Paper Herencia Extracromosomal
Paper Herencia Extracromosomal
Paper Herencia Extracromosomal
Patterns of inheritance of the chloroplast genome in Passiflora were analyzed by examining the progeny from both interspecific
and intraspecific crosses. Artificial crosses of field-collected material were performed in greenhouses at The University of Texas
at Austin. DNA from fresh leaf material was analyzed by Southern blot techniques to identify the donor of the chloroplast
genome. Initially, single progeny were analyzed for 11 crosses; two intraspecific crosses demonstrated maternal inheritance,
whereas the nine interspecific crosses had paternal inheritance. Subsequently, the donor of the chloroplast genome was
determined for multiple progeny in seven crosses. Passiflora oerstedii 3 P. retipetala showed strict paternal inheritance in all of
17 progeny. A series of five crosses and backcrosses between P. oerstedii and P. menispermifolia demonstrated strictly paternal
inheritance. Finally, when 15 progeny were analyzed for the P. costaricensis 3 P. costaricensis cross, 12 of the 15 showed
maternal inheritance, whereas the remaining three were biparental. Interestingly, all interspecific crosses had primarily paternal
inheritance, whereas all intraspecific crosses had primarily maternal inheritance. The implications of heteroplasmy on
phylogenetic analyses of chloroplast DNA are discussed.
Key words: chloroplast inheritance; heteroplasmy; Passiflora; Passifloraceae; paternal inheritance; phylogenetic
incongruence; plastid inheritance.
The inheritance of chloroplast DNA has historically been Pacini, 2001). Corriveau and Coleman (1988) included
thought to be exclusively from the maternal parent in Passiflora edulis in their study and they found it to have
angiosperms (Corriveau and Coleman, 1988; Birky, 1995). chloroplast DNA in the pollen generative cells.
However, studies in recent years have documented a surprising Many different mechanisms work together to prevent
amount of variation in inheritance patterns (Shore et al., 1994; paternal chloroplast DNA from being transmitted during
Chat et al., 1999; McKinnon et al., 2001). With the ubiquitous fertilization of the embryo. Most angiosperms with maternal
use of organellar DNA in phylogenetic studies, it is critical to inheritance seem to lack plastids in the generative cell, which
know the mode of inheritance if data is to be correctly eventually divides to form the two sperm cells (Mogensen,
interpreted (Harris and Ingram, 1991). During the course of a 1996). Exclusion of plastids from the generative cell is
phylogenetic study of the genus Passiflora L. (Passifloraceae), accomplished through polarization of the plastids prior to
we sought to determine the mode of inheritance of the microspore division or degeneration of the plastid DNA.
chloroplast genome. However, the presence of plastids in the generative cell does
A landmark study by Corriveau and Coleman (1988) not necessarily mean they are transmitted to the embryo.
examined the potential for paternal plastid inheritance in 235 Mechanisms to prevent paternal plastid DNA transmission
species of angiosperms from 80 different families. Using the have been documented in nearly all subsequent stages from
DNA fluorochrome 4 0 ,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI), exclusion just prior to fertilization to differential replication of
they detected plastid DNA in either the generative cells or maternal and paternal chloroplasts in the embryo (Birky, 1995;
sperm cells in 26 genera, indicating the potential for the paternal Mogensen, 1996; Clément and Pacini, 2001).
chloroplast genome to be transmitted to offspring. This finding To determine whether paternal plastids were actually
was surprising because paternal chloroplast inheritance was inherited in Passiflora, we used restriction fragment length
thought to be exceedingly rare in angiosperms, having only polymorphisms of chloroplast DNA to determine the donor
been documented in a few angiosperms such as Medicago parent in 78 progeny from 15 artificial intraspecific and
(Smith, 1989b). Paternal chloroplast inheritance has subse- interspecific crosses. This study was completed in two phases.
quently been documented in a wide range of angiosperms In the first phase, we examined single progeny from 11
including Oenothera (Chiu et al., 1988), Pelargonium (Metzlaff different crosses. When variation in the donor of the
et al., 1981), and Turnera (Shore et al., 1994; Clément and chloroplast genome was detected in these crosses, a second
and expanded study was undertaken. For the expanded study,
Manuscript received 5 July 2006; revision accepted 25 October 2006.
we tested multiple progeny from six crosses (including
The authors thank Y.-D. Kim for technical assistance with molecular reciprocal and backcrosses) to determine whether multiple
methods and Y. Couvillion for greenhouse work. J. Tate, H. Meudt, R. modes of inheritance resulted from a single cross. Our results
Haberle, L. Larkin, and two anonymous reviewers graciously provided and their implications for phylogenetic studies are discussed.
comments that significantly improved this manuscript. Financial assistance
for this work came from a National Science Foundation Dissertation
Improvement Grant (DEB 9701092 to A.K.H.) and a National Science MATERIALS AND METHODS
Foundation Special-Reserves Grant (DEB 9209556 to L.K.E.).
Author for correspondence (e-mail: All parental plants used in this study were collected from natural populations
Deceased and grown for several years in the greenhouses of the Gilbert Lab at The
TABLE 1. Passiflora parental accessions and collection localities. TABLE 2. Crosses made, the number of progeny analyzed, and the mode
Greenhouse accession numbers (AN), collection localities, and of chloroplast inheritance in Passiflora. The maternal parent is listed
voucher numbers are listed. All vouchers are held at TEX. first. AN ¼ greenhouse accession no. for the cross, NP ¼ no. of
progeny, MI ¼ mode of inheritance (M ¼ maternal, P ¼ paternal, B ¼
Species AN Locality Voucher no. biparental, ND ¼ differences not determined among the parental
chloroplast types). The number after each species name is greenhouse
P. alata Curtis 8021 USDA accession Kh248
accession number.
P. coccinea Aubl. 8030 Brazil Kh176
P. costaricensis Killip 7006 Vera Cruz, Mexico Kh228 Cross AN NP MI
P. costaricensis Killip 8016 Corcovado, Costa Rica Kh151
P. retipetala Mast. 7007 Arima Pass, Trinidad Gilbert s.n. P. ‘‘pseudo-oerstedii’’ 8053 3 P. oerstedii 7005 8015 1 M
P. garckei Mast. 9104 French Guiana Kh177 P. racemosa 8055 3 P. quadrangularis 8054 8088 1 P
P. menispermifolia Kunth 8039 Corcovado, Costa Rica Gilbert s.n. P. racemosa 8055 3 P. retipetala 7007 9212 1 P
P. oerstedii Mast. 7005 Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica Gilbert s.n. P. oerstedii 7005 3 P. retipetala 7007 9187 1 P
P. ‘‘pseudo-oerstedii’’ 8053 Corcovado, Costa Rica Gilbert s.n. P. coccinea 8030 3 P. oerstedii 7005 8013 1 P
P. quadrangularis L. 8054 Corcovado, Costa Rica Kh183 P. vitifolia 9137 3 P. coccinea 8038 9223 1 P
P. racemosa Brot. 8055 Brazil Kh157 P. vitifolia 9137 3 P. serratifolia 8058 9231 1 P
P. serratifolia L. 8058 Belize Kh159 P. alata 8021 3 P. garckei 9104 9214 1 P
P. vitifolia Kunth 9137 Brazil Kh174 P. oerstedii 7005 3 P. alata 8021 8012 1 P
P. costaricensis 7006 3 P. costaricensis 8016 9194 1 M
P. costaricensis 7006 3 P. costaricensis 8016 9194 15 12M/3B
University of Texas at Austin. Parents, their greenhouse accession numbers, P. oerstedii 7005 3 P. retipetala 7007 9187 17 17 P
and collection localities are listed in Table 1. Stamens of the female parent were P. oerstedii 7005 3 P. menispermifolia 8039 8014 1 P
P. menispermifolia 8039 3 F1 8014 8098 9 ND
removed before anthesis, and pollen was then transferred from the donor plant
P. menispermifolia 8039 3 P. oerstedii 7005 8101 9 P
to receptive stigmas. Seeds were germinated in pots and grown in the
F1 8014 3 P. oerstedii 7005 8097 11 P
greenhouses for variable periods of time. A total of 78 progeny from two F1 8014 3 P. menispermifolia 8039 8099 4 ND
intraspecific and 15 interspecific crosses were analyzed (Table 2). The number
of progeny analyzed for each cross did not reflect the amount of viable seed
Total DNA was extracted from 3–5 g of leaf tissue using the modified analyzed, showed paternal inheritance of the chloroplast
CTAB protocol of Doyle and Doyle (1987). This procedure was followed by
ultracentrifugation in ethidium bromide gradients (Sambrook et al., 1989) to
purify the DNA. Restriction site polymorphisms that uniquely identified each When multiple progeny were analyzed for the P. costar-
parent were found by digesting the DNAs with eight different restriction icensis 3 P. costaricensis cross, 12 of the 15 individuals
endonucleases (Hind III, ClaI, Bgl II, Bgl I, Nci I, BanII, EcoRI, and EcoRV). showed maternal inheritance, whereas the remaining three
The digested DNA fragments were separated on 1–1.2% TAE (Tris-acetate- showed biparental inheritance (Fig. 1). The interspecific cross
EDTA) agarose gels until the dye front reached 12–15 cm. Bidirectional of P. oerstedii 3 P. retipetala Mast. had strict paternal
Southern blots (Southern, 1975) as described by Maniatis et al. (1982) were
inheritance in all 17 progeny examined.
used to transfer DNA fragments to nylon membranes (Zetabind, AMF Cuno,
Meriden, Connecticut). The series of P. menispermifolia Kunth 3 P. oerstedii
Single probes from the Nicotiana tabacum L. chloroplast DNA clone bank crosses and backcrosses (Table 2) all showed paternal
(Olmstead and Palmer, 1992) were radiolabeled with P32 by nick-translation inheritance when restriction fragment differences were detected
and hybridized to the nylon filters using the methods described by Palmer between the parents. Neither the P. oerstedii 7005 chloroplast
(1986). Hybridizations and subsequent washes were performed at 628C. Filters genome nor the P. menispermifolia 8039 chloroplast genome
were air dried and exposed to x-ray films at 708C using intensifying screens. appeared to be favored. We were not able to find unique
Once unique polymorphisms were detected for the parental accessions, the
procedure was repeated with parents and progeny on the same gel. After
patterns for the reciprocal backcrosses of the P. oerstedii 3 P.
exposure to film, the filters were stripped and rehybridized with a different menispermifolia F1 progeny or the P. menispermifolia parent
tobacco probe to confirm the results. In cases where a single band differed (cross-accession nos. 8099 and 8098).
between the parents, films were overexposed to confirm presence or absence of
the band in the progeny.
Fig. 1. Scanned image of the autoradiograph used to detect chloroplast inheritance patterns in Passiflora. This intraspecific cross, P. costaricensis 3 P.
costaricensis, demonstrated both maternal and biparental inheritance of the chloroplast genome in Passiflora. Total DNAs were digested with restriction
enzyme BanII and hybridized to probe 1 of the chloroplast tobacco genome. Lanes 1, lambda molecular size marker; 2, paternal parent, P. costaricensis
(8016); 3, maternal parent, P. costaricensis (7006); 4, 10, and 12, biparental inheritance; 5–9, 11, 13–19, maternal inheritance.
detected biparental inheritance in 4.7% of the Passiflora Pinus (Marshall et al., 2001) and Cycas (Huang et al., 2001),
progeny analyzed. Medgyesy et al. (1985) showed that recombination in
A wide variety of documented mechanisms work to some angiosperms was possible through somatic fusion in Nicotiana.
extent in all plant groups to prevent biparental transfer of Birky (1995) suggested that the selective pressures likely vary
chloroplast and mitochondrial DNA (reviewed in Birky, 1995, among species and that no one selective regime is responsible
2001; Mogenson, 1996). This, along with the relative rarity of for uniparental inheritance of plastid DNA in all organisms.
documented cases of biparental inheritance, implies a selective The majority of the progeny (71.9%) analyzed in this study
advantage to uniparental inheritance (Mogenson, 1996). demonstrated paternal inheritance. However, it is notable that
However, exactly what that benefit might be is not well paternal inheritance was only detected in interspecific crosses.
understood. Most commonly, the prevention of recombination, The two intraspecific crosses, P. ‘‘pseudo-oerstedii’’ 3 P.
which might interfere with the expression of the coadapted oerstedii and P. costaricensis 3 P. costaricensis, had primarily
photosynthetic genes within the chloroplast, is suggested to act maternal inheritance. The correlation of intraspecific crosses
as a strong selectional pressure to prevent biparental inheri- having maternal inheritance with interspecific crosses having
tance (Birky, 1995; Mogenson, 1996). Although recombination paternal inheritance is a phenomenon that has been observed in
of chloroplasts has only been documented in the unicellular other taxonomic groups such as Iris (Cruzan et al., 1993),
algae Chlamydomonas (Harris, 1989) and in the gymnosperms Daucus (Boblenz et al., 1990), Hordeum 3Secale (Soliman,
1987), Larrea (Yang et al., 2000), and Medicago (Lee, 1988). examples described, leading to the misinterpretation of
In fact, most cases of paternal inheritance in the literature relationships. Because two cases of confirmed heteroplasmy
involved interspecific hybrids. There are three notable have been detected in Passiflora (P. costaricensis and P.
exceptions. First, in kiwifruit, multiple progeny from an microstipula), caution is warranted when interpreting chloro-
intraspecific cross demonstrated strict paternal inheritance plast phylogenetic data in this genus.
(Chat et al., 1999). Second, in a family closely related to the While the perils of paralogous copies of nuclear genes in
Passifloraceae, intervarietal crosses in the Turnera ulmifolia phylogenetic inference have been extensively addressed in the
complex (Turneraceae) also demonstrated paternal inheritance literature (see Alvarez and Wendel, 2003; Bailey et al., 2003),
(Shore et al., 1994). The authors of this last study point out that they have largely been ignored for chloroplast data (but see
the degree of reproductive isolation among these varieties is Harris and Ingram, 1991; Wolfe and Randle, 2004). As Wolfe
more typical of interspecific taxa; therefore, paternal inheri- and Randle (2004) point out, nearly one third of surveyed
tance may not be the norm in Turnera. The third exception is angiosperms have at least occasional biparental inheritance of
also found in Turnera. Shore and Triassi (1998) examined cpDNA (Smith, 1989a), resulting in functionally paralogous
progeny from 43 intraspecific crosses of T. ulmifolia and found copies within an individual. Therefore, it is probable that
that 64% of the time, the chloroplast donor was the paternal heteroplasmy occurs on a limited scale in most groups of
parent. However, T. ulmifolia is a known allohexaploid angiosperms. Indeed, Birky (1995, 2001) suggested that plastid
(Belaoussoff and Shore, 1995). To our knowledge, no cases inheritance might occur on a continuum, making the classifica-
of primarily paternal inheritance have been documented in tion of discrete states (maternal, paternal, biparental) artificial.
crosses of noncrop angiosperms that do not involve interspe- Further, the ubiquitous use of phylogenetic relatedness to
cific hybrids. Therefore, the primarily paternal inheritance of justify the assumption of uniparental, maternal inheritance
chloroplast DNA could be a function of incompatibility seems misguided, at least at the family level. In a recent survey
between interspecific or modified genomes where the mech- of pollen generative cells in 295 species, Zhang et al. (2003)
anisms for paternal exclusion fail. At present, we have very detected more than one mode of inheritance (either biparental
little understanding of the likelihood and mechanisms for or a combination of maternal and biparental) in 37% of the
primarily paternal inheritance in natural populations of families for which multiple taxa were sampled. Although we
angiosperms. do not dispute their contention that there might be a
The existence of multiple modes of inheritance in Passiflora phylogenetic component to the mode of plastid transmission,
requires caution when interpreting phylogenetic data. For it seems an unreliable predictor given these data. The advent of
example, it is not possible to make inferences regarding the PCR methods for determining the donor of the chloroplast
seed or pollen parent of hybrid taxa. Although only a single genome has made generating this information relatively
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