Nursing Care Plan For Postnatal Mother
Nursing Care Plan For Postnatal Mother
Nursing Care Plan For Postnatal Mother
2. Altered comfort Mother complains of Reduce pain and Explained the mother How you will reduce
related to after more body pain. provide more the importance of the pain?
pain. comfortable. having hot water both
to relieve pain.
Administered the pain
relieve medicine to the
mother according
physician order.
3. Postnatal check Mother needs Explains the Explained the mother Why postnatal check
up after 6 week of regular check up to mother the the importance of up is needed after 6
delivery. prevent postnatal importance of postnatal check up weeks?
complication. postnatal check up after 6 weeks of
after 6 weeks of delivery.
postnatal period. Explained the mother
the complication of
postnatal period.
Name : Baby of Komala Age: 5 days, Mother’s name: Komala, Father’s name: Suresh, Date of Birth: 03/02/06
2. Prevention of Child needs to Explains the Explained the mother How did you prevent
diarrhoea and prevent from mother how to the importance of the child from
promote health diarrhoea and prevent the child preventing child from diarrhoea
promote health from diarrhea diarrhoea and promote
health of the child
3. Immunization if Child needs to Explains the Explained the mother Which are the
the child to vaccinated to mother the the importance of diseases can prevent
prevent prevent importance of vaccination to prevent by vaccines
communicable communicable immunization to the the child from
diseases diseases child to prevent communicable
infection diseases
4. Prevention of URI Child needs to Explains the Explained the mother How did you prevent
and promote prevent from URI mother the the importance of the child from URI
health and promote health importance of preventing the child
preventing the child from URI
from URI