Practical - 4: Conducts Nutritional Survey and Assists Nutritional Programmes: Nutrition Surveys: Concept
Practical - 4: Conducts Nutritional Survey and Assists Nutritional Programmes: Nutrition Surveys: Concept
Practical - 4: Conducts Nutritional Survey and Assists Nutritional Programmes: Nutrition Surveys: Concept
Nutrition Surveys:
The concept of Nutritional Surveillance is derived from disease
a) To aid long – term planning in health and development
b) To provide input for programme management and evaluation and
c) To give timely warning and intervention to prevent short – term ford
consumption crisis.
School child nutrition Height for age and weight for height at
7 years or school admission
Clinical signs
Food means not only proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins and other nutrients
– but much more; it is part of security and civilization. Nations and civilizations
are linked together not only by ideas, but also by bread. Hunger and malnutrition
are problems everywhere and have harassed mankind and threatened peace
throughout history. It is no wonder that the growing incidence of hunger and
malnutrition should have come to the forefront of international concern.
Problem of malnutrition:
Definition: “A pathological state resulting from a relative or absolute deficiency or
excess of one or more essential nutrients”.
1) Under nutrition
2) Over nutrition
3) Imbalance &
4) Specific deficiency
The effects of malnutrition of the community are both direct and indirect.
The direct effects are the occurrence of frank sub clinical nutrition deficiency
disease such as Kwashiorkor, marasmus, vitamin and mineral deficiency
The indirect effects are high morbidity and mortality among young
children, lower vitality of the people leading to lowered productivity and reduced
life expectancy. Malnutrition predispose to infection and infection to malnutrition;
and the morbidity arising therefore as a result of complications from such
infectious disease as tuberculosis and gastro enteritis is not inconsiderable. The
high rate of maternal morality, stillbirth and low – birth weight are all associated
with malnutrition.
Malnutrition is a man made disease. It is a disease of human societies. It
begins quite commonly in the womb and ends in the grave.
1) Conditioning influences
2) Cultural influences
3) Socio – economic factors
4) Food production &
5) Health and other services
Conditioning influences:
Infectious diseases are an important conditioning factor responsible for
malnutrition, particularly in small children. Diarrhoea, intestinal parasites,
measles, whooping cough, malaria, tuberculosis all contribute to malnutrition.
Cultural influences:
Lack of food is not the only cause of malnutrition. Too often there is
starvation in the midst of plenty. People choose poor diets when good ones are
available of cultural influences, which vary widely from country to country, and
from region to region.
1) Nutritional surveillance
2) Nutritional rehabilitation
3) Nutritional supplementation
4) Nutritional health education
Preventive & Social Measure:
Since malnutrition is the outcome of several factors, the problem can be
solved only by taking action simultaneously at various level – family, community,
national and international levels.
Social Measures:
Action is also needed to counter misleading commercial advertising with
regard to baby foods. Shortage of protective foods can be met to some extent
by planning a kitchen garden or keeping poultry.
The real permanent solutions can only come from fundamental measures
that will correct the basic causes of malnutrition. This implies, first of all,
increasing the availability of foods both in quantity and qualitative, but – much
more important – making sure that the people suffering or at risk of malnutrition
can obtain these foods.
Actions at the National Level:
The burden of improving the nutritional status of the people, by any large,
is the responsibility of the state.
1) Rural development
2) Increasing agricultural production
3) Stabilization of population
4) Nutrition intervention programmes
5) Nutrition – related health activities
The FAO / WHO committee on Nutrition (1976) stressed that food and
nutrition programme planning must be an integral part of the overall socio –
economic development.
This programme was launched by the ministry of health and family welfare
in 1970 on the basis of technology developed at the National Institute of Nutrition
at Hyderabad.
6. ICDS Programme:
This programme started in 1978 in India. There is a strong nutrition
component in this programme in the form of supplementary nutrition, vitamin A
prophylaxis and iron folic and distribution. The beneficiaries are preschool
children below 6 years, pregnant and lactating mothers. the states and union
territories are encouraged to undertake additional ICDS projects on the central
pattern to cover more beneficiaries.
The Anganwadi workers deliver the services not work of mahila mandali
has been built up in ICDS project areas to help Anganwadi workers in providing
health & nutrition services.
Principles of MDMP:
a) A meal should be supplement not about substitute to the diet
b) The meal should supply at least one third of the total energy requirement,
and half of the protein need
e) As for as possible locally available foods should be used; thus will reduce
the cost of the meal and
1) Hand washing
2) Urine sugar test
Aim: To teach the family the importance of hand washing and how to prevent
cross infections.
Hand washing:
The importance of hand washing is to prevent, control and transmission of
pathogenic organisms from one person to other persons.
For each procedure, before starting and after completing the procedure,
even in the middle of the procedure anything wants to take from the
nursing bag during procedure hand washing is very important to prevent
the cross infection.
Bag Technique:
The major aim of health care services in the home is to help people with
their health problems and work with them towards keeping the family healthy.
When performing home visits the community health nurse should carry the
Community Health Nursing bag.
4) Remove the soup, towel and nailbrush and wash the hands well
5) Open the bag and remove only the needed articles and close the bag
6) Carry out the procedure, placing soiled swabs inside a news paper bag for
disposal by burning or any other suitable method
7) Wash and boil used utensils of possible or collect them and to take back
to health center for disinfection
8) Wash hands, open the bag and replace the clean articles, close the bag
and return the soap, towel nail brush to the pocket
9) Take the bag and put it on the shoulder and fold the used paper or plastic
sheet with exposed side, innermost and keep it in the outside pocket of
the bag
1) Kept the bag on the newspaper and removed watch kept near to the bag
Opened the bag took soap dish with soap, hand towel, nailbrush and
small piece of paper to make paper bag to discard the soiled swabs.
Placed hand towel on the newspaper.
Asked the family members to pour water and moistened soap and hands.
Applied soap to the hands and hold hands down to prevent splashing
Rubbed the hands and fingers with soap until good lather comes and
used nailbrush for the nails to remove the dirt from the nails.
Asked the family members to pour water to remove the soap from the
hands and fingers.
Hold the hands up to prevent water from coming back down the arms to
the hands:
Dry the hands using hand towel and place it on the clean area
After finished procedure again washed hands and replaced soap in soap
dish and hand towel in bag and closed the bag
After washed hands removed the articles from the bag necessary for the
urine sugar test and placed in on the clean newspaper and closed the bag.
Took 5 ml of benedicts solution in the test tube and heated the solution
with the help of spirit lamp
After boiled the solution kept the solution for few second and checked any
colour changes in the solution
Blue - No sugar ( - )
Green - Trace of sugar (+)
Yellow - Slight amount of sugar (++)
Orange - Moderate amount of sugar (+++)
Brick red - Excessive amount of sugar (++++)
The community health nursing bag its contents and purposes of using bag
is very importance to prevent cross infection and how to protect the bag from
dust, flies and keep the bay always clean and use any time.
With this bag the nurse can carry out many nursing procedures in
the home including home delivery at home.
Self Evaluation:
The family members well cooperated and they were very interested to
know all these things. It was helped me to teach the family members the
importance of hand washing and the purpose of during urine sugar test in the