(PDF) Geological Mapping Procedures
(PDF) Geological Mapping Procedures
(PDF) Geological Mapping Procedures
A. Balasubramanian
11.69 · University of Mysore
Students studying earth science subjects are expected to carry out geological mapping works in selected areas. Faculty are expected to guide
them to do their surveys and mapping regularly. This technical report helps the students and young staff to understand the basics of eld
mapping procedures.
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A geological survey is the basic professional work normally done by the geologists. A
geological survey is a systematic investigation of the geology of an area. It reflects the geology
and structure beneath a given piece of land. Surveys are conducted for the purpose of preparing
a geological map. Any geological surveying method employs several techniques including the
traditional traverses, walk-over surveys, studying the exposures, outcrops and landforms.
Geological surveys also adopt some intrusive methods, like hand augering and machine drilled
boreholes. Geological surveys also use the geophysical techniques and remote sensing methods,
such as aerial photography and satellite imagery.
Geological surveys are normally undertaken by private agencies, state government departs of
mines and geology, and national geological survey organizations. They maintain the geological
inventory of various formations, mineral deposits and resources. They keep all records for the
advancement of knowledge of geosciences for the benefit of the nation. Geological mapping are
parts of a geological survey. It involves certain procedures. This lesson highlights the methods
and procedures of geological mapping.
Geological Maps and Mapping: Geological methods rely on the identification of rocks and
minerals. They are done for getting an understanding of the environment in which they are
formed. Geological surveys aim to find what rock types occur at or close to the surface and how
these rock types are related to each other. The surveys orient to know about the disposition of
rocks and minerals, their boundaries, ages, and structures. At the end of the surveys, geologists
prepare the geological maps. The geological maps are prepared for three major purposes. They
are: For smaller scale reconnaissance works
1) For large scale underground mining
2) Engineering site planes.
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Geological mapping: Geological mapping is done to obtain and provide basic knowledge about
the prevailing field conditions, not only through direct observations but also by collecting and
analyzing rock, mineral and sediment samples. A geologist conducts field surveys and prepare
accurate geological maps by collecting samples and measuring the geometrical aspect of
outcrops. There is no substitute for a geological map. Geological mapping is normally done in a
project mode with people in a team, a set of special equipment, and a topographic base map.
Careful observations are done during the geological mapping.
Remote Sensing for Geological mapping: Today, the availability of aerial photography and
remote sensing from satellite imagery, and the computer capability for storage, recovery, and
evaluation of data are used for geologic mapping and other purposes. These methods have almost
replaced many old methods of geologic data collection, plotting, and interpretation. The Remote
sensing technology and satellite products provide the fast access to all geospatial data. Also, a
greater and finer resolution of data and images are readily available in planimetric and 3-D mode
at any desired scale and time. These data can be integrated with Geographic Information Systems
(GIS) for vertical and horizontal comparison. Maps can be combined with layers of information
on topography, minerals, water, energy, and the environment. These technological advances have
increased the usefulness of and public access to geologic maps.
Geological observations: The three basic reasons why geological field work is carried out
include exploitation of natural resources, as a requirement of the government and for academic
purposes. Good geological mapping should be executed in three phases; planning, data
collection and reporting. The data collection phase involves detailed observations. All
geological observations are marked on the base maps for future compilation and interpretation.
Base maps are used to locate the positions of people objects and structures in the field.
Geochemical Methods: Geochemical methods involve the measurement of the chemistry of the
rock, soil, stream sediments or plants to determine abnormal chemical patterns which may point
to areas of mineralisation. When a mineral deposit forms, the concentration of the ore "metals"
and a number of other elements in the surrounding rocks is usually higher than normal. These
patterns are known as primary chemical halos. When a mineral deposit is exposed to surface
processes, such as weathering and erosion, these elements become further distributed in the soil,
groundwater, stream sediments or plants and this pattern is called a secondary chemical halo.
Secondary halos aid in the search for deposits as they normally cover a greater area and therefore
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the chance of a chemical survey selecting a sample from these areas is greater than from a
primary halo area. Different elements have different "mobility" in the environment based on
their readiness to dissolve in water, their density, their ability to form compounds with other
elements and the acidity (pH) of the environment. Subsequently, the secondary halo may not
contain the "metal" for which a geochemical survey is searching but other "marker" elements.
These are commonly employed during geological surveys.
Geophysical surveys: Geophysical prospecting method are employed when there are no
exposures and the entire region is covered with soils and regoliths. These are indirect method of
finding out the hidden rock types and structures.
Geophysical survey refers to the systematic collection of geophysical data for geospatial studies.
Geophysical surveys are conducted using a great variety of sensing instruments. The data are
collected from above or below the Earth's surface. Sometimes the data are collected from aerial,
orbital, or marine platforms. Geophysical surveys have many applications in Earth science,
archaeology, mineral and energy exploration, oceanography, and engineering. Geophysical
surveys are part of the geological surveys.
Base maps and other Maps: During the preliminary phase, all existing data and maps of the
area of study are to be collected and analysed. All suitable maps available like the physical,
political, relief, road, physical, and topographic maps are to be seen first. These are to be carried
to the field as it is possible that details in one may not be present in another. Most importantly,
for a geological fieldwork, a handy base map is expected to be used as a reference. Depending
on the areal extent of the field and the detail required, the scale of the map is to be chosen as it is
an important aspect to be considered.
Geological investigations: Geological investigations normally start with base maps, run through
the field areas and end in laboratory analysis of samples. The ultimate aim is to explain the
geology and structure of the area. The approach is highly practical. The first geologic map was
prepared, in the world, to solve a practical
problem involving the distribution of different types of rocks at and near the Earth’s surface.
Most building materials, except wood, are from various specific rocks and rock products.
Geological investigations are the basic needs for a country. A geologic map graphically
communicates important information about the distribution of rocks and unconsolidated
materials at and near the Earth’s surface. All are done by the geologists.
Basic skills of a Geologist: Geologists spend most of their time in the field and also in the
laboratories. Their mind should be conservative and sympathetic to country-side environment
and people of rural areas. The flowing are areas of concern to a geologist:
a) Field behavior.
b) Safety
c) Ancillary skills
d) Courage to carryout independent mapping.
Field Behaviour: When conducting surveys in some enclosed areas the gates should not be left
open, people should avoid climbing dry stone, walls should not leave litter or disturb
communities of plants and animals. While collecting specimens do not strip or spoil sites, where
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type fossils or rare minerals occur. People should take only what is needed. It is necessary to ask
permission to enter a land from land owners or anthorities.
Safety: Any geologist must be physically and mentally fit to work in the field. Even in a rugged
area, mountainous terrain, poor weather, difficult climate and challenging situations .Geological
works are prone to have physical hazards which are to handled with care and safety. Experience
is the best teacher but commonsense is a good substitute during field mapping.
Ancillary skill: A geologist should be able to draw ,swim, drive ride and record in any type of
conditions. He should be able to ride horses, in some areas, and walk slopes, they should clamber
up and conduct surveys on cliffs and escarpments.
Independent mapping ability: Every geological mapping project is time-consume and mind
depressing, especially when carry out alone .no matter how many hours are spend the
compilation of all little information collected from the field ,will certainly make an outstanding
contribution to the knowledge of geology of the area. People should not lose heart at the
begging. They should not be frustrated.
Field Equipment and tools: Geological mapping requires a lot of small ,small field equipment
and tools are
a) Hammer and chisels
b) Compasses ,clinometers and camera
c) Hard lenses and Tapes
d) Map cases and Field note books
e) Scales and Protractors
f) Acid Bottles and Hand gloves
g) GPS, pedometers and altimeters
h) Stereo net and stereoscopes.
In addition to these pencil, erasers and a jack- knife are needed in the field.
Hammers and Chisels: Geologist need a hammer and some chisels .These are used to break the
rock and get samples.1 Kg hammer is the most use full one in a resistive hard rock, Hammer
should be fitted with a good wooden or fiber glass handle or a steel shaft. Normally a 45cm
chisel with 2.5cm cutting edge is used in the field. Chipping a rock samples should be done
carefully. People should were safety glasses.
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of this circle, a pivot holds the magnetic needle which is marked with red point to denote the
north direction. The compass is attached to a mirror lid with a hinge. There is an axial line
marked in the mirror, At the opposite end of the mirror, there is a sig arm equipped with a slit
and an Peep sight. The compass is also containing a Bulls eye level to denote horizontality of
the equipment. There is a clinometers to denote the vertical drop provision which helps to detect
the angle of inclination of the axis of the Brunton compass oriented along the axial line, which
can indicate the direction of elongation and measurement.
Method of measuring the dip: Brunton compass is useful in determining the dip direction of
any dipping strata. The clinometers kept inside the case is a free-fall type unit denoting the
vertical position always, By orienting the axis of the Brunton along the dipping strata, the dip
angle between the vertical plane and direction of the strata could be determined.
Other tools: At the time of conducting a geological survey and carrying out geological mapping
there is a need to use map cases, field notebook, scales, Protractors, stereonets, pedometers and
hand gloves. Acid bottles are also carried to test and distinguish carbonate minerals or
limestones.10% HCL is the normal or acid used in the field, kept in tiny dropping bottles.
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First aid kit: Safety in the field is always a priority; nevertheless accidents cannot be ruled out.
There is need to be prepared with a first aid kit. It is crucial that at least one person in the field
crew should have been trained in basic first aid techniques.
GPS:A global positioning system is needed for conduction geological surveys, It helps in
detecting the latitude, longitude, altitude and other. Geospatial parameters with precision and
accuracy, A GPS needs a line-of-sight to several satellites for getting the way-points. Grid
references of toposheets are accurately indicated with other benchmarks for locating the outcrops
during geological mapping works.
Surface mapping methods: Mapping superficial Deposits, Drilling ,logging and geophysical
measurements ,Underground mapping, pitting, trenching, augering and loaming are some of the
subsurface mapping method adopted during surface geological mapping.
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Cross-section traverse: These are done in structurally complex geological terrain by plotting a
set of cross sections and compiling them. Streams and ridges traverses give excellent semi-
continuous exposures and in places where the slopes are partly covered by colluvium. Locating a
position on streams is relatively an easy method from the shape and direction of bends, position
of islands, waterfalls and streams junction. In a dense and thick mountainous forest, the only way
to locate on the base map is to find out the way along the river courses.
Ridge Traverses: Ridges and the spars are excellent traverse locations during geological
mapping. They can be indentified easily on a map or aerial photograph. Exposures are normal
clear in ridges .Since, ridges are more erosion-resistant rocks, they tend to follow and indicate
the strike directions clearly.
Road Traverses: A very rapid reconnaissance of an unmapped area can be made along tracks
and roads ad by following paths between them. Road cuttings in mountainous exposures for
mapping. Several stratigraphic successions can be easily mapped and traced along such road
Exposure mapping: Mapping by exposures is the major method of geological mapping .It is
done at the scales of 1:10000 and l arger. Exposure mapping shows the factual evidence on which
interpretations are made .It shows what has been seen and inferred. A form line map is prepared
based on the interpretation of the form of geological structure.
Poorly exposed Regions: In some places, rocks are poorly exposed .They are mostly covered
and hidden by vegetation. They may show poor exposures due to coverage by weathered
regoliths of all rocks. Mica schist forms the poorest exposure but show all evidence along the
footpaths. In some places ,when trees are uprooted due to storm events, rocks are exposed for
observations. In addition, road cuttings, railway cutting and in other man made /animal –made
excavations, rock types are expected to be exposed for mapping.
Soil as an Indicator: Soil, if they are not transported. reflect the parent rocks existing beneath
their sandy soils are indicative of rocks containing more quarts, clayey soils are from Kankan
and weathered Dolerites and other basic rocks tend produce distinctive red-brown soils. More to
acidic igneous rocks form lighter colored soils in which mica may be visible .Any soil depend on
parent rock ,climate age and other factors. Their association with specific rocks may help in
mapping the rock bodies.
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Vegetational guides: Plants are good indicators of some elements present in the rocks beneath
them. Some are typical around lime stones, on some acid rocks and on serpentinous rocks. Flora
are capable of indicating the varieties of rocks ,in an indirect way ,when they are natural. Some
plants can indicate metallic ores too .there are many copper indicative plants, uranium indicative
plants and even gold indicative plants.
Test Drilling: Test drilling are commonly employed to locate formation at depths. They are also
done to confirm their presence when there is a gap in other information, and also when there is a
need to find out the details of structure and their geometry. There are two kinds of drilling
methods adopted as percussion and rotary drills. In percussion drills, rocks are fully crushed and
powdered or drilled using a ring like drill bit to obtain a core sample. In rotary drills, only
crushed products will come up for identification.
Types of Drilling Methods: Drilling is used to obtain very detailed information about rock
types, mineral content, rock fabric and the relationships between rock layers close to the surface
and at depth. Drilling is only used in areas that have been selected as "targets" from geological,
geophysical and/or geochemical methods.
Four drilling methods are widely used, each depending on the type of information required
and/or the rock types being drilled. Air-rotary drilling-this is a quick and economical method of
producing a sample. This method is used in soft rock materials to about 25m deep, or to drill
through the top layer of decomposed rock and soil to get a fresh rock sample from the bedrock
below. Air-percussion drilling-this method is used for penetrating hard rock types to a depth of
around 300m. As in air-rotary drilling, rock chips are brought to the surface by the returning air.
Mud-rotary drilling method is used for drilling through soft rocks, sand and clay layers
especially in the search for coal, oil or gas. This method is used for holes up to 3km deep and
can be done from ships or offshore platforms especially in the search for oil and/or gas.
Diamond core drilling method is employed using industrial diamonds for drilling through rock
layers. This provides a "core" of rock being left in the centre of the pipe. This core is recovered
and gives information not only about the rock types, but also about the relationships between the
rock layers in detail.
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Reporting: Geologic reports and maps prepared to assist in public decision making. Geologic
maps and reports can be used in regional-scale environmental and resource management
planning documents to assist geologists, engineers and land-use planners in making decisions
that affect public health and safety, critical environmental habitats, water quality, uses of public
lands, and help identify areas where more detailed geologic studies are needed. It is often said
that a report is as good as its data collected from a field work. It is necessary that there is a need
to collect very clear and accurate data. Nothing can be overemphasized. Ultimately when all
possible available data are collected, then they are taken back to the aboratory for sorting,
interpretation and analysis. This phase is the most challenging phase. Any wrong analysis or
misinterpretation of data can lead to an inaccurate report and in consequence misinformation.
Interpreting geological maps: Once a geological map is complete, then the most important task
is interpreting it correctly. A map is basically a visual summary of an entire report and the two
should complement each other. When the
interpretation process is at hand, it is crucial to have group discussions with all those involved in
actual fieldwork. It is also deemed important to have discussions with those who are experienced
in the
field of geology as well as other related scientific fields of the area.
Quality and Interpretations: Basically, the quality of a geologic map will depend upon the
accuracy and the precision of the field work. The interpretation of a geological map depends on
adequate training, interest and the techniques used. It is necessary to visualise the scenarios that
might have been involved during the formation processes of geological features displayed in
maps while analysing the geological maps. The ability to form a three- dimensional image from
a two dimensional map, is in real sense, a major part of the geologic map interpretations.
Uses of Geological Maps: A Geologic map helps to protect groundwater resources. The
geologic maps are also used for habitat prediction. Geologic maps are used to evaluate the
mineral resources. Geologic maps are also used to delineates the landslide prone areas. Geologic
map guides to delineate the earthquake-prone areas and help in damage prediction. Geologic map
delineates volcanic hazards and aids in the mitigation of earthquake damage, cyclone damage,
tsunami damage,etc. Geologic maps show the locations of exploring sand and gravel resources.
Geologic maps identify the economic resources and mining areas. A Geologic map guides
transportation planning.
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Conclusion: Geologic maps are useful tools. They provide many information for economic
resource discovery and development. The are useful in the design of buildings, canals, roads,
and drainage of farmland, environmental planning, and development. It is essential to know the
procedures of conducting geological surveys and mapping the earth’s features. There are lot
more aspects to learn in this topic alone. Geological mapping is fundamental to every earth
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