Research Paper by Kasthurba - 2006
Research Paper by Kasthurba - 2006
Research Paper by Kasthurba - 2006
A.K. Kasthurba
Department of Architecture, NIT Calicut, India
M. Santhanam and M.S. Mathews
Department of Civil Engineering, IITMadras, India
ABSTRACT: Laterite, a world wide occurring weathered rock, is one of the most predominant
building stone used in permanent structures along the west coast of India. This paper focuses on
characteristics of alteration of laterite building stone used in historic monuments along the west
coast of India. Field study was conducted on laterite monuments of international importance in
Goa and Kerala to identify the locations of decay and to classify them based on the causes. En-
gineering properties of fresh laterite stone samples from local quarries of Malabar region, Ker-
ala were also determined on a scientific basis. It is seen that decay processes rarely operate in
isolation; they are due to a combination of several causes. Dampness was identified as a major
factor involved in weathering of laterite, hence protection from dampness will prevent deteriora-
tion of laterite structures to a large extent. This study suggests a base for the conservation
strategies and selection of material for repair of laterite monuments.
Since prehistoric times, locally available laterite has been used in historic monument construc-
tion along the west coast of India. Historic monuments located in this region which includes
world heritage group of churches at Goa, prehistoric megaliths of Kerala, maritime forts, pal-
aces, temples, traditional residences and many ancillary structures, were built using laterite. In
spite of its wide use in monumental architecture, very little is known about its engineering char-
acteristics and weathering mechanisms. Understanding material properties and weathering
mechanisms is highly essential for the sustainable conservation of these monuments. Importance
of conservation of heritage monuments is keenly felt by many organizations in India in the re-
cent years. This study will contribute highly for the sustainable protection of laterite monuments
of international and national importance.
A few important laterite monuments of national importance are presented based on a study
conducted in Goa and Kerala. The weathering nature of laterite stone combined with aggressive
tropical and humid environment has resulted in damages to the historic monuments in Kerala
and Goa (ASI Kerala 2002; ASI Goa 2002). Deterioration of laterite in monuments was studied
and classified based on the cause’s field investigations. Field investigations were conducted to
study deterioration on laterite monuments. Weathering forms of laterite structures in different
environment were identified and classified based on the causes to evolve appropriate strategy
for their conservation. Physico- mechanical properties of fresh laterite blocks from popular
quarries located in Malabar region were also determined which will be useful for appropriate se-
lection of material for repair and restoration procedures
1324 Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions
Laterite monuments in UNESCO world heritage list include Angor Watt temple, Cambodia,
Churches and associated buildings in Goa, India. Old Goa is an open air museum of imposing
churches, convents and monasteries as remnants of a well- flourished community during the 15-
16th century. A few of the massive churches are St. Cajetan, St. Catherine, St Augustine and Ba-
silica of Bom Jesus. These churches were built in European models using locally available later-
ite and details executed with artistic expertise of local craftsmen. Bom Jesus Church, old Goa is
an imposing structure in exposed laterite as shown in Fig. 1.
Figure.3 : Typical traditional temple in Kerala built using exposed laterite masonry.
Field study of monuments provides first hand information on deterioration types and an insight
into their causes. The locations of decay were identified and classified based on the cause and
nature of decay into four categories, namely physical disintegration, biological attack, deteriora-
tion due to salt attack and human intervention (Fitzner and Heinrichs 2004, Smith and Curran
2003). The representative weathering forms of each category are described below. These decay
forms are typical of several monuments.
3.2 Bio-degradation
Damp surface of laterite attracts dust, dirt, insects, termites and other microorganisms. If this is
uncontrolled it gives rise to higher plants and trees. The acidic secretion produced by lichens in-
duces a bio-corrosion in stones. The surface is rendered damp and soft. Causes unsightly ap-
pearance and results in progressive damage. Laterite, unlike other stones, is weak and porous
and serves as a good background for vegetation. Trees grow fast on laterite. Rough surface tex-
ture and clay filled cavities allow easy propagation of roots. If plant growth is uncontrolled, it
causes progressive damage leading to collapse of the building as seen in the ruins of St. Au-
gustines tower, Old Goa.
1326 Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions
(a) Growth of moss and lichens (b) Damage due to growth of trees
Figure 5 : Bio-degradation.
Weathering damages, namely, loss of material, bio-degradation and salt attack occur due to
presence of dampness. Source of dampness in the exposed wall areas may be due to driving rain
or capillary rise of ground water. However, it was noticed that the decay was not due to a single
A.K. Kasthurba, M. Santhanam and M.S. Mathews 1327
cause, but a combined action of various causes. Salt attack occurred due to ingress of salts into
the structure (from atmosphere and ground) by moisture migration. The salt decay found in the
basement portions of buildings suggests that the salts must have originated mainly from ground
by capillary action.
The maximum damage seen in exposed laterite structures was due to bio-degradation such as
growth of moss and lichens and vegetation. The warm humid climate and inherent properties of
laterite (high water absorption) provide a conducive environment for growth of vegetation.
Growth of moss and lichens cause unsightly appearance and material destruction. Formation of
moss and lichens on exposed laterite renders the surface damp and soft, which promotes growth
of higher plants and trees. Protecting the walls from dampness will control salt attack and bio-
Fresh laterite blocks of standard size (38 × 19 × 19 cm) were obtained from 4 representative
quarries identified for large volume of laterite mining in Malabar region of Kerala. Cubical
specimens of 15 cm side were cut using rotary saw machine to determine the compressive
strength as per ASTM standards (ASTM C170 2004). Specimens were tested both in oven dry
and saturated condition. Specimens were oven dried for 48 hours at 60 ºC to constant weight
and allowed to cool to room temperature. For testing in wet condition specimens were immersed
in water for 48 hours to constant weight. Specimens were capped using plaster of Paris to ensure
the loading faces of the specimens parallel to the platens of platens of testing machine by apply-
ing an initial load. A minimum of five specimens were tested for each condition and average
compressive strength was determined. The range of maximum and minimum values obtained
from the test is reported in Table 1. Properties such as specific gravity, water absorption, poros-
ity and strength were determined as per ASTM standards (ASTM C 97 2003) and the results are
also presented.
Experimental study of laterite from representative quarries of Kerala reveals a wide variation
in engineering properties implies the need for testing before its selection for repair measures.
Substantial reduction in strength due to saturation suggests the need for protection of laterite
structures from dampness.
It is evident that with appropriate selection, laterite structures remain in good serviceable condi-
tion for many years with less maintenance as seen in prehistoric megalithic structures of Kerala.
Weathering damages namely granular disintegration, bio-degradation and salt attack are the
main cause of weathering which occur mainly due to the presence of moisture. Dampness was
identified as a major factor which induces deterioration and hence protection from dampness
would prolong the life of laterite monuments. It is also found that the decay process is due to a
combined mechanism of several causes.
It is seen that the compressive strength of laterite from Malabar region shows wide variation
(1.3 - 4.5 MPa). The strength properties are comparable with that of ordinary bricks (3.5 MPa).
High moisture absorption of the material (up to 17 %) suggests that the material can hold and
conduct large amount of water, which promotes the growth of vegetation and microorganisms.
The reduction in strength due to saturation suggests that adopting suitable damp protection for
laterite walls. The hygric properties like permeability and porosity of laterite have to be studied
1328 Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions
to suggest suitable damp-proofing methods. This study forms a base for maintenance activities
and to suggest appropriate restoration strategies.
ASTM C170 (2004). Standard test method for compressive strength of dimensional stone. ASTM, Phila-
delphia, USA.
ASTM C 97 (2003). Standard test methods for water absorption and bulk specific gravity of dimension
stone, ASTM, Philadelphia, USA.
Fitzner, B. and Heinrichs, K. (2004). Photo atlas of weathering forms on stone monuments, Working
group, Natural stones and Weathering, p. 1-24.
ASI Goa (2002). List of monuments protected by Archaeological Survey of India in Goa, Internal re-
cords, ASI Panaji, Goa.
ASI Kerala (2002). List of monuments protected by Archaeological Survey of India in Kerala state, In-
ternal records, SI Trichur, Kerala.
Smith, B.J. and Curran, J.M. (2003). Glossary of stone decay features, Weathering Research Group,
School of Geology, Queens University, Belfast, UK.