(PDF) Statutory Construction Agpalo
(PDF) Statutory Construction Agpalo
(PDF) Statutory Construction Agpalo
definition of terms given weight in construction Phiippinel Association of Government Retirees v. GSIS
terms & phrases, being part & parcel of whole statute, given < “present value”>
effect in their ENTIRTY, as harmonious, coordinated, and Statute: “for those who are at least 65 yrs of age, lump sum
integrated unit payment of present value of annuity for the first 5 years, and
words & phrases construed in light of context of WHOLE future annuity to be paid monthly. Provided however, that
statute. there shall be no discount from annuity for the first 5 yrs. of
those who are 65 yrs or over, on the day the law took effect.”
Qualification of rule Vocabulary:
Statutory definition of word or term controlling only as used o lump sum - amount of money given in single
in the Act; payment
not conclusive as to the meaning of same word or term in o annuity - amount of money paid to somebody
other statutes yearly or at some other regular interval
Especially to transactions that took place prior to enactment Should there be discount from the present value of his
of act. annuity?
Statutory definition controlling statutory words does not NO. Used in ordinary sense as said law grants to the retired
apply when: employee substantial sum for his sustenance considering his
o application creates incongruities age. Any doubt in this law should be ruled in his favor.
o destroy its major purposes
Matuguina Integrated Wood Products Inc. v. CA
o becomes illogical as result of change in its factual Whether transferee of a forest concession is liable for
basis. obligations arising from transferor’s illegal encroachment
into another forest concessionaire, which was committed
Ernest v. CA < RA 4166 & EO 900, 901> prior to the transfer
“sugarcane planter” is defined as a planter-owner of Sec. 61 of PD 705 “the transferee shall assume all the
sugarcane plantation w/in particular sugar mill district, who obligations of the transferor.”
Court held that the transferee is NOT liable and explained:
“Obligations” construed to mean obligations incurred by Central Bank v. CA
transferor in the ordinary course of business. Not those as a “National Government” - refers only to central government,
result of transgressions of the law, as these are personal consisting of executive, legislative and judiciary, as well as
obligations of transferor. constitutional bodies ( as distinguished from local
Principle: Construe using ordinary meaning & avoid government & other governmental entities) Versus->
“The Government of the Republic of the Philippines” or
“Philippine Government” – including central governments as
Mustang Lumber, Inc. v CA well as local government & GOCCs.
Statute: Sec. 68 PD 705 - penalizes the cutting, gathering &
or collecting timber or other forest products without a Republic Flour Mills v. Commissioner of Customs
license. “product of the Philippines” – any product produced in the
Is “lumber” included in “timber” country, e.g. bran (ipa) & pollard (darak) produced from
wheat imported into the country are “products of the
Reversing 1st ruling, SC says lumber is included in timber. Philippines”
“The Revised Forestry Code contains no definition of timber
or lumber. Timber is included in definition of forestry Generic term includes things that arise thereafter
products par (q) Sec.3. Lumber - same definitions as Progressive interpretation - A word of general signification
“processing plants” employed in a statute, in absence of legislative intent, to
Processing plant is any mechanical set-up, machine or comprehend not only peculiar conditions obtaining at its
combination of machine used for processing of logs & other time of enactment but those that may normally arise after its
forest raw materials into lumber veneer, plywood etc… p. approval as well
183. Progressive interpretation extends to the application of
Simply means, lumber is a processed log or forest raw
statute to all subjects or conditions within its general purpose
or scope that come into existence subsequent from its
material. The Code uses lumber in ordinary common usage. passage
In 1993 ed. of Webster’s International Dictionary, lumber is
Rationale: to keep statute from becoming ephemeral (short-
defined as timber or logs after being prepared for the market.
lived) and transitory (not permanent or lasting).
Therefore, lumber is a processed log or timber. Sec 68 of PD
705 makes no distinction between raw & processed timber. Statutes framed in general terms apply to new cases and
subjects that arise.
General words construed generally General rule in StatCon: Legislative enactments in general
comprehensive operation, apply to persons, subjects and
Generalia verba sunt generaliter intelligenda - what is businesses within their general purview and scope coming
generally spoken shall be generally understood; general into existence subsequent to their passage.
words shall be understood in a general sense.
Generale dictum generaliter est interpretandum - a general Geotina v. CA
statement is understood in a general sense “articles of prohibited importation” - used in Tariff and
In case word in statute has both restricted and general Customs Code embrace not only those declared prohibited at
time of adoption, but also goods and articles subject of
meaning, GENERAL must prevail; Unless nature of the
activities undertaken in subsequent laws.
subject matter & context in which it is employed clearly
indicates that the limited sense is intended.
Gatchalian v. COMELEC
General words should not be given a restricted
“any election” - not only the election provided by law at that
meaning when no restriction is indicated.
time, but also to future elections including election of
Rationale: if the legislature intended to limit the delegates to Constitutional Convention
meaning of a word, it would have been easy for it to
have done so. Words with commercial or trade meaning
Words or phrases common among merchants and traders,
Application of rule
acquire commercial meanings.
Gatchalian v. COMELEC When any of words used in statute, should be given such trade or
commercial meaning as has been generally understood
“foreigner”- in Election Code, prohibiting any foreigner
among merchants.
from contributing campaign funds includes juridical person
Used in the following: tariff laws, laws of commerce, laws for
“person”- comprehends private juridical person
the government of the importer.
“person”- in penal statute, must be a “person in law,” an
The law to be applicable to his class, should be construed as
artificial or natural person
universally understood by importer or trader.
Vargas v. Rillaroza
“judge” without any modifying word or phrase
Asiatic Petroleum Co. v. CIR
accompanying it is to be construed in generic sense to
comprehend all kinds of judges; inferior courts or justices of No tax shall be collected on articles which, before its taking
SC. effect, shall have been “disposed of”
Lay: parting away w/ something
C & C Commercial Corp v. NAWASA Merchant: to sell (this must be used)
“government” - without qualification should be understood
in implied or generic sense including GOCCs. San Miguel Corp. v. Municipal Council of Mandaue
“gross value of money”
Merchant: “gross selling price” which is the total amount of General rule: a word or phrase repeatedly used in a statute
money or its equivalent which purchaser pays to the vendor will bear the same meaning throughout the statute; unless a
to receive the goods. different intention is clearly expressed.
Rationale: word used in statute in a given sense presumed to
Words with technical or legal meaning be used in same sense throughout the law. Though rigid and
General rule: words that have, or have been used in, a technical peremptory, this is applicable where in the statute the words
sense or those that have been judicially construed to have a appear so near each other physically, particularly where the word
certain meaning should be interpreted according to the sense has a technical meaning and that meaning has been defined in
in which they have been PREVIOUSLY used, although the the statute.
sense may vary from the strict or literal meaning of the
words De la Paz v. Court of Agrarian Relations <“Riceland”>
Presumption: language used in a statute, which has a technical or share tenancy - average produce per hectare for the 3
well-known meaning, is used in that sense by the legislature agricultural years next preceding the current harvest
leasehold - according to normal average harvest of the 3
Manila Herald Publishing Co. v. Ramos preceding yrs
Sec 14 of Rule 59 of Rules of Court which prescribes the steps “Year”- agricultural year not calendar year
to be taken when property attached is claimed by a person “Agricultural year” - represents 1 crop; if in 1 calendar yr 2
other than the defendant or his agent crops are raised that’s 2 agricultural years.
Statute: “nothing herein contained shall prevent such third
person from vindicating his claim to the property by any
proper action.” Krivenko v. Register of Deeds
Statute: In Sec.1 , Art. XIII of 1935 Constitution - “public
Issue: “proper action” limits the 3rd party’s remedy to
agricultural lands shall not be alienated” except in favor of
intervene in the action in which the writ of attachment is Filipinos, SAME as Sec. 5 “no private agricultural land shall
issued be transferred or assigned.”
Held: “action” has acquired a well-defined meaning as an both have same meaning being based on same policy of
“ordinary suit in a court of justice by which one party nationalization and having same subject.
prosecutes another for the enforcement or protection of a
right or prevent redress or wrong… Meaning of word qualified by purpose of statute
Purpose may indicate whether to give word, phrase,
ordinary, technical, commercial restricted or expansive
Sec 2 Rule 2 of Rules of Court; “Commencement of Action” meaning.
Statute: “Civil action may be commenced by filing a complaint In construing, court adopts interpretation that accords best
with the proper court” with the manifest purpose of statute; even disregard technical
Word: commencement - indicates the origination of entire or legal meaning in favor of construction which will
proceeding effectuate intent or purpose.
It was appropriate to use proper action (in 1 st statute) than
intervention, since asserted right of 3 rd party claimant
necessarily flows out of pending suit; if the word
‘intervention’ is used, it becomes strange.
Word or phrase construed in relation to other provisions
Malanyaon v. Lising General rule: word, phrase, provision, should not be
Sec. 13 of Anti-Graft Law construed in isolation but must be interpreted in relation to
Statute: “ if a public officer is acquitted, he shall be entitled other provisions of the law.
to reinstatement and to his salaries and benefits which he This is a VARIATION of the rule that, statute should be
failed to receive during the suspension” construed as a whole, and each of its provision must be given
Issue: Will a public officer whose case has been dismissed effect.
not “acquitted” be entitled to benefits in Sec. 13?
Held: No. Acquittal (legal meaning) - finding of not guilty
Claudio v. COMELEC
Statute (LGC): “No recall shall take place within 1 yr from
based on the merit.
the date of the official’s assumption of office or 1 year
Dismissal does not amount to acquittal except when, the immediately preceding a regular election”
dismissal comes after the prosecution has presented all its
evidence and is based on insufficiency of such evidence. Issue: Does the 1st limitation embraces the entire recall
proceedings (e.g. preparatory recall assemblies) or only the
Rura v. Lopena recall election?
Probation law - Disqualified from probation those: “who have Held: the Court construed “recall” in relation to Sec.69
been previously convicted by final judgment of an offense which states that, “the power of recall… shall be exercised
punished by imprisonment of not less than 1 month & a fine by the registered voters of an LGU to which the local
of no less than Php 200.” elective official belongs.”
Issue: “previously convicted” Hence, not apply to all recall proceedings since power vested
Held: it refers to date of conviction, not date of commission of in electorate is power to elect an official to office and not
crime; thus a person convicted on same date of several power to initiate recall proceedings.
offenses committed in different dates is not disqualified.
Word or provision should not be construed in isolation form
but should be interpreted in relation to other provisions of a
statute, or other statutes dealing on same subject in order to
How identical terms in the statute construed effectuate what has been intended.
Statute: Phrase used in tax statute which exempts such
Garcia v. COMELEC products from payment of taxes, purpose is to encourage the
History of statute: development of such resources.
o In the Constitution, it requires that legislature shall Held: phrase not only includes vegetable substances but also
provide a system of initiative and referendum domestic and domesticated animals, animal products, and
whereby people can directly approve or reject any fish or bangus grown in ponds. Court gave expansive
act or law or part thereof passed by Congress or meaning to promote object of law.
local legislative body.
o Local Govt. Code, a later law, defines local Munoz & Co. v. Hord
initiative as “process whereby registered voters of Issue: “Consumption” limited or broad meaning
an LGU may directly propose, enact, or amend any Statute: word is used in statute which provides that “except
ordinance.” as herein specifically exempted, there shall be paid by each
It is claimed by respondents that since merchant and manufacturer a tax at the rate of 1/3 of 1% on
resolution is not included in this gross value of money in all goods, wares and merchandise
definition, then the same cannot be sold, bartered, or exchanged for domestic consumption.
subject of an initiative. Held: Considering the purpose of the law, which is to tax all
Issue: whether a local resolution of a municipal council can merchants except those expressly exempted, it is reasonable
be subject to an initiative and referendum? and fair to conclude that legislature used in commercial use
Held: We reject respondent’s narrow and literal reading of and not in limited sense of total destruction of thing sold.
above provision for it will collide with the Constitution and
will subvert the intent of the lawmakers in enacting the Mottomul v. de la Paz
provisions of the Local Government Code (LGC) of 1991 on Issue: Whether the word “court” refers to the Court of
initiative & referendum Appeals or the trial court?
The subsequent enactment of the LGC did not change the Statute: RA 5343 Effect of Appeal- Appeal shall not stay the
scope of its coverage. In Sec. 124 of the same code. It states: award, order, ruling, decision or judgment unless the officer
(b) Initiative shall extend only to subjects or matters which or body rendering the same or the court, on motion, after
are within the legal powers of the Sanggunians to enact.” hearing & on such terms as it may deem just should provide
This provision clearly does not limit the application of local
Held: It refers to the TRIAL COURT. If the adverse party
initiative to ordinances, but to all “subjects or matters which intends to appeal from a decision of the SEC and pending
are within the legal powers of the Sanggunians to enact, appeal desires to stay the execution of the decision, then the
which undoubtedly includes resolutions.” motion must be filed with and be heard by the SEC before
the adverse party perfects its appeal to the Court of Appeals.
Gelano v. C.A. Purpose of the law: the need for immediacy of execution of
In Corporation Law, authorizes a dissolved corporation to decisions arrived at by said bodies was imperative.
continue as a body corporate for 3 yrs. for the purpose of
defending and prosecuting suits by or against it, and during Meaning of term dictated by context
said period to convey all its properties to a “trustee” for
The context in which the word or term is employed may
benefits of its members, stockholders, creditors and other
dictate a different sense
interested persons, the transfer of the properties to the trustee
being for the protection of its creditors and stockholders. Verba accipienda sunt secundum materiam- a word is to be
Word “trustee” - not to be understood in legal or technical understood in the context in which it is used.
sense, but in GENERAL concept which would include a
lawyer to whom was entrusted the prosecution of the cases People v. Chavez
for recovery of sums of money against corporation’s debtors. Statute: Family home extrajudicially formed shall be exempt
from execution, forced sale or attachment, except for “non
Republic v. Asuncion payment of debts”
Issue: Whether the Sandiganbayan is a regular court within Word “debts” – means obligations in general.
the meaning of R.A. 6975?
Krivenko v. Register of Deeds
Statute: RA 6975 which makes criminal actions involving Statute: lands were classified into timber, mineral and
members of the PNP come “within the exclusive jurisdiction agricultural
of the regular courts. Word “agricultural” – used in broad sense to include all
Used “regular courts” & “civil courts” interchangeably lands that are neither timber, nor mineral, such being the
Court martial - not courts within the Philippine Judicial context in which the term is used.
System; they pertain to the executive department and simply
instrumentalities of the executive power. Santulan v. Executive. Secretary.
Regular courts - those within the judicial department of the Statute: A riparian owner of the property adjoining foreshore
government namely the SC and lower courts which includes lands, marshy lands or lands covered with water bordering
the Sandiganbayan. upon shores of banks of navigable lakes shall have
Held: Courts considered the purpose of the law which is to preference to apply for such lands adjoining his property.
remove from the court martial, the jurisdiction over criminal Fact: Riparian - one who owns land situated on the banks of
cases involving members of the PNP and to vest it in the river.
courts within the judicial system. Held: Used in a more broader sense referring to a property
having a water frontage, when it mentioned “foreshore
Molina v. Rafferty lands,” “marshy lands,” or “lands covered with water.”
Issue: Whether “Agricultural products” includes
domesticated animals and fish grown in ponds. Peo. v. Ferrer
(case where context may limit the meaning)
Word: “Overthrow” Oliva v. Lamadrid
Statute: Anti-Subversion Act “knowingly & willfully and by Statute: allows the redemption or repurchase of a homestead
overt acts.” property w/in 5 years from its conveyance
Rejects the metaphorical “peaceful” sense & limits its Held: “conveyance” not distinguished - voluntary or
meaning to “overthrow” by force or violence. involuntary.
Where the law does not distinguish Phil. British Assurance Co. v. Intermediate Apellate Court
Ubi lex non distinguit, nec nos distinguere debemus - where Statute: A counterbond is to secure the payment of “any
the law does not distinguish, courts should not distinguish. judgment,” when execution is returned unsatisfied
Corollary principle: General words or phrases in a statute Held: “any judgment” includes not only final and executory
should ordinarily be accorded their natural and general but also judgment pending appeal whose execution ordered
significance is returned unsatisfied.
General term or phrase should not be reduced into parts and
Ramirez v. CA
one part distinguished from the other to justify its exclusion
from operation. Statute: “Act to Prohibit & Penalize Wire Tapping and Other
related Violations of Private Communications and Other
Corollary principle: where the law does not make any
exception, courts may not except something therefrom, Purposes”
unless there a compelling reason to justify it. “It shall be unlawful, not being authorized by all the parties
to any private communication or spoken word, to tap any
Application: when legislature laid down a rule for one class,
no difference to other class. wire or cable, or by using any other device or
Presumption: that the legislature made no qualification in the
general use of a term. Issue: Whether violation thereof refers to the taping of a
communication other than a participant to the
Robles v. Zambales Chromite Co. communication or even to the taping by a participant who
Statute: grants a person against whom the possession of “any did not secure the consent of the party to the conversations.
land” is unlawfully withheld the right to bring an action for Held: Law did not distinguish whether the party sought to be
unlawful detainer. penalized ought to be party other than or different from those
Held: any land not exclusive to private or not exclusively to involved in the private communication. The intent is to
public; hence, includes all kinds of land. penalize all persons unauthorized to make any such
recording, underscored by “any”
Director of Lands v. Gonzales
Statute: authorizes the director of lands to file petitions for Ligget & Myers Tobacco Co. v. CIR
cancellation of patents covering public lands on the ground Statute: imposes a “specific tax” on cigarettes containing
therein provided. Virginia tobacco …. Provided that of the length exceeds 71
Held: not distinguished whether lands belong to national or millimeters or the weight per thousand exceeds 1¼ kilos, the
local government tax shall be increased by 100%.
Issue: whether measuring length or weight of cigars, filters
SSS v. City of Bacolod should be excluded therefrom, so that tax would come under
Issue: exempts the payment of realty taxes to “properties the general provision and not under the proviso?
owned by RP” Held: Not having distinguished between filter and non-filter
Held: no distinction between properties held in sovereign, cigars, court should not distinguish.
governmental, or political capacity and those possessed in
proprietary or patrimonial character.
Gomez v. Ventura
Villanueva v. City of Iloilo Issue: whether the prescription by a physician of opium for a
Statute: Local Autonomy Act, local governments are given patient whose physical condition did not require the use of
broad powers to tax everything, except those which are such drug constitutes “unprofessional conduct” as to justify
specifically mentioned therein. If a subject matter does not revocation of physician’s license to practice
come within the exceptions, an ordinance imposing a tax on Held: Still liable! Rule of expressio unius not applicable
such subject matter is deemed to come within the broad Court said, I cannot be seriously contended that aside from
taxing power, exception firmat regulam in casibus non the five examples specified, there can be no other conduct of
exceptis. a physician deemed ‘unprofessional.’ Nor can it be
convincingly argued that the legislature intended to wipe out
Samson v. Court of Appeals all other forms of ‘unprofessional’ conduct therefore deemed
Where the law provides that positions in the government grounds for revocation of licenses
belong to the competitive service, except those declared by
law to be in the noncompetitive service and those which are 4. Does not apply when in case a statute appears upon its face
policy-determining, primarily confidential or highly to limit the operation of its provision to particular persons or
technical in nature and enumerates those in the things enumerating them, but no reason exists why other
noncompetitive as including SECRETARIES OF persons or things not so enumerated should not have been
GOVERNORS AND MAYORS, the clear intent is that included and manifest injustice will follow by not including
assistant secretaries of governors and mayors fall under the them.
competitive service, for by making an enumeration, the 5. If it will result in incongruities or a violation of the equal
legislature is presumed to have intended to exclude those not protection clause of the Constitution.
enumerated, for otherwise it would have included them in 6. If adherence thereto would cause inconvenience, hardship
the enumeration and injury to the public interest.
CHAPTER NINE: Prospective and Retroactive Statutes Nova constitution futuris formam imponere debet non
praeteretis – A new statute should affect the future, not the
Prospective and retroactive statutes, defined
Prospective –
o operates upon facts or transactions that occur after
the statute takes effect
Prospectivity applies to:
o looks and applies to the future.
o Statutes
Retroactive – o Administrative rulings and circulars
o Law which creates a new obligation, imposes a
o Judicial decisions
new duty or attaches a new disability in respect to
a transaction already past. The principle of prospectivity of statutes, original or
amendatory, has been applied in many cases. These include:
o A statute is not made retroactive because it draws
on antecedent facts for its operation, or part of the
Buyco v. PNB
requirements for its action and application is drawn
from a time antedating its passage. Statute: RA 1576 which divested the PNB of authority to
accept back pay certificates in payment of loans
Umali vs. Estanislao Held: does not apply to an offer of payment made before
effectivity of the act.
A law may be made operative partly on facts that occurred
prior to the effectivity of such law without being retroactive.
Statute: RA 7167- granting increased personal exemptions
Lagardo v. Masaganda
from income tax to be available thenceforth, that is, after said
Held: RA 2613, as amended by RA 3090 ON June 1991,
Act became effective and on or before the deadline for filing
granting inferior courts jurisdiction over guardianship cases,
income tax returns, with respect to compensation income
could not be given retroactive effect in the absence of a
earned or received during the calendar year prior to the date
saving clause.
the law took effect.
People v. Macatanda
Amendment Operates Prospectively Jurisdiction over the subject matter is determined by the
An amendment will not be construed as having a retroactive law in force at the time of the commencement of the
effect, unless the contrary is provided or the legislative intent action; laws should only be applied prospectively unless
to give it a retroactive effect is necessarily implied from the the legislative intent to give them retroactive effect is
language used and only if no vested right is impaired. expressly declared or is necessarily implied from the
language used.
Application of rule
Manila Trading & Supply Co. v. Phil. Labor Union
an act passed April 16th and in force April 21st was held Sto. Domingo v. De los Angeles
to prevail over an act passed April 9th and in effect July The court invariably ruled that the special law is not
4th of the same year. impliedly repealed and constitutes an exception to the
And an act going into effect immediately has been held general law whenever the legislature failed to indicate
to prevail over an act passed before but going into effect in unmistakable terms its intent to repeal or modify the
later. prior special act.
Whenever two statutes of different dates and of contrary
tenor are of equal theoretical application to a particular case,
the statute of later date must prevail, being a later expression
of legislative will. NAPOCOR v. Arca
Issue: whether Sec. 2 of Com. Act 120 creating the
Philippine National Bank v. Cruz NAPOCOR, a government-owned corporation, and
As between the order of preference of credit set forth in empowering it “to sell electric power and to fix the rates
Articles 2241 to 2245 of the CC and that of Article 110 and provide for the collection of the charges for any
of the Labor Code, giving first preference to unpaid services rendered: Provided, the rates of charges shall
wages and other monetary claims of labor, the former not be subject to revision by the Public Service Act has
must yield to the latter, being the law of the later been repealed by RA 2677 amending the Public Service
enactment. Act and granting the Public Service Commission the
jurisdiction to fix the rate of charges of public utilities
The later law repeals an earlier one because it is the later
legislative will. owned or operated by the government or government-
owned corporations.
Presumption: the lawmakers knew the older law and
intended to change it. Held: a special law, like Com. Act 120, providing for a
particular case or class of cases, is not repealed by a
In enacting the older law, the legislators could not have
subsequent statute, general in its terms, like RA 2677,
known the newer one and could not have intended to
although the general statute are broad enough to include
change what they did not know.
the cases embraced in the special law, in the absence of
CC: laws are repealed only by subsequent ones, not the a clear intent to repeal.
other way around.
There appears no such legislative intent to repeal or
abrogate the provisions of the earlier law.
David v. COMELEC
The explanatory note to House Bill 4030 the later
Sec. 1 of RA 6679 provides that the term of barangay
became RA 2677, it was explicit that the jurisdiction
officials who were to be elected on the second Monday
conferred upon the Republic Service Commission over
of May 1994 is 5 years
the public utilities operated by government-owned or
The later act RA 7160 Sec 43 (c) states that the term of controlled corporations is to be confined to the fixing of
office of barangay officials who were to be elected also rates of such public services
on the 2nd Monday of May 1994 is 3 years. The harnessing and then distribution and sale of electric
There being a clear inconsistency between the two laws, power to the consuming public, the contingency
the later law fixing the term barangay officials at 3 intended to be met by the legal provision under
years shall prevail. consideration would not exist.
The authority of the Public Service Commission under
General law does not repeal special law, generally RA 2677 over the fixing of rate of charges of public
A general law on a subject does not operate to repeal a prior utilities owned or operated by GOCC’s can only be
special law on the same subject, unless it clearly appears that exercised where the charter of the government
the legislature has intended by the later general act to modify corporation concerned does not contain any provision to
or repeal the earlier special law. the contrary.
Presumption against implied repeal is stronger when of two
laws, one is special and the other general and this applies Philippine Railway Co. v. Collector of Internal Revenue
even though the terms of the general act are broad enough to PRC was granted a legislative franchise to operate a
include the matter covered by the special statute. railway line pursuant to Act No. 1497 Sec. 13 which
Generalia specialibus non derogant – a general law does not read: “In consideration of the premises and of the
operation of this concession or franchise, there shall be
nullify a specific or special law
paid by the grantee to the Philippine Government,
The legislature considers and makes provision for all the
annually, xxx an amount equal to one-half of one per
circumstances of the particular case.
centum of the gross earnings of the grantee xxx.”
Reason why a special law prevails over a general law: the
Sec 259 of Internal Revenue Code, as amended by RA
legislature considers and makes provision for all the
39, provides that “there shall be collected in respect to
circumstances of the particular case.
all existing and future franchises, upon the gross
General and special laws are read and construed together, earnings or receipts from the business covered by the
and that repugnancy between them is reconciled by law granting a franchise tax of 5% of such taxes,
constituting the special law as an exception to the general charges, and percentages as are specified in the special
law. charters of the corporation upon whom suc franchises
are conferred, whichever is higher, unless the provisions Valera v. Tuason
hereof preclude the imposition of a higher tax xxx. A subsequent general law on a subject has repealed or
Issue: whether Section 259 of the Tax Code has amended a prior special act on the same subject by
repealed Section 13 of Act 1497, stand upon a different implication is a question of legislative intent.
footing from general laws. Intent to repeal may be shown in the act itself the
Once granted, a charter becomes a private contract and explanatory note to the bill before its passage into law,
cannot be altered nor amended except by consent of all the discussions on the floor of the legislature,
concerned, unless the right to alter or repeal is expressly
reserved. Intent to repeal the earlier special law where the later general
Reason: the legislature, in passing a special charter, has act provides that all laws or parts thereof which are
its attention directed to the special facts and inconsistent therewith are repealed or modified accordingly
circumstances in the particular case in granting a special If the intention to repeal the special law is clear, then the rule
charter, for it will not be considered that the legislature, that the special law will be considered as an exception to the
by adopting a general law containing the provisions general law does not apply; what applies is the rule that the
repugnant to the provisions of the charter, and without special law is deemed impliedly repealed.
any mention of its intention to amend or modify the A general law cannot be construed to have repealed a special
charter, intended to amend, repeal or modify the special law by mere implication admits of exception.
The purpose of respecting the tax rates incorporated in City Government of San Pablo v. Reyes
the charters, as shown by the clause. Sec. 1 PD 551 provides that any provision of law or
local ordinance to the contrary, the franchise tax
LLDA v. CA payable by all grantees of franchise to generate,
Issue: which agency of the government, LLDA or the distribute, and sell electric current for light, heat, and
towns and municipalities compromising the region power shall be 25 of their gross receipts.
should exercise jurisdiction over the Laguna Lake and Sec. 137 of the LGC states: Notwithstanding any
its environs insofar as the issuance of permits for exemption granted by any law or other special law, the
fishery privileges is concerned. province may impose a tax on business enjoying a
The LLDA statute specifically provides that the LLDA franchise at a rate not exceeding 50% of 1% of the gross
shall have exclusive jurisdiction to issue permits for the annul receipts.
use of all surface water for any projects in or affecting Held: the phrase is all-encompassing and clear that the
the said region, including the operation of fish pens. legislature intended to withdraw all tax exemptions
RA 7160 the LGC of 1991 grants the municipalities the enjoyed by franchise holders and this intent is made
exclusive authority to grant fishery privileges in more manifest by Sec. 193 of the Code, when it
municipal waters. provides that unless otherwise provided in this code tax
Held: two laws should be harmonized, and that the LLA exemptions or incentives granted to or presently
statute, being a special law, must be taken as an enjoyed by all persons, except local water districts,
exception to RA 7160 a general law, cooperatives, and non-stock and non-profit hospitals
and educational institutions, are withdrawn upon the
Garcia v. Pascual effectivity of the Code.
Clerks of courts municipal courts shall be appointed by
the municipal judge at the expense of the municipality Gaerlan v. Catubig
and where a later law was enacted providing that Issue: whether Sec. 12 of RA 170 as amended, the City
employees whose salaries are paid out of the municipal Charter of Dagupan City, which fixed the minimum age
funds shall be appointed by the municipal mayor, the qualification for members of the city council at 23 years
later law cannot be said to have repealed the prior law has been repealed by Sec.6 of RA 2259
as to vest in the municipal mayor the power to appoint Held: there was an implied repeal of Sec. 12 of the
municipal cleck of court, as the subsequent law should charter of Dagupan City because the legislative intent to
be construed to comprehend only subordinate officials repeal the charter provision is clear from the fact that
of the municipality and not those of the judiciary. Dagupan City, unlike some cities, is not one of those
cities expressly excluded by the law from its operation
Gordon v. CA and from the circumstance that it provides that all acts
A city charter giving real estate owner a period of one or parts thereof which are inconsistent therewith are
year within which to redeem a property sold by the city repealed.
for nonpayment of realty tax from the date of such The last statute is so broad in its terms and so clear and
auction sale, being a special law, prevails over a general explicit in its words so as to show that it was intended
law granting landowners a period of two years to make to cover the whole subject and therefore to displace the
the redemption. prior statute.
Prospective or retroactive
RULE: constitution operates prospectively only unless the
words employed are clear that it applies retroactively
Magtoto v. Manguera
Sec 20 of Article IV of the 1973 Constitution: “no person
shall be compelled to be a witness against himself. x x x Any
confession obtained in violation of this section shall be
inadmissible in evidence”
Court held that this specific portion of the mandate should be
given a prospective application
Co v. Electric Tribunal
Sec. 1(3) Art. 4 of the 1987 Constitution states that those
born before January 17, 1973 of Filipino mothers, who elect
Philippine citizenship upon reaching the age of majority” are
citizens of the Philippines has a retroactive effect as shown
to the clear intent of the framers through the language used
- The End -