Reinhard - Et Al2008 - Evaluating Chloroplast DNA
Reinhard - Et Al2008 - Evaluating Chloroplast DNA
Reinhard - Et Al2008 - Evaluating Chloroplast DNA
Molecular analysis of coprolites from Hinds Cave, Texas recovered chloroplast DNA sequences. The sequences were interpreted as evidence
of diet. We analyzed 19 Hinds Cave coprolites to evaluate the potential sources of the chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) and compared our results to
previous studies. This review shows that some cpDNA sequences could be from well-known prehistoric plants foods. Some other sequences
could have come from ambient plant material in the guts of small animals eaten by humans in antiquity. Using pollen concentration analysis,
we identify sources of ambient plant material which could have been inhaled or imbibed. It is even possible that cpDNA sequences are from
proplastids within ambient pollen grains themselves. However, three sequence types cannot be explained as resulting from only dietary or am-
bient sources. We suggest instead that these might be from medicinal or hallucinogenic plants. We compared these three sequences to existing
sequences in the GenBank. We found that these sequences are 100% matches for Rhamnus, Fouquieria, and Solanum.
Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Molecular biology; Pollen concentration; Zooarchaeology; Ambient plant residue; Coprolite
0305-4403/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
K.J. Reinhard et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 35 (2008) 1748e1755 1749
the coprolites reviewed by Reinhard (1992), significant varia- It would have been ideal to extract pollen from the exact
tion between different studies was noted for only four taxa; coprolite samples analyzed for cpDNA. In the most recent
wild onion, walnut, mesquite and dropseed grass. These analy- methods of coprolite analysis, macroscopic remains, phyto-
ses have revealed a general long-term pattern of plant use at liths, parasites, and pollen are recovered sequentially from
Hinds Cave through analysis of pollen, phytoliths, and macro- the same coprolite sample (Reinhard, 1988; Reinhard et al.,
scopic plant residues such as fibers and seeds. 2006a, b) or from two separate subsamples removed from
Microfossil and macrofossil coprolite analyses are fre- the same coprolite (Reinhard et al., 2002). The goal of this
quently concerned with issues of prehistoric or modern ambient analysis was to assess whether cpDNA sequences from the
plant residue contamination of samples (Chaves and Reinhard, small sample analyzed by Poinar et al. (2001) could have
2006; Reinhard et al., 2006a; Sobolik, 1988). For this paper, been derived from intentional dietary use or were signals of
ambient plant residue refers to plant material inadvertently ambient plant material. We could not access the same copro-
incorporated into coprolites in ancient times by several means. lites analyzed by these authors. So we based our evaluation
These range from consumption of ambient plant residue from on the independent analyses of larger series from the site. In
whole animals or insects, plant residue inadvertently swallowed this way, our aim was to detail whether or not these authors’
while processing plant materials for non-dietary purposes, and conclusions were valid based on a comprehensive review of
consumption of pollen-carrying plant residues via inhalation 169 coprolites analyzed by Williams-Dean (1978), Edwards
and swallowing. After deposition, ambient plant residue from (1990), and ourselves in this study.
cave deposits could infiltrate the coprolite matrix. The continuity in general diet between Early to Late Ar-
At Hinds Cave, cpDNA from ambient plant residue can chaic periods (Reinhard, 1992) has been previously demon-
come from several likely sources evaluated in this paper. An- strated. Thus, including all periods for comparison with the
cient inhabitants of the cave ate many species of small animals molecular analysis of Late Archaic coprolites is justified. Fur-
whole as evidenced by analysis of animal bones in the human thermore, we have the potential of demonstrating that ambient
coprolites (Reinhard et al., 2006c; Williams-Dean, 1978). This cpDNA was a long-existing aspect of lower Pecos environment
introduces vegetation from the prey digestive tracts into hu- which poses a problem for molecular interpretation of other
man digestive tracts (Reinhard et al., 2002, 2006c). Secondly, coprolites from other Archaic periods.
consumption of aqueous plant solutions, i.e. teas, can intro-
duce plant residue into intestinal tracts (Chaves and Reinhard, 2. Materials and methods
2006; Reinhard et al., 1991). Consumption of ambient, pollen-
associated plant material with food, drink, or inhalation might Five-gram fragments of Hinds Cave coprolites were re-
add cpDNA sequences into coprolites. Finally, a more remote moved from the interior of 19 coprolites that were brushed
possibility is that inhalation of pollen could have introduced clean of extraneous cave sediments. The coprolites were rehy-
cpDNA sequences into the coprolites. Although chloroplasts drated in 0.5% trisodium phosphate for 48 h. Five Lycopodium
are not present in angiosperm pollen, proplastids sometimes tablets (batch 201890, each containing 11,300 400 Lycopo-
are. Proplastids are DNA-carrying, organelle precursors to dium spores), were added to the rehydrating coprolites. The re-
chloroplasts. They can be in the generative and vegetative cells hydrated coprolites were then screened through a 300
in pollen grains (Bennett and Parducci, 2006; Pacini et al., micrometer mesh with a jet of distilled water. The water and
1992; Sangwan and Sangwan-Norreel, 1987; Schmitz and Ko- microscopic residues that passed through the screen were col-
wallik, 1987; Sodmergen et al., 1994). Recently, cpDNA was lected in a beaker and concentrated by centrifugation. The
recovered from ancient Fagus pollen (Paffetti et al., 2007). concentrated microscopic residues were then washed in glacial
To evaluate the potential sources of ambient plant residue, acetic acid and processed for 10 min in acetolysis solution (1
we undertook an analysis of 19 Middle Archaic Hinds Cave part sulfuric acid to 8 parts acetic anhydride) at 98 C. The res-
coprolites. We compared the results of this analysis with idues were then washed in glacial acetic acid, and subse-
Edward’s (1990) analysis of Late Archaic Hinds Cave copro- quently with distilled water. The residues were then treated
lites and Dean (2006); (Williams-Dean, 1978) analysis of with approximately 45% hydrofluoric acid for 24 h at room
Early Archaic coprolites. The coprolites analyzed by Edwards temperature. The residues were then washed three times
date between 2100 and 600 B.C. The coprolites analyzed by with distilled water, concentrated by centrifugation, and then
Dean date between 7710 80 and 7590 80 B.C. The copro- transferred to 2 dram vials with glycerin. Microscopic exami-
lites we analyzed are from Hinds Cave (41VV456) B-1, Lens nation was done at 400 and 1000 magnification. A mini-
5 (2560e2810 B.C.) and B-1 Lens 7 (3680 80 B.C.). These mum of 200 pollen grains was counted for each sample.
are uncorrected dates. Specific provenience information of the Pollen was identified by comparison to reference samples of
collection bags state B-1 B6-XI (K), B-1 Lens 5, and B-1 Lens lower Pecos pollen curated in the Palynology Laboratory, De-
7. The stratigraphy of Hinds Cave is summarized in several partment of Anthropology, Texas A&M University, and with
unpublished sources (Lord, 1984; Saunders, 1986; Shafer samples collected by Reinhard in 1991 and curated in the
and Bryant, 1977). However, this subject has been well treated School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
on the Texas Beyond History Hinds Cave website. For consid- The processed samples are stored in glycerin. Lycopodium
eration of stratigraphy and provenience, see (http://www. spores were counted as they were encountered during the pol- len count. The pollen concentration values were calculated by
1750 K.J. Reinhard et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 35 (2008) 1748e1755
the following formula in terms of number of pollen grains per was identified. Five pollen types of unknown origin were also
gram of coprolite (modified from Maher, 1981). found. Therefore, a total of 53 palynomorph types were repre-
sented. Of the 47 identifiable flowering plant taxa, 22 occurred
Pollen concentration only in trace amounts (500e25,000 grains of pollen per gram
¼ ð½pollen grains counted= of coprolite). Thus, 25 taxa were found in high numbers in one
or more coprolite (in excess of 100,000 grains of pollen per
marker grains counted gram).
number of markerpollen grains addedÞ= The 25 taxa of greater numerical occurrence are listed in
Table 1. In a few coprolites, the numbers of pollen grains per
coprolite weight: gram of certain taxa are very high, exceeding 100,000 grains
The pollen concentration data were then used to determine per gram, and indicate intentional consumption of plants.
the approximate numbers of pollen grains from identifiable Agave, Cactaceae, Dasylirion, and higher Poaceae counts are
plant taxa in the coprolites. The pollen data were compared among these.
with the list of taxa represented by cpDNA sequences to assess The remaining 21 taxa occur in numbers that are consistent
which sequences represent diet, which sequences represent with prehistoric ambient pollen inclusion in feces as discussed
ambient plant residue, and which sequences could be derived in recent papers (Reinhard et al., 2002, 2006a,b). Low Poaceae,
from both diet and/or ambient plant residue. Cheno-Am, and Low Spine Asteraceae made up the majority of
An analysis of animal remains in the coprolites was done to the Lower Pecos pollen rain in prehistory (Dean, 2006;
evaluate the potential of introduction of ambient plant residue Edwards, 1990; Reinhard, 1988; Sobolik, 1988; Stock, 1983;
through consumption of entire small lizards, rodents, fish, and Williams-Dean, 1978). Therefore, these pollen types have an
insects such as grasshoppers. The plant diets of the animals ambient source. Quercus, Larrea, Celtis, Eriogonum, and Ephe-
were researched to assess whether they eat the plant taxa dra are moderately common ambient types. However, when
found by Poinar et al. (2001). Larrea and Ephedra occur in high concentrations, their use as
We compared the rbcL gene sequence of three taxa recov- a medicinal tea can be interpreted (Reinhard et al., 1991).
ered by Poinar et al. (2001) with GenBank sequences (October, Table 2 presents a comparison of common ambient pollen
2007). Specifically, the consensus sequence of DNA sequences taxa found in this study compared to Dean (2006) and
of clones from Rhamnaceae, and Solanaceae, and the unique Edwards (1990). These data show that ambient plant material
clone sequence of Fouquieriaceae identified by the authors from Alnus (alder), Asteraceae (sunflower family), Celtis
were chosen. The best hits defined by maximal identity of (hackberry), Cheno-am (goosefoot family and pigweed ge-
a BLAST search were considered most likely plant origins. nus), Ephedra (mormon tea), Juglans (walnut), Pinus (pine),
Poaceae (grass family), Quercus (oak), and Ulmus (elm)
3. Results occurred in all Archaic time periods.
The comparison of the Fouquieriaceae, Rhamnaceae, and
Animal remains were commonly found in the coprolites. Solanaceae sequences recovered from Poinar et al. (2001)
One sample contained a rodent tooth. Bone fragments of with GenBank presented mixed results (Table 3). The Fou-
rodents were found in 16 samples. The absence of burning or quieriaceae sequence is a 100% match for a non-endemic spe-
other evidence of heat alteration of the bone indicates that these cies, Fouquieria columnaris. There is another Fouquieria
animals were eaten raw or in a semi-cooked state. Lizard scales species in the region F. splendens or ocatillo. It is more likely
were present in two samples. Fish bones and scales were pres- that the Fouquieria cpDNA comes from this species. The
ent in one sample and fish scales were present in another sam- Rhamnaceae sequence is 100% consistent with two species
ple. Non-human hair was present in six samples. Masticated of Rhamnus, or buckthorn. There are endemic species of
insect fragments unidentifiable to family were found in 13 cop- Rhamnus in the region. It is also identical with Sageretia
rolites and masticated grasshopper fragments were present in which is also present in the region. The Solanaceae sequence
two coprolites. Recent analyses report an association of trace is 100% match for Solanum lycopersicum and Lycopersicon
amounts of choridoid, festucoid, and panicoid grass phytoliths esculentum or the cultivated tomato. This is a mismatch for
(Reinhard et al., 2002) and fungal spores of animal dietary or- any species in the area. There is a wild solanaceous plant in
igin (Reinhard et al., 2006c) in coprolites with animal bone. the region, Solanum triquetrum.
These are best interpreted as food residue from the intestinal
tracts of prey animals eaten whole. Previous phytolith analysis 4. Discussion
of these Hinds Cave coprolites revealed traces of choridoid,
festucoid, and panicoid phytoliths (Danielson and Reinhard, As shown in this analysis, the prehistoric inhabitants of
1998). Thus, the coprolites from Hinds Cave present substan- Hinds Cave ate small animals in their entirety. Our findings
tial evidence that whole animals were consumed. This evidence support Dean’s previous analysis of 100 Hinds Cave Copro-
includes hair, teeth, bone, and phytoliths that are best explained lites (Williams-Dean, 1978). Reinhard et al. (2006c) presented
as the result of eating small animals in their entirety. a case that the consumption of small animals in their entirety
Pollen analysis revealed 47 identifiable taxa of flowering was a common prehistoric hunter-gatherer subsistence compo-
plants in the 19 coprolites. In addition, one type of fern spore nent. They also present a case that identification of small
Table 1
Pollen concentration values for coprolites in terms of number of grains of pollen per gram of coprolite
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
1752 K.J. Reinhard et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 35 (2008) 1748e1755
conceivably have the same rbcL gene as cultivated tomato. At copy of the paper and sponsored Reinhard and Jone’s work
this point, however, the Solanaceae cpDNA eludes specific with Hinds Cave remains. The pollen processing was done
interpretation. by Jones and Reinhard in Bryant’s pollen laboratory at Texas
A&M University, Department of Anthropology assisted by
5. Conclusions Laurie Zimmerman. The analysis of the pollen data was done
at the Laboratório de Ecologia da Escola Nacional de Saúde
The implications of cpDNA sequences in Hinds Cave cop- Pública, Fundaç~ao Oswaldo Cruz and evaluation of GenBank
rolites may be more complicated than the dietary explanation sequence association at the Laboratório de Genética Molecular
presented by Poinar et al. (2001) but at the same time they are de Microorganismos, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Fundaç~ao Os-
more interesting. We believe that they made the correct dietary waldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil with funding from the Ful-
interpretation for Fabaceae and Liliaceae. However, the bright Commission, CAPES, and CNPq. Valdirene dos Santos
cpDNA sequences for Ulmaceae, Fagaceae, and Asteraceae Lima and Lı́via Maria Rubem Vidal from Laboratório de Ge-
could be derived whole or in part from ambient plant residue. nética Molecular de Microorganismos (IOC/FIOCRUZ) assis-
The most intriguing discoveries are of cpDNA from Fouquier- ted in the analysis of the DNA sequences.
iaceae, Rhamnaceae, and Solanaceae that have medicinal or hal-
lucinogenic genera. The cpDNA sequences, therefore expand the
potential of paleoethnobotany to include the non-dietary use of
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