MS 3412-3
MS 3412-3
MS 3412-3
*7 MAS-12
f:iNAnl(-"]l\l !i rA f E'Mf:N-l' Al\AtYSIS
MARKET :f {; II:
;,i r.e p_qr
SiLare It indicates the number of pesos
:;'.-:.gS Pg: Share required to buy P 1 of earnings
Mejsures-tt-,u ,aie-of returl in t[J]
Dtt,tdend I teld -,, , iCe:r(i Per Share
. investor's common stock
i!lyes!Ug!ti:- .. . ...
;..ti.'i, (.)iii Dlvidqld pqr Share : It indicates the proportron
,r /j'.ir
i, arnings Per Share earnings distributed as dividends
preferred Dividends
jftei l1:"t i :i"'Jixff*t "?l't', o.[|:#;
ij slgc-blolqclS: - _
II ,ni.rr Acca*c Measures efficiency of the firm to
c.r1-ril;:l Inler;slry /tailrr r
Net $aies i generate
i ,,,,..,", r,",r,i t h-t,t,,< r.:a.t-t,t Net lnceme bgfclre t4xes & fixed ctlarqes I Measures abillty to meet fixed
' (/( *: L(Jr I't(:u (Fixerl < harqes + sinking furrd payment)** j charges.
'Tr;rdinq nn the eqr.rity'is *noitjei name foi teGraaa:'.-
i:ixt."tl charqes i;h;r1l ir;"lde r*nt, inteiests and other relevant.fixed exFlenses; sinking fund payment
fltL.rlt lre cxl)rc-.:;seil ilrFor{i Iax^
PaqeSofSpaoes "td.r
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