Cahier Technique No 197: Field Bus: A User Approach
Cahier Technique No 197: Field Bus: A User Approach
Cahier Technique No 197: Field Bus: A User Approach
J.-C. Orsini
"Cahiers Techniques" is a collection of documents intended for engineers
and technicians, people in the industry who are looking for more in-depth
information in order to complement that given in product catalogues.
The author disclaims all responsibility subsequent to incorrect use of
information or diagrams reproduced in this document, and cannot be held
responsible for any errors or oversights, or for the consequences of using
information and diagrams contained in this document.
Jean-Christophe ORSINI
AS-i (Actuator Sensor Interface): Standard for value broadcasting, etc.). Frame length
level 0 field buses (or sensor and actuator (i.e. the number of bits or characters) is
buses). always limited.
ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit): IB-S: Abbreviation for InterBus-S.
Integrated circuit – electronic component – Industrial LAN: Local network used in an
dedicated to a specific application – for example industrial environment (production, etc.).
communication protocol management – as Interbus-S: Standard for level 0 and 1 field
opposed to a general circuit, such as a buses.
microprocessor. Java: Object oriented computer language.
Automated system object: Modelled and LAN (Local Area Network): Network that is
structured representation that describes the limited to an area which does not exceed a few
functions, offered services and the behaviour of kilometres; in general, it refers to networks that
an automated system. are restricted to a building or a company, i.e.
Bandwith: Measures the width of the frequency which remain in the private sector and do not
range in which signals are transmitted with a loss of enter into the public sector; as opposed to WAN
less than three decibels. By extrapolation, (Wide Area Network) for networks such as the
refers to the maximum useful rate of the medium. Switched Telephone Network or the Internet
CAN (Controller Area Network): Group of network.
networks used in very large numbers in the Medium: Physical communication support
automobile industry, which enable connection at (twisted pair, coaxial cable, fibre optic).
a low cost. Message: Information exchanged on a network
C.I.M. (Computer Integrated Manufacturing): via services defined in a messaging protocol:
Concept consisting of computerised production read, write, download memory, files, etc.
units. It defines the hierarchy of used equipment Profibus: Field bus included in the European
and networks, from the sensors and actuators standard EN 50-170, and which covers levels 1
connected to field buses up to the management and 2.
computers connected to public networks. Protocol: Relative to an ISO layer, it refers to
Company network: Local network used in the dialogue rules between the same layers of
administrative and management applications. communicating units.
Coupler, or communication interface: Services: Dialogue rules for two adjacent layers.
Electronic device that enables a device to be For example, addressing service offered by
connected to a network. network layer 3 to the transport layer 4.
Device Net: Field bus based on CAN TCP (Transport Control Protocol) /
technology. IP (Internetwork Protocol): De facto standard
Equipment / device: Signifies, in this document, made popular by the Ethernet and Internet
any automated product that is connected to a networks that cover ISO layers 4 (TCP) and 3
bus: PLC, variable speed drive, pneumatic (IP).
distributor, robot, human / machine interface, etc. Variable: Structured information, characteristic
Ethernet: Network standard based on the of a process, and conveyed on a network (motor
CSMA / CD access procedure to the medium. speed, mobile position, etc.).
FIP (Factory Instrumentation Protocol) / WAN (Wide Area Network): As opposed to LAN;
WorldFIP: Field bus that covers levels 1 and 2 network that covers a large area, in general a
(European standard EN 50-170). public network: Switched Telephone Network,
Frame: A succession of bits or characters Internet, etc. Note: as of a few years ago, the
emitted in an uninterrupted manner by a device term MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) has been
on the network and which constitutes coherent used; this term deals with rapid networks that
information that can be interpreted by the cover a few dozen, even hundred kilometres
receiver(s) (messages, questions or answers, (metropolitan areas).
In the past few years, network technologies of the “field bus” type have
surfaced and replace traditional cabling for input / output of programmable
logic controllers. Consequently, automated system architectures have
considerably evolved. This “Cahier Technique” deals with the “field bus”
concept in the manufacturing industry from a user standpoint. Over and
beyond cost and performance criteria, it attracts the attention of specifiers
and contractors to the importance of the needs concerning interoperability
and durability.
1 Introduction 1.1 Background p. 4
1.2 Present evolution p. 4
1.3 Field bus evaluation p. 8
2 Performance at the lowest cost 2.1 Cost p. 9
2.2 Performance p. 11
2.3 Optimising the cost / performance ratio p. 14
3 Interoperability 3.1 Definitions p. 18
3.2 What are the operational guarantees? p. 19
4 Durability 4.1 Stakes p. 22
4.2 Tendencies p. 22
4.3 Guarantees for durability p. 24
5 Conclusion p. 25
Appendix p. 26
Bibliography p. 30
1.1 Background
To begin with, it is interesting to place the limited to cases where parallel wiring does not
emergence of the field bus in relation to the short suffice:
history of programmable automated systems: c inter-PLC links,
The appearance of the Programmable Logic c links with computers,
Controller c monitoring,
In the 1960’s, the cost of electronics dropped to c connection of program consoles, etc.
a level low enough so that it could
advantageously replace cabled relay logic. The appearance of field buses
Discrete transistor logic modules surfaced, such Cost reduction in the field of electronics
as the MOG by Merlin Gerin and the continued – in particular thanks to the use of
Téléstatique 1 by Telemecanique. Very simple to ASICs in products – and thus network techniques
assemble, they seduced automated system became advantageous in comparison to point to
technicians. In 1965, germanium for transistors point links to connect PLC inputs / outputs:
was replaced by silicon and gave birth to the These techniques constitute the field bus
SILIMOG. It is welcomed by the majority of (see fig. 1 ).
customers up into the 1980’s.
The appearance of standards such as WorldFIP
In 1968, Modicon invented the programmable and Profibus as well as the Modbus Plus network
logic controller concept. A single device meets followed.
the great multiplicity of needs and provides great
In 1993, Telemecanique marketed its first
savings. Thanks to its great operational
complete industrial offer based on the WorldFip
flexibility, numerous advantages result in all life
standard for the remote operation of PLC
phases of the installation.
inputs / outputs (FIPIO) and inter-PLC
Networks started to pop up here and there as synchronisation (FIPWAY). Siemens provided a
well; at first in the shape of serial links. Protocols similar offer based on the Profibus standard.
formalise exchanges. Since then, Modbus During this same time period, Modicon
(1979), contraction of MODicon BUS, has marketed the Modbus Plus network, a true
become a de facto standard. However they are equipment unifier.
near the PLC
Point to Field
point links bus
and and
serial links serial
New technologies
Nowadays, Internet technologies, through their Fig. 3 : disappearance of dedicated serial links.
mass distribution, are revolutionising the
First of all, the possibility of cost savings led to
the emergence of the field bus. The first question
that the automated systems technician should
ask himself is: “Will the use of a field bus in my
application be economically advantageous?”
This is above all a constraint:
“If I determine that x bus is economically
advantageous, how can I be sure that its
performances will satisfy the requirements of my
If the analysis of the preceding criteria is
favourable, it suffices to make sure that the
different automated products required for the
application can indeed function together
depending on the specific needs of this
application: what kind of guarantee is
available before acquiring and testing the
Lastly, once the benefits and feasibility of field
bus implementation have been proven, the
durability needed for this type of installation
must not be overlooked: return on investment
requires a certain amount of caution in regard
to new technologies. If technologies of the
field bus type are at present well established,
their multiplicity does not always guarantee that
investments will last.
2.1 Cost
In the cost impact analysis of a field bus, it is not forget to take all accessories into account:
important to take the life span of an automated cables, connectors, special software
system into account, from its design to its programmes, implementation costs, etc.
disassembly. Certain partial data, such as the cost of an ASIC,
are sometimes placed first. An analysis that is
Design incomplete to this degree is to be avoided.
Simplicity of the connections to be installed in
the case of a field bus (in comparison to Operation (functioning and maintenance)
traditional cabling) contributes to savings in the Simplified maintenance thanks to:
cabling diagram. Design modularity (different c Reduced cabling and connections
activities working at the same time) considerably Cable lengths and complex trunkings, as well as
lightens studies. the number of connections (all types), which are
On the other hand, the introduction of new sources of breakdown, are reduced, thus
technology and new types of equipment implies increasing installation reliability even more. This
the need for training. It is therefore the source of is subject to the choice of a bus with an immunity
new expenses. Thus the interest of using that is adapted to industrial electromagnetic
different standards or technologies only when it disturbances.
is clearly justified in terms of cost or c New diagnostic capabilities
Even the simplest sensor-actuators can
Supply, installation and commissioning provide a great amount of diagnostic
When implementing, savings result from:
c Better modularity
c reduced cabling costs,
The distribution of intelligence favours the
c shorter times, which means savings, through: implementation of more precise and improved
v reducing cabling work, self-tests thus of the reliability in regard to
v testing modularity, breakdowns and evolutions.
v easier / simpler parameter configuration, c Standardisation of components
setting, downloading, The variety of means to route information is thus
v increased diagnostic capabilities. reduced: couplers common to several products
In the case where the bus is used to replace (see fig. 4 next page), cables and connectors
links that were previously dedicated to common to different product categories replace
human / machine dialogue, to diagnostic, various line links, serial links, and high rate
programming or parameter configuration tools: networks. The stock of spare parts and thus
maintenance costs are reduced.
c elimination of certain dedicated communication
couplers, c Cost of breakdowns
Diagnostic information that is available in
c elimination of dedicated network cables.
products enable for both certain breakdowns to
However, the additional costs of automated be avoided and to reduce the time needed for
system components must be taken into account. repairs. Production shutdown costs linked to
So as to be able to calculate overall costs, the breakdowns are thus reduced as well.
user must then compare the price of the same However, only well integrated tools and mature
automated system component in its traditional technology really give access to these
version and in its field bus version. He should advantages.
Digital input or output modules Analog input or output modules Mixed modules
Fig. 4 : a single FIPIO communicator coupler for all the Schneider MOMENTUM modules.
Upgrading an application is greatly simplified 100
with the use of a field bus. For example, the 90
entire cabling system of a machine was changed
between Friday evening and Monday morning in 80
a large automobile manufacturing plant without
production losses. This type of intervention 70
would have been entirely impossible using
traditional cabling.
Here too, the use of a field bus helps to reduce 40
c reduced “de-cabling” costs,
c best possibilities for reusing equipment. 20
The cost impacts of the different life phases of the 10
installation are shown in the chart in figure 5.
Various studies have been published on this 0
subject, as well as the assessment reports of Point to point Field bus
numerous real applications, to which you can
refer to acquire a more in-depth view of costs Operation Realization Study
(refer to the bibliography).
However, cost analysis cannot be dissociated Fig. 5 : impact on costs due to the use of a bus.
from that of performance.
0 20 40 60
Event reading t (ms)
Real signal
Signal used
by the PLC
a b
Conducted actions
a - Minimum delay for taking into account b - Maximum delay for taking into account
1 3 1
2 4 3 2
The information is broadcasted: The information, as soon as it The information circulates on a single
as soon as it is made available on is made available on the bus, is frame that travels from one device to
the bus, it is accessible by all of accessible to the master another. A network cycle
the connected equipment. ( 1 and 2 ). However, if it is to corresponds to the time needed to
be transmitted to another slave, conduct a complete loop.
another complete cycle, in the When one device wishes to transmit
worst case scenario, must have information, it will wait, in the worst
evolved ( 3 and possibly 4 ). case, for one complete cycle to take
place before being able to insert the
information into the frame. Then this
information will, in the worst case,
need one complete cycle before
arriving at its destination, and this
depending on the respective positions
of the emitter and the receiver in the
Fig. 8 : impact of the cycle time on the response time, depending on the access procedure to the medium.
Profibus FMS
Modbus+ n x 100 ms 10 km Messages
Level 2: workshop
Fieldbus FIPWAY
After having chosen a bus according to its “interoperability” is used to qualify this “correct
characteristics, it is necessary to make sure that operation”.
the different devices to be connected can
function together by performing the exchanges However, before going any further, the terms
required by the targeted application. The term used in this field must be clarified.
3.1 Definitions
Example c Certain standards only deal with part of the
These definitions are illustrated using the ISO layers (see Appendix) and therefore cannot
example of a variable speed drive that alone allow two devices to exchange
exchanges information with a PLC via a information. For example, Ethernet (or 8802.3)
WorldFip network: exclusively processes layers 1 and 2, TCP / IP
only layers 3 and 4.
c Two variable speed drive input words
In the given example, conformity of the variable
v on / off motor command,
speed drive signifies that it exchanges its
v set speed.
inputs / outputs and its parameters through
c Three variable speed drive output words frames that are conform with the WorldFip
v actual status of the motor (on / off), standard. The parameters, for example, can be
v set speed applied to the motor, exchanged via WorldFip variables or messages:
v measured motor speed. in both cases, the variable speed drive is
Furthermore, this variable speed drive must conform.
receive parameters from the PLC to operate.
Conformity Interoperability is the ability of two devices to
Conformity with a standard simply indicates dialogue with each other. However, this notion
compliance with its specifications. This in no way needs to be clarified so that a user may make
guarantees the correct operation of equipment in full use of this concept: Indeed, two devices can
the framework of an automated system inter-operate extremely well concerning certain
application: services and not at all for others. The user must
determine whether the services and functions,
c The standard can offer several options: the
for which the devices inter-operate, satisfy the
correct operation of two devices implies the
needs of his application.
choice of the same options or, at least,
compatible options. So as to facilitate this step, some buses define
communication profiles (see § 2.3) that specify
Example: the medium rate, the type of access to
the chosen options and exact characteristics of
variables (either through a physical address, or
the exchanged information.
through a name) or the list of implemented
services can be the object of a choice. In the given example, even though they are both
conform to the standard, the variable speed
c The standard may contain specification gaps
drive and PLC cannot inter-operate, if:
that allow for interpretation by each device. Two
devices cannot inter-operate if the same key c the variable speed drive receives its
point has been interpreted differently by parameters through the messaging frame,
manufacturers. c the PLC only manages variables.
4.1 Stakes
Once, one or several field bus technologies Automated system products represent in general
having been identified on the basis of cost and a small part of global installation costs. This
performance criteria, and the guarantees installation investment is high and is not
obtained for correct operation of the automated intended to be replaced in the near future: life
system application targeted by this technology, spans are in the region of 10 to 20 years. Yet,
the user should ensure himself of the durability automated system products are more and more
of the application, and in particular of the based on – in particular following the introduction
durability of the chosen field bus technology. of the field bus – electronic and computer
technologies, the life spans of which are clearly
For the automated system technician, it deals smaller and which constantly evolve. In sight of
with the guarantee that the products that he the constant progress in the field of electronics,
uses will have a life span (commercialisation who can predict with certitude that anyone of the
then maintenance) that is compatible with his present technologies will still be used 20 years
needs. from now?
4.2 Tendencies
Before dealing with durability, it is necessary to An Ethernet coupler is already available for
specify the directions in which techniques evolve. Input / Output modules in the MOMENTUM
range by Schneider Electric. Simultaneously,
Three tendencies take shape today:
level 1 and 2 field buses, which are widely
Rise in the field of application for buses implanted in industry and which adequately
satisfy users’ needs, evolve to cover a wider field
The first tendency is the increasing capacity of of application:
buses to cover several levels of the C.I.M.
pyramid. Each bus attempts to evolve so as to c rise in the medium rate, for better
broaden its field of application, therefore, in a performances and to better cover level 2 even
pragmatic manner, its potential market. This is the bottom of level 3;
the answer, within the limits of technology, to the c new components, connectors, etc. that are
ideal request from users who would like to have less expensive and simpler to use, to expand
a single, universal network that meets all of their towards the top of level 0;
needs. c an always more complete catalogue of
Taking into account the present technical products adapted to special environments:
possibilities, the main tendency consists of v tight products,
extending level 0 buses to the bottom of level 1, v modules compatible with explosive
while extending level 3 buses towards level 2. environments,
Thus, the AS-i bus evolves to be able to manage v cables that withstand all types of harsh
analog information whereas the use of Ethernet, environments (salt, acid, oil, solar radiation, …)
very present at level 3, is called up by level 2, etc.
even level 1. c taking into account the TCP / IP protocol to
Studies have been conducted concerning the open up to Internet and take advantage of the
ability to meet the needs of these levels, so as to technology wave at a low cost, while preserving
benefit from cost reduction due to the mass characteristics adapted to the industrial
distribution of this technology. environment.
Distribution of intelligence
Lastly, after having enabled inputs / outputs to
be placed at a distance, and having often
contributed to the decentralisation of intelligence,
the field bus today opens the way to the
distribution of intelligence.
Indeed, in the beginning, the programmable logic
controller was above all the idea of a computer
that contains input / output interfaces. If these
interfaces can as of now communicate with the
computer via a network, the PLC – simply fitted
out with a network interface, like all computers
today – looses all its particularities.
True, this reasoning is a bit simplified. As such, a
PC does not integrate certain PLC operational
values such as reliability or durability. However,
PLC cards already exist for PCs, which allow
advancement in this direction without a break in
operational continuity, (all the while keeping
durability in mind) and the use of field buses
amplifies this tendency even more.
Automated system architecture is thus reduced
to a field bus upon which the following can be
connected: Fig. 11 : intelligence distributed to automated system
c different automated components that integrate components.
all or part of automated intelligence,
The programmable logic controller has expected: the user will congratulate himself on
revolutionised the activity by introducing this. A rise in bus performance and thus their
electronic and computer technologies into the field of application is inescapable even if the
heart of control systems for automated universal bus capable of meeting all types of
processing. The field bus has become yet needs will probably never exist.
another revolutionary component by spreading Facing this upheaval, the user must of course be
these same technologies as well as network cautious and keep in mind the constraints
techniques, up into sensors and actuators. specific to his activity (environment, durability,
Included in the processing assembly, they are at etc.). However he should also be careful to not
the basis of an enormous potential for evolution: miss the boat.
c They have already, by successive steps, In particular, durability should not be confused
revolutionised architectures, providing with standstill. For the user, durability means:
advantages that were not always expected in the
c a guarantee that products will be available in
beginning. Technical-financial compromises still the long-term,
maintain for the moment traditional solutions in
c as well as (and maybe even above all) “gentle
migration” solutions when he considers that new
c Beyond this, processing itself has been technology may be profitable for him.
questioned: decentralisation then distribution of
intelligence. On top of technology, this leads to Through investment in field bus based
the need for standardisation: it is already
underway and will continue in the next few c he can already profit from the advantages
years. recognised today (cost reduction, flexibility,
diagnostic ability, etc.)
c Lastly, it brings with it an infinite number of
innovations that could revolutionise automated c he will be better informed to be able to judge
for himself each of the upcoming evolutions,
systems: Java, Corba, internet, Active X, etc.
have an influence on them, even ask suppliers
Along with the evolutions brought by technology, for them, rather than simply passively accepting
a certain rationalisation of the offer can be them.
nges and
excha stu
clic ffi
Acyclic messages
and variables
Traffic used upon request,
available like air in a hose
Cyclic variables
(critical time)
Incompressible traffic,
like water in a hose
Fig. 13 : WorldFIP: a hose at the adjustable water level. Illustration: FIPIO and FIPWAY.
The portion of the bandwith that is allotted to Thus, a WorldFIP network can be compared to a
each of these flows is an important element in a hose through which different types of data flow,
WorldFIP configuration. By privileging one type the “level” of each data type is determined by its
over another, networks are specialised for an configuration (see fig. 13 ).
application of the reflex PLC type or for co-
ordination between monitoring and operator
dialogue devices.
Miscellaneous works
c Fieldbus routes and timetables.
Control and Instrumentation publication -
May 1995.
Internet addresses
c General sites
(with numerous links)
c Sites relative to the primary automated buses
c Schneider Electric sites
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