3 Creswell & Allan
3 Creswell & Allan
3 Creswell & Allan
Architectural Engineering Department, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan, Iraq
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang 11800, Malaysia
Received 3 June 2013; received in revised form 22 August 2013; accepted 27 August 2013
Mosque layout; This study attempts to quantify the influence of spatial configuration on the functional
Pendentive dome; efficiency of mosque layouts in the early Ottoman period. The literature review consists of
Space syntax; two parts. The first part is a theoretical study of the relationship between spatial configuration
Gamma analysis; and functional efficiency of mosque layouts. This part highlights the key syntactical character-
Spatial configuration;
istics and effect of spatial configuration on the level of functional efficiency using space syntax
Functional efficiency
theory. The second part is an analytical comparative description of the changes and transfor-
mations in the configurations of mosque layouts. The architectural styles are classified into six
types based on layout designs. The main benchmarks and indicators involved in measuring the
functional efficiency of mosque layouts are analyzed using the A-graph 2009 software program,
which provides numerical results. This analysis compares entire samples of mosque layout
designs for each category. The numerical results indicate the effect of spatial configurations
and the functions of mosque layouts. This study shows that mosques with courtyard layouts are
accessible, efficient, and flexible in terms of function because of their distinct syntactical and
morphological spatial structures.
& 2013. Higher Education Press Limited Company. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All
rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Corresponding author. Tel.: +964 7504524659. The expansion of territories by the Ottoman Empire
E-mail addresses: farisyali@yahoo.com (F.A. Mustafa), resulted in the development of the Ottoman architecture.
Sanusi@usm.my (A.S. Hassan). The Ottomans constructed several public buildings and
Peer review under responsibility of Southeast University. edifices in various sizes and forms because of the growing
needs of the changing Ottoman community (i.e., from an
immigrant tribe to an empire). The annexation of new
lands to territories that were ruled by the Ottomans
enabled Ottoman architects to promote and enhance their
2095-2635 & 2013. Higher Education Press Limited Company. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article as: Mustafa, F.A., Hassan, A.S., Mosque layout design: An analytical study of mosque layouts in the early
Ottoman period. Frontiers of Architectural Research (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foar.2013.08.005
2 F.A. Mustafa, A.S. Hassan
construction techniques by working with architects from Pendentive dome construction was applied in designing mos-
newly acquired regions. This practice satisfied the increas- ques in this region. A pendentive dome refers to the construc-
ing demands of a flourishing community. According to the tion of a “dome above a dome,” that is, a dome that seems to
Ottoman regulation, settlers should be accommodated in be “hanging in the air” over four giant arched supports. The
newly occupied regions. With regard to building architec- uniqueness of this type of dome construction enables the
ture, this regulation influenced the construction of several creation of a large multivolume space in the mosque interior
new mosques because the Ottomans practiced Islam. The (Mango, 1976; Figure 1).
size and form of the mosques were influenced by a number The functional efficiency of mosque layouts in the early
of factors, such as the Muslim population in a region. The Ottoman period was affected by the process of spatial
increase in Muslim population required the construction of configuration over time. This paper applies space syntax
Jami Mosques, which are known as Cami in the Turkish theory on the architecture of pendentive dome mosques in
language. Believers congregate in these mosques every the Balkans with respect to the layout design. The mosque is
Friday (Crane, 1993; Pasic, 2004). A thriving economy can an embodiment of spatial and temporal Islamic laws that
also be another factor in the construction of large mosques directly come from the Quran and Sunnah of the Prophet
because an increase in wealth increases the status of a Muhammad. The primary spatial laws indicate the orienta-
town. The Ottomans were also conscious of the ability of tion of the mosque to the Kaabah in Makah and the
architecture to immortalize power and wealth. They arrangement of the worshipers in parallel rows behind the
constructed public buildings with luxurious architectures imam facing the Qiblah wall. Temporal laws dictate the five
because mosques had always been an important compo- ritual performances that are to be performed during specific
nent of such buildings. The luxurious interiors of these times of the day according to the movement of the sun.
buildings are shown by fenestrations spreading over the These spatial and temporal laws are uniform throughout the
façades and shaft of the dome. These fenestrations reflect Islamic world regardless of cultural and traditional varia-
the grandeur exterior of the building, attract the attention tions. However, the rules or codes of practice are subject to
of passersby, and kindle the virtuosity of esthetes. This various interpretations of Islamic schools of thought and
construction method can be attributed to the Ottomans Muslim scholars. Such rules may evolve into various tradi-
(Saoud, 2004). tions influenced by regional cultures.
This construction method is a blend of indigenous archi- Nonetheless, the core traditions indicated by the Quran
tecture that was inherited by Ottoman culture. It includes and the Sunnah are intact. To understand the mosque as a
the combination of original Ottoman architecture and building type, formal analysis of the mosque as a constitu-
Islamic regulations called Shariah. Issues such as climate ent of physical/symbolic architectural elements or as an
and material concerns in recognized architecture were object of events and social process is insufficient. Given the
settled by the indigenous architecture of the area. The theoretical and methodological tools of space syntax,
indigenous architecture was used by the Ottomans as the analysis should focus on the genotype of mosques, that is,
foundation in integrating Ottoman culture, bylaws, and configurational regularities that show spatial categories and
religious stances in indigenous culture. The adoption and social practices (Aazam, 2005, 2007). This analysis com-
transformation process defined the architectural generation pares six categories and samples of pendentive dome
between the 13th and 15th centuries and resulted in the mosque layouts. Each mosque category was established
formation of buildings known today as early Ottoman during different periods and evolved from previous cate-
architecture. gories (Kuran, 1968; Unsal, 1973; Mango, 1976; Flon et al.,
The Ottomans gradually disseminated this architectural 1984; Bernardini, 1987; Marshall and Rossman, 1999;
tenet during their territorial expansion from Asia Minor to Goodwin, 1993; 2003; Pasic and Siravo, 2004; Guba and
Europe, where Ottoman prints could be easily seen, particularly Lincoln, 2005; Gulru, 2005; Omer, 2008). These categories
in the Balkans (Flon et al., 1984; Pasic, 2004; Saoud, 2004). are presented as follows.
Figure 1 Pendentive dome construction: Hagia Sophia (left); types of pendentive dome construction (right).
Please cite this article as: Mustafa, F.A., Hassan, A.S., Mosque layout design: An analytical study of mosque layouts in the early
Ottoman period. Frontiers of Architectural Research (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foar.2013.08.005
Mosque layout design: An analytical study of mosque layouts in the early Ottoman period 3
1.1. Single dome layout (nuclear dome layout) surmounts the prayer hall. The remaining spaces can be
covered by smaller domes, although the pendent areas are
The single dome layout is the origin and most basic type of not always covered with domes. A semi-dome can be
pendentive dome mosque. Subsequent developments of the applied when the prayer hall is elongated. The semi-dome
mosque layout design were derived from this category. The is usually used once on the prayer hall and is placed on the
Orhan Gazi Mosque in Gebze, Turkey, is a good example of opposite side of the porch.
this layout (Figure 2). This category has the simplest form
among all categories; that is, this layout adopts a square as 1.3. Multiple dome layout
the main hall and a surmounting dome as the roof. The main
hall can be oblong or nearly square. If the planned layout is The third category is a double dome layout design. This
nearly rectangular, other roofing methods, such as a semi- category is a combination of the single dome and earring
dome or flat roof, can be used. The presence of a porch on layout designs with additional primary and secondary
the entrance side of the mosque is a possible variety of this domes. An example of this category is the Murat Pasa
type. The dome of the single dome layout is located at the Mosque (Figure 4) in Istanbul, Turkey. Although this category
center of the prayer hall and is called a nuclear dome, is a development of the pendentive layout, the general
which is the most distinct characteristic of this type of forms of both layouts are similar. In the multiple dome
mosque layout. This mosque layout gives the impression layout, the prayer hall or all three covered spaces (i.e., the
that the mosque is dominated by the dome. The dome is prayer hall and both pendent areas) are rectangular.
surmounted on walls by squelches or rectangular structures. A porch is often used in this category, and a row of columns
Semi-domes in couple form or roofing methods such as a flat
roof surrounding the single dome are other methods of
covering the prayer hall.
Please cite this article as: Mustafa, F.A., Hassan, A.S., Mosque layout design: An analytical study of mosque layouts in the early
Ottoman period. Frontiers of Architectural Research (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foar.2013.08.005
4 F.A. Mustafa, A.S. Hassan
Please cite this article as: Mustafa, F.A., Hassan, A.S., Mosque layout design: An analytical study of mosque layouts in the early
Ottoman period. Frontiers of Architectural Research (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foar.2013.08.005
Mosque layout design: An analytical study of mosque layouts in the early Ottoman period 5
Please cite this article as: Mustafa, F.A., Hassan, A.S., Mosque layout design: An analytical study of mosque layouts in the early
Ottoman period. Frontiers of Architectural Research (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foar.2013.08.005
6 F.A. Mustafa, A.S. Hassan
that facilitate spatial–functional orientations, such as a syntactic characteristics, namely, symmetry–asymmetry and
clear outline of a building layout, visual axes, points of distributedness–non-distributedness, which are directly
recognition, and differentiation in the use of spaces. linked to the functionality of the mosque layout.
(2) Physical efficiency refers to the ease in which users and The symmetry–asymmetry property expresses the kinetic-
visitors can reach, enter, and move through a building to visual depth of various spaces within the spatial system
use various spaces. A particular focal point is integral (i.e., mosque layout) in terms of the main space (i.e., main
accessibility; that is, people with physical disabilities gate/entrance). If the depth of the space within the mosque
can also enter and move through the building indepen- layout is lower than the depth of the other spaces in the
dently. “Access for all” can be determined from the system, the space is more symmetric and vice versa. Space
floor plans based on indicators, such as the type of segregation increases when the number of kinetic-visual
space, degree of integration of each space within the steps between the spaces in the mosque layout increases,
spatial layout, depth of space, manner of distribution of thus resulting in the weakening of the functional relation-
functional spaces into zones, and variety of internal ship (i.e., efficiency). This phenomenon is caused by the
arrangements of spaces in terms of flexibility, freedom, inverse relationship between segregation and functional
inclusiveness, and other design devices. These indica- efficiency. This relationship refers to the degree of symme-
tors provide opportunities to improve the physical try of any space in the spatial system (i.e., mosque layout).
efficiency of a building (Hamdi, 1991; Voordt et al., Therefore, if any space in the mosque layout moves away
1997; Habraken, 1998; Friedman, 2002). Spaces are from the main space (e.g., the entrance) by one kinetic-
usually connected in ways that modify the distribution visual step, space separation will not occur. However, the
of integration throughout a structure, thus causing a link will be direct, and the space will be symmetrical.
number of areas to become more accessible than the Increasing the space symmetry decreases the space segre-
rest. This sequence of integration regulates the inter- gation, resulting in an efficient functional relationship.
actions between users/worshippers and causes spatial– When the space moves away by more than one kinetic-
functional relationships to become efficient and flexible visual step from the main space, the space will become
(Dawson, 2002). asymmetrical (Hillier and Hanson, 1988; Hillier, 2007).
The distributedness–non-distributedness property reflects
the available options for accessing all spaces in the system
4. Space syntax method for interpreting (i.e., mosque layout). By increasing the number of methods
of accessing a particular space, the distributedness of a
mosque layouts
space in a system will increase, suggesting that the kinetic
permeability of a space is at a high level with little
The space syntax method is an approach developed to
segregation and vice versa. A non-distributed space has
analyze spatial configuration. Space syntax aims to describe
simple permeability, suggesting the existence of one kinetic
spatial models (e.g., mosque layouts) and represent these
method to enter another space. Permeability (i.e., distri-
models in numerical and graphical forms, thus facilitating
butedness–non-distributedness) reflects the movement of
scientific interpretation (Hanson, 2003; Franz et al., 2005;
prayer within the spatial system in terms of smoothness,
Manum, 2009). This method was adopted to deal with the
efficiency, and flexibility, and it represents a certain
syntactical characteristics of the spatial configuration of
organizational behavior of prayers and its circulation.
mosque layouts because of the following reasons:
Therefore, depth-maximizing plans (i.e., mosque layouts)
are functionally inflexible and unsuitable for most types of
1 This method combines physical and social indicators in functional patterns compared with depth-minimizing plans,
explaining the spatial–functional systems to identify which enable the efficient function of a mosque (Peponis,
configurations in terms of differences and similarities, 1985; Hillier, 2007).
thus enabling the diagnosis of the strengths and weak-
nesses of structures, types, and patterning of mosque
2 This method adopts the syntactical characteristics of 4.2. Space syntax indicators and measurements
spatial configuration (i.e., symmetry–asymmetry and
distributedness–non-distributedness) in interpreting the The syntactical characteristics of spatial interior configura-
structures of different mosque layouts. tions (i.e., symmetry–asymmetry and distributedness–non-
3 This method facilitates the analysis, evaluation, and distributedness), which affect the functional efficiency of
comparison of various systems. the mosque layout, can be measured by numerical values
4 This method can assess, understand, describe, and model using the following benchmarks and indicators.
various formal and spatial systems, thus providing suffi-
cient credibility and reality. 4.2.1. Indicator of degree of integration (real relative
The degree of integration of a space is an indicator related
to the property of symmetry–asymmetry. This indicator
4.1. Space syntax analysis of mosque layouts reflects the relative depth of space in relation to the rest
of the spaces in any spatial system (Hillier and Hanson,
Space syntax indicates that the organization of architec- 1988). The mean depth of a space (MD) from all other
tural space in mosque layouts can result from two key spaces in the configuration (i.e., mosque layout) is the
Please cite this article as: Mustafa, F.A., Hassan, A.S., Mosque layout design: An analytical study of mosque layouts in the early
Ottoman period. Frontiers of Architectural Research (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foar.2013.08.005
Mosque layout design: An analytical study of mosque layouts in the early Ottoman period 7
integration (i.e., real relative asymmetry (RRA)) that Calculating the integration value of space (relative
describes the extent of permeability of that particular asymmetry).
space. Low values correspond to high integration, whereas The relative depth of a space from all other spaces in the
high values correspond to high segregation (Manum, 2009). graph can be expressed as follows:
The integration degree of space can be calculated as 2ðM:D1Þ
follows. R:A ¼ ð2Þ
K2 Calculating MD
where R.A is the relative asymmetry integration value of
space, M.D is the mean depth of space, and K is the total
i. A justified graph is created by designating the intended
number of spaces in the graph.
space as the key space (i.e., root space) at the base of a
Therefore, relative asymmetry (RA) numerically expresses
mosque layout to measure the relative depth of the
a key aspect of the shape of the justified graph from that
intended space. The remaining spaces are then aligned
space. RA varies between zero and one: zero indicates
above the root space according to the number of spaces
maximum integration, that is, no depth (high functional
that must be taken to arrive at each space from the root
efficiency), and one indicates maximum segregation, that
space. Each space in the system is represented by a small
is, maximum depth (low functional efficiency) (Hillier et al.,
circle, and the permeability between spaces is repre-
1987a; Onder, 2002; Toker and Toker, 2003; Zako, 2006). The
sented by linked lines.
measurements of integration and depth are obtained using
ii. The depth of each space is calculated in the graph from
the exterior space (of the mosque) as the root space in
the root space, where the depth of each space is
relation to the rest of the spaces in the spatial system
represented by the number of spaces needed to transi-
(i.e., mosque layout). The depth from the root is considered
tion from the root space to any space in the system
the number of steps that separate a determined space from
(Figure 8).
Figure 8 Justified permeability graphs (gamma analysis method) of mosque layouts (six case studies/categories).
Please cite this article as: Mustafa, F.A., Hassan, A.S., Mosque layout design: An analytical study of mosque layouts in the early
Ottoman period. Frontiers of Architectural Research (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foar.2013.08.005
8 F.A. Mustafa, A.S. Hassan
Please cite this article as: Mustafa, F.A., Hassan, A.S., Mosque layout design: An analytical study of mosque layouts in the early
Ottoman period. Frontiers of Architectural Research (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foar.2013.08.005
Mosque layout design: An analytical study of mosque layouts in the early Ottoman period 9
system, the system is considered a non-distributed system connection and lies on a ring; and d-type space, which has
with a tree-like structure (Figure 11a). In a tree-like more than two connections and lies on at least two rings.
structure, p-1 lines connect the structure together, where Therefore, a- and b-type spaces indicate tree-like graphs,
p is the number of nodes in the spatial system (Guney, 2005; whereas c- and d-type spaces indicate ringy graphs (Hanson,
Bellal, 2007). Any increase in the number of lines in the 2003; Manum, 2005; Guney, 2005; Bellal, 2007).
system will indicate the existence of rings in the system; Occupation is assumed suitable for an a-type space,
that is, the system has a ringy structure (Figure 11b). This where no “through” circulation exists. Movement is
indicator is used to measure the distributedness–non- suitable for b-, c-, and d-type spaces, with d-type spaces
distributedness property of each space and the entire offering the greatest movement. The degree of spaceness
spatial system (i.e., mosque layout). Measuring the degree (terminology borrowed from Amorim (1999)), such as the a-
of “ringiness” of a spatial system, that is, the space–link ness or b-ness of spaces, can indicate the extent to which
ratio R, represents the extent of permeability of the spatial these properties are embedded in the graphs. It offers
system. The space–link ratio is the ratio of the number of insights into the terms of space use within the mosque
links located between the spaces plus one to the number of layout.
spaces in a spatial system of a mosque. To calculate the degree of a-ness of a mosque layout, the
The R values vary around the number one, with the values number of a-type spaces is divided by the total number of
greater than one corresponding to a high degree of “ringi- spaces minus one, as the maximum number of a-type spaces
ness” and distributedness of a spatial system (i.e., ringy can be found in a shallow bush graph with all a-type nodes
structure). This distributedness indicates a high degree of connected to a b-type single node. The degree of b-ness is
flexibility (i.e., functional efficiency) in using the space, calculated by dividing the number of b-type spaces in a
enabling the user (i.e., prayer) to change the layout to mosque layout by the total number of spaces minus two, as
adapt to different circumstances by closing or opening b-type spaces always have a way of entering another space.
doors. A value less than one indicates that the spatial The degree of c-ness and d-ness is calculated by dividing the
system has a tree-like structure, suggesting the lack of number of c- or d-type spaces by the total number of spaces
distributedness and the increase in the depth of spaces in the layout (Guney, 2005).
within the mosque layout (Guney, 2005; Bellal, 2007). R can
be calculated as follows:
5. Results and discussion
L þ1
R¼ ð6Þ
K The following data are obtained by examining the results of
the analyses using the space syntax methodology (specifi-
where R is the space–link ratio of spaces in a spatial system cally the gamma analysis method). The MD value is 2.067 for
(i.e., mosque layout), L is the number of lines of the link mosques with single dome layouts, 2.722 for mosques with
between spaces in the justified graph, and K is the number earring layouts, 2.879 for mosques with multiple dome
of spaces in the system. layouts, 2.356 for mosques with duplication dome layouts,
2.517 for mosques with courtyard dome layouts, and 3.042
for mosques with earring dome courtyard layouts.
4.2.4. Indicator of space type (degree of spaceness) The overall spaces in the courtyard dome and earring dome
Aside from the measurements of depth, integration, and courtyard layouts are more integrated than those in the other
ringiness, space syntax also provides a way to categorize the remaining layouts. This finding is supported by the high mean
types of space in the system depending on the topological value of RRA for the courtyard dome and earring dome
characteristics of the building spaces that satisfy the courtyard layouts, that is, 0.946 and 1.009, respectively. This
functional requirements of occupation and movement. finding demonstrates the tendency of the system (i.e.,
According to the space syntax terminology, four different layouts) to be significantly integrated (i.e., more accessible,
topological types of space exists: a-type space, which has efficient, and flexible) compared with other cases that have
one link; b-type space, which has more than one connection low mean RRA values. Therefore, the spatial configuration of
and lies on a tree; c-type space, which has more than one layouts with low mean RRA values tend to be segregated,
Please cite this article as: Mustafa, F.A., Hassan, A.S., Mosque layout design: An analytical study of mosque layouts in the early
Ottoman period. Frontiers of Architectural Research (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foar.2013.08.005
10 F.A. Mustafa, A.S. Hassan
Mosque layout pattern Mean (MD) Mean (RRA) Space–link ratio (R)
Mosque layout pattern Mean integration Max. integration Min. integration Difference factor (H*)
Mosque layout pattern Mean (a-ness) Mean(b-ness) Mean (c-ness) Mean (d-ness)
controlled, and less efficient in terms of function. The With regard to space type (i.e., spaceness), Table 3 shows
justified graphs (i.e., gamma maps) reveal that 33.33% of the mean values for the four types of spaces (i.e., a, b, c,
mosque layouts have tree-like structures (i.e., having a small and d) in mosque layouts and patterns adopted in the
number of rings within their configurations). analysis to facilitate comparison. The adopted approach
The mean R value of the layouts with tree-like structures reveals that mosques with courtyard dome layouts are the
is 1.000, suggesting that these mosque layouts are generally most important because the values of the c- and d-types of
non-distributed. For the other mosque layouts (66.66%) with spaces are the highest, whereas the values of the a- and
“ringy” structures, the mean value of R is greater than b-types of spaces are the lowest.
1.000, indicating that these layouts are spatially and
functionally distributed structures (i.e., having more rings
within their configurations) (Table 1). 6. Conclusions
The values of H* for all cases can be obtained from the
values of RRA in Table 1. These values are presented as Descriptive analysis reveals that the pendentive dome is an
follows. important element in the layout design of the Ottoman
H* is 0.685 for mosques with single dome layouts, 0.744 mosque architecture during the 13th to 15th centuries. The
for mosques with earring layouts, 0.658 for mosques with pendentive dome refers to the construction of a dome
multiple dome layouts, 0.702 for mosques with duplication above the construction system of a dome, creating vast
dome layouts, 0.562 for mosques with courtyard dome interiors and multiple volume spaces. However, design
layouts, and 0.695 for mosques with earring dome courtyard emphasis is focused not on the dome (except in the single
layouts. These findings indicate that mosques with court- dome layout design) but on the number of square plan units
yard dome layouts have the lowest difference factor value to determine the dimension of prayer halls. A higher
among all types of mosque layouts (Table 2). number of square plan units used in a layout design
Please cite this article as: Mustafa, F.A., Hassan, A.S., Mosque layout design: An analytical study of mosque layouts in the early
Ottoman period. Frontiers of Architectural Research (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foar.2013.08.005
Mosque layout design: An analytical study of mosque layouts in the early Ottoman period 11
correspond to larger prayer halls. Although dome size spatial configuration over time. Analysis is performed using
influences the size of the square plan unit, dome size does space syntax theory to obtain numerical results and to
not play a significant role in specifying the size of the plan support the hypothesis by indicating the level of efficiency.
layout. Master builders adopted a hierarchical ordering The combination of descriptive and space syntax methodol-
system by integrating primary, secondary, and tertiary ogy promotes the effective evaluation of different types
(riwaq) square plan unit modules in the design to specify and patterns of mosque layouts. Both of these methodolo-
the dimensions of prayer halls and variations of layouts. gies complement each other in gaining insight into the
The latest design integrates a courtyard that functions as an syntactical and morphological structure of various mosque
exterior prayer area with riwaqs at its perimeters. This layouts and categories.
design concept has led to the development of the penden-
tive dome mosque architecture in the later Ottoman period.
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Please cite this article as: Mustafa, F.A., Hassan, A.S., Mosque layout design: An analytical study of mosque layouts in the early
Ottoman period. Frontiers of Architectural Research (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foar.2013.08.005