CBCP Monitor Vol23 n01
CBCP Monitor Vol23 n01
CBCP Monitor Vol23 n01
Beware of ‘antiChrists’,
archbishop tells Catholics
By Roy Lagarde
Priest decries
A ranking Catholic leader
has warned of today’s ‘greed for
antiChrists who calls God
stupid and tells people “it power’ with
is useless to go to Church
and attend mass.”
upcoming polls
In his New Year message, “AS the elections approach,
Archbishop Socrates Villegas of people are being killed
Lingayen-Dagupan cautioned the because of man’s greed for
faithful against those who speak ill power,” said Fr. Joel Mozura
of God and the Church. in a recent Mass held at
“Do not listen to him who tells the Mary Mother of Hope
you it is useless to go to Church chapel, Trinoma, Quezon
and attend Mass. Whoever teaches City.
you that is antiChrist and there are In their quest to stay in
many of them, including those who power, some politicians
look at it is a joke,” he said. resort to killing their rivals,
The archbishop did not name said the priest, who noted
President Rodrigo Duterte but that some of “the victims of
clearly referred to the latter’s assassinations were innocent
attacks against the Church. ones.”
In an open letter to his godson According to Mozura,
named Seth, he said he feared the some leaders seek to install
child and other kids “might catch themselves and perpetuate
the wrong values”. themselves in power at the
“Nothing is easy these days when expense of “innocent lives.”
it comes to rearing children like
you,” said Villegas. Massacre of baby boys
“You are subjected to so much He pointed out that
vulgarity and violence that I fear… Scriptures mentions how
can ruin your future as a good Herod murdered innocents
Filipino and as a good child of God,” in his attempt to keep the
he lamented. throne.
Duterte is well known for Mozura recounted how
his outrageous statements and Herod exploited his authority,
unfiltered attacks at his critics, ordering the massacre of all
including the Church, of his deadly baby boys aged two years
drugs crackdown. and below, because of his
These include the “God is stupid” fear of the rumored birth of
and “kill bishops” remarks. In the the Messiah.
A sea of devotees surrounds the image of the Black Nazarene as it winds through Hidalgo Street in Manila’s Quiapo district during Power / A7
past, he also criticized Pope Francis this year’s “Traslacion” on Wednesday evening, Jan. 9. From the Quirino Grandstand, the image reached Quiapo Church at around
AntiChrists / A7 2am the following day or after 21 hours, concluding the traditionally biggest religious procession in the country. ROY LAGARDE
Tenderness / A1
degree that everyone does his or It will make money, but not for everything and everyone with the “amazement” they should us despite our mistakes, our
her part in the service of peace.” everyone. We will all dwell in the bitterness and malice!” have experienced at Christmas, sins and the way we treat our
After greeting hundreds of same house, but not as brothers In fact, he said, “showing oneself amazement that God was born world,” he said. “God believes in
people who participated in a and sisters.” to be ‘malicious’ even seems at a baby, “held in the arms of a mankind, because its first and
march for peace, carrying signs Pope Francis prayed that Mary times to be a sign of strength. Yet woman who feeds her creator.” preeminent member is his own
with the names of countries would help all people learn to look it is nothing more than weakness. “God has become one with mother.”
suffering because of violence, at the world and each other as We need to learn from mothers humanity forever. God and man, The church, which is called to
Pope Francis prayed: “Through she does, providing for people’s that heroism is shown in self- always together, that is the good be a mother, the pope said, also
the intercession of the virgin needs, loving them and leading giving, strength in compassion, news of this new year,” he said. must be renewed and filled with
Mary, may the Lord grant us to be them to Jesus. wisdom in meekness.” “God is no distant lord, dwelling amazement at the fact that it is
artisans of peace—and this begins “In today’s fragmented world, For Catholics, he said, Mary “is in splendid isolation above the “the dwelling place of the living
at home, in the family—every day where we risk losing our bearings, not an optional accessory: she heavens, but love incarnate, born God” and “a mother who gives
of the new year.” a mother’s embrace is essential,” has to be welcomed into our life” like us of a mother, in order to birth to her children.”
Earlier, in his homily at the he said. “How much dispersion because Jesus entrusted her to his become a brother to each of us.” Without that awareness, the
Mass, Pope Francis paid homage and solitude there is all around disciples and his disciples to her Jesus himself “pours out upon church risks turning into “a
not only to Mary, but also to all us! The world is completely as their mother. humanity a new tenderness,” the beautiful museum of the past,”
mothers and all those who show connected, yet seems increasingly “She is the queen of peace, who pope said, which helps people he said.
tender care for others, including disjointed. We need to entrust triumphs over evil and leads us “understand more fully God’s Pope Francis ended his New
in political and economic life. ourselves to our Mother.” along paths of goodness, who love, which is both paternal and Year’s homily praying that Mary
“A world that looks to the Too many people, he said, restores unity to her children, maternal, like that of a mother would “take us by the hand.
future without a mother’s gaze forget they are beloved children who teaches us compassion,” who never stops believing in her Clinging to you, we will pass
is shortsighted,” he said. “It may and instead “live in anger and Pope Francis said. children and never abandons safely through the straits of
well increase its profits, but it will indifference to everything! He urged people to begin them.” history.” (Cindy Wooden /
no longer see others as children. How many, sad to say, react to the new year holding on to “God-with-us, Emmanuel, loves Catholic News Service)
A4 opinion
January 7 - 20, 2019 Vol. 23 No. 01 CBCP Monitor
and women of hope, of real, ourselves to be swallowed up definitive home in been confused and lost in
CBCP great and abiding hope, by them. heaven. that way?
which means that we have a To be hopeful and mindful So it’s wrong to say that That is why we need to
clear vision of our ultimate of our ultimate end should just because we are meant spend time meditating on
goal in life and are confident not diminish the seriousness for heaven, we should not be the word of God and on the
PROTAGONIST OF TRUTH, PROMOTER OF PEACE that with God’s grace and our we have to put into our daily very serious in our business life of Christ so we don’t get
effort we can reach it. Let’s duties and responsibilities. or politics or in whatever distracted from what is truly
Pedro Quitorio beam with hope and not just We should not say that just field of human endeavor. If our path to follow and so
Editor-in-Chief keep it inside, if only to give because we are meant for our temporal duty is about that our faith and hope grow
our present troubled world heaven, for a supernatural making money, for example, stronger everyday. When
Nirva’ana E. Delacruz Ron Ramos, Sky Ortigas some real glow. destination, we can take it for the glory of God, then we there is true hope, we can
Associate Editor Design Artist We should try to avoid easy in our temporal affairs. should not shy away from manage to be at peace and in
being tied down by the here Let’s remember what Christ making as much money as joy no matter what situation
Roy Lagarde Mercedita Juanite and now, though what we wanted us to learn from his possible. we may find ourselves in.
News Editor Circulation Manager
have in the here and now is parable of talents. (cfr. Mt Let us strengthen this hope We would just be game with
Marcelita Dominguez always important and crucial 25,14-30) We are meant to everyday, trusting always everything.
Christine Paguirigan
Managing Editor Comptroller in our journey of hope in life. be fruitful and productive in the assured promises of Meditating on God’s word
Yes, we have to be immersed out of the many blessings Christ especially when we and on Christ’s life will surely
The CBCP Monitor is published fortnightly by the CBCP - in the things of this world, and endowments God has are sharply tested in life. We teach us what to do to equip
Media Office with editorial and business offices at 3rd Floor, but clearly knowing that given us. How we fare in cannot deny that the drama ourselves properly for our
CBCP Compound, 470 General Luna St., Intramuros, Manila. these things are only means, our earthly life somehow in our life can be such that, real pursuit in life. We have
Email Address: cbcpmonitor@areopaguscommunications.com,
Business: (632) 404 - 1612. ISSN 1908-2940. materials, occasions and determines whether we are if not handled properly, can to develop the virtues, we
instruments to reach our truly progressing or not in undermine our faith and Candidly Speaking / A6
CBCP Monitor January 7 - 20, 2019 Vol. 23 No. 01
“Do not be scared to begin But is it right for anyone until now if even we in the things new.
again. Life is a series of
beginnings, in-betweens and
to unceremoniously dismiss
the prospect of newness as
Church have allowed the
truth of these words to sink
On the other hand,
Scripture reminds us what
Duterte’s War Against
endings. No one reaches
the last leg without making
simply an ingredient of a
mindless ritual?
in, especially in a way that
this becomes palpable in the
happens when the Author
of newness is allowed into
the Church
the first. By then, the last I say Nein, No. For us who way we carry ourselves, our our life programs. Isaiah
“KILL your bishops, they are useless fools. All they do is
becomes the first leg again.” strive to follow the Master visions, our missions, our declares: “Even youths grow
criticize.” This is what President Duterte told his audience in
— Yago the Owl who was born in a manger, every effort at evangelization. tired and weary, and young
a speech in Malacañang on Dec. 5, 2018. He also said that 90
we should rather get in touch The consequences of not men stumble and fall. But
percent of priests are gay, and the Church should therefore
EACH year it is the same with the why behind the doing so are too blatantly those who hope in the Lord
not moralize. Earlier on, he falsely accused Bishop Pablo
greeting: “Happy New pursuit of newness. And it clear to ignore and they will renew their strength.
David of stealing from the Church’s offerings and suspected
Year!” But wait. Is life not soon will dawn on us that it abound around us: They will soar on wings like
him of being an addict. He threatened that if he catches him
an invisible circle, time’s has its roots in our link to him individual, communal, eagles; they will run and
involved in drugs, he will behead the bishop. In another
inescapably spiraling web or through our baptism. We have political, economic, social, not grow weary, they will
speech, Duterte told Catholics to stop going to church and
a veritably repetitious cycle become incorporated into his cultural programs of change walk and not be faint” (Is
to instead, build their own chapels at home. Statements like
that brings us where we first Body; in effect, newness must that are stuck in the gridlock 40:30-31). Pope Francis in
these are unprecedented which no previous president in
took off? Take, for instance, become essential to our very of individual-collective- his message for January 1,
the Philippines or elsewhere in the world have ever done.
the ritual we oblige ourselves system of living life. Paul the institutional selfishness, 2019 on the occasion of the
These are statements that one does not expect from any sane
to go through of celebrating Apostle to the Gentiles says to pride and arrogance that Solemnity of Mary the Mother
government leader, not even in non-Christian countries, how
a year’s ending and another us point-blank, as he did, to do not and cannot arrest of God and the World Day of
much more in a great Catholic nation. No amount of spinning
year’s beginning. Every new the Corinthians: “Therefore, crime, corruption, wars, Peace points to Mary as our
can justify this statement as just a joke. After inspiring the
year sends most everyone if anyone is in Christ, the new widespread famine, model of someone who, in
police and death squads to commit extrajudicial killings,
into misty visions: nostalgia creation has come: The old terrorism, displacement and receiving and giving Jesus,
Duterte is inciting people to murder bishops. This deserves
of the year(s) past, fraught has gone, the new is here” (2 forced migrations of peoples, has also become a source of
condemnation and should be added to the complaint against
with a sense of fulfilment Cor 5:17). The old creation in ecological catastrophes in blessing that engineers real
him in the International Criminal Court.
over some achievements us is the old self too that we forms unheard of before, trade change for us and the whole
It appears that Duterte has stepped up his war on the
of sorts, or with a measure must constantly send packing wars, new forms of racism world. Real change has come
Catholic Church in the Philippines which he regards as the
of guilt or regret over goals into our yesterdays because and bigotry in the name of upon mankind through God’s
enemy. He already started doing this before being elected
only half- or partly realized we refuse to be immersed national security. We could action in and through her
when he called Pope Francis “son of a whore” for the traffic
and resolutions that simply endlessly in slavery to sin and go on. The bottom-line for the Son and hers after her Son.
caused during the papal visit in 2015. As president, he
tapered off even before the the dark shadows of living believer is unmistakable: The “She blesses the path of every
continued his tirade against the Church, calling her the most
second “whereas”. Then we outside of God’s grace. Author of real change and man and every woman in this
hypocritical institution that is “full of shit.” He vowed to
find ourselves facing again a But that is not enough. We renewal is seldom, if ever, year that is beginning, and
destroy the Church by exposing the abuses of the clergy. At
new year to welcome with new must also allow the Master allowed or even considered which will be good precisely
one time, he falsely accused Bishop Teodoro Bacani of having
resolutions, some rehashed to disabuse us of our fanciful in the crafting, processing, in the measure in which
two wives. He declared that the Church will be irrelevant
out of old ones, or simply thinking that newness is managing and the directing each person welcomes the
within thirty years. In several speeches, he declared that he
extending our hands in mock primarily a business of of change. Like the proverbial goodness of God that Jesus
doesn’t believe in the God of the Catholics—whom he called
resignation because we are our making. The book of spiral and endless circle, came to bring into the world.”
a “stupid God” due to the Bible’s creation story which he
foreseeing similar outcomes Revelation has the Master those who advocate change Submitting ourselves to the
considers ridiculous. He has been distributing copies of the
in the days ahead. Still, reminding us: “‘See, I make find themselves facing the One who makes all things new
book “Altar of Secrets.” His attack on the Church appeared
others among us, however all things new!’ said the same evils or even unleashing does not really mean only a
to take a violent turn when three priests were killed one after
pessimistic and cynical the One sitting on the throne. alternative evils in their passive mode to God’s action
another, while one was wounded. Another priest was able
world around them has And he said to me, ‘Write efforts to actualize their in us. In Mary we realize it
to evade an assassination attempt. The president’s latest
become, see themselves and this down, for these words notions of change. They signifies a hearing of the Word
statement against Bishop David and other bishops indicate
the future with bravely bright are trustworthy and true” conveniently ignore, not to that is inseparable from a doing
that the leaders of the Church, especially those critical against
eyes. (Rev 21:5). I have wondered say forget, who makes all By the Roadside / A7
him are fair targets for assassination. Being a priest or bishop
will not keep one safe from the death squads.
Make Christ What has become obvious is that Duterte is waging a war
Duc in Altum against the Church. The question is why is he doing this?
Faith and Culture On the trail of the Magi must be prepared to become a powerless, persecuted Church.
It is time for Catholics to make a choice: to remain members
of the Church or to obey the president (stop going to church,
Cristina Montes build your own chapel, kill your bishops) - in other words,
join the Iglesia ni Duterte. The time for appeasing Duterte
is over. Dialogue with someone who intends to destroy the
Church is futile.
“A cold coming we had of from far-off lands to adore sky and referring to their star aged man, and Caspar as a When it comes to cases of clerical abuse, the Church should
it, Just the worst time of the the Christ Child has fired up maps as a guide to what they young man. It has also been not be defensive or engage in cover up. Those who are guilty
year For a journey, and such my imagination since I was were seeing, the way I and my customary to depict one of of sexual abuse, financial anomalies, and corruption should
a long journey:” young, especially after I’ve fellow hobbyists do on dark them with Arabic features, be held accountable. The prosecution of these cases will not
watched that Gospel episode nights with clear skies. the second one as Greek, weaken the Church but rather purify and strengthen her. The
THUS begins T.S. Eliot’s depicted in Franco Zeferelli’s The Gospels do not say how and the third one as African. Church should continue her mission as prophet and humble
famous poem, “The Journey Jesus of Nazareth, with its many the Magi really were, Thus, the Magi have come to servant - speaking truth to power, promoting the Gospel
of the Magi”, which tells of rich Oriental details, the but tradition in the Western symbolize all generations and values of the sacredness of life, of justice and peace and of
the difficulties the Magi had background music evoking world has it that there were all peoples. compassion. The clergy should inspire the lay faithful to be
to endure in their famous exotic cultures, and then- three, since the Gospels As expected, the Magi actively involved in the defense of life and human rights, in
journey to Bethlehem. young James Earl Jones mention that three gifts were have, through time, also been the peaceful struggle against corruption and injustice, in
The story of the Magi playing Balthazar. As an given to the Christ Child. In associated with gift-giving— the work for the common good and the transformation of
has always been one of my amateur astronomer myself, medieval paintings, Melchior but not just the gifts they society. The leaders of the Church, especially the bishops
favorite Gospel passages. I have been fascinated by the has been depicted as an old left to the Christ Child. In and priests, should be prepared to act as compassionate and
The journey of wise men idea of the Magi scanning the man, Balthazar as a middle- Faith and Culture / A6 Whisper from the Desert / A6
A6 LOCAL NEWS January 7 - 20, 2019 Vol. 23 No. 01 CBCP Monitor
have to learn to have recourse God is always in full control that we should try to monitor done again. There is nothing know the happenings there. view and monitoring of
to spiritual and supernatural of things, no matter how as closely as possible and new under the sun.” (1,9) We should have the proper developments around the
means, like praying, making we and the devil mess up make the necessary adaptation Just the same, we also attitude regarding this need, and world, one is only reinforcing
sacrifices, learning how to do things. Even in our worst and innovation. Thus, we know that things vary and start developing the proper skills. what he wants to see and
ascetical struggle, availing of predicament, he can always should also do some kind of change from time to time, We have to be guarded though know. He becomes more
the sacraments, etc. derive something good. As exploration so that we would producing what may appear from the strong possibility of subjective than objective. He
We have to learn how to long as we are at least open to know what are happening in as new things. It is in these getting entangled in distractions will surely miss the target.
be both serious and not too his will, even if we don’t fully the world as we go along. variations and changes that and even temptations that can With this problem at the get-go
serious, knowing that in this get it or understand it, there We are told that there is we should try our best to appear irresistible. of the task, the succeeding stages
life, no matter how much is always hope, because he is actually nothing new under cope, to adapt and to make It is reported that many of adaptation and innovation
we try, there will always be a Father to us who will always the sun, since God is in control some innovations as a people are hooked to the social would be gravely compromised.
surprises, disappointments, take care of us, especially in of everything and things are consequence. Nowadays, media because of “constant The only counter-measure for
setbacks, failures, etc. There are our weak and bad moments. determined by their nature. we are quite privileged since psychological boosts” they this is for one to be truly a man
things that are simply beyond Let’s just try our best that Even in our case, with our we can now avail of the new get from it, and these boosts of God. That’s when he can
our control. And so we have to with all the benefits of hope, we power to go against our technologies that are a big are not necessarily motivated become more objective, more
learn how to accept them with do God’s will as fully, faithfully nature, things are still in help in this task of exploration from the proper spirit of love. discerning, more able to say
a good sense of humor. and lovingly as possible. God’s control. As the book and monitoring. With Google They appear more animated no to distractions. Otherwise,
of Ecclesiastes would put it, and the social media, we by egoism, vanity, narcissism he would just be at the mercy
Whisper from the Desert / A5 “What has been will be again, can easily get in touch with and the like. So it can happen of his passions, biases and
courageous good shepherds, experience inner healing, what has been done will be people in far-away places and that instead of having a good preferences.
ready to offer their lives as that he will reconcile with
they prevent the slaughter the Church into which he And That’s the Truth / A4
of the flock, especially the was baptized, that he will There’s a place in Tuba, Benguet An author (whose name I forget) once black cross silhouetted against a blazing
poor. They must be ready become compassionate, that that perfectly fills that aching need for wrote that silence moves him to talk to red sunset sky and see Jesus rising from
to embrace martyrdom if he will fulfill his promises, solitude—a “house of prayer” that sits the trees and the sky and they answer it. The fleecy clouds in the fierce sunlight
necessary. that he will make amends on a one-hectare lot on a hilltop, at the by the “the trembling of the leaves and morph into menacing shapes in the purple
Meanwhile, instead of for whatever wrongs he has end of the only road that cuts through the movement of the clouds.” There, haze of evening, turning the sky into a
engaging in a word war, committed, that he will be a minuscule subdivision called “Carmel no one will stop you from talking to the battleground for good and evil. Indeed,
the Church should just ready to face judgment from Heights.” At 5,300 feet above sea level— shrubbery and getting answers from the the raw beauty of the place inspires
continue praying for Rodrigo either the International higher than Baguio City—the property flowers. As of last count, 23 different creativity and fills you with anticipation
Duterte—that he will repent Criminal Court or the Divine gives you a 360-degree view of the valleys flowering plants grow on the property—a for the unknown. Even at night in a raging
and undergo conversion Judge whom he called stupid. below and the hills beyond. On a clear day few cultivated, the rest deliciously wild— storm, when you’re alone there groping
after finally listening to And when the time comes, let you can see La Union Bay, but every day, like the land, which is pretty much left in for a candle in pitch darkness, you are
his conscience, that he will him rest in peace. Amen. rain or shine, for a couple of hours or so, the merciful hands of the Creator. fearless, knowing you are loved by the
fog envelops the hilltop and blinds you— When Creator and creation collaborate, Unknowable.
Faith and Culture / A5
like when you’re on a plane that’s gliding the outcome is wondrously fulfilling. So, what is the name of that place?
some countries, children reason to stop following the through the clouds—and that’s how nature In keeping with the spirit of austerity The Address? And how do you find it?
expect gifts from the Magi trail of the Magi. This line by there pulls you into nothingness. that is the foundation of a rich interior It’s odd that we have kept it nameless all
instead of from Santa Claus. T.S. Eliot which I quoted at Out there, silence and solitude engulfs life, nothing luxurious or superfluous is these years, only fondly referring to it as
When I was living in Spain, the beginning describes not you gently because the nearest neighbor kept in that retreat house. All pieces of our “house of prayer”. Nor does it have an
I witnessed children and only the sacrifices the Magi is about 250 meters down the road, and furniture are donations, and used until address to help the postman—or Google’s
even adults looking forward made for the journey, but the only man-made structures in that they disintegrate; beds are simple, and so map makers. But Google can help if you
to receiving their regalos de also that they came back from whole hectare are the house and the are the wooden pews with bare kneelers in search for “Carmel of the Most Holy
Reyes, and malls advertising the journey changed. Despite Way of the Cross that winds along the the chapel—and yet they let you experience Trinity Monastery Benguet”, home of our
shopping deals as such. Here the grave tone with which periphery and ends at the foot of the better sleep and deeper prayer. Books are Discalced Carmelite cloistered nuns, and
in the Philippines, due to the poem ends, there is also six-meter high cross that’s visible from donations, too, but handpicked to allow where we walk down to for daily Mass.
the influences of both Spain a sense that the change was the highway below. Because it was built you acquaintance with the Desert Fathers, Trace the road to its hilltop end and there
and the U.S., children, after for the better. by Secular Discalced Carmelites as a the Saints and Doctors of the Church, you’ll find our nameless house of prayer,
having expected gifts from Indeed, following the trail retreat house, it has carefully preserved and of course, the Big Three: Jesus, Mary glorious in its isolation. If that dot in the
Santa Claus during Christmas of the Magi who searched for its spirit of detachment through the and Joseph. Retreatants claim they are map whispers to you “Meet me, know me,
eve, also expect the Magi to Christ with sincere hearts decades by remaining untouched by amazed they can easily detox and detach love me…” just let us know by emailing
leave money in their shoes and earnest efforts, who were telephone lines, radio, television, and there, realizing they can actually live teresa.de.manila@gmail.com. Our door is
on the eve of the feast of the rewarded in their search, internet—something truly appreciated without eat-all-you-can buffets, Facebook open to all. A truth is hidden in Aristotle’s
Epiphany. and who gave Him precious by those seeking liberation from gadgets or Probinsiyano, after all. But how, pray words “Whoever is delighted in solitude is
By the time this article gifts can only change us for and alone-time with God. Thus, except tell, could you miss man-made pleasures either a wild beast or a god”—but we hope
sees print, the feast of the the better. For God rewards for bird calls at sunrise waking you when God-made beauty is opening the that in our house of prayer on Carmel
Epiphany would have just everyone who sincerely seeks up for Mass, the place is so silent that eyes you never thought you had? It is Heights, the riddle may lead you to your
been over. But this is no Him. you could almost hear the grass grow. sheer wonder to take in the beauty of a own mystery. And that’s the truth.
CBCP Monitor January 7 - 20, 2019 Vol. 23 No. 01 DIOCESAN NEWS A7
By the Roadside / A5 “He ordered the slaughter use deception and violence,
of children, hoping that one abusing their authority to
of the same Word. Again the I may be accused of trying effort, nations, especially who themselves desire to of them was Jesus,” said the keep themselves in power,
Master himself tells us that to impose a Christian bias like ours, have leaders that belong to one another? Is priest. a netizen observed.
the glory of his Mom is not or mindset, if you will, on hark back to the dark ages civilization being advanced “Millions of pesos were
only that she had given him the largely secular project of strongman politics that and security truly promoted ‘Earliest victims’ spent on fake news during
birth and nurture, something called newness. Perhaps. does not hesitate to trample by walls of mistrust rather The children who were the 2016 elections campaign
you and I can hardly replicate. But that precisely reveals underfoot human dignity than by bridges of dialogue killed by Herod were one of period to deceive voters,”
Nay, her real commonality the inherent weakness of and human rights for the and collaboration? the “earliest victims” of man’s said Jeston Mercado, an
with us, aside from a common our individual (such as one’s sake of social change? How The Master does not think greed for power, added Mozura. entrepreneur.
humanity, is her discipleship. new year’s resolutions) or explain the prevalence of in maxims and methodologies In his bid to consolidate his The today’s leaders also
To a woman in the crowd who collective (such as political leaders that are reminiscent too complicated for the least claim on the throne, Herod use their power to persecute
praised his mother by saying platforms for change) efforts of history’s horrific chapters and lost to comprehend. He also resorted to deception, people and fellow leaders
“blessed is the womb that bore at newness—they are largely of hatred, barbaric bigotry has a simple recipe for our he said. He tried to fool the who oppose their agenda, he
you and the breasts that nursed secular in orientation, and international narcissism part in the pursuit of newness: three wise men by asking added.
you”, Jesus replies, “Yes, but, resources and direction. rather than more enlightened “The time of fulfilment has them to inform him of the “Worst, they attack
moreover, blessed are those The problem is not that we future civilizations of come. The kingdom of heaven whereabouts of the Messiah religion and God to justify
who hear the Word of God and have had too little human understanding, solidarity, is at hand. Repent and believe so he could also worship him. their actions,” Mercado
keep it” (Lk 11:27-28). This effort; the problem is that social justice, shared in the Good News!” (Mk 1:15). But his true intention was to said. “They even killed
allows us a fuller view of the even the greatest human prosperity and peace? What Has he, in so doing, send his men to kill the baby. priests who spoke against
Mother of Jesus who, Jesus effort is never enough. Is kind of newness have we unwrapped for us the secret abuses and corruptions.”
being God’s Son, is certainly the it too surprising that after come into when it translates to “Happy” and “New” in Fake news & murder (Oliver Samson /
Mother of God. thousands of years of human into people alienating people every year? Some leaders today also CBCPNews)
A8 PEOPLE, FACTS, AND PLACES January 7 - 20, 2019 Vol. 23 No. 01 CBCP Monitor
Filipinos set to attend World Youth Day The diocese has been
without a bishop since last
April 2017 when Garcera
Rome, he became a lecturer
at the Holy Rosary seminary;
from 2002, director of the
was installed as archbishop stewardship program of the
of Lipa in Batangas. Caceres archdioces and,
Born in Daet, Alarcon took since 2007, superintendent
his philosophy at the Holy of the Naga Parish School
Rosary Major Seminary in and president of the Catholic
Naga City and his theology Association of Education.
at the University of Santo Since 2013 he has held the
Tomas in Manila. office of superintendent of the
He was ordained a priest for Catholic schools of Caceres,
the Archdiocese of Caceres on member of the college of
Nov. 9, 1996. consultors, and spokesman
From 1996 to 1997, he was for the same archdiocese.
parish vicar in the parish of (CBCP News)
Pope Francis passes near to a group of Filipino pilgrims waving a Philippine flag during the 2016 World Youth Day in Poland. ROY LAGARDE
AT least 70 young Filipinos, including “There are still other groups that have St. Pope John Paul II, who was from
some priests and bishops, are set to yet to send the names of their delegates,” Poland, established World Youth Day
attend this year’s World Youth Day he said. in 1985. Devotees, bearing the miraculous images of the Sto. Nino de Cebu,
celebrations in Panama from Jan. 22 He estimated that there would be at The first event was held in Rome in gather at the courtyard of the Basilica Minore del Sto. Nino on Jan.
to 27. least 250 Filipino delegates attending 1986. Since then it has been staged in 10 to hear the first novena mass, marking the start of the 454th
However, many more are expected the international gathering. various cities throughout the world, Fiesta Señor celebration. PHOTO COURTESY OF DYRF
to register before the big event begins This year, World Youth Day coincides typically every three years.
in the Central American country later with the Year of the Youth in the Among the Filipino church leaders
this month. Philippines. who will be attending the international Pope names administrator for Jolo
Father Conegundo Garganta, The special year was declared by the gathering this year are Bishops Daniel
executive secretary of the Episcopal country’s bishops’ conference as part Patrick Parcon of Talibon, Patrick POPE Francis has appointed
Commission on Youth of the bishops’ of preparations to mark the 500th Buzon of Bacolod, Antonio Tobias of Fr. Rex Andrew Alarcon as
conference, said at least 70 youth anniversary of the arrival of Christianity Novaliches, and Cardinal Luis Antonio the new bishop of the Diocese
pilgrims have registered for the event. in the Philippines in 1521. Tagle of Manila. (Joe Torres/UCAN) of Daet in Camarines Norte.
The appointment was made
at the Vatican on Wednesday,
Jan. 2, at 12 noon (7:00pm,
Manila time).
Alarcon, 47, will be the
fourth bishop of the diocese,
succeeding Archbishop
Gilbert Garcera.
The diocese has been
without a bishop since last
April 2017 when Garcera
Fr. Romeo Saniel, OMI, newly
was installed as archbishop appointed Apostolic Adminstrator
of Lipa in Batangas. of Jolo
Born in Daet, Alarcon took
his philosophy at the Holy at Pont i f i c al Gre g o ri an
Rosary Major Seminary in University in Rome, Italy.
Naga City and his theology Returning home from
at the University of Santo Rome, he became a lecturer
Tomas in Manila. at the Holy Rosary seminary;
He was ordained a priest for from 2002, director of the
the Archdiocese of Caceres on stewardship program of the
Nov. 9, 1996. Caceres archdioces and,
From 1996 to 1997, he was since 2007, superintendent
parish vicar in the parish of of the Naga Parish School
Saint John the Evangelist and president of the Catholic
in Naga and educator at the Association of Education.
minor seminary. Since 2013 he has held the
In 1997, he served as private office of superintendent of the
secretary to the archbishop Catholic schools of Caceres,
until 1999 when he went for member of the college of
study abroad. consultors, and spokesman
In 2001, he obtained his for the same archdiocese.
licentiate in Church history (CBCP News)
CBCP Monitor January 7 - 20, 2019 Vol. 23 No. 1 PASTORAL CONCERNS B1
Pope Francis leads the Angelus from the window of his studio overlooking St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican Jan. 1, the feast of Mary, Mother of God. PAUL HARING/CNS
1. “Peace be to this house!” can agree, if they wish to work together for the the possibility of helping to build the future. the violence of war or its effects, even when
In sending his disciples forth on mission, good of the human family and to practise those But when politics concretely fosters the talents they are not enrolled as child soldiers or held
Jesus told them: “Whatever house you enter, human virtues that sustain all sound political of young people and their aspirations, peace hostage by armed groups. The witness given
first say, ‘Peace be to this house!’ And if a activity: justice, equality, mutual respect, grows in their outlook and on their faces. It by those who work to defend them and their
son of peace is there, your peace shall rest sincerity, honesty, fidelity. becomes a confident assurance that says, “I dignity is most precious for the future of
upon him; but if not, it shall return to you” In this regard, it may be helpful to recall the trust you and with you I believe” that we can all humanity.
(Lk 10:5-6). “Beatitudes of the Politician”, proposed by work together for the common good. Politics is
Bringing peace is central to the mission of Vietnamese Cardinal François-Xavier Nguyễn at the service of peace if it finds expression in 7. A great project of peace
Christ’s disciples. That peace is offered to all Vãn Thuận, a faithful witness to the Gospel the recognition of the gifts and abilities of each In these days, we celebrate the seventieth
those men and women who long for peace who died in 2002: individual. “What could be more beautiful anniversary of the Universal Declaration of
amid the tragedies and violence that mark than an outstretched hand? It was meant by Human Rights, adopted in the wake of the
human history.[1]The “house” of which Jesus Blessed be the politician with a lofty sense and God to offer and to receive. God did not want Second World War. In this context, let us
speaks is every family, community, country deep understanding of his role. it to kill (cf. Gen 4:1ff) or to inflict suffering, also remember the observation of Pope John
and continent, in all their diversity and Blessed be the politician who personally but to offer care and help in life. Together with XXIII: “Man’s awareness of his rights must
history. It is first and foremost each individual exemplifies credibility. our heart and our intelligence, our hands too inevitably lead him to the recognition of his
person, without distinction or discrimination. Blessed be the politician who works for the can become a means of dialogue”.[6] duties. The possession of rights involves the
But it is also our “common home”: the world common good and not his or her own interest. Everyone can contribute his or her stone duty of implementing those rights, for they
in which God has placed us and which we are Blessed be the politician who remains to help build the common home. Authentic are the expression of a man’s personal dignity.
called to care for and cultivate. consistent. political life, grounded in law and in frank and And the possession of rights also involves their
So let this be my greeting at the beginning of Blessed be the politician who works for unity. fair relations between individuals, experiences recognition and respect by others”.[7]
the New Year: “Peace be to this house!” Blessed be the politician who works to renewal whenever we are convinced that Peace, in effect, is the fruit of a great political
accomplish radical change. every woman, man and generation brings project grounded in the mutual responsibility
2. The challenge of good politics Blessed be the politician who is capable of the promise of new relational, intellectual, and interdependence of human beings. But it
Peace is like the hope which the poet Charles listening. cultural and spiritual energies. That kind of is also a challenge that demands to be taken
Péguy celebrated.[2] It is like a delicate flower Blessed be the politician who is without fear.[5] trust is never easy to achieve, because human up ever anew. It entails a conversion of heart
struggling to blossom on the stony ground of relations are complex, especially in our own and soul; it is both interior and communal;
violence. We know that the thirst for power Every election and re-election, and every times, marked by a climate of mistrust rooted and it has three inseparable aspects:
at any price leads to abuses and injustice. stage of public life, is an opportunity to in the fear of others or of strangers, or anxiety - peace with oneself, rejecting inflexibility,
Politics is an essential means of building return to the original points of reference that about one’s personal security. Sadly, it is anger and impatience; in the words of Saint
human community and institutions, but inspire justice and law. One thing is certain: also seen at the political level, in attitudes Francis de Sales, showing “a bit of sweetness
when political life is not seen as a form of good politics is at the service of peace. It of rejection or forms of nationalism that towards oneself” in order to offer “a bit of
service to society as a whole, it can become respects and promotes fundamental human call into question the fraternity of which our sweetness to others”;
a means of oppression, marginalization and rights, which are at the same time mutual globalized world has such great need. Today - peace with others: family members,
even destruction. obligations, enabling a bond of trust and more than ever, our societies need “artisans of friends, strangers, the poor and the suffering,
Jesus tells us that, “if anyone would be gratitude to be forged between present and peace” who can be messengers and authentic being unafraid to encounter them and listen
first, he must be last of all and servant of all” future generations. witnesses of God the Father, who wills the to what they have to say;
(Mk 9:35). In the words of Pope Paul VI, “to good and the happiness of the human family. - peace with all creation, rediscovering the
take politics seriously at its different levels— 4. Political vices grandeur of God’s gift and our individual and
local, regional, national and worldwide—is Sadly, together with its virtues, politics also 6. No to war and to the strategy of fear shared responsibility as inhabitants of this
to affirm the duty of each individual to has its share of vices, whether due to personal A hundred years after the end of the world, citizens and builders of the future.
acknowledge the reality and value of the incompetence or to flaws in the system and its First World War, as we remember the The politics of peace, conscious of and
freedom offered him to work at one and the institutions. Clearly, these vices detract from young people killed in those battles and the deeply concerned for every situation of human
same time for the good of the city, the nation the credibility of political life overall, as well civilian populations torn apart, we are more vulnerability, can always draw inspiration
and all mankind”.[3] as the authority, decisions and actions of those conscious than ever of the terrible lesson from the Magnificat, the hymn that Mary,
Political office and political responsibility thus engaged in it. These vices, which undermine taught by fratricidal wars: peace can never the Mother of Christ the Savior and Queen of
constantly challenge those called to the service the ideal of an authentic democracy, bring be reduced solely to a balance between Peace, sang in the name of all mankind: “He
of their country to make every effort to protect disgrace to public life and threaten social power and fear. To threaten others is to has mercy on those who fear him in every
those who live there and to create the conditions harmony. We think of corruption in its lower them to the status of objects and to generation. He has shown the strength of
for a worthy and just future. If exercised with varied forms: the misappropriation of public deny their dignity. This is why we state once his arm; he has scattered the proud in their
basic respect for the life, freedom and dignity resources, the exploitation of individuals, the more that an escalation of intimidation, and conceit. He has cast down the mighty from
of persons, political life can indeed become an denial of rights, the flouting of community the uncontrolled proliferation of arms, is their thrones, and has lifted up the lowly; …for
outstanding form of charity. rules, dishonest gain, the justification of power contrary to morality and the search for true
he has remembered his promise of mercy, the
by force or the arbitrary appeal to raison peace. Terror exerted over those who are
promise he made to our fathers, to Abraham
3. Charity and human virtues: the d’état and the refusal to relinquish power. To most vulnerable contributes to the exile of
and his children for ever” (Lk 1:50-55).
basis of politics at the service of human which we can add xenophobia, racism, lack entire populations who seek a place of peace.
rights and peace of concern for the natural environment, the Political addresses that tend to blame every
From the Vatican, 8 December 2018
Pope Benedict XVI noted that “every plundering of natural resources for the sake evil on migrants and to deprive the poor of
Christian is called to practice charity in a of quick profit and contempt for those forced hope are unacceptable. Rather, there is a need
manner corresponding to his vocation and into exile. to reaffirm that peace is based on respect for [1] Cf. Lk 2:14: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth
according to the degree of influence he wields each person, whatever his or her background, peace among men with whom he is pleased”.
in the pólis… When animated by charity, 5. Good politics promotes the on respect for the law and the common good, [2] Cf. Le Porche du mystère de la deuxième vertu,
commitment to the common good has greater participation of the young and trust on respect for the environment entrusted to Paris, 1986.
[3] Apostolic Letter Octogesima Adveniens (14 May
worth than a merely secular and political stand in others our care and for the richness of the moral 1971), 46.
would have… Man’s earthly activity, when When the exercise of political power tradition inherited from past generations. [4] Encyclical Letter Caritas in Veritate (29 June 2009), 7.
inspired and sustained by charity, contributes aims only at protecting the interests of a Our thoughts turn in a particular way to [5] Cf. Address at the “Civitas” Exhibition-Convention in
Padua: “30 Giorni”, no. 5, 2002.
to the building of the universal city of God, few privileged individuals, the future is all those children currently living in areas of [6] BENEDICT XVI, Address to the Authorities of Benin,
which is the goal of the history of the human compromised and young people can be conflict, and to all those who work to protect Cotonou, 19 November 2011.
family”.[4] This is a programme on which all tempted to lose confidence, since they are their lives and defend their rights. One out of [7] Encyclical Letter Pacem in Terris (11 April 1963), ed.
politicians, whatever their culture or religion, relegated to the margins of society without every six children in our world is affected by Carlen, 24.
B2 FEATURE January 7 - 20, 2019 Vol. 23 No. 1 CBCP Monitor
Pre-nuptial agreements
By Fr. Jaime B. Achacoso, J.C.D.
I am a Catholic priest. In a recent agreement were really taken does not exist at the moment of
marriage that I solemnized formally by the spouses as part of celebrating the marriage.
outside Manila, the bride’s father their matrimonial consent.
demanded that the Marriage Pre-nuptial agreements and
Contract contain an annotation Conditioned matrimonial Canon Law
that a Pre-Nuptial Agreement consent in Canon Law The so-called pre-nuptial
had been made (regarding real This matter is regulated in Canon agreement, which of late
estate properties that the bride Law by c.1102, which states: is becoming popular in some
was inheriting from her parents), Can. 1102 — §1. Marriage based Western countries, is still relatively
and that such annotation be made on a condition concerning the future uncommon in the Philippines.
prior to the filing of such Marriage cannot be contracted validly. When it occurs—as in the present
Contract in the City Hall. Though §2. Marriage based on a condition case—it normally involves property
taken aback, since it was the first concerning the past or the present settlements—in the case of death of
time I encountered such a request, is valid or invalid, insofar as the one of the spouses, or the separation
I agreed, since it was too late to do subject matter of the condition of the spouses, or the declaration
anything else. Did I do right? exists or not. of nullity of the marriage—and is
§3. The condition mentioned in an issue exclusively in the sphere
THOUGH we had tackled this §2 cannot be placed licitly without of civil law. However, care should
matter in the past, enough time has the written permission of the Local be taken by the parish priest (or
elapsed for us to need to touch on Ordinary. the solemnizing priest) that such
it again. As we had explained in the past, a pre-nuptial agreement does
In the case under consideration, matrimonial consent should in not in fact formally enter in the
what saved the day for the canonical principle not be subjected to any formation of the consent given
marriage is the fact that there condition, since by its very nature, in the celebration of a canonical
are normally two marriages being marriage implies a total acceptance marriage:
contracted when a so-called Church of the other in the actual moment 1st: because if such a condition
wedding takes place: first and of the celebration of marriage. involves property settlements
foremost, the canonical marriage However, under certain conditions, in the future, such a condition
(which is what we can comment such conditions may be permitted invalidates the consent (and the
about) and the civil marriage (which by the competent authority. marriage), since it involves a
is what the Marriage Contract from As far as a condition concerning condition that does not yet exist
City Hall attests to, and about which the past are concerned, the validity (c.1102, §1).
we shall not comment about for lack of the marriage contracted would 2 nd : because even if such a
of competence). Since the annotation depend on whether or not the condition involves something of
was made in the Marriage Contract condition is met or not—something the past, it should not be allowed
for the civil marriage—assuming which can be verified at the moment without written permission of the
that such pre-nuptial agreements of marriage since the condition is Local Ordinary (c.1102, §3), under
are licit in the civil sphere—, then of the past; nevertheless, the Law pain of illicitness.
there was absolutely no problem as prohibits (under pain of illicitness
far as the canonical marriage was but not of invalidity) the placing of Conclusion
concerned. such conditions without the written From the tenor of the consultation,
Nevertheless, it would be good permission of the Local Ordinary. it can safely be stated that the
to comment on the incidence of On the other hand, a condition canonical marriage was contracted
such pre-nuptial agreements on concerning the future invalidates the validly by the spouses, since the pre-
the validity and/or licitude of marriage, since the condition—on nuptial agreement was a purely civil A pair of wedding bands symbolizing the sacrament of marriage is depicted in a stained-glass window
the canonical marriage, if such which the consent depends—still instrument. at a church in Florida, USA. GREGORY A. SHEMITZ/CNS
Devotees flock to the carriage of Black Nazarene during the annual Traslacion in Manila. PHOTO COURTESY OF LLOYD LAGARDE
I HAVE shared this reflection on suffering Jesus trying to stand up handkerchiefs, lighting their candles feel awkward to dance. But these of Filipino popular Catholicism.
Facebook two years ago at the from the unjust pain imposed on hoping that at the day’s end, a women can spontaneously utter First, the ‘body’ is central, i.e., the
height of Duterte’s War on Drugs him. Next week, at the Cebu or problem will be solved, a sickness a prayer in the sincerest of their senses, corporeality and physical
(January 9, 2017) when we were Kalibo procession of the Santo Niño, will be cured, a relationship healed. hearts accompanied by graceful presence. There is a need to kiss the
helping bury 5 bodies almost every we will also see bodies—dancing And even if these do not happen, one steps because they have been doing crucifix, to wipe the santo with one’s
week. As the Nazareno procession and singing bodies—also waving, gains some strength to continue to it the whole of their lives. And a handkerchief, to walk through the
goes winding along the streets of swaying to the drum beat in their survive and a hope that life shall be danced prayer is better heard by the procession despite the long route,
Quiapo today (January 9, 2019), I most sincere prayer deep in their bearable no matter how. SantoNiño, they say. to bathe the image of the saint in
read the text again and the message hearts uttering their deepest need It is only people who have a fluvial parade to pray for rain, to
remains painfully the same. The they could not express except in experienced this for a long time who Bodies and Habitus make the Sign of the Cross no matter
streets where the images travel are dance and song to the child Jesus know what this is all about. For these As I was trying to make sense how hastily when one passes by a
the same streets where killings did whom they feel as most sensitive to people, there is no need to explain. of these powerful experiences, I church building or before one starts
and continue to happen. Duterte their utmost desire. They keep coming here every year remember a sociologist by the name a boxing match in the Las Vegas
even in his recent speeches angrily and place their bodies on the line. of Pierre Bourdieu who talks about arena, to kneel down or prostrate
proclaim: “Papatayin ko talaga Beyond Fanaticism and They believe. And no matter how habitus. Habitus are durable bodily oneself, to close one’s eyes, to wave
kayo” (I will really kill you!). Just Opportunism much you prevent them, they will dispositions which we learn as one’s hands and shout ‘Amen’! An
before Christmas, several men were People from outside could not still come no matter what. members of specific societies. We overly ‘mentalist’ or intellectualist
gunned down in the streets of Cebu. understand. On the one side, we I met an 80-year old lady in are identified as members of specific religion, at least in the context of
After this New Year, another man hear voices of condemnation: Quaipo who has been coming to societies because of our habitus. the many countries in the South,
fell in Payatas. And the people who fanaticism, superstition, uncritical this place since she was 20years Since we are ‘born into the game’ of could never survive. Even in the
yearly cheer at the Nazareno and devotion. On the other side, we old. She came alone despite the our societies, we possess the ‘feel’ West where these practices are long
Santo Niño as the images pass by are witness devotional commercialism, warnings of her children. She knows for it. We possess that capacity for gone, people still love to light candles
mostly the same people who applaud touristic instrumentalism and her way here and she feels it is the endless improvisation of taken for (not necessarily in the church) or
for Duterte in adulation. This is the political opportunism at its best safest place to be—despite the bomb granted practices which our society are quite charmed by the repetitious
longest and most painful three years seemingly oblivious to what is threat! She thinks she will get sick if taught us – the wiping, the dancing, rhythm of Taizé hymns.
I have ever felt in my life. going on within the hearts of the she does not come. the believing. Only those who are Even the Left knows this: protest
In the Quiapo procession of participants. But regardless of I have also talked to old women socialized into them can do and can rallies and mass mobilizations also
the Black Nazarene are bodies— what outsiders say, the devotees gracefully dancing the Sinulog in understand. acknowledge the centrality of bodily
sweating bodies next to each other, continue walking in the procession front of the Cebu Basilica year in This sociological insight is expressions, such as the ‘clenched
rushing and pushing bodies—trying rain or shine, from morning to the and year out—candles in hand and a important to understand the events fist’, the linked-up arms, the one-
to reach, wipe, wave at the passing next dawn – saying their prayers, ready prayer for the one requesting. in Quiapo, Sinulog, Ati-atihan, liner chants or the long marches. A
image which is also a body of the wiping their towels, waving their If you are there for the first time, you Baclaran—and almost the whole ‘sea of protesting bodies’ conveys
the statement of dissent much more
powerfully than an intellectual
Homily of His Holiness Pope Francis on the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
52nd World Day of Peace, Vatican Basilica, 1 January 2019
“ALL who heard were amazed at what the Especially in times of need, when we are
shepherds told them” (Lk 2:18). To be entangled in life’s knots, we rightly lift our
amazed: this is what is asked of us today, at eyes to Our Lady, to Our Mother. Yet first,
the conclusion of the Octave of Christmas, as we should let ourselves be gazed upon by Our
we continue to contemplate the Child born Lady. When she gazes upon us, she does not
for us, lacking everything yet abounding in see sinners but children. It is said that the eyes
love. Amazement is what we should feel at are the mirror of the soul; the eyes of Mary,
the beginning of each year, for life is a gift full of grace, reflect the beauty of God, they
that constantly gives us a chance to make show us a reflection of heaven. Jesus himself
a new start, even from the most lowly of said that the eye is “the lamp of the body”
circumstances. (Mt 6:22): the eyes of Our Lady are able to
Today is also a day to be amazed by the bring light to every dark corner; everywhere
Mother of God. God appears as a little child, they rekindle hope. As she gazes upon us, she
held in the arms of a woman who feeds her says: “Take heart, dear children; here I am,
Creator. The statue before our eyes depicts the your Mother!”
Mother and Child so close as to appear as one. This maternal gaze, which instills confidence
That is the mystery we celebrate today, which and trust, helps us to grow in faith. Faith is a
gives rise to boundless amazement: God has bond with God that engages the whole person;
become one with humanity forever. God and to be preserved, it needs the Mother of God.
man, always together, that is the good news of Her maternal gaze helps us see ourselves as
this new year. God is no distant lord, dwelling beloved children in God’s faithful people, and
in splendid isolation above the heavens, but to love one another regardless of our individual
love incarnate, born like us of a mother, in limitations and approaches. Our Lady keeps us
order to be a brother to each of us, to be close rooted in the Church, where unity counts more
to us: the God of closeness. He rests on the than diversity; she encourages us to care for
lap of his mother, who is also our mother, and one another. Mary’s gaze reminds us that faith
from there he pours out upon humanity a new demands a tenderness that can save us from
tenderness. Thus we come to understand more becoming lukewarm. Tenderness: the Church
fully God’s love, which is both paternal and of tenderness. Tenderness is a word that today
Children dressed as the Three Kings attend Pope Francis’ celebration of Mass marking the feast of Mary, Mother of God, in St. Peter’s
maternal, like that of a mother who never stops many want to remove from the dictionary. Basilica at the Vatican Jan. 1. PAUL HARING/CNS
believing in her children and never abandons When faith makes a place for the Mother of
them. God-with-us, Emmanuel, loves us God, we never lose sight of the centre: the In today’s fragmented world, where we risk thinking they are free, they become slaves.
despite our mistakes, our sins, and the way Lord, for Mary never points to herself but to losing our bearings, a Mother’s embrace is How many, forgetting a mother’s affection,
we treat our world. God believes in mankind, Jesus; and our brothers and sisters, for Mary essential. How much dispersion and solitude live in anger with themselves and indifference
because its first and preeminent member is is mother. there is all around us! The world is completely to everything! How many, sad to say, react
his own Mother. The gaze of the Mother, and the gaze of connected, yet seems increasingly disjointed. to everything and everyone with bitterness
At the beginning of the year, let us implore every mother. A world that looks to the future We need to entrust ourselves to our Mother. and malice! Life is such. Showing oneself
from Mary the grace to be amazed at the God without a mother’s gaze is shortsighted. It may In the Scriptures, Our Lady embraces any “malicious” even seems at times to be a sign of
of surprises. Let us renew the amazement we well increase its profits, but it will no longer number of concrete situations; she is present strength. Yet it is nothing more than weakness.
felt when faith was first born in us. The Mother see others as children. It will make money, but wherever she is needed. She visits her We need to learn from mothers that heroism is
of God helps us: the Mother who gave birth to not for everyone. We will all dwell in the same cousin Elizabeth; she comes to the aid of shown in self-giving, strength in compassion,
the Lord, now presents us, reborn, to the Lord. house, but not as brothers and sisters. The the newlyweds in Cana; she encourages the wisdom in meekness.
She is a mother who generates in her children human family is built upon mothers. A world disciples in the Upper Room… Mary is a cure God himself needed a Mother: how much
the amazement of faith, because faith is an in which maternal tenderness is dismissed as for solitude and dispersion. She is the Mother more so do we! Jesus himself gave her to us,
encounter, not a religion. Without amazement, mere sentiment may be rich materially, but of con-solation: she stands “with” those who from the cross: “Behold your mother!” (Jn
life becomes dull and routine, and so it is with poor where the future is concerned. Mother of are “alone”. She knows that words are not 19:27). He said this to the beloved disciple and
faith. The Church too needs to renew her God, teach us to see life as you do. Turn your enough to console; presence is needed, and to every disciple. Our Lady is not an optional
amazement at being the dwelling place of the gaze upon us, upon our misery, our poverty. she is present as a mother. Let us allow her to accessory: she has to be welcomed into our life.
living God, the Bride of the Lord, a Mother Turn to us thine eyes of mercy. embrace our lives. In the Salve Regina, we call She is the Queen of peace, who triumphs over
who gives birth to her children. Otherwise, she Let us allow ourselves to be embraced. her “our life”. This may seem exaggerated, for evil and leads us along paths of goodness, who
risks turning into a beautiful museum of the From Mary’s gaze, we now turn to her heart, Christ himself is “life” (cf. Jn 14:6), yet Mary restores unity to her children, who teaches us
past. A “Church museum”. Our Lady instead in which, as today’s Gospel recounts, she is so closely united to him, and so close to us, compassion.
gives the Church the feel of a home, a home “treasured all these things and pondered that we can do no better than to put our hands Mary, take us by the hand. Clinging to
in which the God of newness dwells. Let us them” (Lk 2:19). Our Lady, in other words, in hers and to acknowledge her as “our life, our you, we will pass safely through the straits of
receive with amazement the mystery of the took everything to heart; she embraced sweetness and our hope.” history. Lead us by the hand to rediscover the
Mother of God, as the inhabitants of Ephesus everything, events both good and bad. And she And in the journey of life, let us allow bonds that unite us. Gather us beneath your
did at the time of the Council. Like them, let us pondered all these things; she brought them ourselves to be taken by the hand. Mothers mantle, in the tenderness of true love, where
acclaim her “Holy Mother of God”. From her, before God. This was her secret. In the same take their children by the hand and lovingly the human family is reborn: “We fly to thy
let us allow ourselves to be gazed upon, to be way, she now takes to heart the life of each of introduce them to life. But how many children protection, O Holy Mother of God”. Let us
embraced, to be taken by the hand. us: she wants to embrace our every situation today wander off on their own and lose their together pray these words to Our Lady: “We
Let us allow ourselves to be gazed upon. and to present it to God. way. Thinking they are strong, they get lost; fly to thy protection, O Holy Mother of God”.
CBCP Monitor January 7 - 20, 2019 Vol. 23 No. 1 STATEMENTS B5
MY dear people of God: In 2019, we dream of the Church in Lingayen missionary spirit. We envision 2019 as year
Dagupan as young Jesus among the young. of young Jesus with the young telling the
We all need companions all the time. In world of His love. Youth ministry cannot be
infancy and childhood, from puberty to Learning TOGETHER confined to a handful of youth in the parish
adulthood, in our career paths and life choices, Then beginning with Moses and all the hall or the campus ministry office. We must
in sickness unto our deathbed--we all need to prophets, he interpreted to them what serve and teach those who do not feel welcome
be accompanied. Life would be impossible if referred to him in all the scriptures. (Luke in the Church.
we went through it alone. The Year 2019 is 24:27) Let us be reminded that people turn to the
TABIN Year for the Archdiocese of Lingayen In 2018, I invite my fellow pastors and Lord not because of eloquent preaching but
Dagupan. As Catholic Philippines observes parents to adopt an attitude of learning WITH through inspiring life examples. Saint Paul VI
2019 as Year of the Youth looking forward the youth and FROM the youth. When the put it most eloquently “Modern man listens
to the five hundredth anniversary of the first educated and the academically titled start more willingly to witnesses than to teachers,
baptism and first Mass in the Philippines, we to recognize that Jesus is the only lesson we and if he does listen to teachers, it is because
in Lingayen Dagupan offer to our youth the need to learn and the only weapon we have they are witnesses. It is primarily by her
Church as companion, kalakbay. TABIN. against evil, then we have started the journey conduct and by her life that the Church will
of renewal. Some youth are students but all evangelize the world (EV, 41).
Be careful
Walking TOGETHER youth are our teachers. They teach us new zeal The Church has been severely hurt and
It happened that while they were conversing and missionary passion. The questions that wounded by the sins of her priests against
and debating, Jesus himself drew near and young people ask us priests challenge us to the youth and against the Church. Despite the
against many walked with the m b ut their eyes were prevented
from recognizing him. (Luke 24:15-16)
In this walking together with the youth,
be better. When the young criticize us priests,
I encourage you my brother priests to listen
to their young voices as the voice of Christ
limitations of us their elders in the Church,
we have not been lacking in heroic young
leaders in our parishes and schools who serve
Finally Seth, respect the Pope and AT the outset I would like to greet all of Cardinals. I would like to think that Manila the ground during the war of liberation in
my fellow priests and bishops because you a blessed Solemnity of the Immaculate Cathedral prepared you for a new mission. 1945. Like you, this reconstructed Cathedral
we are signs of God’s love for you. We Conception of our Blessed Mother. Welcome to Now, we welcome you again not only as the is a testament to the power of peace over
are not spotless like angels but in our the Manila Cathedral and Minor Basilica of the Cardinal-Archbishop of Osaka but as the Papal violence. We will always rise again after every
weaknesses, God still uses us for His Immaculate Conception as we commemorate Legate. We could not think of a better choice. storm, earthquake, fire and war, because we
mission. Walang silbi? Yes we are but the dedication of the post-war reconstructed Cardinal Maeda’s ancestors belonged to believe in peace.
if we are able to do anything good at cathedral in 1958. the hidden Christians in the Japan where Cardinal Maeda is a poet. He almost
all, all is because of God’s mercy. In The “rising of the Manila Cathedral from the Christianity was banned. Families passed spontaneously composes the Japanese poetic
mocking priests and bishops, you do rubble of war” 60 years ago is recognized by on the faith from generation to generation form called haiku, even in his homilies. I heard
what antiChrists do. Be a loyal son of Pope Francis as an important event of faith, with creativity and courage. Christianity him recite haikus in Rome last June after the
the Catholic Church. hope and love. For this reason, His Holiness was hidden but not absent. Hiddenness has consistory for new cardinals. When I attended
sent someone to represent him and his love for its own dynamic power. Your Eminence, the beatification of Blessed Ukon Takayama
Keep the rosary in your pocket each the Church in the Philippines. We welcome the you carry the un-assuming, humble heritage in Osaka last year, he brought me to a small
time you leave the house; your mother’s Papal Legate, His Eminence Cardinal Thomas of hidden but authentic Christians. Here in Japanese eating place where he made me
name is Mary. Carry a handkerchief in Aquinas Manyo Maeda, Archbishop of Osaka, Manila Cathedral, the longings, cries and taste simple Japanese fish, squid, shrimps,
your other pocket. That is a mark of Japan. The Archdiocese of Manila thanks the thanksgiving of generous of Filipino Catholics vegetables and of course sake. Simplicity,
good manners. Holy Father Pope Francis for gracing the feast have been lifted to God in hidden but real closeness to nature, brokenness, and silence—
through you. We also thank you for accepting ways. Their hidden faces and voices continue these are the ingredients that make one a poet.
Don’t play with firecrackers tonight. the mission the Pope has entrusted you. to strengthen us in faith. Your Eminence, the Manila Cathedral is a
Keep safe. Happy new year! Your Eminence, last April 12, 2018, I welcomed Cardinal Maeda has been an advocate for poem to God offered by the Filipino people.
you here in Manila Cathedral. You came with peace. Growing up in Nagasaki, he saw the Please join your haiku to our tula.
Japanese pilgrims who were tracing the sites scars of war. His own mother has been exposed Your Eminence, thank you once again. Please
NINONG FATHER SOC connected to Blessed Justo Ukon Takayama, to the light and radiation of the atomic bomb convey to Pope Francis our love. And now
December 31, 2018 a Japanese martyr who died in Manila in that fell on Nagasaki on August 9, 1945. The please lead us in the Eucharist, the eternal
1615. A month later, Pope Francis announced cry for peace screams from his veins. Your Poem of Jesus, the Mystery Hidden but now
that you were being elevated to the College of Eminence, Manila Cathedral was ravaged to revealed as the Prince of Peace!
B6 REFLECTIONS January 7 - 20, 2019 Vol. 23 No. 1 CBCP Monitor
WE say that people make a Baptist. mankind. The Word, the eternal Son
“prophetic gesture” when they But Jesus’ baptism at the Jordan, of the Father, clad in human flesh
do something striking that is also lost in the crowd of sinners who in Jesus of Nazareth, becomes one
a sign of greater things to come. were seeking forgiveness, had a with sinful mankind not to be its
Those gestures reveal the depth depth of meaning that made it one judge but its Savior. And the Holy
of their passion or commitment; of his most dramatic “prophetic Spirit, appearing in the form of a
they are meant to shake people and gestures.” It was Jesus’ baptism, dove, a symbol of peace, reminds
somehow force them to make a in fact, which revealed the essence us of God’s mercy on the “remnant”
choice, either for or against certain of his mission and became the of mankind as the purifying flood
vital issues. occasion for the revelation of his subsided. (See Gn 8:10-11.) Jesus’
In his lifetime, Jesus made concealed divine identity. baptism was a further manifestation
many “prophetic gestures,” such The “prophetic dimension” of of the meaning and purpose of the
as his driving the traders out of Jesus’ action was not so much Incarnation.
the Temple, the healing of the in his entering the waters of the Through that “immersion/
paralytic, and many other miracles Jordan, as his immersing himself identification,” the totally sinless
he performed. All those gestures in the crowd of sinners. That Jesus became a part not only
were “spectacular” in their own way. was something unthinkable and of the relatively small group of
They attracted the attention of the unbelievable. Only God’s incredible sinners gathered by the banks of
crowds, which wondered what their love for every human being and the Jordan, but also of the immense
“meaning” could be. all mankind could have conceived crowd of sinners that is the whole
There was, in the life of Jesus, a such an “immersion” which was so of humankind. And just as his
“gesture” which was not spectacular complete and involving as to be a immersion: in the waters of the river
at all and which went unnoticed by total “identification.” That was the sanctified them, so did his presence
almost everybody, except his cousin reason why the eternal and all-holy among the crowd of sinners bring peace. If the image has any meaning suffer…” (9:22); “But first he must
John: his baptism in the River Son of God had come down from them the possibility of receiving at all, it is meant to convey that this suffer many things...” (17:25}, “I
Jordan. That gesture was absolutely heaven and had undergone the purification from sin. child, helpless and innocent though must stay in your house…” (19:5),
“common” and “ordinary” for it was fullest “immersion” in the ocean That was exactly Jesus’ he is, is the king of peace, who is so “Everything must be fulfilled...”
something that almost everybody of mankind’s misery and in human mission. Isaiah the prophet had powerful that he holds the world in (26:44). In the conflict of human
was doing in those days, in response history. Jesus’ baptism is a clear already foreseen this when he his hand, and the liberator of the and divine obligations, the Father’s
to the exhortation of John the manifestation of God’s mercy toward human race. will must prevail. No wonder,
Sinners/ B7
When we think of a liberator, we Hebrews characterizes the life of
Challenged to grow in
associate him with Genghis Khan, Jesus as doing the Father’s will:
Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, “Then I said, here I am—it is written
or Napoleon Bonaparte. They are about me in the scroll—I have come
mighty warriors, who defeated their to do your will, O God (Heb 10:7).
Communion / B2 Praying / B3
people. other readings, unless it is carried the Holy Cross and images of the can provide a language to articulate on the streets—already more than
Another common option is to in the Entrance Procession. Lord exposed for public veneration, a social upheaval against colonial six thousands of dead bodies, some
have a large crucifix either directly “122. On reaching the altar, the offerings for the Sacrifice of the oppression; an ancient practice with cardboards and letters written
above the altar or behind it. The the priest and ministers make a Mass, the altar cross, the Book of of communal meditation can on them which goes: “drug pusher,
distance will depend on the size profound bow. The cross adorned the Gospels, the Paschal Candle, become a threat to the status quo huwag tularan.” Bodies just the
of the chapel and the crucifix, but with a figure of Christ crucified the priest, and the people. (e.g., Falun Gong); or, an antique same and sprawling on the same
they should combine so as to show and perhaps carried in procession “The following are incensed with voodoo ritual can transform itself streets where our processions pass.
the clear relationship of crucifix may be placed next to the altar to two swings of the thurible: relics into, and be perceived as, an act of And yet, we seldom hear a voice of
and altar. The norms for incensing serve as the altar cross, in which and images of the Saints exposed resistance. This does not take away protest for desecrating the same
offer the possibility of incensing case it ought to be the only cross for public veneration, which should the necessity of creative planning hallowed bodies that people use to
this cross not at the beginning but used; otherwise, it is put away in be done, however, only at the and real organizing since habitus honor their God. The voices who
when passing by the cross in front a dignified place. In addition, the beginning of the celebration, after can also be a very conservative jubilantly shout “Viva!” (to the
of the altar. candlesticks are placed on the the incensation of the altar. force. But such introduction of Nazareno and the Santo Niño) also
The norms indicate that there altar or near it. It is a praiseworthy “The altar is incensed with single new transformative elements into disdainfully say “May’ra!” (Maayo
should be only one altar cross. practice that the Book of the swings of the thurible in this way: practice can only be successful when rang namatay kay addict man.
Other crosses, even if they are Gospels be placed upon the altar. “a. if the altar is freestanding change agents are sensitive to the Linisin natin ang lipunan!)
in the sanctuary area, but which “123. The priest goes up to the with respect to the wall, the priest potentials of these durable cultural The official political machine
are closer to the assembly than the altar and venerates it with a kiss. incenses walking around it; elements so as to tap their innate of course tyrannically extols the
altar and face away from the altar, Then, as the occasion suggests, he “b. if the altar is not freestanding, creative resources. success of the project. And, sadly,
would not be suitable for use as an incenses the cross and the altar, the priest incenses it while walking we seldom hear cries of protest from
altar cross even though they may be walking around the latter. first to the right-hand side, then to Incarnation official ecclesiastical bodies. The
an object of devotion. “188. In the procession to the left. Third, spirituality can only be bodily. only cries we hear are the wailing
The relevant norms from the the altar, the acolyte may carry “The cross, if situated on or Our bodies are the only ways we have of widows, mothers and children as
GIRM would be the following: the cross, walking between two near the altar, is incensed by the to God. This incarnational approach they see the bodies of their beloved
“117. The altar is to be covered ministers with lighted candles. priest before he incenses the altar; to the divine runs counter to the now bloodied, lifeless, and being
with at least one white cloth. In Upon reaching the altar, the otherwise, he incenses it when he intellectualist Western tradition carried away by armed men they do
addition, on or next to the altar acolyte places the cross upright passes in front of it. which privileges the inner mental not know—be they in uniforms or
are to be placed candlesticks with near the altar so that it may serve “The priest incenses the offerings state, the esoteric experience, not. And their cries should not be
lighted candles: at least two in as the altar cross; otherwise, he with three swings of the thurible the internal consciousness. The as loud to avoid added violence or
any celebration, or even four or puts it in a worthy place. Then he or by making the sign of the cross Platonic disdain for the material retaliation. No one comes to their
six, especially for a Sunday Mass takes his place in the sanctuary. over the offerings with the thurible dismisses the bodily, the sensuous wakes because of fear. So, the poor
or a holy day of obligation. If the “277. The priest, having put before going on to incense the cross and the ordinary as quite base and painfully suffer in silence because
diocesan Bishop celebrates, then incense into the thurible, blesses it and the altar. lowly. Yet we can only think of God the political machine uses all its
seven candles should be used. with the Sign of the Cross, without “308. There is also to be a cross, through these sensuous realities. It “eyes and ears” to coerce them to
Also on or close to the altar, saying anything. Before and after with the figure of Christ crucified is thus imperative that all pastors submission. Ironically, in some
there is to be a cross with a figure an incensation, a profound bow is upon it, either on the altar or near and church ministers immerse sections of Payatas at the side
of Christ crucified. The candles made to the person or object that is it, where it is clearly visible to themselves and get involved in the of the dumpsite, CCTV cameras
and the cross adorned with a incensed, except for the incensation the assembled congregation. It tempo of people’s practices. Anyone abound to monitor movements
figure of Christ crucified may of the altar and the offerings for the is appropriate that such a cross, who ministers from the armchair - when hardly functioning ones
also be carried in the Entrance Sacrifice of the Mass. which calls to mind for the faithful or who issues pastoral directives are found in some sections of the
Procession. On the altar, itself “The following are incensed with the saving Passion of the Lord, from their isolated convents risks airport.
may be placed the Book of the three swings of the thurible: the remain near the altar even outside of becoming useless and irrelevant. What has become of human lives?
Gospels, distinct from the book of Most Blessed Sacrament, a relic of of liturgical celebrations.” Moreover, if the Church is to help What has become of human dignity?
mediate and channel God’s salvation What has become of the embodied
into the human community, these God in our human bodies?
Sinners/ B6
practices should be considered Can our praying bodies, moving
announced that the mission of the company—something that shocked so powerful in its effect because he as the way in which the Church bodies, dancing bodies place
“Servant of the Lord” was to bring the “holy” people of his time. His was God’s beloved Son, on whom must walk and think for it is here themselves on the line and stand
“justice” (that is, holiness) to the association with “public sinners” the Father’s favor rested! Such that people articulate the acts of up to protect the thousands of dying
nations. Of him the Lord God said, was bound to tarnish his reputation a solemn proclamation of Jesus’ God experienced in their everyday bodies around us? Or, shall we keep
“I formed you and set you as a as his opponents pointed out on divine identity soon after his baptism life. For ordinary people, these waving handkerchiefs or dancing
covenant of the people, a light for several occasions. Jesus did not balanced, so to speak, his associating everyday practices which are deeply in front of our santos and leave the
the nations, to open the eyes of the mind that criticism and continued himself with the crowd of sinners at intertwined with one’s cultural many others more to continue to die
blind, to bring out prisoners from like before, for—as he himself said— the Jordan River. It also completed memories and religious histories are on our streets?
confinement, and from the dungeon it is sick people who need a doctor. the “prophetic nature” of what the only wells from which they can
those who live in darkness.” (See (See Mt 9:12.) But his immersing happened on that day—God’s very draw the strength needed in their (Daniel Franklin E. Pilario, C.M.,
today’s First Reading.) himself in the crowd of sinful Son coming to save all mankind by daily struggle for survival. is Professor and Dean of St.
In his life, Jesus “actualized” mankind cost Jesus much more—it sharing fully its predicament of moral Vincent School of Theology, in
such a liberating and sanctifying cost him his very life, for he was put misery, in order to transform it from Dead Bodies Tandang Sora Avenue, Quezon
“immersion” by associating with to death to atone for the sins of all! within, through the superabundant Yet, in our times, almost every City. Comments maybe emailed to:
sinners and even seeking their Jesus’ vicarious self-offering was holiness that only God is. morning we also see bodies lying danielfranklinpilario@yahoo.com)
B8 ENTERTAINMENT January 7 - 20, 2019 Vol. 23 No. 1 CBCP Monitor
The Nutcracker and the Four Realms Lolo Kiko Bladimer Usi
DIRECTOR: Lasee Hallstrom
STARRING: Keira Knightley.
Mackenzie Foy, Eugenio Derbez,
Matthew Macfadyen, Jayden
Fowora-Knight, Helen Mirren
SCREENPLAY BY: Ashleigh Powell
STORY BY: E.T.A. Hoffmann’s The
PRODUCER: Mark Gordon, Larry
GENRE(S): Fantasy, Adventure
MUSIC BY: James Newton Howard
EDITED BY: Stuart Levy
Disney Pictures, Walt Disney
Animation Studios
Buhay Parokya
Studios Motion Pictures
RUNNING TIME: 99 minutes was hard to sympathize with 1. BLACK NAZARENE
any character. This is a family 2. STO. NINO
Technical assessment: 3.0 movie not meant for the entire 3. CHALICE
Moral assessment: 3.5 family.
CINEMA rating: VA
There are strong redemptive
MTRCB rating: G
and moral values presented in
The Nutcracker and the the movie. First, the value of
Four Realms is a visually believing in one’s self and
appealing adaptation of the being of service to others.
19th century story and ballet. After Clara realizes the gift
It appeals to the imagination she received pointed to herself
of little girls who love to as the only thing she will ever
dress up as princesses and need, she bravely rallies the
probably their mothers who realms to retrieve the key
remember the ballet. The to defend what her mother
screen is always filled with loved most. Second, the value
so much dazzle and sparkles of looking beyond superficial
that it becomes necessary to beauty. Sugar Plum is sweet,
blink and stare into a blank soft spoken, friendly and
space just to refresh the eyes. almost perfect while Mother
Every scene looks like a cut out Ginger is the exact opposite.
from a European Christmas However, it turns out that real
card, the costumes and set beauty and goodness lies in
are outstandingly intricate the heart of the latter. Third,
and the mid-film ballet is a the value of forgiveness — both
special treat for the audience. Mother Ginger and Clara’s
However, there is just too father found it in their hearts
much talk and too much plot to let go of the hurt and start
to be absorbed alongside the over for the sake of keeping
production extravaganza. the relationship strong. Also,
Those who are unfamiliar (and forgiveness would not have
uninterested) with the original been possible if Clara did not
narrative will be confused with ask for it. Clara also delivers
characters showing up one the most powerful statement
minute and disappearing the about being selfless and
other. The emotional layer doing things for others as the
was very thin and unreal. It purpose of life.
Sa kabila ng madalas nilang Komedyang nakaugat sa papel — h indi nakakatawa, ang maraming manunuod
di pagkakaunawan, buhay na pantasiya ang “Fantastica: bagkus ay katawa-tawa sa mga kabaklaan ni Ganda.
buhay pa rin ang negosyong the Princess, the Prince, and ang kinalabasan nila. Isang Paano mo ipapaliwanag
perya (na “Perya Wurtzbach” the Perya”, at dahil sa ang bagay lang ang nakita naming sa mga musmos ang mga
ang tawag) ng mag-inang bida dito ay si Ganda, alam nakakatawa: ang boses ng pantasiya ng isang bakla na
Belat (Vice Ganda) at na marahil ninyo na tulad ng lalaki na namumutawi sa ipinagdidiinan ng pelikula?
Aling Fec (Jacklyn Jose); peryang tampok sa pelikula, bawa’t pagbuka ng bibig ng Bagama’t ginustong
umaani ito ng maraming “ ninais lamang nitong umani marikit na si Bella Padilla. itampok ng pelikula ang
palakhak” — pinagsamang ng palakpak at halakhak Subali’t kahit na ulanin pa kahalagahan ng pamilya
palakpak at halakhak. Pero mula sa mga manonood. siguro ang “ Fantastica” ng at pag-aaruga ng hindi mo
merong lagusan ang perya Hindi makapalakpak ang mga pintas ng mga kritiko, kadugo, hindi ito lumutang
sa daigdig ng Fantastica na CINEMA sa natunghayan kapag pumapalakpak ang dahil nasapawan ito ng
magsasara dahil sa isang nitong napakababang uri manunuod, ang huling walang humpay at walang
DIRECTOR: Barry Gonzales Emerson Texon
LEAD CAST: Vice Ganda, GENRE: Fantasy Comedy
sumpa. Para magbukas ulit ng komedya, sa gasgas na halakhak ay sa mga gumawa saysay na pagpapatawa at
Dingdong Dantes, Richard CINEMATOGRAPHER: Anne ang lagusan at magpatuloy banghay (plot), sa dayalogong ng pelikula dahil sa tubong- kabastusan. Paalala lang
Gutierrez, Jacklyn Jose, Bela Monzon ang ugnayan sa pagitan ng paikot-ikot na parang nilugaw na papasok sa p o n g C I N E M A — k u n g
Padilla DISTRIBUTOR: Star Cinema, mundo ng Fantastica at tsobibong nasira ang preno. kanilang mga bulsa. limitado ang badyet ninyo,
SCREENWRITER: Enrico Viva Films mundo ng tao, kakailanganin At ang kuwento, pantasiya Ganito na nga ang nangyari: makabubuti pa sigurong
Santos, Daisy Cayanan, LOCATION: Philippines ang sampung libong na nga, pasikut-sikot pa, kaya sa simula pa lang ng MFF, ibili na lamang ng mga
Jonathan Albano RUNNING TIME: 115 minutes “palakhak”. Magtutulungan lalong napalabo ng palabok nanguna na ang Fantastica makabuluhang babasahin
PRODUCER: Vic Del Rosario
Jr., Olivia Lamasan Technical assessment: 2.5 si Belat at si Prince Pryce ni Ganda. Sablay din ang sa takilya. Nang manood nito para sa mga bata iyon kaysa
EDITOR: Joyce Bernal, Noah Moral assessment: 2.5 (Richard Gutierrez) upang casting: ang mga batikang ang CINEMA sa ika-anim na lustayin sa dalawang oras na
Tonga CINEMA rating: V14 mabuksan ulit ang lagusan at actor na Dantes at Gutierrez ay araw, puno pa rin ang sinehan, halakhakan at kapalpakang
MUSICAL DIRECTOR: MTRCB rating: PG pabalikin ang sigla ng perya. hindi bagay sa kanilang mga at humahagalpak ng tawa dulot ng Fantastica.
CBCP Monitor Vol. 23 No. 1 January 7 - 20, 2019 C1
12 CFC International
Leaders Conference 26-28 CFC Handmaids of the Lord (HOLD)
International Conference
25-27 CFC Mission Core Weekend Retreat 26-28 CFC Kids for Christ
Family Conference (Visayas)
tant communities, spoke derstanding Federalism what young people can
JUN CFC 38th Anniversary Celebration 17-19 CFC Kids for Christ Family
Conference (Northern Luzon)
before leaders of CFC’s
younger ministries—
Singles for Christ Metro
and Charter Change”
is designed for young
people, who comprise
do to show their love for
country, and how they,
like the young heroes
Manila (onsite), and 67% of the Filipino vot- YOUNG MINISTRIES, p4
C2 January 7 - 20, 2019 Vol. 23 No. 1 CBCP Monitor
“…You shall take some first fruits of the given each person, each family, and the entire
various products of the soil which you harvest community. The prophecy further said:
from the land which the Lord, your God, gives “My arms are raised to bless. My hands are
you, and putting them in a basket, you shall go poised to give. Honor Me with your FIRST
to the place which the Lord, your God, chooses FRUITS solemnly, joyfully, and willingly.
for the dwelling place of His name. There you Dedicate yourselves to Me through your FIRST
shall go to the priest in office at that time FRUITS OFFERING—not because you are just
and say to him, ‘Today I acknowledge to the interested in the good results you expect Me to
Lord, my God that I have indeed come into give you—but because you really love me and
the land which He swore to our fathers He you delight in honoring Me. Then you will see…
would give us.’ if I don’t open the windows of heaven and pour
The priest shall then receive the basket from down upon you in abundance all kinds of good
you and shall set it in front of the altar of the things.” The Lord has spoken.
Lord, your God. Offering one’s firsts fruits is not about the
Then you shall declare before the Lord, your amount being offered but the state of one’s
God, ‘He gave this land flowing with milk and heart as he or she utters a prayer of gratitude
honey. Therefore, I have now brought you the for the blessings of the years past, and for bless-
first fruits of the products of the soil which you, O ings God is ready to pour out to each one in the
Lord, have given me.’ And having set them before coming year.
the Lord, your God, you shall bow down in His Aside from CFC Metro Manila, CFC Laguna,
presence. Then you and your family… shall make CFC Guam and some chapters conducted their
merry over all these good things which the Lord, own first fruits offering on the first Sunday of
your God, has given you.” ~Deuteronomy 26: 2-11 the year. The rest of the provinces and countries,
from the big assemblies down to the chapter and
A solemn promise household level, are expected to hold their first AVAILABLE AT
This offering of First Fruits is a symbolic fruits offering on their first assembly/gathering/
act—individually and as a community. This is household prayer meeting.
a symbolic act of bringing back to God—and The first fruits offering are earmarked for the
thanking Him—for the many blessings He has development of the global mission.
CBCP Monitor January 7 - 20, 2019 Vol. 23 No. 1 C3
of long ago, can safeguard the which have gone through the qualification of presidential
sovereignty of this nation. shift. and vice-presidential candidates
“A good Christian must also Atty. Lacson also discussed from 40 to 45); and anti-Filipino
be a good citizen,” Atty. Lacson the “12 Dangerous Provisions (opening ownership of mass
began. Quoting Bishop Broder- of GMA’s Federal Charter”. media outfits, and other busi-
ick Pabillo, LAIKO Chairman, He explained the difference ness wholly or substantially to
he added, “A good citizen gets between GMA’s (Speaker Gloria foreigners).
involved in the issues that affect Macapagal-Arroyo) and the Atty. Lacson likewise noted
people’s lives, and our Christian- Bayanihan Federal Constitution that the obstacles to the shift
ity compels us to participate in drafted by the Constitutional to a Federal government are
the issues and act on them.” Commission (ConCom) headed crumbling, and it is up to the
What are these issues? Atty. by Justice Reynaldo Puno. young to do something about
Lacson presented six big issues “After the completion of Puno the situation. He noted that
for 2019: Elections 2019; the et al’s “Bayanihan Federal Con- this “something” may not only
shift to a federal form of gov- stitution”, the group submitted mean that the youth get into the
ernment; extrajudicial killings it to President Duterte, who in political arena or march in the
or EJKs; anti-opposition/Com- turn submitted it to Congress streets. For a start, he suggested
munist campaign; martial law under Speaker of the House Glo- that the youth learn more about
declaration; and the conflict ria Macapagal-Arroyo during the issues and talk about these
between China and the US in the State of the Nation Address issues with their peers and their
the West Philippine Sea. (SONA). However, Arroyo com- families .
Atty. Lacson emphasized pletely disregarded the Bayani- Noli Manuel, Singles for
that “We need to vigilantly han Federal Constitution, and Christ International Coordina-
watch five of these issues this drafted the House’s own version, tor, in wrapping up the discus-
year. Of course there are many which the Lower House has ap- sions, exhorted the youth, now
other issues like the attacks on proved last December 11, 2018. armed with information about
the clergy, the vice-presidential Hence, the one that is on the the issues, to allow the Spirit to
post-election contention be- table now is the GMA Federal lead them to being good Chris-
tween Bongbong Marcos and Charter.” tians and good citizens. He
VP Leni Robredo.” He added, A study made of the provi- stated that as future parents, the
“But these issues could happen sions of the GMA Charter by the youth must now ponder on what
this year.” group of Atty. Lacson showed kind of Philippines they would
Among the six, Atty. Lacson that the said Charter would be want to leave to their children.
gave great importance and ur- anti-poor; pro-political dynasty The discussions pointed out
gency on the proposed shift of (because of the deletion of anti- one important fact—that there
the Philippine form of govern- political dynasty provisions, should not be any dichotomy
Michael C. Ariola ment to federalism. He said, removal of term limits in office, in how Christians conduct
IC Oversight “The issue on federalism is more increase in the number of dis- themselves in the “real world”.
important than the 2019 elec- tricts and party-list representa- The youth’s mission must not
Zenaida A. Gimenez Alma M. Alvarez tions,” because federalism has tives); anti-people (because it stop at being evangelizers, but
Editor-in-Chief Associate Editor more long-term repercussions removes the State's policy to they must venture beyond their
Deomar P. Oliveria Evangeline C. Mecedilla that favor sitting lawmakers encourage non-governmental, immediate spheres of influ-
Layout Artist Circulation Staff than the elections. He noted that community-based, or sectoral ence. They could be numerous
once the country shifts to this organizations that promote the sparks of light, but when lit at
The Ugnayan News Supplement is published by the Couples for Christ Global Mission Foundation, Inc., with editorial offices at 156 20th
Avenue, 1109 Cubao, Quezon City. Editorial trunk line: (+63 2) 709-4868 local 31 Direct line : (+63 2) 709-4856 new form of government, there welfare of the nation, thus giv- the same time, can illumine
www.couplesforchristglobal.org cfcglobalcommunications@gmail.com will be no turning back, based ing more power to Congress); the darkness that shrouds the
on the experience of countries anti-youth (increasing the age world. (A. Alvarez)
C4 January 7 - 20, 2019 Vol. 23 No. 1 CBCP Monitor
CATHOLIC Mission-Australia their first day as the villag- late Concepcion Parish at the
visited the Philippines for a ers prepared festive dances, Municipality of Madridejos,
week-long immersion program, bringing warm smiles to the and visited Sts. Peter and Paul
made possible via a partner- missionaries’ faces. Their week- Church in downtown Bantayan,
ship with CFC ANCOP. The long schedule also gave them the oldest church in Cebu and
immersion was held at CFC a chance for more engage- the second oldest in the Philip-
ANCOP Malbago Community ment with the villagers, sharing pines. They also had an amaz-
at Bantayan Island, Cebu from meals with them, helping in ing race team-building activity
December 9-15, 2018. The paving pathways, and mak- at the beautiful beach of Lawis.
Catholic Mission contingent ing do-it-yourself Christmas The memories and friend-
was composed of 17 missionar- decorations for the community ships formed during the im-
ies, all of them college students common area. mersion left a lasting mark,
from St. Francis Xavier College The participants also learned not only in the participants,
and Mount St. Joseph High something new as they at- but the village residents as well.
School in Australia, and four tended the ANCOP orientation The experience was clearly an
teacher-chaperones. and Child Protection Policy encounter with Jesus.
The participants experienced Orientation. It wasn’t all work This was the first immersion
a different kind of adventure as their hosts made sure that program partnership between
as they engaged with the home they toured Bantayan Island, CFC ANCOP and Catholic Mis-
partners of the ANCOP site. famous for its beautiful white sion, and both are looking for-
They were welcomed with sand beaches. The delegates ward to more mission trips in
typical Pinoy hospitality on heard Mass at the Immacu- the future. (Tria Balilla)