Telekom Malaysia HSBB GPON Project: Method of Procedure Alcatel-Lucent 7360FX ISAM Turn Up Guide

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Telekom Malaysia HSBB GPON Project

Method of Procedure
Alcatel-Lucent 7360FX ISAM Turn Up Guide

Author: Norhisham Bin

Document: Turn-up Guide
Version: 2.0
Status: Released
Last Revised: July 22, 2014
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1 PREFACE.........................................................................................4
2 COMPATIBILITY...............................................................................4
3 CONVENTIONS................................................................................4
4 PRE-CONFIGURATION STEPS............................................................4
4.1 EXTERNAL ALARM CABLING................................................................................4

4.2 CONNECT TO THE 7360FX ISAM VIA CRAFT TERMINAL..........................................6

5 OLT BASIC SETUP - INITIAL CONFIGURATION.....................................7
5.1 RESET THE SYSTEM WITH A CLEAN DATABASE.........................................................7

5.2 CONFIGURE SYSTEM CONTROLLER CARDS.............................................................7

5.3 CONFIGURE UPLINK PORTS..................................................................................7

5.4 CONFIGURE THRESHOLD CROSSING ALERT FOR UPLINK PORTS...................................7

5.5 CONFIGURE LINK AGGREGATION..........................................................................8

5.6 CONFIGURE MANAGEMENT VLAN........................................................................8
5.7 CONFIGURE SYSTEM IP ADDRESS........................................................................8

5.8 CONFIGURE SYSTEM ID.....................................................................................9

5.9 CONFIGURE SYSTEM PROMPT..............................................................................9
5.10 CONFIGURE SYSTEM LOGIN BANNER.....................................................................9

5.11 CONFIGURE SLOT BANDWIDTH............................................................................9

5.12 CONFIGURE SLOT NUMBERING & DHCP OPTION82 FORMAT....................................9
5.14 CONFIGURE ENVIRONMENTAL ALARMS................................................................10
5.15 CONFIGURE NT REDUNDANCY..........................................................................10
5.16 CONFIGURE 8 QUEUE ON UPLINK PORTS.............................................................10

5.17 CONFIGURE THE SNMP COMMUNITIES................................................................11

5.18 SAVE THE CONFIGURATION...............................................................................12

5.19 CONFIGURE SNTP.......................................................................................... 12

5.20 CONFIGURE SYSLOG.......................................................................................12
5.21 PLAN ALL INSERTED CARDS..............................................................................12

5.22 CONFIGURE DEFAULT SOFTWARE FOR DIFFERENT ONT TYPES..................................12

5.23 REBOOT OLT................................................................................................13

6.1 CREATE UPSTREAM BANDWIDTH PROFILES (DBA)................................................13
6.2 CREATE DOWNSTREAM SHAPER PROFILES...........................................................14
6.3 CREATE PBIT TO TC MAPPING PROFILES.............................................................16
6.4 CONFIGURE SYSTEM MULTICAST FOR IPTV SERVICE..............................................16
6.5 CREATE TM HSBB HSI SERVICE......................................................................17
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6.6 CREATE TM HSBB IPTV SERVICE.....................................................................17

6.7 CREATE TM HSBB VOBB SERVICE...................................................................19
6.8 CREATE HSBA HSI HOME SERVICE (MAXIS_HOME).........................................20
6.10 CREATE HSBA TR69 SERVICE (MAXIS_TR69)..................................................21
6.11 CREATE HSBA IPTV SERVICE (MAXIS_IPTV).....................................................22
6.12 CREATE HSBA VOBB SERVICE (MAXIS_VOBB).................................................24
6.13 ENABLE THE PON PORTS.................................................................................24


7.1 CREATE ONT INFRASTRUCTURE........................................................................25
7.2 CONFIGURE ONT UNI WITH DEFAULT SETTING.....................................................25

7.3 CREATE TM HSBB HSI SERVICE (RGW)...........................................................26

7.4 CREATE TM HSBB HSI SERVICE (NO RG).........................................................27
7.5 CREATE TM HSBB VOD + MULTICAST SERVICE (RGW).......................................27
7.6 CREATE TM HSBB VOD + MULTICAST SERVICE (NO RG)....................................27
7.7 CREATE TM HSBB VOBB SERVICE (VOICE ON ONT)...........................................28
7.8 CREATE HSBA HSI SERVICE (MAXIS_HSI_HOME).............................................29
7.9 CREATE HSBA TR69 SERVICE (MAXIS_TR69)..................................................29
7.10 CREATE HSBA IPTV SERVICE (MAXIS_IPTV).....................................................29
7.11 CREATE HSBA VOBB SERVICE (VOICE ON RGW – MAXIS_VOBB)........................29
8 SERVICE TERMINATION..................................................................30
8.1 DELETE TAGGED SERVICE ON RGW..................................................................30
8.2 DELETE UNTAGGED SERVICE ON ONT UNI.........................................................30
8.3 DELETE VOBB SERVICE (VOICE ON ONT)..........................................................30
8.4 DELETE ONT UNI.......................................................................................... 31
8.5 DELETE ONT CARD........................................................................................31
8.6 DELETE ONT INFRASTRUCTURE.........................................................................31
9 USEFUL SHOW COMMANDS............................................................32
9.1 DISPLAY CONFIGURATION OF IHUB AND GPON.....................................................32
9.2 SHOW THE STATUS OF PORT AND LAG INTERFACE..................................................32

9.3 SHOW THE STATUS OF LT CARD, PON, ONT AND UNI PORT...................................32

9.4 SHOW THE STATUS OF NT-A AND NT-B REDUNDANCY...........................................32

9.5 FORCED NT SWITCH-OVER AND RESET NT-B’S CTRL-STATUS...................................32

9.6 SHOW THE STATUS OF DHCP SESSION AND MAC LEARNING...................................32

10 DOCUMENT HISTORY..................................................................33
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1 Preface
This document describes the process of configuring a 7360FX ISAM (FX-8)
for use in Telekom Malaysia network.

2 Compatibility
This document supports the configuration of the 7360FX ISAM (FX-8) with
the following release: ISAM R4.6.01a or higher

3 Conventions
The following conventions are used throughout this document:
 Courier New font: denotes to be entered commands, and their output.
 The # prompt denotes login as root
 The > prompt denotes login as normal user
 Bold italics Arial font: denotes GUI actions (menu selections or buttons).

4 Pre-configuration steps
4.1 External Alarm cabling
CO Alarm
The external alarm cable is a cable with 1 DSUB-15 connector (code 3FE
60640 GA; length 10 m)

Below shows how the cable must be connected to the FX-8 subrack
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Below shows a description of the connector pinning

Note: The twisted pairs are used to link the A-wire and B-wire of each
signal, for example, the blue-white twisted pair is used for Miscellaneous
Alarm 1A wire and B wire respectively.
Note: The input alarms are implemented using Normally Closed (NC) relays
(i.e. closed when no power is applied). The output alarms are indicated by a
short circuit.
Note: The following applies for the external CO alarm signals:
• Maximum current drain is 100 mA
• Voltage is determined by supply voltage (48 or 60 V)
• The BATRET voltage of the Alarm wire is different from the BATRET
voltage of the power plant (due to the voltage drop in the feeding cables).
It is strongly advised to add extra inline 100 mA fuses in the BATRET
connections to comply in a safe way with the maximum current drain of 100
mA in the BATRET wire.
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4.2 Connect to the 7360FX ISAM via Craft Terminal

Connect the PC’s Serial port to the craft port of the 7360FX ISAM (LCMI). The
craft port is located on the FANT-F card (connect to Active card).

Pin-out of RJ45 connector:

al Description Pin Type
R Data-Set-Ready 1 O
DCD Data-Carrier-Detect 2 O
DTR Data-Terminal-Ready 3 I
EG Signal Ground 4 Ref
RXD Receive-Data 5 O
TXD Transmit-Data 6 I
CTS Clear-To-Send 7 O
RTS Request-To-Send 8 I

Open HyperTerminal (or equivalent) and setup the serial connection with
following parameters:

As soon as you connect the system will show following prompt:

Would you like a CLI(C) or a TL1 login(T) or TL1 normal session(N) ? [N]:

Choose ‘C’ to enter the TL1. The factory username and password are:
 Username = isadmin
 Password = i$@mad-
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This password needs to be changed on first logon. Please change it to

“ans#150” (without the quotes)

5 OLT Basic Setup - Initial configuration

5.1 Reset the system with a clean database
Remove any existing configuration.
admin software-mngt oswp 1 activate clear-db

Note: OLT NT (both) needs to be plugout / re-plugin so that the system will
come up with an empty database. Follow step 4.2 to re-connect to the

5.2 Configure System Controller Cards

Configure the NT cards
configure equipment slot nt-a planned-type fant-f unlock
configure equipment slot nt-b planned-type fant-f unlock

5.3 Configure uplink ports

Configure 2 types of uplinks to connect to the network. Port 1 on NT-A and
port 1 on NT-B in 10GE mode for LAG (Link Aggregation). Port 2 NT-A in 10GE
mode for simplex connection

For LAG-NPE connection:

configure port nt-a:xfp:1 ethernet speed 10000
configure port nt-a:xfp:1 no shutdown
configure port nt-b:xfp:1 ethernet speed 10000
configure port nt-b:xfp:1 no shutdown

For Simplex NPE connection:

configure port nt-a:xfp:2 ethernet speed 10000
configure port nt-a:xfp:2 no shutdown

Note: The ports have a MTU of 2000 Bytes configured by default

5.4 Configure Threshold Crossing Alert for uplink ports

Enable TCA alarm reporting
configure alarm entry tca-outputbw severity major reporting
configure alarm entry tca-inputbw severity major reporting
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Threshold setting in percentage and tca-interval is in 15-min interval (max =

Below example is for 70% threshold and 4hr interval before alarm is
For LAG-NPE connection:
configure port nt-a:xfp:1 ethernet tca-interval 16
configure port nt-a:xfp:1 ethernet tca-threshold outputbw 70
configure port nt-a:xfp:1 ethernet tca-threshold inputbw 70
configure port nt-b:xfp:1 ethernet tca-interval 16
configure port nt-b:xfp:1 ethernet tca-threshold outputbw 70
configure port nt-b:xfp:1 ethernet tca-threshold inputbw 70
For Simplex NPE connection:
configure port nt-a:xfp:2 ethernet tca-interval 16
configure port nt-a:xfp:2 ethernet tca-threshold outputbw 70
configure port nt-a:xfp:2 ethernet tca-threshold inputbw 70

5.5 Configure Link Aggregation

Configure Link Aggregation on the 2 uplink ports towards IP-Core (If
configure lag 1
configure lag 1 description "10G-LAG"
configure lag 1 mode access
configure lag 1 encap-type dot1q
configure lag 1 port nt-a:xfp:1
configure lag 1 port nt-b:xfp:1
configure lag 1 lacp active
configure lag 1 no shutdown

Note: Default is load-sharing between all links in LAG, the hashing

mechanism is as follows:
 For L2 traffic hashing algorithm will use following keys dstmac +
srcmac + Vlan ID + Ether TYPE + INPORT
 For IP traffic hashing algorithm will use following keys OuterVlan
Note: The bold part needs to be replaced by the actual value found on the
node information sheet

5.6 Configure management VLAN

Assign the management VLAN to Link Aggregation Group.
configure service vpls 200 customer 1 v-vpls vlan 200 create
configure service vpls 200 description "Management vlan"
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For LAG port

configure service vpls 200 sap lag-1:200 create
configure service vpls 200 no shutdown

For Single port

configure service vpls 200 sap nt-a:xfp:2:200 create
configure service vpls 200 no shutdown

5.7 Configure System IP address

Assign the management IP address and routing table.
configure service ies 201 customer 1 interface oamip create
configure service ies 201 interface oamip address
configure service ies 201 interface oamip sap nt:vp:1:200 create
configure service ies 201 no shutdown
configure router static-route next-hop

Note: The bold part needs to be replaced by the actual value found on the
node information sheet
Note: System is now reachable from EMS

5.8 Configure System ID

Configure the system name.
configure system id PUJ_001

Note: The bold part needs to be replaced by the actual value found on the
node information sheet

5.9 Configure System Prompt

Configure the system prompt to represent the system name and use type
based LT numbering.
configure system security operator isadmin prompt "%s:

Note: The bold part needs to be replaced by the actual value found on the
node information sheet
Note: The total length of the prompt string needs to be less or equal than
28 characters. This means the system ID can only be 18 characters.

5.10 Configure system login banner

Configure the system CLI login banner
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configure system security login-banner "Access to the OLT system

is for authorized staff only"
configure system security welcome-banner "Alcatel-Lucent 7360FX

5.11 Configure Slot Bandwidth

Configure the system slot bandwidth between the switching matrix and the
Line cards (value is speed between line card and each controller)
configure system max-lt-link-speed link-speed forty-gb

5.12 Configure Slot Numbering & DHCP Option82 Format

Configure the slot numbering format and the DHCP Option82 format
configure system security profile admin slot-numbering type-
configure system port-num-in-proto type-based
configure system loop-id-syntax efm-based-pon "Access_Node_ID
PON Rack/Frame/Slot/Port:ONU"

Note: After setting this slot numbering the operator needs to logout and
login again to activate the new setting

5.13 Disable password aging and Telnet access and set timeout for
operator login
Disable the password aging and Telnet access and set session time out for
operator login (if required)
configure system security ssh access tl1 udp-ssh-telnet
configure system security ssh access cli telnet-ssh
configure system security profile admin password-timeout 0
configure system security ssh server-profile idle-timeout 300

5.14 Configure NT Redundancy

Enable NT redundancy:
configure equipment protection-group 1 admin-status unlock
configure equipment protection-element nt-a redcy-ctrl-status

5.15 Configure the SNMP communities

To allow 5520AMS access , the host-address used is the IP address of the
AMS, optionally this can be set to a subnet or to allow access to all
configure system security snmp community public@ALc135790aLu
host-address context nt
configure system security snmp community NETMAN@ALc135790aLu
host-address context ihub
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5.16 Save the configuration

admin software-mngt ihub database save-protected

5.17 Reboot OLT

admin equipment reboot-isam without-self-test

5.18 Configure SNTP

Configure SNTP server for network time synchronization.
configure system sntp server-ip-addr timezone-offset
480 enable
configure system sntp server-table ip-address
priority 2
configure system time ntp server
configure system time ntp no shutdown

Note: The NTP server IP points to External Server

5.19 Configure Syslog

Configure Syslog server for logging of all activities on OLT CLI.
configure system syslog destination Syslog type
configure system syslog route Syslog msg-type all facility
local0 emergency alert critical error warning notice information

5.20 Configure RADIUS

Configure RADIUS server for remote authentication login into OLT.

configure system security radius auth-server TMAuth1 router-

instance base ip-address secret MHBVJPMWZVT2013
dead-interval 180

configure system security radius auth-server TMAuth2 router-

instance base ip-address secret MHBVJPMWZVT2013
dead-interval 180

configure system security radius acc-server TMAcc1 router-

instance base ip-address secret MHBVJPMWZVT2013
dead-interval 180

configure system security radius acc-server TMAcc2 router-

instance base ip-address secret MHBVJPMWZVT2013
dead-interval 180

configure system security radius policy TMPolicy nas-id PUJ_G001

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configure system security radius policy TMPolicy servers 1 auth-

server name:TMAuth1 auth-router-inst base priority 1 acc-server

configure system security radius policy TMPolicy servers 2 auth-

server name:TMAuth2 auth-router-inst base priority 2 acc-server

configure system security radius operator-policy name:TMPolicy

configure system security domain TMDomain authenticator

radius:TMPolicy sess-timeout 10

configure system security conn-profile TMRadiusConn version 1

domain-name TMDomain reject-inv-domain
configure system security conn-policy conn-profile-name

Note: The bold part needs to be replaced by the actual value found on the
node information sheet

5.21 Plan all inserted cards

Configure cards in the system
configure equipment slot lt:1/1/[1...16] planned-type nglt-c

5.22 Configure default Software for different ONT types

Download the desired ONT software to the OLT ONT software directory as
per below:

Provision the software that will be used when new ONTs are connected.
For I-240G-T:
configure equipment ont sw-ctrl 1 hw-version 3FE55142* plnd-sw-
ver-conf 3FE54799AOCI95 plnd-sw-version 3FE54799AOCI95 sw-
dwload-ver 3FE54799AOCI95

6 Service Provisioning - Initial configuration

6.1 Create Upstream Bandwidth Profiles (DBA)
Create Bandwidth profiles according to the type of service. These profiles
regulate the DBA bandwidth and priority.
configure qos profiles bandwidth 256K_UP committed-info-rate 256
assured-info-rate 256 excessive-info-rate 256 delay-tolerance 8
configure qos profiles bandwidth 512K_UP committed-info-rate 512
assured-info-rate 512 excessive-info-rate 512 delay-tolerance 8
configure qos profiles bandwidth 512K_UP_CCS committed-info-rate
512 assured-info-rate 512 excessive-info-rate 512 delay-
tolerance 8
configure qos profiles bandwidth 4M_UP_IPTV committed-info-rate
0 assured-info-rate 4000 excessive-info-rate 4000 delay-
tolerance 8
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configure qos profiles bandwidth 5M_UP_IPTV committed-info-rate

0 assured-info-rate 5000 excessive-info-rate 5000 delay-
tolerance 8
configure qos profiles bandwidth 6M_UP_IPTV committed-info-rate
0 assured-info-rate 6000 excessive-info-rate 6000 delay-
tolerance 8
configure qos profiles bandwidth 7M_UP_IPTV committed-info-rate
0 assured-info-rate 7000 excessive-info-rate 7000 delay-
tolerance 8
configure qos profiles bandwidth 8M_UP_IPTV committed-info-rate
0 assured-info-rate 8000 excessive-info-rate 8000 delay-
tolerance 8
configure qos profiles bandwidth 9M_UP_IPTV committed-info-rate
0 assured-info-rate 9000 excessive-info-rate 9000 delay-
tolerance 8
configure qos profiles bandwidth 10M_UP_IPTV committed-info-rate
0 assured-info-rate 10000 excessive-info-rate 10000 delay-
tolerance 8
configure qos profiles bandwidth 11M_UP_IPTV committed-info-rate
0 assured-info-rate 11000 excessive-info-rate 11000 delay-
tolerance 8
configure qos profiles bandwidth 12M_UP_IPTV committed-info-rate
0 assured-info-rate 12000 excessive-info-rate 12000 delay-
tolerance 8
configure qos profiles bandwidth 13M_UP_IPTV committed-info-rate
0 assured-info-rate 13000 excessive-info-rate 13000 delay-
tolerance 8
configure qos profiles bandwidth 14M_UP_IPTV committed-info-rate
0 assured-info-rate 14000 excessive-info-rate 14000 delay-
tolerance 8
configure qos profiles bandwidth 15M_UP_IPTV committed-info-rate
0 assured-info-rate 15000 excessive-info-rate 15000 delay-
tolerance 8
configure qos profiles bandwidth 16M_UP_IPTV committed-info-rate
0 assured-info-rate 16000 excessive-info-rate 16000 delay-
tolerance 8
configure qos profiles bandwidth 17M_UP_IPTV committed-info-rate
0 assured-info-rate 17000 excessive-info-rate 17000 delay-
tolerance 8
configure qos profiles bandwidth 18M_UP_IPTV committed-info-rate
0 assured-info-rate 18000 excessive-info-rate 18000 delay-
tolerance 8
configure qos profiles bandwidth 19M_UP_IPTV committed-info-rate
0 assured-info-rate 19000 excessive-info-rate 19000 delay-
tolerance 8
configure qos profiles bandwidth 20M_UP_IPTV committed-info-rate
0 assured-info-rate 20000 excessive-info-rate 20000 delay-
tolerance 8
configure qos profiles bandwidth 21M_UP_IPTV committed-info-rate
0 assured-info-rate 21000 excessive-info-rate 21000 delay-
tolerance 8
configure qos profiles bandwidth 22M_UP_IPTV committed-info-rate
0 assured-info-rate 22000 excessive-info-rate 22000 delay-
tolerance 8
configure qos profiles bandwidth 23M_UP_IPTV committed-info-rate
0 assured-info-rate 23000 excessive-info-rate 23000 delay-
tolerance 8
configure qos profiles bandwidth 24M_UP_IPTV committed-info-rate
0 assured-info-rate 24000 excessive-info-rate 24000 delay-
tolerance 8
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configure qos profiles bandwidth 25M_UP_IPTV committed-info-rate

0 assured-info-rate 25000 excessive-info-rate 25000 delay-
tolerance 8
configure qos profiles bandwidth 26M_UP_IPTV committed-info-rate
0 assured-info-rate 26000 excessive-info-rate 26000 delay-
tolerance 8
configure qos profiles bandwidth 27M_UP_IPTV committed-info-rate
0 assured-info-rate 27000 excessive-info-rate 27000 delay-
tolerance 8
configure qos profiles bandwidth 28M_UP_IPTV committed-info-rate
0 assured-info-rate 28000 excessive-info-rate 28000 delay-
tolerance 8
configure qos profiles bandwidth 29M_UP_IPTV committed-info-rate
0 assured-info-rate 29000 excessive-info-rate 29000 delay-
tolerance 8
configure qos profiles bandwidth 30M_UP_IPTV committed-info-rate
0 assured-info-rate 30000 excessive-info-rate 30000 delay-
tolerance 8
configure qos profiles bandwidth 2M_UP committed-info-rate 0
assured-info-rate 0 excessive-info-rate 2000 delay-tolerance 32
configure qos profiles bandwidth 3M_UP committed-info-rate 0
assured-info-rate 0 excessive-info-rate 3000 delay-tolerance 32
configure qos profiles bandwidth 4M_UP committed-info-rate 0
assured-info-rate 0 excessive-info-rate 4000 delay-tolerance 32
configure qos profiles bandwidth 5M_UP committed-info-rate 0
assured-info-rate 0 excessive-info-rate 5000 delay-tolerance 32
configure qos profiles bandwidth 6M_UP committed-info-rate 0
assured-info-rate 0 excessive-info-rate 6000 delay-tolerance 32
configure qos profiles bandwidth 7M_UP committed-info-rate 0
assured-info-rate 0 excessive-info-rate 7000 delay-tolerance 32
configure qos profiles bandwidth 8M_UP committed-info-rate 0
assured-info-rate 0 excessive-info-rate 8000 delay-tolerance 32
configure qos profiles bandwidth 9M_UP committed-info-rate 0
assured-info-rate 0 excessive-info-rate 9000 delay-tolerance 32
configure qos profiles bandwidth 10M_UP committed-info-rate 0
assured-info-rate 0 excessive-info-rate 10000 delay-tolerance 32
configure qos profiles bandwidth 11M_UP committed-info-rate 0
assured-info-rate 0 excessive-info-rate 11000 delay-tolerance 32
configure qos profiles bandwidth 12M_UP committed-info-rate 0
assured-info-rate 0 excessive-info-rate 12000 delay-tolerance 32
configure qos profiles bandwidth 13M_UP committed-info-rate 0
assured-info-rate 0 excessive-info-rate 13000 delay-tolerance 32
configure qos profiles bandwidth 14M_UP committed-info-rate 0
assured-info-rate 0 excessive-info-rate 14000 delay-tolerance 32
configure qos profiles bandwidth 15M_UP committed-info-rate 0
assured-info-rate 0 excessive-info-rate 15000 delay-tolerance 32
configure qos profiles bandwidth 16M_UP committed-info-rate 0
assured-info-rate 0 excessive-info-rate 16000 delay-tolerance 32
configure qos profiles bandwidth 17M_UP committed-info-rate 0
assured-info-rate 0 excessive-info-rate 17000 delay-tolerance 32
configure qos profiles bandwidth 18M_UP committed-info-rate 0
assured-info-rate 0 excessive-info-rate 18000 delay-tolerance 32
configure qos profiles bandwidth 19M_UP committed-info-rate 0
assured-info-rate 0 excessive-info-rate 19000 delay-tolerance 32
configure qos profiles bandwidth 20M_UP committed-info-rate 0
assured-info-rate 0 excessive-info-rate 20000 delay-tolerance 32
configure qos profiles bandwidth 21M_UP committed-info-rate 0
assured-info-rate 0 excessive-info-rate 21000 delay-tolerance 32
configure qos profiles bandwidth 22M_UP committed-info-rate 0
assured-info-rate 0 excessive-info-rate 22000 delay-tolerance 32
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configure qos profiles bandwidth 23M_UP committed-info-rate 0

assured-info-rate 0 excessive-info-rate 23000 delay-tolerance 32
configure qos profiles bandwidth 24M_UP committed-info-rate 0
assured-info-rate 0 excessive-info-rate 24000 delay-tolerance 32
configure qos profiles bandwidth 25M_UP committed-info-rate 0
assured-info-rate 0 excessive-info-rate 25000 delay-tolerance 32
configure qos profiles bandwidth 26M_UP committed-info-rate 0
assured-info-rate 0 excessive-info-rate 26000 delay-tolerance 32
configure qos profiles bandwidth 27M_UP committed-info-rate 0
assured-info-rate 0 excessive-info-rate 27000 delay-tolerance 32
configure qos profiles bandwidth 28M_UP committed-info-rate 0
assured-info-rate 0 excessive-info-rate 28000 delay-tolerance 32
configure qos profiles bandwidth 29M_UP committed-info-rate 0
assured-info-rate 0 excessive-info-rate 29000 delay-tolerance 32
configure qos profiles bandwidth 30M_UP committed-info-rate 0
assured-info-rate 0 excessive-info-rate 30000 delay-tolerance 32
configure qos profiles bandwidth 40M_UP committed-info-rate 0
assured-info-rate 0 excessive-info-rate 40000 delay-tolerance 32
configure qos profiles bandwidth 50M_UP committed-info-rate 0
assured-info-rate 0 excessive-info-rate 50000 delay-tolerance 32
configure qos profiles bandwidth 60M_UP committed-info-rate 0
assured-info-rate 0 excessive-info-rate 60000 delay-tolerance 32
configure qos profiles bandwidth 70M_UP committed-info-rate 0
assured-info-rate 0 excessive-info-rate 70000 delay-tolerance 32
configure qos profiles bandwidth 80M_UP committed-info-rate 0
assured-info-rate 0 excessive-info-rate 80000 delay-tolerance 32
configure qos profiles bandwidth 90M_UP committed-info-rate 0
assured-info-rate 0 excessive-info-rate 90000 delay-tolerance 32
configure qos profiles bandwidth 100M_UP committed-info-rate 0
assured-info-rate 0 excessive-info-rate 100000 delay-tolerance
configure qos profiles bandwidth 32M_UP committed-info-rate 0
assured-info-rate 0 excessive-info-rate 32000 delay-tolerance 32
configure qos profiles bandwidth TM_HSI_200M_up committed-info-
rate 0 assured-info-rate 0 excessive-info-rate 200000 delay-
tolerance 32
configure qos profiles bandwidth TM_HSI_15M_up committed-info-
rate 0 assured-info-rate 0 excessive-info-rate 15000 delay-
tolerance 32
configure qos profiles bandwidth TM_IPTV_8M_up committed-info-
rate 0 assured-info-rate 8000 excessive-info-rate 8000 delay-
tolerance 8
configure qos profiles bandwidth TM_VOIP_256K_up committed-info-
rate 256 assured-info-rate 256 excessive-info-rate 256 delay-
tolerance 8
configure qos profiles bandwidth TM_VOIP_512K_up committed-info-
rate 512 assured-info-rate 512 excessive-info-rate 512 delay-
tolerance 8
6.2 Create Downstream Shaper Profiles
Create Bandwidth profiles according to the type of service. These profiles
are used for rate shaping on Line card in downstream direction per T-CONT:
configure qos profiles shaper 256K_DOWN committed-info-rate 256
committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 256 type
configure qos profiles shaper 512K_DOWN committed-info-rate 512
committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 512 type
configure qos profiles shaper 512K_DOWN_CCS committed-info-rate
All rights reserved. Passing on and copying of this document, use and communication of its contents not permitted without written authorization from Alcatel-Lucent.

512 committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 512 type

configure qos profiles shaper 4M_DOWN_IPTV committed-info-rate 0
committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 4000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 5M_DOWN_IPTV committed-info-rate 0
committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 5000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 6M_DOWN_IPTV committed-info-rate 0
committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 6000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 7M_DOWN_IPTV committed-info-rate 0
committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 7000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 8M_DOWN_IPTV committed-info-rate 0
committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 8000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 9M_DOWN_IPTV committed-info-rate 0
committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 9000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 10M_DOWN_IPTV committed-info-rate
0 committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 10000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 11M_DOWN_IPTV committed-info-rate
0 committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 11000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 12M_DOWN_IPTV committed-info-rate
0 committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 12000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 13M_DOWN_IPTV committed-info-rate
0 committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 13000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 14M_DOWN_IPTV committed-info-rate
0 committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 14000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 15M_DOWN_IPTV committed-info-rate
0 committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 15000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 16M_DOWN_IPTV committed-info-rate
0 committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 16000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 17M_DOWN_IPTV committed-info-rate
0 committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 17000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 18M_DOWN_IPTV committed-info-rate
0 committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 18000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 19M_DOWN_IPTV committed-info-rate
0 committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 19000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 20M_DOWN_IPTV committed-info-rate
0 committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 20000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 21M_DOWN_IPTV committed-info-rate
0 committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 21000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 22M_DOWN_IPTV committed-info-rate
0 committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 22000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 23M_DOWN_IPTV committed-info-rate
All rights reserved. Passing on and copying of this document, use and communication of its contents not permitted without written authorization from Alcatel-Lucent.

0 committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 23000 type

configure qos profiles shaper 24M_DOWN_IPTV committed-info-rate
0 committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 24000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 25M_DOWN_IPTV committed-info-rate
0 committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 25000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 26M_DOWN_IPTV committed-info-rate
0 committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 26000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 27M_DOWN_IPTV committed-info-rate
0 committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 27000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 28M_DOWN_IPTV committed-info-rate
0 committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 28000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 29M_DOWN_IPTV committed-info-rate
0 committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 29000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 30M_DOWN_IPTV committed-info-rate
0 committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 30000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 2M_DOWN committed-info-rate 0
committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 2000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 3M_DOWN committed-info-rate 0
committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 3000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 4M_DOWN committed-info-rate 0
committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 4000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 5M_DOWN committed-info-rate 0
committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 5000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 6M_DOWN committed-info-rate 0
committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 6000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 7M_DOWN committed-info-rate 0
committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 7000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 8M_DOWN committed-info-rate 0
committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 8000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 9M_DOWN committed-info-rate 0
committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 9000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 10M_DOWN committed-info-rate 0
committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 10000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 11M_DOWN committed-info-rate 0
committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 11000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 12M_DOWN committed-info-rate 0
committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 12000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 13M_DOWN committed-info-rate 0
committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 13000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 14M_DOWN committed-info-rate 0
All rights reserved. Passing on and copying of this document, use and communication of its contents not permitted without written authorization from Alcatel-Lucent.

committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 14000 type

configure qos profiles shaper 15M_DOWN committed-info-rate 0
committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 15000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 16M_DOWN committed-info-rate 0
committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 16000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 17M_DOWN committed-info-rate 0
committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 17000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 18M_DOWN committed-info-rate 0
committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 18000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 19M_DOWN committed-info-rate 0
committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 19000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 20M_DOWN committed-info-rate 0
committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 20000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 21M_DOWN committed-info-rate 0
committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 21000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 22M_DOWN committed-info-rate 0
committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 22000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 23M_DOWN committed-info-rate 0
committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 23000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 24M_DOWN committed-info-rate 0
committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 24000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 25M_DOWN committed-info-rate 0
committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 25000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 26M_DOWN committed-info-rate 0
committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 26000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 27M_DOWN committed-info-rate 0
committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 27000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 28M_DOWN committed-info-rate 0
committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 28000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 29M_DOWN committed-info-rate 0
committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 29000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 30M_DOWN committed-info-rate 0
committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 30000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 40M_DOWN committed-info-rate 0
committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 40000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 50M_DOWN committed-info-rate 0
committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 50000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 60M_DOWN committed-info-rate 0
committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 60000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 70M_DOWN committed-info-rate 0
All rights reserved. Passing on and copying of this document, use and communication of its contents not permitted without written authorization from Alcatel-Lucent.

committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 70000 type

configure qos profiles shaper 80M_DOWN committed-info-rate 0
committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 80000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 90M_DOWN committed-info-rate 0
committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 90000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 100M_DOWN committed-info-rate 0
committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 100000 type
configure qos profiles shaper 32M_DOWN committed-info-rate 0
committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 32000 type
configure qos profiles shaper TM_HSI_200M_down committed-info-
rate 0 committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 200000 type
configure qos profiles shaper TM_HSI_15M_down committed-info-
rate 0 committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 15000 type
configure qos profiles shaper TM_IPTV_8M_down committed-info-
rate 0 committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 8000 type
configure qos profiles shaper TM_VOIP_256K_down committed-info-
rate 256 committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 256 type
configure qos profiles shaper TM_VOIP_512K_down committed-info-
rate 512 committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 512 type

Note: In downstream no AIR is available. CIR is only used for CAC on

provisioned services as every ONT is individually rate shaped.

6.3 Create Pbit to TC Mapping Profiles

Create P-Bit to Traffic Class mapping profiles.
For TM HSBB Unifi services:
configure qos profiles ingress-qos TM_HSI_TC0 dot1-p0-tc 0 dot1-
p1-tc 0 dot1-p2-tc 0 dot1-p3-tc 0 dot1-p4-tc 0 dot1-p5-tc 0
dot1-p6-tc 0 dot1-p7-tc 0
configure qos profiles ingress-qos TM_CCS_TC4 dot1-p0-tc 4 dot1-
p1-tc 4 dot1-p2-tc 4 dot1-p3-tc 4 dot1-p4-tc 4 dot1-p5-tc 4
dot1-p6-tc 4 dot1-p7-tc 4
configure qos profiles ingress-qos TM_IPTV_TC5 dot1-p0-tc 5
dot1-p1-tc 5 dot1-p2-tc 5 dot1-p3-tc 5 dot1-p4-tc 5 dot1-p5-tc 5
dot1-p6-tc 5 dot1-p7-tc 5
configure qos profiles ingress-qos TM_VOIP_TC6 dot1-p0-tc 6
dot1-p1-tc 6 dot1-p2-tc 6 dot1-p3-tc 6 dot1-p4-tc 6 dot1-p5-tc 6
dot1-p6-tc 6 dot1-p7-tc 6

6.4 Configure System Multicast for IPTV Service

Enable Multicast on System Level:
configure igmp system src-ip-address query-interval
30 start user-igmp-version 3 netw-igmp-version 3
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Create cac profile for PON maximum multicast bandwidth:

configure qos profiles cac PONMCBW_400M res-voice-bandwidth 0
max-mcast-bandwidth 400000 res-data-bandwidth 0 cac-type pon-cac

Create QoS Profile for Self-Generated-Traffic for OLT IGMP messages, set
default P-Bit to 5:
configure qos-servicerouter sgt 5 create
configure qos-servicerouter sgt 5 default-dot1p 5

Note: The above qos profile is for TM HSBB IPTV service which is using
priority bit 5. If any HSBA IPTV services is not using the same priority bit,
please create another qos profile accordingly and apply it to the v-vpls of
that particular HSBA IPTV service.
Note: The bold part needs to be replaced by the actual value found on the
node information sheet.

6.5 Create TM HSBB HSI Service

Create TM HSI Service v-VPLS:
configure service vpls 500 customer 1 v-vpls vlan 500 create
configure service vpls 500 description "HSI (HSBB)"
configure service vpls 500 sap nt-a:xfp:2:500 create
configure service vpls 500 sap lag-1:500 create
configure service vpls 500 sap lt:1/1/1:500 create
configure service vpls 500 sap lt:1/1/2:500 create
configure service vpls 500 sap lt:1/1/3:500 create
configure service vpls 500 sap lt:1/1/4:500 create
configure service vpls 500 sap lt:1/1/5:500 create
configure service vpls 500 sap lt:1/1/6:500 create
configure service vpls 500 sap lt:1/1/7:500 create
configure service vpls 500 sap lt:1/1/8:500 create
configure service vpls 500 sap lt:1/1/9:500 create
configure service vpls 500 sap lt:1/1/10:500 create
configure service vpls 500 sap lt:1/1/11:500 create
configure service vpls 500 sap lt:1/1/12:500 create
configure service vpls 500 sap lt:1/1/13:500 create
configure service vpls 500 sap lt:1/1/14:500 create
configure service vpls 500 sap lt:1/1/15:500 create
configure service vpls 500 sap lt:1/1/16:500 create
configure service vpls 500 no shutdown
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configure vlan id 500 mode residential-bridge name HSI in-qos-
prof-name name:TM_HSI_TC0 new-broadcast enable new-secure-fwd
configure vlan id 500 pppoe-relay-tag configurable circuit-id-
pppoe physical-id remote-id-pppoe customer-id

6.6 Create TM HSBB CCS Service

Create TM CCS Service v-VPLS:
configure service vpls 209 customer 1 v-vpls vlan 209 create
configure service vpls 209 description "CCS (HSBB)"
configure service vpls 209 sap nt-a:xfp:2:209 create
configure service vpls 209 sap lag-1:209 create
configure service vpls 209 sap lt:1/1/1:209 create
configure service vpls 209 sap lt:1/1/2:209 create
configure service vpls 209 sap lt:1/1/3:209 create
configure service vpls 209 sap lt:1/1/4:209 create
configure service vpls 209 sap lt:1/1/5:209 create
configure service vpls 209 sap lt:1/1/6:209 create
configure service vpls 209 sap lt:1/1/7:209 create
configure service vpls 209 sap lt:1/1/8:209 create
configure service vpls 209 sap lt:1/1/9:209 create
configure service vpls 209 sap lt:1/1/10:209 create
configure service vpls 209 sap lt:1/1/11:209 create
configure service vpls 209 sap lt:1/1/12:209 create
configure service vpls 209 sap lt:1/1/13:209 create
configure service vpls 209 sap lt:1/1/14:209 create
configure service vpls 209 sap lt:1/1/15:209 create
configure service vpls 209 sap lt:1/1/16:209 create
configure service vpls 209 no shutdown


configure vlan id 209 mode residential-bridge name CCS in-qos-
prof-name name:TM_CCS_TC4 new-broadcast enable new-secure-fwd
configure vlan id 209 dhcp-opt-82 circuit-id-dhcp physical-id
remote-id-dhcp customer-id

6.7 Create TM HSBB IPTV Service

Create TM HSBB IPTV Service v-VPLS:
configure service vpls 600 customer 1 v-vpls vlan 600 create
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configure service vpls 600 description "IPTV (HSBB)"

configure service vpls 600 sgt-qos 5
configure service vpls 600 sap nt-a:xfp:2:600 create
configure service vpls 600 sap nt-a:xfp:2:600 igmp-snooping
configure service vpls 600 sap lag-1:600 create
configure service vpls 600 sap lag-1:600 igmp-snooping mrouter-
configure service vpls 600 sap lt:1/1/1:600 create
configure service vpls 600 sap lt:1/1/1:600 igmp-snooping send-
configure service vpls 600 sap lt:1/1/2:600 create
configure service vpls 600 sap lt:1/1/2:600 igmp-snooping send-
configure service vpls 600 sap lt:1/1/3:600 create
configure service vpls 600 sap lt:1/1/3:600 igmp-snooping send-
configure service vpls 600 sap lt:1/1/4:600 create
configure service vpls 600 sap lt:1/1/4:600 igmp-snooping send-
configure service vpls 600 sap lt:1/1/5:600 create
configure service vpls 600 sap lt:1/1/5:600 igmp-snooping send-
configure service vpls 600 sap lt:1/1/6:600 create
configure service vpls 600 sap lt:1/1/6:600 igmp-snooping send-
configure service vpls 600 sap lt:1/1/7:600 create
configure service vpls 600 sap lt:1/1/7:600 igmp-snooping send-
configure service vpls 600 sap lt:1/1/8:600 create
configure service vpls 600 sap lt:1/1/8:600 igmp-snooping send-
configure service vpls 600 sap lt:1/1/9:600 create
configure service vpls 600 sap lt:1/1/9:600 igmp-snooping send-
configure service vpls 600 sap lt:1/1/10:600 create
configure service vpls 600 sap lt:1/1/10:600 igmp-snooping
configure service vpls 600 sap lt:1/1/11:600 create
configure service vpls 600 sap lt:1/1/11:600 igmp-snooping
configure service vpls 600 sap lt:1/1/12:600 create
configure service vpls 600 sap lt:1/1/12:600 igmp-snooping
All rights reserved. Passing on and copying of this document, use and communication of its contents not permitted without written authorization from Alcatel-Lucent.

configure service vpls 600 sap lt:1/1/13:600 create

configure service vpls 600 sap lt:1/1/13:600 igmp-snooping
configure service vpls 600 sap lt:1/1/14:600 create
configure service vpls 600 sap lt:1/1/14:600 igmp-snooping
configure service vpls 600 sap lt:1/1/15:600 create
configure service vpls 600 sap lt:1/1/15:600 igmp-snooping
configure service vpls 600 sap lt:1/1/16:600 create
configure service vpls 600 sap lt:1/1/16:600 igmp-snooping

configure service vpls 600 igmp-snooping report-src-ip
configure service vpls 600 igmp-snooping query-src-ip
configure service vpls 600 igmp-snooping no shutdown
configure service vpls 600 no shutdown

Create Multicast VLAN:

configure vlan id 600 mode residential-bridge name IPTV in-qos-
prof-name name:TM_IPTV_TC5 new-broadcast enable new-secure-fwd
configure vlan id 600 dhcp-opt-82 circuit-id-dhcp physical-id
remote-id-dhcp customer-id

Create Multicast Channels:

configure mcast chn 239.192.100.[1...100] src-ip-addr vlan-id 600 guaranteed-serv peak-bit-rate 8000
configure mcast chn 239.192.100.[101...200] src-ip-addr vlan-id 600 guaranteed-serv peak-bit-rate 8000
configure mcast chn 239.192.100.[201...223] src-ip-addr vlan-id 600 guaranteed-serv peak-bit-rate 8000
configure mcast chn src-ip-addr
vlan-id 600 guaranteed-serv peak-bit-rate 8000
configure mcast chn src-ip-addr
vlan-id 600 guaranteed-serv peak-bit-rate 8000
configure mcast chn src-ip-addr
vlan-id 600 guaranteed-serv peak-bit-rate 8000
configure mcast chn src-ip-addr
vlan-id 600 guaranteed-serv peak-bit-rate 8000
configure mcast chn 239.192.100.[230...235] src-ip-addr vlan-id 600 guaranteed-serv peak-bit-rate 8000
configure mcast chn 239.192.100.[245...250] src-ip-addr vlan-id 600 guaranteed-serv peak-bit-rate 8000
All rights reserved. Passing on and copying of this document, use and communication of its contents not permitted without written authorization from Alcatel-Lucent.

configure mcast chn 239.192.101.[1...100] src-ip-addr vlan-id 600 guaranteed-serv peak-bit-rate 8000
configure mcast chn 239.192.101.[101...254] src-ip-addr vlan-id 600 guaranteed-serv peak-bit-rate 8000
configure mcast chn 239.192.102.[1...100] src-ip-addr vlan-id 600 guaranteed-serv peak-bit-rate 8000
configure mcast chn 239.192.102.[101...254] src-ip-addr vlan-id 600 guaranteed-serv peak-bit-rate 8000

6.8 Create TM HSBB VOIP Service

Create TM HSBB VOIP Service v-VPLS:
configure service vpls 400 customer 1 v-vpls vlan 400 create
configure service vpls 400 description "VOIP (HSBB)"
configure service vpls 400 sap nt-a:xfp:2:400 create
configure service vpls 400 sap lag-1:400 create
configure service vpls 400 sap lt:1/1/1:400 create
configure service vpls 400 sap lt:1/1/2:400 create
configure service vpls 400 sap lt:1/1/3:400 create
configure service vpls 400 sap lt:1/1/4:400 create
configure service vpls 400 sap lt:1/1/5:400 create
configure service vpls 400 sap lt:1/1/6:400 create
configure service vpls 400 sap lt:1/1/7:400 create
configure service vpls 400 sap lt:1/1/8:400 create
configure service vpls 400 sap lt:1/1/9:400 create
configure service vpls 400 sap lt:1/1/10:400 create
configure service vpls 400 sap lt:1/1/11:400 create
configure service vpls 400 sap lt:1/1/12:400 create
configure service vpls 400 sap lt:1/1/13:400 create
configure service vpls 400 sap lt:1/1/14:400 create
configure service vpls 400 sap lt:1/1/15:400 create
configure service vpls 400 sap lt:1/1/16:400 create
configure service vpls 400 no shutdown


configure vlan id 400 mode residential-bridge name VOIP in-qos-
prof-name name:TM_VOIP_TC6 new-broadcast enable new-secure-fwd
configure vlan id 400 dhcp-opt-82 circuit-id-dhcp physical-id
remote-id-dhcp customer-id
All rights reserved. Passing on and copying of this document, use and communication of its contents not permitted without written authorization from Alcatel-Lucent.

6.9 Enable the PON ports

Enable All PONs on LT card. Set Differential reach to 40km and closest ONT
to 0km.
configure pon interface 1/1/1/[1...8] diff-reach 40 closest-ont
0 admin-state up
configure pon interface 1/1/2/[1...8] diff-reach 40 closest-ont
0 admin-state up
configure pon interface 1/1/3/[1...8] diff-reach 40 closest-ont
0 admin-state up
configure pon interface 1/1/4/[1...8] diff-reach 40 closest-ont
0 admin-state up
configure pon interface 1/1/5/[1...8] diff-reach 40 closest-ont
0 admin-state up
configure pon interface 1/1/6/[1...8] diff-reach 40 closest-ont
0 admin-state up
configure pon interface 1/1/7/[1...8] diff-reach 40 closest-ont
0 admin-state up
configure pon interface 1/1/8/[1...8] diff-reach 40 closest-ont
0 admin-state up
configure pon interface 1/1/9/[1...8] diff-reach 40 closest-ont
0 admin-state up
configure pon interface 1/1/10/[1...8] diff-reach 40 closest-ont
0 admin-state up
configure pon interface 1/1/11/[1...8] diff-reach 40 closest-ont
0 admin-state up
configure pon interface 1/1/12/[1...8] diff-reach 40 closest-ont
0 admin-state up
configure pon interface 1/1/13/[1...8] diff-reach 40 closest-ont
0 admin-state up
configure pon interface 1/1/14/[1...8] diff-reach 40 closest-ont
0 admin-state up
configure pon interface 1/1/15/[1...8] diff-reach 40 closest-ont
0 admin-state up
configure pon interface 1/1/16/[1...8] diff-reach 40 closest-ont
0 admin-state up

Set PON downstream number of queue to 8 and set PON multicast

bandwidth to 400M
configure qos interface pon:1/1/1/[1...8] ds-num-queue 8 cac-
profile name:PONMCBW_400M
configure qos interface pon:1/1/2/[1...8] ds-num-queue 8 cac-
profile name:PONMCBW_400M
configure qos interface pon:1/1/3/[1...8] ds-num-queue 8 cac-
profile name:PONMCBW_400M
configure qos interface pon:1/1/4/[1...8] ds-num-queue 8 cac-
profile name:PONMCBW_400M
All rights reserved. Passing on and copying of this document, use and communication of its contents not permitted without written authorization from Alcatel-Lucent.

configure qos interface pon:1/1/5/[1...8] ds-num-queue 8 cac-

profile name:PONMCBW_400M
configure qos interface pon:1/1/6/[1...8] ds-num-queue 8 cac-
profile name:PONMCBW_400M
configure qos interface pon:1/1/7/[1...8] ds-num-queue 8 cac-
profile name:PONMCBW_400M
configure qos interface pon:1/1/8/[1...8] ds-num-queue 8 cac-
profile name:PONMCBW_400M
configure qos interface pon:1/1/9/[1...8] ds-num-queue 8 cac-
profile name:PONMCBW_400M
configure qos interface pon:1/1/10/[1...8] ds-num-queue 8 cac-
profile name:PONMCBW_400M
configure qos interface pon:1/1/11/[1...8] ds-num-queue 8 cac-
profile name:PONMCBW_400M
configure qos interface pon:1/1/12/[1...8] ds-num-queue 8 cac-
profile name:PONMCBW_400M
configure qos interface pon:1/1/13/[1...8] ds-num-queue 8 cac-
profile name:PONMCBW_400M
configure qos interface pon:1/1/14/[1...8] ds-num-queue 8 cac-
profile name:PONMCBW_400M
configure qos interface pon:1/1/15/[1...8] ds-num-queue 8 cac-
profile name:PONMCBW_400M
configure qos interface pon:1/1/16/[1...8] ds-num-queue 8 cac-
profile name:PONMCBW_400M

7 Service Provisioning – Sample Service Configuration

7.1 Create ONT Infrastructure
Create ONTs using SLID Password.
configure equipment ont interface 1/1/5/1/10 sw-ver-pland AUTO
sernum ALCL:00000000 subslocid 0000000001 voip-allowed enable
enable-aes enable
configure equipment ont interface 1/1/5/1/10 admin-state up
configure qos interface ont:1/1/5/1/10 us-num-queue 8 scheduler-
node name:NGLT_Default
configure equipment ont slot 1/1/5/1/10/1 planned-card-type
10_100base plndnumdataports 4 plndnumvoiceports 0 admin-state up
configure equipment ont slot 1/1/5/1/10/2 planned-card-type pots
plndnumdataports 0 plndnumvoiceports 2 admin-state up

Note: The bold part needs to be replaced by the actual value found on the
node information sheet

7.2 Configure ONT UNI with Default setting

configure interface port uni:1/1/5/1/10/1/1 admin-up

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configure bridge port 1/1/5/1/10/1/1 max-unicast-mac 16

configure qos interface 1/1/5/1/10/1/1 scheduler-node
name:NGLT_Default cac-profile name:FD_GponVideo
configure qos interface 1/1/5/1/10/1/1 upstream-queue [0...7]
priority 1 weight 1 bandwidth-profile none
configure qos interface 1/1/5/1/10/1/1 queue [0...7] priority 1
weight 1 shaper-profile none

7.3 Create TM HSBB HSI Service (RGW)

Create TM HSBB HSI service on port 1.
configure qos interface 1/1/5/1/10/1/1 upstream-queue 0 weight 0
bandwidth-profile name:20M_UP bandwidth-sharing uni-sharing
configure qos interface 1/1/5/1/10/1/1 queue 0 priority 1 weight
0 shaper-profile name:20M_DOWN
configure bridge port 1/1/5/1/10/1/1 vlan-id 500 tag single-
tagged network-vlan 500 vlan-scope local
configure interface port uni:1/1/5/1/10/1/1 admin-up

Note: The bold part needs to be replaced by the actual value found on the
node information sheet

7.4 Create TM HSBB HSI Service (No RG)

Create TM HSBB HSI service on port 1 (untagged).
configure qos interface 1/1/5/1/10/1/1 upstream-queue 0 weight 0
bandwidth-profile name:20M_UP bandwidth-sharing uni-sharing
configure qos interface 1/1/5/1/10/1/1 queue 0 priority 1 weight
0 shaper-profile name:20M_DOWN
configure bridge port 1/1/5/1/10/1/1 vlan-id 500 tag untagged
network-vlan 500 vlan-scope local
configure bridge port 1/1/5/1/10/1/1 pvid 500 default-priority 0
configure interface port uni:1/1/5/1/10/1/1 admin-up

Note: The bold part needs to be replaced by the actual value found on the
node information sheet

7.5 Create TM HSBB VOD + Multicast Service (RGW)

Create TM HSBB VOD service on port 1
configure qos interface 1/1/5/1/10/1/1 upstream-queue 5 priority
6 weight 0 bandwidth-profile name:8M_UP_IPTV bandwidth-sharing
configure qos interface 1/1/5/1/10/1/1 queue 5 priority 6 weight
0 shaper-profile name:8M_DOWN_IPTV
configure bridge port 1/1/5/1/10/1/1 vlan-id 600 tag single-
tagged network-vlan 600 vlan-scope local
All rights reserved. Passing on and copying of this document, use and communication of its contents not permitted without written authorization from Alcatel-Lucent.

configure igmp channel vlan:1/1/5/1/10/1/1:600 max-num-group 64

max-msg-rate 16
configure igmp channel vlan:1/1/5/1/10/1/1:600 no preview-
packages [1...1024]
configure interface port uni:1/1/5/1/10/1/1 admin-up

Note: The bold part needs to be replaced by the actual value found on the
node information sheet

7.6 Create TM HSBB VOD + Multicast Service (No RG)

Create TM HSBB VOD service on port 4 (untagged).
configure qos interface 1/1/5/1/10/1/4 upstream-queue 5 priority
6 weight 0 bandwidth-profile name:8M_UP_IPTV bandwidth-sharing
configure qos interface 1/1/5/1/10/1/4 queue 5 priority 6 weight
0 shaper-profile name:8M_DOWN_IPTV
configure bridge port 1/1/5/1/10/1/4 vlan-id 600 tag untagged
network-vlan 600 vlan-scope local
configure bridge port 1/1/5/1/10/1/4 pvid 600 default-priority 5
configure igmp channel vlan:1/1/5/1/10/1/4:600 max-num-group 64
max-msg-rate 16
configure igmp channel vlan:1/1/5/1/10/1/4:600 no preview-
packages [1...1024]
configure interface port uni:1/1/5/1/10/1/4 admin-up

Note: The bold part needs to be replaced by the actual value found on the
node information sheet

7.7 Create TM HSBB VOBB Service (Voice on ONT)

Create Voice Infrastructure:
configure qos interface 1/1/5/1/10/voip scheduler-node
configure qos interface 1/1/5/1/10/voip upstream-queue [0...7]
priority 1 weight 1 bandwidth-profile none
configure qos interface 1/1/5/1/10/voip queue [0...7] priority 1
weight 1 shaper-profile none

configure qos interface 1/1/5/1/10/voip upstream-queue 6

priority 7 weight 0 bandwidth-profile name:512K_UP bandwidth-
sharing uni-sharing
configure qos interface 1/1/5/1/10/voip queue 6 priority 7
weight 0 shaper-profile name:512K_DOWN

configure bridge port 1/1/5/1/10/voip max-unicast-mac 4

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configure bridge port 1/1/5/1/10/voip vlan-id 400 tag single-

tagged vlan-scope local
configure bridge port 1/1/5/1/10/voip pvid 400

configure voice ont service 1/1/5/1/10/1 conf-method ftp ftp-

user-name ontftp ftp-passwd ont123 ftp-serv-ip-addr dhcp enabled voip-mode sip1 voip-dscp 46 conf-
file-name sip/d/pub/TM_9043-44.xml vlan 400 admin-state unlocked
configure interface port voip:1/1/5/1/10 admin-up

For 1 POTS service

configure voice ont pots 1/1/5/1/10/2/1 admin-state unlocked

For 2 POTS service

configure voice ont pots 1/1/5/1/10/2/1 admin-state unlocked
configure voice ont pots 1/1/5/1/10/2/2 admin-state unlocked

Note: The bold part needs to be replaced by the actual value found on the
node information sheet.
Note: For the Voice on ONT service, the upstream voice traffic will
depend on the ingress-qos profile assigned to VOICE VLAN. As per
agreed, since the VOICE VLAN is assigned to allow all 8 pbits to pass
through, therefore all upstream VOICE traffic will be tied to pbit 7.

8 Service Termination
8.1 Delete Tagged Service on RGW
Delete tagged service from port 1
configure bridge port 1/1/2/2/10/1/1 no vlan-id 500
exit all
configure qos interface 1/1/2/2/10/1/1 upstream-queue 0
bandwidth-profile none
configure qos interface 1/1/2/2/10/1/1 queue 0 shaper-profile
exit all

Note: The bold part needs to be replaced by the actual ONT-UNI Id to be


8.2 Delete Untagged Service on ONT UNI

Delete untagged services from port 1
configure bridge port 1/1/2/2/10/1/1 no pvid
configure bridge port 1/1/2/2/10/1/1 no vlan-id 500
exit all
All rights reserved. Passing on and copying of this document, use and communication of its contents not permitted without written authorization from Alcatel-Lucent.

configure qos interface 1/1/2/2/10/1/1 upstream-queue 0

bandwidth-profile none
configure qos interface 1/1/2/2/10/1/1 queue 0 shaper-profile
exit all

Note: The bold part needs to be replaced by the actual ONT-ONI Id to be


8.3 Delete VOBB Service (Voice on ONT)

Delete VOIP services from ONT
configure voice ont pots 1/1/2/2/10/2/[1...2] admin-state locked
configure interface port voip:1/1/2/2/10 no admin-up
configure voice ont service 1/1/2/2/10/1 admin-state locked
configure voice ont no service 1/1/2/2/10/1
exit all
configure bridge port 1/1/2/2/10/voip no vlan-id 400
configure qos interface 1/1/2/2/10/voip upstream-queue 6
bandwidth-profile none
configure qos interface 1/1/2/2/10/voip queue 6 shaper-profile
exit all

Note: The bold part needs to be replaced by the actual ONT-ONI Id to be


8.4 Delete ONT UNI

configure interface port uni:1/1/2/2/10/1/1 no admin-up
configure bridge no port 1/1/2/2/10/1/1

Note: The bold part needs to be replaced by the actual ONT-UNI Id to be


8.5 Delete ONT Card

Delete ONT Card
configure equipment ont slot 1/1/2/2/10/1 admin-state down
configure equipment ont no slot 1/1/2/2/10/1

configure equipment ont slot 1/1/2/2/10/2 admin-state down

configure equipment ont no slot 1/1/2/2/10/2
All rights reserved. Passing on and copying of this document, use and communication of its contents not permitted without written authorization from Alcatel-Lucent.

Note: The bold part needs to be replaced by the actual ONT Id to be


8.6 Delete ONT Infrastructure

Delete ONT.
configure equipment ont interface 1/1/2/2/10 admin-state down
configure equipment ont no interface 1/1/2/2/10

Note: The bold part needs to be replaced by the actual ONT Id to be


9 Useful show commands

9.1 Display configuration of iHub and GPON
isadmin># admin display-config
isadmin># info configure flat

9.2 Show the status of port and lag interface

isadmin># show port nt-a:xfp:1
isadmin># show lag
isadmin># show lag 1 detail

9.3 Show the status of LT card, PON, ONT and UNI port
isadmin># show equipment slot
isadmin># show interface port pon:1/1/2/2
isadmin># show interface port ont:1/1/2/2/10
isadmin># show interface port uni:1/1/2/2/10/1/[1...2]

9.4 Show the status of NT-A and NT-B Redundancy

isadmin># show equipment protection-group 1
isadmin># show equipment protection-element nt-a
isadmin># show equipment protection-element nt-b

9.5 Forced NT Switch-over and reset NT-B’s ctrl-status

isadmin># configure equipment protection-element nt-b redcy-
ctrl-status forced_active

Note: the below command is required to set “normal” from

All rights reserved. Passing on and copying of this document, use and communication of its contents not permitted without written authorization from Alcatel-Lucent.

isadmin># configure equipment protection-element nt-b redcy-

ctrl-status normal

9.6 Show the status of DHCP session and MAC learning

isadmin># show dhcp-relay session
isadmin># show service fdb-mac | match 9a:da:d5:
isadmin># show service fdb-mac | match 9a:da:d5:ad:06:f0
isadmin># show vlan bridge-port-fdb
isadmin># show vlan bridge-port-fdb | match exact:00:10:94:

Note: The bold part needs to be replaced by the actual ONT-ONI Id to be


10 Document History

Versio Date Author(s) Description/Comment

1.0 December Norhisham Document Creation
20th 2013 Isnin
2.0 July 22nd Simon Lee Updated profiles and focus on HSBB
2014 services only
3.0 October Simon Lee 1. Removal of step 5.14 –
13th 2014 Environment Alarm
2. Amend step 5.18 – Require to
reboot OLT before continue with
SNTP configuration.
3. Amend igmp system query-interval
from 125 to 30.


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