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Reactors (66 kv & ABOVE

Chapter/Annexure Description
Chapter-1 Introduction
Chapter-2 Technical Specifications for Transformers & Reactors
Chapter-3 Design Review
Chapter-4 Quality Assurance Program
Chapter-5 Erection, Transportation, Testing & Commissioning
Chapter-6 Condition Monitoring
Annexure –A Specific Technical Particulars
Annexure –B Technical parameters of Current Transformers
Annexure –C Guaranteed & other technical particulars
Annexure –D Test Plan
Annexure –E Standard Manufacturing Quality Plan
Annexure –F Typical example for calculation of flux density, core
quantity, no-load loss and weight of copper
Annexure –G Basic manufacturing facility & Manufacturing
Annexure–H environment
List of drawings/documents
Annexure–I Scope of design review
Annexure–J Criteria for selection of similar reference transformer
for dynamic short circuit withstand test
Annexure–K Painting Procedure
Annexure–L Unused inhibited Insulating Oil Parameters
Annexure–M Cable specification
Annexure–N Spare Transformer Units Connection Arrangement
Annexure–O Valve Schedule
Annexure–P Standard General Arrangement & Foundation
Annexure–Q Drawings GA drawing for Hydro Plants
Annexure–R Standard dimensions for condenser bushings (Lower
Annexure–S Typical arrangement for neutral formation for single
phase units
Annexure–T BDV Test Set & Portable Dissolved Gas Analysis of
Transformer Oil
Annexure–U On-line insulating oil drying system (Cartridge type)
Annexure–V Oil sampling bottles & Oil Syringe
Annexure–W Oil Storage Tank

Rapid growth of demand in electricity in India has necessitated

commensurate growth in transmission network in India. Expansion of
transmission network demands installation of transmission lines, new
substations or augmentation of capacity of the existing substations. One of
the key elements in commissioning of a new substation or augmentation of
the existing capacity of any substation is Power Transformers. Varying load
conditions on long lines has necessitated installation of shunt reactors to
maintain voltage profile within limits. Just like transformer, shunt reactor is
also very costly equipment and very similar in construction, which makes
shunt reactor also one of the key elements. However, the time involved in
design, engineering, manufacturing and commissioning process of
transformers and reactors is very high. This is because the specification of
each Transformer is unique and the manufacturers take time in meeting such
specifications by doing specific design and subsequently manufacturing it.
To overcome this issue, process of standardization of technical specification
of Power Transformers & Shunt Reactors was initiated with a view to have
standard products and processes from Procurement to Commissioning and
Life cycle management. This standardization process shall have following
• The procurement time shall be reduced
• Due to standard design, frequent design reviews shall be avoided
• Standard ratings shall be interchangeable across the utilities
• Standard fittings and accessories
• Standard layout and architectural features
• Lesser requirement of inventories

A committee vide Ministry of Power’s office order no. 10/24/2016-PG dated

20.08.16, was constituted under the Chairmanship of Member (Power
System), CEA, with the following composition:
1. Member (Power System), CEA
3. Director (Trans), MoP
4. A representative from GETCO
5. A representative from RRVPN
6. A representative from HVPN

Chapter-1 : Introduction Page 1 of 8

7. A representative from BHEL
8. A representative from IEEMA
9. Chief Engineer, CEA (Convenor)

The Terms of Reference of the Committee are as under:

a) To adopt country wide standard designs of Power transformers for each

class ratings and performance parameter wise (including losses);
b) To reduce lead time, human efforts & errors during the transformer
procurement process by adopting standard losses and detailed
guaranteed technical particular (GTP) format;
c) To adopt specifications and application guides for various fittings and
accessories for the selection and maintenance of transformer
d) To follow the Guidelines for preparation and checking of standard
contract drawings preferred cooler and OLTC control schemes;
e) To adopt standard manufacturing quality plan (MQP) for manufacturing,
testing and packing of transformers to define and ensure quality for
f) To enhance the Overall efficiency, quality and productivity in the entire
value chain of transformer procurement and operation;
g) To achieve interchangeability of transformers of different make, procured
by different utilities – by standardizing the losses, lay out and foundation
plan of transformers; and
h) To achieve shorter deliveries of power transformers for timely and
speedier completion of projects.

In this process, CEA held several round of meetings with various utilities and
transformer & accessories manufacturers for standardization of Technical
Specification of Transformer and Reactor so that all utilities across the
country should be benefitted and have standard process from procurement
to commissioning of Transformers and Reactors.

The objective of such a Manual is to get a quality Transformer/ Reactor in

less time by optimizing the design thus benefiting the manufacturers on the
overall cost of production and the utilities on the reliability of the

This manual shall be applicable for transformers/reactors of 66 kV and above

voltage class. Although some ratings of generator transformers could not be
decided due to certain technical limitations, the utility may follow this manual
for such GTs also as far as possible.

Chapter-1 : Introduction Page 2 of 8

Our first attempt was to try to limit the number of ratings of Power
Transformers and Reactors so that utilities and manufacturers shall have
fewer numbers of ratings to choose from for installation and replacement.
Manufacturer also shall have to design and manufacturer fewer ratings
making it easier to have less inventory of components and improved
manufacturing time.

Primary voltage rating for Generator Transformers (GTs) can not be

standardized as this rating is dependent on generator parameters. However,
MVA ratings of GTs for thermal plants have been fixed. MVA rating for GTs
for Hydro plant may be decided by the respective utility.
Following ratings for power/auto transformers, generator transformers and
reactors of 66 kV and above have been standardized based on general practice
and most used ratings in India. Utilities should, as far as practically possible,
procure transformers and reactors of these ratings only.
Transformers/reactors of other ratings should be procured only under special
circumstances such as transportation/ space constraints or to match with
the existing transformer unit for parallel operation.

Power/ Auto Transformer:

Sr.No MVA Line Voltage Rating Phase Type

1. 500 MVA 765/400/33kV Single Phase Auto
2. 500 MVA 400/220/33kV Three Phase Auto
3. 315 MVA 400/220/33kV Three Phase Auto
4. 315 MVA 400/132/33kV Three Phase Auto
5. 200 MVA 400/132/33kV Three Phase Auto
6. 167 MVA 400/220/33kV Single Phase Auto
7. 105 MVA 400/220/33kV Single Phase Auto
8. 200 MVA 220/132/33kV Three Phase Auto
9. 160 MVA 220/132/33kV Three Phase Auto
10. 100 MVA 220/132kV Three Phase Auto
11. 160 MVA 220/66kV Three Phase Power
12. 80MVA 220/33kV Three Phase Transform
13. 100 MVA 132/66kV Three Phase Transform
14. 50 MVA 132/33kV Three Phase Transform
15. 31.5 MVA 132/33kV Three Phase Transform
16. 31.5MVA 66/11kV Three Phase Transform
17. 20MVA 66/11kV Three Phase Transform

Chapter-1 : Introduction Page 3 of 8

Generator Transformer:

Sr. MVA Rating Line Voltage Rating Phase Type

1. 315 MVA Generation Voltage/420 kV Single GT
2. 265 MVA Generation Voltage/420 kV Single GT
3. 265 MVA Generation Voltage/420 kV Single GT
4. 200 MVA Generation Voltage/420 kV Single GT
5. 315 MVA Generation Voltage/245 kV Three GT
6. 105MVA Generation Voltage/420 kV Single GT

Shunt Reactor:

Sr. MVAR Rating Voltage Rating Phase

1. 110 MVAR 765/√3 kV Single Phase
2. 80 MVAR 765/√3 kV Single Phase
3. 125 MVAR 420 kV Three Phase
4. 80 MVAR 420 kV Three Phase
5. 63 MVAR 420 kV Three Phase
6. 25 MVAR 245kV Three Phase

In order to ensure uniformity in design of transformers/ reactors, technical

specification have been standardized and covered under Chaper-2:
Technical Specifications for Transformers and Reactors and the major
technical parameters of single phase & three phase transformer & reactor
units and current transformers are defined at Annexure – A & B. The utilities
are expected to follow the specifications fixed as far as possible so as to bring
uniformity to the Transformers/ Reactors deployed in India. However, the
specifications provided in the Manual are intended only for new
Transformers/ reactors. For parallel operations, specifications of existing
Transformer may be used.

Along with standardizing the design, we have also endeavored to fix the
maximum permissible loss values (No-load loss, Load loss, I2R loss and
auxiliary loss) for the Transformers in consultation with numerous utilities
and lead manufacturers such that these losses are easily measured and
verified at works and at site and utility is provided with high efficiency
product. It is planned to keep these losses fixed at least for the next 5 years
and may be revised afterwards based on experience attained by the utilities

Chapter-1 : Introduction Page 4 of 8

and the manufacturers. This will reduce the number of variants of
Transformers and reactors to be manufactured for the field. This will bring
financial benefit as well as save time. Need for Dynamic short circuit testing
may also be reduced due to freezing of design and loss values.
Keeping in view the large number of failures owing to improper maintenance
and sudden use of OLTC after a long period of disuse, we have tried to have
tap-less transformers at 400 kV and 765 kV levels. The change in voltage
offered by OLTC in such cases is very minimal and doing away with OLTCs
would not only lead to a simpler design but would also reduce the number of
failures due to OLTC.
It has been observed by CEA while investigating failures of transformers and
reactors that most of these equipment fail during first 5 years of service. A
warranty/defect liability period of 5 years for transformer/ reactor have been
proposed so that manufacturer pay full attention to the quality aspect of the
equipment and failure rate is reduced. However, this warranty period should
not make utilities complacent to carry out regular Operation & Maintenance
Design review is the most important task to be carried out before initiation of
the manufacturing of transformer/reactor to ensure its quality. Chapter-3 :
Design Review details all the necessary steps required for the design review
and also includes list of documents required to be submitted by the
manufacturer to the purchaser. The design review may be carried out by the
purchaser or a consultant appointed by the purchaser. Design review, if done
by one utility, may also be used by another utility with the permission of the
Annexure-C (Guaranteed and other technical particulars) lists out all the
parameters which are required to be specified by the manufacturer to the
purchaser for design review and other necessary action.

Attempt is also made with the aid of various prominent stakeholders to have
a standardized QAP so as to ensure that all necessary tests required to ensure
the quality of the offered Transformer/ Reactor are carried out as per
standard uniform manufacturing quality plan by the purchaser. The outcome
of this activity has been prepared in the form of the chapter-4: Quality
Assurance Program. A typical test plan for Transformers/ Reactors have also
been listed in Annexures D.

General Arrangement drawing and foundation drawings are also standardized

to improve the interchangeability of different units, thus reducing the delay
in commissioning, as well as optimizing the requirement of spares and have

Chapter-1 : Introduction Page 5 of 8

been provided at Annexure-P. Similarly, GA drawing specifically for Hydro
Plants has been provided at Annexure-Q. Standardizing the layout of
foundation of Transformers and cooler banks as well as general layout will
bring uniformity, which, in turn, would facilitate replacement and retrofitting
as per requirement.

With a view to standardize the handling, loading-unloading, transportation,

storage etc., we have included a chapter on ‘Transportation, Erection,
Testing and Commissioning’ as well. It shall act as a model document for
the utilities’ reference. However, the utilities may frame the contractual
obligations including the scope of transportation, erection, commissioning
etc. and modify the document in that regard accordingly as per their

The manufacturers are expected to develop their manufacturing facility at par

with the global practices to improve quality and manufacturing processes for
transformer and reactor. The list of facilities required by manufacturers has
been provided in Annexure-G. In case the manufacturers do not have the
required facilities as given, it may be ensured by the manufacturers that the
same may be developed within a specified time-frame.

To promote the best practices among the utilities and to bring O&M practices
throughout all the utilities in the country to a common highest level, a
chapter, ‘Condition Monitoring & Life Cycle Management’, on the subject
has been included. Provisions shall be made by the utilities for condition
monitoring and health assessment of their Transformers/ reactors. Although
no such recommendation has been given by us, utilities may procure and
employ diagnostic equipment like DGA, wingding resistance meter, SFRA,
capacitance and tan delta measuring units etc. as per requirement of CEA
(Technical Standards for Construction of Electrical Plants and Electric Lines)
Regulations and their discretion either for a substation or cluster of
substations. All necessary steps shall be taken to ensure proper monitoring
and maintenance of Transformer/ Reactor for their longevity without any
interruptions. Suggestive limits for parameters measured with the help of
various diagnostic equipment are also given in the chapter. Values of these
parameters shall be recorded over time, since the time of commissioning, to
carry out a trend analysis. Health indexing of Transformer/ Reactor based on
various indicators derived through condition based analysis shall be carried
out for residual life assessment and for taking Run/Refurbish/ Replacement

Chapter-1 : Introduction Page 6 of 8

Specification for Breakdown Voltage (BDV) test set, portable DGA kit for
transformer oil and online insulating oil drying system has been included in
Annexure-T & U for the reference of the utility.

Since the Manual only covers Transformers and Reactors, no specification for
fire- fighting provisions have been given. But, the utilities shall ensure that
their substation have capable and efficient fire-fighting provisions adhering
to CEA (Measures Relating to Safety and Electric Supply) Regulations.

As per CEA Regulations, one no. single phase spare transformer/reactor is

required to be provided for the substations/switchyards where bank of single
phase units has been installed. For reference purposes, connection
arrangement for bringing spare unit into the circuit in case of failure of one
of the other units is given in Annexure N.

Failure of GT/ Power Transformers leads to huge loss in terms of revenue,

time, reliability of the system and the requirement of additional transformer
leads to additional capital, material for manufacturing/ commissioning and
time requirement for replacement. Also, due to long repair time of
Transformers, utilities have to maintain capital spare which is costly and in
the absence of required care and maintenance, may fail without ever being
utilized, incurring further loss. Standardization will be a big step in reducing
these difficulties.

There have been some concerns that freezing the design as well as loss figures
would leave no jiggling room for the designers. There is a wide array of
available raw materials and technology. Lack of fixed parameters leaves lots
of possibilities to cut down on the price by compromising on quality. As
utilities, more often than not, are only equipped to check a few parameters to
ascertain the quality of the product they purchase, cost inadvertently governs
the process during the design stage. Similarly, designers may find it difficult
to justify any additional cost on account of modification in technology or
material. Freezing of these parameters helps to ensure that at the least a
certain level of quality is available to the utilities while at the same time
allowing the designers to implement and execute their innovative ideas and
help in design improvement. Aside from tangible benefits, this will help in
strengthening the relation between the manufacturers and the utilities by
removing any apprehension of being underpaid or overcharged as well as any
distrust on the quality of the unit/ product received.

In course of various tasks of CEA, it has been brought to our attention that a
significant number of transformers fail due to poor workmanship during
installation. At the same time, poor operation and maintenance is also a

Chapter-1 : Introduction Page 7 of 8

culprit. After extensive deliberation and discussions with various
stakeholders, we have tried to determine the best practices for transportation,
testing, commissioning and life cycle management of the Transformers as a
guideline for both manufacturers and utilities. Once on-site, the standardized
transformer design will reduce the dependency on the skill and experience of
man-power during installation and commissioning. This is not to say that
such skill will not be required but that due to standardized design,
installation process will also become defined thereby limiting the chances of
error by removing any ambiguities for the workforce on site. At the same time,
the standardization of O&M practices will equip the operating personnel to
better handle and manage their Transformers and Reactors.

In the end, the purpose of this document is to bring uniformity in the design
as well as O&M practices throughout the country to promote faster and
efficient production and inter-changeability of transformers as well as
reactors in general. It is expected that all utilities should follow this manual
and will endeavor to achieve the goal “One Nation One Specification”.

Chapter-1 : Introduction Page 8 of 8



1.0 General

1.1 This chapter covers specification for design, engineering, manufacture,

testing, delivery at site including all materials, accessories, unloading,
handling, proper storage at site, erection, testing and commissioning of
the Transformer, Shunt Reactor and Neutral Grounding Reactor (NGR)

1.2 Sixty (60) months warranty shall be provided for transformers and
reactors from the date of commissioning or 12 months from the date of
receipt at site whichever is earlier. For the purpose of this clause, the
Measurable Defects as per the Technical Specifications shall also be
considered for Transformer and Reactor.

1.3 The design and workmanship shall be in accordance with the best
engineering practices to ensure satisfactory performance throughout the
service life.

1.4 Any material and equipment not specifically stated in this specification
but which are necessary for satisfactory operation of the equipment shall
be deemed to be included unless specifically excluded and shall be
supplied without any extra cost.

1.5 Components having identical rating shall be interchangeable.

Note: The neutral grounding reactor is required for grounding of the neutral point of
line shunt reactor to limit the secondary arc current and the recovery voltage to a
minimum value.


The technical parameters of the Transformer/Reactor are detailed in

Annexure-A : Specific Technical Requirements.


The manufacturer shall furnish all the Guaranteed and other technical
particulars for the offered transformer/reactor as called for in Annexure–
C: Guaranteed and Other Technical Particulars. The particulars
furnished by the manufacturer in this Annexure shall make basis for the

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 1 of 55

design review. Any other particulars considered necessary may also be
given in addition to those listed in that Annexure.

4.0 Standard Ratings of Transformer and Reactor

Standard ratings of transformer and reactor have been provided in

Chapter-1: Introduction. It is desirable that only these ratings of
Transformers & Reactors are procured by utilities to have standard
ratings across the country.

5.0 Performance

5.1 Transformer

5.1.1 The power and auto transformers shall be used for bi-directional flow of
rated power. The generator transformer would step up the output from
generator voltage to specified voltage for power evacuation. Generator
Transformer should be suitable for back charging from HV side and
should be used to step down for feeding loads through unit transformer.
The major technical parameters of single phase and three phase
transformer units are defined at Annexure – A.

5.1.2 Transformers shall be capable of operating under natural cooled condition

up to the specified load. The forced cooling equipment shall come into
operation by pre-set contacts of winding temperature indicator and the
transformer shall operate as a forced cooling unit initially as ONAF up to
specified load and then as OFAF (or ODAF or ODWF, as specified).
Cooling shall be so designed that during total failure of power supply to
cooling fans and oil pumps, the transformer shall be able to operate at
full load for at least ten (10) minutes without the calculated winding hot
spot temperature exceeding 140 deg C. If the Transformer is fitted with
two coolers, each capable of dissipating 50 per cent of the loss at
continuous maximum rating, it shall be capable of operating for 20
minutes in the event of failure of the oil circulating pump or blowers
associated with one cooler without the calculated winding hot spot
temperature exceeding 140 deg C at continuous max rating. The
contractor shall submit supporting calculations for the above and the
same shall be reviewed during design review.

5.1.3 The transformer shall be free from any electrostatic charging tendency
(ECT) under all operating conditions and maximum oil velocity shall be
such that it does not lead to static discharges inside the transformer
while all coolers (including spare) are in operation.

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 2 of 55

5.1.4 The transformers shall be capable of being continuously operated at the
rated MVA without danger, at any tapping with voltage variation of ±10%
corresponding to the voltage of that tapping.

5.1.5 The transformers shall be capable of being over loaded in accordance with
IEC-60076-7. There shall be no limitation imposed by bushings, tap
changers etc. or any other associated equipment.

5.1.6 The hotspot temperature in any location of the tank shall not exceed 95
deg. Celsius at rated MVA. This shall be measured during temperature
rise test at manufacturer’s works.

5.1.7 The maximum flux density in any part of the core and yoke at the rated
MVA, voltage and frequency shall be such that under 10 % continuous
over-voltage condition it does not exceed 1.9 Tesla at all tap positions.

5.1.8 The transformer and all its accessories including bushing / built in CTs
etc. shall be designed to withstand without damage, the thermal and
mechanical effects of any external short circuit to earth and of short
circuits at the terminals of any winding. The transformer (power/auto)
shall be designed to withstand the thermal stress for short circuit
duration of 2 seconds and the same shall be verified during design review.
However, generator transformer shall be designed to withstand the
thermal stress for short circuit duration of 3 seconds.

5.1.9 The short circuit level of the HV & IV System to which the transformers
will be connected is as follows:

5.1.10 765kV system - 63kA for 1 sec (sym, rms, 3 phase fault)
400kV system - 63kA for 1 sec (sym, rms, 3 phase fault)
220kV system - 50 kA for 1 sec (sym, rms, 3 phase fault)
132kV system - 40 kA for 1 sec (sym, rms, 3 phase fault)
66kV system - 31.5 kA for 1 sec (sym, rms, 3 phase fault)
33kV & 11kV system - 25 kA for 3 sec (sym, rms, 3 phase fault)

However, for transformer design purpose, the through fault current shall
be considered limited by the transformer self-impedance only (i.e. Zs = 0).
5.1.11 Transformer shall be capable of withstanding thermal and mechanical
stresses caused by symmetrical or asymmetrical faults on any terminals.
Mechanical strength of the transformer shall be such that it can
withstand 3-phase and 1- phase through fault for transformer rated
voltage applied to HV and/or IV terminals of transformer. The short
circuit shall alternatively be considered to be applied to each of the HV, IV
and tertiary (LV) transformer terminals as applicable. The tertiary
terminals shall be considered not connected to system source. For short
circuit on the tertiary terminals, the in-feed from both HV & IV system
shall be limited by the transformer self-impedance only and the rated

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 3 of 55

voltage of HV and IV terminals shall be considered. The maximum short
circuit output current at the tertiary terminals shall be limited to a safe
value to make the transformer short circuit proof.

5.1.12 Transformers shall withstand without damage, heating due to the

combined voltage and frequency fluctuations which produce the following
over fluxing conditions:

110 % for continuous

125 % for 1 minute
140 % for 5 seconds

Withstand time for 150% & 170% over voltage shall be indicated. Over
fluxing characteristics up to 170 % shall be submitted.

5.1.13 The air core reactance of HV winding of transformer shall not be less than
20% for 400kV and above voltage class Transformer.

5.2 Tertiary Windings (if applicable as per Annexure - A)

The tertiary windings shall be suitable for connection of reactors or

capacitors which would be subjected to frequent switching and shall be
suitable for connection to LT Transformer for auxiliary supply. All the
windings shall be capable of withstanding the stresses which may be
caused by such switching. The Tertiary winding shall be designed to
withstand mechanical and thermal stresses due to dead short circuit on
its terminals.

5.3 Shunt Reactor

5.3.1 Shunt reactors will be connected to the transmission system for reactive
compensation and shall be capable of controlling the dynamic over
voltage occurring in the system due to load rejection.

5.3.2 Shunt reactors shall be designed for switching surge overvoltage of 2.5
p.u. and temporary overvoltage of the order of 2.3 p.u. for few cycles
followed by power frequency overvoltage upto 1.5 p.u. The reactor must
withstand the stress due to above transient dynamic conditions which
may cause additional current flow as a result of changed saturation
characteristics/slope beyond 1.5 p.u. voltage.

5.3.3 Shunt reactors of 420kV & 800kV Class shall be capable of operating
continuously at a voltage 5% higher than their rated voltage without
exceeding winding hot spot temperature 140 Deg C. Shunt Reactors of
245kV Class and below shall be capable of operating continuously at a
voltage 10% higher than their rated voltage without exceeding winding hot

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 4 of 55

spot temperature 140 Deg C. Maximum ambient temperature shall be
considered as 50 Deg C.

5.3.4 The reactor shall be designed to withstand the following over-voltages

repeatedly without risk of failure (w.r.t. Hotspot temperature & core

1.05 Ur for continuous (for 420kV & above Class Reactor)

1.10 Ur for continuous (for below 420kV Class Reactor)
1.25 Ur for 1 minute
1.50 Ur for 5 seconds
(Ur is rated voltage of reactor)

5.3.5 The winding hot spots shall be calculated using the maximum localized
losses, insulation thickness at the maximum loss positions, and the oil
flow patterns in the winding. The oil temperature rise in the windings
shall be used to determine hot spots rather than the bulk top oil
temperature. The hot spot for all leads shall be calculated and it shall not
exceed the calculated hot spot of the windings.

5.3.6 The hot spot temperatures and surface temperatures in the magnetic
circuit (core) shall be calculated with maximum allowed 125 deg C and
120 deg C respectively under over voltage conditions specified above.

5.3.7 Tank hotspot temperature under over voltage condition specified above
shall not exceed 95 Deg C considering maximum ambient temperature as
50 Deg C.

5.3.8 Also, the most onerous temperature of any part of the core and its
supporting structure in contact with insulation or non-metal material
shall not exceed the safe operating temperature of that material. Adequate
temperature margins shall be provided to maintain long life expectancy of
these materials.

5.3.9 The magnetic circuit shall be designed such that the reactor is linear upto
voltage specified at Annexure – A.

5.4 Radio Interference and Noise Level

The transformer/reactor shall be designed with particular attention to the

suppression of harmonic voltage, especially the third and fifth so as to
minimise interference with communication circuit.

The noise level of transformer, when energised at normal voltage and

frequency with fans and pumps running shall not exceed the values
specified at Annexure - A, when measured under standard conditions.

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 5 of 55

6.0 Maximum Losses

The maximum permissible values of losses at principal tap rating at full

load at 75 deg C have been specified in Annexure-A for the ratings covered
under this specification. The losses shall be firm and no positive tolerance
shall be allowed. No weightage shall be given for supply of
transformer/reactor, with losses (measured during routine tests) less
than the losses specified in Annexure –A.

7.0 Dynamic Short Circuit Test requirement and Validity

The transformer of design similar to the offered transformer (meeting

requirement as per Annexure-J) should have been successfully tested
within last 10 years (from the originally scheduled date of bid opening) for
short circuit withstand capability as per IEC 60076-5/ IS 2026 Part-5
and shall enclose the relevant Test Report/certificate along with bid. In
case, manufacturer has not conducted short circuit test earlier, the same
shall be carried out on offered transformer. Further, design review of
offered transformer shall be carried out based on the design of short
circuit tested reference transformer in line with IEC 60076-5/ IS 2026

8.0 Type tests requirement and validity

The offered transformer/reactor should have been successfully type

tested unless the type tests on transformer/reactor of same rating &
design have been carried out within last 5 years from the originally
scheduled date of bid opening. The earlier conducted type test reports are
acceptable provided offered transformer/reactor is of the same design as
that of type tested transformer and active materials like – CRGO, copper
conductor and insulation material are of same or better grade with
respect to type tested unit, failing which type tests on offered
transformer/reactor shall be carried out by the manufacturer at his own
cost. However, manufacturer may use same or different approved make of
Bushings, On Load Tap changer (OLTC)/Off Circuit Tap Changer (OCTC)
and other accessories used in type tested or short circuit tested unit in
their equipment. Further, type test report of transformer/reactor from the
same manufacturing plant shall only be acceptable.

The validity of type test of major fittings shall be 10 year from the date of

The type tests conducted earlier should have either been conducted in
accredited laboratory by the national accreditation body of the country
where the laboratory is located, or witnessed by the representative of any
utility or of an accredited test laboratory.

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 6 of 55


9.1 The transformer/reactor shall be designed, manufactured and tested in

accordance with the best international engineering practices under strict
quality control to meet the requirement stipulated in the technical
specification. Adequate safety margin w.r.t. thermal, mechanical,
dielectric and electrical stress etc. shall be maintained during design,
selection of raw material, manufacturing process etc. in order to achieve
long life of transformer/reactor with least maintenance.

9.2 Design reviews shall be conducted by the purchaser or by an appointed

consultant during the procurement process; however the entire
responsibility of design shall be with the manufacturer. Purchaser may
also visit the manufacturers works to inspect design, manufacturing and
test facilities.

9.3 The design review shall be finalised before commencement of

manufacturing activity and shall be conducted generally following the
“Guidelines for conducting design reviews for power transformers working
group A2.36 Task Force 2” (Replaces TB 204). However, salient points on
process for design review has been specified in “Chapter-3: Design

9.4 The manufacturer shall provide all necessary information and

calculations to demonstrate that the transformer/reactor meets the
requirements for mechanical strength and durability due to inrush
current. The latest recommendations of IEC and CIGRE SC 12 shall be
applied for short circuit withstand evaluation.

9.5 The manufacturer will be required to demonstrate the use of adequate

safety margins for thermal, mechanical, dielectric and vibration etc. in
design to take into account the uncertainties of his design and
manufacturing processes. The scope of such design review shall include
but not limited to the requirement as mentioned at Annexure – I.

9.6 Each page of the design review document shall be duly signed by the
authorised representatives of manufacturer and purchaser and shall be
provided to the purchaser for record and reference before commencement
of manufacturing.

10.0 Measurable Defects

The following shall constitute as Measureable Defects for the purpose of
Defect Liabilities. The violation of any of the following within warrantee
period, manufacturer shall be liable to extend warrantee period of further
2 years in addition to the original warrantee period of 5 years.

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 7 of 55

a) Repair, inside the Transformer/Reactor and OLTC (including oil
migration) either at site or at factory is carried out after

b) The concentration of any fault gas is more than values of condition-1

indicated in clause no 6.5 of IEEE-C57.104-2008, which are as
detailed below.


100 120 1 50 65 350 2500 720

c) The winding tan delta goes beyond 0.005 or increases more than
0.001 w.r.t. pre-commissioning values within warranty period. No
temperature correction factor shall be applicable for tan delta.

d) The moisture content goes above 12 ppm at any temperature during

operation including full load.

11.0 Service Condition

The transformer/reactor shall be designed for the following service

conditions as specified by the utilities:

Sr. Description Parameters

i) Site altitude
ii) Yearly weighted average cooling air
ambient temperature
iii) Monthly average cooling air temperature of
hottest month
iv) Minimum cooling air temperature
v) Wave shape of supply voltage
vi) Total Harmonic current
vii) Seismic ground acceleration
viii) Combined voltage and frequency variation
ix) winding pressure
x) Maximum humidity
xi) Minimum humidity
x) Creepage of insulation in air

In addition to the above, utilities may specify additional site conditions

separately in tender documents (example: restricted ventilation (tunnels,
enclosed etc.,), presence of fumes, vapours, steams, dripping of waters,
salt spray and corrosive environment, excessive & abrasive dust,
superimposed DC current, high frequency switching transients, frequent

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 8 of 55

energization (>24 times a year), high solar radiation, regular frequent
Short Circuits, altitude).

12.0 Construction Details

The construction details and features of transformer shall be in

accordance with the requirement stated hereunder.

12.1 Tank

12.1.1 The tank shall be of proven design of conventional (preferably)/ Bell type
with welded / bolted top cover. Bell type tank, if provided, shall have joint
at about 500 mm above the bottom of the tank.

12.1.2 Tank shall be capable of withstanding without damage severe strains that
may be induced under normal operating conditions or during lifting,
jacking and pulling forces encountered during shipping and handling at
site or factory. Tank and associated structure should be adequately
designed for forces arising out of normal oil pressure, test pressures and
seismic conditions, short circuit forces specified.

12.1.3 Tank shall be fabricated from tested quality low carbon steel of adequate
thickness. Unless otherwise approved, metal plate, bar and sections for
fabrication shall comply with BS-4360 / IS 2062.

12.1.4 All seams and joints which are not required to be opened at site, shall be
factory welded, and wherever possible they shall be double welded.
Welding shall conform to BS-5135/IS 9595. The requirement of post weld
heat treatment of tank/stress relieving shall be based on recommendation
of BS-5500 table 10801.

12.1.5 The welded joint shall be provided with flanges suitable for repeated
welding. The joint shall be provided with a suitable gasket to prevent weld
splatter inside the tank. Proper tank shielding shall be done to prevent
excessive temperature rise at the joint.

12.1.6 Tank stiffeners shall be provided for general rigidity and these shall be
designed to prevent retention of water. Sharp edges on stiffeners should
be avoided for better paint adhesion.

12.1.7 Tank MS plates >12 mm should undergo Ultrasonic Test (UT) to check
lamination defect, internal impurities in line with ASTM 435 & ASTM 577.

12.1.8 After fabrication of tank and before painting, Non-destructive test (dye
penetration test) is mandatory on the load bearing members such as base
plate joints, jacking pads and lifting devices etc.

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 9 of 55

12.1.9 The base of each tank shall be designed such that the complete
transformer may be moved by skidding in any direction without damage
when using plates or rails.

12.1.10 Tank should be provided with adequately sized manhole(s) to enter inside
for active part inspection preferably at diagonally opposite sites either in
circular shape or in rectangular shape.

12.1.11 Tank shall be provided with:

a. Lifting lugs: Minimum four lifting lugs of adequate size shall be

provided so that it will be possible to lift the complete
transformer/reactor when filled with oil & without structural damage
to any part of the transformer/reactor. The factor of safety at any lug
shall not be less than 2.

b. A minimum of four jacking pads in accessible position to enable the

transformer complete with oil to be raised or lowered using hydraulic
jacks. Each jacking pad shall be designed to support with an adequate
factor of safety at least half of the total mass of the transformer filled
with oil allowing in addition to maximum possible misalignment of the
jacking force to the centre of the working surface.

c. Suitable haulage holes shall be provided.

d. 04 nos. of Gate valves of 50 NB (min.) shall be provided for UHF

sensors for PD Measurements (applicable for 400kV and above voltage
class Transformer only) at suitable locations. Location of valves shall
be finalized during design review. Further, manufacturer shall
demonstrate PD measurement with use of 04 nos. of UHF sensors
using the same gate valves during Type test under each contract.
However, scope of supply of UHF based PD measurement system shall
be applicable if specified by the utility.

e. Suitable provisions of pockets for OTI, WTI & RTDs including two
spare pockets.

12.2 Tank Cover

12.2.1 Tank cover shall be capable of withstanding without damage severe

strains that may be induced under normal operating conditions or during
shipping and handling at site or factory. Cover should be capable of
withstanding without damage or permanent deformation the collapsing
forces produced by completely evacuating the tanks for vacuum filling.
Cover shall be either plain or curved or slanted, to prevent retention of
rain water & it shall be designed for efficient movement of fault gas to
Buchholz relay.

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 10 of 55

12.2.2 For anti-fall protections, cover shall be provided with permanent
mounting brackets provision as the points of attachment for a temporary
detachable safety pole of minimum 1 m height. Safety poles to be
supplied along with each transformer, for hooking safety harness by
operator, if specified by purchaser. These poles shall be removed by the
operators, during transformer/reactor working conditions. Cover should
have anti-skidding arrangement.

12.2.3 At least two adequately sized inspection openings, one at each end of the
tank shall be provided for easy access to bushings and earth connections
& tap changers. Tank cover should be provided with hand holes either in
circular or rectangular shape. The inspection cover shall not weigh more
than 25kgs. Handles shall be provided on the inspection cover to facilitate
its lifting.

12.2.4 The tank cover shall be provided with pockets for oil and winding
temperature indicators. The location of pockets (for OTI, WTI & RTDs
including two spare pockets) shall be in the position where oil reaches
maximum temperature. Further, it shall be possible to remove bulbs of
OTI/WTI/RTD without lowering the oil in the tank. The thermometer
shall be fitted with a captive screw to prevent the ingress of water.

12.2.5 It should be possible to inspect Buchholz relay or Oil surge relay,

standing on tank cover or suitable arrangement shall be made to access
Buchholz relay safely.

12.2.6 Bushing turrets, covers of inspection openings, thermometer pockets etc.

shall be designed to prevent ingress of water into or leakage of oil from
the tank.

12.2.7 To allow for the effect of possible induced and capacitive surge current
flow, the tank cover and bushing turret shall be fixed to the transformer
using copper links in such a way that good electrical contact is
maintained around the perimeter of the tank and turrets.

12.2.8 The transformer/reactor shall be provided with a suitable diameter pipe

flange, butterfly valve, bolted blanking plate and gasket shall be fitted at
the highest point of the transformer for maintaining vacuum in the tank.

12.2.9 Gas venting

The transformer/reactor cover and generally the internal spaces of the

transformer and all pipe connections shall be designed so as to provide
efficient venting of any gas in any part of the transformer/reactor to the
Buchholz relay. The space created under inspection /manhole covers
shall be filled with suitable material to avoid inadvertent gas pockets. The

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 11 of 55

Covers shall be vented at least at both longitudinal ends. The design for
gas venting shall take into accounts the slopes of the plinth (if any) on
which the transformer/reactor is being mounted.

12.3 Gasket for tank & cover

All gasketed joints shall be designed, manufactured and assembled to

ensure long-term leak and maintenance free operation. All gasketed joints
shall preferably of O-ring and groove type. All tank gaskets/O-rings used
shall be of NBR (Acrylonitrile butadiene Rubber) conforming to IS 4253.
Material selected shall suit temperature conditions expected to be
encountered at the site.

All bolted connections shall be fitted with weather proof, hot oil resistant,
resilient gasket in between for complete oil tightness. If gasket/O-rings is
compressible, metallic stops/other suitable means shall be provided to
prevent over-compression. The properties of all the above gaskets / O-
Rings shall comply with the requirements of IS-11149. Gaskets and O-
rings shall be replaced every time whenever the joints are opened.

12.4 Foundation, Roller Assembly and Anti Earthquake Clamping Device

Transformer/reactor shall be rested on foundation on roller assembly.

The rollers are to be provided with flanged bi-directional wheels and
axles. This set of wheels and axles shall be suitable for fixing to the under
carriage of transformer/reactor to facilitate its movement on rail track.
Suitable locking arrangement along with foundation bolts shall be
provided for the wheels to prevent accidental movement of
transformer/reactor. The rail track gauge shall be 1676 mm. To prevent
movement during earthquake, suitable clamping devices shall be provided
for fixing the transformer/reactor to the foundation. In case rail is not
required for smaller rating transformers/reactor, arrangement of
unidirectional roller mounted on channel shall be provided and channel
shall be locked with the plinth suitably.

For foundation of separately mounted cooler bank of Transformer, fixing

of cooler support shall be through Anchor Fastener with chemical
grouting and no pockets for bolting shall be provided.

For support of cooler pipes, Buchholz pipe (if required) and fire-fighting
pipe pylon supports, Pre-fabricated metallic support from pit shall be
provided which shall be further encased with concrete to prevent rusting.

All control cubicles shall be mounted at least 1 (One) meter above FGL to
take care of water logging during flooding. Suitable arrangement (ladder
and platform) shall be provided for safe access to control cubicles.

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 12 of 55

12.5 Conservator

12.5.1 Main tank conservator shall have air cell type constant oil pressure
system to prevent oxidation and contamination of oil due to contact with
moisture. Conservator shall be fitted with magnetic oil level gauge with
potential free high and low oil level alarm contacts and prismatic oil level

12.5.2 Conservator tank shall have adequate capacity with highest and lowest
visible-levels to meet the requirements of expansion of total cold oil
volume in the transformer and cooling equipment from minimum ambient
temperature to top oil temperature of 110 deg C. The capacity of the
conservator tank shall be such that the transformer shall be able to carry
the specified overload without overflowing of oil.

12.5.3 The conservator shall be fitted with lifting lugs in such a position so that
it can be removed for cleaning purposes. Suitable provision shall be kept
to replace air cell and cleaning of the conservator as applicable.

12.5.4 Conservator shall be positioned so as not to obstruct any electrical

connection to transformer.

12.5.5 The connection of air cell to the top of the conservator is by air proof seal
preventing entrance of air into the conservator. The main conservator
tank shall be stencilled on its underside with the words “Caution: Air cell
fitted”. Lettering of at least 150 mm size shall be used in such a way to
ensure clear legibility from ground level when the transformer/reactor is
fully installed. To prevent oil filling into the air cell, the oil filling aperture
shall be clearly marked. The transformer/reactor rating and diagram
plate shall bear a warning statement that the “Main conservator is fitted
with an air cell”.

12.5.6 Contact of the oil with atmosphere is prohibited by using a flexible air cell
of nitrile rubber reinforced with nylon cloth. The temperature of oil in the
conservator is likely to raise up to 110 Deg C during operation. As such
air cell used shall be suitable for operating continuously at this

12.5.7 The transformer/reactor manual shall give full and clear instructions on
the operation, maintenance, testing and replacement of the air cell. It
shall also indicate shelf life, life expectancy in operation, and the
recommended replacement intervals.

12.5.8 The conservator tank and piping shall be designed for complete vacuum/
filling of the main tank and conservator tank. Provision must be made for
equalising the pressure in the conservator tank and the air cell during
vacuum/ filling operations to prevent rupturing of the air cell.

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 13 of 55

12.5.9 The contractor shall furnish the leakage rates of the rubber bag/ air cell
for oxygen and moisture. It is preferred that the leakage rate for oxygen
from the air cell into the oil will be low enough so that the oil will not
generally become saturated with oxygen. Air cells with well proven long
life characteristics shall be preferred.

12.5.10 OLTC shall have conventional type conservator (without aircell) with
magnetic oil level gauge with potential free oil level alarm contact and
prismatic oil level gauge.

12.6 Piping works for conservator

12.6.1 Pipe work connections shall be of adequate size preferably short and
direct. Only radiused elbows shall be used.

12.6.2 The feed pipe to the transformer/reactor tank shall enter the cover plate
at its highest point and shall be straight for a distance not less than five
times its internal diameter on the transformer/reactor side of the
Buchholz relay, and straight for not less than three times that diameter
on the conservator side of the relay. This pipe shall rise towards the oil
conservator, through the Buchholz relay, at an angle of not less than 5
degrees. The feed pipe diameter for the main conservator shall be not less
than 80mm. The Gas-venting pipes shall be connected to the final rising
pipe between the transformer/reactor and Buchholz relay as near as
possible in an axial direction and preferably not less than five times pipe
diameters from the Buchholz relay.

12.6.3 A double flange valve of preferably 50 mm and 25 mm size shall be

provided to fully drain the oil from the main tank conservator and OLTC
conservator tank respectively.

12.6.4 Pipe work shall neither obstruct the removal of tap changers for
maintenance or the opening of inspection or manhole covers.

12.7 Dehydrating Silicagel Filter Breather

Conservator of Main Tank and OLTC shall be fitted with a dehydrating

silicagel filter breather. Connection shall be made to a point in the oil
conservator not less than 50 mm above the maximum working oil level by
means of a pipe with a minimum diameter of 25 mm. Breathers and
connecting pipes shall be securely clamped and supported to the
transformer/reactor, or other structure supplied by the manufacturer, in
such a manner so as to eliminate undesirable vibration and noise. The
design shall be such that:

a) Passage of air is through silicagel.

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 14 of 55

b) Silicagel is isolated from atmosphere by an oil seal.
c) Moisture absorption indicated by a change in colour of the crystals.
d) Breather is mounted approximately 1200 mm above rail top level.
e) To minimise the ingress of moisture three breathers (of identical size)
for 220kV and above transformer/reactor and two breathers (of
identical size) for below 220kV transformer/reactor shall be
connected in series for main tank conservator. Manufacturer shall
provide flexible connection pipes to be used during replacement of
any silicagel breather.
f) To minimise the ingress of moisture, two in series of identical size
shall be connected to OLTC Conservator. Manufacturer shall provide
flexible connection pipes to be used during replacement of any
silicagel breather.

12.8 Pressure Relief Device (PRD)

One PRD of 150 mm Diameter is required for every 30000 Litres of oil.
However, at least two numbers PRD shall be provided. Its mounting
should be either in vertical or horizontal orientation, preferably close to
bushing turret or cover or side. PRD operating pressure selected shall be
verified during design review.

PRD shall be provided with special shroud to direct the hot oil in case of
fault condition. It shall be provided with an outlet pipe which shall be
taken right up to the bottom of the transformer/reactor. The size
(Diameter) of shroud shall be such that it should not restrict rapid release
of any pressure that may be generated in the tank and which may result
in damage to equipment. Oil shroud should be kept away from control
cubicle and clear of any operating position to avoid injury to personnel in
the event of PRD operation.

The device shall maintain its oil tightness under static oil pressure equal
to the static operating head of oil plus 20 kPa.

It shall be capable of withstanding full internal vacuum at mean sea level.

It shall be mounted directly on the tank. Suitable canopy shall be
provided to prevent ingress of rain water. One set of potential free
contacts (with plug & socket type arrangement) per device shall be
provided for tripping. Following routine tests shall be conducted on PRD:

a) Air pressure test

b) Liquid pressure test
c) Leakage test
d) Contact operation test
e) Dielectric test on contact terminals

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 15 of 55

12.9 Sudden Pressure Relay (for 220kV and above transformer/reactor)

One number of Sudden Pressure relay with alarm/trip contacts (Terminal

connection plug & socket type arrangement) shall be provided on tank of
transformer/reactor. Operating features and size shall be reviewed during
design review. Suitable canopy shall be provided to prevent ingress of rain
water. Pressurised water ingress test for Terminal Box (routine tests) shall
be conducted on Sudden Pressure Relay.

12.10 Buchholz Relay

Double float, reed type Buchholz relay shall be provided in series of the
connecting pipe between the oil conservator and the transformer/reactor
tank with minimum distance of five times pipe diameters between them.
Any gas evolved in the transformer/reactor shall be collected in this relay.
The relay shall be provided with a test cock suitable for a flexible pipe
connection for checking its operation and taking gas sample. A copper
tube shall be connected from the gas collector to a valve located about
1200 mm above ground level to facilitate sampling while the
transformer/reactor in service. Suitable canopy shall be provided to
prevent ingress of rain water. It shall be provided with two potential free
contacts (Plug & socket type arrangement), one for alarm / trip on gas
accumulation and the other for tripping on sudden rise of pressure.

The Buchholz relay shall not operate during starting/ stopping of the
transformer oil circulation under any oil temperature conditions. The pipe
or relay aperture baffles shall not be used to decrease the sensitivity of
the relay. The relay shall not mal-operate for through fault conditions or
be influenced by the magnetic fields around the transformer/reactor during
the external fault conditions. Pressurised water ingress test for Terminal
Box (routine tests) shall be conducted on Buchholz relay.

12.11 Oil Temperature Indicator (OTI)

The transformer/reactor shall be provided with a 150 mm dial type

thermometer for top oil temperature indication with angular sweep of
270°. Range of temperature should be 0-150°C with accuracy of ±1°C.
The instruments should be capable of withstanding line to body high
voltage of 2.5kV AC rms, 50Hz for 1 minute. The terminal provided for
auxiliary wiring should be Press-fit type.

The thermometer shall have adjustable, potential free alarm and trip
contacts, maximum reading pointer and resetting device, switch testing
knob & anti-vibration mounting grommets (for projection mounting). Type
of switch (NO/NC) shall be heavy duty micro switch of 5A at 240A AC.
Adjustable range shall be 20-90% of full scale range. The instruments
case should be weather proof and epoxy coating at all sides. Instruments

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 16 of 55

should meet ingress protection class of IP55 as per IEC60529. A
temperature sensing bulb located in a thermometer pocket on tank cover
should be provided to sense top oil. This shall be connected to the OTI
instrument by means of flexible stainless steel armour to protect capillary
tubing with additional Stainless steel armour to reinforce at the entry to
the case. Temperature indicator dials shall have linear gradations to
clearly read at least every 2 deg C. The setting of alarm and tripping
contacts shall be adjustable at site.

In addition to the above, the following accessories shall be provided for

remote indication of oil temperature:

Temperature transducer with PT100 sensor

RTD shall be provided with PT100 temperature sensor having nominal

resistance of 100 ohms at zero degree centigrade. The PT100 temperature
sensor shall have three wire ungrounded system. The calibration shall be
as per IEC 60751-2 or equivalent. The PT100 sensor may be placed in the
pocket containing temperature sensing element. RTD shall include image
coil for OTI system and shall provide dual output 4-20mA for SCADA
system. The transducer shall be installed in the Individual Marshalling
Box. Any special cable required for shielding purpose, for connection
between PT100 temperature sensor and transducer, shall be in the scope
of manufacturer. 4-20mA signal shall be wired to Digital RTCC panel /
BCU for further transfer data to SCADA through IEC 61850 compliant

12.12 Winding Temperature Indicator (WTI)

The transformer/reactor shall be provided with a 150mm dial type hot

spot indicator for measuring the hot spot temperature of each winding
[HV, IV & Tertiary (if applicable)]. It shall have angular sweep of 270°.
Range of temperature should be 0-150°C with accuracy of ±1°C. The
instruments should be capable of withstanding line to body high voltage
of 2.5kV AC rms, 50Hz for 1 minute. The terminal provided for auxiliary
wiring should be Press-fit type.

The thermometer shall have adjustable, potential free alarm, trip contacts
besides that required for control of cooling equipment’s, if any.
Instrument should be provided with maximum reading pointer and
resetting device, switch testing knob & anti-vibration mounting grommets
(for projection mounting). Type of switch (NO/NC) shall be heavy duty
micro switch of 5A at 240A AC. Adjustable range shall be 20-90% of full
scale range. The instruments case should be weather proof and epoxy
coating at all sides. Instruments should meet ingress protection class of
IP55 as per IEC60529. A temperature sensing bulb located in a
thermometer pocket on tank cover should be provided to sense top oil.

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 17 of 55

This shall be connected to the WTI instrument by means of flexible
stainless steel armour to protect capillary tubing with additional Stainless
steel armour to reinforce at the entry to the case. WTI shall have image
coil and auxiliary CTs, if required to match the image coil mounted in
local control box. The setting of alarm and tripping contacts shall be
adjustable at site.

In addition to the above, the following accessories shall be provided for

remote indication of oil temperature:

Temperature transducer with PT100 sensor for each winding

RTD shall be provided with PT100 temperature sensor having nominal

resistance of 100 ohms at zero degree centigrade. The PT100 temperature
sensor shall have three wire ungrounded system. The calibration shall be
as per IEC 60751-2 or equivalent. The PT100 sensor may be placed in the
pocket containing temperature sensing element. RTD shall include image
coil, Auxiliary CTs, if required to match the image coil, for WTI system
and shall provide dual output 4-20mA for remote WTI and SCADA system
individually. The transducer and Auxiliary CT shall be installed in the
Individual Marshaling Box. Any special cable required for shielding
purpose, for connection between PT100 temperature sensor and
transducer, shall be in the scope of Contractor. 4-20mA signal shall be
wired to Digital RTCC / BCU panel for further transfer data to SCADA
through IEC 61850 compliant communications.
The temperature indicators (OTI & WTI) shall be so mounted that the
dials are about 1200 mm from ground level. Glazed door of suitable size
shall be provided for convenience of reading.

12.13 Optical sensors & temperature measuring unit (for 400kV and above
rating Transformer/Reactor)

Optical temperature sensors shall be fitted on each transformer/reactor

unit. Minimum number of probes shall be as per following:
Number and phases of installation
Cooling On central phase On each lateral phase
power Core Top
system Total
winding winding winding winding winding winding
3-Ph All
14 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1
rating system
1-Ph All
8 2 2 2 - - - 1 1
rating system

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 18 of 55

However, the number of sensors (more than the above) in all windings
(HV, IV, LV) and other locations to be mounted is left to agreement
between manufacturer and purchaser.
The optical sensors measuring system shall be of direct measurement
non-calibrating type. All the sensors shall be brought out to separate
optical sensor box or in Individual Marshalling Box mounted on
transformer/reactor tank.
In order to facilitate measurement of temperature from the optical
sensors, temperature-measuring unit/system having at least 16 channels
shall be mounted inside the separate optical sensor box or Marshaling
Box for each Transformer/reactor unit. The measuring unit shall be
capable to retain temperature data for at least 30 days with facility to
download these data.
Temperature measuring unit/system shall be suitable for satisfactory
operation with ambient conditions and IEC 61850 compliant to interface
with Purchaser’s SCADA system through FO port.
Location of optical temperature sensors inside the transformer/reactor
shall be decided during design review.

The installation and commissioning at site shall be done under the

supervision of OEM representative or OEM certified representative.
12.14 Earthing Terminals

12.14.1 Two (2) earthing pads (each complete with two (2) nos. holes, M16 bolts,
plain and spring washers) suitable for connection to 75 x 12 mm
galvanised steel grounding flat shall be provided each at position close to
earth of the two (2) diagonally opposite bottom corners of the tank.

12.14.2 Two earthing terminals suitable for connection to 75 x 12 mm galvanised

steel flat shall also be provided on each cooler, individual/common
marshalling box and any other equipment mounted separately. For the
tank-mounted equipment like online drying/ Online DGA/ Optical Sensor
Box etc. double earthing shall be provided through the tank for which
provision shall be made through tank and connected through two flexible
insulated copper link.

12.14.3 Equipotential flexible copper link of suitable size at least 4 Nos. for Tank
mounted turret with tank and tank with cover and or Bell shall be
provided. For other components like - pipes, conservator support etc.
connected to tank shall also be provided with equipotential flexible copper

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 19 of 55

12.14.4 Each transformer/reactor unit should have provision for earthing and
connected to grounding mat when not in service. For this purpose,
neutral shall have provision for connection to ground by a brass/tinned
copper grounding bar supported from the tank by using porcelain
insulator. The end of the tinned/brass copper bar shall be brought to the
bottom of the tank at a convenient point for making bolted connection to
75 X 12 mm GS flat connected to station grounding mat. The other end of
the tinned/brass copper bar shall be connected to the neutral bushing
through flexible conductor/jumper. HV & IV terminals shall also be
earthed through neutral by flexible copper connection. Contractor shall
provide suitable arrangement for the above.

12.15 Core

12.15.1 The core shall be constructed from non-ageing, cold rolled high
permeability grade or better grain (as per IS 3024) oriented silicon steel
laminations. Indian transformer manufacturers shall use core material as
per above specification with BIS certification.

12.15.2 The design of the magnetic circuit shall be such as to avoid static
discharges, development of short circuit paths within itself or to the
earthed clamping structure and production of flux component at right
angles to the plane of laminations which may cause local heating. The
step-lap construction arrangement is preferred for better noise, no-load
current and no-load loss performance.

12.15.3 The temperature of any part of the core or its support structure in contact
with oil shall not exceed 120 deg C under normal operating condition and
130 deg C under 10% over voltage and maximum ambient air
temperature conditions of 50 deg C. Adequate temperature margin shall
be provided to maintain the long life expectancy for this material.

12.15.4 Core and winding shall be capable of withstanding the shock during
transport, installation and service. Adequate provision shall be made to
prevent movement of core and winding relative to tank during these

12.15.5 All steel sections used for supporting the core shall be thoroughly sand /
shot blasted after cutting, drilling and welding.

12.15.6 Each core lamination shall be insulated with a material that will not
deteriorate due to pressure and hot oil.

12.15.7 The supporting frame work of the core shall be so designed as to avoid
presence of pockets which would prevent complete emptying of tank
through drain valve or cause trapping of air during oil filling.

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 20 of 55

12.15.8 Adequate lifting lugs shall be provided to enable lifting of entire active

12.15.9 Core assembly shall be manufactured in such a way that lamination shall
remain flat and finally assembled core shall be free from distortion.

12.15.10 Single point core earthing should be ensured to avoid circulating current.
Core earth should be brought separately to facilitate testing after
installation on all transformers. The removable links shall have adequate
section to carry ground fault current. Separate identification name plate /
labels shall be provided for the ‘Core’ and ‘Core clamp’. Cross section of
Core earthing connection shall be ≥ 80 copper with exception of
the connections inserted between laminations which may be reduced to a
cross-sectional area of 20 sq. mm tinned copper where they are clamped
between the laminations.

12.15.11 In case core laminations are divided into sections by insulating barriers or
cooling ducts parallel to the plane of the lamination, tinned copper
bridging strips shall be inserted to maintain electrical continuity between

In addition to above following additional provisions for reactors shall

be applicable:

12.15.12 The leg magnetic packets (cheeses) shall be made from state of the art low
loss electrical steel CRGO (conventional/regular grade or better). The
“Cheeses” shall be designed to minimize losses and equalize the
distribution of flux in the legs.

12.15.13 The “cheeses” shall be bonded using high temperature epoxy resins to
assure that they will remain bonded in service at the maximum
temperatures that will occur in the magnetic circuit and for the full
expected life. Vacuum impregnation is preferred. The contractor shall
present data on the characteristics of the packets at the time of design

12.15.14 Material with high temperature withstand capability such as ceramic/

slate spacers shall be used to separate the packets. High temperature,
mechanically stable material shall be used between the end packets and
the top and bottom yokes. Special care shall be taken not to impede the
cooling in these areas.

12.15.15 Means shall be provided to distribute the flux from the “cheeses” and the
windings to the top and bottom yokes to prevent concentrations of flux
with resulting high temperatures in the yokes.

12.15.16 The yokes shall be designed such that high temperatures resulting from
unequal distribution of the flux in the yokes will not occur.

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 21 of 55

12.15.17 The spaces between “cheeses” will be designed so that high temperatures
will not result due to fringing of flux at the oil gaps between them. The
designer shall calculate the temperatures resulting from fringing.

12.15.18 The structural design shall be made so that pressure will be maintained
to prevent loosening resulting from thermal expansion and contraction
during all loading cycles.

12.15.19 The design shall be made in such a way that excessive vibration does not
occur in the windings, structural supports of the windings and magnetic
circuit and this will be subjected to design review.

12.15.20 The structure shall be designed to withstand the clamping and magnetic
forces. The calculated magnetic forces will be furnished at the time of
design review.

12.16 Windings

12.16.1 The manufacturer shall ensure that windings of all transformers are
made in dust proof (Cleanroom class ISO 9 or better as per ISO 14644-1)
and air conditioned atmosphere.

12.16.2 The conductors shall be of electrolytic grade copper free from scales and
burrs. Oxygen content shall be as per IS 12444.

12.16.3 The conductor insulation shall be thermally upgraded type made from
high-density (at least 0.75 gm/cc) paper having high mechanical strength.
The characteristics for the paper will be reviewed at the time of design

12.16.4 The insulation of transformer windings and connections shall be free from
insulating compounds which are liable to soften, ooze out, shrink or
collapse and shall be non-catalytic and chemically inactive in transformer
oil during service.

12.16.5 Coil assembly and insulating spacers shall be so arranged as to ensure

free circulation of oil and to reduce the hot spot of the winding.

12.16.6 The coils would be made up, shaped and braced to provide for expansion
and contraction due to temperature changes.

12.16.7 The conductor shall be transposed at sufficient intervals in order to

minimize eddy currents and to equalise the distribution of currents and
temperature along the winding.

12.16.8 The windings shall be designed to withstand the dielectric tests specified.
The type of winding used shall be of time tested. An analysis shall be

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 22 of 55

made of the transient voltage distribution in the windings, and the
clearances used to withstand the various voltages. Margins shall be used
in recognition of manufacturing tolerances and considering the fact that
the system will not always be in the new factory condition.

12.16.9 The barrier insulation including spacers shall be made from high- density
pre-compressed pressboard (1.15 gm/cc minimum for load bearing and
0.95 gm/cc minimum for non-load bearing) to minimize dimensional
changes. Kraft insulating paper used on conductor should have density of

12.16.10 Wherever required, electrostatic shield, made from material that will
withstand the mechanical forces, will be used to shield the high voltage
windings from the magnetic circuit.

12.16.11 All insulating materials and structures shall be protected from

contamination and the effects of humidity during and after fabrication,
and after receipt, by storing them in a separate, climate-controlled area.
All blocks shall be installed such that the grain is oriented in the
horizontal direction, perpendicular to the winding compressive forces.
When multiple blocks are used, the blocks shall be separated with glued
washers. If the axial key spacer height space is more than 50mm, it shall
be separated by full circumference washers to maintain mechanical
stability of the winding. Aspect ratio of selected conductor shall be chosen
suitably based on manufacturer experience to result in stable winding
under normal and abnormal service condition after assembly.

12.16.12 All winding insulation shall be processed to ensure that there will be no
detrimental shrinkage after assembly. All windings shall be pre-sized
before being clamped.

12.16.13 Winding paper moisture shall be less than 0.5%.

12.16.14 Windings shall be provided with clamping arrangements which will

distribute the clamping forces evenly over the ends of the winding.

12.16.15 Either brazing /crimping type of connections are permitted for joints. It
shall be time proven and safely withstand the cumulative effect of stress
which may occur during handling, transportation, installation and service
including due to line to line and line to ground Short circuits.
Manufacturer shall have system which allows only qualified personnel to
make brazing or crimping joints.

12.17 Current carrying connections

The mating faces of bolted connections shall be appropriately finished

and prepared for achieving good long lasting, electrically stable and

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 23 of 55

effective contacts. All lugs for crimping shall be of the correct size for the
conductors. Connections shall be carefully designed to limit hot spots due
to circulating eddy currents.

12.18 Winding terminations into bushings

12.18.1 Winding termination interfaces with bushings shall be designed to allow

for repeatable and safe connection under site conditions to ensure the
integrity of the transformer/reactor in service.

12.18.2 The winding end termination, insulation system and transport fixings
shall be so designed that the integrity of the insulation system generally
remains intact during repeated work in this area.

12.18.3 Allowances shall be made on the winding ends for accommodating

tolerances on the axial dimensions of the set of bushings and also for the
fact that bushings may have to be rotated to get oil level inspection
gauges to face in a direction for ease of inspection from ground level.

12.18.4 In particular, rotation or straining of insulated connections shall be

avoided during the fastening of conductor pads (or other methods) on the
winding ends onto the termination surfaces of the bushing.

12.18.5 Suitable inspection and access facilities into the tank in the bushing oil-
end area shall be provided to minimize the possibility of creating faults
during the installation of bushings.

13.0 Paint system and procedures

The typical painting details for transformer/reactor main tank, pipes,

conservator tank, radiator, control cabinet/ marshalling box / oil storage
tank etc. shall be as given in Annexure–K. The proposed paint system
shall generally be similar or better than this. The quality of paint should
be such that its colour does not fade during drying process and shall be
able to withstand temperature up to 120 deg C. The detailed painting
procedure shall be finalized during award of the contract.

14.0 Insulating Oil

The insulating oil shall be virgin high grade inhibited, conforming to IEC
60296 & all parameters specified at Annexure–L, while tested at oil
supplier's premises. The contractor shall furnish test certificates from the
supplier against the acceptance norms as mentioned at Annexure–L,
prior to despatch of oil from refinery to site. Under no circumstances,
poor quality oil shall be filled into the transformer and thereafter be
brought up to the specified parameter by circulation within the

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 24 of 55

transformer. The Unused inhibited Insulating Oil parameters including
parameters of oil used at manufacturer’s works, processed oil, oil after
filtration and settling are attached at Annexure–L. The oil test results
shall form part of equipment test report.

Sufficient quantity of oil necessary for maintaining required oil level in

case of leakage in tank, radiators, conservator etc. till the completion of
warranty period shall be supplied.

Inhibited oil used for first filling, testing and impregnation of active parts
at manufacturer's works shall be of same type of oil which shall be
supplied at site and shall meet parameters as per specification.

Utilities may use uninhibited insulating oil or Ester (synthetic / natural)

fluid for Transformer/Reactor as per their requirement. New generation
insulating oils incorporating different process like- Gas to liquid, oil with
increased molecular weight resulting in benefits like – higher flash point,
increased purity etc. may also be considered based on utilities /
transformer manufacturer’s experience.

14.1 Particles in the oil (For 400 kV and above transformer & reactor)

The particle analysis shall be carried out in an oil sample taken before
carrying out FAT at manufacturer’s works and after completion of the oil
filtration at site. The procedure and interpretation shall be in accordance
with the recommendation of CIGRE report WG-12.17- “Effect of particles
on transformer dielectric strength”. Particle limit as shown below shall be
ensured by manufacturer, implying low contamination, as per CIGRE
Brochure 157, Table 8. After filtration the oil is to be flushed and particle
count to be measured.

Limiting value for the particle count are 1000 particle/100 ml with size ≥
5 µm; 130 particle/100 ml with size ≥ 15 µm.

15.0 Spare Transformer/Reactor Units Connection Arrangement

Detail procedure for storage of spare transformer/reactor unit with and

without isolator switching arrangement is enclosed at Annexure-N.

16.0 Bushings

16.1 245 kV and 420kV bushings shall be Resin Impregnated Polymer (RIP)/
Resin Impregnated Synthetic (RIS) bushing with composite polymer
insulator. Bushing for 420kV & 800kV side of 800kV Class Transformer
shall be of porcelain or polymer housing and hermetically sealed oil filled
condenser type. 36 kV and below voltage class bushing shall be solid

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 25 of 55

porcelain or oil communicating type, however for GTs, for high current
requirement, 36 kV and below voltage class bushings can be oil filled
condenser type. Other rating bushings may be of RIP/RIS/OIP type.

16.2 Bushings shall be robust and designed for adequate cantilever strength to
meet the requirement of seismic condition, substation layout and
movement along with the spare transformer/reactor with bushing erected
and provided with proper support from one foundation to another
foundation within the substation area. The electrical and mechanical
characteristics of bushings shall be in accordance with IEC: 60137. All
details of the bushing shall be submitted for approval and design review.

16.3 Oil filled condenser type bushing shall be provided with at least following

a) Oil level gauge

b) Tap for capacitance and tan delta test. Test taps relying on pressure
contacts against the outer earth layer of the bushing is not acceptable
c) Oil filling plug & drain valve (if not hermetically sealed)

16.4 Porcelain used in bushing manufacture shall be homogenous, free from

lamination, cavities and other flaws or imperfections that might affect the
mechanical or dielectric quality and shall be thoroughly vitrified, tough
and impervious to moisture.

16.5 RIP type bushing shall be provided with tap for capacitance and tan delta
test. Test taps relying on pressure contacts against the outer earth layer
of the bushing is not acceptable.

16.6 Where current transformers are specified, the bushings shall be

removable without disturbing the current transformers.

16.7 Bushings of identical rating shall be interchangeable to optimise the

requirement of spares. Mounting dimensions of bushing shall be as per
drawing mentioned at Annexure –R.

16.8 Polymer/composite insulator shall be seamless sheath of a silicone

rubber compound. The housing & weather sheds should have silicon
content of minimum 30% by weight. It should protect the bushing against
environmental influences, external pollution and humidity. The interface
between the housing and the core must be uniform and without voids.
The strength of the bond shall be greater than the tearing strength of the
polymer. The manufacturer shall follow non-destructive technique
(N.D.T.) to check the quality of jointing of the housing interface with the
core. The technique being followed with detailed procedure and sampling
shall be finalized during finalization of MQP.

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 26 of 55

16.9 The weather sheds of the insulators shall be of alternate shed profile as
per IEC 60815-3. The weather sheds shall be vulcanized to the sheath
(extrusion process) or moulded as part of the sheath (injection moulding
process) and free from imperfections. The vulcanization for extrusion
process shall be at high temperature and for injection moulding shall be
at high temperature & high pressure. Any seams/ burrs protruding
axially along the insulator, resulting from the injection moulding process
shall be removed completely without causing any damage to the housing.
The track resistance of housing and shed material shall be class 1A4.5
according to IEC-60587. The strength of the weather shed to sheath
interface shall be greater than the tearing strength of the polymer. The
composite insulator shall be capable of high pressure washing.

16.10 End fittings shall be free from cracks, seams, shrinks, air holes and
rough edges. End fittings should be effectively, sealed to prevent moisture
ingress, effectiveness of sealing system must be supported by test
documents. All surfaces of the metal parts shall be perfectly smooth with
the projecting points or irregularities which may cause corona. All load
bearing surfaces shall be smooth and uniform so as to distribute the
loading stresses uniformly.

16.11 The hollow silicone composite insulators shall comply with the
requirements of the IEC publications IEC-61462 and the relevant parts of
IEC-62217. The design of the composite insulators shall be tested and
verified according to IEC-61462 (Type & Routine test).

16.12 Clamps and fittings shall be of hot dip galvanised/stainless steel.

16.13 Bushing turrets shall be provided with vent pipes, to route any gas
collection through the Buchholz relay.

16.14 No arcing horns shall be provided on the bushings.

16.15 RIP Bushing shall be specially packed to avoid any damage during transit
and suitable for long storage, with non-returnable packing wooden boxes
with hinged type cover. Without any gap between wooden planks. Packing
Box opening cover with nails/screws type packing arrangement shall not
be acceptable. Bushing oil end portion shall be fitted with metal housing
with positive dry air pressure and a suitable pressure monitoring device
shall be fitted on the metal housing during storage to avoid direct contact
with moisture with epoxy. Alternatively, oil filled metal housing with
suitable arrangement for taking care oil expansion due to temperature
variations shall also be acceptable. Manufacturer shall submit drawing/
documents of packing for approval during detail engineering. Detail
method for storage of bushing including accessories shall be brought out
in the instruction manual.

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 27 of 55

16.16 The terminal marking and their physical position shall be as per IEC:

16.17 Tan delta measurement at variable frequency (in the range of 20 Hz to

350 Hz) shall be carried out on each condenser type bushing (OIP & RIP)
at Transformer manufacturing works as routine test before despatch and
the result shall be compared at site during commissioning to verify the
healthiness of the bushing.

16.18 Tan δ value of RIP condenser bushing shall be 0.005 (max.) in the
temperature range of 20°C to 90°C. The measured Tan δ value at site
should not exceed by 0.001 w.r.t. factory results (measured at approx.
similar temperature conditions) and in no case shall exceed 0.005 during
warrantee period. No temperature correction factor is applicable.

16.19 Tan δ value of OIP condenser bushing shall be 0.004 (max.) at ambient
temperature. The measured Tan δ value at site should not exceed by
0.001 w.r.t. factory results and in no case shall exceed 0.004 during
warrantee period. No temperature correction factor is applicable.

17.0 Layout arrangement and connection of generator transformer in

Hydro Power Plants:

Hydro Power Stations are remotely located in hills where space is always
a constraint. Many power stations are underground and generator
transformers are placed in underground caverns. The GTs installed in
hydropower stations may deviate from standardized layout/architecture
due to specific layout and space constraints faced in hydropower station
For standardized layout of GTs at hydropower stations, tentative typical
layout and dimensions of generator transformers used in hydropower
station have been shown at Annexure–Q.
In Hydropower stations connections on HV side of transformers can be
either Oil to SF6 (in case of GIS), Oil to Oil (in case of XLPE cables) or Oil
to Air (in case of AIS). HV bushing terminations must have provision to
accommodate these interfacings. These interfacing should be as per the
provisions of relevant international standards (e.g. IEC 62271-211 for
direct connection of transformer to GIS or EN 50299 for specification of
cable box of transformers and reactors).
17.1 Cable Box (if applicable):

Cable box shall be designed to fit transformer and ease of access and
termination of the cables by the installer. The manufacturer of the cable
box shall take into account the total dynamic forces generated during
short circuit and the cable box as well as bushings shall be capable of

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 28 of 55

withstanding vacuum during evacuation process. The design of cable box
shall be in accordance with EN-50299 and the limit of supply of cable
manufacturer and the transformer manufacturer shall also be as per the
scope mentioned in the EN-50299. The electrical clearances as per
prevalent International Standards shall be maintained inside the cable
box. Transformer manufacturer shall coordinate with the cable
manufacturer to resolve the interfacing issues. To avoid any interfacing
problem at site, the fitting of dummy cable termination and cable box
preferably needs to be checked at transformer manufacturer’s premise.
The detailed scope of supply of transformer manufacturer and cable
manufacturer as per EN-50299 has been shown at Annexure-Q.
17.2 Transformer – Connection to GIS:

Transformer connection enclosure shall be part of gas insulated metal

enclosed switchgear which shall house one end of a completely immersed
bushing fitted on a power transformer and main circuit end terminal of
GIS. The transformer connection enclosure shall be designed as per the
recommendations of IEC 62271-211 and the limit of supply of switchgear
manufacturer and the transformer manufacturer shall also be as per the
scope mentioned in the IEC. The switchgear manufacturer shall supply
connection between the enclosures of different phases as per requirement
to limit the circulating current in the transformer tanks. The
manufacturer of the connection enclosure shall take into account the
total dynamic forces generated during short circuit and the enclosure as
well as bushings shall be capable of withstanding vacuum during
evacuation process. The switchgear manufacturer shall make necessary
arrangement to limit the very fast front transient ground potential rises
which may occur during switching operation. The detailed scope of
transformer manufacturer and GIS manufacturer as per IEC 62271-211
has been shown at Annexure-Q.

18.0 Neutral Formation and Earthing Arrangement

18.1 For 3-Phase Unit

The neutral of the transformer/reactor shall be brought out through

bushing. The neutral of the shunt reactor shall be grounded either
directly or through a neutral grounding reactor (NGR) as the case may be.
The neutral terminal of transformer/ reactor/NGR shall be brought to the
ground level by a brass/tinned copper grounding bar, supported from the
tank by using porcelain insulators. The end of the brass/tinned copper
bar shall be brought to the bottom of the tank, at a convenient point, for
making bolted connection to two (2) numbers 75 x 12 mm galvanised
steel flats connected to grounding mat. Aluminium clamps & connectors
suitable for conductor between neutral of the shunt reactor, surge

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 29 of 55

arrester and the neutral grounding reactor (NGR) as applicable shall be
18.2 For 1-Phase Unit

The neutral of the transformer/reactor shall be brought out through

bushing. The neutrals of 1-phase transformers/reactors shall be
connected by overhead connection using an overhead common
brass/tinned copper/Aluminum pipe /ACSR conductor grounding bus,
supported from the tank and fire walls by using porcelain insulators and
wherever flexible jumper needs to be provided, same shall be through
twin conductor. The neutral formation shall be such that neutral winding
of single-phase spare transformer can be disconnected or connected to
either of the three phase banks.

Typical arrangements for neutral formation has been indicated in


19.0 Delta Formation (applicable for 1-Phase Transformer):

The tertiary/LV winding terminals of the transformer shall be brought out

through bushing. The contractor shall connect Tertiary/LV of 1-phase
transformers in DELTA configuration by overhead connection to operate
in 3-Phase Bank. The Delta shall be formed by approximate size of 3" IPS
Al tube, which shall be insulated with heat shrinkage insulating sleeve or
cable of suitable voltage class and adequate thickness and shall be
supported by structure mounted bus post insulators at suitable intervals.
Jumpers (twin) wherever provided shall also be insulated at site using
suitable insulation tape or sleeve of at least 52kV class for 33kV bus and
at least 36kV class for below 33kV voltage class bus. The minimum phase
to phase horizontal spacing for delta formation shall be 1.5 meter.

Delta Formation in Case of single phase GTs of Hydropower Plant:

The LV winding of Generator Transformers shall be brought out through

bushing and LV of single phase transformers shall be connected in delta
configuration by Bus Duct to operate in three phase bank. Delta
formation shall be done as per the vector group Ynd11 of the transformer.
Phase to phase horizontal spacing for delta formation shall be co-
ordinated by Transformer and Bus duct manufacturer.

20.0 Cooling Equipment and its Control

20.1 Radiator based cooling for Power/Auto transformer & Reactor

20.1.1 The transformer/reactor shall be designed with cooler system as specified

in Annexure-A and relevant following provisions, as applicable, shall be

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 30 of 55

followed. As an alternative to radiator base cooling system, unit cooler
system as specified in clause 20.2 may also be provided for power/auto

20.1.2 The cooler shall be designed using radiator banks or tank mounted
radiators. Design of cooling system shall satisfy the performance

20.1.3 In case of separately mounted radiator bank arrangement, the main tank
shall have provision such that cooler banks can be placed on either side
of the main tank by simple reconnection without the need of any extra
member/pipe maintaining the electrical clearances.

20.1.4 The radiator shall be of sheet steel in accordance with IS 513 and
minimum thickness 1 mm. Each radiator bank shall be provided with the
following accessories:

(a) Cooling Fans, Oil Pumps, Oil Flow Indicator (as applicable)
(b) Top and bottom shut off valve
(c) Drain Valve and sampling valve
(d) Top and bottom oil filling valves
(e) Air release plug
(f) Two grounding terminals for termination of two (2) Nos. 75x12 mm
galvanised steel flats.
(g) Thermometer pockets with captive screw caps at cooler inlet and
(h) Lifting lugs

20.1.5 Each radiator bank shall be detachable and shall be provided with
flanged inlet and outlet branches. Expansion joint shall be provided on
top and bottom cooler pipe connection.

20.1.6 If radiators are directly mounted on tank, sufficient number of

thermometer pockets fitted with captive screw cap on the inlet and outlet
of tank side pipe of radiators shall be provided to record temperature
during temperature rise test.

20.1.7 One number standby fan shall be provided with each radiator bank.

20.1.8 Cooling fans shall not be directly mounted on radiator. It may cause
undue vibration. These shall be located so as to prevent ingress of rain
water. Each fan shall be suitably protected by galvanised wire guard. The
exhaust air flow from cooling fan shall not be directed towards the main
tank in any case.

20.1.9 Two (2) nos., 100% centrifugal or axial in line oil pumps, if applicable,
(out of which one pump shall be standby) shall be provided with each

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 31 of 55

radiator bank. Measures shall be taken to prevent mal-operation of
Buchholz relay when all oil pumps are simultaneously put into service.
The pump shall be so designed that upon failure of power supply to the
pump motor, the pump impeller will not limit the natural circulation of

20.1.10 An oil flow indicator shall be provided for the confirmation of the oil flow
direction. An indication in the flow indicator and potential free contacts
for remote alarm shall be provided.

20.1.11 Valves shall be provided across the pump and oil flow indicator to avoid
oil drain and long outage during maintenance / replacement of pump and
oil flow indicator.

20.1.12 Cooling fans and oil pump motors shall be suitable for operation from 415
volts, three phase 50 Hz power supply and shall conform to IS: 325 / IEC
60034. Each cooling fan and oil pump motors shall be provided with
starter thermal overload and short circuit protection. The motor winding
insulation shall be conventional class 'B' type. Motors shall have hose
proof enclosure equivalent to IP: 55 as per IS: 4691/ IEC 60034-5.

20.1.13 The cooler pipes, support structure including radiators and its
accessories shall be hot dip galvanised or corrosion resistant paint should
be applied to external surface of it.

20.1.14 Air release device and oil plug shall be provided on oil pipe connections.
Drain valves shall be provided in order that each section of pipe work can
be drained independently.

20.1.15 Automatic operation control of fans/pumps shall be provided (with

temperature change) from contacts of winding temperature indicator. The
manufacturer shall recommend the setting of WTI for automatic
changeover of cooler control over entire cooling option. The setting shall
be such that hunting i.e. frequent start-up operations for small
temperature differential do not occur.

20.1.16 Suitable manual control facility for cooler fans and oil pumps shall be
provided. Selector switches and push buttons shall also be provided in
the cooler control cabinet to disconnect the automatic control and
start/stop the fans and pump manually.

20.1.17 The changeover to standby oil pump in case of failure of service oil pump
shall be automatic.

20.1.18 Following lamp indications shall be provided in cooler control cabinet:

a) Cooler Supply failure (main)

b) Cooler supply changeover

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 32 of 55

c) Cooler Supply failure (standby)
d) Control Supply failure
e) Cooling fan failure for each bank
f) Cooling pump failure for each pump
g) Common thermal overload trip

One potential free initiating contact for all the above conditions shall be
wired independently to the terminal blocks of cooler control cabinet and
for single phase unit connection shall be extended further to Common
Marshalling Box.

20.1.19 The Cooler Control Cabinet / Individual Marshalling Box shall have all
necessary devices meant for cooler control and local temperature
indicators. All the contacts of various protective devices mounted on the
transformer and all the secondary terminals of the bushing CTs shall also
be wired up to the terminal board in the Cooler Control
Cabinet/Individual Marshalling Box. All the CT secondary terminals in
the Cooler Control Cabinet shall have provision for shorting to avoid CT
open circuit while it is not in use.

20.1.20 All the necessary terminations for remote connection to Purchaser's panel
shall be wired upto the Common Marshalling Box (in case of 1-Ph unit) or
Marshalling Box (3-Ph unit).

20.1.21 AC power for Cooler Control Circuitry shall be derived from the AC feeder.
In case auxiliary power supply requirement for Cooler Control Mechanism
is different than station auxiliary AC supply, then all necessary converters
shall be provided.

20.2 Unit cooler arrangement for Generator Transformer in Thermal


20.2.1 Cooling system for generator transformers in thermal plants shall be

designed with unit cooler arrangement. Design of cooling system shall
satisfy the performance requirements.

20.2.2 Total capacity of unit coolers furnished for each transformer shall be
minimum 120% of actual requirements.

20.2.3 For generator transformer in thermal plants cooling shall be affected by

use of tank mounted minimum six (6) nos. of detachable type unit
coolers. Capacity of each unit cooler shall be limited to maximum of 20%
of the total cooling requirements. The coolers shall be tank mounted. The
orientation of coolers shall be subject to Purchaser’s approval.

20.2.4 Each Unit Cooler shall have its own cooling fans, oil pumps, oil flow
indicator, shut off valves of at least 80 mm size at the top and bottom,

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 33 of 55

lifting lugs, top and bottom oil filling valves, air release plug at the top, a
drain and sampling valve and thermometer pocket fitted with captive
screw cap on the inlet and outlet.

20.2.5 An oil flow indicator shall be provided for the confirmation of the oil pump
operating in a normal state. An indication shall be provided in the flow
indicator to indicate reverse flow of oil/loss of oil flow.

20.2.6 Valves shall be provided across the pump and oil flow indicator to avoid
oil drain and long outage during maintenance / replacement of pump and
oil flow indicator.

20.2.7 Cooling fans and oil pump motors shall be suitable for operation from 415
volts, three phase 50 Hz power supply and shall conform to IS:
325/IEC34. Each cooling fan and oil pump motors shall be provided with
starter thermal overload and short circuit protection. The motor winding
insulation shall be conventional class 'B' type. Motors shall have hose
proof enclosure equivalent to IP:55 as per IS:4691/IEC:34-5. The
temperature rise of the motor shall be limited to 70 deg. C above ambient
of 50 deg. & shall comply with IS:325.

20.2.8 The cooler, pipes, support structure and its accessories shall be hot dip
galvanised or corrosion resistant paint should be applied to external
surface of it.

20.2.9 Expansion joint shall be provided on top and bottom cooler pipe
connections as per requirement.

20.2.10 Air release device and oil plug shall be provided on oil pipe connections.
Drain valves shall be provided in order that each section of pipe work can
be drained independently.

20.2.11 Suitable manual control facility for unit cooler shall be provided.

20.2.12 The changeover to standby unit cooler bank oil pump in case of failure of
any service unit cooler shall be automatic.

20.2.13 Selector switches and push buttons shall also be provided in the cooler
control cabinet to disconnect the automatic control and start/stop the
unit cooler manually.

20.2.14 Cooler fans & oil pumps of all unit coolers (except standby cooler) shall
operate continuously. The starting of unit cooler shall be done as soon the
Circuit Breaker of HV/IV/LV (as applicable) side is switched on. Provision
shall be kept to start the coolers by WTI contact.

20.2.15 Once started the cooling shall remain in operation as long as the
transformer is in service. When the transformer is switched off the cooling

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 34 of 55

shall continue to run for a further duration of 30 minutes. This timer
shall be at least adjustable from 15 to 60 minutes. Further, a one-week
timer is required to check the healthiness of the complete cooling system
on a routine basis for one hour at a time. Spurious operation should
however be avoided by appropriate settings. All settings shall be

20.2.16 Adequate warning/ safety labels are required to indicate that the fans
may start at any time.

20.2.17 If any one group(s) is out of service and isolated, this shall not affect the
automatic starting of the other unit cooler.

20.2.18 Following lamp indications shall be provided in cooler control cabinet:

• Cooler Supply failure (main)
• Cooler supply changeover
• Cooler Supply failure (standby)
• Control Supply failure
• Cooler unit failure for each unit cooler
• No oil flow/reverse oil flow for pumps
• Thermal overload trip for each fan / pump

One potential free initiating contact for all the above conditions shall be
wired independently to the terminal blocks of cooler control cabinet and
for single ph. unit connection shall be extended further to CMB.

20.3 Transformer Cooling System for Generator Transformers in Hydro


20.3.1 Each transformer shall be equipped with a water/oil cooling system

mounted on transformer tank complete with heat exchanger, oil
circulating pump, motor and associated control gear, pipes, valves, flow
indicators etc. designed to be connected to the common cooling water
system. Two complete sets of cooling units of 100% each capacity (one
shall be standby, both with 20% margin with necessary pipe-fittings and
valves shall be furnished with each transformer. Cooler tube shall be
made of Cu-Ni (90-10%). Double wall type cooler tubes shall be used so
that in case of leakage of tube, water is not mixed with oil, and instead
get collected in a container. The container shall be equipped with a drain
valve and a leakage detector relay. Alarms shall be provided for leakage
from the first layer of tube, so that defect is immediately attended.

20.3.2 Heat exchangers shall be designed for pressure and vacuum conditions
specified for the tank and also keeping in view their relative location with
respect to tank.
20.3.3 Cooler units shall be connected to the tank by machined steel flanges
welded to the cooler units and to the tank provided with gaskets. Inlet

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 35 of 55

and outlet of each cooler connection to tank shall be provided with
indicating shut-off valves, which can be locked in either open or closed
position. A separate oil tight blank flange shall be provided for each tank
connection for use when cooler unit is detached.

20.3.4 An electro-magnetic type oil flow indicator with alarm and trip contacts
for outflow of oil from pump shall be provided with each assembly to
indicate normal operation and direction of oil flow. Valves shall be
provided at the outlet of each cooler for regulating the flow of water.
Motorised valves shall be provided on the water inlet side of each cooler
so as to ensure automatic changeover of coolers. The outlet of each pump
shall be interconnected, using necessary isolating valves, to ensure cross
operation of coolers

20.3.5 In addition, necessary instrumentation like pressure gauge, flow

indication and isolation valve, non-return valves etc and following shall be
provided with coolers:

a) Glycerine filled pressure gauges at oil and water inlet and outlet
b) A suitable differential pressure gauge or equivalent suitable device
fitted with electrical contacts to give an alarm in case of choking of
c) Suitable thermometers screwed into pockets for outlet & inlet oil and
water branches of coolers.
d) Each pump shall be provided with a non-return valve on delivery
e) A water flow indicator with alarm and one potential free contact shall
be installed in the discharge pipe of the heat exchanger. Necessary
valves for replacement/maintenance of faulty components.

20.3.6 The necessary piping, fittings, all type of valves shall be provided for
connecting each transformer to the cooler and oil pumps. The oil piping
shall be provided with machined flanged joints. Drain valves/plugs shall
be provided in order that each section of the pipe work can be drained

20.3.7 Control equipment for oil circulating pump and motor to be mounted in a
marshalling box to be supplied with each transformer shall include the
necessary contactors with auto motor control. Provision for
automatic/manual control equipment will be made in accordance with
the following:
a) Locally from the control cabinet through operation of local control
b) From remote UCB/centralized control room after selecting the
remote operation from local panel.

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 36 of 55

c) Automatically through the auxiliary contact of starting relay. For
this purpose, the selector switch shall be put on auto and the cooler
shall start working when the starting relay is energized.
d) Changeover of cooler and pump from main to standby shall be
achieved via control system logic (based on running period).
e) Change over in the event of any pump or heat exchanger not
f) Oil pumps shall stop minimum one hour after stoppage of unit.

20.3.8 Auxiliary contacts shall be provided to indicate the running of all the
pumps. Overload and single-phase protection of all motors shall be
provided. Transformer manufacturer shall specify the loading capacity of
the transformers in case of lesser quantity or pressure of cooling water.
Sufficient number of contacts for annunciation and alarms/trips for oil
pump running status, pump running hour status, pump overload status,
flow status and water leakage in coolers shall be provided on the initiating
relay/device for indication/annunciation on respective marshalling box
and SCADA.

21.0 Auxiliary Power Supply for OLTC, Cooler Control and Power Circuit

21.1 For Single Phase unit

21.1.1 Two auxiliary power supplies of 415 volts, three phase four (4) wire shall
be provided by the purchaser at Common Marshalling Box (CMB) through
bus bar arrangement. All loads shall be fed by one of the two sources
through an electrically interlocked automatic transfer scheme housed in
the CMB. Power supply to individual phase unit shall be extended from
the CMB. Power supply to spare unit shall be extended from nearest CMB
only. Suitably rated power contactors, separate MCBs/MCCBs shall be
provided in the CMB for each circuit.

21.1.2 For each circuit, suitably rated MCBs/MCCBs as required for further
distribution of auxiliary power supply to Drive Mechanism (DM) boxes,
Online Gases and moisture monitoring system, Online drying system and
Fibre optic sensor Box etc. (as applicable), shall be provided in Individual
Marshalling Boxes (IMB) / Cooler Control Cubicle(CCC). Power from CMB
(through bus bar at CMB) to IMB (at bus inside) through cable shall be

21.1.3 Auxiliary power supply distribution scheme shall be submitted for


Supply and laying of Power, Control and special cables from CMB to
IMB/CCC (including spare unit) & further distribution from IMB/CCC to
all accessories is in the scope of the manufacturer. Further any special

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 37 of 55

cable (if required) from CMB to Owner’s Control Panels/Digital RTCC
panels is also in the scope of the manufacturer.

21.2 For Three Phase Transformer

21.2.1 Two auxiliary power supplies of 415 volt, three phase four (4) wire shall
be provided by the Purchaser at Cooler Control Cabinet / Marshalling
Box. All loads shall be fed by one of the two sources through an
electrically interlocked automatic transfer scheme housed in the Cooler
Control Cabinet / Marshalling Box.

21.2.2 For each circuit, suitably rated power contactors, MCBs/MCCBs as

required for entire auxiliary power supply distribution scheme including
distribution to DM boxes, Online Gases and moisture monitoring system,
Online drying system and Fibre optic sensor Box etc. (as applicable), shall
be provided by contractor in cooler control cabinet/ Marshalling Box.

21.2.3 Auxiliary power supply distribution scheme shall be submitted for

approval. Supply and laying of Power, Control and special cables from
marshalling box to all accessories is in the scope of the manufacturer.
Further any special cable (if required) from MB to Owner’s Control
Panels/Digital RTCC panels is also in the scope of the manufacturer.

21.2.4 All relays and operating devices shall operate correctly at any voltage
within the limits specified below:

21.2.5 Design features of the transfer scheme shall include the following:

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 38 of 55

a) Provision for the selection of one of the feeder as normal source and
other as standby.
b) Upon failure of the normal source, the loads shall be automatically
transferred after an adjustable time delay to standby sources.
c) Indication to be provided at cooler control cabinet/Individual
Marshalling Box/Common Marshalling Box for failure of normal
source and for transfer to standby source and also for failure to
d) Automatic re-transfer to normal source without any intentional time
delay following re-energization of the normal source.
e) Both the transfer and the re-transfers shall be dead transfers and AC
feeders shall not be paralleled at any time.

21.2.6 For spare unit which is not connected through isolator switching
arrangement, 415 volt, three phase four (4) wire AC supply shall be
provided for heater, On line drying system, On line DGA etc. as

22.0 Valves

22.1 All valves upto and including 50 mm shall be of gun metal or of cast steel.
Larger valves may be of gun metal or may have cast iron bodies with gun
metal fittings. They shall be of full way type with internal screw and shall
open when turned counter clock wise when facing the hand wheel.

22.2 Suitable means shall be provided for locking the valves in the open and
close positions. Provision is not required for locking individual radiator

22.3 Each valve shall be provided with the indicator to show clearly the
position (open/close) of the valve.

22.4 Gland packing/gasket material shall be of “O” ring of nitrile rubber for all
the valve’s flanges. All the flanges shall be machined.

22.5 Drain valves/plugs shall be provided in order that each section of pipe
work can be drained independently.

22.6 All valves in oil line shall be suitable for continuous operation with
transformer oil at 115 deg C.

22.7 After testing, inside surface of all cast iron valves coming in contact with
oil shall be applied with one coat of oil resisting paint/varnish with two
coats of red oxide zinc chromate primer followed by two coats of fully
glossy finishing paint conforming to IS: 2932 and of a shade (Preferably
red or yellow) distinct and different from that of main tank surface.
Outside surface except gasket setting surface of butterfly valves shall be

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 39 of 55

painted with two coats of red oxide zinc chromate conforming to IS: 2074
followed by two coats of fully glossy finishing paint.

22.8 The oil sampling point for main tank shall have two identical valves put in
series. Oil sampling valve shall have provision to fix rubber hose of 10
mm size to facilitate oil sampling.

22.9 Valves or other suitable means shall be provided to fix various on line
condition monitoring systems, if specified, to facilitate continuous
monitoring. The location & size of the same shall be finalised during detail
design review.

22.10 All hardware used shall be hot dip galvanised / stainless steel.

22.11 Flow sensitive conservator Isolation valve

a) In order to restrict the supply of oil in case of a fire in

transformer/reactor, flow sensitive valve shall be provided to isolate
the conservator oil from the main tank.

b) A valve which shall be flow sensitive and shut off when the flow in the
pipe is more than the flow expected in the permissible normal
operating conditions. This valve shall be located in the piping between
the conservator and the buchholz relay and shall not affect the flow of
oil from and to the conservator in normal conditions.

c) When the flow from conservator to main tank is more than the normal
operating conditions, the valve shall shut off by itself and will have to
be reset manually. It shall be provided with valve open/close position
indicator along with alarm contact indication in control room during
closing operation of valve. This valve shall be provided with locking
arrangement for normal position and oil filling / filtration position. A
suitable platform or ladder (if required) shall be provided to approach
the valve for manual reset.

22.12 The typical valve schedule for GTs of hydropower stations has been
provided at Annexure–O.

23.0 Cabling

23.1 All interconnecting control and power cables between various parts of
transformer/reactor like turret CT, MBs, Fans, pumps, Buchholz, PRD
etc. shall be routed through covered cable tray or GI conduit and shall be
properly dressed. All cables shall be armoured type. Un-armoured cables
(if provided) in any circuitry, shall be through GI conduit and no part
shall be exposed. Cable terminations shall be through stud type TB and

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 40 of 55

ring type lugs. Type tested cables from approved sources shall be
provided. Both ends of all the wires (control & power) shall be provided
with proper ferrule numbers for tracing and maintenance. Further, any
special cables (if required) shall also be considered included in the scope.
All cable accessories such as glands, lugs, cable tags/ numbers etc. as
required shall be considered included in the scope of supply. Typical
technical specification for cables is attached at Annexure-M.

23.2 Cabling of spare unit with isolator switching arrangement shall be in such
a way that spare unit of transformer/reactor can be connected in place of
faulty unit without physically shifting and all the control, protection,
indication signals of spare unit shall be brought in common marshalling
box of all the banks. From CMB all the control, protection and indication
signals of R, Y, B and Spare units shall be transferred to Purchaser’s
Control panels / SCADA. Change-over of spare unit signals with faulty
unit shall be done through Purchaser’s C & R panels / SCADA level.
Changeover of RTCC signals shall be carried out in CMB.

24.0 Tap Changing Equipment

Each transformer shall be provided with Off Load Tap / On Load Tap
changing equipment as specified elsewhere.
24.1 Off Load Tap Changing (OCTC) Equipment
24.1.1 The tap changer shall be single-phase hand operated for switching taps
on single phase by operating an external hand wheel.
24.1.2 The tap changing shall be possible without disturbing the transformer in
any way except de-energizing.
24.1.3 Arrangement shall be made for securing & pad locking the tap changer in
any of the working positions & it shall not be possible for setting or
padlocking it in any intermediate position. An indicating device shall be
provided to show the tap in use.
24.1.4 The cranking device for manual operation of the off circuit tap changing
gear shall be removable & suitable for operation by a man standing on
ground level. The mechanism shall be complete with the following:
(i) A mechanical operation indicator.
(ii) Mechanical tap position indicator which shall be clearly visible from
near the transformer.
(iii) Mechanical stops to prevent over cranking of the mechanism beyond
the extreme positions.
(iv) The manual operating mechanism shall be labeled to show the
direction of operations for raising the secondary voltage & vice versa.
(v) A warning plate indicating “The switch shall be operated only when
the transformer has been de-energized” shall be fitted.

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 41 of 55

24.1.5 Measurement of Tan Delta values of OCTC to be done before installing in
the transformer.
24.1.6 Following signals to be provided:
(i) Out of step digital position indicator, showing mismatch between tap
positions of transformers in three phases.
(ii) An analog signal (4-20 mA) for tap position of transformer.

24.2 On Load Tap Changing (OLTC) Equipment (Vacuum or Oil type)

24.2.1 Main OLTC Gear Mechanism Single/ three phase transformer as specified in Annexure-A shall be

provided with voltage control equipment of the tap changing type for
varying its effective transformation ratio whilst the transformers are on
load. OLTC shall be motor operated suitable for local as well as remote
operation. The diverter switch or arcing switch shall be designed so as to
ensure that its operation once commenced shall be completed
independently of the control relays or switches, failure of auxiliary
supplies etc. To meet any contingency which may result in incomplete
operation of the diverter switch, adequate means shall be provided to
safeguard the transformer and its ancillary equipment. The current
diverting contacts shall be housed in a separate oil chamber not
communicating with the oil in main tank of the transformer. The contacts
shall be accessible for inspection without lowering oil level in the main
tank and the contacts shall be replaceable. Necessary safeguards shall be provided to avoid harmful arcing at the

current diverting contacts in the event of operation of the OLTC gear
under overload conditions of the transformer. The OLTC oil chamber shall have oil filling and drain valve, oil sampling
valve, relief vent and level glass. Oil sampling valve of minimum size,
accessible from ground, shall be provided to take sample of oil from the
OLTC chamber. It shall also be fitted with an oil surge relay which shall
be connected between OLTC oil chamber and OLTC conservator tank. Tap changer shall be so mounted that bell cover of transformer can be
lifted without removing connections between windings and tap changer.

24.2.2 Local OLTC Control Cabinet (Drive Mechanism Box) OLTC shall be suitable for manually handle operated and electrically
motor operated. For local manual operation from Local OLTC Control
cabinet (Drive Mechanism Box), an external handle shall be provided.

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 42 of 55 OLTC’s Local control cabinet shall be mounted on the tank in accessible
position. The cranking device/handle for manual operation for OLTC gear
shall be removable and suitable for operation by a man standing at
ground level. The mechanism shall be complete with the following:

(i) Mechanical tap position indicator which shall be clearly visible from
near the transformer.
(ii) A mechanical operation counter of at least five digits shall be fitted to
indicate the number of operations completed and shall have no
provision for resetting.
(iii) Mechanical stops to prevent over-cranking of the mechanism beyond
the extreme tap positions.
(iv) The manual control considered as back up to the motor operated on
load tap changer control shall be interlocked with the motor to block
motor start-up during manual operation.
(v) The manual operating mechanism shall be labelled to show the
direction of operation for raising the voltage and vice-versa.
(vi) An electrical interlock to cut-off a counter impulse for reverse step
change being initiated during a progressing tap change and until the
mechanism comes to rest and resets circuits for a fresh position. For electrical operation from local as well as remote, motor operated
mechanism shall be provided. It shall not be possible to operate the
electric drive when the manual operating gear is in use. It shall not be
possible for any two controls to be in operation at the same time. Transfer
of source in the event of failure of one AC supply shall not affect the tap
changer. Thermal device or other means shall be provided to protect the
motor and control circuit. The Local OLTC Drive Mechanism Box shall house all necessary devices
meant for OLTC control and indication. It shall be complete with the

(i) A circuit breaker/contactor with thermal overload devices for

controlling the AC Auxiliary supply to the OLTC motor
(ii) Emergency Push Button to stop OLTC operation
(iii) Cubicle light with door switch
(iv) Anti-condensation metal clad heaters to prevent condensation of
(v) Padlocking arrangement for hinged door of cabinet

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 43 of 55

(vi) All contactors relay coils and other parts shall be protected against
corrosion, deterioration due to condensation, fungi etc.
(vii) The cabinet shall be tested at least IP 55 protection class. In case auxiliary power supply requirement for OLTC DM Box is different
than station auxiliary AC supply, then all necessary converters shall be
provided. Operating mechanism for on load tap changer shall be designed to go

through one step of tap change per command only, until the control
switch is returned to the off position between successive operations /
repeat commands. Limit switches shall be provided to prevent overrunning of the mechanism

and shall be directly connected in the control circuit of the operating
motor provided that a mechanical de-clutching mechanism is
incorporated. In addition, a mechanical stop shall be provided to prevent
over-running of the mechanism under any condition. An interlock to cut-
out electrical control when it tends to operate the gear beyond either of
the extreme tap positions. OLTC local control cabinet shall be provided with tap position indication
for the transformer. Drive Mechanism shall be equipped with a fixed
resistor network capable of providing discrete voltage steps or provide 4-
20mA transducer outputs for tap position indication in CMB (for single
phase unit) and input to Digital RTCC/SCADA system. 'Local-remote' selector switch shall be provided in the local OLTC control
cabinet. In Local mode, all electrical commands from remote (i.e. from
CMB, Digital RTCC, SCADA etc.) shall be cut-off/blocked. Electrical
operations to change tap positions shall be possible by using raise/lower
push buttons under local mode from DM Box. In remote mode electrical
commands from CMB/ Digital RTCC/SCADA etc. shall be executed. The
remote-local selector switch shall be having at-least two spare contacts
per position. Following minimum contacts shall be available in DM Box, which shall be

wired to CMB for single phase unit. Further these contacts shall be wired
to Digital RTCC panel:

i) INCOMPLETE STEP which shall not operate for momentary loss of

auxiliary power.
ii) OLTC motor overload protection
iii) Supply to DM Motor fail
v) Local / Remote Selector switch position

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 44 of 55

vi) OLTC upper/lower limits reached All relays, switches, fuses etc. shall be mounted in the OLTC local control
cabinet and shall be clearly marked / labelled for the purpose of
identification. A permanently legible lubrication chart if required shall be fitted within

the OLTC local control cabinet.

24.2.3 OLTC Control from Common Marshalling Box (CMB) It shall be possible to monitor, control/operate, the OLTC of all the three
1-phase transformers of a transformer bank from Common Marshalling
Box. The control and monitoring terminations of a spare transformer unit
(1-Ph) shall be brought to CMB. The necessary switching arrangement
through male-female plug-in TB assembly shall be provided for replacing
spare unit with any one of the faulty phase unit for monitoring & control
from CMB. 'Independent-combined-remote selector switch, raise/lower switch and

emergency stop Push Button shall be provided in the common
marshalling box for OLTC control. When the selector switch is in ‘independent’ position, the OLTC control
shall be possible from individual Local OLTC Control Cabinet (DM Box)
only. In ‘combined’ position, raise-lower switch (provided in the CMB), shall be

used to operate for bank of three single phase transformers from CMB. In 'remote’ position control of OLTC shall be possible from Digital

RTCC/SCADA etc. From CMB, the operation of OLTC shall be for 3-phases of transformer
units without producing phase displacement. Independent operation of
each single phase transformer from CMB/ Digital RTCC/SCADA will be
prevented. Following minimum LED indications shall be provided in CMB:

b. OLTC motor overload protection
c. Supply to DM Motor fail
e. Local / Remote Selector switch positions of DM
f. OLTC upper/lower limits reached
g. 415V Main AC supply ON
h. 415V Standby AC supply ON

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 45 of 55

Following contacts shall be wired to TBs in CMB for further wiring to C
& R Panels.
a. 415V Main AC supply Fail
b. 415V Standby AC supply Fail

Following contacts shall be wired to TBs in CMB for further wiring to

digital RTCC Panel:

b. OLTC motor overload protection
c. Supply to DM Motor fail
e. Local / Remote Selector switch positions of DM
f. OLTC upper/lower limits reached
g. 'Independent-combined-remote’ selector switch positions of CMB

Further, OLTC tap position Digital indications for all three 1-Ph
Transformer units either separately or through selector switch shall be
provided in CMB. The same shall also be wired to Digital RTCC Panel to
display tap positions for all three 1-ph units separately.

24.2.4 Digital RTCC Panel The transformers with on line tap changer shall be provided with digital
RTCC panel which shall have Automatic Tap Changer control and
monitoring relay with Automatic Voltage Regulating features (referred as
Digital RTCC relay) to remotely control and monitor OLTC. For new substation, Digital RTCC panel shall consist of 4 Nos. Digital
RTCC relays. Further, one spare Digital RTCC relay shall also be provided
in the same panel. Each digital RTCC relay shall be used to control 1
bank of transformers (i.e. 3 Nos. 1-Phase units or 1 No. 3-Phase unit),

For existing substations, the requirement of digital RTCC panel and relays
shall be specified by the utility. However, availability of existing RTCC
schemes /Digital RTCC relays to finalise matching digital RTCC relays
requirements need to be specified. The Digital RTCC relays envisaged for
existing transformers shall be integrated for parallel operations. All
required cables for the same shall be deemed to be included in the scope. Digital RTCC relay shall be microprocessor based adopting the latest state
of the art design & technology with in-built large display for ease of
programming and viewing. The unit supplied shall be field programmable
so that in the event of change in transformer / location, it could be
customized to site conditions without sending back to works. The

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 46 of 55

programming shall be menu driven and easily configurable. If it is
designed with draw out type modules, it should take care of shorting all
CT inputs automatically while drawing out. The CT / VT ratio shall be
field programmable and Relay shall display the actual HV Voltage and
current considering suitable multiplying factors. The system shall be self-
sufficient and shall not require any additional devices like parallel
balancing module etc.

All Digital RTCC Relays shall be of same make for smooth integration of
these relays for parallel operations of all transformers in the substation. The RTCC Panel shall be provided with digital RTCC relay having
Raise/Lower push buttons, Manual/ Automatic mode selection features,
Master / Follower/ Independent/ Off mode selection features for control
of OLTC. Touch screen option in the relay, instead of electrical push
button/switch is also acceptable. In Manual Mode: In this mode, power system voltage based automatic
control from digital RTCC relay shall be blocked and commands shall be
executed manually by raise/lower push buttons. In Auto Mode: In Auto mode, digital RTCC relay shall automatically
control OLTC taps based on power system voltage and voltage set points.
An interlock shall be provided to cut off electrical control automatically
upon recourse being taken to the manual control in emergency. Master / Follower/ Independent/ Off mode

Master / Follower parallel operation is required with Group simultaneous

feature in Digital RTCC relay. Master-follower scheme implies that
controlled decision shall be taken by the Master and control actions
(Raise/Lower tap position) shall be executed simultaneously by Master &
Follower units. Same logic needs to be implemented in digital RTCC

Master Position: If the digital RTCC relay is in master position, it shall be

possible to control the OLTC units of other parallel operating
transformers in the follower mode by operation from the master unit.
Follower Position: If the digital RTCC relay is in Follower position,
control of OLTC shall be possible only from panel where master mode is
Independent Position: In independent position of selector switch, control
of OLTC shall be possible only from the panel where independent mode is

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 47 of 55

Suitable interlock arrangement shall be provided to avoid
unwanted/inconsistent operation of OLTC of the transformer Raise/Lower control: The remote OLTC scheme offered shall have
provision to raise or lower taps for the complete bank of three 1-phase
transformers / 3-Phase Transformers. Individual 1-phase OLTC operation
shall not be possible from the remote control panel. Digital RTCC relays shall communicate with SCADA using IEC 61850
through fibre optic port to monitor, parameterise and control the OLTC.
Any software required for this purpose shall be supplied. The supplied
software shall not have restriction in loading on multiple computers for
downloading and analyzing the data. Software shall indicate the current
overview of all measured parameters of the connected transformer in real
time. The digital RTCC Relay shall have multiple selectable set point
voltages and it shall be possible to select these set points from SCADA,
with a facility to have the possibility of additional set points command
from SCADA.

Communication between the Digital RTCC relays to execute the

commands for parallel operation shall be implemented using required
communication protocol. Suitable communication hardware shall be
provided to communicate up to distance of 1 km between digital RTCC
relays. Scope shall also include communication cables between digital
RTCC relays. Cables as required for parallel operation of OLTCs of all
transformers (including existing transformers wherever required) from
Digital RTCC relays shall be considered included in the scope. The Digital RTCC relay shall have additional programmable Binary Inputs
(minimum 7 Nos.) and Binary outputs (minimum 7 Nos.) for future use. It
shall be possible to have additional module for Binary Input / output as
well as Analogue input module depending upon requirement. The relays shall ensure positive completion of lowering/raising of the

OLTC tap, once the command is issued from the relay. "Step-by-Step"
operation shall be ensured so that only one tap change from each tap
changing pulse shall be effected. If the command remains in the "operate"
position, lock-out of the mechanism is to be ensured. Following minimum indications/alarms shall be provided in Digital RTCC

relay either through relay display panel or through relay LEDs:


b. OLTC motor overload protection alarm
c. Supply to DM Motor fail alarm

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 48 of 55

e. Local / Remote Selector switch positions in DM Box
f. OLTC upper/lower limits reached alarm
g. OLTC Tap position indications for transformer units
h. Independent-combined-remote selector switch positions of CMB
i. (In case of single phase transformer)
j. 415V, AC Mail Supply Fail.
k. 415V, AC Standby Supply Fail In case of parallel operation or 1-Phase Transformer unit banks, OLTC

out of step alarm shall be generated in the digital RTCC relay for
discrepancy in the tap positions.

25.0 SCADA Integration (if applicable)

All the online monitoring equipment i.e. Optical Temperature Sensors &
Measuring Unit, Online Dissolved Gas (Multi-gas) and Moisture Analyzer,
On-line insulating oil drying system (Cartridge type) etc. provided for
individual transformer/reactor unit including spare (if any), shall be IEC
61850 compliant (either directly or through a Gateway). These monitoring
equipment are required to be integrated with SAS through managed
Ethernet switch conforming to IEC 61850. This Ethernet switch shall be
provided in IMB or CMB. The switch shall be powered by redundant DC
supply (as per available Station DC supply). Ethernet switch shall be
suitable for operation at ambient temperature of 50 Deg C. All required
power & control cables including optical cable, patch chord (if any) upto
IMB (for 3-Ph unit) or CMB (for 1-Ph unit), all the cables from RTCC to
DM and any special cable between IMB (for 3-Ph unit) or CMB (for 1-Ph
unit) to switchyard panel room/control room shall be in the scope.
However, fiber optic cable, power cable, control cables, as applicable,
between IMB (for 3-Ph unit) or CMB (for 1-Ph unit) to switchyard panel
room/control room and power supply (AC & DC) to MB and integration of
above said IEC-61850 compliant equipment with Substation Automation
System may be a part of sub-station contract.
26.0 Constructional features of Cooler Control Cabinet/ Individual
Marshalling Box/ Common Marshalling Box/ Outdoor cubicle and
Digital RTCC Panel

26.1 Each transformer unit shall be provided with local OLTC Drive
Mechanism Box, Cooler Control Cabinet /Individual Marshalling Box,
Digital RTCC panel (as applicable) and Common Marshalling Box (for a
bank of three 1-phase units). Each reactor unit shall be provided with
Individual Marshalling Box and Common Marshalling Box (for a bank of
three single phase unit).

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 49 of 55

26.2 Common marshalling box (for single phase unit) shall be of size not less
than 1600mm (front) X 650mm (depth) X 1800mm (height). Individual
Marshalling Box and Cooler Control Box shall be tank mounted or ground
mounted. All the separately mounted cabinets and panels shall be free
standing floor mounted type and have domed or sloping roof for outdoor
application. The gland plate shall be at least 450 mm above ground level.

26.3 The Cooler Control Cabinet/ Individual Marshalling Box, Common

Marshalling Box, and all other outdoor cubicles (except OLTC Drive
Mechanism box) shall be made of stainless steel sheet of minimum Grade
SS 304 and of minimum thickness of 1.6 mm. Digital RTCC panel shall
be made of CRCA sheet of minimum thickness of 2.0 mm and shall be
painted suitably as per Annexure–K.

26.4 The degree of protection shall be IP: 55 for outdoor and IP: 43 for indoor
in accordance with IS: 13947/IEC: 60947.

26.5 All doors, removable covers and plates shall be gasketed all around with
suitably profiled. All gasketed surfaces shall be smooth straight and
reinforced if necessary to minimize distortion to make a tight seal. For
Control cubicle / Marshalling Boxes etc. which are outdoor type, all the
sealing gaskets shall be of EPDM rubber or any better approved quality,
whereas for all indoor control cabinets / Digital RTCC panel, the sealing
gaskets shall be of neoprene rubber or any better approved quality. The
gaskets shall be tested in accordance with approved quality plan, IS: 1149
and IS: 3400.

26.6 All the contacts of various protective devices mounted on the

transformer/reactor and all the secondary terminals of the bushing CTs
shall also be wired upto the terminal board in the Marshalling Box. All the
CT secondary terminals in the Marshalling Box shall have provision for
shorting to avoid CT open circuit while it is not in use. All the necessary
terminations for remote connection to Purchaser’s panel shall be wired up
to the Common Marshalling Box.

26.7 Ventilating Louvers, if provided, shall have screen and filters. The screen
shall be fine wire mesh of brass. All the control cabinets shall be provided
with suitable lifting arrangement. Thermostat controlled space heater and
cubicle lighting with ON-OFF switch shall be provided in each panel.

27.0 Bushing Current Transformer and Neutral Current Transformer

27.1 Current transformers shall comply with IEC-61869-1 and 61869-2.

27.2 It shall be possible to remove the turret mounted current transformers

from the Transformer tank without removing the tank cover. Necessary

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 50 of 55

precautions shall be taken to minimize eddy currents and local heat
generated in the turret.

27.3 Current transformer secondary leads shall be brought out to a weather

proof terminal box near each bushing. These terminals shall be wired out
to common marshalling box using separate cables for each core.

27.4 For 1-phase Transformer, one number single phase current transformer
(outdoor) for earth fault protection shall be provided for each bank of
transformer and shall be located in the neutral conductor connecting
common neutral point with earth.

27.5 Technical Parameters of Bushing CTs and Neutral CTs are provided at
Annexure–B. The CTs used for REF protection must have the identical
parameters in order to limit the circulating current under normal
condition for stability of protection. Bushing Current Transformer
parameters indicated in this specification are tentative and liable to
change within reasonable limits. Purchaser's approval shall be obtained
before proceeding with the design of bushing current transformers.

27.6 Secondary resistance and magnetising current characteristics of PX class

(protection) (as per IEC) CT of same rating shall be similar. This is
applicable for Neutral CT (outdoor) also and shall be reviewed during
detail engineering.

28.0 Hand Tools

One set of hand tools of reputed make packed in a carry bag/box broadly
comprising of double ended spanners (open jaws, cranked ring, tubular
with Tommy bar each of sizes 9mm to 24mm, one set each), adjustable
wrenches (8 &12 inch one set), gasket punches (of different sizes used -
one set), pliers (flat nose, round nose & side cutting one of each type),
hammer with handle (one ), files with handle (two), knife with handle
(one), adjustable hacksaw (one), and cold chisel (one), bushing handling
and lifting tools with nylon rope/belt, chain block (2 Nos.) and D-Shackle
shall be supplied for one substation to cater to number of

29.0 Fittings & accessories

The following fittings & accessories shall be provided with each

transformer/reactor/NGR covered in this specification. The fittings listed
below are not exhaustive and other fittings which are required for
satisfactory operation of the equipment are deemed to be included.

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 51 of 55

For Transformer/Reactor:

(a) Conservator for main tank with aircell, oil filling hole and cap,
isolating valves, drain valve, magnetic oil level gauge, prismatic oil
level gauge and dehydrating silicagel filter breather with flexible
connection pipes to be used during replacement of any silicagel

(b) Conservator for OLTC with drain valve, oil surge relay, filling hole
with cap, prismatic oil level gauge and dehydrating breather (for
transformer only)

(c) Pressure relief devices

(d) Sudden pressure relief relay (for 220 kV and above


(e) Buchholz relay double float, reed type with isolating valves on both
sides, bleeding pipe with pet cock at the end to collect gases and
alarm / trip contacts.

(f) Conservator air cell rupture relay

(g) Air release plug

(h) Inspection openings and covers

(i) Bushing of each type with metal parts and gaskets to suit the
termination arrangement

(j) Winding & Oil temperature indicators

(k) Cover lifting eyes, transformer/reactor lifting lugs, jacking pads,

towing holes and core and winding lifting lugs

(l) Protected type mercury or alcohol in glass thermometer or magnetic

or micro-switch type dial type temperature indicator as applicable

(m) Rating and diagram plates (in English & Hindi or as specified by the
utility) on transformers and auxiliary apparatus

(n) Roller Assembly

(o) On load tap changing gear, OLTC DM Box, Off Circuit Tap Changer
(OCTC) individual marshalling box / Cooler control cabinet,
Common Marshalling Box, Fibre optic sensor box and Digital RTCC
Panel as applicable

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 52 of 55

(p) Cooling equipment

(q) Bushing current transformers, Neutral CT (if applicable)

(r) Oil flow indicators (if applicable)

(s) Terminal marking plates

(t) Valves schedule plate

(u) Bottom oil sampling valve, Drain valves, Filter valves at top and
bottom with threaded male adaptors, Shut off valves on the pipe
connection between radiator bank and tank, Shut off valves on both
sides of Buchholz relay, Sampling gas collectors for Buchholz relay
at accessible height, Valves for Radiators, Valve for vacuum
application, Valve for on line DGA (if applicable), valves for Drying
out system (if applicable), Flow sensitive conservator Isolation valve,
Valve for UHF sensors, valves for NIFPS system (if applicable) etc.

(v) Ladder to climb up to the transformer/reactor tank cover with

suitable locking arrangement to prevent climbing during charged

(w) Suitable platform for safe access of flow sensitive non-return valve
and buchholz relay shall be provided, in case these are not
accessible from transformer/reactor top.

(x) Haulage lugs

(y) Suitable terminal connectors on bushings

(z) Brass/tinned copper grounding bar supported from the tank by

using porcelain insulator and flexible conductor for earthing of
neutral, HV & IV terminals as per specification

(aa) On line insulating oil drying system (in 400 kV and above level
Transformers/ Reactors) as per Annexure-U

(bb) Fibre optic sensor based temperature measuring system (for 400kV
and above Transformer/Reactors only)

(cc) Oil Sampling Bottle & Oil Syringe (if specified) as per Annexure-V

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 53 of 55

For Neutral Grounding Reactor (if applicable)

(a) Conservator for NGR main tank with drain valve, isolating valve,
vent pipe and prismatic oil level gauge

(b) Pressure relief devices with trip contact

(c) Buchholz relay with isolating valves on both sides, bleeding pipe
with pet cock at the end to collect gases and alarm/ trip contacts

(d) Conservator air cell rupture relay

(e) Air release plug

(f) Inspection openings and covers

(g) Bushings with metal parts and gaskets to suit the termination

(h) Oil temperature indicators

(i) Cover lifting eyes, reactor lifting lugs, jacking pads, towing holes and
core and winding lifting lugs

(j) Rating and diagram plates

(k) Roller Assembly

(l) Marshalling Box (Tank mounted)

(m) Cooling equipment as applicable

(n) Bushing Current Transformers, Neutral CT (if applicable)

(o) Drain valves/plugs shall be provided in order that each section of

pipe work can be drained independently

(p) Terminal marking plates

(q) Valves schedule plate

(r) Bottom oil sampling valve with threaded male adaptors, Drain
valves, Filter valves at top and bottom, shut off valves on both sides
of Buchholz relay at accessible height, Sampling gas collectors for
Buchholz relay at accessible height, Valve for vacuum application

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 54 of 55

(s) Suitable terminal connectors on bushings

(t) Ladder to climb up to the tank cover with suitable locking

arrangement to prevent climbing during charged condition.

(u) Haulage lugs

(v) Two earthing terminals each on tank, marshalling boxes etc.

30.0 Inspection and Testing

The manufacturer shall draw up and carry out a comprehensive

inspection and testing programme in the form of detailed quality plan
duly approved by Purchaser for necessary implementation during
manufacture of the equipment. Details regarding Quality Assurance
Programme covering quality assurance, inspection and testing have been
provided in Chapter-4: Quality Assurance Programme.

Chapter-2: Technical Specification for Transformer and Reactor Page 55 of 55



1.0 Introduction

Design Review is a planned exercise to ensure both parties to the

contract- manufacturer and purchaser- understand the application,
purchaser specifications, standards and Guaranteed Technical
Particulars (GTP) furnished by vendor. It is a scrutiny of design,
materials, and accessories plus manufacturing processes so as to
ensure that offered guaranteed technical particulars, are thoroughly
met, ensuring quality and reliability.

• Manufacturer understands the purchaser technical specifications

and the prepared design meets those requirements.

• Design meets the tender GTP- grade /quantity of active materials

sufficient to limit losses as offered.

• Identify any new (prototype) features introduced by manufacturer

and evaluate their reliability and risks.

• To understand relevant design margins (calculated design

withstand strength versus stress during tests and long service) to
meet test requirements and life time performance as per
manufacturer’s design practice and experience.

• To exchange experiences that can be used to improve the current

design and future specifications.

• To understand technical capabilities and experience of

manufacturer; to appreciate the manufacturing and testing facilities
of manufacturer.

• Clarifications of various tests and mutual agreement on method of

tests and special acceptance of tolerance (e.g. Wave shape of
impulse wave, connection for switching surge test etc.).

• Transportability to site. Any stringent limitation to be highlighted, if


• Service conditions. If any abnormal service condition exists

customer has to point out.

Chapter-3: Design Review Page 1 of 5

2.0 Stages of Design Review

Design Review may be required at following stages depending on the

nature of contract:

(A) Pre Tender Design Review

• Technical capability and manufacturing experience of vendor

• Factory capability assessment by buyer as required (CIGRE TB 530

Guide for conducting Factory Capability Assessment for Power
Transformers can be a good reference )

(B) Tender Stage Design Review –Technical Evaluation of offer

• The bidder has to comply with the parameters provided in the

specification/document. Deviation, if any, shall be clearly brought
for the information of the purchaser. The purchaser shall
scrutinize the deviations in line with the technical & commercial
requirement and shall evaluate the bid accordingly.

(C) Contract Design Review

The design review shall be carried out to specific design of

transformer/shunt reactor under the scope and Manufacturer shall
submit all design documents and drawings required for the purpose.

• Purchaser in consultation with the manufacturer shall carry out

Design Review (DR) of parts and accessories (make, model,
specifications for bushing, tap-changer, instruments etc.) as per
technical requirements and specifications for enabling the
manufacturer to order key raw materials and major accessories.

• Review of the electrical design including dielectric, losses, short

circuit, noise and thermal performance and mechanical layout
design including lead routing and bushing termination after route
survey (if any) shall be carried out for enabling the manufacturer
to order key raw materials and major accessories.

• Typical data/parameters indicated in the Annexure-C shall be

filled by the manufacturer and reviewed by the purchaser during
design review.

Chapter-3: Design Review Page 2 of 5

• Examination of all relevant type test reports of transformers
including its fitting and accessories.

• Checking of drawings and documents for the scope listed in


3.0 Mode of Design review

• Design review is initiated and chaired by purchaser or appointed

representative. Purchaser should ensure that those participating
representative in the review on his behalf have the necessary
expertise to understand and evaluate the design and production
considerations under the proposal.

• Minutes of design review will be part of contract documents, but

the discussions and information exchanged during design review
process shall be kept confidential and purchaser or appointed
representative shall not disclose or share design review details to
anyone without written consent of original equipment

• At the completion of DR, a summary report indicating list of items

with actions to be sent to manufacturer for correction and
inclusion of any omissions.

• Purchaser may also visit the manufacturer’s works to inspect

design, manufacturing and test facilities at any time.

• Manufacturer, if desired by purchaser, should give in advance

sufficient design data to purchaser to prepare for the design review

• “Guidelines for conducting design reviews for transformers” CIGRE

Technical Brochure 529-2013 may be followed.

4.0 Calculation of Losses

For the benefit of the utility the formula for calculation of No-Load loss
and Load loss has been provided below. In addition, a typical example
of calculation of flux density, core quantity, no-load loss and weight of
copper has been provided in Annexure-F.

Chapter-3: Design Review Page 3 of 5

Calculation of no-load losses:

• No-Load losses = W/kg corresponding to flux density as per

lamination mill test report ( extrapolated ) x net weight of core x
building factor

• Flux density (T) = rated voltage (v) x104 / (4.44 x no. of turns x net
core area (cm2) x frequency (Hz))

• Net core area = [{0.785x (nominal core diameter)2 x filling factor}-

area of cooling duct, insulation] x space factor

• Building factor = extra loss factor over the test report value due to
handling and fabrication stress (>1)

• Space factor = Reduction factor (depends on thickness) to take care

of the insulation provided over the laminations (<1)

• Filling factor = per unit area occupied by core material in the

nominal core circle area (<1)

• Nominal diameter of core = diameter of circle touching the corners

of lamination steps

Calculation of load-losses at reference temperature & principal tap


• Load loss at principal tap = I2R loss + Winding Eddy loss +

Structural stray losses

• I2R loss = Resistance at 75°C x phase current x no. of phases

• Resistance (R)= Resistance of winding (RW) + Resistance of leads


RW = W x D x π / (k x S)
RL = L / (k x S)

W = Number of turns
D = mean winding diameter
S = cross section area of all parallel conductor
K=Electrical conductivity of conductor/leads for reference
temperature of 75°C.
L= Length of lead

Chapter-3: Design Review Page 4 of 5

Winding eddy losses = Estimated from empirical formulae or
electromagnetic software

Structural stray losses = Estimated from empirical formulae or

electromagnetic software.

5.0 References:

(a) CIGRE Technical Brochure No.529 -2013 Guide lines for

conducting design reviews for Power Transformers

(b) CIGRE Technical Brochure No.673-2016 Guide on Transformer


(c) IEEE Standard C57.156-2016 Guide for tank rupture mitigation

of oil immersed transformers

(d) Power Transformer Standardization Manual – No.25-2014 –

Section 7 –Pages261-268- by IEEMA Transformer Division

(e) CIGRE Technical Brochure No.530-2013 Guide for conducting

factory capability assessment for Power Transformers

(f) IEEE Standard C57.150-2012 Guide for Transformer


(g) CIGRE TB No406-2010 HVDC Converter Transformers –Design

Review, Test Procedures, Ageing Evaluation and Reliability in
service JWG SC A2/B4.28

(h) IEC 60076-5 ed3.0-2006 Power Transformers-Part 5 Ability to

withstand short circuit

Chapter-3: Design Review Page 5 of 5



The best way to achieve continuous improvement in quality in

any manufacturing organization is to develop a quality route and
the persons responsible for quality implementation should
religiously follow the defined quality route.

Quality of a transformer/reactor can be improved by taking

effective steps in the origin stage itself which are ‘use of high
quality raw materials’ and improved manufacturing processes’. It
is needless to mention that the performance of a
transformer/reactor largely depends on the excellence of design.
However, all good designs may not yield good end products
unless they are well supported by good materials, good and
healthy machines and skilled workmen (operators).

To ensure that the equipment and services are in accordance

with the specifications, the transformer/reactor manufacturer
shall adopt suitable quality assurance programme to control such
activities at all points, as necessary. Such programmes shall be
outlined by the manufacturer and shall be finally accepted by the
Purchaser/authorised representative, after discussions before the
award of the contract. The Quality Assurance programme shall be
generally in line with ISO-9001/IS-14001. A quality assurance
programme of the manufacturer shall generally cover the

a) His organisation structure for the management and

implementation of the proposed quality assurance
b) Quality System Manual
c) Design Control System
d) Documentation Control System
e) Qualification data for key Personnel
f) The procedure for purchase of materials, parts, components
and selection of sub-supplier’s services including vendor
analysis, source inspection, incoming raw material
inspection, verification of materials purchased etc.
g) List of manufacturing facilities available
h) Level of automation achieved and list of areas where manual
processing exists
i) List of areas in manufacturing process, where stage
inspections are normally carried out for quality control and
details of such tests and inspections.

Chapter-4: Quality Assurance Programme Page 1 of 13

j) System for shop manufacturing and site erection control
including process controls and fabrication and assembly
k) Control of non-conforming items and system for corrective
l) Inspection and test procedure both for manufacture and
field activities
m) Control of calibration and testing of measuring equipment
n) System for Quality Audits
o) System for indication and appraisal of inspection status
p) System for authorising release of manufactured product to
the Purchaser
q) System for handling storage and delivery
r) System for maintenance of records
s) Furnishing of quality plans for manufacturing and field
activities detailing out the specific quality control procedure
adopted for controlling the quality characteristics relevant to
each item of equipment/component

The manufacturer shall use state-of-the-art technology and dirt,

dust and humidity free environment during various processes of
manufacturing and testing to ensure that end product is of good
quality and will provide uninterrupted service for intended life
period. All manufacturers, are expected to develop their
manufacturing facility at par with the leading manufacturers with
best global practices. An indicative list for facilities needed to
be available at manufacturer’s works has been provided at
Annexure-B. In case the manufacturers do not have the
required facilities as given in Annexure-B, it may be ensured
by the manufacturers that the same shall be made available
and put into use within two years of release of this


2.1 All materials, components and equipment required for

transformer/reactor manufacturing shall be procured,
manufactured, erected, commissioned and tested at all the
stages, as per a comprehensive Quality Assurance Programme,
the detailed Quality Plans for manufacturing and field activities
shall be drawn up by the manufacturer and will be submitted to
Purchaser for approval.

2.2 Manufacturing Quality Plan will detail out for all the components
and equipment, various tests/inspection, to be carried out as per
the requirements of purchaser specification and standards
mentioned therein and quality practices and procedures followed
by Manufacturer’s/Sub-supplier’s/Sub-supplier's Quality Control

Chapter-4: Quality Assurance Programme Page 2 of 13

Organisation, the relevant reference documents and standards,
acceptance norms, inspection documents raised etc., during all
stages of materials procurement, manufacture, assembly and
final testing/performance testing. The Quality Plan shall be
submitted to purchaser, for review and approval. Typical
Manufacturing Quality Plan (MQP) is provided at Annexure-E.

2.3 List of testing equipment available with the manufacturer for

stage/final testing of transformer specified and test plant
limitation, if any, for the acceptance and routine tests specified in
the relevant standards shall be furnished by the manufacturer.
These limitations shall be very clearly brought out in 'The
schedule of deviations' for specified test requirements.

2.4 The transformer/reactor manufacturer shall also furnish copies

of the reference documents/plant standards/acceptance
norms/tests and inspection procedure etc., as referred in Quality
Plans along with Quality Plans. These Quality Plans and
reference documents/standards etc. will be subject to
Purchaser’s approval without which manufacturer shall not
proceed. These approved documents shall form a part of the
contract. In these approved Quality Plans, Purchaser shall
identify customer hold points (CHP), i.e. test/checks which shall
be carried out in presence of the Purchaser’s authorised
representative and beyond which the work will not proceed
without consent of Purchaser in writing. All deviations to
approved quality plans and applicable standards must be
documented and referred to Purchaser along with technical
justification for approval and dispositioning.

2.5 The manufacturer shall submit to the Purchaser Field Welding

Schedule for field welding activities, if applicable. The field
welding schedule shall be submitted to the Purchaser along with
all supporting documents, like welding procedures, heat
treatment procedures, NDT procedures etc. before schedule start
of erection work at site.

2.6 Transformer/reactor manufacturer will also provide Field Quality

Plans that will detail out for all the equipment, the quality
practices and procedures etc. to be followed by the
manufacturer’s representative or authorised agency, during
various stages of site activities starting from receipt of
materials/equipment at commissioning site.

2.7 No material shall be despatched from the manufacturer’s works

before the same is accepted, subsequent to pre-despatch final
inspection including verification of records of all previous
tests/inspections by Purchaser’s authorised representative and
duly authorised for despatch.

Chapter-4: Quality Assurance Programme Page 3 of 13

2.8 All material used for equipment manufacture shall be of tested
quality as per relevant codes/standards. Details of results of the
tests conducted to determine the mechanical properties; chemical
analysis and details of heat treatment procedure, if any and
actually followed shall be recorded on certificates and time
temperature chart, as applicable. Tests shall be carried out as per
applicable material standards and/or agreed details.

2.9 All welding and brazing shall be carried out as per procedure
drawn and qualified in accordance with requirements of ASME
Section IX/BS-4870 or other International equivalent standard
acceptable to the Purchaser. All welding / brazing procedures
adopted/used at shop, will be made available to purchaser
during audit / inspection. Procedures to be adopted at site will be
submitted to purchaser for approval.

2.10 All brazers, welders and welding operators employed on any part
of the contract either in Manufacturer’s/his sub-supplier’s works
or at site or elsewhere shall be qualified as per ASME Section-IX
or BS-4871 or other equivalent International Standards
acceptable to the Purchaser.

2.11 The manufacturer shall list out all major

items/equipment/components to be manufactured in house as
well as procured from sub-supplier. All the sub-suppliers
proposed by the manufacturer for procurement of major bought
out items including castings, forging, semi-finished and finished
components/equipment etc., list of which shall be drawn up by
the manufacturer and finalized with the Purchaser and shall be
subject to Purchaser's approval. The manufacturer’s proposal
shall include vendor’s facilities established at the respective
works, the process capability, process stabilization, quality
systems followed, experience list, etc. along with his own
technical evaluation for identified sub-suppliers enclosed and
shall be submitted to the Purchaser for approval in sufficient
time so as not to impede the progress of work on the facilities.

2.12 For components/equipment procured by the manufacturer for

the purpose of the contract, after obtaining the written approval
of the Purchaser, the manufacturer’s purchase specifications and
inquiries shall call for quality plans to be submitted by the
suppliers. The quality plans called for from the sub-suppliers
shall set out, during the various stages of manufacture and
installation, the quality practices and procedures followed by the
vendor’s quality control organisation, the relevant reference
documents/standards used, acceptance level, inspection of
documentation raised, etc. Such quality plans of the successful
vendors shall be finalised with the Purchaser and such approved

Chapter-4: Quality Assurance Programme Page 4 of 13

Quality Plans shall form a part of the purchase order/contract
between the manufacturer and sub-suppliers.

2.13 Purchaser reserves the right to carry out quality audit and quality
surveillance of the systems and procedures of the manufacturer’s
or their sub-supplier’s quality management and control activities.
The manufacturer shall provide all necessary assistance to enable
the Purchaser carry out such audit and surveillance.

2.14 The manufacturer shall carry out an inspection and testing

programme during manufacturing in his work and that of his
sub-supplier and at site to ensure the mechanical accuracy of
components, compliance with drawings, conformance to
functional and performance requirements, identity and
acceptability of all materials parts and equipment. Manufacturer
shall carry out all tests/inspection required to establish that the
items/equipment conform to requirements of the specification
and the relevant codes/standards specified in the specification,
in addition to carrying out tests as per the approved quality plan.

2.15 Quality audit/surveillance/approval of the results of the tests

and inspection will not, however, prejudice the right of the
Purchaser to reject the equipment if it does not comply with the
specification, when erected or does not give complete satisfaction
in service and the above shall in no way limit the liabilities and
responsibilities of the manufacturer in ensuring complete
conformance of the materials/equipment supplied to relevant
specification, standard, data sheets, drawings, etc.

2.16 Any repair/rectification procedures to be adopted to make the job

acceptable shall be subject to the approval of the
Purchaser/authorised representative.

2.17 The Manufacturer / Sub-suppliers shall carry out routine test on

100% item at manufacturer / sub-supplier's works. The quantum
of check / test for routine & acceptance test by purchaser shall
be generally as per criteria / sampling plan defined in referred
standards. Wherever standards have not been mentioned
quantum of check / test for routine / acceptance test shall be as
agreed during detailed engineering stage.

2.18 Any of the offered software, if applicable shall not of β-version

and be also free from all known bugs.


3.1 The manufacturer shall be required to submit the QA

Documentation in hard copies and CD ROMs, as identified in
respective quality plan.
Chapter-4: Quality Assurance Programme Page 5 of 13
3.2 Each QA Documentation shall have a project specific Cover Sheet
bearing name & identification number of equipment and
including an index of its contents with page control on each
document. The QA Documentation file shall be progressively
completed by the manufacturer’s sub-supplier to allow regular
reviews by all parties during the manufacturing.

3.3 Typical contents of QA Documentation is as below:-

a) Quality Plan for various components and accessories. A

typical quality plan for key components of transformer is
provided at Annexure-E.
b) Material mill test reports on components as specified by the
specification and approved Quality Plans.
c) Manufacturer’s works test reports/results for testing
required as per applicable codes and standard referred in the
specification and approved Quality Plans.
d) Non-destructive examination results/reports including
radiography interpretation reports. Sketches/drawings used
for indicating the method of traceability of the radiographs to
the location on the equipment.
e) Heat Treatment Certificate/Record (Time- temperature
Chart), if any.
f) All the accepted Non-conformance Reports
(Major/Minor)/deviation, including complete technical
details / repair procedure).
g) CHP / Inspection reports duly signed by the Inspector of the
Purchaser and Manufacturer for the agreed Customer Hold
h) Certificate of Conformance (COC) wherever applicable.
i) Material Dispatch Clearance Certificate (MDCC)

3.4 Similarly, the manufacturer shall be required to submit hard

copies and CD ROM, containing QA Documentation pertaining to
field activities as per Approved Field Quality Plans and other
agreed manuals/ procedures, prior to commissioning.

3.5 Before despatch / commissioning of any equipment, the Supplier

shall make sure that the corresponding quality document or in
the case of protracted phased deliveries, the applicable section of
the quality document file is completed. The supplier will then
notify the Inspector regarding the readiness of the quality
document (or applicable section) for review:

a) If the result of the review carried out by the Inspector is

satisfactory, the Inspector shall stamp the quality document
(or applicable section) for release.

Chapter-4: Quality Assurance Programme Page 6 of 13

b) If the quality document is unsatisfactory, the Supplier shall
endeavour to correct the incompleteness, thus allowing to
finalize the quality document (or applicable section) by time
compatible with the requirements as per contract documents.
When it is done, the quality document (or applicable section)
is stamped by the Inspector.

Note:- The word ‘Inspector’ shall mean the authorised representative

and/or an outside inspection agency acting on behalf of the
purchaser to inspect and examine the materials and workmanship
of the works during its manufacture or erection.



4.1 Inspection, audit, assessment, test measurement and comparison

all describe the same phenomena of examining carefully to some
established criteria. Inspector should be prepared with the
following documents:
a) Contract documents together with technical specifications
b) Basic guideline regarding the scope of inspection
c) Approved drawings and reference standards (ISS/IEC/BS
d) Previous inspection reports of transformers of similar rating
(if available)
e) Type test certificates (if already conducted).

4.2 The Inspector shall have access at all reasonable times to inspect
and examine the materials and workmanship of the works during
its manufacture or erection and if part of the works is being
manufactured or assembled on other premises or works, the
Manufacturer shall obtain for the Inspector permission to inspect
as if the works were manufactured or assembled on the
Manufacturer’s own premises or works.

4.3 The Manufacturer shall give the Inspector fifteen (15) days written
notice of any material being ready for testing. Such tests shall be
to the Manufacturer’s account. The Inspector, unless the
witnessing of the tests is virtually waived and confirmed in
writing, will attend such tests within fifteen (15) days of the date
on which the equipment is noticed as being ready for

4.4 The Inspector shall within fifteen (15) days from the date of
inspection as defined herein give notice in writing to the
Manufacturer, or any objection to any drawings and all or any
equipment and workmanship which is in his opinion not in
accordance with the contract. The manufacturer shall give due
consideration to such objections and shall either make

Chapter-4: Quality Assurance Programme Page 7 of 13

modifications that may be necessary to meet the said objections
or shall inform in writing to the Inspector giving reasons therein,
that no modifications are necessary to comply with the contract.

4.5 When the factory tests have been completed successfully at the
manufacturer’s or sub-supplier’s works, the Inspector shall issue
a certificate to this effect within fifteen (15) days after completion
of tests but if the tests are not witnessed by the Inspector, the
certificate shall be issued within fifteen (15) days of the receipt of
the Manufacturer’s test certificate by the Inspector.

4.6 In all cases where the contract provides for tests whether at the
premises or works of the Manufacturer or any sub-suppliers, the
Manufacturer, except where otherwise specified shall provide free
of charge such items as labour, material, electricity, fuel, water,
stores, apparatus and instruments as may be reasonably
demanded by the Inspector to carry out effectively such tests on
the equipment in accordance with the Manufacturer and shall
give facilities to the Inspector to accomplish testing.

4.7 The inspection by the Inspector and issue of Inspection

Certificate thereon shall in no way limit the liabilities and
responsibilities of the manufacturer in respect of the agreed
Quality Assurance Programme forming a part of the contract.

4.8 All inspection, measuring and test equipment used by

manufacturer shall be calibrated periodically depending on its
use and criticality of the test/measurement to be done. The
manufacturer shall maintain all the relevant records of periodic
calibration and instrument identification, and shall produce the
same for inspection by purchaser. Wherever asked specifically,
the manufacturer shall re-calibrate the measuring/test
equipment in the presence of the Inspector.

4.9 Preparation of inspection report is the concluding part of

inspection. Every inspection agency has its own style of
preparation of inspection report. However, since it is a quality
document, we must ensure that all relevant information and
enclosures are made available along with the report. The
inspection report has mainly three parts:

a) The first part contains details of equipment, quantity offered,

sampling, observation noted during inspection, remark on test
results etc.
b) The second part contains reports on physical verification.
c) The third part of the report contains the routine test results of
the inspected transformers, temperature rise test results, if
carried-out, and few demonstrative sample calculations.

Chapter-4: Quality Assurance Programme Page 8 of 13


The inspection envisaged by the purchaser is given below.

However, the manufacturer shall draw up and carry out a
comprehensive inspection and testing programme in the form of
detailed quality plan duly approved by Purchaser for necessary
implementation during manufacture of the equipment. All
accessories and components of transformer shall be purchased
from approved source of purchaser. All process tests, critical raw
material tests and witness/ inspection of these testing shall be
carried out as per approved manufacturing quality plan (MQP) by
the purchaser.

5.1 Factory Tests

5.1.1 The manufacturer shall carry out all type & routine tests as per
“Annexure-D and Annexure-E”. All tests shall be done in line
with IS: 2026/IEC: 60076. Complete test report shall be
submitted to purchaser after proper scrutiny and signing on each
page by the test engineer of the manufacturer.

5.1.2 The manufacturer shall be fully equipped to perform all the

required tests as specified. He shall confirm the capabilities of the
proposed manufacturing plant in this regard. Any limitations
shall be clearly stated.

5.1.3 The manufacturer shall bear all additional costs related to tests
which are not possible to carry out at his own works.

5.1.4 In case, any failure observed during factory testing involving

winding/ winding shield/ static shield ring, then complete
winding of all phases shall be replaced by new one.

5.1.5 Tank Tests

(A) Oil Leakage Test

All tanks and oil filled compartments shall be completely filled

with air or oil of a viscosity not greater than that of insulating oil
conforming to IEC 60296 at the ambient temperature and
subjected to a pressure equal to normal head of oil plus 35
kN/sq.m (5 psi) measured at the base of the tank. This pressure
shall be maintained for a period of not less than 12 hours for oil
and 1 hour for air during which no leakage shall occur.

Chapter-4: Quality Assurance Programme Page 9 of 13

(B) Vacuum Test

All transformer tanks shall be subjected to the specified vacuum.

The tank designed for full vacuum shall be tested at an internal
pressure of 3.33 KN/Sq.m absolute (25 torr) for one hour. The
permanent deflection of flat plate after the vacuum has been
released shall not exceed the values specified below:

Horizontal Length of flat plate Permanent deflection (in

(in mm) mm)

Up to and including 750 5.0

751 to 1250 6.5
1251 to 1750 8.0
1751 to 2000 9.5
2001 to 2250 11.0
2251 to 2500 12.5
2501 to 3000 16.0
Above 3000 19.0

(C) Pressure Test

All transformer tanks, its radiator, conservator and other fittings

together or separately shall be subjected to a pressure
corresponding to twice the normal head of oil or normal oil head
pressure plus 35 KN/ sq.m whichever is lower, measured at the
base of the tank and maintained for one hour. The permanent
deflection of flat plates after the excess pressure has been
released shall not exceed the figure specified above for vacuum
5.2 Stage Inspection

5.2.1 Stage inspection will be carried out by the Inspector on Core, Coil
& Tank during the manufacturing stages of the transformer. The
manufacturer will have to call for the stage inspection and shall
arrange the inspection at manufacturer’s premises or
manufacturer’s sub-supplier’s premises, as applicable, free of

5.2.2 Stage inspection will be carried out on 1 (one) number

Transformer against an offer of minimum 50% of the ordered
quantity as mentioned in delivery schedule. On the basis of
satisfactory stage inspection, manufacturer will proceed further.

5.2.3 The manufacturer will offer the core for stage inspection and get
approval from purchaser during manufacturing stage. The prime

Chapter-4: Quality Assurance Programme Page 10 of 13

core materials are only to be used. The manufacturer has to
produce following documents at the time of stage inspection for
confirmation of use of prime core materials.

a) Invoice of supplier
b) Mills’ approved test certificates
c) Packing list
d) Bill of lading
e) Bill of entry certificate by custom.
f) Description of material, electrical analysis, physical
inspection, certificate for surface defects, thickness and width
of the materials
g) Place of cutting of core materials

To avoid any possibility of mixing of ‘Prime material’ with any

other second grade/ defective material, the imported packed slit
coils of CRGO materials shall be opened in the presence of the
Inspector. Only after the inspection and approval from purchaser,
the core material will be cut in-house or sent to external agency
for cutting individual laminations. In case the core is sent to
external agency for cutting, the Inspector will have full access to
visit such agency for the inspection of the cutting of core. Core
material shall be directly procured either from the manufacturer
or through their accredited marketing organisation of repute and
not through any agent.

5.2.4 Typical example for calculation during stage inspection and

estimation of core quantity during stage inspection in given in the

5.3 Type Tests on fittings

Following fittings shall conform to type tests and the type test
reports shall be furnished along with drawing of the equipment /

1) Bushing (including Seismic test for 400 kV voltage class

bushing as per IEC:60137)
2) OLTC (Test as per IEC:60214 and IP-55 test on driving
mechanism box)
3) Buchholz relay
4) OTI and WTI
5) Pressure Relief Device (including IP 55 test in terminal box)
6) Sudden Pressure Relay (including IP 55 test in terminal box)
7) Magnetic Oil Level gauge & Terminal Box for IP-55 degree of
8) Air Cell (Flexible air separator) - Oil side coating, Air side
under Coating, Air side outer coating and coated fabric as per
IS: 3400/ BS: 903/ IS: 7016
Chapter-4: Quality Assurance Programme Page 11 of 13
9) Marshalling & common marshalling box and other outdoor
cubicle (IP-55 test)
10) RTCC (IP-43 test)

5.4 Pre-Shipment Checks at Manufacturer's Works

5.4.1 Check for inter-changeability of components of similar

transformers/reactors for mounting dimensions.

5.4.2 Check for proper packing and preservation of accessories like

radiators, bushings, dehydrating breather, rollers, Buchholz
relay, fans, control cubicle, connecting pipes, conservator etc.

5.4.3 Ensure following setting of impact recorder at the time of

installation with transformer/reactor unit before despatch from
1g: Start recording
2g: Warning
3g: Alarm

Further, drop-out setting shall be 1g and threshold setting shall

be in the range of 5g to 10g.

5.4.4 Check for proper provision for bracing to arrest the movement of
core and winding assembly inside the tank.

5.4.5 Gas tightness test to confirm tightness and record of dew point of
dry air inside the tank. Derivation of leakage rate and ensure the
adequate reserve dry air capacity.

5.4.6 Due security arrangements to be ensured during transportation

to avoid pilferage and tempering with the valves and other
accessories used while dry air filling.

5.5 Transportation, erection, testing and commissioning at site

The details of transportation, erection, testing and commissioning

at site has been covered under Chapter-5.

The manufacturer shall carry out a detailed inspection and

testing programme for field activities covering areas right from
the receipt of material stage up to commissioning stage. An
indicative programme of inspection as envisaged by the
Purchaser is given below. However, it is manufacturer's
responsibility to draw up and carry out such a programme duly

Chapter-4: Quality Assurance Programme Page 12 of 13

approved by the Purchaser. Testing of oil sample at site shall be
carried out as per specification.

Chapter-4: Quality Assurance Programme Page 13 of 13



1. Transportation

1.1. The supplier shall be responsible to select and verify the route,
mode of transportation and make all necessary arrangement with
the appropriate authorities for the transportation of the
equipment. The dimension of the equipment shall be such that
when packed for transportation, it shall comply with the
requirements of loading and clearance restrictions for the
selected route. It shall be the responsibility of the supplier to
coordinate the arrangement for transportation of the
transformer/reactor for all the stages from the manufacturer’s
work to site.

1.2. The supplier shall carry out the route survey along with the
transporter and finalise the detail methodology for transportation
of transformer/reactor and based on route survey; any
modification/ extension/ improvement to existing road, bridges,
culverts etc. if required, shall be in the scope.

1.3. The inland transportation of the transformer/reactor shall be on

trailers equipped with GPS system for tracking the location of
transformer at all times during transportation from manufacturer
works to designated site. The supplier shall intimate to purchaser
about the details of transporter engaged for transportation of the
transformer/reactor for tracking the units during transit.
Requirement of Hydraulic trailer is envisaged for a load of more
than 40 T.

1.4. All metal blanking plates and covers which are specifically
required for transportation and storage of the
transformer/reactor shall be considered part of the
transformer/reactor and handed over to the Purchaser after
completion of the erection. Bill of quantity of these items shall be
included in the relevant drawing/document.

1.5. The supplier shall despatch the transformer/reactor filled with

dry air at positive pressure. The necessary arrangement shall be
ensured by the supplier to take care of pressure drop of dry air
during transit and storage till completion of oil filling during
erection. A dry air pressure testing valve with necessary pressure
gauge and adaptor valve shall be provided. The duration of the
storage of transformer/reactor at site with dry air, shall
preferably be limited to three months, after which the
transformer/reactor shall be processed as per the


recommendation of manufacturer if not filled with oil. The dry air
cylinder(s) provided to maintain positive pressure can be taken
back by the supplier after oil filling.

In case turret, having insulation assembly, is transported

separately then positive dry air pressure shall be ensured.

1.6. Transformer/reactor shall also be fitted with Electronic impact

recorders (on returnable basis) at least 2 numbers for 400kV
class transformer/reactor and 1 number for below 400kV class
transformer/reactor during transportation to measure the
magnitude and duration of the impact in all three directions. The
impact recorder shall be mounted on the upper side of the tank
(width wise). The acceptance criteria and limits of impact, which
can be withstood by the equipment during transportation and
handling in all three directions, shall not exceed “3g” for 50 msec
(20Hz) or as per supplier standard, whichever is lower.

Following setting of impact recorder shall be ensured at the time

of installation with transformer/reactor unit before despatch from

1g: Start recording

2g: Warning
3g: Alarm

Further, drop-out setting shall be 1g and threshold setting shall

be in the range of 5g to 10g.

2. Points to be checked after receipt of Transformer/ Reactor at

site in presence of manufacturer’s representative:

2.1. Pressure and Dew point of dry air shall be checked after receipt of
transformer/reactor at site. It should be within permissible band
(as per the graph provided by manufacturer which is also given
below in Fig-1)

2.2. Core Insulation Test shall be carried out to check insulation

between core to tank, core to yoke clamp (frame) and yoke clamp
(frame) to tank. (Not applicable for Air Core Reactors)

2.3. The data of impact recorder shall be analysed jointly by the

purchaser in association with the manufacturer. In case the
impact recorder indicates shocks of ≥ 3g during shipment, further
course of action for internal inspection shall be taken jointly by
the manufacturer/ supplier. Impact Recorder should be detached
from the Transformer/ Reactor, preferably after the main unit has
been placed on its foundation.


2.4. Unpacking and inspection of all accessories shall be carried out
taking all precautions so that the tools used for opening do not
cause damage to the contents. Proper storage of all accessories
shall be ensured after unpacking. Fragile instruments like oil
level gauge, temperature indicators, etc. are to be stored indoor.
Any damaged or missing components shall be reported to
equipment manufacturer and insuring agency so that the same
can be investigated or shortage made up as per the terms/
conditions of the contract.

Graph showing variation of Pressure v/s Temperature of

gas for gas filled unit during Transport or storage

Lb / in 2

5 0.35
0.3 A2 Range
Gauge Pressure – Kg/ Cm2

0.2 A1
-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50

Temperature in ˚ C

Example: For 40 ˚C Temperature (Depending upon the pressure of gas at the time of filling),
- minimum pressure of gas can be 0.185 Kg/ Cm2 at point A1
- maximum pressure of gas can be 0.32 Kg/ Cm2 at point A2


2.5. Storage of the main unit and the accessories at site:

2.5.1. If erection work cannot start immediately due to some reasons,

then accessories shall be repacked into their own crates properly
and packing list should be retained.

2.5.2. All packing cases shall be kept above ground by suitable supports
so as to allow free air flow underneath. The storage space area
shall be such that it is accessible for inspection, water does not
collect on or around the area and handling/transport is easy.
Proper drainage arrangement in storage areas to be ensured so
that in no situation, any component gets submerged in water due
to rain, flooding etc.


2.5.3. It is preferable to store the main unit on its own
location/foundation. If the foundation is not likely to be ready for
more than three (3) months, then suitable action plan has to be
taken from the manufacturer regarding proper storage of the
Main Unit.

2.5.4. If the Transformer/ Reactor is to be stored up to three (3) months

after arrival at site, it can be stored with dry air filled condition.
Dry air pressure shall be monitored on daily basis so that
chances of exposure of active part to atmosphere may be avoided.
In case of drop in Dry air pressure, dew point of Dry air shall be
measured to check the dryness of the Transformer/ Reactor. If
there is drop in dew point, fresh Dry air need to be filled. Leaks
shall be identified and rectified and Dry air shall be filled to the
required pressure.

2.5.5. In case the Transformer/ Reactor is to be stored for more than 3

months, it shall be stored in oil filled condition. Processed oil
shall be filled which complies with the required specification and
ppm ≤ 5ppm and BDV ≥ 70kV. In case of storage of
transformer/reactor in oil-filled condition, the oil filled in the
units hall be tested for BDV and moisture contents once in every
three months. The oil sample shall be taken from bottom valve. If
BDV is less and moisture content is more than as given for
service condition, then oil shall be filtered.

2.6. Insulating Oil

2.6.1. When oil is dispatched to site separately, it is usually in sealed

steel drums. In some of the cases, oil is supplied in tankers also.
The oil to be used for filling and topping up must comply with oil
specifications given in Technical Specification for acceptance
criteria. Oil Samples shall be taken from oil drums/ tanker
received at site and sent to NABL accredited oil Lab for oil
parameter testing. As high dielectric losses cannot be removed by
filter treatment, such lots have to be rejected. If the oil is supplied
in railroad or trailer tanks, one or two samples are sufficient. If
the oil is delivered in 200 litres drums, the following scheme for
checking is recommended.

Number of drums delivered No. of drums to be checked

2 to 5 2
6 to 20 3
21 to 50 4
51 to 100 7


101 to 200 10
201 to 400 15

In case any doubt arises, number of drums to be checked needs

to be increased. However, before filling oil, each drum has to be
physically checked for free moisture and appearance. A data
sheet shall be maintained indicating the number of drums
supplied in each lot and number of drums of each lot used in
filling a particular Transformer/ Reactor. The oil test results
carried out as above shall also be recorded.

The copy of test certificate of routine testing at oil refinery should

be available at site for comparison of test results.

2.7. Samples from Oil Drum

Check the seals on the drums. The drum shall first be allowed to
stand with bung (lid) vertically upwards for at least 24 hours. The
area around the bung shall be cleaned and clean glass or brass
tube long enough to reach within 10mm of the lower most part of
the drum shall be inserted, keeping the uppermost end of the
tube sealed with the thumb while doing so. Remove the thumb
thereby allowing oil to enter the bottom of the tube. Reseal the
tube and extract an oil sample. The first two samples should be
discarded. Thereafter, the sample should be released into a
suitable receptacle. Samples shall preferably be collected in clean
glass bottles. The bottles shall be rinsed with the same oil and
shall be without any air bubble.

2.8. Internal Inspection

2.8.1. Before starting erection, thorough internal inspection of

Transformer/ Reactor shall be carried out by engineer along with
manufacturer’s representative.
Internal inspection shall preferably be carried out in dry and
sunny weather along with circulation of dry air using dry air
generator of dew point -400 C or better and shall be completed as
quickly as possible to avoid ingress of moisture.
Prior to making any entry into the transformer/reactor tank, a
foreign material exclusion programme shall be established to
avoid the danger of any foreign objects falling into the
• Loose articles should be removed from the pockets of anyone
working on the transformer/reactor cover.
• All jewelry, watches, pens, coins and knives should be
removed from pockets.
• Protective clothing and clean shoe covers are recommended.


• Tools should be tied with clean cotton tape or cord securely
• Plated tools or tools with parts that may become detached
should be avoided.
• An inventory of all parts taken into transformer/reactor
should be recorded and checked before closing inspection
cover to assure all items were removed.

If any object is accidentally dropped into the transformer/reactor

and cannot be retrieved, the manufacturer should be notified.

2.8.2. The inspection should include:

• Removal of any shipping, blocking or temporary support.

• Examination for indication of core shifting.
• Tests for unintentional core or core clamp grounds.
• Visual inspection of windings, leads, and connections
including clamping, bracing, blocking, spacer alignment,
phase barriers, oil boxes, and coil wraps.
• Inspection of DETC and in-tank LTCs including contact
alignment and pressure.
• Inspection of current transformers, including supports and
wiring harness.
• Checks for dirt, metal particles, moisture, or other foreign
In case of any abnormality noticed during internal inspection,
same shall be referred to manufacturer immediately before
starting erection activities.

Detailed photographs of all visible parts/ components as per

above shall be taken during internal inspection and shall be
attached with pre-commissioning report.

3. Precautions during erection

3.1 During all erection activities, a well qualified and experienced

representative of manufacturer shall be present at the site for
supervision and other necessary activities.

3.2 During erection, efforts shall be made to minimize the exposure of

active parts (core and coils) of transformer/ reactor. Moisture may
condense on any surface cooler than the surrounding air.
Excessive moisture in insulation or dielectric liquid lowers its
dielectric strength and may cause a failure of Transformer/

3.3 Further, either dry air generator should be running all the time or
dry air cylinders may be used to minimize ingress of moisture.
The transformer/reactor should be sealed off after working


hours. Transformer/ reactor shall never be allowed to be
opened without application of dry air.

3.4 It is practical to apply a slight overpressure overnight with dry air

inside – less than 300 mbar (30 kPa or 0.3 atmospheres). Next
day the pressure shall be checked and suspected leaks may be
detected with leak detection instruments/ with soap water or
with plastic bags tightened around valves (being inflated by
leaking air)

For oil-filled units, whenever oil is drained out below the

inspection covers, job shall be treated as exposed. Other exposure
activities are as below:

• Bushing erections
• Jumper connections of Bushings
• Fixing bushing turrets
• Core insulation checking (in case the checking point not
accessible outside)
• Buchholz relay pipe work fixing on cover
• Gas release pipes/equaliser pipe fixing
• Entering inside the tank for connections/inspection etc.

For oil filled units depending upon the level up to which the oil is
drained decides the exposure time. All such exposure time should
be recorded in a log sheet to decide the oil processing (drying) and
oil filling of transformer/reactor .


AS POSSIBLE!" It is good practice to proceed with the erection in
such a sequence that all fittings and auxiliaries with oil seals to
the tank are assembled first. The oil filling will then be performed
as easily as possible. The "active part" inside - core and coils - is
then impregnated and protected. It has good time to soak
properly, before the unit shall be energized, while remaining
fittings are assembled on the unit, and commissioning checks
carried out.

For transformer/reactor s with a gas pressure of 2.5- 3 PSI, the

acceptable limits of dew point shall be as under:


Temperature Permissible Temperature of Permissible dew
of Insulation dew point in °F Insulation in °C point in °C
in °F
0 -78 -17.77 -61.11
5 -74 -15.0 -58.88
10 -70 -12.22 -56.66
15 -66 -9.44 -54.44
20 -62 -6.66 -52.22
25 -58 -3.33 -49.99
30 -53 -1.11 -47.22
35 -48 +1.66 -44.44
40 -44 +4.44 -42.22
45 -40 +7.44 -39.39
50 -35 +9.99 -37.22
55 -31 12.77 -34.99
60 -27 15.55 -32.77
65 -22 18.33 -29.99
70 -18 23.11 -27.77
75 -14 23.88 -25.55
80 -10 26.66 -23.33
85 -6 29.44 -21.11
90 -1 32.22 -18.33
95 +3 34.99 -16.11
100 +7 37.75 -13.88
110 +16 43.33 -8.88
120 +25 48.88 -3.88
130 +33 54.44 +0.55
140 +44 59.99 +5.55

TABLE 1- Variation of Dew Point of N2 Gas Filled in

Transformer/reactor Tank w.r.t Temperature

3.5 Final tightness test with vacuum (i.e. leakage test or Vacuum
Drop Test)

Before oil filling is started, a final check is made for the tightness
of the transformer/reactor tank by applying vacuum. When
vacuum is applied to a transformer/reactor without oil, a leakage


test must be carried out to ensure that there are no leaks on the
tank which would result in wet air being drawn into the
transformer/reactor . The following procedure is to be adopted:

• Connect the vacuum gauge to a suitable valve of the tank.

(Vacuum application and measurement should be performed
only on top of the main tank) - A vacuum gauge of McLeod
type or electronic type, with a reading range covering the
interval - 1 kPa (1 - 10 mm mercury) to be used.
• Connect the vacuum pump to another opening.
• Evacuate the transformer/ reactor tank until the pressure is
below 50 mbar ( 5 kPa or about 2 mm of Hg).
• Shut the vacuum valve and stop the pump.
• Wait for an hour and take a first vacuum reading – say P1.
• Take a second reading 30 minutes later- say P2.
• Note the volume of the tank (quantity of oil required according
to the rating plate) and express as volume, V, in m3.
• Take the difference between P2 and P1, and multiply this with
the oil quantity V. If the pressures are expressed in kPa, and
the oil quantity in m3, then the product shall be less than 3.6.

(P2 – P1) x V < 3.6

The transformer/reactor is then considered to be holding

sufficient vacuum and is tight.
Continue reading (at least 2 to 3) at successive 30 min
intervals to confirm the result.
• If the leak test is successful, the pumping will be continued,
until the pressure has come down to 0.13 kPa (1 Torr) or less.
The vacuum shall then be held for the time given in Table-2
before the oil filling starts.
• If the specified vacuum cannot be reached, or if it does not
hold, the leak in the transformer/reactor system shall be
located and corrected.

In case the transformer is provided with an On Load Tap Changer

(OLTC), while evacuating the main transformer tank, the diverter
switch compartment may also be evacuated simultaneously so that
no undue pressure is allowed on the tap changer chamber. While
releasing vacuum, the tap changer chamber vacuum should also be
released simultaneously. For this one pressure equalizer pipe
should be connected between main tank and tap changer.
Manufacturer’s instruction manual shall be referred to protect the
air cell/diaphragm in the conservator during evacuation.

This vacuum must be maintained for the time specified as per the
voltage class in table-2 before and should also maintain during
the subsequent oil filling operations by continuous running of the
vacuum pumps.


3.6 Oil Filling

Once the oil is tested from the drums and found meeting the
requirements, the oil is transferred to oil storage tank for oil
filtration before filling inside the transformer.
The drums or trailer tanks shall not be emptied to the last drop -
a sump of an inch or so shall be left, to avoid possible solid dirt or
water at the bottom.
Before being used, the tanks and hoses shall be visually
inspected inside for cleanness. Any liquid residue from earlier use
shall be carefully removed, and the container flushed with a small
quantity of new oil, which is then discarded.
After filtration, oil sample is tested for meeting specification for
new oil.
Prior to filling in main tank at site, it shall be tested for:

1. Break Down voltage (BDV) : 70 kV (min.)

2. Moisture content : 5 ppm (max.)
3. Tan-delta at 90 °C : Less than 0.01
4. Interfacial tension : More than 0.035 N/m

For transformer/reactor dispatched with dry air filled from the

works, the filling of oil inside the tank shall be done under
vacuum. Transformer/reactor of high voltage ratings and their
tanks are designed to withstand full vacuum. Manufacturer’s
instructions should be followed regarding application of full
vacuum during filling the oil in the tank.

When filling a transformer/reactor with oil it is preferable that the

oil be pumped into the bottom of the tank through a filter press or
other reliable oil drying and cleaning device should be interposed
between the pump and the tank (please refer Fig-2).

The oil flow at the entry valve must be controlled to maintain a

positive pressure above atmospheric and to limit the flow rate if
necessary to 5000 litres/ hour, or a rise in oil level in the tank not
exceeding one meter/ hour (as measured on the oil level

Continue oil filling until the level reaches approximately 200 mm

above the ambient oil level indicated on the magnetic oil level
gauge in the expansion vessel. Then, release the vacuum, with


dry air of dew point -40o C or better (for > 220 kV, -25o C for

The diverter tank can now be topped up at atmospheric pressure.

Reconnect oil outlet hose to valve on flange on tap changer
diverter head. Reinstate breather and very slowly top up the
diverter switch such that the correct level is reached in the
diverter expansion vessel. In the event the expansion vessel is
overfull drain oil from flange into a suitable container until the
correct level is reached.

Compound Pressure
Valve near B. RELAY
& Vacuum gauge
towards Conservator
Filter on any 1”
Sampling or 2” Filter

VACUUM SUMP Tank Oil Gauge/

PUMP Transparent hose for
Top Filter


D.O.F. Filter Valve

If not, then BTM Filter Valve

Figure-2 : Arrangement for Evacuation and Oil filling upto tank Oil gauge &

When the vacuum filling of the transformer/reactor and diverter

tank is complete, the cooling system/ Radiator bank can be filled
(without vacuum) at atmospheric pressure, via an oil processing
plant. Oil must be admitted, very slowly, through the bottom
cooler filter valve, with the cooler vented at the top and the top
cooler filter valve unblanked and open to atmosphere. As the oil
level reaches the top vent, then top valve to be closed and the
processing plant can be shut down.


Note: Care must be taken not to pressurize the coolers/ radiators.

Upon completion, open the top cooler isolating valve in order to

equalize the pressure in the cooler with the transformer/reactor
tank. This will also allow contraction or expansion of the oil as
the ambient temperature changes.

Before filling oil into the conservator, the air cell/ bellow to be
inflated to 0.5 PSIG i.e. 0.035kg/cm2 max. by applying pressure
(N2/Compressed dry air) so that it can take shape. After releasing
pressure, breather pipe is to be fitted however it is recommended
not to fit breather in position, instead a wire mesh guard over and
flange of the pipe to prevent entry of any insect inside the pipe.
This will ensure free air movement from the air cell to the

Use flow meter / indicator on outlet of filter machine and regulate

the flow using the valve to limit oil filling rate to 2000 litres per
hour max. in case filter capacity is more.

Oil to be pushed slowly into conservator through the

transformer/reactor via valve No. 5 (valve 2,3 & 4 to remain open)
till the oil comes out first through valve Nos.2 & 3 (close these
valves) and then through valve No. 4. Allow some oil to come out
through valve No.4. Oil should come out freely into the
atmosphere. This will ensure that air inside the conservator is
expelled out and the space surrounding the air cell is full of oil.
(Close valve No. 4). During all these operations valve No.1 shall be
in closed position.

Excess oil from the conservator is to be drained by gravity only

through valve No. 1 or through drain valve of the
transformer/reactor via valve No. 5. Do not use filter machine for
draining oil from the conservator. Also do not remove Buchholz
relay and its associated pipe work, fitted between the conservator
and the transformer/reactor tank while draining oil.

Stop draining oil till indicator of magnetic oil level gauge reaches
position-2 on the dial, which is corresponding to 30°C reading on
the oil temperature indicator. Fill the conservator according to the
oil temperature and not the atmospheric temperature.


Figure-3 : General Arrangement For Oil Conservator

After Oil filling, Hot Oil Circulation has to be applied to all the
Transformers/ Reactors except under the circumstances when
active part of Transformer/ Reactor gets wet. Following conditions
can be considered to define the Transformer/ Reactor wet:

1. If Transformer/ Reactor received at site without positive dry

air pressure.
2. If Dry air not used during exposure while doing erection
3. Overexposure of active part of Transformer/ Reactor during
erection (Overexposure when exposure > 12 Hrs)

Under above mentioned conditions, manufacturer shall take

necessary action for effective dry out of the Transformer/ Reactor.

3.7 Hot oil circulation using high vacuum oil filter machine

3.7.1 To ensure proper dryness and absorption of possible trapped gas

bubbles, the oil in the tank is circulated through the vacuum filter
and with circulation direction as shown in Fig.-4. The circulation
procedure for the main tank is as follows:

(a) The Transformer/ Reactor is connected to the oil filter

machine in a loop through the top and bottom filter valves.
The direction of circulation shall be from the filter to the


transformer/reactor at the top and from the
transformer/reactor to the filter at the bottom. (Please note
that at the initial oil filling time, the direction is reverse to
avoid air bubble formation).

(b) The temperature of the oil from the filter to the

Transformer/ Reactor should be around 60o C and in no
case it should go beyond 70o C otherwise this may cause
oxidation of oil.

(c) The circulation shall proceed until a volume of oil has

passed through the loop corresponding to 2 times the total
oil volume in the tank. (At freezing ambient temperature the
circulation time is increased: circulate 3 times the volume at
temperature down to minus 20o C, increase to 4 times below
that temperature).

3.7.2 The oil sample from the transformer/reactor tank, after filling in
tank before commissioning should meet the parameters specified
in the specifications elsewhere.

Top Filter

Vacuum Filter
Filter Valve

Filter Machine Inlet Filter Machine Outlet

Figure-4: Arrangement for Hot Oil Circulation and Filtration


3.8 Drying of wet winding of transformer/ reactor by application
of vacuum, N2 filling and heating

The drying of a new Transformer/ Reactor is required when the

moisture gets absorbed by the solid insulation used in
Transformers/ Reactors due to various reasons. The process of
drying out a transformer/reactor requires care and good
judgment. If the drying out process is carelessly or improperly
performed, a great damage may result to the transformer/reactor
insulation. In no case shall a transformer/reactor be left
unattended during any part of the dry out period unless on-line
dry-out process is adopted which incorporates all necessary
safety features. The transformer/reactor should be carefully
watched throughout the dry-out process and all observations to
be carefully recorded.

When the transformer/reactor is being dried out, it is necessary

to ensure that fire fighting equipment is available near the
transformer/reactor as a precaution as there are chances of fire
as we are dealing with heat and inflammable oil.

3.8.1 Isolation Required

All the openings of transformer/reactor main tank like openings

for coolers/radiators, conservator, OLTC etc. are to be properly
isolated and totally blanked.

3.8.2 Procedure

(a) Fill the main transformer/ reactor tank with Nitrogen (Use
only Dry N2 gas as per IS: 1747 with less than 50 ppm
moisture and 1% oxygen by volume) until it comes to a
positive pressure of 0.15 kg/cm2. It is kept for about 48 hrs.
At the end of 48 hrs, dew point of N2 at outlet is measured. If
the dew point is not within acceptable limits as per Table-I,
dry out method should be continued.

(b) While N2 circulation is in progress, the heaters are to be

installed around the transformer/reactor tank as shown in
the Annexure. The heaters are to be kept ON until we achieve
a temperature of about 75o C – 80o C of the core & winding of
transformer/reactor as measured by top oil temperature in
the transformer/reactor .

(c) After ascertaining that there is no leakage, pull out vacuum

and keep the transformer/reactor under near absolute
vacuum (1-5 torr) and keep under vacuum for about 96
hours running the vacuum pump continuously. The duration
of vacuum can vary between 48 to 96 hrs depending upon


the dew point being achieved. Keep Vacuum machine ON
and collect condensate for measurement. Observe the rate of
condensate collection on hourly basis. Depending on the
value of rate of condensate (less than 40 ml/hr for 24 hrs),
continuation of further vacuum shall be decided.

(d) Then the vacuum is broken with dry nitrogen. The dew point
of nitrogen at the inlet is to be measured and should be of
the order of - 50 °C or better. When the nitrogen comes to
the positive pressure of 0.15 kg/cm2, it is stopped and kept
for 24 hours. Heating from outside is to be continued while
N2 circulation is in progress. Then the nitrogen pressure is
released and the outlet nitrogen dew point is measured. If
the dew point is within acceptable limits as per Table-I, then
the dryness of transformer/reactor is achieved. If not, again
the transformer/reactor is taken for vacuum treatment and
then nitrogen is admitted as mentioned above and tested.
The cycle is to be continued till desired dew point as per
Table-1 is achieved.

(e) Periodicity of vacuum cycle may vary between 48-96 hrs.

Initially two N2 cycles may be kept for 24 hrs. After that it
may be kept for 48 hrs depending upon dew point being

3.8.3 After completion of drying process, oil filling and hot oil
circulation is to be carried out before commissioning. Please
ensure standing time as per Table-2 given below before charging.
Note: If already known that the transformer/reactor is wet based
on the tests or exposure time, then (a) above can be skipped to
save time.

Table - 2
Transformer Application of Vacuum STANDING TIME
HV Rated & holding for (before After Oil circulation
Voltage oil filling)* and before
(in kV) (in hours) energizing
(in Hours)
Up to 145kV 12 HRS 12 HRS
145 kV and up 24 HRS 48 HRS
to 420kV
Above 420 kV 36 HRS 120 HRS

*Without running the vacuum pump and leakage rate to be ≤ 40mbar-lit/sec


After the expiry of this time, air release operation is to be carried
out in Buchholz relays, turrets and other release points given by
the manufacturers before charging.

4. Pre-Commissioning checks/tests for Transformers and


4.1 Once oil filling is completed, following pre-commissioning checks/

tests are performed to ensure the healthiness of the Transformer/
Reactor prior to its energization.

(a) Inspection and performance testing of accessories like tap

changers, cooling fans, oil pumps etc.

(b) Check the direction of rotation of fans and pumps and

check the bearing lubrication.

(c) Check whole assembly for tightness, general appearance


(d) Oil leakage test

(e) Capacitance and tan delta measurement of bushing before

fixing/connecting to the winding, contractor shall furnish
these values for site reference.

(f) Leakage check on bushing before erection.

(g) Measure and record the dew point of gas in the main tank
before assembly.

(h) Check the colour of silica gel in breather.

(i) Check the oil level in the breather housing, conservator

tanks, cooling system, condenser bushing etc.

(j) Check the bushing for conformity of connection to the lines


(k) Check for correct operation of all protection devices and

alarms/trip :
i) Buchholz relay
ii) Excessive winding temperature
iii) Excessive oil temperature
iv) Low oil flow
v) Low oil level indication


vi) Fan and pump failure protection

(l) Check for the adequate protection on the electric circuit

supplying the accessories.

(m) Check resistance of all windings on all steps of the tap

changer. Insulation resistance measurement for the

i) Control wiring
ii) Cooling system motor and control
iii) Main windings
iv) Tap changer motor and control

(n) Check for cleanliness of the transformer and the


(o) 2 kV for 1 minute test between bushing CT terminal and


(p) Polarity and vector group test

(q) Ratio test on all taps

(r) Magnetising current test

(s) Capacitance and Tan delta measurement of winding and


(t) Frequency response analysis (FRA). FRA equipment shall

be arranged by purchaser.

(u) DGA of oil just before commissioning and after 24 hours

energisation at site.

4.2 Gradually put the transformer on load, check and measure

increase in temperature in relation to the load and check the
operation with respect to temperature rise and noise level etc.

4.3 Continuously observe the transformer operation at no load for at

least 24 hours.

4.4 Contractor shall prepare a comprehensive commissioning report

including all commissioning test results as per Pre-
Commissioning Procedures forward to Purchaser for future

4.5 Significance of various tests to be performed on

transformer/reactor is given below:


Sr. Name of Test/ Check Purpose of test/ check
No. point
1. Core insulation tests Allows for investigating accidental grounds
which results in circulating currents if there is
more than one connection between the core
and ground.
2. Earth pit resistance To check the resistance of earth pit provided
measurement for Transformer/reactor. In case, the resistance
is more, proper treatment is to be given.
3. Insulation Resistance Test reveals the condition of insulation (i.e.
(IR) measurement degree of dryness of paper insulation), presence
of any foreign contaminants in oil and also any
gross defect inside the transformer/reactor
(e.g. Failure to remove the temporary
transportation bracket on the live portion of
tap-changer part)
4. Capacitance and Tan δ Measurement of Capacitance and Tanδ in UST
measurement of mode. Changes in the normal capacitance of an
bushings insulator indicate abnormal conditions such as
the presence of moisture layer, short -circuits
or open circuits in the capacitance network.
5. Capacitance and Tan δ Dissipation factor/Loss factor and capacitance
measurement of measurement of winding is carried out to
windings ascertain the general condition of the ground
and inter-winding insulation
6. Turns ratio (Voltage To determine the turns ratio of transformers to
ratio) measurement identify any abnormality in tap changers/
shorted or open turns etc.
7. Vector Group & To determine the phase relationship and
Polarity polarity of transformers
8. Magnetic Balance test This test is conducted only in three phase
transformers to check the imbalance in the
magnetic circuit
9. Floating Neutral point This test is conducted to ascertain possibility of
measurement short circuit in a winding.
10. Measurement of Short This test is used to detect winding movement
Circuit Impedance that usually occurs due to heavy fault current
or mechanical damage during transportation or
installation since dispatch from the factory.


11. Exciting/Magnetizing To locate defect in magnetic core structure,
current measurement shifting of windings, failures in turn to turn
insulation or problems in tap changers. These
conditions change the effective reluctance of
the magnetic circuit thus affecting the current
required to establish flux in the core
12. Operational checks on To ensure smooth & trouble free operation of
OLTCs OLTC during operation.
13. Tests/ Checks on To ascertain the healthiness of bushing current
Bushing Current transformer/reactor at the time of erection
Transformers (BCTs)
14. Operational Checks on Operational Checks on cooler bank (pumps &
protection System Fans), Breathers (Silica gel or Drycol), MOG,
temperature gauges (WTI/OTI), gas actuated
relays (Buchholz, PRD, SPR etc.) and
simulation test of protection system
15. Stability of Differential, This test is performed to check the proper
REF of Transformer/ operation of Differential & REF protection of
Reactor Transformer & Reactor by simulating actual
conditions. Any problem in CT connection,
wrong cabling, relay setting can be detected by
this test.
16. Frequency Response To assess the mechanical integrity of the
Analysis (FRA) transformer. Transformers while experiencing
measurement severity of short circuit current loses its
mechanical property by way of deformation of
the winding or core. During pre-commissioning
this test is required to ascertain by comparison
with the factory results that Transformer active
part has not suffered any severe impact/ jerk
during transportation.
17. Winding resistance To check for any abnormalities due to loose
measurement connections, broken strands and high contact
resistance in tap changers.
18. Dissolved Gas Analysis Oil sample for DGA to be drawn from
(DGA) of oil sample transformer main tank before commissioning
for having a base data and after 24 hrs. of
charging subsequently to ensure no fault gas
developed after first charging. DGA analysis
helps the user to identify the reason for gas
formation & materials involved and indicate
urgency of corrective action to be taken.


19. Tan delta of bushing at Tan delta measurement at variable frequency
variable frequency (in the range of 20 Hz to 350 Hz) shall be
(Dielectric frequency carried out on each condenser type bushing
(OIP & RIP) at site and the result shall be
compared with factory results to verify the
healthiness of the bushing.


Chapter 6


In the factory the transformer/reactor can be tested using a plethora of

means & at all voltage ranges however at site the testing options are severely
limited. Since transformers/reactors play an important role in the electrical
power system it is imperative to conduct testing on a regular basis. The goal
of testing is to confirm the transformer’s/reactor’s ability to continue
functioning properly and to reduce the chance of failure.

Condition Monitoring for any device is defined as “A generic procedure /

activities directed towards identifying and avoiding root cause failure
modes.” Condition monitoring activities can be described as the process
of monitoring a parameter in the equipment, in order to identify a significant
change which is indicative of a developing fault. It is a major component of
predictive maintenance.

As per Central Electricity Authority (Technical Standards for Construction of

Electrical Plants and Electric Lines) Regulations, diagnostic equipment shall
be provided to assess the health of various equipment in substations and
switchyards of 132 kV and higher voltages. Portable type on-line diagnostic
equipment and off-line diagnostic equipment shall be provided for one or a
cluster of substations or switchyards, depending upon the size of the
substations or switchyards. On-line diagnostic equipment may be provided
for the critical equipment, the health of which is to be monitored

The condition monitoring activities of any Power Transformer/Reactor can

be classified as the following based on testing methodology:

i. Off Line Monitoring Activities

ii. On Line Monitoring Activities

However these activities can be further sub-divided based on relevancy for

Transformer or Reactor.

I. Off Line Monitoring Activities for Transformer/ Reactor

A. Low Voltage Conventional Tests
The low voltage conventional tests are described as the tests which are
carried out at site and the test results are compared to the factory test
results/ pre-commissioning results.
1. Winding Resistance (Applicable to both Transformer & Reactor)
Winding resistance is measured in the field in order to check for any
abnormalities due to loose connections, broken strands and high contact

Chapter-6: Condition Monitoring and Life Cycle Management Page 1 of 32

resistance in tap changers etc. as a pre-commissioning checks and
compare the measured values with factory test values.

As the transformer/reactor resistance is Low resistance, the

measurement has to be carried out with the help of Kelvin Double
Bridge / Transformer ohmmeter. Normally winding resistance values 1
ohm or above is measured using Wheatstone Bridge and winding
resistance values less than 1 ohm is measured using micro-ohm meter or
Kelvin Bridge.

The winding resistance shall be preferably done when the difference in

the top and bottom temperature of the winding (temperature of oil in
steady-state condition) is equal to or less than 5°C. The winding
resistance should preferable be carried out last after completion of all
other LV tests, as after this test core gets saturated and tests like
magnetizing current, magnetic balance etc. carried out after winding test
may be affected and indicate a misleading results, if the core is not de-
magnetized before carrying out these tests.

For star connected winding with neutral brought out, the resistance
shall be measured between the line and neutral terminal and average of
three sets of reading shall be the tested value. If neutral bushing is not
available on Star connected windings, take measurement between each
phase and ground (if the neutral is grounded), or take readings between
pairs of bushings as if it were a Delta connected winding. Repeat in same
fashion so that proper comparison can be made. The connections shall be
as shown:

For star connected auto-transformers the resistance of the HV side is

measured between HV terminal and IV terminal, then between IV
terminal and the neutral at All Taps. The tap changer should be changed
from contact to contact so that contact resistance can also be checked.
For delta connected windings, such as tertiary winding of auto-
transformers, measurement shall be done between pairs of line terminals

Chapter-6: Condition Monitoring and Life Cycle Management Page 2 of 32

and resistance per winding shall be calculated as per the following
Resistance per winding = 1.5 x Measured value

Take the winding temperature reading while doing the resistance

measurement and Calculate the resistance at 75°C as per the following
R75 = Rt (235+75) / (235+t ),
Where Rt = Resistance measured at winding temperature t

Results are to be compared to other phases in Star-connected

transformers or between pairs of terminals on a Delta–connected winding
to determine if a resistance is too high. Because field measurements
make it unlikely that precise temperature measurements of the winding
can be made, the expected deviation for this test in the field is 5.0 % of
the factory test value. Precision in field measurements using digital
instruments (like Tr. Ohm meter) is affected by the presence of stray
fields of relatively low capacitances. Comparison of readings with
identical transformer has much more significance. As a check, Key gases
increasing in DGA will be ethane and /or ethylene and possible methane
of close connections or broken strands or OLTC contact problems.

2. Voltage Ratio Test (For Transformers Only)

Voltage Ratio Test is carried out in case any fault has occurred which is
suspected to have affected one of the windings (completely or partially).
The Turns Ratio of a transformer is the ratio of the number of turns in a
higher voltage winding to that in a lower voltage winding.

To carry out the test, keep the tap position in the lowest position and IV
and LV terminals open. Apply 3 phase, 415 V or single phase 230 V
supply according to transformer type on HV terminals. Measure the
voltages applied on each phase (Phase-Phase) on HV and IV terminals
simultaneously. Repeat this for each of the tap position separately and
after interchanging the voltmeters of HV and IV windings and then
average the readings for final calculation of ratio.

The above tests can also be performed by Transformer turns ratio (TTR)
meter available in convenient portable form. They operate at low voltages,
such as 8-10 V and 50-60 Hz, so that the test may be performed on a
transformer even when the oil is removed. Two windings on one phase of
a transformer are connected to the instrument, and the internal bridge
elements are varied to produce a null indication on the detector, with
exciting current also being measured in most cases.

Chapter-6: Condition Monitoring and Life Cycle Management Page 3 of 32

Results of the transformation turns or voltage ratio are absolute, and
may be compared with the specified values measured during factory
testing. The turns ratio tolerance should be within 0.5 % of the
nameplate specifications. For three phase Y connected winding this
tolerance applies to phase to neutral voltage. If the phase-to-neutral
voltage is not explicitly indicated in the nameplate, then the rated phase-
to-neutral voltage should be calculated by dividing the phase-to-phase
voltage by √3.

If there are shorted winding turns, the measured ratio will be effected.
Out-of-tolerance ratio measurements may be symptomatic of shorted
turns, especially if there is an associated high excitation current. Out-of-
tolerance readings should be compared with prior tests because in some
instances, the design turns ratio may vary from the nameplate voltage
ratio on some taps because of the need to utilize an incremental number
of winding turns to make up the taps while nameplate voltage increments
may not exactly correspond. This error may combine with measurement
error to give a misleading out-of-tolerance reading.

Ratio measurements must be made on all taps to confirm the proper

alignment and operation of the tap changers.

Open turns in the excited winding will be indicated by very low exciting
current and no output voltage. Open turns in the output winding will be
indicated by normal levels of exciting current, but no or very low levels of
unstable output voltage.

The turns ratio test also detects high-resistance connections in the lead
circuitry or high contact resistance in tap changers by higher excitation
current and a difficulty in balancing the bridge.

3. Excitation/ Magnetization Current (For both Transformers & Reactors)

Exciting/ Magnetizing current is the current required to force a given flux
through the core. This test should be done before DC measurements of
winding resistance to reduce the effect of residual magnetism.
Therefore, transformer under test is to be demagnetized before
commencement of magnetizing current test.

The test comprises a simple measurement of single-phase current on one

side of the transformer, usually the high-voltage side, with the other side
left floating (with the exception of a grounded neutral). Three-phase
transformers are tested by applying Single-phase 10 kV voltage to one

Chapter-6: Condition Monitoring and Life Cycle Management Page 4 of 32

phase (HV terminals) at a time. Keep the tap position alternatively in the
Lowest position, Normal position & Highest position and IV and LV
terminals open. Measure the voltages applied on each phase (Phase
wise) on HV terminals and current in each phase of HV terminal.
Afterwards keep the tap position in normal position and keep HV and LV
terminals open. Apply 1phase 10kV supply on IV terminals and
measure phase to phase voltage between the IV terminals and current on
each of the IV terminals.

The set of reading for current measurement in each of the tap position
should be equal. Unequal currents shall indicate possible short circuits
in winding. Results between similar single-phase units should not vary
more than 10 % .The test values on the outside legs should be within 15
% of each other, and values for the centre leg should not be more than
those for either of the outside legs for a three-phase transformer. Results
compared to previous tests made under the same conditions should not
vary more than 25%. The comparison of the test values of healthy
condition with the faulty condition shall help in pinpointing the trouble

If an out-of-tolerance reading is experienced while turns ratio, winding

resistance, and impedance tests are normal, residual magnetism should
be suspected. Residual magnetism may be eliminated or reduced by
applying a dc voltage to the windings through a voltage divider. The
voltage should be raised from zero to a max. value that will yield a
current of no more than 10 A through the winding and then returned to
zero. Care must be taken not to break the circuit while dc current is
flowing in the winding. The polarity should then be reversed and the
procedure repeated. Repeat the process several times, each time reducing
the magnitude of current and each time reversing the polarity. The
excitation current test should then be repeated.

4. Insulation Resistance (For both Transformers & Reactors)

Insulation resistance (IR) of windings is the simplest and most widely
used test to check the soundness of transformer insulation. This test
reveals the condition of insulation (i.e. degree of dryness of paper
insulation), presence of any foreign contaminants in oil and also any
gross defect inside the transformer (like failure to remove the temporary
transportation bracket on the live portion of tap-changer part). Insulation
resistance is measured by means of Meggers which are available in 500
V, 1000 V, 2500 V and 5000 V ratings. For transformer windings with
voltage rating 11 kV and above, 2.5 kV megger shall be used. IR value

Chapter-6: Condition Monitoring and Life Cycle Management Page 5 of 32

measurements of EHV transformers shall preferably be done with 5 kV
motorized / digital megger.

IR measurements shall be taken between the windings collectively (i.e.

with all the windings being connected together) and the earthed tank
(earth) and between each winding and the tank, the rest of the windings
being earthed. Before taking measurements the neutral should be
disconnected from earth. Following table gives combinations of IR
measurements for auto-transformer, three -winding transformer & Shunt

For Auto- For 3 For

transforme winding Shunt
r transformer Reactor
HV + IV to HV + IV to LV HV to E
HV + IV to HV to IV+ LV
LV to E HV + LV to IV
HV + IV +LV to
Record date and time of measurement, sl. no., make of megger; oil
temperature and IR values at intervals of 15 seconds, 1 minute and 10

IR values may be checked with the values in manufacturer's test

certificate and these values may be used as bench marks for future IR
monitoring in service. IR values vary with type of insulation (transformer
oil or air), temperature, and duration of application of voltage and to
some extent applied voltage.

Unless otherwise recommended by the manufacturer the following IR

values as a thumb rule may be considered as the minimum satisfactory
values at 30°C (one minute measurements) at the time of

Rated Voltage Minimum desired IR value at

class of winding 1 minute
(Meg ohm)
11kV 300 MΩ
33kV 400 MΩ
66kV & above 500 MΩ

Chapter-6: Condition Monitoring and Life Cycle Management Page 6 of 32

Even if the insulation is dry, IR values will be low if the resistivity of oil is
poor. With the duration of application of voltage, IR value increases. The
increase in insulation resistance is an indication of dryness of insulation.

The ratio of 60 second insulation resistance to 15 second insulation

resistance value is called dielectric absorption coefficient or Index
(DAI). For oil filled transformers with class A insulation, in reasonably
dried condition the absorption coefficient at 30°C will be more than 1.3.

Polarization Index Test is ratiometric test, insensitive to temperature

variation and may be used to predict insulation system performance even
if charging currents (i.e. capacitive, absorption or leakage currents) have
not diminished to zero. Since leakage current increases at a faster rate
with moisture present than does absorption current, the megohm
readings will not increase with time as fast with insulation in poor
condition as with insulation in good condition. This results in a lower
polarization index. An advantage of the index ratio is that all of the
variables that can affect a single megohm reading, such as temp and
humidity, are essentially the same for both the 1 min and 10 min
readings. The polarization index test is performed generally by taking
megohm readings at the following intervals at a constant dc voltage: 1
min and then every minute up to 10 min. The polarization index is the
ratio of the 10 min to the 1 min megohm readings.

PI= R10 / R1 (dimensionless)

Where PI is Polarisation Index and R is resistance

The following are guidelines for evaluating transformer insulation using

polarization index values:

Polarization Index Insulation

Less than 1 Dangerous
1.0-1.1 Poor
1.1-1.25 Questionable
1.25-2.0 Fair
2.0 – 4.0 Good
Above 4.0 Excellent
A PI of more than 1.25 and DAI of more than 1.3 are generally considered
satisfactory for a transformer when the results of other low voltage tests
are found in order. PI less than 1 calls for immediate corrective action.

Chapter-6: Condition Monitoring and Life Cycle Management Page 7 of 32

5. Capacitance and Tan delta of Windings (Both Transformer & Reactors)
Dissipation factor/Loss factor (Tan δ) and capacitance measurement of
winding is carried out to ascertain the general condition of the ground
and inter-winding insulation of transformer and reactors.

For tan delta & capacitance measurement of transformer/reactor

winding, the voltage rating of each winding under test must be
considered and the test voltage selected accordingly. If neutral bushings
are involved, their voltage ratings must also be considered in selecting
the test voltage. Removal of Jumpers from Bushings is Pre-Requisite for
C & Tan δ Measurement of Windings.

The summary of possible combination for measurement of tan delta &

capacitance is given below:

Auto- Test Shunt Test Fo 3 winding Test

Transformer Mode Reactor Mode Transformer Mode
/2- winding


h HV + IV to E GSTg HV to LV (IV UST
a (LV guarded) open)
n (CH) (CHL)
g (HV + IV) to GST IV to LV(HV UST
e (LV+E) open)
s (CHL+ CH) (CIL)
LV to HV + IV UST HV to E GSTg
i (CLH) guarded) (CH)
n LV to E GSTg IV to E GSTg
t guarded) guarded)
h (CL) (CI)
e LV to (HV + GST LV to E GSTg
IV+E) to (HV+IV
(CHL+ CL) guarded)
n (CL)
rmal capacitance of an insulator indicate abnormal conditions such as
the presence of moisture, layer short circuits or open circuits in the
capacitance network.

Chapter-6: Condition Monitoring and Life Cycle Management Page 8 of 32

Dissipation factor measurements can indicate the following conditions:
• Chemical deterioration due to time and temperature.
• Contamination by water, carbon deposits, bad oil, dirt, etc.
• Severe leakage through cracks and over surfaces.
• Ionisation

Environmental factors like variation in temperature, relative humidity,

surrounding charged objects etc. may influence measurement of
dielectric dissipation factor. Care shall be taken to control the above
factors during measurements.

An increase of DF accompanied by a marked increase in capacitance

usually indicates excessive moisture in the insulation. Increase of DF
alone may be caused by thermal deterioration or by contamination other
than water.

Maximum values of Dissipation Factor (Tan Delta) of class A insulation

e.g. paper insulation, oil impregnated is 0.005. Rate of change of tan
Delta and capacitance is very important. The rate of change of tan δ
more than 0.001 per year needs further investigation. Capacitance
value can be within +10%, -5% in capacitance value. Comparison of test
results to those for similar piece of equipment especially those tested
under the same conditions shall be done.

6. Capacitance and Tan delta of Bushings (Both Transformer & Reactors)

Insulation power factor or dissipation factor (Tan δ) and Capacitance
measurement of bushing provide an indication of the quality and
soundness of the insulation in the bushing. For getting accurate results
of Tan delta and Capacitance without removing the bushing from the
transformer, a suitable test set capable of taking measurement by
ungrounded specimen test (UST) method shall be used. It utilises the test
tap of the bushing and a Tan delta/Capacitance test set. Both Tan delta
and Capacitance can be measured using the same set up.

Test voltage to be applied shall not exceed half of the power frequency
test voltage or 10 kV, whichever is lower. It is desirable to have the test
set or bridge frequency different but close to operating power frequency;
so that stray power frequency currents do not interfere with the operation
of the instrument.

Measurements shall be made at similar conditions as that of a previous

measurement. The oil-paper insulation combination of bushings exhibit

Chapter-6: Condition Monitoring and Life Cycle Management Page 9 of 32

fairly constant tan delta over a wide range of operating temperature.
Hence, effort is to be made for testing at temperature near to previous
test and Correction factor need not be applied. The following
precautions/ steps to be taken:
• Porcelain of the bushings shall be clean and dry before test. Remove any
dirt or oil with clean dry cloth.
• Test shall not be carried out when there is condensation on the
porcelain. Preferably, tests shall not be carried out when the relative
humidity is in excess of 75%.
• Terminals of the bushings of each winding shall be shorted together
using bare braided copper jumper. These jumpers shall not be allowed to
sag. Transformer windings not being tested shall be grounded.
• Measure and record the ambient temperature and relative humidity for
reference. Record OTI and WTI during the measurement.
• Do not test a bushing (new or spare) while it is in its wood shipping crate,
or while it is lying on wood. Wood is not as good an insulator as porcelain
and will cause the readings to be inaccurate. Keep the test results as a
baseline record to compare with future tests.

Environmental factors like variation in temperature, relative humidity,

surrounding charged objects etc. have great influence on measurement of
dielectric dissipation factor. Care shall be taken to control the above
factors during measurements. Testing during periods of high humidity or
precipitation should be avoided; otherwise proper evaluation of test
results becomes very difficult. A very small amount of water vapour on
the surface of external insulation could increase the amount of leakage
current and will appear as increased loss in the test result.

The acceptance criterion to assess the probable condition of the

insulation of the transformer is no substantial variation in the measured
values of tan delta (dissipation factor) at periodic interval when compared
with previous references. For bushings, the tan delta value shall not
exceed 0.5% (during first charging). However there should not be any
deviation of more than 0.001 from initial tan delta value of the bushing.

The main capacitance (C1) of the bushing i.e., the capacitance between
high voltage terminal and test tap is not affected by the surrounding
conditions and the accepted deviation from the values measured at
factory tests should be less than 5%. The capacitance between bushing
test tap and ground is largely influence by the stray capacitances to
ground parts in the transformer and hence large deviation in the

Chapter-6: Condition Monitoring and Life Cycle Management Page 10 of 32

measured value shall be accepted when compared with the factory test

7. Short Circuit Impedance (For Transformers Only)

This test is used to detect winding movement that usually occurs due to
heavy fault current or mechanical damage during transportation or
installation since dispatch from the factory.

The measurement is performed in single phase mode. This test is

performed for the combination of two winding. One of the winding is
short circuited and voltage is applied to other winding. The voltage and
current reading are noted. The test shall be conducted with variac of 0-
280 V, 10 A, precision RMS voltmeter and ammeter. The conductors used
for short-circuiting one of the transformer windings should have low
impedance (less than 1m-ohm) and short length. The contacts should be
clean and tight.

The measured impedance voltage should be within 3 percent of

impedance specified in rating and diagram nameplate of the transformer.
Variation in impedance voltage of more than 3% should be considered
significant and further investigated.

8. Operational checks and Inspection of OLTC (Only for Transformers)

On-Load Tap Changers (OLTCs) are designed to be operated while the
transformer is energized. OLTCs may be located in either the high voltage
winding or the low voltage winding, depending on the requirements of the
user, the cost effectiveness of the application and tap changer
availability. OLTC being a current interrupting device requires periodic
inspection and maintenance. The frequency of inspections is based on
time in service, range of use and number of operations.

Normally the temperature of the OLTC compartment may be few degrees

Celsius less than the main tank. Any temperature approaching or above
that of the main tank indicates an internal problem. Prior to opening the
OLTC compartment, it should be inspected for external symptoms of
potential problems. Such things as integrity of Paint, weld leaks, oil seal
integrity, pressure relief device and liquid level gauge are all items which
should be inspected prior to entering the OLTC.

Following de-energization, close all valves between oil conservator,

transformer tank and tap-changer head, then lower the oil level in the
diverter switch oil compartment by draining of oil for internal inspection.
Upon opening the OLTC compartment, the door gasket should be

Chapter-6: Condition Monitoring and Life Cycle Management Page 11 of 32

inspected for signs of deterioration. The compartment floor should be
inspected for debris that might indicate abnormal wear and sliding
surfaces should be inspected for signs of excessive wear.

The following check points/guide lines for inspection and maintenance

should be addressed and the manufacturer’s service engineer should be
consulted for details of maintenance/overhauling activity to ensure the
absence of problems and ensure proper operation in the future:

 Function of control switches

 OLTC stopping on position
 Fastener tightness
 Signs of moisture such as rusting, oxidation or free standing water and
 Mechanical clearances as specified by manufacturer’s instruction booklet
 Operation and condition of tap selector, changeover selector and arcing
transfer switches
 Drive mechanism operation
 Counter operation
 Position indicator operation and its co-ordination with mechanism and
tap selector positions
 Limit switch operation
 Mechanical block integrity
 Proper operation of hand-crank and its interlock switch
 Physical condition of tap selector
 Freedom of movement of external shaft assembly
 Extent of arc erosion on stationary and movable arcing contacts
 Inspect barrier board for tracking and cracking
 After filling with oil, manually crank throughout entire range
 Oil BDV and Moisture content (PPM) to be measured and recorded

Finally, the tap selector compartment should be flushed with clean

transformer oil and all carbonization which may have been deposited
should be removed. Minimum BDV should be 50 kV and Moisture
content should be less than 20 PPM

B. Oil Parameters
1. Visual Inspection / Color
Black color of the oil indicates presence of carbonization in the oil. Oil to
be visually inspected for healthiness.

2. Dielectric Strength (BDV)

Chapter-6: Condition Monitoring and Life Cycle Management Page 12 of 32

The Electric Strength (dielectric breakdown) is the minimum voltage at
which an electric discharge/ flashover occurs between two electrodes set
2.5 mm apart when the voltage is increased at a standard rate under
prescribed test conditions. It is a measure of the ability of oil to
withstand electrical stress at power frequencies without failure. A low
value for the dielectric breakdown voltage generally indicates the
presence of contaminants such as water, dirt, or other conducting
particles in the oil.

3. Moisture Content (PPM)

Transformer insulation is highly hygroscopic and presence of moisture
(water) contributes hazard not only to the dielectric property of oil but
also to the cellulosic insulation (i.e. kraft paper, pressboards etc.) that
are immersed in the oil. Transformer leaves factory with moisture of less
than 0.5% in cellulose which increases due to ageing (formed as
byproduct) during operation. Moisture ingress can also take place during
erection or operation due to leakage.

As the acidity of the oil increases during use as a result of oxidation or

contamination, the tendency to form a water emulsion increases as a
result of temperature cycling or agitation. Thus water content
determination becomes a crucial factor in deciding the insulating
capability of the oil in service and a periodic monitoring becomes

4. Dielectric Loss/Power factor / Dissipation factor (Tan Delta)

The Dielectric Dissipation Factor (DDF) also known as tan of the oil is the
tangent of the phase angle between a sinusoidal voltage applied to the oil
and the resulting current. DDF is the ratio of power dissipated in the oil
in watts to the product of the effective voltage and current in VA, when
tested with a sinusoidal field under prescribed conditions. Tan indicates
the dielectric loss of an oil; thus the dielectric heating. A high tan is an
indication of the presence of contamination or deterioration products
such as moisture, carbon or other conducting matter, metal soaps and
products of oxidation.

Specific resistance is the ratio of DC potential gradient in Volts per cm

paralleling the current flow within the sample to the current density in
amperes per sq. cm at given instant of time and under prescribed test
conditions. Resistivity is the coefficient of DC electrical field strength and
steady state current density within the material. This is a numerical
equal to the resistance between opposite faces of a centimeter cube of a

Chapter-6: Condition Monitoring and Life Cycle Management Page 13 of 32

liquid and is expressed in -cm. The measurement of resistivity of
insulating oil is a sensitive test for the detection of conducting impurities
particularly to check purity of new & unused insulating liquids.

5. Inter facial Tension (IFT)

The Inter Facial Tension (IFT) of insulating oil is the force in dynes per
cm or Newton per metre required to rupture the oil film existing at an oil-
water interface. When certain contaminants such as soaps, paints,
varnishes and oxidation products are present in the oil, the film strength
of the oil is weakened, thus requiring less force to rupture. Determination
of Inter Facial Tension between water and oil gives a measure of the polar
compounds present in the oil, which in turn is a measure of level of oil
oxidation. Thus this test provides a means of detecting soluble polar
contaminants and products of deterioration/ oxidation in the oil.

A low IFT indicates accumulation of contaminants, oxidation products, or

both. It is a precursor of objectionable oxidation products which may
attack the insulation and interfere with the cooling of transformer

6. Acidity (Neutralization No.)

This test is conducted to find out relative changes that occur in
insulating oils during use under oxidizing conditions i.e. to determine the
quantum of acidic constituents in insulating oils. Acid content is gauged
by a Neutralization No. (NN) which is expressed in milligrams of KOH
required to neutralize completely the acid present in one gram of oil. A
low Neutralization Number of mineral insulating oil is necessary to
minimize electrical conduction, metal corrosion and to maximize the life
of the insulation system.

Service-aged oil having a high NN or acid number indicates the oil is

either oxidized or contaminated with materials such as varnish, paint or
other foreign matter. The presence of acids in the oil is detrimental for
besides corroding the various parts of the equipment but it also lowers
BDV and often polymerizes to form insoluble sludge which can clog the
cooling system. There is no direct correlation between NN and corrosive
tendency of oil towards metal in electrical power equipment

7. Oxidation Stability /Ageing test

Insulating Oil, in service is continuously exposed to thermal & electrical
stresses. Due to presence of dissolved oxygen in the oil, with copper
windings acting as catalyst, the insulating oil undergoes gradual
oxidation during its service life. As a result of this oxidation, acids are

Chapter-6: Condition Monitoring and Life Cycle Management Page 14 of 32

formed, increasing the acidity of oil. These acids make the oil more
hygroscopic and prone to oxidation. The last stage of oxidation, sludge
formation takes place. Sludge is detrimental for transformer health as it
impairs its cooling. It is therefore desirable to know that any particular
oil, which is going to be used, is how much resistant to oxidation.

Oxidation Stability of new insulating oil containing oxidation inhibitor (2-

6 DBPC or 2-6 DBP) is a rapid test to evaluate the length of time required
for the oil sample to react with a given volume of oxygen when a sample
of oil is heated and oxidized under test conditions.

Oxidation Stability of service aged oil determines the resistance of

mineral insulating oil to oxidation under prescribed accelerated ageing
conditions. Oxidation stability is measure by the propensity of oils to
form sludge and acid products during oxidation. The resistance against
ageing is the ability of the oil to maintain its properties for a long time as
an insulating and cooling medium by maintaining oxidation stability.

8. Particle Count
Particle count is done at site to ensure the healthiness of the oil and
avoid possibility of any flashover.

C. DGA at laboratories
Oil and oil-immersed electrical insulating materials decompose under the
influence of thermal and electrical stresses and generate gaseous
decomposition products of varying composition which dissolve in the oil. The
nature, amount and rate of generation of the individual component gases
that are detected are indicative of the type and degree of the abnormality
responsible for the gas generation.

The purpose of DGA is to detect the internal faults with in the oil-filled
electrical equipment at an early stage and also to find incipient faults such
as partial discharge, over-heating, arcing etc. The data obtained from this
test is applied to various DGA techniques available such as IEEE.C57.104,
IEC-60599 etc for the interpretation of the test results that may give the
type, severity and sometimes location of the fault.

The transformer undergoes electrical, chemical and thermal stresses during

its service life which may result in slow evolving incipient faults inside the
transformer. The gases generated under abnormal electrical or thermal
stresses are hydrogen(H2), methane(CH4), ethane(C2H6), ethylene(C2H4),
acetylene(C2H2), carbon monoxide(CO), carbon dioxide(CO2), nitrogen(N2)
and oxygen(O2) which get dissolved in oil. Collectively these gases are known

Chapter-6: Condition Monitoring and Life Cycle Management Page 15 of 32

as FAULT GASES, which are routinely detected and quantified at extremely
low level, typically in parts per million (ppm) in Dissolved Gas Analysis
(DGA). Most commonly method used to determine the content of these gases
in oil is using a Vacuum Gas Extraction Apparatus and Gas

Interpretation of DGA results

Individual Fault Gases

To ensure that a transformer (with no measured previous dissolved gas
history) is behaving normal, the DGA results are compared with the gassing
characteristics exhibited by the majority of similar transformers or normal
population. As the transformer ages and gases are generated, the normal
levels for 90% of a typical transformer population can be determined. From
these values and based on experience, acceptable limits or threshold levels
have been determined.

Transformer FAULT GASES (in µ l/l)

Sub Type
H2 CH4 C2H6 C2H4 C2H2 CO CO2
All 50- 30- 20-90 60- 400- 3800-
Transformers 150 130 280 600 14000
No OLTC 2-20
Communicating 60-
OLTC 280

Total Dissolved Combustible Gas (TDCG) limits

The severity of an incipient fault can be further evaluated by the total
dissolved combustible gas (All hydrocarbons, CO & H2 but not CO2)
present. Limits for TDCG are as given in table below. An increasing gas
generation rate indicates a problem of increasing severity and therefore
shorter sampling frequency for closer monitoring.


< or = 720 Satisfactory operation, Unless individual gas
acceptance values are exceeded
721-1920 Normal ageing/ slight decomposition, Trend to be
established to see if any evolving incipient fault is
1921-4630 Significant decomposition, Immediate action to
establish trend to see if fault is progressively

Chapter-6: Condition Monitoring and Life Cycle Management Page 16 of 32

becoming worse.
>4630 Substantial decomposition, Gassing rate and cause
of gassing should be identified and appropriate
corrective action such as removal from service may
be taken.

Relationship of evolved gases with temperature and Associated Faults

The relationship of the evolved gases can be correlated with the following
table to indicate the approximate temperature.

Relationship with temperature

Methane (CH4) > 120° C
Ethane (C2H6 ) > 120° C
Ethylene (C2H4 ) > 150° C
Acetylene (C2H2 ) > 700° C

The associated faults for the different evolved gases can be correlated with
the following table:

Associated faults with different gases

Oil Overheating : C2H4, C2H6, CH4
Traces of acetylene with smaller quantity of Hydrogen may be
Overheated Cellulose : CO
Large quantity of Carbon-Di-Oxide (CO2) and Carbon Monoxide
(CO) are evolved from overheated cellulose. Hydrocarbon gases
such as Methane and Ethylene will be formed if the fault
involves an oil impregnated structure.
Partial discharge in Oil (Corona): H2, CH4
Ionization of high stressed area where gas / vapour filled voids
are present or ‘wet spot’ produces Hydrogen and methane and
small quantity of other hydrocarbons like ethane and ethylene.
Comparable amounts of carbon mono-oxide and di-oxide may
result due to discharges in cellulose.
Arcing in Oil : C2H2, H2
Large amount of Hydrogen and acetylene are produced with
minor quantities of methane and ethylene in case of arcing
between the leads, lead to coil and high stressed area. Small

Chapter-6: Condition Monitoring and Life Cycle Management Page 17 of 32

amounts of carbon mono-oxide and di-oxide may also be
formed, if fault involves cellulose.

IEC60599 method for Gas Analysis

This method is applicable only when the fault gas results are ten times the
sensitivity limit of the Gas Chromatograph (GC). As per IEC 60567 the
sensitivity limit for the GC should be 1 ppm for all the hydrocarbons and 5
ppm for Hydrogen. In this method three ratios viz. C2H2/C2H4, CH4/H2 &
C2H4/C2H6 are used for interpretation. Each ratio is assigned a code
depending upon the range of values of ratios. These codes in different
combinations are then used for diagnosis of type of fault such as PD (D1-low
energy or D2-High energy), thermal faults of various temperatures
(T1<300°C, 300°C<T2<700°C & T3>700°C).

Case Characteristic Fault C2H2 CH4 C2H4

C2H4 H2 C2H6

PD Partial discharges NS <0.1 <0.2

D1 Discharges of low energy >1 0.1 – 0.5 >1
D2 Discharges of high energy 0.6 – 2.5 0.1 -1 >2
T1 Thermal fault NS1 >1 but <1
T < 300ºC NS1

T2 Thermal fault <0.1 >1 1-4

300ºC < 1 < 700ºC
T3 Thermal fault <0.2 2 >1 >4
NOTE 1 – In some countries, the ratio C2H2 / C2H6 is used,
rather than the ratio CH4 /H2. Also in some countries, slightly
different ratio limits are used.

NOTE 2 – The above ratios are significant and should be calculated

only if at least one of the gases is at a concentration and a rate of
gas increase above typical values.

NOTE 3 – CH4 / H2 <0.2 for partial discharges in instrument


CH4/H2 <0.007 for partial discharges in bushings.

NOTE 4 – Gas decomposition patters similar to partial discharges

Chapter-6: Condition Monitoring and Life Cycle Management Page 18 of 32

have been reported as a result of the decomposition of thin oil film
between over-heated core laminates at temperatures of 140 ºC and

1. NS = Non- significant whatever the value

2. An increasing value of the amount of C2H2 may indicate
that the hot spot temperature is higher than 1000ºC

Type Fault Examples

PD Partial Discharges in gas-filled cavities resulting from
discharges incomplete impregnation, high-humidity in paper, Oil
super saturation or cavitations, and leading to X-wax
D1 Discharges of Sparking or arcing between bad connections of different
low energy or floating potential, from shielding rings, toroids,
adjacent disks or conductors of winding, broken brazing
or closed loops in the core.
Discharges between clamping parts, bushing and tank,
high voltage and ground within windings, on tank walls.
Tracking in wooden blocks, glue of insulating beam,
winding spacers, Breakdown of oil, selector breaking
D2 Discharges Flashover, tracking, or arcing or high local energy or with
high energy power follow-through
Short circuits between low voltage and ground,
connectors, windings, bushings and tank, copper bus
and tank, windings and core, in oil duct, turret. Closed
loops between two adjacent conductors around the main
magnetic flux, insulated bolts of core, metal rings
holding core legs.
T1 Thermal fault Overloading of the transformer in emergency situations
t<300 °C Blocked item restricting oil flow in windings
Stray flux in damping beams of yokes
T2 Thermal fault Defective contacts between boiled connections
300 °C (particularly between aluminium, busbar), gliding
<t<700°C contacts, contacts within selector switch (pyrolitic carbon
formation), connections from cable and draw-rod of
Circulating currents between yoke clamps and bolts,
clamps and laminations. In ground wiring, defective
welds or clamps in magnetic shields.
Abraded insulation between adjacent parallel conductors
in windings.

Chapter-6: Condition Monitoring and Life Cycle Management Page 19 of 32

Type Fault Examples
T3 Thermal fault Large circulating currents in tank and core
t>700 °C Minor currents in tank walls created by a high
uncompensated magnetic field
Shorting links in core steel laminations.

IEC60599 method for Gas Analysis

Further the IEEE standard C57.104-1991also defines a four-level criterion
to classify risks to transformers, when there is no previous dissolved gas
history, for continued operation at various combustible gas levels. The
criterion uses both concentrations for separate gases and the total
concentration of all combustible gases.

The four IEEE conditions are defined below, and gas levels are in the table
following the definitions.
Condition 1: Total dissolved combustible gas (TDCG) below this level
indicates the transformer is operating satisfactorily. Any individual
combustible gas exceeding specified levels in table 8 should have additional
Condition 2: TDCG within this range indicates greater than normal
combustible gas level. Any individual combustible gas exceeding specified
levels in table 8 should have additional investigation. A fault may be
present. Take DGA samples at least often enough to calculate the amount of
gas generation per day for each gas. (See table 8 for recommended sampling
frequency and actions.)
Condition 3: TDCG within this range indicates a high level of decomposition
of cellulose insulation and/or oil. Any individual combustible gas exceeding
specified levels in table 8 should have additional investigation. A fault or
faults are probably present. Take DGA samples at least often enough to
calculate the amount of gas generation per day for each gas.
Condition 4: TDCG within this range indicates excessive decomposition of
cellulose insulation and/or oil. Continued operation could result in failure of
the transformer

Hydro Meth Acetyle Ethyle Ethane Carbo Carbo

gen ane ne (C2 ne (C2H6) n n
(H2) (CH4) H2) (C2H4) Monoxi Dioxid
de e TDC
Status (CO) (CO2)1 G
100 120 35 50 65 350 2,500 720
Condition 101- 121- 351- 2,500-
36-50 51-100 66-100 1,92
2 700 400 570 4,000

Chapter-6: Condition Monitoring and Life Cycle Management Page 20 of 32

Condition 701- 401- 51-80 101- 101- 571-
1,92 4,001-
3 1,800 1,000 200 150 1,400
1- 10,000
Condition >1,80 >1,00 >10,00 >4,6
>80 >200 >150 >1,400
4 0 0 0 30
CO2 is not included in adding the numbers for TDCG because it is not a
combustible gas.

Ratio of the Gases

Duval Triangle method has proven to be accurate and dependable over
many years. In the above analysis, three gases are taken for the testing
(CH4, C2H2, C2H4).The fault types considered are Partial discharge,
thermal fault localized overheating, and overloading.

The percentage of each individual gas is calculated from the accumulated

total of these three fault gases. The same is then traced on the Duval
triangle and the intersection indicates possible problems within the

The only disadvantage of the Duval triangle is that it can’t be used to

determine whether or not a transformer has a problem.

The Doernenberg Ratio method is used when prescribed normal levels of

gassing are exceeded. It provides a simple scheme for distinguishing
between pyrolysis (overheating) and PD (corona and arcing). In this method
four ratios viz. CH4/H2, C2H2/C2H4, C2H2/CH4 & C2H6/ C2H2 are used.

Chapter-6: Condition Monitoring and Life Cycle Management Page 21 of 32

Suggested Ratio 1 Ratio 2 Ratio 3 Ratio 4
Fault (R1) (R2) (R3) (R4)
CH4/H2 C2H2/C2H C2H2/C C2H6/C2
4 H4 H2
1- Thermal >1.0 <0.75 <0.3 >0.4
2-Corona (Low <0.1 Not <0.3 >0.4
Intensity PD) Significant
3-Arcing (High >0.1 >0.75 >0.3 <0.4
Intensity PD)

The Rogers Ratio method is a more comprehensive scheme using only

three ratios viz. CH4/H2, C2H2/C2H4 & C2H4/C2H6, which details
temperature ranges for overheating conditions based on Halstead’s research
and some distinction of the severity of incipient electrical fault conditions.

Case R2 R1 R5 Suggested Fault

(C2H2/C2 (CH4/H2 (C2H4/C2 Diagnosis
H4) ) H6)
0 <0.1 >0.1 <0.1 Unit normal
1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 Low-energy density
arcing –PD (See Note)
2 0.1- 0.1- >3.0 Arcing – High energy
3.0 1.0 discharge
3 <0.1 >0.1 1.0- Low temperature
<1.0 3.0 thermal
4 <0.1 >1.0 1.0- Thermal <700ºC
5 <0.1 >1.0 >3.0 Thermal >700ºC

D. Sweep Frequency Response Analysis

Frequency Response Analysis (FRA) is made to assess the mechanical
integrity of the transformer. Transformers while experiencing severity of
short circuit current loose its mechanical property by way of deformation of
the winding or core. These changes cannot be detected through conventional
condition monitoring techniques such as Dissolved Gas Analysis, Winding
Resistance Measurement, Capacitance and Tan delta measurement etc.
Sometimes even transportation without proper precaution may cause some
internal mechanical damages. FRA measurement, which is signature

Chapter-6: Condition Monitoring and Life Cycle Management Page 22 of 32

analysis, provides vital information of the internal condition of the
equipment so that early corrective action could be initiated.

Sinusoidal signal output of approximately 2 V

rms from the Frequency Response Analyzer is
applied and one measuring input (R1) is
connected to the end of a winding and the
other measuring input (T1) is connected to
the other end of the winding. The voltage is
applied and measured with respect to the
earthed transformer tank. The voltage
transfer function T1/R1 is measured for each
winding for five standard frequency scans
from 5 Hz to 10 MHz and amplitude & phase shift results are recorded.
While the low frequency analysis reveals the winding movements, the high
frequency analysis reveals the condition of joints.

It is ensured that winding which is not under test is terminated in open

condition in order to avoid response difference among the three phases. The
same procedure is followed on subsequent tests on the same or similar
transformer, to ensure that measurements are entirely repeatable.

The voltage transfer function T1/R1 is measured for each winding for four
standard frequency scans from 5 Hz to 2 MHZ and amplitude & phase shift
results are recorded for subsequent analysis

Interpretation of the test results is based on subjective comparison of FRA

responses taken at different intervals. If changes are observed in the later
FRA spectrum with respect to the reference FRA spectrum, it is left to the
experience of the analyst for quantitative condition assessment of the
transformer. However, one should check for any significant shift in the
resonance frequencies and emergence of new resonant frequencies in the
later FRA response, which could be the result of any mechanical
deformation in the transformer winding. As FRA is signature analysis, data
of signature of the equipment when in healthy condition is required for
proper analysis. Signatures could also be compared with unit of same
internal design or with other phases of the same unit. Normally measured
responses are analyzed for any of the following:
• Changes in the response of the winding with earlier signature.
• Variation in the responses of the three phases of the same transformer.
• Variation in the responses of transformers of the same design.

Chapter-6: Condition Monitoring and Life Cycle Management Page 23 of 32

In all the above cases the appearance of new features or major frequency
shifts are causes for concern. The phase responses are also being recorded
but normally it is sufficient to consider only amplitude responses.

The traces in general will change shape and be distorted in the low
frequency range (below 5 KHz) if there is a core problem. The traces will be
distorted and change shape in higher frequencies (above 10 KHz), if there is
winding problem. Changes of less than 3 decibels (dB) compared to baseline
traces are normal and within tolerances. In general, changes of +/- 3 dB (or
more) in following frequency range may indicate following faults:

Frequency Probable Fault

5 Hz to 2 KHz Shorted turns, open circuit,
residual magnetism or core
50 Hz to 20 Bulk movement of windings
KHz relative to each other
500 Hz to 2 Deformation within a winding
25 Hz to 10 Problems with winding leads
MHz and/or test lead placement

E. Frequency Domain Spectrometry of Bushings

Capacitance and dissipation factor (Tanδ) measurement at 50Hz is a very
common diagnostics techniques used for insulation condition assessment of
the bushings since many decades. The moisture in paper, ageing of paper
and other polar impurities in insulation can be detected by this
measurement. However relation between insulation condition (e.g. moisture
and ageing) and diagnostic quantities are sometime uncertain. In many
cases it has been observed that an initial developing fault in bushing may
not always be reflected by Tan δ values at 50Hz. Problems like partial
discharge in bushings, development of bridging of grading layer are
generally not reflected in substantial change in capacitance value at 50Hz.
In all such cases, Capacitance and dissipation factor (Tanδ) measurement in
variable frequency and DGA is proven to be supplement diagnostic tools for
condition assessment of OIP bushings. It has been observed that
Capacitance and Tan δ measurement in frequency domain (15Hz to 400 Hz
and 1 mHz to 1kHz) have correlated very accurately to bushing DGA &
Visual inspection upon dismantling.

Chapter-6: Condition Monitoring and Life Cycle Management Page 24 of 32

Dielectric losses measured in the frequency domain FDS (Frequency Domain
Spectroscopy) reflect the same fundamental polarization and conduction
phenomena in transformer insulation, the special feature of which is a
combination of oil gaps and solid insulation and as a consequence are
influenced strongly by both solid insulation moisture content and oil
condition and less influenced by the geometry of the solid and liquid

The complex permittivity can be used to characterize the insulation. It is a

dimensionless quantity consisting of a real part representing the energy
stored in the electric field within the sample and an imaginary part
representing the energy losses. FDS response of an oil paper composite
insulation represents the frequency and temperature dependent permittivity
and dissipation factor of composite insulation. In addition, faults like voids
in paper, partial discharge and deposition of X-Wax in the bushings leading
to high dielectric loss can be detected by the above measurement.

The FDS response of the bushing may be interpreted in the manner as


An Example of the result comparison of a faulty bushing is as shown:

Chapter-6: Condition Monitoring and Life Cycle Management Page 25 of 32

II. On Line Monitoring Activities for Transformer/ Reactor
A. Online-DGA
Continuous On-Line Monitoring of DGA is very important monitoring
technology for Transformers & Reactors. Several sensors technologies are
available in the market using different detection techniques (fuel cell,
chromatography, semiconductor, photo-acoustic spectroscopy, thermal
conductivity). Depending on the technology and its implementation, the
Online DGAs available in the market vary from two gases (Hydrogen &
Moisture) to Ten Gas model (All Gases).

One of the major advantages of on-line monitors is that alarm can be raised
in the event of exceeding fault gas from the threshold levels or rate of change
(ROC) of fault gases. If asset manager responds to these alarms and prompt
action are taken on time then major failures and damage to other associated
equipment can often be prevented. By communicating the on line DGA data
to remote center on continuous basis, suitable actions to each possible
alarm should be formulated and should be made available with Asset
Manager for responding to each incidence. Further, it can be helpful in
health indexing as well as dynamic change of condition of the equipment on
continuous basis.

The disadvantage of Single gas on line DGAs is that Hydrogen is considered

as stray gas. Further, Hydrogen may also be generated by reaction of steel
and galvanized steel with water as long as oxygen is available from the oil
nearby. Large quantity of Hydrogen may also be generated due to presence
of trapped air due to improper vacuum in the Transformer tank. Hence,
based on only H2 concentration in the oil, it is difficult for taking decision
for further course of action. However, if the multi gas on line DGA monitors

Chapter-6: Condition Monitoring and Life Cycle Management Page 26 of 32

are provided, then taking decision becomes easier based on the rising trend
of all other fault gasses.

B. Partial Discharge Measurement

Partial discharges (PD) are localized dielectric discharges in a partial area of
a solid or liquid electrical dielectric insulation system under high-voltage
field stress. Partial discharges in a transformer deteriorate its insulation and
can lead to failure of the transformer. Diagnostic PD measurements are
recommended after conspicuous measured values such as increased gas-in-
oil values. Partial Discharges can be measured in the field using Acoustic or
UHF measurement method.

The partial discharge (PD) results in localized, nearly instantaneous release

of energy. The energy released in a PD produces a number of effects such as
chemical and structural changes in the material, Electro-magnetic effects
etc. The Acoustic Discharge Detection is based on detection of the
mechanical signals emitted from the discharge. A fraction of the released
energy from the PD source heats the adjacent material and can evaporate
some of it, creating a small explosion. The discharge acts as a point source
of acoustic waves that propagates throughout the insulation. The intensity
of the emitted acoustic wave is proportional to the energy released in the
discharge. Thus the amplitude of the wave is proportional to the square root
of the energy in the discharge. As the energy is often proportional to the
charge squared, a linear relationship between the amplitude of the acoustic
wave and the discharge magnitude (in pico Coulombs) is common. In
Acoustic measurement, the fault is localized based on the sensors which are
placed on the wall and which are used to echo locate the fault within the
transformer body.

Alternatively the electromagnetic emission of a PD can also be measured

using an UHF antenna which is inserted into the transformer tank. Due to
the Faraday shielding of the transformer tank this method is less sensitive
to external interferences and therefore more suitable for measurements in
noisy environments for onsite/online measurements and monitoring.
However the transformer needs to have dedicated valves for providing the
said sensors.

C. Bushing Tan delta measurement

Changes in bushing capacitance and power factor are indicative of
insulation deterioration. Normally bushing tan delta is measured during
shutdown period but in many cases where there was a very rapid

Chapter-6: Condition Monitoring and Life Cycle Management Page 27 of 32

deterioration of insulation sudden & catastrophic failures have resulted. To
rule out these possibilities Online monitoring of Bushing Tan Delta can be

Several On-Line bushing monitoring technologies are currently available in

the market using different detection techniques (i.e sum of leakage current
method, Phase shift method etc.) Depending on the technology and its
implementation, the systems are able to provide to measure either relative
change in capacitance & Tan δ or absolute capacitance and Tan δ.

The sensors can also be used to monitor the Partial Discharge in the
bushings also. For partial discharge measurement, the signals from the
sensors and Rogowski coils were used. The sensors provides primary
diagnostic information for the system while the signals from the Rogowski
coils are used to assist in identifying whether the partial discharge activity
being measured was positive or negative and whether it was coming from
inside the reactor or from outside sources.

PD generally occurs as the voltage stress increases and PD patterns are

repeatable. Often the same pattern can be seen on the positive and negative
half of the sine wave and over multiple data plots. These are fundamental
characteristics of the activity to be classified as partial discharge.

D. Moisture Measurement & Control

Moisture in the transformer oil can be measured and also controlled using
the Online Dryout system. The system is permanently installed which
continuously keeps on removing the moisture while transformer is in
charged stage. During the filtration process moisture PPM level is
continuously monitored. This process does not only remove moisture from
transformer oil but from the insulation as well.

The transformer oil is circulated through a series of cylinders filled with

specially designed cartridges that absorbs moisture as well as removes solid
contaminations from the oil. However this may not be suitable for Wet
transformers/Reactors which may require Off Line Dryout.

E. Hot spot temperature

Transformers can be fitted with Fibre Optic Sensors which can be used to
monitor the temperature at identified points in the transformer. The sensors’
locations are based on the design of the transformer to monitor the
temperatures at the various identified temperature hotspots.

F. Thermovision Scanning

Chapter-6: Condition Monitoring and Life Cycle Management Page 28 of 32

In order to avoid prohibited temperature rises in the electrical connections of
the transformer, all screw-joints included should be checked and re-
tightened based on readings from thermovision camera.

A thermovision Camera determines the temperature distribution on the

surface of the tank as well as in the vicinity of the Jumper connection to the
bushing. The information obtained by thermographs (as given below) is
useful in predicting the temperature profile within the inner surface of tank
and is likely to provide approximate details of heating mechanism. The
following temperature rises above ambient have been found to be practical
during infrared inspections:

Temperature rise Recommendation

above ambient (ºC) (based on IEEE Std 62-1995)
0-10 Minor Repair in regular maintenance schedule: Little
probability of physical damage
11-39 Intermediate Repair in near future(2-4 weeks); Inspect for
physical damages
40-75 Serious Repair in the immediate future (1-2 days).
Disassemble and check for probable damage
>76 Critical Critical problems; Repair immediately

III. Life Cycle Management of Transformer/Reactor

Life Cycle Management is an integrated, information driven approach to all
aspects of a product’s life from its design inception, through its
manufacture, deployment and maintenance, and culminating in its removal
from service and final disposal. The entire process can be summarized as

The conventional approach to Life Cycle Management can however be

updated to include feedback from the Asset Manager. By giving a feedback

Chapter-6: Condition Monitoring and Life Cycle Management Page 29 of 32

(based on the accurate measurements on lines of the method described
above) we can optimize the operation of the equipment and improve its

Condition Monitoring Tests for Transformers and Reactors

S. Test Name Acceptable Values Frequency
1. Tan Delta for 0.007 (Maximum) – for bushing Yearly
Bushing & 0.005 (Maximum) – for winding (bushing)
winding Note:
1. For the values to be followed 4 yearly
during warranty period has been (winding)
indicated in the chapter-2.
2. Rate of Rise of Tan Delta
(Bushing & Winding) shall not be
more than 0.001 per year
3. Capacitance for - 5 % to + 5 % Variation from Factory Yearly
Bushing Test results
4. Capacitance for - 5 % to + 10 % Variation from Factory 4 Yearly
Winding Test results
5. Magnetizing Results between similar single-phase SOS
current Test units should not vary more than 10 %
(Excitation .The test values on the outside legs
Current Test) should be within 15 % of each other,
and values for the center leg should not
be more than either outside for a three-
phase transformers. Results compared
to previous tests made under the same
conditions should not vary more than
6. Magnetic Value of supply voltage in one phase is SOS
Balance Test equal to sum voltage induced in other

Chapter-6: Condition Monitoring and Life Cycle Management Page 30 of 32

(Three Phase) two phase. When supply voltage in
on transformer middle limb, voltage induced in outer
limbs should equal and roughly half of
the supply voltage.
7. Winding ± 5% difference between phases or from SOS
resistance Factory tests
to 75 ºC)
8. Voltage Ratio ±0.5% difference from nameplate SOS
(All Taps) on specifications
9. IR Value of Unless otherwise recommended by the SOS
Winding Min manufacturer, 500 Mega-ohm for 66 kV
and above voltage class
10. Polarization Polarization Index Insulation SOS
Index Condition
(Ratio of IR Less than 1 Dangerous
values at 10 1.0-1.1 Poor
min to 1 min) 1.1-1.25 Questionable
1.25-2.0 Fair
2.0-4.0 Good
Above 4.0 Excellent
11. Core Insulation Minimum 1 Giga Ohm at 2.5/ 3.5 kV SOS
Test (Between DC for 1 minute
core to clamp;
clamp to tank;
& core to tank)
12. Neutral Below 1 ohm Yearly
13. Turret/ Neutral ± 3% SOS
CT Ratio Errors
14. Vibration Level 200 Microns (Peak to Peak) SOS
for reactors 60 Microns (Average)
15. Sweep In general, changes of ±3 dB (or more) SOS
Frequency in following frequency range may
Response indicate following faults:
Analysis Tests Frequency Range Probable Fault
(20 Hz to 2 5 Hz to 2 KHz Shorted turns,
MHz) open circuit,
magnetism or c
50 Hz to 20 KHz Bulk movement
of windings
relative to each

Chapter-6: Condition Monitoring and Life Cycle Management Page 31 of 32

500 Hz to 2 MHz Deformation
within a winding
25 Hz to 10 MHz Problems with
winding leads
and/or test lead
Dry (at <5%
commissioning) <0.5%
Normal in
Wet 2-4% 6-20%
Extremely Wet >4.5% >30%
16. Short Circuit ± 3% of nameplate specifications SOS
Impedance on
17. DGA of tank oil As laid down under concerned clause Half
& OLTC oil Yearly
18. Oil parameters Yearly
of tank oil
19. Thermo-vision Temperature rise above ambient Half
Scanning (°C)/Criticality Yearly
0-10 Minor
11-39 Intermediate
40-75 Serious
>76 Critical
Note: Comparison to be made with
similar joints/items of the same
transformer and values are to be nearly

Chapter-6: Condition Monitoring and Life Cycle Management Page 32 of 32



1.0 Technical Particulars/ Parameters of 500 MVA, (765/√3)/(400/√3)/33

kV 1-Ph Auto-Transformer

S. No. Description Unit Parameters

1. Voltage ratio (Phase Voltage) kV (765/√3)/(400/√3)/33 kV
2. Single / Three Phase Design 1 (Single)
3. Type of Transformer Auto transformer
4. Rated Capacity
HV MVA 500
IV MVA 500
LV (Tertiary) MVA 5 MVA active loading
5. Applicable Standard IEC-60076 / IS 2026
6. Cooling
7. Rating at different cooling % 60 / 80 / 100
8. Cooler Bank Arrangement 2 X 50%
9. Frequency Hz 50
10. Tap Changer No
11. Impedance at 75 Deg C
HV – IV % 14.0
HV – LV (minimum) % 195.0
IV – LV(minimum) % 180.0
Tolerance on Impedance (for HV- %
12. As per IEC
13. Service Outdoor
14. Duty Continuous
IEC-60076-7 / IS 6600
15. Overload Capacity
Max. temperature rise over 50 O
16. C
deg C ambient temperature
Top oil measured by O
i) C 50
Average winding measured by O
ii) C 55
resistance method
iii) Winding hot spot OC 66
17. Tank Hotspot Temperature OC 95
18. Max. design Ambient temp OC 50
19. Windings

Annexure-A Page 1 of 49
Lightning Impulse Withstand
HV kVp 1950
IV kVp 1300
LV kVp 250
Neutral kVp 170
Switching Impulse withstand
ii) kVp
HV kVp 1550
IV kVp 1050
LV kVp -
Neutral kVp -
One Minute Power Frequency
withstand Voltage
HV kVrms -
IV kVrms 570
LV kVrms 95
Neutral kVrms 70
iv) Neutral Solidly Earthed
v) Insulation
HV Graded
IV Graded
LV Uniform
vi) Tertiary Connection Ungrounded Delta
Tan delta of windings at ambient ≤ 0.5
vii) %
20. Vector Group (3 –ph) YNaOd11
21. Bushing
i) Rated voltage
HV kV 800
IV kV 420
LV kV 52
Neutral kV 36
ii) Rated current (Min.)
HV A 2500
IV A 2500
LV A 3150
Neutral A 3150
Lightning Impulse withstand
HV kVp 2100
IV kVp 1425
LV kVp 250
Neutral kVp 170

Annexure-A Page 2 of 49
Switching Impulse withstand
HV kVp 1550
IV kVp 1050
LV kVp -
Neutral kVp -
One Minute Power Frequency
withstand Voltage
HV kVrms 970
IV kVrms 695
LV kVrms 105
Neutral kVrms 77
Minimum total creepage
HV mm 24800
IV mm 13020
LV mm 1612
Neutral mm 1116
vii) Max Partial discharge level at Um
HV pC 10
IV pC 10
LV pC 10
Max Partial discharge level at
22. pC 100
1.58 * Ur / √3
Max Noise level at rated voltage
and at principal tap
i) At ONAN condition dB 70
Max Noise level at rated voltage
ii) and at principal tap at no load dB 80
and all cooling active
Maximum Permissible Losses
of Transformers
Max. No Load Loss at rated
i) kW 80
voltage and frequency
Max. Load Loss at rated current
ii) and frequency and at 75O C for kW
HV and IV windings
Max I2R loss at rated current and
iii) frequency and at 75O C for HV kW 335
and IV windings
Max. Auxiliary Loss at rated
iv) kW 10
voltage and frequency

Annexure-A Page 3 of 49
2.0 Technical Particulars / Parameters of 500 MVA (3-phase) and
167 MVA (1-phase), 400/220/33 kV Auto Transformer

S. No. Description Unit Technical Parameters

1. Rated Capacity
HV MVA 500 167
IV MVA 500 167
LV (Tertiary) MVA 5 MVA active loading
2. Voltage ratio (Line-to-Line) 400/220/33
3. Single / Three Phase Design 3 (Three) 1 (Single)
4. Applicable Standard IEC 60076
5. Frequency Hz 50 50
ODAF) : 60% / 80% /100%
Cooling and Percentage Rating
6. OR
at different cooling
60% / 80% /100%
7. Cooler Bank Arrangement 2 X 50%
8. Tap Changer No
Constant Constant
Ohmic percentage
9. Impedance at 75 Deg C
impedance impedance
type type
HV – IV 12.5 12.5
HV – LV(minimum) 45.0 45.0
IV – LV(minimum) 30.0 30.0
Tolerance on Impedance (HV-
10. % As per IEC
11. Service Outdoor
12. Duty Continuous
13. Overload Capacity IEC-60076-7
Temperature rise over 50 deg
C ambient temp
Top oil measured by O
i) C 50
Average winding measured by O
ii) C 55
resistance method
iii) Winding hot spot O C 66
15. Tank Hotspot Temperature O C 95
16. Windings
Lightning Impulse withstand
HV kVp 1300
IV kVp 950

Annexure-A Page 4 of 49
LV kVp 250
Neutral kVp 95
Switching Impulse withstand
HV kVp 1050
One Minute Power Frequency
withstand Voltage
HV kVrms 570
IV kVrms 395
LV kVrms 95
Neutral kVrms 38
iv) Neutral Grounding Solidly grounded
v) Insulation
HV Graded
IV Graded
LV Uniform
vi) Tertiary Connection Ungrounded Delta
vii) Tan delta of winding % ≤0.5
Vector Group (3 –ph)
17. YNaOd11
(unless specified differently
18. Bushing
i) Rated voltage
HV kV 420
IV kV 245
LV kV 52
Neutral kV 36
ii) Rated current (Min.)
HV A 1250
IV A 2000
LV A 3150
Neutral A 2000
Lightning Impulse withstand
HV kVp 1425
IV kVp 1050
LV kVp 250
Neutral kVp 170
Switching Impulse withstand
HV kVp 1050
IV kVp 850

Annexure-A Page 5 of 49
One Minute Power Frequency
withstand Voltage
HV kVrms 695
IV kVrms 505
LV kVrms 105
Neutral kVrms 77
Minimum total creepage
HV mm 10500
IV mm 6125
LV mm 1300
Neutral mm 900
Max Partial discharge level at
HV pC 10
IV pC 10
LV pC 10
Neutral -
Max Partial discharge level at
19. pC 100
1.58 * Ur / √3
Max Noise level at rated
voltage and at principal tap
20. dB 80
at no load and all cooling
Maximum Permissible
21. 500 MVA 167 MVA
Losses of Transformers
Max. No Load Loss at rated
i) kW 90 45
voltage and frequency
Max. Load Loss at rated
ii) current and at 75O C for HV kW 475 200
and IV windings
Max I2R loss at rated current
iii) and at 75O C for HV and IV kW 385 150
Max. Auxiliary Loss at rated
iv) kW 15 6
voltage and frequency

Annexure-A Page 6 of 49
3.0 Technical Particulars / Parameters of 315 MVA (3-phase) & 105 (1-
phase), 400/220/33 kV Auto Transformer

Clause Description Unit Technical Parameters

1. Rated Capacity
HV MVA 315 105
IV MVA 315 105
LV (Tertiary) : MVA
5 MVA active loading
2. Voltage ratio (Line-to-Line) 400/220/33
3. Single / Three Phase Design 3 (Three) 1 (Single)
4. Applicable Standard IEC 60076
5. Frequency Hz 50 50
6. Cooling & Percentage Rating ONAN/ONAF/(OFAF or
at different cooling ODAF) : 60% / 80% /100%
60% / 80%/100%
7. Cooler Bank Arrangement 2 X 50%
8. Tap Changer No
9. Type of Transformer Constant Constant
Ohmic percentage
impedance impedance
type type
10. Impedance at 75 Deg C
HV - IV 12.5 12.5
HV - LV(minimum) 60.0 45.0
IV - LV(minimum) 45.0 30.0
11. Tolerance on Impedance (HV- % As per IEC
12. Service Outdoor
13. Duty Continuous
14. Overload Capacity IEC-60076-7
15. Temperature rise over 50deg
C ambient Temp
i) Top oil measured by O C 50
ii) Average winding measured O C 55
by resistance method
iii) Winding hot spot O C 66
16. Tank Hotspot Temperature O C 95
17. Windings

Annexure-A Page 7 of 49
i) Lightning Impulse withstand
HV kVp 1300
IV kVp 950
LV kVp 250
Neutral kVp 95
ii) Switching Impulse withstand
HV kVp 1050
iii) One Minute Power Frequency
withstand Voltage
HV kVrms 570
IV kVrms 395
LV kVrms 95
Neutral kVrms 38
iv) Neutral Grounding Solidly grounded
v) Insulation
HV Graded
IV Graded
LV Uniform
vi) Tertiary Connection Ungrounded Delta
vii) Tan delta of winding % ≤ 0.5
18. Vector Group (3 –ph) YNaOd11

(unless specified differently

19. Bushing
i) Rated voltage
HV kV 420
IV kV 245
LV kV 52
Neutral kV 36
ii) Rated current (Min.)
HV A 1250
IV A 1250
LV A 3150
Neutral A 2000
iii) Lightning Impulse withstand
HV kVp 1425
IV kVp 1050
LV kVp 250
Neutral kVp 170

Annexure-A Page 8 of 49
iv) Switching Impulse withstand
HV kVp 1050
IV kVp 850
v) One Minute Power Frequency
withstand Voltage
HV kVrms 695
IV kVrms 505
LV kVrms 105
Neutral kVrms 77
vi) Minimum total creepage mm/k 31
distances V
vii) Max Partial discharge level at
HV pC 10
IV pC 10
LV pC 10
Neutral -
20. Max Partial discharge level at pC 100
1.58 * Ur / √3
21. Max Noise level at rated dB 80
voltage and at principal tap
at no load and all cooling
22. Maximum Permissible 315 MVA 105 MVA
Losses of Transformers
i) Max. No Load Loss at rated kW 30
voltage and frequency
ii) Max. Load Loss at rated kW 440 140
current and at 75O C for HV
and IV windings
iii) Max. I2R Loss at rated kW 330 105
current and at 75O C for HV
and IV windings
iv) Max. Auxiliary Loss at rated kW 10 6
voltage and frequency

Annexure-A Page 9 of 49
4.0 Technical Particulars/ Parameters of 315 MVA & 200 MVA,
400/132/33 kV 3-Phase Auto Transformer

Claus Description Unit Technical Parameters

e No.
1. Rated Capacity
HV MVA 315 200
IV MVA 315 200
LV (Tertiary) : MVA 5 MVA active loading
2. Voltage ratio (Line-to-Line) 400/132/33
3. Single / Three Phase Design 3 (Three)
4. Applicable Standard IEC 60076
5. Frequency Hz 50
6. Cooling & Percentage Rating at ONAN/ONAF/(OFAF or
different cooling ODAF) : 60% / 80%/100%
60% / 80%/100%
7. Cooler Bank Arrangement 2 X 50%
8. Type of Transformer Constant Constant
Ohmic percentage
impedance impedance
type type
9. Impedance at 75 Deg C
i) HV – IV
Max. Voltage tap % 10.3 13.0
Principal tap % 12.5 12.5
Min. Voltage tap % 15.4 14.0
ii) HV – LV
Principal tap (minimum) % 45.0 40.0
iii) IV – LV
Principal tap (minimum) % 30.0 25.0

Annexure-A Page 10 of 49
iv) Tolerance on Impedance (HV-IV) % As per IEC / IS
10. Service Outdoor
11. Duty Continuous
12. Overload Capacity IEC-60076-7 / IS 6600
13. Temperature rise over 50 deg C
ambient temp.
i) Top oil measured by O C 50
ii) Average winding measured by O C 55
resistance method

iii) Winding hot spot O C 66

14. Tank Hotspot Temperature O C 95
15. Windings
i) Lightning Impulse withstand
HV kVp 1300
IV kVp 650
LV kVp 250
Neutral kVp 95
ii) Switching Impulse withstand
HV kVp 1050
iii) One Minute Power Frequency
withstand Voltage
HV kVrms 570
IV kVrms 275
LV kVrms 95
Neutral kVrms 38
iv) Neutral Grounding Solidly grounded
v) Insulation
HV Graded

Annexure-A Page 11 of 49
IV Graded
LV Uniform
vi) Tertiary Connection Ungrounded Delta
vii) Tan delta of winding % ≤ 0.5
viii) Vector Group (3 –ph) YNaOd11
(unless specified differently
16. Tap Changer OLTC
i) Tap Range and no. of steps ± 10% of HV variation in the
step of 1.25%, 16 steps
ii) Location of Tap changer On the 132 kV side of the
series winding
iii) Design Constant flux voltage
variation type as per cl. 6.2 of
IEC 60076 part-I
iv) Tap control Full capacity - on load tap
changer suitable for group /
independent, remote /local
electrical and local manual
operation and bi-directional
power flow
17. Bushing
i) Rated voltage
HV kV 420
IV kV 145
LV kV 52
Neutral kV 36
ii) Rated current (Min.) 315 MVA 200 MVA
HV A 1250 1250
IV A 2000 1250
LV A 3150 2000
Neutral A 2000 2000

Annexure-A Page 12 of 49
iii) Lightning Impulse withstand
HV kVp 1425
IV kVp 650
LV kVp 250
Neutral kVp 170
iv) Switching Impulse withstand
HV kVp 1050
v) One Minute Power Frequency
withstand Voltage
HV kVrms 695
IV kVrms 305
LV kVrms 105
Neutral kVrms 77
vi) Minimum total creepage mm/k 31
distances V
vii) Max Partial discharge level at
HV pC 10
IV pC 10
LV pC 10
18. Max Partial discharge level at pC 100
1.58 * Ur / √3
19. Max Noise level at rated voltage dB 80
and at principal tap at no load
and all cooling active
20. Maximum Permissible Losses 315 MVA 200 MVA
of Transformers
i) Max. No Load Loss at rated kW
75 68
voltage and frequency
ii) Max. Load Loss at rated current kW 440 350
and at 75O C for HV and IV

Annexure-A Page 13 of 49
iii) Max. I2R Loss at rated current kW 330 270
and at 75O C for HV and IV
iv) Max. Auxiliary Loss at rated kW 10 8
voltage and frequency

Annexure-A Page 14 of 49
5.0 Technical Particulars/ Parameters of 200 MVA & 160 MVA,
220/132/33 kV 3-Phase Auto Transformer


1. Rated Capacity
HV MVA 200 160
IV MVA 200 160
LV (Tertiary)*
MVA 5 MVA active loading
(see note)

2. Voltage ratio kV 220/132/33

3. Single / Three Phase Design 3 (Three)

4. Applicable Standard IEC 60076 /IS 2026

5. Frequency Hz 50
Cooling & Percentage Rating at ONAN/ONAF/(OFAF or
different cooling ODAF) : 60% / 80%/100%
60% / 80%/100%
7. Cooler Bank Arrangement 2 X 50%
Constant Constant
Ohmic percentage
8. Type of Transformer
impedance impedance
type type

9. HV-IV Impedance at 75 Deg C

i) Max. Voltage tap % 10.3 13.0

ii) Principal tap % 12.5 12.5

iii) Min. Voltage tap % 15.4 14.0

iv) Tolerance on Impedance % As per IEC

10. Service Outdoor

11. Duty Continuous

12. Overload Capacity IEC 60076-7 / IS 6600

Annexure-A Page 15 of 49
Temperature rise over 50 deg C
13. Ambient Temp
i) Top oil measured by thermometer O C 50
Average winding measured by O
ii) C 55
resistance method
iii) Winding hot spot O C 66
14. Tank Hotspot Temperature O C 95
15. Windings
Lightning Impulse withstand
i) Voltage
HV kVp 950
IV kVp 650
LV kVp 250
Neutral kVp 95
Switching Impulse withstand
ii) Voltage
HV kVp 750
One Minute Power Frequency
iii) withstand Voltage
HV 395
IV 275
LV 95
Neutral 38

iv) Neutral Grounding Solidly grounded

v) Insulation
HV Graded
IV Graded
LV Uniform

Annexure-A Page 16 of 49
vi) Tertiary Connection Delta

vii) Tan delta of winding % ≤0.5%

Vector Group (3 –ph)
16. (unless specified differently YNa0d11

17. Tap Changer OLTC

Tap Range and no. of steps –5% to +10% of HV variation
i) in the step of 1.25%, 12
Location of Tap changer On the 132 kV side of the
series winding
Design Constant flux voltage
iii) variation type as per cl. 6.2
of IEC 60076 part-I
iv) Tap control Full capacity - on load tap
changer suitable for group /
independent, remote /local
electrical and local manual
operation and bi-directional
power flow

18. Bushings
i) Rated voltage
HV kV 245
IV kV 145
LV kV 52
Neutral kV 36
ii) Rated current (Min.)
HV A 800
IV A 1250
LV A 800
Neutral A 1000
Lightning Impulse withstand

Annexure-A Page 17 of 49
HV kVp 1050
IV kVp 650
LV kVp 250
Neutral kVp 170
Switching Impulse withstand
HV kVp 850
One Minute Power Frequency
withstand Voltage
HV 505
IV 305
LV 105
Neutral 77
Minimum total creepage
HV mm 6125
IV mm 3625
LV mm 1300
Neutral mm 900
viii) Max Partial discharge level at Um
HV pC 10
IV pC 10
LV pC 10
Max Partial discharge level at 1.5
19. pC 100
Max Noise level at rated voltage
20. and at principal tap at no load dB 75
and all cooling active

Annexure-A Page 18 of 49
21. Maximum Permissible Losses of 200 MVA 160 MVA
i) Max. No Load Loss at rated kW
35 30
voltage and frequency
ii) Max. Load Loss at rated current kW 260 200
and at 75O C for HV and IV
iii) Max. I2R Loss at rated current and kW 190 145
at 75O C for HV and IV windings
iv) Max. Auxiliary Loss at rated kW 8 6
voltage and frequency

* Note: Tertiary may be avoided if not specifically required by the utility and
manufacturer can design the transformer without tertiary with 3 limbs.

Annexure-A Page 19 of 49
6.0 Technical Particulars / Parameters of 100 MVA, 220/132 kV 3-Phase
Auto Transformer


1. Rated Capacity MVA 100

2. Voltage ratio kV 220/132

3. Single / Three Phase Design 3 (Three)

4. Applicable Standard IEC 60076 /IS 2026

5. Frequency Hz 50
Cooling and Percentage Rating at ONAN/ONAF/(OFAF or
different cooling ODAF) : 60% / 80%/100%
60% / 80%/100%
7. Cooler Bank Arrangement 2 X 50%
Constant Ohmic impedance
8. Type of Transformer

9. HV-LV Impedance at 75 Deg C

i) Max. Voltage tap % 10.3

ii) Principal tap % 12.5

iii) Min. Voltage tap % 15.4

iv) Tolerance on Impedance % As per IEC

10. Service Outdoor

11. Duty Continuous

12. Overload Capacity IEC 60076-7

Temperature rise over 50 deg C
13. Ambient Temp
i) Top oil measured by thermometer O C 50
Average winding measured by O
ii) C 55
resistance method
iii) Winding hot spot O C 66
14. Tank Hotspot Temperature O C 95

Annexure-A Page 20 of 49
15. Windings
Lightning Impulse withstand
i) Voltage
HV kVp 950
LV kVp 650
Neutral kVp 95
Switching Impulse withstand
ii) Voltage
HV kVp 750
One Minute Power Frequency
iii) withstand Voltage
HV 395
LV 275
Neutral 38

iv) Neutral Grounding Solidly grounded

v) Insulation
HV Graded
LV Graded

vi) Tan delta of winding % ≤0.5%

Vector Group (3 –ph)
16. (unless specified differently YNa0d11

17. Tap Changer OLTC

Tap Range and no. of steps –5% to +10% of HV variation
i) in the step of 1.25%, 12
Location of Tap changer On the 132 kV side of the
series winding

Annexure-A Page 21 of 49
Design Constant flux voltage
iii) variation type as per cl. 6.2
of IEC 60076 part-I
iv) Tap control Full capacity - on load tap
changer suitable for group /
independent, remote /local
electrical and local manual
operation and bi-directional
power flow

18. Bushings
i) Rated voltage
HV kV 245
LV kV 145
Neutral kV 36
ii) Rated current (Min.)
HV A 800
LV A 1250
Neutral A 1000
Lightning Impulse withstand
HV kVp 1050
LV kVp 650
Neutral kVp 170
Switching Impulse withstand
HV kVp 850
One Minute Power Frequency
withstand Voltage
HV 505
LV 305

Annexure-A Page 22 of 49
Neutral 77
Minimum total creepage mm/k
vi) 31
distances V
viii) Max Partial discharge level at Um
HV pC 10
LV pC 10
Max Partial discharge level at
19. pC 100
Max Noise level at rated voltage
20. and at principal tap at no load dB 75
and all cooling active
21. Maximum Permissible Losses of
i) Max. No Load Loss at rated kW
voltage and frequency
ii) Max. Load Loss at rated current kW 220
and at 75O C
iii) Max. I2R Loss at rated current kW 165
and at 75O C
iv) Max. Auxiliary Loss at rated kW 5
voltage and frequency

Annexure-A Page 23 of 49
7.0 Technical Particulars / Parameters of 50 MVA, 132/66 kV 3-Phase
Auto Transformer


1. Rated Capacity MVA 50
2. Rated Voltage ratio (HV/LV) kV 132/66
3. Single / Three Phase Design Three
4. Applicable Standard IEC 60076 / IS 2026
5. Frequency Hz 50
6. Cooling ONAN/ONAF
7. Rating at different cooling % 60 / 100
8. Cooler Bank Arrangement 1 x 100%
9. Type of Transformer Constant Ohmic impedance
10. HV-LV Impedance at 75 Deg C
i) Max. Voltage tap % 8.26
ii) Principal tap % 10
iii) Min. Voltage tap % 12.34
iv) Tolerance on Impedance % As per IEC
11. Service Outdoor
12. Duty Continuous
13. Overload Capacity IEC 60076-7 / IS 6600
14. Temperature rise over 50 deg C
Ambient Temp
i) Top oil measured by O C 50
ii) Average winding measured by O C 55
resistance method
iii) Winding hot spot O C 66
15. Tank Hotspot Temperature O C 95

Annexure-A Page 24 of 49
16. Windings
i) Lightning Impulse withstand
HV kVp 650
LV kVp 325
Neutral kVp 95
ii) Switching Impulse withstand
HV kVp 540
iii) One Minute Power Frequency
withstand Voltage
HV kVrms 275
LV kVrms 140
Neutral kVrms 38
iv) Neutral Grounding Solidly grounded
HV Graded
LV Graded
v) Tan delta of winding % ≤0.5
17. Vector Group (3 –ph) YNa0
(unless specified differently
18. Tap Changer OLTC
i) Tap Range and no. of steps –5% to +10% of HV variation in
the step of 1.25%, 12 steps
ii) Location of Tap changer On the 66 kV side of the series
iii) Design Constant flux voltage variation
type as per cl. 6.2 of IEC 60076
iv) Tap control Full capacity on load tap
changer suitable for

Annexure-A Page 25 of 49
group/independent, remote
/local electrical and local
manual operation and bi-
directional power flow
19. Bushings
i) Rated voltage
HV kV 145
LV kV 72.5
Neutral kV 36
ii) Rated current (Min.)
HV A 800
LV A 1250
Neutral A 2000
iii) Lightning Impulse withstand
HV kVp 650
LV kVp 325
Neutral kVp 170
iv) One Minute Power Frequency
withstand Voltage
HV kVrms 305
LV kVrms 155
Neutral kVrms 77
v) Minimum total creepage mm/kV 31
viii) Max Partial discharge level at
HV pC 10
LV pC 10
Neutral pC -

Annexure-A Page 26 of 49
20. Max Partial discharge level at pC 100
21. Max Noise level at rated voltage dB 75
and at principal tap at no load
and all cooling active
22. Maximum Permissible Losses
of Transformers
i) Max. No Load Loss at rated kW 14
voltage and frequency
ii) Max. Load Loss at rated kW 95
current and frequency and at
75O C
iii) Max. I2R Loss at rated current kW 76
and frequency and at 75O C
iv) Max. Auxiliary Loss at rated kW 2
voltage and frequency

Annexure-A Page 27 of 49
8.0 Technical Particulars / Parameters of 50 MVA & 31.5 MVA, 132/33
kV, 3-Phase Power Transformer

Description Unit

1. Rated Capacity VA 50 31.5

Voltage ratio (HV/LV)
2. kV 132/33

3. Single / Three Phase Design 3 (Three)

4. Applicable Standard IEC 60076 / IS 2026

5. Frequency Hz 50

6. Cooling ONAN/ONAF

7. Rating at different cooling % 60 / 100

8. Cooler Bank Arrangement 1 X 100%
Type of Transformer Constant Ohmic impedance
9. type

10. HV-LV Impedance at 75 Deg C

i) Max. Voltage tap % 10.3
ii) Principal tap % 12.5
iii) Min. Voltage tap % 15.4
iv) Tolerance on Impedance % As per IEC

11. Service Outdoor

12. Duty Continuous

13. Overload Capacity IEC 60076-7 / IS 6600

Temperature rise over 50deg C
14. ambient temp.
Top oil measured by O
i) C 50
Average winding measured by O
ii) C 55
resistance method

15. Windings

Annexure-A Page 28 of 49
Lightning Impulse withstand
HV kVp 650
LV kVp 170
Neutral kVp 95
Switching Impulse withstand
HV kVp 540
One Minute Power Frequency
withstand Voltage
HV kVrms 275
LV kVrms 70
Neutral kVrms 38
iv) Neutral Grounding Solidly grounded
v) Insulation
HV Graded
LV Uniform
vi) Tan delta of winding % ≤0.5%
Vector Group (3 –ph)
16. (unless specified differently YNynO

17. Tap Changer OLTC

Tap Range and no. of steps –5% to +10% of HV
i) variation in the step of
1.25%, 12 steps
Location of Tap changer On Neutral side of 132 kV
Design Constant flux voltage
iii) variation type as per cl. 6.2
of IEC 60076 part-I

iv) Tap control Full capacity on load tap

changer suitable for

Annexure-A Page 29 of 49
group/independent, remote
/local electrical and local
manual operation and bi-
directional power flow.

18. Bushings
i) Rated voltage
HV kV 145
LV kV 36
Neutral kV 36
ii) Rated current (Min.)
HV A 800
LV A 1250
Neutral A 1250
Lightning Impulse withstand
HV kVp 650
LV kVp 170
Neutral kVp 170
One Minute Power Frequency
withstand Voltage
HV kVrms 305
LV kVrms 77
Neutral kVrms 77
Minimum total creepage
v) mm/kV 31
vi) Max Partial discharge level at Um
HV pC 10
Max Partial discharge level at
19. pC 100
Max. Noise level at rated voltage
20. and at principal tap at no load dB 75
and all cooling active

Annexure-A Page 30 of 49
21. Maximum Permissible Losses 50 MVA 31.5 MVA
of Transformers
i) Max. No Load Loss at rated kW
25 18
voltage and frequency
ii) Max. Load Loss at rated current kW 125 110
and frequency and at 75O C
iii) Max. I2R Loss at rated current kW 105 93.5
and frequency and at 75O C
iv) Max. Auxiliary Loss at rated kW 3 2
voltage and frequency

Notes: (for all transformers ratings)

1. For parallel operation with existing transformer, percentage impedance,

OLTC connection and range, vector group and the winding configuration
(if necessary) is to be matched.

2. No external or internal Transformers / Reactors are to be used to achieve

the specified HV/IV, HV/LV and IV/LV impedances.

Annexure-A Page 31 of 49
9.0 Technical Particulars / Parameters of Generator Transformers
(For Thermal Power Plants)

RATING OF GT 200MVA* 420kV 21kV - -

FOR 500 MW
Generator Unit

RATING OF GT 260/ 265 420kV - 20kV, 21kV, -

FOR 660 MW MVA* 22 kV,
Generator Unit
23.5kV, 24kV

RATING OF GT 315 MVA* 420kV - - 23.5kV,

FOR 800 MW 27kV
Generator Unit

1 Vector group YNd 11 ( Three numbers single phase units shall form a three phase bank)

(HV neutral shall be made at site by the Bidder. LV side delta shall be made by

2 Duty Continuous

3 Impedance at 75 FOR 200 MVA GT IN FOR 260 MVA GT IN FOR 315 MVA GT IN
deg C

On principal 13.5% (With +/- 5 % tol.) 15% (With +/- 5 % tol.) 16% (With +/- 5 % tol.)

On other Taps 12% to 15% without any 12.5% to 17.5% without 14.4% to 17.6% without any
further tol. any further tol. further tol.

4 Maximum 50°C
design Ambient

5 Permissible
rise over an
ambient temp.
of 50°C

Winding (by 40°C


Top oil (by 35°C


Cooling system OFAF/ODAF

6 Short circuit 3 sec.

withstand time

7 Bushing CT As per System Requirement


8 Noise Level As per NEMA TR- 1


Annexure-A Page 32 of 49
9 Winding Details

Lightning kVp 1425 95 125 170 170


Chopped Wave kVp 1570 - 138 187 187


Switching kVp 1175 - - - -


One min power kVrms 630/38* 38 50 70 70

voltage (AV test)

Insulation - Graded - Uniform Uniform Uniform

10 Bushing Details

Rated Voltage kV 420 36 36 36 36

Rated Current Amps

For 200MVA GT 1250 1250 12500 - -

IN 500 MW

For 260MVA GT 1600 1250 - 16000 -

IN 660 MW

For 315MVA GT 2000 1250 - - 20000

IN 800 MW

Lightning kVp 1550*** 170 170 170 170


Switching kVp 1175 - - - -


One min power kVrms 750 77 77 77 77


Minimum total mm 25 mm/kV and 31 mm/kV depending upon location


*** The bushing

shall be suitable
for chopped
wave lightning
impulse test on

Annexure-A Page 33 of 49
transformer at
1570 KVp.

11 Tap changer

Tap Change Off Circuit Tap Changer (OCTC)


Tap range ±10% in steps of 2.5% on HV neutral side for 200 MVA, ±5% in steps of 2.5% on HV
neutral side for 260 MVA and 315 MVA transformers.




Other Requirements
1) Minimum phase spacing of the isolated phase bus ducts shall be about 1800 mm.
LV Terminal spacing shall match this. Exact value would be intimated to
successful bidder during detailed engineering.
2) Ground and Phase Clearance :
The minimum electrical clearance between any earthed object and live part for
400 kV shall be 3500 mm.
3) The impedance of each single-phase unit shall have to be identical as far as
possible and variation of impedance of any single-phase unit shall be within ±
5% of impedance of other two units.

Annexure-A Page 34 of 49
Technical Particulars / Parameters of Typical 400 kV Class
Generator Transformers for Hydro Power Stations

Sl. Technical
Description Unit
No. Parameters
Rated continuous MVA at max. ambient
1 MVA As specified
2 Rated voltages
2.1 - HV winding kV 420/√3
As per
2.2 - LV winding kV Generator
3 Highest voltage of equipment Um for
3.1 - HV winding kV 420/√3
As per
3.2 - LV winding kV Generator
4 Maximum temperature rise, at rated
4.1 - top oil (measured by thermometer) 0 C 55
4.2 - windings (measured by resistance) 0 C 60
Type of cooling -
6 GSU Transformer is a single phase,
- Yes
50Hz, Separte winding transformer
7 Power frequency withstand voltage
7.1 - HV winding / Bushing kV (r.m.s) 695/750
7.2 As per
- HV neutral winding / Bushing kV (r.m.s)
7.3 As per
- LV winding / Bushing kV (r.m.s)
8 Lightning impulse withstand voltage
8.1 - HV winding / Bushing kV (Peak) 1425/1550

Annexure-A Page 35 of 49
8.2 As per
- HV neutral winding / Bushing kV (peak)
8.3 As per
- LV winding / Bushing kV (peak)
9 Switching impulse withstand voltage of
kV (peak) 1050/1175
H.V Winding and Bushing
10 Vector group YNd11
% impedance voltage at rated power As per IEC
11 -
referred to 75°C winding temperature 60076-5
12 Short circuit withstand capacity
As per table-2
12.1 -Short circuit apparent power - of IEC 60076-
-Short circuit level of the system
12.2 kA 63 (1 sec)
connected on HV side
Max. flux density at rated voltage and Not to exceed
13 Tesla
frequency 1.7 Tesla
14 Type of Insulatiuon
Class A
14.1 - HV winding - shall be and
able to
Class A
14.2 - LV winding -
15 Material of the winding conductor - Copper
2 per
16 No. Of Oil-water Coolers -

Annexure-A Page 36 of 49
2 per
17 No. Of Oil Pumps -
As per IEC
18 Oil Quality -
19 Hotspot Temperature measuring system -
As per
19.1 -
No of fibre sensors in each transformer specification'
19.2 Temperature measuring range - 00 C to 1500 C
20 Type of Conservator - Air Bag type
21 Type of Bushing
bushing or
Bushing or
21.1 - HV terminal -
upon the
Oil / Air
21.2 - LV Terminal -
Oil / Air
21.3 - Neutral Terminal -
Continuous on-line moisture-in-oil As per
22 -
measuring system & DGA specification
As per
23 Rails -
High grade
24 Core material -
Buchholtz relay, WTI, OTI, flow switch &
25 - Yes
PRD included in supply
Ports for Oil sampling, DGA & Moisture-
26 - Yes
in-oil system
Standards applicable as per
27 - Yes

Annexure-A Page 37 of 49
Whether Transportation weight of the
28 Transformer complied to 70R - Yes
specification as per ITB or not
As per
29 Short circuit testing requirement -

Provision of nitrogen injection system

30 - Yes
for transformer fire fighting protection

31 Limit of hot spot temperature for which

not more than
the transformer is designed as per
applicable standard

Annexure-A Page 38 of 49
Technical Particulars/ Parameters of Reactors

1.0 Technical Particulars/ Parameters of 765 kV Shunt Reactor

(80 & 110 MVAR)

S. Description Unit Parameters


1. Rated Capacity at 765/√3 kV MVAR 80 110

2. Rated Voltage (Un) kV 765/√3 765/√3

3. Maximum continuous kV 800/√3 800/√3

operating voltage (Um)
4. Connection (3 Phase Bank) Star with neutral Star with neutral
brought out brought out
5. Cooling System ONAN ONAN

6. Frequency Hz 50 50
7. No of Phases 1 (SINGLE) 1 (SINGLE)
8. Service Outdoor Outdoor
9. Duty Continuous at Continuous at
800/√3kV 800/√3kV
10. Permissible current ±1% ±1%
unbalance among different
11. Crest value of third harmonic ≤ 3% of the crest ≤ 3% of the crest
content in phase current at value of value of
rated voltage with sinusoidal fundamental fundamental
wave form
12. Range of constant impedance Up to 1.25 Um Up to 1.25 Um
(However, complete
characteristics of the
Reactors upto 2.5 p.u.
Voltage shall be
13. Tolerance on current (i) 0 to +5% for a (i) 0 to +5% for a
single phase unit single phase unit
(ii) ±1% for between (ii) ±1% for between
units units
Ratio of zero sequence Between 0.9 & 1.0. Between 0.9 & 1.0.
14. reactance to positive

Annexure-A Page 39 of 49
15. Temperature rise over 50 deg
C Ambient Temp. and at
800/√3 kV
i) Top oil measured by O C 40 40
ii) Average winding measured OC 45 45
by resistance method
iii) Winding hot spot OC 59 59
16. Max. design Ambient temp 50 50
17. Windings

i) Lightning Impulse withstand


HV kVp 1950 1950

Neutral kVp 550 550

ii) Switching Impulse withstand


HV kVp 1550 1550

Neutral - -

iii) One Minute Power Frequency

withstand Voltage

HV kVrms 830kV rms (Ph 830kV rms (Ph

Earth) for 5 min (to Earth) for 5 min (to
be tested) be tested)
Neutral kVrms 230 230
iv) Winding Connection STAR (3-Phase) STAR (3-Phase)
v) Neutral Solidly Earthed Solidly Earthed

vi) Whether neutral is to be Yes (through 145kV Yes (through

brought out 145kV class
class bushing) bushing

Annexure-A Page 40 of 49
vii) Tan delta of windings at < 0.005 < 0.005
ambient Temperature (No
temperature correction factor
shall be applied)
18. Bushing
i) Rated voltage
HV kV 800 800
Neutral kV 145 145
ii) Rated current (Min.)

HV A 2500 2500

Neutral A 1250 1250

iii) Lightning Impulse withstand

HV kVp 2100 2100

Neutral kVp 650 650

iv) Switching Impulse withstand

HV kVp 1550 1550

Neutral - -
19. Maximum Permissible 110 MVAR 80 MVAR
Losses of Reactor
i) Max. Load Loss at rated kW 120 60
current and frequency and
at 75O C
ii) Max. I2R Loss at rated kW 98 52
current and frequency and
at 75O C

Annexure-A Page 41 of 49
2.0 Technical Particulars / Parameters of 420kV Shunt Reactor
(63, 80 & 125 MVAR)

Clause Description Unit Parameters

1. Rated Voltage, Ur (1p.u) kV 420
Rated Capacity at 420 kV MVAR 125/80/63
3. Standard IEC 60076-6
4. Connection (3 Phase) Star

5. Cooling System ONAN

6. Frequency Hz 50
7. No. of Phases 3 (THREE)
8. Service Outdoor
9. Permissible current unbalance % ±2
among different phases
10. Crest value of third harmonic % ≤ 3% of the crest value of
content in phase current at fundamental
rated voltage with sinusoidal
wave form
11. Range of constant impedance Up to 1.5
(However, complete saturation p.u. voltage
characteristics of the Reactors
upto 2.5 p.u. Voltage shall be
12. Tolerance on current % 0 to +5%
13. Ratio of zero sequence reactance Range 0.9 - 1.0
to positive reactance (X0/X1)

14. Temperature rise over 50 deg C

Ambient Temp at rated voltage
Top oil measured by 0C 40
Average winding measured by 0C 45
resistance method
15. Max. design Ambient temp 0C 50
16. Windings
a) Lightning Impulse withstand
HV kVp 1300

Neutral kVp 550

b) Switching Impulse withstand

Annexure-A Page 42 of 49
HV kVp 1050
c) Power Frequency withstand
Neutral kVrms 230
d) Tan delta of windings < 0.005
17. Bushing
a) Rated voltage
HV kV 420
Neutral kV 145
b) Rated current (Min.)
HV A 800
Neutral A 800
c) Lightning Impulse withstand
HV kVp 1425
Neutral kVp 650
d) Switching Impulse withstand
HV kVp 1050
e) Power Frequency withstand
HV kVrms 695
Neutral kVrms 305
f) Minimum total creepage
HV mm 10500
Neutral mm 3625
g) Tan delta of bushings
HV < 0.004

Neutral < 0.004

h) Max Partial discharge level at Ur

HV pC 10

Neutral pC 10
18. Maximum Partial discharge level pC 100
at1.58 Ur / √3

Annexure-A Page 43 of 49
19. Vibration and Tank stress level Max: < 200 microns peak to
at rated voltage and frequency peak
Average: ≤60 microns peak to
Stress: ≤2.0 kg/ at any
point on tank

20. Maximum Noise level at rated dB 80

voltage and frequency

21. Maximum Permissible Losses of Load I2R

Reactor at rated Voltage Loss
Frequency and at 75O C (kW)
i) 63MVAR, 420kV 3-Ph Reactor kW 100 57

ii) 80MVAR, 420kV 3-Ph Reactor kW 115 65

iii) 125MVAR, 420kV 3-Ph Reactor kW 160 90

Annexure-A Page 44 of 49
3.0 Technical Particulars / Parameters of 245kV Shunt Reactor
(25 MVAR)

S.No. Description Unit Parameters

1. Rated Voltage, Ur (1p.u) kV 245
2. Rated Capacity at 245 kV MVAR 25
3. Standard IEC 60076-6
4. Connection (3 Phase) Star
5. Cooling System ONAN
6. Frequency Hz 50
7. No of Phases 3 (THREE)
8. Service Outdoor
9. System Fault Level kA 40
10. Permissible current % ±2
unbalance among different
11. Crest value of Third Harmonic % ≤ 3% of the crest Value
content in phase current at of
rated voltage with sinusoidal fundamental
12. Range of constant Impedance Up to 1.4 p.u.
(However, complete voltage
saturation characteristics of
the Reactors up to 2.5 p.u.
Voltage shall be furnished)
13. Tolerance on current % 0 to +5%
14. Ratio of zero sequence Range 0.9 - 1.0
reactance to positive
reactance (X0/X1)
15. Temperature rise over 50 deg
C Ambient Temp at rated
(a) Top oil measured by O C 40
(b) Average winding measured by O C 45
resistance method
16. Max. design Ambient temp O C 50
17. Windings
a) Lightning Impulse withstand
HV kVp 950
Neutral kVp 170

Annexure-A Page 45 of 49
b) Switching Impulse withstand
HV kVp 750
c) Power Frequency withstand
Neutral kVrms 70
d) Tan delta of windings < 0.005
18. Bushing
a) Rated voltage
Neutral kV 36
b) Rated current (Min.)
HV A 800
Neutral A 800
c) Lightning Impulse withstand

HV kVp 1050
Neutral kVp 170
d) Switching Impulse withstand

HV kVp 750
e) Power Frequency withstand

HV kVrms 505
Neutral kVrms 77
f) Minimum total creepage

HV mm 6125
Neutral mm 900
g) Tan delta of bushings
HV < 0.004
h) Max. Partial discharge level at Ur

Annexure-A Page 46 of 49
HV pC 10
19. Max. Partial discharge level pC 100
at 1.58 Ur / √3

20. Vibration and Tank Max: ≤ 200 microns peak

to peak
stress level at rated voltage
and frequency Average: ≤60 microns peak
to Peak
Stress: ≤ 2.0kg/ at
any point on tank.

21. Maximum Noise level at rated dB 75

voltage and frequency
22. Maximum Permissible Losses Load loss I2R loss
at rated voltage and frequency
25MVAR, 3-Ph Reactor 50 28

Annexure-A Page 47 of 49
Technical Particulars / Parameters of Neutral Grounding Reactor (NGR)

S. No. Description Unit Parameters

1. Rated voltage from insulation kV 145

2. Connection Between neutral of

and ground

3. Cooling System Natural oil cooling


4. Cooling medium Insulating oil

5. Frequency Hz 50
6. No of Phases 1 (SINGLE)
7. Service Outdoor
8. Type Oil filled outdoor

9. Insulation Graded

10. Max. continuous current (rms) 10 A

11. Rated short time current (rms) 60A


12. Rated impedance at rated short time To be specified by the

and continuous current utility as per

13. Max. temperature rise over ambient

temperature of 50oC at rated voltage
i) of winding measured by resistance Deg C 50

ii) of top oil measured by thermometer Deg C 45

14. Insulation level for winding

Annexure-A Page 48 of 49
(a) Lightning Impulse withstand Voltage

i) Line side kVp 550

ii) Ground side kVp 95
(b) One Minute Power Frequency
withstand Voltage

iii) Line side kVrms 230

iv) Ground side kVrms 38

15. Bushing

(a) Rated Voltage

i) Line side kV 145

ii) Ground side kV 24

(b) Lightning Impulse withstand Voltage

i) Line side kVp 650

ii) Ground side kVp 125

(c) One Minute Power Frequency

withstand Voltage

i) Line side kVrms 305

ii) Ground side kVrms 50
(d) Creepage (total minimum)
i) Line side mm 3625
ii) Ground side mm 600
16. Method of grounding Solidly connected
between neutral of
shunt reactor and earth
17. Whether neutral is to be brought out Yes (through 24kV

Annexure-A Page 49 of 49



1.0 Parameters of Current Transformer for 105 MVA(1-ph) & 315 MVA(3-
ph) 400/220/33 kV and 3-ph 200 MVA, 400/132/33 kV

Description Current Transformer Parameters (Transformer)

HV IV Neutral Outdoor type
Side Side Side Neutral Current

(for each bank of

three 1-ph units)

a) Ratio
CORE 1 1000/1 1000/1 1000/1 1000/1
CORE 2 600/1 1000/1 - -
b) Minimum knee point voltage or burden and accuracy class
1000V, 1000V, 1000V, 1000V,
0.2S Class
0.2S Class
20VA ISF≤5
c) Maximum CT Secondary Resistance
CORE 1 2.5 Ohm 2.5 Ohm 2.5 Ohm 2.5 Ohm
CORE 2 - - - -
d) Application
Restricted Restricted REF
CORE 1 Earth
Earth Fault Earth Fault (High Impedance)
CORE 2 Metering Metering - -
e) Maximum magnetization current (at knee point voltage)
CORE 1 60 mA 60 mA 60 mA 60 mA
CORE 2 - - - -

Annexure-B Page 1 of 11
2.0 Parameters of Current Transformer for 500MVA (1-ph), 765/400/33
kV; 500MVA (3-ph) & 167 MVA (1-ph), 400/220/33 kV and 160 MVA,
220/66 kV Transformers

Description Current Transformer Parameters (Transformer)

HV IV Neutral Outdoor type
Side Side Side Neutral Current

(for each bank of

three 1-ph units)

CORE 1 1600/1 1600/1 1600/1 1600/1
CORE 2 1000/1 1600/1 - -
Minimum knee point voltage or burden and accuracy class
1600V, PX / 1600V, PX / 1600V, PX
CORE 1 1600V, PX / PS
0.2S Class 0.2S Class
CORE 2 - -
20VA ISF≤5 20VA ISF≤5
Maximum CT Secondary Resistance
CORE 1 4.0 Ohm 4.0 Ohm 4.0 Ohm 4.0 Ohm
CORE 2 - - - -
Restricted Restricted REF
CORE 1 Earth
Earth Fault Earth Fault (High Impedance)
CORE 2 Metering Metering - -
Maximum magnetization current (at knee point voltage)
CORE 1 25 mA 25 mA 25 mA 25 mA
CORE 2 - - - -

Annexure-B Page 2 of 11
3.0 Parameters of Current Transformer for 3-ph 315 MVA, 400/132/33
kV & 80 MVA 220/66 kV Transformers

Description Current Transformer Parameters (Transformer)

HV HV Neutral IV (for 315 Neutral
Side side (for 80 MVA)/LV(for Side
MVA) 80 MVA)
CORE 1 1600/1 1600/1 1600/1 1600/1
CORE 2 600/1 - 1600/1 -
Minimum knee point voltage or burden and accuracy class
1600V, PX / 1600V, PX / 1600V, PX / 1600V, PX /
0.2S Class 0.2S Class
CORE 2 - -
20VA ISF≤5 20VA ISF≤5
Maximum CT Secondary Resistance
CORE 1 4.0 Ohm 4.0 Ohm 4.0 Ohm 4.0 Ohm
CORE 2 - - - -
Restricted Restricted Restricted
CORE 1 (High
Earth Fault Earth Fault Earth Fault
CORE 2 Metering Metering - -
Maximum magnetization current (at knee point voltage)
CORE 1 25 mA 25 mA 25 mA 25 mA
CORE 2 - - - -

Annexure-B Page 3 of 11
4.0 Parameters of Current Transformers for 200 MVA & 160MVA
220/132/33 kV; 100MVA, 220/132kV & 100 MVA, 132/66 kV 3-Ph

Description Current Transformer Parameters (Transformer)

HV IV Neutral
Side Side Side
(a) Ratio
CORE 1 1000/1 1000/1 1000/1
CORE 2 600/1 1000/1 -
(b) Minimum knee point voltage or burden and accuracy class
CORE 1 600V, PX / PS 600V, PX / PS 600V, PX / PS
CORE 2 0.2S Class 0.2S Class -
15VA ISF ≤ 5 15VA ISF ≤ 5
(c) Maximum CT Secondary Resistance
CORE 1 1.5 Ohm 1.5 Ohm 1.5 Ohm
CORE 2 - - -
(d) Application
CORE 1 Restricted Earth Restricted Earth Restricted Earth
Fault Fault Fault
CORE 2 Metering Metering -

(e) Maximum magnetization current (at knee point voltage)

CORE 1 100 mA 100 mA 100 mA
CORE 2 - - -

Annexure-B Page 4 of 11
5.0 Parameters of Current Transformer for 50 MVA & 31.5 MVA
132/33kV 3-Ph Transformers

Description Current Transformer Parameters (Transformer)

HV HV Neutral LV LV Neutral
Side Side Side Side
(a) Ratio
CORE 1 300/1 300/1 1000/1 1000/1
CORE 2 300/1 - 1000/1 -
(b) Minimum knee point voltage or burden and accuracy class
CORE 1 600V, PX / 600V, PX / 1000V, PX / 1000V, PX /
CORE 2 0.2S Class - 0.2S Class -
15VA ISF ≤ 15VA ISF ≤ 5
(c) Maximum CT Secondary Resistance
CORE 1 1.5 Ohm 1.5 Ohm 1.5 Ohm 1.5 Ohm
CORE 2 - - - -
(d) Application
CORE 1 Restricted Restricted Metering Restricted
Earth Fault Earth Fault Earth Fault
CORE 2 Metering -
(e) Maximum magnetization current (at knee point voltage)

CORE 1 100 mA 100 mA 100 mA 100 mA

CORE 2 - - - -

Annexure-B Page 5 of 11
6.0 Parameters of Current Transformers for 1-ph, 80 & 110 MVAR, 765
kV Shunt Reactors

Description Current Transformer Parameters (Shunt

Line Side Neutral Side
(a) Ratio
CORE 1 300/1A to be decided by manufacturer for
CORE 2 300/1A 3000-2000-500/1A
CORE 3 300/1A 3000-2000-500/1A
CORE 4 300/1A 300/1A
(b) Minimum knee point voltage or burden and accuracy class
CORE 1 300V, PX / PS Suitable for WTI
CORE 2 300V, PX / PS 3000V, PX / PS Class
CORE 3 300V, PX / PS 3000V, PX / PS Class
CORE 4 10VA, Class 1.0 300V, PX / PS Class
(c) Maximum CT Secondary Resistance
CORE 1 1 Ohm -
CORE 2 1 Ohm 12-8-2 Ohm
CORE 3 1 Ohm 12-8-2 Ohm
CORE 4 - 1 Ohm
(d) Application
CORE 1 Reactor Differential Winding Temperature Indicator
CORE 2 Restricted earth Line Protection (Main-I)/T zone
fault differential Protection/spare
CORE 3 Reactor Backup Line Protection (Main-I)/T zone
differential Protection/spare
CORE 4 Metering Reactor Differential

Annexure-B Page 6 of 11
Technical Parameters of Neutral Current Transformer for
Common Neutral Side (for each bank of three nos. single phase
reactors) & NGR
(a) Ratio 300/1 A
(b) Minimum knee point voltage 300 V
(c) Accuracy class PX / PS
(d) Maximum CT Resistance 1 Ohms
(e) Application Earth fault
(f) Maximum magnetization current 40 mA
at Vk/4 (Vk= knee-point voltage)


i) Rated continuous thermal current rating shall be 200% of rated primary


Annexure-B Page 7 of 11
7.0 Technical Parameters of Current Transformers for 3-phase 125, 80
& 63 MVAR, 420 kV Shunt Reactor & Neutral Grounding Reactor

Shunt Reactor NGR

Line Side Neutral Side Earth Side

(a) Ratio
CORE 1 200/1A 200/1A 200/1A
CORE 2 200/1A To be decided by -
contractor for
CORE 3 200/1A 3000-2000-500/1A -
CORE 4 200/1A 3000-2000-500/1A -
(b) Minimum knee point voltage or burden and
accuracy class

CORE 1 200V, PX / PS 200V, PX / PS Class 200V, PX

Class / PS Class
CORE 2 200V, PX / PS To be decided by -
contractor for
Class WTI
CORE 3 200V, PX / PS 3000-2000-500V, PX / -
Class Class
CORE 4 10VA, Class 1.0 3000-2000-500V, PX / -
(c) Maximum CT Secondary Resistance
CORE 1 1 Ohm 1 Ohm 1 Ohm
CORE 2 1 Ohm - -
CORE 3 1 Ohm 15-10-2.5 Ohm -
CORE 4 - 15-10-2.5 Ohm -

Annexure-B Page 8 of 11
(d) Exciting current (max.)
CORE 1 250mA 250mA -
CORE 2 250mA - -
CORE 3 250mA 20mA @3000/1 -
30mA @ 2000/1
120mA @ 500/1
CORE 4 - 20mA @3000/1 -
30mA @ 2000/1
120mA @ 500/1
(e) Application

CORE 1 Reactor Reactor Differential Restricted

earth fault
CORE 2 Restricted earth Temperature Indicator -
(on one
phase only)
CORE 3 Reactor Backup Line Protection (Main- -
zone differential
CORE 4 Metering Line Protection (Main- -
zone differential

Annexure-B Page 9 of 11
8.0 Technical Parameters of Current Transformers for 3-phase 25
MVAR, 245 kV Shunt Reactor

Line Side Neutral Side

CORE 1 200/1A 200/1A

CORE 2 200/1A 200/1A
CORE 3 200/1A 200/1A
CORE 4 - To be decided by contractor
for WTI

(b) Minimum knee point voltage or burden and accuracy class

CORE 1 200V, PX / PS Class 10 VA, 1.0
CORE 2 200V, PX / PS Class 200V, PX / PS Class
CORE 3 200V, PX / PS Class 200V, PX / PS Class
CORE 4 - To be decided by contractor for WTI
(c) Instrument security factor (max.)
CORE 1 - 20
CORE 2 - -
CORE 3 - -
CORE 4 - -
(d) Maximum CT Secondary Resistance
CORE 1 1 Ohm -
CORE 2 1 Ohm 1 Ohm
CORE 3 1 Ohm 1 Ohm
CORE 4 - -
(e) Exciting current(max.) at 50V
CORE 1 60mA -
CORE 2 60mA 60mA
CORE 3 60mA 60mA
CORE 4 - -
(f) Application
CORE 1 Differential Metering

Annexure-B Page 10 of 11

CORE 2 Restricted earth fault Restricted earth fault

CORE 3 Backup impedance Differential protection(High impedance)
CORE 4 - Winding temp. Indication (on one phase

Note for CTs for Shunt Reactor and NGR:

i) For PX / PS class CT’s, Dimensioning parameter “K”, Secondary

VA shall be considered 1.5 and 20 respectively.
ii) Rated continuous thermal current rating shall be 200% of rated
primary current.

iii) In case of single phase reactor, Common Neutral Side shall be out
door type.

Annexure-B Page 11 of 11
Guaranteed and Other Technical Particulars for Power

Item Description Unit Offered by

1. General Information

i) Supplier
ii) Manufacturer
iii) Place of Manufacture
iv) Type of transformer (Core/Shell)
2. Applications

i) Indoor/Outdoor
ii) 2wdg/3wdg/Auto
3. iii) GT/Step-down/ICT/Station Start-up/Auxiliary/
Rail Trackside Supply
4. Corrosion Level at Site

i) Light ii) Medium iii) Heavy iv) Very Heavy

5. Applicable Standards

i) IEC: 60076
ii) IS : 2026
iii) As per list given in ……….
6. Full load rating (HV/IV/LV) MVA
7. 3Phase/Bank of Three Phase/Single Phase (A,B,C)
8. Rated No Load Voltages (HV/IV/LV) kV
9. Currents (HV/IV/LV) at normal tap Amp
10. Rated Frequency Hz
11. Connections and phase displacement symbols (Vector
12. Weight Schedules (Minimum with no negative
i) Active part kg
ii) Oil kg
iii) Tank and Fittings kg
iv) Total Weight kg
v) Overall dimensions L X B X H mm
vi) Size of heaviest package L X B X H mm

vii) Weight of heaviest package kg

13. Transport limitation

14. Whether the offered transformer can be transported
on Indian Railways to destination
15. LV Winding

i) Stabilizing tertiary (Yes/No)

ii) Loaded (Yes/No)
16. Tappings

Ii)Tappings on
iii)Variation on
iv)Range of variation %
v)No of Steps
vi) Whether control suitable for :
Remote/local operation
Auto/manual operation
vi)Parallel Operation Requirements

17. Impedance and Losses

i) Calculated I2R Loss at rated tap and 75 0C kW

ii) Eddy current and stray loss at rated tap and 75 0C kW
iii) Calculated Load Loss(I2R+Eddy and Stray) at rated kW
tap and 75 0C
iv) Guaranteed Load loss at rated tap and 75 0C (Max) kW
v) Guaranteed Impedance (Base MVA at Principal %
a) Tolerance %
vi) Impedance at extreme tappings %
a) Max. Voltage tap
b) Min. Voltage tap
i) Tolerance %
vi) Regulation at full load at 75 0C winding %
temperature at:
a) upf
b) 0.8 pf
vii) Guaranteed No Load Loss (max) kW
viii)Calculated Fan Loss kW
ix) Calculated Pump Loss kW
x) Guaranteed Auxiliary Loss (Max) kW
xi) Guaranteed maximum Magnetizing Current at %
rated Voltage
xii) Efficiency : %
At 100% load upf
0.8 lead
0.8 lag
At 75% load upf
0.8 lead
0.8 lag
At 50% load upf
0.8 lead
0.8 lag

xiii) Load for Maximum efficiency %

18. Any limitations in the performance of the required
If Yes, State limitations
19. Deviations from specifications (if any , annexure no.)
20. Fault level of system MVA
21. Withstand time for three phase short circuit at msec
22. Over excitation withstand time: msec

23. Max value of tan δ for each winding (IEC)


Item Description Unit Offered by

1. Core Type:
i) 3Phase 3 Limb( 3 wound limbs)
ii) 3Phase 5 Limb(3 wound limbs)
iii)1Phase 2 Limb(2 wound limbs)
iv)1Phase 3 Limb( 1 wound limb)
v) 1Phase 4Limb( 2 wound limbs)
vi)1Phase 5Limb( 3wound Limbs)
2. Type of Core Joint:
i) Mitred
ii) Step Lap
3. CRGO :
i) Thickness, mm
ii) Max. Specific loss at 1.7 T, 50Hz, in Watts/kg
iii) Grade of core as per BIS
iv) Insulation between core lamination
4. Minimum Gross Area of: cm2
i) Core
ii) Limb
iii) Yoke
iv) Unwound limb
(May be verified during manufacturing stage – at the
discretion of buyer)
5. Stacking Factor %
6. Voltage per turn V
7. Apparent Core Density for Weight Calculation
8. Minimum Net Weight of Silicon Steel Lamination kg
CRGO (may be verified during manufacturing stage
by calculation using input from item -5)
9. Maximum Flux density at 90%, 100% and 110% T
voltage and frequency (may be verified during
manufacturing stage by calculation)
10. W/kg at working flux density
11. Building Factor Considered
12. Calculated No Load Loss at rated voltage and kW
(Net Weight X W/kg X Building factor)
13. Magnetizing inrush current Amp

14. No load current at normal ratio and frequency for : Amp

85% of rated voltage
100% of rated voltage
105% of rated voltage
15. Maximum Sound Level dB
16. Core Isolation test kV
17. Core bolt insulation withstand voltage for one kV
Item Description Unit Offered
by manufacturer
1. Type of Winding

Helical/Disc/Layer/inter wound
2. Type of Conductor

3. Minimum Yield Strength of Conductor N/mm2
0.2% elongation

4. Maximum Current density at CMR and A/mm2

conductor area at any tap:

i) HV
ii) IV
iii) LV
5. Bare Weight of copper without paper kg
insulation and lead (Minimum)
6. Per Phase Maximum resistance of winding ohm
at rated tap at 75 OC
7. Number of Turns/Phase
8. Insulating material used for HV/IV/LV
9. Insulating material used between :

i) HV and IV winding
ii) IV and LV winding
iii) LV winding and core
10. Details of special arrangement provided to
improve surge voltage distribution in the
11. Dielectric Shielding used:

i) Interleaved winding
ii) Wound in Shield
iii) Others
12. Maximum current density under short A/mm2

i) HV
ii) IV
13. Magnetic Shielding used:

i) Yoke Shunt on core clamp

ii) Magnetic shunt on tank
iii) Electromagnetic (Copper/Aluminum)
shield on tank
iv) Others
14. Test voltages: kV

i) Lightning withstand test voltage

ii) Power frequency withstand voltage
a) Wet for one minute
b) Dry for one minute
iii) Switching surge withstand voltage
iv) Visible corona discharge voltage
15. Partial discharge level pC
16. Noise level when energized at normal dB
voltage and frequency without load

Item Description Unit Offered by
1. Type of Cooling
2. Temperature gradient between windings and oil
3. Time in minutes for which the transformer can run at min
full load without exceeding maximum permissible
temperature at reference ambient temperature when
supply to fans is cut off
4. Percentage Rating Corresponding to Cooling Stages
5. Guaranteed Maximum Temperature rise at 1000 mts. 0C
altitude at ambient temperature at cooling specified at
sl. No. 1:

i) Top Oil by thermometer

ii) Average Winding by resistance
iii) Winding hot spot
Type of Cooler:
i) Radiator Bank
ii) Oil to Air Heat Exchanger (Unit Cooler)
iii) Oil to Water Cooler(Single Tube)
iv) Oil to Water Cooler(Double Tube)
v) Tank Mounted
vi) Header Mounted
vii) Separately Mounted
viii) Degree of Protection of terminal box
7. Cooling Fans:

i) Type
ii) Size
iii) Rating( kW)
iv) Supply voltage
v) Quantity (Running + Standby)
vi) Whether fans are suitable for continuous
operation at 85% of their rated voltage calculated
time constant:
natural cooling
forced air cooling
vii) Degree of Protection of terminal box
8. Oil Pumps:

i) Type
ii) Size
iii) Rating(LPM and kW)
iv) Supply voltage
v) Quantity (Running + Standby)
vi) Efficiency of motor at full load
vii) Temperature rise of motor at full load
viii) BHP of driven equipment
Coolers (Oil to Air):
i) Quantity (Running + Standby)
ii) Type and Rating
10. Coolers (Oil to Water):

i) Quantity (Running + Standby)

ii) Type and Rating
iii) Oil flow rate lpm
iv) Water flow rate lpm
v) Nominal Cooling rate kW
vi) Material of tube
11. Radiators:

i) Width of elements (mm)

ii) Thickness (mm)
iii) Length (mm)
iv) Numbers
12. Guaranteed cooler loss at rated output, normal ratio, kW
rated voltage, rated frequency at ambient temperature
of 50oC

Item Description Unit Offered by
1 Geometric Arrangement of winding with
respect to core
e.g: Core-LV-IV-HV-Reg Coarse-Reg Fine
2 Regulating Winding:

i) Body Tap
ii) Separate
3 HV Line Exit point in winding:

i) Top
ii) Center
4 Varistors used across Windings Yes/
If yes, Details
5 Insulation Levels HV IV LV HV IV-
-N N
i) 1.2/50 µs Impulse kVp
ii) Chopped Impulse kVp
iii) Switching Impulse kVp
iv) AC (Short duration/ long duration) kVrms
v) Maximum PD level at 1.5 pu pC

Item Description Unit Offered
by manufacturer
1. Tap Changers
i) Control
a. a-Manual b-Automatic
b. c-Remote d-Local
ii) Voltage Class and Current Rating of Tap
iii) Make and Model
iv) Make and Type of AVR
v) Power Supply for control motor
vi) No of Phase/Voltage/Frequency
vii) Rated Voltage for control circuit V
viii) Phase/Voltage/Frequency
2. Tank
i) Tank Cover: Conventional/Bell/Bottom mm
ii) Material of plate for tank
iii) Plate thickness : side, bottom, cover mm
iv) Rail Gauge AXB mm
v) Minimum Clearance height from rail for mm
lifting Active Part
vi) Wheels : Numbers/Plane/Flanged/Uni-
Directional/Bi-Directional/Locking Details
vii) Vacuum withstand Capability mm
of Hg
viii) Tank/Radiators/Conservator/Accessories mm
ix) Radiator fins / conservator plate
3. Bushings: HV IV LV HV-N
i) Termination Type
b-Cable Box (oil/Air/SF6)
c-Plug in Type

ii) Type of Bushing: Porcelain/OIP/RIP

iii) Bushing housing - Porcelain / polymer

iv)Rated Voltage Class kV

v) Rated Current A

vi)Rated 1.2/50 µs Impulse Withstand kVp

vii) Rated One minute AC withstand, Dry kVrms

viii) Minimum Creepage Distance mm

ix) Quantity of oil in bushing and

specification of oil used

x) Make and Model

xi) Terminal Pad details

xii) Nos. of Cores

xiii) Weight of assembled bushings kg

xiv) Free space required above the tank top

for removal of core

xv) Whether terminal connector for all

bushings included in the scope of supply

xvi) BCT Requirements

xvii) Lightning impulse withstand voltage kV

xviii) Switching surge withstand voltage kV

4. Indicative

i) Winding temperature thermometer/

ii) Oil temperature thermometer/ indicator:
iii) Remote Oil / Winding Temp. Indicator:
iv) Temperature sensors by fiber optic
v) Oil actuated/gas operated relay
vi) Oil level Indicators:

Main Conservator
OLTC Conservator
vii) Oil Sight Window:

Main Tank
Main Conservator
OLTC Conservator
5. Conservator:
i) Total volume
ii) Volume between highest and lowest
visible oil levels
6. Conservator Bag (air cell)
i) Material of air cell
ii) Continuous temperature withstand
capacity of air cell
7. Pressure Relief Device:

i) Number of PRDs provided

ii) Operating pressure of relief device
8. Dehydrating Breathers
9. Tap Changer protective device
10. Bushing CTs:

i) Voltage class
ii) No. of cores
iii) Ratio
iv) Accuracy class
v) Burden
vi) Accuracy limit factor
vii) Maximum resistance of secondary winding Ω
viii) Knee point voltage
ix) Current rating of secondaries A
11. Transformer Oil
i) Grade as per IEEMA spec / IEC60296 / as
per specification
ii) Inhibited/ un-inhibited/ Standard/High
iii) Mineral / Natural Ester / Synthetic Ester
iv) Spare oil as percentage of first filling
v) Manufacturer
vi)Quantity of oil (before filling and before
vii)Moisture content
viii) Tan delta at 90oC
ix) Resistivity Ω-cm
x) Breakdown strength kV
xi) Interfacial tension at 20 oC N/m
12. Press Board:

i) Make
ii) type
13. Conductor Insulating Paper
i) Kraft paper
ii) Thermally upgraded Kraft paper
iii) Nomex
14. Provision for fire protection system (as per
15. Insulation of core bolts, washers, end plates
16. Vacuum withstand capacity of :

i) Main tank
ii) Radiators and accessories
17. Weights and Dimensions:

i) Weights:
a. Core
b. Windings
c. Tank
d. Fittings
e. Oil
f. Total weights of complete transformers
with oil and fittings

ii) Dimensions;
a. Overall Height above track
b. Overall length
c. Overall breadth

iii) Minimum bay width required for

installation of the transformer

iv) Weight of the heaviest package of the

transformer arranged for transportation

18. Lifting Jacks

i) Number of jacks included

ii) Type and Make
iii) Capacity
v) Lift
vi)Height in close position
19. Rail Track gauges

i) 2 Rails or 4 rails
ii) Distance between adjacent rails on shorter
iii) Distance between adjacent rails on longer

Test Plan for Transformers

No. Test Um Um
≤ 170kV > 170kV
1. Measurement of winding resistance Routine Routine
2. Voltage ratio measurement Routine Routine
3. Polarity test Routine Routine
4. No-load loss and current measurement Routine Routine
5. Magnetic balance test (for three phase Transformer Routine Routine
6. Short Circuit Impedance and load loss measurement Routine Routine
7. Measurement of insulation resistance & Polarization Routine Routine
8. Measurement of insulation power factor and Routine Routine
capacitance between winding to earth and between
9. Measurement of insulation power factor and Routine Routine
capacitance of bushings
10. Full wave lightning impulse test for the line terminals Routine -
11. Induced voltage withstand test (IVW) Routine -
12. Applied voltage test (AV) Routine Routine
13. Induced voltage test with PD measurement (IVPD) Routine Routine
14. On-load tap changer test(Ten complete cycle before LV Routine Routine
15. Gas-in-oil analysis Routine Routine
16. Core assembly dielectric and earthing continuity test Routine Routine
17. Oil leakage test on transformer tank Routine Routine
18. Appearance, construction and dimension check Routine Routine

Annexure-D Page 1 of 6
19. Short duration heat run test (Not Applicable for unit Routine Routine
on which temperature rise test is performed)
20 Measurement of no load current & Short circuit Routine Routine
Impedance with 415 V, 50 Hz AC.
21. Frequency Response analysis (Soft copy of test report Routine Routine
to be submitted to site along with test reports )
22. High voltage with stand test on auxiliary equipment Routine Routine
and wiring after assembly
23. Tank vacuum test Routine Routine
24. Tank pressure test Routine Routine
25. Chopped wave lightning impulse test for the line Type Routine
terminals (LIC)
26 Switching impulse test for the line terminal (SI) Type Routine
27. Line terminal AC withstand voltage test (LTAC) Routine Type
28. Measurement of transferred surge on LV or Tertiary Type Type
as applicable due to HV lightning impulse and IV
lighting impulse (as applicable)
29. Lightning impulse test for the neutral terminals (LIN) Type Type
30. Temperature rise test Type Type
31. Measurement of Zero seq. reactance Type Type
(for three phase Transformer only)
32. Measurement of harmonic level in no load current Type Type
33. Measurement of acoustic noise level Type Type
34. Measurement of power taken by fans and oil pumps Type Type
(Not applicable for ONAN)
35. Dynamic Short circuit withstand test (as specified in Type Type
the specification)

Annexure-D Page 2 of 6
Test Plan for Reactor

S. No. Test Test


1. Measurement of winding resistance Routine

2. Reactance and loss measurement Routine

(Measured in Cold and Hot state for the unit on which
temperature rise
test is performed & in Cold state for all other units )

3. Measurement of insulation resistance & Polarization Index Routine

Measurement of insulation power factor and capacitance

4. between winding Routine
and earth

Measurement of insulation power factor and capacitance of

5. bushings Routine

6. Core assembly dielectric and earthing continuity test Routine

High voltage with stand test on auxiliary equipment and

7. wiring after Routine
Chopped wave lightning impulse test for the line terminals
8. (LIC) Routine

9. Lightning impulse test on Neutral (LIN) Routine

10. Switching impulse test Routine

Annexure-D Page 3 of 6
11. Separate source voltage withstand test Routine

12. Short time over voltage Test (830kVrms) Routine

Induced over voltage test with Partial Discharge

13. measurement (IVPD) Routine

14. Gas-in-oil analysis Routine

15. 2-Hour excitation test except type tested unit Routine

Vibration & stress measurement at Um/√3 level Cold and

16. Hot state for the Routine
unit on which temperature rise test is performed & in Cold
state for all
other units. (Measurement shall also be carried out at
1.05Um/√3 level for
reference purpose)

17. Temperature rise test Type

Measurement of harmonic content of current ( Measured in

18. Cold state) Type

Measurement of acoustic noise level (Measured in Cold and

19. Hot state of Type
temperature rise test )

20 Knee point voltage measurement of reactor Type

(Measured in Cold and Hot state of temperature rise test )

Frequency Response analysis (Soft copy of test report to be

21. submitted to Routine
site along with test reports )

Annexure-D Page 4 of 6
22. Oil leakage test on Reactor tank Routine

23. Appearance, construction and dimension check Routine

24. Tank vacuum test Routine

25. Tank vacuum test Routine

Annexure-D Page 5 of 6
Tests on NGR (as applicable)

1. Measurement of winding resistance Routine

2. Measurement of Impedance by V/I Routine
3. Measurement of insulation resistance Routine
4. Measurement of Capacitance & Tan delta of winding Routine
insulation to earth and bushing
5. Lightning impulse test Routine
6. Separate source voltage withstand test Routine
7. Isolation Test Routine
8. Oil leakage test Routine
9. Appearance, construction and dimension check Routine
10. High voltage with stand test on auxiliary equipment and Routine
wiring after assembly
11. Tank vacuum test Routine
12. Tank vacuum test Routine

Annexure-D Page 6 of 6

Sr. Item/Components List of Tests Samplin Reference Acceptable Value Category of Responsibility*
No. g rate / Standard
Sub Manuf- Customer
Vendor acture
A r
Raw Material & Components

I. Winding 1. Visual & Dimensional check of Bare One sample IS 1897 Bare conductor P V W
Conductor (PICC)/ Conductor. Thickness & width of bare per type per IS 13730 Width /thick (mm) Tolerance (in ± mm)
(CTC)/ Lead wires conductor, Covered width & thickness lot IS 7401 Up to 3.15 - 0.03
316 to 6.30 - 0.05
6.31 to 12.5 - 0.07
12.51 to 16 - 0.10
> 16 mm - 0.10
Insulated conductor
Covering thick(mm) Tolerance (%)
0.25 to 0.5 - -10
0.51 to 1.25 - -7.5
Over 1.25 - -5
2. Resistivity at 20 deg.C IS 13730 For annealed conductor P V -
0.01727 ohm/mm2 / m(max) at 20 deg
For half hard conductor
0.01777 ohm-mm2/ m (max)
3. Insulation for bunched IS 13730 As per approved drawing P V W
a). No. of conductors.
b). Thickness & width of bare
conductor, Covered width &
c). Voltage test between strands
4.Tesile strength and elongation test IS 7404 Thickness tensile strength elongation P V --
IS 13730 (mm) (N/m2) %
Up to 2.5 205-265 30 min
>2.5-5.6 205-255 32 min
5. Hardness test IS 7404 Max hardness should be RF 65, when measured P V --
IS 13730 in Rockwell ‘F” scale
6. 0.2% Proof strength of work hardened IS 7404 As per design requirement P V --
conductor IS 13730
*Category of Responsibility: P - Actual Test Performance V - Verify and Accept W - Witness Actual testing, verify and accept
Sr. Item/Components List of Tests Sampling Reference / Acceptable Value Category of Responsibility*
No. rate Standard
Sub Manuf- Customer
Vendor acturer
7. Radius of corner of bare conductor IS 7404 Thickness (mm) P V V
IS 13730 Over/Up to Corner Radius(mm)
Up to 1.0 - 0.50
1.01 to 1.60 - 0.50
1.61 to 2.24 - 0.65
2.25 to 3.55 - 0.80
3.56 to 5.60 - 1.00

8. Copper purity As per plant OEM Standard V V V


9. Oxygen Content

10. Epoxy Bonding Strength (Bonded CTC)

Sr. Items/Components List of Tests Sampling Reference/St Acceptable Value
No. Rate andards
Kraft Insulating 1. Visual check & Measurement 1. Paper to be smooth, unglazed surface & P V --
II (a) Paper of Thickness One sample IEC 60554- free from dust particles
2. Density per type per 3-1 2. 0.8 ±0.05 gm/ cm3
3. Substance (grammage) lot IEC 60554- 3. Thick (µm) Sub (g/cm3) Tolerance
3-5 50 40 10
IEC 65 52 05
60554-2, 75 60 05
Methods of 90 72 05
4. Moisture Content Test 4. 8 % max
5. Tensile Index MD 5. 93 NM/gm (min)
6. Tensile Index CD 6. 34 NM/gm (min)
7. Elongation at Break MD 7. NA
8. Elongation at Break CD 8. NA
9. Electric Strength in Air 9. NA
10. Ash Content 10. 1 % max
11. PH of Aqueous extract 11. 6 to 8
12. Conductivity of Aqueous 12. 10 mS/m (max)
13.Air Permeability 13. 0.5 to 1.0 µm/Pa.s
14.Tear Index MD 14. 5 mN m2/g (min)
15.Tear Index CMD 15. 6 mN m2/g (min)
16. Water Absorption (Klemn 16. 10 %
17.Heat Stability 17. Type test report
a.) Reduction of Degree of
b.) Reduction of Bursting
c.) Increase of Conductivity of
Aqueous extract.
18.DP Value 18. As per Manufacturer’s std. practice
19.Storage Period 19. As per Manufacturer’s std. practice
20.Storage in controlled Environment 20. As per Manufacturer’s std. practice

II (b) Thermally upgraded Manufacturer’s std. practice As per Manufacturer’s std. practice
paper / Aramid Paper

* Category of Responsibility: P - Actual Test Performance V - Verify and Accept W - Witness Actual testing, verify and accept
Sr. Item/Components List of Tests Sampling Reference / Acceptable Value Category of Responsibility*
No. rate Standard
Sub Manuf- Customer
Vendor acturer

III. CRGO Mother coil / Check following documents Each Lot IS 3024 As per approved design P V --
Laminations (a) Invoice of Supplier IEC 60404
(b) Mill’s Test certificate ASTM 4343
(c) Packing List
(d) Bill of Lading
(e) Bill of Entry
Check points:
1. Visual, Dimension & Thickness 1. Visually defect free, as per design
One sample requirement
2. Cutting Burr per lot 2. Less than 25 micron burr / As per IS / mutual
agreement while ordering
3. Bend / Ductility test 3. As per IS 649
4. Surface insulation resistivity check 4. 10 Ω cm2 min average
05 Ω cm2 min individual
5 Aging test (type test) 5. 4 % max increase in specific measured loss
6. Test on stacking factor 6. As per table no. 4 of IS 3024
7. Test for specific Watt loss test One sample IS 3024 Losses as per grade of CRGO lamination used -- P V
offered lot Approved drg./Document/Manufacturer standard
8. Grade of CRGO Approved V V V

9. Permeability at 800 A/m Test Method V V V

IS 3024/IS 649
10. Compliance to QualityControl Order of DHI IS 3024 V V V

* Category of Responsibility: P - Actual Test Performance V - Verify and Accept W - Witness Actual testing, verify and accept
Sr. Item/Components List of Tests Sampling Reference / Acceptable Value Category of Responsibility*R*
No. rate Standard

Sub \Manuf- Customer

Vendor acturer
ub acturer
IV. Pre-compressed 1. Visual & dimensional check, thickness, One sample IEC 60641- 1. No surface defects P V V
Press Board width and length. of each 3-1
size(thickn IEC 2. Up to 1.6 mm TK -1.0-1.2
2. Apparent Density ess) per lot 60641-2, >1.6-3 mm TK -1.1-1.25
of Methods of >3-3.6 mm TK -1.15-1.30
pressboard Test >6-8 mm TK -1.2-1.3

3. Compressibility C 3. Up to 1.6 -10 %; >1.6-3 mm - 7.5 %

>3-3.6 mm - 5 %; >6-8 mm TK -4 %
4. Reversible part Compressibility 4. Up to 1.6 -45 %; >1.6-3 mm - 50 %
>3-3.6 mm - 50 %; >6-8 mm TK -50 %
5. Oil Absorption 5. Up to 1.6 mm TK -11 min
> 1.6-3 mm TK - 9 min
> 3 - 3.6 mm TK -7 min
> 6-8 mm TK - 7 min
6. Moisture Content 6. 6 % max. / As per relevant std. & Manufacturer’s std.
7. Shrinkage MD, CD & PD 7. MD - 0.5 % max, CD- 0.7 % max, Thick -5
% max
8. pH of aqueous extract 8. 6-9 for solid boards
9.conductivity of aqueous extract 9. Up to 1.6 - 5 max (mS/m)
> 1.6-3 mm - 6 max, > 3-3.6 mm - 8 max
> 6-8 mm TK - 8-10 max
10. Electric Strength in Air 10. Up to 1.6 - 12 kV/ mm
> 1.6-3 mm - 11 kV/mm
> 3-3.6 mm - 10 kV / mm
> 6-8 mm TK - 9 kV/mm


11.Electric Strength in Oil 11. Up to 1.6 - 40 kV/ mm
> 1.6-3 mm - 35 kV/mm
> 3-3.6 mm - 30 kV / mm
> 6-8 mm TK - 30 kV/mm
12. Ash Content 12. 1 % maximum
13. Elongation MD, CD 13. Up to 1.6 - 3 % 4 %
>1.6-3 mm - 3 % 4 %
>3-3.6 mm - 3 % 4 %
>6-8 mm TK -3 % 4 %
14. Tensile strength MD, CD 14. As per relevant std./ Manufacturer’s std. practice
15. Ply Bond Resistance 15. As per relevant std. / Manufacturer’s std. practice
16. Flexural strength MD, CD (Laminated 16. As per relevant std. / Manufacturer’s std. practice
***TC --- Test Certificate PD--> Perpendicular Direction CD--> Cross Direction
* Category of Responsibility: P - Actual Test Performance V - Verify and Accept W - Witness Actual testing, verify and accept
Sr. Item/Components List of Tests Sampling Reference / Acceptable Value Category of Responsibility*
No. rate Standard
Sub Manuf- Customer
Vendor acturer


V. Perma-wood 1. Visual & dimensional check, thickness, One sample IS 3513 1. Shall be free from surface defect P V --
width & length. of each size IS 1708
2. Density per lot IS 1736 2. 0.8 to 1.3 gm/cc
3. Moisture content IS 1998 3. IS 3513/IS1708
4. Oil Absorption at 90 °C 4. Min 5%
5. Electric Strength at 90 °C 5. Min 60 KV
6. Tensile strength 6. Min for LD - 700 KV /cm2
7. Compressive strength test 7. Min for LD - 1400 KV /cm2
8. Shear strength age-wise 8. Min for LD - 450 KV /cm2
9. Thickness 9. Thickness (mm) Tolerance (+/- mm)
10 to 25 - 1.2
26 to 50 - 1.4
51 to 150 - 2.0
10. Shrinkage Approved Plant standard
11. pH Value document

VI. Porcelain Bushings 1. Visual & dimensional check. 10% Sample IS 3347/ IEC 1. As per approved drawing. IS 3347 P V --
(Hollow) 2. Power frequency voltage withstand test per lot 60137 2. As per IS 3347/ IEC 60137
As per IS/

VII(a) Polyester Resin 1. Visual Check Each lot IS 15208 1. Free from visual defect P V --
Impregnated Glass 2. Verification of shelf life 2. 12 months
Fiber Tape 3. Thickness 3. 0.25 to 0.35 mm (± 0.07)
4. Width 4. 20 to 50 mm (± 2)
5. Tensile Strength 5. Min 200 N/mm
6. Resin Content 6. 27 (± 3%)
7. Sof tening point of resin 7. Max 200 °C
8. Storage Condition 8. As per cl. 15.3 of IS 15208

VII(b) Lacquer Manufacturer’s std. practice As per Manufacturer’s std. practice V P --

VIII. Synthetic Rubber 1. Visual check, thickness, length, width One sample IS 4253 1. Free from surface defect P V --
Bonded Cork sheet 2. Hardness per lot 2. 70 ± 10 IRHD
(SRBC) 3. Compression set 3. 85 % max
4. Side flow under compression 4. NA
5. Tensile strength 5.1550 kPa (min)
6. Flexibility 6. Should be satisfactory when bent through
1800 round the material of diameter three
times the thickness of the specimen

7. Storage Period (to be specified) IS 4253 7. To be specified in IS 4253

8. Compressibility 8. 25-35 %
9. Recovery 9. 80 % min
10. Aging in Oil-Finish, Flexibility & 10. Change in volume 15 % max for 70 hours at
change in volume 100 deg c in oil
11. Ph value 11. 5-8.5

* Category of Responsibility: P - Actual Test Performance V - Verify and Accept W - Witness Actual testing, verify and accept
Sr. Item/Components List of Tests Sampling Reference / Acceptable Value Category of Responsibility*
No. rate Standard
Su Manuf- Customer
b acturer
IX. Condenser Bushing Routine Test 100% IS 2099
(Both OIP & RIP) (1) Measurement of dielectric IEC 60137 1. Tan Delta - 0.4% P W
dissipation factor and capacitance
(2) Dry power frequency voltage withstand 2. As per approved GTP
test V --
(3) Measurement of partial discharge 3. As per IEC - No flash-over/ puncture V --
(4) Pressure test 4. No leakage V --
(5) Tightness test 5. No leakage V --
(6) Creepage distance 6. As per approved GTP V W
(7) Visual & dimensional check 7. As per approved drawing V W
(8) Method & Positioning of Storage 8. As per bushing manufacturer’s guideline --

X. Buchholz Relay / Oil 1. Type & make 100% IS 3637 1. As per approved drawing P V --
Surge Relay 2. Porosity 2. No leakage
3. High voltage 3. 2 KV for 1 min. withstand
4. Insulation resistance 4. Min 10 MΩ by 500 V DC megger
5. Element test 5. No leakage at 1.75 Kg /cm2 oil pressure for
15 mins
6. Gas volume test at 5° ascending towards 6. GOR - 1: 90 to 165 CC
conservator GOR - 2: 175 to 225 CC
GOR - 3: 200 to 300 CC
7. Loss of oil & Surge test 7. GOR - 1: 70 to 130 CC
GOR - 2: 75 to 140 CC
GOR - 3: 90 to 160 CC
8. Contact Rating
XI. Bimetallic Terminal 1. Dimensional 100% IS 5561 1. As per approved drawing P V --
Connector 2. Visual check 2. Free form defects
3. Tensile strength 3. As per type test report


4. Resistance 4. As per type test report
XII. Marshalling Box 1. Dimension & Visual check 100% Approved 1. As per approved drawing P V --
2. 2kV test for Auxiliary wiring drawing 2. 1 min withstand
3. Paint shade & Thickness and speci- 3. As per approved drawing
4. Wiring routing check fication 4. Firm and aesthetic
5. Functional Check 5. As per approved drawing
6. Component type & make 6.As per approved drawing
7. DOP check by thin paper insertion method 7. As per technical specification
8. IP Protection verification 8. As per type test report / approved drawing

XIII. Remote Tap 1. Dimension & Visual Check 100% Approved 1. As per approved drawing P P --
Changer Control 2. 2kV test for Auxiliary wiring drawing 2. 1 min withstand
Cabinet 3. Paint shade & Thickness and speci- 3. As per approved drawing
4. Wiring routing check fication 4. Firm and aesthetic
5. Functional Check 5. As per approved drawing
6. Verification of BOQ 6. As per approved drawing

* Category of Responsibility: P - Actual Test Performance V - Verify and Accept W - Witness Actual testing, verify and accept
Sr. Item/Components List of Tests Sampling Reference / Acceptable Value Category of Responsibility*
No. rate Standard
Sub Manuf- Customer
Vendor acturer
XIV. Air cell (Flexi Air 1. Make, Visual & Dimensions 100% IS 3400 1. As per approved drawing P P V
Separator) 2. Pressure test at 0.105 Kg /cm2 2. No leakage for 24 hours P V V
3. 10 times inflation and deflation test at 3. No deformation
0.105 Kg /cm2 P V V

XV. Roller Assembly 1. Visual & Dimensions. One sample IS 8500 1. Free from surface defect P V --
2. Mech. Properties & Chemical per melt / 2. For shaft as per MS EN8, BS 970-1
composition of raw material used for heat For roller wheel of cast iron IS 210
shaft & roller forging treatment For roller wheel of Cast steel IS 1030
XVI. Oil & winding 1. Type & make 100% -- 1. As per approved drawing P P --
Temperature 2. Calibration 2. ± 1.5% of FSD
Indicator 3. 2kV HV test for 1 min between 3. Withstand for 1 min
all terminals & earth 4. operation within ± 2° C of setting
4. Switch contact operation test
5. Contact Rating

XVII. Pressure Relief 1. Type & Make 100% IS 2500 1. As per approved drawing & free from defect P P --
Device/ Sudden 2. Operating air pressure 2. No leakage
pressure rise relay 3. Switch/contact testing 3. Satisfactory operation at pressure release
4. HV test 4. 2 kV withstand for 1 min
5. Functional test/Calibration
6. Contact Rating

XVIII. Magnetic Oil Level 1. Type & make 100% -- 1. As per approved drawing & free from defect P P --
Gauge (MOG) 2. Dial Calibration for level 2. Check pointer position for Max, Min and
3. 2kV HV test for 1 min between center level
all terminal & earth 3. Withstand for 1 minute
4. Leak test 4. No leakage at 4 kg /cm2
5. Switch/contact operation test 5. Operate at Min level indication
6. Contact Rating
XIX. Valves 1. Type, make & Visual 100% IS 778 1. As per approved drawing & free from defect P P --
2. Leakage test / Seepage test 2. No leakage
XX. Transformer Oil Routine Test 100% as per applicable As per technical specification P V W
Sr. Item/Components List of Tests Sampli Reference / Acceptable Value Category of Responsibility*
No. ng rate Standard
Sub Manuf- Customer
Vendor acturer
XXI. Tank & Accessories 1. Check for a fit up for butt welds on tank 100% CBIP 1. Check for proper welding P P --
walls, base & cover
2. DP test on Butt welds after fit up & load 2. Check for proper welding
bearing welds
3. Visual & Dimensional check after final 3. Free from defect
4. Air leakage test on assembled tank with 4. No leakage
turrets & on conservator
5. Visual check of paint shade, paint film 5. Paint thickness
thickness & film adhesion, primer Outside: 155 micron
Inside : 30 micron
No peel- off
6. WPS (Weld procedure specification) 6. Details to be furnished As per
approval Specification/ASME Sec IX

7. PQR (Process Qualification Record) 7. Details to be furnished As per

Specification/ASME Sec IX
8. Details to be furnished As
8. Welders Qualification per
Sec IX
9. Details to be furnished As per
9. UT (Ultrasonic test) of tank base joint. Specification/ASME Sec IX


10. Details to be furnished As per
10. RT (Radiography test) of tank base joint.
Specification/ASME Sec IX
11. Verification of PWHT (Post weld heat 11. Details to be furnished As per
treatment) Specification/ASME Sec IX
12. Details to be furnished as per
12. Surface cleaning by Shot/sand blasting specification

13. Tank - one CBIP P W W

13.1 Pressure test (PT) per manual 13.1 Twice the normal head + 30 KN/m2 for 1 hr.
desig 2013 Withstand
13.2 Vacuum test (VT) n 13.2 760 mm of Hg for 1 hr. withstand
13.3 Adhesion test 13.3 Details to be furnished as per mfr’s std.
13.4 Visual Inspection inside transformer 13.4 Inputs required as per specification
tank before PT & VT test
XXII. Radiators 1. DP test on lifting lugs 100% IEEMA 1. No welding defect P W W
2. Surface cleaning of header support and Standard # 9 2. Free from surface defect
bracing details by sand/shot blasting
3. Air pressure test on elements BS EN 3. As per relevant standards /CBIP
4. Dimensional check after final welding 50216-1 4. As per approved drawing
5. Air pressure test on radiator assembly by 5. 2 kg /cm2 for 30 minutes - no leakage
water dipping method
6. Visual check of paint shade, paint film 6. As per tech spec, coating thickness more
thickness & film adhesion than 70 micron
7. WPS (Weld procedure specification) approval Test 7. Details to be furnished, if applicable as
Test per Specification/ASME Sec IX
8. PQR (Process Qualification Record) 8. Details to be furnished, if applicable as W V V
per Specification/ASME Sec IX
9. Welders Qualification 9. As applicable As per
Specification/ASME Sec IX

XXIII. OLTC 1. Auxiliary circuit insulation test at 2kV for 100% IEC 60214 1. To Withstand for 1 min P P V
2. Function test on OLTC 2. Satisfactory working as per drawing
3. Pressure test on diverter switch oil 3. No leakage
4. Mech. Operation test 4. Satisfactory operation for 1 complete cycle
5. Sequence test 5. Switching time within permissible limit
6. Visual & Dimensional check 6. Free from defects
7. Operational test on Surge relay 7. Satisfactory working of trip & reset
8. Milli volt drop/contact resistance measurement after 8. As per standard
Mechanical test.
9. Condition of Silver plating on contacts 9. Good condition
10. Measurement of Tan delta 10. To be provided (value to be used for
benchmark) as per mfr’s std.
11. Helium Test (barrier board leakage test) 11. To be provided as per mfr’s std.

* Category of Responsibility: P - Actual Test Performance V - Verify and Accept W - Witness Actual testing, verify and accept
Sr. Item/Components List of Tests Sampling Reference / Acceptable Value Category of Responsibility*
No. rate Standard
Sub Manuf- Customer
Vendor acturer
XXIV. Cooling Fans 1. Type & Make 100% IS 2312 1. As per approved drawing P P V
2. Power consumption, rating test 2. As per approved drawing
3. HV test 3. 1.3 kV for 1 min or 1.8 kV for 5 sec
4. Insulation resistance value 4. 10 MΩ min with 500 V DC megger
XXV. Nitrile Rubber 1.Dimensions 1 sample/ BS 2751 1. Within tolerance P P --
Gasket 2.Shore Hardness Lot 2. 70 ± 5 IRHD
3.Tensile Strength 3. 12.5 N/mm2 min
4.Compression set test 4. 20% max
5. Elongation at break 5. 250% min
6. Accelerated aging in air 6. Max change in harness - 10 IRHD
7. Accelerated aging in oil 7. Change in weight - 5 to 8.5% Change in
thickness - 4% max Change in width & length -
0.2% max
8. Shelf Life 8. Not more than 12 months???

XXVI. Bushing CT 1. Dimensions 100% IS 2705 1. As per approved drawing P P --

2. Verification of terminal 2. As per IS 2705
marking & polarity
3. Overvoltage inter-turn test 3. Rated current withstand for 1 min
4. Determination of error 4. As per IS 2705
5. HV Test 5. 3 kV AC for 1 min withstand
XXVII.Remote 1. HV test 100% --- 1. 500 V AC for 1 min withstand P P --
Temperat 2. Calibration accuracy check 2. ± 1% of FSD
ure 3. IR value 3. 10 MΩ min with 500 V DC megger
XXVIII Oil pump 1. No load test 100% --- 1. Satisfactory performance & no load losses P P --
within limit
2. HV test 2. 2 kV AC for 1 min withstand
3. Oil pressure test 3. 5 Kg /cm2 at 90° C for 30 mins withstand
4. Locked rotor test 4. Satisfactory operation of protection
XXIX. Oil flow Indicator 1. Type & Make 100% --- As per standard document P V V
2. Dial & Calibration
3. Contact Rating
XXX. Power/Control Cable Review of Supplier’s TC for physical & electrical Random --- As per approved document P V V
tests as per specification/drg.

* Category of Responsibility: P - Actual Test Performance V - Verify and Accept W - Witness Actual testing, verify and accept
Sr. Item/Process Sampling rate Reference / Standard Acceptable Value Category of Responsibility*
Sub Vendor Manufacturer Customer
B In Process Inspection No of turns / disc
1 Lamination for core
Visual check One sample of each -- Prime CRGO and Free from defect -- P V
lot of CRGO

Dimensional check One sample of each -- As per design drawings -- P V

lot of CRGO

Check for burr One sample of each -- Less than 20µn -- P V

lot of CRGO

Edge bow One sample of each IS 3024 As per IS 3024 -- P V

lot of CRGO

2 Core Building
Visual check 100% -- Free from defect -- P W
Total stack height 100% As per design drawings within specified tolerance of design -- P W
Core Diameter 100% As per design drawings within specified tolerance of design -- P W
Leg Centre & Leg length 100% As per design drawings within specified tolerance of design -- P W
Assembly of limb Insulation 100% Design drawing As per design -- P V
& plates
Rectangularity of Core 100% Design drawing As per design -- P V
Check for Overlaps & air gap 100% Design drawing As per design -- P V
at joints
Leaning of Core 100% Design drawing No leaning -- P V


Earthing of Core 100% Design drawing Proper connection -- P V
Limb Clamping & Binding 100% Design drawing As per design drawings -- P V
Insulation test between core 100% As per specification shall withstand 2 kV for 1 min -- P W
& core clamp / frame
Yoke Bolt Tightness 100% Design drawing As per design P V
Loss measurement on built 100% As per specification / GTP Within limit as per GTP -- P W
up core assembly OR
validation by software

Built-up core sample collection for 1 sample per To be furnished As per declared/offered value of Watt loss value -- P V
watt loss verification transformer

Sr. Item/Process Sampling rate Reference / Standard Acceptable Value Category of Responsibility*
Sub Vendor Manufacturer Customer
3 Nos of discs 100% As per approved drawings / As per Factory drawing -- P V
Factory drawing
No of turns / disc
Dimensional checks 100% As per approved drawings / As per Factory drawing -- P V
i) Outer diameter Factory drawing
ii) Inner diameter
iii) Unshrunk height
iv) Radial thickness
Brazing procedure and -- Customer approval As per approval -- P V
brazer's qualification
Visual inspection of brazed 100% As per brazing procedure As per approval -- P V
Visual check for transposition 100% As per design drawings As per design -- P V
Insulation arrangement 100% As per design drawings As per design -- P V
Lead & coil identification & 100% As per design drawings As per design -- P V
Continuity test 100% -- No breaking of continuity -- P V
Coil clamping for shrinking & 100% As per design drawings As per design P V
shrunk coil height
Inter-turn Insulation 100% As per design drawings As per design -- P V
4 Core Coil Assembly
Visual check for inter- 100% -- As per design -- P W
coil insulation
Lead & coil identification & 100% -- As per design -- P W
Brazing / Crimping of Joints 100% -- Shall be smooth and no sharped age -- P W
Visual check for 100% -- Complete assembly shall be free from dust / -- P V
completeness and particles
Ratio test 100% As per IS 2026 / IEC 60076 Tolerance as per standards -- P V
Magnetic balance test 100% As per IS 2026 / IEC 60076 Tolerance as per standards -- P V
Magnetizing current test 100% As per IS 2026 / IEC 60076 Tolerance as per standards -- P V
Alignment of Spacers/Blocks 100% -- Aligned -- P V
HV test 100% Manufacturer’s standard 10kV for 1 min withstand -- P W
Sr. Item/Process Sampling rate Reference / Standard Acceptable Value Category of Responsibility*
Sub Vendor Manufacturer Customer
5 Connections and checks before tanking
OLTC fitting & connections 100% Manufacturer standard Manufacturer standard -- P ---
Check for cable sizes 100% As per design drawings As per design -- P V
Check for clearance from 100% As per design drawings As per design -- P V
tank walls
Visual checks for crimped 100% -- Shall be smooth and no sharped age -- P V
Visual checks for bushing CT 100% -- Assembly tightness -- P V
assembly tightness
Ratio test 100% As per IS 2026 / IEC 60076 Tolerance as per standards -- P V
6 Tank
Thickness of walls 100% As per approved drawings As per approved drawings -- P V
Dimensions 100% As per approved drawings As per approved drawings -- P V
Visual internal Inspection 100% As per approved drawings As per approved drawings P V
Pressure test 100% As per CBIP To withstand, permanent deflection shall -- P W
not exceed as per specification
Vacuum test 100% As per CBIP To withstand, permanent deflection shall -- P W
not exceed as per specification
7 Opening, Tanking and Oil filling
Drying 100% Manufacturer standard Low voltage tan delta and PI values shall -- P V


be checked periodically and after achieving
the satisfactory values the process will be
declared complete
Checks for complete 100% Manufacturer standard As per design -- P V
tightness before taking
a) Tightness of all joints /
b) Application of thread
locking adhesive
c) Padding of top yoke
d) Pressing of active parts
e) Fitting of wall shunts &
f) Electrical clearance of
core/coil assembly after
completion of terminal
gear connections.

* Category of Responsibility: P - Actual Test Performance V - Verify and Accept W - Witness Actual testing, verify and accept
Sr. Item/Process Sampling rate Reference / Standard Acceptable Value Category of Responsibility*
Sub Vendor Manufacturer Customer
7 Cleanliness of tank before 100% Manufacturer standard Shall be clean. -- P ---
Tanking of active parts and 100% As per design drawings As per design -- P V
check for clearance from
tank walls & Core/frame

10kV HV test between 100% As per specification To withstand 10kV for 1 min -- P V
(i) Core & end frame
(ii) Core & yoke bolts
(iii) End frame and yoke bolts

Check for oil quality before 100% As per specification As per specification -- P V
Proper scarfing of insulation 100% Manufacturer standard Manufacturer standard P V
during tapping of terminal
gear joints, position of leads.

Oil filling & Air release 100% Manufacturer standard Manufacturer standard -- P ---
Impregnation process 100% Manufacturer standard Sufficient impregnation time shall be given -- P ---
before conducting the electrical test on the

* Category of Responsibility: P - Actual Test Performance V - Verify and Accept W - Witness Actual testing, verify and accept
Sr. No. Test Description of Test Sampling rate Reference / Acceptable Value Category of Responsibility*
Manufacturer Customer
C Acceptance Tests 100% IS:2026 / IEC 60076 As per applicable
/ specification standard
1 Resistance of each winding. P W
2 Turn ratio for all sets of windings on each tap, with P W
percentage error / Voltage
3 Polarity and phase relationship (Vector group) P W
4 Impedance between each pair of winding / P W
Impedance Voltage
5 Excitation losses at 90, 100 and 110 % rated P W
voltage measured by the average voltmeter

6 Regulation at rated load and unity, 0.9, 0.8 lagging P W

IS:2026 / IEC 60076 / specification


As per applicable standard

7 Load losses, measured at rated frequency, by P W
applying a primary voltage sufficient to produce
rated current in the windings with secondary
windings short circuited
8 Separate source voltage with stand test. P W
9 Induced over voltage with stand test (Line P W
Terminal AC (LTAC) Test)

10 Auxiliary losses (fans. Pumps etc.) P W


11 SFRA test (after completion of all acceptance P W
tests, with oil & without oil in case
transportation is gas/air filled)

12 Zero Sequence impedance test on three phase P W

13 Tests on tap-changer (IEC:60214) P W
14 Tan delta & capacitance measurement test for P W
bushings and windings
15 Tests on transformer oil including DGA on selected P W
sample as per IS: 9434/IEC: 60567, before and
after temp rise test and at final stage before
16 Corrosive sulphur detection test as per ASTM D1275 P V
subjecting oil for 150 oC for 48 hrs. on oil being
supplied at site

* Category of Responsibility: P - Actual Test Performance V - Verify and Accept W - Witness Actual testing, verify and acc
Sr. No. Test Description of Test Sampling rate Reference / Acceptable Value Category of Responsibility*
Standard Manufacturer Customer
C 17 Tank leak test at 5 psi (35 kN/m2) for 12 hrs with oil & 1 hr with air P W
Jacking test with Dye-Penetration of jacking pads (for welding check)

18 Magnetic Balance & current test on all winding (for 3-ph) P W

19 HV withstand test on auxiliary equipment and wiring P W

20 Measurement of Insulation Resistance P W


As per applicable standard

21 Measurement of acoustic noise level and Measurement of power taken by Fans &

22 Measurement of harmonics of no load current P W

IS:2026 / IEC 60076 / specification

23 Measurement of Partial Discharges of transformer (Induced Voltage PD P W

24 Measurement of no load current with 230V AC (for 1-ph) / 415 V AC (for 3- P W

ph) supply on LV side.

25 Tests on air cell P W

26 Dielectric test as per IEC 60076-3 P W

27 Moisture content in active part measurement test 0.5 % max P W

28 Core Isolation test & Repeat no load loss test after dielectric tests. P W

29 Temperature rise test with DGA before and after test and P W
measurement of tank surface temperature. (mutually agreed
between purchaser and seller)
One from Lot or on each unit if mutually agreed between
D Type Tests/Special test Manufacturer and Purchaser.

1 Temperature rise test with DGA before and after test and IS:2026 / IEC 60076/IEC 61181 As per standards P W
measurement of tank surface temperature.

2 Lightning Impulse Voltage withstand test with IS:2026 / IEC 60076 As per standards P W
chopped wave
Switching Impulse Voltage withstand test

3 Vacuum and pressure test on tank CBIP manual Permanent W W

deflection within
limit as per length
of plate used.

Short circuit withstand capability test (Dynamic) IS:2026 / IEC 60076 As per standards P W

5 Tests on OLTC IEC 60214 As per standards P W


Typical example for calculation of flux density, core quantity,

no-load loss and weight of copper

Measured data of core step width and thickness:

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm2) (mm2) (mm2)
1 260 8.25 8.25 2145.00 2145.00 4290.00
2 300 8.41 8.41 2523.00 2523.00 5046.00
3 320 8.17 8.17 2614.40 2614.40 5228.80
4 360 8.48 8.48 3052.80 3052.80 6105.60
5 380 8.52 8.52 3237.60 3237.60 6475.20
6 400 8.45 8.45 3380.00 3380.00 6760.00
7 440 8.42 8.42 3704.80 3704.80 7409.60
8 460 14.4 14.4 6624.00 6624.00 13248.00
9 500 10.05 10.05 5025.00 5025.00 10050.00
10 520 19.06 19.06 9911.20 9911.20 19822.40
11 560 25.43 25.43 14240.80 14240.80 28481.60
12 600 14.5 14.5 8700.00 8700.00 17400.00
13 620 15.5 15.5 9610.00 9610.00 19220.00
14 640 15.79 15.79 10105.60 10105.60 20211.20
15 660 19.1 19.1 12606.00 12606.00 25212.00
16 680 23.2 23.2 15776.00 15776.00 31552.00
17 700 23.07 23.07 16149.00 16149.00 32298.00
18 720 40.05 40.05 28836.00 28836.00 57672.00
19 740 71.67 71.67 53035.80 53035.80 106071.60

GROSS AREA (mm2): 422554.00

Stacking Factor = 0.96
NET CORE AREA= 422554 x 0.96 mm2 = 4056.52 cm2


Phase voltage = 4.44 f x Bmax x A x N x 10-4
f=50 Hz
A= 4056.52 cm2
N= 72
Bmax = (11000)/(4.44*50*4056.52*72*10-4) = 1.696 T

Cross section area of core = 4056.52 cm2

Window height = 2000 mm
Yoke height =740 mm
Core Height = 2000 + (2 x 740 )=3480 mm
Window width =810 mm
Limb pitch = 810 + 740 =1550 mm
There are 3 core heights and 4 window widths
Total periphery of the core= (3x3480) +(4x810)
= 13680 mm =1368 cm

Weight of the core

= Total periphery of the core x Cross-section area of core x Density of CRGO
=1368.0 x 4056.52 x 7.65 x 10-3
= 42452.3 kg

Guaranteed weight as per GTP= 42000 kg

Average Core Lamination Thickness =0.23 mm

Cooling duct thickness measured =4.24 mm


Weight of core lamination = 42452.3 kg

Flux density at normal tap at 100% rated voltage=1.696T

Referring to supplier's curves for core losses against working flux density
The value of watts/kg. against 1.7 Tesla. = 0.78 approx

No load loss = Core weight X Watts/kg. at 1.7 Tesla X Building Factor X 10-3 kW
= 36.755 kW
Where the value of building factor taken is 1.11

Guaranteed No Load Loss = 39.0kW

Estimation of copper quantity during stage Inspection

A. Weight of bare copper by ID/OD METHOD

Periphery Outer Radial Mean

(mm) Dia (mm) depth (mm) dia (mm)
of LV 3035 966.1 77.60 888.5

of HV 4585 1459.5 169.50 1290.0

of Reg 4585 1459.5 169.50 1290.0

No. of Turns:
LV: 72, HV: 811, Tap : 84
Type of Conductor in LV winding – CTC- Continuously Transposed Cable
No. of Coils in LV Winding =1
No. of Cables parallel in LV Winding =2
Type of Conductor in HV winding – Twin Paper (TP) insulated copper
No. of Coils parallel in HV Winding =2
No. of Cables per turn in HV Winding=2
No. of strand per cable in HV Winding=2
Type of Conductor in Tap winding – Paper insulated copper conductor (PICC)
No. of Coils parallel in Tap Winding=2
No. of Cables per turn in Tap Winding=3
No. of strand per cable in HV Winding=1
No. of phases = 3
Measured Strand dimension
Size of LV strand = 5.067 x 1.929 mm (with 0.1 mm enamel and 0.04 mm epoxy)
So bare size of LV strand = (5.067-0.1) x (1.929 -0.14) mm
= 4.967 x 1.789 mm
No. of strands/ cable = 77
Bare Size of HV strand = 9.880 x 1.792 mm
Bare Size of Tap strand = 7.845x 3.012 mm
Area of each LV Cable = Strand area x No of strand
= ((4.967x1.789)-0.363)) x 77 = 656.27 mm2
Area of each HV Cable = Strand area x No of strand /Cable
= (9.88x1.792-0.363) x 2 = 34.68 mm2
Area of each Tap Cable = Strand area x No of strand /Cable
= (7.845x3.012-0.55) x 1 = 23.08 mm2
Bare Cu Weight of LV winding
= 3 x π x Mean Diameter x Turns x Area of cable x No. of cable per turn x Cu
= 3 X 3.142 x 888.5 x 72 x 656.27 x 2 x 8.89x 10-6 = 7036 kg
Bare Cu Weight of HV winding
= 3 x π x Mean Diameter x Turns x Area of cable x No. of cable per turn x Cu
Density x No. of parallel Coils
= 3 x 3.142 x 1290 x 811 x 34.68 x 2 x 8.89x 10-6x 2= 12161 kg
Bare Cu Weight of Tap winding
= 3 x π x Mean Diameter x Turns x Area of cable x No. of cable per turn x Cu
Density x No. of parallel Coils
= 3 x 3.142 x 1290 x 84 x 23.08 x 3 x 8.89x 10-6x 2= 1258 kg
Total Bare Copper weight = 7036+12161+1258 = 20455 kg


Measured bare cable Cu weight of LV winding per 650 mm
= 3718 gm = 5720 gm/ meter
Measured bare cable Cu weight of HV winding per 595 mm
= 184 gm = 309.3 gm/meter
Measured bare cable Cu weight of Tap winding per 745 mm
= 160 gm = 214.8 gm/meter
Bare Cu Weight of LV winding
= 3 x π x Mean Diameter x Turns x No. of cable per turn x weight of unit length
= 3x 3.142x888.5x72x 2 x5720 x 10-6 = 6898 kg
Bare Cu Weight of HV winding
= 3 x π x Mean Diameter X Turns x No. of cable per turn x weight of unit length x
No. of parallel Coils
= 3x3.142x1290x811x2x309.3x2x 10-6 = 12200 kg
Bare Cu Weight of Tap winding
= 3 x π x Mean Diameter X Turns x No. of cable per turn x weight of unit length x
No. of parallel Coils
= 3 x3.142 x 1290x 84 x 3 x 214.8 x2x 10-6 = 1316 kg
Total Bare Copper weight = 6898+12200+1316 = 20414 kg


Measured Ambient temperature = 31 oC

Measured Resistance of each strand of LV = 0.42760 ohm
Measured Resistance of each LV cable = 0.42760/No. of Strand per cable
= 0.005553ohm
Measured Resistance per strand of each HVcoil = 3.121 ohm (46 disc from HV
Measured Resistance per strand of each HVcoil = 0.26834 ohm (Last 4 disc of HV
So Total Measured Resistance per Stand of each HV coil = 3.38934 ohm (50 disc
from HV centre)
So Total Measured Resistance per Cable of each HV coil = 1.69467 ohm (50 disc
from HV centre)
Measured Resistance per cable of each Tap coil = 0.067465 ohm (2 disc of Tap
So, Total Measured Resistance per cable of each Tap coil = 0.26986(8 disc of Tap

Resistivity (p) of Copper (at 20 oC) = 0.017241 ohms- mm2/meter

Resistance Conversion factor at 20 oC = (235+20)/(235+31)= 0.95865

Resistance of LV Winding at 20 oC = Resistance of LV Winding x Resistance
Conversion factor
= 0.005553 x 0.95865 = 0.005324 ohm
Resistance per cable of each HV coil at 20 oC = Resistance of HV cable x Resistance
Conversion factor
=1.69467 x 0.95865 =1.6246 ohm
Resistance per cable of each Tap coil at 20 oC = Resistance of Tap cable x
Resistance Conversion factor
= 0.26986 x 0.95865
= 0.2587 ohm
R = p(L/A)

p : Resistivity, L : Length in Meters, A : Area of conductors in mm2

Length of each LV cable = 0.005324x 656.27/ 0.017241

= 202.27 x103 mm
Length of each HV cable = 1.6246 x 34.68/ 0.017241
= 3267.86 x103 mm
Length of each Tap cable = 0.2587 x 23.08/ 0.017241
= 346.31 x103 mm
Bare Cu Weight of LV winding
= 3 x length of per cable x area of each cable x no. of parallel cables x Cu density
= 3 x 202.27 x103 x 656.27 x 2 x 8.89x 10-6
= 7081 kg
Bare Cu Weight of HV winding
= 3 x length of per cable x area of all parallel conductors x Cu density x No. of
parallel Coils
= 3 x 3267.86 x103 x 34.68 x 2 x 8.89x 10-6 x 2
= 12090 kg
Bare Cu Weight of Tap winding
= 3 x length of per cable x area of all parallel conductors x Cu density x No. of
parallel Coils
= 3 x 346.31 x 103 x 23.08 x 3 x 8.89x 10-6 x 2
= 1279 kg
Total Bare Copper weight = 7081+12090+1279= 20450 kg


LV winding:
Current = 2272.73 A; Conductor area = 656.27x2= 1312.54 mm2
Current density = 2272.73 / 1312.54 = 1.73 A/mm2

HV winding: (Minimum Tap)

Current = 201.88 A; Conductor area = 34.68 x2x2= 138.72 mm2
Current density = 201.88 / 138.92 = 1.46 A/mm2

Tap Winding: (Minimum Tap)

Current = 201.88 A; Conductor area = 23.08 x3x2= 138.48 mm2
Current density = 201.88 / 138.92 = 1.46 A/mm2

Basic manufacturing facility

Following manufacturing facility should be available for use with transformer

and reactor manufacturer:

1. EOT Crane for main manufacturing bay and other shops (With Load
2. Vapour phase drying oven (adequately sized to accommodate offered
transformer and have facility to record temperature, vacuum, moisture
3. Air Casters
4. Core cutting line ( as applicable)
5. Vacuum auto claves
6. Air oven
7. Adjustable Horizontal and vertical winding machine
8. Winding Mandrels
9. Hydraulic Press
10. Brazing equipment
11. Mechanical platform
12. Tools and fixtures
13. Mechanical power press
14. Welding machines
15. Crimping tools
16. Faradays cage
17. Motor Generator Set/ Static Power System Set
18. Testing transformer
19. Capacitor bank

Annexure-G Page 1 of 3
20. Impulse voltage generator
21. Capacitance & Tan delta bridge
22. Power Analyser
23. Current & Voltage transformer
24. Partial discharge measuring kit (for all manufacturers) & PD Diagnostic
Kit (for 400 kV & above Transformer/reactor)
25. Temperature data logger
26. Noise measurement kit
27. Thermo vision camera
28. Loss measurement kit
29. Insulation tester
30. Winding resistance meter
31. Turn ratio meter
32. Transformer oil test lab
33. Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA) test kit
34. Sweep Frequency Response Analyser (SFRA) kit
35. Frequency Domain Spectroscopy (FDS) kit
36. NABL Accredited lab
37. Oil Storage tanks
38. Oil filter plant with requisite level of vacuum and filter
39. Tensometer for Oil Surface tension
40. Particle count Kit (for 400 kV & above Transformer/reactor)
41. Multimeters
42. RSO Generator with Oscilloscope

Annexure-G Page 2 of 3
Manufacturing environment (Clean, dust free and humidity controlled

A. Transformer must be manufactured in a bay having positive pressure w.r.t.

external environment. Winding shall be manufactured in an air
conditioned, dust free and humidity controlled environment. Further, there
shall be humidity and dust free environment for following:

1. Insulation storage
2. Core storage
3. Glue stacking area
4. Core cutting line
5. Core building area
6. Core coil assembly area
7. Testing lab
8. Packing & dispatch area

B. Following accessories to be kept in clean and covered location:

1. Piping
2. Radiator
3. Tank
4. Bushing (as per manufacturer’s guideline)
5. Marshalling box
6. Turret
7. Conservator
8. Insulating oil

Annexure-G Page 3 of 3
Annexure- H
List of Drawings/documents to be submitted by the manufacturer

1.0 Each drawing shall be identified by a drawing number and each

subsequent resubmission/revision or addition to the drawing shall
be identified by a revision number. All drawings shall be thoroughly
checked for accuracy and completeness and signed by a responsible
officer of the Contractor on his behalf. Any mistakes or errors in
drawings shall not form a basis for seeking extension of delivery

2.0 In addition to any other drawings which the manufacturer may like
to supply, the following
drawings/calculations/documents/catalogues shall be submitted in
hard and soft copy:

(a) Outline General Arrangement drawing of transformer


i) Plan
ii) Elevation
iii) End view
iv) Neutral formation of three phase bank
v) Delta formation of three phase bank

(b) List of all accessories with detailed weights, quantity of

insulating oil, dimensions clearances, spacing of wheels in
direction, centre of gravity, location of cooler etc.
(d) Rating & Diagram Plate

(e) Loading details for transformer foundation

(f) Foundation Plan showing reaction at points of support,

clamping arrangement & location of jacking pads

(g) Technical Data requirement sheet of transformer

(h) Over fluxing withstand duration curve

(i) Schematic wiring diagram of cooling arrangement along with

write up on scheme

(j) Schematic wiring diagram of OLTC along with write up on

(k) Mounting Arrangement and wiring diagram of remote WTI
along with write up.

(l) Bushing Drawing showing electrical and mechanical


i) HV Bushing
ii) IV Bushing
iii) LV Bushing
iv) Neutral Bushing

(m) Assembly drawings of HV, IV & LV bushings

(n) Outline and General Arrangement of Cooler Control Cabinet

(o) Cooler Control cabinet schematic and wiring diagram

(p) Magnetisation Characteristics of bushing CTs and neutral


(q) Hysteresis Characteristics of iron core

(r) Rating and Diagram Plate giving details of terminal marking

and connection diagram

(s) Overall Transport Dimension Drawing of transformer

(t) Drawing showing typical sectional view of the windings with

details of insulation, cooling circuit, method of cooling and
core construction etc.

(u) Oil Flow Diagram

(v) Valve Schedule Plate drawing

(w) Twin Bi-directional Roller

(x) Connection Diagram of all protective devices to marshalling

box showing physical location

(y) List of spares

(z) Technical Literature of all fittings and accessories

(aa) Calculation to support short circuit withstand capacity of

(bb) Calculation of hot spot temperature

(cc) Value of air core reactance with a typical write-up of


(dd) Oil sampling Bottle details

(ee) Typical heating and cooling curves

(ff) GA of RTCC panel

(gg) Transformer oil storage tank drawing

(hh) GA drawing for bus duct termination (if applicable)

(ii) GA drawing for Junction Box (if applicable)

(jj) Alarm/Trip Indication Scheme

(kk) Tap Changer Control Scheme (if applicable)

(ll) Complete bill of material

(mm) Customer inspection schedule

(nn) Test procedure of transformer

(oo) Type test reports of transformer

(pp) O&M manual of transformer

Annexure – I

Sr. No. Description

1. Core and Magnetic Design
2. Over-fluxing and Linear characteristics
3. Inrush-current characteristics while charging
4. Winding and winding clamping arrangements
5. Short-circuit withstand capability considering inrush current.
6. Thermal design including review of localized potentially hot area
7. Cooling design
8. Overload capability
9. Eddy current losses
10. Seismic design, as applicable
11. Insulation co-ordination
12. Tank and accessories
13. Bushings
14. Protective devices
15. Radiators
16. Sensors and protective devices– its location, fitment, securing and level
of redundancy
17. Oil and oil preservation system
18. Corrosion protection
19. Electrical and physical Interfaces with substation
20. Earthing (Internal & External)
21. Processing and assembly
22. Testing capabilities
23. Inspection and test plan
24. Transport and storage
25. Sensitivity of design to specified parameters
26. Acoustic Noise
27. Spares, inter-changeability and standardization
28. Maintainability
29. PRD and SPR (number & locations) and selection
30. Conservator capacity calculation
31. Winding Clamping arrangement details with provisions for taking it “in
or out of tank”
32. Conductor insulation paper details
33. Location and numbers of Optical temperature sensors
34. The design of all current connections
35. Location & size of the Valves



A transformer is considered similar to another transformer taken as a

reference if it has the following characteristics in common with the latter:

 Same type of operation, for example generator step-up unit,

distribution, interconnection transformer;

 Same conceptual design, for example dry type, oil-immersed type, core
type with concentric windings, sandwich type, shell type, circular coils,
non-circular coils;

 Same arrangement and geometrical sequence of the main windings;

 Same type of winding conductors, for example aluminium, aluminium

alloy, annealed or work-hardened copper, metal foil, wire, flat
conductor, continuously transposed conductors and epoxy bonding, if

 Same type of main windings, for example helical-, disc-, layer-type,

pancake coils;

 Absorbed power at short circuit (rated power/per unit short-circuit

impedance) between 70 % and 130 % of that relating to the reference

 Axial forces and winding stresses occurring at short circuit not

exceeding 120 % of those relating to the reference transformer;

 Same manufacturing processes;

 Same clamping and winding support arrangement.


PAINTING Surface Primer Intermedi Finish Total Colour

preparatio coat ate coat dry film shade
n undercoat thick-
Main Shot Blast Epoxy Epoxy high Aliphatic Minimu RAL
tank, cleaning base build polyureth m 7035
pipes, Sa 2 ½* Zinc Micaceous ane (PU) 155µm
conservat primer iron oxide (Minimum
or tank, (30- (HB MIO) 50µm)
oil storage 40µm) (75µm)
tank& DM
Box etc.
Main Shot Blast Hot oil -- -- Minimu Glossy
tank, cleaning proof, m 30µm white for
pipes Sa 2 ½* low paint
(above 80 viscosit
NB), y
conservat varnish
or tank, or Hot
oil storage oil
tank & resistan
DM Box t, non-
etc. corrosiv
(Internal e Paint
Radiator Chemical / Epoxy Epoxy PU paint Minimu Matching
(external Shot Blast base base Zinc (Minimum m shade of
surfaces) cleaning Zinc primer 50µm) 100µm tank/
Sa 2 ½* primer (30-40µm) different
(30- shade
40µm) aesthetic
to tank
Manufacturer may also offer Radiators with hot dip galvanised
in place of painting with minimum thickness of 40µµm (min)
Radiator Chemical Hot oil -- -- -- --
and pipes cleaning, if proof,
up to 80 required low
NB viscosit
(Internal y
surfaces) varnish
or Hot
t, non-
e Paint
Digital Seven tank Zinc -- EPOXY Minimu RAL
RTCC process as chroma paint with m 80µm 7035
Panel per te PU top / for shade
IS:3618 & primer coat or powder for
IS:6005 (two POWDER coated exterior
coats) coated minimu and
m 100µm Glossy
white for
Control cabinet / Marshalling Box - No painting is required.

(*) indicates Sa 2 ½ as per Swedish Standard SIS 055900 of ISO 8501 Part-1.


Sl. Property Test Method Limits

A Function
1a. Viscosity at ISO 3104 or ASTM (Max.) 3 mm2/s
100degC D445 or ASTM D7042
1b. Viscosity at ISO 3104 or ASTM (Max.)12 mm2/s
40degC D445 or ASTM D7042
1c. Viscosity at - ISO 3104 or ASTM (Max.)1800 mm2/s
30degC D445 or ASTM D7042
2. Appearance A representative The oil shall be clear and
sample of the oil shall bright, transparent and free
be examined in a 100 from suspended matter or
mm thick layer, at sediment
ambient temperature
3. Pour point ISO 3016 or ASTM (Max.)- 40degC
4. Water content IEC 60814 or ASTM (Max.)
a) for bulk supply D1533 30 mg/kg
b) for delivery in 40 mg/kg
5. Electric strength IEC 60156 (Min.)50 kV(new unfiltered
(breakdown oil) / 70 kV (after treatment)
6. Density at 20 deg ISO 3675 or ISO 0.820 - 0.895 g/ml
C 12185 or ASTM D
7. Dielectric IEC 60247 or IEC (Max) 0.0025
dissipation factor 61620
(tan delta) at 90 Or ASTM D924
deg C
8. Negative impulse ASTM D-3300 145 (Min.)
testing KVp @ 25
deg C
9. Carbon type IEC 60590 and IS Max.Aromatic : 4 to12 %
composition (% of 13155 Paraffins : <50%
Aromatic, or ASTM D 2140 & balance shall be
Paraffins and Naphthenic compounds.
compounds )
B Refining/Stability
1. Acidity IEC 62021-1 or ASTM (Max) 0.01 mg KOH/g
2. Interfacial tension ISO 6295 or ASTM (Min) 0.04 N/m
at 27degC D971
3. Total sulphur BS 2000 part 373 or 0.05 % (Max.)
content ISO 14596 or ASTM D (before oxidation test)
2622 or ISO 20847
4. Corrosive sulphur IEC 62535 Non-Corrosive on copper
and paper
ASTM D1275B Non-Corrosive
5. Presence of IEC 60666 or ASTM 0.08% (Min.) to 0.4% (Max.)
oxidation D2668 or D4768 Oil should contain no other
inhibitor additives .Supplier should
declare presence of
additives, if any.
6. 2-Furfural IEC 61198 or ASTM 25 Microgram/litre (Max.)
content D5837
C Performance
1 Oxidation IEC 61125 (method c)
stability Test duration 500 Max 0.3 mg KOH/g
-Total acidity hour Max 0.05 %
-Sludge Max 0.05
- Dielectric IEC 60247
dissipation factor
(tan delta) at
2. Oxidation ASTM D2112 (a) 220 Minutes (Min.)
D Health, safety and environment (HSE)
1. Flash point ISO 2719 (Min.)135deg C
2. PCA content BS 2000 Part 346 Max 3%
3. PCB content IEC 61619 or ASTM Not detectable (Less than 2
D4059 mg/kg)
E Oil used (inhibited) for first filling, testing and impregnation of
active parts at manufacturer's works shall meet parameters as
mentioned below:
1 Break Down 70kV (min.)
voltage (BDV)
2 Moisture content 5 ppm (max.)
3 Tan-delta at 90°C 0.005 (max)
4 Interfacial tension 0.04 N/m (min)
F Each lot of the oil shall be tested prior to filling in main tank at site
for the following:
1 Break Down 70 kV (min.)
voltage (BDV)
2 Moisture content 5 ppm (max.)
3 Tan-delta at 90°C 0.0025 (Max)
4 Interfacial tension More than 0.04 N/m
G After filtration & settling and prior to energisation at site oil shall
be tested for following:
1 Break Down IS: 1866 / IEC 60422 70 kV (min.)
voltage (BDV)
2 Moisture content 5 ppm (max.)
at hot condition
3 Tan-delta at 90°C 0.005 (Max)
4 Interfacial tension More than 0.04 N/m
5 *Oxidation Test method as per
Stability IEC 61125 method C,
a) Acidity Test duration: 0.3 (mg KOH /g) (max.)
b) Sludge 500hour for inhibited 0.05 % (max.)
c) Tan delta at 90 oil 0.05 (max.)
6 *Total PCB Not detectable (less than 2
content mg/kg total)
* Separate oil sample shall be taken and test results shall be submitted
within 45 days after commissioning for approval of the utility
Annexure - M


1.1 Separate cables shall be used for AC & DC.

1.2 Separate cables shall be used for DC1 & DC2.

1.3 At least one (1) core shall be kept as spare in each copper control cable of
4C, 5C or 7C size whereas minimum no. of spare cores shall be two (2) for
control cables of 10 core or higher size.

1.4 The Aluminium/Copper wires used for manufacturing the cables shall be
true circular in shape before stranding and shall be uniformly good
quality, free from defects. All aluminium used in the cables shall be of H2

1.5 The fillers and inner sheath shall be of non-hygroscopic, fire retardant
material, shall be softer than insulation and outer sheath shall be suitable
for the operating temperature of the cable.

1.6 Progressive sequential marking of the length of cable in metres at every

one metre shall be provided on the outer sheath of all cables.

1.7 Strip wire armouring method (a) mentioned in Table 5, Page-6 of IS: 1554
(Part 1) – 1988 shall not be accepted for any of the cables. For control
cables only round wire armouring shall be used.

1.8 The cables shall have outer sheath of a material with an oxygen index of
not less than 29 and a temperature index of not less than 250°C.

1.9 All the cables shall conform to fire resistance test as per IS: 1554 (Part -

1.10 The normal current rating of all PVC insulated cables shall be as per
IS: 3961.

1.11 Repaired cables shall not be accepted.

1.12 Allowable tolerance on the overall diameter of the cables shall be plus or
minus 2 mm.
1.13 PVC Power Cables

1.13.1 The PVC insulated 1100V grade power cables shall be of FRLSH type, C2
category, conforming to IS: 1554 (Part-I) and its amendments read along
with this specification and shall be suitable for a steady conductor
temperature of 70°C. The conductor shall be stranded aluminium. The
insulation shall be extruded PVC of type-C of IS: 5831. A distinct inner
sheath shall be provided in all multi core cables. For multi core armoured
cables, the inner sheath shall be of extruded PVC. The outer sheath shall
be extruded PVC of Type ST-2 of IS: 5831 for all cables. The contractor can
used copper cable of required size.

1.14 PVC Control Cables

1.14.1 The 1100V grade control cables shall be of FRLSH type, C2 category
conforming to IS: 1554 (Part-1) and its amendments, read along with this
specification. The conductor shall be stranded copper. The insulation shall
be extruded PVC of type A of IS: 5831. A distinct inner sheath shall be
provided in all cables whether armoured or not. The over sheath shall be
extruded PVC of type ST-1 of IS: 5831 and shall be grey in colour except
where specifically advised by the purchaser to be black.

1.14.2 Cores shall be identified as per IS: 1554 (Part-1) for the cables up to five
(5) cores and for cables with more than five (5) cores the identification of
cores shall be done by printing legible Hindu Arabic Numerals on all cores
as per clause 10.3 of IS : 1554 (Part - 1).



1. Transformer/Reactor with Isolator switching arrangement:

The spare Transformer/Reactor unit shall replace any of the other

units using isolator switching arrangement so as to avoid physical
shifting of the Transformer/Reactor.

Connection of spare unit with other units shall be made by isolator

switching arrangement. Neutral formation for spare unit shall be done
by manual connection. The spare unit shall be completely erected and
commissioned similar to the other units. The contractor shall carry
out all pre-commissioning tests on the spare unit similar to the unit
kept in service.

For this purpose, HV, IV and Neutral Connections of spare unit shall
be extended up to the other unit(s) by forming auxiliary buses
connection through flexible/rigid conductor. All associated materials
like Bus post insulators, Aluminium tube, conductors, clamps &
connectors, insulator strings, hardware, cables, support structures
shall be required for the above-mentioned arrangement. However, the
detail configuration and hardware shall be finalised during detailed
engineering and shall be subject to purchaser’s approval.
Any special maintenance procedure required shall be clearly brought
out in the instruction manual.

2. Transformer/Reactor without isolator switching arrangement:

If there is space limitation, the spare Transformer/Reactor unit

without isolator switching arrangement may be used. In case of failure
of any of the running unit, this spare unit shall be physically shifted
to replace faulty unit.

The spare unit shall be placed on the elevated foundation block to

facilitate quick movement. The spare unit may be required to be
stored for long duration. The spare unit shall be completely erected
and commissioned similar to the other units. However, erection of
separate cooler bank is not envisaged. In case conservator is cooler
bank mounted, suitable arrangement for mounting of conservator on
tank top cover shall be provided. The contractor shall carry out all
pre-commissioning tests on the spare unit similar to the other units
kept in service.
All other items shall be suitably packed in reusable boxes.
Arrangement shall be made to minimize moisture ingress inside the
boxes. All pipes and radiators shall be provided with blanking plates
during long duration storage to prevent entry of foreign material/

Note: The above clauses may not be applicable for

transformers/reactors with oil to SF6 bushings.


Sl. No. Fittings

1 Drain valve on tank base
2 Drain valve on tank bottom
3 Drain valve on main conservator
4 Drain valve for aux. conservator of HV cable box, if applicable
5 Filter valve on tank at top and bottom
6 Sampling valve for cable box, if applicable
7 Pressure relief valve for tank cover and cable box
8 Oil inlet valve for tank & cable box, if applicable
9 Oil outlet valve for tank & cable box, if applicable
10 Water inlet valve
11 Water outlet valve
12 Sampling valve on tank top and bottom
13 Air release valve on cover
14 Air release plug on cooler, pipes and conservator
15 Drain plug cooler & pipes
16 Gas sampling valves
17 Non return valve
18 Conservator valve for connection to tank
19 Drain & filter valve for cable box
20 Valve for online moisture measurement
21 Valve for online DGA, if applicable
22 Valve for fire protection system, if applicable
For Standardization purposes, following typical General Arrangement (GA) and
Foundation Plan drawings are provided:
S. Equipment Name Drawing Name
1. General Arrangement:
Single Phase 500 MVA, 1. Front Side View
765/400/33 kV Auto Transformer 2. Top View
3. Left Side View
Foundation Plan
2. Three Phase 500 MVA, General Arrangement
400/220/33 kV Auto Transformer 1. Cooler Bank on LHS from HV
2. Top View
3. HV Right Side View
Foundation Plan
3. 315 MVA, 400 kV Three Phase General Arrangement (Cooling
Auto Transformer Mounted Separately)
4. 167 MVA, 400/√3/220/√3/33 kV General Arrangement
Single Phase Auto Transformer Foundation Plan
5. General Arrangement (Cooling
100 MVA, 220 kV Three Phase Mounted Separately)
Auto Transformer General Arrangement (Cooling
Mounted on Tank)
6. 200 MVA, 21/420/√3 kV Single General Arrangement
Phase Generator Transformer Foundation Plan
7. 200 MVA, 21/420/√3 kV Single General Arrangement (With Unit
Phase Generator Transformer Cooler)
Foundation Plan (With Unit
8. 315 MVA, 220 kV Three Phase General Arrangement
Generator Transformer Foundation Plan
9. Single Phase 765/√3 kV Shunt Foundation Plan
10. Three Phase 420 kV Shunt Foundation Plan

Note: 1. Dimensions are approximate.

2. All dimensions are in mm unless otherwise stated.

Annexure-P Page 1 of 22
General Arrangement of Single Phase 500 MVA, 765/400/33 kV Auto Transformer

Front Side View

Annexure-P Page 2 of 22
Top View

Annexure-P Page 3 of 22
Left Side View

Annexure-P Page 4 of 22
Foundation Plan of Single Phase 500 MVA, 765/400/33 kV Auto Transformer

Annexure-P Page 5 of 22
General Arrangement of Three Phase 500 MVA, 400/220/33 kV Auto Transformer

Cooler Bank on LHS from HV Side

Annexure-P Page 6 of 22
Top View

Annexure-P Page 7 of 22
HV Right Side View

Annexure-P Page 8 of 22
Foundation Plan of Three Phase 500 MVA, 400/220/33 kV Auto Transformer

Annexure-P Page 9 of 22
General Arrangement of 315 MVA, 400 kV Three Phase Auto Transformer (Cooling Mounted Separately)

Annexure-P Page 10 of 22
General Arrangement of 167 MVA, 400/√3/220/√3/33 kV Single Phase Auto Transformer

Annexure-P Page 11 of 22
Foundation Plan of 167 MVA, 400/√3/220/√3/33 kV Single Phase Auto Transformer

Annexure-P Page 12 of 22
General Arrangement of 100 MVA, 220 kV Three Phase Auto Transformer (Cooling Mounted Separately)

Annexure-P Page 13 of 22
General Arrangement of 100 MVA, 220 kV Three Phase Auto Transformer (Cooling Mounted on Tank)

Annexure-P Page 14 of 22
General Arrangement of 200 MVA, 21/420/√3 kV Single Phase Generator Transformer

Annexure-P Page 15 of 22
Foundation Plan of 200 MVA, 21/420/√3 kV Single Phase Generator Transformer

Annexure-P Page 16 of 22
General Arrangement of 200 MVA, 21/420/√3 kV Single Phase Generator Transformer (With Unit Cooler)

Annexure-P Page 17 of 22
Foundation Plan of 200 MVA, 21/420/√3 kV Single Phase Generator Transformer (With Unit Cooler)

Annexure-P Page 18 of 22
General Arrangement of 315 MVA, 220 kV Three Phase Generator Transformer

Annexure-P Page 19 of 22
Foundation Plan of 315 MVA, 220 kV Three Phase Generator Transformer

Annexure-P Page 20 of 22
Foundation Plan of Single Phase 765/√3 kV Shunt Reactor

Annexure-P Page 21 of 22
Foundation Plan of Three Phase 420 kV Shunt Reactor

Annexure-P Page 22 of 22
Annexure –Q


Typical Transformer Dimensions for single phase transformers in hydro

For 400 KV, MVA For 400 KV, MVA

For 220 KV
Parameters rating greater than rating less than
100 MVA 100 MVA
A 650 650 550
B 1100 950 725
C 1000 900 650
D 1550 1150 950
E 5500 5000 4500
F 6000 5500 5000
N (Max) 6300 6000 5700
5500x6500 5000x6000 4500x5000
HV side left when side left when
side left when
Bushing viewed from HV viewed from HV
viewed from HV side
Position side side
Limits of Supply
(Refer typical connection between Power Transformer and Gas Insulated

Description Item Manufacturer

Switchgear Transformer
Main circuit end terminal 1 X
Screws, washers and nuts 2 X
Connection Interface 3 X
Connection Interface 4 X
Gas 5 X
Transformer Connection 6 X
Screw, washer, nuts 7 X
Seal 8 X
Bushing 9 X
Transformer tank 10 X
Screw, washer and nuts 11 X

A. For 400 kV and below voltage class transformer/reactor

B. For 765 kV transformer/reactor



(Note: Dimensions are given for illustration purpose only and will depend upon
transformer/reactor size)


Item Specification
Functional 1. The instrument should be suitable for Automatic
Requirement Measurement of Electrical Breakdown Strength of
Transformer oil as per relevant standards.
2. The test results should have repeatability, consistency in
laboratory condition.
Test Output 0-100 kV (Rate of rise: 0.5 to 5KV/Sec)
Accuracy ± 1 kV
Resolution 0.1 KV
Switch off Time ≤ 1ms
Display/Control LCD/Keypads.
Printer Inbuilt/External
Measurement Fully Automatic Pre-programmed/User programmed Test
Programmes Sequences including as per latest IEC & other
national/international standards.
Test Lead/ One complete set of electrodes, gauge etc. compatible with the
Accessories instruments should be provided for successfully carrying out
the test in the purchaser’s S/S. Additionally, all the required
accessories, tools, drawing, documents should be provided for
the smooth functioning of kit. Further hard carrying case
(which should be robust/ rugged enough) for ensuring proper
safety of the kit during transportation shall have to be
Design/Engg. The complete equipment along with complete accessories must
be designed/ engineered by Original Equipment Manufacturer.
Power Supply It shall work on input supply variations, V: 230 ±10 %, f: 50 Hz
±5 % on standard sockets.
Operating 0 to +50 deg C
Relative Max. 90% non-condensing.
Protection/ Against short circuit, over load, transient surges etc. Also the
Control instrument should have facility of stopping automatically on
power failure. Also the kit should have facility of HV chamber
interlocking as well as zero start interlocking.
Environment The test kit shall be compatible for EMI/EMC/Safety
environment requirement as per IEC.
Guarantee Warranty/Guarantee Period: Min 05 year from the date of
successful & complete commissioning at the purchaser’s sub-
All the materials, including accessories, cables, laptops etc. are
to be covered under warranty/guaranty period. If the kit needs
to be shifted to supplier’s works for repairs within
warranty/guaranty period, suppliers will have to bear the cost
of spares, software, transportation of kit for repair at test lab /
Calibration Unit shall be duly calibrated before supply and the date of
Certificate calibration shall not be older than two month from the date of
supply of Kit.
Training Supplier shall have to ensure that the instrument is made user
friendly. Apart from the detailed demonstration at site, the
supplier shall also have to arrange necessary training to the
purchaser’s engineers.
Commissioning, Successful bidder will have to commission the instrument to
handing over the satisfaction of the purchaser. The instrument failed during
the Instrument the demonstration shall be rejected and no repairs are allowed.
After sales Bidder will have to submit the documentary evidence of having
service established mechanism in India for prompt services.

Technical Specification of Portable Dissolved Gas Analysis of Oil (if


S.No. Particulars Specification

01 Functional The Portable DGA equipment to extract, detect, analyze and

Requirement display the dissolved gases in insulating oil as specified in
IEEE C 57-104-2008 and IEC 60599-2007.

02 Detection of All the fault gases i.e. H2, CH4, C2H2, C2H4, C2H6, CO &
Gases CO2 concentrations shall be individually measured and
displayed. The minimum detection limits of the instrument
for the above gases shall strictly be met the requirement of
IEC-60567-2011-Page No. 47-clause 9.2, table-5.

03 Power Supply It shall be operated with AC single phase, 50 Hz +/-5%, 230

V +/- 10% supply. All power cable and necessary adaptors
shall be provided by supplier.

05 Instrument a) Instrument shall be having in-built control for all the

control and functions (data acquisitions and data storage), it shall
Data handling, have a facility for communication with computer for
Internal downloading the data from instrument via USB port.
b) Laptop shall be provided for communication with the
instrument. it shall be of latest specification along with
licensed preloaded OS and software as well as software
for interpreting DGA results accordance with IEEE C 57-
104-1991 and IEC 60559-1999. Laptop carrying case
shall also be provided.

c) Internal Memory can capable of store at least 15000


06 General a) Performance Parameters like - Minimum Detection Limits,

Conditions Working Range, Accuracy, repeatability etc. shall be
finalized during detailed engineering.

b) The portable DGA equipment supplier shall demonstrate

during commissioning of the kit that the results shown by
the kit are within the specified accuracy and repeatability
range and EMPLOYER will provide only the insulating oil/
GAS-IN-OIL standard for testing.

c) All required items/instruments /spares /consumable

/connecting cables/communication
materials/original software/original licensed data/station
operating software/education CD/DVDs that are
essential to understand and operate the instrument shall
be supplied at no extra cost.

07 Operating 01. Temperature 0-50 Deg. C

02. 85% non-condensing
humidity & 03. Portable

08 Warranty The entire test set up shall be covered on warranty for a

period of 5 year from the last date of complete commissioning
and taking over the test set up. If the kit needs to be shifted
to suppliers works for repairs, supplier will have to bear the
cost of, spares, software, transportation etc. of kit for repair
at test lab/works.

09 Service The supplier shall furnish the requisite documents ensuring

Support that the equipment manufacturer is having adequate service
team and facility in India to take care of any issues during
operation of the instrument.

10 Training The supplier shall provide adequate training for a period of

two working days pertaining to the operation and
troubleshooting to site personnel.


(For 400 kV & above transformer/reactor)

In addition to provision of air cell in conservators for sealing of the oil

system against the atmosphere, each transformer/reactor of 400 kV and
above rating shall be provided with an on line insulating oil drying system
of adequate rating with proven field performance. This system shall be
separately ground mounted and shall be housed in metallic (stainless
steel) enclosure. The bidder shall submit the mounting arrangement. This
on line insulating oil drying system shall be

1. Designed for very slow removal of moisture that may enter the oil
system or generated during cellulose decomposition. Oil flow to the
equipment shall be controlled through pump of suitable capacity (at
least 5 LPM).

2. The equipment shall display the moisture content in oil (PPM) of the
inlet and outlet oil from the drying system.

3. In case, drying system is transported without oil, the same shall be

suitable for withstanding vacuum to ensure that no air /
contamination is trapped during commissioning.

4. In case, drying system is transported with oil, the oil shall conform to
the specification for unused oil. Before installation at site, oil sample
shall be tested to avoid contamination of main tank oil.

5. Minimum capacity of moisture extraction shall be 10 Litres before

replacement of cartridge. Calculation to prove the adequacy of sizing
of the on line insulating oil-drying system along with make and model
shall be submitted for approval of purchaser during detail engineering.

6. The installation and commissioning at site shall be done under the

supervision of OEM representative or OEM certified representative.

7. The equipment shall be capable of transferring data to substation

automation system confirming to IEC 61850 through FO port.
Necessary interface arrangement shall be provided by the contractor
for integration with automation system.

8. The equipment shall be supplied with Operation Manual (2 set for

every unit), Software (if any), and Compact disc giving operation
procedures of Maintenance Manual & Trouble shooting instructions.


1. Oil sampling bottles shall be supplied as specified by the utility and shall
be suitable for collecting oil samples from transformers and shunt
reactors, for Dissolved Gas Analysis. Bottles shall be robust enough, so
that no damage occurs during frequent transportation of samples from
site to laboratory.

2. sampling bottles shall be made of stainless steel having a capacity of

one litre. Oil Sampling bottles shall be capable of being sealed gas-tight
and shall be fitted with cocks on both ends.

3. The design of bottle & seal shall be such that loss of hydrogen shall not
exceed 5% per week.

4. An impermeable oil-proof, transparent plastic or rubber tube of about 5

mm diameter, and of sufficient length shall also be provided with each
bottle along with suitable connectors to fit the tube on to the oil sampling
valve of the equipment and the oil collecting bottles respectively.

5. The scope of oil sampling bottles shall be included in the bid price as per
the quantity indicated in the bid price schedule.


1. If specified by the utility, the glass syringe of capacity 50ml (approx) and
three way stop cock valve shall be supplied. The syringe shall be made
from Heat resistant borosilicate Glass. The material and construction
should be resistant to breakage from shock and sudden temperature
changes, reinforced at luer lock tip Centre and barrel base.

2. The cylinder-plunger fitting shall be leak proof and shall meet the
requirement of IEC-60567. Plunger shall be grounded and fitted to barrel
for smooth movement with no back flow. Barrel rim should be flat on
both sides to prevent rolling and should be wide enough for convenient
finger tip grip. The syringe shall be custom fit and uniquely numbered
for matching. The syringe shall be clearly marked with graduations of 2.0
ml and 10.0 ml and shall be permanently fused for life time legibility.


1. Oil storage tank shall be of adequate capacity as specified by the utility

along with complete accessories. The oil storage tank shall be designed
and fabricated as per relevant Indian Standards e.g. IS: 803 or other
internationally acceptable standards. Transformer oil storage tanks shall
be towable on pneumatic tyres and rested on manual screw jacks of
adequate quantity & size. The tank shall be cylindrical in shape and
mounted horizontally and made of mild steel plate of adequate thickness.
Diameter of the tank shall be 2.0 meter approximately. The tank shall be
designed for storage of oil at a temperature of 100°C.

2. The maximum height of any part of the complete assembly of the storage
tank shall not exceed 4.0 metres above road top.

3. The tank shall have adequate number of jacking pad so that it can be
kept on jack while completely filled with oil. The tank shall be provided
with suitable saddles so that tank can be rested on ground after removing
the pneumatic tyres.

4. The tank shall also be fitted with manhole, outside & inside access
ladder, silica gel breather assembly, inlet & outlet valve, oil sampling
valve with suitable adopter, oil drainage valve, air vent etc. Pulling hook
on both ends of the tank shall be provided so that the tank can be pulled
from either end while completely filled with oil. The engine capacity in
horse power to pull one tank completely fitted with oil shall be indicated.
Oil level indicator shall be provided with calibration in terms of litre so
that at any time operator can have an idea of oil in the tank. Solenoid
valve (Electro-mechanically operated) with Centrifugal pump shall be
provided at bottom inlet so that pump shall be utilised both ways during
oil fill up and draining. Suitable arrangement shall also be provided to
prevent overflow and drain form the tank.

5. The following accessories shall also form part of supply along with each
Oil storage tank.

5.1 Four numbers of 50NB suitable rubber hoses for Transformer oil
application up to temperature of 100°C, full vacuum and pressure up to
2.5 Kg/ cm2 with couplers and unions each not less than 10 metre long
shall be provided.
5.2 Two numbers of 100NB suitable for full vacuum without collapsing and
kinking vacuum hoses with couplers and unions each not less than 10
metre long shall also be provided.

5.3 One number of digital vacuum gauge with sensor capable of reading up
to 0.001 torr, operating on 240V 50Hz AC supply shall be supplied.
Couplers and unions for sensor should block oil flow in the sensor.
Sensor shall be provided with at-least 8 meter cable so as to suitably
place the Vacuum gauge at ground level.

5.4 The painting of oil storage tank and its control panel shall be as per
technical specification.

5.5 The tank shall contain a self-mounted centrifugal oil pump with inlet and
outlet valves, with couplers -suitable for flexible rubber hoses and
necessary switchgear for its control. There shall be no rigid connection
to the pump. The pump shall be electric motor driven, and shall have a
discharge of not less than 6.0 kl/hr. with a discharge head of 8.0m. The
pump motor and the control cabinet shall be enclosed in a cubicle with
IP-55 enclosure.

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