Low Power Implementation of Sigma Delta Modulator
Low Power Implementation of Sigma Delta Modulator
Low Power Implementation of Sigma Delta Modulator
coupled through miller capacitor degrades the transient b) Amplifiers other than stage 1
response of integrator, as the output voltage will be reduced The second stage and next stage integrators require
due to compensation capacitor. This technique is used in this medium DC gain amplifiers. Hence, a cascade single stage
implementation as it needs less power to implement and is amplifiers are used. Telescopic operational amplifiers has
more stable with temperature and process variations. advantage of providing signal path by only NMOS
transistors, non existence of mirror poles and a small bias
current is required to operate with expected output voltage
swing of 1 volt. The disadvantage of telescopic Op-Amp is
that its common mode voltage levels at the both inputs must
be different and also it requires a precisely controllable
voltage reference to get stable and large voltage swing. A
folded cascade operational amplifier is used in this design
[5]. It has more advantages than telescopic Op-Amp like,
superior frequency response, better PSRR even both
consume equal power.
The figure 4 shows the simulated output waveform of the The important features obtained after simulating the
second integrator, which is also used for third and fourth comparator are shown in the below table. 3.
integrators in the modulator implementation. The output is
linear but has limited slew rate as the applied input is large TABLE 3
step signal. This is tolerable for this design as it reduced the COMPARATOR RESULTS AFTER SIMULATION
power dissipation.
Hysteresis < 10 mV
Resolution time, LH 2.5 ns
Resolution time, HL 2.3 ns
Power consumption 0.65 mW
a) A/D converter
Figure 4.Simulated small- and large-signal transient response of the fourth
The fully differential flash architecture is used for A to D
converter, which compares the differential input voltage
c) Comparators with the reference voltages [7]. The reference voltages are
The comparators used in this design needs low resolution produced by DAC. During the Φ1phase,Vref positive and
time with large hysteresis voltage of up to 10 mV. Vref negative values are stored in the input capacitors,
Generally, this can be implemented with traditional which are then used to compute the difference
comparator with pre-amplifier stage, positive feedback duringphaseΦ2. At the end ofΦ2, comparators are activated
circuit used as decision making circuit and output buffer. to find the sign for that difference. The thermometer output
But it takes large area and more power required for code of the 15 comparators is then translated to a code using
implementation. Instead a dynamic comparator with AND gates.
regenerative latch is used as it does not require the pre- Comparators in the ADC are identical to those used in the
amplification stage and has zero static power dissipation. 1st- and 2ndstage.Multi-metal sandwich capacitors of value
The regenerative latch used acts as decision making circuit are used and the analog switches are identical to those in the
while comparing the two inputs. SC. The timing scheme of the switches has been adapted to
reduce the capacitive load to the fourth integrator.
Figure.5 shows the architecture employed for the Nevertheless, it suffers from input dependent charge
implementation of comparators [6], which has been widely injection from switches controlled byΦ2. This problem has
used in ΣΔ modulator design. In practice, this topology is been overcome making these switches considerably smaller
capable of achieving resolutions about that required with no (for both NMOS and PMOS), with no degradation of the
pre-amplifying stage. converter performance.
Figure 5. Dynamic comparator with Regenerative latch Figure 6. Programmable A/D/A converter: Partial view of the Switched
Capacitor implementation.
c) Control Circuitry
The 4 bit A/D/A converter is provide 2 or 3 bit resolution
with the help of digital control circuitry, which is shown in
the figure 7. The selection of the desired resolution is done
with two signals, S3b and S2b. The partial view of the digital Figure 9. Clock phase generator and drivers.
control circuitry, which is used in the programmable A/D/A
converter is shown in the figure 8. The complete timing of the different clock phases are used
in the ΣΔ modulator is shown in the figure.10
The functionality of the entire A/D/A converter operation
is tested and measured using specific samples. The ADC,
DAC and clock driver also measured using specific test
The code histogram method of sine waves is used to
measure the ADC performance [9].An amplitude of 1 volt
and 103 KHz frequency was applied to the ADC. The
corresponding digital codes for 100 input periods were
measured by digital tester. The analog and digital voltages
are estimated from the 16 digital output code.
The 16-bit digital code is applied using digital tester to
DAC and measured the performance, and the corresponding
analog output voltages of DAC using high accuracy multi
meter [10]. The performance measurement results are shown
in the table 4. From that table we can conclude that the
Figure 8. Partial view of the control circuitry.
proposed ΣΔ modulator meets the specifications.
DNL 2.894 0.453 0.153 0.016 [10] K. Bult, G.J.G.M. Geelen, “A Fast-Settling CMOS Op Amp
INL 1.652 0.256 0.156 0.018 for SC Circuits with 90-dB DC Gain”. IEEE Journal of Solid-
State Circuits, vol. 25, pp. 1379-1384, December 1990.
[1] Karema T., Ritoniemi T., and Tenhunen H., "Fourth Order
Sigma-Delta Modulator Circuit for Digital Audio and ISDN
Applications", Proc. of European Circuit Theory and Design
Conference, 1989, pp 223-227.