A S Vanet MAC P DSRC A: Ecure Rotocol For Pplications
A S Vanet MAC P DSRC A: Ecure Rotocol For Pplications
A S Vanet MAC P DSRC A: Ecure Rotocol For Pplications
Abstract — Vehicular ad hoc networking is an and decision / control actions in support of these
important component of Intelligent Transportation objectives. Communication-based active safety is viewed
Systems. The main benefit of vehicular ad hoc network as the next logical step towards proactive safety systems.
(VANET) communication is seen in active safety systems These systems provide an extended information horizon to
that increase passenger safety by exchanging warning warn the driver or the vehicle of potentially dangerous
messages between vehicles. Other applications and situations at an early stage. The allocation of 75 MHz in
private services are also permitted in order to lower the the 5.9 GHz frequency band licensed for DSRC in North
cost and to encourage VANET deployment and adoption. America, which supports seven separate channels, may
Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) is a key also enable the future delivery of rich multimedia contents
enabling technology for VANET applications and to vehicles at short- to medium-range via either V2V or
services. There are many challenges that must be V2R VANET links [2] [3].
addressed before VANETs can be successfully deployed. In spite of the ongoing academic and industrial research
Among these challenges is designing of security efforts on VANETs, many research challenges remain.
mechanisms to secure VANETs against abuse, and From the network perspective, security is one of the most
designing of efficient medium access control (MAC) significant challenges. Vehicle safety applications are
protocols so that safety related and other application among the major drivers for VANETs. Where people’s
messages can be timely and reliably disseminated through lives are at stake, it is of course essential to secure
VANETs. In this paper we propose a secure MAC VANETs against abuse. On the other hand, like all the
protocol for VANETs, with different message priorities other wireless networks, a MAC protocol should play a
for different types of applications to access DSRC crucial role in scheduling application packet transmissions
channels. Our simulations and analysis show that the fairly and efficiently in VANETs, according to the quality
proposed MAC protocol can provide secure of service (QoS) requirements of the applications.
communications while guarantee the reliability and
In this paper, we propose a secure MAC protocol for
latency requirements of safety related DSRC applications
VANETs, with different message priorities for different
for VANETs.
types of applications to access DSRC channels. The secure
communication protocol is designed using time-stamp,
Keywords: VANET, security, safety, MAC, DSRC.
digital signature, and trust certificate to guarantee the
freshness of the message, message authentication and
1. INTRODUCTION integrity, message non-repudiation, and privacy and
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) have been anonymity of the senders.
developed to improve the safety, security and efficiency of In the rest of this paper, we first give a brief
the transportation systems and enable new mobile background on VANETs in Section 2. We present our
applications and services for the traveling public. The field secure MAC protocol for VANET DSRC applications in
of inter-vehicular communications (IVC), including both Section 3, followed by simulation and performance
vehicle-to-vehicle communications (V2V) and vehicle-to- analysis in Section 4. Conclusions are given in Section 5.
roadside communications (V2R), also known as VANET, is
recognized as an important component of ITS in various 2. BACKGROUND ON VANETS
national plans [1]. The ITS architecture provides a
framework for the much needed overhaul of the highway 2.1. VANET BASICS AND STANDARDS
information system infrastructure. The immediate impacts In a VANET, each vehicle is equipped with the
include alleviating the vehicular traffic congestions and technology that allows the vehicle to communicate with
improving operation management in support of public safety each other as well as with the roadside infrastructure, e.g.,
goals, such as collision avoidance. Equipping vehicles with base stations also known as roadside units (RSUs), located
various kinds of on-board sensors, and V2V and V2R in some critical sections of the road, such as traffic lights,
communication capabilities will allow large-scale sensing intersections, or stop signs, to improve the driving
Figure 2. DSRC Channel assignment in North America Internet Access Class 4 500 Event 300
Group Communications Class 4 500 Event 300
The IEEE has completed the standards IEEE P1609.1, Roadside Service Finder Class 4 500 Event 300
Class 4
[6] Qing Xu, Tony Mak, Jeff Ko, and Raja Sengupta,
“Vehicle-to-Vehicle Safety Messaging in DSRC”,
Proceedings of the 1st ACM international workshop
5 on Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANET’04), October
1, 2004, Philadelphia, PA.
[7] Yi Qian, and Nader Moayeri, “Design Secure and
0 20 40 60 80 100
Application-Oriented VANETs”, Proceedings of IEEE
VTC’2008-Spring, Singapore, May 11-14, 2008.
Number of Nodes
[8] Maxim Raya, Panos Papadimitratos, and Jean-Pierre
Figure 8. Delay vs. the number of nodes Hubaux, “Securing Vehicular Communications”,
IEEE Wireless Communications, October 2006.
In Fig.7, we show the throughput performance of the [9] Maxim Raya, and Jean-Pierre Hubaux, “Securing
proposed MAC scheme. We can observe that, when the vehicular ad hoc networks”, Journal of Computer
number of nodes in the network is small, all traffic will be Security, Vol.15, No.1, pp.39-68, 2007.
accepted and be increased linearly with the increasing of the [10] Xiaodong Lin, Xiaoting Sun, Pin-Han Ho, and
number of nodes. However, if the number of nodes increases Xuemin Shen, “GSIS: A Secure and Privacy-
to a certain value, then the performance of lower classes will Preserving Protocol for Vehicular Communications”,
be decrease, while the throughput of Class 1 can still grow. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol.56,
Figure 8 illustrates the corresponding delay performance No.6, pp.3442-3456, November 2007.
of the proposed scheme. We can see that the average delay [11] Chakkaphong Suthaputchakun, and Aura Ganz,
for Class 1 traffic is rather stable with the increase of the “Secure Priority Based Inter-Vehicle Communication
number of nodes. The other three classes, on the other hand, MAC Protocol for Highway Safety Messaging”,
will be extremely large at certain thresholds. Proceedings of IEEE ISWCS 2007, October 16-19,
2007, Trondheim, Norway.
Vehicular ad hoc networking is a promising wireless
communication technology for improving highway safety
and information services. In this paper we proposed a secure
MAC protocol for VANETs with different message priorities