2017 Full Stability and The Road Map To The Future
2017 Full Stability and The Road Map To The Future
2017 Full Stability and The Road Map To The Future
Bendix safety technologies complement safe driving practices and are not intended to enable or encourage aggressive driving. No commercial vehicle
safety technology replaces a skilled, alert driver exercising safe driving techniques and proactive, comprehensive driver training. Responsibility for the safe
operation of the vehicle remains with the driver at all times.
4 : New Administration, New Rules, FMVSS 136 on the Chopping Block? . . . . . . . . 9-11
10 : Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27-28
11 : References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-30
12 : Appendix A:
Why Full Stability Over Roll-Only Stability?
Bendix’ 2008 Comments to NHTSA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-45
R O A D M A P F O R T H E F U T U R E : M A K I N G T H E C A S E F O R F U L L- S TA B I L I T Y 2
• Our original white paper “Roadmap for the Future” still holds value today as a
benchmark reference document on stability systems for commercial vehicles.
The differences between stability control systems – full stability and roll-only
stability, which are still available on the market, as well as the important terms
and the logic behind full stability (ESC – Electronic Stability Control) for single-unit
trucks – remain essential concepts.
• FMVSS 136, the regulation requiring stability on Class 7 and 8 Tractors and
Motorcoaches, is on the chopping block as the Trump Administration requires
elimination of two rules for every one added. This may be a mistake, as there
is still a need for a low-cost, effective regulation to help commercial vehicle drivers
mitigate rollover and loss-of-control situations.
• Since our original white paper in 2008, we’ve seen some decreases in stability-
related events – rollovers and loss-of-control. This decline, however, is not as
great as one would hope. The root cause is primarily due to adoption rates
flatlining over the last few years, the changing mix of vehicles – more single-unit
trucks being produced to meet growing construction needs – and still low
penetration in the “available fleet,” or registered large trucks on the road.
• We agree with NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) that full
stability, or ESC – which Bendix sells as Bendix® ESP® (Electronic Stability
Program) – is the better stability technology because it can help drivers in more
situations than roll-only stability. But we also feel the technology is even more
effective than the Agency claims. This difference, delivered from our perspective,
reinforces the importance of the technology and why it should not be dropped
as a regulation.
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• FMVSS 136 is not a burdensome regulation, as expected cost points are low,
and implementation is already underway based on a number of OEMs making
this technology standard. And, it’s a regulation that helps solve a deadly problem
still very much in evidence on our roadways.
• The current regulation is a good starting point for addressing stability situations,
but leaves out single-unit or straight trucks.
• While societal impact of a regulation – along with cost implications for the fleet
– are important, the addition of a technology often comes down to basic dollars
and cents. The question is how much is it going to cost to add the technology,
and what financial benefits are derived. While each fleet has a different need, all
fleets share a common set of cost and benefit parameters that are required for
consideration when evaluating whether or not to add a technology. Keep in mind
that many OEMs are making safety technologies standard, which may make
it easier to adopt the technology, but may also provide risks if the technology is
deleted for a credit.
• Electronic Stability Control technology is not only important for today, but it
is a cornerstone for the future. Current collision mitigation technologies are built
on ESC as a foundation for robust performance. In the future, automated
and autonomous applications – such as yard maneuvering, highway pilot,
platooning, and other applications – will be built on this technology. Slower
adoption may also impact a fleet’s ability to retrofit technology in the future.
• Confusion in the market still exists regarding the differences in stability technology.
Eliminating RSC eliminates the confusion. One system, ESC, works on all
platforms for today and tomorrow.
Responsibility for the safe operation of the vehicle remains with the driver at all
times. Stability control, or any safety technology, complements safe driving
practices and is not intended to enable or encourage aggressive driving.
No commercial vehicle safety technology replaces a skilled, alert driver exercising
safe driving techniques and proactive, comprehensive driver training.
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When the original Bendix white paper was developed, there was a lot of confusion
in the marketplace about stability control. The major arguments revolved around
the cost and benefit of ESC (Electronic Stability Control), which we often refer to as
“full stability,” versus roll-only stability or RSC (Roll Stability Control.) RSC – built on
the ABS (Antilock Braking System) and ATC (Automatic Traction Control) system –
adds an enhanced Electronic Control Unit (ECU) and a lateral acceleration sensor
to help the driver mitigate situations on dry surfaces, such as when a truck goes
around a curve too fast. Roll-stability systems typically brake using the tractor drive
and trailer brakes – controlling the trailer brakes with a modulator valve – to mitigate
a potential rollover. It’s a good system, but ESC is a better system.
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The best ways to mitigate rollover and loss-of-control situations are through
steering and speed reduction. The optimal way to reduce speed is by applying as
many brakes as possible to slow the vehicle down as quickly as possible. The best
way to help the driver steer through a situation is by controlling the amount of
pressure being applied to the brakes at particular wheel-ends, or not applying
brake pressure at certain wheel-ends. For example, in a jackknife situation, we may
want to control the brakes on one side of the steer axle and the trailer brakes, and
not use the drive brakes to help the driver straighten out the combination. Figure 2
below illustrates this concept.
Figure 2:
Over-steer situation without intervention Over-steer situation with intervention
ESC systems tend to deliver stronger rollover interventions than RSC systems. Why?
Simply put, because a rollover starts with speed and steering input at the front of the
vehicle. By virtue of having the steer angle sensor on the vehicle, the system can read
the potential rollover situation sooner and react faster. An RSC system does not have
a steer angle sensor and, therefore, has to wait until the lateral acceleration sensor
picks up the shift in the center of gravity. Granted, this isn’t necessarily a great deal
of time, but time is of the essence in controlling rollovers. Earlier read of the situation
means the brakes get applied sooner, helping the driver to mitigate the rollover. Plus,
a full-stability system applies more brakes – remember, ESC uses the steer, drive, and
trailer brakes, not just the drive and trailer brakes that a typical RSC system utilizes.
More brakes, more stopping power, and earlier intervention to reduce more speed
result in more help for the driver to mitigate the rollover.
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Full-stability is the premier
stability technology to
support all commercial
vehicle applications,
including vocational vehicles,
such as cement mixers and
The steer angle sensor is also why full stability is the only system for single-unit
chassis trucks (straight trucks, such as cement mixers or dump trucks) and buses.
Getting an earlier read on a situation on straight trucks is critically important as the
“instability impulse” moves quicker through a single-unit chassis than through a
combination vehicle. This means a roll-only system would react too late, or need to
be tuned so high that it can create further instability during intervention, which may
lead to a loss-of-control and resulting crash.
Let’s take a moment to explore the “instability impulse” mentioned above. What
do we mean by this term? The “instability impulse” is the signal sent through the
chassis or combination vehicle that leads to a rollover or loss-of-control. People
often assume that a stability event starts at the back of the combination vehicle
because, in videos of rollovers, you will often see the trailer axles lift first, pulling
the combination over. Well, you know what happens when you assume! The reality
is that a rollover event starts at the front of the vehicle and is driven, as we noted
earlier, by speed and steering input. These inputs send a signal to the back of the
vehicle – the “instability impulse” – which leads to the trailer axles lifting and the
resulting rollover. That’s why getting the read from the front of the vehicle is critical
to enable a faster response – stopping or mitigating the instability impulse before
it gets back to the trailer to begin the event.
This is also why you will find that tractor-based systems – both RSC and ESC –
deliver a higher level of stability performance than trailer-based systems. The
instability impulse has to reach the trailer system for it to react, which in some
cases may be too late to mitigate the rollover. Given the choice of tractor-based
or trailer-based only, the choice goes to the tractor-based system. However, this
doesn’t mean the trailer systems are ineffective – a trailer stability system is still
better than no stability system. And, when combined with a tractor-based stability
system, we see the highest levels of rollover stability mitigation performance.
In a nutshell, ESC delivers the highest level of stability for commercial vehicles.
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It’s hard to believe that almost a decade has passed since Bendix initially authored
its position paper on Electronic Stability Control (ESC). The piece – entitled
“Road Map for the Future: Making the Case for Full Stability” – presented the logic
surrounding the arguments for full stability over roll-only stability. Since then, a lot
has happened regarding stability control – most all of it positive. First and foremost
is NHTSA’s (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) (the Agency) long-
anticipated Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) in 2012, followed by a final
rule in 2015, requiring stability on commercial vehicles.
Why did the Agency choose full stability over roll-only? We discussed the
differences earlier, but from the Agency’s perspective, their research and
testing soundly resolved that full stability would help prevent more crashes,
reduce more injuries, and save more lives than roll-only technology. We
agreed then and we remain resolute in our agreement today.
FMVSS 136 took effect on August 1, 2017, requiring full-stability control on Class
7 and 8 (6x4) highway tractors. The decision, as advocated in our white paper,
makes sense – ESC is a proven technology that does more than roll-only
technology to help drivers mitigate rollovers and loss-of-control situations on dry,
wet, and snow- and ice-covered roadways. Implementation of the mandate is over
three years, with Class 8 motorcoaches requiring stability on June 24, 2018; Class
7 motorcoaches, and most of the rest of Class 7 and 8 tractors (6x2, 4x2, etc.),
will require the technology by August 1, 2019.
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On January 30, 2017, President Trump signed an executive order Times change,
to reduce regulations and the costs associated with regulations. administrations change,
and with these
The executive order, titled “Reduce Regulation and Controlling
changes, the rules
Regulatory Costs,” requires the Executive Branch – which includes (and rulemakings) can
the Department of Transportation (DOT), the home of NHTSA also change.
and FMCSA (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration) – to
consider eliminating old regulations when promulgating new
regulations. From the executive order:
Known as “two-for-one,” the primary intent is that if an agency wants to add a new
regulation, it must drop two. A good idea, but even the best ideas can have
unintended consequences, as former NHTSA Acting Administrator David Friedman
wrote earlier this year:
• “But under the ‘two-for-one’ executive order, those benefits just don’t matter, the
lives saved and injuries avoided just don’t matter. Instead other regulations, like
requiring seatbelts and brakes, would need to be repealed to offset the investment
costs … again, ignoring the lives lost and harmed along the way. And if (elimi-
nating) those two (regulations) don’t cut the costs to industry enough, even more
(regulations) would need to be eliminated, putting even more lives at risk.” (2)
Basically, this creates a potential conundrum for safety agencies. Give up current
regulations – that are, today, saving lives – to bring out new regulations, or don’t
bring out any regulations. While there are instances where not having a regulation is
prudent, or where a regulation has outlived its usefulness and has been universally
accepted as a standard component of vehicle development, safety regulations may
be the exception.
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Safety regulations are usually developed to solve a critical problem that is costing
lives and that industry is not addressing directly – either because of cost, lack of
proven technology, or misunderstanding the situation. Lack of a proven technology
that will deliver results is a good reason not to create regulation. We recall the issues
with commercial vehicle ABS when it was initially mandated and then rescinded –
the then ABS technology simply wasn’t ready for prime time. In addition, regulations
should provide a reasonable cost/benefit for customers, society, and industry.
From our perspective, there is no doubt that some regulations need to be dropped
– and with good reason, because they are outdated, technologically difficult to
deliver, or ineffectual.
That said, there has to be more consideration given for safety regulations than just
getting rid of them to make room for more. Dr. Friedman makes a good point –
benefits matter for all of us who drive vehicles. It’s more than dollars and cents …
it’s lives saved and injuries reduced.
So, in adherence to this new Executive Order, NHTSA – in its recent “Budget
Estimates for Fiscal Year 2018” – has offered up FMVSS 136, along with others,
as a regulation the Agency feels can be dropped. Interestingly, the Agency failed
to provide any insight regarding why this would make sense. And, as we’ll discuss
throughout this paper, there are a number of reasons why this particular regulation
may not make sense to drop. (Why? Because stability incidents still occur, because
not all manufacturers have made stability standard, and because the technology
In NHTSA’s budget request, the Agency is looking for $1.8MM for its “Heavy
Vehicles” program. (This is a reduction from the $1.9MM requested, and still a
drop in the bucket of their $899MM budget request.) NHTSA justifies this request
as follows:
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Remember that loss-of-control rollover crash of a gasoline tanker truck in Oakland,
California in 2007? That crash destroyed two spans of a bridge that carried an
average of 160,000 vehicles a day.(4) Luckily, the driver survived and no one was hurt
in the incident. However, there was pain nonetheless. While the rebuild took only 26
days, “a state projection concluded that the connector collapse had cost $90 million,
based on a $6 million per day economic impact estimate.” (5)
Real incident, real cost. But, regrettably, this is not the only time this has happened
nor is it likely a similar incident will not happen in the future.
NHTSA also went on in their budget submission to indicate that as part of the heavy
vehicles program, “(r)esearch will continue to investigate the possibility of extending
stability control technology to single unit trucks and other types of heavy vehicles.”
So, on one hand the Agency wants to get rid of the regulation, and on the other
hand they want to continue research to expand the regulation. It’s perplexing.
While the Agency budget report may be a little confusing to read, one thing is
certain: stability works and our position is that the Agency should reconsider its
current recommendation to drop FMVSS 136.
Crash or close call? In 2015, over 40,000 large trucks rear-ended passenger vehicles,
according the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. That’s one every 15 minutes
of every hour of every day. Collision mitigation technology, built on ESC, could make
the difference.
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Looking back to 2008, when the white paper was published, What’s been
according to the 2008 Large Truck and Bus Crash Facts from the happening with
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, there were 11,283 stability-related crashes
in light of the increasing
large trucks involved in rollovers, with 5,190 large trucks involved availability of stability
in jackknifes. Conversely, in 2015 – according to the final-release technology? We’ll
version of the Large Truck and Bus Crash Facts – 9,272 trucks update our analysis from
were involved in rollovers and 4,226 in jackknifes. Initial a few months back.
conclusions point to a decline of about 18 percent for rollovers
and 19 percent for jackknifes. One could conclude from the raw
numbers alone that stability has helped.
However, we need to delve deeper into the data to get a more realistic appraisal.
Let’s start by taking a look at the vehicle miles traveled in each year. In 2008, large
trucks traveled 310,680 million miles. In 2015, large trucks travelled 279,844 million
miles – a reduction of million-miles-traveled-by-large-trucks of about 10 percent.
So, the number of rollovers and jackknifes decreased by a greater percentage than
vehicle miles traveled – that’s a positive sign for stability control.
Also of note, the number of registered large trucks increased over the period. In
2008, there were 10,873,275 large trucks registered. In 2015, 11,203,184 large
trucks were registered – an increase of 329,909 large trucks, or about 3 percent.
More trucks on the road could be indicative of more opportunities for rollover and
jackknife situations. However, more trucks traveling fewer miles would not be. The
average miles-per-large-truck-traveled in 2008 was 28,572.81; in 2015, it was
24,978.97 – a decline of 13 percent. More trucks traveling fewer miles.
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Looking at a per-100-million-vehicle-miles traveled by large trucks, we can see the
rate of rollover and jackknife incidents in the comparison years of 2008 and 2015.
In this data, we find the following:
The bottom line? While we’ve seen some decrease in rollovers and
jackknifes – both in terms of numbers and rates – the decrease is not as
great as one might expect.
So, what do we believe is the root cause? Three basic reasons come to mind –
annual adoption rates, mix (or type) of vehicles sold, and penetration in the
“available fleet”:
First, adoption rates. While we’ve seen steady increases in the annual take rates
regarding stability since its introduction, coupled with full stability outselling roll-only
stability at most OEMs, we’ve also seen a slowing in the percentage of new
vehicles being built with stability technology. Basically, the industry has flatlined over
the past few years at an approximate 33 percent take rate in Class 6-8 air-brake
vehicles. As new vehicles are not being ordered with stability, or, in the case of
where stability has been made standard – at Kenworth, Mack, Navistar, Peterbilt,
and Volvo – it’s possible that fleets are opting to “delete” this option to lower the
cost of their vehicle. Deleting a safety option is never a good idea, especially if there
is a crash which the technology may have helped to prevent. However, there is
little doubt that there are some fleets who truly feel that less-than-full stability, or
even no stability, is of little concern, and so savings takes the place of safety.
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Second, mix of vehicles sold. In recent years, as the economy has been improving
and road miles decreasing, we may be seeing the mix of large trucks shifting from
highway tractors to straight trucks (single-unit trucks) – especially in the oil patch,
construction, and package delivery services. Stability is not yet standard on the
air-brake applications (Class 6-8), though is often available as an option, and is not
widely available on Class 3-6 hydraulically braked vehicles. (Keep in mind, however,
that ESC technology is the only technology for straight trucks. Our 2008 White
Paper reinforces this point on page 24.)
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All of this begs the question of what is an appropriate course of action. To that
end, an alternative for the Agency is to consider regulation of collision mitigation
technology, which typically requires full stability as part of the package. This is
similar to the strategy the Agency used to ensure ABS became widely available on
passenger cars. By requiring full stability on passenger cars – which, as in truck
stability, is built upon ABS technology – the Agency was able to accomplish two
objectives with one mandate.
Of course, the opposite could also take effect. Fleets could slow their decision to
add advanced technology since some of the cost – the need for stability as part
of the system – is not absorbed through the mandate. At Bendix, we see this as
common practice in the market today. OEMs that have not made stability standard
will charge a customer who wants collision mitigation for both the stability
technology and the collision mitigation technology; among OEMs that have made
stability technology standard, the cost to add collision mitigation is only for that
technology – helping reduce costs for the fleet to add the technology.
We’ll touch on costs related to the mandate later in this paper. For now, however,
it’s important to keep in mind that if stability is the foundation for future technologies,
getting it standard on vehicles now means a lower cost path to adoption of more
advanced technologies in the future.
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Note: When considering why the mandate was originally proposed, it is valuable to
consider the NHTSA perspective on pursuing the mandate in the first place. In the
appendix to this paper, we review the comments Bendix submitted to the Agency
regarding the mandate to illustrate the case for Electronic Stability Control over
Roll Stability Control, utilizing the Agency’s numbers, along with the analysis that
Bendix provided in the original white paper. Our conclusion for the Agency remains
the same today – ESC is the more effective stability technology for commercial
vehicles. And, more important for tomorrow’s automated and autonomous
technologies, full stability is the foundation for the future. Today’s Advanced Driver
Assistance Systems (ADAS) are built on full stability. Tomorrow’s automated
vehicles will likely be as well.
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And, finally, school buses were not represented as a vehicle class covered under the
initial final rule. This is most disappointing because school buses do lose control,
and stability can help mitigate that loss-of-control and the eventual tip-over that
occurs when the bus hits a curb or guardrail. While school buses are still one of the
safest modes of transportation, when they crash it is heart-wrenching. Uncertainty
shrouds their inclusion in future mandates, but it’s gratifying to know that some bus
OEMs are starting to make the technology readily available.
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In the 2008 White Paper we discussed “The Safety ROI of Stability Systems”
beginning on page 31. In the 2017 update, we’ll take a different tack and outline
what a fleet should consider when thinking about safety technologies. The basic
elements in this equation can be applicable to discussions beyond stability, and
may provide a framework for consideration and evaluation to fit the individual need
of the fleet. At the very least, if the fleet is not considering some of these elements
as they evaluate the addition of safety technologies to their vehicles, it would be
beneficial to consider the missing elements to help develop a fully thought-out
It all starts with understanding the costs of a technology, but extends well beyond
just acquisition costs. In a nutshell, the costs relate to the following categories:
• Installation costs:
– Cost to install option (if retrofit is an option versus built on vehicle):
Are there other options (such as stability for collision mitigation) required
for the technology?
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• Taxes on the option:
– Federal Excise Tax (FET):
Less FET Discount for Technology
– Other Federal, State, Local taxes:
Less Federal, State, Local Tax discounts
• Maintenance costs over the life of the vehicle (either in-house estimates or
dealer estimates):
– Preventive maintenance:
Maintenance required to keep the technology running properly. In the case
of stability technology, for example, this would include realignment of the
steer angle sensor when front-end work is completed.
o Estimated parts replacement
o Estimated labor to fix or install
– Repair maintenance:
Elements that may require repair, such as the brackets for sensors or
other components
o Estimated parts replacement:
+ Keep in mind sensor replacement costs, as most electronic
sensor are not repairable and therefore need to be replaced
o Estimated labor to fix or install parts
– Deduct from the maintenance cost of potential warranty coverage estimates:
Will required repairs be covered under the vehicle manufacturer’s
warranty, an extended warranty, or the supplier’s warranty?
– Extended warranty costs:
What is the additional cost should the fleet decide to get an extended
warranty from the vehicle manufacturer to cover the components?
o Fleet should also make sure that the technology will be covered
in any extended warranty – is it bumper-to-bumper or just drivetrain
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• Training costs (or cost of implementation):
– Technician training required for new technology:
Who will supply this training and how will it be accomplished?
o Does the supplier provide support for training technicians on the
new technology?
How much time will it take? How much will it cost?
– Driver training required for the new technology:
Who will supply this training and how will it be accomplished?
o Does the supplier provide support for training drivers on the
How much time will it take? How much will it cost?
Is there a cost regarding drivers who will not drive a truck with the
technology installed?
o If so, include the acquisition costs and training of replacement drivers
– Are new, specialized skill levels required to implement the technology?
– Are new personnel required to implement, maintain, and service
the technology?
How much will these resources cost (salary and benefits)?
Can these resources be made available via outsourcing? If so, what is
the cost per year?
• Insurance costs:
– Will insurance costs increase (or decrease) by adding the technology?
• Other costs:
– Are there other costs associated with this technology, such as requiring a
different type of fuel, or a more expensive modification to the truck, to
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It’s a foregone conclusion that no fleet typically adds a technology without some
expectation of savings. In general, the expectation for technology ROI is to deliver
a payback within 18-24 months – of course, the sooner a technology can pay for
itself, the better it is for the fleet’s bottom line.
Savings (or benefits) can come from a number of expected and sometimes
unexpected sources. Consider savings from these areas in your calculations:
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– Other areas, beyond crash costs, that may benefit the fleet financially:
Reduced risk profile for insurers, resulting in lower rate
Improvement in CSA scores from crash reduction
Meeting customer requirements for safety improvements, resulting in new
business gained
Better driver retention; helping younger drivers through the learning curve
Data from systems to help improve driver training and prevention of other
potential crash issues not directly related to the technology
Competitive differentiation – you’re making the investment in safety; your
competitor is not. Prospects may see this as a benefit of doing business
with your fleet.
The ability to upgrade your fleet to future technologies – retrofitting
advanced driver assistance technologies will become more commonplace in
the future. Having trucks equipped with a basic technology, such as stability
control, means a vehicle may be more conducive to an upgrade to newer,
advanced technologies as they become available. This could result in
additional future savings. While it may be difficult to quantify, consider the
cost of acquiring a new truck in the future with the technology compared to
the ability to “bolt on” the same technology to an existing fleet vehicle.
Suffice it to say, contingent on your fleet’s operating profile, technologies can help
reduce crashes. As an example, during a recent fleet visit, the leadership relayed
that stability control was a “no-brainer” for their operations. They shared that, once
a month, on average, they experienced a rollover. Now, with stability in place on
their vehicles, the issue has evaporated. Stability technology works – saves lives,
reduces injuries, reduces costs, and improves profitability.
As discussed in the original White Paper – many fleets find that if the technology
helps to prevent even one crash, it will pay for the addition of the technology across
their entire operation.
R O A D M A P F O R T H E F U T U R E : M A K I N G T H E C A S E F O R F U L L- S TA B I L I T Y 8:5 22
A Note on Standard Position of Safety Technologies:
There is another aspect that should be considered from the fleet
perspective. More and more, we’re seeing safety technologies
becoming standard on commercial vehicles. For example, stability
control is now standard at a wide range of tractor and trailer
manufacturers, and collision mitigation technologies are finding
their way into standard position at an increasing number of OEMs
as well. In fact, in July 2017, Volvo made the Bendix® Wingman®
Fusion™ safety technology standard on their VNL and VNR models
– a first for North America – while Peterbilt, Kenworth, and Navistar
have made the Bendix® Wingman® Advanced™ collision mitigation
system standard on their highway vehicles. Navistar’s action in
October 2016 was also an industry first.
Standard position typically means that when you buy the truck, it
comes equipped with the particular technology. Standard position,
however, doesn’t mean that fleet operators necessarily opt to buy
the truck or trailer with the safety system included. Often, the vehicle
manufacturer will offer a delete credit should you elect to eliminate
the technology on your vehicle. (And, as is often the case, new truck
sales reps may often simply match a previous spec on new orders
without consideration of the safety technology addition. Delete
credits can range widely – from zero dollars to thousands of dollars –
depending on the particular standard system. While electing a delete
credit aids in reducing the cost of the new vehicle, it comes with a
potential price nonetheless. (Visit the Bendix multimedia center at
www.knowledge-dock.com to read our blog post dated November
10, 2016, titled “Check Your Spec.”)
R O A D M A P F O R T H E F U T U R E : M A K I N G T H E C A S E F O R F U L L- S TA B I L I T Y 8:6 23
Now, deleting options that don’t impact safety can be a relatively safe
thing to do, if you feel that the offering may not be applicable to your
fleet. For example, should you pay extra for navigation when there
are a number of off-the-shelf approaches that may be more cost-
effective? However, it is prudent to pause before considering deleting
a safety system.
A fleet needs to seriously consider the implications of removing a standard safety system
when purchasing a new vehicle. No one can predict the future nor the impact of a crash
that may have been avoided if the standard safety system had not been deleted.
R O A D M A P F O R T H E F U T U R E : M A K I N G T H E C A S E F O R F U L L- S TA B I L I T Y 8:7 24
Since the initial publication of our White Paper, another big change is the
introduction and advancement of collision mitigation technologies, like the Bendix®
Wingman® family of solutions. In 2009, Bendix introduced Wingman® ACB –
Active Cruise with Braking, our adaptive cruise control technology designed to help
trucks maintain a safe following distance behind a forward vehicle. This was a
significant departure from prior product generations as we added braking – not
just dethrottling – to help drivers maintain following distance.
When our paper was released, automated/autonomous vehicles were still the
fodder of fantasy and “some day” for most participants in the commercial vehicle
marketplace. For context, in its “Federal Automated Vehicles Policy” released in
November 2016, NHTSA defined five levels of automation, based on the SAE
(Society of Automotive Engineers) J3016 “Taxonomy and Definitions for Terms
Related to On-Road Motor Vehicle Automated Driving Systems.” You can
read more about this policy and the scope of the levels in the blog post titled
“Why Five?” ( October 14, 2016 ) on the Bendix multimedia center,
R O A D M A P F O R T H E F U T U R E : M A K I N G T H E C A S E F O R F U L L- S TA B I L I T Y 9:1 25
It is our belief that the stability foundation of today will, for the most part,
be a foundational element of automated and autonomous tractor-trailers,
trucks, and buses in the future, just as it is a part of automated/
autonomous cars and light trucks. Even computer-driven trucks can lose
control, or find themselves in situations that could lead to a rollover, so
stability will be a part of the technology moving forward.
It bears note that the point just raised is not merely a conclusion by Bendix.
NHTSA, in its recent budget guideline, acknowledges, “In addition to their
importance as stand-alone safety systems, these heavy vehicle technologies
(stability control, collision mitigation) form some of the basic building blocks of
highly automated vehicles …(6)
Finally, the ability to upgrade your fleet to future technologies – retrofitting advanced
driver assistance technologies – will become more commonplace. By having trucks
equipped with a basic technology, such as stability control, a vehicle may be
upgradeable to newer, advanced technologies – such as collision mitigation and
other automated applications – as they become commercially available. Since
stability control cannot be retrofitted easily or cost-effectively, it will become more
important in the future that vehicles are equipped with this cornerstone technology.
For the fleet, this could result in additional future savings. A “retrofit-capable truck”
may be difficult for a fleet to quantify in value today, but consider the cost of
acquiring a new truck in the future with the technology versus the ability to add the
technology to an existing truck.
Getting costs and savings into focus is important. Safety technologies cost, but they can
also save – money, lives, time, and reputation.
R O A D M A P F O R T H E F U T U R E : M A K I N G T H E C A S E F O R F U L L- S TA B I L I T Y 9:2 26
It’s also a cost-effective technology – adding very little to the overall price of a
commercial vehicle for the amount of performance it delivers. Consider the myriad
and monumental costs associated with a crash, and you realize the importance of
ensuring this technology finds its way onto all large trucks.
And, last but not least, it’s still a needed technology. While the number of stability
crashes is lower, the rates are still on the high side. Things become even more
evident when taking into account two chilling facts: In 2015, every hour of every
day, somewhere in the U.S. a large truck rolled over. And, about every two hours
of every day, a large truck jackknifed. The numbers are still staggering.
Now consider one final fact: Every 15 minutes of every day, a large truck rear-ends
a passenger vehicle. What does stability have to do with rear-end collisions?
As mentioned, collision mitigation technology is built on top of full-stability.
R O A D M A P F O R T H E F U T U R E : M A K I N G T H E C A S E F O R F U L L- S TA B I L I T Y 10 : 1 27
These, and other reasons we discussed earlier, form the basis for our position
that the current stability regulation – FMVSS 136 – should not be deregulated. If
anything, we concur with NHTSA’s recommendation (later in their budget
submission for 2018) that it should be expanded. Nothing is more devastating than
a rollover – from the impact on the driver and fleet, to the costs associated with
the event, to direct costs and societal costs, including traffic, environmental, and
infrastructure impacts.
It’s our firm belief that full stability is the key to our collective roadmap to the future.
As we stand poised at the crossroads, will we continue on the road or take a
detour that slows penetration and progress?
R O A D M A P F O R T H E F U T U R E : M A K I N G T H E C A S E F O R F U L L- S TA B I L I T Y 10 : 2 28
(2) “Two for One: A Very Bad Deal for Our Nation”; by David Friedman;
blog Union of Concerned Scientists; April 10, 2017.
(3) Budget Estimates Fiscal Year 2018; National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration; Submitted to the Committees on Appropriations;
May 2017; pg. 57.
(4) Tanker Truck Fire Collapses Bay Area Overpass; The New York Times;
(5) MacArthur Maze - 2007 I-580 East Connector collapse; Wikipedia; 7/23/17.
(6) Budget Estimates Fiscal Year 2018; National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration; Submitted to the Committees on Appropriations;
May 2017; pg. 57.
R O A D M A P F O R T H E F U T U R E : M A K I N G T H E C A S E F O R F U L L- S TA B I L I T Y 11 : 1 29
Within Appendix
(9) Ibid.
(14) Ibid.
(15) Ibid.
(17) “Roll Stability Systems: Cost-Benefit Analysis of Roll Stability Control versus
Electronic Stability Control Using Empirical Crash Data;” American
Transportation Research Institute (ATRI); August 2012, pg. 6.
R O A D M A P F O R T H E F U T U R E : M A K I N G T H E C A S E F O R F U L L- S TA B I L I T Y 11 : 2 30
Effectiveness measures the impact a stability system can have in helping drivers
mitigate crash situations – specifically rollover and loss-of-control situations – where
the system might help. We acknowledge that no stability system will be 100%
effective – in other words, it will not mitigate every crash situation. The laws of
physics, vehicle condition, specific crash situation, roadway conditions and other
factors can impact performance of a stability system. However, the Agency used
this measure as the foundation for the cost/benefit analysis used in the Preliminary
Regulatory Impact Analysis (PRIA) which accompanied the NPRM.
NHTSA’s PRIA indicated a higher overall effectiveness for ESC, ranging 6-7%
higher than RSC.(8) The foundation for this conclusion was a study which reviewed
crashes where stability technology might have helped mitigate the situation,
relying significantly on cases from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s
(FMCSA) 2006 “Large Truck Crash Causation Study” (LTCCS) and presented in an
analysis by the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI)
in 2009. (It should be noted that Bendix, while one of only two stability system
developers for North American commercial vehicles, was not a participant in this
study.) A revised look at the UMTRI results was also completed by the Agency in
2011, leading to the 6-7% effectiveness difference noted earlier.
R O A D M A P F O R T H E F U T U R E : M A K I N G T H E C A S E F O R F U L L- S TA B I L I T Y 12 : 1 31
While we agree with the general conclusion drawn from this work – that ESC is
more effective than RSC – we believe the Agency’s results are conservative.
The Bendix analysis, supporting the original outcome of higher ESC performance,
resulted in a significantly greater difference – 31%, in fact – between ESC and RSC
This gap between the performance of ESC and RSC technologies is important, and
we would be remiss if we did not expand our rationale regarding why we believe
the gap is too narrow. Because effectiveness is integral in the cost/benefit analysis
that NHTSA presented in their Preliminary Regulatory Impact Analysis, it is
important to consider effectiveness directly in our response to NHTSA. We noted
this fact in our analysis “Comparison of ESC and RSC case effectiveness, based
on NHTSA-adjusted UMTRI LTCCS analysis vs Bendix LTCCS analyses” which we
provided to the Agency in 2011.(10) A copy of this report has been submitted to
the docket. What follows is a summary of our key considerations and differences.
R O A D M A P F O R T H E F U T U R E : M A K I N G T H E C A S E F O R F U L L- S TA B I L I T Y 12 : 2 32
NHTSA released a study, conducted by the University of Michigan Transportation
Research Institute (UMTRI) in 2009 regarding the effectiveness of stability technology
on tractor-trailers (DOT HS 811 205), entitled “Safety Benefits of Stability Control
Systems for Tractor-Semitrailers.” (We will refer to this study as “UMTRI” throughout
the balance of these comments.)
Note: The LTCCS provides a basis for both the Bendix and UMTRI analyses.
This data was chosen because according to the FMCSA’s “Report to Congress
on the Large Truck Crash Causation Study:” “No motor vehicle crash databases
in the United States focus on the cause of, or factors related to, large truck
crashes… The LTCCS contains the same type of descriptive data as the primary
national traffic safety databases, (Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) and
General Estimates System (GES)) but also focuses on pre-crash factors such
as driver fatigue and distraction, vehicle condition, weather and roadway
problems.” (11)
UMTRI chose to use the LTCCS as an element for their study for the same
reason that we did – it provides the most details around a crash to enable
accurate, expert assessment of the effectiveness of commercial vehicle stability
technology. As described in the UMTRI report: “The LTCCS crash data formed
the backbone for this study because of the high quality and consistent detail
contained in the case files. Included in this resource are categorical data,
comprehensive narrative descriptions of each crash, scene diagrams, and
photographs of the vehicle and roadway from various angles. This information
allowed the researchers to achieve a reasonable level of understanding of the
crash mechanics for particular cases.” (12)
R O A D M A P F O R T H E F U T U R E : M A K I N G T H E C A S E F O R F U L L- S TA B I L I T Y 12 : 3 33
Being able to accurately assess the impact of a stability system, from our
perspective, means being able to understand what factors initiated and
precipitated the crash scenario, how and if a stability technology could have
helped mitigate the situation and which stability technology would be most
effective. This is also why we choose to utilize the LTCCS as the foundation
of our original assessment.
The analysis that follows is based on a review of the details of past crashes as
provided in the LTCCS to derive effectiveness measures and net benefits per the
approach NHTSA presented in the PRIA. Because commercial vehicle crashes
are complex events, the actual performance of any safety technology in the field
may be affected by specific factors unique to a particular crash event.
NHTSA also released an analysis of ESC and RSC effectiveness which built upon
UMTRI in 2011. The study, entitled “Effectiveness of Stability Control Systems for
Truck Tractors” (DOT HS 811 437), was published in January, 2011. (We’ll refer
to this study as “Wang” throughout the balance of these comments.) The results
of the Wang analysis became the basis for the effectiveness measures used in
the PRIA.
Working with the Agency, we learned more details regarding how these analyses
(UMTRI & Wang) were conducted, including the actual cases and weightings used.
Bendix then proceeded with this additional knowledge to review the cases in our
original 2007 study and the cases used in the UMTRI & Wang studies, to determine
effectiveness of both RSC and ESC in the actual crash cases used.
R O A D M A P F O R T H E F U T U R E : M A K I N G T H E C A S E F O R F U L L- S TA B I L I T Y 12 : 4 34
Our first review reexamined the UMTRI results using our experienced perspective to
determine effectiveness. We determined that ESC outperformed RSC significantly,
leading to the conclusion that “Bendix believes that for rollover crashes, UMTRI
underestimated the weighted effectiveness of ESC and overestimated the
effectiveness of RSC. For loss-of-control (LOC) type crashes, we believe UMTRI
vastly underestimated the effectiveness of ESC. Interestingly, we also believe that
UMTRI underestimated the effectiveness of RSC in LOC crashes. When rollover
and LOC crash populations are combined, we find that UMTRI underestimated
ESC effectiveness significantly. The Bendix-derived gap between ESC and RSC
for the combined crash population is 27% (71%-44%); for UMTRI as adjusted by
NHTSA, the gap is 5% (49%-44%).” (14)
In reviewing the crash cases used in the UMTRI and Wang analyses, along with the
crash cases used in the original Bendix analysis, we discovered two key concerns.
First, the UMTRI study included crash cases which Bendix did not. These were
crashes, for example, where the driver was incapacitated. Because stability
systems cannot respond if there is no input from the driver, these inputs –
steering, speed adjustments, or braking, for example – are critical in addition
to vehicle inputs. Together they determine if intervention is warranted. In other
words, if the driver drives straight into a ditch because they are incapacitated,
the stability system is not going to intervene. Stability systems do not know
where the truck is going in relation to the roadway, but monitor information about
what the driver wants the truck to do and what the truck is doing. In these crash
cases, either system – full stability or roll-only stability is not given the chance
to intervene, therefore effectiveness of the system cannot be determined. This
is why, in our opinion, these cases should not be included in any analysis of
system effectiveness. After removing these cases, Bendix found that “the
Bendix-derived gap between ESC and RSC for the combined crash population
of this analysis is 29%; for UMTRI as adjusted by NHTSA, the gap is 5%.” (15)
Second, Bendix also found cases that were not included in the original UMTRI
and Wang analyses – but which we did consider in our 2007 analysis. These
cases were predominately loss-of-control crashes – crashes which a full
stability or ESC system is designed to help mitigate. Not including those cases
where ESC could have helped, in our opinion, may reduce the overall
effectiveness of ESC when compared to RSC.
R O A D M A P F O R T H E F U T U R E : M A K I N G T H E C A S E F O R F U L L- S TA B I L I T Y 12 : 5 35
When combined with the cases that should not have been included, the Bendix
analysis found that “the gap between ESC and RSC effectiveness in this analysis
is 31%.” (16)
The following table presents a comparison of the NHTSA results (as noted in the
NPRM) and the Bendix analysis results submitted to the docket:
We believe that the last analysis – “Bendix review of 2009 cases used by UMTRI
with non-relevant cases removed and additional cases added” best represents
what we would expect to see as real-world effectiveness measures for both ESC
and RSC. We respectfully request that the Agency take this analysis into account
in formulating its final rule. We will use these numbers in our rework of the NHTSA
cost/benefit analysis which follows.
It is also important to note that in all the analyses presented, not only did ESC
effectiveness improve, but RSC effectiveness improved as well. From our perspective,
the conservative nature of the UMTRI and Wang analyses not only impacted ESC,
but also RSC performance. In our opinion, both systems are more effective than
reflected in the NHTSA analyses.
Our purpose in completing this analysis is not to criticize the Agency’s or UMTRI’s
original work. We agree with the general finding that ESC is a more effective
stability system than RSC. It is critical, however, that the magnitude of effectiveness
difference between both systems be considered. The American Trucking
Associations (ATA) presented in their public comments of July 24, 2012, a
suggestion that the Agency consider mandating RSC for truck tractors.
R O A D M A P F O R T H E F U T U R E : M A K I N G T H E C A S E F O R F U L L- S TA B I L I T Y 12 : 6 36
This conclusion was based, in part, on the fact that the magnitude of difference
between ESC and RSC system effectiveness was only 6-7%. ATA noted in their
presentation that “the Effectiveness Rates for ESC and RSC as shown in Table 4,
page 147 of the NPRM show an overall effectiveness percentage of 28 to 36%
for ESC and 21 to 30% for RSC. ATA is not convinced that the ESC effectiveness
advantage is significant enough to mandate only the ESC system for an industry as
diverse as this one.”( 17) ATA’s research arm, the American Transportation Research
Institute (ATRI) has also presented research which supports the ATA’s position.
(It should be noted, however, that ATRI based its findings on a small sample of
fleets (14) as compared to the total population of over 526,000 fleets (.0027% of
total fleets) and notes in the study that “…the sample cannot be considered
random or unbiased.“( 18) Please see an independent third party analysis of the ATRI
research methodology in Appendix A for further details regarding concerns with
the approach taken by ATRI to reach their conclusions.) To counter these
perceptions, Bendix feels that it is imperative to offer an alternative effectiveness
measure based on our expertise.
Our conclusion is that a wider difference in effectiveness – using the cost estimates
provided in the Preliminary Regulatory Impact Analysis (PRIA) from NHTSA which
accompanied the rulemaking – would likely result in a net benefit greater than
originally estimated in the NPRM. We will explore this position further in the next
Difference 7% 6% 3% 3% 11%
Source: pg. IV-3 Preliminary Regulatory Impact Analysis FMVSS 136 Electronic Stability Control Systems on
Heavy Vehicles
R O A D M A P F O R T H E F U T U R E : M A K I N G T H E C A S E F O R F U L L- S TA B I L I T Y 12 : 7 37
As noted in the previous section, the magnitude of effectiveness differences
between ESC and RSC overall ranged from 6-7%. Further, NHTSA presented
effectiveness measures for RSC and ESC on both rollover and loss-of-control
crashes. The effectiveness difference between ESC and RSC on rollovers was
3% and, for loss-of-control situations, 11%. NHTSA used the rollover and loss-
of-control effectiveness measures for both ESC and RSC in the cost/benefit
analysis presented in the PRIA.
Bendix feels that the magnitude of differences between ESC and RSC – based
on the examination of crashes where stability would have had an impact from the
Large Truck Crash Causation Study – are too low. Again, as we shared with the
Agency in our analysis, it appears that ESC performance is understated vs. RSC in
rollover crashes, and RSC performance is overstated in loss-of-control crashes.
Using the results of the Bendix work noted in the previous section – dropping cases
where stability had no effect and including cases where stability could have helped
– we determined the following effectiveness measures:
Source: pg. 4 Comparison of ESC and RSC case effectiveness, based on NHTSA-adjusted UMTRI LTCCS
Analysis vs. Bendix LTCCS Analysis
R O A D M A P F O R T H E F U T U R E : M A K I N G T H E C A S E F O R F U L L- S TA B I L I T Y 12 : 8 38
The overall assessment by Bendix yields improved performance for both RSC and
ESC technologies in both rollover and loss-of-control crashes as compared to the
NHTSA analysis. However, as noted earlier, the significance is the difference in
effectiveness between the two technologies. Overall, NHTSA found a difference of
6-7%, where Bendix found a difference of 31%.
Again, we are basing our effectiveness conclusions on our unique experience and
expertise understanding commercial vehicle dynamics as well as stability systems,
to review the cases where we feel a stability system could have helped the driver
mitigate the crash situation. This involved in-depth review of the information
provided for each individual rollover & loss-of-control crash in the 2006 LTCCS. We
feel strongly that these numbers are representative of what, in our best and expert
evaluation, would be the effectiveness. As a result, we will use these in our rework
of the NHTSA cost/benefit analysis included in the PRIA.
The costs that NHTSA used were a market-weighted average cost based on
feedback the Agency received from five Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs).
The weighted average cost of an ESC system was $1,160 and an RSC system was
$640. We will use these costs in our analysis, only changing effectiveness to gauge
the impact and difference in net benefits between ESC and RSC technologies.
(Note: We will discuss our perspectives regarding the costs of stability systems
presented in the NPRM & PRIA later in this paper.)
R O A D M A P F O R T H E F U T U R E : M A K I N G T H E C A S E F O R F U L L- S TA B I L I T Y 12 : 9 39
As the Agency has presented the details regarding both their model development
and cost and benefits estimates, we won’t delve into that detail here. The following
table presents a summary of the results of NHTSA ESC cost/benefit analysis:
Fatal Equivalents 51 63 40 50
Source: pg. VI-11Preliminary Regulatory Impact Analysis FMVSS 136 Electronic Stability Control Systems on
Heavy Vehicles
Driven by injury benefits, property damage, and traffic delay savings, NHTSA found
a net benefit of ESC (as the mandated technology) to range from $155 million
dollars (7% discount rate/low rollover effectiveness) to a high of $310 million dollars
(3% discount rate/high rollover effectiveness).
NHTSA also looked at alternatives in its analysis. The key alternative of concern,
based on the ATA suggestion of mandating RSC for tractors, is Alternative 1 –
Mandating RSC instead of ESC.(19) From the NHTSA evaluation of a potential RSC
mandate, the following table presents a summary of the net benefits and cost-
effectiveness of an RSC mandate.
R O A D M A P F O R T H E F U T U R E : M A K I N G T H E C A S E F O R F U L L- S TA B I L I T Y 12 : 10 40
Table 5: NHTSA Summary of RSC Cost-Effectiveness and Net Benefits
by Discount Rate
Fatal Equivalents 31 43 24 34
As the Agency concluded, the benefits of an RSC mandate fall below those of
an ESC mandate – generating a lower net benefit ranging from $106 million to
$234 million.
The total difference between an ESC and RSC mandate is illustrated in the table
on page 45.
Table 6: Difference between ESC & RSC Cost-Effectiveness & Net Benefits
by Discount Rate
Fatal Equivalents 20 20 16 16
Source: pg. VII-3 Preliminary Regulatory Impact Analysis FMVSS 136 Electronic Stability Control Systems on
Heavy Vehicles (note: Some variability may exist between columns due to rounding.)
R O A D M A P F O R T H E F U T U R E : M A K I N G T H E C A S E F O R F U L L- S TA B I L I T Y 12 : 11 41
An ESC mandate, as calculated using the NHTSA effectiveness and cost estimates,
would exceed an RSC mandate by a range of $48 million to $75 million.
Please note, we have not ignored the facts, as noted in the NPRM, that a full
stability mandate will also help reduce the number of crashes resulting in more lives
saved and less injuries. The human impact is important and illustrated by the
additional “fatal equivalents” saved by an ESC mandate over an RSC mandate.
This is a key driver in NHTSA’s published mission to: “Save lives, prevent injuries,
and reduce economic costs due to road traffic crashes, through education,
research, safety standards, and enforcement activity.”(17) Our concern in this
analysis, however, is tied to the financial benefit differences using the NHTSA
cost/benefit model to gauge the cost-effectiveness of an ESC mandate vs. an
RSC mandate utilizing different effectiveness measures.
In the next section, we will provide our review, using Bendix effectiveness measures
for both ESC and RSC in our model simulating the NHTSA cost/benefit analysis.
As noted earlier, the following table presents the Bendix-derived stability system
effectiveness estimates:
Source: pg. 4 Comparison of ESC and RSC case effectiveness, based on NHTSA-adjusted UMTRI LTCCS
Analysis vs. Bendix LTCCS Analysis
Using the higher effectiveness measures contained within the Bendix NHTSA model
in loss-of-control and rollover crashes, yields significantly different results from the
original NHTSA results presented in the PRIA. The difference in overall effectiveness
of ESC vs. RSC in the Bendix work yielded a magnitude difference of 4 - 5x the
original NHTSA estimates (31% vs. 6-7% overall). The resulting net benefits reflect
this difference. The value, of course, is that ESC – as derived, from the Bendix
evaluation – yields a significantly higher differential over RSC in terms of net benefits.
This makes the argument regarding ESC and RSC yielding too little a difference
a moot point.
R O A D M A P F O R T H E F U T U R E : M A K I N G T H E C A S E F O R F U L L- S TA B I L I T Y 12 : 12 42
The net benefits of ESC using the Bendix-derived effectiveness measures are
as follows:
161 128
$ 1,036,073,157 $ 823,710,336
$ 40,875,513 $ 32,454,763
$ 113,562,400 $ 113,562,400
$ 72,686,887 $ 81,107,637
$ 963,386,270 $ 742,602,699
Source: Bendix analysis based on NHTSA PRIA calculations
Note: Because there is no high/low effectiveness range for rollover crashes in the
Bendix analysis, only a single column is presented for each discount rate.
The net ESC benefit – using the Bendix estimates – is $743 million at the 7%
discount rate and $963 million at the 3% discount rate – over 3x the net benefit of
the NHTSA estimate. This, of course, is driven by the higher number of crashes
mitigated by ESC technology. The higher number of crashes mitigated also results
in more lives saved and injuries reduced, as noted by the fatal equivalents now
ranging from 128 to 161 vs. 40 to 63 in the NHTSA analysis. The benefit is derived
from the change in effectiveness only, as system costs are not altered from the
estimates developed by NHTSA in the PRIA.
R O A D M A P F O R T H E F U T U R E : M A K I N G T H E C A S E F O R F U L L- S TA B I L I T Y 12 : 13 43
Our emphasis is not between the NHTSA and Bendix ESC estimates, but rather
the overall magnitude of difference between ESC and RSC performance. Taking
this into account, Bendix also re-analyzed RSC performance using the same
Bendix-developed NHTSA model simulation and the Bendix-derived RSC
effectiveness numbers. As before, we retained the cost measure for RSC that
NHTSA determined based on its original market average cost of $640 per system.
73 58
$ 469,772,301 $ 373,243,746
$ 20,210,062 $ 16,046,594
$ 55,769,600 $ 55,769,600
$ 35,559,538 $ 39,723,006
$ 434,212,763 $ 333,520,740
As expected, the net benefits of an RSC-only alternative, based on the Bendix RSC
effectiveness estimates, also increased over the NHTSA estimates. RSC net benefits
now range from $334 million to $434 million. (As with the Bendix ESC estimates,
there are no high/low for rollover effectiveness results in the Bendix numbers.)
R O A D M A P F O R T H E F U T U R E : M A K I N G T H E C A S E F O R F U L L- S TA B I L I T Y 12 : 14 44
Taking our analysis further, we will now project the net benefits of ESC over RSC,
based on the Bendix effectiveness measures. The following table presents these
Table 10: Difference between ESC & RSC Cost-Effectiveness & Net
Benefits by Discount Rate
88 70
$ 566,300,856 $ 450,466,590
$ 20,665,452 $ 16,408,169
$ 57,792,800 $ 57,792,800
$ 37,127,348 $ 41,384,631
$ 529,173,508 $ 409,081,959
In summary, where NHTSA found a net benefit of ESC over RSC ranging from $48
million to $75 million, the Bendix calculated net benefits are significantly higher –
ranging from $409 million to $529 million. Again, these estimates are based on the
higher number of crashes prevented by ESC technology over RSC, along with the
resulting increase in lives saved and injuries reduced. We continue to use the same
original system cost estimates that NHTSA presented in its PRIA.
We feel that our analysis reinforces the performance value of ESC over RSC and
supports our position, as well as the Agency’s findings, that ESC would be the
more beneficial technology to mandate.
R O A D M A P F O R T H E F U T U R E : M A K I N G T H E C A S E F O R F U L L- S TA B I L I T Y 12 : 15 45
A Comment on System Costs
In reviewing both the costs (RSC and ESC) provided to NHTSA by the OEMs, we
are struck by the significant range of costs provided in the PRIA. Cost estimates
for ESC ranged from a low of $470/vehicle to a high of $2080/vehicle – a multiple
of 4.4x between the low and high. The cost estimates provided for RSC provide a
similar wide range – from $300 at the low end to $1500 at the high end – an even
higher multiple of 5.0x. (These costs, as we understand, are above the base
cost for the ABS system which is the foundation for both ESC and RSC stability
systems.) In the end, we don’t see a correlation to the cost differential in the
NHTSA cost estimates to the system supplied costs from Bendix to its OEM
R O A D M A P F O R T H E F U T U R E : M A K I N G T H E C A S E F O R F U L L- S TA B I L I T Y 13 : 1 46
While we are unclear about all of the factors that may drive a cost differential at
the OEM level, we believe this may reflect potential economies of scale for OEMs
that have made stability technology standard on their highway tractors (as well as
motorcoaches). The OEMs that have done so have smaller market shares than
those that have not, and, as such, the market-weighted average may be skewed
higher because of this difference. Along the same lines, the OEMs with larger
market share have a much broader manufacturing experience with RSC.
At present only two major OEMs offer RSC as a published data-book option.
They may experience stronger economies of scale with RSC systems and, hence,
their installed costs may be lower (and with a higher share of market) vs. those that
are not offering RSC. In these situations the opposite occurs – RSC costs in the
NHTSA analysis may be artificially lower due to the larger market shares of OEMs
selling RSC technology.
Understandably, due to confidentiality, the Agency did not provide details regarding
which OEMs provided specific cost estimates. While it is hypothetical, it is not
unreasonable to question the large differential in reported costs between ESC and
RSC systems.
R O A D M A P F O R T H E F U T U R E : M A K I N G T H E C A S E F O R F U L L- S TA B I L I T Y 13 : 2 47
Fred Andersky, director of customer solutions – Controls, and director of government & industry affairs
at Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems LLC, is a marketing professional who has spent countless hours
in discussions about active safety technologies with commercial vehicle fleets and owner-operators
throughout North America. Possessing a CDL in Ohio, Andersky spearheads a variety of demonstration
events across the country, enabling commercial vehicle industry participants to witness, firsthand, the
benefits of advanced safety technologies. During his tenure with Bendix, Andersky has become a strong
advocate for active safety technologies that are designed to advance commercial vehicle safety. He has
presented to, and worked alongside, a variety of industry, regulatory, and legislative groups regarding
the importance of active safety technologies for commercial vehicles.
Bendix safety technologies complement safe driving practices and are not intended to enable or encourage aggressive
driving. No commercial vehicle safety technology replaces a skilled, alert driver exercising safe driving techniques and
proactive, comprehensive driver training. Responsibility for the safe operation of the vehicle remains with the driver at all times.
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