per 2 bays 306 99 405
b. Isolators 4 isolators per bay 816 264 1080
c. 2 sets per bay
Transformer 408 132 540
d. CVT/PT 1 set per line bay 272 88 360


Central Electricity Authority Requirement of Equipment & Material for Development of Power Sector

& 1 set per bus bar

Gapless lightning
e. 1 set per bay
arrestor 204 66 270
f. Wave Trap 2 nos. per bay 408 132 540
132 KV Equipments- Main and transfer Scheme
(For projects having unit size of 800 MW, 660 MW & 500 MW)
11th Plan 12th Plan Total
Requirement for
Item (36 Projects) (20Projects) (66 Projects)
one Bay (336 Bays)
(216 Bays ) (120 Bays )
a. Circuit beaker 1 no. per bay 216 120 336
b. Isolators 3 isolators per bay 648 360 1008
c. 1 sets per bay
Transformer 216 120 336
1 set per line bay
& 1 set per bus bar 324 180 504
Gapless lightning
e. 1 set per bay
arrestor 216 120 336
f. Wave Trap 2 nos. per bay 432 240 672

D. 220 kV Switchyard equipment-Double main and transfer

(For projects having unit size of 300/250 MW & Gas modules having unit size of 360
MW) )
11th Plan 12th Plan
Requirement for (46
Item (34 Projects) (4 Projects)
one Bay Projects)
(218 Bays) (24 Bays)
(290 Bays)
a. Circuit beaker 1 nos. per bays 218 24 242
b. Isolators 3 isolators per bay 654 72 726
c. 1 sets per bay
Transformer 218 24 242
1 set per line bay
& 1 set per bus bar 320 36 356
Gapless lightning
e. 1 set per bay
arrestor 218 24 242
f. Wave Trap 2 nos. per bay 436 48 484

Note: 1 set = 3 single phase units

3.1.2 Hydro Power Plants( including switchyard equipment)

For hydro plants, requirement of equipment has been assessed corresponding to a

capacity addition of 17,189 MW during 11th Plan and a capacity addition of about 30,000
MW during 12th Plan. Since each hydro -plant is site specific; there is no set rule or
norms for estimation.

The broad basis followed in the estimation of the other components of hydro
projects for 11th & 12th Plan is as under.


Central Electricity Authority Requirement of Equipment & Material for Development of Power Sector

i) Gates & Hoists: The number of radial gates roughly varies between 3 & 14
numbers depending on type of hydro scheme. Number of Gates depends on
length of dam and type of scheme i.e. storage scheme or Run-of-River schemes.
The number of spillway radial gates is more for storage scheme compared with
ROR Scheme.

ii) Vertical Lift Gates: Vertical gift gates are normally installed for overflow
spillway, intake structures, desilting chamber outlets, surge shaft outlets, draft
tube, tail race outfall etc. Depending on type of scheme it may vary between 5 &
20. For ROR scheme with HRT, the number of vertical lift gates is more
compared with storage scheme.

iii) Hydro Turbine and Auxiliaries (Motors plus Control Centres): One set of
Turbine and auxiliaries have been considered for each unit. The MW output
rating of turbine shall match unit rating.

iv) Main Inlet Valve (MIV): Generally, One MIVS in each unit is provided in
penstock except for low head HE schemes/Dam Toe HE Schemes.

v) Digital Governor: One set of Digital Governor with accessories is provided for
each Generating Unit.

vi) Synchronous Generator and Associated Auxiliaries: The MVA capacity of

synchronous generator has been estimated considering power factor of 0.9.

vii) Static Excitation System: One set of Excitation Equipment with accessories is
considered for each Generating Unit.

viii) Dynamic Braking Equipment: Dynamic braking equipment is generally

provided with large hydro generating units with high speed machines. The
number has been estimated accordingly.

ix) Unit Control Board (UCB): One set of UCB is considered with each generating

x) Isolated Phase Bus Duct and terminal / tap-off of equipments: The length of
IPBD depends on layout of power house and varies from scheme to scheme. The
estimation is based on experience.

xi) 11kV/13.8kV/24kV CT’s: Number of CT’s depends on protection and metering

scheme of particular plant, however, for estimation purposes 10 to 19 CT'’ per
phase per unit has been considered depending on unit size.

xii) Neutral Grounding Cubicle: One set of Neutral grounding cubicle is considered
for each generating unit.

xiii) 132kV/220kV/400kV Generator Transformers: The MVA Generator

transformer rating is normally taken as 110% of generator rating, the same has
been considered in estimation.


Central Electricity Authority Requirement of Equipment & Material for Development of Power Sector

xiv) Unit and Line Protection Panels: One set of protection panels are considered
each for Generating Units, Bus-bar, outgoing feeder, EHV cable / bus-duct,
Reactors etc.

xv) Computerized Control System (CCS): One set of CCS equipment has been
considered for each hydro station.

xvi) Air Insulated Switchgear and Gas Insulated Switchgear: GIS has been
considered for under-ground 220kV / 400kV switchyard, while conventional
outdoor switchyard for surface / semi underground schemes.

xvii) EOT Cranes: The total installed tonnage capacity of EOT cranes is based on
broad estimation of stator and rotor weights, though these weights may vary
drastically even for machines of similar rating.

xviii) EHV, XLPE cables, EHV Bus Duct: The cable requirement depends on layout
of power house and varies from scheme to scheme. The estimation is based on

xix) Unit Auxiliary and Station Service Transformers: The total capacity of unit
and station auxiliary transformers has been considered as 1.2% of installed

xx) 11kV Switchgear Board: The 11kV switchgear boards vary from station to
station depending on 11kV scheme. However for estimation purposes two LT
boards per unit has been considered.

xxi) Power and Control Cables: There is no set rule for estimating power and
control cable lengths as it depends on layout and control philosophy. The
estimation is based on experience.

xxii) 110V/220V DC System (Batteries, Charger and DCDB): The battery capacity
varies between 400AH to 1800AH, and battery chargers from 2 to 4 numbers
depending on number of units and total installed capacity.

xxiii) Grounding System: The total tonnage of grounding material vary from station to
station depending on layout of power plant, fault level, soil resistivity etc.

xxiv) DG Sets: The MVA capacity on DG sets for HE plants vary between 500KVA to
2000KVA depending on requirements worked out during detailed engineering.

xxv) Illumination System, Fire Protection System, Service Water System, Oil
Handling and Purification System, Ventilation System, Air Conditioning
System, Lifts, Communication System and Miscellaneous items like Video
Camera, Silt Monitoring System, GPS System, Special Cables like OPGW
etc.: These systems are provided in power plant as per requirement.

Details of the various equipments are as follows:


Central Electricity Authority Requirement of Equipment & Material for Development of Power Sector

Total Requirement of Equipment for Hydro Projects
of 11th Plan and 12th Plan Capacity Addition Programme
No. Equipment 11th Plan 12th Plan Total
(17,189 MW) (30,000 MW)
1. Gates & Hoist (sets)
(i) Radial spillway Gates 276 482 757
(ii) Vertical Lift Gates 403 704 1107
2 Butterfly Valve (Sets) 31 54 85
3 Main Inlet Valve (Sets) 115 200 315
4 Turbine (MW) 17189 30000 47,189
5 Turbine (No.) 199 350 549
6 Digital Governors (Nos.) 199 350 549
7 Syn. Generator (MVA) 18908 32999 51,907
8 Syn. Generator(No.) 199 350 549
9 Unit Control Board (sets) 199 350 549
10 Motor & Motor Control Centres
(Units) 1366 2384 3,750
11 Transformers (UAT & SST)
(MVA) 228 398 627
12 Static Excitation System (Sets) 199 350 549
13 Dynamic Braking Isolators (Sets) 60 105 165
14 NG cubicle incl.
Transformer (Set) 199 350 549
15 11/13.8 kV/24kV Isolated Phase
Bus Ducts (IPBD) (metres) 38367 66962 105,328
16 11/13.8/24 kV CTs
( 1-Phase Units) 9208 16072 25,280
17 SAVT Cubicle (Sets) 199 350 549
18 132kV/220kV/400 kV Generator
Transformer (MVA) 21026 36697 57,723
19 11kV Switchgear Boards (Units) 207 361 568
20 132kV/220kV/400 kV Outdoor switchgear (Units)
Circuit breaker 476 831 1307
Capacitor voltage 323 565 888
EHV Voltage Transformers 161 281 443
Lighting Arresters(LA) 967 1687 2654
Isolators 497 868 1365
EHV Current Transformers 1128 1968 3096
21 415 V Switchgear Board Units 555 968 1523
22 220/400 kV GIS (Bays) 134 234 368
23 EHV XLPE Cable (Km) 42 73 115
24 EHV Bus Duct (Km) 18 32 51


Central Electricity Authority Requirement of Equipment & Material for Development of Power Sector



The requirement of electrical requirement for power system has been estimated
based on the transmission expansion plans corresponding to tentative capacity addition
during the 11th Plan. In case of 12th Plan, the transmission expansion has been assumed to
be same as for the 11th Plan.

The transmission expansion plans include the circuit length of transmission lines
at respective voltage levels and details of substation requirement for the entire
transmission system. Based on the number of substations and the voltage levels at each
substation, the total number of bays at each voltage level has been estimated as shown
below in the table 3.9.

Table 3.9
Total Number of Bays at each Voltage Level

S.N Voltage No. of Bays

o. Level 11 Plan 12th Plan

1. 765 kV 62 62 124
2. 400kV 774 774 1548
3. 220kV 3060 3060 6120
4. 132kV 7280 7280 14560

The layout of the substations has been considered according to the prevailing
practice for respective voltage levels. Breaker and half scheme has been assumed at 765
kV & 400 kV level. For 220 kV level, Double main and transfer bus scheme has been
assumed. Main and transfer bus scheme has been assumed at 132 kV

Based on the substation layout schemes for each voltage level as detailed above, the
normative requirement of substation equipment for each bay corresponding to each
voltage level have been evolved. The total requirement of substation equipment has been
assessed based on these norms. Details of the same are as furnished in the following


Central Electricity Authority Requirement of Equipment & Material for Development of Power Sector

3.2.1 Estimated Requirement of Electrical Equipment for Voltage Level 765 kV &
400 kV

The estimated requirement of electrical equipments for the transmission expansion

planned for voltage levels 765 kV & 400 kV for 11th and 12th Plan is given below in the
Table 3.10.


Estimated Requirement of Electrical Equipment for Voltage Level 765 kV & 400

765 kV 400 kV
11th 12th 11th 12th
Plan Plan Plan Plan
NORMS (2007- (2012- NORMS (2007- (2012-
2012) 2017) 2012) 2017)
Total Nos. Total Nos.
Total No. of
62 62 774 774
3 nos. per 2 3 nos. per 2
Circuit Breaker 93 93 1161 1161
bays bays
4 isolators 4 isolators
Isolator 248 248 3096 3096
per bay per bay
2 sets per/ 2 sets per
CT 124 124 1548 1548
bay bay
1 set per line 1 set per line
PT/CVT bay & 1 set 71 71 bay & 1 set 890
per bus bar per bus bar
1 set per bay 62 62 1 set per bay 774 774
2 nos. per 2 nos. per
Wave Trap 124 124 1548 1548
bay bay

Note: 1 set = 3 single phase units


Central Electricity Authority Requirement of Equipment & Material for Development of Power Sector

3.2.2 Estimated Requirement of Electrical Equipment for Voltage Level 220 kV &
132 kV
The estimated requirement of electrical equipments for the transmission expansion
planned for voltage levels 220 kV & 132 kV for 11th and 12th Plan is given below in the
following table 3.11 .

Estimated Requirement of Electrical Equipment for Voltage Level 220 kV & 132 kV
for 11th and 12th Plan

220 kV 132 kV
Nos. 11th Plan 12th Plan Nos. 11th Plan 12th
(2007- (2012- (2007- Plan
2012) 2017) 2012) (2012-
Total Nos. Total Nos.

Total No. of Bays 3060 3060 7280 7280

CB 1no. per bay 3060 3060 1no. per bay 7280 7280

Isolator 4 isolators 12240 12240 3 isolators per 21840 21840

per bay bay
CT 1 set per bay 3060 3060 1 set per bay 7280 7280

PT/CVT 1 set per line 3060 3060 1 set per line 7280 7280
bay & 1 set bay & 1 set
per bus bar per bus bar
LA 1 set per bay 3060 3060 1 set per bay 7280 7280

Wave 2 nos. per 6120 6120 2 nos. per bay 14560 14560
Trap bay

Note: 1 set = 3 single phase units

3.2.3 Summary of Requirement of Electrical Equipment for all Voltage Levels

(765 kV, 400 kV, 220 Kv & 132 kV)

The total requirement of various substation equipments like circuit breaker,

isolators etc. as per the transmission expansion plan during 11th & 12th Plan is
summarized in Table 3.12.


Central Electricity Authority Requirement of Equipment & Material for Development of Power Sector

Table 3.12

Total Electrical Equipment for Power System

11th Plan 12th Plan Total

1. 11594 11594 23188
2. Isolator 37424 37424 74848
3. CT 12012 12012 24024
4. PT/CVT 11301 11301 22602
5. 11176 11176 22352
6. Wave Trap 22352 22352 44704

While assessing the above requirement, Breaker and Half scheme has been
considered for 765 kV & 400 kV level. For 220 kV level, Double Main and Transfer bus
scheme has been considered and for 132 kV, Main and Transfer Bus scheme has been


In this Chapter, requirement of electrical equipments for hydro and thermal power
projects, along with the corresponding switchyard equipments for different voltage levels,
coming up during the 11th & 12th Plan have been assessed based on certain norms. The
substation equipments have also been estimated as per the transmission expansion plan
for 11th and 12th Plan.


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