Hardware Platform of 5g
Hardware Platform of 5g
Hardware Platform of 5g
Abstract—Verification of first 5G concepts of a new air inter- Furthermore, device-to-device communication as in smart grid
face with real hardware prototypes is challenging. In this paper, and the Industrial Internet will drive reliability and latency
we highlight a flexible software-defined radio (SDR) platform, requirements. Fast machine control loops and wireless emer-
which can be used to implement novel 5G communication
concepts. The proposed software and hardware architecture was gency stop functionality requires delays below 1 ms. With the
previously used to implement early LTE-Advanced features, e.g. number of sensors increasing, the energy costs and efficiency
flexible multi-band carrier-aggregation (CA) and studies on new has to be revolutionized, such that a 10x longer battery life
multi-carrier waveforms. The proposed hardware setup allows can be achieved and the energy cost per bit is reduced by a
early proof-of-concepts (PoC) by extending hardware-in-the- factor of 100 to a 1000-fold.
loop (HIL) experiments to small laboratory experiments and
finally real outdoor test trials of a novel 5G air interface and B. Key Concepts for 5G Prototyping
Index Terms—5G Prototyping, Remote Radio Unit, Novel Air 5G systems and subsystems will require the development
Interface, Software-defined Radio Platform of a total new chip generation for signal processing of analog
and digital signals. Higher integration of analog and digital
I. I NTRODUCTION circuits will make chips more power efficient with support for
Current understanding of 5G directed research targets pri- more frequency bands as well as processing capabilities for
marily the next generation air interface, core network and decoding. In addition, signal processing will handle increas-
the underlying system architecture. While novel concepts ingly more bandwidth and interfaces between layers will scale
and mechanisms are being developed, there is an increasing from 1 Gbps to 10 Gbps inside the base stations and multiple
demand to demonstrate and evaluate key mechanisms with 10 Gbps links which can realize 40-100 Gbps in total between
real hardware. First experiments and lab tests will identify the base station network comprising fronthaul and backhaul
challenges and highlight limitations. These lab tests will later over fiber and suitable wireless extensions.
be extended to field trials while the technology is becoming Furthermore cloud technology with scalable base band
more mature. Since new transmission concepts with high com- signal processing platforms using off-the-shelf computer hard-
plexity are resource demanding, implementation on powerful ware architectures will gradually take over more data and
software-defined radio (SDR) platforms is a key for efficient signal-processing tasks currently performed on dedicated and
early prototyping and benchmarking. optimized processors primarily supporting PHY and MAC
In this paper, we will highlight the key challenges for pro- functionalities of the wireless communication layers.
totyping of the next generation mobile radio standard or 5G. In the next subsections, we will highlight a selection of key
We will propose a very flexible and powerful SDR hardware conceptual changes compared to current 4G settings, which
platform and illustrate exemplarily which forthcoming wireless have to be addressed in 5G.
technology can be implemented on the proposed platform. 1) Flexible Digital Signal Processing: Beyond content
II. 5G C HALLENGES AND C ONCEPTS distribution and proliferation in closer proximity of the users,
flexibility in moving functions and signal processing capa-
A. 5G Use Cases and Requirements bilities within the network requires substantial changes in
The requirements currently being discussed for 5G are a digital hardware architectures. Allowing more OSI stack layer
1000-times gain in capacity targeting very high data rates signal processing being performed at various sections of the
of up to 10 Gbps. With the deployment of the Internet-of- wireless network requires high-speed interfaces and protocol
Things (IoT), the number of devices communicating with each termination at new endpoints. This flexible signal processing
other will dramatically increase over the next years. With can range from baseband signal processing pooling in C-
these high capacity demands, service delivery for dense user RAN fashion plus a powerful fronthaul network for distributed
crowds and dense sensor systems will define 5G requirements. remote radio units at the antenna locations, to fully distributed
in network processing types of wireless communication and
This work was partially funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and
Research (BMBF) of Germany in the framework of the Cognitive Mobile data processing supporting concepts like network coding and
Radio (CoMoRa) project under support grant 16BU1200. compressed sensing techniques in a fully fledged way.
ACLR (FBMC) = -61.2 dB ACLR (FBMC) = -60.3 dB
Fig. 3: Full SDR LTE mobile terminal for carrier aggrega- -100
C. Massive MIMO
Key concept behind MMIMO is exploitation of directivity
of spatial signatures of user links allowing crosswise in-
terference nulling, which was first described in [8]. Recent
simulation studies show the gains of MMIMO in system-level
environments, see [9] and [10]. Similar to MIMO technology
10 years ago, many technical challenges have to be tackled for
successful early prototyping and proof-of-concept including
a wide range of systemic issues. These aspects include tight
synchronization of analog front-ends to support stable spatial
nulling, integration of antennas elements together with power
Fig. 4: Measurement result for LTE-A carrier aggregation with
amplifiers, LNAs, diplex-filters, efficient channel estimation
3 component carriers, 20 MHz bandwidth, 2x2 MIMO for
for high number of antennas, TDD vs. FDD, full-duplex trans-
continuous and non-continuous carrier aggregation realizing
mission to avoid diplexers, efficient group antenna selection
sum rates of approx. 450 Mbps.
for hybrid beamforming, frequency dependency and hardware
impairments measurement and compensation. Finally, form
factor and cost efficiency determine the feasibility of proto-
B. New Waveforms typing complex MMIMO systems.
Fig. 6 shows a MMIMO antenna array example designed for
The 5G SDR prototyping platform allows transmission the 3.6 GHz band which was recently setup at Heinrich Hertz
and reception of arbitrary waveforms. Waveforms can either Institute. The antenna cube with 8x8 active antenna arrays on
be generated in real-time, or recorded and stored on the 3 sides is to be used for densely populated areas with moving
baseband platform or radio head itself. This mode allows user clouds like e.g. train stations, shopping malls or trade
continuous playback of waveforms in a loop mode, as well show scenarios.
as online recording of over-the-air transmitted radio signals.
The received I/Q samples can be fully or partially decoded on
the baseband board or directly recorded via encapsulated bit-
stream to an external PC. The recorded bit streams can then
be processed offline using standard signal processing libraries.
This SDR prototype can transmit any waveform which
have been generated in a pre-defined standard I/Q format. In
particular, it can transmit any multicarrier signal, e.g. OFDMA,
SCFDMA, or filter-bank multicarrier (FBMC) signals. This
can be used to study various waveform characteristics, e.g.
adjacent channel leakage ratio (ACLR) and pre-distortion
techniques, see Fig. 5. In addition, standard LTE control
signaling can be embedded into new waveforms, which allows
to study novel synchronization, equalization, and decoding Fig. 6: Massive MIMO (MMIMO) antenna cube with
algorithms. 10x10 antenna patches with 8 active antennas per column.
Each 8x8 antenna patch array is currently being assembled
and uses 8 RF-radio units, one for each 8-antenna column.
After initial lab tests, the MMIMO unit will become an integral
part of the 5G Berlin testbed facilities proving an open 5G
research and over the air field trials facility [11].
We gave an overview about use cases and requirements
of the forthcoming 5G wireless communication system. We
highlighted an advanced hardware platform which can be used
to prototype and verify novel 5G concepts. Furthermore, we
showed how the proposed prototyping platform based on a
software-defined radio (SDR) solution can be used to realize
advanced MMIMO systems with more than 32 or 64 antennas.
The key enabler to realize this is the advanced RF-unit, which
can be re-configured to a wide frequency range. Finally, the
proposed hardware platform has the required flexibility and
advanced processing power for 5G wireless prototyping.
The authors would like to thank Andreas Forck, Hol-
ger Gäbler, and Kirsten Krüger for their contribution to the
hardware and firmware design as well as implementation of
key features on the radio unit.
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