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The Future of the Global Environment:

A Model-based Analysis Supporting
UNEP’s First Global Environment
The Future of the Global Environment:
A Model-based Analysis Supporting
UNEP's First Global Environment Outlook

Jan Bakkes and Jaap van Woerden (eds.)

Joseph Alcamo
Marcel Berk
Pieter Bol
Gert Jan van den Born
Ben ten Brink
Jean-Paul Hettelingh
Louis Niessen
Fred Langeweg
Rob Swart



United Nations Environment Programme

Units, conversion factors and symbols

kilo (k) 103

Mega (M) 106 = million
Giga (G) 109 = billion
Tera (T) 1012 = trillion
Peta (P) 1015
Exa (E) 1018

ton metric ton = 1000 kg

Mton million ton = 1012 g = Tg
1 ha 10,000 m2
J Joule
cal calorie = 4.2 J
ppmv parts per million by volume

N Nitrogen
P Phosphorus
S Sulpur
C Carbon
CO2 Carbon dioxide
SO2 Sulphur dioxide
NOx Nitrogen oxides

GDP Gross Domestic Product

GNP Gross National Product
GWP Gross World Product

ISBN: 92-807-1633-6

For bibliographic and reference purposes this publication should be referred to as:
RIVM/UNEP (1997). Bakkes, J.A. and J.W. van Woerden (eds.). The Future of the Global
Environment: A model-based Analysis Supporting UNEP’s First Global Environment
Outlook. RIVM 402001007 and UNEP/DEIA/TR.97-1

Division of Environment Information and Assessment (DEIA)

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
P.O. Box 30552, Nairobi, Kenya

National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)

P.O. Box 1, 3720 BA Bilthoven, The Netherlands
For comments: fax +31. 30.274 4435 or email jan.bakkes@rivm.nl.

The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the United Nations Environment
Programme. The designations employed and the presentations do not imply the expressions of any
opinion concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or its authority, or concerning
the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.

This publication may be reproduced in whole or in part and in any form for educational and non-profit
purposes provided acknowledgement of the source is made. UNEP would appreciate receiving a copy
of any publication that uses this publication as a source.

Units and abbreviations

Table of contents i

Preface vi

Acknowledgements viii

List of reviewers ix

Key findings x

1 Social and economic development and protection of environmental resources:

the core questions and how to address them 1
1.1 Key questions, methods, and definitions 1
1.2 A world in transition 6
1.3 Structure of this report 9

2 Environmental pressure: socioeconomic driving forces and derived demands 15

2.1 The issue 15
2.2 Economic activity and population 20
2.3 Environmental pressures: energy, material use and emissions 25
2.4 Environmental pressures: demand for land and water 30
2.5 The goals: Agenda 21 and the Conventional Development scenario 32
2.6 Are the goals considered potentially achievable? 33

3 Interactions between land, water and the atmosphere 37

3.1 The issue 37
3.2 The main causes of acidification and climate change: energy consumption,
industry and deforestation 37
3.3 Acidification 38
3.4 Climate change 42
3.5 Linkage of acidification and climate change 43
3.6 The goals 45
3.7 Are the goals considered potentially achievable? 46
3.8 Response options 47

4 Use of land and water 53

4.1 The issue 53
4.2 Food production and land use: past and present 53
4.3 Food consumption and production: the future 54
4.4 Implications for land use 59
4.5 Fresh water 63
4.6 Are the goals considered potentially achievable? 68
4.7 Response options 69

5 Nature and its diversity 73
5.1 The issue 73
5.2 The main causes of nature loss 73
5.3 The development of nature and its diversity 74
5.4 Discussion 85
5.5 Response options 86

6 Effects on human health 89

6.1 The issue 89
6.2 The relative importance of health determinants 89
6.3 The health status of the world’s populations 93
6.4 Are goals considered potentially achievable? 99
6.5 Possible responses 102

7 Responses: priorities and strategies for making progress in implementing Agenda 21 105
7.1 Taking stock: assessing previous findings 105
7.2 Transitions to more sustainable forms of development 108
7.3 Assessing regional challenges 112
7.4 Policy strategies to enhance sustainable development 115
7.5 Cost indications of policies to promote sustainable development 121
7.6 Conclusions 124

Introducing the appendices: The forecasting process 129

Appendix I. Core data sets for integrated environment assessment
and modelling 131
Appendix II. Scenario interpretation 138
Appendix III. Model descriptions 142
A. The IMAGE 2 model 142
B. The TARGETS 1.0 model 143
C. The TARGETS Population and Health model 145
D. The RAINS model 148
E. The water demand satisfaction model 149
F. The pressure index for non-domesticated areas 152


Box 1.1. A world in Transition: a model-based exploration of linkages. 8

Box 2.1. Conventional Development and beyond. 19
Box 2.2 Increases in efficiency and increases in demand: the remaining challenge 31
Box 3.1. Disruption of biogeochemical cycles. 38
Box 4.1. Food security, poverty and malnutrition. 55
Box 4.2. Models and expert systems applied to longer term projections of
agriculture and landuse related issues. 56
Box 6.1. Improvements in health preceded modern medicine. 91
Box 6.2. Health development and a multitude of pressures. 92
Box 6.3. Competing causes of disease and death. 92
Box 6.4. Diseases: declines and increases. 99
Box 6.5. Entrapped populations in Africa. 100
Box 6.6. Urbanization: growing population, growing pollution. 100

Box 6.7. A health problem in rural areas: acute agricultural intoxications
and long-term health. 101
Box 7.1. Ecological limits and the exchangeability between different types of ‘capital’. 109
Box 7.2. The consequences of economic globalization. 112


Figure 1.1. A systems analysis view of the world. 2

Figure 1.2. A simple representation of the pressure - state - impact - response framework. 3
Figure 1.3. The pressure - state - impact - response framework in the context of development. 3
Figure 1.4. The concept of transitions as a function of positive and negative feedbacks. 4
Figure 1.5. GEO regional breakdown. 11
Figure 1.6. Elements of the pressure - state - impact - response framework
covered in this report 12

Figure 2.1. Population and economic growth from 1990-2100 under five
development scenarios. 19
Figure 2.2. Economic growth in GDP per capita: past growth and future assumptions
in the Conventional Development scenario. 22
Figure 2.3. Past population trends and future assumptions according to
the Conventional Development scenario. 23
Figure 2.4. The part of the population living in urban agglomerations: past data and future
trends according to Conventional Development scenario assumptions. 24
Figure 2.5. Past primary energy consumption and future assumptions. 25
Figure 2.6. Production of fossil fuels up to 1990. 26
Figure 2.7. Production of selected metals up to 1990. 26
Figure 2.8. Past fertilizer consumption and projections following the
Conventional Development scenario. 27
Figure 2.9. Past energy intensity of economies and projections following the
Conventional Development scenario. 27
Figure 2.10. Index of global emissions of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and carbon
dioxide following the assumptions of the Conventional Development scenario. 28
Figure 2.11. Caloric intake, projections following the Conventional Development scenario. 30
Figure 2.12. Projected water withdrawals following the assumptions of the
Conventional Development scenario. 32

Figure 3.1. Projected sulphur dioxide emissions for Europe and Asia. 40
Figure 3.2. Asian areas where critical loads of sulphur deposition are exceeded
in 2050 assuming partial controls of sulphur dioxide emissions. 41
Figure 3.3. Projected increase of global average surface temperatures. 43
Figure 3.4. Areas where yields of maize are projected to significantly decrease or
increase because of climate change between 1990 and 2050. 44
Figure 3.5. Areas in Europe and Asia affected by both acidification and climate change. 45

Figure 4.1. Recent and projected production of cereals. 58

Figure 4.2. Past and projected land use. 60
Figure 4.3a. Water satisfaction ratio per catchment area in 1990. 65
Figure 4.3b. Projected water satisfaction ratio per catchment area in 2015. 65
Figure 4.3c. Projected water satisfaction ratio per catchment area in 2050. 65
Figure 4.4. Water discharge: projected changes caused by climate change. 67

Figure 5.1. The generalized relation between human influence and number of
original species. 73
Figure 5.2. Main causes of biodiversity gains and losses. 74
Figure 5.3. Historical habitat loss due to conversion from non-domesticated to
domesticated area, 1700 - 1980. 75
Figure 5.4. States of exploitation of major fish stocks. 76
Figure 5.5. State of various whale populations compared with their estimated
original state. 77
Figure 5.6. Coastal ecosystems threatened by development, in particular population
density, road and pipeline density, cities and major ports. 78
Figure 5.7. Projected extent of non-domesticated area, 1970 to 2050. 79
Figure 5.8. Spatial distribution of the main non-domesticated areas projected according
to the Conventional Development scenario. 80
Figure 5.9. Spatial distribution of the main origins of crop plants and the 20 countries
with highest species diversity. 81
Figure 5.10. Projected percentage of non-domesticated area under different degrees
of pressure from the human population and associated activities. 83
Figure 5.11. Historical and projected per capita non-domesticated area. 85

Figure 6.1. The three stages of the health transition. 90

Figure 6.2. Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) lost, 1990. 94
Figure 6.3. Past and projected Disability Adjusted Life Expectancy Years (DALEs). 95
Figure 6.4. Past and projected population change. 96
Figure 6.5. Death by cause in 1990. 97

Figure 7.1. Projections of pressure, state and impact indicators of the

Conventional Development scenario. 106
Figure 7.2. Environmental efficiency transitions. 116
Figure 7.3. Potential environmental gains of two different policy strategies. 119

Figure A.1. Schematic representation of the forecasting process. 130

Figure A.2. A schematic overview of IMAGE 2. 142
Figure A.3. A conceptual representation of the modular perspective of TARGETS,
version 1.0. 144
Figure A.4. Linkages of the population and health model with the other
TARGETS submodels. 145
Figure A.5. A pressure-state-impacts-response representation of the TARGETS
population and health module. 146
Figure A.6. A schematic overview of RAINS. 148
Figure A.7. Estimation of agricultural water demand. 150


Table 2.1. Selected historical data and scenario assumptions, absolute figures. 16
Table 2.2. Selected historical data and scenario assumptions, per capita. 17

Table 3.1. Recent and projected sulphur dioxide emissions estimated by various sources. 39
Table 3.2. Emissions of sulphur compounds projected under Conventional Development. 40

Table 4.1. Recent and projected agricultural area used per capita. 54
Table 4.2. Projection of agricultural supply required. 56
Table 4.3. Past and projected crop yields for wheat and coarse grains. 57
Table 4.4a. Distribution of catchment areas by satisfaction ratio of water demand
under the assumptions of Conventional Development. 66
Table 4.4b. Number of people by satisfaction ratio of water demand under the
assumptions of Conventional Development. 66

Table 5.1. Projected extent of non-domesticated land. 78

Table 5.2. Projected percentage of non-domesticated area under different degrees
of pressure from the human population and associated activities. 82

Table 6.1. Selected factors affecting health for most world populations
in the first two stages of the health transition. 91

Table 7.1. The Conventional Development scenario: achievements, threats and

remaining problems. 105
Table 7.2. Main regional challenges with respect to environmental transitions. 113
Table 7.3. Estimated global costs of policy measures promoting transitions towards
sustainable development. 123

Table A.1 Core data sets underlying this report. 133


Integrated assessment is one of the more powerful information tools to rational environmental
policy. Integrated assessment distills practical messages for policy from available, but often
fragmented scientific understanding and data. It is ‘integrated’ because of the linkages between
the different environmental problems themselves and between the forces that drive those
problems and the options available for our responses. Moreover, integrated assessment aims at
providing a - be it crude - look at the whole, rather than a detailed picture of those issues we
understand best.

Integrated assessments in support of environmental policy have already been applied to a number
of countries and regions, and to international negotiations. UNEP's first Global Environment
Outlook (GEO-1) can be seen as a step towards making the tool of integrated assessment more
widely available as a means for focusing action.

The technical report before you documents RIVM's contribution to UNEP's first Global
Environment Outlook report. The RIVM contribution focuses on one particular element of
integrated assessment: looking ahead (Chapter 4 in GEO-1).

Current patterns in production and consumption typically manifest their environmental and
resource consequences only after important delays. This is because many environmental and
resource processes are slow and cumulative. Also in the whole process of taking remedial action
there are considerable inherent delays. As is illustrated by this report, a ‘what if’ analysis helps us
to look beyond the delays as well as we can. In policy preparation, ‘what if’ analysis buys time so
as to consider options and take preventive action. And obviously, the earlier action is taken, the
more cost-effective it is. And, equally important, contemporary modelling makes regional
differences part and parcel of such an analysis.

A draft version of the present report was reviewed by individual scientists between April and
August 1996. Extensive comments on the report were also received in policy-oriented
consultations in all six UNEP regions. Besides contributing significantly to the end result, both
rounds of comments were of key importance in extracting the messages from the present analysis
for GEO-1. The comments also guided the revision of the April draft leading to the present report.
One particular revision has been the addition of a brief reconnaissance in Chapter 7 on the
potential impact of enhanced policies world-wide. An account of the regional consultations held
on the entire draft Global Environment Outlook will be published separately in this series.

This report illustrates that integrated assessment and modelling techniques can be excellent tools
for environment and development policy-setting. The methodology, however, will need to be
further developed and adapted to the realities and expectations of diverse regions, incorporating
alternative policy strategies and development scenarios. The GEO Working Groups dealing with
models and scenarios will also need to expand the scope of the analysis to address social and -
eventually - institutional issues. Furthermore, environmental quality issues, such as pollution,
need more attention in comparison to quantity issues only. Data, scale and uncertainty analysis
will need to be improved.

However, we believe it justifiable to provide this contribution on a limited but timely basis as a
start in the GEO process. The emerging network of collaborating centres for integrated
assessment in all regions will be the starting point for broadening the base, both for consecutive
GEO reports and for applications of integrated model-based analysis in support of regional,
national or local policy issues.

We sincerely hope to receive many more comments on this report to guide the GEO process.

R.B.J.C. van Noort

Director General
RIVM, The Netherlands National Institute of Public Health and the Environment

Elizabeth Dowdeswell
Executive Director
United Nations Environment Programme


Various sections and aspects of this report represent the work of different RIVM staff members:

Chapter 1 (methodology): Rob Swart with inputs by Jan Rotmans (currently with DPCSD)
Chapter 2 (the scenario): Rob Swart with inputs by Bert de Vries
Chapter 3 (interactions between land, water and the atmosphere): Joseph Alcamo (at present with
the Center for Environmental Systems Research, University of Kassel); acidification by Jean-Paul
Hettelingh; response options by Rob Swart
Chapter 4 (use of land and water): Gert Jan van den Born, with modelling of fresh water demand
and availability by Olivier Klepper
Chapter 5 (nature and its diversity): Ben ten Brink
Chapter 6 (effects on human health): Louis Niessen, building on the work of Pieter Bol
Chapter 7 (responses): Marcel Berk, building on work by Rob Swart and inputs by Fred
Appendices: Jaap van Woerden
Overall structure: Fred Langeweg
Project management: Jan Bakkes and Bert-Jan Heij, with Marcel Berk as project secretary.

Editors: Jan Bakkes (substantive editing) and Jaap van Woerden.

Data aspects and input-output processing were coordinated by Jaap van Woerden, who, with Jos
Diederiks, Kees Klein Goldewijk and Raymond de Niet, acquired and processed most of the data.
Eric Kreileman performed the calculations with the IMAGE model.

This report was enhanced by comments from many individual experts and organizations.
Moreover, consultations in all UNEP regions during the summer of 1996 provided valuable
comments. The reports of these consultations will appear as a separate background report to

Layout: RIVM’s Studio, with the special assistance of Martin Middelburg. Marc van Leeuwen
assisted with manuscript preparation. English language editing: Ruth de Wijs-Christensen and
Michael Gould (Michael Gould Associates).

The following list comprises people who participated in a review of a draft of this report and
provided us with many useful comments and suggestions. We tried to incorporate these in the
final version as much as possible. However, due to limitations of time, space and divergence in
views on some issues not all comments and suggestions have been taken into account.
Nevertheless, the present report did much benefit from the various suggestions made by:

Prof. Robert Ayres, INSEAD, France

Dr. Dirk Bryant, World Resources Institute, USA
Mr. Munyaradzi Chenje, on behalf of Environmental Resource Centre for Southern
Africa/IMERCSA, Zimbabwe
Mr. Clement Dorm-Adzobu, together with other reviewers from the Network on Environment and
Sustainable Development Africa (NESDA), Ivory Coast
Dr. James Edmonds, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
Prof. Genady Golubev, together with other reviewers at Moscow State University, Russia
Dr. Gilberto Gallopin, CIAT, Colombia
Prof. Lekan Oyebande, University of Lagos, Nigeria
Prof. Tony McMichael, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom
Prof. Ruben Mnatsakanian, Central European University, Hungary
Dr. Fred Muchena, ETC-Kenya, Kenya
Mr. Francis Ng, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Indonesia
Dr. Shuzo Nishioka, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan
Mr. Dennis O’Farrell, Environment Canada, Canada
Prof. Jyoti Parikh, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, India
Dr. R K. Pachauri, Tata Energy Research Institute (TERI), India
Dr. Dhira Phantumvanit, together with other reviewers at the Thailand Environmental Institute
(TEI), Thailand
Prof. Jan Rotmans, United Nations/DPCSD, USA
Dr. George Davis together with other reviewers at the National Botanical Institute, South Africa
Dr. Kamal A. Sabet, together with other reviewers at the Centre for Environment and
Development for the Arab Region and Europe (CEDARE), Egypt
Mr. Richard Tol, Institute for Environmental Studies, The Netherlands
Mr. Keimpe Wieringa, European Environmental Agency
Dr. Zhang Shigang, together with other reviewers coordinated by the National Environmental
Protection Agency, China
Dr. Veerle Vandeweerd, together with other staff of UNEP


Inequality increases in a wealthier and healthier world

In the Conventional Development scenario analyzed in this report, global per capita income
increases by 50% and 100%, and life expectancy by 5% and 8%, by 2015 and 2050, respectively.
However, inequalities in income between regions become larger in the scenario up to 2015, after
which the gap begins to narrow. In some of the poorest regions the demographic transition
stagnates and health problems persist.

Environmental pressures build up

Growth in consumption and production exceeds gains from improvements in productivity. In the
scenario, energy efficiency is projected to increase by a factor of 1.2 by 2015 and 1.8 by 2050. At
the same time, total demand for energy increases by a factor of 1.8 by 2015 and 2.6 by 2050.
Agricultural efficiency is projected to increase by a factor of 1.2 by 2015 and 1.4 by 2050. At the
same time, total food demand increases by a factor of 1.5 by 2015 and 2.0 by 2050. However, the
regional differences in environmental pressures are great.

Renewable resources at risk of depletion

While depletion of exhaustible resources in the seventies was considered as a major threat to
development, integrated assessment based on the Conventional Development scenario suggests
that the degradation of renewable resources such as water, land and forests now creates risks that
are much more urgent. This may increasingly hinder development on local and regional scales. In
the scenario, social and economic capital seems to increase globally, while natural capital is being

Climate goals are not being achieved

Interacting biogeochemical cycles are increasingly disturbed by human activities. For example,
the current commitments of the Climate Convention are insufficient to stabilize atmospheric
concentrations in the coming century. Emissions of greenhouse gases from developing regions,
notably Asia, will grow rapidly, leading to a 50% increase in 1990 of global carbon dioxide
emissions by 2015, and more than a doubling by 2050. Consequently, in addition to increased
preventive efforts to control emissions, preparing for adaptation to projected climate impacts
becomes urgent. This is particularly true for areas vulnerable to climate impacts in developing
regions in low latitudes. Another example is acidification, becoming more important in developing
regions with vulnerable soils and accelerating economic development.

Can a ‘second’ world be fed?

The key challenge for the world’s agricultural sector will be how to feed double the present
population by 2050. Increasing demand for animal products will further boost total agricultural
demands. Theoretically, increasing productivity, extending agricultural land and reversing land
degradation can provide sufficient food on a global scale. Achieving this and ensuring the
adequate distribution of food pose a formidable challenge. Regions such as Asia, West Asia and
Africa are projected as being able to increase their food imports, enlarging the scale of
agricultural trade significantly.

A serious threat to development by water scarcity confirmed

In many regions, water demand from industry and households is in increasing competition with
water for agricultural production. Preliminary global analysis at the catchment level confirms that
water scarcity is affecting increasingly large areas, particularly in West Asia and Africa. This may
lead to serious security problems, conflicts and large-scale migration. Integrated water
management at the riverbasin level and adequate water pricing form the key to alleviating these

Further conversion of natural lands appears inevitable
In the Conventional Development scenario, agricultural land increases from one-third to almost
one-half of the earth’s land mass by 2050. This increase is concentrated in tropical and
subtropical zones. The remaining natural areas are formed to a large extent by mountainous,
boreal, subpolar, arid and semi-arid lands, which are less suitable for human settlement.
Simultaneously, these remaining natural areas will be under increasing pressure from population
growth, economic development and associated environmental stresses such as climate change.
Consequently, biodiversity will be severely affected in the scenario, both in terms of quantity and

Environmental degradation may threaten global health in the long term

In the Conventional Development scenario, life expectancy increases worldwide, up to 70 years.
Morbidity declines drastically, especially in developing countries. Expected improvements in
income, education, nutrition and water supply will stimulate the decline in fertility needed to
stabilize the global population, but how much and how fast is by no means certain. Unfortunately,
in many areas (notably, Sub-saharan Africa and many urbanized areas) environment-related health
problems will persist or be aggravated. Also, in the long term, an increased population, older in
composition and more demanding, will further increase environmental pressures and is likely to
undermine its own resource base, which may eventually threaten global health. In this context,
increased environmental protection, especially in developing countries, will be essential in the
prevention of an increase of disease.

Environmental transitions needed and, in some cases, already started

With current technology - where appropriately coupled to behaviourial changes - major progress
can be made to reverse the negative developments outlined above and accelerate transitions
towards the sustainable use of energy, raw materials, land and water. While the onset of these
transitions can be discerned, adequate social, economic and institutional conditions have to be
met for realizing these transitions in working towards the Agenda 21 goals.

Linking issues and boosting efficiency in a comprehensive approach

To promote transitions, linking of issues provides new options for joint gains by the different
actors implicated. Many environmental problems can be addressed by focusing efforts on
integrated energy and agriculture policies rather than on single-issue policies. Just to keep
pressures at current levels, resource efficiencies would have to increase by a factor of 4 to 5
globally by 2050. To reduce pressures towards sustainable levels and re-allocate available
resources more equitably, this factor on a regional level may have to be as high as 20.

Impact of enhanced policies would be large

Technically, there is much room for mitigating future increases in pollution, resource use and
pressure on natural areas. That is: if best available technology could be applied to all new
investments, the projected environmental impacts would be much less severe. More structural
changes in production and consumption patterns - such as a shift to renewable energy resources
and a change of diets - would give humankind even more space. Obviously, this will require
broad access to capital and knowledge, and most of all it requires the political determination to
make the world a sustainable one.

Integrated assessment: not a solution but a framework for analysis and debate.
The integrated assessment in this report is based on a quantitative systematic framework for
analyzing future global and regional developments, and their interlinkages. However, this
assessement is based on a limited set of methodologies and only one scenario depicting neither
the most probable nor the most desirable future. To cover regional and disciplinary insights, as
well as scientific uncertainties, more comprehensively than possible in this contribution to the
first Global Environment Outlook and to focus more on communication between stakeholders and
scientists, future analyses should make use of a wider set of methodologies, sensitivity analyses
and scenarios.


1.1 Key questions, methods, and definitions

Introduction and key questions

What kind of world will future generations inherit? Which of our present problems are likely to
persist and what new problems can we expect to emerge, where and when? What are the main
driving forces behind these problems, to what extent can they be solved and what will viable
solutions cost? Does rapid economic growth and globalization exacerbate these problems, offer
solutions, or perhaps do both at the same time? These are questions that the Global Environment
Outlook process will address in order to identify emerging issues and support priority setting for
international action. Chapter 2 of the Global Environment Outlook surveys regional priorities and
current responses. The present contribution attempts to address the above questions by exploring
the future in a structured fashion. The sheer complexity of the issues may well overwhelm
decision-makers. One of the ways to simplify and structure the issues and their interactions is to
apply modelling techniques and scenario analysis.

Focus and methods

The above questions are far-reaching because they examine issues — changes in conditions that
affect human health, the depletion of natural resources, and a serious loss of biodiversity as a
result of developments in other sectors — that will have a major impact on human lives. While
there are many environmental changes and impacts associated with social and economic
developments, this contribution to the first Global Environment Outlook is not primarily intended
to deal with all of these. Rather, the intention is to demonstrate the advantages and feasibility of
model-based assessment1 applied to two important areas where environment and development
interact, namely global cycles and the use of the earth’s limited land resources2. Even with these
limitations, this is no easy task. There are a number of factors which may influence the accuracy
of the results of such an assessment: gaps in knowledge3, related deficiencies in the structure of
the models, and the fragmentary nature and, in some cases, limited reliability of available data.
Nevertheless, the seriousness of the problems outlined in the other contributions to the Global
Environment Outlook report makes it all the more urgent to start indicating and assessing
systematically both current and future risks to the environment and to development.

1 To analyze the real world it is necessary to assess the multiple and complex interactions between the environment and the
socioeconomic fabric of life. This requires the integration of diverse sets of information derived from many different sources.
Systems analysis models provide one set of tools that can support such an analysis. No single model can, of course, capture all
the facets of sustainable development at all levels, and for many interactions no models are as yet available. In this chapter,
models developed at the Netherlands’ National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) and the Stockholm
Environment Institute (SEI) have been applied to a selected number of environment—development interactions. Through the
establishment and operation of a GEO modelling working group (DPCSD, 1996), further models need to be developed and
applied on both global and regional scales. This is to ensure more diversity of insights and priorities in future editions of the
GEO report e.g. in terms of long-range economic models.
2 Evidently, there are many other environmental changes and impacts associated with social and economic developments,
including emissions of pollutants and waste, and depletion of non-renewable resources. Because of time and resource constraints
these issues are not dealt with in detail in this report, which does not even pretend to be comprehensive. Its primary intention is
to demonstrate the advantages and feasibility of a model-based assessment. Secondly, important issues such as the environmental
implications of inequity, increasing trade volumes and economic globalization are not analyzed in detail beyond the one scenario
analyzed in the report.
3 Uncertainties come in all kinds. There are technical uncertainties related to deficiencies in measurement, and gaps in knowledge
about how the human and environmental systems related to the design of the analytical tools used work. There are also
uncertainties related to ‘unknowable’ developments in the future that scenario analysis attempts to address. Finally, there are
uncertainties related to people’s different interpretation of what is known depending on their perspectives. The results in this
chapter have to be seen against the background of these uncertainties. No attempt will be made to quantify the uncertainties or
attach probabilities to the results.


Human system Environmental system


economic pollution, exploitation abiotic

subsystem and restructuring components

goods STATE
& labour changes

social resources & services biotic

subsystem components

(leading to response)

Figure 1.1. A systems analysis view of the world

Source: Swart and Bakkes (1995).

Analytical approach
The general approach behind the model-based assessment in this chapter is systems analysis, in
particular the analysis of environmental changes that result from interactions between the human
and environmental systems (Figure 1.1). It is necessary to ensure that the social, economic and
environmental aspects of development are, as far as possible, brought onto a level playing field.
One way of doing this is to use indicators to summarize the findings4. The World Bank
distinguishes between human man-made and natural capital (Serageldin, 1996)5. However, current
understanding of social factors prevents their full and direct inclusion in systems analysis models.

In order to structure the analysis of the interaction between the human and environmental
systems, the dynamic nature of these interactive systems are assessed within a driving forces
pressure - state - impact - response framework (Figure 1.2): Social and economic developments
exert pressure on the environment, and, as a consequence, the state of the environment changes.
These changes then have impacts on the social and economic functions of the environment, such
as the provision of adequate conditions for health, resources availability and biodiversity. Finally,
these impacts may elicit a societal response that feeds back on the driving forces (or on the state
or impacts directly, through adaptation or curative rather than preventive action).

Obviously, the real world is more complex and dynamic than can be expressed in simple causal
relations in systems analysis. There is arbitrariness in the distinction between human and
environmental systems, and, depending on the context, a considerable number of phenomena
may, for example, play a role as either pressure or impact variable. Moreover, many interactions
between environmental and societal systems, and several facets of development, are not
sufficiently understood or are difficult to capture in the simple systematic framework shown in
Figure 1.2. This is illustrated in Figure 1.3, where the pressure and response elements of the
framework are positioned as part of a wider ‘development’ context and two-way interactions are

4 Indicators are defined here as pieces of information forming part of a specific management process (e.g. in this case the
pursuance of sustainable development as outlined in Agenda 21) that can be compared with the objectives of that management
process, and have been assigned a significance beyond their face value (Bakkes et al., 1994).
5 However, unlike the World Bank’s monetization of all forms of capital, in this report the different forms of capital are expressed
in their own units: ‘monetary’ for economic capital, ‘people’ for human and social capital, and ‘physical’ for environmental



societal response

state of the

impacts on

Figure 1.2. A simple representation of the pressure - state - impact - response framework
Source: Swart and Bakkes (1995).

indicated instead of the simplified one-way cycle in Figure 1.2. Nevertheless, it is argued here
that the simple pressure - state - impact - response cycle does provide an understandable structure
within which available knowledge can best be organized and analyzed at this stage (Swart and
Bakkes, 1995).

The concept of transitions is used to provide a systematic context for describing and
understanding the dynamics and interactions between the human and environmental systems. A
transition is defined here broadly as a process in which a system undergoes a rapid change,
followed by a slow-down to a situation where conditions are qualitatively and quantitatively
different from the initial stage. Evidently, this concept has to be applied with care to real-world
observations. However, it is used to provide an impressionistic description of some of the major
past and possible future developments in the world. The strongly non-linear dynamics of
transitions can be understood in terms of the changing relative strength of positive and negative
feedbacks (Figure 1.4). In a typical transition, a ‘take-off’ phase represents the early stages of an
acceleration, which involves considerable investment efforts and relatively little profit. In this
stage, positive feedbacks reinforce the response signal. Policy interventions are the most effective




Figure 1.3. The pressure - state - impact - response framework in the context of development






Figure 1.4. The concept of transitions as a function of positive and negative feedbacks

here. An ‘acceleration phase’, characterized by rapid change, follows. This might become
autonomous as soon as a threshold value is exceeded and thereby reduce the effectiveness of
policy interventions. Finally, negative feedbacks increasing relative to the positive feedbacks
within the system lead to a ‘stability’ phase. Clearly, stability is relative and does not mean
permanence: smaller changes can occur and a new transition may follow. The elements of the
pressure - state - impact - response cycle can be seen as part of the feedbacks. The Pressure
component may trigger the take-off phase of a transition, followed by rapid changes in the State
component. This, and the associated instability of the system, may lead to Impacts (positive
feedbacks). Policy measures or autonomous Responses may counteract these impacts and dampen
the rate of change in the stability phase (negative feedbacks). As we have learned from the past,
transitions are no law of nature and, if presented as a historical or future inevitability, would
represent a mere example of determinism. Rather, the concept is used here as a stylized way of
visualizing and understanding ongoing changes in world dynamics.

Integrated models
In the early seventies, rapid development of computer technology combined with increasing
scientific understanding prompted the development of a first generation of systems analysis
models attempting to describe and analyze possible future developments in the complex
relationships between the various components of the human and environmental system at the
global level. UNEP (Swart and Bakkes, 1995) has provided a concise overview of these models.
While these models increased understanding and awareness, they had a number of deficiencies
related to serious gaps in scientific knowledge at the time and the inherent unpredictability of the
future. While the future remains uncertain, new insights can address some of the deficiencies of
the first generation of systems models. This has led in the eighties and nineties to the
development of new models, some of which were designed to study specific global or regional
topics such as acidification and climate change, usually applying the pressure - state - impact -
response framework. Others attempt, in addition to the pressure - state - impact - response cycle
for a particular theme, to capture as many interlinkages as possible between the economic, social
and environmental systems on a global scale. Some of these computer models are used in this


The IMAGE model, supplemented by RAINS and TARGETS model calculations, functioned as
the basic model for the assessments in this report (see also Appendix III). PoleStar had been used
in the compilation of the scenario to enhance consistency between the different components of the
driving forces in SEI’s accounting framework. RIVM’s IMAGE model and the RAINS model
(developed at IIASA) are applied jointly to analyze the interaction between climate change and
acidification. RIVM’s TARGETS model is applied to illustrate the interlinkages between the
systems’ components at a long-term aggregate level. Results from the TARGETS Health and
Population submodel are also reported. The IMAGE model is also used to provide a provisional
sketch of the technical space allowed for enhanced policies, described in chapter 7. These models
are briefly described in Appendix III. Furthermore, results from the Asian Integrated Model
(AIM) of the Japanese National Institute of Environmental Studies (NIES) are used in this report.

The aim of the current analysis is to explore the environmental risks of selected socioeconomic
developments after the ‘Rio conference’. At this stage, no rigorous analysis of different response
scenarios using economic models will be attempted. (However, UNEP in collaboration with
DPCSD and other organizations, are setting up a Global Modelling Forum for global modelling
activities to analyze Agenda 21-related issues, including economic analysis. See also Appendix I)
Of course, model-based analysis does not provide specific answers to today’s pressing questions
but does provide structure, consistency and, hopefully, a better understanding of the complexity
of these questions so as to support rather than replace decision-making. Other contributions to
GEO will obviously address the key questions from a different perspective in different ways.

Scenario analysis
Current environmental problems are, to a large extent, caused by human activities in the past,
while future difficulties are being generated now. Therefore, in the next chapter, historical trends
will be briefly discussed to provide a better understanding of the causes of environmental changes
and the relative contributions of the various regions. It is also crucial to note that the response of
both societal and environmental systems to changes in other systems is necessarily delayed. (The
delays are caused by factors ranging from residence times of chemicals in the environment, to
depreciation times of the capital stock and to the time it takes to educate and train the next human
generation.) One consequence of this is that to identify emerging issues and priorities, and to
analyze the implications of alternative policy strategies, it is necessary to assess a wide range of
possible future developments. This is done using scenarios.

Scenarios are hypothetical sequences of events, constructed for the purpose of focusing attention
on causal processes and decision points (Kahn and Wiener, 1967). They are descriptions of
alternative futures, possibly based on different views of how the world works. Thus scenarios are
images of the future created from mental maps or perspectives on the past and present. They are
not deterministic predictions of what is likely to occur or what should occur, nor are they stories
about the future akin to science fiction or probabilistic ranges around a central trend. The role of
scenarios is to examine different perspectives, to challenge conventional thinking and to offer a
systematic and disciplined way of discussing crucial issues. Different possible policy strategies
can also be analyzed by way of scenarios. The selection of the scenario is not a choice for or
against a certain future. The development and selection of scenarios is an iterative process
involving users and analysts.

In deviation from the principle that scenario analysis should consider alternative futures, the
present analysis for the first Global Environment Outlook is only applied to one scenario, the so-
called Conventional Development scenario (see Chapter 2). This is because of the present lack of
sufficiently elaborated global scenarios. However, this limitation should not be explained in the
sense that the Conventional Development Scenario would be more plausible or desirable than


other futures. Meanwhile, UNEP has set up yet another Global Working Group to address this gap
(see Box 2.1 in Chapter 2).

North and south, past and future

Time is also important in another respect. In the international debate about environment and
development, the industrialized countries in the North have focused primarily on environment and
sustainability, whereas the developing countries in the South emphasize the importance of
economic growth and development. From the perspective of industrialized countries, the
momentum of population and economic growth in the South foreshadows future global
environmental degradation. The South, with primarily short-term economic and local
environmental problems to address, places these global environmental concerns primarily in the
context of the asymmetric distribution of impacts and responsibilities: the main risks in the South,
and the past and present responsibilities in the North. For this reason, this analysis supporting the
Global Environment Outlook has to consider not only the future, but also the past and present.
Evidently, the future will be different from the past. However, one can learn both from the past, as
the origin of the main driving forces of the global societal and environmental changes, and from
the way in which interactions between system components have evolved.

1.2 A world in transition

How can the above concepts and methods6 be combined to provide a systematic and comprehensive
framework for exploring the key issues set out at the beginning of this chapter? A dynamic
framework of linked social, economic and environmental transitions is envisaged to address this
question. Box 1.1 provides a model-based illustration.

Referring to the illustration in Box 1.1, transitions in population and economic dynamics are
discussed first, followed by changing demands for energy, raw materials, food and water, derived
from developments in population and economy. Third, possible implications of these demands for
the environment are considered, taking into account transitions in the type and efficiency of
resource use. Finally, closing the loop, it has been established that important elements of human
response be implicate or explicate included in forward projections.

Social and economic resources: dynamics of population and production

The dynamics of the human population are sufficiently well understood to estimate fairly
precisely its expected development over the next two to three decades. In the longer term, it is
much more difficult to predict the pathway along which a demographic transition may take place.
Almost all researchers, however, agree that there will be a further decline in birthrates along with
declining death rates. This will result in a population growth moving towards some 10 billion
people by the end of next century . As important as the numbers is the quality of human life for
which life expectancy and disease-adjusted life expectancy are widely used as indicators. These
are determined by a complex pattern of social and economic changes, ranging from income
distribution, and literacy, as well as access to safe water, sanitation and medical services. If the
correlations observed in the past between such patterns, and a general indicator of economic
welfare like GDP per capita, are accepted as a rough guide for the future, a further increase in
disease-adjusted life expectancy is to be expected. In effect, the trajectories shown in Box 1.1

6 Pressure-state-impact-response framework; social, economical and environmental systems; transitions; integrated models; and


combine two transitions: the demographic and the epidemiological. These global smooth curves
hide significant regional variations.

The economic system constitutes the second major driving force in the global human-environment
system. Driven by the re-investment of some of the industrial output and sales of natural
resources into agricultural and manufacturing production facilities, this economic growth process
feeds on a stream of productivity-raising innovations and a gradual infrastructural unfolding of
roads, schools, hospitals and other facilities. Together, these comprise the stocks of man-made
capital. It is well acknowledged that the adequate functioning of this man-made capital has to be
accompanied by investments to maintain and enhance other, less tangible forms of capital. This
comprises what is called ‘human capital’ (including aspects such as education) and maybe even
‘social capital’ (such as community and governance structures) as well. It has become equally
evident that the system can only be sustained by a continuous influx of energy and material
derived from ‘environmental capital’. History has shown time and again that a proper balance
between these three forms of capital and their use is an important condition for the human
aspiration to a healthy, fulfilling and prosperous life. Underlying the growth of aggregate
economic output is the transition from a largely agricultural to an industrial economy, and then
towards a service and information-oriented economy - the economic transition (compare Box 1.1,
see also Maddison, 1991).

Derived demands for energy, raw materials, food and water

The mutually interacting dynamics of human population and economic growth will be henceforth
referred to as pressure components, generating a demand for food, water, energy and raw
materials. These derived demands, as they are called in the economic sciences, have to be
delivered by a great variety of natural systems. Given the common expectation of population and
economic growth (Box 1.1), one can make forward projections of the demand for food, water and
energy. A common procedure is to use the present intensities, measured as physical fluxes per
unit of activity, to depict a future in which there are no qualitative changes apart from population
and economic transitions. This would, at least after some time, lead to a slow decline in the
growth of the demand for food, water, energy and raw materials due to the dynamics of the
demographic and epidemiological transition, and the relatively low intensity of services and
information-oriented activities. To meet the derived demands, part of the economic output must
be invested in the expansion and maintenance of the capital stocks (agricultural land and
equipment for the supply, transport and processing of water and fuels) that generate these outputs.
Clearly, the assumption of constant intensities is at odds with the historical evidence, which
suggests that these intensities are also subject to transitions. For food, there are the trends to a
higher share of meat in the average diet and to more processing; in agriculture, the trend is to
more intensive farming. Water demand is expected to rise parallel to increased access to safe
water, while at the same time water intensity may start to decline, as is already evidenced by
current developments in water treatment, re-use and irrigation. For energy, the trend towards
increasing intensity with the onset of industrialization is reversed once services and information-
oriented activities start to dominate, and new and more efficient technologies diffuse to new users.

The changes in intensity reflect a complex pattern of economic, social and cultural changes
intricately related to the quality of human life and underlying aspirations and values - as is the
case with population transitions. Hence, their historical interpretation is controversial and their
future development is hotly disputed. Obviously, calculation of the food, water and energy
intensities is fraught with controversies and uncertainties. Yet, using prevailing insights and
expectations, it is possible to make reference projections of plausible transitions. From the
illustrative model simulations presented in Box 1.1, we can see two major features for food: 1)
food intake per capita may be slowly saturated and 2) the fraction of animal products in the


average diet is likely to increase. For health expenditures, another determinant of demographic
changes, a persistent rise over the next century has already begun. For water, the key components
number an increase in public water supply and in the water used by industry. For energy, the most
important aspects of a possible transition are the decreasing energy use per unit of economic
output and the shift away from carbon-based fuels, both after an initial period of increase.

Environmental pressures
Combining these intensities with the demographic and economic developments yields the
simulated time path for the use of important natural capital stocks and flows: arable land, water
reservoirs and fluxes, and energy resources and fluxes. This by a set of important pressures on the
environment which result from the need to satisfy the demands for food, water, energy and raw
materials. These include the amount of fertilizer used in agriculture, the amount of polluted water
discharged onto surface waters and the emissions of various substances into the air (Box 1.1).

The changing state of the environment

Will the earth be able to meet humanity’s demand for these resources in a sustainable manner?
This question can only be explored on the basis of the best available, yet still deficient insights
into the operation of the earth’s life-support systems. Even then, in view of the normative nature

Box 1.1 A World in Transition: a model-based exploration of linkages

This chapter proposes a framework of linked social, economic and environmental transitions to provide one
possible way of organizing and analyzing the complex relationships between different aspects of world
development and the sustainability of these relationships. The graphs in this box illustrate these relationships
for a kind of ‘middle of the road’ scenario for long-term developments at the global aggregate level using a
systems analysis approach. The model has been calibrated using historical data for the period 1800-1990.
Derived from preliminary analysis with the TARGETS model (for a model description see Appendix III), the
graphs emphasize the relationships, not data or figures. From left to right, the graphs illustrate possible
linkages between different system components, such as different environmental compartments (Rotmans and
de Vries, 1997). From top to bottom, the graphs illustrate a chain involving driving forces, derived demands,
environmental pressure, a changing state of the environment and impacts. Various responses are part of the
overall dynamics but not shown here.

The top graphs illustrate possible developments of the driving forces population and economy; they also
include the notions of a demographic transition towards higher healthy life expectancy and a growing economy
that changes its composition from agricultural through industrial to service-dominated. The derived demands
for energy, raw materials, food and water can be characterized by a ‘transition’ towards greater efficiency. At
the global level, the associated environmental pressures are related to these demands through decreasing
emissions or landuse changes per unit of demand and increasing resource productivity. This process will be
fastest for pressures that can be mitigated relatively easily, such as sulphur emissions, slower for other
emissions, such as nitrogen oxides, and as in the example, slowest for greenhouse gases. The resulting changes
in the state of the environment and associated impacts are dependent on whether, and if so, how and how fast,
these transitions take place. Implicitly, any forward calculation, like the hypothetical one in the graphs,
includes important response elements.

The illustrations are not intended to describe the most likely future, nor a desirable one. In the real world,
developments will be different from those in the illustrations. Perhaps even more important, they will be very
different at the regional and subregional levels, dependent on regional and subregional characteristics.
Different developments of the various feedback processes - including the ways they are influenced by human
choices - lead to different shapes of the curves. The illustrate the importance of the linkages between the
social, economic and environmental components of a world that is undergoing rapid changes. The analysis of
the linkages suggests that in some instances social, economic and environmental goals may be compatible. In
other cases, trade-offs seem unavoidable.


Box 1.1 continued

population morbidity and mortality components economic capital

persons year 1990US$
basemortal. industry
100 lifestyle 6.1014
10.109 services
poverty only
healthy life 4.1014
9 50
2 .1014

0 0
1900 1950 2000 2050 2100 1900 1950 2000 2050 2100 1900 1950 2000 2050 2100

GWP per capita energy use per $ of GWP SO2 /NOx emission from fossil fuel use
1000 $ / cap MJ/$ million ton S resp. N
non fossil
agriculture 20 SO2
20 industry 100
services NOx

10 50

0 0 0
1900 1950 2000 2050 2100 1900 1950 2000 2050 2100 1900 1950 2000 2050 2100

food consumption per capita N fertilizer use water use per capita
m3 /cap
k cal/cap day N
products 200 dping domestic
animal irrigation
4000 1000
products industry


0 0 0
1900 1950 2000 2050 2100 1900 1950 2000 2050 2100 1900 1950 2000 2050 2100

untreated waste water

CO 2 emission from fossil fuel use
Pg C
12 industrial 20


12 10

0 1900 1950 2000 2050 2100

1900 1950 2000 2050 2100

land area developing regions land area developed regions quality distribution surface water
million km2 million km 2 1.0
80 80
forest forest high
grass grass med-high
arable arable med-low
irrigated irrigated low
60 60
other other


40 40

20 20 0.0
1900 1950 2000 2050 2100 1900 1950 2000 2050 2100 1900 1950 2000 2050 2100

sea level rise (glob.avg.) atmospheric CO2 concentration temperature increase (glob.avg.)
meter ppmv oC

1.0 800 3.0

600 2.0


400 1.0

0.0 200 0.0

1900 1950 2000 2050 2100 1900 1950 2000 2050 2100 1900 1950 2000 2050 2100


of the notion of sustainability, any answer to this question will contain value-loaded judgments.
The supply of food, both for humans and animals, will cause a further extension of the land used
for cultivation (Box 1.1). Use of inputs per ha may rise steadily too, leading to higher yields.
Effluents to land and water will increase, especially with regard to nitrogen compounds. Placing
higher demands on water resources will lead to an increase in the average costs of supplying
water and to a decline in the available groundwater. Finally, the supply of energy in various forms
will cause a decline in the fossil-fuel resource base. Supply costs are expected to eventually
increase as the high costs of new deposits are no longer compensated for by cost-reducing
innovations. New sources and technologies will slowly penetrate into the market which, in
combination with abatement measures, will tend to slow down or reverse current trends in
emissions of carbon, sulphur and nitrogen compounds (Box 1.1).

The changes in environmental capital are related in complex ways to a whole set of
characteristics, the change of which impacts on the human-economy system. Some of these
interfere directly with its functioning, while others have a less direct impact in the sense that they
have to be accommodated by altering the patterns of activities and investments.

Mutual interactions between changes and responses

Finally, the illustrative projection reported in Box 1.1 already contains important elements of
human response behaviour. Declining productivity of land is counteracted by additional fertilizer
use; the rising marginal costs of water supply require additional investments; depletion of fossil-
fuel resources combined with the expectation of global warming encourages energy conservation
and a switch to renewable energy sources.

It is possible to evaluate different transition paths, which have an ‘acceptable’ impact on the
natural environment, in the provision of energy, materials, food and water resulting from the same
driving forces scenario. Acceptability here is interpreted in the context of Agenda 21 statements
about the quest for sustainable development. Several possible orientations for this exploration are
indicated in this report, but contributions to future editions of the GEO are envisaged to elaborate
further on these issues. Two general remarks are pertinent here. First, the economic, political and
cultural circumstances needed for successful implementation of desirable transitions are not
extensively discussed in this report. Nor is it suggested that they involve major or disruptive
political measures or socioeconomic changes. In fact, some of the transitions may already have
started and may evolve further as a consequence of current or emerging technologies, insights and
attitudes. Second, this chapter does not analyze the feedbacks that would result from the
transitions discussed or from the impacts of the socioeconomic driving forces through the
environment system. The reason for this is that these feedbacks are extremely complex -
including changes in trade and consumption patterns, and income distribution within and between

Using the mental framework illustrated above, the following chapters explore possible
developments at global and regional levels for a number of selected themes using a different,
more detailed scenario for future developments.


1.3 Structure of this report

This report focuses primarily on the period 1970-2015. This is because reliable historical data are
often only generally available from 1970 onwards and the year 2015 is believed to match the time
perspective of decision-makers. In the assessment, this time period is placed in the perspective of
the 1900-2050 period to account for the significance of the slow-moving dynamics in
environmental and socio-economic developments, while acknowledging the historical data before
1950 as less certain and making the scenario assumptions beyond 2015 even more speculative.

The findings of the analysis are reported in terms of six regions, corresponding with the division
of the UNEP regional offices (Figure 1.5).

This chapter has been structured using the pressure - state - impact - response framework.
Questions asked are:
- How will socioeconomic driving forces affect freshwater and land resources, and how will
these changes mutually interact, for example, through element cycles? (Figure 1.6).
- Why are these changes important for society?

To begin with, Chapter 2 deals with the development of the social and economic driving forces.
Chapters 3 and 4 discuss how this pressure influences selected aspects of the environment.
Chapter 3 alone addresses the importance of selected elements of the interacting global element
cycles for environmental quality, while Chapter 4 addresses land resources, their potential for
food production and associated dependence on freshwater resources. The impacts on selected
components of natural areas (Chapter 5) and society (Chapter 6) are subsequently addressed.
Finally, Chapter 7 looks at how society can respond to these projected changes. The appendices
provide background information on the data, models and scenarios used.

Europe and former USSR Latin America

Asia and Pacific West Asia
North America Africa

Figure 1.5. GEO regional breakdown


chapter 2
chapter 7



chapter 4
chapter 3


chapter 5 chapter 6

Figure 1.6 Elements of the pressure-state-impact-response framework covered in this report



Bakkes, J.A., G.J. van den Born, J.C. Helder, R.J. Swart, C.W. Hope and J.D.E. Parker (1994). An Overview of
Environmental Indicators: State of the Art and Perspectives. UNEP/RIVM. UNEP Environment Assessment Technical
Reports nr. UNEP/EATR.94-01; RIVM/402001001. Environmental Assessment Sub-Programme, UNEP, Nairobi.
DPCSD (1996). Report of the first meeting of the Global Modelling Forum for Sustainable Development. New York (in
Kahn, H. and A. Wiener (1967). The Year 2000. MacMillan, New York.
Maddison, A. (1991). Dynamic Forces in Capitalist Development - a Long-run Comparative View. Oxford University Press,
Rotmans, J. and H.J.M. de Vries (eds.) (1997, forthcoming). Perspectives on global futures. Cambridge University Press,
Serageldin, I. (1996). Sustainability and the Wealth of Nations: First steps in an ongoing journey. Environmentally
sustainable development studies and monographs series; no. 5. World Bank, Washington D.C.
Swart, R.J., J.A. Bakkes (eds.), L.W. Niessen, J. Rotmans, H.J.M. de Vries and R. Weterings (1995). Scanning the Global
Environment: A framework and methodology for integrated environmental reporting and assessment. UNEP/RIVM.
UNEP/EATR. 95-01; RIVM/402001002. Environmental Assessment Sub-Programme, UNEP, Nairobi.


2.1 The issue

This chapter focuses on the pressure element of the pressure-state-impact-response cycle. The
main cause of pressure on the environment is the growing demand for energy, raw materials, food
and water. The basic driving forces behind this demand are increased production and
consumption, and population growth. Pressures on the environment resulting from these driving
forces and derived demands have led to a change in land cover around the world and a depletion
of the stocks of natural resources and ecosystems. More recently, there has been a significant
disturbance of natural cycles and fluxes of substances like nutrients and toxic compounds
between the environmental compartments (land, water and the atmosphere). From the perspective
of environmentally sustainable development, it is crucial to understand the linkages between
driving forces and their consequences. To do this, it is necessary, first of all, to take a look at the
past1. Scenario analysis methods will then be applied to explore how these linkages and
developments may turn out in the future.

The previous chapter introduced the concept of transitions. From a historical perspective, two
types of transitions in the socioeconomic driving forces can be inferred. The first is an economic
transition: from an often inequitable, agriculture-based economy through a phase of material-
intensive industrialization towards a more equitable, service-based and material-extensive
economy. Some industrialized countries are in an advanced stage of this transition. The second is
the related health transition2 from a low-density, agricultural-based society with high fertility and
mortality rates in which communicable diseases are the main cause of poor health, through to an
industrialization phase, with decreasing mortality rates, and on to an urbanized, service-based
society with low fertility and mortality rates and where the trend has shifted to chronic diseases. It
is uncertain whether and, if so, when, other regions want to, or will be able to, go through the
same type of transitions.

In the previous chapter the concept of transition was broadened beyond the economic and health
transitions so as to catch environmental changes in the fields of energy, raw materials, land and
water too. For example, in the energy field, a major transition from renewable to fossil fuels took
place in the past, while a new transition to a different energy system may take place in the future,
meaning a possible return to renewable sources as a result of environmental concerns or -
eventually - due to a scarcity of fossil fuels. Concerning land, the transition of predominantly
non-domesticated lands to tightly planned and managed domesticated land use has now taken
place in many regions. In the following chapters, these and other changes will be discussed in
more detail.

A multitude of economic, technological and environmental forecasts has been developed.

However, most of these are limited in scope, either focusing on a particular subsystem or theme
(population, economy, energy and climate change, etc.). A conventional development scenario is
used in this report to describe one possible future for (1) the growth of population and economies

1 Information on the past has been used to calibrate the models. The model used most extensively for this chapter, RIVM’s
IMAGE model, has been calibrated against post-1950 data on the economy, demography, energy and land use, while improved
calibration using a 100-year database is currently in progress (Klein Goldewijk and Battjes, 1995).
2 Health transition comprises demographic and an epidemiological transitions.


Table 2.1. Selected historical data and scenario assumptions, absolute figures
1950 1990 2015 2050 1950-1990 1990-2015 2015-2050
% % %

Population (in billions)

Africa 0.22 0.64 1.26 2.20 2.7 2.7 1.6
Asia & Pacific 1.32 2.93 4.07 5.16 2.0 1.3 0.7
Europe 0.57 0.79 0.86 0.89 0.8 0.4 0.1
Latin America 0.16 0.45 0.64 0.82 2.5 1.5 0.7
North America 0.17 0.28 0.32 0.33 1.3 0.6 0.1
West Asia 0.07 0.20 0.41 0.73 2.7 2.9 1.6
Developed regions 0.74 1.07 1.18 1.22 0.9 0.4 0.1
Developing regions 1.77 4.21 6.38 8.91 2.2 1.7 1.0
World 2.51 5.28 7.56 10.13 1.9 1.4 0.8

Gross Domestic Product (in trillion 1990 US$) 1950 1990 2015 2050 1950-1990 1990-2015 2015-2050
Africa 0.1 0.4 1.0 4.3 3.6 3.6 4.2
Asia & Pacific 0.4 4.7 12.0 30.8 6.4 3.9 2.7
Europe 1.7 8.1 15.1 27.3 4.0 2.5 1.7
Latin America 0.2 1.1 2.4 6.9 4.7 3.1 3.0
North America 1.7 6.0 13.1 21.6 3.2 3.1 1.4
West Asia 0.1 0.6 1.6 6.9 5.3 4.1 4.3
Developed regions 3.4 14.2 28.1 48.9 3.6 2.8 1.6
Developing regions 0.8 6.8 17.0 47.1 5.6 3.7 3.0
World 4.2 21.0 45.1 96.0 4.1 3.1 2.2

Primary energy* consumption (in EJ) 1950 1990 2015 2050 1950-1990 1990-2015 2015-2050
Africa 1.2 7.4 16.5 58.9 4.6 3.3 3.7
Asia & Pacific 4.8 68.7 185.1 336.1 6.9 4.0 1.7
Europe 30.7 129.9 185.5 205.5 3.7 1.4 0.3
Latin America 1.9 14.3 25.1 55.4 5.1 2.3 2.3
North America 37.4 88.8 132.7 121.6 2.2 1.6 -0.2
West Asia 0.4 11.4 26.4 59.1 8.8 3.4 2.3
Developed regions 68.1 218.8 318.1 327.1 3.0 1.5 0.1
Developing regions 8.4 101.8 253.2 509.5 6.4 3.7 2.0
World 76.5 320.6 571.3 836.6 3.6 2.3 1.1

Caloric intake (in trillion kcal/day) 1970 1990 2015 2050 1970-1990 1990-2015 2015-2050
Africa 0.8 1.5 3.2 6.2 1.6 3.1 1.9
Asia & Pacific 4.1 7.3 10.8 14.1 1.4 1.6 0.8
Europe 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.1 0.4 0.3 0.1
Latin America 0.7 1.2 1.8 2.4 1.3 1.6 0.9
North America 0.7 1.0 1.2 1.2 0.8 0.6 0.1
West Asia 0.3 0.6 1.2 2.2 1.9 3.0 1.7
Developed regions 3.0 3.7 4.1 4.3 0.5 0.4 0.1
Developing regions 5.9 10.5 17.0 24.9 1.5 1.9 1.1
World 8.9 14.3 21.1 29.1 1.2 1.6 0.9

Total water withdrawal (in 1000 km3/yr) 1950 1990 2015 2050 1950-1990 1990-2015 2015-2050
Africa n.a. 0.15 0.20 0.28 n.a. 1.3 1.0
Asia & Pacific n.a. 1.30 1.65 2.05 n.a. 1.0 0.6
Europe n.a. 0.72 0.87 0.91 n.a. 0.8 0.1
Latin America n.a. 0.18 0.24 0.30 n.a. 1.2 0.7
North America n.a. 0.51 0.58 0.57 n.a. 0.5 0.0
West Asia n.a. 0.13 0.17 0.21 n.a. 1.1 0.7
Developed regions n.a. 1.23 1.45 1.49 n.a. 0.7 0.1
Developing regions n.a. 1.75 2.26 2.84 n.a. 1.0 0.7
World n.a. 2.98 3.72 4.33 n.a. 0.9 0.4

Energy intensity** (in MJ/1990 US$) 1950 1990 2015 2050 1950-1990 1990-2015 2015-2050
Africa 12.1 17.9 16.4 13.7 1.0 -0.4 -0.5
Asia & Pacific 12.2 14.7 15.4 10.9 0.5 0.2 -1.0
Europe 17.9 16.0 12.3 7.5 -0.3 -1.0 -1.4
Latin America 10.5 12.5 10.3 8.0 0.4 -0.8 -0.7
North America 21.7 14.7 10.1 5.6 -1.0 -1.5 -1.7
West Asia 5.3 20.0 16.8 8.6 3.4 -0.7 -1.9
Developed regions 19.8 15.4 11.3 6.7 -0.6 -1.2 -1.5
Developing regions 11.1 15.0 14.9 10.8 0.8 0.0 -0.9
World 18.2 15.3 12.7 8.7 -0.4 -0.8 -1.1

Production of Maize (in Tg) 1970 1990 2015 2050 1970-1990 1990-2015 2015-2050
Africa 21.4 36.7 82.7 186.8 2.7 3.3 2.4
Asia & Pacific 49.2 116.6 220.5 296.5 4.4 2.6 0.8
Europe 46.1 70.5 91.8 121.0 2.1 1.1 0.8
Latin America 36.8 55.9 91.6 153.7 2.1 2.0 1.5
North America 125.3 202.1 224.1 251.5 2.4 0.4 0.3
West Asia 1.8 3.1 4.3 3.8 2.7 1.3 -0.4
Developed regions 171.4 272.6 315.9 372.5 2.3 0.6 0.5
Developing regions 109.2 212.3 399.0 640.7 3.4 2.6 1.4
World 280.6 484.9 714.9 1013.2 2.8 1.6 1.0

* Exclusive of modern biofuels (compare Figure 2.5)

** Energy intensity = Primary energy consumption divided by Gross Domestic Product
n.a. = data not available


Table 2.2. Selected historical data and scenario assumptions, per capita
1950 1990 2015 2050 1950-1990 1990-2015 2015-2050
% % %

Gross Domestic Product per capita (in 1000 $/cap; (1990 US$))
Africa 0.5 0.6 0.8 2.0 0.8 0.9 2.6
Asia & Pacific 0.3 1.6 2.9 6.0 4.3 2.5 2.0
Europe 3.0 10.3 17.5 30.5 3.1 2.1 1.6
Latin America 1.1 2.6 3.8 8.4 2.1 1.6 2.3
North America 10.4 21.8 40.8 65.5 1.9 2.5 1.4
West Asia 1.1 2.8 3.8 9.5 2.5 1.2 2.6
Developed regions 4.7 13.3 23.8 40.0 2.7 2.4 1.5
Developing regions 0.4 1.6 2.7 5.3 3.4 2.0 2.0
World 1.7 4.0 6.0 9.5 2.2 1.6 1.3

Primary energy* consumption per capita 1950 1990 2015 2050 1950-1990 1990-2015 2015-2050
(in GJ/cap)
Africa 5.6 11.6 13.2 26.8 1.8 0.5 2.1
Asia & Pacific 3.6 23.5 45.5 65.1 4.8 2.7 1.0
Europe 53.7 164.5 215.1 229.9 2.8 1.1 0.2
Latin America 11.8 32.1 39.2 67.6 2.5 0.8 1.6
North America 225.3 321.2 414.2 368.5 0.9 1.0 -0.3
West Asia 5.6 56.5 64.3 81.4 5.9 0.5 0.7
Developed regions 92.3 205.1 269.0 267.3 2.0 1.1 0.0
Developing regions 4.7 24.2 39.7 57.2 4.2 2.0 1.0
World 30.5 60.7 75.6 82.6 1.7 0.9 0.3

Caloric intake per capita (1000 kcal/cap day) 1970 1990 2015 2050 1970-1990 1990-2015 2015-2050
Africa 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 0.4 0.3 0.3
Asia & Pacific 2.1 2.5 2.7 2.7 0.9 0.3 0.1
Europe 3.3 3.4 3.4 3.4 0.3 0.0 0.0
Latin America 2.5 2.7 2.8 2.9 0.4 0.2 0.1
North America 3.2 3.6 3.7 3.6 0.6 0.0 0.0
West Asia 2.4 2.9 3.0 3.0 0.9 0.1 0.0
Developed regions 3.3 3.5 3.5 3.5 0.4 0.0 0.0
Developing regions 2.1 2.5 2.7 2.8 0.8 0.3 0.1
World 2.4 2.7 2.8 2.9 0.6 0.1 0.1

Total water withdrawal per capita 1950 1990 2015 2050 1950-1990 1990-2015 2015-2050
(in 1000 m3/cap yr)
Africa n.a. 0.23 0.16 0.13 n.a. -1.4 -0.6
Asia & Pacific n.a. 0.44 0.41 0.40 n.a. -0.4 -0.1
Europe n.a. 0.91 1.01 1.02 n.a. 0.4 0.0
Latin America n.a. 0.40 0.38 0.37 n.a. -0.3 -0.1
North America n.a. 1.85 1.82 1.74 n.a. -0.1 -0.1
West Asia n.a. 0.64 0.41 0.29 n.a. -1.8 -1.0
Developed regions n.a. 1.15 1.23 1.21 n.a. 0.3 0.0
Developing regions n.a. 0.42 0.35 0.32 n.a. -0.6 -0.3
World n.a. 0.56 0.49 0.43 n.a. -0.5 -0.4

Energy intensity** per capita 1950 1990 2015 2050 1950-1990 1990-2015 2015-2050
(in J/$ cap; (1990 US$))
Africa 55.3 28.0 13.0 6.2 -1.7 -3.0 -2.1
Asia & Pacific 9.2 5.0 3.8 2.1 -1.5 -1.1 -1.7
Europe 31.2 20.2 14.3 8.4 -1.1 -1.4 -1.5
Latin America 64.1 28.0 16.1 9.8 -2.0 -2.2 -1.4
North America 130.8 53.2 31.7 17.0 -2.2 -2.1 -1.8
West Asia 77.1 99.1 40.9 11.8 0.6 -3.5 -3.5
Developed regions 26.8 14.5 9.6 5.5 -1.5 -1.6 -1.6
Developing regions 6.3 3.6 2.3 1.2 -1.4 -1.7 -1.8
World 7.3 2.9 1.7 0.9 -2.3 -2.2 -1.9

Production of Maize (in kg/cap) 1970 1990 2015 2050 1970-1990 1990-2015 2015-2050
Africa 98.0 57.3 65.8 85.0 -2.6 0.6 0.7
Asia & Pacific 37.3 39.9 54.2 57.4 0.3 1.2 0.2
Europe 80.6 89.3 106.4 135.3 0.5 0.7 0.7
Latin America 224.3 125.4 143.3 187.6 -2.9 0.5 0.8
North America 755.0 730.7 699.7 762.2 -0.2 -0.2 0.2
West Asia 26.5 15.3 10.4 5.2 -2.7 -1.5 -2.0
Developed regions 232.3 255.6 267.1 304.4 0.5 0.2 0.4
Developing regions 61.6 50.4 62.6 72.0 -1.0 0.9 0.4
World 111.8 91.8 94.6 100.0 -1.0 0.1 0.2

* Exclusive of modern biofuels (compare Figure 2.5)

** Energy intensity = Primary energy consumption divided by Gross Domestic Product
n.a. = data not available


in the world’s regions, (2) the associated demand for energy and resulting emissions and (3) the
demand for food and water. This scenario has been derived by the Stockholm Environment
Institute (Raskin et al., 1995a) from the demographic, economic and energy assumptions of the
mid-range IPCC non-intervention scenario IS92a (Leggett et al., 1992) and supplemented with
estimates for relevant factors not covered by IPCC, notably water withdrawals, caloric intakes and
associated changes in land use, and emissions of toxic substances. (The latter will not be
discussed in this report.)

Many important social factors (such as education, culture and institutions) are not explicitly taken
into account by the scenario3. The consistency of the assumptions in the different sectors has been
enhanced by using SEI's global accounting framework, PoleStar (Raskin et al., 1995c)4. Table 2.1
summarizes selected key assumptions in absolute terms, along with regionally and globally
averaged rates of change. Table 2.2 shows key variables on a per capita basis. In no way is it
intended to promote or approve the scenario implications. The scenario is used as the basis for a
‘what-if’ model-based analysis and is certainly not endorsed by UNEP as a likely or desirable
future within the time-frame of the first GEO. A wider set of more comprehensive and diverse
scenarios of global development with adequate international support could not be developed and
analyzed (see Box 2.1). This has been a major handicap for the present study because it removes
the possibility of demonstrating how scenario analysis can support ex ante evaluation of
alternative futures and of policy options. It has also been commented that IPCC’s IS92a scenario,
on which the CD scenario is largely based, no longer adequately reflects economic trends in
various regions of the world. Given this handicap, some material has been included in this report
to emphasize the importance of considering alternative scenarios and policy responses. First,
there is the ongoing work of the GEO Global Scenario Working Group, on other ‘possible’ futures
(Gallopin et al., 1996). Box 2.1 contains some early illustrations. Second, two variants to the
Conventional Development Scenario have been formulated and briefly analyzed. Chapter 7
reports on the findings. These variants are in no way fully developed, consistent and realistic
alternatives to the CD scenario, but they do illustrate the technical space for changes leading to a
more sustainable world.

For the analysis presented in this report, the original scenario needed further interpretation.
Details on this can be found in Appendix II. The time horizon for the analysis had been specified
by UNEP’s Governing Council as the year 2015, i.e. one generation from now. However, as
several transitions may become more noticeable later (‘system delays’), a projection to the year
2050 has been added as a second horizon. Obviously, certain changes assumed in the
Conventional Development (e.g. in population, emissions) will have substantial impacts in the
second half of the next century, i.e. beyond the 2050 horizon.

3 In the Conventional Development scenario the development of per capita income is only described at the regional level; it does
not specify intra-regional income distribution. With respect to demographic developments, the CD scenario neither
geographically explicitly defines population densities (apart from a split between urban and rural) nor migration fluxes. As a
consequence, the scenario does not allow for the quantitative evaluation of related social or environmental impacts, like
malnutrition, loss of good health and poverty-related environmental degradation. However, even if these aspects were specified,
the available modelling tools would very much limit such assessments. Therefore, for future GEOs there’s a great need for future
GEOs to have both more specified social scenarios, and modelling and other assessment tools will able to deal with these
important social dimensions. This will be one of the major issues to be adressed by both the Global Scenario Group and the
Modelling Group.
4 PoleStar is a framework for analyzing economic, resource and environmental information and for examining alternative
development scenarios. It is an adaptable accounting system applicable on regional, national, and global scales. Exogenous input
activity levels are multiplied by intensity coefficients that specify resources required, pollution emitted, or waste generated per
unit of activity.


Box 2.1 Conventional Development and beyond


Balanced Growth Reference

Gross world product (trillion US $)

New Sustainability Paradigm



Fortress World



0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Population (billions)

Figure 2.1. Population and economic growth from 1990-2100 under five development scenarios
Source: Gallopin et al. (1996).

How will the world develop? Clearly, there is no answer to such question. There is no ‘most likely’ future.
Nevertheless, pursuing an equitable and environmentally sustainable development requires the exploration of
possible futures and of the options for human choices to help direct the future in an equitable and sustainable
direction. For the purpose of the Global Environment Outlook, scenarios would ideally have to meet a number
of criteria. They have to be (1) global with sufficient regional disaggregation, (2) comprehensive with integrated
treatment of major environmental, social and economic issues, (3) analytically sound with regard to the use of
data and scientific theory, and (4) diverse with representation of a range of future visions, values and world
views (Gallopin et al., 1996). Unfortunately, scenario sets meeting all these criteria are not yet available. Their
conception, development, and the sectoral and regional concurrence with their characteristics requires a
considerable amount of care, time and effort. For the first GEO, the development and analysis of a set of
scenarios meeting the above criteria was proven impossible. Therefore, a Conventional Development scenario
was selected that meets the first three criteria to a large extent. The purposes of this approach at this stage were
(1) to examine the feasibility of scenario-supported integrated assessment in the GEO context and (2) to
explore the potential environmental consequences of a ‘business-as-usual’ type of scenario with no major
policy interventions.

At the same time, UNEP has set up a Global Scenario Group, coordinated by the Stockholm Environment
Institute, to start developing alternative scenarios that better meet the four criteria above. Notably, these take
into account the different social visions about how the future will or should evolve, and identify key decision
aspects how through sustainable development may be furthered through policy intervention. So far, the work
of this group has led to the qualitative contours of three classes of scenarios. The central class is a range of
‘Conventional Worlds’ scenarios, one of which (the ‘Reference’ or ‘Conventional Development’ scenario) is
analyzed in this report. Noting that from the perspective of sustainable development this is certainly not a
desirable type of future, an additional case in this class, called ‘Balanced Growth’, has been proposed. This
scenario assumes heavy and coordinated policy intervention such as called for in the Brundtland report and in
many policy-oriented discussions on sustainability. It assumes the political will to implement policy reforms,
strengthen management systems, and ensure widespread introduction and use of better technology, with the
intention of providing greater social equity and environmental protection than offered by the Reference
scenario. Although the Balanced Growth scenario differs from the Reference scenario in its degree of policy


interventions, it shares many of the same patterns of production and consumption, notions of global
governance, and political and cultural values.

Although most formal scenario and planning exercises confine their analysis to futures that lie within the
assumptions of the ‘Conventional Worlds’, many indiviuduals hold much more pessimistic views about human
destiny. Consideration of some current global trends suggests that there is a real risk of futures that are
incompatible with the notion of progress, growth and expanded human freedom. The Global Scenario Group
calls such futures - which might include widespread conflict, breakdown of social order, authoritarian controls,
massive human sufferering and irreversible environmental degradation - ‘Barbarization’ scenarios. One variant,
‘Breakdown’, is an extreme case of destructive anarchy where governmental and social failures, unchecked
population growth, and environmental and social deterioration lead to scarcity, violence and possible massive
migration. These conditions, in turn, eventually lead to widespread economic collapse, a drastic fall in global
population levels, and loss of institutions, productive capacity and technological wisdom. Alternatively, the
‘Fortress World’ variant assumes an authoritarian ‘solution’, in which a minority of the elite in privileged
enclaves protect their way of life by forcibly imposing limits and social controls on the impoverished majority,
by seizing control of critical natural resources for their exclusive use, and by restricting access to information
and technology. It is possible that instability of a ‘Fortress’ system may push the world into a ‘Breakdown’

On the other side of the spectrum, one can hold more optimistic views on how the future may evolve. For
several reasons, including a dissatisfaction with the lifestyles, values, equities and environmental conditions
offered by the ‘Conventional Worlds’, more radical changes in social goals and practices may emerge,
transcending the ‘Conventional Worlds’ framework. The hallmarks of these changes, illustrated in a set of
‘Great Transitions’ scenarios, are new economic and social arrangements, and significant changes in the values
that guide individual and collective behaviour. Although such futures may be viewed as utopian and unrealistic
deviations from the conventional evolution of society, the hypothesis contrary to this, i.e. that attempting
sustainability without such changes is quitoxic, may be entertained. One variant, called ‘Eco-communalism’
represents a deep green utopian vision which emphasizes bio-regionalism, localism, face-to-face democracy,
small technology and economic autarky. Population and economic scales diminish, while environmental
conditions improve dramatically. Possibly closer to todays’s views on what is feasible, the ‘New Sustainability
Paradigm’ variant seeks to alter the character of urban industrial civilization rather than to replace it, to build a
more humane and equitable global civilization rather than to retreat into localism. This scenario assumes a
dramatic decrease in per capita material flows through behaviorial changes and technology improvements, a
resilient and high-quality environment, and high well-distributed welfare with economic activity oriented to

The discussion of alternative futures raises a host of profound questions. Which of these pathways are self-
consistent and plausible? Can the policy reforms of ‘Balanced Growth’ achieve sustainability, or at least solve
the urgent problems in many regions as identified in this report? What critical points could kick the system into
global or regional ‘Barbarization’ and what policies and actions are needed to reduce this risk? Can new values
and policies transform industrial society as assumed in the ‘New Sustainability Paradigm’? And last but not
least, the practical question for next GEOs: what actions are implied?

Source: Gallopin et al. (1996).

2.2 Economic activity and population

The past: rapid economic and population growth

The emergence of a global industrial system is a key feature of the evolution of past consumption
and production patterns. An essential component of this was the shift from renewable energy
sources like biomass, wind and human/animal labour to fossil fuels (coal, then oil and gas). This
shift made possible an enormous release of additional energy to support human economic
activities, such as industrial production and transportation. It also precipitated a considerable
increase in the productivity of agriculture through the use of machines, artificial fertilizers and


pesticides. This development, which took place at an unprecedented rate, fundamentally changed
the economic relations in the world, as it was combined with colonialism and a struggle by
Western industrial states for resources and markets. It marked the early stages of the transition of
the economic structure away from dominance by agriculture. While over 50 per cent of the
estimated industrial potential (handicrafts as well as industrial manufacturing) in about 1800 was
still located in China and India, by 1900 the balance had shifted completely towards Europe and
the USA (Bairuch, 1982). In 1900, the world’s industrial potential was five times that of the UK;
in 1980 it had grown to 110 times that of the UK in 1900, a more than 20-fold increase.
Subsequently, a shift towards a rapidly increasing emphasis on the service sector formed the last
stage of this transition of the economic structure in the industrialized countries. Rapid
institutional developments at various geographical levels facilitated these changes. Major regions
of the world have not gone through this process, but are now in the earlier stages of what may yet
become a similar economic transition. Because of the different economic, social and
environmental conditions in these regions, the transition will in the details be different from that
in the currently industrialized countries: the suggested similarity refers to a stylized, aggregate
level. Figure 2.2 illustrates the steady growth of world economic output and its acceleration after
the Second World War.

Economic growth has brought - and continues to bring - wealth to many, but not to all. The
income inequalities of the early days of industrialization have levelled off significantly in most
industrialized countries, although inequalities appear to be increasing again in many of them. In
many developing countries that are in the early stages of industrialization, however, income
differences are still considerable and there is virtually no middle class. There is also still a great
deal of income inequality between regions, and this is decreasing very slowly, if at all (e.g. World
Bank, 1994).

Global population has continued to increase continuously, showing an acceleration in recent

centuries along with economic growth. Braudel (1981) has calculated the world population
increase from between 465 million and 545 million in 1650 to between 1530 million and 1608
million in 1900 and, finally, to more than 5600 million now. Population numbers within regions
have shown significant fluctuations over time as a function of social, economic and environmental
developments5. These fluctuations and other historical evidence suggest a dynamic interplay
between human populations and their ingenuity, the environment and its food potential, and
societal organization. During the last century, a demographic transition towards relatively stable
population numbers has taken place in the industrialized countries. And in many developing
countries, the process of declining population growth rates has begun, although with varying
speeds6. With respect to population, it should finally be noted that not only do total numbers
change, but also the geographical distributions. Notably, a variety of economic, technological and
social factors has resulted in increasing global urbanization.

The future: continued economic growth and decelerating population growth

The assumptions about consumption and production patterns in the Conventional Development
scenario are in line with the conventional economic transition concept outlined above. At a
stylized level, the implicit paradigm is one of the South copying the production and consumption
patterns of the North - with a delay of several decades. Evidently, differences in the economic,

5 This has been well documented for early inhabited regions such as the Tigris-Euphrates Basin, Egypt, China and Mexico, where
reconstructed population time-series reflect the rise and decline of civilizations (Whitmore et al., 1990).
6 The relationship between the economic and health transitions is much debated. Although there is evidence of a positive
relationship between increasing life expectancy, fertility decline and income growth, the complex web of factors that determine
demographic development does not justify the conclusion that income growth is a pre-condition for extending life expectancy or
decreasing fertility (see also Chapter 6).


70 Africa 70 Asia & Pacific 70

Europe & former USSR

60 60 60

50 50 50

40 40 40

30 30 30

20 20 20

10 10 10

0 0 0
1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050

70 Latin America 70 North America 70 West Asia

60 60 60

50 50 50

40 40 40

30 30 30

20 20 20

10 10 10

0 0 0
1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050

70 World 300 World index,1990 = 100

60 250

In 1000$ per capita (1990 US $) 150

10 50

0 0
1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025 2050 1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025 2050

Figure 2.2. Economic growth in GDP per capita: past growth and future assumptions in the Conventional
Development scenario
Note: The historical GDP calculations depend heavily on the base year taken (here 1990), constant or current prices (here
constant) and the currency (here US dollars). The methodology is described in detail in: Klein Goldewijk and Battjes (1995).
Source: Eurostat (1991); IPCC (1992); Kuznets (1971); Maddison (1989, 1994); OECD (1972, 1975, 1975); World Bank
(1976, 1990, 1992, 1993).

social and environmental conditions in the regions imply a difference in the detailed
characteristics of the transitions. In OECD countries, the service sector typically continues to
grow at the expense of the agricultural and industrial contributions to GDP. Non-OECD regions
are assumed to converge in the direction of OECD economic structures, with increasing GDP per
capita7. The GDP assumptions (Figure 2.2) are somewhat lower than historical growth rates but,
nevertheless, imply a substantial increase in per capita GDP8. It is assumed, for example, that per
capita income levels in Latin America and East Asia will exceed current levels in OECD Europe
in the second half of the next century. As Table 2.2 shows, per capita incomes in all developing
regions are assumed to rise faster than in industrialized countries during the 1990-2050 period,

7 The economic growth rates are taken from the IPCC IS92a assumptions (Leggett et al., 1992) which, −for the short term−are
within the range of World Bank projections. In Figure 2.2, the standard economic measure, GDP, has been used. The use of GDP
data in this report is assumed to be the most complete and reliable way of measuring production and consumption activities
currently available. Nevertheless, this method has several well-known flaws as a measure of welfare, including the limited
comparability across country borders due the different price levels in different countries, as well as the failure to take
environmental and social ‘externalities’ into account, while ‘defensive’ expenditures - counteracting the negative results of these
externalities - are included (Raskin et al., 1995a).
8 Note: Historical information for all reported variables in the period 1900-1990 has been drawn from the ‘IMAGE 2 Hundred
Year (1890-1990) Data Base of the Global Environment (HYDE)’ (Klein Goldewijk and Battjes, 1995). Information about the
original sources is contained in Appendix I.


6 Africa 6 Asia & Pacific 6

Europe & former USSR

5 5 5

4 4 4

3 3 3

2 2 2

1 1 1

0 0 0
1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050

6 Latin America 6 North America 6 West Asia

5 5 5

4 4 4

3 3 3

2 2 2

1 1 1

0 0 0
1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050

12 World 400 World index,1990 = 100

10 In billions
West Asia
6 North America 200
Latin America
4 Europe
2 Asia & Pacific
0 0
1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025 2050 1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025 2050

Figure 2.3. Past population trends and future assumptions according to the Conventional Development
Note: Data before 1950 calculated by Klein Goldewijk and Battjes (1995) with data from Mitchell (1975, 1982, 1983), data
for the period 1950 - 1990 taken from United Nations (1992); after 1990 based on the IS92a scenario (IPCC, 1992).
Source: IPCC (1992); Klein Goldewijk and Battjes (1995); Mitchell (1975, 1982, 1983); United Nations (1992).

with the exception of Africa and West Asia from 1990 to 2015, where per capita income levels do
rise, but more slowly, due to such factors as the slower decrease in population growth in these
regions. In spite of this, the income gap between developing and industrialized countries is
assumed to increase slightly in absolute terms towards 2015 before decreasing slowly towards
2050 (Figure 2.2)9.

The conventional development paradigm is characterized by increasing economic globalization. It

is included implicitly in the scenario through the growth in production volumes, increasing
proportions of which are traded. However, whether globalization is a real and persistent trend or
not, and if it is, whether the environmental and social consequences are positive or negative, are
not explored in this chapter. Neither does the chapter include an assessment of the increasingly
free movement of capital and labour implied by globalization.

9 Total convergence between the per capita income levels in industrialized and developing countries by 2050 - assuming slow 1-
1.5 per cent per year GDP growth in the industrialized countries - would necessitate an average of 6 per cent per year growth in
developing countries throughout the period. For the poorest region (Africa) to catch up with the richest (North America), a 9 per
cent growth rate would be needed. For a 2 per cent growth rate in industrialized countries, these figures would be 7 per cent and
10 per cent, respectively. Please note that such speculation illustrates the income gap, but disregards the positive linkage between
economic growth in the industrializing and developing countries and the relationship between population growth and economic


100 Africa 100 Asia & Pacific 100

Europe & former USSR

80 80 80

60 60 60

40 40 40

20 20 20

0 0 0
1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050

100 Latin America 100 North America 100 West Asia

80 80 80

60 60 60

40 40 40

20 20 20

0 0 0
1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050


In percent

20 rural

1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025 2050

Figure 2.4. The part of the population living in urban agglomerations: past data and future assumptions
according to Conventional Development scenario
Source: Alcamo (1994); Berry (1990); Klein Goldewijk and Battjes (1995); United Nations (1992); WRI (1986); WRI
(1992); WRI (1994).

With respect to population, it is assumed in the Conventional Development scenario that

developing countries will experience a demographic transition similar to that which has taken
place in the industrialized countries10.

Figure 2.3 shows the population numbers for the six GEO regions and for the world as a whole.
Absolute increments currently exceed 86 million per year and the world population is likely to
increase at this rate until 2015. The projected growth in the world population of 4.7 billion, with
95 per cent of the increase in developing countries, produces a total global population of just over
10 billion by the middle of the next century (Raskin et al., 1995a). The scenario makes the same
demographic assumptions as IPCC, which are consistent with other published scenarios (Alcamo
et al., 1995) and depend largely on assumed fertility and mortality rates. Despite a decline in
birthrates in many countries, large increases in population size are inevitable. However, lower
fertility rates would eventually lead to a smaller and significantly older population, while higher
fertility rates would lead to a larger and younger population. The difference between the United
Nations’ high and low population projections for 2015 is 720 million, exceeding the total current
population of the African continent (UN, 1994). These estimates do not take into account
explicitly the feedbacks of different aspects of development on fertility and mortality
determinants. Chapter 6 addresses this issue in more detail.

10 Demographic projections are taken from the IPCC IS92a scenario (Leggett et al., 1992), which derived its assumptions from
mid-range United Nations and World Bank estimates (Figure 2.3). The baseline scenario assumes no explicit feedback of
environmental changes (including availability or scarcity of water and food) into population dynamics.


Population movements within and between countries, including the very rapid growth of cities
and the unbalanced regional population distribution will continue and increase in the future (UN,
1994). Figure 2.4 shows the urbanization assumed in the scenario: by the year 2015, more than 50
per cent of the population in all areas are expected to live in urban conglomerations, as compared
to 26 per cent in 1975 in developing regions. The impact of trends in urbanization on the
environment has not been specifically specifically in this report.

2.3. Environmental pressures: energy, material use and emissions

The past: the industrial age

Energy consumption in the industrialized regions has increased almost exponentially (Figures 2.5,
2.6) with the growth of population and economies. This, together with a similar rise in minerals
used in the production of metals (Figure 2.7), fertilizers (Figure 2.8) and construction materials,
has led to sharp increases in the emissions of pollutants into all environmental compartments,
including emissions to air (Figure 2.10) and water, and waste. As the figures illustrate, the causes
of environmental pressure do not have equal distribution. Notably, the consumption of energy, but
also of fertilizer, has been concentrated disproportional in the industrialized countries. In terms of
production (e.g. fuels and metals, as illustrated in the figures) the developing countries are more
important in that to a large extent they are needed to export to the industrialized countries. One
can discern in the graphs the rapid rise in production after the Second World War which followed
dips in the economic crisis years of the thirties.

500 Africa 500 Asia & Pacific Europe & former USSR

400 400 400

300 300 300

200 200 200

100 100 100

0 0 0
1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050

500 Latin America 500 North America 500 West Asia

400 400 400

300 300 300

200 200 200

100 100 100

0 0 0
1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050

1000 World 1000 World index, 1990 = 100

In ExaJoules

750 750
Modern biofuels, nuclear and renewable
resources (hydro-/solar/wind,etc.)
500 Oil 500
250 250

0 0
1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025 2050 1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025 2050

Figure 2.5. Past primary energy consumption and future assumptions

Note: Including modern biofuels. This is different from the overview tables 2.1 and 2.2.
Source: Historical data until 1965: Darmstadter (1971); other data and projections: Alcamo and Kreileman (1996);


Africa 3500 Asia & Pacific 3500 Europe & former USSR

3000 3000 3000

2500 2500 2500

2000 2000 2000

1500 1500 1500

1000 1000 1000

500 500 500

0 0 0
1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025 2050 1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025 2050 1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025 2050

3500 Latin America 3500 North America 3500 West Asia

3000 3000 3000

2500 2500 2500

2000 2000 2000

1500 1500 1500

1000 1000 1000

500 500 500

0 0 0
1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025 2050 1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025 2050 1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025 2050

10500 World 120 World index, 1990 = 100

Fuel depletion is not further
10000 considered in the scenario 100
analyses in this report.

In million ton of coal equivalents 60

natural gas 20

0 coal 0
1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025 2050 1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025 2050

Figure 2.6. Production of fossil fuels up to 1990

Etemad et al (1991); WRI (1994); Klein Goldewijk and Battjes (1995).

8 Africa 8 Asia & Pacific 8

Europe & former USSR

6 6 6

4 4 4

2 2 2

0 0 0
1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025 2050 1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025 2050 1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025 2050

8 Latin America 8 North America 8 West Asia

6 6 6

4 4 4

2 2 2

0 0 0
1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025 2050 1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025 2050 1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025 2050

20 World 140 World index, 1990 = 100

15 In million tons

lead 60

copper 40

0 0
1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025 2050 1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025 2050

Figure 2.7. Production of selected metals up to 1990

Note: Data refer to smelter production.
Source: Klein Goldewijk and Battjes (1995); Metallgesellschaft (1971, 1981, 1991, 1992); Schmitz (1979); Woytinsky and
Woytinsky (1953).


160 Africa 160 Asia & Pacific 160

Europe & former USSR

120 120 120

80 80 80

40 40 40

0 0 0
1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050

160 Latin America 160 North America 160 West Asia

120 120 120

80 80 80

40 40 40

0 0 0
1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050

World 500
World index, 1990 = 100
In Teragram product

300 West Asia Total fertilizer 375

North America N-fertilizer

200 Latin America 250
Europe & former USSR

* Asia & Pacific 125

0 0
1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025 2050 * no reliable data available before 1970 1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025 2050

Figure 2.8. Past fertilizer consumption and projections following the Conventional Development scenario
Note: Historical data (before 1961; the start of FAO’s AGROSTAT data base) on fertilizer use are hardly available on a country
basis, but since chemical fertilizers were not widely used before 1950, the lack of information is considered acceptable.
Source: Until 1990: FAO (1990); later and projections: Alcamo (1994).

25 Africa 25 Asia & Pacific 25 Europe & former USSR

20 20 20

15 15 15

10 10 10

5 5 5

0 0 0
1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050

25 Latin America 25 North America 25 West Asia

20 20 20

15 15 15

10 10 10

5 5 5

0 0 0
1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050

25 World 200 Regional index, 1990 = 100

In Joule per 1000 US$ per capita
North America
Europe & former USSR
10 Latin America

Asia & Pacific 50

0 West Asia 0
1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025 2050 1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025 2050

Figure 2.9. Past energy intensity of economies and projections following the Conventional Development
Note: Energy intensity is defined as Primary Energy Consumption/Gross Domestic Product. Exclusive of modern biofuels.
Source: Alcamo (1994).






50 NOx
1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025 2050

Figure 2.10. Index of global emissions of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and carbon dioxide following the
assumptions of the Conventional Development scenario
Source: Historical data: Alcamo and Kreileman (1996); Gschwandtner et al. (1985); Hameed and Dignon (1988); Keeling
(1973, 1994); Klein Goldewijk and Battjes (1995); Marland and Rotty (1984); Marland et al. (1994); Mylona (1993);
Overrein et al. (1981); Placet and Streets (1987); WRI (1994). Data for carbon dioxide emissions before 1990 are derived
from Keeling (1994); data after 1990 are assumed and are from Posch et al. (1996).

It is only in the last 10 to 20 years that signs of a decoupling between economic activity and the
use of energy and materials have appeared. Concerns about human health, and later on, also about
the natural environment have induced the industrialized countries to develop and enforce
environmental regulations to curb the level of emissions. Initially, they lowered the concentration
levels by ‘dilution’ (e.g. high chimneys), followed later by so-called end-of-pipe technologies,
preventing pollutants from entering the environment. Recently, this happened more and more by
using cleaner and more efficient production technologies. Figure 2.10 shows that as a
consequence, global emissions of sulphur compounds have more or less stabilized but the
emissions of carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides continue to increase. Notwithstanding efficiency
improvements and environmental measures, the growth of levels of activities in industry, transport,
households, services and agriculture has, in general, led to increasing environmental pressures11.

Decoupling between resource consumption and economic growth has been demonstrated in
production in industrialized counties and is to a large extent linked to the above-mentioned
economic transition: during the early stages of industrialization energy-intensive heavy industry is
needed for building infrastructure, production capacity and constructing buildings. Later on there
is more need for light industries and services to meet consumer demand and improve economic
efficiency. An unknown part of this so-called ‘dematerialization’ of the industrialized economies
has been due to a shift of energy-intensive basic processing to less-developed countries. Also, the
oil prices hikes of 1973 and 1979-1980 have given a temporary stimulus to increase the efficiency
of energy and materials (Figure 2.9).

11 Pre-industrial inputs of acidifying substances such as sulphur oxides to the land surface have more than quadrupled as a result of
atmospheric deposition and fertilizer use (Figure 2.8). Deforestation and the extensive use of fossil fuels since the industrial
revolution have resulted in a large increase in anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide (Figure 2.9),
nitrous oxide and methane, accompanied by an increase of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere. And, until two
decades ago, the increasing release of toxic and persistent chemicals led to increasing concentrations of these substances in air,
water and soils. In the industrialized countries, cleaner production processes and the application of less toxic substitutes, often
induced by government regulation, has led to decreasing concentrations of many of the most toxic substances in recent years.


It should be noted that recent analyses of longer trends in the achievements of environmental
policy in the Netherlands indicated that environmental gains from ‘dematerialization’ tends to be
limited to certain issues in the production sector and traffic, and can eventually be eroded by
volume growth (‘recoupling’).

The future: the use of energy and raw materials continues to increase and the level of
emissions remains largely unabated
In the Conventional Development scenario, energy demand grows significantly globally and
throughout all regions (Raskin and Margolis, 1995). Notably the economic development in
industrializing countries requires a spectacular increase in energy consumption (a factor of 5 or
more between the present and 2050 in Africa, West Asia/the Middle East and Asia). This is
notwithstanding the scenario assumption that the energy intensity of economies will decline in all
regions. In the Conventional Development paradigm, this demand is expected to continue to be
met primarily by still abundant and versatile fossil fuels. Figures 2.5 and 2.6 show key energy
aspects of the scenario, which assumes that development is not constrained by the limited
availability of energy resources12.

In the scenario as interpreted for the present analysis, the increased use of fossil energy and other
mineral resources is accompanied by emissions of various kinds, including acidifying substances,
nutrients, greenhouse gases, toxic substances and waste. As noted above, emissions of selected
pollutants per unit of activity have eventually declined in industrialized countries as part of the
economic transition in industrialized societies. For example, as described in Chapter 3, emission
factors of sulphur oxides in developing regions have been assumed to develop - under assumed
policy reactions to rising pollution levels - considerably towards what is now common in
industrialized regions. Thus, increased efficiency and substitution or specific control technologies
may lead to lower emissions than is assumed in the scenario. However, this relationship has only
been found to be true for a limited number of local and regional pollutants in a limited context. It
is uncertain whether the relationship would also hold for emissions of substances that affect
global cycles (such as greenhouse gases), or if it would also apply in developing countries that do
not have the option to ‘export’ their environmental pressures.

A particularly uncertain factor is to what extent the development and implementation of clean
technologies, methods and processes in industrialized countries will spill over or be transferred to
developing economies. Chapter 7 will return to these crucial issues. As illustrated in Figure 2.10,
the growth in the developing countries’ economies outweighs the decrease or stabilization of
emissions in industrialized countries at the global level. Not only do global carbon dioxide
emissions continue to move upwards, but the declining trend in emissions of sulphur and
nitrogen13 compounds is also reversed in the scenario.

12 As Raskin and Margolis (1995) argue, this may be an optimistic view, since it is uncertain whether the required investments can
be made and existing economic, environmental and social constraints for different fuel types can be overcome. Given the
economic and population estimates, the energy picture is primarily characterized by the energy intensity of the economy and the
fuel mix. Comparing the scenario with other published energy scenario, the IPCC IS92a case (the basis for the Conventional
Development scenario) is a typical mid-range scenario at the global level, which does not imply that it is a likely scenario. At the
regional level, Alcamo et al. (1995) identified some discrepancies with other published cases, mostly caused by differences in
assumptions on economic growth (e.g. in the former USSR and Eastern Europe). It is important to note that the range of
published energy scenarios up to 2050 is significantly smaller than beyond 2050. There is a large contrast, for example, between
the IS92a scenario, where the reliance on fossil fuels continues after 2050, and a recently published scenario by Kassler (1994),
where a shift towards renewable energy takes place around 2050. This is driven primarily by autonomous technological
innovation, leading to a qualitatively different energy system in the second half of the next century and with very different
environmental implications. The Conventional Development scenario is very similar to the High Growth case in WEC (1993)
and the mean High Growth case in a set of recent scenarios from IIASA/WEC (WEC, 1995). In the IIASA/WEC scenarios rapid
economic growth can also lead to higher or lower emissions of carbon dioxide, depending on the availabiltiy of the different
fuels in the next century. Slower economic growth does not automatically lead to lower emissions of carbon dioxide because of a
reliance on cheap coal reserves (WEC, 1995).
13 For nitrogen oxides, the rapid growth of private transport worldwide is another important factor.


2.4 Environmental pressures: demand for land and water

The past: vastly improved supplies of water and food

From a historical perspective, the nutritional levels of the world population have until recently
been on average relatively low and food has not been distributed very evenly. Hunger and
malnutrition have been more the rule than the exception during much of human history. In recent
decades, significant improvements in global nutritional levels have been achieved in most regions.
Unfortunately, there are important exceptions, notably in parts of Africa and South Asia. What
determines nutritional levels? In addition to population pressures, income levels and associated
dietary habits determine the demand for quantities and types of food. With higher incomes,
caloric intake generally increases and there is a shift towards including secondary foods, notably
meat and dairy products (see Figure 2.11).

Increased agricultural productivity and trade, and enhanced storage facilities, have improved food
security in most regions by increasing supply. Doomsday prophets have often predicted that the
food supply would not be sufficient to keep pace with population growth. So far, human ingenuity
has time and again proved these voices wrong, for example, in the sixties and seventies with the
Green Revolution. Notwithstanding some negative side-effects, this revolution has increased food
security for millions of people. The expansion of agricultural production has been one of the key
reasons for increasing withdrawals of freshwater (irrigation), alongside water withdrawals for
domestic and industrial use. Figure 2.12 shows the development of regional water withdrawals.
However, this does not imply that food problems could not occur in the future.

4000 Africa 4000 Asia & Pacific 4000 Europe & former USSR

3000 3000 3000

2000 2000 2000

1000 1000 1000

0 0 0
1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050

4000 Latin America 4000 North America 4000 West Asia

3000 3000 3000

2000 2000 2000

1000 1000 1000

0 0 0
1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050

4000 World 200 World index, 1990 = 100

3000 In kcal per capita per day


2000 100
vegetable products

* animal products *
1000 50

0 * no reliable data before 1970 0

1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025 2050 1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025 2050

Figure 2.11. Caloric intake, projections following the Conventional Development scenario
Note: Caloric intake is the total of Vegetable products (temperate cereals, rice, maize, tropical cereals, roots and tubers,
pulses, oil crops, others) and Animal products (meat from cattle, meat from pigs, meat from sheep and goats, meat and eggs
from poultry, milk from cattle).
Source: Alcamo and Kreileman (1996).


The future: increasing demand for land, food and water met
The Conventional Development scenario (Leach, 1995) assumes that taking the global average
nutrition will continue to improve and thus that, in general, environmental and economic constraints
will be overcome14. Figure 2.11 depicts the assumptions with respect to caloric intake in the
Conventional Development scenario, assuming a convergence towards OECD dietary patterns. Due
to low - although increasing - income levels and high population growth, this development is
slowest in Africa. While the proportion of animal products in the diet is assumed to remain
relatively stable at around 30 per cent in industrialized countries, it is assumed to increase from 10
per cent in 1990 to 15 per cent in 2015 to 17 per cent in 2050 in developing countries. The required
additional production will have to be come from a combination of intensification (primarily
increasing inputs), expansion (land conversion) or imports. Chapter 4 discusses what this may
imply for global and regional land use. Box 2.2 provides two calculation examples, for energy and
agricultural production, in terms of global averages. As to water, because of increases in efficiency
and a shift to less water-intensive activities, global freshwater demands are assumed to increase at a
much slower rate than economic output (by a factor of just over 1.5 over the whole period) from
about 3000 km3 today to 4000 km3 in 2025 and 4600 km3 in 2050 (Raskin et al., 1995b). On a per
capita basis, withdrawals in the period 1990-2015 are actually projected to decrease in many

Box 2.2 Increases in efficiency and increases in demand: the remaining challenge

The two examples in this box illustrate the increases in efficiencies assumed in the Conventional Development
scenario, as well as the remaining challenge when the absolute growth in demand is taken into consideration.
The data used in the examples are world totals, taken from the summary of Chapter 4 (the increases in
agricultural area) and Table 2.1 (all other data).

Increase in energy efficiency

Energy efficiency is defined here as units of Gross Domestic Product per unit of Primary Energy consumed.

Primary Energy GDP Energy Efficiency Indexed Energy Indexed

Consumption Consumption Energy Efficiency
(A) (B) (B/A)
EJ Trillion $ Trillion $/EJ 1990=1 1990=1
1990 321 21.0 0.07
2015 571 45.1 0.08 1.8 1.2
2050 837 96.0 0.11 2.6 1.8

Increase in agricultural efficiency

Agricultural efficiency is approximated here as global caloric intake (as a proxy for agricultural yield) divided
by the agricultural area.

Indexed Area Caloric Intake Indexed Caloric Intake Agricultural

(A) (B) (C) Efficiency
1990=1 trillion kcal/day 1990=1 1990=1
1990 14.3
2015 1.27 21.1 1.5 1.2
2050 1.42 29.1 2.0 1.4

14 Because this chapter focuses on land use, fish products have not been analyzed in detail. While fish only contributes
approximately 1 per cent to global dietary calories it is an important source of fat and proteins in some cultures (Raskin et al.,


2.5 Africa 2.5 Asia & Pacific 2.5

Europe & former USSR

2.0 2.0 2.0

1.5 1.5 1.5

1.0 1.0 1.0

0.5 0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0 0.0

1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050

2.5 Latin America 2.5 North America 2.5 West Asia

2.0 2.0 2.0

1.5 1.5 1.5

1.0 1.0 1.0

0.5 0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0 0.0

1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050

5.0 World 175 World index, 1990 = 100

In 1000 km3 125

3.0 100


Figures before 1990 not yet available 50


0.0 0
1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025 2050 1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025 2050

Figure 2.12. Projected water withdrawals following the assumptions of the Conventional Development scenario
Source: Raskin et al. (1995).

regions, notably in Africa and West Asia. The reason for this is that although withdrawals for
domestic and industrial purposes are assumed to increase, this is not equally the case in withdrawals
for agriculture. At the same time, under the assumptions of the scenario irrigation only increases
marginally and production increases are mainly generated by rain-fed agriculture (see also chapter 4).

Figure 2.12 shows the projected withdrawals by region for the domestic, agricultural and
industrial sectors. Similar to the other scenario assumptions discussed, the most important
increases are assumed to take place in the most rapidly developing areas, notably in Asia, while in
the industrialized countries demand levels off (Europe) or even decreases (USA). As to the
availability of clean drinking water and sanitation, it is assumed that global levels will converge
towards OECD levels15.

2.5 The goals: Agenda 21 and the Conventional Development scenario

Although the emphasis in this Global Environmental Outlook is on the environmental

consequences of social and economic developments, it is useful to compare the characteristics of

15 As in the land and food assumptions, current patterns of water supply - in regions such as North Africa and West Asia - may not
warrant the optimism inferred by the scenario that increasing water demands will be increasingly satisfied. Clearly, this will not
happen by itself but requires that the benefits of the assumed economic growth be tapped for the promotion of sustainable land
and water management practices. It should be borne in mind that the analysis in this report is a ‘what-if’ analysis.


the Conventional Development scenario with the broad socioeconomic objectives of Agenda 21.
Agenda 21 articulated broad goals relating to the socioeconomic driving forces and the associated
environmental pressures. Out of many issues in the Conventional Development scenario, the
focus in this chapter is on production and consumption patterns, population growth, derived
demand for energy and raw materials, and derived demand for food and water. With respect to
consumption and production patterns, the key issue in the Rio Declaration is the need to eradicate
poverty, decrease disparities in living standards and thus meet basic human needs. Appropriate
patterns of production need to be promoted to reduce environmental stress.

On population, the International Conference on Population and Development stipulated as one of

its objectives ‘to facilitate the demographic transition as soon as possible in countries where there
is an imbalance between economic and environmental goals’ (UN, 1994). Countries should aim at
a life expectancy at birth in 2005 of 70 years or more and by 2015 75 years or more. In countries
with current high levels of mortality this should be 65 and 70. Also, countries should strive to
reduce their infant mortality rates to below 35 per 1000 live births by the year 2015 and an
‘under-five’ mortality rate to below 45 per 1000 (UN, 1994). The 1995 Social Summit in
Copenhagen reiterated and elaborated the social aspects of development (UN, 1995). The use of
energy and raw materials is not dealt with as a separate chapter in Agenda 21, nor are there any
other formal international policy initiatives which comprehensively address this issue - that is at
the root of many of the environmental pressures discussed in this report. In Agenda 21, the
development and implementation of environmentally sound and cost-effective energy systems -
particularly new and renewable ones - is called for, primarily to reduce the adverse effects on the
atmosphere. For the same reason, Agenda 21 calls for an increase in efficiency in the production
and consumption of all resources and materials by industry, by improving pollution abatement
technologies and by developing new environmentally sound technologies. As far as land is
concerned, Agenda 21 refers to the need for food security and, where appropriate, food self-
sufficiency within the context of sustainable agriculture, as well as the requirement to eradicate
hunger. As far as water is concerned, Agenda 21 emphasizes the need to provide, on a sustainable
basis, access to water in sufficient quantities as well as proper sanitation for all, with the emphasis
on ‘some for all rather than more for some’.

2.6 Are the goals considered potentially achievable?

In this scenario the world of poverty continues to exist alongside a world that is, on average,
richer and healthier. While it is expected that the relative income gap will be reduced in the next
few decades (the scenario period), the absolute gap between the rich and the poor continues to
widen in the first decades and therefore the goals of increasing international equity are not met. In
the scenario, decreasing fertility and mortality rates are assumed to lead to the stabilization of the
world population by the end of the next century. The targets for increases in life expectancy and
decreases in infant mortality are broadly in line with the Cairo objectives. As to energy and raw
materials, the scenario assumes significant technological developments such as the more effective
use of scarce materials and increased energy efficiency. In the scenario, the use of energy and raw
materials continues to diminish relative to production volumes, but does not stop or reverse
current pressures on the natural resource base because gains in efficiency are outweighed by
economic growth in absolute terms. This happens, notably, in particular regions (the developing
countries) and sectors (e.g. the energy and transport sectors). Finally, as to food and water, food
security and self-sufficiency are enhanced, albeit with regional exceptions, and water availability
is improved. However, as will be discussed in more detail in the following chapters, these are
input assumptions about what may happen rather than actual projections of what will happen.


The following chapters will attempt to analyze how these developments in driving forces and
associated pressures may affect such environmental issues as the quality and quantity of land and
freshwater resources, acidification and climate change. The final chapter (chapter 7) will evaluate
the outcome of the scenario analysis and briefly explore policy options.



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3.1 The issue

The previous chapter described the relentless growth of consumption and production, population
and the associated demand for energy, materials, food and water - as assumed in the Conventional
Development scenario. These developments have far-reaching political consequences since they
hinge on important matters such as equity, poverty, international security, trade and consumption
patterns. They also have a significant impact on the interactions between the atmosphere, land and
water. There is an important set of issues emerging from this impact. These issues, which pose a
special challenge to the international community because they include so many different complex
processes spanning different parts of the natural environment over long periods of time, will have
an important effect on the feasibility of many action points in Agenda 21. Moreover, their scope is
so vast that they can be viewed as disruptions of large-scale biogeochemical cycles (see Box 3.1).
This chapter of the report focuses on some of these key issues, notably in the areas of climate
change, acidification and their interactions. While these represent only a subset of issues relating
to the interactions of atmosphere, land and water, they are given special attention here because
they illustrate the importance of the strong interlinkages between environmental problems, of the
inertia of socioeconomic and environmental systems, and of the feedbacks between these
systems. They are closely related to the unsustainable use of energy and materials - the root cause
of many environmental problems - and they impact on land resources, the associated availability
of food, biodiversity and even health.

3.2 The main causes of acidification and climate change: energy consumption,
industry and deforestation

In a general sense, the issues discussed in this chapter - acidification and climate change - have
the same root cause, namely a high level of economic activity that results in huge amounts of
substances being emitted into the atmosphere. Moreover, many of these stem from the same
source - the burning of fossil fuels. This accounts for over 80% of the global emissions (in 1990)
of carbon dioxide (IPCC, 1992), the main greenhouse gases, and about 94% of the European
emissions (in 1990) of sulphur dioxide, the main cause of the acidification of Europe’s
environment (EEA, 1994). As shown in Chapter 2, the past and current consumption of energy,
and the associated emissions, are concentrated in the industrialized countries. In contrast with the
emissions of some other pollutants - such as sulphur dioxide and particulate matter - emissions of
greenhouse gases have not been demonstrated to decrease with increasing income levels. It has
been assumed therefore that they continue to grow rapidly in the scenario, predominantly in the
developing regions. Also, notwithstanding important technological advances in the design of
motor-car engines, the growth in the volume of the transport sector contributes to projected
growing emissions of nitrogen oxides, which are important acidifying substances. Another
common source of both acidifying and greenhouse gases is the manufacture of industrial
products. An unwelcome by-product of some manufacturing processes is the release into the
atmosphere of sulphur dioxide, nitrous oxides, carbon dioxide, halocarbons and other acidifying
and greenhouse gases.

While fossil fuels and industrial production account for the majority of emissions of polluting and
greenhouse gases, agricultural activity is also an important source of emissions. As an example,
agricultural expansion in the tropics often leads to forest clearance and the burning of trees and


Box 3.1 Disruption of Biogeochemical Cycles

A useful way to think about the problems presented in this chapter is to consider them as disruptions of
biogeochemical cycles. Such cycles are the natural pathways of elements through the earth’s atmosphere, land,
water and biosphere. When these pathways are disrupted by human activity, a variety of negative
environmental consequences usually occur.

Acidification of the environment, for example, can be thought of as the disruption of the natural regional-scale
cycle of sulphur and nitrogen (see also Galloway, 1995). Even in the absence of human influences, a certain
amount of sulphur is emitted into the atmosphere from volcanoes, from bacteria in the seas and from other
natural sources. This sulphur is later deposited onto soils and water bodies in quantities large enough to be
beneficial to plants as a micro-nutrient, but small enough to be absorbed by soil and water without any
acidifying effects. Eventually most of the sulphur passes harmlessly into the ocean. (Sometimes, however,
even natural levels of sulphur deposition can be fatal to plant and animal life, as in the case of sulphur
deposited in the vicinity of a volcano during an eruption). The natural sulphur cycle is disrupted when fuels
containing sulphur are burnt, contaminating the atmosphere with levels of sulphur far in excess of natural
levels. This leads to deposition rates of sulphur that are much higher than natural rates, and eventually to the
acidification of soils and waters. The nitrogen cycle is also increasingly being disturbed by human activities in
the fields of energy use, transport, industry and agriculture. The nitrogen cycle plays a role not only in climate
change and acidification, but also in ozone depletion and the changing oxidation capacity of the troposphere
and eutrophication. Increasing amounts of phosphorus are being mined and brought into the biosphere as
fertilizer, contributing to problems such as the eutrophication of fresh and coastal water resources. The
nitrogen and phosphorus cycles are closely intertwined with those of sulphur and carbon in ways that are not
fully understood and quantified but they are not dealt with in this chapter.

In a similar way, climate change can be thought of as the result of disruption of the natural global element
cycles, notably that of carbon. Under natural conditions, huge amounts of carbon are exchanged between the
earth’s atmosphere, land and water. Despite the scale of these exchanges, they have remained fairly constant
over many centuries because of natural feedback controls in the earth’s system. This situation changed after the
industrial revolution, when larger and larger quantities of carbon were emitted into the atmosphere as a result
of activities such as the burning of fossil fuels, industrial production and the clearing of forests. The emissions
of carbon dioxide and other gases from human activity have disrupted the natural exchange of carbon between
the earth’s atmosphere, land and water, resulting in the rapid build-up of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse
gases in the atmosphere. This build-up contributes, in turn, to climate change.

underbrush, which together release large amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases
into the atmosphere. Other examples of agricultural sources of greenhouse gases are methane
emitted by livestock and nitrous oxides released from crop fertilizers. Animal manures are also an
important source of ammonia, a key acidifying gas.

3.3 Acidification

The past and present

The acidification of the environment has been a prominent factor in North America and Europe
for at least the last two decades (see also Tolba et al., 1992). The problem of acidification arises
when two key conditions occur.

First, a region has a high level of economic activity with extensive use of fossil fuels, leading to
large atmospheric emissions of acidifying pollutants. These emissions must be plentiful enough to
be transported through the atmosphere for long distances in significant quantities. A summary of
current and assumed future sulphur emissions, estimated by various sources, is given in Table 3.1.


Table 3.1. Recent and projected sulphur dioxide emissions estimated by various sources

1990 2000 2010 Source

teragrams sulphur
Europe 19 11 7 Foell et al., 1995b; ECE/EB.Air/40;
25 IMAGE 2.1 Baseline-A.*

Asia 17 27 39 Foell et al., 1995b;

18 Barrett, 1992;
17 IMAGE 2.1 Baseline-A.*

USA 11 8 7 Foell et al., 1995b;

11 IMAGE 2.1 Baseline-A*.

China 11 17 24 Foell et al., 1995b;

10 Barrett, 1992;
12 IMAGE 2.1 Baseline-A.*

India 2.3 3.3 5.5 Foell et al., 1995b;

1.9 Barrett, 1992;
2.0 IMAGE 2.1 Baseline-A.*

Other regions 3.8 6.2 9.6 Foell et al., 1995b.

* Including SO2 protocol

The second condition is that soil, forest and aquatic ecosystems in a region must be sensitive to
these acidifying pollutants. Up to now only the second condition has occurred in some developing
countries or countries in economic transition. Rodhe et al. (1988) identified schematically areas
in which acidification might represent a serious threat in future. This identification was done on
the basis of expected future emissions, population density and soil sensitivity (also reprinted in
Tolba et al., 1992). Areas at potential risk of acidification are indicated in the northern and
southwestern part of South America, in the southeastern part of Brazil and the La Plata region,
and in the southern part of West Africa (Kuijlenstierna et al., 1995). Recent assessments have
identified northern and the central part of Europe (Hettelingh et al., 1995a), and the eastern part
of China and southern parts of Asia (Hettelingh et al., 1995b and 1995c) as regions at the greatest
risk of damage as a result of acidification. Now, however, the first condition is also occurring in
certain regions in Asia where there are rapidly expanding economies (e.g. Zhao and Seip, 1991;
Khemani et al., 1989; Shindo et al., 1994). At the moment, the tools for a full-scale assessment of
acidification in all six regions are not available. Integrated assessment models have, however,
been used for the areas most affected to date: Europe (Amann et al., 1995) and Asia (Foell et al.,
1995a,b; Morita et al., 1995). Some of the results of this work are incorporated in the results
described below.

The future
The Conventional Development Scenario, assuming continued economic growth in developing
regions, has been interpreted for the present analysis as involving increased use of fossil fuels
(especially coal) and a sharp increase in emissions of acidifying pollutants.
Table 3.2 presents the projected emissions of one of the main acidifying pollutants, sulphur
dioxide. This projection takes into account internationally agreed abatement plans of sulphur
dioxide emissions in Europe, an interpretation of national plans in North America and Japan, and
for other regions a linear reduction of emission factors in all sectors of 50% between the years


Table 3.2. Emissions of sulphur compounds projected under Conventional Development

Partial controls assumed Hypothetical benchmark:

No controls assumed
1990 2010 2050 2100 2010 2050 2100
Teragrams of sulphur

North America 12 9 7 5 21 18 12
Europe and former USSR 25 19 15 12 35 41 34
Africa 2 4 8 21 4 17 41
West Asia 2 4 5 10 4 11 20
Latin America 4 5 7 7 5 14 14
Asia and Pacific 17 38 40 65 39 80 131

World 63 79 82 120 107 180 253

Source: Posch et al. (1996).

2000 and 2050. As theoretical benchmark, Table 3.2 presents the corresponding emissions
assuming no controls after 1990 (emission factors constant in their 1990 values). the ‘no controls’
projections represent an extreme scenario because it is unlikely that industrialized countries will
abandon their current laws for controlling emissions. It is also unlikely that local impacts of the
extremely high sulphur dioxide emissions under the ‘no controls’ assumption would be tolerated
in Asia without attempts to control these impacts (Posch et al., 1996).

The trend in sulphur dioxide under this scenario differs markedly between the regions. Emissions
in Asia, notably China, increase rapidly, even with the controls assumed. At the same time,
industrialized regions increasingly take emission-abating measures, and thus their emissions are
decreasing, as indicated by the example of Europe in Figure 3.1.


Asia**, no controls
Asia**, partial controls
Europe*, no controls
Europe*, partial controls





2000 2020 2040 2060 2080 2100

Figure 3.1. Projected sulphur dioxide emissions for Europe and Asia
Source: Alcamo et al. (1996) and Posch et al. (1996).
* OECD Europe, Eastern Europe and the European part of the Commonwealth of Independent States
** Not including Pacific


gS/m2 yr
0.0 - 0.5
0.5 - 1.0
1.0 - 1.5
1.5 - 2.0
2.0 - 2.5
2.5 - 3.0

Figure 3.2. Asian areas where critical loads of sulphur deposition are exceeded in 2050 assuming partial
controls of sulphur dioxide emissions
Source: Foell et al. (1995).
Note: Based on RAINS Asia simulation, Foell et al. (1995b) using IMAGE generated emissions and using the 5th percentile
of critical loads in each grid cell of 0.5 x 0.5 degrees

An atmospheric transport model has been used to estimate how winds will transport and
redistribute these acidifying pollutants throughout Asia (Arndt and Carmichael, 1995) and Europe
(Barrett and Seland, 1995). This information has been combined with estimates of the
sustainable acid deposition levels (critical loads) of local ecosystems (Hettelingh et al., 1995a,b;
Hettelingh et al., 1991; Downing et al., 1993; Posch et al., 1996). The result is a map depicting
where important acid impacts may occur (Figure 3.2).

Comparison with other modelling studies, such as the Asian-Pacific Integrated Model (AIM) of
Morita et al. (1995) seems to indicate comparable regional deposition patterns. Woodlands in
some of these developing areas could deteriorate more rapidly, endangering supplies of fuelwood
and other products. This deterioration would run counter to the goal of Agenda 21 of maintaining
existing forests through conservation and management. In some of these areas acid deposition
will lead to the release of toxic metals to groundwater and surface water, further contaminating
drinking-water supplies, thus obstructing the Agenda 21 goal of minimizing environmental
hazards to human health. Agricultural crops become increasingly subject to risk, not only because
of the excess of critical loads (which may lead to long-term damage) but also because of high
sulphur dioxide concentrations (exceeding critical levels), resulting in lower cereal yields.


3.4 Climate change

The past and present

The science of climate change is assessed periodically by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC). Since its establishment in 1988 by UNEP and WMO, IPCC has published a
series of assessment reports, the first one (IPCC 1990) contributing to the establishment by the
UN General Assembly of the International Negotiating Committee (INC) that prepared the
Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC). In 1992, IPCC published an update (IPCC,
1992) that underpinned the negotiations on the Convention signed at the Conference on
Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. A special report (Houghton et al.,
1994) addressed specific questions raised by the Conference of Parties of the Convention on
radiative forcing and emission scenarios. The second full assessment of IPCC was published early
in 1996 (IPCC, 1996). This GEO contribution does not intend to add to these comprehensive
assessments. Rather, it attempts to address some selected aspects of climate change from the
perspective of integrated modelling.

According to the second assessment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, ‘the
balance of evidence suggests a discernible human influence on global climate’ (IPCC, 1996). The
atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases have grown significantly and such a trend
attributable largely to human activities (IPCC, 1996). Detection of impacts on ecosystems
remains difficult. Recent results from computer models indicate that some degree of climate
change may be virtually unavoidable in the coming decades. This is because current world
economic growth and agricultural activity is leading to large increases in global emissions of
carbon dioxide and methane and other greenhouse gases - a trend that will be very difficult to
reverse in the short term. Moreover, even if emissions were immediately and sharply reduced,
some climate change will occur because of the dynamics of the climate system. An inherent
momentum makes the climate at present a product of accumulation of greenhouse gases of the
past few decades. This underlines the importance of system inertia when evaluating impacts and
response options.

The future
Up to now, most impact assessments of climate change have centred on industrialized countries at
medium and high latitudes. This is partly because computer models predict that the largest
temperature changes are likely to occur at these latitudes, but also since most research focuses on
the regions where the most research funds are available. Nevertheless models also indicate that
developing countries in low latitudes may experience important changes in climate, including
crucial rainfall patterns (IPCC, 1990; 1996). Moreover, developing countries may be more
vulnerable to climate impacts because their less developed economies and infrastructures impede
adaptation. Indeed, results from studies completed recently indicate the special vulnerability of
developing countries to impacts such as more frequent drought and coastal flooding (IPCC, 1996).

The consequence is that even under the most optimistic of conditions, global average temperature
will still increase significantly (Figure 3.3), and important shifts could occur in global weather
systems. These changes will affect both industrialized and developing nations, and could frustrate
their ability to achieve the Agenda 21 goals of promoting sustainable agriculture, combating land
degradation and desertification, managing fragile ecosystems and protecting freshwater resources.
Based on computer model results, Figure 3.4 depicts an example of the possible impacts of
climate change. It shows the area of tropical cereals with decreased yields caused by the changes
in temperature and precipitation in the Conventional Development scenario (introduced in
Chapter 2 of this report). This yield loss may be further exacerbated by excessive sulphur dioxide



With sulphur protocol

Without sulphur protocol - uncontrolled growth of emissions





1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050

Figure 3.3. Projected increase of global average surface temperatures

Note: Based on the assumptions of the Conventional Development Scenario and two different atmospheric sulphate levels.
Source: Alcamo and Kreileman (1996).

Similar impacts can be expected in other regions. While, according to IPCC (1996), overall global
food production may not be affected negatively by the projected climatic changes, there will be
large regional differences. In some regions production may even be influenced positively, while in
other vulnerable areas important negative impacts may occur. This is particularly important for
developing countries in semi-arid zones, where the ability to adapt is lower than in the
industrialized countries. Thus agricultural impacts such as these could worsen the economic
conditions of these countries and run counter to the Agenda 21 goals of combating poverty, and
promoting sustainable agriculture. On the other hand, increased imports of food from other
regions could help developing countries to adapt to these impacts. These analyses underline the
fact that it is not useful to focus on globally averaged climatic changes, but that regional
‘redistribution’ of climate (with the associated changes in agricultural productivity and trade
patterns) is the important issue. Chapter 4 returns to the matter of landuse changes and food
production, while Chapter 5 addresses the potential impacts of climate change on the quality of
ecosystems. Although not dealt with explicitly in this chapter, it should be noted that the changing
conditions for mosquitoes under different climatic conditions may increase the risk of vector-
borne diseases like malaria and dengue and thus impact on human health.

3.5 Linkage of acidification and climate change

The past, present and future

Acidification and climate change are recognized as current or potential problems in both
industrialized and developing countries. Recently, a better understanding as to how these two
problems interact with each other has arisen (e.g. Houghton et al., 1994).

First, increased combustion of fossil fuels simultaneously increases the emissions of many
acidifying pollutants and greenhouse gases. Second, changes in weather patterns stimulated by
climate change will also change the intensity and distribution of acid deposition. Third, the


Decreasing yield
Stable yield
Increasing yield
Currently no maize grown as a dominant crop

Figure 3.4. Areas where yields of maize are projected to significantly decrease or increase because of climate
change between 1990 and 2050
Note: Calculations are derived from the IMAGE 2 model (Alcamo, 1994) for the Conventional Development scenario.
Source: Alcamo (1994).

emissions of acidifying pollutants, especially sulphur dioxide, lead to the accumulation of

particles in the upper atmosphere which partly mask the global warming caused by greenhouse
gases. This last effect has been simulated by a computer model for two variations of the
Conventional Development scenario adopted in this report (Figure 3.3). If the level of particles in
the atmosphere is assumed to remain constant at their 1990 value, then the growth in greenhouse
gases would increase the global average surface temperature by about 1.5 0C from 1990 to 2050
(Figure 3.3, upper line). If, however, global emissions of sulphur dioxide increase parallel to the
use of fossil fuels in developing countries, the mass of particles in the atmosphere will also
increase and moderate this warming trend (Figure 3.3, lower line). The consequence of this is that
if the emissions of acidifying gases were reduced while those of greenhouse gases were not,
decreasing aerosol concentrations would ‘unmask’ the warming caused by the greenhouse gases.
Finally, a fourth important way in which these problems will be connected is by virtue of their
impacts literally overlapping in some areas. As an example, Figure 3.5 shows model calculations
(linking the RAINS Asia and IMAGE models) of land areas that could be affected by both acid
deposition and climate change. In the year 2050 about 12.5% of Europe and 7.3% of Asia
(Alcamo et al., 1995; Posch et al., 1996) are liable to be affected by both problems. In fact, after a
first ‘wave’ of ecosystem degradation caused by acidification and the direct impact of sulphur
dioxide, linked climate-acidification model simulations for Europe suggest a second ‘wave’ due
to climate change some decades later.


Europe in 2015 - With Controls Europe in 2050 - With Controls

Asia in 2015 - With Controls Asia in 2050 - With Controls

Figure 3.5. Areas in Europe and Asia affected by both acidification and climate change
Source: Posch et al. (1996).

3.6 The goals

A series of international conventions have stipulated targets for controlling acidification and
climate change. The most important convention for the international control of acidification is the
Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution of the United Nations Economic
Commission for Europe and its protocols. This convention limits the emissions of sulphur dioxide
and nitrogen oxides in North America and Europe. A protocol for the further reduction of sulphur
emissions was signed recently. Unlike previous protocols, in which the agreed emission
reductions were only addressed from the point of view of economic cost and available
technology, this protocol also explicitly addresses the question as to whether the resulting acid
deposition exceeds critical loads in Europe. So far there is no such framework enabling
consensus-based multi-lateral negotiations on pollution prevention, supported by a multinational
scientific network, for regions other than North America and Europe.

In terms of climate change, international action has been brought under the umbrella of the
Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC), which stipulates the goal of stabilizing
atmospheric levels of greenhouse gases so as to avoid ‘dangerous anthropogenic interference with
the climate system’. Currently, as a first step towards achieving this goal, the industrialized (the


so-called ‘Annex I’) countries have to roll back their greenhouse gas emissions to their 1990
levels by the year 2000. At the Berlin Climate Summit in 1995, the Parties to the Convention
decided that these emission goals were inadequate for protecting the global climate. Hence they
are now committed to adopting a protocol by 1997 which calls for stronger action to control the
growth of greenhouse gas emissions. The current challenge to the Parties is to adopt a protocol
that is not only politically and economically realistic, but also a clear step in the right direction to
mitigating climate change. It is universally accepted that the industrialized countries must take the
lead in controlling their emissions and transfer appropriate technology to developing countries.

In addition to these specific goals, which aim to reduce emissions and thus protect the
atmosphere, Agenda 21 lists a number of activities, such as promoting sustainable agriculture,
managing fragile ecosystems, protecting freshwater resources and combating desertification.
These may be subject to the impacts of the changes discussed in this chapter. No political goals
have as yet been formulated, for the wider set of issues related to the protection of the global
geobiochemical cycles.

3.7 Are the goals considered potentially achievable?

Goals for mitigating acidification

The Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution provides an effective international
framework for dealing with the transboundary aspects of, for example, acidification precursors in
North America and Europe. International action to combat acidification in these regions has been
codified in the form of protocols to the Convention. The First Sulphur Protocol, signed in 1985,
called for a 30% flat-rate reduction in sulphur emissions in all signatory states (relative to 1980
levels). The Second Sulphur Protocol signed in 1994 will lead to further substantial reductions of
emissions in Europe between 1990 and 2010 (see Table 3.1). Another important protocol, signed
in 1988, freezes the emissions of nitrogen oxides in signatory states at their 1980/1985 level until
1995. The second nitrogen protocol is intended to include critical thresholds (i.e. critical loads for
acidification and eutrophication, critical levels for nitrogen oxides and tropospheric ozone, and
health guidelines for these pollutants). Taking these efforts and future trends in energy and the
economy into account, it has been estimated that the ecosystem area affected by sulphur-based
acid deposition may decrease from 19% to 10% in Europe (Hettelingh et al., 1995a) in 1990 and
2010, respectively. Please note that unlike climate change, reductions in the emissions of
acidifying gases result relatively quickly in decreasing deposition levels, followed by some delay
from rehabilitation of the ecosystems affected. Typically this would take between 1 and 5
decades, provided that biogeochemical balances have not been distorted too much during the
period in which the depositions took place.

There are no such political frameworks for tackling acidification in the developing world and
hence there is no consensus-based mechanism for setting regional goals for anticipating and
preventing acidification. However, as international technical frameworks emerge in the field of
monitoring and modelling, the possibility of consensus-based approaches being followed in the
future cannot be excluded. An example is the Acid Precipitation Monitoring Network in Asia
which is currently convened by the Environmental Agency of Japan in collaboration with many
other Asian countries.

Goals for mitigating climate change

Many industrialized countries are finding it difficult to comply with even the limited objectives of
rolling back their emissions to 1990 levels by the year 2000. The long-term stabilization of
atmospheric concentrations requires a reduction in global emissions. If emissions are allowed to


increase in the developing countries, industrialized countries will need to reduce their emissions
substantially below 1990 levels. Since total emissions must eventually be reduced, developing
countries will, in the course of the next century, also need to reduce their emissions. Developing
ways of distributing current and future responsibilities over Annex I (industrialized) countries and
non-Annex I (developing) countries, as well as within these groups, remains a major challenge. In
general, responses would be more efficient if countries could meet their commitments jointly.
There are, however, some important non-economic caveats, such as the difficulties of organizing
such a system internationally and the key ethical aspect as to whether rich countries should be
able to ‘buy’ the cheapest options in poor countries.

In addition to the question of ‘sharing the burden’, the timing of measures is particularly
important. There is currently a fierce debate between proponents of ‘delayed response’ and those
of ‘early action’. The advantages of delaying further emission reductions, as derived from
economic analysis, are that autonomous technological development and discounting response
measures makes future measures cheaper, while early commitment of capital is not needed (e.g.
Wigley et al., 1996). Counter-arguments include the contention that early low-cost action will
stimulate technological development and that the natural turnover of capital stock should be
exploited (e.g. Grubb, 1996). Model experiments with the IMAGE model illustrate that the longer
responses are delayed, the more drastic emission reductions will need to be, compared to early
action, to reach the same end results in terms of climate change and the stabilization of emission
levels (Alcamo and Kreileman, 1996). There are also significant ‘interim’ impacts caused by
emissions in a period of delay until such time as convergence to the same level of impacts is
achieved. This implies the additional advantage of early action to keeping options open (also for
developing countries), thus increasing flexibility and avoiding ‘interim’ impacts. Another
argument in favour of early action is that delayed response may make the costs of reclaiming lost
resources, including agricultural areas, prohibitive for future generations.

With respect to the future of the world’s energy system, an IIASA/World Energy Council study
indicates that ‘the single most important conclusion is that given the expected divergence of
development paths after 2020 and the foreclosure of potentially desirable options if relevant
policies are not initiated and decisions not taken long before 2020, action need will need to start
now’ (Nakicenovic and Jefferson, 1995).

3.8 Response options

There are a number of response options. For alleviating acidification, measures can range from
‘end-of-pipe’ techniques to structural changes in economic and energy systems. The second
sulphur protocol, signed by a number of European parties to the Convention, is predominantly
based on add-on technology of which the total annual cost for Europe in 2010 is estimated to be
in the range of US$10 to 15 billion (1990 prices). The annual cost would have been considerably
higher if an acceptable deposition limit (critical load) had not been established as an additional
guideline for the optimal distribution of emission reductions over Europe. However, the inclusion
of structural changes could have resulted in considerably lower abatement costs than those
currently estimated, and the comparison between the cost of applying add-on technology and the
cost of structural changes is complex. The cost calculation of add-on techniques has been
adequately assessed at the micro-economic level, whereas the cost (and benefit) calculation of
structural changes have yet to be elevated to a macro-economic level. When assessing the cost of
structural changes in Asia, the cost of reducing sulphur dioxide emissions is estimated to be
US$40 billion per year in China, India and Pakistan using domestic technologies and low sulphur
fuels, and the same elsewhere using and improved technologies. This would lead to a reduction in


emissions in 2020 of about 64% in comparison to 1990. If, however, best available technologies
are applied, a cost of US$90 billion per year would be required to obtain a reduction in 85% of
Asian sulphur dioxide emissions (Amann and Cofala, 1995).

The options for climate change have been presented comprehensively by IPCC (1990) and IPCC
(1996). Here we will summarize a number of response options relating the impacts described in
this chapter.

(i) Reducing fossil fuel use worldwide

Generally speaking, the issues discussed in this chapter all stem from a high level of economic
activity that produces enormous emissions of polluting substances to the atmosphere. The most
important source of these substances is the burning of fossil fuels. Hence, modifying the amount
or type of fossil fuels burnt is an effective strategy for mitigating all of these problems at the same
time. This could be considered as the next great transition in the world’s energy system.

There are three general approaches to modifying fossil-fuel use:

• Low Carbon and Low Sulphur Fuels -- If economically feasible, switching to a fossil fuel with a
higher heat content is an effective way to reduce emissions of acidifying and greenhouse gases.

• Renewable Energy -- Replacing fossil fuels with renewable sources of energy leads to drastic
reductions in emissions per unit energy used.

• Energy Conservation/Efficiency Improvements -- Countless studies have identified the

tremendous potential for reducing the amount of fuel needed to deliver a desired ‘energy use’
(i.e. a unit of residential heat or lighting) such as cogeneration and combined cycle systems.

The so-called LESS scenario (Low CO2-Emitting Energy Supply System), developed by IPCC
(1996), indicates that a global energy system with emissions of carbon dioxide below current
levels by 2050 (compatible with stabilization of concentrations well below double the pre-
industrial levels) is technologically feasible with current technology. Time will tell as to what
extent such a scenario is also economically and politically feasible.

(ii) Reducing other global sources of acidifying and greenhouse gases

Industrial production and various forms of agricultural activity are further important sources of
acidifying and greenhouse gases. There are many well-known ‘technical fixes’ for removing these
gases from the industrial and agricultural waste streams of industry and agriculture. For example,
desulphurization equipment can scrub a large fraction of sulphur dioxide from the stack gases of a
manufacturing plant, while changes in feeding practices can reduce the amount of methane
emitted by livestock. However, there is a limit to the volume of emissions that can be reduced at
affordable cost by these and other technical fixes. An alternative long-term strategy is to replace
the use of polluting products and processes by less-polluting products and processes. This is
popularly known as ‘Pollution Prevention’.

(iii) Planning to adapt to climate change

Even if the best efforts are made to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, some degree of climate
change will inevitably occur. The time-frame required to adjust the climate system to changed
emissions is decades to centuries, as compared to months for the deposition of acidifying


substances. Hence, each national government should develop contingency plans for adapting to
the impacts of climate change, such as coastal and river flooding, changes in water availability,
changes in the occurrence of extreme meteorological events, shifts in natural vegetation zones,
shifts in crop zones, and other changes that will have a major effect on the citizens and natural
environment of a country. It is important to note (as IPCC did in 1996) that most of the adaptation
options available in practice relate to the reducing the vulnerability of social, economic and
environmental resources to climatic variables. Since climate is always variable, adaptation
without long-term climatic changes is also useful. Important examples are the development of
drought-resistant crop varieties, increasing the efficiency of water use, and avoiding the
fragmentation of ecosystems.



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4.1 The issue

Land and freshwater resources are at the core of the linkages between development and
environment as they offer opportunities for settlement, food and wood production, and water
supply, while representing the basic environment for most of the flora and fauna of this planet.
Whereas in the previous chapter the disturbance of cycles was primarily determined by the
demand for energy and raw materials, in this chapter the main cause of disturbance is the demand
for food and water, as a result of population and economic growth. Research into the
consequences of the driving forces in the Conventional Development scenario for global and
regional land and water resources is reported. According to Cohen (1995) ‘the human population
now travels in a zone where a substantial fraction of scholars have estimated upper limits of
human population size’. Consequently, the main questions are: to what extent can the increase in
food and water demand be met and under what conditions, and how will the quality of land and
water be affected? The calculations recorded in this chapter focus on the intensification and
extension of agricultural land. The balance between self-sufficiency and imports, and the impact
of the degradation of soil and water resources on the production of food and on the remaining
natural land area are also discussed.

4.2 Food production and land use: past and present

Food production has not kept pace with population growth in most African and Latin American
countries and in about half the Asian countries. In these countries the per capita food production
was less at the end of the 1980s than at the beginning (IFPRI, 1995). In the last decade, the
amount of grain per capita produced globally has fallen, and increases in rice and wheat yields are
beginning to level off in some of the major producing regions. Increases in agricultural
production have dropped from 3.0 per cent per annum in the 1960s and to 2.0 per cent per annum
in the 1980s (Alexandratos, 1995).

Global food production can be increased either through intensification (raising the crop intensity
by shortening the fallow period through the application of multi-cropping schemes and irrigation,
or additional inputs to enhance crop yield) or by land extensions (cultivating additional land,
primarily by converting forest or rangeland into farmland). The choice will be influenced by
several factors, such as the availability of suitable land, its quality, the social and economic
conditions and the availability of the necessary inputs. Regional food production can be
supplemented by trade.

In the distant past, food production rose mainly because of a more intensive use of land and
higher yields, but also because of expansion of agricultural land (Leach, 1995). In almost three
decades (1960 - 1990) agricultural land area in the industrialized and developing world has
increased by only 2.9 per cent and 15.4 per cent, respectively. However, these figures mask
considerable regional variations (Africa 20 per cent; Latin America 27 per cent; Asia about 10 per
cent) and do not include pasture land, the main contributor to the land extension in many regions
(in Latin America, 5 to 6 times as much land is used for pasture as is arable). The mainstay of
production increases in the past has been increased yields (through intensification), resulting from
both application of new varieties and technologies derived from scientific discovery and
improvements in agricultural management.


Currently about 4800 million ha of land is used for agriculture. This figure covers a range of
diverse agricultural landuse types, ranging from very extensive to very intensive use. The 4800
million ha forms about 37 per cent of total global land area (FAO, 1995). Roughly one-third is
arable land (1450 million ha, of which 10 per cent is irrigated) and two-thirds is permanent
pastureland (3350 million ha). Figures on regional agricultural land use, compared with
regional population figures, show large differences in the regional average ‘land per capita’
ratio. This ratio includes both arable and grazing land. The world lowest ratio values occur in
Asia (about 0.4-0.5 ha per capita in 1990), the highest in Africa and Latin America (1.5-1.6 ha
per capita) (Table 4.1). Two decades ago the ratio for Asia was around 0.5-0.6 ha per capita. In
Africa and Latin America the ratio was 2.7 and 2.1 ha per capita, respectively. One reason for
the low number in Asia is irrigation. Irrigation has provided opportunities for high cropping
intensity and higher crop yields. In developed regions the land per capita values are almost three
times those of Asia, but are low when compared to other developing regions (1.3 to 1.4 ha per

4.3 Food consumption and production: the future

Food consumption
Global human food consumption figures show that while the world daily average per capita
caloric intake of 2700 kcal is substantially above the critical level (1900 kcal per day per cap),
there is a major difference in caloric intake between the developing (2470 kcal per day per cap)
and the industrialized regions (3490 kcal per day per cap) (FAO, 1992). The Conventional
Development scenario assumes that, taking the global average, nutrition will continue to improve.
Figure 2.11 shows the projections of daily caloric intake for six regions in the world, indicating a
convergence towards the current diets in Western industrialized countries. The global average
intake is 2840 kcal per day per cap by 2015 and 3000 kcal per day per cap by 2050. Broken down,
this would be 3490 kcal per day per cap in industrialized countries by 2015 and 2710 kcal per day
per cap in developing ones, while the average intake is 3470 kcal per day per cap in industrialized
countries in 2050 and 2930 kcal per day per cap in developing countries. Box 4.1 discusses the
relationships between malnutrition, food security and food production.

Table 4.1. Recent and projected agricultural area used per capita

1970 1990 2015 2050

ha per capita
Africa 2.7 1.6 1.2 0.9
North America 1.6 1.4 1.3 1.2
Latin America 2.1 1.5 1.2 1.0
Asia 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3
Europe + former USSR 1.5 1.3 1.3 1.4
West Asia 2.0 1.2 0.9 0.6

World 1.1 0.8 0.7 0.6

Source: Based on IMAGE 2 calculations (Alcamo, 1994; Alcamo et al, 1996).

Other sources used: FAO (1995) for historical data and Leach (1995) for scenario


Box 4.1 Food security, poverty and malnutrition

The Conventional Development scenario projects a continuation of the increase in food intake, particularly in
the developing regions. Notwithstanding its importance, this indicator does not address issues such as food
security and nutrition. IFPRI (1995) reported that in 1990 about 800 million people were ‘food insecure’, i.e.
lacking economic and physical access to the food required to lead healthy and productive lives, and around 185
million children under the age of six years were seriously underweight for their age. Food insecurity and child
malnutrition is reported to be mainly concentrated in South Asia and is growing in Sub-Saharan Africa
(Alexandratos, 1995; IFPRI, 1995).

At present - with the exception of civil war situations - malnutrition is not caused by a shortage of food, but by
poverty: the lack of income to buy food or the lack of means (land, capital) to grow enough food. Over 1.1
billion people in the developing world live in absolute poverty, with incomes of only US$ 1 or less per person
per day. The gap between rich and poor has become larger since 1960. Today 1.3 per cent of total global
income is obtained by the poorest 20 per cent of the world population, while this was 2.5 per cent in 1960.
About one million people lack access to health services and about 1.3 billion people, primarily in the rural
areas of developing countries, drink unsafe water. (IFPRI, 1995)

Improving food security and nutritional status can be achieved through a set of concerted actions in which
education, health care, safe water and sanitation, go hand in hand with improvements in the income levels and
the empowerment of women. The purchasing power of the poor determines the extent to which food needs will
be converted into effective market demand. If food scarcity is to be avoided, action is required to use the
available land more efficiently and prevent land degradation, since the extension of cultivated area is not
economically and environmentally a sound option in many regions.

What about the future? Notwithstanding the actions that are being taken to improve food security and nutrition,
the FAO indicates in its 2010 report that the expectation that the world would now be on a firm path towards
eliminating hunger and malnutrition has proved to be over-optimistic (Alexandratos, 1995). Studies by IFPRI for
2020 predict that the current uneven path in food security and nutrition is likely to continue (IFPRI, 1995).
According to the FAO, the significant improvements in most of the developing regions are mainly due to
increased domestic production and food imports. However, parts of South Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean
are still in a difficult position and the prospects for much of Sub-Saharan Africa are bleak if the assumed
improvements in agricultural productivity which are technically feasible and income levels are not achieved.

The Rome Declaration on World Food security (World Food Summit 1996) considers that it is intolerable and
unacceptable that more than 800 million people do not have enough food to meet their basic nutritional needs.
As response to this consideration the World Summit Plan of Action envisages an ongoing effort to eradicate
hunger in all countries, with an immediate view to reducing the number of undernourished people to half their
present level no later than 2015.

Supply and trade

In the Conventional Development scenario, global food supply will increase faster than the
population. This is mainly because of the assumed shift in diets towards luxury food products,
especially the consumption of animal products1. The Conventional Development scenario (Leach,
1995) assumes that in addition to increasing regional production, the regions Africa and West
Asia will, in the major commodity sectors, import more and more agricultural products, while the
more developed regions, in particular North America and Europe and the former USSR, are
expected to produce more to counterbalance the mounting deficits. These findings are in line with
the ‘FAO 2010’ study, which found that the already large present-day differences in self-
sufficiency ratios between industrialized and developing regions will widen still further

1 In the developing regions the intake fraction of animal products is assumed to rise by 30% to about 13 % of the total caloric intake by 2015
and 17% by 2050 scenario (Leach, 1995). In the industrialized regions it would remain stable at around 30% according to the scenario.


Table 4.2. Projection of agricultural supply required

Cereals Other crops Animal products

1989 2025 2050 1989 2025 2050 1989 2025 2050
million tons
Developing 940 1882 2419 1870 3950 5502 307 903 1405
Developed 754 952 961 1110 1298 1262 565 666 660

World 1694 2834 3380 2980 5248 6764 872 1570 2065

Note: These values are based on the food intake data and assumptions as given in Raskin et al. (1996), which reports for
2025 instead of 2015. (See Appendix II.)
Source: Conventional Development scenario (Leach, 1995).

(Alexandratos, 1995). In Table 4.2 the total required agricultural commodity supply for 2025 and
2050 is given as assumed in the Conventional Development scenario.

Food production: Increases in food productivity

Various models have been developed for the projection and research of future developments in
agricultural production (see Box 4.2). For this chapter the analyses are based on the IMAGE
model (Alcamo, 1994; Alcamo and Kreileman, 1996) and an interpretation of the Conventional
Development scenario. In the Conventional Development scenario (Leach, 1995) both cropping

Box 4.2 Models and expert systems applied to longer term projections of agriculture and landuse related issues

Global, regional and national landuse models, agriculture - economy models, and agricultural expert systems,
support the scientific and policy communities with research information on state and longer term trends in
food production and land use. These models and systems vary in concept, structure, level of integration and
regional focus. The presently applied models or systems are continuously subject to improvement. What is
common to models is their scenario-based simulation of developments in agriculture and land use. Expert
systems, which are only partly based on models, such as FAO’s 2010 study (Alexandratos, 1995) attempt to
sketch the ‘most likely’ development path for food and agriculture and not developments as desirable from a
normative point of view (UNEP/RIVM/PE, 1996). Most of the models focus on 1 or 2 generations to come or
on a specific point in time, whereas expert systems stop after 15-20 years.

The models mainly focus on production, trade, economics, and landuse - land-cover changes, taking into
account major social and economic driving forces, agro-ecological conditions, suitability of land (climate, soil,
water), landuse types, management level, and degradation of land, water and biotic resources. Policy relevance
of these models and expert systems largely depends on the confidence in the ability of models and expert
systems to provide adequate support in policy issues. Reliability and scientific soundness are therefore of
utmost importance.

To request attention for natural resources degradation, UNEP has in 1996 convened a global food modelling
workshop. The main goal of the workshop is to review performance and relevance of models for exploring
future landuse changes at global and regional levels (UNEP/RIVM/PE, 1996). Especially of interest during the
workshop was the impact of the degradation of land and water resources on food production and land use. In
future GEO contributions more attention could be given to the available global and regional models and their
performances, as well as to the role of environmental degradation on food production.

Some of the larger models and expert systems, frequently referred to and applied are the Land Use Change
Project, Basic Linked System (IIASA), IMAGE model (RIVM), AIM model (JEA), IMPACT model (IFPRI),
GCAM model (Pacific Northwest Lab.) and FAO’s expert systems (AT2010, Cappa). Note: this list is not


intensity and yield improvements are addressed. In this chapter, these are taken as input
assumptions for landuse calculations with the IMAGE model and discussed in the next

It is not likely that the cropping intensity in developed regions will change significantly, because
of surplus production. In the developing regions cropping intensity figures are estimated to
increase much more rapidly (a 15-20 per cent increase by 2050), both for irrigated and rain-fed

Increases in yield are more important to raise productivity than increases in cropping intensity.
The scenario assumes sustained increases in yield up to 2050. With the exception of China, the
yields in the developing regions will not exceed those in the leading developed regions today. It is
assumed that the generally poor yield performance in the past in Africa will be improved. The
Conventional Development scenario assumes that agricultural production growth will fall to
around 1.5 per cent per annum. The assumptions made in the Conventional Development scenario
for the period up to 2010 are generally in line with those made by the FAO in its 2010 report
(Alexandratos, 1995). According to FAO’s report, intensification in land use will continue,
especially in regions where land is scarce, such as South Asia, West Asia and North Africa. Table
4.3 shows the assumed crop yield for wheat and coarse grains.

The projected increases in yield are significantly higher for the developing regions than for
developed regions. The highest increases in yield are assumed to take place in the first 35 years.
Regional differences, not only in the rate of changes in production, but also in the absolute size,
can be seen from Figure 4.1.

The Conventional Development scenario assumes an agricultural transition to intensive land use.
The projected transition in this scenario does not necessarily follow the concepts of sustainable
land use. Intensification can only be achieved if social and economic conditions do not hinder the

Table 4.3. Past and projected crop yields for wheat and coarse grains

1989 2025 2050 2050

ton per ha index 1989 = 1
Africa 1.17 2.18 2.70 2.3
Latin America 2.03 3.03 3.32 1.6
Middle East 1.18 2.53 2.95 2.5
China + 3.19 5.13 5.67 1.8
S & SE Asia 1.50 2.83 3.24 2.2
North America 3.85 6.01 6.28 1.6
Western Europe 3.87 6.04 6.27 1.6
Eastern Europe 3.65 5.52 5.95 1.6
OECD Pacific 1.70 2.55 2.76 1.6
Former USSR 1.88 3.33 3.48 1.9

Notes: - Coarse grains are maize, rye, oats, barley, sorghum and millet.
- Values in Leach (1995) are reported for 2025 instead of 2015 (see Appendix II)
- Regions refer to the Conventional Development scenario regional breakdown, see
Appendix II.
Source: FAO (1995) for historical data and Leach (1995) for Conventional Development scenario


1400 Africa 1400 Asia & Pacific 1400 Europe & former USSR

1200 1200 1200

1000 1000 1000

800 800 800

600 600 600

400 400 400

200 200 200

0 0 0
1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050

1400 Latin America 1400 North America 1400 West Asia

1200 1200 1200

1000 1000 1000

800 800 800

600 600 600

400 400 400

200 200 200

0 0 0
1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050

World 500 World index, 1990 = 100
In Teragrams

West Asia
North America 300
Latin America
Europe & former USSR
1000 Asia & Pacific
0 0
1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050

Figure 4.1. Recent and projected production of cereals

Source: FAO (1995) for historical data and Leach (1995) for Conventional Development scenario assumptions. Based on
IMAGE 2 calculations (Alcamo, 1994; Alcamo et al. 1996) .

agricultural sector in its development. This can mean that access to markets is ensured and that
farmers are supported by governments and extension services to produce more, while using the
available natural resources in a sustainable manner. Factors that might limit production capacity
or lead to the degradation of resources are restrictions in farmers’ access to technological inputs
and good seed varieties, a lack of infrastructure, a lack of capital, social factors such as archaic
patterns of land ownership, inadequate levels of education and institutional factors that limit the
efficient functioning of markets.

A factor that is not very well understood but which does affect agricultural productivity is the
degradation of available soil and water resources2. There are few estimations of ongoing
degradation and those in existence are poorly documented. At present, soil degradation is
estimated to affect some 1.2 billion ha of land world-wide (10 per cent of the current agricultural
land area). Water and wind erosion accounts for just over 1 billion ha of the total area degraded
(Alexandratos, 1995; UNEP/ISRIC, 1990). The main causes of degradation are deforestation,
overgrazing and the mismanagement of arable land. Other factors affecting soil degradation are
nutrient depletion (Smaling, 1993), salinization and desertification (UNEP, 1991). Estimates

2 Global agricultural production models do not sufficiently take account of the adverse effects of soil degradation, possible shortages
of irrigation water and salinisation of irrigated land. Also, the model used for this study does not yet consider soil degradation and
water resources for irrigation. These issues require adequate model incorporation, yet in future reality their local impact on
production (and production potential) can be dramatic.


indicate that each year 5-6 million ha are lost due to severe soil degradation. If this trend
continues, several million hectares of additional land would be needed every year to offset the
resulting loss of land. What is more, the additional land would in many cases be of lower quality
and even more vulnerable to degradation. Another factor that affects agricultural production is
urbanization. Often land areas suitable for agriculture are converted to urban land. This requires
additional land and puts pressure on non-domesticated areas.

If it is not managed properly, intensification, the main driving force behind increases in
productivity, will have negative consequences for environmental quality. These consequences may
include increased scarcity of freshwater (because of irrigation), pollution of groundwater (with
nutrients and/or pesticides), and increased demand for fossil energy (for making fertilizers and
energy for mechanic traction). As well as contributing to pollution, food production is itself under
stress of the air, soil and water pollution. Climate change may become a factor that has both
negative and positive impacts on food production, which will differ per region. This has been
taken into account in the calculations (see also Chapter 3).

4.4 Implications for land use

The assumptions of the Conventional Development scenario (Leach, 1995) have been analyzed
using the IMAGE model (Alcamo, 1994; Zuidema et al., 1994). This resulted in projections of the
agricultural land area for 2015 and 2050. For a description of the IMAGE model and for a short
description of the necessary adaptations to the scenario see Appendix III and II, respectively. The
scenario trends with respect to population, economic growth, food demand, agricultural
intensification and trade from Leach (1995) determine the way in which production increases can
be achieved for the main agricultural crops and livestock management. It is assumed that
additional land will not be cultivated as long as demand can be satisfied within the existing area.
In Figure 4.2 the projected developments in the use of agricultural land (arable, pasture and
marginal land) are given for the six regions.

Of the global land area, agricultural land currently comprises approximately 37 per cent. This
percentage will have increased to 46 per cent by 2015 and to around 50 per cent by 2050. The
ratio of pasture to arable lands remains relatively stable over time; the global average ratio is
about two to one. As Figure 4.2 shows, there are very distinct regional differences in landuse
changes. In the industrialized regions the total area of agricultural land increases by about 3 per
cent by 2015 and 10 per cent by 2050, compared to 1990. (In North America this is 4 per cent by
2015 and 2 per cent by 2050. In Europe and the former USSR it is 2 per cent by 2015 and 15 per
cent by 2050).

In contrast, in the developing regions agricultural land area increases by an average 33 per cent by
2015 and 45 per cent by 2050. The lowest increases are expected in Latin America, about 9 per
cent by 2015 and 20 per cent by 2050 and in Asia, about 28 per cent by 2015 and 20 per cent by
2050. In the latter case, this is related to the limited possibilities for further expansion of
agricultural land. But in West Asia and Africa, increases in agricultural area are much higher. In
West Asia and in Africa the increases amount to about 50 per cent by 2015 and almost a doubling
by 2050.

This increase in the area of cultivated land in Africa and West Asia results from a very sharp rise
in demand and only moderate developments in agricultural management and technology,
particularly the assumed continuation of traditional animal husbandry farming systems which
require a lot of grazing land. If - in contrast to the assumptions - the increase in demand could be


Africa Asia & Pacific Europe & former USSR

25 25 25

20 20 20

15 15 15

10 10 10

5 5 5

0 0 0
1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050

25 Latin America 25 North America 25 West Asia

20 20 20

15 15 15

10 10 10

5 5 5

0 0 0
1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050

World World index, 1990 = 100

100 200
percent of global land area

non-agricultural 150
mixed cropland/pasture
50 marginal land 100

mainly pasture
* mainly cropland
0 * no reliable data available before 1970 0
1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025 2050 1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025 2050

Figure 4.2. Past and projected land use

Source: FAO (1995) for historical data and Leach (1995) for Conventional Development scenario assumptions. Based on
IMAGE 2 calculations (Alcamo, 1994; Alcamo et al. 1996) .

met with more elaborate traditional farming systems, the increases in agricultural land area would
probably be less dramatic. Such systems require more input and better management but give more
output per unit area of land. Sensitivity analysis for a series of farming systems would have been
needed for a better understanding of the future land demand but this was outside the scope of the
present scenario and analysis.

Notwithstanding the assumed increases in productivity and in the total area of agricultural land,
increasing imports of food to the South from the Northern hemisphere are necessary to meet the
projected rapidly growing demand in the South. The increasing necessity to import food products
had already been indicated during the compilation of the Conventional Development scenario
with Polestar and was confirmed by the detailed environmental analysis with the IMAGE model.
The continuing degradation of soils and the possibly insufficient access of farmers to technology
may even increase the rate of land conversions and dependence on food imports in developing
regions. Conversely, additional increases in productivity, notably in livestock management and
production on marginal lands, may limit the conversion of natural lands.

Summing up, to meet the demand specified in the Conventional Development scenario, a
considerable extension of the area currently used for agriculture is needed in addition to
improvements in yields. The extension will go at the expense of remaining natural areas, notably
in the developing regions, and in parts of Europe and the former USSR and North America. This
is elaborated in Chapter 5.


Regional summary

Due to the projected increases in population and per capita food intake, total food demand in
Africa is expected to grow 120 per cent by 2015 and more than 300 per cent by 2050. The
combination of this high increase in agricultural demands, an assumed additional supply from
food imports, and a moderate development in agricultural technology, translates food intake into
an increase of 55 per cent in the total agricultural area by 2015 and an approximate doubling by
2050. The modelling results, following the assumptions of the Conventional Development
scenario show that from 2020 onwards suitable land becomes scarce and the food supply comes
under more and more pressure, mainly because of the expected low average yields. To overcome
these threats, a strong agricultural development is needed in Africa that would lead to a faster
increase in regional productivity and greater security regarding food supply.

North America
The projected low increase of the population of North America and the high but stable or even
slightly decreasing average daily food intake means that only 15 per cent more food production is
needed. The slight increase in agricultural production in North America is mainly caused by the
projected export to developing regions. Because of the assumed continuity in technological
development in agriculture, it is expected that this will take place on more or less the same total
area of agricultural land. (However, the location where crops are grown by 2050 could be
different because of climate change. See Chapter 3).

Latin America
With both population and per capita food intake in Latin America projected to increase, the total
food demand will grow by 50 per cent by 2015 and will more than double by 2050. The
combination of an increase in agricultural demands and a successful implementation of
agricultural technology is expected to lead to a 10 per cent increase in the total agricultural area
by 2015 and about a 20 per cent increase by 2050. This includes the land required to produce for
export, especially maize, after 2030.

Asia and the Pacific

The same picture emerges for Asia and the Pacific as for Latin America: an expected increase in
food demand of about 50 per cent by 2015 and about 100 per cent by 2050. Combined with an
assumed additional supply from food/feed imports and the continuation in implementation of
agricultural technology, total agricultural area is due to increase with almost 30 per cent by 2015,
and then decrease somewhat, resulting in an overall 25 per cent increase between 1990 and 2050.
Both China and India are projected to face problems in the expansion of agricultural land by the
beginning of the next decade. To overcome the growing shortage in land area, likely solutions for
Asia are further implementation and development of agricultural technologies, and an increase in

Europe and the former USSR

Given the small projected increase in the population of Europe and the former USSR and an
unchanged daily food intake per capita, only 13 per cent more food production is needed in this
region. The projected increase in total production is caused mainly by demand for export to
developing regions. Notwithstanding an assumed continuity in technological development in
agriculture, it is expected that the increase in regional demand, including demand for exports, will
lead to some extra demand for agricultural land; 4 per cent more by 2015 and about 18 per cent
more in 2050.


West Asia
The large projected increase in the population of West Asia (including Turkey, Iran, and
Afghanistan), even with a small increase in per capita food intake, cause the total food demand in
the region to increase 110 per cent by 2015 and almost 300 per cent by 2050. Assumedly, this
strong increase in demand, will be met by high additional supplies from imports and a moderately
fast implementation of agricultural technology. On balance, these developments lead to a 55 per
cent increase in the agricultural area by 2015 and an approximate doubling by 2050. The results
show that from 2020 on, the area of available suitable land is completely used and the food
supply comes under increasing pressure. This means that the projected further increase after 2020
would have to take place on lands that are in fact unsuitable and more vulnerable. It also indicates
that the food supply comes under increasing pressure.

World summary
Total global food demand is projected to increase by 50 per cent by 2015 and by more than 110
per cent by 2050. The increase in agricultural demands and changes in patterns of consumption
(less staple foods and more luxury products, which require more inputs) are partly met by and
ongoing technological development in agriculture. On balance, these developments lead to a
projected 27 per cent increase in the total agricultural area by 2015 and about 42 per cent increase
by 2050. The regional results indicate that the large areas in Asia with a dense population will run
out of available suitable land from 2000 onwards. They are likely to face growing pressures on
the food supply unless the countries involved are able to improve their agriculture more than
currently projected or to import food, mainly from industrial countries in temperate regions.

Many reputable institutes and organizations have addressed such issues as future developments in
the use of available land and water resources, land degradation, intensification versus land
extension, and various aspects of self-sufficiency and international trade. Generally speaking,
there are two kinds of perspectives: one optimistic and the other pessimistic. On the one hand
there are the somewhat optimistic reports and publications. They assume that if technology and
enhanced management are implemented successfully, demand can be met without reaching the
biophysical limits of global food production (e.g. FAO, 1995; Alexandratos, 1995). On the other
hand, more pessimistic voices are pointing out that: technological developments do not look so
promising and will lead to non-sustainable agricultural practices; technologies are unevenly
spread across the world; the developing regions in particular are depending increasingly on
exports from the more developed regions, and in future a growing number of people will lack
food security and be malnourished (e.g. Brown, 1996). This difference in perspective can be
largely attributed to different estimates of the future availability of suitable soil and water
resources; the way these resources will be used, or misused (sustainable versus non-sustainable
use); the impact of environmental pollution on agriculture (due to climate change, acidification
and water pollution) and agriculture’s contribution to the general pollution of water, air and soil.

The Conventional Development scenario is optimistic in that it assumes significantly higher

productivity in agriculture, but pessimistic in terms of a reduction in self-sufficiency in some
developing regions and the negative effects of necessary land extensions on biodiversity (see
Chapter 5). The clear differences in vision between leading experts on achievable/attainable
developments in agriculture have received surprisingly little attention thus far.


4.5 Fresh water

The small number of freshwater resources that is technically and economically accessible to
humans is unevenly distributed in space, time and type. This leads to a wide range of water-
related problems, including interstate conflicts, competition in use and health problems (Gleick,
1996). In the next century, these water-related problems are expected to increase because of
growing water demands caused by population growth, enlargement of irrigated area, and
industrial activities, while in the meantime the supply remains about constant or might increase
only slightly under climate change.

Freshwater demand
The Conventional Development scenario postulates a decrease in aggregate water intensity (water
requirement per unit GDP) because of increasing water efficiency and gradual shifts to less water-
intensive economic activities. Freshwater demands in the Conventional Development scenario
have been projected for each region for domestic, industrial and agricultural use. Figure 2.12
(Chapter 2) shows regional and global developments in freshwater withdrawals according to this
scenario. Global demand is projected to increase from 3000 km3 in 1990 to about 3700 km3 in
2015 and about 4300 km3 in 2050 (Raskin et al., 1995b). The historical growth in total
withdrawals in the industrialized regions slows down considerably in the scenario and
withdrawals in North America eventually decrease. Regionally, large increases in water demand
are expected up to 2050 in Africa, Latin America, China and South and Southeast Asia. By 2050
the projected rate of increase in Asia is almost double that of total global withdrawals.

Presently, irrigation accounts for around 70 per cent of total water withdrawal, industrial use for
about 22 per cent and domestic consumption for the rest. As far as future domestic, industrial and
agricultural (irrigation) withdrawals are concerned, the first two categories show a slight increase
in the industrialized regions and a marked increase (more than 3 to 5 times) in the developing
regions. Agricultural withdrawals show a slower increase, with a global average of about 20 per
cent by 2050 (with the fastest increase in the period up to 2025). The increase in the use of water
for irrigation is due mainly to the assumed extension of the irrigated area. In fact global irrigated
area increases about up to 35 per cent by 2050, while irrigation intensity (m3 per ha) decreases
only slightly.

The projected increase in global water demands (expressed as withdrawals, 2050 compared to
1990) is a factor 2.12 for domestic use; 2.37 for industrial use; and 1.06 for agricultural use. The
projected values are the result of a combination of increasing pressures and improvements in
efficiency (Chapter 2, Figure 2.12).

A second component is the demand for domestic water supply and sanitation facilities, that are
adequate to health and well-being. At present nearly two billion people lack access to clean water
and sanitation, and over a billion people throughout the world are not served by appropriate
sewage treatment systems (Gleick, 1996). This is despite the ambitions of the International Water
Supply and Sanitation Decade (1980-1990) to provide everybody with adequate water supply and
sanitation facilities.

Domestic and industrial users compete more and more with agriculture for limited water
resources; this may be particular significant in some of the sub-regions in Asia and Africa.
According to FAO, the need for more production might be likely to accentuate pressures on the
water resources more than on land resources (Alexandratos, 1995). FAO highlights the growth in
dependency of food production from irrigation-based agriculture, the competition between


agricultural demands and domestic and industrial demands (partly driven by price mechanisms)
and the non-sustainable use of groundwater, which is leading to both quantity and quality

Freshwater availability
Demand has to be met by either renewable water resources or by gradually depleting fossil
groundwater. (Large scale desalinization is left aside here, because it is not a realistic option in
most countries of the world). Renewable and available freshwater resources, either groundwater
or surface water, are unequally distributed, with an abundance in Oceania and South America and
shortages in West Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. According to a water stress index in 1990 more
than 30 countries were ‘water stressed’, including most of North, East and Southern Africa and
West Asia. By 2025, 54 countries could face ‘water stress’, with about 23 facing absolute water
scarcity (Engelman and LeRoy, 1993). While mankind uses only a small portion of the total
global freshwater resources, water at the local and regional levels is becoming increasingly scarce
in many areas. On a local scale serious problems can arise, which may have major implications
for health and well-being of people, agricultural development and protection of ecosystems
dependent on water resources.

Two other aspects need to be emphasized. First, the international aspect. Availability presents the
most notable problem in areas of water scarcity where rivers and other water resources cross
borders. This is best illustrated by the increasing number of conflicts over water, e.g. in West
Asia, and in the Indogangean plain. Secondly, major cities, in particular the fast-growing
megapoles in developing countries, require enormous efforts in water supply and sanitation and
groundwater management. Also in areas outside cities, lack of adequate supply can be the cause
of water problems even if there is enough water available to meet demands. The lower part of the
Danube valley is a case in point. The situation is often aggravated by the low quality of the water
resources. However, the following analysis does not consider water supply issues but focuses on
the preceding issue of the ratio between demand and renewable resources.

For the Global Environment Outlook, a first global analysis has been made of the demand versus
availability of water at the level of river catchments. This model based analysis is based on
physical processes and local conditions following a geographical explicit approach according to
Klepper et al. (1995). The model, which is still in a preliminary state, is briefly described in
Appendix III. Flows of upstream sub-basins to downstream basins and the distribution of supply
and demand within a sub-basin were taken into consideration. It has been used to estimate at a
detailed level water availability and water demand, following the assumptions of the Conventional
Development scenarios. The ratio between availability and demand is defined as ‘water demand
satisfaction ratio’. The ratio was calculated for all 1165 river basins3.

Projections for the years reported were based on monthly averages, with the calculations for 2015
and 2050 assuming a year with average climate characteristics. In Figure 4.3 the satisfaction
ratios of water demand for 1990, 2015 and 2050 are visualized on a river catchment level.

The results in Table 4.4 show that by 1990 in about 12 per cent of the total world’s area, people
have moderately severe to severe problems with the availability of sufficient freshwater. In about 18
per cent of the land area, people have few to moderate problems with the availability of sufficient
fresh water. In about 22 per cent of the world’s land area, water availability seems to meet demand.

3 However, those with low population densities were excluded from the results (Klepper et al., 1995; Klepper et al.,1996). Thus, a
water demand satisfaction ratio for 53 per cent of the global land area (where 95 per cent of the total population lives) is
presented. The remaining 47 per cent tend to be either extremely dry, cold or have very high precipitation.



< 0.40
0.40 - 0.60
0.60 - 0.80
0.80 - 1.00

Figure 4.3a. Water demand satisfaction ratio per catchment area in 1990


< 0.40
0.40 - 0.60
0.60 - 0.80
0.80 - 1.00

Figure 4.3b. Projected water demand satisfaction ratio per catchment area in 2015


< 0.40
0.40 - 0.60
0.60 - 0.80
0.80 - 1.00

Figure 4.3c. Projected water demand satisfaction ratio per catchment area in 2050
Note: n.a. = not applicable, because of very low population density
Source: Klepper, et al. (1996, forthcoming).


Table 4.4a. Distribution of catchment areas by satisfaction ratio of freshwater demand

under the assumptions of Conventional Development

no problems few to moderate moderately severe

problems to severe problems

% of global land area

1990 22 18 12
2015 18 21 14
2050 15 22 16

Note: The remaining 47% of the global land area concerns catchments areas with low population
density (totalling 5% of the global population), where the analysis is not applicable.
Source: Klepper et al. (1996, forthcoming).

Table 4.4b. Number of people by satisfaction ratio of freshwater demand under the
assumptions of Conventional Development

no few to moderate moderately severe analysis not

problems problems to severe applicable

1990 1300 2400 1500 300
2015 1700 3400 2100 500
2050 2200 4700 2800 700

Source: Klepper et al. (1996, forthcoming).

This relates to 27 per cent, 44 per cent and 24 per cent of the global population, respectively. (The
remaining 5 per cent of world population lives in 47 per cent of the area where this study is not
applicable). The areas most affected were West Asia, and parts of India, Africa and the United
States. Between 1990 and 2015, the area classified as ‘no problem’ is projected to decrease from 22
to 18 per cent. By 2050, the area classified as ‘no problem’ has decreased to 15 per cent.

The number of people that face ‘moderately severe to severe’ water quantity problems in 1990 is
1.5 billion; for 2015 this is 2.1 billion; and 2.8 billion for 2050 (Table 4.4b). The number of
people that face ‘few to moderate problems’ in 1990 is 2.4 billion; for 2015 this is 3.4 billion; and
4.7 billion by 2050 . The number of people with ‘no problems’ in 1990 is 1.3 billion; for 2015 this
is 1.7 billion, and for 2050, 2.2 billion.

Thus, the pattern emerging from the detailed analysis of this scenario is that availability of
sufficient fresh water will remain a continuous topic of concern and shortage will affect a growing
number of people. The improvements in efficiency that are assumed in the projected scenario do
not diminish the overall pressures on freshwater resources.

Next to water demand, water availability is likely to change in the future. Global climate change
probably will cause wider variability in precipitation, leading to variations in water availability
(Darwin et al., 1995; Morita et al., 1995). According to projections with the Asian-Pacific AIM
model (Morita et al., 1995) the widely expected doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide
concentrations will cause half the world area to have higher water discharges, particularly in
northern India, northern Russia, the northern part of North America. By contrast, reductions in


40 - 60
60 - 80
80 - 100
100 - 120
120 - 140
140 - 160
160 - 180

Figure 4.4. Water discharge: projected changes caused by climate change

Note: Per cent relative to current discharge. Projected for a doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide relative to pre-industrial
Source: Morita et al. (1995).

water discharge are most significant in developing regions (see Figure 4.4). From the above study
it can be concluded that in the future, availability of freshwater, especially in parts of Africa, West
Asia, Southern India and China, is likely to become more and more affected by social, economic
and environmental processes. Using various climate (GCM) scenarios, the United States
Department of Agriculture (Darwin et al., 1995) calculated the impact of climate change on water
availability and runoff assuming a doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations. They
reported that although world-wide water availability is likely to increase (6-12%) for the world as
a whole under climate change, shortage could occur in some regions and might exacerbate
problems with allocating water resources.

Water management
The growing demands for water will increase the risks of conflicts over use of scarce water within
a country (competition between sectors) or between countries. It would seem that such conflicts
can only be avoided when water distribution between users can be agreed upon. This then would
require an integrated river basin approach, legal provisions, administrative rules and regulations,
pricing mechanisms and control and monitoring. Therefore, the establishment of functional and
effective river-basin boards for water management, and distribution in catchment areas, is one of
the major challenges if sustainable development is to be achieved. In the past two years, a
methodology for integrated river basin assessment to promote sustainable water use has been
developed and pilot-tested in the Zambezi and Dongjiang catchment areas (Bannink, 1996; Heij
and Bannink, 1996 ; Li Kai-Ming et al., 1995).

Apart from the challenge to provide adequate water and sanitation services, water needs to be
recycled after being used and discharged. To date, less than 4 per cent of wastewater streams is
treated before discharging. This lack of treatment causes substantial water pollution problems.
Water that is polluted or contaminated with pesticides or nutrients often affects health,


ecosystems and the economy and is a limiting factor in irrigated agriculture. Rivers, lakes and
groundwater aquifers are increasingly becoming contaminated by biological and chemical wastes,
if a survey in Western and Eastern Europe is indicative for other regions as well (EEA, 1995).
Moreover, it needs to be emphasized that the quality of domestic water is not only affected by the
quality of its main source (lake, river or groundwater) but also by its handling during transport to
the end-user. This often impacts directly on health (see Chapter 6).

4.6 Are the goals considered potentially achievable ?

The main challenge with respect to the use of land and water, according to Agenda 21, is to
produce sufficient agricultural and forestry products to meet increasing human demands and to
supply sufficient water for domestic, industrial and agricultural use, while at the same time
safeguarding the environment and protecting fragile ecosystems. This can be achieved mainly by
increasing production on land already in use and by avoiding further encroachment on land that is
only marginally suitable for cultivation. The Desertification Convention calls for long-term
integrated strategies that focus simultaneously on areas at risk, on improving agricultural
productivity, and on the rehabilitation, conservation and sustainable management of all land and
water resources.

In the Conventional Development scenario, the demand for food and water is assumed to be met
at the global and regional levels, except for Africa and West Asia where it is assumed that food
will be imported. However, much more detailed calculations with the IMAGE model, taking into
account soil, climate and existing land use, show that the Conventional Development scenario4
implies that the demand for food also cannot be met in China and India in the beginning of the
next century. Therefore, to fully satisfy the regional demand as initially assumed in the
Conventional Development scenario, more food imports will be needed, especially in China,
India and Africa.

The developments required to correct this imbalance pose an ever increasing risk to land and
freshwater resources affected by the negative side-effects of intensification and land extension in
agriculture, particularly in the developing regions. The projected extension of agricultural land
will bring food production into conflict with other land uses, especially with the remaining non-
domesticated areas in parts of the developing regions. As will be elaborated in the next chapter,
this will have major consequences for fragile ecosystems and the associated bio-diversity.

The efficient use of water in irrigation - increasingly in competition with household and industrial
use - is a crucial factor in achieving the necessary yield improvements in developing regions. On
the sub-regional or local scale serious water-resource constraints already exist. This not only
affects agriculture, but also health.

In the analysis of the scenario it is concluded at the global and regional level (except for Africa,
West Asia and Asia) that the land and water resources required for future food production would
be available and agriculture is likely to produce sufficient food to support the demographic
transition. However, this is probably by no means the case at the sub-regional scale, as witnessed
by the many current natural disasters and by environmental degradation. Although advances are
likely, there is no indication that future capabilities will be fundamentally different from the
present. Besides, it is important to be aware that the findings in this chapter are already based on

4 See Appendix II for details on the interpretation of the Conventional Development scenario.


scenario assumptions that intensification develops steadily and successfully, that trade continues
(implying that importing countries can afford this) and that the resources prove to be sustainable.
To achieve this in the foreseeable future is already an enormous challenge.

4.7 Response options

Assumedly, intensification of agriculture will continue to be the main means to keep food
production apace with future demands. However, to achieve the goals set out in Agenda 21 it is
important that agricultural productivity is increased in a sustainable way. This will require action
in a number of fields, not only in agriculture, because a high level of intensification can conflict
with sustainability.

However, even though intensification seems to be unavoidable, the area of agricultural land area
will also need to expand in some regions. This extension is in the present scenario analysis
projected mainly in Africa, West Asia and to lesser extent in parts of Asia and Latin America. It
will put the remaining non-domesticated natural areas under further pressure. This pressure can
be eased considerably by pushing ahead with improvements in the efficiency of both arable
farming and animal husbandry in developing areas, both in the more suitable regions and more
marginal areas. At the local and sub-regional level this requires an evaluation of the suitability
and vulnerability of marginal land and sound land use and development planning.

The efficient use of water resources - necessary because of competition from other uses - and the
prevention of soil and land degradation, are valuable contributions to the successful development
of intensification and can contribute to easing the pressure on non-domesticated areas.

In general, these strategies, together with social and economic developments, can help satisfy
future demands for food and contribute to eliminating hunger and malnutrition, while
safeguarding the environment and fragile ecosystems. Based on the model-based assessment in
this chapter, the following issues present a challenge to further research and international action.

Response options related to the scenario analysis

(i) In order to maximize food security, increasing agricultural productivity in a sustainable and
sustained fashion remains an obvious but important challenge of governments, the
agricultural sector, farmers and scientists.
(ii) Notwithstanding significant increases in productivity and land extension, developments as
assumed in the Conventional Development scenario requires increasing imports from the
North to the South. Additional analysis would be needed to evaluate the social, economic,
environmental and political consequences of the findings in this chapter. Obviously,
decreasing food security in major regions associated with a larger dependence on the world
market may be a reason for political concern and responses.
(iii) Developing sustainable farming systems with high productivity and high ecological
efficiency is only adequate to improve food security and to protect ecosystems if appropriate
knowledge and methods are made accessible to all those who use and cultivate lands.
(iv) The assumed continuation towards the increasing consumption of food with a lower
ecological efficiency, notably animal products, places an extra burden on agricultural
production. A reduction in the consumption of animal products in industrialized countries
and a slowing down of the increase in developing countries should be made a subject of
research and debate.


(v) In so far as it reduces the degradation or destruction of natural ecosystems (for example
forests, as indicated in the Forest Principles) agricultural development directed towards more
intensive use of current agricultural areas can support existing ecosystem conservation.
(vi) The present analysis illustrates that in the next century suitable agricultural land will become
increasingly scarce. This makes it even more important to halt land degradation and
rehabilitate degraded lands, and not only in areas covered by the Desertification Convention.

The above specific responses can be seen as potential steps towards realizing or accelerating
major transitions in the use of land and water as environmental resources. Chapter 7 returns to
this concept.



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5.1 The issue

Nature in all its diversity is under threat all over the world. In non-domesticated areas1,
population numbers and distribution of many species are experiencing a significant decline,
leading to local or regional extinction and ultimately to irreversible global extinction. At the same
time a small number of mostly opportunistic species are increasing substantially. According to the
Global Biodiversity Assessment (UNEP, 1995), the extinction rate of animal and plant species
since 1600 has been estimated to be 50 to 100 times the average estimated natural rate. Due to the
projected forest loss over the next 25 years, the extinction rate is estimated to rise to between
1000 and 10,000 times the natural rate (UNEP, 1995).

The fact that in some locations ‘species richness’ as such may increase due to newly introduced
species cannot compensate for the negative global effects (Figure 5.1). In domesticated areas2
both wildlife and agricultural species, and their varieties, show a similar trend. In this chapter a
global and regional assessment will be made of the extent to which future pressures may affect
biodiversity quantitatively (area loss) and qualitatively (degradation of remaining area). Finally,
some of the available options which may alleviate pressures are discussed.

5.2 The main causes of nature loss

Although specific causes may vary regionally, the relevant mechanisms resulting in the reduction
and loss of populations, the extinction of species, and consequently the transformation and
degradation of ecological communities include (UNEP, 1995):

non-domesticated domesticated


Number of species

introduced species

original species a

0 Human uses/influence

Figure 5.1. The generalized relation between human influence and number of original species
Note: Increasing human use generally results in a lower number of original species (a). Due to introduced species ‘species
richness’ decreases to a lesser extent (b) or may even increase locally (c). Despite occasional increases of ‘species richness’
at the local level, a serious loss of biodiversity at the global level results.

1 Non-domesticated land is defined here as all not human-dominated land, irrespective of whether it is pristine or degraded, such
as virgin land, nature reserves; all forests except wood plantations with exotic species; areas with shifting cultivation; all
freshwater areas and extensive grasslands (marginal land used for grazing by nomadic livestock). Note: the last-mentioned area is
included in the figures for agricultural area in Chapter 4.
2 Domesticated land is defined here as all human-dominated land such as arable land, permanent cropland, wood plantations with
exotic species, pasture for permanent livestock, urban areas, infrastructure and industrial areas. Most domesticated land is in fact
agricultural land.


original destruction

protected fragmentation
climate change
sustainable use


Figure 5.2. Main causes of biodiversity gains and losses

• habitat loss (e.g. conversion of land for agriculture, infrastructure, urbanization),

fragmentation and degradation (see Chapter 4 on landuse changes);
• overexploitation;
• the introduction of non-native species;
• pollution and toxification of the soil, water and atmosphere (see Chapter 2); and
climate change (see Chapter 3).

Positive factors are the establishment of protected areas, habitat regeneration and all measures
which mitigate anthropogenic pressures (Figure 5.2).

5.3 The development of nature and its diversity

Past and present

Terrestrial ecosystems
Mainly as a result of the conversion of natural forests and grassland into cropland and pasture, the
fraction of non-domesticated area decreased globally between 1700 and 1980 by one-third, from
about 94% to about 64% (Figure 5.3). In densely populated subregions, such as the western part
of Europe3, the losses may have been considerably larger. Here, the remaining non-domesticated
area is less than 30% (Kaales, 1996). In the Netherlands about 20% is left, of which 9% consists
of terrestrial ecosystems (Van der Ven, 1996).

The total loss of global forest area4 in the period 1700 - 1980 is estimated at one-fifth (from 47%
of the global area in 1700 to 38% in 1980; Richards, 1990). Before 1700, considerable decline
had already taken place in the temperate zones, especially from the Mediterranean basin to the
Indus valley (ancient civilizations such as the Egyptian, Indian, Greek and Roman), in northern

3 Europe excluding Scandinavia and Greenland.

4 Forest and woodland.


40 Africa & part of West Asia Asia, Pacific & part of West Asia Europe & former USSR
40 40

30 30 30

20 20 20

10 10 10

0 0 0
1700 1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 1700 1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 1700 1750 1800 1850 1900 1950

40 Latin America 40 North America

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
1700 1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 1700 1750 1800 1850 1900 1950

World 700 World index, 1700 = 100

6 2 400
80 In 10 km
60 other 300

40 forest } non-domesticated 200

20 pasture 100

0 cropland
} domesticated 0
1700 1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 1700 1750 1800 1850 1900 1950

Figure 5.3. Historical habitat loss due to conversion from non-domesticated to domesticated area, 1700 - 1980
Source: Klein Goldewijk and Battjes (1995), derived from Richards (1990) and FAO (1990)5.

and northwestern China (FAO, 1995), and, in the middle ages, in north-western Europe (Idema et
al., 1993). In classical Greek and Roman civilizations forest was a major source of fuel, building
materials and additional agricultural land. Even if forests were not cleared, the same result was
produced by grazing, which also prevented natural regeneration (Mather, 1990).

While virtually all forests disappeared in the Mediterranean region after many centuries, in North
America, where development started later in time, an initial rapid conversion of forested lands
was followed by a slowing down and eventually stabilization and expansion of the forested lands,
with a considerable amount of forest left. This spectacular reversal reflects a major transition from
‘hunting and ‘gathering’ to ‘farming’ and conserving the forest resource within a 150 year period.
In addition to changing demand and supply, also the changing perception of the forest resource
with increasing value placed on recreation and wilderness qualities played a role. Moreover a
climate of opinion that favoured increased governmental intervention and involvement in forestry
matters arose (Mather, 1990).

Today the remaining cover of primary or old growth forest6 is at the global level much less than
the 38% mentioned above. Primary forest cover has been greatly reduced in most industrialized

5 For the current situation, figures of the same order of magnitude have been found for the globe by Hannah et al. (1994) and for
Indo-Malayan and Afro-tropical nations by Mackinnon and Mackinnon (1986a, b). Differences can be explained by different
definitions of habitat loss and different divisions in regions.
6 Forests more than 200 years old.


countries, and is rapidly decreasing in the developing countries. In Western Europe, the forest
area is about 1% old-growth forest, in Scandinavia about 2%, in China about 1%, in the USA
about 15%, in Canada about 52%, and in New Zealand about 25% (Dudley, 1992). In developing
regions, the average annual decline in forest area (forest and other wooded land) between 1980
and 1990 was 0.43 per cent, but the loss of natural forest area was 0.8 per cent per annum (FAO,
1995). The histories of the Mediterranean region (a negative example) and North America (a
positive example) mentioned above illustrate the different patterns of forest use that countries
could expect in the near future, depending on the approach they follow.

The remaining non-domesticated areas also suffer from loss of ecosystem quality due to various
pressures. For example, forests are losing vitality due to acid rain in parts of Europe, Asia
(Chapter 3) and North America (NAPAP, 1991). Similarly, freshwater ecosystems suffer from
habitat loss and various pressures such as pollution, overexploitation and canalization. Both the
loss of area and quality lead to considerable decline in the distribution and/or population numbers
of many plant and animal species.

Marine ecosystems
Although the extent of marine ecosystems has not changed, many populations of species have
changed because of human activities, such as overexploitation of fish stocks and whales. Up to
1970, the world catch of marine fish had continued to rise at an overall rate of some 6% per year.
In the early 1970s this slowed dramatically and between 1980 and 1989 the overall rise was down
to around 2.3% annually. The first decline since 1976 came in 1990, with a drop of some 3%
(FAO, 1993).

Figure 5.4 shows the current state of major exploited fish stocks in the Pacific and Atlantic
Oceans. Although natural fluctuations are important, overexploitation is a common factor that
accounts for both past and current low levels of stocks. In response to decreasing yields from
conventional stocks, fishing fleets have been moving to new fishing grounds and to other, mostly
small species with a short lifespan, which are generally of a lower economic value. Meanwhile,
the global industrial fleet size has increased at a rate double that shown by global landings over
the period 1970-89. The negative consequences of this may be just as serious from an economic
as from a resource perspective. It has been reported that the total annual operating costs of the
global marine fishing fleet in 1989 were considerably higher than total revenues, even without

70 Atlantic 70 Pacific
percentage of total number of fisheries (n=34)

percentage of total number of fisheries (n=22)

60 60

50 50

40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
under moderately fully/ over recovering depleted under moderately fully/ over recovering depleted
exploited exploited heavely exploited exploited exploited heavily exploited
exploited exploited

Figure 5.4. States of exploitation of major fish stocks

Note: This relates to stocks with at least once a catch of more than 100,000 ton per year.
Source: FAO (1993).


considering capital costs (COFI, 1993). Continued fishing at this level of intensity will contribute
to a loss of biological diversity and there are fears that this may lead to less stable, and possibly
even lower, catches in the long term (FAO, 1993).

Marine mammal resources are among the most vulnerable to over-fishing because of their slow
growth and low fecundity. In particular, unrestrained whaling severely reduced many stocks in the
eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and nearly eliminated all species of large whales early in the
twentieth century, providing one of the best examples of non-sustainable development in the
history of fishing. With the exception of the Minke whale, the Grey whale in the eastern North
Pacific and Bryde’s whale in some oceans, large whales have been seriously depleted, in some
cases perhaps beyond the level of recovery. The final Revised Management Procedure, adopted in
1992, calls for protection of stocks reduced below 54% of the pre-exploitation level (FAO, 1993).
Figure 5.5 shows the current estimated state of various whale populations.

Coastal zones
In addition to the pressures on specific commercial species, coastal ecosystems are at risk due to a
range of development-related pressures. It is not yet possible to give global indications of the state

la n

Sperm females 100

Bryde's 80 Blue
c if i

h P

Sei Right
N o rt


Fin 20 Humpback

Blue Blue

Gray Fin

Bowhead Sei
is p

Sperm females Bryde's




current level

protection level

Figure 5.5. State of various whale populations compared with their estimated original state
Source: Hilborn (1990).



Figure 5.6. Coastal ecosystems threatened by development, in particular population density, road and pipeline
density, cities and major ports
Source: Derived from Bryant et al. (1995).

of these ecosystems. However, based on the known pressures, Bryant et al. (1995) found that 17%
of the world’s coastline was at medium and 34% at serious risk due to high population density,
roads, pipelines, cities and major ports (Figure 5.6).

The future
What changes in extent and distribution of non-domesticated areas may be expected in the
coming decades? And to what extent will the quality of the remaining habitat change due to
various pressures? Projections of the extent and distribution of non-domesticated areas have been
made with the IMAGE 2.1 model, based on the Conventional Development scenario (Figure 5.7,
Table 5.1 and Figure 5.8). These are consistent with the projections of landuse changes in
previous Chapters.

As to the quality of ecosystems, increasing production and consumption, along with population
growth, will generally increase pressures on the remaining non-domesticated area (UNEP, 1995).

Table 5.1 Projected extent of non-domesticated land.

1990 2015 2050 change

% of regional area
Africa 70 55 45 - 25
Asia & Pacific 60 50 55 - 10
Europe & former USSR 75 75 70 - 5
Latin America 70 65 60 - 10
North America 80 80 80 spatial shift
West Asia 90 75 70 - 20

World 70 65 60 - 10

Note: Rounded off to 5% intervals.


35 35 Asia & Pacific 35

Europe & former USSR
30 30 30

25 25 25

20 20 20

15 15 15

10 10 10

5 5 5

0 0 0
1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050

35 Latin America 35 North America 35 West Asia

30 30 30

25 25 25

20 20 20

15 15 15

10 10 10

5 5 5

0 0 0
1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050

140 World 175 World index,1990 = 100

120 150
6 2
In 10 km
100 125
80 100
hot desert
60 tundra 75
grassland / savanna
40 50
20 extensive grassland 25

0 domesticated land 0
1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050

Figure 5.7. Projected extent of non-domesticated area7, 1970 to 20508

For the present study, the projected changes in four consumption- and population-related
pressures have been projected on a spatially detailed basis. These pressures are: i) ‘population
density’, ii) ‘consumption and production rate’, iii) ‘forest clearance for timber’ and iv) ‘climate
change’9. The results, aggregated by region, are shown in Figure 5.10. It is assumed that the total
pressure10 and the extent of the remaining area will provide an indicative picture of the
‘biodiversity at risk’: the smaller the remaining non-domesticated area and the higher the
pressures on this area, the higher the chance of poor biodiversity quality11 (for a technical
explanation see also Appendix III).

7 The marginal land used for grazing (extensive grasslands) is defined here as ‘non-domesticated’. However, in Chapter 4 this has
been defined as part of the ‘agricultural land’. Therefore the figures from Chapter 4 and 5 can not simply be added.
The Figures 5.3 and 5.7 differ for 1970-1980 because two different sources are used, with slightly different regions and
definitions for the underlying categories, such as extensive grassland, forest and pasture. In Figure 5.3, West Asia is divided over
Africa and Asia & Pacific. More important than the absolute figures are the changes.
8 Forest here refer to all forests, including tropical woodland and regrowth forest. Grassland/savannah here includes grassland,
steppe, scrubland and savannah and excludes extensive grassland. Extensive grassland here includes all (marginal) land used for
grazing. Tundra here includes tundra and wooded tundra.
9 These pressures have been chosen because they could be roughly modelled on the regional and global scales, and appear to be
important factors in the degradation of ecosystems and their biodiversity.
10 The pressures considered are determined for each non-domesticated IMAGE grid cell and preliminarly rated on a simple linear
scale from 0 (no pressure) to 10 (very high pressure). For each pressure level, a value of 10 is expected to have a high chance of
poor biodiversity quality compared with the original state. The total pressure is preliminarly calculated by simply aggregating
these four pressures per grid cell. In practice, the impacts of various pressures will probably be non-linear. See also Appendix III.
11 A similar, pressure-based, approach is applied by Hannah et al. (1994) and Bryant et al. (1995). For future GEOs this simple
approximation of the quality of nature at risk needs to be further elaborated and scientifically underpinned. In the longer term,
this indirect pressure indicator should be replaced with or complemented by direct state indicators.




Land cover types for year 2050

Domesticated land Hot desert

Extensive grassland Ice

Figure 5.8. Spatial distribution of the main non-domesticated areas projected according to the assumptions of
the Conventional Development scenario


Regions of origin of main crop plants Countries with highest species diversity

Figure 5.9. Spatial distribution of the main origins of crop plants and the 20 countries with highest species
Source: WCMC (1992) adapted from Hawkes, (1983/1991); WCMC (1994).

The calculations on change in extent of non-domesticated area and pressures as shown in Figures
5.7 en 5.10 lead to the following findings:

• Africa’s non-domesticated area, especially forests and grassland/savanna, will largely be

converted to agricultural land, implying a decrease in non-domesticated area from the current
70% to about 55% in 2015 and 45% in 2050. Grassland/savanna, which has so far been mainly
open rangeland, will largely be converted to permanent pasture (domesticated area). In the
scenario, forests will, to a large extent, disappear. The remaining non-domesticated area will be
mostly arid and semi-arid and include area used for extensive grazing (Figures 5.7 and 5.8).
The sum of the four pressures considered on the remaining non-domesticated area will, on
average, double in intensity, reaching a high level (from about class 2 to 5). Of these pressures,
climate change is dominant (Figure 5.10). Moreover, the area used for extensive grazing
(‘extensive grassland’) is also doubling, providing an extra pressure on the remaining non-
domesticated area (Figure 5.7).
Consequently, according to the scenario, Africa’s nature is at very high risk, both in quantity
and quality.

• The non-domesticated area of Asia and the Pacific is projected to decrease from the current
60% to somewhat more than 50% in 2015 and slightly increase to 55% in 2050, mainly due to
the expansion and subsequent regression of arable land. By 2015 and 2050 the forest area will
be further reduced from the current 12% to about 7% of the total area, about one-fifth of the
35% of forested land area12 in 1700 (Richards, 1990). The remaining non-domesticated area,
less suitable for human settlement and agriculture, is largely found in mountainous areas or
(semi-)arid zones.

12 This figure is differently defined and is not entirely comparable with those used for present and future.


Table 5.2. Projected percentage of non-domesticated area under different degrees of pressure from the human
population and associated activities

pressure class
low moderate high very high extremely high
Per cent of regional land area
Africa 1990 18 25 1 0 1
2015 0 20 23 1 1
2050 0 15 26 2 2

Asia & Pacific 1990 10 28 3 1 4

2015 1 15 23 2 7
2050 1 14 22 2 8

Europe & former USSR 1990 18 43 4 2 4

2015 5 20 36 4 7
2050 5 19 35 4 9

Latin America 1990 38 17 3 1 1

2015 23 20 14 2 2
2050 18 21 15 2 4

North America 1990 13 49 7 1 2

2015 6 15 39 7 5
2050 6 14 37 7 9

West Asia 1990 5 44 14 4 3

2015 0 4 41 11 13
2050 0 0 30 16 24

Per cent of global land area

World 1990 18 33 4 1 3
2015 6 17 27 3 5
2050 5 16 27 4 7

Note: Total pressure is expressed as ranging from low (0-2), moderate (3-4), high (5-7), very high (8-10) to extremely high
(>10). See Appendix III for further details. The pressure is calculated for areas which are non-domesticated during the whole
period from 1990 - 2050.

In many Asian countries, the area of agricultural land is currently fairly stable. In the scenario,
continuing economic and population growth leads to higher demands for food that are met
primarily by intensification of agriculture, partly by further land expansion, and partly by
increasing imports. Higher intensification or increasing imports lead to lower conversions.
The pressure on the remaining non-domesticated area will in this scenario increase, on
average, by 50%, from a moderate to a high level (from about class 3 to 5). From these
pressures, climate change and to a lesser extent, population density are the dominant pressures.
Next, the area used for extensive grazing (‘extensive grassland’) increases 25%, posing an
extra pressure on the remaining non-domesticated area.
Consequently, according to the scenario, Asia & Pacific’s nature is at high risk.

• Europe’s and former USSR’s non-domesticated area is projected to be fairly stable until 2015
and slightly decreases from the current 75% to more than 70% in 2050, mainly due to
increased food exports from Europe. The non-domesticated area is to a large extent situated in
the former USSR and the Nordic countries.


40 Africa 40 Asia & Pacific

35 35
% of regional land area

% of regional land area

30 30

25 25

20 20

15 15

10 10

5 5

0 0
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21
pressure class pressure class

40 Europe & former USSR 40 Latin America

35 35
% of regional land area

% of regional land area

30 30

25 25

20 20

15 15

10 10

5 5

0 0
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21
pressure class pressure class

40 North America 40 West Asia

35 35
% of regional land area

% of regional land area

30 30

25 25

20 20

15 15

10 10

5 5

0 0
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21
pressure class pressure class

40 World
% of global land area





0 1990
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21
pressure class

Figure 5.10. Projected percentage of non-domesticated area under different degrees of pressure from the human
population and associated activities
Note: Total pressure is expressed as ranging from low (0-2), moderate (3-4), high (5-7), very high (8-10) to extremely high
(>10). See Appendix III for further details. The pressure is calculated for areas which are non-domesticated during the whole
period from 1990 - 2050.


The pressure on the non-domesticated area will, on average, almost double in intensity up to a
high level (from more than class 3 to 6). Climate change is the dominant pressure.
According to this scenario the natural areas of Europe & former USSR are at moderate risk,
especially due to climate change.

• Latin America’s non-domesticated area is projected to decrease from the current 70% to about
65% in 2015 and 60% in 2050.
The pressure on the remaining non-domesticated area will, under the assumptions of the
scenario, double on average in intensity from the present low level to a moderate level (from
about class 2 to 4). Climate change, and to a lesser extent, population density are the dominant
factors. The factor climate change will especially affect the temperate zones.
According to this scenario the natural areas of Latin America are at relatively moderate risk in
comparison to Asia and Africa because of their relatively low population growth and projected
increase in agricultural production through intensification. If colonization of the Amazon were
to be continued, or if socioeconomic problems are not ameliorated, more rapid and extensive
conversion of forest may occur than in this scenario.

• North America’s non-domesticated area is projected to fluctuate by a few per cent around 80%
from 1990 to 2050. However, a considerable shift of non-domesticated area from the east to
the midlands is expected due to climate change. The forested areas in the east are expected to
be converted to arable land, while the arable land in the midlands will be reconverted into
(extensive) grassland. In 2050, the greater part of the non-domesticated area is situated in the
mountainous west, dry midlands and in the boreal and subpolar north.
The pressure on the remaining non-domesticated area will, on average, double in intensity up
to a high level (from about class 3 to 6); this is largely due to climate change. According to this
scenario, natural areas in North America are at moderate risk due to climate change and the
expected spatial shift.

• West Asia’s non-domesticated area is projected to decrease from the current 90% to about 75%
in 2015 and 70% in 2050. Grassland/savanna, which has so far been mainly open rangeland,
will be largely converted to permanent pasture (domesticated area). The remaining non-
domesticated area will be mostly arid, semi-arid and be used for extensive grazing.
The pressure on the remaining non-domesticated area will, under this scenario, double on
average in intensity to a very high level (from about class 4 to 9). Population density, and to a
lesser extent, climate change are the dominant pressures. Moreover, the area used for extensive
grazing (‘extensive grassland’) will increase by one-third (about 30% to 38% in 2015 and 40%
in 2050), providing an extra pressure on the remaining non-domesticated area.
Consequently, according to the scenario, natural areas in West Asia are at very high risk, both
in quantity and quality.

• The world’s non-domesticated area is expected to decrease from the current 70% to about 65%
in 2015 and 60% in 2050. Although this change appears to be small at first sight, many
specific species-rich ecosystems in the tropical and subtropical zones (Figures 5.8 and 5.9) are
at serious risk, especially due to conversion to agricultural land. In the 20 countries with
highest species diversity (WCMC, 1994) about 25 per cent of the current non-domesticated
area will be converted until 2050. Very much of the world’s remaining non-domesticated area
is situated in mountainous, boreal/subpolar, arid and semi-arid zones, generally less suitable
for human settlement. Consequently, the per capita non-domesticated area declines from the
current 1.8 ha to 1.1 ha in 2015 and 0.8 ha in 2050 (Figure 5.11).
The pressure on the remaining non-domesticated area will, on average, roughly double from a
moderate to a high level (from class 3 to almost 6). This is largely due to climate change,



ha. per capita


1700 1990 2015 2050

Figure 5.11. Historical and projected per capita non-domesticated area

Note: The distances between bars represent unequal lengths of time.
Source: Klein Goldewijk and Battjes (1995) (past) and calculations of IMAGE 2.1
based on the Conventional Development scenario (projections).

particularly in the northern temperate and boreal zones, and is to a lesser extent due to
population growth, particularly in the southern regions. Moreover, the area used for extensive
grazing (‘extensive grassland’) will increase by almost one-third (about 10% to 12% and
13%), providing an extra pressure on the remaining non-domesticated area.

• According to the scenario, the world’s centres of origin of the major crop plants (Figure 5.9)
will become further domesticated, from about 45% in 1990 to 60% in 2015 and 65% in 2050.
Further, the average pressure due to climate change will increase by two-thirds (from about
class 3 to 5). The centres of origin of the major crop plants are of particular interest for the
world’s future food security.

Consequently, according to the scenario, the world’s natural areas are at serious risk. Processes
leading to further degradation of natural habitats and biodiversity are in progress all over the

5.4 Discussion

Assessing effects on nature and its diversity is not an easy task, certainly not on the scale we are
dealing with here. The most severe handicaps are reliable and standardized data, unambiguous
definitions and generally accepted indicators and assessment frameworks, analogous to those
available for economic assessments for decades. Moreover, in addition to the pressures
considered in this analysis, there are many other factors affecting nature, such as pollution,
overexploitation and introduction of exotic species. Therefore the results must be seen in the
limited scope of the present analysis.


For this reason this is to be seen as a preliminary assessment, based on the data, knowledge and
models which are available to date on the global scale. The effects on nature or biodiversity are
predominantly assessed by quantifying the changes in terms of area and the pressures on the
remaining natural habitat. In future assessments for GEO, it is intended to pay more attention to
the state of ecosystems as such, to fresh water and marine ecosystems, and to biodiversity in
domesticated areas and to biodiversity use. Also, more local pressures and conservation measures
should be incorporated. These might be as important as the four pressures considered here.
Therefore a regional approach should be adopted. For this purpose a limited core set of indicators
for biodiversity and its uses is being proposed (Ten Brink and Douma, 1995) which is intended to
be further developed in cooperation with regional institutes. This indicator development will be
matched with other frameworks currently being developed, e.g. the Convention on Biological
Diversity. In the short term, it is intended to simultaneously further elaborate and underpin a
pressure-based approach.

It is not intended to provide a detailed picture of the state of biodiversity as such in the GEO
reports. This is primarily the goal of the National Biodiversity Studies in the context of the
Convention on Biological Biodiversity. GEO aims to provide a necessarily general overview of
changes in biodiversity at the regional and global levels, as function of various social and
economic scenarios.

5.5 Response options

Under the Conventional Development Scenario, leading to the above projections, it is unlikely
that the objectives of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity will be met (‘the
conservation of biological diversity, the sustainable use of its components and the fair and
equitable sharing of the benefits’). The loss of biodiversity appears to be continuing into the next
decades. If we want to stop this process, a transition would be needed in our approach to nature.
However, formulating the required mitigating and adaptive responses will not be easy, since the
main underlying mechanisms comprise powerful driving forces. An integrated, cross-sectoral
approach appears to be essential. Landuse planning might be an essential instrument in
safeguarding nature. The following findings with respect to responses can be derived from the
present analysis:

(i) economic and demographic transitions in addition to nature protection

The analysis in this chapter underlines the important impact on biodiversity of projected climate
change and of economic and population growth, along with the associated need to convert non-
domesticated land to agricultural land in order to satisfy food demands. Remaining natural
habitats can only be protected effectively if appropriate measures are taken to allow increased
agricultural production by means other than the conversion of natural lands, and by providing
farmers with viable development alternatives. Understanding transitions is important to finding
solutions, as illustrated by the historical examples of the Mediterranean and North American

(ii) linking remaining natural areas

Although protection of areas, for instance, in nature reserves, appears to be a prerequisite for
conserving nature and its diversity, climate change will be a serious threat. It is estimated that
climate change would change the potential vegetation in 44% of the world’s current conservation
areas. Migration is a common response of many species to climate change, so connections


between natural areas are a prerequisite for mitigating biodiversity losses. Consequently, the
current natural vegetation in these areas will not be able to adapt to these changed climate
conditions if these areas are isolated and fragmented (Alcamo et al., 1995). The design of
‘Regional Ecological Networks’ of interconnected natural areas (that is, linking remaining natural
areas) might be an efficient response to this problem. Incorporating mountainous areas where
vertical migration is possible might be particularly effective in this respect. This is intended in the
Middle America Biological Corridor GEF project, which is currently in its preparatory phase.
This illustrates the interdependence of countries in their efforts to conserve their biological



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Hannah, L., J.L. Carr, A. Lankerani (1994). Human disturbance and natural habitat: a biome level analysis of a global data
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Hilborn, R. (1990). Marine Biota. In: The Earth as Transformed by Human Action, Global and Regional Changes in the
Biosphere over the past 300 years. Turner II et al. (eds.). Cambridge University Press, New York.
Idema, R.J., J.N.M. Dekker, A. Stijkel (1993). Een verkenning van de biovoorraden: vis en hout als voorbeelden. Report No.
93010 (in Dutch). University of Utrecht, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
Jäger, J. (1987). Developing Policies for Responding to Climate Change. WMO/UNEP.
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Kaales, M.W. (1996). Pilot study on the feasibility of some biodiversity indicators at the regional and global level, applied to
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Klein Goldewijk, C.G.M. and J.J. Battjes (1995). The IMAGE 2 Hundred Year (1890-1990) Data Base of the Global
Environment (HYDE). Report No. 481507008. National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM),
Bilthoven, the Netherlands.
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Mather, A.S. (1990). Global Forest Resources. Belhaven Press/Pinter Publishers, London.
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WCMC (1992). Global Biodiversity: Status of the Earth’s Living Resources, p.339. Chapman & Hall, London.
WCMC (1994). Biodiversity Data Resource Book. World Conservation Press, Cambridge.


6.1 The issue

Over the last five decades, most populations of the world have experienced an enormous and
continuing improvement in health. At the same time, there are poignant regional and national
exceptions. There have always been and always will be environmental factors1 that have a
negative effect on health. Their influence on the occurrence of human diseases and deaths in these
50 years has been decreasing, but for the future there is a possibility that the occurrence of
especially infectious diseases will increase (WHO, 1996). Will the present situation deteriorate
too if future increases in population sizes and composition, and consumption levels (related to
improved health), lead, as described in the previous sections, to disturbance in the atmosphere,
land, water and biological resources? As demonstrated at the local level, environmental factors
such as pollution can have direct negative effects on human health; other environmental factors
can also pose an indirect threat to health by reducing the availability of food and water in some
large areas of the world.

This section will address three main questions. First, what are the main determinants of human
health and what is the relative importance of environment-related determinants? Second, how will
the state of health for the world populations develop and how does that relate to the assumptions
in the Conventional Development scenario? And third, what can be done to improve health in
terms of loss of (disability-adjusted) life years2 and how effective are environment-oriented
responses designed to achieve this? The innovative aspect of the approach adopted here is that (1)
it combines both population and health dynamics and (2) that it includes the main broad
determinants of fertility and health.

6.2 The relative importance of health determinants

A number of both negative and positive health determinants can be distinguished (Table 6.1).
These factors are included in the TARGETS model3 used to explore possible future scenarios on
changes in health determinants during the health transition of the world’s populations. The health
transition approach addresses changes in population and health change in one general frame of
reference. (see e.g.: Caldwell, 1993; Frenk, 1993; Ness, 1993). It describes how populations may
go through typical health and fertility stages (Figure 6.1) as they change from living in pre-
industrial environmental conditions to those of post-modern societies. The health transition has
two components: an epidemiological transition, determining death rates and a fertility transition,
determining birth rates. The health transition is defined as including the changes in these two
areas, as well as the concomitant changes in the environment and organization of social and
health-related services. The resulting combined effects on population size and structure is labeled
as the demographic transition. The epidemiological transition shows a shift from a situation in

1 Environment is defined broadly here to include the availability of food and water in sufficient quality and quantity, the presence
of pathogenic microorganisms, as well as local geographical, physical and chemical factors. The environment, together with
individual genetic make-up and behaviour, is seen as one of the major determinants of health (Cartledge, 1994).
2 DALYs (Disability Adjusted Life Years) are a measure of years lived subtracting an estimated percentage for each year lived in
incomplete health (assessing complete health as 100 %).
3 TARGETS is a model being developed at the RIVM to analyze issues related to sustainable development at a global level
(Rotmans and de Vries, 1997). A preliminary version of one of its submodels, the health model, is used to illustrate some of the


which environment-related infectious diseases at a young age are dominant to a situation in which
the occurrence of diseases are postponed until the last years of life. The resulting average life
expectancy at birth can rise from around 30 to over 80 years of age. In the last life stages the
chronic diseases are dominant. In these stages environmental factors may influence one’s
surviving a number of chronic diseases (IPCC, 1996) The fertility transition describes the decline
of the fertility level. The change in fertility behaviour is generally seen as being caused by the
process of modernization within societies. The fertility level, represented by the total fertility rate,
can be in the process of dropping from 7 children per woman in the early stages of the transition
to 4.9 or even far below, a replacement level of 2.1 children per woman.

The health transition can be categorized by the three stages of combinations of the
epidemiological and fertility transition as shown in Figure 6.1. They are:
Stage 1: Reproductive health needs and mainly environment-related risks of diseases in the early
stages of the health transition.
Stage 2: Continuing reproductive needs and health risks in populations in the midst of the
transition with a growth in population size and competition for resources.
Stage 3: Health needs of aged populations that have reached a presumably new steady state, with
a zero population growth where fertility is controlled and survival improved.

The importance of the roles of both public health interventions and curative medicine in
improving health has been, and often still is, overestimated for some time (Boxes 6.1 and 6.2).

Many health problems have not been solved exclusively by medical means, and at present the
most successful approaches are mainly multi-disciplinary. At least, several explanations of
observed improvements in health are open in most cases.

Life Total fertility

expectancy (children/woman)
(in years) World 1900

World in 1990
World 1990

World in 1900

35 2


1 2 3
Figure 6.1. The three stages of the health transition
Note: The left y-axis represents life expectancy and the right y-axis level of fertility. The figures are for the world population
as indicated.
Source: Niessen and Hilderink (1996).


Table 6.1. Selected factors affecting health for most world populations in the first two stages of the health

Negative Positive

illiteracy literacy
low economic status (not in all aspects) high economic status (not in all aspects)
malnutrition sufficient food of good quality
lack of appropriate health care good and accessible health care
water deficient in quantity and quality enough safe water
no sewage control sewerage systems
polluted air clean air
degraded ecosystems ecosystems sustained

note: See also figures 6.1 and 6.2.

Source: Frenk et al. (1993).

For instance, in the case of certain waterborne diseases, preventive medical intervention can take
the form of either water hygiene or a vaccination programme (i.e. source elimination versus
immunization of the potential victims). However, although safe water can prevent more than one
disease, it is not implied to be necessarily and automatically the only solution. Indeed, because of
the availability of some highly effective vaccines at low cost, developing countries may often
have several options open to them. And it should be noted here as well that the precise impact of
vaccination programs will differ depending on a country’s stage in the health transition.
Vaccination can have a relatively significant influence in countries in pre- and early transitional
stages, while even large-scale medical efforts will only impact marginally on health indicators in
countries in late transitional stages (WHO, 1993; Van der Velden et al., 1995).

The importance of water sanitation, storage, supply and sewage systems as health determinants
has been the subject of extensive studies. The outcomes have shown that improved water supply
and sanitation facilities do not automatically lead to a decline in disease and death levels. Because
the etiology (causal factors and their interactions) of many diseases is so complex, these measures
cannot in themselves always be expected to be immediately successful (Pollitzer, 1959;
Cairncross and Feacham, 1983)4. Recent studies following activities with satisfying results, in
which safe water has received much attention, show that a reduction of disease in poor city
quarters in developing countries of about 25 per cent can be achieved, mainly by hygienic
measures other than safe water (2/3 versus 1/3 of the 25 per cent) (World Bank, 1993).

Box 6.1 Improvements in health preceded modern medicine

As McKeown (1976) has thoroughly demonstrated, much of the improved health and increased life expectancy
in developed countries occurred during the period up to approximately 1900. In this period medicine had
hardly any influence - certainly in the field of communicable diseases. For instance, in the Netherlands, life
expectancy increased from an average of 35 years in 1845 to an average of 55 years in 1910. Medical science
had only an indirect influence on this development by way of the struggle of the hygienists for safe water and
sanitation services. In the subsequent period, up to 1990, 20 years life expectancy were added on - and this
time with significant medical influence (e.g. vaccinations, antibiotics) (McKeown, 1976).

4 The introduction of water distribution in Dutch towns in the 1870s and 1880s was in itself not sufficient to prevent the dreaded
Salmonella typhi infections. Farmers still contaminated the milk by rinsing the milk containers in ditches and town dwellers
continued taking drinking water from canals (for the taste). Moreover, family members continued to spread this fecal-oral
infection in their households.


Box 6.2 Health development and a multitude of pressures

In most developing countries there is obviously occurring an epidemiological or ‘health’ transition is obviously
occurring. The comparative importance of the role of medicine in this transition is even more difficult to assess
than its historical role in the now developed countries. This is because all changes in health determinants are
presently coinciding, thus confounding the impact of isolated health determinants. Not only are the several
factors (education, vaccinations, transport, sanitation, nutrition, etc.) in a kaleidoscopic interaction, but
developments take place much faster than in, for instance, Sweden (more than 200 years) or the Netherlands
(more than 100 years). In this fast leap forward some disciplines tended to overestimate the impact of their
specific efforts (McKeown, 1976; WHO 1993).

It is for this reason that it is necessary to evaluate the importance of education, insight and
rational behavior as health determinants. These factors continue to be underestimated in
proportion to their enormous impact, both past and present. Restrictions in the supply of clean
water and in the availability of food (both in quantity and quality) can be detrimental to health,
but this influence can be strongly mitigated by good management. Of course, the combination of
a favourable economic situation (income) and a high educational level will be most effective in
overcoming the negative effects of water or food of poor quality5.

The aforementioned impact of economic situation and income on health is far reaching. Direct
influence is exerted by the ability to finance health-improving goods and services; indirectly
many factors like education are strongly linked to national and individual prosperity. Welfare can
also have negative influences on health; examples are high caloric intake, e.g. saturated fatty
acids, and little exercise6.

The health effects of environmental factors in a broader sense, such as food and water
availability (or shortages), remain a complex problem. Despite the fact that famines and
malnutrition remain local threats, the food problem at the global level according to the
Conventional Development scenario is not a matter of sufficient production but of regional
distribution (see Chapters 2 and 4). Even with a relatively limited expansion of arable land, the

Box 6.3 Competing causes of disease and death

In the developed countries, the epidemiological transition has come to a stage that chronic diseases -
particularly from old age - have become predominant. These diseases are characterized by (older) age and
endogenous causes (either inborn or acquired) and behavioural influences. Even if patients can be cured, they
remain in a risk situation: age increases further and competition from and replacement by other causes of
disease and death (mainly of endogenous nature) are excessive. Competition and replacement also plays a very
important role among the ‘under-fives’ in the developing countries, especially those in the early stage of the
health transition. Here, the presence of exogenous, environmental causes of disease and death for that young
age group are so widespread that isolated (medical) action against only one or a few causes does not result in a
significant health improvement or rise in life expectancy. On the contrary, the steady and continuing health
improvements that do occur demonstrate that there are coinciding positive influences over a broad range (see
too Box 6.2), like improvements in family income and the educational level of mothers, sanitation, schools,
nutritional patterns and medical efforts. (McKeown, 1976; WHO, 1993, World Bank, 1993, UN, 1994).

5 An example of the influence of education was seen towards the end of World War II where, in the west of the Netherlands, food
and clean water were in insufficient supply. The well-educated population was instructed how to extract the maximum nutrition
from the available food. By filtering and then exposing the water to the sun’s ultraviolet light the micro-organisms count was
drastically reduced.
6 The occurrence of many diseases can be both positively and negatively influenced, especially at the population level, by
behavioural conditions, which are often closely connected with the economic situation. Examples are heart attacks (diet, lack of
exercise), cancer (smoking, smoked food products), fecal-oral infections (lack of hygiene).


agricultural techniques are available to meet the needs of larger populations. But there will be
local and regional exceptions to this positive trend, resulting in a lack of access to food caused by
climatic disturbances, poor socioeconomic conditions and inequity (Boxes 6.5 and 6.6).

Total water demand is also assumed to be met by total supply in the scenario, but - as outlined in
Chapter 4 - the risks here are larger, not in the least because it is more difficult and expensive to
trade water than agricultural products from surplus to deficit regions. Currently, despite the
successes of the Water Decade (the eighties), the yearly increase in the number of people with
access to safe water remains about equal to the annual growth in population (WHO, 1993; World
Bank, 1993). For the more distant future more problems are expected. Even if the problems of
water quality are ignored, possibilities for increasing the quantity of freshwater supplies are
limited and shortages can occur in many regions at any time.

The assumptions in the scenarios used in the TARGETS models with respect to nutrition and
water demand could have a positive effect on health, but depend on adequate investments in the
agricultural and water sectors to increase productivity and make the resources available to all
segments of society.

The net health effects of environmental factors in a narrower sense (e.g. chemical pollution) are
lower than those related to the broader environmental health determinants in absolute figures.
Nevertheless, this should not mask the fact that local absolute disease and death figures resulting
from these environment-related factors can be - and indeed have been - substantial. For example,
the London Smog of the fifties, the Minimata (mercury) disease in Japan, the Bhopal calamity,
and the congenital deformations in the vicinity of Chernobyl after the 1986 accident, are
examples of serious local effects of chemical pollution. These kinds of exposure can, however, in
the near future, be either prevented or limited, but only if appropriate safety measures are taken.
A longer effect in time and space is to be expected from large changes, like the altered water
supply to Lake Aral that affects an increasing number of people (WRI, 1994; Donkers, 1994).

6.3 The health status of the world’s populations

Past and present

Major improvements in health have been achieved over recent decades in terms of decreases in
overall disease and death levels, and even in terms of more specific parameters such as the
incidence of infectious diseases or prenatal and infant deaths (WHO, 1993, World Bank, 1993;
see also Figures 6.2 and 6.3 - the elements of latter figure are discussed in the next section). Life
expectancy for most populations has greatly increased, leading to sharp increases in population
despite declining birth rates in many countries (UN, 1994; Figure 6.2c). However, in some
countries the fertility transition is slow or stagnating. Up to 2015, the increase in health levels and
life expectancy may be hampered at local levels by lack of development in infrastructure and, in
the environmental fields, shortages of food and water. However, for the world on average, the
health enhancing factors discussed in section 2.6.2 are likely to prevail.

Figure 6.2 shows that communicable diseases have a major impact, accounting for 41 per cent of
all deaths in developing countries, compared to only 5 per cent in the formerly socialist
economies of Europe (FSE) and established market economies (EME). Non-communicable
diseases, excluding injuries, account for 50 per cent of all deaths in developing countries, but as
much as 87 per cent in the FSE/EME.



SSA = Sub Saharan Africa

OA&I = Other Asia and islands
DALY's per 1000 population

LA&C = Latin America and Carribean

ME&NA = Middle East and North Africa
FSEE = Former socialist economies of Europe
EME = Established market economies


200 Non-communicable diseases

Communicable diseases
Fraction of healthy life years

Figure 6.2. Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) lost, 1990

Source: World Bank (1993).

During the last century, disease and death rates for particularly infections were higher in the
newly developed countries than they are at present in developing countries. With respect to the
transition concept, many developing countries are on their way from the generally poor health
universal a century ago to a much better health status. Figures 6.2 and 6.3 resemble each other in
that the socioeconomic, demographic and health transitions over time in the three model case
studies can also be distinguished in the eight regions that at present are in different stages of
transition, as in the World Bank publication about health developments. Especially infant deaths
from communicable diseases in developing countries are declining. This will lead to significantly
decreased global death rates, as outlined in Figure 6.4, which shows the cause of death by age and
region for the 50 million deaths registered annually. The gains in DALYs (largely caused by
reduced deaths in FSE and EME) can be clearly seen. This progress is also likely to occur in
developing countries.

At the moment, children 0-4 years of age (‘under-fives’) account for more than 25 per cent of
global deaths. These occur almost exclusively in developing countries, where 85 per cent of infant
deaths (10.6 million) is caused by communicable diseases (nearly half of these are diarrhoeal
diseases). A child in a developing country has 12 times the chance of dying from a communicable
disease before he/she is five than a child in developed countries (Figure 6.5).

The future
In the Conventional Development scenario it is assumed that the demographic and health
transitions described for industrialized countries will also occur in other countries in interaction
with socioeconomic developments (see also Chapter 2). In the previous sections, the CD medium-
population growth scenario was taken as the basis for the assessment of changes in the global
cycles, in land use and in biodiversity. This section, however, will tentatively explore to what
extent changing health determinants - including the environmental factors - have an impact on
health and demography itself.

Since adequate health data for all six regions distinguished in the rest of this chapter are not
available at this stage, three countries representing three different stages of the health transition
have been selected to illustrate the characteristics of regions that are found in the different stages
of these transitions. The three countries are India, Mexico and the Netherlands, representing the
late first, second and third stages of transition, respectively. These countries have been studied using a




lifespan years



1825 1850 1875 1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025 2050



lifespan years



1825 1850 1875 1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025 2050



lifespan years



1825 1850 1875 1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025 2050



lifespan years


40 Poverty only
Environment, food, water
Fraction of healthy years

1825 1850 1875 1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025 2050

Figure 6.3. Past and projected disability Adjusted Life Expectancy Years (DALEs)
Note: Preliminary outcome of the TARGETS population and health model, version 1.0. (See also note 8).
Source: Niessen and Hilderink, (1996).


Life Expectancy






30 Netherlands
20 World

1850 1875 1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025 2050

Total fertility rate


Children per woman

1 India
1850 1875 1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025 2050

Population size






Netherlands (1800=100)
200 Mexico (1900=100)
India (1900=100)
World (1900=100)
1850 1875 1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025 2050

Figure 6.4. Past and projected population change

Source: Niessen and Hilderink (1996), Statistics Netherlands.

preliminary version of the health and population submodel of the TARGETS model7. The main
driving forces for the various demographic stages are fertility and life expectancy (Figures 6.3a and b).

7 It should be noted that the calculations presented here are based on a very preliminary version of the model, primarily to
illustrate how different countries could go through the different stages of demographic and health transitions. From the results it
should not be concluded that the values of the selected indicators will or should indeed be achieved.


Developing countries




0-4 years ≥ 5 years

Established market economies and former

15 socialist economies of Europe


0-4 years
≥ 5 years


non-communicable diseases

communicable diseases

Figure 6.5. Death by cause in 1990

Note: The width of the bars is proportional to the size of the population involved.
Source: World Bank (1993).

Different from traditional demographic projections, these factors in TARGETS are not
exogenous, but derived from a set of health and fertility determinants8. Fertility rates are found to

8 The TARGETS model outcomes for DALEs in three countries. The input parameters or health determinants in the model are as
follows (with threshold values; see appendix III on the TARGETS modelling framework ):
- Gross National Product (GNP). Absolute increase (%); annual growth percentage (US $ p.c.).
- Total health service expenditure. Absolute increase (3.7-8.2 %) (percentage of GNP).
Environment, food, water (see Figure 6.32)
- Malnourished (percentage of population per age class with less than basal metabolic rate )
(< 1575 kcal/day)
- Malaria exposure (the presence of malaria-infested mosquitoes)
- No access to safe water (access to safe drinking water more than 200 m away)
Poverty only (see Figure 6.3)
- Absolute poverty line (percentage of total population < 340 US $ p.c. annually).
Lifestyle (see Figure 6.3)
- High (socioeconomic status (SES) only (literate, high income, or both; > 680 US $ p.c. annually)
- Tobacco abuse (> 15 cigarettes/ day)
- Hypertension (diastolic pressure > 90 mm Hg; systolic pressure > 180 mm Hg)


converge towards the levels of the industrialized countries within the same time-scale in the two
selected developing regions and in the world as a whole, confirming other projections (UN,
1994). Life expectancy converges to a global average of around 70 years by 2050, which is,
however, less than the present 75 years or more in developed countries. This discrepancy is due
mainly to the remaining large differences in income levels.

As to absolute numbers, the increase in the world population to about 10 billion in the course of
the next century has been derived from the TARGETS model using the input assumptions with
respect to health determinants. Although the preliminary nature of the calculations makes definite
conclusions somewhat premature, a sensitivity analysis with TARGETS suggests that the
improvements in health determinants achievable with the assumed income levels and other
socioeconomic conditions such as education, may well lead to lower population growth than that
derived from many medium-term projections, including the Conventional Development scenario.

Evidently the slower population growth projected depends very much on a mixture of optimistic
tentative assumptions on investing part of the increasing wealth in health, environment (including
food and water) and social services. It should also be stressed that the model outcomes might
have been different if another selection of health determinants had been used - even taking into
account that the current model version has been tested against historical data. In fact, if
investments in health and social development are lower than assumed, negative developments for
health determinants and other factors influencing demographic trends may occur and more rapid
population growth may thus ensue.

This underlines the dependence of the findings on exogenous assumptions about demographic
and economic growth named in the previous sections. On the one hand, lower economic growth
may lead to more rapid population growth and more poverty-related environmental degradation of
local land and water resources. On the other, faster economic growth may lead to slower
population growth, but to a greater consumption-related disturbance of the global and regional
environment, including - but not limited to - climate change and acidification.

Effects of human health

Since larger and healthier - and thus, on average, older - populations will place additional
demands on the economy, especially if a distant time horizon is taken, the first of the three
questions with which this section opened, could be reversed to form a new question: what is the
influence of human health on the environment ?
As outlined in the previous sections, increased economic activity, more water extraction, a
growing demand for food, both in quantity and quality, and higher levels of energy consumption,
will all impose pressures on the environment (UN, 1992). In Chapter 3 the disturbance of linked
global cycles was discussed. Chapter 4 established the feasibility of global food and water
security, but also the conditions under which this could be achieved and the associated large
uncertainties and vulnerabilities. Chapter 5 made clear that under ‘Conventional Development’
assumptions, losses of global biodiversity appear unavoidable, including the potential loss of
valuable wild varieties of the world’s staple foods.

All these risks imply that, especially in the longer term, environmental degradation could
significantly affect human health.


6.4 Are goals considered potentially achievable?

The World Health Organization, the United Nations and the World Bank have set priorities for
health programmes and formulated aims for the year 2000 (WHO, 1993; World Bank, 1993).
Relatively less money should be spent on clinical care and more on prevention. In particular,
education in hygiene, safe water and other facilities, like waste control and sanitation, should be
supplied to control or limit the spread of waterborne diseases (Box 6.4). Vaccination and
prevention programmes eradicated smallpox in the seventies and will presumably eradicate
poliomyelitis and dracunculiasis and limit hepatitis A by the year 2000; in the Americas
poliomyelitis has already been wiped out. Above mentioned organizations are calling for special
attention to be given to the health problems of children and women, and primary health care in
rural areas and in the rapidly expanding urban areas (Box 6.6). Emphasis is also placed on
pollution control, which is of growing importance according to health authorities.

‘What can be done to improve health and how effective are environment-oriented responses
designed to achieve this?’, was the third question this chapter sets out to address. The model
calculations in this section suggest that not before long most of the above goals with respect to
demography and health may be achieved for most populations in a Conventional Development
world. However, many of the developing countries will continue to stay below the average due to
unequal levels of development. Environment-related health determinants are likely to decrease in
importance over the next few decades, again, with regional exceptions (Box 6.5).

Box 6.4 Diseases: declines and increases

The Figures 6.2, 6.3 and 6.5 show how much death from communicable diseases has decreased in developed
countries. During the nineteenth century death rates due to these diseases were higher than those of the
developing countries now. This implies that already much has been won in developing countries and still more
is to be gained: e.g., the abatement of infectious diseases has been effective in the last few decades, especially
among children 0-4 years old.
Particularly the decrease in disease and death levels from waterborne diseases has been impressive. Health
engineering, oral re-hydration, education and behavioural change were key elements in this change for the better.
An exception is cholera, which reached epidemic levels in South America in the beginning of the nineties and is
found at present in South East Asia; case fatality rates are comparatively low, however, and vaccine
developments are promising. Among the arthropod-borne diseases malaria poses serious problems: resistance of
the parasite Plasmodium against drugs and of the mosquito Anopheles against insecticides is increasing. About
300 million people are infected, 100 million suffer from clinically manifest malaria and the annual number of
deaths amounts to over 2 million. Malaria and the mainly respiratory disease, tuberculosis, account together for
10 per cent of the registered deaths per year. Tuberculosis causes a total of 3 million deaths annually, making it
the leading single cause of death in the world (incidence over 9 million), and (multi-)resistance is a growing
threat to future treatment. There is still no effective vaccination for either disease.
Particularly in Africa (see Box 6.5), tuberculosis is second to the AIDS epidemic in number of deaths, being
responsible for at least 30 per cent of the cases. The mainly sexually transmitted HIV infections are on the
increase in most countries, leading to approximately 20 million sero-positive people in 2000. An incidence of
several millions annually will, because of the incubation period of years, lead to a similar incidence of AIDS
and a comparable death rate later. Treatment of HIV infections also meets with the problem of resistance; a
vaccine is still far away. The problems mentioned are not equally distributed over developed and developing
countries. Some developing countries bear comparatively large burdens when it comes to these diseases; very
often lack of funds and infrastructure resist efforts to solve the problems (see also Box 6.5). Here is an
important challenge for international cooperation. Despite the setbacks indicated, this can lead to further health
improvements. By concerted actions smallpox has been wiped out, and in the Americas polio has been
annihilated. Dracunculiasis is likely to be overcome in this decade and hepatitis A will decrease sharply
through the current expanding vaccination programs. (Cairncross, 1983; WHO, 1993; World Bank, 1993; Van
der Velden, 1995).


Box 6.5 Entrapped populations in Africa

A group of African countries around the equator are suffering from a cluster of interrelated factors deriving
from and resulting in weak economies, destabilization, poverty and ill health. In world maps these countries
show almost invariably the highest rates of perinatal, infant or maternal deaths, and the highest rates of
occurrence of the diseases mentioned in Box 6.4, like AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. GNP, family incomes,
educational levels, health expenditures and life expectancies are among the lowest in the world. In some of
these countries there are signs of a failing demographic transition; it is feared that they are entering what
Maurice King has called the ‘demographic trap’, a situation of population expansion that absorbs all economic
growth, if any growth occurs at all (World Bank, 1993; UN, 1994; Van der Velden, 1995).

Further in time (2050 and beyond), the situation might change due to the time lag in the influence
of many negative factors, as discussed in the previous sections. In the scenario adopted,
increasing demands for water and food are assumed to be met. According to the calculations, the
projected socioeconomic developments and the associated environmental changes will, on
average, not have significant negative effects on human health at the global and average regional
levels. However, there are three important caveats to this finding.

First, because of local differences in resource and income endowments, the availability of food
and water may continue to be limited at the subregional level, with ensuing serious consequences
for human health.

Box 6.6 Urbanization: growing population, growing pollution

The ongoing urbanization process is likely to result in more than half of the world population living in cities
by the year 2015. A growing part of the expanding city populations will be living in quarters and areas
unfavourable to health. Many of the negative health determinants discussed in section 6.2 coincide here:
unemployment, underemployment, low income, lack of education, malnutrition, health impairing life style and
poor social environments and housing. The urban poor generally not only have to live with these risk factors,
but they also often live on polluted sites or near waste dumps and industries, and are exposed to natural
disasters such as landslides and floods. Overcrowding and absent or deficient sanitation, piped water and
garbage disposal contribute to ill health. Disease and deaths among children are high among the poor in large
cities, with a large contribution from communicable diseases. The contributions from respiratory conditions in
disease and death figures of all age classes are showing a growth tendency, fine particle air pollution being a
major cause.

Air pollution
The population in urban areas, particularly in large cities and so called mega-cities and their surroundings, is
suffering health impairment by air pollution at an increasing rate. Apart from smog caused by combustion
processes in industries, houses and cars, fine dust particles from roads, and building and demolition sites, have
an increasing negative influence on the respiratory functions and diminish the quality of life and even the life
expectancy. Many studies are done in the 20 mega-cities numbering 5 million people or more. We will present
some results from studies in Bombay, India. Greater Bombay, located on several islands with a total surface of
only 600 km2, numbered nearly 10 million people in 1991. Bombay has approximately 40,000 small and large
industries and a vastly expanding motor traffic system. Measurements in 1992 indicated that the total
suspended particles exceeded the WHO air quality guideline more than twice for about 800,000 people,
including 300,000 car drivers. Particle air pollution in Bombay is claimed to have caused 2800 deaths and
4000 hospital admissions in 1992. (WHO, 1992; WHO, 1993; Cartledge, 1994; UN, 1994; Deelstra, 1996;
WHO, 1997; Dockery and Pope, 1994).


Box 6.7 A health problem in rural areas: acute agricultural intoxications and long-term health risks

Agricultural poisoning is a largely under-rated danger to health and life. Yearly at least 1 million cases of
poisoning by pesticides occur and at least 15,000 deaths are registered. This is an underestimation, since in the
United States alone about 300,000 cases of pesticide poisoning are known to occur annually (among 4-5
million exposed workers; incidence 6-8 %). Many agricultural agents are considered or proven to be
carcinogenic or teratogenic. Exaggerated use of herbicides and of pesticides such as DDT in the vineyards, are
regarded to be the cause of high incidences of bone disease in the newborn in Azerbaijan.

Moreover, the agents are posing an increasing risk for the quality of drinking water. Especially in areas where
cultures require high doses of chemical agents, e.g. Dutch tulip fields, crops at the end of the eighties were
treated with 100-200 kg of chemicals per 10,000 m2 yearly. Since then, reductions to well under 50 kg have
been achieved (WHO, 1993; Cartledge, 1994; Van der Linden, pers. comm.). Notwithstanding the many
victims of local pesticide use, especially in developing regions, preliminary model calculations indicate that
there is no need to fear that human health will suffer from a process of toxification at the level of world regions
in the long term if adequate policies are implemented (Verbruggen et al., 1996, in prep.). An environmental
transition in the application of pesticides can be witnessed in the developed regions; this consists of a shift
from highly toxic and persistent chemicals to more degradable alternatives, and a more selective and efficient
use. If the growth in the worldwide use of pesticides is accompanied by policies to enhance this transition,
toxification at the regional scale can be avoided and the risks of acute intoxications may be reduced.

Second, the finding from the scenario is conditional: the assumed economic growth will have to
be achieved and accompanied by investments in social and environmental development similar to
those that have taken place in industrialized countries.

Third, it should be noted that the impact of a number of environmental changes on health were
not (and could not) be taken into account at this stage of analysis. These include land degradation,
the destruction of the cradle areas of the world’s staple foods, climate change and acidification,
and the hazards of persistent organic pollutants (Box 6.7).

At present and into the near future (2015), the health gains from approaches that may have a
negative effect on the environment, such as the use of herbicides and insecticides, outweigh the
possible disadvantages for health caused by damaged ecosystems. Now and in the near future a
comparatively small percentage of DALYs lost can be attributed to direct environment-related
factors such as chemical pollution. These losses are dwarfed by the enormous increase in life
expectancy occurring virtually everywhere in the world9.

The answer to the third question then, of how effective environment-oriented interventions are,
depends on the scale of the problems and the . At the local level, the existing problems may
already be considerable; however, the solutions are only found on larger scales. Ensuring that
local problems do not develop into larger regional ones seems to be the most effective approach.
Taking into account the time scale, this means that investment in the preservation of natural
values will now lead to both better health conditions and lower levels of investment in repairing
damaged ecosystems in the future.

9 For example, the use of DDT continues in many regions despite its negative influence on many organisms and biodiversity (see
also Box 6.4). In areas where it has been introduced there has been an obvious increase in crop yields, wealth and nutritional
status. Combined with more effective medical interventions, the health of the population has improved, resulting in a longer
average life span.


6.5 Possible responses

For a lot of populations, human health has improved or is improving, but many regional
environmental threats remain. The consequent improvements in life expectancy are, despite
decreasing fertility, the driving force behind the expansion of the world population. In the context
of this chapter, two issues emerge.

(i) The future size of the population is very much determined by the inertia within the
population dynamics as it now exists. Therefore, at least as far as the near future is
concerned, half the increase in the size of the population is determined by the number of
(female) children living today (Bulatao, 1992). This will be even more true if fertility rates
further decline. Hence, for a reduction in environmental pressures in the near future, it will
be effective to focus on consumption and production patterns. Nevertheless, population
policies implemented in the short term do have an important effect on the size of the
population in the more distant future. Notably, calculations using the model suggest that the
level at which the populations of the world may eventually stabilize could be significantly
lower (when maximum investments are made in optimizing determinants of fertility and
health) or higher (when low investments are made in optimizing determinants of fertility and
health) than current medium estimates. Declines in fertility and death could be enhanced by
education and facilitating the use of contraceptive methods. In general, the strategies for
further promoting fertility decline and health are outlined in detail elsewhere (e.g. UNFPA,
1996; World Bank, 1993; WHO, 1993; UN, 1994).

(ii) The second issue emerging from the general analyses is that especially environmental
degradation is a factor that can currently determine human health at the regional and local
levels. In future, the scale and effects of this process may change as indicated in the other
sections of this chapter. We conclude that if the population and income growth projected in
the adopted scenario is not matched by investment in the social development and
environmental protection worlds, environmental degradation may pose a serious threat to
regional human health - either directly through environmental factors, or indirectly, by
reducing the availability of food and water of sufficient quality and quantity. Moreover,
global environmental changes might increase the expanse of the areas of disease vectors like
malaria and dengue (Martens et al., 1995). Environmental preservation and future human
health is one of the important reasons to invest in a sustainable and sustaining environment.
The next section turns to possible responses to enhance environmentally sustainable



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7.1 Taking stock: assessing previous findings

This report provides a model-based quantitative assessment of what the future of the global
environment may look like if present trends in demography, social and economic development
and policies (as outlined in the Conventional Development scenario) continue.

Figure 7.1 shows the main trends in the development of environmental pressures, the state of the
global environment and resulting impacts following from the assumptions of the Conventional
Development scenario. The most prominent features are the loss of natural area as a result of the
expansion of agricultural land, the increase in area affected by a scarcity of water (leading to a
substantial increase in the number of people facing water problems) and the large area affected by
climate change as a result of the uncontrolled increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide
In summary, it appears from the assessment that conventional development may well lead to a
future with the following characteristics: (1) a doubled population that on average is wealthier
and in better health, but (2) lives in a world with scarcer and more degraded natural resources
(like land and water) with much less biodiversity, increasing emissions of pollutants, a climate
that has changed and is still changing, and (3) a remaining large per capita income gap between
regions that - at least for the next few decades - will even increase in relative terms.

As indicated in Table 7.1, the Conventional Development scenario projects a number of

economic, social and environmental achievements. However, these are at risk if the assumed
underlying social and economic developments are not realized, while a range of environmental
and social problems is likely to persist in any case. Consequently, many goals of Agenda 21 will
not be met in a Conventional Development world and more or different efforts will be needed to
enhance sustainable development.

Table 7.1. The Conventional Development scenario: achievements, threats and remaining problems

Achievements Threats to Remaining

achievements problems

Economic + higher incomes less / uneven - remaining poverty

+ higher efficiency economic growth - resource depletion
- increasing income inequalities
Social + better health insufficient social - social inequality
+ longer life investments & - remaining poverty related
+ higher literacy employment health and social problems
+ slowing of
population growth

Environmental + lower resource insufficient - loss of biodiversity

intensity environmental - degradation of water & land
+ better sanitation & investments resources
water supply - disturbance of cycles
+ control of local



Primary energy use
400 Caloric intake
NO x emissions
Population numbers
Index (1990=100)

300 Water use

SO2 emissions



1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050


150 Area with water stress

CO2 concentration
Agricultural area
Index (1990=100)



1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050


150 People affected by water stress

Life expectancy
Index (1990=100)

Natural area
Area not affected by climate change



1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050

Figure 7.1. Projections of pressure, state and impact indicators for the Conventional Development scenario
Source: RIVM, this report; Raskin et al. (1995); Posch et al.,1996.


Discussion of the results

Of course, the above findings very much depend on the scenario assumptions used. If more
optimistic assumptions had been made with regard to technological progress and autonomous
responses to environmental degradation, the environmental impacts would be less severe.
Likewise, many of the assumptions of the Conventional Development scenario - such as the
practical availability of energy resources, or the potential for raising agricultural yields or
expansion of agricultural land - can be viewed as being too optimistic (Raskin and Margolis,
1995; Brown, 1996). Given the fundamental unpredictability of the future, it would have been
better to work with a set of different baseline scenarios; this will be proposed for future editions
of the GEO.

Leaving aside the issue of the scenario assumptions, the assessment of the future state of the
global environment presented above has many limitations; for this reason the results need to be
viewed with due care. The uncertainty of the results stems from various factors: the limited scope
of the assessment, the partial integration, the still relatively highly aggregated analysis, the
sensitivity of results to model characteristics and scientific uncertainties.

For reasons of availability of certain modelling tools and global data, the assessment has been
restricted to only a limited number of environmental issues, notably climate change, acidification,
land and water availability, biodiversity and human health. As a consequence, the assessment
leaves out issues like the depletion of minerals, non-terrestrial stocks (e.g. fish), and more local
environmental problems with respect to waste, (urban) air pollution, toxification, poor drinking-
water quality and so on. The picture, therefore, is far from complete. Even given the limited
scope, it was not possible to perform a fully integrated analysis. The assessment of future
freshwater availability has not yet been linked to climate change to account for a possible change
in water supply. Likewise, the modelling tools available do not yet enable a quantitative feedback
of the results from the assessment of the food and freshwater availability to the assessment of the
future state of health. Finally, assumptions on population used in the environmental assessment
were exogenously defined by the scenario instead of been calculated by the health model.

Integration is also limited by the scale of analysis. Regional and global aggregation masks
significant variations in the value of both socioeconomic and environmental variables used, while
unavoidably, leaving out many others of great relevance to local environmental and social
conditions. One example is income distribution within regions. At present, levels of inequality in
income are increasing worldwide (UNDP, 1996). It can be argued that if present levels of
inequalities in income are maintained at the current levels (which is not an unreasonable
assumption for a Conventional Development scenario) it can be expected that even when average
incomes rise, locally poverty-related environmental problems, like overexploitation of local
natural resources and environment-related morbidity and mortality will remain or could even be
further aggravated, given trends in population growth and urbanization.

From these limitations it should not be concluded that the results do not make any sense or that
the projected future is likely to be too pessimistic. Just because of the many limitations it can
certainly be argued that the projections are likely to give a too optimistic picture of a conventional
development future. Clearly, more analyses are needed to enhance the understanding of the
sensitivity of the results to scenario and model assumptions and levels of uncertainty.

Notwithstanding these limitations, the ‘what-if’ assessment demonstrated in this report offers
useful insights to support the overall aim, namely, to identify policy priorities and effective
strategies for sustainable development for progress in implementing Agenda 21. This chapter will
therefore continue with a brief discussion of the kind of transitions needed in human interaction


with the environment to arrive at more sustainable forms of development. These will then be used
to make a preliminary assessment at the regional level of priority challenges for policy as they
appear in the scenario analysis in the preceeding chapters. The focus of the remaining part of this
section will be on potential policy strategies that could enhance the effectiveness in pursuing the
necessary transitions. Finally, some preliminary assessment of the costs of policies promoting
sustainable development will be made.

7.2 Transitions to more sustainable forms of development

The framework for the analysis in this chapter was presented in Chapter 1. The focus is on the
dynamic interactions between the human and environmental systems. From this systems-analysis
perspective, one important aspect of environmentally unsustainable development can be defined
as the rapid expansion of the human population and its economic activities within a physically
and ecologically limited space. Although the limits of the ‘carrying capacities of natural systems’
or ‘ecological space’ are to a large extent politically subjective, scientifically uncertain and not
static (see Box 7.1), it can be argued that uncontrolled increase in the pressures produced by the
human system will eventually exceed the limits of natural systems. These systems will first
degrade and ultimately collapse, with negative impacts on the human system due to their inability
to provide sufficient food, water, raw materials, energy, medicine, and the conditions for safe and
healthy settlement and recreation.

The overall challenge of sustainable development from a systems-analysis point a view, therefore,
is to avert global and/or regional crises, in which environmental degradation hampers or even
retards human development1. To prevent such environmental crises taking place, the human
pressure on the natural environment needs to be limited to sustainable levels, balancing
socioeconomic development with the preservation of natural resources.

The human pressure on natural systems is a function of population size, the level of
production/consumption per capita and the kind of technologies used (Ehrlich and Holdren, 1971;
Commonor et al., 1971). The extent to which humans can exploit the functions of natural systems
in a sustainable way within a changing ‘environmental utilisation space’ is not fixed. From an
environmental perspective, sustainable development can thus be perceived as the pursuance of a
series of different, interacting transitions, which preserve, enlarge and improve the use of the
global and regional ‘environmental utilization space’. The following environmental transitions are
distinguished here2:

- a land/food transition: a shift to intensive but sustainable food production systems, reducing or
reversing land degradation, while preserving ecological resources (water,
biodiversity, valuable natural zones which are currently threatened by
encroachment) for use by future generations;
- a water transition: a shift towards integrated water management, balancing societal and

1 For such an analysis see, for example, Meadows et al. (1991): Beyond the limits. Confronting global collapse; envisioning a
sustainable future. Although its findings may be debatable in some respects, it provides a clear illustration of the argument
presented here.
2 The concept of environment-related transitions has been discussed by Rotmans (1995) and by Raskin et al. (1995). Rotmans
distinguishes between an environmental transition composed of a water, land and biogeochemical transition, and a human
transition, combining health and energy.


Box 7.1 Ecological limits and the exchangeability between different types of ‘capital’

With respect to the limitations of natural systems concepts like ‘carrying capacity’ (Ehrlich and Holdren, 1971,
Commonor et al., 1971) or ‘environmental utilization space’ (Opschoor, 1992; Opschoor and Weterings, 1994)
have been used. The concept of ‘carrying capacity’ has been criticized as being too static and value-loaded:
technology can make nature more productive (e.g. in agriculture), make available additional resources or
substitute existing ones (e.g. raw materials, energy, human resources) and improve the efficiency of resource
use. Moreover, it is argued that it is impossible to determine sustainable limits objectively (e.g. the number of
species that need to be preserved for ecosystem stability). It has been noted that the number of people the earth
system can support depends on human choices, e.g. desired consumption patterns (Cohen, 1995). The concept
of ‘environmental utilization space’ (EUS) does take some of this criticism into account, as it includes the idea
that the total support which natural systems can provide to society is both a function of their quality and of the
technologies applied. This makes it a dynamic concept. It is also acknowledged that the EUS cannot be based
on scientific information alone, but implies normative positions vis-à-vis uncertainties and risks (for an
overview, see Milieu, 1994)

Related to this is the debate between advocates of ‘weak’ and ‘strong’ sustainability (e.g. Pearce, 1993). Weak
sustainability assumes that natural resources (or ‘capital’) can in principle be substituted by human-made
economic capital, and human (including social) resources. For development to be sustainable present
generations should leave to future generations a total stock of natural, economic and human capital that is at
least as large as they have inherited, however, its composition may change (World Bank, 1995a). This vision is
particularly popular among mainstream economists. The proponents of strong sustainability believe that
natural resources cannot be substituted by human-made capital and that the two should be viewed as
fundamentally complementary. They argue that, apart from the intrinsic value, human welfare will always
depend on the proper functioning of natural systems. This approach is shared by many ecologists and
ecological economists (e.g. Daly, 1995). In a middle position could be ‘sensible’ sustainability that would take
into account the critical levels below which no type of capital must decrease. ‘Since we do not know exactly
where the boundaries of these critical limits for each type of capital lie, it behooves the sensible person to err
on the side of caution in depleting resources at too fast a rate’ (Serageldin, 1996).

The approach in this report comes closest to the third view. Due to scientific uncertainties and normative
aspects, neither the number of people the earth system can support nor the precise ecological limits can be
determined objectively and, in fact, may be related to different (cultural) perspectives (Van Asselt and
Rotmans, 1995). However, it is believed that there are certain thresholds beyond which environment-related
risks to human well-being and development, as well as the costs of ameliorating changes or adapting to them
in (the variability of) natural conditions, will or at least may increase rapidly. Technologies can of course play
a positive role in avoiding exceeding these thresholds, but only to the extent that they are widely available and
accessible, and broadly applied. Moreover, if current trends in socioeconomic driving forces continue,
technology can postpone but not avert these dangers. Ultimately, the uncertainties about environmental limits
will have to be balanced against the risks of counting on the timely availability of new technologies to extend
ecological limits and on the ability of (future) societies to adapt to changing environmental conditions.

ecological demands and safeguarding long-term sustainable supplies, e.g.

by minimizing the depletion of fossil groundwater resources, and using
water more efficiently;

- an energy transition: a shift towards greater efficiency in the conversion, use and production of
energy as well as from the use of fossil fuels to renewable resources;

- a material transition: reducing the intensity of the use of materials3 in production and


consumption, including a reduction in the production of waste and

emissions of pollutants4 by changing production technologies, closing
material cycles (recycling) or substituting less harmful (renewable)
substances or processes.

There is some evidence that some of these environmental transitions (e.g. the material transition)
are beginning to take place in certain parts of the world (World Bank, 1992; 1995a). They should
not, however, be viewed as autonomous developments. Like the demographic and economic
transitions in the past, they are linked to and influenced by socioeconomic conditions and
institutional developments. These developments have not been included in the model-based
assessment described in this chapter. However, as they are intrinsic to the strategies needed to
support the above-mentioned environmental transitions they require attention here.

Social and economic conditions

Alleviating poverty and inequity

Although no simple relationships between poverty and environmental degradation, and welfare
and decreasing fertility rates, have been established (e.g. World Bank, 1995b), it is widely
understood that generally speaking poverty and social inequality hamper the sustainable use of
natural resources and the reduction of fertility rates (UNEP, 1995; Reidhead et al., 1996). Poverty
reduces the options people have to take into account longer term considerations, exert effective
pressure on polluters (World Bank, 1996) and to invest in more productive and sustainable
agricultural production methods. Often, rural poverty is directly linked to a lack of access to
suitable agricultural land, e.g. as a result of an unequal distribution of land. A more equal
distribution of land, such as through land reforms, has often been an important condition for
effective investment in rural productivity and more sustainable use of natural resources in the past
and will probably continue to have this effect in the future. There is also great deal of evidence
that the economic dependency of older generations on younger ones, low levels of education and
(formal) employment of women (resulting in early marriages) and limited knowledge and access
to means of birth control, have a negative impact on the reduction of fertility rates. This delays the
demographic transition. All these factors relate to poverty and social inequality (see Chapter 6).
Therefore, social policies that provide the poor (especially women) with access to social services
(like primary health care, education), that strengthen the social and economic position of women
in society, and also offer the elderly some kind of social security, are important factors in
enhancing the demographic transition (UN, 1994).

Changing consumption patterns

Economic globalization, combined with the globalization of information exchange, is likely to
further spread ‘Western’ lifestyles and consumption patterns. Without a ‘dematerialization’ of
these lifestyles, environmental gains from the dematerialization of production may be partially or
fully offset by a growing demand for goods and services (e.g. travel, luxury goods and space).
Given the global cultural dominance of the Western lifestyles, the developed countries may have
to take the lead in adopting more sustainable lifestyles and consumption patterns for the rest of
the world to follow.
Institutional conditions

3 For example, avoiding depletion of resources by keeping consumption below levels that would require long-term substitution of
exhaustible resources and within the natural regenerative capacities of renewable resources.

4 For example, the intended levels and rates of change may be derived from targeted or critical levels of acid deposition, nutrient
emission levels that prevent eutrophication, and natural mobilization levels of toxic substances.


To enhance the environmental transitions a particular set of institutional conditions is crucial

because this will influence both environmental policies and the socioeconomic conditions required
for these transitions to take place. A general prerequisite is a stable and well-functioning
government structure; however, for various reasons this condition has not yet been met in many

Internalizing environmental and social costs

An important institutional condition for the environmental transitions is to compensate for the
tendency of markets to ignore long-term environmental and social costs by regulating conditions
for production, trade and consumption (Andersson et al., 1995). However, policies and
regulations also often stimulate the inefficient and/or unsustainable use of natural resources, for
example, by providing for subsidies for the use of natural resources such as energy and water
(World Bank, 1992; 1996) and through spatial planning and infrastructural development.

The internalization of environmental and social costs is complicated by unequal levels of

economic development. Developing countries often have a weak position on world markets. The
least developed countries are in particular often heavily dependent on a limited number of (low
value-added) export products on markets were they have little or no bargaining power to set
prices. This is, for instance, due to the substitutionability of raw materials and the involvement of
large transnational corporations. As a result, many developing countries have experienced a
deterioration in their terms of trade over the years, making it very difficult to include
environmental and social costs in the prices of their products. The high level of indebtedness of
many developing countries has stimulated governments to accept the sell off their natural
resources at prices that do not allow sustainable reproduction. These problems will have to be
addressed by international arrangements on trade and development (see Kox and Linnemann,
1994). However, apart from economic conditions, the incorporation of environmental and social
costs is often even more hampered by a lack of adequate institutional arrangements for
environmental and social regulation, monitoring and enforcement.

Strengthening institutions
To realize the environmental transitions, strengthening the institutional structures and capacities
for environmental resource management at both the local and national levels is very important,
especially in developing regions. At the same time, the economic globalization and the effects of
global environmental change increasingly limit the effectiveness and efficiency of national or
local policies, necessitating international policy development and coordination. It is therefore also
essential to strengthen international institutional structures to enable a timely identification of and
response to emerging problems, to coordinate policies effectively and to enforce international
law. Given the nature of the environmental transitions and the interlinkages between
environmental and development issues, these institutions will require a broad mandate to be
effective (see below).

From the conditions indicated it is clear that the environmental transitions will not take place
autonomously. In fact, it may be argued that in addition to the well-known demographic
transition, and the environmental transitions mentioned before, a socioeconomic transition
towards more social and international equity (including equity on the basis of one’s sex) is
needed. An institutional transition towards more effective (global) governance, able to provide
and maintain effective regimes to account for social and environmental costs in economic
decision-making, is also necessary. In this respect, globalization of the market economy in
particular poses a serious challenge to sustainable development, given present inequalities in the
levels of development and the lack of effective structures for international governance.


Box 7.2 The consequences of economic globalization

There is no consensus on the consequences of current trends towards increasing economic integration of local
markets into one global market, often referred to as economic globalization.

According to mainstream thinking in international economics, free trade will lead to an increase in overall
global economic efficiency and welfare, both due to a more optimal economic allocation of production
processes, given differences in factor endowment / factor prices, and stronger incentives for technological
innovation. Technological innovations often also reduce the resource intensity of production processes.
Initially, these technologies will be foremostly introduced in the more developed regions, but are likely to spill
over to developing countries as a result of such aspects as foreign investments, standardization and price
reductions. In this way, economic globalization may contribute to the environmental transitions.

From an ecological perspective economic globalization may be viewed rather differently. While trade helps to
lift local resource constraints on economic development, it also implies more transportation and obstructs the
maintenance of local material/nutrient cycles. Increased economic specialization may lead to more efficient,
but at the same time ecologically more vulnerable production systems (e.g. mono-cultures) (Andersson et al.,
1995). It has been argued that the resulting fiercer international economic competition will make it more
difficult to internalize environmental and social costs, and will tend to lower environmental and social
standards (The Case against Free Trade, 1993; Group of Lisbon, 1994). Fiercer competition may also lead to
more interregional inequality and thus stimulate the unsustainable exploitation of natural resources, especially
in developing countries. Efficiency improvements and specialization also has important consequences for
employment, especially as free movement of labour remains largely restricted. Finally, like global
environmental problems, economic globalization erodes the effectiveness of national environmental policy-
making and accentuates the need for effective international governance.

7.3 Assessing regional challenges

The concept of environmental transitions can be used to help identify regional and global policy
priorities for enhancing sustainable development. Because of different ecological, social and
economic conditions (e.g. completed demographic transitions in Western Europe and continuing
low levels of per capita energy consumption in Africa), not all transitions need be given the same
priority in all regions. In fact, differences within regions may be greater than between several
regions. On the basis of the analysis in this chapter, the following environmental transitions
would seem to be most important for the various regions in order to achieve sustainability.

1. Africa. The African continent clearly faces the most difficult prospects due to its high rate of
population growth and low level of economic development. The population of large areas of the
continent suffer from ill health, characterized by high infant and maternal mortality, and low life
expectancy and health expenditures. Particularly alarming is the still expanding epidemic of HIV
infections and AIDS, with its associated sharp rise in tuberculosis incidence and mortality. With
respect to future environmental problems, for North Africa many of the findings for West Asia
apply (see below). In sub-Saharan Africa the key issues are the availability of sufficient land and
water resources, which are increasingly affected by land degradation and depletion, while the
expansion of agricultural land sharply reduces the remaining natural area. Given the projected
deforestation and population growth also the present problems around fuelwood availability are
likely to be substantially exacerbated. Climate change impact studies suggest that land and water
resources in Africa are particularly vulnerable to climatic change, possibly including changes in
the frequency of droughts. Uncontrolled urbanization is also likely to exacerbate urban
environmental and social problems in specific areas.


Table 7.2 Main regional challenges with respect to environmental transitions.

Africa land/food (productivity), water (efficiency), institutional conditions

(effective governance), social conditions (alleviation of poverty)

Asia & Pacific land/food (productivity), energy (efficiency), social conditions (alleviation of

Europe & former USSR energy (efficiency/renewables),

materials (efficiency/lifestyle change)

Latin America energy (efficiency), social conditions (equity)

North America energy(efficiency/renewables),

materials (efficiency/lifestyle change)

West Asia water (efficiency), land (productivity), social conditions (alleviation of


Food demand can theoretically be met by exploiting the opportunities for increasing agricultural
yields, complemented by imports. However, even with higher yields and more imports, land
conversion in the region is still expected to lead to a large decline in natural areas and therefore in
biodiversity. Clearly, agricultural development combined with integrated water management is of
the utmost importance for more sustainable development in the region. It has the potential to both
enhance regional food security, to help alleviate poverty by providing employment and income,
and to limit both the expansion and degradation of agricultural land. Moreover, it will slow down
urbanization and fuel general economic development which, together with education, may
stimulate the demographic transition. The risk of increasing world food prices due to an increased
food demand, especially in Asia, makes investing in agricultural development all the more urgent.
In that case governments of poor food-importing countries will face increasing difficulty in
subsidizing food for the urban poor while at the same time lacking the means to improve local
food production. A timely autonomous response of local farmers to higher world food prices may
well be hindered or delayed by both infrastructural and institutional barriers (e.g. transport, price
policies and a lack of investment capital). Therefore, to reduce the risk of food crises arising from
both internal and external developments, urgent action is required. In order to realize land and
water transitions, governments and donors face the challenge of setting up and implementing
extensive investment plans for rural and agricultural development. Another challenge in many
cases will be to strengthen government structures and remove institutional barriers.

2. Asia. The current rapid economic development is expected to continue and lead to major
advances in human health and well-being. The negative environmental effects of high population
densities combined with rapid industrialization already apparent are projected to increase in the
future if appropriate investments in environmental protection are not made. Rapid
industrialization is expected to lead to severe urban air pollution and regional acidification, and to
make Asia a major contributor of greenhouse gases. Increased food demand is expected to lead to
a further encroachment on the remaining natural area, exacerbated by land degradation, the
possible effects of climate change and continuing urbanization. To sustain development
opportunities in the region and prevent further environmental degradation, changes in the long-
term characteristics of the energy system require high priority, especially in East and South-East
Asia. In the South Asian subregion, alleviating poverty, facilitating a slowdown of population
growth and preserving agricultural land are crucial. Agricultural development to raise productivity
remains a key challenge throughout the region, especially since the expected food imports due to


insufficient regional food production could have profound implications for food security in other
parts of the world.

3. Europe and the former USSR. While prosperity will continue to grow and populations will
stabilize or decrease, unemployment will probably remain a key socioeconomic issue. In terms of
the environment, projected increases in agricultural productivity should, theoretically, make it
possible to return agricultural land to natural areas, especially in Western Europe. However,
increased demand from other regions is likely to limit this. Moreover, natural ecosystems are
threatened by fragmentation resulting from infrastructure development, continued expansion of
urban areas, local and regional pollution and climate change. Notwithstanding progress in
national and regionally co-ordinated pollution control and abatement due to the high density of
population and economic activity (including intensive agriculture), environmental improvements
in Europe may be insufficient to prevent further degradation. Additional efforts will be needed.
Given Europe’s high per capita demand for environmental resources such as energy and raw
materials, and its large share in past and projected future emissions of greenhouse gases, the
energy and raw material transitions (energy efficiency, renewable resources and the
‘dematerialization’ of production and consumption) present a great challenge in the context of
global sustainability. These transitions will at the same time contribute to the resolution of local
and regional environmental problems, such as urban air pollution, acidification and waste, notably
in Eastern Europe and the former USSR.

4. Latin America. The rich natural and human endowments of the region have the potential to
lead to major advances in human health and well-being in the region, as illustrated in the
Conventional Development scenario. In principle, opportunities for increasing efficiency in
agriculture permit a slowdown of the expansion of agricultural land and the current high rate of
deforestation in the region. This would result in significantly fewer negative effects for
biodiversity than presently foreseen. However, depending on developments in other parts of the
world, in particular Asia and Eastern Europe, South America may become a more important
exporter of food, leading to an additional need of agricultural land. Moreover, a major concern in
the region is the inequitable distribution of wealth, which has not only social, but also
environmental implications, and may continue to contribute to poverty-related degradation of land
resources and natural area. The negative social and environmental implications of rapid
urbanization also deserve special attention. The rapid industrialization in some subregions is
likely to lead to both increasing local and regional environmental problems as a result of urban
pollution and acidification. Therefore the clean and efficient use of energy will deserve increasing

5. North America. As in Europe, improvements in agricultural yields tend to free up agricultural

areas for nature development. However, like Europe, increased food demand from developing
countries may forestall this development. While the total area of agricultural land may not change
much, due to climate change the location of agricultural activities may shift considerable from
west to east at the expense of forested areas. Natural areas may further suffer from increasing
pressures due to persistent urban sprawl, air pollution from industry and transport, and climate
change. As it is one of the main emitters of greenhouse gases, the region, like Europe, is in a
logical position to spearhead efforts to mitigate climate change. Equally, the energy and materials
transitions deserve to be given a high priority.

6. West Asia. The situation in West Asia is particularly problematic. The scarcity of fresh water
resources - and to a lesser extent land - is expected to lead to increasing competition for these
resources with potential implications for migration and social stability. Integrated regional water
management therefore needs to be given a high priority. The availability of rich natural resources


- notably oil and gas - may permits some countries to import food and enables investments in
increasing the efficiency of water usage (e.g. the re-use of drainage water for irrigation); other
less endowed countries may have more difficulty in financing food imports and making the
necessary investments in their water and agricultural systems.

7.4 Policy strategies to enhance sustainable development

It is beyond the scope of this chapter to attempt to add to the many thematic recommendations of
Agenda 21 or to recommend priorities for specific policy responses. Instead, the focus here is on
a few policy strategies to enhance the environmental transitions outlined above. These strategies
involve (a) integrating environmental and socioeconomic policies (b) integrating environmental
policies and (c) promoting efficiency, access to technologies and specific structural changes.

Integrating environmental and socioeconomic policies

In the foregoing analysis, which looked at sustainable development merely from an
environmental perspective by focusing on environmental transitions needed, it was already
emphasized that these transitions cannot be realized without policies providing the supportive
socioeconomic and institutional conditions. Likewise, sustainable development cannot be
achieved by policies designed merely to maximize material economic growth or to pursue
equitable social development alone. This implies a balanced focus on economic, social and
environmental issues. It includes not only the mitigation of poverty and inequalities in regions
such as Latin America, Southern Asia and Africa, but also the institutional developments that are
needed to address the problems adequately, like especially - but not exclusively - in Africa. In
northern regions present environmental problems are closely connected with lifestyles, suggesting
that a fundamental discussion on these will eventually be difficult to avoid.

For pursuing sustainable development its essential that the environmental, economic and social
perspectives on development are integrated. In fact, since social and economic development has a
higher priority than environmental protection in many countries, it is vital to integrate environmental
considerations into social and economic planning.

At the policy level this implies, first, that policies for the various issues should not be developed
separately but rather coherently, based on an integrated assessment of how they are interlinked,
and that different policy goals could be furthered by common policies. Second, economic, social
and environmental issues should be more equally weighted in policy-making, resulting in
balanced investments for both social, economic and (specific) environmental measures.

One new way of monitoring this balance is an approach developed by the World bank which takes
into account the development of various forms of national capital (environmental, social and
economic) over time as a tool to assessing to what extent development patterns are sustainable
(World Bank, 1995a; 1996). (See also Box 7.2.)

Linking issues: creating new opportunities for more effective policies

A consequence of linkages between economic and environmental changes (through globalization,
and the disturbance of element cycles as well as the land - water interaction) is that while
economic, social and environmental systems are subject to multiple stresses, there can also be
responses identified which address multiple environmental issues concurrently. Ignoring these
linkages results in isolated response options which may be inefficient (by missing opportunities
for synergy) and/or ineffective (e.g. by improving one problem but worsening another). From the
assessment in this chapter two important candidates for policy integration would seem to emerge:


Integrated energy policies

A large proportion of environmental problems related to the disturbance of life-sustaining
element cycles, such as climate change and acidification, stem from the energy sector. The same
holds for other forms of air and water pollution, and the production of solid wastes. These
problems affect all levels, from the local to the global. Since energy is one of the key
requirements of economic development in all regions, an international political focus on the
transition required in the energy system could provide more effective policy options than separate
negotiations on individual environmental problems, not in the least because energy is higher on
the political agenda than environmental protection.

Integrated landuse policies

The lack of sufficient land and water of adequate quality has been identified as one of the
potential future barriers to development in many regions. The nature of the problems is global and
there is one key common driving force - agricultural development. This suggest that creating a
forum for the debate on how to increase agricultural productivity while protecting the natural
environment and managing sustainable water resources, may create new opportunities for
international action. Such opportunities may be missed in separate negotiations on biodiversity,
desertification and forests. The analysis presented in this work suggests that to ensure worldwide
food security, sustained increases in productivity are essential. A similar programme for
increasing efficiency is crucial for sustainable water use.

After the Green Revolution and the Water Decade, a Land Decade, a Water Revolution and a
World Energy Initiative may now be needed to promote and co-ordinate such changes.

Promoting efficiency and technology transfer: creating more wealth with less material input
and environmental pressure

Given the assumed growth of the world economy between 1990 and 2050, a 4 to 5-fold increase
in overall ‘efficiency’ is needed just to keep environmental pressure at its current level. Of course,
in many cases this will not be sufficient to prevent further degradation of environmental
resources. Depending on assumptions made with respect to population growth, economic growth,

pollution control
level of environmental pressure per

process changes &

e.g. intensity of early * efficiency increases
consumption of industrializing
- energy countries
unit of GDP

- water str uctural economic

- land changes &
- materials dematerialization of
consumption patterns
production of
- pollutants
- waste later

* = possible gain by technical learning and level of development

technology transfer

Figure 7.2. Environmental efficiency transitions


and levels of the sustainable use of various natural resources, the actual efficiency improvements
required within the next half century are estimated to be in the range of 5 to 20-fold (Opschoor,
1994; RMNO, 1994). This can only be achieved by increases in technological efficiency and the
‘dematerialization’ of production and consumption. This ‘efficiency transition’ can be illustrated
by the bell-shaped curves in Figure 7.2. As already stated, in the early stages of industrialization,
pressure on the environment rises in a typically rapid way, followed by decreasing growth in
pressure in the later stages of development and eventually an absolute reduction in pressure (e.g.
Greadel and Allenby, 1995; World Bank, 1995a).

The shape of the curve is influenced by both a structural shift from the initial growth of (relatively
polluting) heavy industries to support the expansion of infrastructure, buildings and production
capital towards (cleaner) lighter industries and services (as part of the economic transition), as
well as by the application of cleaner and more material and energy-efficient technologies. This
latter development is thought to be the result of a greater concern for environmental quality that
comes with rising incomes (World Bank, 1992). This type of environmental transition has been
observed in most industrialized countries. However, it is not yet discernible for all kinds of
environmental problems (e.g. waste and greenhouse-gas emissions) and may partially be the
result of an international reallocation of industrial production (e.g. to the so-called Newly
Industrializing Countries)5.

It has been argued that by learning from experience gained in the industrialized countries, regions
that are currently in the early stages of industrialization can limit or avoid serious environmental
degradation by adopting an appropriate combination of preventive and remedial social, economic
and environmental policies. In this way, these regions may combine a transition to higher income
and welfare levels with a transition towards sustainable resource management (see e.g. Grübler
and Nowotny, 1990). In this respect the early adoption of efficient and clean technologies has
been advocated, especially in relation to energy production and use (e.g. Reddy and Goldemberg,
1991). Although energy and material efficiencies can still be improved considerably in the
developed countries, the transfer of efficient technologies to developing countries is probably
even more important because this is where most of the future expansion of industrial capacity is
likely to take place.

The potential of these strategies can be illustrated by both experience from the real world and
explorative model exercises (see following sections).

Experiences with pollution prevention: the UNEP Clean Production Programme

The potential for reducing environmental pollution in an economically viable way is clearly
illustrated in the many projects shown within UNEP Industry and Environment Cleaner
Production Worldwide Programme. In contrast to the traditional use of end-of pipe technologies
to abate environmental pollution, the cleaner production strategy promotes a preventive approach
as in most cases being economically more attractive and ecologically more effective. It is directed
at the continuous improvement of processes and products to reduce the use of resources and
energy, to prevent the pollution of air, water and land, to reduce wastes at the source and to
minimize risks to the human population and the environment.

5 As argued by Arrow et al.(1995): first, this type of transition has only been shown to be valid for pollutants involving local
short-term costs (e.g. sulphur oxides, particulates, coliforms) and not (yet) for the accumulation of stocks of waste or for
pollutants involving long-term and more dispersed costs (such as carbon dioxide), which often increase with income levels.
Second, the relationship is less likely to hold wherever there are significant feedback effects on resource stocks, such as those
involving soil and its cover,and ecosystems. Third, the curve says nothing about the system-wide consequences of reductions in
emissions (regional transfer of pollutants or polluting processes). Fourth, the downward movement in the curve was due to local
institutional reforms and measures taken regardless of the international and inter-generational consequences.


It implies (UNEP/IE, 1996):

1. Product Modification: modification of the product characteristics in order to minimize the
environmental impact of the product during or after its use (disposal), or to minimize the
environmental impact of its production
2. Input Substitution: substitution of input materials by less toxic or renewable materials, or by
adjunct materials with a longer service lifetime
3. Technology Change: replacement of the technology, the processing sequence and/or the
synthesis pathways in order to minimize waste and emissions generation during production
4. Equipment Modification: modification of the (existing) productive equipment and utilities in
order to run the processes at higher efficiency, and lower waste and emission generation, rates
5. Better Process Control: modification of the working procedures, machine instructions and
process record-keeping in order to run the processes at higher efficiency, and lower waste and
emission generation, rates
6. Good Housekeeping: appropriate provisions to prevent leaks and spills and to enforce the
existing working instructions
7. On Site Re-Use: re-use of the waste materials in the same process or for another useful
application within the company
8. Production of Useful By-Products: modification of the waste generation process in order to
promote re-use or re-cycling outside the company.

In the short term, potential gains can be exploited through the improvement of management skills.
Over the longer term, equipment modification, or even a leap to new technologies, inputs and
products might be needed. Cleaner production leads to reductions of resource use and in the
amounts of waste and pollutants in the order of often 40 to 70 per cent while delivering
substantial economic benefits at the same time (UNEP/IE, 1995, 1996). Of course, the approach
does require the availability of sufficient technical know-how and investment capital, which,
especially in developing countries are not always readily available. Therefore the provision of
long-term investment capital and technical assistance to facilitate the transfer are important
prerequisites for making his strategy successful worldwide. In addition, national governments will
need to stimulate and support this strategy by giving priority to pollution prevention, setting long-
term goals in addition to short-term standards, applying regulations, removing institutional
barriers and creating economic incentives (UNEP/IE, 1996).

Exploring the potential: some modelling exercises

To explore the global potential for reducing the pressure on the environment by promoting
efficiency several quantitative analyses were carried out using the regionally detailed IMAGE 2
model. This was done for both energy use and food supply by exploring the positive effects on
resource use and environmental degradation. A convergence of the technological efficiencies
between the developed and developing regions over a 20-year period was used in this exploration.
The exercise simulates the application of so-called ‘best available technologies’ all over the world
as a result of (extremely fast) transfer of technology.

To illustrate the possible impact, the result of the model exercise is compared with a baseline
scenario resembling the conventional development scenario (IMAGE-2 baseline A; See Alcamo et
al., 1996). The same medium population growth and medium economic growth assumptions were
used in all calculations.

For the ‘technology transfer variant’ (variant 1) it is assumed that, for both energy and agriculture
between 1990 and 2010, the developing regions would reach the level of marginal efficiency of
the developed regions. Within the energy sector it is assumed, for example, that all newly built
industrial plants and power stations all over the world will be as efficient as the best available


300 Primary energy consumption 200 Number of cattle


Index (1990=100)
Index (1990=100)


150 100


0 0
CD variant 1 variant 2 CD variant 1 variant 2

250 CO2 emissions from energy & industry 150 Agricultural land

Index (1990=100)

Index (1990=100)




0 0
CD variant 1 variant 2 CD variant 1 variant 2

2.0 Temperature change relative to 1990 150 Forest land

Index (1990=100)
degrees Celsius




0.0 0
CD variant 1 variant 2 CD variant 1 variant 2

1990 variant 1 = fast transfer of technology

2015 variant 2 = fast transfer of technology and structural change (see text)
CD = Conventional Development

Figure 7.3. Potential environmental gains of two different policy strategies

Source: Alcamo et al. (1996).


technology. Within the agricultural sector it is assumed, for example, that animal husbandry and
management practices in developing regions converge to the higher productivity level of the
developed world.

As is shown in Figure 7.3, the large increase in energy consumption as seen in the baseline
scenario (CD) now almost disappears. The carbon dioxide emissions from energy expenditure and
industry show an even larger reduction than for energy consumption. The number of cattle is
projected to decrease substantially because of the introduction of agro-technological improvements
raising animal productivity. By 2050 the number of cattle is about half the current number. The
projected increase of about 30 per cent in agricultural land use under the baseline scenario in 2050
turns into a decrease of about 20 per cent . The assumed convergence of agricultural efficiencies
results in an increase in forest area of about 20 per cent instead of a similar decrease expected under
the baseline scenario.

The rate of technology transfer assumed in the modelling exercise is extremely high and should be
regarded as unfeasible. Transfer of technology requires not only enormous funds, but also a social
and cultural environment susceptible to the technologies suggested and an educational, technical and
physical infrastructure able to sustain its implementation and maintenance. Clearly, these conditions
cannot be realized in such a short time span. However, the exercise does show the large technical
potential for reducing the pressure on the environment while maintaining economic growth.

It is being argued, both in the North and the South, that in addition to increases in technological
efficiency, changes in production and consumption patterns are of major importance for
sustainable development. This is because environmental gains through improvement in levels of
efficiency and pollution control will be offset by economic growth if no structural changes are
made. As shown in Chapter 4, future demand for agricultural land and the associated loss of
natural habitat is strongly related to dietary patterns, especially the assumed increase in the
demand for animal products as incomes rise. Given the loss of efficiency in converting vegetable
products into animal products, the overall efficiency of the global food system could be
substantially improved were the overall consumption pattern to evolve towards less meat and
dairy-intensive diets than assumed in the Conventional Development Scenario. In production a
structural shift toward the use of renewable resources and recycling is advocated. This also
applies to the use of renewable energy resources, like modern biomass.

The potential contribution of such structural changes was also explored by an additional
modelling exercise (variant 2), representing a ‘structural change scenario’.

Apart from the convergence in technologies assumed in variant 1, the following assumptions were
made: the consumption of meat and dairy products in de developed regions is gradually reduced
by 50 per cent between 1990 and 2010; for the developing regions, the per capita consumption of
meat and dairy products is kept at its 1990 level; the market share of renewable and biomass is
assumed to increase to 55 per cent in 2050 (compared to 20 per cent in the baseline and
technology transfer scenario); population growth and economic growth are kept the same as in the
baseline scenario.

The addition of structural changes in the energy system and in dietary consumption patterns
results in an additional reduction of environmental pressures and impacts, although to a lesser
extent (see Figure 7.3). In 2050 the carbon dioxide emission of the ‘fundamental change variant’
is about 50 per cent of the 1990 level and only 20 per cent of the baseline scenario (CD), while
these figures are 66 per cent and 40 per cent, respectively, for the ‘technology transfer variant’
(variant 1). Also the amount of agricultural land is further reduced than in the ‘technology transfer


variant’, even though more arable land is needed for the additional production of modern biofuels
(which offsets some of the gains of the lower consumption of animal products). The structural
shift to biofuels results in continued decrease in carbon dioxide emissions.. In the case of
agricultural land, environmental pressures (slowly) re-link with economic and population growth
in both variants if no further increase in technological efficiencies or structural shifts are assumed.
This highlights the importance of policies slowing down global population growth faster than
under conventional development.

Although the modelling exercises are only a preliminary attempt to show the potential impacts of
environmental strategies and cannot be considered realistic assessments, the results indicate that
reductions of environmental pressures in the order of the factor 2 to 5 seem, at least technically,
feasible. Improvements by another factor of 2 (so 4 to 10 in total) may be possible if the
efficiency of technology efficiency continues to increase by 1 - 2 per cent per year and if
population growth slows down faster than assumed as a result of targeted policies and a general
improvement of socioeconomic conditions.

The modelling exercises presented may serve as a starting point for more elaborated future
modelling and scenario analyses on the impacts of different policy strategies and measures. These
should be part of the construction and evaluation of true alternative policy scenarios for future

7.5 Cost indications of policies to promote sustainable development

Section 7.1 stated sustainable development as requiring, among other things, transitions in the
various environment-related areas of human behaviour like energy and material use, and the use
of land and water resources. In this section a preliminary estimation will be made of the amount
of costs involved in bringing about these transitions, but no attempt will be made to make a
cost/benefit analysis. This is because the benefits of environmental measures are even more
difficult to assess and include assets like the preservation of nature or saving human life years,
which are difficult to valuate in simple monetary terms.

However, it is estimated that the environmental damage in developing countries, Eastern Europe
and the former USSR already greatly exceeds 3 per cent of the GDP, not including loss of natural
phenomena such as biodiversity. In industrialized countries environmental damage is generally
estimated to be below 2 per cent of GDP. Recent estimates for the costs of future damage due to
climate change range from 1 - 1.5 per cent for the industrialized countries and 2 - 9 per cent for
developing countries (IPCC, 1996).

In the industrialized countries the costs of pollution control and abatement (the first steps in the
materials transition) amount typically to 1 - 2 per cent of GDP in these countries (OECD, 1993).
The costs of implementing environmental policies in these developing regions are uncertain, but
many low-cost opportunities exist. In many developing countries and former socialist planned
economies prices of energy and other natural resources were until recently heavily subsidized,
resulting in their inefficient use. Removal of these will not only stimulate a more efficient use of
energy and materials at no economic costs, but also free substantial governmental funds for
possible spending on environmental and social policies (World Bank, 1992, 1996; OECD, 1993).

Estimating the costs of the indicated environmental transitions indicated is complicated by many
factors. First, many organizational and institutional dimensions of the transitions cannot be
expressed in monetary terms. Second, both the nature and the necessary extent of measures to


realize these transitions cannot be determined unambiguously: in most cases there are many
options, while the necessary level of action is difficult to determine objectively (see also Box 7.1).
Third, the costs of measures is dependent on the assumed baseline or autonomous developments
and the rate of implementation. Fourth, the level of costs is determined by the definition of costs
used, i.e. whether economic benefits are taken into account or not and what part of the investment
costs should be accounted for as environmental costs in applying cleaner and often economically
attractive technologies instead of add-on end-of-pipe measures. Fifth, a bottom-up, micro-
economic evaluation of the costs of the environmental measures may lead to very different
outcomes than a macro-economic assessment because they do not take into account macro-
economic effects at the national and international levels. This is important because policies aimed
at land and water transitions may affect overall economic development or the effectiveness of
policies directed at other transitions6.

The estimates of the costs of measures to enhance the various environmental transitions given
below are solely based on estimates reported in various global, regional and thematic studies (see
Rijsdijk, internal RIVM memorandum). Global estimates of environmental costs are available
from the World Bank: ‘World Development Report 1992’(World Bank, 1992) and the World
Watch Institute’s ‘State of the World 1988’ / ‘Full House’(WWI, 1988/1995). One regional study
‘Middle East and North Africa Environmental Strategy’ was also included (World Bank, 1995b)7.
Thematic studies used are ‘A New Asssessment of the World Status of Desertification’ (Dregne et
al., 1991) (on the land transition), ‘The Decade and Beyond’ (Christmas and de Rooy, 1991),
‘Proceedings of the Ministerial Conference on Drinking Water and Environmental Sanitation’
(Majumdar, 1994) (on the water transition) and ‘Climate Change 1995 - Economic and Social
Dimensions of Climate Change’ (IPCC, 1996) (on the energy transition).

The various studies only cover a selection of measures envisaged to enhance the environmental
transitions. Many measures are just enough to control or reverse environmental damage, like land
rehabilitation. Thus the measures cover only the starting phase of the transitions aimed at (see
Table 7.3). For that reason they are likely to be at the low end. On the other hand, the cost
estimates do not take the economic benefits into account. The studies use different costing
methodologies. The reported costs given in Table 7.3 are additional costs expressed as per cent of
current GDP and annualized on the basis of an implementation period of 10 years.

According to the limited literature base used, the total additional costs of the implementation of the
selected packages of environmental measures to enhance sustainable development is in the range of
0.2 to about 1 per cent of global GDP. The World Bank and WWI have also calculated costs for
social and institutional measures to support sustainable development that should accompany the
environmental measures. These include additional expenditures for family planning and improved
school enrollment rate for girls (World Bank, 1992) and improved health care and debt relief
services for the least developed countries (WWI, 1995). If these costs are included, global costs are
raised with 0.5 to 1.3 per cent of global GDP.

6 Therefore, for future studies an integrated macro-modelling approach analyzing the effects of policies on the environment and
the economy at both the regional and global levels will be used. Most modelling tools for this kind of analysis focus on the
developed regions and lack sufficient realism with respect to other regions. One model taking all regions into account is the
WORLD SCAN model, developed by the Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis (Geurts et al., 1994). This a global
macro-economic model with 10 regions and 7 sectors used to evaluate sectoral investments and taxation policies aimed at
environmental transitions. At present, efforts are underway to link this model with the IMAGE model to further enhance its
capacity for integrated environmental economic analyses.

7 Two other studies on the Asian region were also available, but could not be used for technical reasons: ‘Towards an
Environmental Strategy for Asia (World Bank, 1993) and ‘Financing Environmental Sound Development’ (Asian Development
Bank, 1994)

Table 7.3 Estimated global costs of policy measures promoting transitions towards sustainable development
WWI (1988, 1995)* WB (1992) Various sector studies Lowest Highest M N A region
WB (1995)
109 US$ per year
Land land conservation (including extension services) 24 15 5.7 Dregne et al. (1991)** 5.7 24 1.25
land rehabilitation (e.g. planting trees) 7 2.5 26.7 Dregne et al.(1991)** 2.5 26.7 —
conserve biodiversity — 2.5 2.5 2.5 —
agricultural research on soil processes 5 5 5 5 —
develop sustainable agricultural methods — — — —
improve land use planning — — — — —
shift towards less animal food — — — — —
Subtotal land transition 36 25 32 16 58 1.25

W ater provide all people with clean water — 6 7.7 Christmas and De Rooy (1991) 5.2 Majunder (1994) 5.2 7.7 2
provide all people with proper sanitation — 4 18 Christmas and De Rooy (1991) 16.9 Majunder (1994) 4 18 ****
efficient use of water resources — — — — —
institutional efficiency reforms — + — — —
Subtotal water transition — 10 26 22 9 26 2

Energy raise efficency of energy use 55 + + IPCC (1996) — 55 —

shift from fossil fuels to renewables 30 3.5 + IPCC (1996) 3.5 30 —
shift to low carbon fuels (e.g. natural gas) — — + IPCC (1996) — — —
remove greenhouse gases — — + IPCC (1996) — — —
taxes on fossil fuels + — + IPCC (1996) — — —
research on climate change — + + IPCC (1996) — — —
Subtotal energy transition 85 3.5 *** 3.5 85 —

Materials reduce emissions from electric power generation — 7 7 7 0.45

reduce emissions from road transport — 10 10 10 0.65
reduce emissions from industrial proocesses — 12.5 12.5 12.5 1.95
reduce material intensity — — — — —
change production technologies — — — — —
close material cycles — — — — —
use less harmful substances — — — — —
municipal solid waste management — — — — 0.5
Subtotal materials transition — 29.5 29.5 29.5 3.55

Total 121 68 58 199 6.8

% %
Total relative to 1990 GDP (world resp. MNA) 0.58 0.32 0.28 0.95 1.43

See references in the table. Compiled by Rijsdijk (internal RIVM memorandum, 1996)

* For the WWI report, the costs in the tenth year of the ‘sustainability program’ are mentioned
** Not additional
*** Not additional; not used in ‘lowest-highest’. Subtotal estimate 0.8 - 2.2 % of world GDP
**** Included in estimate for clean water

Signs and abbrevations
+ Measure mentioned, but no cost estimation
— Measure not mentioned
MNA Middle East and North Africa
WWI W orld W atch Institute
W B W orld Bank

Putting these cost estimates product in perspective, they can be compared with the global annual
expenditures of 5.2 per cent of the world for education, 3.2 per cent for military purposes, 0.3 per
cent for Official Development Aid and 0.003 per cent for the Global Environment Facility.

The comparison shows that the costs are not very high, but much higher than present funds
available for international development assistance. Most of the funds will have to come from
domestic government sources, development banks and commercial sources. As indicated,
considerable public funds could be raised and private investments in efficiency measures induced
by just removing or reforming subsidies on energy, other natural resources and environmentally
damaging inputs or practices (World Bank, 1992; 1996).
The global cost estimates mask the fact that environmental costs as percentage of GDP are much
higher for developing regions than developed regions. Especially with respect to the land and
water transitions, most measures will have to be taken in the developing regions. As a result costs
for low- and middle-income countries are estimated to range between 1.2 to 4.2 per cent of their
GDP. The policy package discussed by the World Bank results in additional costs for developing
countries of 2 to 3 per cent of their future GDP (World Bank, 1992). An acidification study
commissioned by the World Bank (Foell et al., 1995) showed that in order to apply Best Available
Technologies as to avoid to a large extent the exceedance of critical sulphur deposition in Asia,
reduction measures costing 90 billion US dollars would be needed by 2020. This corresponds to
0.6 percent of the region’s GDP, but would amount to 1.7 per cent of GDP in the case of China.
This problem also holds for the so-called economies in transition, as can be illustrated by another
study commissioned by the World Bank (Bollen et al, 1996). It indicates that economic
restructuring in Central and Eastern Europe, equipping all new industrial installations with
standard Western European technologies, would require yearly investments of 175 billion US
dollars in the period 1995 - 2010. This would involve an annual savings rate of 15 to 20 per cent
of their total GDP in the same period. This would result in substantial, but not always sufficient,
reductions in the emission of most pollutants. Replacing all installed (old) capital with standard
modern technologies, reducing emissions to more ‘sustainable’ levels, would require an
additional 50 billion US dollars a year. Although such a restructuring would be both economically
and environmentally sound, it seems unlikely that without substantial external funding these
policies will be readily implemented. (However the study also indicated that in this case a
sensible and relatively low cost start could be made by first addressing local emission sources,
thereby reducing the most urgent health risks up front).
So while the overall global costs of policies to enhance the environmental transitions by a few per
cent of global GDP do not seem to be prohibitive, they may be so for the non-OECD regions,
where these costs are relatively high and day-to-day socioeconomic needs are more pressing than
in the OECD countries.

7.6 Conclusions

If the world would develop according to the conventional development scenario analyzed in this
report, many environmental and social goals stated in Agenda 21 for achieving sustainable
development will still not be met. Substantial policy efforts will be needed to realize
environmental transitions towards more sustainable global and regional development than in the
Conventional Development scenario. However, policy priorities will differ with the region.

In general, integration of environmental, economic and social policies, as well as of policies for
various environmental issues (e.g. focusing on sustainable energy use and sustainable agriculture)
and the promotion of clean production and efficiency improvement by technology transfer and
structural change in production and consumption patterns seem important strategies for making


progress in implementing Agenda 21.

The envisaged environmental transitions can only be realized if both socioeconomic and
institutional conditions are met, like the reduction of social and gender inequality,
dematerialization of consumption patterns and effective regimes for incorporating environmental
and social costs in economic and political decision-making. In this respect, investments in
economic growth, social services and environmental protection need to be carefully balanced.

A preliminary global analysis of the additional costs of policy measures to enhance the various
transitions seems to indicate that these are likely to be in the order of a few per cent of global
GDP. These levels are substantial but not prohibitive, and, in most cases, will pay off well given
estimates of present and future levels of environmental damage. However, for developing regions,
the costs as a percentage of their GDP will be substantially higher. Without substantial external
support these costs are likely to forestall the implementation of many measures. Therefore, the
willingness of the developed regions to share in the costs of these investments seems essential for
making progress towards a more sustainable common future. Moreover, especially in the case of
global problems, like climate change, the developed regions bear a special responsibility due to
their historical contributions to these problems and will probably have to take the lead in
encouraging other regions to contribute to the solution as well.

The assessment of response options and the costs of transitions towards a more sustainable
pattern of development in this chapter has only been a first attempt to help policy-makers in
setting policy priorities and developing effective strategies at a global and regional levels. Clearly,
there is much room for a further elaboration and improvement of the assessment. For future
reporting it is envisaged not only to develop a set of different baseline scenarios, but also to assess
policy options and their economic implications on the basis of well-defined policy scenarios.
Moreover, future assessments will profit from the availability of a more integrated and consistent
analysis framework resulting from linking demographic, environmental and economic models
presently under development.



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The integrated and quantitative approach of this contribution to the Global Environment Outlook
is to a large extent based on the application of comprehensive global change modeling, most
notably of the IMAGE, TARGETS and RAINS models. To enable forecasts for the coming
decades, these simulation models need a wide variety of core data sets on the present and past
‘state of the world’ as well as coherent sets of assumptions about possible developments in the
future (scenarios).

Core data give information about the total of economic, demographic and environmental ‘state of
the world’. Such data typically are collected by statistical offices at the country level, and
reported to UN and other international agencies. These include population numbers, economic
production, temperature and precipitation, for example, and are assembled and published by
organizations such as UNSTAT, UNDP, FAO, WMO, the World Bank, the World Resources
Institute and many others. Other core data sets are derived through processing of remotely sensed
measurements from satellites such as LandSat, AVHRR or NIMBUS so as to derive information
on, for instance, land cover or ozone depletion.

For GEO and related global assessments, data are needed for longer historical periods and
sometimes with high geographical detail. Certain data may even have to go back to 100 years ago
to enable forecasts for the next 100 years. Many data layers, like land cover, air emissions or
population density are geographically so highly variable that spatial resolutions have to be smaller
than the land mass of the countries, e.g. rectangles of 10 x 10 km. Such data is produced by
applying image processing and geographical techniques like spatial interpolation and overlaying
to one or more existing core data sets. For example, population density at 5 min spatial resolution
can be generated by combining subnational population numbers, location and size of cities,
transport networks and land use within a Geographic Information System. Temperature and
precipitation are derived through interpolation of long-term data from meteorological stations and
conversion to gridded surfaces. Emission volumes are often calculated by applying emission
factors to the main sources and processes of emissions, like traffic and industrial production,
while made geographically explicit by distribution according to population numbers. The
complex processing of base data to derive such value-added data sets as high-resolution
population density, air emissions or land cover make the distinction between data and models
somewhat less clear-cut. However, there remains the principal distinction between data - that are
intended as an approximation of reality - and outcomes of scenario analysis - which are
conditional statements.

Scenarios relate to demographic, economic and technological developments for the future, like
population growth and energy efficiency. The principal difference between data and scenarios is
the conditionality of the latter: the future cannot be known and different scenarios depict different
futures. However, only one such future state, the Conventional Development scenario, was used
for the first GEO, being the only one now available for the envisaged analysis.

Integrated models are tools to analyze interrelated environmental issues such as climate change,
acidification, and pressure on land, water, or natural habitat. These models combine a wide
variety of input data and scenarios in order to analyze the issues in question.

This forecasting process can be depicted as in Figure A.1.


Appendix I Appendix II

data: scenarios:
economy economy
demography demography
environment technology

Appendix III


GEO-1 Report (Chapter 4) and this document


Figure A.1. Schematic representation of the forecasting process

The appendices list and describe each of the three elements i.e. data, scenarios and models, which
underlie the environmental forecasting results of GEO. These elements are further elaborated and
put in a wider perspective as part of the GEO process through three international working groups:
the IEA/GEO Data Working Group, the Global Scenario Group and the Global Modelling Forum
for Sustainable Development.

Core data sets for current modelling work at RIVM are presented and described yearly in the
RIVM Catalogue of International Data Sets (Van Woerden et al., 1995). An overview of such data
sets is included here as Appendix I. Listed are the currently used and most important global and
regional data sets, which serve as input to the model-based analysis, with their major
characteristics i.e. source, time period, geographic coverage and spatial resolution. For more
information on such (meta-)data, contact Jaap.van.Woerden@rivm.nl.

The broader data needs for integrated environmental assessments, resulting from an internal
RIVM survey in 1994, is also included in Van Woerden et al., 1995. At an aggregated level, these
‘core data needs’ match, to a large extent those identified through the International Symposium on
Core Data Needs for Environmental Assessment and Sustainable Development Strategies
(UNDP/UNEP, 1994). Together with inputs from other global environmental reports, the RIVM
overview served as input for the IEA/GEO Core Data Set Matrix, as compiled during the first
IEA/GEO Data Working Group Meeting in January 1996; it has been made available as a
relational database by UNEP/GRID-Geneva. The matrix is included in the meeting report,
published as a separate background report to GEO-1. In an attempt to improve access to such an
overview and to promote harmonization of data use for environment assessment, a prototype of
the Core Data list has been made available on Internet through URL http://info.coredata.rivm.nl.

The difference between the list of data sets of Appendix I and the Core Data Set Matrix can be
used to highlight the data gaps for integrated environment assessment. Major data gaps exist for
population, health (mortality, morbidity), agriculture (yields, land management practices), waste,
land cover and traffic.


The Conventional Development scenario (CD) as applied in the first GEO has been derived from
IPCC (Legget et al., 1992) and SEI (Raskin et al., 1995). This ‘business-as-usual’ scenario is
briefly described in Chapter 2, while the major future assumptions are included in Table 2.1.
More details on the CD scenario and the adaptations which had to be made for the analysis in
GEO-1 are given in Appendix II. To address the need for alternative scenarios, the Global
Scenario Group has developed several global pathways, ranging from ‘Breakdown’ to ‘Great
transition’, as presented in Figure 2.1. Two variants to the Conventional Development scenario
have been briefly analyzed by RIVM for several indicators on the global scale, as presented in
Figure 7.3. Such scenarios will need to be further developed and - among other things - broken
down geographically into smaller regions, before they can be used in quantitative and regional
assessment, and forecasting as included in GEO.

The models that have been used to realize forecasting in the first GEO on the basis of core data
and the CD scenario, i.e. IMAGE for global and regional environmental change, TARGETS for
the global integrated assessment framework, the TARGETS Population and Health module for
impacts on human health and RAINS for acidification, are briefly presented in Appendix III.
Additional modelling work for the development of the biodiversity pressure index and the water
satisfaction ratio is also included.
The UNEP/DPCSD Global Modelling Forum addresses the need for further development,
harmonization and implementation of integrated and sectoral global and regional models for
GEO, and similar activities related to Sustainable Development. A framework of existing models
will be developed within the scope of this Forum, which because of their different resolutions in
time, space and aggregation, together form a cascade of models. Models like TARGETS and
Threshold 21 (Millennium Institute, USA) are used at the highest level. At a lower level of
aggregation, integrated models like IMAGE, GCAM (Batelle, USA), ICAM (Carnegie-Mellon
University, USA) and AIM (NIES, Japan) are used. At the lowest level of aggregation, thematic or
sectoral models will be used, such as models dealing with poverty (TERI, India), land use
(IIASA, Austria; CIAT, Columbia), forestry (Finnish Forest Research Institute) and river basin
models (AQUA, RIVM, Netherlands). Furthermore, macro-economic models (Australian
National University) and economic input-output models (GIOM model, UN) will be used to
specify sectoral impacts of policy-induced changes in production and consumption patterns
(DPCSD, 1996).


DPCSD (Department for Policy Coordination and Sustainable Development of the UN Division for Sustainable
Development) (1996). Report of the first meeting of the Global Modelling Forum for Sustainable Development. New York
(in preparation).

Klein Goldewijk, K., and Battjes, J., (1995). The IMAGE 2 Hundred year (1890 - 1990) Data Base of the Global
Environment (HYDE). RIVM report 481507008. RIVM, Bilthoven, Netherlands.

Leggett, J., Pepper, W.J. and Swart, R.J. (1992). Emissions Scenarios for the IPCC: an Update. In: J.H. Houghton, B.A.
Callander and S.K. Varney (eds.). Climate Change 1992: The Supplementary Report to the IPCC Scientific Assessment,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, p.69-95.

Raskin, P., Chadwick, M., Jackson, T. and Leach, G. (1995). The Sustainable Transition: Beyond Conventional Development,
Stockholm Environment Institute.

UNDP/UNEP, 1994. Report of the International Symposium on Core Data needs for Environmental Assessment and
Sustainable Development Strategies. Bangkok, Thailand.


UNEP/DPCSD, 1996. Report of the Meeting on Integrated Environmental Assessment / Global Environment Outlook
(IEA/GEO) Core Data Working Group. Environment Information and Assessment Meeting Report UNEP/DEIA/MR.
96-3, UNEP, Nairobi.

Woerden, J.W. van, Diederiks, J., Klein Goldewijk, K. (1995). Data Management in support of Integrated Environmental
Assessment and Modelling at RIVM. Including the 1995 RIVM Catalogue of International Data Sets. RIVM report
402001006. RIVM, Bilthoven, Netherlands.


Core data sets for integrated environment assessment and modelling

Following is the list of major global and regional data sets which are currently used by RIVM to
enable integrated, model-based assessment and forecasting for environmental and health issues.
This list is not meant to be exhaustive or prescribing, but does give an impression of the amount
and type of data needed for quantitative and regional analysis of the nature presented in this
report. The data needs for integrated environment assessments (IEA) in general are further
elaborated in the IEA/GEO Core Data Working Group.

The data sets are grouped according to theme or data realm, including a category for very broad
data sets such as the World Bank’s World Data CD-ROM or WRI’s World Resources database,
and one for Support Information, which includes background data sets like watershed boundaries,
and textual databases for literature research and policy information. The thematic grouping is not
exclusive and only serves the purpose of presenting an overview of such an extensive list.

Table A.1 Core data sets underlying this report

Data set name Source Time period Geographical Spatial

coverage resolution

Agriculture, forestry, fishery

AGROSTAT 1992 FAO 1961-1990 world countries
Animal stocks European Union Eurostat 1977-1995 Europe/EU NUTS-0/1
Crop areas European Union Eurostat 1975-1995 Europe/EU NUTS-0/1
FAOSTAT 1995 FAO 1961-1993 world countries
Growing season database Europe RIVM 1992 Europe thematic areas,
10“ x 10”
Historical agricultural indicators (HYDE) RIVM 1890-1990 world countries,
International fertilizer statistics IFA 1971-1994 world countries
Time series state of food and agriculture FAO 1961-1993 world countries
world (SOFA’94)
World fishery production (FISHSTAT-PC) FAO 1950-1994 world countries

Climate database Europe CEC 1930-1987 Pan-Europe/EU stations
CLIMATE global database RIVM 1931-1960 world 0.5o x 0.5o
(temp., precip., evapo., cloudiness)
IIASA Climate Database IIASA 1991 world 0.5o x 0.5o
Monthly surface air temperature and NCAR 1920-1980 world 0.5o x 0.5o
precipitation world
Observational Data Sets (ODS) of ECMWF 1980-1989 world stations
weather stations
Precipitation excess Europe RIVM 1991 Europe/EU 0.5o x 0.5o
Wind Vector Grids in Europe KNMI 1983-1996 Pan-Europe stations

Demography, health
Demographics of the republics former New World 1950-1990 CIS sub-national
Soviet Union (FirstBookDIS) 1992 Demographics
Global Mortality Database WHO 1950-1995 world countries
Global population density NASA, Harvard 1984, 1985 world 1o x 1o
University, UNEP
Global population density and totals NCGIA 1994 world 5“ x 5”
Gridded population data world per country CIR/CIESIN 1971-2005 world 20“ x 30”,
5“x 7.5”


Data set name Source Time period Geographical Spatial

coverage resolution

Health for all, Europe WHO 1970-1990 Europe countries

Health for all, global indicators WHO 1983-1994 world countries
Historical population indicators (HYDE) RIVM 1890-1990 world various
International Data Base (global demographic CIR 1950-2050 world countries,
and socioeconomic data) provinces
Mortality for sub-national administrative Eurostat 1980-1990 Europe/EU NUTS-2
units of Europe
OECD-CREDES Health data programme AEA 1960-1990 OECD countries
Population density Africa UNEP 1991 Africa 5“ x 5”
Population density China NGS 1987 China sub-national
Population density Europe RIVM 1989-1992 Pan-Europe 10“ x 10”
Sub-national boundaries and population CIAT,ESRI, 1971-1990 Latin America sub-national
of Latin America, US, Europe, Africa, CIS Eurostat,UNEP,
World cities population database WCPD UNEP 1990 world places
World cities populations Bartholomew 1991 world places
World population prospects: the 1992 revision UN-DESIPA 1950-2025 world countries
World population prospects: the 1994 revision UN-DESIPA 1950-2050 world countries

Africa Development Indicators World Bank 1970-1994 Africa countries
Historical economic indicators (HYDE) RIVM 1890-1990 world countries,
Time series European Union: Eurostat-CD, Eurostat 1983-1993 Europe/EU NUTS-2
Panorama of EU-Industry
Trade Analysis System PC-TAS UNCTAD/ITC/ 1990-1994 OECD countries
World Debt Tables 1993-94 World Bank 1970-1993 world countries

Acid deposition in Europe RIVM 1989 Europe/EU thematic areas
Agricultural waste burning RIVM 1991 world 1o x 1o
Air Quality in Major European Cities RIVM 1985-1992 Pan-Europe places
AIRBASE Air Pollution Information System CEC 1968-1995 EU, Pan-Europe stations
Aluminium concentrations in groundwater RIVM 1990 Pan-Europe 10“ x 10”
in Europe
Areas with saline seepage in the RIVM 1996 Pan-Europe thematic areas
European Union
Biomass burning Max Planck Institute 1975-1980 world 1o x 1o, 5o x 5o
CORINAIR CITEPA 1985, 1990 Europe/EU NUTS-1/2/4
Critical loads/levels in Europe RIVM 1996 Pan-Europe 150 x 150 km
EDACS: European Deposition Maps of RIVM 1989, 1993 Pan-Europe 10“ x 10”
Acidifying Components on a Small scale
EDGAR: Emission Database for Global RIVM 1971-1992 world 1o x 1o
Endangered ecosystems Europe RIVM 1992 Pan-Europe thematic areas,
10“x 10”
Environmental statistical database (IEDS) UN-ECE 1980-1992 OECD countries
Erosion database Europe ISRIC 1992 Pan-Europe thematic areas,
10“ x 10”
European Air Quality Maps RIVM 1989-1990 Pan-Europe 5 0 x 50 km
Forest soil ecosystems database SC-DLO 1992 Pan-Europe 0.5o x 1o
Global assessment of human induced soil UNEP/ISRIC 1991 world thematic areas
degradation (GLASOD)
Global distribution, characteristics, methane NCAR 1986 world 1o x 1o
emission natural wetlands
Global Ecosystems Database USDOC/NGDC/ 1992 world 10“ x 10”
Global ecosystems database 1992, 1994 NOAA-NGDC/ 1992-1994 world l0“ x 10”


Data set name Source Time period Geographical Spatial

coverage resolution

Global environmental research data US-ACE 1993 world 5“ x 5”

(Global Grass CD II)
Global ozone data (TOMS) NASA 1978-1991 world 1o x 1o
Groundwater nitrate concentration Europe RIVM 1992 Europe thematic areas
Groundwater resources in the EC RIVM 1992 Europe thematic areas
Halons and methyl chloroform production ICI 1960-1992 world thematic areas
and emission data
Holdridge Life Zone Classification IIASA/RIVM 1931-1960 world 0.5o x 0.5o
Hydrogeology Africa (RIVM) UNDP 1994 Africa thematic areas
Landfills in Europe Eurostat 1991 Europe/EU NUTS-2
LOTOS emission database 1986 TNO 1986 Pan-Europe 1o x 2o
Methane emission from animals NCAR 1984 world 1o x 1o
NASA global distribution of aircraft emissions NASA 1990 world 1o x 1o
Nitrogen excretion by various categories RIVM 1985 world 1o x 1o
of animals
Nitrogen loads Europe RIVM 1991 Europe/EU various
Nitrogen pollution in Europe RIVM 1991 Europe/EU thematic areas
Pesticides loads Europe in soils and groundwater Eurostat/FAO/ 1991 Pan-Europe countries,
RIVM 10“ x 10”
Production and Emission data on AFEAS 1931-1991 world places
CFCs and HCFCs
Protected areas Africa UNEP 1989 Africa thematic areas
Risk map of European nuclear powerplants RIVM 1992 Pan-Europe 0.5o x 1o
Road traffic: fuel consumption and emissions TNO 1990 world countries
SO2 concentrations Europe RIVM 1992 Europe/EU 5“ x 5”
Socioeconomic impacts study environmental RIVM 1994 India country
problems (SEIS)
Soil Organic Matter Map of Europe RIVM 1993 Europe/EU 10“ x 10”
Soil Water Holding Capacity NASA 1990 world 1o x 1o
Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) NASA 1978-1991 world 1o x 1.25o
Tropospheric Ozone Research (TOR) Eurotrac/EMEP 1988-1995 Pan-Europe stations
Wetlands Africa ESRI 1993 Africa thematic areas
Wetlands in the European Communities CEC 1991 Europe/EU thematic areas
World ecosystems (Olson) NOAA 1970-1989 world 0.5o x 0.5o
World wilderness areas UNEP 1989 world thematic areas
WSL global distribution of aircraft emissions WSL 1989-1990 world 5o x 5o
at 5 x 5 degree

Industry, energy
BP Statistical Review of World Energy BP 1965-1993 world countries
Energy Statistics and Energy Balances IEA 1960-1992 OECD countries
Historical energy/emissions indicators (HYDE) RIVM 1890-1990 world countries,
Historical industrial indicators (HYDE) RIVM 1890-1990 world countries,
IISI Steel Production and ConsumptionI ISI 1983-1992 OECD countries
Industrial Areas in the EU RIVM 1992 Europe/EU thematic areas
UN Energy Statistics and Population Database UNSTAT 1950-1991 world countries
UN-ECE Buildings Statistics UN-ECE 1980-1990 world countries
UNSO Commodity Production Statistics Aristotle University 1970-1990 world countries

Land cover
Experimental calibrated global vegetation NOAA 1985-1991 world 10“ x 10”
index ECGVI 1994
Global distribution of rice paddies RIVM 1994 world 1o x 1o
Global distribution of wetlands Max Planck Institute 1988 world 2.5o x 2.5o
Global soils for climate research (Zobler) NGDC world 1o x 1o


Data set name Source Time period Geographical Spatial

coverage resolution

Land cover(continued)
Global vegetation database (Matthews) NASA/GISS 1992 world 1o x 1o
Historical land cover indicators (HYDE) RIVM 1890-1990 world various
Monthly generalized global vegetation index NOAA 1985-1988 world 10“ x 10”
Natural Vegetation of the European CEC 1989 Europe/EU areas
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index NOAA 1983-1984 world 1o x 1o
Pan-European 10 minutes land use database RIVM 1975-1990 Pan-Europe 10“ x 10”
Pan-European land use statistical database RIVM 1985-1990 Pan-Europe various
Pan-European land use vector database RIVM 1975-1985 Pan-Europe thematic areas
Soil database for Europe RIVM 1993 Europe/EU 10“ x 10”
Soil Map of the European Communities CEC 1985 Europe/EU thematic areas
Soil map of the world FAO/UNESCO 1974, 1994 world thematic areas
Vegetation map of Brazil 1988 USGS/EDC 1988 Brazil thematic areas
Vegetation, land use and seasonal albedo NCAR 1950-79 world 1o x 1o
World Soils for Global Climate Modelling NASA 1974-1981 world 1o x 1o

Broad data sets

Global socioeconomic indicators World Bank 1962-1992 world countries
(World Data) 1994, 1995
Global topographic database: digital chart ESRI 1993 world various
of the world (DCW) 1992, 1993
Human Development Report database RIVM 1992 world countries
1994-1995 (UNDP)
Social Indicators of Development 1993-1994 World Bank 1965-1992 world countries
World development indicators (WDI) 1994 World Bank 1970-1992 world countries
World resources database 1992-1993 WRI 1970-1993 world countries
World Tables 1993, 1994 World Bank 1970-1992 world countries
Global topographic database: ArcWorld 1: ESRI 1992 world various
3M 1992

Support information
Chemical Evaluation Search And Mich.Dep. of 1983-1995 world ---
Retrieval System (CESARS) Nat.Resources
CHEMINFO Mich.Dep. of 1983-1995 world ---
Delta Study IIASA 1950-1988 Rhine basin catchment
Development activity information world IDRC 1930-2013 world world
(DAI) 1994,1996
ECOTOX aquatic ecotoxicological database RIVM 1993-1994 world ---
European emission sources RIVM 1980-1994 Pan-Europe 0.5o x 1o
Global elevation map ETOPO-5 NOAA/NGDC 1986 world 5“ x 5”
Global relief data NOAA/NGDC 1980-1990 world various
Global river basins database RIVM 1996 world catcments
Global topographic grids RIVM 1996 world various
Hydrogeology Europe (RIVM) RIVM 1993 Pan-Europe thematic areas
Major settlements Pan-Europe CEC/EEA 1989 Pan-Europe places
Maps ‘n’ Facts (PC Globe). Broderbund 1989-1991 world countries
World Edition, Version 1.0 Software
Monthly river discharge of major rivers GRDC 1996 world stations
River basin Ganges, Bramaputra RIVM 1994 India catchments
River basin Rhine, Meuse RIVM 1995 Pan-Europe catcment
River basins Africa UNEP 1984 Africa catchments
River basins Europe RIVM/Eurostat 1994 Pan-Europe catchments
River basins world (GGHYDRO) Trent University 1994 world catchments,
1ox 1o


Data set name Source Time period Geographical Spatial

coverage resolution

Support information (continued)

River basins world (Global Grass) Rutgers University 1993 world catchments,
5“ x 5”
RTECS - Registry of Toxic Effects of NIOSH 1983-1996 world ---
Chemical Substances
Topographic index of world places Bartholomew 1991 world places
(Times World Index)
UNCED Earth Summit Rio de Janeiro 1992 / IDRC 1972-1992 world world
Agenda-21 / Treaties
World boundary databank WBDII 1972 DMA/ESRI/ 1972 world various
World boundary databank WBDII UNEP 1993 world various
1972 - PC version
Worldwide digital terrain data (TerrainBase) NGDC 1994 world various


Scenario interpretation

The scenario analyzed in this report i.e. the Conventional Development scenario, has been
compiled by SEI, the Stockholm Environment Institute (Leach, 1995; Raskin et al., 1995a;
Raskin et al., 1995b). The assessment required the adaptation of the supplied scenario to the
models used for this analysis. The adaptations relate to regional divisions, time horizon and
thematic content. There are several aspects to this.

First, some environmental phenomena had not been specified in the Conventional Development
(CD) scenario. The clearest example is the emission of sulphur oxides. Emission estimations for
GEO have been added on the basis of the IMAGE Baseline A scenario, which resembles the CD
scenario in its assumed energy consumption per region. It introduces the necessary assumptions
an fuel mix by sector, technology and location of activities.

Second, a number of assumed developments had been specified in the original CD scenario but
not at the level of detail that is required to evaluate the impacts of these developments. One
important sort of detail required is (much) spatial detail. This is described later in this appendix,
together with the conversions between different regional breakdowns. Another example is crops.
The CD scenario specifies assumed agricultural production per group of agricultural products
(e.g. ‘total cereals’ or ‘meat’). In order to analyze the effects on, for example, agricultural water
demand, this has been broken down further, to the level of ‘maize’ and ‘beef’. This breakdown,
together with the higher spatial resolution, allowed the CD assumptions to be translated into a
new landuse pattern, taking into account the distribution of population, soil quality and climate.
Obviously, additional assumptions have been introduced in making the further breakdown.

Third, the original CD scenario leaves one important degree of freedom with respect to the direction
of trade flows. For example, imported food assumed to be required in Asian countries could be
imported from Eastern Europe or in Latin America. Therefore, before a consistent projection of
environmental developments in - for example - Argentina could be made, it had to be clear how much
food this country would assumedly produce for export to Asian countries. This requires additional
assumptions. In the present analysis, import flows have been allocated to assumed exporting countries
following, as much as possible, the vision implied by the pattern of export orientation and export
capacity, as apparent from the degrees of self-sufficiency of countries in the original CD scenario.

Fourth, the integrated models used in the analysis have been set up to estimate the consequences
of the scenario. This involves detailed checks on physical reality (e.g. current technologies and
efficiencies, or soil quality and climate) and known correlations (e.g. diet correlated with
income). Where parts of the models have been by-passed to ‘force’ the analysis in the direction of
the CD scenario, potential inconsistencies are still lurking.

Main adaptations in regional divisions

As noted in Chapter 2, substantial differences exist between the regional divisions of the scenario
as originally produced by SEI; the spatially explicit analysis carried out by RIVM, often using the
IMAGE 2 model; and the reporting of the results for the first GEO assessment. Each of the three
reflects its roots: linkage to natural or regional statistics and projections; linkage to physical
reality; and linkage to UNEP’s policy audience. Extensive conversions had to be made to relate
these different divisions. This is not unusual in integrated analysis, but it does introduce yet
unknown inaccuracies. An overview of the regional conversions follows.


(1) Conversion in regional breakdown between scenario and analysis

(executed by SEI)

PoleStar (10 regions) IMAGE 2 (13 regions)

Scenario specification Analysis
North America USA (2) and Canada (1)
Latin America Latin America (3)
Africa Africa (4)
West Europe (- Turkey - former Yugoslavia) OECD Europe (5)
Eastern Europe (+ former Yugoslavia) Eastern Europe (6)
Middle East (+ Turkey) Middle East (8)
China+ (+ Kampuchea) China and C.P. Asia (10)
S and SE Asia India and other S Asia (9)
and East Asia (11)
OECD Pacific Oceania (12) and Japan (13)

(2) Conversion in regional breakdown between analysis and reporting

IMAGE2 (13 regions) GEO (6 regions)
Analysis Reporting
USA (2) and Canada (1) North America
Latin America (3) (-French Guyana) Latin America
Africa (4) Africa
OECD Europe (5) and Eastern Europe (6) Europe and former USSR
and CIS (7) (+ French Guyana)
Middle East (8) (- Afghanistan, - Iran, - Israel) West Asia
China and C.P. Asia (10) and India and Asia and Pacific
other S Asia (9) and East Asia (11)
and Oceania (12) and Japan (13)
(+ Afghanistan + Iran + Israel)
Note: regional divisions at analysis and reporting levels were not adjusted for countries listed in between brackets.

Main adaptations for time frames

For GEO-1, the initial time horizon was set to the year 2015, i.e. one generation from now. A
second horizon of the year 2050 has been added to look even further into the future. This also
allows the incorporation of changes which may only show in several decades from now, such as
the changes in population size and structure as result of the health transition and the concomitant
changes in consumption and production. Some ‘system delays’ may even take longer, perhaps
resulting in the need to stretch the time horizon beyond 2050. Allowing for the effects of the
increase in life expectancy would need a time horizon including several generations (UN, 1992).
Models like IMAGE and TARGETS can, in principle, produce forecasts up to the year 2100 and
even beyond. To improve reliability of such forecasting for the distant future, the models are
calibrated and validated against historical data going back to 1890 and available through HYDE,
the Hundred Year Database of the Environment (Klein Goldewijk and Battjes, 1995).


The scenario as compiled by SEI contains projections for the years 1990, 2025 and 2050. Some
variables are specified with five-year time steps until 2025. Where reporting of scenario
assumptions for GEO was required for the year 2015, the available assumption points have been
interpolated according to the trend in the original scenario. For model calculations, the original
2025 assumptions have been used as input.

Main adaptations for thematic contents

Energy related:
The energy/industry calculations made by IMAGE are by-passed after 1990. This was done to
avoid too much of an impact of the model structure and model assumptions and to prevent too
much attention to the remarkable differences noted in past and future energy carrier distribution.
Instead, IPCC’s IS92a emission figures were used after 1990 (Leggett et al., 1992). Because the
IS92a scenario is used in the Conventional Development scenario for demographic and economic
developments as well, it is assumed that this method causes minor changes only. The use of
modern and traditional biofuels is derived from the IMAGE Baseline A scenario (Alcamo and
Kreileman, 1996). The use of these biofuels is attuned to IS92A.
The Industry Value Added as a fraction of GDP is taken from SEI data.

Sulphur related:
Sulphur dioxide emissions not covered by the scenario, and required to analyze climate change
and acidification, were derived from IPCC’s IS92a scenario (Leggett et al., 1992). The sulphur
dioxide emissions from the energy and manufacturing sector are kept constant at their 1990 levels
(conforming to the IMAGE Baseline-A scenario). Here IS92A is not used because regional
emission figures in 1990 differ between IMAGE and IS92A (IMAGE requires regional figures,
while IS92A requires global figures).

Land related:
Food intake: The caloric intake simulation by IMAGE have been by-passed. Caloric-intake
figures up to 1990 are based on IMAGE input, and scenario figures are based on the CD scenario
(ratio 2025/1990 and 2050/1990). Especially in this part the trends of the conventional
development scenario have been considered to be of greater importance than the absolute figures.

Suitable Land: The CD scenario prescribes the necessary suitable land area. For the analysis this
has been interpreted, using the IMAGE model, considering the quality of land (climate, soil
quality, water availability). The difference can partly be attributed to the concept of land use
(IMAGE) vs. land cover (scenario).
• The fraction for ‘other use of crops’ is taken from the CD scenario by using the definition:
Fraction other use of crops = Other & Losses / Total Supply.
• The fraction for ‘other use of animal products’ is taken from the CD scenario by using the
Fraction other use of animal products = (Other & Losses + Animal Feed) / Total Supply.
• The change in the management factor for crops that are used for consumption is taken from
the CD scenario by using the definition:
Change in management factor = Change in Farm Unit per harvest / Change in Cropping
This change is used insofar as the maximum level of the management factor used in Baseline
A is not exceeded. In the case of exceedence, the maximum level of Baseline A is used.
• The change in the fraction harvested area is taken from the CD scenario by using the change in
cropping intensity averaged over all crops.
The following desired levels of self-sufficiency are used for the trade of biofuels:


- Maize as biofuel: All regions: 1.00 (no trade).

- Sugar as biofuel, woody biofuels and non-woody biofuels: Eastern Europe, CIS and Middle
East: 1.00 (no trade); Latin America: 15.00 (export); Africa: 1.25 (export); Canada, USA,
OECD Europe, India+, China+, East Asia and Oceania: 0.50 (import); Japan: 0.00 (import).
• The following desired levels of self-sufficiency (DSSR) are used for the trade of food
- Meat:
Canada, USA, Latin America, OECD Europe, CIS and Oceania: DSSR2050 = SSR1990+0.1;
China+: DSSR2050 = SSR1990-0.05; Africa, Eastern Europe, Middle East, India+, East Asia
and Japan: DSSR2050 = SSR1990.
- Milk:
Canada, USA, OECD Europe, CIS and Oceania: DSSR2050 = SSR1990+0.2; Latin
America: DSSR2050 = SSR1990+0.1; Africa, Eastern Europe, Middle East, India+, China+,
East Asia and Japan: DSSR2050 = SSR1990.
- Temperate cereals:
Canada, USA, OECD Europe, Eastern Europe and CIS: DSSR2050 = SSR1990+0.5; Latin
America: DSSR2050 = SSR1990+0.2; Oceania: DSSR2050 = SSR1990-2.5; Africa, Middle
East, India+, China+, East Asia and Japan: DSSR2050 = SSR1990.
- Maize:
Canada, USA, OECD Europe, Eastern Europe and CIS: DSSR2050 = SSR1990+0.5; Latin
America: DSSR2050 = SSR1990+0.2; Africa, Middle East, India+, China+, East Asia,
Oceania and Japan: DSSR2050 = SSR1990.
- Oil crops:
CIS and Oceania: DSSR2050 = SSR1990+0.5; OECD Europe and Eastern Europe:
DSSR2050 = SSR1990+0.2; Canada, USA, Latin America, Africa, Middle East, India+,
China+, East Asia and Japan: DSSR2050 = SSR1990.


Alcamo, J. and Kreileman, G.J.J. (1996). Emission Scenarios and Global Climate Protection. In Global Environmental
Change, December 1996.

Alcamo, J., Kreileman, G.J.J., Bollen, J.C., Van den Born, G.J., Gerlagh, R., Krol, M., Toet, A.M.C. and de Vries, H.J.M.
(1996). Baseline Scenarios of Global Environmental Change. In Global Environmental Change, December 1996.

Leach, G. (1995). Global Land & Food in the 21st Century, trends & issues for sustainability, Polestar Series Report, No. 5,
Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), Boston.

Leggett, J., Pepper, W.J. and Swart, R.J. (1992). Emissions Scenarios for the IPCC: an Update. In: J.H. Houghton, B.A.
Callander and S.K. Varney (eds.). Climate Change 1992: The Supplementary Report to the IPCC Scientific Assessment,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, p.69-95.

Raskin, P., Chadwick, M., Jackson, T. and Leach, G. (1995a). The Sustainable Transition: Beyond Conventional
Development, Stockholm Environment Institute, Boston.

Raskin, P., Hansen, E. and Margolis, R. (1995b). Water and Sustainability: A Global Outlook, Polestar Series Report no.4,
Stockholm Environment Institute, Boston.

UN (1992). Long-range population projections: two centuries of population growth, 1950-2150. United Nations, Population
Division, New York.


Model descriptions

A. The IMAGE 2 model

The IMAGE 2 model (Alcamo, 1994) is a multi-disciplinary, integrated model designed to

simulate the dynamics of the global society-biosphere-climate system. The objectives of the
model are to investigate linkages and feedbacks in the system and to evaluate the consequences of
climate-related policies. Dynamic calculations are performed from 1970 to 2100, with a spatial
scale ranging from grid (0.5o x 0.5o latitude-longitude) to world regional level, depending on the

The model consists of three fully linked subsystems: Energy-Industry, Terrestrial Environment, and
Atmosphere-Ocean. The Energy-Industry models compute the emissions of greenhouse gases in 13
world regions as a function of energy consumption and industrial production. End-use energy
consumption is computed using various economic/demographic driving forces. The Terrestrial
Environment models simulate changes in global land cover on a grid scale based on climatic and
economic factors, as well as on the flux of CO2 and other greenhouse gases between the biosphere
and atmosphere. The Atmosphere-Ocean models compute the build-up of greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere and the resulting zonal-average temperature and precipitation patterns.

The fully linked model has been tested against data from 1970 to 1990. After calibration it can
reproduce the following observed relationships: regional energy consumption and energy-related
emissions, terrestrial flux of carbon dioxide and emissions of greenhouse gases, and

Figure A.2. A schematic overview of IMAGE 2

Source: Alcamo and Kreileman (1996).


concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and transformation of land cover. The
model can also simulate current zonal average surface and vertical temperatures.

The IMAGE 2 model is primarily designed to address global climate-change issues and thus
support climate-related policy-making. Due to its integrated character and policy-oriented model
structure, the IMAGE 2 model is used to support studies that contribute to the chapter on
integrated model-based environmental forecasting in the Global Environment Outlook. IMAGE 2
contributes to: 1) the chapter on interactions between the atmosphere, land and water, 2) a
geographically explicit study on future land cover and land use (part of the model) and 3) the
development of a global biodiversity indicator (via post-processing of model data sets: N.B. not a
integrated part of the model). A land degradation model is currently under development, as well
as a model that explicitly captures trends in irrigation.


Alcamo, J. (ed) (1994). IMAGE 2.0: Integrated modeling of global climate change. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht,
the Netherlands.
Alcamo, J. and E. Kreileman (1996). Emission scenarios and global climate protection. In Global Environmental Change,
December 1996.

B. The TARGETS 1.0 model

TARGETS is an integrated assessment model for global change and sustainable development
using a systems approach to represent the anthropogenic disturbance of the biosphere on a global
scale through a set of interrelated cause-effect chains.

A global integrated assessment model TARGETS, the acronym for Tool to Assess Regional and
Global Environmental and health Targets for Sustainability, is currently being developed within
RIVM’s research project ‘Global Dynamics and Sustainable Development’. The main objective of
the project is to operationalize the concepts of global change and sustainable development. The
TARGETS model is intended to provide insight into the complex interrelations between
demographic, social and economic processes, and biophysical processes and effects on humans
and the environment. The time horizon for the TARGETS model spans about two centuries,
starting in the year 1900 and going to 2100, with time steps varying from one month to a year.
The systems approach concentrates on the interactions and feedback mechanisms between the
different subsystems of cause—effect chains of global change, rather than on each subsystem in
isolation. The TARGETS model is being used to explore strategies for sustainable development; it
is also meant to serve as a communication platform between exponents of natural and social
sciences, and between scientists and policy-makers.

The TARGETS 1.0 version contains five submodels: population and health, energy, water
(AQUA), land, soil and food (TERRA), and biochemical element cycles (CYCLES). Each of the
submodels is calibrated for the world for the period 1900-1990. They have been reviewed
externally in the course of 1996, with the first results of both the submodels and the integrated
model experiments to be published in 1997. Regional implementation to allow integration with
the IMAGE 2 model has been started for some of the submodels.



population energy STEERING

economic land/food water
& health policy
scenarios policy policy MODELS

,, ,,,,,,,




human energy food & water





emissions wood PRESSURE
development demand demand


capital hydrological
land use STATE
population stocks & element cycle &
resource cycles water DYNAMICS




base quality MODELS

climate food &
energy supply water supply
effects on change/ wood supply IMPACT
& emissions,
health eutrofication/ & MODELS
emissions sea level
acidification emissions

Figure A.3. A conceptual representation of the modular perspective of TARGETS, version 1.0
Source: Rotmans and de Vries (1997).


Rotmans, J. and H.J.M. de Vries (eds.) (1997, forthcoming). Perspectives on global futures: the TARGETS approach.
Cambridge University Press. Cambridge.

More information on the TARGETS model can be found in Rotmans and de Vries (1997, forthcoming)or can be obtained by
email: globo@rivm.nl.


C. The TARGETS Population and Health model

The objective of the population and health (sub)model is to describe the long-term changes of
populations in their size and structure as well as the associated changes in health under varying
socioeconomic and environmental conditions in the past and future. This includes populations
living in pre-industrial societies as well as those living at the highest known health levels. In our
view, such a long-term public health approach should consider the main input-output
relationships between population, fertility and health in terms of both environmental and societal
resources. The modelling framework can be used to explore and test policy issues and to test
specific hypotheses in the field. The model has been applied at the national level for China (Zeng
Yi et al., 1996), India (Hutter et al., 1996), and the Netherlands and Mexico (Niessen and
Hilderink, 1996).

The Population and Health module is one of the five submodels within TARGETS (see Figure
A.4). The input from the other modules are per capita food intake from TERRA, the fraction of
the population without access to safe drinking water from AQUA and other environmental factors
(temperature increase and UV-B radiation) from CYCLES. The Gross World Product (GWP) and
the availability of health services is imported from the Economics scenario generator.

The framework of the Population and Health module in TARGETS is based on the following
elements within the PSIR framework, as illustrated inFigure A.5 on the next page:

Health services
Population Population
without proper
drinking water
& Health
Temperature increase Population
UV-B impact (developed/

Population Food availability


Figure A.4. Linkages of the population and health model with the other TARGETS submodels
Source: Niessen and Hilderink (1996).


1. A pressure component describing the health determinants, divided into socio-economic factors
i.e. Gross World Product (GWP) and literacy status, and environmental factors e.g. food and
water availability;
2. A state dynamics subsystem simulating the fertility behaviour and the population dynamics for
disease and disease-specific mortality, both having their inputs to a population module
distinguishing sex and age groups;
3. An impact subsystem that describes the quantitative and qualitative aspects of the state
subsystem like the burden of disease and life expectancy, as well as the size and structure of
the population;
4. A response subsystem consisting of population policies influencing the fertility behaviour, and
social and health policies influencing the disease processes.

The pressures represent those factors that influence the proximate fertility determinants and the
determinants of health as modelled. The selection of determinant categories is based on the













Figure A.5. A pressure-state-impact-response representation of the TARGETS population and health module
Source: Niessen and Hilderink (1996).


evidence on their supposed quantitative importance throughout the health transition, as reported
in the literature. They are categorized in two groups: socio-economic and environmental factors.
The two variables which describe the socio-economic pressures are:
1. Gross World Product (GWP) expressed in US dollars (1990). This parameter determines the
available income per capita and the available resources for health services. Separate
projections for the low-income countries are used in a distribution function to estimate the
number of people below the absolute poverty line (World Bank, 1993)
2. The female literacy level expressed as the fraction of the adult female literate population. This
parameter is computed as a delayed function of the GWP and the human development index
(see below).

The variables describing the environmental pressures are:

1. Food availability (food per capita) expressed in kilocalories daily intake (from the TERRA
submodel). From these projections the fraction of the population suffering from malnutrition is
calculated for the subpopulations that fall under the low socio-economic status categories (see
below). These are based on empirical distribution functions.
2. Drinking water and sanitation defined as the fraction of the population with proper access to
safe drinking water and sanitation facilities (from the AQUA submodel) that falls under the
low socioeconomic status categories. In the case of large discrepancies between the two
parameters, the safe drinking-water coverage is chosen, as this factor is the most relevant of
the two (Esrey, 1985; Esrey, 1991).
3. Temperature increase (from the CYCLES submodel) influencing the number of people
exposed to malaria risks and the spreading of schistosomiasis, as well as those affected by heat
stress, affecting cardiovascular disease mortality.

More information on the TARGETS model and sub-models can be found in Rotmans and de
Vries (1997) or through contacting by email: globo@rivm.nl.


Esrey, S.A., R.G. Feacham and J.M. Hughes (1985) ‘Interventions for the control of diarrhoeal disease among young
children: improving water supplies and excreta disposal facilities’.

Esrey, S.A., J.B. Pothas, L. Roberts and C. Shiff (1991). Effects of improved water supply and sanitation on ascariasis,
diarrhoea, racunculiasis, hookworm infection, schistosomiasis and trachoma.

Hutter, I., F.J. Willekens, H.B.M. Hilderink and L.W. Niessen (1996). Fertility change in India. RIVM report 461502013.
National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) and Population Research Centre of University of
Groningen, Bilthoven and Groningen, the Netherlands.

Niessen, L., H. Hilderink (1996). Roads to health: modelling the health transition. GLOBO report series no. 15. National
Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Bilthoven, the Netherlands.

Rotmans, J. and H.J.M. de Vries (eds.) (1997, forthcoming). Perspectives on global futures: the TARGETS approach.
Cambridge University Press. Cambridge

World Bank (1993). World Development Report 1993 - Investing in Health. Oxford University Press, New York, USA.

Zeng Yi, Willekens, F.J. and Niessen, L.W. (1996). Fertility change in China. GLOBO report series no. 16, RIVM report
461502016. National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Bilthoven, the Netherlands (in prep.).


D. The RAINS model

The Regional Acidification INformation and Simulation (RAINS) model, developed, updated
and maintained at the International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis in Austria since 1982,
is the first integrated environmental assessment model which has successfully been used to assist
European policy on the further reduction of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions in the
framework of the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (UN/ECE). For Asia,
RAINS has been developed from scratch to reflect Asian conditions, while maintaining the
philosophy of linked subsystems.

The subsystems that have been modelled and linked in RAINS are (1) energy supply, (2)
emissions of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide (3) costs of add-on abatement technology, (4)
atmospheric transport and (5) ecosystem impact using critical loads and levels.

The most important inputs for each of the modules are (1) national energy-use statistics and
energy plans, (2) fuel characteristics (3) marginal and total yearly investment, maintenance and
operational costs of ‘reasonable available control technologies as well as best available control
technologies’, (4) source-receptor relationships reflecting complex (verified) models of
atmospheric trajectories of air pollutants and (5) soil and ecosytem characteristics modelled to
reflect the required balance (at critical loads) between acidifying and buffering chemical soil
processes. These include experimental knowledge on acceptable air pollution concentration
exposure (critical levels).

Economic Emission
activities control policies

Agricultural NH3 control NH3 emissions NH3 dispersion

activity & costs

Critical loads for

Energy SO2 control SO2 emissions SO2 dispersion
combustion & costs
Critical loads for
NOx control
NOx emissions NOx dispersion
& costs

Transport Emission control

& costs
Critical levels
VOC emissions O3 formation
for ozone
Industrial VOC control
production & costs

Emission Environmental
control costs impacts

Figure A.6. A schematic overview of RAINS

Source: IIASA (1996).


RAINS can be run in a forward mode, and in a backward mode. In the forward mode answers are
provided to questions such as ‘What impacts and costs are related to a particular emission
reduction strategy ?’ In the backward mode a policy analyst assesses, for example, ‘How can the
cost of emission reductions be minimized subject to particular ecosystem protection levels ?’
Many variations to these questions can be handled by means of the RAINS-Europe and RAINS-
Asia models. RAINS, highly interactive and user-friendly, is operational on current personal
The model was developed at the International Institute for Applied System Analysis (IIASA) in
Laxenburg, Austria. More information on the RAINS model can be found in Amman (1995) or
through contacting M. Amman by email: amman@iiasa.ac.at.


Amman, M., M. Baldi, C. Heyes, Z. Klimont and W. Schoepp (1995). Integrated assessment of emission control scenarios,
including the impact of tropospheric ozone. In: Water, Air and Soil Pollution 85: 2595 - 2600.

IIASA (1996). RAINS User’s Manual. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria.

E. The water demand satisfaction model

The water demand satisfaction model for calculating the satisfaction rate of water demand on a
river-basin level, is developed for applications on regional and global scales. The model is based
on physical processes and a geographic explicit approach according to Klepper et al. (1995). The
quantitative sectoral water demands accounted for are domestic, industrial and agricultural
(Klepper et al., 1996).

Water availability was calculated on a 0.5 x 0.5 degree grid on a monthly basis. Precipitation and
potential evapotranspiration was based on Leemans and Cramer (1991). The calculation of actual
evaporation depends on vegetation and soil type as described by Conway et al. (1995) and
Prentice et al. (1993). Vegetation data was taken from the IMAGE database (Zuidema et al., 1994)
and soils data from FAO/UNESCO (1974). The model distributes discharge (precipitation minus
evapotranspiration) from each grid cell over groundwater recharge and surface runoff as described
by Klepper et al. (1995). A geological map of the world (based on Berdeke and Wunderlich
(1968) was provided in electronic form by Wolters-Noordhoff. This map was converted to a map
of aquifer types using the maps of Africa (UN, 1988) and Europe (IHA, 1974-1990) for
calibration. Climatic variability was estimated using the map provided by Riehl (1979).

Water demand was calculated by adding domestic, industrial (assumed to be independent of

season) and irrigation (seasonally dependent) demand. National data on per capita use, mainly
based on Gleick (1993) and WRI (1992) were combined with population density (Tobler et al.,
1995) to obtain a world map of domestic use. National data on industrial consumption - mainly
based on Gleick (1993), with additional estimates based on the EDGAR database (Olivier et al.,
1995) - were converted to maps assuming industrial activity to be proportional to urban
population density, as estimated using the method described by Klepper et al. (1995).
Agricultural water use was estimated by calculating crop requirements as described by Prentice et
al. (1993) and Leemans and Van den Born (1994), with a map of irrigated areas based on FAO
(1990) statistics using the method by Klepper et al. (1995). See also figure A.7. Return flows for
the three sectors were calculated using efficiencies estimated per IMAGE region.


4 5

7 8 9



6 = Precipitation equals 0.5 potential evapotranspiration;
1 =
Precipitation start of growing season
2 =
Potential evapotranspiration 7 = Building up soil moisture
3 =
0.5 potential evapotranspiration 8 = Stabilization soil moisture levels;
4 =
Precipitation > evapotranspiration surplus goes to groundwater
(discharge to soil, groundwater and runoff) 9 = Decrease in soil moisture
5 = Precipitation < evapotranspiration (almost 10 = Growing season
no recharge to groundwater, water is 11 = Irrigation period
taken up by crops) 12 = Estimated demand for irrigation water

Note: - the example in this figure applies to temperate climate on the Nothern hemisphere
- the modelled water demand of crops is based on theoretical crop requirements
- in case the simulated total water water demand were not in agreement with
withdrawal statistics (Raskin et al.1995), the difference is included
as additional demand. It is suggested that the differences, which are high in some
cases, are due to differences in irrigation management.

Figure A.7. Estimation of agricultural water demand

To avoid underestimation (if any) of agricultural water withdrawals in temperate zones relative to
current and projected withdrawals (Raskin et al. (1995) with reference to WRI (1994)), regional
and subregional withdrawals in excess of what had been estimated for water-limited agricultural
practices were also taken into account. These extra withdrawals have been allocated to the
country’s river basins in proportion to the water demand estimated for water-limited agriculture,
following Klepper, et al. (1996).

Water demand satisfaction is the ratio of the yearly sum of water availability to total water
demand. It was calculated on a river basin level, taking into account the flows from one sub-basin
to a downstream basin and the distribution of supply and demand within a sub-basin, as described
by Klepper et al. (1995). The global map of catchment areas (1165 in total) was mainly derived
from the watershed basin’s data layer on the Global GRASS CD-ROM II (CERL and Rutgers-
University, 1993). Although satisfaction is computed relative to gross demand, only actual
consumption is subtracted to calculate downstream supply.
For this study a preliminary version of the water demand satisfaction model was used.1 The
following preliminary classification is applied to present the satisfaction results: ‘no water
problems’ (rates higher or equal to 1), ‘few to moderate problems’ (rates ranging from 0.6 to 1)

1 The Water Satisfaction Model will be subject to external review.


and ‘moderately severe to severe’ (rates less than 0.6). The class ‘non-applicable’ covers catchments
with very low population densities. These catchments (47% of the world’s land area, with 5% of the
world population) have been included in the calculations, but excluded from the results.


Berdeke, E. and Wunderlich, H.G. (1968). Grosser Physischer Weltatlas., II Geology. Meyers Verlag.

CERL and Rutgers-University (1993). Global GRASS CD-ROM II, Champaign, U.S.

Conway, D., Krol, M., Alcamo, J. and Hulme, M. (1995). Water availability in the Nile basin: the interaction of global,
regional and basin scale driving forces. Memo of CRI/RIVM, Norwich/Bilthoven.

FAO (1990). FAO Production Yearbook, Vol 43, 1989. FAO Statistics Series, Rome.

FAO/UNESCO (1974). Soil Map of the World, 1:5,000,000, Vol.1-IX. FAO, Rome.

Gleick, P.H. (1993). Water in crisis. A guide to the world’s fresh water resources. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.

IHA (1974-1990) International Hydrogeological map of Europe, 1: 1,500,000. Various sheets, International Association of
Hydrologists, Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe - Hannover/UNESCO, Paris.

Klepper, O. et al., (1996). A quantitative assessment of regional and global water resources for the period 1990 - 2050 (in
prep.), National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Bilthoven, the Netherlands.

Klepper, O., Meinardi, C.R. and Beusen, A.H.W. (1995). A quantitative assessment of water resources in Africa: identifying
constraints for sustainability development in the coming decades. Discussion paper, a contribution to UNEP-Water study,
CWM memo 01/95. National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Bilthoven, the Netherlands.

Leemans, R. and Cramer, W.P. (1991). The IIASA database for mean monthly values of temperature, precipitation and
cloudiness on a global terrestrial grid. Research Report, RR-91-18, IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria.

Leemans, R. and Van den Born, G.J. (1994). Determining the Potential Distribution of Natural Vegetation, Crops and
Agricultural Productivity. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, Vol. 76 No. pp. 133-161.

Olivier, J.G.J., Bouwman, A.F., van der Maas, C.W.M., Berdowski, J.J.M., Veldt, C., Bloos, J.P.J., Visschedijk, A.J.H.,
Zandveld, P.Y.J. and Haverlag, J.L. (1995) Description of EDGAR Version 2.0. A set of global emission inventories of
greenhouse gases and ozone depleting substances for all anthropogenetic and most natural sources on a per country basis
and on 1°x1° grid. RIVM report 771060002. RIVM, Bilthoven, the Netherlands.

Prentice, I.C., Sykes, M.T. and Cramer, W. (1993). A simulation model for the transient effects of climate change on forest
landscapes. Ecol. Mod., Vol. 65 No. pp. 51-70.

Raskin, P., Hansen, E. and Margolis, R. (1995). Water and Sustainability: A Global Outlook. Polestar Series Report no.4.
Stockholm Environment Institute. Boston.

Riehl, H. (1979) Climate and Weather in the Tropics. Academic Press. London.

Tobler, W., Deichmann, U., Gottsegen, J. and Maloy, K. (1995). The Global Demography Project. NCGIA Technical report,
95-6. University of California, Santa Barbara, U.S.

UN (1988) Africa, major hydrological formations. After the Geological Map of Africa 1:5,000,000. Map no 2033, revision 1.
United Nations, New York.

WRI (1992) World Resources, A guide to the global Environment 1992-1993. Towards Sustainable Development, WRI in co-
operation with UNEP and UNDP. Oxford University Press, New York.

WRI (1994) World Resources, A guide to the global Environment 1994-1995. Oxford University Press, New York.

Zuidema, G., Van den Born, G.J., Alcamo, J. and Kreileman, G.J.J. (1994). Simulating Changes in Global Land Cover as
Affected by Economic and Climatic Factors. Water, Soil and Air Pollution, Vol. 76 No. pp. 163-198.


F. The pressure index for non-domesticated areas

The pressures on non-domesticated areas considered are: i) ‘climate change’, ii) ‘population
density’, iii) ‘consumption and production rate’ and iv) ‘forest clearance for timber’. These
pressures are determined for each non-domesticated grid cell of 0.5 degrees longitude times 0.5
degrees latitude (the IMAGE grid). The pressures for each cell have been rated on a linear scale
from pressure class 0 (no pressure) to pressure class 10 (very high pressure). Class 10 means a
high chance of extremely poor biodiversity compared with the original state. Higher pressure
values are rated as pressure class 10 to avoid an over-pessimistic result. This is a preliminary
classification system, set up for the GEO.
The following linear functions were used.

i) Climate change: the pressure is rated on a scale ranging from no change in mean temperature
to 2 degrees within a 20-year period.
An increase in mean temperature of 0.2 degrees in 20 years is rated as pressure class 1; an
increase of 2.0 degrees in 20 years as pressure class 10. The maximum value for temperature
rate of change is set at ten times the preliminary ‘threshold at which ecosystems might be able
to adapt effectively to climate change’ (Jäger, 1987; 1990). This is based on the still
rudimentary understanding of the vulnerability of ecosystems to historical temperature
changes. Moreover, the maximum value of 2.0 ºC per two decades is high in comparison to the
‘maximum temperature increase of 2.0 degrees’. This has been suggested as the ‘absolute limit
beyond which the risks of grave damage to ecosystems, and of non-linear responses, are
expected to increase rapidly’ (Jäger, 1990).

ii) Population density: the pressure is rated on a scale ranging from 0 to 100 persons per square
The maximum pressure values for population density are derived from Hannah et al. (1994).
Harrison (1992) and Terborch (1989) have mentioned similar levels.

iii) Consumption and production rate is characterized by GNP on a scale from US$ 0 to US$
6,000,000 per square kilometre per year. GNP is used as an approximation of the production
and consumption rate and the related use of, and pressure on, non-domesticated areas by
factors such as emissions, extraction of natural resources, physical disturbances and
fragmentation. The maximum GNP per square kilometre is similar to values found in highly
populated and highly industrialized areas such as the lower trajectory of the Rhine.

iv) Forest clearance for timber: the pressure is rated according to the time since the most recent
logging, ranging from 100 to 0 years ago. The maximum pressure value for forest clearance
for timber is set at 0 years ago (class 10), assuming total ecosystem destruction; the
minimum value at 100 years (class 0), assuming no pressure and total regeneration of the
forest ecosystem after 100 years. Generally, a longer period for forest regeneration is
assumed. For example, ‘old growth forest’ is generally defined as more than 200 years
(Dudley, 1992).

The four pressures ratings for the remaining non-domesticated area are simply added per grid cell,
resulting in a ‘total pressure’. This preliminary pressure index will have to be further elaborated
and underpinned in the future. For specific information, contact: ben.ten.brink@rivm.nl.



Jäger, J. 1987. Developing Policies for Responding to Climate Change. WMO/UNEP.

Jäger, J. 1990. Responding to Climate Change: Tools for Policy Development. Stockholm Environment Institute. Stockholm.

Hannah, L., J.L. Carr and A. Lankerani. 1994. Human disturbance and natural habitat: a biome level analysis of a global data
set. Human disturbance of Biomes. Conservation International. Washington, D.C.

Harrison, P. 1992. The Third Revolution. Environment, Population and a Sustainable World. In association with the World
Wildlife Fund. I.B. Taurus & Co. Ltd. London/New York.

Terborch, J. 1989. Where Have All the Birds Gone? Princeton University Press. Princeton, New Jersey.

Dudley, N. 1992. Forests in Trouble: A review of the status of temperate forests worldwide. World Wildlife Fund. Gland,



RIVM, the National Institute of Public Health and the Environment in Bilthoven, The Netherlands, is a
supporting scientific organization for the ministries in the Netherlands who deal with public health and
the environment. Since the late 1980s, a core task of RIVM has been integrated assessment in envi-
ronment and public health, on the basis of extensive monitoring, modelling, scenario analysis and an
active dialogue with the scientific community and those using the assessments in policy making. RIVM
fulfills specific roles in its relations with the various international organizations. To UNEP, for instance,
RIVM has been a Collaborating Centre for Environment Assessment, Reporting and Forecasting since

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