HG59 - IPM Series Eggplant - 2018 PDF
HG59 - IPM Series Eggplant - 2018 PDF
HG59 - IPM Series Eggplant - 2018 PDF
Leaf stippling Spider mites Yellow stippling; leaves may appear dirty on undersides.
Eggplant lace bug Symptoms similar to spider mite injury.
Leaf yellowing Spider mites Yellow stippling; leaves may appear dirty on undersides.
Early blight Advanced symptom of early blight infection (see “leaf spots”).
Moisture extremes
Low soil fertility
Eggplant lace bug Symptoms appear similar to spider mite injury.
Leaf scorch Flea beetles Tiny holes in scatter-shot pattern. Small, shiny dark insects that
jump when disturbed.
Moisture extremes
Leaf spots and blotches Early blight Dark, leathery spots begin on lower leaves; concentric rings within
Phomopsis Circular gray spots with light-colored centers.
Phytotoxicity Pesticide or fertilizer residue may burn foliage.
Eggplant lace bug White spots or blotches appear on leaf surface.
Whole plant wilts Nematodes More likely on sandy soil; small growths (“root-knots”) form on
Moisture extremes Each plant should receive 1-2 gallons of water per week during dry
Verticillium and Fusarium Wilting starts at bottom of plant. Slice epidermis of wilted
wilt disease stems. Brown streaking will be seen in infected plants.
Holes chewed in leaves Flea beetles Tiny holes in scatter-shot pattern. Small, shiny dark insects that
jump when disturbed.
Colorado potato beetle Yellow and black striped beetles and grub-like larvae chew entire
Poor growth/stunting Root-knot nematodes Progressive stunting as nematodes inhibit uptake of water and
nutrients. Check for root galls (round growths).
Flea beetles High populations can stunt young plants. Found mostly on leaf
Poor growing conditions Weak transplants, cool weather, heavy clay or infertile soil,
inadequate sunlight.
For more information on this and other topics visit the University of Maryland Extension website at www.extension.umd.edu
Plants fall over (lodging) Insufficient support Large, healthy plants often require support.
Poorly developed root system Poor soil; check for nematode galls on roots.
Water-logged soil Poor soil drainage prevents strong root development.
Branch breaking Harvesting technique Cut fruit stems with sharp knife or pruners.
Failure to flower and fruit Low temperatures Night temps. below 55F.
Inadequate sunlight Less than 6 hrs. daily direct sunlight.
Poor pollination Eggplant only partially self-fertile. Insect pollinators necessary for
high yields of well-formed fruit.
Spacing too close
Holes chewed in fruit Hornworms Large green caterpillars with a black or red horn; handpick them.
Colorado potato beetle Yellow and black striped beetles and grub-like larvae.
Various fruit worms and Cause minimal damage.
Spots on fruits Phomopsis Pale, sunken fruit spots begin at stem end.
Anthracnose Sunken leathery spots.
Early blight Small, dark, greenish-brown, leathery lesions with concentric rings.
Sunburn Caused by intense sunlight on exposed fruit.
Small or distorted fruits Poor pollination Insufficient insect pollinators. Avoid spraying insecticides during
bloom period.
Low soil fertility Sidedress plants with balanced fertilizer every two weeks after first
fruits form.
Symptoms Possible Causes Notes
White-tipped leaves Frost damage Plants insufficiently hardened; planted too early.
Purple leaves Cold damage Best to transplant eggplant into warm soil, 2 weeks after last frost
Phosphorous deficiency Low temperatures prevent phosphorous uptake.
Wilted Wind burn Leaves may become pale and dry.
Water stress Lack of adequate water; related to wind burn.
Plants fall over and die Damping-off Tap root and lower stem shrivel and darken.
Cutworms Night feeders; plants cut off at soil line.
Leaves and stems chewed Slugs and snails Night feeders; slimy trails may be seen.
Colorado potato beetle
Cutworms (See above)
Plants cut off at soil line Cutworms Plants sometimes “disappear”; dragged into underground burrow by
Slugs and snails (See above)
Small holes Flea beetles Small, dark, shiny beetles that jump when disturbed; “shotgun”
feeding pattern.
Pale green leaves Lack of nitrogen Cool soils contribute to poor nutrient uptake.
Lack of sunlight Eggplant requires a minimum of 6-8 hours sunlight.
Leaf yellowing Spider mites Fine stippling, especially in warm weather.
Whitefly Tiny, white insects fly up when plant is disturbed; usually from
greenhouse where plants were grown.
The integrated pest management (IPM) approach to prevent-
ing or managing eggplant problems is recommended and can be
summarized as follows:
Foliar Diseases/Plant Wilts Cutworms
Minor foliar diseases may appear on eggplant. Cutworms are gray to black or a dull brownish color. Mature
Control: Remove infected leaves, avoid overhead watering, caterpillars can reach 1 and 3/4 inches in length and curl up into
provide adequate space between plants. a C-shape when disturbed. Cutworms are generally a problem
during May and June. The caterpillars clip off eggplant trans-
Severe water stress caused by a lack of water, poorly developed plants at or just below the soil level and are active at night. Look
root system or poorly drained soil will produce wilt symptoms. for cutoff seedlings and dig around the base of the plant for the
The soil-borne diseases Verticillium and Fusarium occasionally caterpillars. Climbing cutworms occasionally bore into fruit.
infect home plantings. Wilted plants should be examined for Control: To protect seedlings and transplants from cutworm
signs of vascular discoloration, a sign of these diseases. damage, wrap them with cardboard collars. A simple collar can
Control: Remove and discard infected plants. Avoid planting be made from a cardboard tube or a paper cup with the bottom
strawberries, potatoes, eggplant, tomatoes or peppers in infected removed. Push the cup into the soil to hold it in place.
areas. Black plastic mulch or organic mulches (straw, grass clip-
pings) will help conserve moisture.
Flea Beetles (Epitrix spp.)
Fruit Diseases These insects are often the most damaging, season-long problem
Several minor fungal diseases attack fruits, including anthrac- of eggplant in Maryland. Flea beetles are small beetles with
nose, Alternaria, Phytophthora and Phomopsis. Fruit diseases enlarged back legs that enable them to jump. The most common
are more prevalent during wet seasons. species on eggplant is the potato flea beetle, which is 2 mm long,
Control: Keep plants and fruits off the ground, avoid over- black, and has yellow rear legs. The adult beetles emerge in late
head watering and maintain an organic mulch around plants spring and chew many small, round holes in leaves, eventually
(unless you are using black plastic mulch.) causing leaves to turn brown and die. The feeding damage retards
growth and gives the plants a sickly, diseased look.
Control: Prevent flea beetle problems by protecting transplants,
as soon as they are set, with floating row cover. Be sure that
the row cover is secured tightly to the ground. Very lightweight
floating row covers, sometimes called “insect barrier”, can be
used to cover plants all season long. Eggplant is partially insect-
pollinated, however, so covering the plants for an entire growing
season will reduce production by as much as 50%. Older plants
can usually tolerate moderate feeding and still produce a decent
crop. Asian type cultivars seem to be less prone to feeding injury.
A pyrethrum and soap or neemoil spray can also be used to kill
flea beetles. Plants can also be dusted with woodash, flour, or
Surround (a kaolin clay product). These materials create a barrier
that deters feeding. Adult flea beetles overwinter in plant debris
Flea beetles and injury on eggplant and weeds. Remove these refuges by removing or rototilling
weeds and debris in the fall. Plant a trap crop of radishes 2 weeks
before planting eggplant. Flea beetles prefer radish to eggplant.
Eggplant Lace Bug Capinera, J. L. 2001. Handbook of Vegetable Pests. Academic Press. 729pp.
This lace bug feeds on eggplant primarily but is also occa- Flint, M.L. 1990. Pests of the Garden and Small Farm, University of California
sionally found on other members of the Solanaceae family Publication 3332. 286pp. Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Uni-
- tomato, potato, etc. It is dark brown around the head and versity of California, 6701 San Pablo Ave., Oakland, CA 94608-1239, (415)
has lacey, well-veined wings. Adults feed on leaf undersides. 642-2431. $30.00.
There are numerous over-lapping generations each summer. Gilberg, L. ed. 1993. Garden Pests and Diseases. Menlo Park, CA.: Sunset
Publishing Corporation. 112pp.
Control: Monitor plants closely for sign of this insect if leaves
become stippled. Apply ultra-fine horticultural oil or insecti- MacNab, A.A., A.F. Sherf, and J.K. Springer. 1983. Identifying Diseases of
Vegetables. Pennsylvania State University, College of Agriculture. University
cidal soap to control damaging populations of this occasional Park, PA. 62pp.
pest. Be sure to direct the spray to the upper and lower leaf
surfaces. Reviewed By:
Charles McClurg, Ph.D., Extension Vegetable Specialist (retired), University of
Maryland, College Park, MD.
Authors: Jon H. Traunfeld and Mary Kay Malinoski, University of Maryland Extension
Specialists, Home and Garden Information Center
This publication is a series of publications of the University of Maryland Extension and The Home and Garden Information Center. For more information on related
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For more information on this and other topics visit the University of Maryland Extension website at http://extension.umd.edu