Travel Policies
Travel Policies
Travel Policies
From :
RE : Travel policies
I. Rationale:
In view of our continuous effort to streamline the organization, this guidelines shall
be issued in order to realign the practice of the company and internal control.
II. Scope:
This guidelines shall be applicable to all employees in every department.
III. General principles:
1. That there should be an unliquidated meal allowance of Php 100.00 per meal.
Subject to the following conditions:
a. Travel orders and the cash advance slip shall be subject for liquidation of the an
auditor staff as designated.
b. No travel order shall be subsequently approved if there is a pending liquidation of
an employee.
c. The liquidation shall be supported by the receipts and acknowledgments with
evidences that transactions had, which shall also be sorted out by the auditor as
a. Signatories. Shall see to it that prior of approving the travel order, the employee
shall be cleared with the auditor designated. Likewise, shall verify that this policy
is properly implemented.
b. Auditor. Shall audit the liquidation and likewise verify and evaluate the
accountability in every liquidation and shall see to it the proper implementation
of this policy.