2014 Gawler P
2014 Gawler P
2014 Gawler P
High expectations Family Partnerships &
Beliefs and values that
for all staff & Connections
underpin teaching and
learning decisions
Sharing & Performance
Collaboration Development PRACTICE
Consistent Assessment FOR
Common pedagogical
Implementation of OF & AS
Learning (Dylan agreements
Whole Site Literacy agreement Professional
Approach Wiliam) POLICY
Assessment Map Agreed literacy programs
Literacy Block
TLCs school wide
Text Type Explicit Teaching Gradual Release of Building a collaborative
of data
Map and Learning Responsibility culture through shared
Terminology professional learning, team
structures, performance
Differentiation ASSESS, PLAN,
management and
development that promotes
collegiate sharing and
TfEL learning
Student Learning,
Engagement &
Expectations of the Literacy Block- The Non-Negotiables
Uninterrupted block - 90 min minimum, 4 days a week.
Planning informed by data and assessment
Comprehending and Composing will be taught explicitly
Common agreements i.e. Oxford sight words
A daily reading block will include independent, guided and shared reading
Comprehension strategies explicitly taught, practised and modelled daily.
Oral language and vocabulary will be explicitly taught
Daily structured writing opportunities
A spelling program will be taught daily and mapped across R-7.
Comprehension and comprehension strategies are relevant to all aspects of the curriculum and can be
found through all learning areas, general capabilities and cross curriculum priorities in the Australian
Comprehension strategies to be explicitly taught across all year levels. Refer to Comprehension
Scope and Sequence (in appendix) for aspects of strategies at specific year levels.
Involves sorting out the key ideas and identifying the main idea in the text.
Involves being able to read between the lines and figure out the meaning
from the clues in the text. Inferring involves using prior knowledge and
Inferring information from the text to draw conclusions, make critical judgments and
form interpretations from text. Inferring can occur in the form of
conclusions, predictions or new ideas.
Involves students being able to determine what is important in what they
read and put it into their own words. Instruction in summarizing helps
Summarising students to identify or generate main ideas, connect the main or central
ideas, eliminate unnecessary information and remember what they read.
The skill of putting information together and seeing it in a new way
(creating). Thinking evolves through a process and readers’ thinking
Synthesising changes as more information is gathered from the text. New information
makes the reader re-evaluate their thinking and form new thinking.
Imaginative texts – texts whose primary purpose is to entertain through their imaginative
use of literary elements. They are recognised for their form, style and artistic or aesthetic
value. These texts include novels, traditional tales, poetry, stories, plays, fiction for young
adults and children including picture books and multimodal texts such as film.
Informative texts – texts whose primary purpose is to provide information. They include
texts which are culturally important in society and are valued for their informative
content, as a store of knowledge and for their value as part of everyday life. These texts
include explanations and descriptions of natural phenomena, recounts of events,
instructions and directions, rules and laws and news bulletins.
Persuasive texts – whose primary purpose is to put forward a point of view and persuade
a reader, viewer or listener. They form a significant part of modern communication in
both print and digital environments. They include advertising, debates, arguments,
discussions, polemics and influential essays and articles.
So what will we do to get there?
What do I want them to learn?
How will I know
if they got it?
Key Ideas
A range of text types can be identified as having a particular purpose
Some text types are more complex than others eg explanations are more complex than procedures
Each text type increases in complexity through the years of schooling eg a sequential explanation should
be taught earlier than a causal explanation
Teachers need to understand the structure and language demands of the text types in order to effectively
scaffold student language and literacy learning.
Prepared by : Jo Button, Jane Lawrence and Robyn Haywood (2014)
Text Types and their purposes
Students need to understand the purpose of different text types, their structures and their
specific language features.
Classifying report To describe and give information about sub groups within
a class eg deciduous and evergreen trees.
Comparative report To describe two or more things by comparing and
contrasting different aspects eg 2D and 3D shapes.
Sequential Explanation To explain why things are as they are.
Causal Explanation To explain how something occurs or works e.g. how rain is
Factual Description (Generally focused To describe the characteristics or features of a thing or a
on in Early Years as a preliminary step phenomenon eg several sentences about a koala.
before Information report)
Literary Description To describe the characteristics or features of a thing or a
(This text type is often embedded phenomenon eg setting, mood, character in imaginative
within other texts) texts.
Personal Recount To retell a personal experience.
Biographical Recount To provide information about the life of a particular
Historical Recount To recount a particular event or period of time.
Literary Response/Review To respond to, retell or summarise a visual, written or
performed work.
Procedure To instruct someone on how to do something.
Persuasive Texts
Argument To put forward a point of view(e.g. persuading that certain
action should be taken)
Debate Oral exchange of point of view
Discussion To present information for both sides of an issue
(e.g. arguing ‘for’ and ‘against’)
Major Minor
Refer to the Teaching and Learning Cycle (page 8) for explanations of the number references above (1, 2, 3, 4) as these refer to the expected teaching stages of the cycle.
Reception/Year 1 Year 1/2 Year 3/4 Year 4/5 Year 6/7
Persuasive texts Opinion with reason Argument Persuasive text Persuasive text Persuasive text -
Expose - mostly Oral Expose – Oral and - Argument - Argument Discussion
Written - Debate - Debate
Recount Personal Recount Personal and/or Literary Literary, Biographical, Historical, Biographical, Historical,
Expose and Teach Expose and Teach Personal/Factual Personal Personal
Narrative Narrative Narrative Narrative Narrative Narrative
Procedure Procedure, Instructional Procedure, Instructional Procedure Procedure Procedure
recipes recipes - Instructions - flow charts - Instructions
- instructions
- diagrams
Information Report Info Report Info Report Info Report Info Report Info Report
- Descriptive - Descriptive - Descriptive - Descriptive - Comparative
- Classifying - Classifying
Explanation Expose – mostly Oral Sequential Sequential and/or Explanation - Causal Explanation - Causal
Description Description Description Description Description Description
– Factual – Factual – Factual – Factual – Factual
- Literary - Literary - Literary - Literary - Literary
Response/Review Response/Review – Response/Review Response/Review Response/Review Response/Review
mostly Oral retell
Major and Minor Text Types are the focus as per the Map above, however exposure to all the Text Types will occur incidentally across the other curricular areas.
Making Connections
Questioning Assessment Outcomes
Determining Importance Running Records - Alpha Students
Inferring assess or Read, Record, Are fluent readers
Summarising Respond, fluency Use a wide range of comprehension skills
Oxford Sight Words Read for different purposes
Synthesising SPAT Understand the mechanics of reading and apply them
Reflecting/Evaluating PAT-R Are critical readers
Prepared by : Jo Button, Jane Lawrence and Robyn Haywood (2014)NAPLaN Read with prosody
Concepts of Print
Teaching Strategies Text Types Word Knowledge
Oral language instruction precedes Narrative Information Report Sight words (Oxford word list)
written work Recount Explanation Phonics
Explicit teaching and learning cycle Text specific vocabulary
Build field knowledge Poetry Procedure Persuasive
Text deconstruction Response/Review Description Tense
Joint construction
Word meanings/definitions
Vocabulary and word knowledge
Revision and consolidation
Gradual Release of Responsibility
Writing Spelling
Teaching structure of different Jolly Phonics
text types Oxford Word Lists
Opportunities for creative writing
Daily handwriting minimum 5 mins
at GPS Word Walls
Using data from assessment tools
ASSESS Assessment is an integral part of the teaching and learning cycle and
should be central to ongoing classroom practice.
There are three key types of assessment:
Summative assessment summarises completed learning. This type of assessment usually takes
place at the end of a period of teaching, such as at the end of a topic, the end of a year or the
end of a key stage. Summative assessment statements may be compiled using information
from formative assessments in addition to formal tests taken at given points within students’
school careers.
Assessment for learning, an extension of formative assessment, is the process of seeking and
interpreting evidence for use by learners and their teachers to decide where the learners are in
their learning, where they need to go and how best to get there. It should be ongoing and part
of effective learning and teaching. Assessment for learning uses assessment in the classroom
to raise pupils’ achievement. It is based on the principle that pupils will improve most if they
understand the aim of their learning, where they are in relation to this aim and how they can
achieve the aim.
PLAN Deciding what to teach next based on assessment data and information
and how to teach it by using students’ specific strengths to help address
their needs.
TEACH Execute the plans developed and students learn. The cycle continues.
Teachers explicitly teach & Shared/Guided
model Teachers scaffold & support
(“To/for” students) (“with” students)
Twice per
Running Records
term Writing Samples
Most people with dyslexia have been found to have problems with identifying the separate
speech sounds within a word and/or learning how letters represent those sounds, a key factor
in their reading difficulties. Secondary consequences may include problems in reading
comprehension and reduced reading experience that can impede the growth of vocabulary
and background knowledge. There are many famous and highly successful dyslexics in the
world, ranging from Albert Einstein, Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison and Leonardo Da
Some challenges that students with dyslexia or students with DTLN include:
Difficulty with remembering simple sequences such as counting to 20, naming the days
of the week, or reciting the alphabet
Difficulty understanding the rhyming of words, such as knowing that fat rhymes with cat
Trouble recognizing words that begin with the same sound (for example, that bird,
baby”, and big all start with b)
Pronunciation difficulties
Trouble easily clapping hands to the rhythm of a song
Difficulty with word retrieval (frequently uses words like “stuff” and “that thing” rather
than specific words to name objects)
Trouble remembering names of places and people
Difficulty remembering spoken directions
Clarify or simplify written directions. Some directions are written in paragraph form and
contain many units of information. These can be overwhelming to some students. The
teacher can help by underlining or highlighting the significant parts of the directions.
Rewriting the directions is often helpful.
Present a small amount of work. Only present work that is being covered at that time,
rather than presenting a large amount that may be over whelming for them.
Block out extraneous stimuli. If a student is easily distracted by visual stimuli on a full
worksheet or page, a blank sheet of paper can be used to cover sections of the page
not being worked on at the time.
Use a dyslexia friendly font. Fonts including this font, century gothic and Comic Sans
are fonts that are easily read. Larger and wider spaced lettering can be helpful in
assisting students to distinguish individual letters and symbols. Buff or pale blue or
yellow paper helps students distinguish the text from the paper, and highlighted text
can assist students in reading text easily.
Highlight essential information. An overwhelming amount of condensed text can be
distracting, by highlighting the essential information, students are able to focus in the
text that is relevant to them.
Provide additional practice activities. Recommended practice exercises include
instructional games, peer teaching activities, self-correcting materials, computer
software programs, and additional worksheets.
Provide a glossary in content areas. Students often benefit from a glossary of content-
related terms.
Use of assistive technology. Assistive technology products such as tablets, electronic
readers/dictionaries/spellers, text to speech programs, audio books, and more can be
very useful tools.
Use of coloured overlays. Coloured overlays help students distinguish the text on paper
easily. We have blue, purple, red, yellow and green coloured overlays, please take the
time to see which colour is most effective with your student.