Molecular Mechanism and Targets of The Antimicrobial Activity of Metal Nanoparticles
Molecular Mechanism and Targets of The Antimicrobial Activity of Metal Nanoparticles
Molecular Mechanism and Targets of The Antimicrobial Activity of Metal Nanoparticles
Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 2015, 15, 1583-1588 1583
Faik N. Oktar1,2, Mehmet Yetmez3, Denisa Ficai4, Anton Ficai4, Florica Dumitru5 and
Alexandra Pica4,*
Department of Bioengineering, Faculty of Engineering, Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey;
Nanotechnology Biomaterials Application & Research Centre, Marmara University, Istanbul, Tur-
key; 3 Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Bulent Ecevit University,
Zonguldak, Turkey; 4Politehnica University of Bucharest, Centre of Micro and Nanotechnology; 1-7 corr )
Polizu St., 011061, Bucharest, Romania; 5Research Institute for Advanced Coatings, 49 A Theodor size s
Abstract: The emergence of multi-resistant bacteria to drugs is recognized as a major cause of the in-
creasing number of deaths in hospitals. Killing these bacteria require multiple expensive drugs that
can have side effects. Metal nanoparticles may provide a new strategy to combat them. Due the antim-
icrobial and antiviral properties, nanoparticles (NPs) have outstanding biological properties that can be handled properly
for desired applications. This review presents antibacterial and antiviral activity of metal NPs, including the molecular
mechanisms by which NPs annihilate multidrug-resistant bacteria.
Keywords: Antibacterial, Antiviral, Drug-multiresistant bacteria, Molecular mechanism.
trate inside of cell. Accumulation of the nanoparticles on the ATPase activities to decrease the ATP level, second one is to
cell surface causes structural changes in the cell membrane inhibit the subunit of ribosome from binding tRNA. Gold
and ultimately the death [34]. The generation of free radicals NPs enhance chemotaxis in the early-phase reaction. [33].
by NPs may be another mechanism shown by studies of spin Gold nanoparticles act on microorganisms through various
resonance spectroscopy. These free radicals are able to dam- channels, such as disruption of the cell membrane, inhibiting
age the cell membrane and cell death [28, 35, 38]. The the synthesis of proteins and links with the nucleic acids [26,
mechanism of antibacterial action of the silver ions is closely 46-48].
related to their interaction with thiol groups (sulfhydryl-SH).
The silver ions react with the thiol group from the vital en- MOLECULAR MECHANISM OF COPPER NANO-
zymes and inactivate them [39] or, interact with their DNA, PARTICLES
resulting in a markedly upsurge of pyrimidine dimers by a
photodynamic reaction or prevent the DNA replication [24, Copper ions are effective catalysts of the Haber-Weiss
40, 41] (Fig. 1). reaction [49, 50], leading to toxic hydroxyl radical which
causes DNA mutations [51] or damage of the cellular mac-
romolecules. Some authors have proposed antimicrobial
mechanism of Cu, but the evidence regarding the generating
of ROS in vivo is insufficient [52]. It is assumed that the
toxicity of copper is high under anaerobic conditions [52]
and ROS generation is becoming less important.
The reactive hydroxylic radicals may be generated in the
Fenton's reaction:
→ Cu 2+ + HO• + HO
Cu + + H 2 O 2 ⎯⎯
Hydroxyl radicals participate in harmful reactions for
various molecules, such as oxidation of proteins and lipids.
Fig. (1). Mechanisms of action of the silver ions on bacteria. (1). Copper ions can lead to depletion of the sulfhydryl groups
penetration of the bacterial cell wall; (2). silver ions are binding to that is important in the stabilization of structure of protein
DNA blocking the ability of ribosomes to transcript messenger particles by developing sulfur bridges and in detoxification
RNA and to cytochrome through thiolic groups. mechanisms of the cells [53]. It is shown that the group (Fe-
S) contains some enzymes (which is essential for the func-
Schematically, the mechanism by which silver ions act tion in vivo and in vitro) is destroyed by exposure to copper
on the bacteria is as follows: and inactivate biosynthesis of amino acids [52]. The molecu-
lar mechanism of the antibacterial activity of copper is de-
1) silver ions penetrate the bacterial cell wall and bind to the rived from its atomic structure, and especially from the ex-
phospholipid layer of the cytoplasmic membrane, ternal electronic shell structure and the possibility of giving
2) silver ions bind the bacterial DNA with subsequent dis- (Cu2+) or receiving electrons easily [54]. Schematically,
rupting DNA replication, mechanism of action of Cu is:
3) silver ions impair the ability of ribosomes to transcribe a) copper dissolves on surface and causes damages penetrat-
messenger RNA, ing in the bacteria cells;
4) silver ions bind the sulfhydryl group of the cytochrome b) breakages of cell membrane, due to stresses caused by
[42, 43]. copper atoms and other phenomena leading to loss of mem-
brane potential and cytoplasmic contents;
Another study suggests a novel mechanism for the anti-
bacterial effect of silver nanoparticles on Escherichia coli, c) copper ions stimulate development of reactive oxygen
namely, the induction of a bacterial apoptosis-like response. forms which causes further damages of cells;
A possible mechanism for the bacterial apoptosis-like re- d) genome and plasmid DNA is subject to degradation [55].
sponse includes the following: accumulation of reactive
oxygen species (ROS), increased intracellular calcium levels, The antibacterial activity of copper could be explained by
phosphatidylserine exposure in the outer membrane and three mechanisms: (i). increasing the concentration of copper
DNA degradation [44]. Another approach to antimicrobial inside the cells produces oxidative stress and generates hy-
activity of silver could be photocatalytic mechanism of silver drogen peroxide; Cu takes part in the Fenton reaction that
ions. These ions take part in the catalytic oxidation reactions causes the oxidation of cells; (ii) the excess Cu causes a de-
of the oxygen molecules from the cell and the hydrogen at- crease in the integrity of the membrane, which leads to leak-
oms in the thiol groups. Thus, two thiol groups are cova- age of nutrients from the cell, dehydration and cell death;
lently linked together by disulfide links (R-S-S-R), which (iii) copper interacts with proteins causing the atrophy of the
leads to blocking of respiration and the cell death [45]. functions of the proteins and/or their degradation.
mina NPs show low antibacterial properties even at very OH radicals could be the major cause of the bactericidal ef-
high concentrations. This is attributed to the surface interac- fect [72] or direct oxidation with "holes" (H +) in the valence
tions between the charged particles and the cells. It is possi- band of the TiO2 surface [73, 74]. Reactive species attack the
ble that there is a free radical scavenging property of the cytoplasmic membrane and damage it. This membrane is
alumina to prevent disruption of the cell wall and severe an- involved in cell respiration process, leading to cell death.
timicrobial activity [57]. The mechanism of induction of The main targets of oxidative attack of ROS are polyunsatu-
oxidative stress allows NPs to cross the barriers of cells and rated phospholipids to present in cell membranes of micro-
to penetrate them, interacting with the sub-cellular structures organisms [75]. The process of lipid peroxidation is carried
[58]. out in the presence of oxygen, and the lipid radical is con-
verted to a lipid peroxyl radical, which in turn is reacted with
MOLECULAR MECHANISM OF MAGNESIUM OX- an unsaturated lipid to generate a new radical and lipid. This
IDE NANOPARTICLES radical chain reaction leads to the oxidation of biomolecules
that are away from the place where attack of ROS exists [76,
The mechanism of antimicrobial alumina is due to gen- 77].
eration of ROS, which disrupts the cell wall (i.e. cell death).
Antibacterial mechanism of MgO NPs is not fully eluci-
dated, several mechanisms being proposed, such as: the ef-
fect of alkali [59, 60], interaction of the NPs with the bacte- Antibacterial Activity of Metal NPs
ria and their subsequent deterioration or formation of ROS.
Many studies have shown that the antibacterial mechanism Metal NPs can have antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral
activity. NPs are attached to the bacteria membrane by elec-
of MgO NPs is due to the formation of ROS, such as super-
trostatic interactions and disrupt bacterial membrane integ-
oxide anion (O2 -) [60-63]. Active superoxide ions are gener-
rity. The antibacterial mechanism is in particular triggered by
ated on the surface of MgO and react with peptide bonds
the induction of oxidative stress by the formation of ROS.
between the cell wall and thus disturb them. Carbonyl groups
Table 1 shows the NPs synthesized the antibacterial activity
of the peptide bonds are attacked by superoxide ions and
thus protein degradation occurs [61, 64]. It is observed that on Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.
particles which are smaller than 15 nm have antimicrobial
activity due to low MgO aggregation [59, 65]. It is assumed Table 1. Antibacterial activity of metal NPs against various
that the antibacterial mechanism of MgO NPs could be due bacteria.
to lipid peroxidation and ROS [68, 69]. Other authors have
suggested that cell death is caused by electrostatic interaction
between the surface of bacteria and MgO nanoparticles [58, Type of NPs Type of bacteria Reference(s)
64, 66, 67, 70].
Gram positive bacteria
MOLECULAR MECHANISM OF ZINC OXIDE Ag, TiO2 , Cu, MgO S. aureus 32, 78-80
Some authors have proposed that the generation of hy- Halophilic bacterium
Ag, ZnO 82
drogen peroxide is to be the main mechanism of its antibac- sp.EMB4
terial activity. It is also reported that the concentration of
Vancomycin- resistant
H2O2 is linearly proportional to ZnO particle concentration Ag 83
in the slurry [71, 59].
O 2 + 2e − → O −2 Ag, ZnO, Al20 3, TiO2,
B. subtilis 56, 81, 82
Subsequently, H2O2 is formed
Gram negative bacteria
O −2 + 2H + → H 2 O 2
Ag K. pneumoniae 84
These active oxygen species that react with the enzymes
present on the cell surface and inactivate them. The free elec- Ag, TiO2 , ZnO, Au P. aeruginosa 39, 84-86
trons can take part in redox reactions with the components Ag, ZnO, Al20 3, TiO2, 39, 46, 56,
from the cell surface, contributing to the distortion of the cell E. coli
MgO, Au 85, 87, 88
surface and ultimately to the inactivation of the cells. It looks
like the binding of the particles on the surface of the bacte- ZnO, TiO2 Sal. typhimurium 89
rium occurred by electrostatic forces [59].
Antiviral activity of metal NPs
Metal nanoparticles interact with the genome of the virus
by interacting directly with the viral proteins from the sur-
TiO2 and ZnO NPs mainly kill bacteria via production of face [25]. NPs first enter into (i) the host cell and then (ii) the
ROS under UV irradiation. The photocatalytic mechanism is viral genome where the blocking of the cellular factors
assigned to the oxidative damage induced by ROS such as and/or the viral vectors which are important in viral replica-
O2 -, H2O2 and HO. These reactive oxygen species are pro- tion is occurred (see Table 2). NPs are alternatively attached
duced by redox reactions between adsorbed species (such as to the viral genome, so that polymerization does not occur
water and oxygen) and electron. Some authors assume that and no further formation of virions.
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Received: September 10, 2014 Revised: October 17, 2014 Accepted: January 29, 2015