Teacher parent conferences Teacher parent Teacher parent conferences Teacher parent Teacher parent
and home visitation conferences and home and home visitation conferences and home conferences and home
conducted 1 week after visitation conducted 10 conducted 15 days after visitation conducted 20 visitation conducted 25
quarterly examination. days after quarterly quarterly examination. days after quarterly days after quarterly
examination. examination. examination.
Community Organize functional QUALITY
Involvement Homeroom PTA Organized functional One of the evidences not two of the evidences not three of the evidences not four of the evidences not
(10%) organization Homeroom PTA association satisfied satisfied satisfied satisfied
(5% supported the following
evidences: .
1. List of officers
2. minutes of meetings
3 Project completion report
4. Parent support (Services)
5. Report on Parent teacher
Organized, conducted and Organized, conducted and Organized, conducted and Organized, conducted and Organized, conducted
submitted reports within the submitted reports one submitted reports two submitted reports three and submitted reports
target date week after the set target weeks after the set target weeks after the set target one month after the set
date date date target date
Chairman/Initiated of 2 Mermber of a committee of Chairman/Initiated of 1 Member of a committee of Proposed an activity/
project/event/ 2 project/event/ project/event/ 1 project/event/ event/ project.
activity supported with activity supported with activity supported with activity supported with
documpents like proposal, documpents like proposal, documpents like proposal, documpents like proposal,
terminal report, certificate of terminal report, certificate terminal report, certificate of terminal report, certificate
recognition, request, of recognition, request, recognition, request, of recognition, request,
invitation, etc. invitation, etc. invitation, etc. invitation, etc.
Submitted project proposal Project proposal was Project proposal was Project proposal was Project proposal was
Initiated or chaired a
with no revision (Complete returned once with revision returned twice with revision returned more than thrice returned for major
committee of
parts/ documentation) based from DREC based from DREC with revision based from revision (total revision/
*Request Letter to the suggestions, comments suggestions, comments and DREC suggestions, disapproved)
barangay/ Homeroom and recommendation recommendation comments and
projects/ events/
PTA Officers recommendation
*Approval from the
Concerned barangay
*Approval Sheet
(School/ district/
DREC ) and
Implemented/served project, Implemented/served Implemented/served Implemented/served
event activity within the project, event activity one Implemented/served project, event activity two project, event activity
target date. week after the target date. project, event activity one months after the target three months after the
month after the target date. date. target date
Professional Conducted Action QUALITY:
Growth and Research Conducted 1 Action Conducted the action Approved research Submitted research Identified learning
Dev’t(25%) (10%) Research research and terminal proposal and in the process proposal for approval. problems and in the
with complete report not completed. of implementation. process of writing the
documentation (approved proposal
proposal and approved
terminal report)
The Action Research was The Action Research was The Action Research was The Action Research was The Action Research was
approved without revision returned once for minor returned twice for minor returned for revision of returned for complete
corrections corrections some revision
Completed the Action Completed the Action Completed the Action Did not complete the Did not attempt to
Research within the time Research a week after the Research a month after the Action Research within the complete the Action
frame planned time frame planned time frame rating period Research within the
rating period.
Served as coach/
Garnered an award at the Garnered 1 award at the Garnered I award at the Participated in 2 co- Participated in 1 co-
regional level competition of division level competition district level competition of curricular activities curricular activities at
Officials in extra and
any curricular activities or of curricular activities or curricular activities for elem At the division level district level for
served as technical official in served as technical official and school level for sec. or elementary and division
1 co-curricular activities at in co-curricular activities served as technical official level for secondary
the regional level. at the division level in 1 co-curricular activities
at the district or school level
Produced QUALITY
publication/ Produced 2 publications or Produced 1 publication or Produced 1 publication or Produced 1 publication Unpublished work
creative work for creative work published in a creative work published in creative work published in a or creative work produced
school paper/ community paper or a community paper or Division Paper published in a school
division composed any literary pieces composed any piece for paper
publication/Commun for contest purposes. contest purposes.
ity paper or
compose any
literary pieces for
contest purposes.
Attended at least 5 Attended at least 4 Attended at least 3 Attended at least 2 Attended at least 1
Attended Trainings/
Trainings/workshops/semina Trainings/workshops/semi Trainings/workshops/semin Trainings/workshops/se Training/workshop/semin
rs conducted by the nars conducted by the ars or any training minars conducted by ar conducted by the
Department of Education or Department of Education endorsed by deped the Department of Department of Education
any training endorsed by or any training endorsed authorities Education
deped authorities by deped authorities
Maintained 0 drop 10% QUALITY:
Plus out rate(3%) Maintained 0 dropout rate 1 dropout 2 dropouts 3 dropouts 4 or more dropouts
Served as QUALITY:
facilitators /working Served as facilitators Served as facilitators Served as facilitators
committee/lecturer /working committee/lecturer /working committee/lecturer /working
during school/ during school/ community in during school/ community in committee/lecturer during
community at least 5 activities with the at least 5 activities school/ community in at
activities(3%) following evidences: least 5 activities
a. certification
b. pictorials
c. programs/narrative report
Masters Degree(4%) Masters Degree holder Completed academic Completed at least 21 to 32 Completed at least 15 to Planning to enroll in MA
requirements units of MA 18 units of MA