A Continuous-Time Delta-Sigma Modulator Using ELD-Compensation-Embedded SAB and DWA-Inherent Time-Domain Quantizer
A Continuous-Time Delta-Sigma Modulator Using ELD-Compensation-Embedded SAB and DWA-Inherent Time-Domain Quantizer
A Continuous-Time Delta-Sigma Modulator Using ELD-Compensation-Embedded SAB and DWA-Inherent Time-Domain Quantizer
Abstract—This paper presents an energy-efficient third-order In high-order CTDSMs, several design techniques are pre-
3 bit continuous-time delta-sigma modulator (CTDSM). In this sented in prior publications to facilitate low-power operation.
work, several architectural and circuit techniques are adopted to For example, in the modulators reported in [1] and [2], some
facilitate a low-power modulator. In the loop filter design, a single-
amplifier biquad (SAB) topology is incorporated to realize the stages of the loop filter are implemented with passive resistor–
desired transfer function. With the SAB architecture, only two capacitor (RC) networks, instead of using active circuits to
amplifiers are needed for implementing a third-order CTDSM. realize the entire loop filter. In [1], the summing of the input
Furthermore, in the proposed SAB, the excess-loop-delay (ELD) and feedback signals is performed in the current or charge
compensation is implemented without using an extra summing domain at the input of the modulator; the summed current then
circuit. For the 3 bit quantizer, a time-domain quantizer is pro-
posed, where the data-weighted-averaging function is embedded charges a capacitor to realize a first-order integration function.
in this quantizer to mitigate the nonlinearity issue due to the mis- However, replacing the active op-amp integrator with a pas-
match of digital-to-analog converter (DAC) unit cells. Fabricated sive RC circuit implies that the signal summing takes place at
in a 90 nm CMOS technology and clocked at 300 MHz sampling a nonvirtual-ground node. As a result, the output of feedback
frequency, the proposed SAB-based modulator achieves a 67.2 dB digital-to-analog converter (DAC) may experience a large sig-
SNDR and a 69.3 dB SNR in an 8.5 MHz signal bandwidth. The
overall CTDSM dissipates 4.3 mW and achieves a figure-of-merit nal swing, which increases the design effort on the feedback
of 135 fJ/conversion-step. current DAC. Furthermore, without a virtual short node, the
driving capability requirement on the previous stage becomes
Index Terms—Delta-sigma modulation, excess loop delay,
single-amplifier biquad, quantizer. more demanding as the feedback DAC now directly loads
the preceding integrator stage. In [2], the modulator adopts a
I. I NTRODUCTION hybrid loop filter topology that consists of active-RC, gm-C,
and passive RC networks to implement a fifth-order modulator.
Node A DAC2
C2 C3 RE
Fig. 3. (a) System-level view focusing on the second- and third-stage inte-
grators with associated feedforward/feedback and ELD compensation signals; Fig. 5. Simulated voltage swings at node A (of Fig. 4) with different values of
(b) corresponding SAB implementation with the twin-T filter. C2 /C3 .
Fig. 6. Fast path realized by DAC2 helps to boost loop filter gain at high frequency and extend the bandwidth.
which is in series with C3 , serves to accomplish the ELD com- op-amps (modeled with an infinite GBW); 2) conventional two-
pensation (path b3 in Fig. 1), and attains partial coefficient for integrator resonator with practical op-amps (modeled with a
the s−1 term with the DAC2 current. finite gain bandwidth, GBW = 2 × fs ); and 3) the proposed
In most prior SAB-based CTDSMs, the loop filter usually SAB-based resonator with a practical op-amp (modeled with a
adopts the multiple feedforward topology to reduce internal finite GBW = 2 × fs ). The adopted op-amp model is consisted
swing and lower design complexity on feedback paths [3]–[7]. of voltage control current source, single pole implemented with
However, two feedback paths are still required to implement the resistor and capacitor, and ideal output buffer. Among these
desired transfer function. One feedback path goes through the three cases, case (1) represents the ideal design. These res-
whole loop filter and the other one is for ELD compensation. In onators are all designed to place a notch at 6.5 MHz in the
a multiple feedforward modulator, the s−1 term usually suffers overall modulator NTF.
from longer phase delay comparing to that of a multiple feed- Fig. 7 shows the three cases simulated for different types of
back modulator. The excess phase shift of the s−1 term mainly resonators and Fig. 8 plots the magnitude and phase responses
comes from two sources; one is the finite GBW of the first for the corresponding simulation results. Fig. 8(a) shows that
integrator and the other is the summing operation ahead of the the quality factor of the peaking (corresponding to notch in the
quantizer. The prolonged phase shift of the s−1 term degrades modulator NTF) in the SAB-based resonator is slightly lower
the stability of the modulator. To mitigate this effect, the op- than that attained by the two-op-amp resonators. A lower qual-
amp located in this critical path has to consume more power in ity factor may lead to a worse notch performance. However, in
order to minimize the phase. In [20], this issue is alleviated by a practical circuit-level design considering device noise, the in-
adopting a feedback path that goes through the last-stage inte- band noise is usually dominated by the circuit noise, instead
grator to realize the s−1 term to minimize the parasitic phase of the quantization noise. Therefore, the design requirement
shift. on quality factor of the notch is less crucial. Also observed in
The same principle is applied in this work, where a fast s−1 Fig. 8(a), compared to the two-integrator resonator with a finite
term is realized by injecting the feedback signal via DAC2 . GBW, the SAB-based resonator exhibits a less steep roll-off
Since the DAC2 path only experiences the delay of op-amp2 , at higher frequencies, which implies that it has a wider band-
this DAC2 path partially realizes a fast s−1 term with less width. Note that the gain response of the SAB-based resonator
propagation delay and mitigates the roll-off rate of the loop is close to that of the ideal resonator (adopting op-amps with
filter gain response. The benefit of the proposed topology infinite GBW). Benefited from only single op-amp used in a
can be observed from Fig. 6, where the gain responses of SAB-based resonator, the latency of the signal flows is reduced
loop filter transfer function H(s) with and without DAC2 are and wider unity gain bandwidth can be achieved.
compared. The transfer functions of H(s) without DAC2 is In terms of phase response behaviors, Fig. 8 shows the plots
defined as VLP (s)/Vb1 (s), while H(s) with DAC2 is defined of simulated phase for the three resonator cases. The SAB-
as VLP (s)/Vb1 (s) + VLP (s)/Vb2 (s). As seen from Fig. 6, with based topology induces less phase shift compared to that of the
the fast path realized by DAC2 , the gain response of H(s) rolls practical conventional two-integrator architecture, and is again
off at a slower rate than that of the H(s) without DAC2 path. behaving similar to the ideal case. This is mainly attributed to
This implies that the proposed loop filter can use an op-amp the shorter path delay as only one op-amp is used in the res-
designed with a relaxed GBW since the proposed SAB-based onator. In short, the attribute of wider resonator bandwidth may
modulator with the assistance of DAC2 path is more tolerant to relax the op-amp design requirement for a given design target.
delay. Next, we evaluate the overall modulators. Two cases, shown
in Fig. 9(a), a conventional third-order CTDSM and the pro-
posed SAB-based CTDSM, are studied. The conventional
C. Comparison
three-integrator CTDSM (from Fig. 2) is designed first, and
In order to evaluate the resonator behavior realized with then the SAB-based modulator (from Fig. 4) is derived by
the proposed SAB-based topology, we compare the proposed following the design guideline discussed in Section II-A. In
SAB-based resonator to that implemented with a conventional both cases, op-amps with the same finite GBW(= 2 × fs ) are
two-active-RC-integrator architecture. Three resonator cases utilized in the system simulation. The simulated magnitude
are studied: 1) conventional two-integrator resonator with ideal responses of the loop filter (H(s)) and STF are shown in
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
Fig. 7. Three cases for comparison with two resonators: (a) conventional resonator; (b) SAB-based resonator. Case 1: resonator (a) with OPideal (60 dB dc gain
and infinite GBW); Case 2: resonator (a) with OPmodel : (60 dB dc gain and 2 × fs finite GBW); Case 3: resonator (b) with OPmodel (60 dB dc gain and
2 × fs finite GBW).
Fig. 8. Comparison of (a) magnitude responses and (b) phase responses for three resonator cases.
Fig. 9(b) and(c), respectively. In both the conventional archi- consisted of OP2 and DAC2 . Therefore, this design has lower
tecture and proposed loop filter, the dominating term of system signal peaking effect than that of the multiple-feedforward
stability, first-order term, is achieved with feedback DAC2 with topology. Although the feedforward term contributed by RE
RE and only goes though the last-stage op-amp. Therefore, still results in an elevated STF peaking than that of the multiple-
the loop filter and STF frequency responses of the SAB-based feedback topology, the same feedforward path achieved by RE
CTDSM are similar to those of the conventional three-op-amp helps to lower the signal swing of OP1 and reduce the num-
modulator. The similarity between two modulators in both plots ber of DACs required to realize the entire modulator including
validates the design of transforming the original modulator into the ELD compensation. Overall, the proposed hybrid modulator
the proposed one. achieves a good compromise among STF peaking, magnitude
In short, in a conventional three-integrator CTDSM, the of internal swing, and hardware complexity on feedback paths.
design of the intermediate integrator stage, although relatively
relaxed compared to those of the first- and last-stage integra-
tor, still demands an op-amp GBW of at least larger than fs /2 III. C IRCUIT I MPLEMENTATION
[26], [28]. This integrator still consumes a notable amount
of power. With the SAB-based resonator, a high-order loop A. Architecture of the Proposed Modulator
filter is achieved with fewer active circuits. Using fewer cir- Fig. 10 shows the detailed block diagram of the imple-
cuits not only lessens the latency contributed by the loop filter mented CTDSM. It features a SAB-based third-order modulator
but also relaxes the GBW design requirement on the circuits with a 3 bit CRTDC [21]. Benefited from the proposed ELD-
along the signal path. Furthermore, the proposed SAB architec- embedded SAB topology, only two op-amps are needed to real-
ture can achieve the resonator function and ELD compensation ize the third-order modulator. For the quantization operation, a
concurrently with only single op-amp where these two func- time-domain architecture is adopted; a VTC first converts the
tions are usually implemented with separate circuit blocks in a loop filter output (VLP ) to a pulse signal, then the CRTDC dig-
conventional SAB-based resonator. itizes the pulse signal to digital codes. Meanwhile, the CRTDC
Considering the STF peaking in proposed SAB-based work shuffles these output codes in a barrel-shifting manner, which
[shown in the right of Fig. 9(a)], with the assistance of feedback helps to suppress the nonlinearity due to mismatch of DAC
path DAC2 , part of the s−1 term goes through the inner loop unit cells. To compensate for PVT variations, the loop filter
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
Gm2 M7 M8
M11 M12
Vbiasp M5 M6 Vbiasp
Von,opa RC CC CC RC V –Gmf
M3 M4
Gm1 Vbiasp Vi,opa Vo,opa
Gm1 –Gm2
Vin,opa M1 M2 Vip,opa
Vip,opa Vin,opa
M9 M10
Rbias Rbias
Fig. 11. Left: circuit schematic of the operational amplifier; right: its equivalent
Fig. 10. Block diagrams of the implemented CTDSM. C. Time-Based Quantizer—VTC and CRTDC
A conventional multibit voltage quantizer is comprised of
coefficients are made programmable by adjusting the capacitor multiple comparators. The design of these comparators entails
of the first-stage integrator and feedback currents of DAC1 and efforts in optimization of power consumption and several non-
DAC2 . To avoid undesired parasitic terms induced by inserting idealities, such as mismatch and offset voltage. The offset
additional switches into the twin-T network, the compensation voltage mismatch among comparators is known to cause modu-
mechanism is not implemented in the SAB-based resonator. lator nonlinearity and degrade the SNDR [4]. Furthermore, the
resilience of modulator to nonideality of the quantizer becomes
weaker in low-OSR designs.
In this design, to avoid the aforementioned issues in a multi-
B. Operational Amplifier bit quantizer, a time-based quantizer architecture is adopted
The op-amp adopted in this work is shown in Fig. 11. A two- [14]. The proposed overall time-based quantizer is composed
stage architecture, which is composed of a high-gain path and of two parts: a VTC and a CRTDC. The VTC converts the
a high-speed path, is employed [13], [23]. For the inner input output voltage of the loop filter into a pulse signal; next, the
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
Fig. 14. DAC1 circuit for the input stage and DAC driver.
Fig. 17. Output spectrum with the (a) DWA function disabled and (b) DWA
function enabled by configuring the TDC as a CRTDC.
Fig. 20. Measured out-of-band linearity (a) with two out-of-band tones at 11.5
and 21 MHz and (b) with two out-of-band tones at 20 and 42 MHz.
Fig. 19. Measured STF: (a) frequency span from 800 kHz to 150 MHz and
(b) close-up plot showing a maximum peaking of 6.3 dB.
test, where the frequencies of the two sinusoidal input tones are
located at 1.5 and 2 MHz. With −8 dBFS two-tone input sig- Fig. 21. SNR/SNDR versus normalized input signal level.
nals, the measured third-order intermodulation distortion (IM3)
is 71 dB below the two tones. The DWA operation results in
signal-dependent switching activities and induces second-order into the modulator to observe the in-band noise floor and the
harmonic tones [4]. In the measured result of Fig. 17(b), the in- out-of-band linearity. As shown in Fig. 20(a), the second-order
band noise is mainly dominated by the second-order harmonic intermodulation tone located at 9.5 MHz is −69 dBFS and the
tone and it may be caused by the interaction between the off- third-order intermodulation tone at 2 MHz is −86 dBFS. The
set voltage of op-amp and spiking current induced by frequent noise floor remains at a level similar to that of Fig. 17(b). To test
switching of DAC cells with the DWA function. the immunity to blocker signals at even higher frequencies, two
With the hybrid feedforward and feedback topology, the input signals of 20 and 42 MHz with −11 dBFS [tones A and B
modulator exhibits some peaking in the STF. This is observed in in Fig. 20(b)] are applied to the modulator. Fig. 20(b) shows that
measurement shown in Fig. 19. The STF is measured by sweep- the measured output spectrum and the third intermodulation
ing the input signal frequency from 800 kHz to 150 MHz. The tone at 2 MHz is −75.5 dBFS. As these intermodulation levels
measured STF with a frequency span up to 150 MHz is plot- are low and the noise floor remains similar to that without high-
ted in Fig. 19(a); a close-up plot up to 40 MHz is shown in frequency interferers, the performance loss due to eliminating
Fig. 19(b). The maximum peaking is 6.3 dB at 21 MHz and the S/H circuit is insignificant.
close to the value (∼ 7 dB) predicted by the behavior model. Fig. 21 shows the measured SNR and SNDR versus the
In the proposed time-domain quantizer, the S/H circuit, normalized input amplitudes. The modulator achieves 73 dB
which is typically required before the VTC, is eliminated for dynamic range (DR) in 8.5 MHz signal bandwidth, and the peak
low-power consideration. To test the robustness of this design SNR and peak SNDR are 69.3 and 67.2 dB, respectively.
approach, two out-of-band signals at 11.5 and 21 MHz with Table I summarizes the measured chip performance and com-
−11 dBFS amplitude [tones A and B in Fig. 20(a)] are injected pares with other CTDSM designs targeting at similar signal
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
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20 MHz signal bandwidth, 80 dB dynamic range and 12 bit ENOB,” IEEE applications including Internet of Things. He cur-
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[23] P. Shettigar and S. Pavan, “Design techniques for wideband single-bit 16 papers in first-tier IEEE conferences or journals. His research works
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background DAC linearization to achieve 63.5 dB SNDR and 81 dB In 2000, he joined Broadcom Corporation, Irvine,
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2011. he was involved in wireless transceiver develop-
[27] P. Witte, J. G. Kauffman, J. Becker, Y. Manoli, and M. Ortmanns, “A ments. In 2004, he joined the Graduate Institute
72 dB DR CT ΔΣ modulator using digitally estimated, auxiliary DAC of Electronics Engineering and the Department of
linearization achieving 88 fJ/conv in a 25 MHz BW,” in IEEE Int. Solid- Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, where he
State Circuits Conf. (ISSCC) Dig. Tech. Papers, Feb. 2012, pp. 154–155. is currently a Professor. His research interests include the design of wireless
[28] Y.-S. Shu, J.-Y. Tsai, P. Chen, T.-Y. Lo, and P.-C. Chiu, “A 28 fJ/conv- transceivers, clock and frequency generation systems, delta-sigma modulators,
step CT ΔΣ modulator with 78 dB DR and 18 MHz BW in 28 nm CMOS and transducer interface circuits.
using a highly digital multibit quantizer,” in IEEE Int. Solid-State Circuits Dr. Lin served on the IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuit Conference (A-SSCC)
Conf. (ISSCC) Dig. Tech. Papers, Feb. 2013, pp. 268–269. Technical Program Committee (TPC) from 2005 to 2011 and was the TPC Vice-
Chair for 2011 A-SSCC. He was a Guest Editor for the IEEE J OURNAL OF
Chan-Hsiang Weng received the B.S. degree from S OLID -S TATE C IRCUITS (JSSC) in 2012 and was an Associate Editor for the
the National Central University, Taoyuan, Taiwan, same journal from 2013 to 2015. He has been serving the ISSCC International
and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the National Technical Program Committee (ITPC) since 2010, and is in the ISSCC Student
Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, in 2005, 2008, and Research Preview (SRP) Committee since 2012. He was the recipient of the
2015, respectively, all in electrical engineering. Best Presentation Award for his paper presented at the 2007 IEEE VLSI-DAT
From 2008 to 2011, he was a Mixed-Signal Design Symposium, and the Best Paper Award at the same Symposium in 2015. He was
Engineer with Airoha Corp., Hsinchu, Taiwan, dur- also the recipient of the Teaching Excellence Award from the National Taiwan
ing which time he was involved in the development University in 2007, 2008, and 2014, and Exceptional Teaching Excellence
of wireless for FM, BT, and audio applications. In Award in 2009.
the summer 2013, he was an Intern with Intel Labs,
Portland, OR, USA. He is currently with Mediatek
Corp., Hsinchu, Taiwan, where he has been engaged in the design of mixed-
signal integrated circuits for wireless communications. His research interests
include data converters, temperature sensors, and mixed-signal circuit designs.
Dr. Weng was the recipient of the Intel-NTU Center Fellowship in 2014 and
2015 and the Best Paper Award for the 2015 IEEE VLSI-DAT Symposium.