MS 3412-8
MS 3412-8
MS 3412-8
R"2&- K,-;^,, *d"oot al A.,*-,,,1^*-7 MAS-12
Variable costs
Httro ffioo
401000 ___18_fg!*
Contribution margin e.3,"0.,p"e0 p*?g,{$g
h Budgeted sales were 10,000 units, actual sales were g,700 units.
D 3G) What is the sates price variance?
a. P l,l00 unfavorable c. P 900 unfavorable
b. P 1,000 favorable d. P 400 favorable
urRAp- ur EX E&qIsEs_{t!.ulue-E-eualEil
1. In a single-period common-size incorrre statement, what is normally tlre base amount (100o/o)?
h a. Net sales c. Net credit sales
b, Gross sales d. Gross credit sales
2. In financial statement analysis, expressinq all financial statenlent items as a percentage of base-year:
amounts is called a
When a balance sheet amount is related to an incorne statement amount in cornputing a financial ratio
b10 (e.9., turnover),
a' The income statement amount should be r:clnverte<J to an average for the year
b. The balance sheet amount should be converted to an average for the year
c. Comparisons with industry ratios are not meaningful
d. Both amounts should be converted to market valLre