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ANSVAWS A51 UA51 4M-97

An American National Standard

Specification for
Nickel and
Nickel-Alloy Bare
Welding Electrodes
and Rods

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services
Key WOrdS-Nickel, nickel-alloy, bare welding ANSVAWS A5.14/A5.14M-97
electrodes, strip, rods, filler metal An American National Standard
Approved by
American National Standards Institute
December 8,1997

Specification for
Nickel and Nickel-Alloy Bare
Welding Electrodesand Rods

Supersedes ANSI/AWS A5.14-89

Prepared by
AWS Committee on Filler Metals

Under the Direction of

AWS Technical Activities Committee

Approved by
AWS Board of Directors

The chemical compositionsof more thanthirty nickel and nickel-alloy welding electrodes and rods are specified, in-
cluding ten compositions not previously classified. Major topics include general requirements, testing, packaging and
application guidelines.
This specification makes use of both U.S. Customary Unitsand the International System of Units (SI). Since these are
not equivalent, each systemmust be usedindependently of the other.

American Welding Society

550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, Florida33126

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services

STD=AWS AS=L4fl-ENGL L997 0784265


Statement on Useof AWS Standards

All standards (codes, specifications, recommended practices, methods, classifications, and guides)of the American
Welding Society are voluntary consensus standardsthat have been developed in accordance withthe rules of the Ameri-
can National StandardsInstitute. When AWS standards are either incorporated in, or made part of, documents that are
included in federal or state laws and regulations, or the regulations of other governmental bodies,their provisions carry
the full legal authority of the statute. In such cases, any changes in those AWS standards must be approved by the gov-
ernmental body having statutory jurisdiction before they can become apart of those laws and regulations. In all cases,
these standards carry the full legal authority of the contract or other document that invokes the AWS standards. Where
this contractual relationship exists, changes in or deviations from requirementsof an AWS standard must be by agree-
ment between the contracting parties.

International Standard Book Number: 0-87 17 1-543-0

American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL33126

O 1998 by American Welding Society. All rights reserved

Printed in the United States of America

Note: The primary purposeof AWS is to serve and benefit its members. To this end, AWS provides a forumfor the ex-
change, consideration, and discussion of ideas and proposals that are relevant to the welding industryand the consensus
of which forms the basis for these standards. By providing such a forum,AWS does not assume any duties to which a
user of these standardsmay be required to adhere. By publishing this standard, the American Welding Society does not
insure anyone using the information it contains against any liability arising from that use. Publication of a standard by
the American Welding Society does not carry with it any right to make, use, or sell any patented items. Users of the in-
formation in this standard should make an independent, substantiating investigation of the validity of that information
for their particular use and the patent status of any item referred to herein.
With regard to technical inquiries made concerning AWS standards, oral opinions on AWS standards may be rendered.
However, such opinions represent onlythe personal opinionsof the particular individuals giving them. Theseindividuals
do not speak onbehalf of AWS, nordo these oral opinions constitute official or unofficial opinions or interpretations of
AWS. In addition, oral opinions are informal and should not be used as a substitute for an official interpretation.
This standard issubject to revision at any time by the AWS Committee onFiller Metals. It must be reviewed everyfive
years and if not revised, it must be either reapproved or withdrawn. Comments (recommendations,additions, or dele-
tions) and any pertinent data that may be of use in improving this standard are requested and should be addressed to
AWS Headquarters. Such commentswill receive careful consideration by the AWS Committee onFiller Metals and the
author of the comments will be informed of the Committee's responseto the comments. Guests are invited to attend all
meetings of the AWS Committee on Filler Metals to express their comments verbally. Procedures for appealof an ad-
verse decision concerningall such comments are provided in the Rules of Operation of the TechnicalActivities Commit-
tee. A copy of these Rules can be obtained from the American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL
33 126.
Photocopy Rights
Authorization to photocopy items for internal, personal, or educational classroom useonly, or the internal, personal, or
educational classroom useonly of specific clients, is grantedby the American Welding Society (AWS) provided that the
appropriate fee is paid to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923; Tel: 508-750-
8400; online: http:\\

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

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AWS Committee on Filler Metals
R. A. LaFave, Chair Elliott Company
J. P. Hunt, 1st Vice Chair Consultant
D. A. Fink, 2nd Vice Chair The LincolnElectric Company
H. M. Woodward, Secretary American Welding Society
*R. L. Bateman Electromanufacturas,S . A.
R. S. Brown Carpenter Technology Corporation
R. A. Bushey ESAB Welding and Cutting Products
J. Caprarola, Jr Consultant
*L. J. Christensen Consultant
R. J. Christoffel Consultant
D. D. Crockett The LincolnElectric Company
R. A. Daemen Hobart Brothers Company
D. A. DelSignore Consultant
R. L. Drury III Caterpillar, Incorporated
H.W Ebert Exxon Research and Engineering Company
J. G. Feldstein Foster WheelerEnergy International
S.E, Ferree ESAB Welding and Cutting Products
L. Flasche Haynes International, Incorporated
C. E. Fuerstenau Alloy Ring Service
G. Hallstrom, Jr Hallstrom Consultants
R. B. Kadiyala Techalloy Company
D. J. Kotecki The LincolnElectric Company
N, E. Larson Compressed Gas Industries
A. S.Laurenson Consultant
J. S. Lee Chicago Bridge and Iron Company
G. H. MacShane MAC Associates
W A. Marttila Chrysler Corporation
R. Menon Stoody Company
M. ;I:Merlo Select Arc, Incorporated
A. R. Mertes Ampco Metal, Incorporated
M. D. Morin ABB Power Generation
C. L. Null Department of the Navy
J. J. Payne Sverdrup Technology, Incorporated
R. L. Peaslee Wall Colmonoy Corporation
E. W Pickering Consultant
M. A. Quintana The Lincoln Electric Company
*H.F: Reid Consultant
*S. D. Reynolds, JI: Consultant
L. E Roberts Canadian Welding Bureau
I? K . Salvesen Det Norske Veritas (DNV)
J. M. Sawhill, Jr Newport News Shipbuilding
A. P. Seidler Extrusion Technology Corporation
W S. Severance ESAB Welding and Cutting Products
W?A. Shopp Editorial Consultant


COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services
AWS Committee on FillerMetals (Continued)
M. S.Sierdzinski ESAB Weldingand CuttingProducts
*R. G. Sim TheLincoln Electric Company (Australia)
E. R. Stevens Fisher ControlsInternational
*R. W Straiton Bechtel
R. A. Sulit Digital Systems Research
R. A. Swain EuroWeld, Limited
R. D.Thomas, JI: R. D. Thomasand Company
K. R Thornberry J. W. Harris Company, Incorporated
*R. Timerman Conarco, S. A.
G. J. Vytanovych Mobil Technical Company
7: R. Warren Ingalls Shipbuilding,
H. D. Wehr Arcos
L. T Vernam AlcoTecWire Company
*E J. Winsor Consultant
K. G. Wold SiemensPowerCorporation

AWS Subcommittee on Nickel and Nickel-Alloy Filler Metals

L. Flasche, Chair Haynes International, Incorporated
H. M. Woodward, Secretuly American Welding Society
E S. Babish Sandvik Steel Company
R. S. Brown Carpenter Technology Corporation
c. W cox Inco AlloysInternational, Incorporated
*D. A. DelSignore Consultant
J. F: Fruwley Westinghouse Electric Company
*J. I? Hunt Consultant
R. C. Jewel1 CSA North America
R. B. Kadiyala Techalloy Company
G. A. Kurisky Maryland SpecialtyWire
E B. Lake ESAB Group, Incorporated
R. Menon Stoody Company
R. A. Swain Euroweld, Limited
*J. W Tackett Consultant
*S. Tsutsumi Kobe Steel, Limited
J. F: Turner Consultant
H. D. Wehr Arcos Alloys


COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services

STDmAWS A5.19M-ENGL 1997 07842b5 0509095 b T 7

(This Foreword is not a part of AWS A5.14IA5.14M-97, Specification for Nickel and Nickel-Alloy Bare Welding
Electrodes and Rods, but is included for information purposes only.)
This documentis the first of the A5.14 specifications which makes use of both U.S. CustomaryUnits and theInterna-
tional System of Units (SI). The measurements are not exact equivalents; therefore, each system must be used indepen-
dently of the other, without combiningvalues in any way. In selecting rational metric units the ANSYAWS AI.1, Metric
Practice Guide for the Welding Industry, and International Standard IS0 864, Solid Wires for Gas Shielded Metal Arc
Welding of Mild Steel - Dimensions of Wires, Spools,Rims and Coils, are used where suitable. Tables and figures make
use of both U.S. Customary and SI Units, which with the application of the specified tolerances provides for inter-
changeability of products in both the U.S. Customary and SI Units.
The first specification for bare nickel and nickel-alloy weldingelectrodes and rods wasprepared by a joint committee
of the American Society for Testing and Materials and the American Welding Society and was issued in 1956. Eight
years later, the first revision was prepared by the joint committee. This is the fifth revision prepared exclusivelyby the
AWS Committee on Filler Metals.
Document Development
ASTM B304-56T Tentative Specification for Nickel
AWS A5.14-56T
Nickel-Base Alloy
Welding Filler Metals
AWS A5.14-64T Tentative Specification for Nickel
ASTM B304-64T Nickel
Rodsand Electrodes
AWS A5.14-69T Specification for Nickel
ANSI W3.14-1973 Alloy
Rodsand Electrodes
ANSYAWS A5.14-76 Specification for NickelandNickelAlloyBareWeldingRodsand Electrodes
ANSYAWS A5.14-83 Specification for NickelandNickelAlloyBareWelding Rods and Electrodes
ANSYAWS A5.14-89 Specification for NickelandNickelAlloyBareWelding Electrodes and Rods
Comments and suggestions for the improvement of this standard are welcome. They shouldbe sent to the Secretary,
Committee onFiller Metals, American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami,FL 33126.
Official interpretations of any of the technical requirements of this standard may beobtained by sending a request, in
writing, to the Managing Director, Technical Services Division, American Welding Society. A formal reply will be
issued after it has been reviewed by the appropriate personnel followingestablished procedures.

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services
Table of Contents
Page No.
Personnel .................................................................................................................................................................... 111
Foreword ................................................................................................................................................................... V
List of Tables .............................................................................................................................................................. vii
List of Figures ............................................................................................................................................................ vii
1 . Scope .................................................................................................................................................................... i
Part A-General Requirements
2 . Normative References.......................................................................................................................................... 1
3 . Classification ........................................................................................................................................................ 1
4. Acceptance ........................................................................................................................................................... 1
5 . Certification ......................................................................................................................................................... 1
6 . Units of Measure and Rounding-Off Procedure.................................................................................................. 6
Part B-Tests, Procedures, and Requirements
7. Summary of Tests ................................................................................................................................................. 6
8. Retest .................................................................................................................................................................... 6
9. Chemical Analysis ............................................................................................................................................... 6
Part C-Manufacture, Identijìcation, and Packaging
1 O. Method of Manufacture ....................................................................................................................................... 6
11. Standard Sizes ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
12. Finish and Uniformity .......................................................................................................................................... 7
13. Standard Package Forms...................................................................................................................................... 7
14. Winding Requirements......................................................................................................................................... 7
15. Filler Metal Identification .................................................................................................................................. 10
16. Packaging ........................................................................................................................................................... 10
17. Marking of Packages.......................................................................................................................................... 10
Annex-Guide to AWS Specification for Nickel and Nickel-Alloy Bare Welding Electrodes and Rods
Al . Introduction...................................................................................................................................................... 11
A2 . Classification System ...................................................................................................................................... 11
A3 . Acceptance....................................................................................................................................................... 11
A4 . Certification ..................................................................................................................................................... 12
A5 . Ventilation During Welding ............................................................................................................................. 13
A6 . Welding Considerations................................................................................................................................... 13
A7 . Description and Intended Useof Electrodes and Rods ................................................................................... 13
A8 . Special Tests .................................................................................................................................................... 16
A9 . Discontinued Classifications ........................................................................................................................... 17
A10 . Safety Considerations ...................................................................................................................................... 17
AWS Filler Metal Specificationsby Material and Welding Process .......................................................................... 21
AWS Filler Metal Specifcations and Related Documents ........................................................................................ 23


COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services
List of Tables
Table Page No.
1 Chemical Composition Requirements for Nickel andNickel-Alloy Electrodes and Rods ........................... 2
2 Standard Sizes of Electrodes and Rods.......................................................................................................... 7
3 Standard Sizes ofStrip Electrodes................................................................................................................. 7
4 Standard Package Dimensions and Weights.................................................................................................. 8
Al Comparison of Classifications .................................................................................................... ................12
A2 Typical Weld Metal Tensile Strengths ..................... ......................... ........................................................... 17
A3 Discontinued Classifications.......................................................................................................................... 18

List of Figures
Figure Page No.
1 DimensionsofStandardSpools ..................................................................................................................... 9


COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services
-~ ~

STDmAWS A5-14fl-ENGL 1997 W O7842650509098 30b W

Specification for Nickel and Nickel-Alloy

Bare Welding Electrodes andRods

1. Scope 3. Classification
This specification prescribes requirements for the 3.1 The welding filler metals covered by the A5.14/
classification of bare nickel and nickel-alloy welding A5.14M-97 specification are classified using a system
electrodes, strip electrodes,and welding rods. It includes that is independent of U S . Customary Units andthe Inter-
those compositions where the nickel content exceeds that national System of Units (SI). Classification isaccording
of any other element. to the chemical composition of the filler metal, as speci-
fied in Table 1.

3.2 A filler metal classified under one classification shall

Part A not be classified under any other classification in this
General Requirements specification.

3.3 The filler metals classified under this specification

2. Normative References are intended for use with the plasma arc, gas metal arc,
gas tungsten arc, and submerged arc welding processes,
2.1 The following ANSVAWS standards' are referenced but this is not to prohibit their use with anyother process
in the mandatory sections of this document: for which they are found suitable.
(1) ANSYAWS Al.1, Metric Procedure Guidefor the
Welding Industry.
( 2 ) ANSI/AWS A5.01, Filler Metal Procurement
4. Acceptance
2.2 The following ASTM standards2 are referenced in
Acceptance3 of the filler metal shall be in accordance
the mandatory sections of this document:
(1) ASTM E29, Practice for Using Sign$cant Digits in with the provisions of ANSIIAWS A5.01, Filler Metal
Test Data to Determine Conformance with Spec$cations. Procurement Guidelines.
( 2 ) ASTM E38, Standard Methods for Chemical
Analysis of Nickel-Chromium and Nickel-Chromium-
Iron Alloys.
(3) ASTM E76, Standard Methods for Chemical 5. Certification
Analysis of Nickel-Copper Alloys.
By affixing the AWS Specification and Classification
designations to the packaging, or the classification to the
1. AWS standards can be obtained from the American Welding
Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126.
2. ASTM standards canbe obtained from the American Society 3. See Annex Section A3, Acceptance, for further information
for Testing and Materials, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Con- concerning acceptance and testing ofthe material shipped, and
shohocken. PA 19428-2959. ANSYAWS A5.01, Filler Metal Procurement Guidelines.

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services
= 0784265 0509099 242

S T D - A W S AS-14H-ENGL L997

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COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services

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COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services
STDmAWS A 5 - 1 4 M - E N G L 1997 07842b5 0509101 720

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COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services

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COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services
STD-AWS AS=L4"ENGL B997 0784265 0509l103 5T3

product, the manufacturer certifies that the product meets not meeting the requirements of this specification for that
the requirements of this specification." classification.
In the event that, during preparation or after comple-
tion of any test, it is clearly determined that prescribed or
6. Units of Measure and Rounding- proper procedures were not followed in preparing test
Off Procedure specimen(s) or in conducting the test, the test shall be
considered invalid, without regard to whether the test
6.1 This specification makes use of both U.S. Customary was actually completed, or whether test results met, or
Units and the International System of Units (SI). The failed to meet, the requirement. That test shall be re-
measurements are not exact equivalents; therefore, each peated, following proper prescribed procedures. In this
system must be used independently of the other without case, the requirement for doubling of the number of test
combining values in any way. The specification with specimens doesnot apply.
designation AS.14-97 uses U.S. Customary Units. The
specification with the designation AS.14M-98 uses SI
Units. The latter are shown in appropriate columnsin ta-
bles and in figures, and within brackets [ ] when used in
9. Chemical Analysis
text. 9.1 A sample of the filler metal, or the stock from which
it was made, shall be prepared for chemical analysis.
6.2 For the purpose of determining conformance with
this specification, an observed or calculated value shall 9.2 The sample shall be analyzed by accepted analytical
be rounded to the nearest unit in the last right-hand place methods. Thereferee method shall be either ASTM E38,
of figures used in expressing the limiting value in accor- Standard Methods for Chemical Analysisof Nickel-
dance with the rounding-off method given in ASTM Chromium and Nickel-Chromium-IronAlloys, or ASTM
E29, Standard Practice for Using Significant Digits in E76, Standard Methods for Chemical Analysisof Nickel-
Tests to Determine Conformance with Specìjìcations. Copper Alloys,as appropriate.

9.3 The results of the analysis shall meet the require-

ments set forth in Table 1, for the classification of filler
Part B metal under test.
Tests, Procedures, and Requirements

7. Summary of Tests Part C

Chemical analysis of the filler metal, or the stock
Manufacture, Identification, and
from which it was made, is the only test required for Packaging
classification of a product underthis specification.

10. Method of Manufacture

8. Retest
The filler metals classified according to this specifica-
If the results of any test failto meet the requirement of tion may be made by any method that will produce mate-
that test, that test shall be repeated twice. The results of rial that meetsthe requirements of this specification.
both retests shall meet the requirement. Material for re-
test may be taken from the original test sample or from a
new sample. Retest need be only for those specific ele- 11. Standard Sizes
ments that failed to meet the test requirement.
If the results of one or both retests fail to meet the re- 11.1 Standard sizes for filler metal in the different pack-
quirement, the material under test shall be considered as age forms (straight lengths, coils with support, coils
without support, and spools (see Section 13) are shown
in Table 2.
4. See Annex Section A4, Certification, for further information
concerning certification and the testing called for to meet this 11.2 Standard sizes for strip electrodes in coils (see Sec-
requirement. tion 13) are shown in Table 3.

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

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~- -~

STD.AWS A5.14fl-ENGL 1777 0784265 0507304 4 3 T m


Table 2 13. Standard Package Forms

Standard Sizes of Electrodes and Rodsa 13.1 Standard package forms are straight lengths, coils
Toleranceb Diameter with support, coilswithout support, and spools. Standard
Standard package dimensions and weights for eachform are given
Package Form in. mm in. mm in Table 4. Package forms, sizes andweights other than
coils with supports
1 these shall be as agreed between purchaser and supplier.
13.2 The liners in coils with support shall be designed
and constructed to prevent distortion of the coil during
supports 1/8 +0.01,
4.0 5/32 normal handling and use and shall be clean and dry
enough to maintain the cleanlinessof the filler metal.
13.3 Spools shall be designed and constructed to prevent
distortion of the filler metal during normal handling and
use and shall be clean and dry enough to maintain the
cleanliness of the filler metal (See Figure 1).
0.062 1.6
(1116) 14. Winding Requirements
Notes: 14.1 Filler metal on spools and in coils shallbe wound so
a. Dimensions, sizes, tolerances, and package forms other than those
shown shall be agreed upon by the purchaser and supplier.
that kinks, waves, sharp bends, overlapping, or wedging
h. Out of roundness (the difference between the major and minor are not encountered, leaving the fillermetal free to un-
diameters) shall not exceed one-half of the tolerance. wind without restriction. The outside end of the filler
c. Length shall be 36 in. +O, -U2 in. [900 mm i 2%].
d. Metric sizes not shown in I S 0 864.
metal (the end with which welding is to begin) shall be
identified so that it can be readily located and shall be
fastened to avoid unwinding.
Table 3
14.2 The cast and helix of filler metal in coils shall be
Standard Sizes of Strip Electrodesalb
such that the filler metal will feed in an uninterrupted
Width Thickness manner on automatic and semiautomatic equipment.

in. mm in. mm 14.3 The cast and helix of filler metal on 4-in. [ 100-mm]
spools shall be such that a specimen long enough to pro-
1.18 30 7 duce a single loop, when cut from the spool and laid un-
} 0.020 0.5 restrained on a flat surface,will do the following:
4.72 120 I (1) form a circle not less than 2.5 in. [60 mm] nor
more than 15 in. [380 mm] in diameter, and
a. Other sizes shall be as agreed upon by the purchaser and supplier. ( 2 ) rise above the flat surface no more than 112 in.
h. Strip electrodes shall not vary more than k0.008 in. [*0.20 mm] in [ I3 mm] at any location.
width and more than k0.002 in. [&.O5 mm] in thickness.
14.4 The cast and helix of filler metal on 8-in. [200-mm]
spools shall be such that a specimen long enough to pro-
duce a single loop, when cut from the spool and laid un-
12. Finish and Uniformity restrained on a flat surface,will do the following:
12.1 All filler metal shall have asmooth finish that is free (1) form a circle not less than 10 in. [250 mm] nor
from slivers, depressions, scratches, scale, seams, laps, more than 35 in. [890 mm] in diameter, and
and foreign matter that would adversely affect the weld- ( 2 ) rise above the flat surface no more than 314 in.
ing characteristics, the operation of the welding equip- [ 19 mm] at any location.
ment, or the properties of the weld metal.
14.5 The cast and helix offiller metal on 12-in. [300-mm]
12.2 Each continuous length of filler metal shall be from spools shall be such that a specimen long enough to pro-
a single heat of material, and welds, when present, shall duce a single loop, when cut from the spool and laid un-
have been made so as not to interfere with the uniform, restrained on a flat surface, will do the following:
uninterrupted feeding of the filler metal on automatic and (1) form a circle not less than 15 in. [380 mm] nor
semiautomatic equipment. more than 50 in. [ 1300 mm] in diameter, and

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services
STD.AWS ASoL41-ENGL L997 m 0784265 0509105 37b m

Table 4
Standard Package Dimensions and Weightsa
Bare Wire, Rods

Electrode SizebWidth
WeightC Net Diameterh
Inside Max

kg lbin. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm

Straight Lengths

1/16-1/4 1.6-6.4 25 11 12
2.5 65 305 17.5 445
23 50

V16-1/4 1.6-6.4 60 27 4.6 120 12 305 17 430

1/16-1/4 1.6-6.4 1O0 45 5 125 - Not Specifiedd- 3 1.5 800

150 68
200 91
~~~~ ~

Coils without Support

1/16-1/4 1.6-6.4 - as agreed purchaser

by and
the -

0.020-0.062 0.5-1.6 2 0.9f 4 102

10 4.5' 8 203
11 25 .O8 12 305

Strip Electrodes

Weightc Net Strip Width Diameterh Inside

in. mm lb kg in. mm

1.18 30 60 30 12 300
2.36 60 60 30
3.54 90 120 55
4.72 120 120 55

a. Sizes, weights and dimensions otherthan those listed above shall be agreed upon by the purchaser and supplier.
b. The range is inclusive, as shown in Table 2.
c. Net weights shall not vary more than i10 percent.
d. The inside diameter of the liner shall be agreed upon by the purchaser and the supplier.
e. The dimensions of standard spools are specified in Figure 1.
f. Tolerance is +20 percent.
g. Tolerance is i20 percent, except that 20 percent of any lot may contain spools that vary in net weight from 5.7 to 9.1 kg.
h. Tolerance is *I18 in. [ D mm].

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services

S T D - A W S A5-14M-ENGL 1997 0784265 05091Ob 202




SEE - “A





“A “B “C “D”” “E
~~~ ~

in. Size Spool mm in.

in. mm
4 in. [ l102
o 0 mm] 4 1.75 46 0.63 16 - - - -
Tolerance - - e0.03 +O. -2 +0.01. -0 +1. -O
8 in. (200
203mm] 8 2.16 56 2.03 50.5 1.75 44.5 0.44 10
Tolerance - - k0.03 +O,-3 +0.06, -O +2.5, -O i0.02 k0.5
+O, -0.06
+1, -O
12 in. [300mm]
305 12 4.0 103 2.03 50.5 1.75 44.5 0.44 10
Tolerance - - i0.06 +O, -3 +0.06,-O +2.5, -0 i0.02 e0.5 +O, -0.06 +1, -O
1. Outside diameter of barrel shall be such as
to permit proper feeding of the filler metals.
2. Inside diameterof the barrel shall be such that swelling of the barrel or misalignment of the barrel and flanges will not result in the
core of the spool being less than the inside diameter
of the flange (dimension“ C ) .
3. Holes are providedon each flange, but they need not be aligned.
4. Metric dimensions and tolerances conform to IS0 864 except that “ A specifies i tolerances on the nominal diameter, rather than a
plus toleranceonly, which is shown hereas a maximum.

Figure 1-Dimensions of Standard Spools

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

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STD.AWS A5.14M-ENGL 1997 m 0784265 0509107 149 m

(2) riseabovetheflatsurfacenomorethan1in. (4) Lot, control, or heatnumber

[25 mm] at any location.
17.2 The following precautionary information, or its
equivalent (as a minimum), shall be prominently dis-
played in legible print on all packages of filler metal, in-
15. Filler Metal Identification cluding individual unit packages enclosed within larger
15.1 Theproductinformationand the precautionaryin-package.
formation required in Section 17 for marking each pack-
age shall
appear and spool. WARNING:
PROTECT yourself and others. Read and understand this
15.2 Coils without support shall have a tag containing
this information securely attached to the filler metal at
the inside end of the coil. FUMESGASES
andcan be hazardous to your health.
15.3 Coils with support shall have the information se- ARC RAYS can injure eyes and bum skin.
curely affixed in a prominentlocation on the support.
15.4 Spools shall have the information securely affixed
in a prominent location on the outside of at least one Before use, read and understand the manufacturer’s
flange of the spool. instructions, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs),
and your employer’ssafety practices.
Keep your head out of the fumes.
16. Packaging Use enough ventilation, exhaust at the arc, or both, to
Fillermetalshallbesuitablypackagedtoensure keepfumesandgasesawayfromyourbreathingzone
againstdamageduringshipmentandstorageunder nor- and the general area.
mal conditions.
Wear correct eye, ear, and body protection.
Do not touch live electrical parts.
17. Marking of Packages See American National Standard ANSUASC 249.1,
17.1 The following product information(as a minimum) Safety in Welding,Cutting, and Allied Processes, pub-
shall be legibly marked so as to be visible from the out- lished by the American Welding Society, 550 N.W.
side of each unit package: LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126; and OSHA Safety
( 1 ) AWS specification and classification designationandHealthStandards, 29 CFR 1910, availablefrom
(year of issue may be excluded) the U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington,
(2) Supplier’s name and trade designation DC 20402.

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services
Guide to AWS Specification for Nickel and Nickel-Alloy
Bare Welding Electrodes andRods
(This Annex is not a part of ANSUAWS A5.14/A5.14M-97, Specification for Nickel and Nickel-Alloy Bare Welding
Electrodes und Rods, but is included for information purposes only.)

A l . Introduction composition from another withina group and are not re-
peated within that group.
The purposeof this guide is to correlate the nickel and
nickel-alloy bare welding electrodes and rods classifica- A2.3 From an application point of view, most ofthe filler
tions with their intended applications so they can be used metal classifications in this specification have a corre-
effectively. Reference to appropriate base-metal specifi- sponding classification in ANSI/AWS A5.1 UA5.1IM,
cations is made whenever that can be done and when it Specification for Nickel und Nickel-Alloy Covered Weld-
would be helpful. Such references are intended only as ing Electrodes. For those cases in which there is a corre-
examples rather than a complete listing of the materials sponding application for a bare electrode or rod “ER”
for which each filler metal is suitable. and a covered electrode “E,” Table A l correlates the
“ER” classification in this edition with those in the previ-
ous edition of this specification and with the correspond-
A2. Classification System - ing covered electrode “ E ’ classification in ANSUAWS
A5.11/A5.11M. It also lists the current designation for
A2.1 The system for classifying the filler metals in this
each classification as it is given in Military Specification
specification follows the standard pattern used in other
MIL-E-21562E, when such a designationexists.
AWS filler metal specifications. The letters “ER’ at the
An international system for designating welding filler
beginning of each classification designation stand for
metals is under development by the International Insti-
electrode and rod, indicating that the filler metal may be
tute of Welding (IIW) for use in future specifications to
used either way. The substitution of the letters “EQ” for
be issued by the International Standards Organization
“ER” at the beginning of a classification indicates that
(ISO). Table A l shows the proposed designations for
the product is being supplied as strip electrode (see Table
nickel-alloy filler metals. In that system, the initial “S”
1, Note m).
designates a solid wire or rod, the letter “N” the alloy
A2.2 Since the filler metals are classified according to syst&n, followed by a four-digit number. For nickel al-
their chemical composition, the chemical symbol “Ni” loys, the four-digit number is basedupon the UNS num-
appears immediately after the “ER” (or “EQ”) as a ber (see Table l), one of the five digits of which has been
means of identifying the filler metal as anickel-base al- eliminated.
loy. The other symbols (Cr, Co, Cu, Fe, Mo, and W) in
the designation,s are intended to group the filler metals
according to their principal alloyingelements.The indi- A3. Acceptance
vidual designations are made up of these symbols plus a
number at theendofthedesignation(ERNiMo-1 or Acceptance of all weldingmaterials classified under
ERNiMo-2, forexample).ThesenumbersseparateonethisspecificationisinaccordancewithANSI/AWS


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STDmAWS A5.14M-ENGL 1997 07842b5 0509309 T 1 1


Table A l
Comparison of Classifications
Classification in Proposed I S 0
Present Classification UNS Number Military Designationa A5.1UA5.11M Designationb
ERNi- 1 NO206 1 EN61 & RN61 ENI- 1 SN2061
ERNiCu-7 NM060 EN60 & RN60 ENiCu-7 SN4060
ERNiCu-8' NO5504 EN64 & RN64 - -
ERNiCr-3 NO6082 EN82 & RN82 ENiCrFe-3 SN6082
EN82H & RN82H
ERNiCr-4' NO6072 - - -
ERNiCr-6' NO6076 EN6N & RN6N - -
ERNiCrFe-5 NO6062 EN62 & RN62 ENiCrFe- 1 SN6062
ERNiCrFe-6 NO7092 EN6A & RN6A ENiCrFe-2 SN6092
ERNiCrFe-7C NO6052 - ENiCrFe-7 SN6052
ERNiCrFe-8' NO7069 RN69 - -
I ERNiCrFe- 10' NO6601 - - SN6601
ERNiFeCr- 1 NO8065 RN65 - SN8065
ERNiFeCr-2 NO77 18 - - SN77 18
ERNiMo- 1 NlOOOl - ENiMo- I -
ERNiMo-2 N 10003 - -
ERNiMo-3 N 10004 - ENiMo-3 -
ERNiMo-7 N 10665 - ENiMo-7 SN1066
ERNiMo-8' N 10008 - ENiMo-8 -
ERNiMo-9' N 10009 - ENiMo-9 -
ERNiMo- 1O' N 10675 - ENiMo- 10 -
ERNiCrMo- 1 NO6007 - ENiCrMo-1 -
ERNiCrMo-2 NO6002 - ENiCrMo-2 SN6002
ERNiCrMo-3 NO6625 EN625 & RN625 ENiCrMo-3 SN6625
ERNiCrMo-4 N 10276 - ENiCrMo-4 SN6276
ERNiCrMo-7 NO6455 - ENiCrMo-7 SN6455
ERNiCrMo-8 NO6975 - - -
ERNiCrMo-9 NO6985 - ENiCrMo-9 SN6985
ERNiCrMo-IO NO6022 - ENiCrMo-10 SN6022
ERNiCrMo- 1 1 Nm30 - ENiCrMo- 11 SN6030
ERNiCrMo-13' NO6059 - ENiCrMo- 13 SN6059
ERNiCrMo- 14' NO6686 - ENiCrMo-14 SN6686
ERNiCrMo-1SC NO7725 - - -
ERNiCrCoMo-1 NO66 17 - ENiCrCoMo- 1 -
ERNiCrWMo- 1 NO623 1 - - -
a. MIL E-21562E
b. IIW DOCXII-1466-96
c. New classification

A5.01, as the specification states. Any testing a pur- A4. Certification

chaser requires of the supplier, for material shipped in
accordance with this specification, shallbe clearly stated The act of placing the AWS specification and classifi-
in the purchase order, according to the provisions of cation designationson the packaging enclosing the prod-
ANSYAWS A5.01. In the absence of any such statement uct, or the classification on the product itself, constitutes
in the purchase order, the supplier may ship the material the supplier's (manufacturer's) certificationthat the prod-
with whatever testing is normally conducted on material uct meets all of the requirements of the specification.
of that classification, as specifiedin Schedule F, Table 1, The only testing requirement implicitin this certifica-
of ANSIIAWS A5.01. Testing in accordance with any tion is that the manufacturer has actually conducted the
other Schedule in that Table must be specifically re- tests required by the specification on material that is rep-
quired by the purchase order. In such cases, acceptance resentative of that being shipped and that the material
of the material shipped will be in accordance with those met the requirements of the specification. Representative
requirements. material, in this case, is any production run of that classi-

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STD-AUS A 5 * 1 4 M - E N G L 1997 0784265 0509110 733


ficationusingthesameformulation.“Certification” is A6.3 For GTAW, directcurrent-electrodenegative

not to be construed to mean that tests of any kind were (dcen) is used. High-purity grades of either argon or he-
necessarily conducted on samples of the specific material lium (or a combination of the two) are used as a shielding
shipped.Testsonsuchmaterial may or may not have gas.
been made. The basis for the certification required by the
specification is the classification tests of “representative A6.4 For GMAW, direct current-electrode positive
material” cited above, and the “Manufacturer’s Quality (dcep) is employed. Argon shielding gas is often used,
Assurance System” in ANSIIAWS A5.01. but mixtures of argon and helium are also commonly

A5. Ventilation
Welding A7. Description
Use of
A5.1 Fivemajorfactorsthatgovernthequantity of ElectrodesandRods
fumes in the atmosphere to which welders and welding
operators are exposed during welding are listed below: A7.1 ERNi-X Classification (ERNi-1). The nominal
(1) Dimensions of the space in which welding is done composition (wt.-%) of weld metal of this classification
is 96 Ni, 3 Ti. Filler metal of this classification is in-
(with special regard to the height of the ceiling), and
tended for welding wrought and cast forms of commer-
(2) Number of welders and welding operators work-
cially pure nickel alloy (ASTM B 160, B161, B 162, and
ing in the space, and
B163 having UNS numbers NO2200 or N02201) to itself
(3) Rate of evolution of fumes, gases, or dust, accord-
using the GTAW, GMAW, SAW, and PAW processes.
ing to the materials and processes involved, and
The filler metal contains sufficient titanium to control
(4) The proximity Of the Or ‘perator weld-metal porosity with these welding processes.
to the fumes as they issue from the welding zone and to
the gases and dust in the space in which the welder is A7.2 ERNiCu-X Classifications
working, and
A7.2.1 ERNiCu-7 Classification, The nominal com-
(5) The ventilation provided to the space in which the
position (wt.-%) of weld metal of this classification is 65
welding is done.
Ni, 30 Cu, 3 Mn, 2 Ti. Filler metal of this classification is
A 5 2 American National Standard ANSIIASC 249.1, used for welding nickel-copper alloy (ASTM B127,
Safety in Welding, Cutting, und Allied Processes (pub- B 163, B 164, and B 165 having UNS number N04400) to
lished by the American Welding Society), discusses the itself using the GTAW, GMAW, SAW, and PAW pro-
ventilation that is required during welding and should be cesses. The filler metal contains sufficient titanium to
referred to for details. Attention is drawn particularly to control porosity with these welding processes.
the section of that document dealing with ventilation.
A7.2.2 ERNiCu-8 Classification. The nominal com-
position (wt.-%) of weld metal of this classification is
66 Ni, 29 Cu, 3 Al, 1 Fe, 0.5 Ti. Filler metal of this clas-
A6. Welding Considerations sification is used for welding age-hardening nickel-
copper alloy (ASTM F467, and F468 having UNS num-
A6.1The filler metals in this specification can be used
ber N05500) to itself using the GTAW, GMAW, SAW,
with any of a variety of welding processes. Most notable
and PAW processes. The filler metal will age harden on
among them are gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW), gas heat treatment. For specific information concerning age
metal arc welding (GMAW), submerged arc welding hardening, consult the supplier or the supplier’s technical
(SAW), and plasma arc welding (PAW). SAW and PAW literature.
are quite specialized, and the supplier of the filler metals
should be consulted for recommendations concerning A7.3 ERNiCr-X Classifications
their use. General suggestions are given below for the
A7.3.1 ERNiCr-3. The nominal composition (wt.-%)
other two processes.
of weld metal of this classification is 72 Ni, 20 Cr, 3 Mn,
A6.2 Before welding or heating any nickel-base alloy, 2.5 Nb plus Ta. Filler metal of this classification is used
the base metal must be clean. Oil, grease, paint, lubri- for welding nickel-chromium-iron alloy (ASTM B 163,
cants, marking pencils, temperature indicating materials, B 166, B 167, and B168 having UNSnumber N06600) to
threading compounds and other such materials fre- itself, for the clad side of joints in steel clad with nickel-
quently contain sulfur or lead that may cause cracking chromium-iron alloy, for surfacing steel with nickel-
(embrittlement) of the base metal or the weld metal if chromium-iron weld metal, for dissimilar welding of
present during welding or heating. nickel-base alloys, and for joining steel to nickel-base

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services

alloys using the GTAW, GMAW, SAW, and PAW weld metal and for joining steel to nickel-base alloys
processes. using the GTAW, GMAW, SAW, and PAW processes.
The weld metal will age harden on heat treatment. For
A7.3.2 ERNiCr-4. The nominal composition (wt.-%)
specific information concerning age hardening, consult
of weld metal of this classification is55 Ni, 44 Cr. Filler
the supplieror the supplier's technical literature.
metal of this classification is used for GTAW of 50/50
nickel/chromium alloy, cladding nickelkhromium alloy A7.4.5 ERNiCrFe-11. The nominal composition
onto nickel-iron-chromium tubing, and casting repair. (wt.-%) of weld metal of this classification is 61 Ni, 23
The filler metal is resistant to high-temperature corro- Cr, 14 Fe, 1.4 Al. Filler metal of this classification is
sion, including fuel-ash corrosion in atmospheres con- used for welding nickel-chromium-iron-aluminum alloy
taining sulfur and vanadium. (ASTM B166, B167, and B 168 having UNS number
A7.3.3 ERNiCr-6. The nominal composition (wt.-%) N06601) to itself and to other high-temperature composi-
tions using the GTAW process. It is used for severe ap-
of weld metal of this classification is 78 Ni, 20 Cr, 1 Fe,
0.4 Ti. Filler metal of this classification is used for weld- plications where the exposure temperature can exceed
ing nickel-chromium-iron alloy (ASTM B 163, B 166, 2100°F [1150°C].
B167, and B168 having UNS number N06600) to itself, A7.5 ERNiFeCr-X Classifications
for the clad side of joints in steel clad with nickel-
chromium-iron alloy, for surfacing steel with nickel- A 7 5 1 ERNiFeCr-1. The nominal composition (wt.-
chromium-iron weld metal, and for joining steel to %) of weld metal of this classification is 42 Ni, 30 Fe,21
nickel-base alloys using the GTAW, GMAW, SAW, and Cr, 3 Mo, 2 Cu. Filler metal of this classification is used
PAW processes. for welding the nickel-iron-chromium-molybdenum-
copper alloy (ASTM B423 having UNS number
A7.4 ERNiCrFe-X Classifications N08825) to itself using the GTAW and GMAW
A7.4.1 ERNiCrFe-5. The nominal composition (wt.- processes.
%) of weld metal of this classification is 74 Ni, 16 Cr, 8 A7.5.2 ERNiFeCr-2. The nominal composition (wt.-
Fe, 2Nb plus Ta. Filler metal of this classification is used %) of weld metal of this classification is52 Ni, 18 Fe, 19
for welding nickel-chromium-iron alloy (ASTM B 163, Cr, 5 Nb plus Ta, 3 Mo, 1Ti. Filler metal of this classifi-
B 166, B167, and B168 having UNS number N06600) to cation is used for welding nickel-chromium-niobium-
itself using the GTAW, GMAW, SAW, and PAW pro- molybdenum alloy (ASTM B637 and AMS 5589 having
cesses. The higher niobium contentof the filler metal is UNS number N07718) to itself using the GTAW pro-
intended to minimize cracking where high welding cesses. The weld metal will age harden on heat treat-
stresses are encountered, asin thick-section base metal. ment. For specific information concerning age
A7.4.2 ERNiCrFe-6. The nominal composition (wt.- hardening, consult the supplier or the supplier's technical
%) of weld metal of this classification is 71 Ni, 16 Cr, 6 literature.
Fe, 3Ti, 2.5 Mn. Filler metal of this classification isused
A7.6 ERNiMo-X Classifications
for claddingsteel with nickel-chromium-iron weld metal
and for joining steel to nickel-base alloys using the A7.6.1 ERNiMo-1. The nominal composition (wt.-
GTAW, GMAW, SAW, and PAW processes. The weld %) of weld metal of this classification is 66 Ni, 28 Mo,
metal will age harden on heat treatment. For specificin- 5.5 Fe. Filler metal of this classification isused for weld-
formation concerning age hardening, consult the supplier ing nickel-molybdenum alloy (ASTM B333 having UNS
or the supplier's technical literature. number N10001) to itself using the GTAW and GMAW
A7.4.3 ERNiCrFe-7. The nominal composition (wt.- processes.
%) of weld metal of this classification is60 Ni, 29 Cr, 9 A7.6.2 ERNiMo-2. The nominal composition (wt.-
Fe. Filler metal of this classification is used for welding %) of weld metal of this classificationis 7 1Ni, 16 Mo, 7
nickel-chromium-iron alloy (ASTMB 163, B 166, B 167, Cr, 3 Fe. Filler metal of this classification is used for
and B168 having UNS number N06690) to itself, to welding nickel-molybdenum alloy (ASTM B366, B434,
steels, to overlay on steels, and to weld steels clad with and B573 having UNS number N10003) to itself, to
the nickel-chromium-iron alloys using the GTAW, steel, to other nickel-base alloys, andfor cladding steel
GMAW, SAW, and PAW processes. with nickel-molybdenum weld metal using the GTAW
A7.4.4 ERNiCrFe-8. The nominal composition (wt.- and GMAW processes.
%) of weld metal of this classification is Ni,
73 15.5 Cr, 7 A7.6.3 ERNiMo-3. The nominal composition (wt.-
Fe, 2.4 Ti, 1 Nb, 0.7 Al. Filler metal of this classification %) of weld metal of this classification is63 Ni, 24 Mo, 6
is used for cladding steel with nickel-chromium-iron Fe, 5 Cr. Filler metal of this classification is used for

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services

weld repair of various nickel-, cobalt-, and iron-base al- A7.7.3 ERNiCrMo-3. The nominal composition
loys and for dissimilar joining applicationsof nickel-, (wt.-%) of weld metal of this classification is 61 Ni, 22
cobalt-, and iron-basealloys. Cr, 9 Mo, 3.5 Nb plus Ta. Filler metal of this classifica-
tion is used for welding nickel-chromium-molybdenum
A7.6.4 ERNiMo-7. The nominal composition
alloy (ASTM B443, B444, and B446 having UNSnum-
(wt.-%) of weld metal of this classification is 69 Ni, 28
ber N06625) to itself, to steel, to other nickel-basealloys,
Mo. Filler metal of this classification is used for welding
for cladding steel with nickel-chromium molybdenum
nickel-molybdenum alloy (ASTM B333 and B335 hav-
weld metal, and for welding the clad side of joints in
ing UNS number N10665)to itself and for cladding steel
steel with nickel-chromium-molybdenumalloy using the
with nickel-molybdenum weld metal using the GTAW
GTAW, GMAW, SAW, and PAW processes. This filler
and GMAW processes.
metal is recommended for applications where the operat-
A7.6.5 ERNiMo-8. The nominal composition ing temperature ranges from cryogenic to 1000°F
(wt.-%) of filler metal of this classification is 70 Ni, 19 [540°C].
Mo, 5 Fe, 3 W, 2 Cr. Filler metal of this classification is
A7.7.4 ERNiCrMo-4. The nominal composition
used for welding 9% nickel steel (ASTM A333, A334,
(wt.-%) of weld metal of this classification is 57 Ni, 16
A353, A553 having UNS number K81340) to itself using
Cr, 15.5 Mo, 5.5 Fe, 4 W. Filler metal of this classifica-
the GTAW and SAW processes.
tion is used for welding nickel-chromium-molybdenum
A7.6.6 ERNiMo-9. The nominal composition alloy (ASTM B574, B575, B619, B622, and B628 hav-
(wt.-%) of filler metal of this classification is 70 Ni, 20 ing UNS number N10276) to itself, to steel, to other
Mo, 1 Fe, 3 W. Filler metal of this classification is used nickel-base alloys, and for cladding steel with nickel-
for welding 9% nickel steel (ASTM A333, A334, A353, chromium-molybdenum weld metal using the GTAW
A553 having UNS number K81340) to itself using the and GMAW processes.
GTAW and SAW processes.
A7.7.5 ERNiCrMo-7. The nominal composition
A7.6.7 ERNiMo-10. The nominal composition (wt.-%) of weld metal of this classification is 65 Ni, 16
(wt.-%) of weld metal of this classification is 68 Ni, 28.5 Cr, 15.5 Mo, 2 Fe. Filler metal of this classification is
Mo, 1.5 Cr, 1.5 Fe and low carbon. Filler metal of this used for welding nickel-chromium-molybdenum alloy
classification is used for welding nickel-molybdenum (ASTM B574, B575, B619, B622, and B628 having
alloy (ASTM B333, B335, B366, B564, B619, B622, UNS number N06455) to itself, to steel, to other nickel-
and B626 having UNS number N10675) to itself, for base alloys, and for cladding steel with nickel-
welding the clad side of joints in steel clad with nickel- chromium-molybdenum weld metal using the GTAW,
molybdenum alloy and for welding nickel-molybdenum GMAW, and PAW processes.
alloys to steel and to other nickel-base alloys using the
A7.7.6 ERNiCrMo-8. The nominal composition
GTAW, GMAW, and PAW processes.
(wt.-%) of weld metal of this classification is 50 Ni, 25
A7.7 ERNiCrMo-X Classifications Cr, 17 Fe, 6 Mo, 1 Cu. Filler metal of this classification
is used for welding nickel-chromium-molybdenumalloy
A7.7.1 ERNiCrMo-1. The nominal composition
(ASTM B581, B582, B619, B622 and B626 having UNS
(wt.-%) of weld metal of this classification is 44 Ni, 22
number N06975) to itself, to steel, to other nickel-base
Cr, 20 Fe, 6.5 Mo, 2 Nb plus Ta, 2 Cu, 1.5 Mn. Filler
alloys, and for cladding steel with nickel-chromium-mo-
metal of this classification is used for welding nickel-
lybdenum weld metal using the GTAW, GMAW, and
chromium-molybdenum alloy (ASTM B581 and B582
PAW processes.
having UNS number N06007) to itself, to steel, to other
nickel-base alloys, and for cladding steel with nickel- A7.7.7 ERNiCrMo-9. The nominal composition
chromium-molybdenum weld metal using the GTAW, (wt.-%) of weld metal of this classification is 44 Ni, 22
GMAW, and PAW processes. Cr, 20 Fe, 7 Mo, 2 Co, 2 Cu.Filler metal of this classifi-
cation is used for welding nickel-chromium-molybde-
A7.7.2 ERNiCrMo-2. The nominal composition
num alloy (ASTM B581, B582, B619, B622, and B626
(wt.-%) of weld metal of this classification is 47 Ni, 22
having UNS number NO6007 or N06985) to itself, to
Cr, 18 Fe, 9 Mo, 1.5 Co. Filler metal of this classification
steel, to other nickel-base alloys, and for cladding steel
is used for welding nickel-chromium-molybdenumalloy
with nickel-chromium-molybdenum weld metal using
(ASTM B366, B435, and B572 having UNS number
the GTAW, GMAW, and PAW processes.
N06002) to itself, to steel, to other nickel-base alloys,
and for cladding steel with nickel-chromium-molybde- A7.7.8 ERNiCrMo-10. The nominal composition
num weld metal using the GTAW, GMAW, and PAW (wt.-%) of weld metal of this classification is 56 Ni, 22
processes. Cr, 13 Mo,4 Fe, 3 W. Filler metal of this classification is

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STD-AWS A5.14M-ENGL 1997 0784265 0509113 442


used for welding nickel-chromium-molybdenum alloy nickel-chromium-tungsten-molybdenum-lanthanum

(ASTM B574, B575, B619, B622and B628 having UNS alloy (ASTM B366, B435, B564, and B572 having UNS
number N06022) to itself, to steel, to other nickel-base number N06230) to itself using theGTAW and GMAW
alloys, and for cladding steel with nickel-chromium- processes.
molybdenum weld metal using the gas tungsten arc, gas
metal arc, and plasma arc welding processes.
A7.7.9 ERNiCrMo-11. The nominal composition AS. Special Tests
(wt.-%) of weld metal of this classification is 43 Ni, 30 It is recognized that supplementary tests may be re-
Cr, 15 Fe, 5 Mo, 2 Co, 3 W, 2 Cu. Filler metal of this quired for certain applications.In such cases, tests tode-
classification is used for welding nickel-chromium- termine specific properties such as corrosion resistance,
molybdenum alloy (ASTM B581, B582, B619, B622, scaling resistance, or strength at elevated or cryogenic
and B626 having UNS number N06030) to itself, to temperatures may be required. ANSUAWS A5.01 con-
steel, to other nickel-base alloys, and for cladding steel tains provisions for ordering such tests. This section is
with nickel-chromium-molybdenum weld metal using included to give guidance to those who desire to specify
the GTAW, GMAW, and PAW processes. such special tests. Those tests shall be conducted as
A7.7.10 ERNiCrMo-13. The nominal composition agreed upon between supplier and purchaser.
(wt.-%) of weld metal of this classification is 59 Ni, 23 A8.1 Corrosion or Scaling Tests. Although welds made
Cr, 16 Mo, 1 Fe, low carbon. Filler metal of this classifi- with electrodes and rods classified in this specification
cation is used for welding nickel-chromium-molyb- are commonly used in corrosion and heat-resisting appli-
denum alloy (B564, B574, B575, B619, B622, and B626 cations, tests for those properties arenot included in the
having UNS number N06059) to itself, to steel,to other specification. When required for a particular application,
nickel-base alloys, and for cladding steel using the testing can be conductedon specimens taken from either
GTAW, GMAW, SAW, and PAW processes. a weld pad or a welded joint.
A7.7.11 ERNiCrMo-14. The nominal composition A8.1.1 Specimens from a joint are suitable for quali-
(wt.-%) of the weld metal of this classification is 57Ni, fying the welding procedure (for a specific application
21 Cr, 16 Mo, 4 W. Filler metal of this classification is involving corrosion or oxidation resistance) but not for
used for welding nickel-chromium-molybdenum alloy qualifying the filler metal. Tests on specimens from a
(ASTM B574, B575, B619, B622, and B628 having joint have the disadvantage of being a combined test of
UNS number N06686) to itself, to steel, to othernickel- the properties of the weld metal, the heat-affected zone,
base alloys, and for cladding steel using the GTAW, and the unaffected base metal.With such specimens, it is
GMAW, and SAWprocesses. more difficult toobtain reproducible data(when a differ-
A7.7.12 ERNiCrMo-15. The nominal composition ence exists in the properties of the metal in the various
(wt.-%) of weld metal of this classification is 57 Ni, 21 parts of the specimen). Specimens taken from a joint do
Cr, 8 Mo, 7 Fe, 3 Nb plus Ta, 1.4 Ti. Filler metal of this have the advantage of being able to duplicate the joint
classification is used for welding nickel-chromium- design and the welding sequence planned for fabrication.
molybdenum alloy (ASTM B805, UNS number N07725) A8.1.2 Specimens for testing corrosion or oxidation
to itself, and for cladding steel using the GMAW and resistance of the weld metal alone are prepared by fol-
GTAW processes. The weld metal age hardens on heat lowing the procedure normally used for the preparation
treatment. For specific information concerningage hard- of pads for chemical analysis (see 9.3 in ANSUAWS
ening, consult the supplier or the supplier’s technical lit- A5.1VA5.1 IM). The pad size should be at least 314 in.
erature. [ 19 mm] in height by 2- 112 in. [65 mm] in width by (1 +
A73 ERNiCrCoMo-X Classification (ERNiCrCoMo-1). 0.625 n) in. [25 + 16 n mm] where n represents thenum-
The nominal composition (wt.-%) of weld metal of this ber of specimens required from the pad. Specimens mea-
classification is 53Ni. 23 Cr, 12 Co, 9 Mo, 1 Fe. Filler suring 1/2 by 2 by 1/4 in. [ 13 by 50 by 6.5 mm] are
metal of this classification is used for welding nickel- machined from the top of the pad, in a manner such that
chromium-cobalt-molybdenum alloy (UNS N06617) to the 2 in. [50 mm] dimension of the specimen is parallel
itself using the GTAW and GMAW processes. to the 2-1/2 in. [65 mm] dimension of the pad and the
112 in. [ 13 mm] dimension is parallel with the length of
A7.9 ERNiCrWMo-X Classification (ERNiCrWMo- the pad. The heat treatment, surface finish,and marking
1). The nominal composition (wt.-%) of weld metal of of the specimensprior to testing should be in accordance
this classification is 57 Ni, 22 Cr, 14 W, 2 Co, 2 Fe, 2 with standard practices for tests of similar alloysin the
Mo. Filler metal of this classification is used for welding wrought or cast forms. The testing procedures should

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services

correspond to ASTM G4, Recommended Practice for

Conducting Plant Corrosion Tests. Table A2
Tvpical Weld Metal
A8.2 Test for Mechanical Properties Tensile Strengthsa
The filler metals in this specification are used with a
Tensile Strength
variety of welding processes and procedures. For this (typical)
reason, weld metal tests have not been included in the
specification. The tensile properties, bend ductility, and AWS Classification ksi MPa
soundness of welds produced with these filler metals are
determined duringqualification of the procedure. ERNi- 1 55 380
Variables in the procedure (current, voltage, and ERNiCu-7 70 480
welding speed), in the shielding medium (the specific ERNiCu-8 lOOb 690b
gas mixture or the flux), in the manual dexterity of the ERNiCr-3 80 550
welder, and in the composition of the base metal and the ERNiCr-4 100 690
filler metal all influence the results that can be obtained. ERNiCr-6 80 550
Typical tensile values forweld metals are shown in Table ERNiCrFe-5 80 550
A2. When supplementary tests for mechanical properties ERNiCrFe-6 80 550
are specified, the testing procedures should be in accor- ERNiCrFe-7 80 550
ERNiCrFe-8 12SC 860'
dance with ANSVAWS B4.0,Standard Methodsfor Me-
ERNiCrFe- 1 1 94 650
chanical Testing of Welds.
ERNiFeCr- 1 80 550
ERNiFeCr-2 16Sd 1 140d
ERNiMo- 1 100 690
A9. Discontinued Classifications ERNiMo-2 100 690
ERNiMo-3 100 690
Some classifications have been discontinued from one ERNiMo-7
110 760
revision of thisspecificationtoanother.Thisresulted ERNiMo-8 95 660
from either changes in commercial practice or changes in ERNiMo-9 95 660
the classificationsystemused in the specification. The ERNiMo-10 110 760
discontinued classifications are listed inTableA3, along ERNiCrMo-1 85 590
with the year last included in the specification. ERNiCrMo-2 95 660
ERNiCrMo-3 110 760
ERNiCrMo-4 100 690
Alo. Safety Considerations ERNiCrMo-7 1O0 690
ERNiCrMo-8 85 590
A1O.l Burn Protection. Molten metal, sparks, slag, and ERNiCrMo-9 85 590
hot work surfaces are produced by welding, cutting, and ERNiCrMo-10 100 690
allied processes. These can cause burnsif precautionary ERNiCrMo- 11 85 590
measures are not used. Workers should wear protective ERNiCrMo- 13 110 760
clothing made of fire-resistant material. Pant cuffs, open ERNiCrMo- 14 110 760
pockets, or other places onclothing that can catchand re- ERNiCrMo- 15 174' 1200'
tain molten metal or sparks shouldnot be worn. High-top ERNiCrCoMo- 1 90 620
shoes or leather leggings and fire-resistant gloves should ERNiCrWMo- 1 110 760
be worn. Pant legs should be worn over the outside of Notes:
high-top shoes. Helmets o r hand shields that provide pro- a.Tensile strength in the as-welded condition. unless otherwise
tection for the face, neck, and ears, and a head covering specified.
to protect the head should be used. In addition, appropri- b. Age-hardened condition: Heat treated at 1475°F [802"C] for 2 hours
plus I10O"F [593OC] for 16 hours, then furnace cooled at 25°F
ate eye protection should be used.
[14"C] per hour to 900'F [482"C], then air cooled.
When welding overhead or in confined spaces, ear c. Age-hardened condition: Heat treated at 1950°F [1066"C] for
plugs to prevent weldspatter from entering the ear canals 2 hours plus 1300°F [704"C] for 20 hours, then air cooled.
should be worn in combination with goggles, or the d. Age-hardened condition: Heat treated at 1325°F [718OC] for
equivalent, to give added eye protection. Clothing should 8 hours, then furnace cooled to 1 150°F [620°C] at lW0F [56"C] per
hour, held for 8 hours, then air cooled.
be kept free of grease and oil. Combustible materials e. Age-hardened condition: Heat treated at 1900°F [1038"C] for 1 hour
should not be carried in pockets. If any combustible sub- plus 1350°F [732OC] for 8 hours, then furnace cooled at 100°F
stance has been spilled on clothing, a change to clean, [56'C] per hour to 115O'F [621°C] and held for 8 hours, then air
fire-resistant clothing should be made before working cooled.

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services

(3) American Welding Society. ANSI/ASC 249.1,

Table A3 Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes. Miami,
Discontinued Classifications Ha.: American Welding Society.
~ ~~

Published (4) OSHA. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 29-
Labor, Chapter XVII, Part 1910. Washington, D.C.: U.S.
RNi-2 1969 Government Printing
ERNi-3 1969
RNiCu-5 1969 A10.2 Electrical Hazards. Electric shock can kill. How-
RNiCu-6 1969 ever, it can be avoided. Live electrical parts should not
RNiCrFe-4 1969
ERNiMo-4a 1969 be touched. The manufacturer’s instructions and recom-
ERNiMo-5 I969 mended safe practices should be read and understood.
ERN~Mo-~~ 1969 Faulty installation, improper grounding, and incorrect
operation and maintenance of electrical equipment are all
a. Reclassified as ERNiMo-I in 1976 sources of danger.
b. Reclassified as ERNiMo-3 in 1976
All electrical equipment andthe workpieces shouldbe
grounded. The workpiece leadis not a ground lead; it is
used only to complete the welding circuit. A separate
connection is required to ground the workpiece.
The correct cable size should be used since sustained
with open arcs or flames. Aprons, capesleeves, leggings, overloading will cause cable failure and can result in
and shoulder coverswith bibs designed for weldingser- possible electrical shock or fire hazard. All electrical
vice should be used. Where welding or cutting of unusu- connections should betight, clean, and dry. Poor connec-
ally thick base metal is involved, sheet metal shields tions can overheat and evenmelt. Further, they can pro-
should be used for extra protection. duce dangerous arcs and sparks. Water, grease, or dirt
should not be allowed to accumulate on plugs, sockets,
Mechanization of highly hazardous processesor jobs
or electrical units. Moisture can conduct electricity. To
should be considered. Other personnel in the work area
prevent shock, the work area, equipment, and clothing
should be protected by the use of noncombustible
should be kept dry at all times. Welders should wear dry
screens or by the use of appropriate protection as de-
gloves and rubber-soled shoes, or stand on a dry board or
scribed in the previous paragraph. Before leaving a work
insulated platform.
area, hot workpieces shouldbe marked to alert other per-
sons of this hazard. No attempt shouldbe made to repair Cables and connections should be kept in good condi-
or disconnect electrical equipment when it is under load; tion. Improper or worn electrical connections may create
disconnection underload produces arcingof the contacts conditions that could cause electrical shock or short cir-
and may cause burnsor shock, or both. (Note: Burns can cuits. Worn, damaged, or bare cables shouldnot be used.
be caused by touching hot equipment such as electrode Open-circuit voltage should be avoided. When several
holders, tips, and nozzles. Therefore, insulated gloves
welders are working with arcsof different polarities, or
should be worn when these items are handled, unless an when a numberof alternating current machines are being
used, the open-circuit voltages can be additive. The
adequate cooling period has been allowed before
added voltages increasethe severity of the shock hazard.
In case of electric shock, the power should be turned
The following references are for more detailed infor-
off. If the rescuer must resort to pulling the victim from
mation on personalprotection:
the live contact, nonconducting materials shouldbe used.
(1) American National Standards Institute. ANSI/ If the victim is not breathing, cardiopulmonary resuscita-
ASC 287.1, Practice for Occupational and Educational tion (CPR) should be administered as soon as contact
Eye and Face Protection. New York: American National with the electrical source is broken. A physician should
Standards Instit~te.~ be called and CPR continued until breathing has been re-
(2) American National Standards Institute. ANSI/ stored, or until a physician has arrived. Electrical burns
ASC 241.1, Safety-Toe Footwear. New York, N.Y.: are treated as thermal burns; that is, clean, cold (iced)
American National Standards Institute. compresses should be applied. Contamination should be
avoided; the area should be covered with a clean, dry

5. ANSIstandards may beobtainedfromtheAmerican

National StandardsInstitute, 11 West 42Street,13thFloor, 6 . OSHA standards may be obtained from the U.S. Government
New York, NY 10036. Printing Office, Washington,DC 20402.

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services
STDSAWS A5.14M-ENGL L777 m 0784265 0509LLb 151 m

dressing; and the patient should be transported to medi- (3) The results of an AWS-funded study are available
cal assistance. in a report entitled, Fumes and Gases in the Welding
Recognized safety standards such as ANSIIASC Environment.
249.1, Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes,
and NFPA No. 70, The National Electrical Code should A10.4 Radiation. Welding, cutting, and allied operations
be followed.' may produce radiant energy (radiation) harmful to
health. One shouldbecome acquainted with the effects of
A10.3 Fumes and Gases. Many welding, cutting, and this radiant energy.
allied processes produce fumes and gases, which may be Radiant energy may be ionizing (such as x-rays), or
harmful to health. Fumes are solid particles which origi- nonionizing (such as ultraviolet, visible light, or infra-
nate from welding filler metals and fluxes, the base red). Radiation can produce a variety of effects such as
metal, and any coatings present onthe base metal. Gases skin bums and eye damage, depending onthe radiant en-
are produced during the welding process or may be ergy's wavelength and intensity, if excessive exposure
produced by the effects of process radiation on the sur- occurs.
rounding environment. Management, welders,and other
personnel should be awareof the effects of these fumes A10.4.1 Ionizing Radiation. Ionizing radiation is
and gases. The amount and composition of these fumes produced by the electron beam welding process. It is or-
and gases depend upon the composition of the filler dinarily controlled within acceptance limits by use of
metal and base metal, welding process, current level, arc suitable shielding enclosing the welding area.
length, and other factors.
The possible effects of overexposure range fromirri- A10.4.2 Nonionizing Radiation. The intensity and
tation of eyes, skin, and respiratory system to more se- wavelengths of nonionizing radiant energy produced de-
vere complications. Effects may occur immediatelyor at pend on many factors, such as the process, welding pa-
some later time. Fumes can cause symptomssuch as nau- rameters, electrode and base-metal composition,fluxes,
sea, headaches, dizziness, and metal fume fever. The and any coating or plating on the base metal. Some pro-
possibility of more serious health effects exists when es- cesses such as resistance welding and cold pressure
pecially toxic materials are involved. In confined spaces, welding ordinarily produce negligible quantities of radi-
the shielding gases and fumes might displace breathing ant energy. However, most arc welding and cutting pro-
air and cause asphyxiation. One's head should always be cesses (except submerged arc welding when used
kept out of the fumes. Sufficient ventilation, exhaust at properly), laser beam welding and torch welding, cut-
the arc, or both, should be used to keep fumes and gases ting, brazing, or soldering can producequantities of non-
from your breathing zoneand the general area. ionizing radiation such that precautionary measures are
In some cases, natural air movement will provide necessary.
enough ventilation. Where ventilation may be question- Protection from possible harmful effects caused by
able, air sampling should be used to determine if correc- nonionizing radiant energy fromwelding include the fol-
tive measures shouldbe applied. lowing measures:
More detailed information on fumes and gases pro- (1) One should not look at welding arcs except
duced by the various welding processesmay be found in through welding filter plates which meet the require-
the following: ments of ANSIIASC 287.1, Practice for Occupational
(1) The permissible exposure limits required by and Educational Eye and Face Protection. It should be
OSHA can be found in Code of Federal Regulations, noted that transparent welding curtains are not intended
Title 29"Labor, Chapter XVII,Part 1910. as welding filter plates, but rather are intended to protect
(2) The recommended threshold limit values for these passersby from incidental exposure.
fumes and gasesmay be found in Threshold Limit Values (2) Exposed skin should be protected with adequate
f o r Chemical Substances and Physical Agents in the gloves and clothing as specified in ANSI/ASC 249.1,
Workroom Environment published by the American Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes.
Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists ( 3 ) Reflections from welding arcs should be avoided,
(ACCIH).~ and all personnel should be protected from intense re-
flections. (Note: Paints using pigments of substantially
zinc oxide or titanium dioxide have a lower reflectance
7. NFPA documents are available from the National Fire Pro-
tection Association, l Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269. for ultraviolet radiation.)
8. ACGIH documents are available from the American Confer- (4)Screens, curtains, or adequate distance from
ence of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, 1330Kemper aisles, walkways, etc., should be used to avoid exposing
Meadow Drive, Suite600, Cincinnati, OH 45240-1634. passersby to welding operations.

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services

( 5 ) Safety glasses with UV-protective side shields (5) Marshall, W. J., Sliney, D. H., et al. “Optical radi-
have been shown to provide some beneficial protection ation levels produced by air-carbon arc cutting pro-
from ultraviolet radiation produced by welding arcs. cesses.” Welding Journal 59(3):43-46, 1980.
(6) Moss, C. E., and Murray, W. E. “Optical radiation
A10.4.3 Ionizing radiation information sources in- levels produced in gas welding, torch brazing, and oxy-
clude the following: gen cutting.” Welding Journal 58(9):37-46, 1979.
(1) American Welding Society. AWS F2.1-78, Recom- (7) Moss, C.E. “Optical radiation transmission levels
mended Safe Practicesf o r Electron Beam Welding and through transparent welding curtains.” Welding Journal
Cutting. Miami, Fla.: American Welding Society. 58(3):69-~to 7 5 - ~ 1979.
(2) Manufacturer’s product informationliterature. (8) National Technical Information Service. Nonion-
izing Radiation Protection Special Study No. 42-0053-
A10.4.4 Nonionizing radiation information sources 77, Evaluation of the Potential Hazardsfrom ActinicUl-
include: traviolet Radiation Generated by Electric Welding and
(1) American National Standards Institute. ANSI/ Cutting Arcs. Springfield, Va.: National Technical Infor-
ASC 2136.1, Safe Use of Lasers. New York: American mation Service.9
National StandardsInstitute. (9) National Technical Information Service. Nonion-
(2) -. ANSYASC 287.1, Practice f o r Occupational izing Radiation Protection Special Study No. 42-03 12-
and Educational Eye and Face Protection.New York: 77, Evaluation of the Potential Retina Hazards from Op-
American National StandardsInstitute. tical Radiation Generated by Electrical Welding and
(3) American Welding Society. ANSUASC 249.1, Cutting Arcs. Springfield, Va.: National Technical Infor-
Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes.Miami, mation Service.
Fla.: American Welding Society.
(4) Hinrichs, J. F. “Project Committee on Radiation- 9. National Technical Information documents are available from the
Summary Report.”Welding Journal 57(1):62-65, 1978. National Technical Information Service, Springfield,VA 22 161.

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services

STDmAWS A5.14M-ENGL 1997 m 0784265 0509118 T 2 4 m


AWS Filler Metal Specificationsby Material and Welding Process


k b o n Steel A5.2 A5.1 A5.18 A5.20 A5.11 A5.25 A5.26 A5.8.AS.31

Low-Alloy Steel A5.2 A5.5 A5.28 A5.29 A5.23 A5.25 A5.26 A5.8, A5.31
. ,. . i

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services

AWS Filler Metal Specifications and Related Documents


AWS Designation Title

Fh4C Charts
Users Guide
for Filler
A4.2StandardProceduresforCalibratingMagneticInstruments to MeasuretheDeltaFerrite Content ofAusteniticand
Duplex Austenitic-Ferritic Stainless Steel Weld Metal
A4.3 StandardMethods for DeterminationoftheDiffusibleHydrogenContentofMartensitic,Bainitic,andFerritic
Steel Weld Metal Produced by Arc Welding
~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~

Filler Guidelines
AS. 1 Specification for Carbon
Electrodes for Shielded
Specification for Carbon
Oxyfuel Gas Welding
A5.3 Soecification for Aluminum
Electrodes for Shielded
Specification for Stainless Steel
Electrodes for Shielded
Specification for Low-Alloy
Electrodes for Shielded
Specification for Covered Copper and
~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~

A5.7 Specification for Copper and Copper Alloy Bare Welding Rods and Electrodes
Soecification for Filler
A5.9 specification
for Bare
A5.1 O Specification for BareAluminumandAluminumAlloyWeldingElectrodesandRods
Specification for Nickel
Electrodes for Shielded
A5.12Specification for Tungsten and TungstenAlloyElectrodes for Arc
Specification for Solid
Specification for Nickel and Nickel-Alloy
Specification for Welding
and Rods for Cast
Specification for Titanium and Titanium
Soecification for Carbon
A5.1 X Specification for CarbonSteelElectrodesandRods forGas ShieldedArcWelding
Specification for Magnesium
Specification for Carbon
Electrodes for Flux
Specification for Composite
A5.22Specification for Stainless Steel Electrodes for FluxCoredArcWeldingand Stainless SteelFluxCoredRods for
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
Specification for Low-Alloy
andFluxes for Submerged
Specification for Zirconium
Specification for Carbon
andFluxes for Electroslag
A5.26 Specification for Carbon
Soecification for Low-Allov
for Gas Shielded
Specification for Low-Alloy
Specification for Consumable
A5.3 1 Specification
Fluxes for Brazing
A5.32 Specification

For ordering information, contact the AWS Order Department, American Welding Society,550 N.W. LeJeune Road,
Miami, FL 33126. Telephones: (800) 334-9353, (305) 443-9353, ext. 280; FAX (305)443-7559.

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services

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