SPE Computer Applications, February 1993: RZ Rxo
SPE Computer Applications, February 1993: RZ Rxo
SPE Computer Applications, February 1993: RZ Rxo
SP Res
N-D bulk den
N-S Lab
Effective Porosities
N·S Neutron
N-D Sonic
Density .M:L
Poupon No Porosity Log
S., Dual Water - Swe
if Brackish No Porosity Log
RatioS we Auto Compensation - Swe
If No! AUlO Compensation - Swe
Dispersed Clay - Swe
Simandoux - Swe
Fertl.S w
Yes Dual Water - Swe
No 4( Next Zone)
Fig. 1-Working flow chart for SSA (V2). Fig. 2-Working flow chart of SSA (%).
saturation values. In Pass 1, clay volume, effective porosity, and suite to compare various methods, including methods added by the
R" are computed. Then, a series of crossplots is provided to es- user.
tablish whether a zone appears hydrocarbon-bearing or wet. Cross-
plots also are included to test for the low-clay-volume/high-CEC Cross plot Example
problem. Pass 1 would establish whether a shaly sand analysis Each detail of the program, from the graphs displayed to how cal-
should be done and could be used at the wellsite to aid in the decision culations are performed, was examined and outlined to fit each of
to run pipe. the defined paths that an analyst might take based on clay type and
In Pass 2, water saturations and net pay would be computed. The logging suite. During the detailing of the project, the power of an
program selects at least two water-saturation models, one that uses interactive tool was obvious; users often did not need to enter in-
an Rsh value and one that does not. The selection is based on avail- formation because the program could choose appropriate parameters
able logging suite. If the models compare, the shale is laminar and from data available.
compatible with adjacerit shales and either method can be used. If Each of the crossplots in SSA was enhanced to take full advantage
the Sw values from a model using Rsh are greater than Sw values of a computer display and automatic selection of data to use in the
from a model that does not require R sh , then the Fertl and Ham- crossplots. As an example, one of the graphs of hydrocarbon indi-
mack correction can be applied for dispersed clays and the models cation plots a resistivity-derived porosity vs. porosity-log-derived
should give similar results. If CEC data are available, Sw from porosity. The resistivity-derived porosity uses the deep-resistivity-
Waxman-Smits always is computed. log reading to compute porosity. The porosity-log-derived porosity
is computed by the neutron-density log, density logs, or sonic log,
Final Flow Chart depending on which logs are available. Fig. 6 gives an example
Once a two-pass strategy was established, the mechanics and "bells of this crossplot. Note that the crossplot is provided on the left side
and whistles" could be added to the program easily. On each screen, of the screen with a depth graph on the right. Data on the graph
the graphical data are presented with explanations. Technical notes are plotted in yellow and dark blue, with the dark blue being shale
about choosing between methods or discussions on what the cross- determined by the depth's clay-volume value and a clay cutoff de-
plots mean are included on every screen. fined by the user. The shaded region (blue) indicates the depths
Figs. 3 through 5 display a revised flow chart. The program takes that would be wet. Any depths that fall in this region are highlighted
any logging suite and first establishes whether the formation has a in the graph on the right by a blue column.
potential for hydrocarbons through a series of erossplots. Results For each crossplot, the user can highlight data from specific depths
from erossplots are summarized in a single screen so that users can and view the notes that discuss the crossplot. The cross plot above
scan depths to see which meet the criteria of being hydrocarbon- has four on-line notes.
bearing and permeable enough to produce. The user can override I. On first pass, use no hydrocarbon correction, letting
automatic selection of shaly sand water-saturation models by logging Sxo=lOO%.
<PN - <l>D
<l>Rs - <1>. (CEq
OR D-S <l>Rt-<I>t(HC)'
SP Res Highlight On-Line
N-D Pb Intervals Pickett' Technical Notes
N-S Lab in a Zone To Explain
LowVcI Check Crossplots
Swa - Swr
, And Aid
VclSP - VclGR
N-D Neutron
N-S Sonic
* Denotes Hydrocarbon
Density ML
Fig. 3-Final flow chart for SSA (V3). Fig. 4-Final flow chart for SSA (213).
Thus, an analyst can quickly view the crossplot and know depths
with a potential to be productive.
Generalized Procedure
In SSA, the knowledge of an expert was successfully implemented
into a computer program by writing a program that leads the user
through an analysis based on available data. To be flexible to all
users, the program allows users to override selections to perform
other calculations. Users can include their own calculations, and
because many published shaly-sand-analysis models are included,
the program can be used by analysts who use a different methodol-
ogy. Technical notes throughout the program help the user know
when such a deviation is justified. The following procedure was
used to create the program:
1. Produce a general outline.
2. Account for all types of analysis.
3. Establish how an expert selects among available data and anal-
ysis methods.
4. Categorize methods on the basis of paths at decision points.
5. Automate as many decision points as possible from the
categorization scheme.
Rsh SweMethod
Dual Water Method
6. Organize the analysis and interface to be straightforward from
start to finish of each analysis.
Rsh Swe Method Non.Rsb Swe Method
Dual Water Ratio Sw 7. Provide documentation at decision points so that users can devi-
Non.Rsh Swe Method
ate from paths if justified by theories or experience.
FertI 8. Test the program continually with a wide range of data to en-
sure that all analysis paths are consistent and accurate.
SSA takes advantage of an expert's experience to provide calcu-
lations and graphs appropriate to an analysis. The program is not
a learning machine that can code its own experience on the basis
of each set of data analyzed. Whether it is considered an expert
Detennine Net Pay and Hydrocarbon system depends somewhat on semantics. However, by using the
hq> Using Cut-offs experience and knowledge for both the structure and details of the
program, we created a tool to help log analysts evaluate and learn
Fig. 5-Final flow chart for SSA (%). about evaluating well logs in shaly sands. This tool would not have
evolved into a comprehensive program without the input of the ex-
pert at every phase of development.
2. Data clusters around the 45° line (i.e., PhiR=PhiD) indicate
low-CEC clays with no excess conductivity. Continue using standard Conclusions
shaly sand analysis.
3. If data fall above the 45° line (i.e., PhiR~ PhiND), then high- SSA is written so that users with a wide level of experience can
CEC clays are indicated with excess conductivity. Use the Waxman- analyze logs accurately. By studying how Dr. Asquith analyzed logs,
Smits method (with CEC data) or the WTechnique (with dielectric we developed a generalized interpretation methodology that was
log) to determine effective water saturation. If CEC data or a di- implemented into a computer program. Besides establishing a sys-
electric log are not available, use ratio water saturation. tematic approach to interpret logs, several new technical ideas were
4. If the data fall below the 45° line, redo the plot after reducing developed as the program was written. These include creating a
Sxo' but not below 70%. low-clay-volume check plot, making a summary crossplot histo-
J: .0
10 2. o.
lIND (x)
Fig. 6-Example of a hydrocarbon-indicating crossplot tPRIO VS. tPO-N' Points lying in the
shaded area represent depths that are wet. These depths are also shaded between the V cl
and tP, graphs.
gram that compares results from several crossplots, and using differ- References
ent x-y axes for traditional crossplots for limited logging suites. I. Asquith. G.B.: Log Evaluation ofShaly Sandstones: A Practical Guide,
Examples of modifying traditional crossplots include plotting AAPG Publishing, Tulsa (1990).
deep-resistivity-derived vs. resistivity-derived porosity in a Pickett 2. Tixier. M.P.: "Electric Log Analysis in the Rocky Mountains," Oil &
plot when only an old electric log is available, or computing a Q-plot Gas 1. (June 23, 1949).
with the total porosity and effective porosity when a sonic log is 3. Log Interpretation Charts. Dresser Atlas. Dresser Industries Publishing,
not available. Houston (1979).
An unexpected outcome of this project was that, by organizing 4. Hilchie, D.W.: Advanced Well Log Interpretation, D.W. Hilchie Inc.
the analysis of many types of formations, the general method de- Publishing, Golden, CO (1982).
rived for shaly sands has changed the way each developer inter- 5. Poupon, A. and Levlaux, J.: "Evaluation of Water Saturation in Shaly
prets logs. Pass I, which looks at the potential of a formation to Formations," Proc., SPWLA 12th Annual Logging Symposium (1971)
be hydrocarbon-bearing, provides an automatic and quick means paper O.
to determine whether further analysis is merited. 6. Guillotte. J.G., Schrank, J., and Hunt, E.: "Smackover Reservoir: Inter-
Working with an expert provides software developers with a pretation Case Study of Water Saturation vs. Production," Trans.,
GCAGS (1979) 29, 121-26.
unique opportunity to program the steps of an analysis and to in-
7. Fertl, W.H.: "Shaly Sand Analysis in Development Wells," Proc.,
clude "smarts" in a program to help users at decision points and
SPWLA, 16th Annual Logging Symposium (1975) paper A.
provide analysis paths that will anticipate different cases, including 8. Clavier, C., Coates, G., and Dumanoir, J.: "Theoretical and Experimen-
unusual or difficult-to-analyze situations. tal Bases for the Dual-Water Model for Interpretation of Shaly Sands,"
SPEJ (April 1984) 153-68.
Nomenclature 9. Fertl, W.H. and Hammack, G.W.: "A Comparative Look at Water Satu-
Rs shallow resistivity
= ration Computations in Shaly Pay Sands," Proc., SPWLA 12th Annual
Rsh =
shale resistivity Logging Symposium (1971) paper R.
R, =
true formation resistivity
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp. SPECA
Rw =
water resistivity
R xo =
resistivity of the flushed zone
Original SPE manuscript received for review July 19, 1992. Revised manuscript
Rz = resistivity of the mixed zone
received Jan. 8, 1993. Paper accepted for publication Jan. 8. 1993. Paper (SPE
Sw = water saturation 24453) first presented at the 1992 SPE Petroleum Computer Conference held
Vel = clay volume in Houston, July 9-22.