Basics A. What Is Air? (Definition of Air)
Basics A. What Is Air? (Definition of Air)
Basics A. What Is Air? (Definition of Air)
Air is made of atoms and molecules, like everything else. Air is a gas, therefore
whatever atoms and molecules it consists of, these are quite far apart from
each other.
We don't feel the weight of air nor do balloons seem heavy. It is true
that for the same volume, air is lighter than liquid or solids. But there are many
miles of air above us pushing down with incredible weight.
Normally the air gets cooler as we go higher, but sometimes the air near
the ground is colder than the air above it. Because cold air is heavier, it will
stay close to the ground. This traps pollutants. This condition is common in
Phoenix in the winter and results in the infamous brown cloud.
Since air is invisible it's easy to think of it just being still because we've
heard the phrases, "calm air" and "the air was still". However, even when air is
not blowing, it is far from being still.
This means that if a small air leak develops in the vacuum of space, air
molecules rush out over a 1,000 miles per hour. There is no atmosphere to hold
back the leak.
The air around us is being compressed by all of the air above us. The
closer the air is to the ground the more weight is on it, and the more
compressed (or dense) it is. That means the air at the top of an object is not
as dense as the air under objects. In fact the air around us is constantly trying
to lift everything because the air below objects press a bit harder than the air
above the object.
The balloon rises because the air pushing on the bottom of the balloon
has a greater force than the downward force of the air on top of the balloon
plus the balloon's own weight. In the case of the bowling ball, the red weight
arrow is so large, the upward lift from the bottom air goes unnoticed.
So the real reason hot air balloons float, is NOT "Hot Air Rises." It's
because the air pressing on the lower half of the balloon is greater than the
combined air pressing on the upper half and the weight of the balloon. All the
hot air does is to reduce the weight of the air in the balloon. Hot air is more
spread out than cool air, so it's lighter. When the burner is on the air inside is
heated and as it expands much of it goes out the bottom of the balloon. This
reduces the red arrow, which represents the total weight of the balloon.
c. Nature of air
e. Types of air
The ozone layer is the Earth's natural sunscreen, filtering out harmful
ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun. UV rays can cause damage to humans and
other forms of life.
One of the chemicals used that damages the ozone layer is a refrigerant
gas known as R22. This gas (a hydrochlorofluorocarbon or HCFC) is one of the
last remaining ozone depleting substances that is in common use. However,
the use of R22 for service and maintenance is now banned.
It is obvious that Pollution in Air has an adverse effect upon the health of all living
beings. Acidity of rain water and the deposition of solids on the leaves of the plants
are also the effects of air pollution
Air pollution causes acid rain, reduces visibility, damages wildlife, contributes to
eutrophication and depletion of the ozone layer. In addition, air pollution leads to
global warming hence resulting in global climate change.
It is obvious that Pollution in Air has an adverse effect upon the health of all living
beings. It is our duty to preserve air which is an important natural resource. Regular
Emission tests of vehicles, planting of trees in affected areas etc. will help us to control
air pollution to an extent.Without air there would not be any survival.
Defy Aging
Who knew doing something as simple as breathing air can delay the early signs
of aging? But it can! Breathing exercises help alleviate stress and keep healthy cells,
well, healthy! According to scientists, aging is caused by a variety of factors, including
stress and cell damage.
Whenever you feel stressed out, take a deep breath and close your eyes. Count
your breathing until you feel yourself starting to relax. Do this every time things at
home or at work gets too overwhelming.
Developing your own breathing exercises help ease the nerves, calm the mind,
and relieve anxiety. When the body is getting enough oxygen, the cells remain healthy
and resistant to damage. Overall, breathing fresh air is good for the body, inside and
A breath of fresh air is literally good for the brain. Researchers at the Human
cognitive Neuroscience Unit in Northumbria tracked two groups of participants to see
how oxygen can boost cognitive functions. The first group was exposed to pure oxygen
and the second group to normal air. The group exposed to pure oxygen was able to
remember up to 20% more words from a given list than participants who breathe
normal air. So the next time your mind’s foggy and you need to focus, take a breather!
Fresh air makes even the most difficult task easier.
Boosts Energy
If you are a frequent traveler, then you might be familiar with the usual
annoyances that come with being jetlagged. Apart from feeling tired and sleepy, jet
lag causes a dip in energy. And when you are feeling tired, the body is not getting
enough oxygen in the bloodstream. Taking a breather is a quick way to energize the
body and invigorate the mind. Of course, nothing beats a good nap!
Speeds Up Healing
Ever wonder why professional athletes recover from injuries and intense
training faster than normal people? Footballers, runners, and basketball players turn
to oxygen therapy to help them speed up recovery time. Breathing oxygen is proven
as an effective method to boost healing. In fact, health professionals recommend
oxygen therapy to patients who want to recover quickly from an operation or injuries.
Breathing pure oxygen does not benefit professional athletes and recovering patients
alone. You can turn to oxygen therapy to improve health and well-being too!
Pure oxygen helps detoxify the system, purging the body clean of toxins that
harm the health. It works by oxygenating the blood. When the blood is oxygenated,
it works efficiently to remove toxins in the system. These toxins are expelled from the
body harmlessly as waste.
The strong immune system makes the body resistant to common infections and
diseases including flu, colds, and cough. Although there are different ways to keep the
immune system healthy, breathing clean air is a factor that keeps the immune system
in tiptop shape. Combined with balanced diet and exercise, breathing clean air
promotes immunity.