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Tools, Installation, Operation

and Maintenance
Safe, efficient operation of any product is inherently
dependent upon its proper installation. In this section the
preparation and assembly of low, medium and high pres-
sure connections is explained. Also covered is the assembly
procedure for medium and high pressure anti-vibration collet
gland assemblies.

Correct installation procedures are further promoted by

providing dimensional information associated with a variety
of Parker Autoclave Engineers tube connections as well as the
torque required to properly seat numerous Parker Autoclave
Engineers components. Several tools developed by Parker
Autoclave Engineers are presented to help accomplish proper
valve, fitting and tubing installation and maintenance.

Tools, Installation, Operation and Maintenance

When installing or maintaining any pressure component,
common practice dictates the use of proper safety equipment
at all times.

All general terms and conditions of sale, including limitations of our liability, apply to all products and services sold. 1
Tools, Installation, Operation and Maintenance - Installation
Parker Autoclave Engineers Speedbite Connections

Fast, Positive Sealing for Pressures up to Complete Connection

15,000 psi* (1034 bar) The illustration below shows the condition of sleeve and
tubing after completion of “sleeve seating.” The sleeve has
1. Cut tubing to length and deburr. Allow extra length for cut into the tubing as it moved forward into the tapered seat,
proper engagement (per table below). upsetting material ahead of it and establishing a shoulder
on the tubing to provide positive mechanical support for the
Outside Diameter Extra Allowance**
Tube Size for Engagement tubing end-load. A properly seated sleeve cannot be displaced
inches (mm) inches (mm) back and forth along the tubing but may be rotated around the
1/16 (1.59) 0.50 (12.70)
1/8 (3.18) 0.50 (12.70)
1/4 (6.35) 0.75 (19.05)
To reassemble a connection, insert tubing with sleeve and
3/8 (9.53) 0.75 (19.05)
gland into valve or fitting. Tighten gland “finger-tight”. Tighten
1/2 (12.70) 0.88 (22.35) gland with a wrench approximately 3/8 of a turn for a gas-
tight seal. After frequent reassemblies, it may take less than
2. Lubricate male threads. (Lubrication not necessary if tube 3/8 turn to effect a gas-tight seal, and as little as 1/8 of a turn
nut has Bonded Dry-Film Lubricant.) Slip gland and sleeve may be sufficient.
onto tubing.
Note: Be sure to remove gland and sleeve from components
and slide them onto the tubing before inserting the tubing into
the components. Make sure larger end of sleeve is toward "SW" and "W" Style
gland. Push tubing into valve or fitting until it bottoms. If
process tolerable, a slight amount of inert grease on the nose
of the compression sleeve will improve sealability.



4. Note starting position of wrench. Tighten gland approxi-

mately 1-1/4 turns for the SW and 1/8" W connection. For 1/4" Gland
See Note **
and 1/2" W connections tighten glands approximately 1 turn. Larger end of sleeve
toward gland

Step 1 Step 2
Fitting Bite into tubing
exaggerated for clarity

* No special torque wrenches or mandrels required.

** Distance tubing protrudes into connection from face of
Fully annealed tubing with proper outside diameter tolerences
is recommended for these connection components.

Step 3 Step 4

2 All general terms and conditions of sale, including limitations of our liability, apply to all products and services sold.
Tools, Installation, Operation and Maintenance - Manual Coning & Threading Tools
Manual Coning & Threading Tools

Parker Autoclave Engineers manufactures a manual coning appropriate die for any of the standard Parker Autoclave
and threading tool for optimum performance with tubing sizes Engineers tubing sizes through 9/16” (14.3 mm) outside
up to 9/16” (14.3 mm) outside diameter. These precision diameter. Interchangeable guide bushings properly guide the
quality manual tools permit on-site end preparation for Parker tool for accurate thread cutting.
Autoclave Engineers medium and high pressure tubing instal-
lations. One coning and one threading tool with optional sizes
of collets, blades dies and guide bushings eliminates the need
of multiple tools for different size tubing.

Interchangeable collets for each size tubing provides proper Coning Tool
centering of tubing. The cutting feed arrangement permits the
operator to control the length of the cut. Interchangeable tool
steel cutting blades are used in pairs to assure more accurate
and faster coning, and are designed to square-off and finish Cutter Support
the tube as the cone is completed. There is a provision for ap-
plying metal cutting lubricants to the cutting zone. Feed Nut

For coning tool with optional support arm

Coning Tool Threading Tool
(for holding in vise) and chip/oil catch Housing
reservoir, add RS to suffix of model
number. Example: MCTM4-RS Collet Nut
For threading operations the thread- Note: Collet nut wrench (not shown) supplied with coning tool.
ing die holder is designed to hold the

Tube Size Coning Tools and Components Catalog Number Threading Tools and Components Catalog Number

Tool Tool
Outside Inside Coning with Threading Die
Diameter with Guide
Diameter Blades Die & Tool
in.(mm) Collet & Bushing
in.(mm) Collet (set of 2) Bushing Only Order No. Size-type*
Parker AE Medium Pressure

1/4 (6.35) .109 (2.77) MCTM4 90248 101F-1577 402A 402 P-0214 1/4-28 1010-0343

3/8 (9.53) .203 (5.16) MCTM6 90250 101F-1601 402C 402 P-0215 3/8-24 1010-0344

9/16 (14.3) .312 (7.92) MCTM920 90251 1010-5218 402E 402 P-0216 9/16-18 1010-0345

9/16 (14.3) .359 (9.12) MCTM910 90251 101A-1897 402E 402 P-0216 9/16-18 1010-0345

1/4 (6.35) .083 (2.11) MCTH4 90248 101F-3939 402A 402 P-0214 1/4-28 1010-0343
Parker AE High Pressure

5/16 (7.92) .062 (1.57) MCTH5 90249 101F-3939 402B 402 P-0205 5/16-24 1030-0343

3/8 (9.53) .125 (3.18) MCTH6 90250 101F-1578 402C 402 P-0215 3/8-24 1010-0344

9/16 (14.3) .188 (4.78) MCTH960 90251 1010-0883 402E 402 P-0216 9/16-18 1010-0345

=9/16 (14.3) .250 (6.35) MCTH940 90251 101C-7214 402E 402 P-0216 9/16-18 1010-0345

Options: Cutting Oil: P-8784 MCT-SA: Support Arm Assembly

90286: Instructions MCT-RES: Reservoir Assembly

* All threads for Parker AE medium pressure and high pressure tubing are LH national fine (class 2). = 9/16 (14.3) x .312 (7.92) ID 40,000 psi (2758 bar), use MCTM920.
Note: Manual coning and threading tools for 3/4" (19.1 mm) and 1" (25.4 mm) outside diameter medium pressure tubing are not available. Model AEGCTM-2 Power Coning-and-
Threading Machine is recommended for this tubing. A minimum of 3" (76 mm) straight length is required to perform coning and threading operation with manual coning tool.

All general terms and conditions of sale, including limitations of our liability, apply to all products and services sold. 3
Tools, Installation, Operation and Maintenance - Coning, Coning & Threading Kits
Coning and Coning and Threading Tool Kits
Parker Autoclave Engineers offers coning kits as well as con-
ing and threading tool kits. Each kit consists of the required
tools, and other items necessary for your coning or coning
and threading needs. All kit items are placed in a hand-carry
tool case with top tray. The coning tools supplied in the tool
kits come complete with the vise stand and chip/oil reservoir
standard. The following is a list of items included in each kit.

Included with all kits: Coning tool assembly, three collets, col-
let nut wrench, three sets of coning blades, tool box with tray,
de-burring tool, one quart of cutting oil, 3/32 Allen wrench,
four spare set screws, and laminated instruction sheet.

Coning Kit:
Medium pressure kit
KMCT-M Coning tool with vise stand and reservoir
1/4, 3/8 and 9/16” collets
1/4, 3/8 and 9/16” blades
(9/16” blades for 20,000 psi tubing only)

High pressure kit

KMCT-H Coning tool with vise stand and reservoir
1/4, 3/8 and 9/16” collets
1/4, 3/8 and 9/16” blades
(5/16” collets not included)
(9/16” blades for 60,000 psi tubing only)

Coning and Threading Kit:

Included with all kits: Coning tool assembly, three collets, col-
let nut wrench, three sets of coning blades, tool box with tray,
de-burring tool, one quart of cutting oil, 3/32 Allen wrench,
four spare set screws, threading tool, three guide bushings,
three threading dies, and laminated instruction sheet.

Medium pressure kit

KMCT-MT Coning tool with vise stand and reservoir
1/4, 3/8 and 9/16” collets
1/4, 3/8 and 9/16” blades
(9/16” blades for 20,000 psi tubing only)
Threading tool
1/4, 3/8 and 9/16” guide bushing
1/4, 3/8 and 9/16” dies

High pressure kit

KMCT-HT Coning tool with vise stand and reservoir
1/4, 3/8 and 9/16” collets
1/4, 3/8 and 9/16” blades
(5/16” collets not included)
(9/16” blades for 60,000 psi tubing only)
Threading tool
1/4, 3/8 and 9/16” guide bushing
1/4, 3/8 and 9/16” dies Note: Additional blades available for other sizes of tubing. See manual
coning and threading tool on page 3 for sizes and part numbers.

4 All general terms and conditions of sale, including limitations of our liability, apply to all products and services sold.
Tools, Installation, Operation and Maintenance - Coning & Threading Installation
Coning and Threading Installation
Manual Kit: 3. Fig. 2 Place the coning tool housing
Fig. 2
1. Fig. 1 Cut tubing to length and Fig. 1 (or optional support arm), without the
square off the end as close to the feed nut/cutter support assembly, in a
required length as possible. Allow extra vise. The vise should be equipped with
length for proper engagement into soft jaws, and the housing should be
the connection as listed in Table 1. A placed in the vise to allow lubricant to
small amount of extra length should flow to the cutters and cone.
be allowed to finish the end of the
tube, but excessive amounts require 4. Fig. 2 Slide the tubing through the
additional cutting time and premature collet until the end of the tube appears
blade wear. Note: When cutting tubing in the coning tool housing window. Line
with abrasive cut off wheel, tubing the end of the tube with the edge of the
should not be over heated effecting window and tighten the collet nut firmly in place using the collet nut wrench
material properties. (see Table 2).

2. Install the collet and collet nut into the bottom of the coning tool housing. 5. Fig. 3 Install the feed nut/cutter support assembly into the coning tool
Remove the cutter support feed nut from the coning tool housing and install housing. Rotate the feed nut clockwise until the top of the cutters just contact
the cutters. This can be done by backing out the four set screws in the cutter the top of the tube. Do not rotate the
Fig. 3
support. Note: When installing new blades, be sure the blades are flat against feed nut any further at this point.
the holder. There should be no space between the blades and the holder. 6. Fig. 3 Apply cutting oil through
the lubricant opening in the end of the
cutter holder or directly through the
Tube Connection Extra Allowance**
for Engagement housing window. A medium weight
Size Type high sulphur content cutting fluid is
inches (mm)
1/4” SF250CX 0.55 (13.97) recommended. Use the cutting oil
3/8” SF375CX 0.69 (17.53) freely during the coning operation.

9/16” SF562CX 0.84 (21.34)

7. a. The distance the feed nut travels

3/4” SF750CX 1.00 (25.4)

from it's start position can be used to
1” SF1000CX 1.44 (36.6)
gauge the amount of travel to properly cone the tube. The amount of travel is
1-1/2" SF1500CX 1.875" (47.63)
shown in Table 2 and is labeled “Cone Length”.
1/4” F250C 0.50 (12.70)
5/16” F312C150 1.25 (31.75) b. Another method to determine proper cone length is to count the number

3/8” F375C 0.69 (17.53) of turns of the feed nut. The number of turns is listed in Table 2 under the

9/16” F562C 0.84 (21.34) heading “Number of Turns”. This includes enough advancement of the feed
9/16” F562C40 0.81 (20.57) nut to face off the tube. This assumes the tube is cut to length in accordance
1” F1000C-43 1.62 (41.1) with these instructions. The feed nut is supplied with a position indicator
** See Note on page 2. (drilled hole) to help determine the number of turns.
8. Rotate the handle in a clockwise direction while simultaneously slowly
turning the feed nut in a clockwise direction. Rotate the feed nut slowly and
evenly to smoothly cone the tube. Loosen collet nut, remove tubing and
visually inspect the cone. Use deburring tool to remove any burr on inside
edge of tube after coning.

Manual Threading:
9. Fig. 4 Clamp the tubing in a soft
jaw vise. Do not over tighten. Slide the

threading tool over the tube through
Insert Tube to here
the guide bushing.
Medium Pressure Tubing High Pressure Tubing
10. Apply a medium weight, high
Cone Length No. of Tube O.D. Cone Length No. of
inches (mm) Turns (inches) inches (mm) Turns sulphur cutting oil to threading area.
1/4” 0.11 (2.79) 2 1/4” 0.13 (3.30) 3
3/8” 0.13 (3.30) 3-1/2 5/16” 0.19 (4.83) 3-1/2 Insert tube Guide
3/8” 0.16 (4.06) 3 from this Bushing
9/16”(CX-20) 0.16 (4.06) 3 direction
9/16” 0.28 (7.11) 5-1/2
9/16”(CX-10) 0.13 (3.30) 2-1/2 9/16”(C40) 0.21 (5.33) 4-1/2
Manual coning and threading tools are not available for 3/4” and 1” tubing,
see page 13 Coning and Threading Machine.

All dimensions for reference only and subject to change.

All general terms and conditions of sale, including limitations of our liability, apply to all products and services sold. 5
11. Apply pressure to the top of Approximate Number of Turns to Thread Tubing
the threading tool to start the
cutting action. The threads are Male Connection Number of Turns
left handed, so turn the threader
counterclockwise to thread the 59° SM250CX20 6-1/2
tube. The threading tool may need +0° D SM375CX20 7-1/2
to be periodically rotated clockwise -2° SM562CX20 6
to break and discharge metal chips.
SM562CX10 6-3/4
Apply lubricant freely during the L
threading process. Note: The lead M250C 12
in chamfer (larger chamfer) on the M312C150 12
die flutes toward guide bushing. M375C 14
12. Continue to rotate die holder counterclockwise while applying cutting oil M562C 12
generously throughout the process until threads of the following lengths have M562C40 13
been cut.
13. After tube is coned, threaded and deburred, check for proper thread fit and
Assembly and Makeup of Connection
length with a new collar of the proper size. Note: Rememebr to flush all tubing
prior to installation with a fluid that is compatiable with the process fluid being used. 1. Lubricate male threads of gland with a metal based thread
lubricant.= Slip gland on tubing as shown and thread collar on
Male Tube Size Dimensions Thread size*
tubing until one to two threads are exposed between collar and
inches (mm)
Connection Outside
and type cone.
Type D L (max)
inches (mm)
SM250CX20 1/4” x 0.109 0.141 0.344 1/4” - 28 2. A small amount of process tolerable lubricant, such as
(6.35 x 2.77) (3.58) (8.74)
silicone grease, on the cone tip will help with the sealing
SM375CX20 3/8” x 0.203 0.25 0.438 3/8” - 24 process. Insert tubing in connection, engage gland and tighten
(9.53 x 5.16) (6.35) (11.13)
SM562CX20 9/16 x 0.312 0.406 0.500 9/16” - 18
(14.29 x 7.92) (10.31) (12.70)
3. Tighten gland with torque wrench to specified values on
SM562CX10 9/16” x 0.359 0.438 0.500 9/16” - 18
(14.29 x 9.12) (11.13) (12.70)
page 13. When tightening, the use of an additional wrench is
recommended to hold the fitting.
SM750CX20 3/4” x 0.438 0.562 0.625 3/4” - 16
(19.05 x 11.13) (14.27) (15.88)
= Copper Anti-Seize Lubricant:
SM750CX10 3/4” x 0.516 0.578 0.625 3/4” - 16
(19.05 x 13.11) (14.68) (15.88) P-3580 (1 pound can)
SM1000CX20 1” x 0.562 0.719 0.781 1” - 14 P-3580-8 (1/2 pound can)
(25.4 x 14.27) (18.26) (19.84)
Moly Anti-Seize Lubricant:
SM1000CX10 1” x 0.688 0.812 0.781 1” - 14 P-9766 (1 pound can)

(25.4 x 17.48) (20.62) (19.84)

SM1500CX 1-1/2" x 0.937 1.062 1.000 1-1/2" - 12
(38.10 x 23.78) (26.97) (25.40)
M250C 1/4” x 0.083 0.125 0.562 1/4” - 28
(6.35 x 2.10) (3.18) (14.27)
M250C100 1/4" x 0.083 0.125 0.625 1/4" - 28
(see note) (6.35 x 2.10) (3.18) (15.88)
M312C150 5/16” x 0.062 0.125 0.687 5/16” - 24
(7.94 x 1.57) (3.18) (17.45)
Step 1, 2
M375C100 3/8" X 0.125 0.219 0.562 3/8" - 24
(see note) (9.53 x 3.18) (5.56) (14.27)
M375C 3/8” x 0.125 0.219 0.75 3/8” - 24
(9.53 x 3.18) (5.56) (19.05)
M562C 9/16” x 0.187 0.281 0.938 9/16” - 18
(14.29 x 4.78) (7.14) (23.83)
M562C40 9/16” x 0.250 0.312 0.938 9/16” - 18
(14.29 x 6.35) (7.92) (23.83)
M562C40-312 9/16” x .312 0.406 0.940 9/16" - 18
(14.29 x 7.92) 10.31 23.88
M1000C43 1” x 0.438 0.562 0.91 1” - 14
(25.4 x 11.13) (14.27) (23.11)

*Thread is left-hand national fine (Class 2). All dimensions for reference only
and subject to change. Completed Autoclave Engineers Completed Autoclave Engineers
Medium Pressure Connection. High Pressure Connection.
NOTE: M250C100 and M375C100 used in F312C150 connection at 100,000
psi (6895 bar).

6 All general terms and conditions of sale, including limitations of our liability, apply to all products and services sold.
Tools, Installation, Operation and Maintenance - QSS Assembly Procedure
QSS Assembly Procedure

Fast, Positive Sealing for Pressures up to Torque values can be used for both initial setting and reas-
15,000 psi (1034 bar) sembly connections. See the following page for reassembly
1/4” & 3/8” Tubing Size (Standard setting operation) values and ranges.
See next page for setting with hydraulic tool. Initial setting torque
(Setting with hydraulic tool is recommended but not required). ft-lbs (NM)
1/4” 40 (54.3)
1. Cut tubing to length and deburr. Allow extra length for
3/8” 80 (108.5)
proper engagement (per table below).
Outside Diameter Extra Allowance** Completed Connection
Tube Size for Engagement
inches (mm) inches (mm) The illustration below shows the condition of sleeve and tub-
ing after completion of “sleeve setting.” The sleeve has cut
1/4 (6.35) 0.75 (19.05)
into the tubing as it moved forward into the tapered seat, up-
3/8 (9.53) 0.81 (20.64) setting material ahead of it and establishing a shoulder on the
2. Slip gland and sleeve onto tubing. tubing to provide positive mechanical support for the tubing
end-load. A properly set sleeve cannot be displaced back and
Note: Be sure to remove gland and sleeve from components forth along the tubing but may be rotated around the tubing.
and slide them onto the tubing before inserting the tubing into
the components.
Make sure larger end of sleeve is toward gland.
Push tubing into valve or fitting until it bottoms. Lubricate
gland nut threads to aid in assembly. If process tolerable, a
slight amount of inert grease on the nose of the compression
sleeve is recommended to improve sealability.


4. Note starting position of wrench.† Tighten gland nut See Note **
Larger end of sleeve
1-1/4 turns to complete the QSS connection.* toward gland

Bite into tubing

Fitting exaggerated for clarity
Step 1 Step 2
To reassemble a 1/4 or 3/8 connection, insert tubing with
sleeve and gland nut into valve or fitting. Tighten gland nut
until the sleeve begins to grip tubing. Tighten gland with a
wrench 1/4 of a turn for a gas-tight seal. After frequent reas-
semblies, it may take less than 1/4 turn to affect a gas-tight
seal and as little as 1/8 of a turn may be sufficient.

* No special torque wrenches or mandrels required.

** Distance tubing protrudes into connection from face
Step 3 Step 4
of fitting.

A small blind hole on the face of the gland is provided for a
starting position reference.
Parker Autoclave Engineers Medium Pressure tubing is r
equired for these connection components.
When assembling tubing into fittings such as in rack systems,
alignment of tubing is critical in connection make up.
Do not force tubing into alignment with connections as bend-
ing stress will effect the sealing capability of the connections.
All general terms and conditions of sale, including limitations of our liability, apply to all products and services sold. 7
Tools, Installation, Operation and Maintenance - QSS Assembly Procedure
QSS Assembly Procedure
Fast, Positive Sealing for Pressures up to Step 1 Step 2
15,000 psi (1034 bar)
Hydraulic Set Tool Assembly
1. Cut tubing to length and deburr. Allow extra length for proper
engagement (per table below).
Outside Diameter Tube Size Extra Allowance for Engagement**
inches (mm) inches (mm)
1/4 (6.35) 0.75 (19.05)
3/8 (9.53) 0.81 (20.64)
9/16 (14.27) 1.25 (31.75) Step 2A-1 Step 2A-2
3/4 (19.04) 1.63 (41.28)
1 (25.40) 1.75 (44.45)

2. Slip gland nut and sleeve onto tubing. Lubricate the nose of
the compression sleeve or the tapered die surface with a metal to
metal lubricant. We recommend Jetlube MP-50. Make sure larger
end of sleeve is toward gland nut. Push tubing into hydraulic set
tool until it bottoms into the setting die. For the 1" size only, as- Step 3 Step 4
semble the split nut (2A-1) around the tubing between the sleeve
and gland with the larger counter bore towards the gland and
thread into the cap. Be sure both the split nut and cap have been
tightened down and neither can be moved by hand. The cap
should always be flush with the top of the housing (2A-2) while
the split nut will not. Skip step 3.
3. Thread gland nut into cap until the hex touches the top surface.
4. Pressurize cylinder up to the set pressure (per table below.)
Outside Diameter Tube Size Set Pressure for Full Tubing Bite
inches (mm) psi (bar)
1/4 (6.35) 3/8 (9.53) 9/16 (14.27) 4500 (310) to 5000 (344)
3/4 (19.04) 8000 (552) to 10000 (690)
1 (25.4) 9000 (620) to 9500 (655)

Vent all presssure from hydraulic cylinder. Remove gland assembly

from preset tool and inspect biting end of sleeve. Looking inside Completed Connection
the biting end of the sleeve you should see a shoulder pushed up The hydraulically set sleeve has cut into the tubing as it moved
from the tubing material. A properly set sleeve must spin freely to forward into the tapered seat, upsetting material ahead of it and
achieve a seal. If the sleeve is seized in place after setting, discard establishing a shoulder on the tubing to provide positive mechan-
and make another. Do not set a sleeve more than once. ical support for the tubing end-load. A properly set sleeve cannot
5. Install gland assembly into valve/fitting. If process tolerable, be displaced back and forth along the tubing but may be rotated
a slight amount of inert grease on the nose of the compression around the tubing.
sleeve should be used to aid sealing. Lubrication of gland threads Reassembly
will also aid in assembly. To reassemble a connection, insert tubing with sleeve and gland
TIGHTEN GLAND NUT UNTIL SLEEVE BEGINS TO GRIP TUBING. nut into valve or fitting. Install gland into valve/fitting.
6. Note starting position of wrench.† Tighten gland nut 1/4 turn TIGHTEN GLAND NUT UNTIL SLEEVE BEGINS TO GRIP TUBING.
to complete the QSS connection. Since the mechanical bite has Note starting position of wrench.† Tighten gland nut 1/4 turn
already been completed with the hydraulic set tool, it is permis- to complete the QSS connection.
sible to vary the torque to achieve sealing.
If torque values are required, use the following: ** Distance tubing protrudes into connection from face of fitting.

A small blind hole on the face of the gland is provided for a start-
Size Required Torque Max. Torque Torque Wrench Adapter
(in) ft-lbs (Nm) ft-lbs (Nm) Adapter Size Part # ing position reference.
1/4” 30 (40.7) 50 (67.8) 5/8” P-1683 Parker Autoclave Engineers Medium Pressure tubing is required
3/8” 35 (47.5) 75 (101.6) 3/4” P-9813 for these connection components.
9/16” 90 (122.0) 135 (183.0) 1-3/16” P-1689 When assembling tubing into fittings such as in rack systems,
3/4” 175 (237.3) 250 (339.0) 1-1/2” P-6040 alignment of tubing is critical in connection make up. Do not force into
1” 375 (508.4) 500 (677.9) 1-3/4” 91269 alignment with connections as bending stress will effect the sealing
8 All general terms and conditions of sale, including limitationscapability of the
of our liability, connections.
apply to all products and services sold.
Tools, Installation, Operation and Maintenance - Hydraulic Sleeve Set Tool
Hydraulic Sleeve Set Tool

The Parker Autoclave Engineers hydraulic sleeve set tool Tooling Installation and Changing Sizes
is designed for use with the QS Series glands, sleeves and To change tooling to another size only requires interchanging
Autoclave tubing. This tool is required to set the sleeve for 2 parts.
the 9/16” and 3/4” sizes and suggested for the 1/4” and 3/8”
sizes. It not only produces the required bite into the tubing, it 1. Loosen the 5/16" set screw that locks the threaded cap from
is much easier than trying to set the sleeve the conventional rotating.
method. The tool comes in a self contained portable, lockable 2. Using a 5/32" hex key to rotate and remove the threaded
case complete with hand or air pump, cap and dies for all steel cap from the aluminum housing.
sizes. 3. Turn the tool assembly upside down to remove the die
from inside the housing.
4. Install the die of the appropriate connection size you wish
to use. The solid side of the die should be facing down
towards the hydraulic cylinder.
5. Install the appropriate size cap to match the size of the die.
Insert cap with the 5/32" hex up. Rotate with a 5/32" hex key
until it bottoms out on the shoulder side of the housing.
6. Thread in the 5/16" set screw until it bottoms out on the
cap threads. Tighten set screw to prevent movement
during use.

Ordering Information
HST-912: Complete tool kit with hand pump (shown in photo)
HST-912TW: Complete tool kit with torque wrench and adapters
Features HST-912A: Complete tool kit with air-operated pump (Air
Case Dimensions: 28”W x 14.25”H x 13.75”D (711cm x operated pump #P-1948)
362cm x 292cm) HST-912ATW: Complete tool kit with torque wrench and adapters
Total Weight: 69 lbs. (31 Kg) HST-S: Complete table mounted system that includes everything in
Hand Pump: Single stage hydraulic (standard) the HST-912ATW plus the required tooling for the 1" size connections.
Hydraulic Cylinder: 10,000 psi, 2.5” 25 ton Not shown. Consult factory for replacement parts.
Base & Housing: Aluminum anodized
Die and Cap: Precision hardened steel Description Part #
Gauge: 15,000 psi (1034 bar) Hydraulic Cylinder 90588
Air-operated hydraulic pump option can be furnished in Gauge 90594
place of standard hand pump. (Add “-A” to order number). Adapter 90593
Operating pressure 0 to 10,000 psi (0 to 690 bar). Base 101F-3407
Required air presssure, 30 psi (2.1 bar) minimum 120 Housing 101F-3408
psi (8.3 bar) maximum. Reservoir capacity: 24 cu. in. Hydraulic Pump P-1893
(393cm3). Air lubricator/air separator is recommended for Hose P-1894
air operated units. 3/4” Die HSTD12
9/16” Die HSTD9
Cap 3/4” Cap HSTC12
Die 9/16” Cap HSTC9
Tool Chest P-10011
Moly Paste P-9766
1/4” Die HSTD4
1/4” Cap HSTC4
3/8” Die HSTD6
3/8” Cap HSTC6
Cylinder (TW) Kits with torque and adapters
Hose Connection
3/8” NPT 20 to 150 ft-lbs (27-203 Nm) Torque Wrench P-1680
75 to 250 ft-lbs (102-339 Nm) Torque Wrench 91020
5/8” wrench adapter P-1683
3/4” wrench adapter P-9813
1-3/16” wrench adapter P-1689
1-1/2” wrench adapter P-6040

All general terms and conditions of sale, including limitations of our liability, apply to all products and services sold. 9
Tools, Installation, Operation and Maintenance - Anti-Vibration Collet Gland
Anti-Vibration Collet Gland

Assembly Procedure
Anti-vibration collet gland assembly replaces the standard Collet
gland nut. Collet
Medium pressure Gland
1. Cone and thread tubing as defined on pages 5 and 6.
2. Slide collet assembly onto tube and install collar as de- 20,000 psi (1379 bar) Collet
scribed in the assembly and makeup of connections on page Body
6. One or two threads should be exposed between the collar (Gland)
and cone.

3. Lubricate male threads on glands (medium pressure

anti-vibration assemblies supplied with a baked on dry film Collet
lubricant. Lubrication not required.)
4. Tighten gland or collet body to specified torque on
page 13. The high pressure collet will grip the tube when the
High pressure
connection gland is tightened.
Series KCGL
5. For the medium pressure collet gland assembly, hand tighten 60,000 psi (4137 bar)
the collet gland in place and further tighten 1-1/4 turns with a
wrench. When tightening the medium pressure anti-vibe
collet nut, hold the collet body with a wrench to prevent the body Note: Always use a back-up wrench on collet body to prevent
from turning and over tightening. This will lock the collet against over tightening of collet body into connection.
the tube. For subsequent retightening of the medium pressure
anti-vibration collet gland, use 3/4 turns past finger tight.

Reseating tool - For female tubing connection cone seat

1. Clamp fitting in soft-jawed vise. 5. Remove reamer, guide nut and bushing and inspect cone
2. Thread gland nut into connection and tighten to 10 ft. lbs.
(13.6 N.m). 6. Repeat steps 2,3,4 and 5, if necessary, until cone surface
has been restored and finish is smooth.
3. Apply a medium weight high sulfur cutting oil generously
through opening in nut. Cutting oil P-8784. 7. Clean fitting thoroughly to remove all chips and residue.

4. Insert reamer through guide bushing and press down firmly

while rotating clockwise approximately two full turns, relieving
pressure gradually toward end of second turn.

Connection Reamer Guide Reamer Handle

Type Complete Nut Assembly
SF250CX P-0270CX A101A-2005 P-0270 202D-0596
SF375CX P-0271CX A2020-7310 P-0271 202D-0596
SF562CX P-0272CX A2030-7310 P-0896 202D-0596
Guide Handle SF750CX P-1726CX A102A-3376 P-1726 201D-0595
Nut Assembly SF1000CX P-1727CX A102A-3375 P-1727 201D-0595
F250C P-0270C A1010-0453 P-0270 202D-0596
F312C150 P-0271C150 A2040-7310 P-0271 202D-0596
Reamer F375C P-0271C A1020-0453 P-0271 202D-0596
F562C / C40 P-0272C A1030-0453 P-0272 202D-0596
43F1000C P-1727CX A102A-3375 P-1727 201D-0595

10 All general terms and conditions of sale, including limitations of our liability, apply to all products and services sold.
Coning and Threading Machine

• Coning and Threading of Parker Autoclave Engineers
Medium and High Pressure Tubing.

• Separate heads for coning and threading are powered by a

single motor and drive system.

• New design collet / support system allows for easier coning

and threading of long tube lengths.

• New design tube depth gauge eliminates movement of

tubing during the threading operation.
• 1/2-HP TEFC motor, capacitor start
• Pop-Open die prevents thread damage; no reversing
necessary on threading
• Complete tooling available; order separately
• Supplied with oil pump and reservoir
• Optional oil reservoir heater for operation below
65° F (18.3°C)
• CE marked on 220 VAC units standard
Tube Size Collet Cutters Die Complete
• Unit mounted on stand with locking casters for ease of Inches Only Only Chasers Set
mobility and stability (mm) (set) (set) (set)
• Guard option - see next page 1/4” x 0.109 CTM4C-2 CTM4BX AEGCTM4D AEGCTM4X-2
(6.35 x 2.77)
Ordering Procedure
1/4” x 0.083 CTM4C-2 CTM4B AEGCTM4D AEGCTM4-2
(Tooling must be ordered separately see Table). (6.35 x 2.10)

Model Description 5/16” x 0.062 CTM5C-2 CTM5B AEGCTM5D AEGCTM5-2

(7.94 x 1.57)
AEGCTM-2 115 VAC 60Hz
3/8” x 0.203 CTM6C-2 CTM6BX AEGCTM6D AEGCTM6X-2
AEGCTM-2E-CE 220 VAC 50Hz (9.53 x 5.16)
AEGCTM-2WOH Standard units "with oil heater" 3/8” x 0.125 CTM6C-2 CTM6B AEGCTM6D AEGCTM6-2
(9.53 x 3.18)
9/16” x 0.359 CTM9C-2 CTM9BXX AEGCTM9D AEGCTM9XX-2
(14.29 x 9.12)
Approximate Dimensions:
56”h x 28”w x 20”d (142cm x 71cm x 51cm) 9/16” x 0.312 CTM9C-2 CTM9BX AEGCTM9D AEGCTM9X-2
(14.29 x 7.92)
9/16” x 0.187 CTM9C-2 CTM9B AEGCTM9D AEGCTM9-2
Shipping Weight:
(14.29 x 4.78)
350 pounds (158.7 Kg)
9/16” x 0.250 CTM9C-2 CTM9B40 AEGCTM9D AEGCTM940-2
(14.29 x 6.35)
Cutting Oil:
3/4” x 0.516 CTM12C-2 CTM12BX AEGCTM12D AEGCTM12X-2
Part number: P-8699: 3-1/2 Gal (11.36 Liter) Reservoir (19.05 x 13.11)
3/4” x 0.438 CTM12C-2 CTM12B AEGCTM12D AEGCTM12-2
(19.05 x 11.13)
Note 1: 1” x 0.688 CTM16C-2 CTM16BX AEGCTM16D AEGCTM16X-2
A minimum of 5” (127mm) straight length of tubing is (25.4 x 17.48)
required to perform coning & threading operations. 1” x 0.562 CTM16C-2 CTM16B AEGCTM16D AEGCTM16-2
(25.4 x 14.27)
Video Aids Available: 1” x 0.438 CTM16C-2 CTM16BXX AEGCTM16D AEGCTM16XX-2
Coning & Threading CD P-9930-D (25.4 x 11.13)

All general terms and conditions of sale, including limitations of our liability, apply to all products and services sold. 11
Coning and Threading Machine

Optional Oil/Chip Guard

A threading die oil/chip guard is available as an option on our

AEGCTM machines.

The guard is a swing away Plexiglas design providing

protection from splashing oil or thrown chips while allowing
full access to the die head. The guard’s sole purpose is
the prevention of flying chips and oil not the prevention of
operator access.

A guard option will also be available in a retrofit kit for our

new existing machines (-2 models). The kit will contain all
required items along with instructions.

To order a guard with a model, just add a G to the catalog


AEGCTM-2GK Retrofit kit catalog number
Note: Detailed operational instructions are supplied with the
machine in two forms, printed and DVD. Refer to these instruc-
tions for tooling installation, machine adjustment, and maintenance

12 All general terms and conditions of sale, including limitations of our liability, apply to all products and services sold.
Torque Values

Autoclave Micrometer Adjustable Valve Stem Maximum Running and Seating

Torque Wrenches Torques* (Typical Values)
P-1680 20 to 150 ft. lbs. (27 to 203 Nm)
Valve Tube Size Running Seating Pressure
91020 75 to 250 ft. lbs. (102 to 339 Nm) Series (Inches) Torque Torque psi (bar)
Accurate tightening for all Parker Autoclave Engineers valve in.-lbs. (N.m) in.-lbs. (N.m)
packing glands and tube nuts is essential. The wrench can be 1/8 25 (2.80) 35 (3.90) 15,000 (1034)
adjusted to the ranges shown above and is used with inter- 1/4 40 (4.50) 50 (5.60) 15,000 (1034)
changeable wrench adapters for hex sizes from 1/2” through 10V
3/8 40 (4.50) 50 (5.60) 15,000 (1034)
1-7/8”. Part numbers for wrench adapters are listed below. 1/2 60 (6.80) 80 (9.10) 10,000 (690)
Wrench adapters sold separately. 1/4 25 (2.80) 35 (3.90) 15,000 (1034)
Standard Wrench Adapters SW 3/8 40 (4.50) 50 (5.60) 15,000 (1034)
1/2 70 (7.90) 90 (10.20) 10,000 (690)
Packing Gland
Wrench or 9/16 60 (6.80) 80 (9.10) 10,000 (690)
Adapter Tube Nut 10SM 3/4 210(23.80) 240 (27.20) 10,000 (690)
Hex Size 1 180 (20.40) 540 (61.10) 10,000 (690)
Number (inches)
1/4 40 (4.50) 55 (6.20) 20,000 (1379)
P-1681 1/2 3/8 40 (4.50) 55 (6.20) 20,000 (1379)
P-1682 9/16 20SM 9/16 60 (6.80) 90 (10.20) 20,000 (1379)
P-1683 5/8 3/4 300 (33.90) 360 (40.70) 20,000 (1379)
P-9813 3/4 1 360 (40.70) 600 (67.90) 20,000 (1379)
P-1685 13/16 30SC 1 360 (40.70) 1000 (113.0) 30,000 (2068)
P-1686 7/8 43SC 1 720 (82.0) 840 (95.0) 43,000 (2965)
P-1687 15/16 1/4 40 (4.50) 55 (6.20) 30,000 (2068)
P-9901 1 30VM 3/8 45 (5.00) 55 (6.20) 30,000 (2068)
P-1688 1-1/16 9/16 50 (5.60) 55 (6.20) 30,000 (2068)
P-1689 1-3/16 40VM 9/16 40 (4.50) 55 (6.20) 40,000 (2758)
P-1690 1-3/8 1/4 65 (7.30) 70 (7.90) 60,000 (4137)
P-6040 1-1/2 60VM 3/8 65 (7.30) 70 (7.90) 60,000 (4137)
P-10076 1-7/8 9/16 65 (7.30) 70 (7.90) 60,000 (4137)
Parker AE Tube Connection Glands 100VM 5/16 100 (11.3) 120 (13.6) 100,000 (6895)

Tube Connection Tube Nut Required Required

Size Hex Size Torque Torque
(Inches) (Inches) ft.-lbs. (N.m) Moly Coated * These are not specifications.
1/4 1/2 20 (27.1) 15 (20.4) Note: All valve stem torques are based on standard PTFE packing. For valves
Medium Pressure

with option “TG” (PTFE Glass) or “GY” (graphite - yarn packing), the following
3/8 5/8 30 (40.6) 20 (27.1)
equations should be used to estimate torques.
9/16 15/16 55 (74.5) 40 (54.4) Running Torque “GY” = 2 x running torque
3/4 1-3/16 90 (122.0) 70 (95.2) Seating Torque “GY” = 2 x running torque + seating torque - running torque
Running Torque “TG” = 1.1 x running torque
1 1-3/8 125 (170) 100 (136.0) Seating Torque “TG” = 1.1 x running torque + seating torque - running torque
1-1/2 1-7/8 200 (271.2) 160 (217.0)
1/4 5/8 25 (33.9) ­— Parker AE Flat Top/Bottom Adapters
1/4 (100K) 3/4 50 (68) — Maximum
Size Working Connection Required Torque
3/8 13/16 50 (68) ­— inches Pressure ft. - lbs. (N.m)
High Pressure

5/16 3/4 70 (94.9) ­— psi (bar)

3/8 (100K) 3/4 105 (142.8) — Flat Top

9/16 10,000 (690) F562FT 60 (81.3)
9/16 (40K) 1-3/16 60 (81.4) —
7/16 10,000 (690) F437FB 25 (33.9)
9/16 1-3/16 75 (101.7) ­— Flat Bottom
9/16 10,000 (690) F562FB 40 (54.2)
9/16 (100K) 1-3/16 125 (169.5) — Gasket
1” (See Note **) 1-3/8 150 (203.3) ­— 3/4 5,000 (345) F750FB 60 (81.3)
1” (See Note ***) 1-3/8 180 (244.0) ­—
** Torque for 1” tubing @ 30,000 psi (2068 bar).
*** Torque for 1” tubing @ 43,000 psi (2965 bar).
Torque wrench not required for Parker Autoclave Engineers SpeedBite tube connection-see page 2.
All dimensions for reference only and subject to change.
All general terms and conditions of sale, including limitations of our liability, apply to all products and services sold. 13
Torque Values

Parker AE Packing Glands Parker AE Packing Glands

Outside Outside
Diameter Packing Required Diameter Packing Required
Valve Torque1 Valve Torque1
Series Size Gland Hex Series Size Gland Hex
(inches) (Inches) ft.-lbs. (N.m) (Inches) (Inches) ft.-lbs. (N.m)

1/8 1/2 12 (16.3) 40VM 9/16 13/16 40 (54.2)

1/4 13/16 40 (54.2) 1/4 13/16 60 (81.3)
3/8 13/16 40 (54.2) 60VM 3/8 13/16 60 (81.3)
1/2 13/16 30 (40.7) 9/16 13/16 60 (81.3)
1/4 5/8 30 (40.7) 100VM 5/16 15/16 60 (81.3)
SW 3/8 5/8 4 (54.2) 150V 5/16 1-3/8 150 (203.3)
1/2 13/16 50 (67.8) 3/4 15/16 130 (176.3)
1/4 5/8 40 (54.2) 1 1-1/16 150 (203.3)
10SM 3/8 5/8 40 (54.2) 50Y 9/16 15/16 85 (115.2)
& 9/16 13/16 80 (108.5) 10VRMM 9/16 9/16 20 (27.1)
20SM 3/4 13/16 Note: 2 3/4 13/16 50 (67.8)
1 1-3/8 20 (27.1) 1/4 13/16 50 (67.8)
30SC 1 1-3/8 230 (311.8) 3/8 13/16 50 (67.8)
1/4 13/16 60 (81.3)
1 - Torque may vary ±10%. Torque values apply to standard PTFE packing. For
30VM 3/8 13/16 60 (81.3) graphite yarn packing, add 25% to tthe above values.
9/16 13/16 60 (81.3)
2 - 3/4 turn past finger tight with hex wrench.

Special Material Connection Torque Table Pressure psi (bar) vs. Torque ft.-lbs. (N.m)
Note: Use the recommended torque value for special material valves and fittings based on the maximum allowable working pressure of the valve
or fitting

Pressure psi (bar)

Minumum 2,500 (172) 5,000 (345) 10,000 (690) 15,000 (1034) 20,000 (1379) 25,000 (1724) 30,000 (2068) 40,000 (2758) 50,000 (3447) 60,000 (4137)

SF250CX 10 (13.6) 10 (13.6) 10 (13.6) 10 (13.6) 15 (20.3) 20 (27.1) — — — — —

SF375CX 10 (13.6) 10 (13.6) 10 (13.6) 15 (20.3) 25 (33.9) 30 (40.7) — — — — —

SF562CX10 20 (27.1) 20 (27.1) 30 (40.7) 55 (74.6) — — — — — — —

SF562CX20 15 (20.3) 15 (20.3) 15 (20.3) 30 (40.7) 40 (54.2) 55 (74.6) — — — — —

SF750CX10 25 (33.9) 25 (33.9) 40 (54.2) 75 (101.7) — — — — — — —

SF750CX20 20 (27.1) 20 (27.1) 25 (33.9) 45 (61.0) 70 (94.9) 90 (122.0) — — — — —

SF1000CX10 40 (54.2) 40 (54.2) 65 (88.1) 125 (169.5) — — — — — — —

SF1000CX20 35 (47.5) 35 (47.5) 50 (67.8) 100 (135.6) 115 (156.0) 125 (169.5) — — — — —

F1000C43 30 (40.7) 30 (40.7) 50 (67.8) 65 (88.1) 75 (101.7) 100 (135.6) 125 (169.5) 150 (203.3) 180 (244.0) — —

F250C 10 (13.6) 10 (13.6) 10 (13.6) 10 (13.6) 10 (13.6) 10 (13.6) 15 (20.3) 15 (20.3) 20 (27.1) 25 (33.9) 25 (33.9)

F375C 10 (13.6) 10 (13.6) 10 (13.6) 10 (13.6) 15 (20.3) 20 (27.1) 25 (33.9) 25 (33.9) 35 (47.5) 45 (61.0) 50 (67.8)

F562C 15 (20.3) 15 (20.3) 15 (20.3) 15 (20.3) 20 (27.1) 25 (33.9) 35 (47.5) 40 (54.2) 50 (67.86) 65 (88.1) 75 (101.7)

F562C40 15 (20.3) 15 (20.3) 15 (20.3) 15 (20.3) 25 (33.9) 30 (40.7) 40 (54.2) 45 (61.0) 60 (81.3) — —

14 All general terms and conditions of sale, including limitations of our liability, apply to all products and services sold.
Tube Connection Dimensions
A Drill

Parker Autoclave SpeedBite SW* D

Tube Dimensions inches (mm)

Outside Connection
Diameter Type
(inches) A B C D E F G G

1/4 SW250 29/64 (11.5) 1/2 -20 0.34 (8.6) 0.44 (11.1) 0.69 (17.5) 0.34 (8.6) “F” 0.257 (6.5)

3/8 SW375 37/64 (14.7) 5/8 -18 0.38 (9.7) 0.47 (11.9) 0.75 (19.1) 0.48 (12.1) “W” 0.386 (9.8)

1/2 SW500 3/4 (19.1) 13/16 -16 0.41 (10.4) 0.50 (12.7) 0.81 (20.6) 0.60 (15.21) 0.514 (13.1)


Parker Autoclave SpeedBite W* A Drill


Outside Connection Dimensions inches (mm) C
Diameter E
(inches) A B C D E F G

1/16 W062
W125 “Q” 0.332 (8.4) 3/8 -24 0.22 (5.6) 0.31 (7.9) 0.47 (11.9) 0.19 (4.8) #30 0.128 (3.3)

1/4 W250 11/16 (17.4) 3/4 -16 0.38 (9.7) 0.44 (11.1) 0.69 (17.7) 0.35 (8.9) “F” 0.257 (6.5)

3/8 W375 11/16 (17.4) 3/4 -16 0.38 (9.7) 0.44 (11.1) 0.69 (17.7) 0.48 (12.1) “W” 0.386 (9.8)

Tube Dimensions inches (mm)
Outside Connection
Diameter Type
(inches) A B C D E F G

1/4 QSF250 29/64 (11.5) 1/2 -20 0.34 (8.6) 0.44 (11.1) 0.69 (17.5) 0.34 (8.6) “F” 0.257 (6.5)

3/8 QSF375 37/64 (14.7) 5/8 -18 0.38 (9.7) 0.47 (11.9) 0.75 (19.1) 0.48 (12.1) .038" (9.7)

9/16 QSF562 7/8 (22.2) 15/16 -16 0.57 (14.5) 0.704 (17.9) 1.25 (31.8) 0.712 (18.1) 0.57 (14.5)

3/4 QSF750 1-3/16 (30.15) 1-1/4 -18 0.83 (21.08) 1.00 (25.40) 1.56 (39.62) 0.95 (24.13) 0.76 (19.30)

1 QSF1000 1-9/16 (39.70) 1-5/8 -16 .75 (19.1) .88 (22.2) 1.56 (39.62) 1.24 (31.5) 1.02 (26.0)

Note: All dimensions are shown for reference only and should not be consid- For prompt service. Parker Autoclave Engineers stocks select products.
ered as actual machining dimensions. Consult factory. All general terms and conditions of sale, including limitations
of our liability, apply to all products and service sold.
*For port diameter please see orifice sizes for specific valves and fittings.

All threads are manufactured to a class 2A or 2B fit.

All general terms and conditions of sale, including limitations of our liability, apply to all products and services sold. 15
Tube Connection Dimensions

Parker Autoclave Medium Pressure SFCX **

Dimensions inches (mm)
Tube Outside Connection

1/4 SF250CX20 25/64 (9.9) 7/16 -20 0.28 (7.1) 0.50 (12.7) 0.19 (4.8) 0.109 (2.8) Thread
3/8 SF375CX20 33/64 (13.1) 9/16 -18 0.38 (9.7) 0.62 (15.7) 0.31 (7.9) 0.203 (5.2) F
9/16 *SF562CX10 3/4 (19.1) 13/16 -16 0.44 (11.1) 0.75 (19.1) 0.50 (12.7) 0.359 (9.1) D
SF562CX20 0.312 (7.9)
*SF750CX10 61/64 (24.2) 0.516 (13.1) 5°
3/4 3/4 -14z 0.50 (12.7) 0.94 (23.9) 0.62 (15.7)
SF750CX20 0.438 (11.1)
*SF1000CX10 1-19/64 (32.9) 1-3/8 -12 0.81 (20.6) 1.31 (33.3) 0.88 (22.4) 0.688 (17.5) hole
1 H
SF1000CX20 0.562 (14.3)
1-1/2 SF1500CX 1.790 (45.47) 1-7/8 -12 1.00 (25.4) 1.594 (40.49) 1.375 (34.93) .937 (23.80) Z = NPS Male Tap

* Connection used in fittings rated for 20,000 psi (1379 bar) .

Parker Autoclave High Pressure FC**

Dimensions inches (mm)
Tube Outside Connection
(inches) Type 60°
1/4 F250C 33/64 (13.1) 9/16 -18 0.38 (9.7) 0.44 (11.1) 0.17 (4.3) 0.094 (2.4) A
3/8 F375C 11/16 (17.4) 3/4 -16 0.53 (13.5) 0.62 (15.7) 0.26 (6.6) 0.125 (3.2)
5° C D
9/16 F562C 1-3/64 (26.6) 1-1/8 -12 0.62 (15.7) 0.75 (19.1) 0.38 (9.7) 0.188 (4.8)

9/16 F562C40 1-3/64 (26.6) 1-1/8 -12 0.62 (15.7) 0.75 (19.1) 0.38 (9.7) 0.250 (6.4)
5/16 F312C150 37/64 (14.7) 5/8 -18 0.62 (15.7) 1.06 (26.9) 0.25 (6.4) 0.094 (2.4) H

1 F1000C43 1-19/64 (32.9) 1-3/8 -12 0.81 (20.6) 1.31 (33.3) 0.88 (22.4) 0.438 (11.1)

Note: All dimensions are shown for reference only and should not be consid- For prompt service. Parker Autoclave Engineers stocks select products.
ered as actual machining dimensions. Consult factory.All general terms and conditions of sale, including limitations
of our liability, apply to all products and service sold.
*For port diameter please see orifice sizes for specific valves and fittings.  
**For male tubing end preparation, please see pages 5 and 6.

All threads are manufactured to a class 2A or 2B fit.

16 All general terms and conditions of sale, including limitations of our liability, apply to all products and services sold.
Hydraulic Tube Bender

For Single Pass Bending of High Pressure Tubing Minimum Bend (Mandrel) Radius
The Parker Autoclave Engineers hydraulic tube bender is Tube Size †† Minimum
Shoe* ††
designed to bend heavy wall tubing and provide fast, accurate Catalog Inches (mm) Rated
Bend Inside
Required 90°
and reliable bending with only one setup. The tube bender is Number Outside Inside Pressure (bar) Radius
Inches (mm)
Inches (cm)
Diameter Diameter
complete with pump, cylinder, frame and bending shoes which
are self contained in a portable, lockable case. 201A-6016 9/16 (14.29) 0.359 (9.12) 15,000 (1034) 2.62 (66.5) 14 (35.6)
(Order number: HTB)
201A-6018 3/4 (19.05) 0.516 (13.11) 15,000 (1034) 3.50 (88.9) 16 (40.6)

201A-6020 1 (25.4) 0.688 (17.48) 15,000 (1034) 4.62 (117.3) 22 (55.8)

201A-6014† 1/4 (6.35) 0.109 (2.77) 20,000 (1379) 1.25† (31.8) 8 (20.3)

201A-6014 3/8 (9.53) 0.203 (5.16) 20,000 (1379) 1.75 (44.5) 8 (20.3)

201A-6016 9/16 (14.29) 0.312 (7.92) 20,000 (1379) 2.62 (66.5) 14 (35.6)

201A-6018 3/4 (19.05) 0.438 (11.13) 20,000 (1379) 3.50 (88.9) 16 (40.6)

201A-6020 1 (25.4) 0.562 (14.27) 20,000 (1379) 4.62 (117.3) 22 (55.8)

201A-6020 1 (25.4) 0.438 (11.13) 43,000 (2965) 4.62 (117.3) 22 (55.8)

201A-6014† 1/4 (6.35) 0.083 (2.10) 60,000 (4137) 1.25 (31.8) 8 (20.3)

Features 201A-6014 3/8 (9.53) 0.125 (3.18) 60,000 (4137) 1.75 (44.5) 8 (20.3)
Dimensions: 27.5”W x 14.0”H x 14.0”D (69.9cm x 35.6cm x
35.6cm). 201A-6016 9/16 (14.29) 0.250 (6.35) 40,000 (2758) 2.62 (66.5) 14 (35.6)
Weight: 55 lbs. (29.9 Kg)
201A-6016 9/16 (14.29) 0.188 (4.78) 60,000 (4137) 2.62 (66.5) 14 (35.6)
Single-stage hydraulic hand pump (standard)
Ram retractor valve relieves system pressure after bending. N/A** 5/16 (7.94) 0.062 (1.57) 150,000 (10342) 6.00 (152.4) 8 (20.3)
The spring loaded ram retracts for easy removal of tubing after
bending is completed. Annealed Parkre Autoclave Engineeers pressure tubing may also be bent on
HTB tube bender using bending shoe sizes specified above.
Quick release pivot pins lock and unlock easily for tube
removal. * HTB bending shoes are constructed of heat-treated aluminum alloy and
designed specifically for use with Parker Autoclave Engineers’ heavy wall
One-piece shoe locking pin locks bending shoe securely but stainless tubing. They are not intended for bending such components as com-
allows for quick release to interchange shoes. mercial pipe. Because of diameter differences, such misuse could fracture the
bending shoe.
Rugged bending frame is lightweight, aircraft quality, alumi-
num alloy. ** Information on bending 150,000 psi (10342 bar) tubing is included here for
reference only. This tubing should not be bent on HTB hydraulic tube bender
Precision one-piece bending shoes are permanent mold, because of the 6” required minimum radius.
heat-treated, aircraft quality, aluminum alloy.
† Value shown is mimimum bend radius of the tubing; bending shoe furnished
Air-operated hydraulic pump option can be furnished in place (201A-6014) will bend tubing to 1.75” (44.5).
of standard hand pump. (Add “-A” to order number) Operating
pressure 0 to 10,000 psi (0 to 690 bar). Required air pres- †† Pressure rating of the bent tube will be reduced. Consult the Technical
Application section for pressure rating at various bend radii.
sure 30 psi (2.1 bar) minimum 120 psi ( 8.3 bar) maximum.
Reservoir capacity 24 cu. in. (393cm3). Available with optional All dimensions for reference only and subject to change.
hydraulic pressure gauge and gauge adapter. A lubricator/air
separator is recommended for air operated units.

All general terms and conditions of sale, including limitations of our liability, apply to all products and services sold. 17
Tools, Installation, Operation and Maintenance - Lubrication Guide
Lubrication Guide

General Information
For reliable operation and long life of hand valves, air valves,
relief valves, check valves and safety heads, Parker Autoclave
Engineers strongly recommends proper lubrication of all
Metal to Metal
components that are subject to friction during assembly and / Lubricant
or operation. This is especially important where metal to metal
contact occurs such as on connection gland threads, packing
gland threads and stem threads. Without proper lubrication,
the high loads imposed on these threads may cause the parts O-ring
to weld (or gall) together from the high metal to metal contact Lubricant
forces and friction heat. Lubrication is also essential for the
effective sealing and long life of o-rings, especially those that
are used in dynamic sealing applications. The performance of
metal to metal seals will be improved with lubrication but, they
do not absolutely require it.

Lubricant selection is strongly dependent on the application

of the given component. Process fluids, fluid temperature,
ambient environment temperature, materials and other factors
are important in selecting a lubricant. This manual gives some
basic guidelines in the proper selection and application of lu-
bricants. The end user must ultimately determine the suitability Figure 2
Air Valve Piston
of a lubricant based on process requirements. Lubrication Sites

Note: Parker Autoclave Engineers assumes no liability in

selecting lubricant for customer applications.

Lubrication Sites
1. Speedbite, Slimline and High Pressure Connections in
all valves and fittings - Prior to assembly, the connection
gland should be lubricated on the threads and on the area that Metal to Metal
is in contact with the sleeve or collar. Parker AE provides as Lubricant

standard a dry molybdenum disulfide lubricant on Speedbite

glands unless specified otherwise. If process tolerable, a
small amount of any lubricant (or process fluid) on the end of
the tube cone or connection sleeve will help to maximize the
metal-to-metal sealing process. This inherently provides for
better sealing of gases.

2. Hard Valves - Ideally, the non-rotating stem should be Metal to Metal

lubricated along the shank that fits into the threaded stem Lubricant
(If not MoS2
sleeve as well as on the surfaces that are in contact with the {dry} film coated)

stem washers. The threaded stem sleeve should be lubri-

cated on the stem threads and at the ends (see Figure 1). The
packing gland should be lubricated on the external threads
and on the end that is in contact with the packing washer. For Metal to Metal
valves with replacement seats, the external threads on the seat Seal Surface
retainer and the portion of the seat retainer in contact with
the seat should be lubricated. Figure 1
Hand Valve
3. Air Valves - The packing gland and seat retainer (if the Lubrication Sites

valve has a replaceable seat) should be lubricated in the same

manner as the hand valve. Threads should also be lubricated
on all of the yoke screws (for yoke style valves) and on the
retainer insert (on other air operated valves).

18 All general terms and conditions of sale, including limitations of our liability, apply to all products and services sold.
For piston type air operators, o-ring lubricant should be 1. Jet Lube SS-301 - This lubricant consists of pure copper
applied to the inside of the operator housing, on the center flakes that are homogenized into a non-melting, nonvolatile
rod and on all the o-rings, on the pistons and divider plates. viscous carrier. It is fortified with anti-oxidants, rust and cor-
On air-to-open diaphragm operators, the o-ring on the stem rosion inhibitors. Jet Lube SS-30 is the standard lubricant for
should be lubricated. The threads and end of the spring adjust- Parker Autoclave VFT components with sliding metal to metal
ment screw should be lubricated on all air-to-open valves. contact surfaces. The surfaces are copper coated and prevents
Refer to Figure 2 and 3 for lubrication sites on piston and seizure, galling and heat freeze. SS-30 comes in the form of
diaphragm style operators. a thick oil that can be easily brushed on the surfaces to be
4. Check Valves - The gland nut should be lubricated on the lubricated. The absolute service temperature range is from 0 to
external threads and at the end where it contacts the cover. 1800°F (-17.8 to 982°C). Jet Lube SS-30 is not recommended
The cover should be lubricated at the sealing surface where for extreme low temperature applications or processes that will
it contacts the body. For o-ring check valves, a small amount not tolerate the presence of copper.
of o-ring lubricant on the o-ring will help swell the elastomer 2. Jet Lube MP-50 Moly Paste1 - This is a thick paste that
and aid sealing. Refer to Figure 4 for lubrication sites on check contains molybdenum disulfide (MoS). This lubricant is
valves. suitable for preventing seizure and galling of parts at absolute
5. Relief Valves - Threads should be lubricated on the cap, temperatures of -300 to 750°F (-184 to 399°C). It is recom-
spring cylinder, adjustment bolt and on the seat gland. Refer mended for metal to metal components that are exposed to
to Figure 5 for lubrication sites on the relief valve. temperatures of less than 0ºF. Other lubricants may solidify
under these conditions and prevent the effective operation of
6. Safety Heads - The threads and end of the hold down nut dynamic components.
should be lubricated. Refer to figure 6 for lubrication sites on
the safety head. 3. DuPont Krytox 240AC2 - Krytox is a non-flammable
fluorinated grease used for metal to metal lubrication in valves
For any part not covered in the above statements, the general that are cleaned and designated for oxygen service. It comes
rule is that parts that will move against each other during in the form of a white grease and has a recommended absolute
assembly or operation should be lubricated at the points/areas service temperature range of -15 to 500°F (-26.1 to 260°C).
of contact.
4. Molycoat 55M4 (Dow Corning) - This grease is used for
static lubrication between rubber and metal parts in ball valves
Recommended Lubricants and o-ring check valves. It is a silicone based lubricant and
Note: This information is provided for reference only. The meets Military Specifications MIL-G-4343. It is not recom-
manufacture of the lubricant should be contacted for specific mended for use on silicone rubber o-rings and seals. It has
information based on your application. Refer to the material a recommended absolute service temperature range of
safety data sheets for information on safe usage and storage -85 to 350°F (-65 to 177°C).
methods for these lubricants. 5. Neolube DAG 1563 - This is a dry film lubricant for valves
used in Navy Nuclear service. It consists of graphite particles
in a thermoplastic resin and ispropanol and meets Military
Specification MIL-L-24131B. The dry film form allows tight
control of impurities that are required for these applications.
It has an absolute service temperature of -100 to 400°F.
6. LubriPlate-NSF H-1 Registered, Extremely Tacky, Food
Grade Greases - This grease is used for dynamic lubrication
between rubber and metal parts in pneumatic systems such
as piston style air operators. A tacky, adhesive, highly water
resistant grease for medium to slow dynamic speeds. It has
a recommended absolute service temperature range of
-0 to 350°F (-17.8 tp 177°C).

Metal to Metal

Figure 3 Lubricant
Air Valve (Diaphragm) Figure 4
Lubrication Sites Check Valve
Lubrication Sites

All general terms and conditions of sale, including limitations of our liability, apply to all products and services sold. 19
Tools, Installation, Operation and Maintenance - Lubrication Guide
For service, contact the Parker Autoclave Engineers’ Representative in your area, or FAX Parker Autoclave Engineers’ Customer
Support Services at 1-814-860-5703.

Metal to
Metal to Metal Metal Lubricant

Metal to Metal
Seal Surface Lubricant

Figure 5 Figure 6
Relief Valve Safety Head
Lubrication Sites Lubrication Sites

Lubrication Selection Chart

Lubrication Part No. Application Absolute Service Temperature Range
Jet-Lube SS-30 P-3580 Metal to Metal, Standard Application 0°F to 1800°F (-18°C to 982°C)
Jet-Lube Moly Paste MP-50 P-9766 Metal to Metal, Low Temperature Application -300°F to 750°F (-185°C to 398°C)
Krytox 240 AC 53893 Metal to Metal, Oxygen Clean Components -15°F to 500°F (-26°C to 260°C)
MolyKote 55 Dow Corning 90085 Check Valve Ball and Poppet Lubricant -85°F to 350°F (-65°C to 177°C)
Neolube DAG 156 90406 Metal to Metal, Nuclear Service -100°F to 400°F (-73°C to 204°C)
LubriPlate Pure Tac P-9981 Dynamic O-ring Seals-Air Operator Housing 0°F to 350°F (-18°C to 177°C)
Notes: Specific applications may require other service temperature ranges. SS-30 and MP-50 Moly Paste are registered trademarks of Jet Lube Inc.
Krytox is a registered trademark of E.I.duPont de Nemours & Co., Inc.
DAG is a registered trademark of Acheson Industries, Inc.
Molycoat and Dow Corning are registered trademarks of Dow Corning Corp

This document and other information from Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and authorized distributors provide product and/or system options for further investigation by users having technical
expertise. It is important that you analyze all aspects of your application and review the information concerning the product or system in the current product catalog. Due to the variety of operating conditions
and applications for these products or systems, the user, through its own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of the products and systems and assuring that all performance,
safety and warning requirements of the application are met. The products described herein, including without limitation, product features, specifications, designs, availability and pricing, are subject to change by
Parker Hannifin Corporation and its subsidiaries at any time without notice.

Offer of Sale
The items described in this document are available for sale by Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries or its authorized distributors. Any sale contract entered by Parker will be governed by the provisions
stated in Parker's standard terms and conditions of sale (copy available upon request).

© 2013 Parker Hannifin Corporation | Autoclave Engineers is a registered trademark of the Parker Hannifin Corporation 02-0140SE January2013

Caution! Do not mix or interchange parts or tubing with those of

other manufacturers. Doing so is unsafe and will void warranty.

Instrumentation Products Division Parker Hannifin Manufacturing Ltd. Caution! Parker Autoclave Engineers Valves, Fittings and Tools are
not designed to work with common commercial instrument tubing
Autoclave Engineers Operation Instrumentation Products Division, Europe
and will only work with tubing built to Parker Autoclave Engineers
8325 Hessinger Drive Industrial Estate Whitemill
AES Specifications. Failure to do so will void warranty.
Erie, Pennsylvania 16509-4679 USA Wexford, Republic of Ireland
PH: 814-860-5700 FAX: 814-860-5811 PH: 353 53 914 1566 FAX: 353 53 914 1582 ISO-9001 Certified

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