A Survey On Vanets Security Attacks and Sybil Attack Detection

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International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control, 2016, 6, 45-62 45

A Survey on VANETs Security Attacks and Sybil Attack Detection

Chaitanya Kumar Karn* and Chandra Prakash Gupta

Department of Computer Science & Engineering, University College of Engineering,

RTU, Kota, India

Abstract: With increase in human population and economic development, population

of private vehicles on road has also increased. This has resulted in increased accident
probability and fatalities on the roads. Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) have
shown promise of bringing down road accidents and fatalities thereof by enabling
communication between vehicles. VANETs also allow the road operators to control
and monitor vehicles for rash driving and quick relief. However, these networks face challenges of
Design, Routing, Communication and Security. Use of wireless medium for communication has left
these networks vulnerable to different type of security attacks. One of the important vulnerability in
such networks is caused when a malicious vehicle or RSU is able to acquire multiple identities. The
attack is termed as Sybil Attack. In VANETs, a malicious vehicle may send wrong messages related
to traffic, accident ahead, road closed, etc. This may force the motor driver to take a different route
thus making him prone to an untoward incident. In this paper, we present a survey on different detec-
tion schemes for detecting Sybil attack. Comparison among these schemes is also presented.
Keywords: Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs), VANETs Architecture, Security Attacks, Sybil At-
tack detection.

1. INTRODUCTION WAVE, (i.e. 1609 standards family to Wireless

In recent times, a large number of people are Access in Ad hoc Environment) [3]. Such net-
using private vehicles for transport. This results in works are termed as Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks
an increase in the number of road accidents. Every (VANETs).
year, around 1.3 million people die in road acci- Wide range of safety as well as non-safety ap-
dents worldwide [1]. Road safety can be improved plications has been utilized in VANET enabling
by interchanging the traffic data among the vehi- services like information exchange about accidents
cles. Data exchange among vehicles can be to diminish the variance and thus saving lives.
achieved by creating communication networks Other services corresponding to VANETs are au-
comprising of the moving vehicles. Creating such tomatic toll payment, warning drivers about drastic
networks requires features like self-configuration road conditions, finding the best available route,
and maintaining network connectivity between guided navigation and traffic management in order
mobile vehicles [2]. The network is realized em- to save time as well as fuel. Data sharing reduces
ploying Road Side Units (RSUs) and using Dedi- accidents and also contributes in proving comfort,
cated Short Range Communication (DSRC). The information and entertainment to the travelers.
whole communication is completed by using
Design of VANETs poses several challenges to
the designers. These challenges range from choos-
*Address correspondence to this author at the Department of ing appropriate architecture to establishing reliable
Computer Science & Engineering, University College of communication in VANET. As the vehicles move
Engineering, RTU, Kota, India; Tel: +91 9929012644;
E-mail: ck2009it@gmail.com
at high speeds, marinating communication is also
challenging. The other important challenge is with

2210-3287/16 $58.00+.00 © 2016 Bentham Science Publishers

46 International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control, 2016, Vol. 6, No. 1 Karn and Gupta

regard to data integrity and ensuring protection changes slowly. MANET addressing schemes are
against other security threats. based on attributes and VANET emphasize the
location of the nodes. VANET has a high produc-
In Sybil attack, adversary may assume multiple tion cost in comparison to MANET because of
identities and may create an illusion of traffic con- On-board Units (OBUs), GPS receivers, Road
gestion. In this paper, we present a survey of tech- Side Units (RSUs) etc. The communication range
niques developed for detection on Sybil attack in of nodes in MANET is up to 100 meters with low
VANETs. mobility of nodes whereas in VANETs it is up to
1.1. Organization of the Paper 500 meters with high node mobility resulting in a
short duration of node connections. The highly
Section 2 gives a review of VANETs and Ar- dynamic nodes generating collision in the wireless
chitecture of VANETs. Section 3 describes the dif- medium results in packet delay as well as packet
ferent challenges of vehicular networks. Section 4 loss very frequently and so there is a necessity to
gives a review on Security issues and Attacks. develop a set of effective mechanisms which could
Section 5 describes the Sybil Attack detection guarantee time sensitive communication in a de-
techniques and gives a comparison among them. prived time period. This specific network must be
Finally, Section 6 concludes the paper with some coupled with relevant security architecture that
future directions. forbids various types of security attacks.
2. VEHICULAR AD HOC NETWORKS 2.2. Charectristics of VANETs
These are the following characteristics of
SUN Microsystems, Inc. defines MANET
(Mobile Ad hoc Network) as a self-configurable, VANET [1, 3, 7]:
infrastructure-less network of wireless mobile de- 1) High mobility: The nodes in VANET ordinarily
vices. In MANET, mobile wireless devices are change with different speed and direction. Due
represented as node with irregular moving pattern to high speed of nodes it is difficult to predict
and low mobility. For the purpose of people’s the node’s position and also to protect the vehi-
safety VANET is specifically designed as a sub- cle’s privacy. Vehicles mobility pattern relies
class of MANET [4]. mainly on speed of vehicle, road structure, traf-
fic environment and driver’s driving behavior.
2.1. VANETs
2) Network Topology change quickly: Position of
It is a challenging subclass of MANET which
vehicular node as well as the network topology
enables intelligent communication among vehicles
gets transformed intermittently, because of the
and also between vehicle and roadside infrastruc-
high mobility and random velocity of vehicles.
tures. It is a promising approach for the Intelligent
As the vehicles move at a fast pace, especially
Transport System (ITS). It has a very high dynam-
on roads and highways, they remain within
ic topology and constrained mobility which makes
each other’s communication range for a very
the traditional MANET protocols unsuitable for
short span of time thereby links are established
VANET. Wireless LAN, ad hoc network, cellular
and broken very fast. Basically, changes in
technology and other specific fields have been in-
network topology depend on the driver activi-
tegrated by VANET in order to achieve intelligent
ties, and driver activities depend on received in-
V2V (Vehicle-to-Vehicle) and V2I (Vehicle-to-
formation condition from the other vehicles in
Infrastructure) communication.
the network.
VANET differ from MANET on a number of
3) Communication Environment: In VANET
parameters [5]. In MANET, mobile wireless de-
nodes connect and exchange information via
vices are represented as node with irregular mov-
wireless medium. If we consider a sparse net-
ing pattern and low mobility; whereas in VANET,
work, buildings and trees tend to be vanished
vehicles employ as nodes to create a mobile net-
just like near a highway. While in the case of
work with mostly regular moving pattern and
dense network, buildings and trees specifically
higher mobility. In VANET network topology can
behave as obstacles and so different approaches
change repeatedly because of vehicular node’s
high mobility, whereas in MANET topology are required.
A Survey on VANETs Security International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control, 2016, Vol. 6, No. 1 47

4) Network size: The implementation of VANET network device for a DSRC. The main function
can expand to several cities and even countries of RSU is to extend the communication range
and so the network size of VANET is geo- of network by circulating the information to
graphically confounded. other OBUs and RSUs.
5) Time critical: Time criticalities denote that the Fig. (1) shows, the linking between the vehicles
information must be delivered to the vehicles and RSU that defined in the three different com-
within the specified time limit. After getting in- munication domains are [3]:
formation the vehicular node is able to perform
the respective actions in time. 1) In-vehicle domain: This particular domain sub-
sists of an On Board Unit and one or many ap-
6) Frequent information exchange: In VANET plication units (AU). The OBU grants a com-
data information is more important to make a munication linkage to the application unit in
decision, so exchange of information between order to execute a set of services or applications
vehicles and RSU (Road Side Unit) is required implemented by the RSU.
with frequent disconnection.
2) Ad hoc domain: This domain subsists of On
7) Computational capability: Vehicles are Board Units (OBUs) and Road Side Units
equipped with sufficient sensors for sensing in- (RSUs) that are placed alongside the road. In
formation and computational resources like this domain basically two types of communica-
processors, bulk memory storage and GPS sys- tions are available:
tem, etc. These specified resources escalate the
computation capability of the vehicle or nodes, • Vehicle to vehicle communication through
which helps in obtaining the exact information. OBUs, that grant connection between the
vehicles with fully distributed manner. Vehi-
2.3. VANETs Architecture cles are connecting with other vehicles by
constituting single hop and multi-hop com-
VANET system components comprise of appli- munication.
cation unit (AUs), Road side unit (RSUs) and On
Board Unit (OBUs) [7]. • Vehicle communicates with a Road Side
Unit to escalate the communication range by
1) Application units (AUs): Application Unit (AU) send, receive as well as forward the infor-
is a gadget or device inside the vehicle that can mation from one vehicle to another vehicle.
use applications granted by the RSU via OBU
support. The Application Unit may be consid- 3) Infrastructural domain: Road Side Units
ered as a devoted device basically for safety (RSUs) connect with Internet, granting the On-
applications or a usual device like laptop, PDA, board Unit to access the infrastructure network.
mobile, etc., to use the Internet services. AUs are certified with On-board unit (OBU)
that connects to any internet host.
2) On-board units (OBUs): The On board Unit is a
WAVE device. That is commonly mounted on 3. VANETs CHALLENGES
the vehicle which is used for swapping infor-
mation among RSUs and other vehicle’s OBUs. VANETs Challenges are categorized based on
It comprises a resource command processor, a following Communication, Design, Security and
memory which is mainly used to store and re- Routing.
claim the information and combine to relate 3.1. Communication Challenges
other OBUs. The essential functions of OBU
are data security, reliable message transition, These are the following challenges in vehicular
congestion control, routing and many more. communication [8, 9]:
3) Road side units (RSUs): The Road Side Unit 1) Network Scale: It is a challenge for VANET to
(RSU) is a device mainly alongside the road as define scope and reach of the network, with ap-
seen commonly at junctions or near the parking proximately millions of vehicle. Connecting au-
lots. To get through within the infrastructural thorities guiding the transportation systems and
network, roadside units are armed with one making the layout of a facility to handover the
48 International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control, 2016, Vol. 6, No. 1 Karn and Gupta

AU: Application Unit

OBU: On Board Unit Server 1 Server 2
RSU: Road Side Unit
GW: Gateway


Spot Infrastructure
Ad hoc RSU
RSU Domain RSU
In Vehicle



Fig. (1). VANETs Communication domains.

cryptographic keys also pose a challenge for re- 5) Security: Security of the message contents are
searchers. The solution is to provide any securi- also considered as a big issue. The contents of a
ty architecture for the above. received message must be verified within a
short span of time so as to use the information
2) Network Volatility: Connectivity among the ve-
as soon as possible.
hicles can usually be highly transient and a one-
time event. When, two vehicles or nodes are 6) Authentication: Vehicles should acknowledge
moving on a highway may stay within their to events only when the message senders are
transceiver range of each other or within a verified as legal senders. Accordingly, we need
small number of hops for a finite time period. to substantiate the senders of these messages.
Hence, using password-based secure channels
for communication within this short time span 7) Integrity: Integrity mainly deals with the cohe-
will be absurd. sion of a stream of messages. It ensures that the
messages are received in the order in which
3) Privacy: The Context specific information about they are sent, without any alteration, replays or
vehicles (like coordinates, time intervals, etc.) reordering.
can be used for unambiguous recognition of the
vehicles as sources of message. However, such 8) Accessibility: A sturdy communication channel
type of information requirements increases can still endure some attacks which can bring
stronger privacy concern. For example, driver’s down the network. A critical feature of VANET
biometric system, which is useful to access and security is its digital signature. A variety of
control method of vehicular node, is highly con- techniques for QoS improvement could help to
fidential and unique data which we can’t reset. improve accessibility.
4) Delay aware Applications: Safety applications 9) Reliability: Because the brief communication
correspond to strict deadline for message deliv- time, it is arduous to ensure that reliable mes-
ery. The security mechanisms in these applica- sage reception as well as acknowledgement be-
tions must acquire some constraints into con- tween communication vehicles are in opposite
sideration that demand small processing and direction. In VANET there is a bulk of periodic
message overhead. Otherwise, the attacker can broadcast messages that announce the state of a
easily disrupt the message delivery and deplete vehicle to its neighbors. So in case of announc-
the resources by generating the highest number ing the messages it needs more authenticity.
of fake messages.
A Survey on VANETs Security International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control, 2016, Vol. 6, No. 1 49

3.2. Routing Challenges at the destination point reconstruct the original

Due to the nodal mobility as well as dynamic message from these N pieces. Other challenging
topology, message routing is considered as a prob- issues in ad hoc networks are node cooperation
lem in a dispersed environment. Routing protocols with the Internet, data aggregation, multicast, as
are basically used to discover the route or path for well as the theoretical circumspection of ad hoc
transmission of specified data or data packets. It networks.
comprises of the following challenges [6, 10]:
3.3. Security Challenges
1) Scalability: Routing protocols infer some re- Following challenges must be considered while
strictions for scalability of ad hoc networks. designing VANET architecture, cryptographic al-
The features such as route acquirement, loca- gorithm, security protocols, etc. The security chal-
tion services are require considerable commu- lenges are as follows [7, 11]:
nication overhead, which will increase quickly
with increase in network size. Proactive routing 1) Real Time Processing: VANET is considered to
protocols are not relevant in a variable situa- be time critical application, where secure mes-
tion, because extensive quantity of broadcast sages are dispatched with 100ms spreading de-
messages and change in network topology. Re- lay. Thus, to achieve real time constraint a fast
active routing protocols can be used to deploy cryptographic algorithm must be used. Message
the large networks at the disbursement of in- verification as well as entity authentication
creased route acquisition latency. Minimum must be done in a particular time. The VANET
route acquisition latency is a result of maxi- applications are mainly used for the collision
mum diameter of the network and vehicle tra- avoidance, accident warning information,
versal time for the route demand. Likewise, it which requires a strict deadline for message de-
demands for small dormancies for route acqui- livery.
sition that limits the network size.
2) Data Consistency: In VANET malicious activi-
2) Quality of Service (QoS) with Network Scale: ties can be performed by even authenticated
QoS is demanded to meet out the rising re- nodes, which could be reason accidents. Hence,
quirements of different applications of the In- need to design a mechanism to avoid this irreg-
ternet. QoS is an assurance by the network to ularity. Correlation amid the received infor-
grant certain performance criteria for a flow in mation from different nodes might avoid this
condition of quantities of bandwidth, jitter, de- kind of disparity.
lay and packet loss probability many more fea-
tures. Channel characteristics regularly diversi- 3) Distribution of Encryption Keys: All the securi-
fy unpredictably with the complexity of sharing ty mechanisms enforced in VANET are reliant
a communication medium with neighbors, each on encryption keys in V2V and V2I communi-
with its own varying requirements. Due to the cation. Every message is encrypted as well as
nature of ad-hoc networks, the QoS network decrypted either with the same or different
scale can’t be assured for a long time cause of keys. In PKI, trust on certification authority be-
comes an issue. Key distribution among vehi-
abrupt variations in link quality in VANETs.
cles also a major challenge in designing a secu-
3) Security: Due to the lack of any centralized rity protocol.
network for managing security, vitally changing
wireless structure becomes very susceptible to 4) Tradeoff between Authentication and Privacy:
Message authentication is requisite to trail the
eavesdropping etc. Possibility of malicious at-
vehicles for recognition. Therefore a system
tack increases as the nodes use shared medium
in a secure environment. Security is mainly needs to be introduced that enables the messag-
es to be unreadable to other nodes but readable
concentrated on secure data forwarding. The
more serious difficulty considering this factor is by central authorities.
possible the risk of a vehicle being captured and 5) Message Security: The message contents
compromised. Another approach is to secure should be secluded from any changes or unau-
routing by dividing data into N pieces that is thorized access. Reliability does not essentially
sent along distinguished separate routes. Later, mean message sender’s recognition. The re-
50 International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control, 2016, Vol. 6, No. 1 Karn and Gupta

ceiver of message is not only ensuring that the generally inlay a GPS receiver in each and eve-
sender generates this message, but it also knows ry vehicle. But GPS which comes under satel-
about the activeness of the senders. lite based positioning scheme present a few un-
desired complications such as unavailability.
6) Access Control: Some unambiguous services Therefore, various provincial approaches have
are provided by RSUs or infrastructure nodes been suggested for figuring out the spots of ve-
that are determined locally by policies. As a hicles; especially map matching is a differential
component of access control, authorization es- GPS technique, cellular localization and an
tablishes that what permissions are allowed to analogous distributed ad hoc localization. A
each node in VANET. single approach taken can’t appease all the ne-
7) Jamming: An attacker easily able to separate cessities of critical operations concurrently,
the whole network, without compromising such as checking the availability at any specific
cryptographic mechanisms and through finite location on particular time, with immensely ac-
transmission power. curate and predictable position computation.

8) Impersonation: An attacker acts as an artifice 4) Frequent link disconnections: The highly am-
emergency vehicle to give the wrong impres- bulatory vehicles ordinarily travel at immense
sion to other vehicles to slow down and give speed, exclusively on highways (i.e., over 100
up. An adversary can also impersonate RSUs km/hr).Due to that frequent disconnected com-
by spoofing service advertisements or defense munication links has been established between
messages. So an impersonator can be a hazard. a source and a destination.
Message fabrication, alteration, and replay can 5) Geographical dispatching of object: The sub-
be used as impersonation. stantial area of a vehicle is important for many
3.4. Design Challenges operations to achieve data communication that
needs a geographical dispatch.
The prevailing approaches are non-efficient and
these challenges can’t be instantly applied in 6) Collaboration with new Networks: The com-
VANETs. Present design challenges for VANETs munity considering VANET is anticipated to
are [12]: collaborate with new people, operations and
services in different networks like the sensor
1) Eminently Disparate Vehicular Networks: The networks, internet, local area networks and
logical relation across distinct wireless net- wide area networks. This collaboration can be
working automations under a time fluctuating convenient to grant a better service to the user,
network topology is very convoluted in particu- like information about the traffic settings,
lar for quality of service, routing, node address- weather, as well as the routes.
ing and security. These particulars would re-
quire coexistence of numerous different wire- 7) Variable Network Density: VANET topology in
less networks in order to provide universal ac- urban schemes can have thousands of vehicles
cess to broadband services. in a comparatively small region. It is important
to plot the protocols in order to avert collision
2) Data Administration and Depot: This approach and communication faults. Nevertheless, in
maps to the extensive vehicular networks that highway scheme the topology is inadequate and
will develop the massive amount of dispersed the more relatedness or less intermittent. This
data. Therefore, it must be hoarded in some par- scheme proposes the necessity of protocols
ticular way using lots of vehicles distributed cognizant of these separations. Also, the vehi-
across the VANET. Because of this feature, the cles which transits in both schemes need to ac-
colossal scale, the size of the network and ex- custom their demeanor to these network mass
tents of composing data poses threats to the da- fluctuations in order to provide a better data re-
ta administration. location.
3) Provincial systems: Safety applications being 8) Network Management: Due to the highly mo-
critical in vehicular networks. Therefore it re-
bile and constantly changing network topology,
quires more and more decisions and authentic
we cannot value the network structures like tree
localization systems. In VANET network we
A Survey on VANETs Security International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control, 2016, Vol. 6, No. 1 51

structure, because these designs cannot be ar- [17], as shown in Fig. (2) and gave little descrip-
ranged and checked like constantly as the net- tion in Table 1.
work topology changed.
1) Confidentiality: Confidentiality implies an as-
4. SECURITY ISSUES AND ATTACKS IN surance that data will not be disclosed to unau-
VANETs thorized receivers. It can be achieved by using a
The communication packets encompass life cryptographic technique.
critical information and so it is compulsory to en- 2) Data integrity: The integrity of exchanged data
sure that these packets are not altered or created by ensures that the data has not been modified in
the attackers and the same packet is delivered transit.
within the time. So, security in VANETs should
satisfy four specific goals such as message integri- 3) Authentication: It is the process of establishing
ty, information authenticity, source authentication vehicle’s identity prior to ceding access to the
and privacy [13]. network.
4.1. Types of Attackers 4) Availability: Availability certifies the network
The attacker tends to generate troubles or diffi- to be functional and that appropriate infor-
culty for other users of the network. Attackers are mation is available at any time.
categorizing according to the scope, nature, and 5) Access Control: According to the permission
behavior of attacks. They are classified as follows granted to users, vehicles can access specific
[14, 15, 16]: type of resource in VANETS.
1) Insiders Vs Outsiders: The insider nodes can 5. SYBIL ATTACK IN VANETs
communicate with other nodes and can attack in
distinct ways while outsider nodes have a finite Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) are be-
capacity to perform an attack. Insider attackers ing increasingly advocated for traffic control, ac-
can create problem by changing certificate cident avoidance, and management of parking lots
keys. In other words, insider attacker is a right and public areas. Security and privacy are two ma-
man doing a wrong job. jor concerns in VANETs. Unfortunately, in
VANETs, most privacy-preserving schemes are
2) Rational Vs Malicious: Malicious attackers use vulnerable to Sybil attack.
distinct methods in order to damage the net-
work without any personal benefit. While in the 5.1. Sybil Attack
case of rational attackers they follow some pat- Use of wireless medium for communication has
tern with expect some personal benefit from the left these networks vulnerable to Sybil attack. A
attack. Sybil Attack is caused in VANET when a mali-
3) Active Vs Passive: Basically, Active attackers cious vehicle or RSU is able to acquire multiple
are able to generate new packets to attack identities. A Sybil attacker sends numerous mes-
VANETs whereas passive attacker eavesdrop sages with a distinct false identity to other vehicles
the wireless channel but they can’t generate in queue. It creates an illusion or confusion among
new packets. Passive attackers are less harmful another vehicle in the same track. There are basi-
than Active attackers. cally two types of nodes [18]; (a) Malicious node:
Nodes that prank other node identities and (b)
To achieve their goals, attackers exploit man- Sybil node: Additional identities created by the
power, tools and budget that are the three main malicious node to attack are known as Sybil nodes.
key resources for attacking. A proper budget is Sybil node identities are of two types: actually ex-
required to borrow technical expertise as well as isting node (S  N) and outside the network node
tools for launching the attacks. (S N) , where N represents a set of all vehicles and
S is the collection of Sybil nodes [19]. As the mes-
4.2. Classification of Attacks sages are broadcast over the shared wireless com-
VANETs are prone to distinct types of threats munication medium, consequently a Sybil Attack-
and attacks. To keep VANETs secure from at- er can easily fabricate or stolen additional identi-
tacks, they must possess the following attributes ties to launch the Attack.
52 International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control, 2016, Vol. 6, No. 1 Karn and Gupta

Table 1. Classification of Security Attacks in VANETs.

1. Sybil Attack: In Sybil Attack, A malicious vehicle transmits the various messages with multiple fake or stolen
source identity to other vehicles in the network. When malicious vehicle send some wrong messages (like more traf-
fic, Accident Ahead messages, etc.) to generates illusion for a different motor vehicle. Attacker constitutes numerous

vehicles with the some identity to force other vehicles to make way for attacker and leave the road.
2. Node Impersonation Attack: All the vehicles in vehicular networks have exclusive recognition. It becomes neces-
sary when an accident happens. In node impersonation attack, an attacker or malicious vehicle can change his id and
acts as a real message originator. Attacker can change or modify contents of the message for his benefits. Shown in
Fig. (3).
3. Key or Certificate Replication attack: The attack consist use of duplicate keys or certificates which can be used as
proof of identification and to create ambiguity and making it more difficult to identify a vehicle.
1. Denial of service (DoS) attack: Major purpose behind a DOS attack is to prevent legitimate users from accessing
the network services and resources. In same way, DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack works where attacker
uses different locations for launch the DoS attack. Attackers can use dissimilar time slots to launching attack.
2. Black Hole: In black hole attack, vehicle refuses to participate in network or a traditional vehicle connection drops
out to form a black hole. This attack makes all the data and control packets to redirect to a specified vehicle which

do not exist or is not identifiable.

3. Malware Attacks: Malware attacks are just similar to viruses in VANET which hampers the normal procedure of
the network. VANET may get infected by malware attacks when there is any software update into the VANET com-
ponents or RSUs. The effect of a malware is similar to the effect of viruses and worms in an ordinary computer net-
4. Spamming attack: As in a web environment, the spam messages such as advertisements have no utility for users.
In a VANET, this type of attack aims to consume bandwidth.
1. ID Disclosure: This is a passive attack, in which the attacker send malicious program code to the target node’s
neighbors and collects required data. They seize Identity and location information of the target node. With this iden-
Access Control

tity of target vehicle’s gets disclosed and they lose privacy of them. In this, global observer can access their data by
monitoring the route of the target vehicle. For this purpose attacker can use the RSU (Road Side Unit). E.g. payment
companies utilize this approach to maintain track of their motor vehicle movement.
2. Timing attack: It involves delaying the transmission of messages with high constraints on propagation delay, and
transmitting them after some time thereby preventing their treatment in a normal way.
1. Eavesdropping Attack: It is the most important attack over the VANET network against confidentiality. To per-
form this attack, attackers can be a vehicle or a false RSU. They show that they are the part of the network but their
goal is to illegally get access to confidential data.
2. Man in the Middle Attack: In the MIMA attack, attackers control all communication between dispatcher and re-
cipient, but they assume that, they are directly communicating with each other. Attacker listens in communication

between legal vehicles and inject fake or modified message between communicating vehicles.
3. Home Attack: In Home Attack, attacker seize control of the legitimate vehicle (software, sensor, hardware) by
using the help of internet to generate some wrong message, change sensor behavior, increase or decrease the vehicle
4. Social Attack: The basic idea of this attack is to create confusion by sending unethical and unmoral message
hence, the driver gets disturbed. It affects the driving of motor vehicle which indirectly creates trouble for VANET.
Fig. (4) is shown that the Attacker send message “You are an Idiot” to nearby vehicles. When the vehicle receives
this message it may distress his driving (he may increase speed or rash drive etc) indirectly disrupting the normal
network and VANET scenario.
A Survey on VANETs Security International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control, 2016, Vol. 6, No. 1 53

(Table 1) contd….

1. Bogus Information: In this attack, the insider or legitimate user broadcast fake information on the network to have
an effect on the decisions of other vehicles in network.
2. Non-repudiation: It is the verification that data was sent with vehicle credentials so that without any denial data
can be associated with sender’s vehicles. It aims to avoid one entity to deny having done some action. It ensures that
a driver cannot deny having done an action.
Data integrity

3. Masquerading attack: In this attack, the attacker is hidden using a valid identity (called a mask), and produce false
messages that appear to be originating from an authentic node. For example, A malicious node attempts to act as an
emergency vehicle and cheat other vehicles.
4. Replay attack: It consists in replaying (broadcast) a message already sent to take the benefit of the message at the
moment of its submission. Therefore, the attacker injects it again in the network packets previously received. Replay
attack is generally performed by non-legitimate users.
5. Message Fabrication/Alteration: As its name implies, this attack harms the integrity of the message. It consists of
modifying, deleting, constructing or altering existing data in message. The attacker can also delete a part of the mes-
sage which helps him achieving its intended purpose.

VANET Attacks on

Authentication Availability Access Control Confidentiality Data Integrity

¾Sybil Attack ¾DoS Attack ¾ID Disclosure ¾Eavesdropping ¾Bogus Information

¾Node ¾Black Hole ¾Timing Attack ¾Man in Middle ¾Non-Repudiation
Impersonation Attack Attack ¾Masquerading
¾Key Certificate ¾Malware Attack ¾Home Attack ¾Reply Attack
¾Replication ¾Spamming Attack ¾Social Attack ¾Message Fabrication
/ Alteration

Fig. (2). Classification of Security Attacks.

Accident at
Don’t Know Location Z
About Accident


Fig. (3). Node Impersonation Attack.

You are
an Idiot


Fig. (4). Social Attack.

54 International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control, 2016, Vol. 6, No. 1 Karn and Gupta

Traffic Internet


Sybil Node 1


Sybil Attacker Victim Node

Sybil Node 2

Fig. (5). The victim node thinks that more than one vehicle is sending the event messages whenever the fake traffic
messages are sent by Sybil attacker with fake nodes (sybil1 and Sybil2).

In Fig. (5), initially the accident warning mes- is also able to disturb the head selection mecha-
sage is observed by victim vehicle that is sent by a nism.
participant vehicle. The Victim’s vehicle does not
worry because the reason is that the observed mes- 2) Voting system is very helpful for gathering and
sage is arriving from a participant vehicle. How- verifying some valuable information for various
ever, when more than one vehicle report same applications. Sybil nodes can change voting re-
emergency or disaster event, afterward the first sults at the time of reporting and identifying
victim node transmits message to the entire other misbehavior of the node and position verifica-
vehicles in the network. When receivers receive tion of vehicles.
the event message, then it may forward this mes- 3) Provocation of malicious behavior with spread-
sage to notify the other vehicles. This may be cre- ing actions, the attacker executes over the fake
ating hazards for passenger’s life. These fake iden- identities.
tities are used to create illusions by Sybil Attacker.
When the Sybil Attackers are increase in the net- 4) Internet polls can be controlled by this attack by
work, then they are able to gain control of the using multiple identities (IPs) and the result can
whole network. A Sybil Attacker can create a be made in their favor.
number of Sybil Nodes (May possibly from one to 5) Sybil node affects the resource allocation due to
total vehicles in the network) that depends on multiple identities. It can obtain an unfair share
memory storage, message sending and computa- of resources.
tion resources of the attacker.
6) Sybil attacks can also decrease the trust of legit-
5.2. Effect of Sybil Attack imate node.
Sybil node may affect on some network ser- 5.3. Sybil Attack Detection Approaches
vices such as routing, network congestion, re-
source allocation, decision making. These may de- The main purpose behind the ‘Sybil Attack’
crease performance and service Excellency of the Detection is to make sure that each physical node
networks. is bound with a valid unique identity. There are
some approaches for Sybil Attack detection with
Some protocols and applications that can be af- their limitations as follows:
fected by the Sybil Attack in VANETs as follows
[15, 20]: Chen et al. [21] proposed a ‘Robust Sybil At-
tack Detection’ approach based on motion trajec-
1) To disturb the route generation in multipath or tories differences of vehicles. The author has as-
geographic routing algorithms, by appearing at sumed that people driving vehicles on their indi-
the various places in generating routes. Also, in vidual path, chosen speed, and maintains some dis-
cluster- based routing protocols, Sybil attacker tance from other vehicular nodes for traffic or pas-
A Survey on VANETs Security International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control, 2016, Vol. 6, No. 1 55

senger safety. Therefore, each vehicle can detect Drawbacks: In this approach the privacy of
attacks independently with little support from nodes is not preserved. Vehicles are able to create
RSUs. In this approach, RSUs are made available a new trajectory using a new public key; this free-
vehicle’s digital signatures along with timestamp dom can be misused by malicious vehicle by gen-
periodically or on-demand. Each motor vehicle is erating multiple trajectories.
able to independently record these signatures and
utilize them during the measure and compare the In [22], Park et al. proposes an approach with
differences from neighboring node’s signature roadside unit support based on ‘timestamp series’.
vectors to detect Sybil nodes as given in Table 2. This method does not make use of VPKI (Vehicu-
lar Public Key Infrastructure) and RSUs with in-
In this technique the digital signatures along ternet accessibility. This makes it a suitable inex-
with timestamp are broadcast by using infrastruc- pensive solution for VANET. RSUs are not re-
ture only. Therefore, this is a very effective, robust sponsible for managing vehicle's public keys,
and distinct approach with high detection rate and RSUs are only issue timestamps. These
minimum system requirements. While the motor timestamps are digitally signed by each RSU that
vehicle comes into the RSUs range, vehicle re- can increase message size. So, that is minimized
quests for authorized messages from RSU. This by using an aggregated timestamp. Vehicle gener-
authorized message from RSU to a vehicle is a ates a timestamp request which needs to be veri-
proof that this particular vehicle is present at that fied by RSU for certificate correctness. If invalid,
particular time in its range. Authorized messages RSU will not give a response. Otherwise, RSU
can be used to identify a vehicle as message would extracts previous timestamp information and com-
be different at different location. When a vehicle bine it with current timestamp to generate a new
travels through road it collects all the authorized aggregate timestamp.
the messages to form a trajectory using a public
key. Basically, in this approach as mentioned in Fig.
(6), when a vehicle passes through a RSU it ac-
quires certified timestamp that is signed by the
Table 2. Authorized RSU’s Signatures gathered by RSU. A motor vehicle sent a traffic message,
vehicles. which contains a timestamp series to confirm that
when a vehicle passes through the last few RSUs.
Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle It is unusual to have two vehicles passing through
Time multiple RSUs at the similar time, because each
P Q R R’
vehicles moves with different dynamics. Based on
T0 RSU 3 RSU 2 RSU 1 RSU 1 this fact, when a receiver vehicle receives numer-
ous messages with same timestamp series can be
T1 RSU 4 RSU 5 RSU 4 RSU 4
detected as Sybil Attack.
T2 None RSU 3 RSU 2 RSU 2
T3 RSU 1 None RSU 5 RSU 5

A vehicular node can detect existing Sybil

nodes by executing number of steps as follows.
Firstly gather information for e.g. Vehicle V asks
k-dimension signature vectors of all neighboring
nodes that are currently active. Then, it computes
the difference between the values of neighboring Fig. (6). Timestamp series approach.
nodes. Second is Judging: It is an analysis process
based on statistics to judge difference among the Drawbacks: An Attacker may use the complex
signature vectors. If all vectors are normal, then no roadways in urban scenario to introduce a Sybil
Sybil Attack, otherwise a possible attack (Sybil attack. As shown in Fig. (7), vehicle V attempts to
attack) exists; and last is Classification, A mali- create two separate timestamp requests to R3 with
cious node can generate more Sybil node; these the timestamps obtained from R1 and R2 RSUs.
Sybil nodes are included in a Sybil set. Vehicle V uses these two separate timestamps to
56 International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control, 2016, Vol. 6, No. 1 Karn and Gupta

send two Sybil messages. In this approach a single Tong et al. [24] proposed a privacy preserved
vehicle cannot prevent to acquire multiple solution “P2DAP” (Privacy-preserved Detection
timestamps from an RSU. If RSUs are located near Abuse of Pseudonyms) to detect Sybil attacks. In
intersections, then an Attacker stops his vehicle this scheme, authors assume Department of motor
near RSU and collects multiple timestamps with vehicle (DMV) as a trusted entity, road side unit
extended time variation. Due to different values of (RSU) as a semi trusted entity while vehicles are
timestamps vehicle V is able to send Sybil mes- considered non-trusted. DMV maintains vehicle
sages. records and issue pseudonyms to the vehicles for
preserve the Privacy. These pseudonyms are also
used by vehicular nodes to communicate in a se-
cure manner.
RSU 1 RSU 3 In “P2DAP” approach both RSU and DMV are
able to verify whether pseudonyms belong to simi-
lar pool or not. In pseudonyms generation process
DMV hashes each pseudonym by public key and
private key to find hash results as ‘coarse grained
RSU 2 hash’ and ‘fine grained hash’. Some pseudonyms
with a fine grain hash are belonging to a specific
Fig. (7). Vehicle V can obtain two dissimilar certifi- coarse grained group. All of the pseudonyms in
cates from RSU3 by using certificate of RSU1 and each subgroup are allocated to a vehicle. At the
RSU2. yearly vehicle’s registration time a distinctive
‘pseudonyms subgroup of fine grained’ assigned
Hao et al. [23] proposed a cooperative position to each vehicle by the DMV. At the first, RSUs
based protocol for highway scenario. The vehicles overhear message communication. After that, they
are detected and quarantine ‘Sybil attacks’ locally sign a specific event by inserting pseudonyms and
based on vehicle’s geographic position. Short their calculated coarse grained hash values into a
group signature protocols are used to provide pri- list. Different pseudonyms with same coarse
vacy for vehicles. The ‘(t,n) threshold’ signature grained hash values are marked as suspicious.
protocol used to identify the attack. RSU send these suspicious pseudonyms to the
There are three phases named as probing, con- DMV for generating fined grained hash values.
firmation and quarantine. In probing, Vehicles pe- The attack is unavoidable if these fine grained
hash values are same. As only DMV knows the
riodically transmitting own geographic infor-
fine grained hash key values, the attacker reveals
mation with the indexes of behind M vehicles and
only the coarse grained hash key values from a
front M vehicles of the vehicle. Second is Confir-
compromised RSU. In this method, RSUs reduces
mation, assume that vehicles at the suspect side as
communication overhead by executing many
S-vehicles and O-vehicles are opposite side vehi-
DMV tasks.
cles for convenience. When any vehicle observed
an anomaly then notify to other vehicles with sig- Drawbacks: This Approach is not designed for
nificantly suspected vehicle’s index by using par- large, heavy network traffic. DMV becomes a bot-
tial private key and afterward transmit warning tleneck because of Excessive communication in
message. When anomaly is observed in probing, the network. Initial infrastructure for vehicles reg-
then vehicles are cooperatively confirming attacks istration and detecting Sybil attack make it com-
possibility. If the vehicles are more than threshold plicated to use this technique, especially when mo-
value that are believed in existing of attack, then tor vehicle are traveling between different coun-
suspect vehicle will be quarantined. tries with different VANET standards.
Drawbacks: This protocol is not suitable to de- In [25] Triki et al. propose a RFID (Referance
tect multiple Sybil nodes. It can detect only a sin- Identity) based solution to detect and prevent Sybil
gle Sybil node. This scheme Works only for high- attacks in VANETs. In this approach, attacker is
way scenario, not for urban. When O-vehicles in- identified with the following two steps. Firstly
volve in confirmation procedure, then it create RFID tags are used by vehicles for authentication
more communication overhead and consume time. to RSU and obtain a short lifetime certificate from
A Survey on VANETs Security International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control, 2016, Vol. 6, No. 1 57

RSU. Then these certificates are used for authenti- sequence number and SCIDs. If an attack is de-
cate to the other vehicles. In this approach, a net- tected then AODV select alternate path to transfer
work is split up into multiple zones. Each zone the data. This approach improves the performance
consists of several RSUs and a zone controller of the network in terms of the packet delivery ra-
(called Road Side Controller (RSC)) is selected tio, routing overhead and end to end delay. In
from them. A certification authority (CA) is con- AODV protocols, there is a very less delay in the
nected to each RSC of a zone. The RSC is elected route discovery because the path is mostly availa-
based on criteria such as middlemost RSU, most ble when source need to send a packet, so it shows
visited RSU or least overloaded RSU. A set of ob- better performance when compared with other ap-
servers is integrated with the vehicles, RSUs, and proaches.
RSCs. They are in charge of collecting, exchang-
ing, and analyzing the history of data related to In [27] Shone et al. proposed a scheme that us-
sensitive events. es an encryption method to detect Sybil attack and
provides four safety aspects viz. Authentication,
This algorithm follows a fourfold approach. privacy, Data Integrity and Non-repudiation. In
First, it uses RFID tags in vehicles containing Ve- this scheme a whole country or city is divided into
hicle Identification Number (VIN). Authentica- different regions. In each region two keys (public-
tions of vehicles are done by RSUs and RSCs key and authentication key) are needed for com-
when they pass the zone. Vehicle’s privacy is pre- munication.
served during authentication, as the VIN is never
transmitted within the vehicular network. Second, This scheme assumes that each CA (certifica-
it prevents vehicle tracking by attackers because tion Authority) manages its own local public key
vehicles identities get changed as they request new legitimate in its area and CA is a trusted entity that
certificate from RSUs whenever they enter in the holds initial information & certification of vehi-
new zone. Third, by distributing detection mecha- cles. Each vehicle must be registered in a region
nisms among RSUs and vehicles observers, it re- and collect region’s public authentication key
duces the overhead in RSCs. Fourth; attacker’s (PUAK) before transmitting any messages. For
identification is instant, which allows immediate signing a message, vehicles use its own private
response to detect Sybil attack. For avoiding false key & encryption function and send it to another
positives, RSU checks whether a vehicle gets an- vehicle and RSU. Then receivers are also can vali-
other certificate in the current zone with the help date the transmitted data integrity by computing
of alert received from neighbor RSC and RSU. If the Hash value. In the same way, CA can detect
attack detected, the RSU confirms and broadcast the Sybil attack. However, the secret key of CA is
an alert of a Sybil attack to all other RSUs in the not available at RSU, thus RSUs cannot decrypt
zone. the messages.

Drawbacks: The mechanism of new Certificate Drawbacks: Most of the computations are done
generation, updating of certificate revocation lists by a Certification Authority (CA), hence this
(CRL) and communication with RSC generates method require more computation resources at
more workload on network entities. RSC failure Certification Authority. One of the problems in
may lead to failure of the whole network. this proposed scheme is that, if vehicles move to
other regions, detection of Sybil attack not possi-
In [26] Gill et al. propose, as an extension of ble.
the Ad Hoc on Demand Distance Vector (AODV)
Routing protocol. AODV is a multi-hop reactive Prakash et al. [28] proposed an improved ses-
routing protocol, which purely works on demand sion key method to dynamically generate local cer-
basis. tificates for the vehicles to communicate within
the range of the RSU. In this scheme, session key
To detect the Sybil attack a new filed is intro- is used to detect the vehicles ID, so that they can
duced in AODV named as SCID (Secondary iden- be tracked easily and attack could be avoided.
tity). It maintains a UID (unique identity) of each
vehicle. In AODV data packet, SCID and se- This method utilizes each vehicle’s unique
quence number is used to detect the Sybil attack. It identity (UID), session expiration time (T), and
is nearly impossible for any attacker to have same three keys viz. Master Key, private key & public
58 International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control, 2016, Vol. 6, No. 1 Karn and Gupta

key for security. The procedure of local certificate In [30] Sakthivel et al. suggest a ‘Self Orga-
generation is as follows. Firstly in the authentica- nized public key management System’ to allow
tion process, each vehicle’s UID and Master Key users to generate a key pair (public and private).
are registered in main server, which generates a This key pair is used for issue certificates and to
commitment identity (CID) by using a hash func- perform authentication on the network without any
tion and send it to local RSUs. Local RSU will central authority.
validate vehicle’s CID in main server. If the CID
is not registered in main server, then access is de- In this system vehicular nodes are adapted to
nied. Afterward, local RSU will generate a session perform some actions in a self organized way to
key by using the ECC algorithm and local certifi- discover and remove Sybil trajectory, to preserve
cate for the vehicle and then store in database. location privacy of nodes and to fast detect RSUs
This local certificate is later sent to the vehicle, as failure. During Computational process, Euler’s
its legal proof through which any other vehicle can totient function and Euclidean Algorithm are used
validate for some fixed time duration (T). If any- to generate public and private key pair. A message
how, it is found that the vehicle certificate is mis- verification process carried out by checking Vehi-
matched with that possessed by RSU then it is as- cle ID, Public key of the vehicle, RSU’s private
sumed that a Sybil node has performed using false key, analyzing the entry time and by verifying the
identity. partial signature on the message to be signed by a
legitimate previous RSU.
Drawbacks: CIDs sent by vehicle in each mes-
sage can be exploited by malicious vehicles for Drawbacks: This scheme is inefficient because
message broadcasting. every time when we need to identify a vehicle, all
messages in the sequence need to be verified. If an
The Sybil attack detection is very difficult in RSU is compromised, the attacker can generate
city environment because of location privacy of fake legal trajectories.
vehicles and short transmissions among the vehi-
cles due to high mobility. Bandil et al. [29] pro- In [31] Garg et al. proposed an Enhanced
posed ‘Location Hidden Authorized Message Lightweight Sybil Attack Detection Technique
Generation’ Scheme, which is a threshold Elgamal which requires no extra hardware or antennae.
based key management strategy for security
against compromised RSU. RSU signature on This approach includes detection based on four
message are unknown to signer due to the position parameters, i.e. speed, energy, frequency and la-
information of the RSU is unknown to resulted tency and their threshold values which are either
authorized message. We can identify a vehicle by predefined or average of them in network. The
observing that if two authorized messages are nodes whose speed, energy, frequency and laten-
signed in the given time period by same RSU. CA cy value is less than their corresponding threshold
contains all the secrets and has liabilities to solve values are identified as legitimate nodes. In this
disputation and recovery at the highest protection approach, initial network is set up by initializing
level. RSUs are used to share out a key and storage threshold values of network parameters. When a
space for vehicle data. If RSU is compromised in new/unknown node enters into network and its
VANETs then the data cannot be transformed suc- address has not been known by network before,
cessfully. This scheme is used for safeguarding all its parameters are checked i.e. Speed, energy,
VANETs from the compromised RSUs and their frequency and latency. If all parameter’s values
collusion with the malicious vehicle. Signer- are greater or equal to their corresponding thresh-
Ambiguous Signature Schemes are used to reduce old values, then new node is detected as Sybil
the communication and computation overhead for node otherwise as legitimate node. If an address
signature verification. In ElGamal system-based of this node matches the address of any node pre-
key management plan, we cannot find the original sent in the network, then both are suspected as
plaintext with the help of RSUs. Sybil node. Then the values of parameters are
Drawbacks: In this scenario, if private key is checked for both suspected nodes. To be a legiti-
compromised then whole network become com- mate node, parameters values are less than their
promised. In Elgamel scheme more computation corresponding threshold values, otherwise detect-
required to encrypt and decrypt the messages. ed as Sybil node.
A Survey on VANETs Security International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control, 2016, Vol. 6, No. 1 59

Table 3. Comparisons among Sybil Attack Detection Techniques in VANETs.

Centralize/ De- Privacy Certification RSS Location Support

S. N. Authors Based on
centralized Preserved Authority Used Based Based of RSU

Chen et al.
1 trajectories of Decentralized No No No Yes Yes
[21] (2009)
Park et al. Time Stamp
2 Decentralized Yes No Yes Yes Yes
[22] (2009) series
cooperative posi-
Hao et al.
3 tion based proto- Centralized Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
[23] (2011)
Tong Zhou DMV (Depart- Centralized
4 et al. [24] ment of Motor (DMV is central- Yes Yes No No Yes
(2011) Vehicle) ized authority)
Centralized (A
Triki et al. RFID CA which con-
5 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
[25] (2013) (Reference ID) nected with each
Gill et al.
6 AODV Decentralized No No Yes Yes No
[26] (2013)
Centralized (Cer-
Shona et al. Encryption
7 tificate Authori- Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
[27] (2014) mechanism
improved session
prakash et key method that
8 al. [28] generates local Centralized Yes Yes No Yes Yes
(2014) certificates dy-
Bandil et al. ElGamel key
9 Centralized Yes Yes No Yes Yes
[29] (2015) management
sakthivel et self organized
10 al. [30] public key man- Decentralized Yes No Yes Yes Yes
(2014) agement system
Enhanced Light
Garg et al.
11 weighted Tech- Decentralized Yes No Yes Yes Yes
[31] (2014)
M. Hasan Pseudonyms
12 et al. [32] generation with Centralized Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
(2015) Road segments

Drawbacks: In this approach the parameters re- Hasan et al. [32] proposed a model for efficient
stricted to a threshold value, which may or may and effective working of VANET by considering
not be a perfect threshold. The malicious node can some assumptions for vehicles, RSUs, Certificate
also remain within these threshold values. Authority and position sensors. In this model roads
60 International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control, 2016, Vol. 6, No. 1 Karn and Gupta

are divided into segments where each segment is a which have been proposed in previous studies are
part of straight road without diversion or intersec- also mentioned. According to the study, these
tion. Vehicles get registered with the particular schemes have some pros and cons to implement.
RSUs of the road segment and in return get a
pseudonym. In this approach two types of RSUs Therefore, to maintain a secure vehicular net-
are considered, one for normal communication and work it requires new secure Sybil Attack detection
other to generate new pseudonyms with authenti- methods which include confidentiality and authen-
cation services. Some position sensors are also de- ticity. Authentication methods are simple and use-
ployed to assist the vehicle movement. When a ful for authenticity, privacy and check the message
vehicle enters the new road segment, then RSU integrity. There are no proper methods for realistic
verifies vehicle ID and coordinates using sensors implementation in an urban scenario.
to issue a unique pseudonym and key pair to the Mostly approaches are able to detect a Sybil at-
vehicle. RSUs store these details in table form and tack, but they are applied to limited vehicular
distribute to other RSUs. When a vehicle leaves nodes. As we increase number of vehicular nodes
the road segment, RSUs are informed to revoke or it may result in more delay which increase the bot-
terminate particular pseudonyms entries so that the tleneck in network communication. These ap-
stolen pseudonyms become useless. proaches have some shortcomings. A comparison
Drawbacks: The attacker can change the sensor between these Approaches is mentioned in
values to perform certain attacks on the system. In Table 3. It is impossible to decide a distinctive
city environment RSUs have to deal with multiple mechanism or procedure. Superior method extrac-
requests made by a single vehicle in short time du- tion for detecting the Sybil attack depends on the
ration. allocation cost, road structural design and total ve-
hicular node in the network. There are some crite-
6. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE SCOPE ria for the selection of best method.
VANETs have been designed to provide road a) It ensures the detection of a large number of
safety and services for passenger comfort. There- Sybil nodes to protect from network damage.
fore, securing VANETs pose a great challenge.
After reviewing the various recent aspects of b) It takes the minimum time to discover and re-
VANETs, we identify all existing security attack move Sybil Nodes,
in VANETs and classify them from a cryptograph- c) It must preserve the privacy of vehicles’ driver,
ic point of view.
d) Must not require costly hardwares,
Security is a major challenge in implementation
of VANETs. In this survey article, we have pre- e) It does not increase the message communica-
sented security measures to be taken before im- tion in the VANETs.
plementing a VANET. The major issues in
The location verification methods are easy and
VANETs are privacy and authentication. The ad-
have a fewer computational complexity than the
vance developments, wireless communication and
authentication methods, which are distributed in
life safety point towards the need of security in
processing. These are positive features for network
VANETs. In VANET many attacks are possible
implementation. But they are violating driver’s
and can cause serious damage to life. One such
privacy and expose location and information of
attack is Sybil attack. Sybil attacks have been re-
vehicle id, etc. In these methods the distributed
garded as a serious security threat to ad hoc net-
processing about vehicles also increases message
works and sensor networks. It may also damage
overhead. Authentication methods require an in-
the potential applications of VANET by creating a
frastructure for certificate revocation, distribution
deception of traffic congestion. A Sybil attacker
of encryption keys, group communication and so
forges many fake identities (either present in the
on. In these Approaches privacy preserving and
network or not), to disturb the appropriate func-
higher correctness are positive features while they
tioning of VANETs applications. It creates an illu-
are complex for implementation and usually have
sion on the road, leading to disruption inside the
minimum scalability than location verification
network scenario. In this survey Sybil attack is
based methods.
discussed in detail and various detection schemes
A Survey on VANETs Security International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control, 2016, Vol. 6, No. 1 61

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Received: June 17, 2015 Revised: October 03, 2015 Accepted: October 03, 2015

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