CHAPTER ONE: Statutes in General
CHAPTER ONE: Statutes in General
CHAPTER ONE: Statutes in General
Vargas v. Rillaroza
“judge” without any modifying word or phrase Asiatic Petroleum Co. v. CIR
accompanying it is to be construed in generic sense to No tax shall be collected on articles which, before its taking
comprehend all kinds of judges; inferior courts or justices of effect, shall have been “disposed of”
SC. Lay: parting away w/ something
Merchant: to sell (this must be used)
C & C Commercial Corp v. NAWASA
“government” - without qualification should be understood San Miguel Corp. v. Municipal Council of Mandaue
in implied or generic sense including GOCCs. “gross value of money”
Merchant: “gross selling price” which is the total amount of General rule: a word or phrase repeatedly used in a statute
money or its equivalent which purchaser pays to the vendor will bear the same meaning throughout the statute; unless a
to receive the goods. different intention is clearly expressed.
Rationale: word used in statute in a given sense presumed to
Words with technical or legal meaning be used in same sense throughout the law. Though rigid and
General rule: words that have, or have been used in, a peremptory, this is applicable where in the statute the words
technical sense or those that have been judicially construed appear so near each other physically, particularly where the word
to have a certain meaning should be interpreted according to has a technical meaning and that meaning has been defined in
the sense in which they have been PREVIOUSLY used, the statute.
although the sense may vary from the strict or literal
meaning of the words De la Paz v. Court of Agrarian Relations <“Riceland”>
Presumption: language used in a statute, which has a share tenancy - average produce per hectare for the 3
technical or well-known meaning, is used in that sense by the agricultural years next preceding the current harvest
legislature leasehold - according to normal average harvest of the 3
preceding yrs
Manila Herald Publishing Co. v. Ramos “Year”- agricultural year not calendar year
Sec 14 of Rule 59 of Rules of Court which prescribes the “Agricultural year” - represents 1 crop; if in 1 calendar yr 2
steps to be taken when property attached is claimed by a crops are raised that’s 2 agricultural years.
person other than the defendant or his agent
Statute: “nothing herein contained shall prevent such third
person from vindicating his claim to the property by any Krivenko v. Register of Deeds
proper action.” Statute: In Sec.1 , Art. XIII of 1935 Constitution - “public
Issue: “proper action” limits the 3rd party’s remedy to agricultural lands shall not be alienated” except in favor of
intervene in the action in which the writ of attachment is Filipinos, SAME as Sec. 5 “no private agricultural land shall
issued be transferred or assigned.”
Held: “action” has acquired a well-defined meaning as an both have same meaning being based on same policy of
“ordinary suit in a court of justice by which one party nationalization and having same subject.
prosecutes another for the enforcement or protection of a
right or prevent redress or wrong… Meaning of word qualified by purpose of statute
Purpose may indicate whether to give word, phrase,
While… ordinary, technical, commercial restricted or expansive
Sec 2 Rule 2 of Rules of Court; “Commencement of Action” meaning.
Statute: “Civil action may be commenced by filing a complaint In construing, court adopts interpretation that accords best
with the proper court” with the manifest purpose of statute; even disregard technical
Word: commencement - indicates the origination of entire or legal meaning in favor of construction which will
proceeding effectuate intent or purpose.
Where the law does not distinguish Phil. British Assurance Co. v. Intermediate Apellate Court
Ubi lex non distinguit, nec nos distinguere debemus - where Statute: A counterbond is to secure the payment of “any
the law does not distinguish, courts should not distinguish. judgment,” when execution is returned unsatisfied
Corollary principle: General words or phrases in a statute Held: “any judgment” includes not only final and executory
should ordinarily be accorded their natural and general but also judgment pending appeal whose execution ordered
significance is returned unsatisfied.
General term or phrase should not be reduced into parts and
one part distinguished from the other to justify its exclusion Ramirez v. CA
from operation. Statute: “Act to Prohibit & Penalize Wire Tapping and Other
Corollary principle: where the law does not make any related Violations of Private Communications and Other
exception, courts may not except something therefrom, Purposes”
unless there a compelling reason to justify it. “It shall be unlawful, not being authorized by all the parties
Application: when legislature laid down a rule for one class, to any private communication or spoken word, to tap any
no difference to other class. wire or cable, or by using any other device or
Presumption: that the legislature made no qualification in the arrangement…”
general use of a term. Issue: Whether violation thereof refers to the taping of a
communication other than a participant to the
Robles v. Zambales Chromite Co. communication or even to the taping by a participant who
Statute: grants a person against whom the possession of “any did not secure the consent of the party to the conversations.
land” is unlawfully withheld the right to bring an action for Held: Law did not distinguish whether the party sought to be
unlawful detainer. penalized ought to be party other than or different from those
Held: any land not exclusive to private or not exclusively to involved in the private communication. The intent is to
public; hence, includes all kinds of land. penalize all persons unauthorized to make any such
recording, underscored by “any”
Director of Lands v. Gonzales
Statute: authorizes the director of lands to file petitions for Ligget & Myers Tobacco Co. v. CIR
cancellation of patents covering public lands on the ground Statute: imposes a “specific tax” on cigarettes containing
therein provided. Virginia tobacco …. Provided that of the length exceeds 71
Held: not distinguished whether lands belong to national or millimeters or the weight per thousand exceeds 1¼ kilos, the
local government tax shall be increased by 100%.
Issue: whether measuring length or weight of cigars, filters
SSS v. City of Bacolod should be excluded therefrom, so that tax would come under
Issue: exempts the payment of realty taxes to “properties the general provision and not under the proviso?
owned by RP” Held: Not having distinguished between filter and non-filter
Held: no distinction between properties held in sovereign, cigars, court should not distinguish.
governmental, or political capacity and those possessed in
proprietary or patrimonial character.
Gomez v. Ventura
Villanueva v. City of Iloilo Issue: whether the prescription by a physician of opium for a
Statute: Local Autonomy Act, local governments are given patient whose physical condition did not require the use of
broad powers to tax everything, except those which are such drug constitutes “unprofessional conduct” as to justify
specifically mentioned therein. If a subject matter does not revocation of physician’s license to practice
come within the exceptions, an ordinance imposing a tax on Held: Still liable! Rule of expressio unius not applicable
such subject matter is deemed to come within the broad
Court said, I cannot be seriously contended that aside from
taxing power, exception firmat regulam in casibus non
the five examples specified, there can be no other conduct of
a physician deemed ‘unprofessional.’ Nor can it be
convincingly argued that the legislature intended to wipe out
Samson v. Court of Appeals
all other forms of ‘unprofessional’ conduct therefore deemed
Where the law provides that positions in the government
grounds for revocation of licenses
belong to the competitive service, except those declared by
law to be in the noncompetitive service and those which are
4. Does not apply when in case a statute appears upon its face
policy-determining, primarily confidential or highly
to limit the operation of its provision to particular persons or
technical in nature and enumerates those in the
things enumerating them, but no reason exists why other
noncompetitive as including SECRETARIES OF
persons or things not so enumerated should not have been
GOVERNORS AND MAYORS, the clear intent is that
included and manifest injustice will follow by not including
assistant secretaries of governors and mayors fall under the
competitive service, for by making an enumeration, the
5. If it will result in incongruities or a violation of the equal
legislature is presumed to have intended to exclude those not
protection clause of the Constitution.
enumerated, for otherwise it would have included them in
6. If adherence thereto would cause inconvenience, hardship
the enumeration
and injury to the public interest.
Firman General Insurance Corp. v. CA
Doctrine of casus omissus
The insurance company disclaimed liability since death A person, object or thing omitted from an enumeration must
resulting from murder was impliedly excluded in the be held to have been omitted intentionally.
insurance policy as the cause of death is not accidental but The maxim operates only if and when the omission has been
rather a deliberate and intentional act, excluded by the very clearly established, and in such a case what is omitted in the
nature of a personal accident insurance. enumeration may not, by construction, be included therein.
Held: the principle “expresssio unius est exclusio - the Exception: where legislature did not intend to exclude the
mention of one thing implies the exclusion of the other thing person, thing or object from the enumeration. If such
- not having been expressly included in the enumeration of legislative intent is clearly indicated, the court may supply
circumstances that would negate liability in said insurance the omission if to do so will carry out the clear intent of the
policy cannot be considered by implication to discharge the legislature and will not do violence to its language
petitioner insurance company to include death resulting from
murder or assault among the prohibited risks lead inevitably Doctrine of last antecedent
to the conclusion that it did not intend to limit or exempt Qualifying words restrict or modify only the words or
itself from liability for such death phrases to which they are immediately associated not those
Insurance company still liable for the injury, disability and which are distantly or remotely located.
loss suffered by the insured. (sobra ‘to, I swear! Minurder na
nga, ayaw pang bayaran! Sobra! Hindi daw accidental… eh
Ad proximum antecedens fiat relatio nisi impediatur
sententia – relative words refer to the nearest antecedents,
unless the context otherwise requires
di mas lalo ng kailangang bayaran dahil murder! Sus! Sus!)
Rule: use of a comma to separate an antecedent from the rest
Centeno v. Villalon-Pornillos
exerts a dominant influence in the application of the doctrine
Issue: whether the solicitation for religious purposes, i.e.,
of last antecedent.
renovation of church without securing permit fro Department
of Social Services, is a violation of PD 1564, making it a
Illustration of rule
criminal offense for a person to solicit or receive
contributions for charitable or public welfare purposes.
Pangilinan v. Alvendia custody” applies to all schools, academic as well as non-
Members of the family of the tenant includes the tenant’s academic
son, son-in-law, or grandson, even though they are not Held: teachers pupils and students; heads of
dependent upon him for support and living separately from establishments of arts and trades to apprentices
him BECAUSE the qualifying phrase “who are dependent General rule: responsibility for the tort committed by the
upon him for support” refers solely to its last antecedent, student will attach to the teacher in charge of such student
namely, “such other person or persons, whether related to the (where school is academic)
tenant or not” Exception: responsibility for the tort committed by the
student will attach to the head, and only he, (who) shall be
Florentino v. PNB held liable (in case of the establishments of arts and trades;
Issue: whether holders of backpay certificates can compel technical or vocational in nature)
government-owned banks to accept said certificates in
payment of the holder’s obligations to the bank. PROVISOS, EXCEPTIONS AND CLAUSES
Statute: “obligations subsisting at the time of the approval of
this amendatory act for which the applicant may directly be Provisos, generally
liable to the government or to any of its branches or to limit the application of the enacting clause, section or
instrumentalities, or to corporations owned or controlled by provision of a statute, or except something, or to qualify or
the government, or to any citizens of the Philippines or to restrain its generality, or exclude some possible ground of
any association or corporation organized under the laws of misinterpretation of it, as extending to cases not intended by
the Philippines, who may be wiling to accept the same for legislature to be brought within its purview.
such settlement” Rule: restrain or qualify the generality of the enacting clause
Held: the court, invoking the doctrine of last antecedent, or section which it refers.
ruled that the phrase qualify only to its last antecedent Purpose: limit or restrict the general language or operation of
namely “any citizen of the Philippines or association or the statute, not to enlarge it.
corporation organized under the laws of the Philippines” Location: commonly found at the end of a statute, or
The court held that backpay certificate holders can compel provision & introduced, as a rule, by the word “Provided”.
government-owned banks to accept said certificates for Determined by: What determines whether a clause is a
payment of their obligations with the bank. proviso is its substance rather than its form. If it performs
any of the functions of a proviso, then it will be regarded as
Qualifications of the doctrine. such, irrespective of what word or phrase is used to introduce
1. Subject to the exception that where the intention of the law is it.
to apply the phrase to all antecedents embraced in the
provision, the same should be made extensive to the whole. Proviso may enlarge scope of law
2. Doctrine does not apply where the intention is not to qualify It is still the duty of the courts to ascertain the legislative
the antecedent at all. intention and it prevails over proviso.
Thus it may enlarge, than restrict
Reddendo singular singuilis
Variation of the doctrine of last antecedent U.S. v. Santo Nino
Referring each to each; Statute: it shall be unlawful for any person to carry concealed
Referring each phrase or expression to its appropriate object, about his person any bowie, knife, dagger, kris or any other
or let each be put in its proper place, that is, the word should deadly weapon: Provided, that this provision shall not apply
be taken distributively. to firearms in the possession of persons who have secured a
license therefore or who are entitled to same under
Peo. v Tamani provisions of this Act.
Issue: when to count the 15-day period within which to
Held: through the Proviso it manifested the intention to
appeal a judgment of conviction of criminal action—date of
include in the prohibition weapons other than armas blancas
as specified.
promulgation of judgment or date of receipt of notice of
Statute: Sec. 6, Rule 122 of the Rules of Court Proviso as additional legislation
Held: Should be from ‘promulgation’ should be referring to Expressed in the opening statement of a section of a statute
‘judgment,’ while notice refer to order. Would mean exactly the reverse of what is necessarily
implied when read in connection with the limitation
King v. Hernandez
Issue: Whether a Chinese holding a noncontrol position in a
o To limit generalities
retail establishment, comes within the prohibition against
o Exclude from the scope of the statute that which
aliens intervening “in the management, operation,
otherwise would be within its terms
administration or control” followed by the phrase “whether
as an officer, employee or laborer…
What proviso qualifies
Held: Following the principle, the entire scope of personnel
General rule: qualifies or modifies only the phrase
activity, including that of laborers, is covered by the
immediately preceding it; or restrains or limits the
prohibition against the employment of aliens.
generality of the clause that it immediately follows.
Amadora v. CA Exception: unless it clearly appears that the legislature
intended to have a wider scope
Issue: whether Art 2180 of Civil Code, which states that
“lastly teachers or heads of establishments of arts and trade
Chinese Flour Importers Assn v. Price Stabilization Board
shall be liable for damages caused by their pupils and
students or apprentices so long as they remain in their
Statute: Sec. 15 RA 426 - Any existing law, executive order Where there is a conflict between the proviso and the main
or regulation to the contrary notwithstanding, no government provision, that which is located in a later portion of the
agency except the Import Control Commission shall allocate statute prevails, unless there is legislative intent to the
the import quota among the various importers. Provided, contrary.
That the Philippine Rehabilitation and Trade Administration Latter provision, whether provision or not, is given
shall have exclusive power and authority to determine and preference for it is the latest expression of the intent of the
regulate the allocation of wheat flour among importers.” legislation.
Issue: whether or not the proviso excluded wheat flour from
the scope of act itself. Exceptions, generally
Held: NO! Proviso refer to the clause immediately Exception consists of that which would otherwise be
preceding it and can have no other meaning than that the included in the provision from which it is excepted.
function of allocating the wheat flour instead of assigning to It is a clause which exempts something from the operation of
Import Control Commission was assigned to PRTA. a statute by express words.
If wheat flour is exempted from the provisions of the Act, “except,” “unless otherwise,” and “shall not apply”
the proviso would have been placed in the section containing May not be introduced by words mentioned above, as long as
the repealing clause if such removes something from the operation of a provision
of law.
Collector of Internal Revenue v. Angeles Function: to confirm the general rule; qualify the words or
When an earlier section of statute contains proviso, not phrases constituting the general rule.
embodied in later section, the proviso, not embodied in a Exceptio firmat regulam in casibus exceptis - A thing not
later section thereof, in the absence of legislative intent, be being excepted, must be regarded as coming within the
confined to qualify only the section to which it has been purview of the general rule.
appended. Doubts: resolved in favor of general rule
Flores v. Miranda
Issue: Petitioner that approval of the Public Service Exception and Proviso distinguished
Commission of the sale of public service vehicle was not
necessary because of proviso in Sec. 20 of Commonwealth Exception:
Act No. 146 Exempts something absolutely from the operation of statute
Statute: It shall be unlawful for any public service vehicle or Takes out of the statute something that otherwise would be a
for the owner, lessee or operator thereof, without the part of the subject matter of it.
previous approval and authority of the Commission Part of the enactment itself, absolutely excluding from its
previously had xxx to sell, alienate xxx its property, operation some subject or thing that would otherwise fall
franchise; Provided, however, that nothing herein contained within the scope.
shall be construed to prevent the transaction from being Proviso:
negotiated or completed before its approval or to prevent the Defeats its operation conditionally.
sale, alienation, or lease by any public service of any of its Avoids by way of defeasance or excuse
property in the ordinary course of business” If the enactment is modified by engrafting upon it a new
Held: provision, by way of amendment, providing conditionally for
o the proviso xxx means only that the sale without a new case- this is the nature of proviso.
the required approval is still valid and binding
between the parties; also Similar: in a way since one of the functions of proviso is to except
o the phrase “in the ordinary course of business xxx something from an enacting clause.
could not have been intended to include sale of
vehicle itself, but at most may refer only to such Illustration of exception
property that may be conceivably disposed of by
the carrier in the ordinary course of its business, MERALCO v. Public Utilities Employees’ Association
like junked equipment. Statute: No person, firm, or corporation, business
establishment or place shall compel an employee or laborer
Mercado Sr. v. NLRC to work on Sundays& legal holidays, unless paid an
Held: the proviso in par 2 of Art 280 relates only to casual additional sum of at least 25% of his renumeration:
employees; not to project employees. Provided, that this prohibition shall not apply to public
Applying rule that proviso to be construed with reference to utilities performing public service, e.g. supplying gas,
immediately preceding part of the provision which it is electricity, power, water etc…
attached and not to other sections thereof, unless legislative Issue: Is MERALCO liable to pay the 25% for employees
intent was to restrict or qualify. who work during holidays and Sundays?
Held: Negative. 2nd part is an exception although introduced
Exception to the rule by “Provided.” As appellant is a public utility that supplies
Proviso construed to qualify only the immediately preceding electricity & provides means of transportation, it is evident
part of the section to which it is attached; if no contrary that appellant is exempt from qualified prohibition
legislative intent is indicated. established in the enactment clause.
Where intent is to qualify or restrict the phrase preceding it
or the earlier provisions of the statute or even the statute Tolentino v. Secretary of Finance
itself as a whole, then the proviso will be construed in that
manner, in order that the intent of the law may be carried out Statute: No bill shall be passed by either House shall become
a law unless it has passed 3 readings on separate days, &
Repugnancy between proviso and main provision printed copies thereof in its final form have been distributed
to its Members 3 days before its passage, except when the o Construe its parts and section in connection with
President certifies to the necessity of its immediate other parts
enactment to meet a public calamity or emergency. o Why? To “produce” a harmonious whole
Held: it qualifies only its nearest antecedent, which is the
distribution of the printed bill in its final form 3 days from its Never:
final passage.& not the 3 readings on separate days. o Divide by process of etymological dissertation
(why? Because there are instances when the
Pendon v. Diasnes intention of the legislative body is different from
Issue: whether a person convicted of a crime against that of the definition in its original sense)
property, who was granted absolute pardon by the President, o Separate the words (remember that the whole point
is entitled to vote? of this chapter is to construe it as a whole)
Statute: A person shall not be qualified to vote “who has o Separate context
been sentenced by final judgment to suffer one year or more o Base definitions on lexicographer (what is a
from imprisonment, such disability not having been removed lexicographer? A person who studies lexicography.
any plenary pardon” or “who has been declared by final What is lexicography then? Analyzes semantic
judgment guilty of any crime against property.” relationships between lexicon and language – not
1st clause- 2 excpetions – (a) Person penalized by less than 1 important. Never mind ) – ang kulit!
yr.; and (2) Person granted an absolute pardon The whole point of this part is to construe the whole statute
2nd clause - creates exception to 1st but not to 2nd that a person
and its part together (actually kahit ito nalang tandaan
hanggang matapos kasi ito lang yung sinasabi ng book)
convicted of crime against property cannot vote unless
there’s pardon.
Intent ascertained from statute as whole
Held: absolute pardon for any crime for which one year of
imprisonment or more was meted out restores the prisoner to Legislative meaning and intent should be
his political rights. extracted/ascertained from statutes as a whole (hence the
If penalty less 1 yr, disqualification not apply, except when title…)
against property- needs pardon. o Why? Because the law is the best expositor of
The 2nd clause creates the exception to the 1st
Optima Statuti Interpretatio est ipsum statutum - the best
Gorospe v. CA (exception need not be introduced by “except” or interpreter of a statute is the statute itself
“unless”) o [remember this story to memorize the maxim:
Statute: Rule 27 of Rules of Court, “service by registered Optima at Statuti Frutti where interpreting as to
mail is complete upon actual receipt by the addressee; but if why when cockroaches(IPIS) when added results
fail to claim his mail from the post office within 5 days from to SUM (ipsum) a stadium (statutum)] – sorry
ate of first notice of the postmaster, service shall take effect blockmates, weird si cherry!
at the expiration of such time.” Do not inquire too much into the motives which influenced
Issue: Whether actual receipt the date of a registered mail the legislative body unless the motive is stated or disclosed
after 5 day period, is the date from which to count the in the statute themselves.
prescriptive period to comply with certain requirements.
Aisporna v. CA
Held: Service is completed on the 5th day after the 1st notice,
even if he actually received the mail months later.
pointed out that words, clauses, phrases should not be
studied as detached/isolated expressions
2nd part is separated by semicolon, and begins with ‘but’ o Consider every part in understanding the meaning
which indicates exception. of its part to produce a harmonious whole
o Meaning of the law is borne in mind and not to be
Saving clause extracted from a single word
Provision of law which operates to except from the effect of o Most important: Every part of the statute must be
the law what the clause provides, or save something which interpreted with reference to the context
would otherwise be lost.
Used to save something from effect of repeal of statute Aboitiz Shipping Corp v. City of Cebu
Legislature, in repealing a statute, may preserve in the form Described that if the words or phrases of statute be taken
of a saving clause, the right of the state to prosecute and individually it might convey a meaning different form the
punish offenses committed in violation of the repealed law. one intended by the author.
Where existing procedure is altered or substituted by Interpreting words or phrases separately may limit the extent
another, usual to save proceedings under the old law at the of the application of the provision
time the new law takes effect, by means of saving clause
Construed: in light of intent by legislature Gaanan v. Intermediate Appellate Court
Given strict or liberal meaning depending on nature of Case of wire tapping
statute. There is a provision which states that “ it shall be unlawful
for any person, not being authorized by all the parties to any
CHAPTER SIX: Statute Construed as Whole and in Relation to private communication or spoken word to tap any wire or
other Statutes cable or by using any other device or arrangement, to
secretly overhear, intercept, or record such communication
STATUTE CONSTRUED AS WHOLE or spoken word by using such device commonly known as
Generally Issue: whether the phrase device or arrangement includes
Statute is passed as a whole party line and extension
o It should have one purpose and one intent
Statcon: it should not be construed in isolation. Rather it Ut res magis valeat quam pereat - the
should be interpreted in relation to the other words (tap, to construction is to be sought which gives
overhear) thus party line or telephone extension is not effect to the whole of the statute - of its
included because the words in the provision limit it to those every word.
that have a physical interruption through a wiretap or the
deliberate installation of device to overhear. (Remember the Apparently conflicting provisions reconciled
maxim noscitus a sociis because in here they applied an included in the rule of construing statute as a whole, is the
association with other words in construing the intention or reconciling and harmonizing conflicting provisions because
limitation of the statute) it is by this that the statute will be given effect as a whole.
Why is it a must for courts to harmonize conflicting
National Tobacco Administration v. COA provision? - Because they are equally the handiwork of the
Issue: whether educational assistance given to individuals same legislature
prior to the enactment of RA 6758 should be continued to be
received? RP v. CA
Held: Yes. Proper interpretation of section12 RA 6758 Issue: whether or not an appeal of cases involving just
depends on the combination of first and second paragraph compensation should be made first by DARAB before RTC
First sentence states that “such other additional under Sec. 57
compensation not otherwise specified as may be determined Held: SC said that the contention of the Republic and the
by the DBM shall be deemed included in the standardized Land Bank in the affirmative side has no merit because
salary rates herein prescribed.” The second sentence states although DARAB is granted a jurisdiction over agrarian
“such other additional compensation, whether in cash or in reform matters, it does not have jurisdiction over criminal
kind, being received by incumbents only as of July 1, 1989 cases.
not integrated into the standard shall continue to be
authorized.” (you can ask cheery na lang to explain it, ang Sajonas v. CA
haba ng nasa book ) Issue: what period an adverse claim annotated at the back of
statcon: do not isolate or detach the parts. Construing a a transfer certificate effective?
statute as a whole includes reconciling and harmonizing Held: In construing the law Sec. 70 of PD 1529 (adverse
conflicting provisions claim shall be effective for a period of 30 days from the date
of the registration…) care should be taken to make every part
Purpose or context as controlling guide effective
construe whole statute and ascertain the meaning of the
words or phrases base on its context, the nature of the Special and general provisions in same statute
subject, and purpose or intention of the legislative body who special would overrule the general
enacted the statute special must be operative; general affect only those it applies
give it a reasonable construction except to general provision
Leeway are accepted on grammatical construction, letters of
the statutes, rhetorical framework if it can provide a clear Construction as not to render provision nugatory
and definite purpose of the whole statute ( as long as it can another consequence of the rule: provision of a statute should
produce a clear and definite statutes, it is sometimes affected not be construed as to nullify or render another nugatory in
to be lax on the construction of grammar) the same statute
Harmonize the parts of each other and it should be consistent Interpretatio fienda est et res magis valeat quam pereat - a
with its scope and object law should be interpreted with a view to upholding rather
than destroying
Giving effect to statute as a whole o Do not construe a statute wherein one portion will
Why construe a statute as a whole? - Because it implies that destroy the other
one part is as important as the other o Avoid a construction which will render to
What if the provision/section is unclear by itself? - One can provision inoperative
make it clear by reading and construing it in relation to the
whole statute Reason for the rule
How do you properly and intelligently construe a because of the presumption that the legislature has enacted a
provision/statute? - 3 ways: (1) Understand its meaning and statute whose provisions are in harmony and consistent with
scope; (2) apply to an actual case; (3) courts should consider each other and that conflicting intentions is the same statute
the whole act itself are never supported or regarded
Why should every part of the statute be given effect? -
Because it is enacted as an integrated measure not a Qualification of rule
hodgepodge of conflicting provisions What if the parts cannot be harmonized or reconciled without
nullifying the other? - Rule is for the court to reject the one
Ways on how the courts should construe a statute (according
to Republic v. Reyes):
which is least in accord with the general plan of the whole
o Interpret the thought conveyed by the statute as
What if there is no choice? - the latter provision must vacate
the former; last in order is frequently held to prevail unless
o Construe constituent parts together intent is otherwise
o Ascertain legislative intent form whole part What if the conflict cannot be harmonized and made to stand
o Consider each and every provision in light of the together? - one must inquire into the circumstances of their
general purpose passage
o Make every part effective, harmonious and
sensible (adopt a construction which would give Construction as to give life to law
effect to every part of the of the statute)
provide sensible interpretation to promote the ends of which Law – “the municipal board shall have a secretary who shall
they were enacted be appointed by it to serve during the term of office of the
construct them in a reasonable and practical way to give life members thereof”
to them Amendment – “the vice-mayor shall appoint all employees
Interpretatio fienda es ut res magis valeat quam pereat - of the board who may be suspended or removed in
interpretation will give the efficacy that is to be adopted. accordance with law”
Construction of both Law and Amendment – the power of
Construction to avoid surplusage the vice-mayor to make appointment pursuant to the
construe the statute to make no part or provision thereof as amendatory act is limited to the appointment of all
surplasage employees of the board other than the board secretary who is
each and every part should be given due effect and meaning to be appointed by the board itself
do not construe a legal provision to be a useless surplusage
exert all efforts to provide the meaning. Why? Because of AND OTHER STATUTES
the presumption that the legislature used the word or phrase
for a purpose Statute construed in harmony with the Constitution
Constitution- the fundamental law to which all laws are
Application of rule subservient
General Rule: Do not interpret a statute independent from the
Mejia v.Balalong constitution
Issue: how to constru “next general election” in Sec. 88 of Construe the statute in harmony with the fundamental law:
the City Charter of Dagupan City? Why? Because it is always presumed that the legislature
Held: the phrase refers to the next general election after the adhered to the constitutional limitations when they enacted
city came into being and not the one after its organization by the statute
Presidential Proclamation. It is also important to understand a statute in light of the
constitution and to avoid interpreting the former in conflict
Niere v. CFI of Negros Occidental with the latter
Issue: does the city mayor have the power to appoint a city What if the statute is susceptible to two constructions, one is
engineer pursuant to Sec. 1 of the City Charter of La Carlote constitutional and the other is unconstitutional? A: The
Held: no, the city mayor does not have such power. The construction that should be adopted should be the one that is
phrase “and other heads and other employees of such constitutional and the one that will render it invalid should
departments as may be created” whom the mayor can be rejected.
appoint, refers to the heads of city departments that may be The Court should favor the construction that gives a statute
created after the law took effect, and does not embrace the of surviving the test of constitutionality
city engineer. To rule otherwise is to render the first The Court cannot in order to bring a statute within the
conjunction “and” before the words “fire department” a fundamental law, amend it by construction
superfluity and without meaning at all
Tañada v. Tuvera
Uytengsu v Republic this is the case regarding Art. 2 of the Civil Code especially
Issue: whether the requirement the requirement for the phrase “unless otherwise provided”.
naturalization that the applicant “will reside continuously in Statcon: one should understand that if the phrase refers to the
the Philippines from the date of the filing of the petition up publication itself it would violate the constitution (since all
to the time of his admission to Philippine citizenship” refers laws should be made public) [if malabo, vague, eh? huh? –
to actual residence or merely to legal residence or domicile cherry will explain it na lang ]
Held: such requirement refers to actual or physical residence
because to construe it otherwise is to render the clause a Statutes in Pari Materia
surplusage. pari materia - refers to any the following:
An applicant for naturalization must be actually residing in o same person or thing
the Philippines from the filing of the petition for o same purpose of object
naturalization to its determination by the court o same specific subject matter
Later statutes may refer to prior laws.
Manila Lodge No. 761 v. CA What if the later law have no reference to the prior law, does
Issue: whether the reclaimed land is patrimonial or public that mean they are not in pari materia? - No. It is sufficient
dominion? that they have the same subject matter.
Held: to say that the land is patrimonial will render nugatory When is a statute not in pari materia? - The conditions above
and a surplusage the phrase of the law to the effect that the are the determinants of ascertaining if a statute is in pari
City of Manila “is hereby authorized to lease or sell” materia, thus even if two statutes are under the same broad
A sale of public dominion needs a legislative authorization, subject as along as their specific subjects are not the same,
while a patrimonial land does not. they are NOT in pari material
Statute and its amendments construed together How statutes in Pari Materia construed
rule applies to the construction and its amendments Interpretare et concordare leges legibus est optimus
Whatever changes the legislature made it should be given interpretandi modus – every statute must be so construed and
effect together with the other parts. harmonized with other statutes as to form a uniform system
of jurisprudence (parang ganun din nung first part, construe
Almeda v. Florentino it as a whole. But also bear in mind that it should also be in
harmony with other existing laws)
Construe statutes in pari materia together to attain the Illustration of the rule (in pari materia)
purpose of an express national policy
Why should they be construed together? - Because of the Lacson v. Roque
assumption that when the legislature enacted the statutes they Issue: the phrase unless sooner removed of a statute that
were thinking of the prior statute. Prior statutes relating to states “the mayor shall hold office for four years unless
the same subject matter are to be compared with the new sooner removed”
provisions. statcon: the court held that the phrase should be construed in
Again it is important to harmonize the statutes. Courts relation to removal statutes. Thus the phrase meant that
should not render them invalid without taking the necessary although the mayor cannot be removed during his term of
steps in reconciling them office, once he violates those that are stated in removal
Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea – the act itself does not Limitation of rule
make a man guilty unless his intention were so Limitation #1 – Where a penal statute is capable of 2
Actus me invite factus non est meus actus – an act done by interpretations, one which will operate to exempt an accused
me against my will is not my act from liability for violation thereof and another which will
give effect to the manifest intent of the statute and promote
Mala in se Mala prohibita its object, the latter interpretation should be adopted
Criminal intent, apart from the The only inquiry is, has the law
act itself is required been violated US v. Go Chico
RPC Special penal laws A law punishes the display of flags “used during” the
insurrection against the US may not be so construed as to
However, if special penal laws use such words as “willfully, exempt from criminal liability a person who displays a
voluntarily, and knowingly” intent must be proved; thus replica of said flag because said replica is not the one “used”
good faith or bad faith is essential before conviction during the rebellion, for to so construe it is to nullify the
statute together
Application of rule Go Chico is liable though flags displayed were just replica of
the flags “used during” insurrection against US
Peo v. Yadao
A statute which penalizes a “person assisting a claimant” in Limitation #2 – strict construction of penal laws applies only
connection with the latter’s claim for veterans benefit, does where the law is ambiguous and there is doubt as to its
not penalize “one who OFFERS to assist” meaning
Peo v. Gatchalian Reason: there is in such a grant a gratuitous donation of
A statute requires that an employer shall pay a minimum public money or property which results in an unfair
wage of not less than a specified amount and punishes any advantage to the grantee and for that reason, the grant should
person who willfully violates any of its provisions be narrowly restricted in favor of the public
The fact that the nonpayment of the minimum wage is not
specifically declared unlawful, does not mean that an Statutory grounds for removal of officials
employer who pays his employees less than the prescribed Statutes relating to suspension or removal of public officials
minimum wage is not criminally liable, for the nonpayment are strictly construed
of minimum wage is the very act sought to be enjoined by Reason: the remedy of removal is a drastic one and penal in
the law nature. Injustice and harm to the public interest would likely
emerge should such laws be not strictly interpreted against
Statutes in derogation of rights the power of suspension or removal
Rights are not absolute, and the state, in the exercise of
police power, may enact legislations curtailing or restricting Ochate v. Deling
their enjoyment Grounds for removal – “neglect of duty, oppression,
As these statutes are in derogation of common or general corruption or other forms of maladministration in office”
rights, they are generally strictly construed and rigidly o “in office” – a qualifier of all acts.
confined to cases clearly within their scope and purpose o Must be in relation to the official as an officer and
Examples: not as a private person
o Statutes authorizing the expropriation of private
land or property Hebron v Reyes
o Allowing the taking of deposition Procedure for removal or suspension should be strictly
o Fixing the ceiling of the price of commodities construed
o Limiting the exercise of proprietary rights by Statute: local elective officials are to be removed or
individual citizens suspended, after investigation, by the provincial board,
o Suspending the period of prescription of actions subject to appeal to the President
When 2 reasonably possible constructions, one which would President has no authority on his own to conduct the
diminish or restrict fundamental right of the people and the investigation and to suspend such elective official
other if which would not do so, the latter construction must
be adopted so as to allow full enjoyment of such Naturalization laws
fundamental right Naturalization laws are strictly construed against the
applicant and rigidly followed and enforced
Statutes authorizing expropriations Naturalization is statutory than a natural right
Power of eminent domain is essentially legislative in nature Statutes imposing taxes and customs duties
May be delegated to the President, LGUs, or public utility Tax statutes must be construed strictly against the
company government and liberally in favor of the taxpayer
Expropriation plus just compensation Power to tax involves power to destroy
A derogation of private rights, thus strict construction is Taxing act are not to be extended by implication
applied Tax statutes should be clearly, expressly, and unambiguously
Statutes expropriating or authorizing the expropriation of imposed
property are strictly construed against the expropriating Reason for strict construction: taxation is a destructive power
authority and liberally in favor of property owners which interferes with the personal property rights of the
people and takes from them a portion of their property for
the support of the government
Statutes granting privileges
Statutes granting advantages to private persons or entities Statutes granting tax exemptions
have in many instances created special privileges or Law frowns against exemption from taxation because taxes
monopolies for the grantees and have thus been viewed with are the lifeblood of the nation
suspicion and strictly construed Laws granting tax exemptions are thus construed strictissimi
Privilegia recipient largam interpretationem voluntati juris against the taxpayer and liberally in favor of the taxing
consonam concedentis – privileges are to be interpreted in authority
accordance with the will of him who grants them Burden of proof – on the taxpayer claiming to be exempted
And he who fails to strictly comply with the will of the Basis for strict construction – to minimize the different
grantor loses such privileges treatment and foster impartiality, fairness, and equality of
treatment among taxpayers
Butuan Sawmill, Inc. v. Bayview Theater, Inc Tax exemptions are not favored in law, nor are they
Where an entity is granted a legislative franchise to operate presumed.
electric light and power, on condition that it should start
operation within a specified period, its failure to start CIR v. CA
operation within the period resulted in the forfeiture of the Issue: whether containers and packaging materials can be
franchise credited against the miller’s deficiency tax
BIR claimed that there should be no tax credit
Legislative grants to local government units Held: proviso should be strictly construed to apply only to
Grants of power to local government are to be construed raw materials and not to containers and packing materials
strictly, and doubts in the interpretation should be resolved in which are not raw materials; hence, the miller is entitled to
favor of the national government and against the political tax credit
subdivisions concerned
Restriction in the proviso is limited only to sales, miller’s The express exemption should not be construed with the
excise taxes paid ‘on raw materials used in the milling same degree of strictness that applies to exemptions contrary
process’ to policy of the state, since as to such property exemption is
the rule and the taxation is the exemption
Benguet Corporation v. Cenrtral Board of Assessment Appeals E.g. tax exemption in favor of NAPOCOR – whether direct
PD 1955 withdrew all tax exemptions, except those or indirect taxes, exempted
embodied in the Real Property Code, a law which grants
certain industries real estate tax exemptions under the Real Statutes concerning the sovereign
Estate Code Restrictive statutes which impose burdens on the public
treasury or which diminish rights and interests are strictly
Courts cannot expand exemptiom construed.
Unless so specified, the government does not fall within the
terms of any legislation
Esso Standard Eastern, Inc. v Acting Commissioner of Customs
Where a statute exempts from special import tax, equipment Alliance of Government Workers v. Minister of Labor and Employment
“for use of industries,” the exemption does not extend to PD 851 – requires “employers” to pay a 13th month pay to
those used in dispensing gasoline at retail in gasoline stations their employees xxx
“employers” does not embrace the RP, the law not having
CIR v. Manila Jockey Club, Inc. expressly included it within its scope
Statute: “racing club holding these races shall be exempt
from the payment of any municipal or national tax” Statutes authorizing suits against the government
Cannot be construed to exempt the racing club from paying Art. XVI, Sec. 3, 1987 Constitution – “The State may not be
income tax on rentals paid to it for use of the race tracks and sued without its consent”
other paraphernalia, for what the law exempts refers only to o General rule: sovereign is exempt from suit
those to be paid in connection with said races
o Exception: in the form of statute, state may give its
consent to be sued
Lladoc v. CIR
Statute is to be strictly construed and
Statute: exemption from taxation charitable institutions,
waiver from immunity from suit will not
churches, parsonages or covenants appurtenant thereto,
be lightly inferred
mosques, and non-profit cemeteries, and all lands buildings,
and improvements actually, directly, and exclusively used Nullum tempus occurrit regi – there can be no legal right as
for religious or charitable purposes against the authority that makes the law on which the right
Exemption only refer to property taxes and not from all depends
kinds of taxes Reason for non-suability – not to subject the state to
inconvenience and loss of governmental efficiency
La Carlota Sugar Central v. Jimenez
Statute: tax provided shall not be collected on foreign Mobil Phil. Exploration, Inc. v. Customs Arrastre Services
exchange used for the payment of “fertilizers when imported The law authorizing the Bureau of Customs to lease arrastre
by planters or farmers directly or through their cooperatives” operations, a proprietary function necessarily incident to its
The importation of fertilizers by an entity which is neither a governmental function, may NOT be construed to mean that
planter nor a farmer nor a cooperative of planters or farmers the state has consented to be sued, when it undertakes to
is not exempt from payment of the tax, even though said conduct arrastre services itself, for damage to cargo
entity merely acted as agent of planter or farmer as a sort of
accommodation without making any profit from the State-immunity may not be circumvented by directing the
transaction, for the law uses the word “directly” which action against the officer of the state instead of the state itself
means without anyone intervening in the importation and the o The state’s immunity may be validly invoked
phrase “through their cooperatives” as the only exemption against the action AS LONG AS IT CAN BE
SHOWN that the suit really affects the property,
CIR v. Phil. Acetylene Co. rights, or interests of the state and not merely those
See page 305 of the officer nominally made party defendant
Even if the state consents, law should NOT be interpreted to
Power of taxation if a high prerogative of sovereignty, its authorize garnishment of public funds to satisfy a judgment
relinquishment is never presumed and any reduction or against government property
diminution thereof with respect to its mode or its rate must o Reason:
be strictly construed Public policy forbids it
Disbursement of public funds must be
Phil. Telegraph and Telephone Corp. v. COA covered by a corresponding
On “most favored treatment clause” appropriation as required by law
2 franchisee are not competitors Functions and service cannot be allowed
The first franchisee is will not enjoy a reduced rate of tax on to be paralyzed or disrupted by the
gross receipts diversion of public funds from their
legitimate and specific objects, as
Qualification of rule appropriated by law
Strict construction does not apply in the case of tax
exemptions in favor of the government itself or its agencies Statutes prescribing formalities of the will
Provisions granting exemptions to government agencies may
be construed liberally in favor of non-tax liability of such
Strictly construed, which means, wills must be executed in good order xxx of the LGU and the inhabitants
accordance with the statutory requirements, otherwise, it is thereof, and for the protection of the property
entirely void therein
The court is seeking to ascertain and apply the intent of the Construed in favor of the LGUs
legislators and not that of the testator, and the latter’s To give more powers to local governments in promoting the
intention is frequently defeated by the non-observance of economic condition, social welfare, and material progress of
what the statute requires the people in the community
Construed with proprietary aspects, otherwise would cripple
Exceptions and provisos LGUs
Should be strictly but reasonably construed Must be elastic and responsive to various social conditions
All doubts should be resolved in favor of the general Must follow legal progress of a democratic way of life
provision rather than the exceptions
o However, always look at the intent of legislators if Grant of power to local governments
it will accord reason and justice not to apply the Old rule: municipal corporations, being mere creatures of
rule that “an express exception excludes all others” law, have only such powers as are expressly granted to them
The rule on execution pending appeal must be strictly and those which are necessarily implied or incidental to the
construed being an exception to the general rule exercise thereof
Situations which allows exceptions to the requirement of New rule: RA 2264 “Local Autonomy Act”
warrant of arrest or search warrant must be strictly o Sec 12 – “implied power of a province, a city, or a
construed; to do so would infringe upon personal liberty and municipality shall be liberally construed in its
set back a basic right favor. Any fair and reasonable doubt as to the
A preference is an exception to the general rule existence of the power should be interpreted in
A proviso should be interpreted strictly with the legislative favor of the local government and it shall be
intent presumed to exist”
o Should be strictly construed
o Only those expressly exempted by the proviso Statutes granting taxing power (on municipal corporations)
should be freed from the operation of the statute Before 1973 Constitution – inferences, implications, and
deductions have no place in the interpretation of the taxing
STATUTES LIBERALLY CONSTRUED power of a municipal corporation
New Constitution – Art. X, Sec 5 1987 Constitution – “each
General social legislation local government unit shall have the power to create its own
General welfare legislations sources of revenue and to levy taxes, fees, and charges
o To implement the social justice and protection-to- subject to such guidelines and limitations as the Congress
labor provisions of the Constitution may provide, consistent with the basic policy of local
o Construed liberally autonomy”
o Resolve any doubt in favor of the persons whom o Statutes prescribing limitations on the taxing
the law intended to benefit power of LGUs must be strictly construed against
o Includes the following – labor laws, tenancy laws, the national government and liberally in favor of
land reform laws, and social security laws the LGUs, and any doubt as to the existence of the
taxing power will be resolved in favor of the local
Tamayo v. Manila Hotel government
Law grants employees the benefits of holiday pay except
those therein enumerated Statutes prescribing prescriptive period to collect taxes
Statcon – all employees, whether monthly paid or not, who Beneficial for both government and taxpayer
are not among those excepted are entitled to the holiday pay o To the government – tax officers are obliged to act
promptly in the making of the assessments
Labor laws construed – the workingman’s welfare should be o To the taxpayer – would have a feeling of security
the primordial and paramount consideration against unscrupulous tax agents who will always
o Article 4 New Labor Code – “all doubts in the find an excuse to inspect the books of taxpayers
implementation and interpretation of the provisions Laws on prescription – remedial measure – interpreted
of the Labor Code including its implementing rules liberally affording protection to the taxpayers
and regulations shall be resolved in favor of labor”
Liberal construction applies only if statute is vague,
otherwise, apply the law as it is stated
Statutes imposing penalties for nonpayment of tax
General welfare clause liberally construed in favor of government and strictly
2 branches construed against the taxpayer
o One branch attaches to the main trunk of municipal intention to hasten tax payments or to punish evasions or
authority – relates to such ordinances and neglect of duty in respect thereto
regulations as may be necessary to carry into effect liberal construction would render penalties for delinquents
and discharge the powers and duties conferred nugatory
upon local legislative bodies by law
o Other branch is much more independent of the Election laws
specific functions enumerated by law – authorizes Election laws should be reasonably and liberally construed to
such ordinances as shall seem necessary and achieve their purpose
proper to provide for the health and safety, Purpose – to effectuate and safeguard the will of the
promote the prosperity, improve the morals, peace, electorate in the choice of their representatives
3 parts Notice need not be actual for prescription to run;
o Provisions for the conduct of elections which constructive notice is enough
election officials are required to follow More favorable to the accused if prescriptive period is
o Provisions which candidates for office are required counted from the time of registration
to perform
o Procedural rules which are designed to ascertain, Adoption statutes
in case of dispute, the actual winner in the Adoption statutes are liberally construed in favor of the child
elections to be adopted
Paramount consideration – child and not the adopters
Different rules and canons or statutory construction govern such
provisions of the election law Veteran and pension laws
Veteran and pension laws are enacted to compensate a class
Part 1: of men who suffered in the service for the hardships they
o Rules and regulations for the conduct of elections endured and the dangers they encountered in line of duty
Before election – mandatory (part 1) o Expression of gratitude to and recognition of those
After election – directory (part 3) who rendered service to the country by extending
o Generally – the provisions of a statute as to the to them regular monetary benefit
manner of conducting the details of an election are Veteran and pension laws are liberally construed in favor of
NOT mandatory; and irregularities in conducting grantee
an election and counting the votes, not preceding
from any wrongful intent and which deprives no
legal voter of his votes, will not vitiate an election Del Mar v. Phil. Veterans Admin
or justify the rejection of the entire votes of a Where a statute grants pension benefits to war veterans,
precinct except those who are actually receiving a similar pension
Against disenfranchisement from other government funds
Remedy against election official who did Statcon – “government funds” refer to funds of the same
not do his duty – criminal action against government and does not preclude war veterans receiving
them similar pensions from the US Government from enjoying the
Part 2: benefits therein provided
o Provisions which candidates for office are required
to perform are mandatory
o Non-compliance is fatal Board of Administrators Veterans Admin v. Bautista
Part 3: Veteran pension law is silent as to the effectivity of pension
o Procedural rules which are designed to ascertain, awards, it shall be construed to take effect from the date it
in case of dispute, the actual winner in the becomes due and NOT from the date the application for
elections are liberally construed pension is approved, so as to grant the pensioner more
o Technical and procedural barriers should not be benefits and to discourage inaction on the part of the officials
allowed to stand if they constitute an obstacle in who administer the laws
the choice of their elective officials
For where a candidate has received popular mandate, Chavez v. Mathay
overwhelmingly and clearly expressed, all possible doubts While veteran or pension laws are to be construed liberally,
should be resolved in favor of the candidates eligibility, for they should be so construed as to prevent a person from
to rule otherwise is to defeat the will of the electorate receiving double pension or compensation, unless the law
provides otherwise
Amnesty proclamations
Amnesty proclamations should be liberally construed as to Santiago v. COA
carry out their purpose Explained liberal construction or retirement laws
Purpose – to encourage to return to the fold of the law of Intention is to provide for sustenance, and hopefully even
those who have veered from the law comfort when he no longer has the stamina to continue
E.g. in case of doubt as to whether certain persons come earning his livelihood
within the amnesty proclamation, the doubt should be He deserves the appreciation of a grateful government at best
resolved in their favor and against the state concretely expressed in a generous retirement gratuity
Same rule applies to pardon since pardon and amnesty is commensurate with the value and length of his service
Ortiz v. COMELEC
Statutes prescribing prescriptions of crimes Issue: whether a commissioner of COMELEC is deemed to
Liberally construed in favor of the accused have completed his term and entitled to full retirement
Reason – time wears off proof and innocence benefits under the law which grants him 5-year lump-sum
Same as amnesty and pardon gratuity and thereafter lifetime pension, who “retires from
the service after having completed his term of office,” when
Peo v. Reyes his courtesy resignation submitted in response to the call of
the President following EDSA Revolution is accepted
Art. 91 RPC – “period of prescription shall commence to run
Held: Yes! Entitled to gratuity
from the day the crime is discovered by the offended,
Liberal construction
authorities, xxx”
Courtesy resignation – not his own will but a mere
When does the period of prescription start – day of discovery
manifestation of submission to the will of the political
or registration in the Register of Deeds?
authority and appointing power
Held: From the time of registration
In Re Application for Gratuity Benefits of Associate Justice Efren I Literal stricture have been relaxed in favor of liberal
Plana construction
Issue: whether Justice Plana is entitled to gratuity and o Where a rigid application will result in manifest
retirement pay when, at the time of his courtesy resignation failure or miscarriage of justice
was accepted following EDSA Revolution and establishment o Where the interest of substantial justice will be
of a revolutionary government under the Freedom served
Constitution, he lacked a few months to meet the age o Where the resolution of the emotion is addressed
requirement for retirement under the law but had solely to the sound and judicious discretion of the
accumulated a number of leave of credits which, if added to court
his age at the time, would exceed the age requirement o Where the injustice to the adverse party is not
Held: yes, entitled to gratuity! Liberal construction applied commensurate with the degree of his
thoughtlessness in not complying with the
In Re Pineda prescribed procedure
Explained doctrine laid down in the previous case Liberal construction of RC does not mean they may be
The crediting of accumulated leaves to make up for lack of ignored; they are required to be followed except only for the
required age or length of service is not done discriminately most persuasive reasons
xxx only if satisfied that the career of the retiree was marked
by competence, integrity, and dedication to the public service Other statutes
In Re Martin Curative statutes – to cure defects in prior law or to validate
Issue: whether a justice of the SC, who availed of the legal proceedings which would otherwise be void for want of
disability retirement benefits pursuant to the provision that conformity with certain legal requirements; retroactive
“if the reason for the retirement be any permanent disability Redemption laws – remedial in nature – construed liberally
contracted during his incumbency in office and prior to the to carry out purpose, which is to enable the debtor to have
date of retirement he shall receive only a gratuity equivalent his property applied to pay as many debtor’s liability as
to 10 years salary and allowances aforementioned with no possible
further annuity payable monthly during the rest of the Statutes providing exemptions from execution are interpreted
retiree’s natural life” is entitled to a monthly lifetime pension liberally in order to give effect to their beneficial and
after the 10-year period humane purpose
Held: Yes! 10-year lump sum payment is intended to assist Laws on attachment – liberally construed to promote their
the stricken retiree meeting his hospital and doctor’s bills objects and assist the parties obtaining speedy justice
and expenses for his support Warehouse receipts – instrument of credit – liberally
The retirement law aims to assist the retiree in his old age, construed in favor of a bona fide holders of such receipts
not to punish him for having survived Probation laws – liberally construed
o Purpose: to give first-hand offenders a second
Cena v. CSC chance to maintain his place in society through the
Issue: whether or not a government employee who has process of reformation
reached the compulsory retirement age of 65 years, but who Statute granting powers to an agency created by the
has rendered less than 15 years of government service, may Constitution should be liberally construed for the
be allowed to continue in the service to complete the 15-year advancement of the purposes and objectives for which it was
service requirement to enable him to retire with benefits of created
an old-age pension under Sec 11(b) PD 1146
However, CSC Memorandum Circular No 27 provides that CHAPTER EIGHT: Mandatory and Directory Statutes
“any request for extension of compulsory retirees to
complete the 15-years service requirement for retirement IN GENERAL
shall be allowed only to permanent appointees in the career
service who are regular members of the GSIS and shall be Generally
granted for a period not exceeding 1 year Mandatory and directory classification of statutes –
Held: CSC Memorandum Circular No 27 unconstitutional! It importance: what effect should be given to the mandate of a
is an administrative regulation which should be in harmony statute
with the law; liberal construction of retirement benefits
Mandatory and directory statutes, generally
Rules of Court Mandatory statute – commands either positively that
RC are procedural – to be construed liberally something be done in a particular way, or negatively that
Purpose of RC – the proper and just determination of a something be not done; it requires OBEDIENCE, otherwise
litigation void
Procedural laws are no other than technicalities, they are Directory statute – permissive or discretionary in nature and
adopted not as ends in themselves but as means conducive to merely outlines the act to be done in such a way that no
the realization of the administration of law and justice injury can result from ignoring it or that its purpose can be
RC should not be interpreted to sacrifice substantial rights at accomplished in a manner other than that prescribed and
the expense of technicalities substantially the same result obtained; confer direction upon
a person; non-performance of what it prescribes will not
Case v. Jugo vitiate the proceedings therein taken
Lapses in the literal observance of a rule of procedure will be
overlooked when they do not involve public policy; when When statute is mandatory or directory
they arose from an honest mistake or unforeseen accident; No absolute test to determine whether a statute is directory or
when they have not prejudiced the adverse party and have mandatory
not deprived the court of its authority Final arbiter – legislative intent
Legislative intent does not depend on the form of the statute; The import of the word ultimately depends upon a
must be given to the entire statute, its object, purpose, consideration of the entire provision, its nature, object and
legislative history, and to other related statutes the consequences that would follow from construing it one
Mandatory in form but directory in nature – possible way or the other
Whether a statute is mandatory or directory depends on
whether the thing directed to be done is of the essence of the Loyola Grand Villa Homeowners (South) Assn., Inc. v. CA
thing required, or is a mere matter of form, what is a matter “must” construed as directory
of essence can often be determined only by judicial Corporation Code Sec 46 reads “ every corporation formed
construction under this Code MUST within one month after receipt of
o Considered directory – compliance is a matter of official notice of the issuance of its certification of
convenience; where the directions of a statute are incorporation with the SEC, adopt a code of by-laws for its
given merely with a view to the proper, orderly government not inconsistent with this Code”
and prompt conduct of business; no substantial
rights depend on it
PD 902-A which is in pari material with the Corporation
Code states that the non-filing of the by-laws does not imply
o Considered mandatory – a provision relating to the
the “demise” of the corporation; that there should be a notice
essence of the thing to be done, that is, to matters
and hearing before the certificate of registration may be
cancelled by the failure to file the by-laws
of substance; interpretation shows that the
legislature intended a compliance with such
provision to be essential to the validity of the act or
One test whether mandatory or directory compliance must be
proceeding, or when some antecedent and
made – whether non-compliance with what is required will
prerequisite conditions must exist prior to the
result in the nullity of the act; if it results in the nullity, it is
exercise of the power, or must be performed before
certain other powers can be exercised
Director of Land v. CA
Test to determine nature of statute
Test is to ascertain the consequences that will follow in case Law requires in petitions for land registration that “upon
what the statute requires is not done or what it forbids is receipt of the order of the court setting the time for initial
performed hearing to be published in the OG and once in a newspaper
of general circulation in the Philippines”
Does the law give a person no alternative choice? – if yes,
then it is mandatory Law expressly requires that the initial hearing be published
Depends on the effects of compliance in the OG AND in the newspaper of general circulation –
o If substantial rights depend on it and injury can reason: OG is not as widely read of the newspaper of general
result from ignoring it; intended for the protection circulation
of the citizens and by a disregard of which their “shall” is imperative/ mandatory
rights are injuriously affected – mandatory Without initial hearing being published in a newspaper of
o Purpose is accomplished in a manner other than general circulation is a nullity
that prescribed and substantially the same results
obtained - directory Use of “may”
Statutes couched in mandatory form but compliance is An auxiliary verb showing opportunity or possibility
merely directory in nature Generally, directory in nature
o If strict compliance will cause hardship or injustice Used in procedural or adjective laws; liberally construed
on the part of the public who is not at fault Example: Sec 63 of the corporation Code – “shares of stock
o If it will lead to absurd, impossible, or mischievous so issued are personal property and MAY be transferred by
consequences delivery of the certificate or certificated endorsed by the
If an officer is required to do a positive owner
act but fails because such actions will o “may” is merely directory and that the transfer of
lead to the aforementioned, he will only the shares may be effected in a manner different
be subject to administrative sanction for from that provided for in law
his failure to do what the law requires
When “shall” is construed as “may” and vice versa
Rule: “may” should be read “shall”
o where such construction is necessary to give effect
Language used to the apparent intention of the legislature
Generally mandatory – command words o where a statute provides for the doing os some act
o Shall or Shall not which is required by justice r public duty
o Must or Must not o where it vests a public body or officer with power
o Ought or Ought not and authority to take such action which concerns
o Should or Should not for the public interest or rights of individuals
o Can or Cannot Rule: “shall” should be read “may”
Generally directory – permissive words o When so required by the context or by the
o May or May not intention of the legislature
o When no public benefit or private right requires
Use of “shall” or “must” that it be given an imperative meaning
Generally, “shall” and “must” is mandatory in nature
If a different interpretation is sought, it must rest upon Diokno v. Rehabilitiation Finance Corp
something in the character of the legislation or in the context Sec. 2 RA 304 reads “banks or other financial institutions
which will justify a different meaning owned or controlled by the Government SHALL, subject to
availability of funds xxx accept at a discount at not more Held as absolutely indispensable to the prevention of
than 20% for 10 years of such backpay certificate” needless delays and to the orderly and speedy discharge or
“Shall” implies discretion because of the phrase “subject to business, and are necessary incident to the proper, efficient,
availability of funds” and orderly discharge of judicial functions
Strict not substantial compliance
Govermnent v. El Hogar Filipino Not waivable, nor can they be the subject of agreements or
Corporation Codes reads “SHALL, upon such violation stipulation of litigants
being proved, be dissolved by quo warranto proceedings”
Reyes v. COA
“Shall” construed as “may”
Sec. 187 RA 7160 – process of appeal of dissatisfied
Berces, Sr. v. Guingona taxpayer on the legality of tax ordinance
o Appeal to the Sec of Justice within 30 days of
Sec. 68 Ra 7160 (LGC) provides that an appeal from an
effectivity of the tax ordinance
adverse decision against a local elective official to the
o If Sec of Justice decides the appeal, a period of 30
President “SHALL not prevent a decision from becoming
days is allowed for an aggrieved party to go to
final and executor”
“Shall” is not mandatory because there is room to construe
o If the Sec of Justice does not act thereon, after the
said provision as giving discretion to the reviewing officials
lapse of 60 days, a party could already proceed to
to stay the execution of the appealed decision
seek relief in court
Purpose of mandatory compliance: to prevent delays and
Use of negative, prohibitory or exclusive terms
enhance the speedy and orderly discharge of judicial
A negative statute is mandatory; expressed in negative words functions
or in a form of an affirmative proposition qualified by the
word “only” Unless the requirements of law are complied with, the
“only” exclusionary negation decision of the lower court will become final and preclude
Prohibitive or negative words can rarely, if ever, be the appellate court from acquiring jurisdiction to review it
Interest reipiciae ut sit finis litium – public interest requires
that by the very nature of things there must be an end to a
legal controversy
Gachon v. Devera, Jr
Statutes conferring power Issue: whether Sec 6 of the Rule on Summary Procedure,
Generally regarded as mandatory although couched in a which reads “ should the defendant fail to answer the
permissive form complaint within the period above provided, the Court, motu
Should construe as imposing absolute and positive duty proprio, or on motion of the plaintiff, SHALL render
rather than conferring privileges judgment as may be warranted by the facts alleged in the
Power is given for the benefit of third persons, not for the complaint and limited to what is prayed for therein,” is
public official mandatory or directory, such that an answer filed out of time
Granted to meet the demands of rights, and to prevent a may be accepted
failure of justice Held: mandatory
Given as a remedy to those entitled to invoke its aid o Must file the answer within the reglementary
Statutes granting benefits o Reglementary period shall be ‘non-extendible’
Considered mandatory o Otherwise, it would defeat the objective of
Failure of the person to take the required steps or to meet the expediting the adjudication of suits
conditions will ordinarily preclude him from availing of the
statutory benefits Statutes prescribing procedural requirements
Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt – the laws Construed mandatory
aid the vigilant, not those who slumber on their rights Procedure relating to jurisdictional, or of the essence of the
proceedings, or is prescribed for the protection or benefit of
Potior est in tempoe, potior est in jure – he who is first in the party affected
time is preferred in right Where failure to comply with certain procedural
requirements will have the effect of rendering the act done in
Statutes prescribing jurisdictional requirements connection therewith void, the statute prescribing such
Considered mandatory requirements is regarded as mandatory even though the
Examples language is used therein is permissive in nature
o Requirement of publication
o Provision in the Tax Code to the effect that before De Mesa v. Mencias
an action for refund of tax is filed in court, a
written claim therefore shall be presented with the Sec 17, Rule 3 RC – “after a party dies and the claim is not
CIR within the prescribed period is mandatory and thereby extinguished, the court shall order, upon proper
failure to comply with such requirement is fatal to notice, the legal representative of the deceased to appear and
the action to be substituted xxx. If legal representative fails to appear
xxx, the court MAY order the opposing party to produce the
Statutes prescribing time to take action or to appeal appointment of a legal representative xxx”
Generally mandatory Although MAY was used, provision is mandatory
Procedural requirement goes to the very jurisdiction of the
court, for “unless and until a legal representative is for him is DIRECTORY STATUTES
duly named and within the jurisdiction of the trial court, no
adjudication in the cause could have been accorded any Statutes prescribing guidance for officers
validity or the binding effect upon any party, in Regulation designed to secure order, system, and dispatch in
representation of the deceased, without trenching upon the proceedings, and by a disregard of which the rights of parties
fundamental right to a day in court which is the very essence interested may not be injuriously affected – directory
of the constitutionally enshrined guarantee of due process o Exception – unless accompanied by negative
words importing that the acts required shall not be
Election laws on conduct of election done in any other manner or time than that
Construed as mandatory designated
Before election – mandatory
After election – directory, in support of the result unless of a Statutes prescribing manner of judicial action
character to affect an obstruction to the free and intelligent Construed directory
casting of the votes, or to the ascertainment of the result, or Procedure is secondary in importance to substantive right
unless it is expressly declared by the statute that the Generally, non-compliance therewith is not necessary to the
particular act is essential to the validity of an election, or that validity of the proceedings
its omission shall render it void (whew, and haba!)
When the voters have honestly cast their ballots, the same Statutes requiring rendition of decision within prescribed period
should not be nullified simply because the officers appointed Sec 15(1) Art. VIII, 1987 Constitution – the maximum
under the law to direct the elections and guard the purity of period within which a case or matter shall be decided or
the ballot have not done their duty resolved from the date of its submission shall be
For where a candidate has received popular mandate, o 24 months – SC
overwhelmingly and clearly expressed, all possible doubts o 12 months – lower collegiate courts
should be resolved in favor of the candidates eligibility, for o 3 months – all other lower courts
to rule otherwise is to defeat the will of the electorate Sec 7 Art. IX-A, 1987 Constitution –
o 60 days from the date of its submission for
Delos Reyes v. Rodriguez resolution – for all Constitutional Commissions
The circumstance that the coupon bearing the number of the Before the Constitution took effect - Statutes requiring
ballot is not detached at the time the ballot is voted, as rendition of decision within prescribed period – Directory
required by law, does not justify the court in rejecting the o Except
ballot intention to the contrary is manifest
time is of the essence of the thing to be
Election laws on qualification and disqualification done
The rule of “before-mandatory and after-directory” in language of the statute contains negative
election laws only applies to procedural statutes; words
Not applicable to provisions of the election laws prescribing designation of the time was intended as a
the time limit to file certificate of candidacy and the limitation of power, authority or right
qualifications and disqualifications of elective office – always look at intent to ascertain whether to give the statute
considered mandatory even after election a mandatory or directory construction
o basis: EXPEDIENCY – less injury results to the
Statutes prescribing qualifications for office general public by disregarding than enforcing the
Eligibility to a public office is of a continuing nature and little of the law and that judges would otherwise
must exist at the commencement of the term and during the abstain from rendering decisions after the period to
occupancy of the office render them had lapsed because they lacked
Statutes prescribing the eligibility or qualifications of jurisdiction tot do so
persons to a public office are regarded as mandatory
Example in the book – lawyer-judge; judge-disbarment as Querubin v. CA
lawyer Statute: appeals in election cases “shall be decided within 3
Statutes relating to assessment of taxes months after the filing of the case in the office of the clerk of
Intended for the security of the citizens, or to insure the court”
equality of taxation, or for certainty as to the nature and Issue: whether or not CA has jurisdiction in deciding the
amount of each other’s tax – MANDATORY election case although the required period to resolve it has
o E.g. Statutes requiring the assessor to notify the expired
taxpayer of the assessment of his property within a Held: yes, otherwise is to defeat the administration of justice
prescribed period upon factors beyond the control of the parties; would defeat
Those designed merely for the information or direction of the purpose of due process; dismissal will constitute
officers or to secure methodical and systematic modes of miscarriage of justice; speedy trial would be turned into
proceedings - DIRECTORY denial of justice
o Failure of judge to take action within the said
Statutes concerning public auction sale period merely deprives him of their right to collect
Construed mandatory their salaries or to apply for leaves, but does not
Procedural steps must be strictly followed deprive them of the jurisdiction to act on the cases
Otherwise, void pending before them
People v. Macatanda
Amendment Operates Prospectively Jurisdiction over the subject matter is determined by the
An amendment will not be construed as having a retroactive law in force at the time of the commencement of the
effect, unless the contrary is provided or the legislative intent action; laws should only be applied prospectively unless
to give it a retroactive effect is necessarily implied from the the legislative intent to give them retroactive effect is
language used and only if no vested right is impaired. expressly declared or is necessarily implied from the
language used.
Application of rule
Manila Trading & Supply Co. v. Phil. Labor Union
an act passed April 16th and in force April 21st was held Sto. Domingo v. De los Angeles
to prevail over an act passed April 9th and in effect July The court invariably ruled that the special law is not
4th of the same year. impliedly repealed and constitutes an exception to the
And an act going into effect immediately has been held general law whenever the legislature failed to indicate
to prevail over an act passed before but going into effect in unmistakable terms its intent to repeal or modify the
later. prior special act.
Whenever two statutes of different dates and of contrary
tenor are of equal theoretical application to a particular case,
the statute of later date must prevail, being a later expression
of legislative will. NAPOCOR v. Arca
Issue: whether Sec. 2 of Com. Act 120 creating the
Philippine National Bank v. Cruz NAPOCOR, a government-owned corporation, and
As between the order of preference of credit set forth in empowering it “to sell electric power and to fix the rates
Articles 2241 to 2245 of the CC and that of Article 110 and provide for the collection of the charges for any
of the Labor Code, giving first preference to unpaid services rendered: Provided, the rates of charges shall
wages and other monetary claims of labor, the former not be subject to revision by the Public Service Act has
must yield to the latter, being the law of the later been repealed by RA 2677 amending the Public Service
enactment. Act and granting the Public Service Commission the
The later law repeals an earlier one because it is the later jurisdiction to fix the rate of charges of public utilities
legislative will. owned or operated by the government or government-
Presumption: the lawmakers knew the older law and owned corporations.
intended to change it. Held: a special law, like Com. Act 120, providing for a
In enacting the older law, the legislators could not have particular case or class of cases, is not repealed by a
known the newer one and could not have intended to subsequent statute, general in its terms, like RA 2677,
change what they did not know. although the general statute are broad enough to include
CC: laws are repealed only by subsequent ones, not the the cases embraced in the special law, in the absence of
other way around. a clear intent to repeal.
There appears no such legislative intent to repeal or
David v. COMELEC abrogate the provisions of the earlier law.
Sec. 1 of RA 6679 provides that the term of barangay The explanatory note to House Bill 4030 the later
officials who were to be elected on the second Monday became RA 2677, it was explicit that the jurisdiction
of May 1994 is 5 years conferred upon the Republic Service Commission over
The later act RA 7160 Sec 43 (c) states that the term of the public utilities operated by government-owned or
office of barangay officials who were to be elected also controlled corporations is to be confined to the fixing of
on the 2nd Monday of May 1994 is 3 years. rates of such public services
There being a clear inconsistency between the two laws, The harnessing and then distribution and sale of electric
the later law fixing the term barangay officials at 3 power to the consuming public, the contingency
years shall prevail. intended to be met by the legal provision under
consideration would not exist.
General law does not repeal special law, generally The authority of the Public Service Commission under
A general law on a subject does not operate to repeal a prior RA 2677 over the fixing of rate of charges of public
special law on the same subject, unless it clearly appears that utilities owned or operated by GOCC’s can only be
the legislature has intended by the later general act to modify exercised where the charter of the government
or repeal the earlier special law. corporation concerned does not contain any provision to
Presumption against implied repeal is stronger when of two the contrary.
laws, one is special and the other general and this applies
even though the terms of the general act are broad enough to Philippine Railway Co. v. Collector of Internal Revenue
include the matter covered by the special statute. PRC was granted a legislative franchise to operate a
railway line pursuant to Act No. 1497 Sec. 13 which
Generalia specialibus non derogant – a general law does not read: “In consideration of the premises and of the
nullify a specific or special law operation of this concession or franchise, there shall be
The legislature considers and makes provision for all the paid by the grantee to the Philippine Government,
circumstances of the particular case. annually, xxx an amount equal to one-half of one per
Reason why a special law prevails over a general law: the centum of the gross earnings of the grantee xxx.”
legislature considers and makes provision for all the Sec 259 of Internal Revenue Code, as amended by RA
circumstances of the particular case. 39, provides that “there shall be collected in respect to
General and special laws are read and construed together, all existing and future franchises, upon the gross
and that repugnancy between them is reconciled by earnings or receipts from the business covered by the
constituting the special law as an exception to the general law granting a franchise tax of 5% of such taxes,
law. charges, and percentages as are specified in the special
charters of the corporation upon whom suc franchises
are conferred, whichever is higher, unless the provisions Valera v. Tuason
hereof preclude the imposition of a higher tax xxx. A subsequent general law on a subject has repealed or
Issue: whether Section 259 of the Tax Code has amended a prior special act on the same subject by
repealed Section 13 of Act 1497, stand upon a different implication is a question of legislative intent.
footing from general laws. Intent to repeal may be shown in the act itself the
Once granted, a charter becomes a private contract and explanatory note to the bill before its passage into law,
cannot be altered nor amended except by consent of all the discussions on the floor of the legislature,
concerned, unless the right to alter or repeal is expressly
reserved. Intent to repeal the earlier special law where the later general
Reason: the legislature, in passing a special charter, has act provides that all laws or parts thereof which are
its attention directed to the special facts and inconsistent therewith are repealed or modified accordingly
circumstances in the particular case in granting a special If the intention to repeal the special law is clear, then the rule
charter, for it will not be considered that the legislature, that the special law will be considered as an exception to the
by adopting a general law containing the provisions general law does not apply; what applies is the rule that the
repugnant to the provisions of the charter, and without special law is deemed impliedly repealed.
any mention of its intention to amend or modify the A general law cannot be construed to have repealed a special
charter, intended to amend, repeal or modify the special law by mere implication admits of exception.
The purpose of respecting the tax rates incorporated in City Government of San Pablo v. Reyes
the charters, as shown by the clause. Sec. 1 PD 551 provides that any provision of law or
local ordinance to the contrary, the franchise tax
LLDA v. CA payable by all grantees of franchise to generate,
Issue: which agency of the government, LLDA or the distribute, and sell electric current for light, heat, and
towns and municipalities compromising the region power shall be 25 of their gross receipts.
should exercise jurisdiction over the Laguna Lake and Sec. 137 of the LGC states: Notwithstanding any
its environs insofar as the issuance of permits for exemption granted by any law or other special law, the
fishery privileges is concerned. province may impose a tax on business enjoying a
The LLDA statute specifically provides that the LLDA franchise at a rate not exceeding 50% of 1% of the gross
shall have exclusive jurisdiction to issue permits for the annul receipts.
use of all surface water for any projects in or affecting Held: the phrase is all-encompassing and clear that the
the said region, including the operation of fish pens. legislature intended to withdraw all tax exemptions
RA 7160 the LGC of 1991 grants the municipalities the enjoyed by franchise holders and this intent is made
exclusive authority to grant fishery privileges in more manifest by Sec. 193 of the Code, when it
municipal waters. provides that unless otherwise provided in this code tax
Held: two laws should be harmonized, and that the LLA exemptions or incentives granted to or presently
statute, being a special law, must be taken as an enjoyed by all persons, except local water districts,
exception to RA 7160 a general law, cooperatives, and non-stock and non-profit hospitals
and educational institutions, are withdrawn upon the
Garcia v. Pascual effectivity of the Code.
Clerks of courts municipal courts shall be appointed by
the municipal judge at the expense of the municipality Gaerlan v. Catubig
and where a later law was enacted providing that Issue: whether Sec. 12 of RA 170 as amended, the City
employees whose salaries are paid out of the municipal Charter of Dagupan City, which fixed the minimum age
funds shall be appointed by the municipal mayor, the qualification for members of the city council at 23 years
later law cannot be said to have repealed the prior law has been repealed by Sec.6 of RA 2259
as to vest in the municipal mayor the power to appoint Held: there was an implied repeal of Sec. 12 of the
municipal cleck of court, as the subsequent law should charter of Dagupan City because the legislative intent to
be construed to comprehend only subordinate officials repeal the charter provision is clear from the fact that
of the municipality and not those of the judiciary. Dagupan City, unlike some cities, is not one of those
cities expressly excluded by the law from its operation
Gordon v. CA and from the circumstance that it provides that all acts
A city charter giving real estate owner a period of one or parts thereof which are inconsistent therewith are
year within which to redeem a property sold by the city repealed.
for nonpayment of realty tax from the date of such The last statute is so broad in its terms and so clear and
auction sale, being a special law, prevails over a general explicit in its words so as to show that it was intended
law granting landowners a period of two years to make to cover the whole subject and therefore to displace the
the redemption. prior statute.
Prospective or retroactive
RULE: constitution operates prospectively only unless the
words employed are clear that it applies retroactively
Magtoto v. Manguera
Sec 20 of Article IV of the 1973 Constitution: “no person
shall be compelled to be a witness against himself. x x x Any
confession obtained in violation of this section shall be
inadmissible in evidence”
Court held that this specific portion of the mandate should be
given a prospective application
Co v. Electric Tribunal
Sec. 1(3) Art. 4 of the 1987 Constitution states that those
born before January 17, 1973 of Filipino mothers, who elect
Philippine citizenship upon reaching the age of majority” are
citizens of the Philippines has a retroactive effect as shown
to the clear intent of the framers through the language used
- The End -