Essential Scottish Gaelic Dictionary

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The Essential

Compiled by
The Essential
A Dictionary for Students and Learners of
Scottish Gaelic

Compiled by

First published in ZOO5 by
Birlinn Limited
West Newington House
10 Newington Road
Edinburgh EH9 1QS

Copyright © Angus Watson ZOO5

The moral right of Angus Watson to be identified as the author of this

work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright,
Designs and Patents Act 1988 Introduction vu

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,

Layout of Entries 1)(

stored or transmitted in any form without the express written

permission of the publisher. Acknowledgements xii

List of Abbreviations xiii

The Dictionary 1

ISBN 10: 1 84158106 Z The Forms of the Gaelic Article 422

ISBN 13: 978 1 84158106 4

British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

Thug Comhairle nan Leabhraichean labharlas barantais dhan

fhoillsichear airson obair deasachaidh air an leabhar seo, agus chuidich
a' Chomhairle le cosgaisean an leabhair

Typeset by Edderston Book Design, Peebles

Printed and bound by Creative Print and Design, Ebbw Vale, Wales

This volume complements the same compiler's Essential Gaelic-English

Dictionary, published by Birlinn in 2001. The intention has been to make
available, in a format that is pleasant to handle, a generous proportion of
"essential" or core Gaelic. For this reason much of the material given is
common to the two volumes, and can thus be accessed from the starting
point of either English or Gaelic.
Though dictionaries are not learning tools in the way that grammars
do Sheonaid, a-rithist or course books are, anyone who was to absorb a reasonable proportion
of the content of these volumes would be well equipped to function in
a Gaelic-speaking environment, and from then on to learn by using the
language - which is, after all, the best way!
A key feature of both volumes has been, where appropriate, to present
headwords in terms of the different senses and nuances they may have -
something not seriously attempted for Gaelic since Dwelly's monumental
Illustrated Gaelic-English Dictionary of 1901 and subsequent reprints.
Dwelly's volume remains a very impressive work of lexicography, but
Gaelic has evolved so much since he gathered his material that it is not to
be put into the hands of the unwary.
Among English-Gaelic dktionaries, An Stor-Diita Briathrachais Giiidhlig/
The Gaelic Terminology Database, Clb Ostaig, 1993, does not attempt to make
clear distinctions between the different senses and shades of meaning a
headword might have. Nonetheless, it gives a hefty range of Gaelic equiva-
lents for a large number of English items, and is a valuable tool if used
with discrimination. The number of equivalents given can be confusing
or off-putting, but the principle followed by the compilers was generally
to put the most commonly used Gaelic equivalents at the head of the
entry. The wise learner, if unsure of an item, will always try to confirm in
a Gaelic-English dictionary the precise sense of the Gaelic word or words
Among other sources for equivalents for words and phrases are the
English-Gaelic Faclan Ura Giiidhlig, produced for the Highland Council in
1993, and the much more nuanced Faclair na PiirlamaidlDictionary of Terms,
published under the auspices of the Scottish Parliament in 2001. The first


of these has a mix of technical and more everyday items. The second,
which has both English-Gaelic and Gaelic-English sections, deals mainly
with political and administrative vocabulary, but at the same time has
words and expressions that are useful in other contexts.

........... The Layout of the Entries

In compiling the Essential dictionaries I have not knowingly favoured
any particular Gaelic dialect, but have endeavoured to include words
and expressions that can be used in most, if not all, Scottish Gaelic
Within the entries, all English material for translation into Gaelic is
given in bold type. Italics are used for all other text in English, ie for
abbreviations, instructions such as see and Cj, and all notes, comments,
explanatory material and grammatical information. The Gaelic translation
equivalents given for the English headwords, phrases and expressions,
represent current Gaelic usage except where marked trad (traditional),
occas (occasionally), &c. Gaelic spelling used corresponds to up-to-date
norms. Occasionally two acceptable spellings are given for the same Gaelic
The examples given below show how in a typical entry the English
headword is followed by its part of speech, which is abbreviated (see list
of abbreviations pp. xiii to xv).

abrupt adj 1 (sudden &c) grad; 2 (of persons: terse, sltort-tempered) cas,
aithghearr; 3 (of slope &c) cas
elder' n 1 (church -) eildear m, (more trad) foirfeach m; 2 (older of two) am
fear/an te (&c) as sine, John is the - is e lain am fear m as sine

These examples also show how synonyms or other inclications, such as

(older of two), are given in brackets, and often in numbered subsections,
to distinguish between the senses or contexts for which a given Gaelic
translation equivalent applies. In the case of elder', a superscript numeral
is being used to make the distinction between English homonyms, that
is words with the same form but clifferent meanings - the entry elder' n
refers to the elder tree.
Gaelic nouns are given in the nominative singular (raclical) case,
followed by the abbreviated gender of the noun, as follows:

safety n tearainteachd f invar, sabhailteachd f invar, in - an tearainteachd,

- equipment uidheam f sing coil sabhailteachd

Some Gaelic nouns have both genders and this is shown by the abbreviation
nif. In the example above invar (invariable) also shows that the nouns in

viii ix

question have only the one form, ie do not decline. It was also thought within the individual entries. In particular, the forms of the prepositional
helpful, especially to learners, to give the gender of every noun used in the pronouns are given in full, and readers should consult the entry for the
examples throughout the dictionary (Cf uidheam f sing coli above), except corresponding English preposition.
where the gender is shown by a definite article or a following adjective. The genitive and nominative plural forms of many Gaelic nouns, and
The Gaelic equivalents for many headwords are followed by common the present participles of many verbs, are to be found within the relevant
expressions involving that headword. Each repetition of the English entries in the companion volume, The Essential Gaelic-English Dictionary.
headword is represented by the symbol -, as in - equipment (for safety Tables giving the forms of the irregular verbs likely to be encountered in
equipment) above. The abbreviation in erpr (in the expression) is used mainstream Gaelic are also to be found, at the end of the same volume.
to signal that in certain expressions, often idiomatic ones, the Gaelic
equivalent for a particular English headword or phrase is different from
the standard ones given earlier in the entry. This is illustrated by:

milk n bainne Ill, in erpr - cows crodh-eadraidh III

Verbs are given in the second person singular imperative form. The
abbreviation vt (transitive verb) indicates that, in the sense concerned in
the entry, a given verb is used with a direct object, while vi (intransitive
verb) shows that it is used without a direct object. The following example
illustrates the difference between a transitive use of 'capsize', they
capsized her/the boat, and an intransitive use, the boat capsized.

capsize v 1 (as vt) cuir vt thairis, they -d her chuir iad thairis i; 2 (as VI)
rach vi thairis, the boat -d chaidh am bilta thairis, also chaidh car 111
dhen bhilta III

A verb that can be used in either of these ways is labelled vti, as follows:

gather v cruinnich vti, they -ed in the barn chruirmich iad san t-sabhal, he
-ed them (together) in the barn chruirmich e iad san t-sabhal

Where a Gaelic verb takes a particular preposition, this is shown in

brackets after the verb, as follows:

accentuate v cuir strac rn, leig cudthrom Ill, (with prep air)

In this particular case the comma after 'cudthrom Ill' indicates that both
the verbs listed take the same preposition, air, whereas in the entry below
the verbs concerned take different prepositions.

advise v comhairlich vi (with prep do), thoir comhairle (with preps air or
do) ...

At the end of the dictionary will be found a table of the forms of the
Gaelic article, and much additional grammatical information is given

x xi
Acknowledgements List of Abbreviations

Wann thanks are due to the Gaelic Books Council for a grant towards the abbrev abbreviation
cost of compiling this dictionary. abstr abstract
Ailean Boyd was once again meticulous in his reading of the typescript, acc accusative
and I am very grateful for his many suggestions and emendations. Any adj adjective, adjectival
errors remaining are, of course, mine entirely. adv adverb, adverbial
I wish especially to thank my wife for her financial support- and for her agric agriculture, agricultural
patience, encouragement and good humour - during the long gestation of alt alternative
this dictionary and its earlier Gaelic-English counterpart, when her man anat anatomy
was so often incommunicado in front of the word processor! approx approximate, approximately
art article
Bibl Bible, Biblical
bioi biology
bot botany, botanical
Cl compare
chem chemistry, chemical
call collective
camp comparative
con concrete
conj conjunction
cons consonant
corres correspondence, corresponding
dat dative
def defective
derog derogatory
dimin diminutive
ed education, educational
elec electric, electrical
emph emphasis, emphatic
Eng English
engin engineering
esp especially
excl(s) exclamation(s)
expr(s) expression(s)
xii xiii

f feminine poss possessive

fam familiar prep pron prepositional pronoun
fig figurative, figuratively pres part present participle
fin financial, financially pron pronoun
freq frequent, frequently prov proverb
jut future psych psychology, psychological
geog geography, geographical pt part
gen genitive rei relative
gov government relig religion, religious
gram grammar, grammatical Se Scots (language)
hist history, historical sing singular
imper imperative sing coli singular collective
incl including sp spelling
infin infinitive sup superlative
inter interrogative topog topography
invar invariable trad traditional, traditionally
irreg irregular typog typography
IT information technology, computing usu usual, usually
lang language v verb, verbal
lit literally veg vegetable
Lit literature, literary vi verb, intransitive
m masculine vt verb, transitive
med medical vti verb, transitive & intransitive
mise miscellaneous voc vocative
mus music, musical vulg vulgar
n noun
nee necessary, necessarily
neg negative
nf noun, feminine
nm noun, masculine
nmf noun, masculine & feminine
nom nominative
num(s) numeral(s), numerical
obs obsolete
aceas occasionally
past part past participle
PC politically correct
pej pejorative
pers pron personal pronoun
philo philosophy
phys physical, physically
pi plural
poet poetical
pol politics, political

xiv xv
a.m. adv sa mhadainn f, six - sia uairean'!pl sa mhadainn
3, an indefinite art, 110t expressed in Gaelic, I saw - man chunnaic mi duine
m, I ate an apple dh'ith mi ubhalm
abandon v treig vt, he -ed his family threig e a theaghlach m, the people
-ed the island threig na daoine mpJ an t-eiJean, - the faith of your
forefathers treig creideamh m ur sinnsirean mpl
abandonment tl treigsinn 111 invar
abasement n isleachadh m, self-- fein-isleachadh m
abash v naraich vt
abashed adj & past part naraichte, air a (&c) narachadh
abate v lughdaich vi, rach vi 5105, the storm -d lughdaich an stoirm ml,
chaidh an stoirm sios
• abatement n lughdachadh m
abattoir 11 taigh-spadaidh m
abbess 11 ban-aba I
abbey n abaid I
abbot 11 aba m
abbreviate v giorraich vt
abbreviation 11 giorrachadh m
abdicate v leig dheth (&c) an crUn, the queen -d leig a' bhanrigh dhith
abdication n leigeilml dheth (&c) a' chruin, after their - an deidh dhaibh
an crUn a leigeil dhiubh
abduct v thoir vt air falbh
abduction n toirt I ;Ilvnr air falbh
abet v cuidich vt;
abettor 11 pairtiche m, neach-cuideachaidh m (pI luchd-cuideachaidh m
s;llg coli)
abeyance n stad m, the scheme is in - tha an sgeama m na stad
abhor v, I - him/it tha grain I agam air
abhorrence n grain I
abhorrent adj graineil
abide v 1 (stand, tolerate) fuiling vti, I can't - him/it chan fhuiling mi e,
(also) chan urrainn dhomh fhulang; 2 (Lit: dwell, Sc stay) fuirich v;,
comhna ich vi
abiding adj (endllr;llg) maireannach
ability n comas m, - to speak comas bruidhne I, intellectual - comas
inntinn I, that's beyond my - tha sin thar mo chomais, (ed) mixed -
comasan measgaichte
abject adj truagh, (more pej) suarach, - poverty bochdainn thruagh
able adj 1 (skilled, highly competent) comasach, an - man duine comasach,

mentally - comasach na (&c) inntinn, glic; 2 (capable of particlllar cOta Ill; 4 (approxilllately) limcheall air, mu (takes dot & lellites following
activity) is v irreg urrainn (with prep do), I am not - to write chan consollant), there'lI be - ten people there bidh limcheall air deichnear
urrainn dhomh sgriobhadh, also chan eil sgriobhadh III agam; 3 (idiolll: IIIf illvar ann, bidh mu dheichnear ann ,.
of illvalid &c, fit for a particular activity) - to go out air chothrom III a above prep 1 (positioll) os cionn (with gell), clouds - the ocean neoil IIIpl os
dhol a-mach cionn a' chuain, - me os mo chionn; 2 (1II1SC exprs) - all (le especlOlIy) gu
-able sllffix ion- prefix (with past part of verb), eg eatable ion-ithe, practicable h-araidh adv, - board follaiseach
ion-dheanta abrasive adj sgrlobach
able-bodied adj corp-Iaidir, fallain abridge v giorraich vt
ablutions Il (the act) ionnJad III abridged adj & past part giorraichte
abnormal adj 1 (1IIlIlSllal) neo-chumanta, as a' churnantas; 2 (phys -) abridgementll giorrachadh III . .
meangach abroad adv 1 (expr 1II0velllent) a-nullthairis, they went - chaldh lad a-n~lI
abnormality Il 1 (state of beillg 11111151101) neo-chumantas Ill; 2 (phys -) thairis; 2 (expr positioll) thall thairis, they are -. tha lad thall thalfls;
meangf 3 (circulatillg, currellt) ill expr (jorlllal) a rumour IS - tha fathann III a
aboard adj air bord III (with gell), - the aircraft air bord na pleana dol mun cuairt
aboard adv air bord Ill, come - thig vi air bord abrupt adj 1 (slldden &c) grad; 2 (of persolls: terse, short-telllpered) cas,
abode Il aite-comhnaidh Ill, aite-fuirich Ill, of no fixed - gun aite-comhnaidh aithghearr; 3 (of slope &c) cas
seasmhach abscess Il ruosgaid f
abolish v coo vi as (with prep do), they -ed the monarchy chuir iad as don abscond v teich (air falbh) vi
mhonarcachd f illvar absence Il neo-lathaireachd f illvor
abolition Il cur III as (of do) absent adj neo-lathaireach, (less fOrl/lOl) he's - today chan eil e ann an-
abominate v grainich vt diugh, tha e dheth an-diugh . ., .•
abomination Il 1 (the elllotioll) mor-ghrain f; 2 (a sollrce or callse of -) absent v, _ oneself (jail to be presellt or to attelld) curn VI as an latha1/' f, curn
cUis-ghrain f, it's an -! 's e cUis-ghrain a th' ann' vi air falbh
aborigene Il titsanach Ill, duthchasach III absentee Il neach III (&c) neo-lathaireach
aboriginal adj duthchasach, - culture cultar duthchasach absent-minded adj dlochuimhneach
abortion Il casg-breith III illvar, casg-lealruim Ill, breith f an-abaich, she had absolute adj 1 iomlan, - majority mor-chuidfiomlan; 21an- prefix, - power
an - bha casg-breith aice lan-chumhachd Ill; 3 (litter, COlllplete, throllgh & throllgh) dearg (precedes
abortive adj (frllitless) gun toradh Ill, neo-tharbhach the IlOIIIl), gu chill (jollows the 1I01l1l), an - fool dearg amadan Ill,
abound v bi vi irreg pailt, bi lionmhor, coo vi thairis, a land -ing in game amadan gu chul
tir IIIf a' cur thairis le sitheann f absolutely adv gu h-iomlan, uile-gu-leir
about adv 1 (arDlll/d) mun cuairt, the flu's going - tha an enatan mol' a' dol absolution Il saoradh III (0 pheacadh Ill)
mun cuairt; 2 lIIisc exprs up and - air a (&c) c(h)ois (dot of cas f), we're absolve v saor vt (0 pheacadh Ill)
(just) - to goneave tha sinn gu bhith a' falbh, I'm just - ready tha rni absorb v 1 (Iiqllids &c) sUigh vt; 2 (illforlllatioll) gabh vt a-steach
gu bhith deiseil, (lip to) what's she -7 de a tha iris? absorbent adj sUighteach
about prep 1 (arolllld) mun cuairt & mu chuairt (with prep air), fine views absorption n sughadh III
all - her seallaidhean IIIpl breagha fada mun cuairt oirre; 2 (collcerllillg) abstain v 1 (refraill frOIll, avoid) cum vi (with prep 0), seachain vt, - from
mu dheidhinn prep (takes the gell), - me mum dheidhinn, they're drink cUm on deoch-laidir J; 2 (at electioll) seachain bhotadh Ill, they
saying dreadfuUshocking things - the minister tha iad ag radh -ed sheachain lad bhotadh
rudan IIIpl oiUteil mu dheidhinn a' mhinisteir Ill; 3 (collcerllillg alld abstemious adj stuama
arolllld) mu (takes the dot), - me urnam(sa), - you (sillg) umad(sa), abstention n seachnadh III (bhotaidh nz gen)
- him/it (Ill) uime(-san), - her/it if) uimpe(se), - us urnainn(e), - abstinence n stuamachd f illvar
you (PI) urnaibh(se), - them urnpa(san), a story - the war sgeulachd abstinent adj stuama . ' ,.
f mun chogadh (also sgeulachd mu dheidhinn a' chogaidh alld abstract adj 1 (art, 1l0IIII &c) eas-cruthach; 2l1/ expr - Idea culs-bheachdf
sgeulachd air a' chogadh), she put her coat - her chuir i uimpe a abstractn (of dOClllllellt &c) gearr-<:hunntas III

2 3
abstraction ENGLISH-GAELIC DICfIONARY acclaim accommodation ENGLISH-GAELIC DICfIO ARY accusation
abstraction 11 (philo &c: all absract idea or concept) citis-bheachd f accommodation n 1 (dwelling) aite-fuirich m, loistinn m, in expr a night's -
abstruse adj deacair, iomadh-fhillte cuid f oidhche; 2 (arrallgemellt, agreement) reite f, cordadh m, they came
absurd adj 1 (phi/a &c) mi-reusanta; 2 (ridiCIIIOlls) gorach, amaideach to an - thainig iad gu reite/cordadh
absurdity 11 1 (phi/o &c) mi-reusantachd f illvar; 2 (ridiculouslless) goraiche accompaniment 11 (mlls &c) corn-pair! f, (esp /11115) taic f
f illvar, amaideas m accompanist 11 (/11115) neach-taice (plluchd-taice m sillg col/), compilirtiche m
abundance 11 pailteas m, lionmhorachd f accompany v 1 rach vi comhla (with prep ri), I'll - you (there) theid rni
abundant adj 1 (Illlmerous) IJonmhor; 2 (plentifu/) pailt
, (ann) comhla riut; 2 (m 115) com-pairtich vti, thoir taic f (willl prep do)
abuse III (verbal) caineadh m, mabadh m; 2 (phys) droch-Iaimhseachadh m; accompanying adj (associated with) an cois prep, an JiIib prep (both with gell),
3 (sexllal) truailleadh driIiseach a report and its - documents aithisgf agus na paipearan mpl a tha na
abuse v 1 (persolls, verbally) mab vt, dean ana-cainnt f (with prep air); cois/na Jitib
2 (persolls, phys) droch-Iaimhsich vt; 3 (persons, sexl/ally) truail1 vt; accomplice n pairtiche m
4 (- sllbstallces, positioll of allthority &c) mi-ghnathaich vt, - drugs mi- accomplish v thoir vt gu buil f, coilean vt, I -ed nothing cha tug mi cail f
ghnathaich drogaichean Jpl invar gu buil
abyss 11 aibheisf invar, dubh-aigeann m illvar (I/sed with art), the - an dubh- accomplished adj & past part 1 (task &c: completed, acJliroed) coileanta; 2 (of
aigeann person: expert, skilled) ealanta, an - linguist cilnanaiche m ealanta
academic adj sgoilearach, acadaimigeach accord n co-aontachadh m, co-chordadh m
academic 11 1 sgoilear m; 2 (Ulliversity teacher) neach-teagaisg m oilthigh accordeon 11 bogsa-eiitil m, (lIIore falll) bogsa m
/1/ gell accordance 11, JIJ expr in - with ann an co-re,ir f ri
academy 11 1 (secolldary schoot) ard-sgoil f, acadamaidh m; 2 (learned according adj a reir (with gen), - to your orders a reir nan orduighean mpl
illstitl/tioll &c) acadamh mf, The Royal Scottish Academy Acadamh agaibh, The Gospel - to Matlhew An Soisgeul a reir Mhata
Rioghail na h-Alba accordingly adv 1 (as a reslllt) 0 chionn sin, air sgath sin; 2 (proportionately,
accelerate v luathaich vti cOllsistelltly) a reir, they gave five pounds to Mary, and to the others -
acceleration 11 luathachadh m thug iad coig notaichean do Mhairi, agus dhan fheadhainn eile a reir
accent 11 1 (mode of speech) bias m, he speaks Gaelic with an English _ tha account n 1 ifill) cunntas m, bank - cunntas banca, I've an - at the Royal
bIas na Beurla air a chuid Gaidhligf; 2 (stress, accelltllatioll) slrac m, the Bank tha cunntas agarn aig a' Bhanca m Rioghail, investment -
- is on the first syllable tha an slrac air a' chiad lide m, acute - slrac cunntas-tasgaidh, savings - cunntas-sabhalaidh; 2 (bill, ill voice) an - to
geur, grave - slrac Irom pay/settle cunntas ri dhJoladh; 3 (Ilarrative, descriptioll &c) cunntas m,
accent v (lallg) cuir slrac m (with prep air) (in Ilewspaper &c) iomradh m, an - of his life cunntas a bheatha, an -
accentuate v cuir slrac m, leig cudthrom Ill, (with prep air) of the strike iomradh air an stailc f
accept v gabh vi (with prep ri), they -ed the situation ghabh iad ris an accountability 11 cunntachalachd f illVar
t-suidheachadh accountable adj cunntachail
acceptable adj iomchaidh, an - solution fuasgladh m iomchaidh, an accountancy 11 cunntasachd f invar
agreement - to all cordadh m ris an urrainn na h-uile gabhail accountant 11 cwmtasair m
access 11 1 (way ill) inntrigeadh /1/, right of - coir f inntrigidh, - roadldoor accounting 11 cunntasachd f illvor
rathad/doras m inntrigidh, also rathad/doras a-steach; 2 (openillg, accoulrements uidheam f sing coli, acainn f sing coli
opportllllity) cothrom m (to air), - to higher education cothrom air accredited adj barrantaichte
foghlam m ard-ire accumulate v cam vt, cruinnich vti
accessible adj 1 (of a place) ruigsinneach; 2 (of a person) fosgarra, fosgailte accumulation 11 1 (the actioll) carnadh Ill; 2 (the thillgs aCCllmlllated) co-
accessibility 11 (esp of a place) ruigsinneachd f invar chruinneachadh m
accident 11 1 (11511 Ill/pleasant) tubaist f, road - tubaist-rathaid f; 2 (not nee accurate adj 1 (statements) ceart, what she said is - tha na thubhair! i ceart;
IInpleasOlIt) tuiteamas m, by - le tuiteamas 2 (Slims, calclllations) cruinn, grinn; 3 (aim) amaiseach, cuimseach
accidental adj tuiteamach accursed adj mal1aichte
acdaim, acdamation n 1 (applal/se, approbation) caithream (gm caithreirn) accusation n casaid f, make an - dean casaid f(against an aghaidh followed
IIIf; 2 (more abstr: relloWIl &c) diiI m invar by gen)
4 5

accusative adj (gram) cuspaireach across adv (11511 expr movemellt) tarsainn, thairis, they went - chaidh iad
accuse v 1 (esp legal) dean casaid f(with prep an aghaidh followed by gen), he tarsainn I thairis
-d me rinn e casaid nam aghaidh; 2 (more general) cuir vi, tilg vi, fag vi, across prep (expr positioll or movement) tarsainn (with gen), thar (with gen),
(allwith prep air), cuir vi as a (&c) leth, they -d me of not being honest thairis (with prep air), a great tree was - the road bha craobh mhor
chuir iad orm/chuir iad as mo leth nach robh mi onarach, they -d m: tarsainn an rathaid m, they went - the bridge/the mountains chaidh
of not being conscientious thilg iad orm nach robh mi dicheallach iad tarsainn na drachaid flnam beanntan Jpl, they are/they went -
accused adj & past part fo chasaid f (with gen), he is - of murder tha e fo the ocean tha iad/chaidh iad thar a' chuain, tha iad/chaidh iad thairis
chasaid-mhuirt f air a' chuan; 2 (prep prollS formed with thar) - me tharam(sa), - you
accused n neach m fo chasaid f (sillg) tharad(sa), - him/it (m) thairis(-san), - her/it (j) thairt(se), - us
accuser tJ neach-easaid 111 tharainn(e), - you tharaibh(se), - them tharta(san)
accustom v deachd vt, (less usu) gnathaich vt, (to ri), - yourself to it! act 11 1 (deed, actioll) gniomh m; 2 (parliamellt) achd f, an - of Parliament
deachd th u fhem ris! achd parlamaid f; 3 (ill play) earrann f
accustomed adj & past part deachdte (to ri) act V 1 gniomhaich vi; 2 (ill play, film &c) duich vti
ace 11 (cards &c), the - an t-aon acting adj (ie temporary) an gniomh m, - chair cathraiche m an gniomh
acerbic adj 1 (of tastes &c) geur; 2 (of remarks, draracter &c) guineach action 11 1 gniomh Ill, man of - fear m gniomha m, - group buidheann-
ache n goirteas 111 ghniomha mf; 2 (law) cills-lagha f
ache v bi vi irreg goirt, her head -d bha a ceann m goirt, my back -s tha active adj (of persons: lively, ellergetic) bebthail, easgaidh, tapaidh, deas;
mo dhruim m goirt 2 (illdustrious) deanadach, gniomhach, dlcheallach; 3 (bllsy, involved)
achieve v thoir vt gu builf, coilean vt, you never -d anything cha tug thu an sas, - in politics an sas ann am poileataics; 4 (gram) spreigeach,
cail f invar gu bull a-riamh _ verb gniomhair m spreigeach; 5 in expr - volcano bholcano bro
achieved adj & past part coileanta activeness n brothalachd f invar, tapachd f invar
achievement n euchd m, that's a great - 's e euchd mor a tha sin activistn gniomhaiche m
acid 11 searbhagf activity n 1 (abstr) gniomhachd f invar; 2 (professional -) dreuchd f; 3 (spare
acid adj searbhagach, - rain uisge searbhagach time -) cur-seachad m
acidity n searbhachd f invar actor n actair "" (more trad) c1u.icheadair 111, cleasaiche m
acknowledge v aithnich vti, he -d his error dh'aithnich e a mhearachd f, actress n ban-actair f
he -d that he was wrong dh'aithnich e gun robh e cearr actual adj 1 (not abstract) nitheil, rudaiJ; 2 (real, frlle, genuine) fior (precedes
acknowledged adj (of expert, authority &c) aithnichte tire n, which if lenites where possible), - temperature fiar theodhachd f, -
acne 11 rnaimhseagan Jpl costs fior chosgaisean Jpl
acquaintance n 1 (abstr) rolas III (with air); 2 (persolls) an - neach""')lais Ill, acute adj 1 (offaculties) geur; 2 (of illness) man; 3 in expr - angle cearn caol;
-s luchd-eolais m sing call 4 in expr - accent strac geur
acquainted adj 1 (with persons) rolach (with air), they're - tha iad rolach adage n radh m invar
air a cheile; 2 in expr get - with someone cuir ealas m air cuideigin mf Adam's apple, the n meall m an sgornain
invar; 3 (- with objects, ideas &c) rolach (with air), flosrach (with mu), add v cuir vt (with prep ri), - some sugar (to it) cuir siucar m ris
- with technology eolach air teimeolas m adder n nathair f
acquire v faigh vt, tog vt, (by pllrchase) ceannaich vt, he -d a house fhuair I addict 11 traillnrf
cheannaich e taigh m; I -d my Gaelic in Skye's ann san Eilean addicted adj & past part na (&c) t(h)raillnrf(with prep do), an urra (with prep
Sgitheanach a thog mi mo chuidfGitidhligf ri), he's - to drugs tha e na thraill do dhrogaichean Jpl, tha e an urra
acquit v fuasgail vt ri drogaichean
acronym 11 acranaim (pI acranaimean) III addiction n trailleachd f invar (to do)
acre n acair nrf addition 11 1 (numerical) meudachadh m; 2 in expr in - to a thuilleadh air,
acrid adj searbh we have two flats in - to the house tha da lobhta againn a thuilleadh
acrimonious adj guineach air an taigh; 3 in expr an - to the family paiste m a bharrachd san
acrimony n guineachas ", teaghJach m

6 7

additional adj (an) tuilleadh (witll gell), a bharrachd, - information (an) advance 11 1 (progress, improvemellt) adhartas m, piseach m, leasachadh m;
tuilJeadh fiosrachaidh m, an - worker obraiche m a bharrachd 2 (fill) earlas m, the publisher gave him an - thug am foillsichear m
address 11 1 (speecll, talk) oraid f, give an - Ihoir seachad oraid, dean oraid; earlas dha; 3 ill expr in -, ron la m, ron am m, ro-Iairnhf, do something
2 (postal -) seoladh m in - dean rudeigin ron la/ron am/ro-Iaimh
address v 1 (speak/talk to) bruidhinn (witll prep ri); 2 (give talk) Ihoir advance V 1 (of troops &c) rach vi air adharl; 2 (joster, improve) thoir vt
seachad oraid f (to do), dean oraid (witll prep ri), she -ed the local air adhart, adhairtich vt, - the cause of freedom thoir air adhart/
history society thug i seachad oraid do chomann m na h-eachdraidh adhairtich adhbhar m na saorsa
ionadail; 3 (- [etter &c) coo seoladh m (witll prep air); 4 (jace lip to) coo advantage 11 1 (bellefit) buannachd f, tairbhe f invar, it would be of great
aghaidh f (witll prep ri), he -ed the problem chuir e aghaidh ris an _ to you bhiodh e na bhuannachd mhor dhuibh; 2 in expr take - of
duilgheadas m someone (1IIlfairly) gabh brath m air cuideigin, (1I0t nee ullfair[y) gabh
adept adj sgileil, deas, tapaidh, leoma, eaJanta cothrom m air cuideigin
adhesive adj leanaiHeach advantageous adj buannachdail, tairbheach & tarbhach
adjacent adj faisg (to air), dluth (to do or air) adverb n co-ghnJomhair m
adjective 11 buadhair m adverbial adj co-ghnJomhaireil
adjourn v 1 (as vt) cuir vt an dail f, the chair -ed the meeting chOO an adversary 11 1 (ellemy) namhaid m; 2 (opponent in argumellt, debate &c) co-
cathraiche m a' choinneamh an dail; 2 (as VI) sgaoil vi, the meeting chomhragaiche m
adjourned sgaoil a' choinneamh adversity n cruadalm
adjournment 11 cur m an dail f, sgaoileadh m advertise v sanasaich vti
adjust v 1 (macllille &c) gleus vt, reitich vt; 2 (c1otlling) socraich vt advertisement n sanas nil sanas-reic 111
adjustment n 1 (of macllille &c) gleusadh m, reileachadh m; 2 (of c1otlling) advice 11 comhairle f, give - thoir comhairle (to air or do), take/get - gabh
socrachadh m comhairle
administer v 1 (- orgallisatioll &c) riaghail vt, rianaich vt, seol vt, stiuir vt; advisable adj iomchaidh, glic
2 (put illto effect) coo vt an gnJomh m advisability n iomchaidheachd f illvar
administration 1 (abstr) riaghJadh m, rianachd f illvar; 2 (COli) the - an advise v comhairlich vt, comhairlich vi (witll prep do), thoir comhairle (witll
luchd-riaghlaidh m sillg coli preps air or do)
administrative adj rianachail adviser n neach-comhairle m (pi luchd-comhairle m sillg call), comhairleach
administrator 11 rianaire m, neach-riaghlaidh m (p/luchd-riaghJaidh m sing ni, financial - comhairleach ionmhais m gen
call) advocate n neach-tagraidh m (plluchd-tagraidh m sing coil)
admissible adj (acceptab[e, penllissible) ceadaichte adze n lalm
adolescence n oigeachd f invar aeroplane 11 pleana mf, (more trad) ilealan m
adolescentn (ma[e) oganach m, oigear m, (of eitller sex) deugaire m aerospace 11 adhar-fhilnas (gen adhar-fhanais) m
adopt v 1 (clli[d) uchd-mhacaich vt; 2 (a course of actioll, plan &c) cuir vt an aesthetics n feallsanachd-maise f invar
gnJomh m affair n 1 (malter, situation) cuis f, rud m, nJ m, gnothach m, how did the
adopted adj uchd- prefiX, an - child uchd-leanabh m _ go/turn out? ciamar a chaidh a' chuis?, it was a bad - '5 e droch
adoption 11 1 (of cllild) uchd-mhacachd f invar; 2 (of course of action, plan &c) nJ a bh' ann, their divorce was a bad - '5 e droch rud a bh' anns an
cur m an gnJomh 111 sgaradh-posaidh m aca
adorn v sgeadaich vt, sgeirnhich vt affect v druidh vt (witll prep air), the news didn't - her cha do dhruidh an
adroit adj 1 (intellectually) innJeachdach, luath na (&c) innlinn f; 2 (pllys) naidheachd f oirre, (more fam) it didn't - me in the least cha do chuir
deas, lamhach e suas no SiDS mi
adull adj inbhidh, - education foghJam m inbhidh affectation 11 leom f
adulln inbheach m affection n gradh m, rUn m, ([ess strong) tlachd f invar
adulthood n inbhe f, reach - lhig vi gu inbhe affectionate adj gaolach, gradhach, maoth
advance adj 1 (ill time) ro-Iaimh, - payment dloladh m ro-laimh; 2 (of army afforestation n coillteachadh m
&c) loisich (gen sillg of toiseach m), - party buidheann mf toisich afloat adj, air flod m, air fleodradh m, air bhog m

8 9
afraid ENGLISH-GAELIC D,CTlO ARY agent aggravate ENGLlSH-GAELlC D'CfIONARY aim

afraid adj 1 fo eagalm, a man - duine fo eagal; 2 (after verb to be) bi vi irreg aggravate v 1 (mnke worse) dean vt nas miosa; 2 (alllloy) cuir dragh m (with
an t-eagal (with the prep air), she was - (of me) bha an t-eagal oirre prep air)
(romham); 3 ill expr become - gabh eagal; 4 (expr polite regret) I don't aggravating adj draghail, frionasach.
know, I'm - chan eil fhios !Jar a fhios m, 'knowledge of if) agam, tha aggravation (anlloyallce) dragh m, fnonas m
eagalorm agile adj 1 (esp phys) c.lis, grad, - movements gluasadan mpl grada;
afresh adv as ilr, start - tbisich vti as ur 2 (melltally) luath na (&c) inntinnf
Africa 11 Afraga f illvar agility 11 cliseachd f illvar, luas m, luth m . .
after collj an deidh (with prep do), - I c10sedlhad closed my eyes an deidh agitate v 1 (slrnke) crath vt; 2 (stir up) gluais vt; 3 ~mclle, provoke) brad vt,
dhomh mo shUilean JPI a dhUnadh, - the pub opened an deidh dhan spreig vt, stuig vt; 4 (upset) cuu vt troirnh-a-eheile
taigh-seinnse m fhosgladh agitated adj & past part (upset) troimh-a-eheile . . .
after prep 1 (expr sequellce) an deidh, as deidh, !Jollowed by the gell), - the agitation n 1 (stir, excitemellt) gluasad m; 2 (emotlOnnl COllfuslOn) buaueas.m
storm an deidh na stoirme, she came - him thainig i as a dheidh; ago adv 1 0 chlonn & bho chlonn (with gen), a short time - 0 chlOnn ghomd,
2 (expr illterval of time) an ceann (with gell), - a little while an ceann longia long time - 0 chionn fhada, a while - 0 chlOnn greIS; 2 (m fOlry
greiseigf; 3 ill expr one - the other fear m an deidh fir, tef an deidh stories &c) long long - 0 chlonn fada nan cian, fada fada ron a sea
te, the policemen left, one - the other dh'fhalbh na poileasmain mpl, agree v 1 (be in or come to -ment) co-aontaich vi, c.o-chbrd vi; 2 in. expr. - to
fear an deidh fir; 4 (ill pursuit or search oj) an tbir (with prep air), the gabh vi (with prep ri), we - to those proposals gabhaldh smn ns na
police are - him tha am poileas an tbir air, he went to town - a new molaidhean mpl sin
car chaidh e dhan bhaile m an tbir air car f ilr; 5 ill expr (ill family &c) agreeable adj 1 (esp people) ciatach; 2 (people, also thillgs, situatiolls) taitneach
take - someone rach vi ri taobh m cuideigin m (to ri); 3 (acceptable) iomchaidh; 4 in exprs that is - to me, I find that -
afternoon 11 feasgar m, yesterday - feasgar an-de, good -! feasgar math!, tha sin a' cordadh ri urn
we'll be in in the - bidh sinn a-staigh feasgar (adv) agreeableness n taitneac.hd f invar, taitneas m
afterthought 11 1 ath-smuain f; 2 (revised opillioll &c) ath-bheachd m agreed odj & past port aontaichte
again adv 1 a-rithist, fhathast, say it - can a-rithist e, can fhathast e, I'll agreement n 1 (abstr & con) cordadh m,. aonta m: co-aonta~adh m,
see you - chl mi fhathast sibh, do it -! dean fhathast/a-rithist e!; 2 ill co-chbrdadh m, reach/come to an - thig VI gu cordadh, be in - co-
exprs I told him time and -lover and over - dh'innis mi dha uair f is aontaich vi; 2 (business -, contractllal -i CUnnradh m, cUrnhnant m
uair; 3 (after v ill the lIeg) tuilleadh, don't do that (ever) - na dean sin agriculture tI 1 (tile subject) aiteachas Ill; 2 (the activity) tuathanac.has m,
tuiIIeadh; 4 (afresh) ill expr start - tbisich vti as ur aiteach m
against prep 1 (colltrary to, opposed to) an aghaidh (with gen), - the law ahead prep air thoiseach (of air), far - of us fada air thoiseach oirnn, - of
an aghaidh an lagha, deadlcompletelyltotally - the government other countries in technology air thoiseach air duthchannan JPI eHe
calg-dhireach an aghaidh an riaghaltais, he turned - me thionndaidh a-thaobh teicneblais m gen
vi e nam aghaidh; 2 (expr struggle) ri (with dot), - the current ris aid n 1 (lrelp) cuideachadh m, c.obhair f; 2 ill expr (med) first - c.iad-
an t-sruth; 3 (expr proximity, leallillg) ri (with dot), - the wall ris a' fhuasgladh m; 3 (support) taic f, financial - taic-airgid f; 4 (tool,
bhalla m facilitator &c) uidheam-c.uideachaidh f, -s for the disabled uidheaman-
age 11 1 aois f, (old) age is a great hindrance is mbr am bacadh an aois, c.uideachaidh do na ciorramaich mpl
what age is he? de an aois a tha e?; 2 (period) linn mf, (hist) the dark aid v c.uidich vti, thoir taic. f (with prep do)
-s na linntean dorcha, the space - linn an fhanais; 3 ill expr !Jam) I've aide n neach-euideachaidh (Plluc.hd-euideachaidh m sillg coll)
been here for -s (and -sI! tha mi ann an seo bho chlonn uineachan JPI aide-memoire n nota f
(is Uineachan)!; 4 (COli temporary) ill expr they're -s with one another ail v bi vi cearr (witlr prep air), what -s you? de a tha cearr ort?, also de a
tha iad co-aoiseach adj, tha iad nan co-aoisean mpl tha thu a' gearan?
agency 11 1 (esp public service &c) ionad m, employment - ionad-cosnaidh ailing adj tinn, (more fam) bochd, meadhanach
m; 2 ill expr travel - buth-siubhail f aim n 1 (ofweapoll) amas m; 2 (illtention, ambitioll) amas m, rUn m ..
agenda tI c1ar-gnothaich m aim v 1 (weapoll &c) c.uirnsic.h vti, amais vti, (at air); 2 (m tend) bl VI Jrreg am
agent 11 1 (olle's represelltative) neach-ionaid (pI luchd-ionaid m sillg coli); beachd m (witlr infill or pres port), I'm -ing to go to college tha nu am
2 (olle who takes actioll) fear-gnlomha m beachd a dhol don cholaiste mf

10 11

air n 1 adhar m, up in the - shuas san adhar, the Air Force Feachd f an alliance n caidreabhas m
Adhair; 2 (tnne) fonn m alliteration n uaim f
aircraft, airliner n pleana mf, (more trod) itealan m allocate v (resollrces &c) riaraich vt, sonralch vt
airfield 11 raon-adhair 111 allocation n 1 (abstr) riarachadh m; 2 (call) cuibhreann mf, we received our
airport n port-adhair m - of food fhuair sinn ar cuibhreann de bhiadh m
airstrip 11 raon-adhair m allot v (resollrces &c) riaraich vt, sbnraich vt
alarm n rabhadh m, - bell c1ag-rabhaidh m allow v leig vi (with prep do or le), ceadaich vti, he -ed me to buy it leig e
alas! exc1 (trod) och!, mo thruaighe! f, - and alack och nan och! dhomh/ learn a cheannach
aleoholn 1 (as drink) deoch-Iaidir f; 2 (the chemical snbstance) aleol m invar allowable adj ceadaichte
alcoholic adj 1 aJcolach; 2 ill expr - drink deoch-laidir f allowance n (fin &c) cuibhreann mf, disability - cuibhreann-elorrairn
alcoholic n traill mf don deoch(-laidir) f, he is an - tha e na thraill don allowed adj & past part 1 ceadaichte; 2 (on notices &c) (smoking &c) not -
deoch(-Iaidir), also tha e an urra ri aleol m invar chan fhaodar (smocadh m &c)
aleoholism n tinneas m na dighe alloy n f, laghd-mheatailt f
alder n feama f invar allude v thoir tarraingf, thoir iomradh m, thoir guth m, (all willl prep air),
ale" leann ", you didn't - to my promotion cha tug slbh tarraing/iomradh/guth
alert adj 1 (mentally) - grad/geur na (&c) inntinn f; 2 (of sentry &c) air an ardachadh m agam
furachail; 3 (aware) mothachail (to air), - to the danger mothachail air allure v talaidh vt, meal! vt
a' chunnart m allurement n taladh m, mealladh m
alert n (signal) comharradh m rabhaidh m alluring adj meal!ach
alert v thoir rabhadh m (with prep do), earalaich vt, they -ed me thug iad allusion n lomradh m, tarraingf, guth m, (to air), he made no - to it cha
rabhadh dhomh tug e iornradh/tarraing/guth air
alien nl neach m/creutair m a planaidfei.le; 2 (foreigner) coigreach m ally n caidreabhach m
alienate v cuir vt na (&c) aghaidh fhein, you'll - all your colleagues almost adv 1 cha mhor, we see her - every day bidh sinn ga faicinn a h-ui.le
cuiridh tu do cho-obraichean mpl air fad nad aghaidh fhein la, cha mhor; 2 cha mhor nach conj, gu ire bhig adv, I - lost my purse
alight v teirinn & team vi cha mhor nach do chaill mi mo sporan m, we - missed the bus chaill
alike adj ionann (with v is), coltach ri cheile, you and I are not - chan sinn am bus gu ire bhig; 3 (nearly completed action or process) gu bhith
ionann thusa agus mise, all the buildings were - bha na togalaichean (pIllS ad!), I'm - ready tha mi gu bhith deiseil; 4 (narrowly avoided action
mpl air fad coltach ri chei.le in the past) theab vi dej, I - fell theab mi tuiteam, they - ruined me
all adj & adv 1 (witltollt exception) uile, air fad, gu leir, the soldiers - left, theab iad mo sgriosadh
- the soldiers left dh'fhalbh na saighdearan mpl uile/air fad, - that's alms n deirc f
over tha sin uile seachad, - the houses were burned chaidh na alone adj & adv 1 nam (&c) aonar, leam (&c) fhin/fhein, she was - bha I na
taighean mpl air fad/ gu leir a losgadh; 2 (esp with periods of time) fad h-aonar, bha i leatha fhein, when I'm - an uair a bhios mi learn fhin;
(pIllS gen), - the time fad na h-uine, I was poor - my life bha mi bochd 2 (idiom) letJIeave them -! Lelg vi leotha'
fad mo bheatha f, I'll be awake - night bidh mi nam dhusgadh m fad along adv 1 air adhart, air aghaidh, how are you getting - damar a tha
na h-oidhche; 3 (the whole) an t-iomJan m, air fad, do you want - of thu a' faighinn air adhart?, that's coming - well tha sin a' tighinn air
it?, do you want it -? a bhei.l thu ag iarraidh an iomlain (dheth)?, they adhart gu math; 2 (idiom) we walked - choisich vi sinn romhainn
ravaged - the country sgrios iad an duthaich fair fad; 4 (idiom) that's along prep 1 (expr movement) fad (with gen), - the house/road fad an
- there is to it chan eiJ an corr ann ach sin taighe/ an rathaid; 2 (expr position) shuas, shios, a short distance - the
all- prefix uile- (Ienites following consonant where possible), (eg) all-powerful road pios beag shuas/shios an rathad; 3 (accompanying) - with comhJa
uile-churnhachdach, all-knowing uile-fhjosrach ri, (less IISIl) maille ri, - with the others comhJa ri cach pron
alleviate v (pain, sllffering) faothaich vti alongside prep ri taobh (with gell), a boat - the quay bilta rl taobh a' chidhe;
alleviation n (of pain, sllffering) faothachadh & faochadh m, he experienced 2 (compared to) an taca ri, she's clever - her brother tha i glic an laca
some - thainig faothachadh air ri a brathair m
alley n caol-shraid f alphabet n aibidil f

12 13
alphabetical ENGUSH-GAELlC DICTIONARY ambivalence ambivalent E GUSH-GAEUC DICTIONARY anecdote

alphabetical adj ajbidileach, - order ordugh m ajbidileach, also ordugh na ambivalent adj 1 (ambiguous) da-sheaghach; 2 (ill two minds) da-bharaileach,
h-ajbidil ann an ioma-chomhairle f
already adv mu Wath, also found as mar a tha & mar-tha, (less usu) (a) ambulance n carbad-£iridinn m
cheana, as I sajd - mar a thubhairt mi mu Wath/a cheana ambush n feall-fhalach m
also adv cujdeachd, (less usu) mar an ceudna, has Ewan left? yes, and IMn amenable adj fosgailte (to ri, do)
- an do dh'fhalbh Eoghann? dh'fhalbh, agus lain cu.ideachd/mar an amend v 1 (cltange) atharraich vt; 2 (improve) leasajch vt
ceudna amendment n 1 (change) atharrachadh m; 2 (improvemellt) leasachadh m
alter v atharrajch vii, muth vii amenjty n goireas m, the club has lots of amernties tha goireasan gu leor
alteration n atharrachadh m, muthadh m aig a' chlub m
alternate v, the two of them -d as spokesperson bha an cliWs f aca nan amiss adj cearr, air iomrall, something is - tha rudeigin pron cearr, chaidh
neach-Iabhairt m fear m mu seach rudeigin air iomrall
alternative adj eile, eadar-dhealajchte, eadar-roghnach, an - plan plana m amrnumtion 11 connadh-Iamhaich m sillg coli
eile, - medkine eblas-leigros m eadar-dhealajchte amorous adj leannanach
alternative n roghamn f, we had no - cha robh rogha;nn (eile) agamn amount 11 Wrnffir f illvar, uiread f illvar, a certain - of something na
h-Wrnffir/na h-ooead de rudeigin proll, give me the same - as lain
alternatively adv an aite sin, ill mhodh eile, - we could take the bus an
(has) thoir dhomh illread 's a tha ajg lam
aite sin b' urrainn dhuinn am bus a ghabhail
although conj ged, - he wasn't ill ged nach robh e tinn, she didn't stop - amprubian 11 moo-Wreach m
amprubious adj da-bheathach, mOO-W.reach
she was exhausted cha do sgllir i ged a bha i daoidhte
ample adj 1 (of quantity) pailt, - food biadh pailt; 2 (of person's build)
altitude n airde f invar
tomadach & tomaltach
altogether adv uile-gu-leir, gu tur, she gave it up - sgllir i dheth uile-gu-
amusement 11 1 (abstr) abhachd f illvar; 2 (jilt! &c) spors f, ilibhearsan 111;
leir, the two tmngs are - different tha an da rud m gu tur eadar-
3 (distractioll, pastime, esp trivial) cajthearnh-illnsir m; 4 (ill - arcade) -s
faoin-ehleasan mpl
always adv daonnan, gun sgur, an comhnajdh, she's - on my mind tha i
amusing adj eibffinn
daonnan air m' aire f ;nvar, she's - on at me! tha i an sas annam gun
anachrornsm 11 as-airnsireachd f illvar
sgur/an comhnidh!
anachrornstic adj as-airnsireil
Alzheimer's disease n tinneas 111 Alzheimer
anaemia n cion-fala 111 invar
amalgamate v 1 (companies &c) co-aonajch vi; 2 (substances: fuse) co-Ieagh analyse v sgrud vt, (more rigorous) mion-sgrud vt
vti, (mix) co-mheasgaich vti analysis n sgrudadh m, (more rigorous) mion-sgrudadh m
amalgamation n (of companies &c) co-aonachadh m anatomical adj 1 (abstr: pertaimrg to the subject of allatomy) corp-£blach;
amaze v mor-iongnadh m (with prep air), it -d me choo e mor- 2 (pertaillillg to lire actual body) corporra
iongnadh orm anatomist n corp-£blaiche m
amazed adj & past part, I was - ghabh mi mor-iongnadh m anatomy n 1 (abstr: tlte science) corp-£blas m; 2 (Call: all actual body) corp m,
amazement 11 mor-iongnadh m bodhaigf
amazing adj a chuireas/a chooeadh mor-iongnadh m ill dlline m anchor 11 1 acair(e) mf; 2 in expr at - aig acarsajd f, air an acair(e)
ambassador n tosgajre m anchorage n acarsaid f
amber n omar III anchored adj & past part aig acarsaid f
ambiguity n da-sheaghachd f invar and cOllj 1 agus, (esp in common pairillgs of words) is, he came in - sat down
ambiguous adj da-sheaghach tham;g e a-steach agus shilldh e sios, bread - butler aran is lm; 2 (otlter
ambiHon n 1 (for self-advmrcement) miann-adharta;s m, gionajche m invar; exprs) open the door - see if it's still rajrnng fosgail an doras feuch
2 (wish, aim) gloir-mruann mf, it's my - to be a singer's e a' ghloir- imperative a bheil an t-Wsge ann fhathast, come - see me Wg vi gam
mruann a th' agam a broth nam sheinneadair 111 (for gu mo) fhajcmn
ambiHous adj gionach, gloir-mruannach androgynous adj fireann-boireann
ambivalence n 1 (ambiguity) da-sheaghachd f invar; 2 (state of being in two anecdote III sgeul m, (esp piece ofgossip) seanchas m; 2 (- told at ceilidh &c)
millds) da-bharaileachd f invar stoiridh m, naidheachd f

14 15
anew adv as w-, start - toisich vti as ur anti-clockwise adj tuathal
anger 11 feargf, (extreme) cuthach m antidote n urchasg m
angle 11 1 (geometry) uileann & uilinn f, ceam m, a right - ceart-uilinn f, ceart- antler n cro{i)c f, cabar m, deer's -s cabair mpl feidh (gen of fiadh m)
cheam m, acute - ceam caol; 2 (more loosely) in expr at an - air fhiaradh m anuS 11 ton f, (vlllg) toll m, toll-toine m
angler 11 iasgair m anvil n innean m
angling 11 breacach m, iasgach-slaite m anxiety n 1 cw-am m, dragh m, imcheist f, iomagain f, lack of money is
angry adj 1 feargach, ifam) fiadhaich, an - man duine feargach, I was - causing me - tha dith airgid a' deanamh dragh dhomh; 2 ill expr prone
after what he said to me bha mi fiadhaich an deidh na thuirt e riurn; to - iomagaineach, curamach
2 (other exprs) she grew - thainig fearg/an fhearg oirre, ghabh i an anxious adj cw-amach, fo chw-am, fo irncheist, fo iomagain, imcheisteach,
fhearg, she made him - chuir i fearg/ an fhearg air iomagaineach
anguish 11 1 (emotional) dorainn f; 2 (mental or phys) cradh m any adj & proll 1 gin proll, have we - envelopes? a bheil gin cheisean-
anguished adj dorainneach litreach Jpl againn?, he was wanting nails but I hadn't - bha e ag
animate adj beD iarraidh thairngean (gen pi of tarraing f) ach cha robh gin agam;
animate v 1 (bring to life) beothaich vt; 2 (stir lip) brosnaich vt, brad vt 2 (no matter which) sam bith, - book will do ni leabhar III sam bith
animated adj 1 (lively) beothail; 2 (excited, ill high spirits) mear an gnothach m; 3 (in Ileg selltence) sam bith, there wasn't - food (at
animation nl (liveliness) beothalachd f invor; 2 (bl/stle) drip f; 3 (high spirits) all) in the shops cha robh biadh m sam bith sna bUithtean IIIJpI; 4 in
mearachas m expr - more tuilleadh, do you want - more? a bheil thu ag iarraidh
ankle 11 ca01m na coise, adhbrann m, my/her - caol mo choise/a coise tuilleadh?, don't do that - more na dean sin tuilleadh
annihilate v cuir vi as (with prep do), (more formal) neonithich vt anybody, anyone prolll duine m, is there - there/in? a bheil duine ann?;
annotate v cuir notaichean (with prep ri) 2 (1I0 matter who) duine sam bith, - could do it bhiodh duine sam bith
annoy v cuir dragh m (with prep air), the noise of that music is -ing me comasach air, dheanadh duine sam bith e; 3 (in neg selltence) duine,
tha fuaim IIIf a' chiUil (gell of ceolm) sin a' cur dragh orm (strollger) duine sam bith, there wasn't - (at all) in the church cha robh
annoyance n dragh m, learnhadas m duine (sam bith) san eaglais f
annoying adj 1 (ofperSOIl, sitl/ation) draghail; 2 (irritating, niggling) frionasach, anything n 1 cail f illvar, dad f illvar, sion m, rudeigin pron, is there - in
leamh, they're constantly asking me - questions bidh iad a' cur the cupboard? a bheil cilil/dad/sion sa phreasa?, I don't want - else
cheistean Jpl frionasach orm fad na h-uine chan eil mi ag iarraidh cilil eile, I don't know - about it chan eil cail a
annual adj bliadhnail ifor de) dh'fhios agam, is - wrong? a bheil rudeigin/cilil cearr?; 2 (no
annual 11 1 (book) bliadhnachan m; 2lf1ower) flur m aon-bhliadhnach adj matter what) rud m sam bith, ni m sam bith, what do you want? - at
annul v cuir vt an neoni f invar all de a tha thu ag iarraidh? ni/rud sam bith; 3 (idioms) don't have -
anonymous adj gun urra f invar, an - letter litir f gun urra, also litir gun to do with him/it! na gabh gnothach m ris!, she didn't say - else cha
ainm m rithe tuirt i an corr
anonymously adv, the book came out - nochd an leabhar m (an clo m) gun anyway adv co-dhiu, I'm leaving -! tha mise a' falbh co-dhiu!
ainm m ughdair m aorta 11, I/sed with art, a' chuisle-chinn
another adj 1 (different) eile, I'd prefer - book b' fhearr leam 1eabhar m eile; apart adj 1 (special) air leth, a man - duine m air leth; 2 in expr - from ach
2 (additional) eile, I won't take - pint cha ghabh mi pinnt m eile, I don't a-mhain, the family left, - from the son dh'fhalbh an teaghlach, ach
want - thing chan eil mi ag iarraidh cilil f illvor eile a-mhain am mac
answer n £reagairt f, I didn't get an - cha d'fhuair mi freagairt, we'll give apathy 11 cion-Uidhe m
you an - soon bheir sinn £reagairt dhuibh a dh'aithghearr aperture n fosgladh m
answer v freagair vti, won't you - me? nach freagair thu mi?, he hasn't apolitical adj neo-phoileataigeach
-ed yet cha do fhreagair e fhathast apologise v 1 dean leisgeuJ m, I want to - tha mi airson leisgeuJ a
Antarctic n, I/sed with art, an Antartaigf dheanamh, he -d rinn e leisgeuJ, also dh'iarr e a leisgeuJ a ghabhail;
anthem n laoidh mf 2 ill expr I -! gabh(aidh) (imperative) mo leisgeuJ!
anthology n cruinneachadh m, co-chruinneachadh m, (esp of poetry) apology n leisgeuJ m
duanaire m apostrophe n (orthography) asgair m

16 17
a aratus E GLlSH-GAELlC D,CT,ONARY a raise appreciate ENGLISH-GAELIC DICTIO ARY archer
apparatus n uidheam f, acainn f appreciate vI (lInderstand, sympatltise witlt) fidir vt, tuig vt, you don't- the
apparent adj 1 (evident, olroiolls) follaiseach, it's - that he's not guilty tha state I'm in for love of you chan fhidir thu/cha tuig thu mar tha mise
e follaiseach nach eil e ciontach; 2 (idiom) become - thig vi am follais led ghaol m; 2 (be gratefill) bi vi irreg taingeil (witlt prep airson), cuir
f invar luach m invar (witl, prep air), I - what you did for me tha mi taingeil
apparently adv a reir c{h)oltais m, he was a scoundrel, - 's e slaoightear m airson na rinn thu dhomh
a bh' ann dheth, a reir choltais appreciation n 1 (gratitllde) taingealachdf invar; 2 (lIIlderstanding, awareness)
appeal n 1 (attractiveness) taladh m; 2 (reqllest, entreaty) iarrtas (dian) m, tuigse f invar, mothachadh m
guidhe mf; 3 (law &c) tagradh m, an - against a sentence tagradh an appreciative adj 1 (gratefu/) taingeil (of airson, with gen), - of what you did
aghaidh binne f gen taingeil airson na rinn sibh; 2 (of alldience &c: vallling, enjoying, aware)
appeal v 1 (attract) tarraing vt, taIaidh vt; 2 (request) iarr vt (gu dian); 3 (law mothachail, tuigseach
&c) tagair vt, - against a sentence tagair an aghaidh binne f gen apprehend v glac vt, the police -ed him ghlac am poileas e
appear v 1 (come into sight, arrive) nochd vi, where did you - from? co as apprentice n preantas m
a nochd thu(sa)?, (book) - (in print) nochd (an do m), also thig vi am approach v 1 (pltys) c1Juthaich vi (witlt prep ri), we were -ing the sea bha
folia is f invar; 2 (seem) bi coltach gu, it -s that she was married tha e sinn a' c1Juthachadh ris a' mhuir mf; 21fig) teann vi (with prep ri), it was
coltach gun robh i posta, also bha i posta, a reir choltais; 3 (look, Itave -ing midnight bha e a' teannadh ris a' mheadhan-oidhche m
tlte appearance of) he -s tired tha coltas m na sglths air approachable adj (person) fosgarra, fosgailte
appearance n 1 (abstr: act ofappearing) nochdadh m; 2 (aspect) cruth m; 3 (of apron n aparan m
person's featllres, not nee pen/lOnent) tuar m; 4 (resemblance) coltas m, you appropriate adj freagarrach, iomchaidh
have the - of a soldier tha coltas saighdeir mort; 5 in erpr judging appropriate v gabh seilbh f (with prep air)
by -s a reir choltais, judging by -s, he's guilty a reir choltais, tha e approval n 1 (agreement) aonta m; 2 (consent) cead In
ciontach approve v 1 (allow) ceadaich vt, ughdarraich vt; 2 (consent, agree) bi vi irreg
appease v (opposing parties &c) reitich vt airson (with gen), I - of that! tha mi airson sin!
appetite n cail f, ciiil-bidhe (gen ofbiadh m) approved adj & past part ceadaichte, ughdarraichte
apple n 1 ubhalm; 2 in expr the - of the eye dach f na silla approximately adv timcheall air, there'II be - ten people there bidh
appliance n uidheam f, heating - uidheam-teasachaidh timcheall air deichnear IlIf invar ann
applicant n neach-iarraidh (pI luchd-iarraidh m sing call), neach-tagraidh Apriln Giblean In, Giblinnf, used with art, an Giblean, a' Ghiblinn
m (pI luchd-tagraidh m sing coli) apt adj 1 (appropriate) freagarrach, iomchaidh; 2 (liable, prone) buailteach,
application n 1 (jor job &c) iarrtas m, - form foirm m iarrtais; 2 (diligence dualtach, - to spend money buailteach airgead III a chosg, - to be
&c) dichealllll; 3 (plltting into practice or effect) cur m an gniomh m, the stingy duallach a bhidh spiocach
- of new rules cur an gniomh riaghailtean JPI lira; 4 (17) deachdadh aquaculture n tuathanachas m uisge
Ill, -s programme program m chleachdaidhean Arab n Arabach III
apply v 1 (jor job &c) cuir a-steach iarrtas m (for airson); 2 (Pllt into practice Arabic adj Arabach, - numerals figearan mpl Arabach
or effect) cuir vt an gniomh m; 3 (be relevant, affect) buin vi (to do), this arable adj aitich, - land talamh m aitich
applies to you buinidh seo dhut(sa)/dhuibh(se) arbiter n neach-reiteachaidh In (plluchd-reiteachaidh m sing call)
appoint v 1 (select) tagh vt, cuir vt an dreuchdf, the best applicant was -ed arbitrary adj 1 (cltance) tuaireamach; 2 (IInreasonable &c) neo-riaghailteach
chaidh an neach-iarraidh III a b' fhearr a thaghadh; 2 (set up) suidhich arbitrate v (between opposing parties &c) reitich vi
vt, - a commillee suidhich comataidh f arbitration n reiteachadh III
appointed adj & past part 1 (selected) air a (&c) t(h)aghadh; 2 in expr before arch n stuagh f, bogha m
the - time ron mh.ithich f invar archbishop n ard-easbaig In
apportion v roinn vt, riaraich vt, pairtich vt archaeological adj iirsaidheil
apportionment n 1 (abstr: tlteaction) roinneadh m; 2 (con: a sltare) cuibhreann archaeologist n arsair "" arc-eolaiche m
mf, roinn f archaeology n arsaidheachd f invar, arc-eolas m
appraisal n measadh m archaic adj iirsaidh
appraise v meas vt, dean measadh m (witlt prep air) archer n boghadair m

18 19

apparatus n uidheam f, acainn f appreciate v 1 (IInderstand, sympathise with) fidir vt, tuig vt, you don't - the
apparent adj 1 (evident, olJviolls) follaiseach, it's - that he's not guilty tha state I'm in for love of you chan fhidir thu/cha tuig thu mar tha mise
e follaiseach nach eiJ e ciontach; 2 (idiom) become - thig vi am follais led ghaol m; 2 (be gratefill) bi vi irreg taingeil (with prep airson), cuir
f invar luach m invnr (with prep air), I - what you did for me tha mi taingeil
apparently adv a reir c(h)oltais m, he was a scoundrel, - 's e slaoightear m airson na rinn thu dhomh
a bh' ann dheth, a choltais appreciation nl (gratitllde) taingealachd f invnr; 2 (IInderstanding, awareness)
appeal n 1 (attractiveness) tiiJadh m; 2 (reqllest, entreaty) iarrtas (dian) m, tuigse f invar, mothachadh m
guidhe mf; 3 (law &c) tagradh m, an - against a sentence tagradh an appreciative adj 1 (grateflll) taingeil (of airson, with gen), - of what you did
aghaidh binne f gen taingeil airson na rinn sibh; 2 (of alldience &c: vallling, enjoying, aware)
appeal v 1 (attract) tarraing vt, taJaidh vt; 2 (reqllest) iarr vt (gu dian); 3 (law mothachail, tuigseach
&c) tagair vt, - against a sentence tagair an aghaidh binne f gen apprehend v glac vt, the police -ed him ghlac am poileas e
appear v 1 (come into sight, arrive) nochd vi, where did you - from? co as apprentice n preantas 111
a nochd thu(sa)?, (book) - (in print) nochd (an do m), also thig vi am approach v 1 (phys) clJuthaich vi (with prep ri), we were -ing the sea bha
follais f invar; 2 (seem) bi coltach gu, it -s that she was married tha e sinn a' dluthachadh ris a' mhOO mf; 21fig) teann vi (with prep ri), it was
coltach gun robh i posta, also bha i pbsta, a reir choltais; 3 (look, have -ing midnight bha e a' teannadh ris a' mheadhan-oidhche 111
the appearance of) he -s tired tha coltas m na sgiths air approachable adj (person) fosgarra, fosgailte
appearance n 1 (abstr: act ofappearing) nochdadh m; 2 (aspect) cruth m; 3 (of apron It aparan 111
person's featllres, not nec pen/lOnent) tuar m; 4 (resemblance) coltas m, you appropriate adj freagarrach, iomchaidh
have the - of a soldier tha coltas saighdeir mort; 5 in expr judging appropriate v gabh seilbh f (with prep air)
by -s a reir choltais, judging by -s, he's guilty a reir choltais, tha e approval n 1 (agreement) aonta Ill; 2 (consent) cead m
ciontach approve v 1 (allow) ceadaich vt, ughdarraich vt; 2 (consent, agree) bi vi irreg
appease v (opposing parties &c) reitich vt airson (with gen), I - of that! tha mi airson sin!
appetite n cail f, cail-bidhe (gen ofbiadh m) approved adj & past part ceadaichte, ughdarraichte
apple n 1 ubhal m; 2 in erpr the - of the eye clach f na siua approximately adv timcheall air, there'lI be - ten people there bidh
appliance n uidheam f, heating - uidheam-teasachaidh timcheall air deichnear IIlf invar ann
applicant n neach-iarraidh (plluchd-iarraidh m sing call), neach-tagraidh Apriln Giblean m, Giblinn f, IIsed with art, an Giblean, a' Ghiblinn
m (plluchd-tagraidh m sing coli) apt adj 1 (appropriate) £reagarrach, iomchaidh; 2 (liable, prone) buailteach,
application n 1 ifor job &c) iarrtas m, - form foirm m iarrtais; 2 (diligence dualtach, - to spend money buailteach airgead m a chosg, - to be
&c) dlcheall m; 3 (plltting into practice or effect) cur m an gnlomh m, the stingy dualtach a bhidh spiocach
- of new rules cur an gnlomh riaghailtean JPI ura; 4 (1T) cleachdadh aquaculture n tuathanachas m uisge
Ill, -s programme program m chleachdaidhean Arab n Arabach III
apply v 1 (for job &c) cuir a-steach iarrtas m (for airson); 2 (Pllt into practice Arabic adj Arabach, - numerals figearan mpl Arabach
or effect) cuir vt an gnlomh m; 3 (be relevant, affect) buin vi (to do), this arable adj aitich, - land talamh m aitich
applies to you buinidh sea dhut(sa)/dhuibh(se) arbiter n neach-reiteachaidh m (plluchd-reiteachaidh m sing call)
appoint v 1 (select) tagh vt, coo vt an dreuchd f, the best applicant was -ed arbitrary adj 1 (chance) tuaireamach; 2 (IInreasonable &c) neo-riaghailteach
chaidh an neach-iarraidh m a b' fhearr a thaghadh; 2 (set lip) suidhich arbitrate v (between opposing parties &c) reitich vi
vt, - a committee suidhich comataidh f arbitration n reiteachadh III
appointed adj & past part 1 (selected) air a (&c) t(h)aghadh; 2 in expr before arch n stuagh f, bogha III
the - time ron mhithich f invar archbishop n ard-easbaig III
apportion v roinn vt, riaraich vt, pairtich vt archaeological adj arsaidheil
apportionment n 1 (abstr: tire action) roinneadh m; 2 (con: a share) cuibhreann archaeologist It arsair 111, arc-ei>laiche m
mf, rOinnf archaeology n arsaidheachd f invnr, arc-eblas III
appraisal n measadh 111 archaic adj arsaidh
appraise v meas vt, dean measadh m (with prep air) archer n boghadair III

18 19
archetypal adj priomh-shamhJach 3 (of garment &c) mu, put your coat - you cuir umad do chota Ill, a
archetype n priomh-shamhJa m bandage - his head bann III mu cheann Ill; 4 prep prons forllled with
architect n ailtire m mu, - me umam(sa), - you (sing) urnad(sa), - him/it (Ill) uirne(san),
architectural adj ailtireach - herlit (f) uirnpe(se), - us urnainn(e), - you (pi) urnaibh(se), - them
architecture n ailtireachd f illvar urnpa(san)
archive n tasglann f arrange V 1 (orgallise, set up) cuir vt air chois (dat of cas j), - a meeting cuir
archivist 11 tasglannaiche m coinneamh fair chois; 2 (put ill order) sgioblaich vt, cuir vt an ordugh m,
Arctic, the n an Artaig f, the - Circle Cearcall III na h-Artaig, also An cuir vi air doigh f, - the furniture sgioblaich an aimeis, - documents
Cearcall Artach cuir paipearan IIIpl an ordugh
ardent adj (of persons, emotiolls, deeds) dian arrangement nl (state ofaffairs &c) suidheachadh Ill, she didn't like this -
ardour 11 deme f invar at all cha robh an suidheachadh seo a' cordadh rithe idir; 2 (agreemellt,
area 11 1 (abstr) farsamgeachd f invar; 2 (district, locality &c) ceam Ill, a settlelllellt) cordadh m, reite f, they reached an - thainig vi iad gu
remote - ceam iomallach; 3 (topic,jield) raon Ill, expert in this - fior cordadh/reite; 3 (Ill us) rian III
eolach san faon sec arranger n (music) rianadair 111
argue v 1 (discuss, also squabble) connsaich vi, (less trod) argamaidich vi; arrest v cuir vt an lairnh (dat of lamhj), cuir vt an sas m
2 (legal &c: - a case &c) tagair vti arrivaln teachd III invar, the - of spring teachd an earraich
argument n 1 (disagreelllent) connsachadh Ill, (less trod) argamaid J; arrive v thig vi, ruig vti, they haven't -d yet cha tainig iad fhathast, cha do
2 (discussion) deasbad m; 3 (sequence of ideas, poillts &c) argamaid f ramig iad fhathast, - at Perth at 8 o'clock ruig Peairt/thig gu Peairt
argumentative adj connsachail, airnhreiteach aig ochd uairean Jpl
arid adj 1 (of landscape &c) tioram, (stronger) loisgte, ana-thioram, ro- arrogance 11 dfmadas HI, uaibhreas 111, 3.rdan 111
thioram; 2 (uninteresting) tioram arrogant adj dana, ardanach
arise v eirich vi arrow 1I saighead f
aristocracy n 1 (abstr quality) uaisle f invar; 2 (COil) the - na h-uaislean IIIpl arse 11 ifam) mas m, ifalll) ton f
aristocrat 11 mor-uasal ni, duin'-uasal m arsehole n (vulg in this sense) toll Ill, (vulg) toll-tome (gen of ton j)
aristocratic adj uasal art 11 ealain f, the Scottish Arts Council Comhairle f nan Ealam an A1bainn
arithmetic n cunntas Ill, aireanlhachd f invar (dat of A1baj), - gallery ealam-Iannf, also taisbean-lannf
arm' 11 1 (part of body) gairdean m; 2 (idiolll) come to my -s thig vi nam artery 11 cuisle f, main - cuisle-mhor f
chom m, thig nam achlais f artful adj innJeachdach, carach
arm' n (weapon) ball-airm III artfulness n innJeachd f
armchair n cathair-ghitirdeanach f arthritis n tinneas III nan alt III
armful n achlasan Ill, u1tach III article n 1 (object, thing) rud Ill; 2 (journalislll &c) aiste f, alt Ill; 3 (grolll) alt
armour 11 1 armachd f invar; 2 in expr suit of - deise-airm f Ill; 4 in expr an - of clothing ball m aodaich m gell
armoury n armJann f articulate adj fileanta, pongail
armpit n achlais f, lag IIIf na h-achlaise articulate v (express) cuir vt an ceiJI (dat of ciall j)
armrest n taic-uiJne f artificial adj fuadain, breige (gen ofbreugf, used as adj)
army 11 arm ni, when I was in the""' nuair a bha mi san arm artisan n fear-ceairde m
around adv 1 timcheall, mun cuairt & mu chuairt, a rumourlthe flu's going artist n neach-ealain (plluchd-ealain III sing coli)
- tha fathann Ill/an enatan mar a' dol timcheall/a' dol mun cuairt artistic adj ealanta
around prep 1 timcheall (with gell), timcheall air, mun cuairt air, all - her artistry n ealantas III
fada mun cuairt oirre, we'll go - the loch theid sinn timcheall an as adv 1 (ill comparisons) cho, it wasn't - good - (all) that cha robh e cho
locha, they built houses - his garden thog iad taighean IIIpl timcheall math sin, - big - a house cho mar rl taigh Ill; 2 ill expr - much -
air a' gharradh III aige, are there any shops - here? a bheil bilithtean uiread agus/is, (esp ill neg sentences) fiu agus/is, give me - much -
mJpI timcheall air an seo?; 2 (approximately) timcheall air, mu (Ienites lain (has) thoir dhomh uiread agus a tha aig lam, there wasn't - much
followillg COIlS, takes dat) - a hundred timcheall air ceud, mu cheud; - a piece of bread left cha robh fiu agus pios III arain III air fhagail;

20 21

3 (distance) - far - gu ruige (with nom), - far - the ridge gu ruige an aspire v bi vi irreg miannach (to air), - to fame/wealth bi miannach air cliu
dru.i.m m; 4 in erpr - for (ie conceming) (a-)thaobh (with gm), - for the 111 hwnr /beartas 111
election ... a-thaobh/ thaobh an laghaidh ... assailant n neach-ionnsaigh (plluchd-ionnsaigh m sing call)
as conj 1 mar, - they say mar a chanas iad, he carried on - if/though it assassin 11 murtair nE
didn't matter lean e air mar nach robh e gu difir, be that - it may assassinate v murt vt
biodh sin mar a bhitheas; 2 (because) on a & bhon a, they put the stock assassination 11 murt m
on the hill - the grazing was good up there chuir iad an spreidh f assault n 1 ionnsaigh mf; 2 (as legal term) droch-ionnsaigh mf
dhan mhonadh m on a bha an t-ionallradh math shuas an sin; 3 in expr assault v thoir ionnsaigh mf (with prep air)
- well (ie also) cuideachd, mar an ceudna, has Ewan left? yes, and lain assemble v 1 (gather, collect: of people) cruinnich vti, thig vi comhla; 2 (of
- well an do dh'fhalbh Eoghann? dh'fhalbh, agus lain cuideachd/mar people & thillgs) co-chruinnich vti; 3 (- machillery, kit &c) cuir vt ri
an ceudna; 4 in erpr - well - (ie in addition to) cho math ri, a bharrachd cheile
air, he had a dram - well - a pint ghabh e drama m cho math ri assembled adj & past part 1 (of things: put together) co-dheanta, air an (&c)
pinntm c(h)ur ri cheile; 2 (of people: gathered) cruinn, the congregation was - in
ascertain v faigh vt a-mach the church bha an coitheanal cruinn san eaglais f
ascribe v cuir vt (with prep as leth), - something to someone cuir rudeigin assembly 11 1 (of people) cruinneachadh m, lional m; 2 (of people or thillgs)
as leth cuideigin mf invar co-chruinneachadh m; 3 (abstr: putting together) cur m ri cheile
ash n 1 (tree & wood) uinnseann m, mountain - caorann fm; 2 (fire residue) assent tl 1 aonta m; 2 (permission) cead 111 lnuar
luaithne f invar, luath f assent v thoir aonta m (to do)
ashamed adj fo naire, naraichte, air a (&c) narachadh m, I'm - tha mi fo assert v 1 (state, argue) cum a-mach vi, they were -ing that the world
naire f invar, also tha naire orm; 2 (become -) gabh naire, I was - when wasn't round bha iad a' cumail a-mach nach robh an cruinne cruinn;
she heard about it ghabh mi naire (also chaidh mo narachadh) nuair a 2 ill expr - authority gabh smachd m illvar (over air), he -ed his
chuala i mu dheidhinn authority over the country ghabh e smachd air an duthaich f
ashen adj biln-ghlas assess v meas vt
ashore adv 1 (position) air tir mf; 2 (movement) gu tir, air tir, they're coming assessment 11 1 (abstr: the actioll) measadh m; 2 (call: an -) meas m
- tha iad a' tighinn vi gu tir/air nr assessor 11 neach-meas m (plluchd-meas m sing coli)
aside adv air leth, an dara taobh m, puUset - cuir vt air leth, cuir vt an dara assets 11 maoin f, sO-mhaoin f, freeze - reoth so-mhaoin
taobh assign n (resources, persoll to post) sonraich vt
ask v 1 (enquire, question) faighnich vi (with prep de or do), - Morag faighnich assist v cuidich vti, dean cobhair f (with prep air) - them cuidich vt iad,
de Mhorag, she -ed whether there was life on Mars dh'fhaighnich i (more trad) cuidich vi teotha
an robh beatha air Mart m; 2 (request) iarr vti (with prep air), they -ed assistance 11 1 cuideachadh m, cobhair f; 2 (fillallcial) taic f (airgid)
for a pay rise dh'iarr iad ardachadh-paighidh m, she -ed me to close assistant n neach-cuideachaidh m (plluchd-cuideachaidh m sing call)
the door dh'iarr i orm an doras a dhimadh; 3 (invite) iarr vt, they -d me associate 11 1 companach m; 2 (esp ill busillesS, crime &c) (com)pairtiche m
to a party dh'iarr iad mi (lighinn) gu partaidh; 4 in erpr - a question associated adj & past part an cois (dat of cas j), an luib (dat oflub j), (both with
faighnich ceist f, cuir ceist (with prep air), she's always -ing questions gell), poverty and its - difficulties bochdainnfagus na duilgheadasan
bidh i a' faighneachd ceistean gun sgur, they -ed me questions chuir mpl a thig na cois, also bochdainn agus a cuid f duilgheadasan, there is
iad ceistean orm; 5 (idiom) lain was -ing after you bha lain a' gabhail a story - with each building tha sgeulm an lUib gach togalaich m
do naidheachd f, bha lain gad fhaighneachd association 11 1 (abstr) cruinneachadh m, lighinn f comhla, freedom of -
askew adj claon coir f chruinneachaidh; 2 ill expr in - with an co-bhann/co-bhuinn ri;
aslant adj fiar 3 (more call: club &c) comann m
asleep adj na (&c) c(h)adalm, we were - bha sinn nar cadal assortment 11 measgachadh m, taghadh m, (of de)
aspect n 1 (appearance) dreach m, cruth m; 2 (facet &c) taobh m, it's that _ assume v 1 (take as fact) gabh vi ris, I - he won't do it again tha mi a
of the matter that worries me 'se an taobh sin den chUis a tha a' cur gabhail ris nach dean e tuiIIeadh e; 2 (take on) gabh vt os lairnh (gen of
dragh m orm; 3 (geographical exposure) sealladh-aghaidh m lamhj), gabh vt air fhein, he -d responsibility for the company ghabh
aspiration n (ie desire, ambition) miann m, mor-mhiann m, rim m eo lairnh/air fhein uallach m a' chompanaidh

22 23
assumption E GLlSH-GAELlC DICTIONARY attached attachment ENGLISH-GAELIC DICTlO ARY audience

assumption 11 1 (hypothesis) tuaiream Ill; 2 (Opillioll, sl/pposition) barail f attachment 11 1 (phys) ceangallll; 2 (liking, friendship) t1achd f invar, deidh
assurance n 1 bar(r)antas Ill, (less forlllal) gealladh Ill, we accepted the - f, speisf
he gave us ghabh sinn ris a' bharrantas a thug e dhuinn; 2 (illsl/rance) attack 11 1 ionnsaigh 1IIf, make/mountflaunch an - thoir ionnsaigh (on air);
arachas Ill, urras Ill, an - policy poileasaidh III arachais/urrais gell 2 (verbal) caineadh Ill, mabadh Ill; 3 in expr heart - greim-eridhe Ill,
assure V rach an urras III (with prep do), he -d me that it was true chaidh clisgeadh III cridhe III
e an urras dhomh gun robh e fior attack v thoir ionnsaigh (with prep air)
asterisk 11 (orthography) reuJtagf attacker n neach-ionnsaigh III (pI luchd-ionnsaigh III sing call)
asthma n (I/sed with art) a' chuingf, an sac III attain v (all ailll &c) faigh vt, ruig vt, he -ed his wish/ambition fhuair e a
astonish v cuir mor-iongnadh III (with prep air), it -ed me chuir e mor- mhiann IIIf/a rUn III
iongnadh orm attempt n oidhlrp f, make an - at something dean oidhirp air rudeigin
astonishment n mor-iongnadh III attempt v feuch vti (with prep ri), dean oidhirp f (with prep air), I'll - to
astray adj & adv 1 (phys) air fhuadan; 2 (phys, 1II0rally) air seachran air open the door feuchaidh mi ris an doras fhosgladh, they -ed to lift
iornrall; 3 in exprs go - (phys, 1II0rally) rach vi air seachran/air iornrall, us dh'fheuch iad ri ar togail, we have to - it feumaidh sinn oidhirp a
lead/go - (esp 1II0rally) claon vti dheanamh air
astride adj & adv casa-gobhlach (with prep air), - the chair casa-gobhlach attend v 1 (serve &c) freastail vi, fritheil vi, (on air); 2 (be present) bi vi an
air a' chathair f, riding - a' marcachd casa-gobhlach lathair f, bi vi ann, fritheil vt, rach vi (with prep do), they didn't - cha
astrology n speuradaireachd f invar robh iad an lathair, - a meeting rach do choinneirnh; 3 (pay attention)
astronaut n speur-shealadair III thoir (an) aire f invar (to do); 4 in expr - to a matter gabh cUis f os lairnh
astronomer" reuladair 111 (dat of lamh j)
astronomy n reuJ-eolas III attendance n 1 (service &c) freastallll, - at table freastaJ don bhord; 2 (- on
asylum 11 (abstr) tearmann Ill, political - tearmann poileataigeach sOllleone: at all evellt &c) frithealadh Ill; 3 (al/dience &c) there was a good
at prep 1 (position & tillle) aig, - home aig an taigh Ill, - the door aig an - bha sluagh mar ann, bha luchd-eisdeachd gu lear ann
doras ni, - sea aig muir nlf, - six o'clock aig sia uairean, - din.ner-time attendant adj na c(h)ois (dat of cas j), na luib (dat oflub j), poverty and its -
aig am III dinnearach, - best aig a' char III as fhearr, - worst aig a' char difficulties bochdainn f agus na duilgheadasan III a thig vi na cois
as miosa; 2 (lIIisc exprs & idiollls) - Perth ann am Peart, - that, he went attendant n neach-fritheaJaidh III (plluchd-fritheaJaidh III sing call)
home leis a sin chaidh e dhachaigh, (work, a task &c) keep/stick - it! attention n aire f invar, pay - thoir (an) aire (to do)
cUm vi ris!, - (long) last mu dheireadh (thall), - all idir (I/Sl/ with neg attentive adj 1 (alert) aireachail, furachail; 2 (- to task, sOllleolle's Ileeds &c)
verb), are you tired? not at all! a bheil thu sgith? chan eil idir!, - first furachail; 3 - to detail mion-ehUiseach, mionaideach
an toiseach, I didn't like him - first cha bu toigh learn an toiseach e aUestation n teisteanas m
athletic adj lulhmhor attitude 11 1 (phys) seasamh Ill; 2 (lIIental) gleus IIIf inntinn f
Atlantic n, the I/sed with art, An Cuan III Siar attract v 1 (persoll, lIIagnet &c) tarraing vt; 2 (charlll, entice) taJaidh vt, - the
atom n dadam III customers back talaidh an luchd-ceannaich III sillg call air ais
atomic adj atamach attraction n taladh Ill, tarraingf
atone v, 1 (lIIake reparation) dean eirigf (for airson), you'll - for it ni sibh attractive adj 1 taJaidheach, tarraingeach; 2 (esp in personality) t1achdmhor
eirig air a shon; 2 (relig: with reference to Christ's atonelllent) dean reite f attribute n (esp illherent) feart Ill, we get many -s from our forebearsl
atonement n 1 (reparation &c) eirig f, as - for his mistakes an eirig a ancestors gheibh sinn moran fheartan bhor sinnsirean IIIpl
mhearachdan IIIpl; 2 (relig: with reference to Christ's atonelllellt) reite f attribute v (esp with illlplication of gl/ilt, blallle) cuir vt as leth (with gen),
atrocious adj uabhasach, oillteil, eagalach don't - the rumour to me (elllph) na cuir am fathann as mo leth-sa
atrocity n uabhas Ill, atrocities in time of war uabhasan an am III cogaidh attrition 11 bleith f
auctioneer n reiceadair m
attached adj past part 1 (phys) ceangailte (to ri), - to the wall ceangailte audacious adj ladama, dana
ris a' bhalla; 2 (elllotionally or ill friendship) measail, deidheil (to air), audience n 1 (radio, concert &c) luchd-eisteachd III sing call, there was a
ceangailte (to ri), I became quite - to them dh'fhas mi gu math good - bha luchd-eisteachd gu leor ann; 2 (lIIeetillg with illlportant
measail/deidheil orra, dh'fhas mi gu math ceangailte riutha person) coinneamh (phriobhaideach), agallamh (prlobhaideach)

24 25
audio-visual adj leir-chJaistinneach average 11 1 meadhan m; 2 (maths) cwbheas m
audit 11 sgrudadh m (chunntasan mpl gell) awake adj nam (&c) d(h)usgadh m, nam (&c) d(h)Uisg m, she is - tha i na
audit v dean sgrudadh m (air cunntasan mpl) dusgadh, tha i na duisg
auditor 11 neach-sgrudaidh m (chunntasan mpl gell) awake, awaken v dwsg vti, I awoke at six dhwsg rnJ aig a sia
auger 11 drile f, snJornhaire m awakening 11, dusgadh m, (less IISIl) mosgladh m
augment V meudaich vt award n duaisf
augmentation 11 meudachadh m aware adj mothachail (of air), - of the problem mothachail air an
August 11 (used with art) an LimastaJ m duilgheadas
aunt 11, my - (011 mother's side) piuthar f mo rnhathar, (011 father's side) awareness n mothachadh m (of air)
piuthar fm' athar away adv (misc erprs), - from home on taigh, right! I'm - ceart! tha rnJ
au revoir excl ch] rnJ fhathast sibh/thu a' falbh, she's - (ie gone) tha i air falbh, she's - (ie absent) tha i as an
Aurora Borealis 11 (used with art) a Fir ChJis mpl lathair f, also chan eil i (ann) an seo, - you go to the shop for me thalla
auspices IIpl, ill expr under the - fo sgeith (dat of sgiath f) (with gen), under don bhuth mf dhornh, (to dog &c) - home! falbh/thalla dhachaigh!, a
the - of the Scottish Arts Council fo sgeith ChornhairJe Ealam na long way -, far - fad' air falbh, fade - crion vi, keep (ie stay) - cUm vi
h-Alba air falbh, cUm vi as an lathair, keep her - from me! cUm bhuam i!
auspicious adj rathail, gealltanach awful adj uabhasach, eagaJach, sgriosail, that's -! tha sin uabhasach!
Austria 11 (used wit!, art) an Ostair f awfully adv 1 gu h-uabhasach, how did you get on? -! ciamar a chaidh
Austrian n & adj Ostaireach dhut? gu h-uabhasach!; 2 (as intensifier) uabhasach, (stronger)
author 11 ughdar m uabhasach fhein, that was - good! bha sin uabhasach (fhein) math!
authorisation n ughdarras m, cead m awkward adj (person, actioll) cearbach, in erpr an - person cearbair m
authorise v ughdarraich vt, ceadaich vt awry adj 1 (slanting &c) claon; 2 (wrollg, not as it shollld be) tuathal
authorised adj & past part ughdarraichte, ceadaichte axe 11 tuagh f, Lochaber - tuagh-chatha f
authoritarian adj ceannsalach axle n aiseaJ mf
authoritative adj ughdarrasail
authority n 1 (control, dominatioll) ceannsal m, smachd m i,IVar, under
his enemy's - fo cheannsaJ a narnhad m, she maintained - over the
class chUm i smachd air a' chJas m; 2 (collllcil &c) ughdarras m, local
authorities ughdarrasan ionadail
autobiography n fem-eachdraidh f
automatic 11 fem-ghJuaiseach
autonomous adj neo-eisimeileach, fem-riaghJach
autumn n foghar m, in - as t-fhoghar
auxiliary adj taiceil
auxiliary n cuictiche nz, takear m
avaH n eifeachd f invar, buannachd f, tairbhe f illvar, of no - gun eifeachd
avail v 1 (profit, be ofllse, IISIl inneg exprs), it will - you nothing to complain
cha leig thu a leas/cha dean e feum (sam bith) dhut a blUth a' gearan;
2 (make use of, take advantage of), - oneself of c1eachd vt, gabh cothrom
m air, - oneself of the facilities c1eachd na goireasan mpl
available adj 1 (to hamf) deiseil, ullamh; 2 (to be had) ri f(h)aigltinn, there
is no beer - chan eil Jeann m ri fhaigltinn m idir; 3 ill expr make -
cwr vt an tairgse f (with gen), make something - to other people cuir
rudeigin an tairgse dhaoine mpl /mllinntir f eile
average adj 1 meadhanach, cumanta; 2 (maths) cwbheasach

26 27
a complemellt, IInlike droch), that was - bha sin dona, drink is - for you
B lba deoch-Iaidir f dona dhut; 3 (of food &c, off, rottell) lobhte, grod, go -
lobh vi; 4 ill expr in a - mood/temper diombach, crost(a)
baa, baaing 11 meilich f invar badge 11 suaicheantas m, braiste f
baa v dean meWch f invar badger broc m . . ?
babble, babbling 11 gobaireachd f illvar badly adv 1 gu dona, how did you get on? -! Clamar ~ chaldh dhut. chaJdh
baby 11 leanabh m, paiste m, leanaban m, naoidhean m, she had a - bha gu dona!; 2 ill expr - behaved mi-mhodha'l, mlOmhall, (11511 of c11/1d)
paiste aice crost(a)
babysitler 11 freiceadan m doinne bad-natured adj droch nadarrach
bachelor 11 f1easgach m, (IIS11 middle-aged or elderly) seana-ghille m, old - badness 11 donas m, (slrollger) ole m
seann fhJeasgach baffle v fairtlich vi (with prep air), it -d me dh'fhairtlich e orm
back adj 1 (rear) cUi! (gell of cUI m, llsed adjeclivally), - door doras m cUil, bag 11 1 poca m, baga m, sleeping-- poca-cadail; 2 (large -, IlIggage &c)
- room seamar m cUi!, - stroke buille-chuil t 2 (of Ihe allatomical -) maiJeid f, (abbrev for handbag) maiJeid-laimh f
droma (gen of druim m llsed adjectivally), a - support taic f droma, - baggage 11 trea\(l)aichean Jpl . ,_
pain cradh 111 drama bagpipe 11 plob f, (Highlalld -) plob mhbr,freqllelllly llsed WIth art, a phlob,
back adv air ais, keeplhold - cUm vi air ais, (more Jormal) cuir maille f illvar a' phlob mhbr, - music ceOl m na ploba, III expr - chanter feadan m
air/ann an, I won't keeplhold you - cha chUm mi air ais sibh, come/ bail" urras ni, release on - fuasgail vt air urras
go - till vi (air ais), (of time) a month - mios mf air ais bailiff 11 maor m
back 111 (the phys -) druirn m, my -'5 sore tha mo dhruirn goirt, the small baillie 11 baillidh m
of the - caol m an droma m; 2 (rear part of hllmall, allimal, objecl &c) bait 11 ifor fishillg) maghar m, biathadh m
cUI m, I turned my - t%n him chuir mi mo chul ris, the back of the bake v fuin vi
hand/neck cui na laimh/na h-amhaich, he shoved it in the - of the baker 11 fuineadair m
lorry shad e an cui na laraidh e, chair - cui cathrach t 3 (esp of all bakery 11 taigh-fuine m
animal) muin f ilwar, he leapt on the donkey's - leum vi e air muin na baking 11 (tile actioll alld IIIe prodllct) fuineadh m, fuine f, - powder pudar-
h-asail; 4 (- pari or sectioll of somellling) tbn f, the - of the house/of the fuine m
hall tbn an taighe m/an talla m; 5 (of book) cbmhdach m, hard/soft - balance III (eqllilibrillm) co-chothrom m, cothrom m, meidhf, (fig) - ofpower
cbmhdach cruaidh/bog; 6 in expr - to front culaibh air beuJaibh co-chothrom cumhachd m gell; 2 (sel of scales &c) cothrom m, meldh t 3
back v 1 (sllpport) cUm taic ri; 2 (reverse vehicle &c) rach vi an comhair a (&c) (fill, abstr) cothromachadh m, - sheet cunntas m cothromachaldh; 4 III
c(h)uil; 3 (bel) cuir geallm/airgead m (on air) expr on - air chothrom m; 5 (fill, actllal Slllll left ill halld) cbrT m
back-biting 11 1 (the actioll) cUI-chaineadh m; 2 (the remarks &c) cUl-chainnt f balance v 1 cuir vt air mheidhf, colbromaich VI, she -ed the loadlburden
backbone 11 cna(i)mh-droma m, the - cna(i)mh an droma on her head chui. i an t-uallach air mheidh air a ceann m; 2 (fin)
backer 11 (fin &c) neach-taice (plluchd-taice m sillg call) colbromaich vt, - a budget cothromaich buidseatm
backing 11 taic(e) f, financial - taic-airgid f balanced adj & past pari 1 (ill eqllilibrillm) air mheidh; 2 ifair, even-
backpack 11 maileid-droma f IIallded) cothromach, a - discussion deasbad cothromach; 3 (fill)
backside n (blltlocks) mas m, ifam) tbn f cothromaichte
backup 11 1 (sllpport) taic(e) f; 2 (IT, 10 disc &c) rul-ghJeidheadh m bald adj maol, ill expr - patch sgall m
backward adj deireannach baldness 11 maoiJe f illvar, maoiJead m
backwards adv an comhair a (&c) c(h)Ui!, she fell - lbuit vi i an comhair bale 11 (of hay &c) beile m
a cUi! bale v (boal &c) laom vti
bad adj, 1 droch (COIIIIOt be llsed as a complemelll alld always precedes the 1I01ln, baler 11 taoman m
which it Imiles, excepl ill Ihe case of c), - weather droch aimsir f, droch ball' 11 (dallce) bal m
shlde f, - language droch-<:ainnt f, - luck droch shealbh m, droch ball' ifor games &c) bala m, ball m, foot- ball-<:oise m
fhortan m, in a - state/condition ann an droch staid f, that's a - sign! ballad 11 bailead m
is e droch comharradh m a !ha sin!; 2 dona, a - boy gille dona, (lIsed as ballast 11 balaiste f illvar
28 29

ballot" 1 baileat m, taghadh m, hold a - on a particular question cUm bare v 1 (esp body &c: strip) ruisg vt, lom vt, he -d his forearm rUisg e a
baileat air ceist shonraichte; 2 ill expr - paper paipear m bhotaidh ruighe mf; 2 (sword) rUisg vt
balmy adj (ev."i"g &c) t1ath bared adj & past part 1 (esp of body &c: "aked, stripped) rUisgte; 2 (showi"g)
bamboo" cuilc f Innseanach ris prep pro", her forearm was - bha a ruighe mf ris
ban tl toirmeasg m bare-faced adj ladama, dana
ban V toirmisg vt barefoot adj casruisgte
band' " 1 (of people) comhlan m, buidheann mf, (pej) lreud m; 2 (mllsic) bare-headed adj ceannruisgte
comhlan(-ciuil) m barelegged adj casruisgte
band'" (loop of material) crios m, bann m, rubber - crios-rubair m barely adv 1 (to a small exte"l, rarely, with difjiCIIlty) is gann (with conj a), we
bandage" bann m - saw him is gann a chunnaic sinn e, he - uttered two words is gann a
bandy-legged adj cama-chasach, crom-chasach leig e as da fhacal, we - made out what she was saying is gann a rinn
bang" <nagf, brag m sinn a-mach de a bha i ag radh; 2 (hardly, scarcely) cha mhor (with conj
bang v <nag vti gun), he - uttered two words cha mhor gun do leig e as da fhacal m;
banish v fuadaich vt, fogair vt, the people were -ed from the glen 3 (esp erpr difjiCIIlty) is ann air eiginn (with co"j a), we - made out what
dh'fhogradh an sluagh as a' ghleann m she was saying is ann air eiginn a rinn sinn a-mach de a bha i ag radh,
banishment" fuadach m, fuadachadh m, fogradh m he - opened his eye is ann air eiginn a dh'fhosgail e a shUil f
bank' " (fi") banca m, I've an account at the Royal - tha cunntas m agam bareness" luime f, lomnochd f invar
aig a' Bhanca Rioghail, - loan iasad m banca bargain" 1 (legal, official,fi" &c) cUmhnantm, cunnradh m; 2 (good buy &c)
bank'" 1 (of river &c) bruach f; 2 (hillside, slope) bruthach mj; 3 i" expr peat- bargan m
poll-mona m (also poll-monach & poll-monadh) bark' " (of dog) comhartm
bank v 1 (mo"ey) cuir vt sa bhanca; 2 (idiom) don't - on it! na cuir earbsa bark' " (of Iree) rusg m, cairt f
f i"var ann! bark v dean comhart m, tabhannaich vi, (at ri)
banker 1J bancair nr barking n comhartaich f, tabhannaich f
banking" bancaireachd f i"var barley n eoma m invar
banknote n nota f (banca) barn" sabhalm, ill expr - owl comhachagf
bankrupt adj briste barnacle" giuran m, baimeach f
banned adj & past parttoirmisgte barometer" glainne-side f
banner" bratach f baron tl baran m
bannock " bonnach m barrel" baraille m, (large -, ca" be of metal) tocasaid (also togsaid & tosgaid)
banquet" feis f, cuirm f f, - of oil baraille ola f, - of gun baraille m
baptise v baist vt
barren adj 1 (la"d) fas; 2 (woma,,) nea-thorrach; 3 (/iveslock &c) seasg
baptism" baisteadh m
barrenness" 1 (land) fasachd f i"var; 2 (woma,,) neo-thorrachd f invar, nea-
Baptist" & adj Baisteach m
thorraichead f i"var; 3 (livestock &c) seasgachd f i"var
bar n 1 (of wood, metal) crann m; 2 (obstacle, impedim."t) bacadh m, a - to
barrier" (lit & fig) bacadh m, cnap-starra m
promotion bacadh air ardachadh m, colour - dath-bhacadh m; 3 (in
barrister n neach-tagraidh m (plluchd-tagraidh m si"g coil), tagarair m
pub &c) bar m; 4 (mllsic) car m; 5 (IT &c) - chart c1ar m colbh m
bar v 1 (prevent, obstrllct) bac vt, cuir bacadh m (with prep air); 2 in erpr - the barter" malairt f
door cuir (an) crann m air an doras m barter v malairlich vi, dean malairt f
barb" gath m base adj suarach, taireil
barbaric, barbarous adj barb base" (boltom,joundatioll) bonn m, bun m
barbed adj & past part gathach bash v I/am, ill fighl &c) pronn vt
barber n borbair m, (more trod) bearradair m bashful adj diUid, narach
bard n bard m bashfulness n diUideachd f illvar, diuide f invar, naire f invar
bare adj 1 (naked) lomnochd; 2 (lI"covered) rUisgte, his back was - bha a basic adj bunaiteach, - rights coraichean Jpl bunaiteach, - Gaelic Gaidhlig
dhruirn m rUisgte; 3 (la"dscape &c) lom, a - hillside bruthach mflom bhunaiteach

30 31
basin n rnias f ones who did it b' iadsan an fheadhainn f a rinn e; b) expr professions,
basis n 1 (more usn phys) steidh J; 2 (more IISIl abstr) bunait j, the - of his occupatimrs, character &c, he's a surgeon is e lannsair m a tha ann, Fiona
philosophy bunait na feallsanachd aige is a midwife is e/i bean-ghlUine a th' ann am Fiona, they are fools is
basket 11 basgaid f e amadain a tha annta (Note: this constrlletion, with is, can express more
basketball n baU-basgaid m permanence than bi with nam, nad &e, ef examples IInder 1 e) above); cl
bass n (music) beus (gen beusa) m with adj complemellt (often in set exprs in Gaelic) that's good is math
bastard n duine/neach m diolain sin, that's a shame! is truagh sin!, it's good that it's finished/over's
bastard adj diolain math seachad e; d) with an emph or 'llighlighted' adj or adv complement,
bat' n (the animal) ialtagf is followed by ann prep pron, she's not young, she's ancient! chan eil
bat' (for games) slacan m, bat m i og, is ann a tha i aosta!, is it tomorrow we'll see her? no an ann
batch n dorlach m a-maireach a chi sinn i? chan ann; e) with an emph or 'highlighted' nOlll'
bath n 1 amar m, ionnaltair J; 2 in expr - towel tubhailte mhor, searbhadair or pron complement, is followed by prep & nOllnlpron, he wouldn't do
mor that, he's a minister (emph)! cha deanadh esan sin, '5 e ministear m a
bathe v ionnlaid vti, faik vti tha ann!, is/was it your bag (emph) that you lost? an e do mhaileid a
bathing n ionnlad m chaiU thu?; f) introdllcing a relative clallse, is followed by n011ll or pron, was
bathroom n seomar-ionnlaid m, riun-ionnlaid m it you who wrote it? no! an tusa a sgriobh e? cha mhi!, isn't it they
battalion n cath-bhuidheann f who'll go (there)? nach iadsan a theid ann?, it's the old man who lost
batter v pronn vt, dochainn vt it is e am bodach III a chaiU e, isn't/wasn't it her husband who died?
battery n bataraidh IlIf nach e an duine aice a chaochail?
battle n cath m, blar m, batailm, the - of Culloden Blar Chuil Lodair beach n lraigh j, (often stony) dadach m, (shingly or pebbly) mol m
battle-axe n tuagh-chatha f bead n (on necklace &c) griogag f
battlefield n blar m, ar m beak n gob m
battleship n long-chogaidh f beam n 1 (ray) gath m, - of light gath solais m gen; 2 (of timber) sail j, sparr m
bawdy adj drabasta, draosta beam v (facial expr) dean faite-gaire mhor
bawl v glaodh vi bean, beans n ponair f sing & call, broad - ponair leathann, French -
bay n bagh m, camas m, ob m ponair Fhrangach
bayonet n beigleid f bear n (brown -) mathan m, polar - mathan ban
be v 1 bi v irreg (cannot be llsed with a now, complement, cf 2 a) below), a) bear v 1 (sll!fer, tolerate) fuiling vt, I couldn't - to do it chan fhuilinginn a
with adj complement, it's cold, isn't it? tha i fuar, nach eiJ?, - quiet! bi dheanamh, they had to - cold and hunger b' fheudar dhaibh fuachd
(imperative) samhach!, that's good tha sin math; b) with adv complement, mfis acras m fhulang, I can't - her chan fhuiling mi i; 2 (carry) giitJain
lan was there bha lain ann; cl with present participle, is he coming? vt, iomchair vt; 3 (give birth to) beir vt irreg, she bore a son rug i mac
a bheil e a' tighinn?, they weren't singing cha robh iad a' seinn; d) Ill, also rugadh mac dhi; 4 in expr - in mind cUm na (&c) c(h)uirnhne
expr existence, bi with third pers prep pron ann, there are no fairies (ie f invar
fairies don't exist) chan eil sithichean mpl ann; e) expr state, position, beard n feusagf
occupation &c, temporary or permanent, bi with prep & pass pron nam, bearded adj feusagach, romach
nad (&c), he was alone bha e na aonar, they are asleep tha iad nan bearer n neach-giulain m, neach-iomchair m (pI luchd-giulain/iomchair m
cadalm, she's a nurse tha i na banaltramflna nursj, I'm a pari-time sing call), (less trad) portair m
chef just now tha rni nam chOcaire m pairt-uine an drasta; f) (in past bearing' n (compass -) gabhailmj, (esp nalltienl) Mrd f
tenses only: visit, spend time in) have you (ever) been to Lewis? an robh bearing' (posture) giulan m
sibh (riamh/a-riamh) ann an Leodhas?; 2 is v irreg & dej, past tense bu, bearing' (engineering &c) giulan m, ball - giulan bhala m, also gran m
inter an (am before b, f, m, p), past inter am bu, neg cha (before vowel, or beast n 1 (animal) ainmhidh m; 2 (esp farm animal) beathach m; 3 (term of
f followed by vowel, chan), past neg cha bu, neg inter nach, past neg inter abuse) biast j, brUid m, beist f
nach bu, a) as a copula, linking or equating two nOllllslpronollns, I am beat n (mllsic: rhythm) buiUe mf
a man is duine m mi, is she Isabel? an ise lseabail?, they were the beat v 1 (defeat) fairtlich vi, dean a' chuis, dean an gnothach, (all witll

32 33
beat befitting before behind

prep air), it was the bad weather that - us is e an droch airnsir f ~ before adv roimhe, a man we never saw - dume m nach fhaca sinn
dh'lhairtlich/rinn a' chuis oimn, they - the other team nnn lad a a-riamh roimhe
chuis/an gnothach air an sgioba mf eite; 2 (strike) buail vt, lac vt; 3 ill before cOllj mus & mun, - the winter comes mus/mun tig an geamhradh,
expr - up ifam, ill jight &c) pronn vt, dochainnich vt he didn't pay - he lefl cha do phaigh e mus do dh'fhalbh e, the night
beating 11 (tIlrasl,i1lg, beatillg lip) slacadh m, pronnadh m - she died an oidhche f mu do chaochail i
beautiful adj rlomhach, (esp of a place, a womall, or other livillg beillg) before prep 1 (space) ro (with dat), fa chomhair (with gell), standing - me
boidheach, breagha, (esp of a womall) maiseach na stad romham, na stad fa mo chomhair, - the door fa chomhair an
beautify v maisich vt, sgeimhich vt .' dorais; 2 (time) ro (with thedat), - (the duel time ron am m, ron mhithich
beauty 11 1 maise f illoor, boidhchead f illoor, ailleachd f lIIoor; 2 III expr - f illoor; 3 prep pr01ls - me romham(sa), - you (sillg) romhad(sa), - hirnJ
spot (011 face) ball-seirce m, (attractive place) aite m breagha it (111) roimhe(san), - her/it if) roimhpe(se), - us romhainn(e), - you
beaver 11 biobhar m (pI) romhaibh(se), - them romhpa(san)
becalm v, the boat was -ed thainig vi feath mf air a' bhata m . beforehand adv ro-l3imh
because c01lj a chionn is gu, (ill 1Ieg exprs a chionn is nach), a thaobh 15 gu beg v 1 dean faoighef i1loor; 2 (plead with) guidh vi (with prep air), I'm -ging
(ill lIeg exprs a thaobh is nach), - he was old a chionn 's gu robh e sean, you to stay! tha mi a' guidhe ort fuireachd!, he -ged us to let him
_ there isn't a strike a chionn 's nach eil stailc f ann go/set him free ghuidh e oirnn a leigeit ma sgaoil
because of prep a chionn, a-thaobh, air sgath, (all with gell), - of that a beget v gin vt, oah begatlhree sons ghin oah triwr mhac mpl ge1l
chionn sin beggar 11 dlol-deirce m, deirceach m
beckon v smeid vi (with prep air or ri), she -ed to me smiHd i orm/rium begging 11 ifor gifts offood &c) faoighe f illvar
become v 1 ifollowed by ad)) fas vi, they became oldJrich dh'lhas iad sean/ begin v toisich vi (with prep air or ri), teann vi (with prep ri), - singing
beartach; 2 (01lset of emotioll, se1lsati01l &c) thig vi (with 11, & prep air), toisich a' seinn, - to sing toisich air/ri seinn, he began climbing
I became sorrowfulJafraidJhungry thainig muladf/(an t-)eagalm/(an theann e ri streap
t-)aeras m orm; 3 (adopt professioll &c) rach vi na (&c)followed by 11, he beginning 111 (ill time) toiseach m, the - of summer toiseach an t-samhraidh,
became a policeman chaidh e na phoileas m; 4 (befall) tachair vi, eirich at the - an toiseach, al the very -, right at the - aig an fhior thoiseach,
vi, (with prep do), what became of lames? de a thachair do Sheumas?: an toiseach toiseachaidh m; 2 (- of a process &c) toiseachadh m, a new
de a dh'eirich do Sheumas?; 5 (sllit) thig vi (with prep do), freagalf VI - toiseachadh as ur, (sayillg) - is a day's work is e obair f latha 111
(with prep air), mourning -s Electra thig am bron do Electra toiseachadh; 3 <first or earliest stage) tus m, (prov) the fear of God is the
bed 11 1 leabaidh f; 2 ill exprs I was in - bha rni san leabaidh, also bha rni - of wisdom's e IUs a' ghliocais eagalm Ohe, he's been working here
nam laighe, go to - rach a laighe, rach a chadal m, we're going to from/since the (very) - tha e ag obair an sea 0 thus
_ tha sinn a' dol a laighe, she took to her - ghabh i ris an leabaidh; beguile v meall vt
3 (- of sea) grunnd m beguiling adj meallach
bedclothes, bedding 11 aodach m sillg collleapa f beguiling 11 mealladh m
bedfellow 11 coimhleapach mf behalf 11, i1l expr on - of as leth (with the gm), he did it on my - rinn e as
bedroom 11 seamar-<:adailm mo leth e
bee 11 seillean m behave v 1 giulain £hein (&c), I wasn't behaving too well cha robh mi gam
beef 11 mairtlheoil f ghiulan lhin ro mhath; 2 (- towards, treat) lairnhsich vt, gnathaich vt
beehive 11 sgeap f behaviour 11 1 (colldllct) dol-a-mach m i1lvar, giulan m; 2 (treatmelll, -
beer" leann 111 towards someo1le) laimhseachadh m, gnilthachadh m
beet 11 biotais ", invar behead v dl-<:heannaich vt
beetle 11 daolagf beheading 11 dl-<:heannachadh m
befall v tachair vi, eirich vi, tuit vi, (all with prep do) behind adv 1 (positi01l) air dheireadh, air chw, the journey was hard and
befit v 1 (s1lit) thig (with prep do); 2 (be illC1lmbe1lt 011) is v irreg def eubhaidh the old folks were far - bha an turas cruaidh agus bha na seann
(with prep do), as -s a gentleman mar as eubhaidh do dhuine-uasal 111 daoine fada air dheireadh; 2 (less adOO1lced &c) air dheireadh, - in
befitting adj cubhaidh, iomchaidh, (to do: 1Ised with v is), an action - a hero ~echnology air dheireadh a-thaobh teicneolais III ge1l
gniamh m as cubhaidh (ill past a bu chubhaidh) do ghaisgeach 111 behind prep air cUlaibh, air cUI, (with gell), - the church air cillaibh na

34 35

h-eaglaise, (also fig) I left/put it - me dh'fhag mi/chuir mi air mo beneath prep fo, lellites following 1101111 & takes Ihe dot, - the surface fon
chulaibh e uachdar m, - a Iree fo chraoibh f, (prep prons) - me fodham(sa), - you
being 11 1 (abstr) bith f illvar, bring into - thoir vt gu/am bith; 2 (livillg (sillg fam) fodhad(sa), - him/it (m) fodha(san), - her/it (f) foidhpe(se)
Ihillg) creutair m; 3 ill expr human - duine m or foipe(se), - us fodhainn(e), - you (pI or sillg formal) fodhaibh(se), -
belch 11 riIchd m, briIchd m them fbdhpa(san) or fopa(san)
belch v riIchd vi, bruchd vi, dean briIchd m benediction 11 beannachadh m
belief 11 1 (abslr) creideas m; 2 (esp relig) creideamh m benefactor 11 tabhartaiche m, labhairteach m
believe v creid vti (in ann an), thoir creideas (with prep do), I don't - you beneficial adj tairbheach & tarbhach
chan eil mi gad chreidsinn, chan eil mi a' toirt creideas dhut, I don't- benefit 11 1 (abstr: advantage &c) tairbhe f illvar; 2 (11511 fin) prothaid f;
in fairies chan eil mi a' creidsinn anns na sithichean mpl 3 (social security &c) sochair f, unemployment - sochair cion-obrach
belittle v cuir vt an suarachas m m, ifam) doilm illvar
bell 11 clag m, warning -, alarm - clag-rabhaidh m benefit v buannaich vi, (less 11511) tairbhich vi
belling 11 (of red deer stags) langanaich f bent adj crom, lubte, a - stick bata crom m, with their heads - crom an
bellow 11 (IIII/llans, caltle &c) geurn m, beuc m, he let out a - leig e geum ceann 111
as bent' 11 (natllral ability) talann m
bellow v 1 beuc vi, geum vi, ran vi; 2 (11511 of animals) nuallaich vi; 3 (cattle bent' (grass) muran m
& esp deer) langanaich vi bequeathe v tiomnaich vt (to do)
bellowing 11 1 (llIImalls, cattle &c) beucadh m; 2 (red deer stags) langanaich bequest n tiomnadh m, dlIeab f
f berry 11 dearc f, dearcagf
belly n 1 (abdomen) balg m; 2 (pallnch) bru f, maodal f, mionach m beseech v guidh vi (with prep air), I'm -ing you to stay! tha mi a' guidhe
belly-bullon n imleagf ort fuireach!
bellyful 11 lan m broinne f gm, I got a - of it fhuair mi lan mo bhroinne beside prep ri taobh (with gell), - the quay ri taobh a' chidhe, - me rim
dheth thaobh; 2 (idiom) I was - myself (with rage) bha mi air bhoile f invar /
belong v buin vi (to do), is v irreg & def (wilh prep le), does it - to you? am air bhainidh f illvar
buin e dhutsa?, or an ann leatsa a tha e?, who does this - to? co dha a besides prep a bharrachd air, a thuilleadh air, he has two flats, - a house
bhuineas seo? or co leis a tha seo?, it -5 to me's ann leamsa a tha e tha da lobht aige, a bharrachd air taigh, (adverbial IIse) I'm tired, and
belongings n Ireal(l)aichean JPI -, I'm broke tha mi sgith, agus a thuilleadh air sin, chan eil sgillinn
beloved adj gaolach, ionmhainn ruadh agarn
below adv fodha (&c) prep proll, sruos bhuaithe (&c), a room with a cellar- best Slip adj 1 fearr lIsed ill the exprs as fhearr (with pres & flit tellse) & a
seomar nz, agus seilear 111 fodha, we saw the river - chunnaic sinn an b' fhearr (wilh past & COllditiollal tense), the - one/man am fear m as
abhainn shios bhuainn, the rocks down - na creagan sruos fodha fhearr, he was the - one/man b' esan am fear a b' fhearr, Alan will be -
below prep 1 fo, lelliles fotlowillg 1101111 & takes the dot, - the surface fon 's e Ailean as fhearr a bhios (ann), the - pen I had am peann a b' fhearr
uachdar m, (prep prolls) - me fodham(sa), - you (sillg fam) fodhad(sa), a bh' agam; 2 in corres &c with - wishes leis gach deagh dhlirachd f;
- him/it (m) fodha(san), - her/it (f) foidhpe(se) or foipe(se), - us 3 ill expr (at weddillg) - man fleasgach m, fear cornhailteach
fodhainn(e), - you (pI or sillgformal) fodhaibh(se), - them fbdhpa(san) best Slip adv fearr, with v irreg & deJ is & prep do, you'd - stay/you'd be -
or fopa(san); 2 (idiom) down - him (&c) shios bhuaithe (&c), I saw the staying b' fhearr dhut fuireach, you'd - be going b' fhem dhuibh a
soldiers down - me chunnaic mi na saighdearan mpl shios bhuam bhith a' falbh, as - I can mar as fhearr as urrainn dhomh, mar as fhearr
belt 11 crios m a theid agam air
bench 11 being(e) f best n 1 dicheall m, I did my - rinn mi mo dhlcheall; 2 ill expr at - aig a'
bend 11 1 lub f, the stick has a big - in it tha lub mhor air/anns a' bhata char m as fhearr (ill pasl tellse a b' fhearr), she'll be third, at - bidh i san
m; 2 (- ill a river) camas 111 Ireas aite m, aig a' char m as fhearr; 3 (tile - part or example ofsomethillg)
bend v 1 (an object) fiar & fiaraich vti, lub vti; 2 (Ihe body) crom vti, lub vti, brod m, smior m ifollowed by gell sillg of 1101111), the - of the seed smior/
she bent her head chrom i a ceann m, - the knee lub a' ghluin brod an t-sUm, the - of school-masters smior a' mhaighstir-sgoile, the
bending, bendy adj lubach - of crofts brod na croite

36 37
best ENGLISH-GAELIC DICT'O ARY biblical bibliography E GlISH-GAElIC D,CT'O ARY bit
best v (jalll) dean an gnothach, dean a' chuis, (witlr prep air), we -ed them bibliography 11 leabhar-ehlar m
rinn sinn an gnothach/a' chills orra, also ghabh sinn orra bicycle 11 baidhsagal m, (lIIore trod) rothar III
bet 11 geaJl Ill, putIJay/place a - cuir geall (on air) bid 111 (at sale &c) tairgse f, make a - thoir tairgse (for air); 2 ill expr a - for
bet v 1 (Pllt fonvard as probable) cuir geall Ill, rach vi an geaJl, I - he won't freedom oidhirp f air saorsa f illvar
come cuiridh mi geall nach tig e, theid mi an geaJl nach tig e; 2 (wager) bid v 1 (at sale &c) tairg vti, thoir tairgse f, (for air); 2 (reqllest) iarr vt (witlr
cuir geaJl III (on air), - on a horse cuir geal! air each III prep air), we bade them stay dh'iarr sinn orra fuireachd; 3 (greetings
betray v (person, secret) brath vt &c) ill exprs - them welcome cull failte f orra, we bade them farewell
betrayal 11 brathadh III ghabh sinn ar cead m illvar dhiubh, also dh'fhag sinn sliln aca
betrothal n 1 geaJladh-posaidh Ill; 2 (trod: illvolving falllily discllssion, bidie-in (Se) n coimhJeapach mf
agreelllellt and associated celebrotiolls) rei teach III big adj 1 (lit & fig) mor, a - house taigh mor, a - day latha mor, (jam) -
better COlllp adj 1 fearr, llsed ill tire exprs as fhearr & nas fhearr (witlr pres & money airgead mor Ill, (irollic) the - shots na daoine mora IIIpl; 2 (of
flit tellse) alld a b' fhearr & na b' fhearr (witlr past & conditional tense), persoll's blli/d) mor, tomadach, calma
A is - than B tha A nas fhearr na B, that would be - bhiodh sin na bigger COlllp adj 1 mo & motha, the bigger fish an t-iasg as mo, this one's
b' fhearr, who's -? co as fhearr?; 2 (better ill Irealtlr or qllality), make - bigger tha am fear seo nas mo; 2 ill exprs grow/get - rach vi am meud
cull vt am feabhas, get - rach vi am feabhas, the invalid got - chaidh Ut hwur, meudaich vi, make - meudaich vt
an t-euslainteach am feabhas, the local services are getting - tha na big-wig 11 (irollic) duine mor cudromach m, -wigs na daoine mora mpl, na
seirbheisean ionadall a' dol am feabhas; 3 (idiollls) we'd be (the) - for h-urracha (pI of urra f) mora
a wee stroll b' fheairrde sinn cuairt bheag, (ill a skill, activity &c) we're bilateral adj da-thaobhach
getting - tha (am) piseach a' tighinn oirnn bilingual adj da-chilnanach
better COlllp adv, fearr, witlr v irreg & def is & prep do, you'd - stay's fhearr / bilingualism 11 da-ehilnanas m
b' fhew dhut fuireach, you'd - be going's fhearr dhuibh/b' fhearr bilP 11 1 ifill, Irollselrold) curmtas Ill, (jam) bileagf, 2 (parlialllellt) bile m
dhuibh a bhith a' falbh bill'lI (of bird) gob III
better n, ill expr get the - of fairtlich vi, faillich vi, (jalll) dean an gnothach, binary adj (/1) da-fhillte
dean a' chills, (all witlr prep air), I wanted to climb the mountain but it bind v ceangall vt
got the - of me bha mi airson a' bheinn a dhireadh ach dh'fhairtlich/ binding adj (promise &c) ceangaltach
dh'fhaillich i orm binoculars 11 prosbaigf
betting 11 1 gealladh Ill; 2 in expr - shop buth IIIf gheal!lIIpl gell biodegradable adj so-chnamhach
between prep eadar (takes tire 110111), - us eadarainn, - you eadaraibh, - biographer 11 beatha-eachdraiche m
them eatarra biographical adj beatha-eachdraidheil
bevvy n 1 (jalll: drillking spree) daorach f, on the - air an daoraich dat; biography 11 eachdraidh-beatha f
2 (jalll: booze, drink) deoch f, deoch-laidir f, fond of the - deidheil air biology 11 bith-eblas m
(an) deoch(-laidir) biped n da-ehasach III
bevvying n daorach f, poitearachd f illvar bird n eun Ill, -s of prey eoin-air, eoin-seilge
bewitch v cull vt fo gheasaibh (obs dat pi of geas f) birth 111 breith f illvar, - certificate teisteanas m breith, premature - breith
bewitched adj & past part fo gheasaibh (obs dat pi of geas f), selmta an-abaich; 2 (esp the actllal delivery) asaid f, a difficult - asaid dhoirbh
bewitching adj (witlrollt magical association) meallach birthday 11 ceann-bliadhna Ill, co-la-breith m, it's my - today tha ceann-
beyond prep thairis air, seachad air, (lIIore trod) thar (witlr gen), - the ocean bliadhna/co-la-breith agam an-cliugh
thairis air a' chuan nz, thar at chuain, you went - what I required birthright 11 (trod) dual Ill, that was his - bu dual dha sin
chaidh thu thairis air/ seachad air na bha mi ag iarraidh, that's - my bishop 11 easbaig m
capabilities tha sin thar mo chomasan IIIpl gell bit adv car, caran, rudeigin, rud beag, a - late car anmoch, a (little) - tired
bi- prefix da-, eg bilingual da-ehananach, bilateral da-thaobhach caran/rudeigin/rud beag sgith
bias 11 claon-bhaidh f, taobh III bit n 1 mir Ill, criomagf, falling/dropping to -s a' dol na (&c) c(h)riomagan,
Bible 11 Bioball m a' tuiteam as a cheile, -s and pieces 11 criomagan JPI, also treal(l)aich f
biblical adj bioballach sing call; 2 (lIIisc exprs) a - of bread pios III arain Ill, a - of conversation

38 39
comhradh beag, - by - uidh fair n-uidh, every - a GaeVHighlander blast v 1 (blight) searg vt, crion vt; 2 (give fierce row to) cain I cronaich vt gu
Gaidheal m gu chill m, every - as good as X a chearl cho malh ri X; dian
3 (In bideagf; 4 (horse's -) cabslair m blatant ndj ladarna, dalma, a -lie breugfladarna
bitch n 1 (jemale dog) galla f; 2 (vlllg: of a woman) galla f (less trnd) bidse f blaze 11 lasair f
bite n 1 bideadh m; 2 (offood) greim m bidh m, I fancy gettinglhaving a - blaze v las vi
to eat tha mi airson greim bidh a ghabhail blazing ndj lasrach, a - fire leine m lasrach
bite V bid vti bleach v gealaich vti
biting adj 1 geur, - wind gaoth gheur, - tongue leanga gheur; 2 (remarks, bleaching n gealachadh m . .
clwrncter &c) guineach bleak ndj 1 (lalldscape) lom, a - moor sliabh m lom; 2 (sltllntlOn, prospects
bitler adj searbh geur, goirt, - taste bIas searbhlgeur, - wind gaolh gheur, &c) gun dochas m
- distress amhghar ghoirl bleakness n (lOlldscnpe) luime f dithreabhachd f invar
bitterness n 1 (the emotion; nlso - of tnste) geire f invnr; 2 (- directed nt nnotller bleary-eyed ndj prab-shuileach . .
person) nimh & neimh m bleat, bleating n (esp of sheep) meilich f invnr, (esp of gonts) mlOgadaIch f
bivouac n leanla bheag invar, meigeal1 111
bivouac v campaich vi (ann an leanla bheag) bleat v (esp sheep) dean meilichf invnr, (esp gonts) dean miogadaich f invnr
black ndj dubh, the night was as - as coal bha an oidhche cho dubh ri gual bleed v 1 (genernl) caill fuil f he was -ing bha e a' call fala; 2 (of specific pnrt
ni, a - woman boireannach 111 dubh of body) my finger's -ing Iha an fhuil a' tighinn as mo chorralg f (of
black n dubh m, - and white an dubh 's an geal nose only) my nose is -ing tha mo shrbn f a' leurn; 3 (drnw blood) lelg
blackberry n 1 (the plnnt) dris ; 2 (the frllit) smeur f fuiI (with prep a), the nurse bled me leig an nurs f full asam .
blackbird n lon-dubh m blemish n (mornl, of clwrncter, personnlity) faiLlinn f (mornl or physlcnl)
blackboard n bord-dubh m meangf, gaoidf
blackcock n (male of black grollse) coileach dubh blend 11 coirneasgachadh & co-mheasgachadh m
blacken v dubh vti blend v coirneasgaich & co-mheasgaich vti
black-haired ndj dubh, dorcha, a - woman boireannach m dubh bless v 1 beannaich vt; 2 in excl (to someone who has sneezed) - you! Dia leal!
blackhead n cnairnhseagf guirean dubh blessed ndj & pnst pnrt 1 beannaichle, naomh; 2 (mild onth) the - car! car f
blackout n dubhadh m na croiche!
black out v dubh vt as blessing n 1 beannachadh m, beannachd f invnr, God's - beannachadh
blacksmilh n gobha m; in expr -'s shop ceardach f Dhe, my - on you! mo bheannachd orl!; 2 (boonJortllnnte oCCllrrence)
bladder n aolraman m beannachd f invnr, good health is a - is e/i beannachd a Ih' ann an
blade n lann f, knife - lann-sgeine f deagh shlainle f invnr
blame n coire f cron m, lay - on someone cuir coire air cuideigin, it's with blelher n 1 cabadaich f cabaireachd f invnr, golleam m; 2 (person who -s)
you that the - for it lies's ann orlsa a tha a chron duine m cabach
blame v 1, coirich vt, cuir a' choire (with prep air), faigh cron m (with prep blight 11 1 (disnster &c) sgrios m; 2 ill expr potato - cnamh m, (lIsed with nrt)
do); 2 (idioms) it's you who are to - for it 's ann orlsa a Iha a chron, an gaiseadh m
also is tusa as coireach ris, the parenls are to be -d Iha na paranlan blighl v searg vt, crion vt . .
rin coireachadh blighted adj & pnst pnrt 1 crion; 21jig: life, cnreer &c) alI (a &c) sgrlOs(adh)
bland adj 1 (jood, drink) neo-bhlasmhor, gun bhlas m; 2 (chnrncter, personnlity) blind ndj dall, - spot spOI dall, a - person dallm
gun smior m, gun bhrlgh f invnr blind v dall vt
blank ndj (pnper &c) biln blinding adj (dnzzlillg) boillsgeach
blanket n plaide f, (less trnd) plangaid f blinding n dalladh m
blarney n cabadaich f, goileam m blindness n doille f invnr
blasphemy 11 (nbstr & call) loibheurn m, (nbstr) dia-mhaslachadh m blink n priobadh m
blast n 1 (ofwillti) sion m, sgalm; 2 (of noise) loirm f (esp ofnoise mnde by people) blink v priob vi, caog vi
lasgan m, iorghail f; 3 (explosioll) spreadhadh m; 4 (mild onth) -! an donas! blisler n leus m, balg m, builgean m
40 41
blizzard E 'GLlSH-GAELlC D'CfIO ARY board board E GLlSH-GAELlC DICTIONARY booty
blizzard 11 cathadh- neachda m board' 11 (gouenrillg &c body) bOrd III
block III ceap m, enap m, - of wood/peat ceap fiodha m/monaJ; 2m expr board v rach vi air bord m (bMa m gell, pleana mfgell)
(IISIl fig) slumbling-- enap-starra m boast 11 bost m
block v 1 (- nil apertllre &c) tachd vt; 2 (stop, preuellt) caisg vt boast v dean bo I m
blockage 11 lachdadh m boastful adj 1 (persoll) bostail; 2 - talk, tales or chatter rabhd m, rabhartm
blockhead 11 bumailear m, l.maidh m, staleaire III boasting 11 bostadh m
blond(e) adj biin, blond hair fait ban, a blond man duine/fear ban, a boat 11 1 bata m, steam-- bala- mwde, ferry - bat'-aiseig; 2 (esp a rowillg
blonde woman le bhan, boireannach ban boat) eathar or eithear mf, geola f
blonde 11 le bhiin, boireannach m ban bobbin 11 iteachan m, pioma mf
blood 11 fuil f, - relationship dirdeas-fala m, - is thicker than water is bodily adj corporra
tighe fuil na bum m, - pressure bruthadh m fala, - vessel caochan m body 11 1 (of OIly livillg creatllre) corp m, parts of the - bUillmpl a' chuirp,
fala, shed - doirt fuil - and soul corp is anam; 2 (Ill/mall -) bodhaig f, colann J; 3 (dead -:
bloodshed 11 dortadh-fala m hllmall) corp m, (- IISIl Ilot 11I1II1IlIJ) closach J; 4 (Jam: a persoll) creutair
bloodstream 11 ruithfna fala m, a poor - creutair bochd; 5 (grOllp of people) buidheann 1Iif, research
bloody adj 1 (lit) fuil(l)each, - battle cath fuilteach; 2 (fig, as excl, swear) - buidheann-sgrudaidh mf; 6 (collectioll, aCCllmlllatioll) storas Ill,
11 followed by na croiche or na galla, the - hammer! ord m na croiche!, cruinneachadh m, a large - of historical material storas mor de sluth
ord na galla! m eachdraidheil
bloom 11 blath m, flur m bog 11 boglach f, feith(e) J; ill expr peat - poll-mona(ch) & poll-monadh m
blot 11 1 (of illk) smal m duibh m, mal inc mf illuor; 2 (fig: blemish &c) mal bog-eotton 11 canach mf (an t- leibh)
111, a - on his reputation 5mal air a chJiit m boil 11 neasgaid f
blot v 1 leig vt inc mf illuor (air paipear m); 2 (soak lip) sugh vt; 3 - out dubh boil v goil vti
vt as boiler 11 goileadair III
blotting-paper 11 paipear-sughaidh m boiling adj goiJeach
blow 11 1 (with fist &c) buille f; 2 (disappoilltmellt, setback) bristeadh-duilm bold adj 1 (illtrepid) cruadalach, dana; 2 (shameless, impl/dellt) ladama,
blow v 1 seid vt, the wind blew sheid a' ghaoth, blow (up) the pipes seid a' dana; 3 (of typog) Irom
phiob, - up a football seid suas ball-eoise m; 2 ill expr - up (ie explode) boldness 11 danadas m
spreadh vti; 3 ill expr - up (ie elllarge photo, image &c) meudaich vt bolt 11 crann m, nut and - mo/is crann
blowout 11 1 (tyre) spreadhadh m; 2 ifood) lan m broinne f gell (de bhiadh m) bond 11 1 (abstr) ceangal m, (strollger) dluth-eheangal Ill, there was a
blubber 11 saillf(na) muice-mhara doselstrong - between them bha dJuth-eheangal eatarra; 2 (phys:
blubber v (Jam: cry, weep) ran vi ill illlprisolllllellt &c) ceangal m, he threw off his -5 thilg e dheth a
bludgeon 11 cuaille m cheanglaichean; 3 (fill &c agreemellt) urras m
blue adj gorm, - sky adhar gorm, - eyes uileanJPI gorma bond v 13th vt
blue 11 gorm m bondage 11 1 (lit) cuibhreachadh m, slaibhreas m; 2 (more fig) braighdeanas
bluff 11 (relieffeatllre) sronf m, trailleachd f illuor
bluff v, I was only -ing cha robh mi ach mas fhlor bonding 11 tathadh m
blunt adj 1 maol; 2 (persoll, character) ailhghearr bone 11 enaimh & cnamh m, ill expr the collar - ligan m, enairnh an lIgain
blush 11 rudhadh m, rudhadh-gruaidhe m bony adj cnamhach
blush v, she -ed ruadhaich vi a gruaidh f, thainig rudhadh m na gruaidh book 11 leabhar m
blushing adj ruiteach bookcase 11 preas-leabhraichean m
boar 11 lore m, cullach m, wild - lorc allaidh/ fiadhaich booklet 11 leabhran Ill, leabhrachan m
board'II1 (plallk &c) bOrd m, deilef, dar m; 2 (Ilotice -) bOrd m, put a notice boot 11 1 brog-mhor f, brogfthrom; 2 (IISIl Wellillgtoll -) bOtann mJ; 3 (ofcar)
up on the - cuir suas sana m air a' bhord; 3 (sigil -) dar Ill, direction ciste(-eair)J; 4 ill expr to - cuideachd adv, a bharrachd air sin, they've a
- clar seblaidh m; 4 (Jar playillg games &c) bord m, chess - bord laileisg boat, and a caravan to - tha bata aca, agus carabhan f cuideachd
m, - game cluich-buird m; 5 (ship, pIalie) ill expr on - air b rd booty 11 cobhartach 1Iif, (more trad: ill cattle raids &c) creach f
42 43

booze 11 deoch f, deoch-Iaidir f illvar, he's fond of the - tha e measail air cha leig/ruig thu a leas m inmr, you needn't - grumbling all the time!
an deoch cha leig/ruig thu a leas a bhith a' gearan fad na h-lIine!
boozer 11 poitear 111, drungair 111 bottom adj 1 as isle (sllperlative ofiosal adj), the - rung an rongf as isle; 2 ill
boozing 11 poitearachd nf invar expr the - lip am beul-Iochdair
border n 1 (of lerrilory &c) crloch f, The -s Na Criochan, Criochan Shasainn; bottom n1 (base ofsometlling) bonn m, bun m, the - of the hill bonn/bun a'
2 (of material &c) oir f chnuic; 2 (lowest part) an ceann as isle, hold the - of it gabh greim m air
bore' v (lIole &c) toll vii a' cheann m as isle dheth; 3 (of river, well &c) grinnealm; 4 in expr - of
bore'v (callse tedillm) is v irreg def liosda (witll prep le), you - me is liosda the sea grunnd m na mara; 5 (backside, bllm) (jam) mas m, ton f
learn thu bough n meang(l)an m, geugf
bored adj bi vi irreg fadachd f invar (witll prep air), I was - all the time he boulder n ulbhagf, u1pagf
was talking bha fadachd orm fhad '5 a bha e a' bruidhinn, a - little boundary n crloch f, this is the - of my land is e sec crioch an fhearainn
girl caileag bheag is fadachd oirre agam, the parish - crioch na sgire, - wall garradh-crkhe m
boredom 11 fadachd f illmr, fadal m bourgeois adj & n billrdeasach 111
boring adj fadalach, liosda, maimealach bourgeoisie n billrdeasachd f invar
born past pari, rendered by passive forms of irreg v beir, he was - rugadh e, bow' n (before royalty &c) Urnhlachd f illvar
also chaidh a bhreith, before you were - mun do rugadh tusa bow' n 1 (of boat) toiseach m; 2 (weapon) bogha(-sajghde) m; 3 (jor stringed
borrow v gabh/ faigh vt air iasad m (from o/bho) illslrumenl) bogha m
borrowed adj & past pari air iasad m, a - suit deise f air iasad bow v 1 crom VI, lub vt, she -ed her head cmom i a ceann m, - the knee
borrowing 11 iasad 111, lub a' ghluin; 2 (before royally &c) dean Urnhlachd f illmr
bosom n 1 (general breasl area) uchd m, corn m, broilleach m, she clasped bowed adj 1lubte; 2 (of lIead) crom
the boy to her - theannaich i am balach ri a h-uchd; 2 (woman's -) bowels n innidh f invar
clochan (pi of cloch f) bowl 11 cuach f, (jam) bobhla m
boss' n (in woodwork &c) map m bow-legged adj camachasach, gobbhlach
boss' n (offirm &c) ceannard m bowstring 11 taifeid f
botanical adj luibheach box 11 bogsa m, bucas m
botanist 11 Illibh-eolaiche m boxer 11 bogsair 111

botany n luibh-eolas m boxing n bogsadh & bogsaigeadh m

botcher n uajpear m, cearbair(e) m boy III gille m, balach m, a wee - gille/balach beag, do you have a family?
both adv & adj 1 (of IlIillgs, actions &c) gach cujd f, an da chuid, gach, give we have three -s a bheil teaghlach m agaibh? tha trillir ghillean gen
me - sugar and salt thoir dhomh gach cuid siucar m is salann m, meat againn; 2 (jam, ofa male ofany age) balach m, gille m, you're right -! tha
or cheese? both! feoilf no caise mf? an da Chllid!, youlone can't - drink thu ceart a ghille (also 'ille)/a bhalaich!
and drive chan fhaod thu/chan fhaodar an da chuid draibheadh 111 boyfriend n leannan m, (jam) car(a)bhajdh f
agus olm; 2 (of people) le cheile, nan dithis, they - left dh'fhalbh iad le brace n (ie pair) caraid f, caigeann f
cheile/nan clithis, in expr - of you an dithis agaibh; 3 (before adjs) eadar, bracelet n bann-Iairnhe 111
they came, - small and great thairtig iad, eadar bheag agus mhor (note bracken n raineach f, roineach f
tllal bolll adjs are lenited); 4 (as ad)) gach, on - sides air gach taobh m bracket n (typog) camagf, square/round - camag chearnach/chruinn
bother 11 dragh m, I don't want to put you to any - chan eil rni airson braid v fill vt, dualajch vt
dragh (sam bith) a chur oirbh braided adj & past part fillte
bother v 1 (annoy, IIpset, distllrb) cuir dragh (willl prep air), (more fam) brain, brains n eanchainn f, she's got a good - tha eanchainn mhath
bodraig VI, Cll;r vi suas no 5105, the noise is -ing me tha am fuairn innte
a' cur dragh orm, it's not -ing me chan eil e gam bhodraigeadh, the brain v (jam) cuir an eanchainn mf (willl prep a), he -ed him chuir e an
news didn't - me in the least cha do chuir an najdheachd f suas no eanchainn as
5105 rni; 2 (take IlIe Irollble 10) bodraig vi, did you pay the bill? I didn't- brainless adj faoin, baoth
na phaigh thu a' bhileag? cha do bhodraig mi; 3 in expr you needn't - brainy adj inntinneach

44 45
brainteaser 11 toimhseachan m breed v 1 (plan Is, animals) tarmaich vi; 2 (Ill, mans & animals) gin vii
brake n (on wheel &c) casgan m breeding n 1 (1lIImans & animals) gineadh m; 2 (01 caltle) dair f, - callle
bramble n 1 (plant) <iris f; 2lJrllil) smeur f crodh-dara m; 3 (01 people: good -) modhl
bran n garbhan m breeze n oiteagf, ospag/, gaoth bheag, osnadh m
branch n 1 (01 tree,fami/y, river, organisalion &c) meur f; 2 (01 tree) geug f, brewer n grudair(e) m
meang(l)an m brewery n taigh-gruide m
branch v meuraich vi brewing n grudaireachd I invar
brand n (make, variety) seorsa m bridge n1 drochaid f, the Skye - Drochaid an Eilein Sgitheanaich; 2 in expr
brand-new adj ur-nodha the - of the nose braigh m na sroine
brandish v crath vt, he -ed his fist/sword chrath e a dhom m/a brief adj gOirid, a - tour cuairt ghoirid
chlaidheamh m briefcase n milileid I
brass adj 1 praiseach; 2 in erprs I don't have a - farthing chan eil sgillinn brier n dris I
I ruadh agam, - neck aghaidh f, bathais I bright adj 1 (ligM &c) soilleir; 2 (menially -) toinisgeil, eirmseach
brass n prais I brilliance n (of lighl) lainnir I
brat n 1 (fam) droch isean m, ablach m, peasan m; 2 in expr a spoilt - brilliant adj 1 (of ligM) lainnireach; 2 (illlelleclllally -) sar-thoinisgeil, air
uilleagan m leth toinisgeil
brave adj 1 (esp phys) gaisgeil, treun, - heroes gaisgich mpl threuna; 2 (esp brimstone 11 pronnasg m
rasMy -) dilna; 3 (esp morally -) misneachail brindled adj riabhach
bravery n 1 (esp phys) gaisge I invor, gaisgeachd f invar; 2 (esp rash -) bring down v (ie callse to lall) leag vI
dilnadas m; 3 (esp moral -) misneach f, misneachd I invar bring v thoir vi 1 (phys & lit, also fig) thoir vi, - it to me thoir thugam e,
brawl 11 tuasaid f, (more seriolls) sabaid I - water from the well thoir uisge m on tobair mf, - to a conclusion
brawl v sabaid vi, dean sabaid f, (with ri) thoir gu buil f, - to an end thoir gu crich (dal of crloch ft, - into being!
brawny adj (01 person's build) tomadach, calma existence thoir gu / am bith I invar, - into the open, - to light thoir am
brazen adj ladarna, gun naire follais I invar; 2 (olher phys & lit llses) - solace/comfort furtaich vi (to
breach n 1 (gap) beam m; 2 (infraclion, contravenlion) briseadh m (of air), air), we will - you solace furlaichidh sinn oirbh, - together cruinnich
- of regulations briseadh air riaghailtean I VI, - up (food) tilg VI, cuir vI a-mach, she brought up her dinner thilg
breadth n farsaingeachd I invar, leud m i/ chuir i a-mach a dinnear f; 3 (other fig IIses), - a complaint dean
break v 1 bris(t) vii, he broke the window bhris e an uinneag, when casaid I (against air), - out (books &c) foillsich vt, cuir (Ieabhar m &c)
day broke nuair a bhris an latha m, the marriage broke up bhris am an c10 m, - up (chi/dren, liveslock &c) log vI, I was brought up in Coli
posadh as a cheile; 2 (- promise &c) rach vi air ais (wilh prep air), he thogadh mi ann an Colla
broke his promise chaidh e air ais air a ghealladh m bristle n (esp on body 01 animals) frioghan m, calg m
break n 1 bris(t)eadh m; 2 (shorl pallse, resl) stad (beag), in erpr take a - broad adj farsaing, leathann
gabh/leig d' (&c) anail I broadcast n craoladh m, craobh-sgaoileadh m
breast n 1 (woman's -) cloch I; 2 (gelleral breasl area) uchd m, corn m, broadcast V craoil VIi, craobh-sgaoil vIi
broilleach m, she clasped the boy to her - theannaich i am balach ri a broadcaster m craoladair m
h-uchd, his heart beating in his - a chridhe a' bualadh na chom; 3 in broadcasting n craoladh m, craobh-sgaoileadh m
exprs - stroke buille m uchd, - bone cliathan m broaden v leudaich vti
breath n 1 anail I, draw - tarraing anail, under her - fo a h-anail, get your broadened adj leudaichte
- back leig d' anail; 2 (- 01 life) dei:> f invar, as long as there's - in my broadlyadv, in erpr - (speaking) san/anns an fharsaingeachd I invar
body fhad 's a bhios an dei:> annam; 3 in erpr a - of wind dei:> gaoithe broadsword n c1aidheamh m leathann
I gen, oiteagf, ospagf brochure n leabhrachan m, leabhran m
breathalyser n poca m analach broke adj gun sgillinn f ruadh, I'm flat - chan eil sgillinn ruadh (no geal)
breathe v analaich vi agam
breather n (short rest) stad (beag) m, take a - dean slad, (more colloquial) broken adj & pasl part briste
gabh/leig d' (&c) anail I bronze n umha m invnr, the - Age Linn ml an Umha

46 47
broth 11 brot m, (trod) eanraich f bum'lI (slream) allt m, sruth(an) m
brow 11 mala f, bathais f, clar m an aodainn, maoil f bum v loisg VIi, (less serial/sly, sillge) dath vt
brown adj donn, dark - dubh-dhonn burnt adj Joisgte
brown-haired adj donn burst' 11 1 (sl/dden ollsel of liaise &c) brag m, (esp of lal/gMer) Jasgan m; 2 (of
bubble 11 gucagf, builgean m ellergy &c) sgairt f
bucket n 1 bucaid f, peile m, (more trod) cuinneag J; 2 (esp for milkillg) burst' 11 (ill pipe &c) sgaineadh m
cuman m burst v 1 (pipes &c) sgain vIi, spreadh vi; 2 (people 01/1 of a bl/ildillg, shoots
bucket v, ill expr (of weather) it was -ing down bha dUe bhilthte ann from the grol/nd &c) bruchd vi (out oUfrom a)
bud n gucagf bury v (the dead) tiodhlaic VI, adhlaic vt
budget n buidseat m bus 11 bus m
buffoon n burnalair m, baothair m bush 11 do m, preas m
buffoonery n bumalaireachd f illvar, baothaireachd f illvar business III (commercial-) gnothach m, gnlomhachas m, set up a new - cuir
bugger n 1 (mild swear) bugair m, the -s! na bugairean!; 2 in expr (fam) gnlomhachas iJr air chois (dat of cas ft, - park raon m gnlomhachais, -
I don't give a - (for Xl cha toir nti ho-ro-gheallaidh m invar (air X) card cairt-ghnlomhachais f, do/transact - dean gnothach (with ri), his
bugle n diJdach f, diJdagf - failed dh'fhaillig an gnothach/gnlomhachas aige, go to France on -
build n (physiqlle) deanamh m rach don Fhraingf air cheann ghnothaich; 2 (commercial, bl/t 1/51/ more
build v tog vI, he built himself a house thog e taigh m dha fhein ahstr) malairt f, do - dean malairt; 3 (more widely, affair, 11111lter) nl m,
builder n togalaiche m, fear-togail m (plluchd-togail m sillg call) gnothach m, cUis f, it was a bad - 's e droch nl a bh' ann, their divorce
building 11 1 (abstr) togail J; 2 (call) togalach m, the roof of the - mullach was a bad - 's e droch ghnothach a bh' anns an sgaradh-pbsaidh m
m an togalaich, - society comann m togalaich gell aca, that's no - of yours! chan e sin do ghnothach-sa!, how did the _
built adj & past part, in expr well - house taigh m air a dheagh thogail go/turn out? ciamar a chaidh a' chills?
bulb n (plalll & light -) bolgan m businessman 11 fear-gnothaich m, fear-malairt m, fear-gnlomhachais m
bulge n bogha m businesswoman 11 te-ghnothaich f, te-mhalairt f, te-ghnlomhachais f
bulky adj tomadach, tomaltach bus-stop 11 aite-stad m bus m gell
bull n tarbh m bustle 11 drip f, sgairt f
bullet n peilear m busy adj 1 (of people) trang, I'm - tha mi trang, we're - at the fishing tha
bulling adj (of cattle) fo dhair f, a - cow ba f fo dhair, ba is an dair oirre sinn trang ris/aig an iasgach m; 2 (of sill/alialiS) dripeil, things are heW
bullock 11 damh m heck of a - just now tha ciJisean f garbh dripeil an-drasta
bully 11 burraidh m, maoidhear m butcher 11 billdsear m, (more trad) feOJadair m
bullying n burraidheachdf illvur, maoidheadh m butcher v casgair vI
bulwark 11 mur m, didean f butchering, butchery 11 spadadh m, casgairt f invar
bum n (fam) mas m butt 1 (archery &c) targaid f; 2 (fig: targel, recipient &c) cUis f, culaidh f,
bundle 11 pasgadh m, pasgan m, u1tach m (followed by gen) they were a - of ridicule bha iad nan cUis-mhagaidh/
bundle v 1 - up/together tru(i)s vI; 2 (pl/sh rol/g1lly) broth vt, silth VI, they nan culaidh-mhagaidh
-d him into the car bhrUth iad a-steach dhan char m e butter 1J im m
bungler n cearhair 111, uaipear 111 butter v 1 cuir irn m (wilh prep air), - bread coo irn air aran m; 2 (fig) ill expr
buoy n put(a) m - someone up dean ntiodal m do chuideigin/ri cuideigin
buoyancy 11 fleOdradh m butterfly 11 deaJan-de m
burden 11 (lit & fig) eallach m, uallach m, love is a heavy - (Irad) is trom an buttock 11 mas m
t-eallach an gaol button 11 putan m, fastenlundo -s diJin/fuasgail putanan mpl
burial n tiodhlacadh m buy v ceannaich vti, - at a good price ceannaich air deagh phris f
burial ground n <ill f, cladh m buyer n ceannaiche m
burly adj (of person's bl/ild) tomadach, dean ta, leathann buying 11 ceannachd IIf invar, ceannach m
bum' n (injl/ry) losgadh m buzzard 11 clamhan m

48 49
buzz n crooan 111
buzz v dean crooan m c
buzzer n (alarm &c) srannan m
buzzing n crbnan m cab n (ie taxi) tagsaidh m
by adv, in exprs put - cuir mu seach, pass - rach seachad; - and - ri tide f cabbage n cal m
by prep 1 (introdllcing the means or the agent of an action &c) le (before the caber n cabar 111
art leis; takes the dat), prep prons - me leam(sa), - you (sing) leat(sa), cabin n 1 bothan m; 2 (on ship &c) ceabain m
- him/it (m) leis(-san), - her/it if) leatha(se), - you (pi) leibh(se), - cabinet n (pal) caibineat m
us leinn(e), - them leotha(san), he was killed - a bullet chaidh a cabinetmaker n saor-aimeis tu
mharbhadh le peilear m, he came by (the) train thainig e leis an trean cable n cilballm
f; 2 (motion) seachad air, he passed - the house chaidh e seachad air cache n stor m (falaichte)
an taigh; 3 (beside) ri taobh m (with gen), a tree - the road craobh f cack (jam, vlllg) n cac m
ri taobh an rathaid; 4 (misc exprs & idioms) - and large san/anns an cackle v gloc vi
fharsaingeachd f invar, - the way/in the --going san dol seachad, - cackle, cackling n gloc m, glocail f invar, gogail f invar
day and - night a latha m 's a dh'oidhche f, little - little beag is beag, cadence n (Lit, mllsic) dimadh m
beag air bheag, mean air mhean, (of time) - and - mu dheireadh thall, cadge v (gifts offood &c) dean faoighe f invar
ri tide f, close - faisg air lilirnh (gen of lamh j), faisg (with prep air), the cadging n (jar gifts offood &c) faoighe f invar
bank is close - tha am banca faisg air lairnh, close - the station faisg cafe n cafaidh mf, taigh-bldh m
air an steisean m cage n ceidse f
bye-law n frith-Iagh m cairn n cam m
by-election n fo-thaghadh m cake n ceicf
by-name n far-ainm m, frith-ainm m calamitous adj dosgainneach
bypass n seach-rathad m calamity n dosgainn f
byre n bilthach f, bilthaich f calculate v 1 (distance, speed &c) tomhais vt; 2 (slims &c) ilireamhaich vti,
obraich vt a-mach
calculation n tomhas m, aireamhachadh m
calculator n (pocket &c) aireamhair m
calendar n mlosachan m
calf nl (the animal) laogh m; 2 (- of leg) calpa m
call n 1 (cry) gairm f, glaodh 111, eigh f; 2 (visit) tadhal 111, (esp informal -)
ceilidh I1If
call v 1 (cry, shollt: lit & fig) gairm vti, glaodh vi, eigh vi, -ing to each
other a' gairm ri cheile, they -ed on her to do that ghairm iad oirre
sin a dheanamh, - an election gairm taghadh m; 2 (visit) tathaich vti,
tadhail vi, (on air), - on friends tadhail air caraidean I1Ipl; 3 (refer to as)
can vi (with prep ri), Fair-halred Davie, as they - him Daibhidh Ban,
mar a chanas iad ris, the song -ed 'Clrlabhagh' an t-bran ris an canar
Carlabhagh, (when eqllivalent to 'what's his (&c) name?') de an t-ainm
with v irreg bi & prep air, what's the boy -ed? de an t-ainm a th' air a'
bhalach 111?; 4 misc IIses with cuir vt, they -ed off the strike chuir iad
stad m air an staik f, chuir iad dheth an staik, - into question cuir
teagamh m (with prep an), he -ed my competence into question chuir
e teagamh na mo chomas m, (telephone) I'll - them tomorrow cuiridh
mi fbn I1If thuca a-maireach, - to mind cuir na (&c) c(h)uirnhne f,

50 51
it -ed to mind the days of my youth ehuir e nam chuirnhne laithean cancel v 1 (function &c) cuir vt dheth; 2 (elltry in document &c) dubh vt
mpl m' bige f gel! a-maeh
calling" 1 (sllOuti"g &c) gairm f, eigheaehd f invar; 2 (visiti"g) tadhal m cancellation n 1 (fill/ction &c) cur m dheth; 2 (elltry ill document &c)
(with prep air); 3 (vocatio,,) gairm f d ubhadh m a-mach
calm adj duin, a - morning madainn chiuin cancer" aillse f i"var
calm" 1 (esp of temperame"t, atmosphere) ciUineas m; 2 (esp of weather) feath candid adj fosgailte, faoilidh, fosgarra
mf candidate" 1 (i" electioll &c) tagraiehe m, neach-tagraidh m (pI luehd-
calm v ciuinieh vti, taJaidh vti, - down ciuinieh vti, socraieh vti tagraidh m si"g call); 2 (at job i"terview &c) neaeh-iarraidh m (plluchd-
calmness 11 see calm" 1 iarraidh m sillg call); 3 (ill exam) deuchainniehe m
calumny n 1 (the action) cUl-ehaineadh m; 2 (the words spoken) cUI- candle" coinneal f, ill expr - holder coinnlear m
ehainntf Candlemas " an Fheill Bride f
cameln camhalm candlestick" coinnlear m
camera" 1 camara m; 2 (meetings &c) ill expr (hold) in - (cUm vt) ann an candour" fosgailteaehd f i"var, fosgarraehd f invar
diomhaireaehd f i"var cane" 1 (the material) cuilcf; 2 (- walki"g-stick &c) bata(-<:uilce) m
camouflage n breug-riochd m canine adj conail, - teeth ftaclan Jpl conail
camp n campa "" ill expr - site ionad ", campachaidh m canister" canastair ut
camp v carnpaich vi cannabis" cainb f, (the pla"t) cainb-Ius m
camping n campaehadh m, -ing ground ionad m campaehaidh gell canoe" curaehflnnscanach
campaign n (in aid ofsomethillg, to achieve something, also military) iomam f, canteen" biadhlann f
election - iomairt-taghaidh f canvas" cainb f, canabhas m
campaign v (for cause, pal &c) dean iomairt f canvass v, - for support/votes sir taicf/bhotaicheanJpI
campaigner n neaeh-iomairt (pI luchd-iomairt m sillg call) cap" (headgear) ceap m, bonaid mf
campaigning n iomairt f cap v 1 (limit) cuibhrich vt, - a grant/expenditure cuibhrich tabhartas m/
Campbell adj Cairnbeulaeh, a - guy/fellow/man gave me it thug fear caiteachas m; 2 (beat) thoir barr m (with prep air), that -s everything
Caimbeulaeh dhomh e I ever saw tha sin a' toirt barr air a h-uile cail m i"var a ehunna mi
Campbell " Caimbeulaeh m (a-)riamh
camping n campaehadh m capability" comas m, alltha!'s beyond my - tha sin uile thar mo ehomais
can n 1 (for drinks, food &c) cana m, canastair m; 2 in expr watering - peile- gen
frasaidh m capable adj 1 comasach (of air), a - man duine comasach, I'm not _
can v 1 (be permitted or allowed to) faod vi def, - we go? yes am faod sinn of (working) miracles chan eil mi comasaeh air miorbhailean Jpl
falbh? faodaidh; 2 (may, might) faod vi deJ, it could be is Hfe a dheanamh; 2 ill expr she did what she was - of rinn i na bha na
on Mar.; dh'fhaodadh e a bhith gu bheil beatha f air Mart m, he could comas nE
be ill faodaidh gu bheil e !inn; 3 (ability, capability) urrainnf invar (with capacious adj 1 (premises &c) farsaing; 2 (of vessel &c: able to take a large
v is & prep do), bi vi irreg,Jollowed by n & prep aig, - they do it? yes an lond/cargo) luehdmhor
urrainn dhaibh a dheanamh? is urrainn, I -'t swallow chan urrainn capacity" 1 (abstr) tomhas-lionaidh m; 2 ill expr (more co,,) a lorry with a -
dhomh slugadh, I couldn't help being sad eha b' urrainn dhomh gun of hvo tons laraidh f a ghabhas vt da thunna m; 3 (ability, skill) comas
a bhith bronaeh, - you read/write? a bheil leughadh/sgrlobhadh m m, - of speech, comas bruidhne f ge", tha!'s beyond my - tha sin thar
agad?, note also exprs - you swim? an dean thu snamh m?, - you drive mo chomais ge,,; 4 (role &c) dreuchd f, in my - as chairman na mo
(&c)? an teid draibheadh m (&c) agad?; 4 (expr possibility,Jeasibility &c) dhreuchd mar ehathraiche m
gabh vi, - that be done? no! an gabh sin a dheanamh? (also an gabh cape" t (ie head/a"d) maol m, rubha m; 2 (garmel!t) clebc m, (esp plaid)
sin deanamh?) eha ghabh!, as hot as - be eho teth 's a ghabhas; 5 (other tonnagf
exprs) she did it as well as she could rinn i echo math agus a raehadh caper v leum vi, -ing a' leumadaieh
aice, she did what she could rinn i na bha na comas capercaillie, capercailzie " capall-eoille m
Canadian n & adj Caneidianaeh m capering" leurnadaieh f i"var

52 53

capillary" cuisle chaol care v 1 (- for, te"d: esp the sick) altraim vt, eiridnich vt, - for the sick/ill
capital " 1 (fi") calpa m, - expenditure caiteachas m calpa, - gain eiridnich na h-euslaintich mpl; 2 (expr affectio,,) bi v irreg measail (with
buannachd f calpa; 2 (- city) prlomh-bhaile m; 3 (orthog) litir mhor prep air), I - for you tha m; measail ort; 3 (expr disapproval, dislike) is
capital adj 1 (fi,,) calpach; 2 (first rate) anabarrach math, barraichte; 3 i" v irreg def beag orm &c, she doesn't - for his house is beag oirre an
exprs - letter lirn mhor, - city ceanna-bhaile m, prlomh bhaile m taigh aige, "ate also I don't - much for him chan eil moran agam mu
capitalism" calpachas m dheidhinn; 4 (e:rpr illdifferellce) i" exprs I don't - tha mi coma!, I don't-
capitalist" calpaiche m in the least tha mi coma co-dhiiJ., I don't - if he comes or not is coma
capitulate v striochd vi (to do) leam an tig e no nach tig
capitulation" striochdadh m (to do) career Il dreuchd f
capping" (limiti"g) cuibhreachadh m careful adj curamach, faiceallach, be - bi v irreg faiceallach, thoir an aire
caprice" baogaid f f i"var
capricious adj caochlaideach, baogaideach caress v <niadaich vt, brlodail vt
capsize v 1 (as vt) coo vt tharns, they -d her chOO iad thairis i; 2 (as VI) caressing Il cniadachadh m
rach vi thairis, the boat -d chaidh am bata tharns, also chaidh car m caretaker Il neach-gleidhidh (plluchd-gleidhidh m si"g call)
dhen bhata m cargo" cargu & carago m, luchd m, eallach m
captain" caiptean m, sgiobair m carnage Il dortadh-fala 111, bllidsearachd f i"var, (trad) ar m
captivated adj fo gheasaibh (obs dat pi of geas f) (by le or aig), I was - by it carnal adj feolmhor, collaidh
bha mi fo gheasaibh leis/aige carnation Il camaid f
captivating adj meallach, tillaidheach carnivore" fei>i1-itheadair m, ainrnhidh fei>i1-itheach
captive adj an laimh (dat oflilrnhf), an sas m, I am - tha mi an laimh/an carnivorous adj fei>i1-itheach
sas carousal, carousing" poitearachd f i"var
captive" priosanach m, ciomach m, (neach &c) an laimh (dat oflamhf)/an carouse v pOit vi
sas m, I am a - tha mi nam phriosanach, tha mi an laimh/ an sas carpenter n saor m
captivity" braighdeanas m, ciomachas m carpentry" saorsainneachd f i"var
capture" glacadh m, greim m carpet" brat-w-Iair m, brat-lair m
capture v glac vt, cuir vt an laimh (dat of lamh f), the police -d him ghlac carrageen n carraigean ",
am poileas e carriage Il 1 (vehicle) carbad m; 2 (abstr: tra"sportatio,,) giulan m; 3 (the
captured adj & past part glacte, an laimh (dat oflamhf), an sas m charges levied for -) faradh m
car" car m, (trad) carbad m, - park pairc f charaichean pi gen carriageway" rathad m, slighe f (carbaid m)
carbon" gualan m carrier" 1 (illdividllal) neach-giulain (plluchd-giUlain m si"g call); 2 (firm)
carbuncle" niosgaid f, guirean m companaidh 1IIf ghiuJain m ge", companaidh iomchair m gen
carcase" I'corp (marbh) m; 2 (IISIl "at hllma,,: esp at blltcher's &c) closachf carrion" 1 ablach m; 2 i" expr - crow feannag dhubh
card" cairt f, Christmas - cairt Nollaig, playing - cairt-dtluiche, a pack carrot '1 curran m
of -s paca m chairtean pi ge", credit - cairt-iasaid, business - cilirt- carry v 1 giulain vt, (less IISIl) iomchair vt; 2 i" expr - out (a task, process &c)
ghnlomhachais coilean vt, cuir vt an gniomh m, gniomhaich vt; 3 i" expr - on (co"ti,,"e,
cardboard" cairt-bhord m persevere) cUm vi, lean vi, (with prep air), we carried on in spite of the
cardinal adj prlomh, (of compass) - points prlomh phuingean [pI (combaist rain chum/lean sinn oimn a dh'amdeoin an uisge; 4 i" expr - on
f gen) (ie belll1ve) giUlain f(h)ein/fhin, he was -ing on as if there was no-one
Cardinal" Cairdineal m else in the room bha e ga ghiUlan fhem mar nach robh duine eile anns
care" 1 (careflll"ess, calltio,,) faiceall f, aire f i"var, a lack of - cion m i"var an rum m, "ate also I don't think much of the way they - on/their way
faicill gen, take - thoir an aire; 2 (te"di"g, cllI1rge, respo"sibility) ruram m, of -ing on is beag orm an dol-a-mach m i"var (a tha) aca
- of the elderly ruram sheann daoine mpl, in Donald's - air ruram carry-on, carrying-on" (ie belll1viollr, ofte" qllestiorwble) dol-a-mach m i"var,
DhOmhnaill, - of the sick (trad) eiridinn m i"var; 3 (worry) cUrarn m, what a carry-on! abair dol-a-mach!
iomagain f, without la) - gun chw-am, full of - liln iomagame cart" cairt f

54 55
cartoon E GUSH-GAELIC DICTIONARY catch catching ENGUSH-GAEUC DICIlo AllY cautious
cartoon 11 dealbh-eibhinn mf, carlim m catching adj (ie illfectious) gabhaltach
carve v 1 (wood &c) snaigh vt; 2 (meat) gearr vt catchment area 11 sgire f, - of a school sg1re-sgoile, the - of the school
carving 11 1 (wood &c: the process) snaigheadh m, (the product) obair- sgire na sgoile
shnaighte f; 2 (meat) gearradh m catechise v (rdig) ceasnaich vt
cascade 11 (waterfall) eas m, leum-uisge m, sputm catechism III (relig: ti,e book) leabhar-cheistm, the -Ieabhar nan ceist; 2 (the
case 11 1 (luggage) maileid f, ceas m; 2 (legal) dill; f, cuis-lagha f, the - went act of askillg ti,e questions) ceasnachadh m
against her chaidh a' chuis na h-aghaidh; 3 (grnm) tuisealm, the genitive catechistll (reJig) ceistear m
- an tuiseal ginideach; 4 ifact, situatioll, evelltuality &c) ill exprs in that -, categorical adj (firm, clear, deftllite) deimhinne, a - answer freagairt
if that is the - mas ann mar sin a tha a' chUis, if it is the - that he is lazy dheimhinne
mas e (an rud e) 's gu bheil e leisg; 5 ill expr in - air eagal (with co"j gu), categorically adv 1 (fimlly, definitely) gu deimhinne, gun teagamh m (sam
mus COllj, he kept hold of her in - she should fall chUm e greim m oirre bi!h), I can tell you - that the moon's a balloon faodaidh mi innse
air eagal 's gun tuiteadh i, chUm e greim oirre mus tuiteadh i; 6 ill expr in dhuibh gu deimhinne/ gun teagamh sam bi!h gur e bailiim m a
any - co-dhiu, I'm leaving in any - !ha mise a' falbh co-dhiu !h' anns a' ghealaich f; 2 (utterly) gu buileach, uile-gu-leir, I deny that
cash 11 1 (as opposed to credit &c) airgead m, - price pris f airgid (geu, used -Iy! !ha mi ag aicheadh sin gu buileach/uile-gu-Ieir!
adjectivally); 2 (ready mOlley, - carried about olle) airgead m ullamh, category 11 seDrsa m, gne f
airgead lairnhe (gell of lamh f, used adjectivally) cater v 1 (ill reslaurnnt, refectory &c) ullaich biadh m; 2 (supply by way of
cask" baraille m trade &c) solair vti, solaraich vti, (for do), - for tourists solar/solaraich
cassette" ceiseagf (seirbheisean &c) do luchd-lurais m sing coli; 3 (meet, satisfy) coilean vt,
cassock 11 casagf l~asaich vt, - for every need coilean gach feum m/gach easbhaidhf
cast' 11 (ill play &c) muinntir f, sgioba mf, the - of the play muinntir na catenng 11 ullachadh m bldh (gm sing ofbiadh m)
dealbh-duiche cathedral 11 ca!hair-eaglais f
cast> 11 (throw) tilgeadh m, tilgeil f, (esp of throwll weapoll) urchair f Catholic n & adj Caitligeach m, (not PC) Papanach m
cast v 1 tilg vt, caith vt, (at air), - a stone tilg c1ach f, she - a foal !hilg i cattle 11 crodh m, dairy - crodh-bainne, --grid c1ia!h f chruidh gen
seaITach m; 2 (fig erprs) - a glance !hoir suil f (ai!hgheaIT) (at air), - caught ad! & past part an sas, an lairnh, glacte, the robber islhas been _
doubt on something cuir rudeigin an teagamh m, - a vote cuir bhot f now !ha am meirleach an sas a-ruse
castigate v cronaich vt cauldron n m
castle 11 caistealm, (esp early fortified -) dim m cauliflower 11 cal-colaig m
castrate v spoth vt, castrating lambs a' spodh uan m gell pi cause n1 adhbhar m, f.\!h m, cUis f, (allfollowed bygell) prime - mathair-adhbhar
castration 11 gearradh m, spo!hadh m m, the - of my sadness adhbhar/fa!h mo mhulaid m, a - of mockery
castrato 11 caillteanach m adhbhar/f.\!h magaidh m, - for complaint cUis-ghearain f; 2 (principle,
casual adj 1 (pej: of persoll, attitude) coma co-dhiu, ml-dhicheallach; 2 ill expr belIef system &c) adhbhar m, she laboured in the - of women's rights
- violence droch-ionnsaigh(ean) mf gun adhbhar m, fOimeart m gun shaothraich i ann an adhbhar cbraichean fpl nam ban (gm pi of bean f)
adhbhar; 3 ill erpr a - stroll cuair! shocrach cause v liS v Irreg def adhbhar m (with prep do), is v irreg def coireach (with
casualty 11 (ill aecidellt, war &c) leointeach m prep ri), A -s B 's e A as adhbhar do B, you -d the accident is tu a bu
cat 11 1 cat m, wild - cat fiadhaich; 2 (idioms) it was raining -s and dogs ch~ireach ris an tubaist f; 2 in erpr - to be v cuir vt followed by abstr n
bha dile bha!hte ann, put/set the - among the pigeons cuir an ceol air (wllh prep aIT), fag vt followed by adj, you -d me to be afraid chuir sibh
feadh na fidhJe (an t-)eagalm orm, you -d me to be sad dh'fhag sibh muladach mi
catastrophe 11 sgrios m, (stTOllger) leirsgrios m, mor-sgrios m causeway 11 cabhsair m
catch v 1 glac vt, the police caught him ghlac am poileas e, we didn't - caustic adj (remarks &c) geur, guineach, searbh
the plane cha do ghlac sinn am pleana mf; 2 ill expr - (up with) beir caution 11 1 (prudellce) faiceall f; 2 (wamillg) earalachadh m, rabhadh m
vi irreg (with prep air) we caught (up with) him yesterday rug sinn caution v 1 (esp legal) earalaich vt (about air); 2 (more gelleral) thoir rabhadh
air an-de; 3 (- illlless &c) gabh vt, we caught the cold ghabh sinn an m (with prep do), they -ed me dh'earalaich iad mi, thug iad rabhadh
enatan; 4 ill erpr - sight faigh sealladh m (of air), (usu at a distallce) dhomh
faigh faire f (of air) cautious adj faiceallach

56 57
cavalry ENGUSH-GAEUC DICTlO ARY centre centrifugal ENGUSH-GAEUC DICTIONARY change
cavalry" eachraidh m si"g call centrifugal adj meadhan-sheachnach
cave, cavern" uaimh & uamhf century n !inn m
cavity" toll m cereal n aebhar m, gran m
caw " grag m, rbeail f ceremony n 1 (formal eve"t) deas-ghnath m; 2 in expr (at ceilidll &c) the
caw v dean gragail f invar master of ceremonies fear m an taighe
cawing n gragail f i"var, rbeail f certain adj 1 (sllre, definite) cinnteach, (more trod) deirnhinn(e), (of as), I'm-
cease v 1 (come to an end) thig vi gu crich (dat of crioch j), sguir vi, the of it tha mi cinnteach as, are you - she'll come? a bheil thu cinnteach
fighting -d thainig an t-sabaid gu crich, the noise -ed sguir am gun tig I?; 2 (Bibl, trod stories &c) araidh, a - widow, having three
fuairn; 2 (desist from, give lip) leig vt seachad, sguir (with or withollt prep sons banntrach f iiraidh, agus triUir mhac aice; 3 (specified, particular)
de), she -d smoking leig i seachad smocadh m, sguir i (de) smocadh sbnraichte, we must buy it in a - place on a - day feurnaidh sinn a
ceaseless adj, ceaselessly adv, gun sgur, ceaseless noise fuairn 1IIf gun sgur, cheannach ann an ilite sbnraichte air la sbnraichte
grumbling ceaselessly a' gearan gun sgur certainly adv gu dearbh, are you well? I - am! a bheil thu gu math? tha
ceilidh n ceilidh IIlf, ceilidh-dance ceilidh agus dannsa m gu dearbh!
ceiling n mullach-seomair m, the - mullach an t-sebmair certainty n cinnt I, I can say with - that I am right! faodaidh mi a radh le
celebrate v 1 (praise &c) mol vt, luaidh vt; 2 (observe festival &c) cUm vt, cinnt gu bheil mi ceart!
gleidh vt, - New Year cUm a' Bhliadhna Or certificate n teisteanas m, birth - teisteanas-breith m
celebrated adj cliwteach, iomraiteach certify v thoir teisteanas m
celebrity n 1 (abstr) ainmealachd f invar; 2 (person) neach m ainmeil cessation n stad III
celery n soilire III chafe v (ski" of IIa"d &c) rUisg vt
celestial adj 1 (incl relig senses) neamhaidh; 2 (esp of pllys IIeave"s) speurach chaff n cath f, moll m
celibacy" (esp of males) gilleadas m, (of botll sexes) seachnadh m feise f gen chagrin" frionas m
celibate n (neach &c) a sheachnas feise f chagrined adj frionasach
cell n 1 (bioI) cealla f; 2 (of saint &c) cill f chain n euibhreach m, slabhraidh f, in expr put in -s euibhrich vt
Cell n Ceilteach III chain (up) v euibhrich vt, euir vt air slabhraidh f
Celtic adj Ceilteach, the - languages na cananan fpl Ceilteach chair n cathair f, (tess trod) seithear m
cement n sairneant m invar, (more trod) tath m i"var chairman" cathraiche m, fear-eathrach m
cement v tath vt (together ri cheile) chairperson" cathraiche m, neach-<:athrach m (plluchd-eathrach m sing coil)
cemetery n cladh m, clachan m, cill f chalk " cailc f
censorious adj cronachail, coireachail challenge n dubhlan m
censure n cronachadh m challenge v 1 thoir dubhlan (with prep do), he -d me to tell the truth thug
censure v cronaich vt e dubhlan dhomh an fhirinn innse; 2 (- decision &c) euir vi an aghaidh
census" cunntas m sluaigh m ge" (witll gen)
centilitre" ceudailiotair m chamber n sebmar m
centimetre n ceudameatair m, cubic - ceudameatair ciubach, square - champion n curaidh m
ceudameatair ceamagach chance adj tuiteamach, - occurrences tachartasan mpl tuiteamach
centipede n ceud-<:hasach III chance n 1 (1lIck &c) tuiteamas m, it happened by - thachair e le tuiteamas;
central adj meadhanach 2 (opportllnity) cothrom m (of air), a - of a better life cothrom air
centralisation n meadhanachadh m beatha f as £hearr; 3 (idiom) we gave them a sporting - thug sinn
centralise v meadhanaich vti cothrom m na Feinne dhaibh
centre" 1 meadhan m, the town - meadhan a' bhaile, right in the - anns chance v 1 tuit vi (witll prep do), I -d to see her on the street thuit dhomh
a' cheart-mheadhan, in the dead - of the field ann an teis-meadhan a faicinn air an t-srilid; 2 in expr - upon tachair vi air, amais vi air
an achaidh; 2 (location for particlltar activities &c) ionad m, day - ionad chancellor n seansalair m
latha, job - ionad obrach, health - ionad slainte, sports - ionad change n 1 atharrachadh m, caochladh m, (often for tile worse) muthadh m, a
sporsa, management - ionad stiUiridh, resource - ionad ghoireasan - in the weather atharrachadh-side I, (idiom) what a - has come upon

58 59
us! (Irad) nach (ann) oimn a thainig an da la Ill!; 2 (new silltalion, experience chart 11 1 (iliaI' &c) cairt f, navigation - cairt-iwl; 2 (table &c) clar Ill, (/1)
&c) irrachadh Ill, that will be/make a - for you bidh sin na irrachadh flow - clar-ruith tu, sruth-ch.lar 111
dhut; 3 (1II0Iley) iomlaidf, - for/of a pound iomlaid nota f gen, I didn't charter 11 cairt f, cUrnhnantlll sgriobhte
get any - cha d'fhuair mi iomJaid, in expr small - airgead pronn chase n Itoir f, ruaigf; 2 (Inll/ting) ruaigf
change V 1 atharraich vti, caochail vi, (oft"" for tile worse) muth vi; 2 (- 1II0ney) chase v 1 rua(i)g VI, ruith vi as deidh (witll gell); 2 in expr - away rua(i)g
can you - a pound? a bheil iomlaid f nota f agad? vI, fuadaich vt, the dog -d away the fox ruaig/ dh'fhuadaich an cu an
changeable adj caochlaideach, - weather/personality side/pearsantachd sionnach, also chuir an cu teicheadh III air an t-sionnach
chaochlaideach chaste ad} geanmnaidh
chanter 11 (pipillg) feadan III chasten v iunhlaich vt, naraich vI
chaos 111 (cosmology) eu-eruth Ill; 2ifam: disorder, Itnlidilless &c) ill e:rpr in - chastise v peanasaich vI
troimh-a-eheile, the office was in - bha an oifis lroimh-a-cheile chastity 11 geanmnachd f invar
chapel 11 caibeal III chat 11 1 comhradh (beag), we had a wee - rinn sinn comhradh beag;
chaplain 11 seaiplin III 2 (words Itsed, opilliolls expressed &c) comhradh Ill, ifalll) craic f, listening
chapter 11 (of book) caibideillllf to their - ag eisdeachd ris an comhradh
character 11 1 nadar m, (esp of InllllallS) meinn f, (esp IIereditanJ) dualchas chat v dean comhradh (beag), (idiolll) -ting aboutthis and that a' comhradh
Ill, irs in his - to be proud is e a dhualchas a bhith ardanach, also a-null's a-naU
tha e dualach a bhith ardanach; 2 (ill play &c) caractar m, (less ItSIl) chattels nI'l 1 (bits & pieces) lreal(l)aich f sillg coli; 2 (possessions) goods and
pearsa 111 - maoinf
characteristic 11 (esp illllerelll) feartlll, we get many -s from our forebears/ chatter, chattering 11 cabadaich f, cabaireachd f illvar, gobaireachd &
ancestors gheibh sinn moran fheartan pi gell bhor sinnsirean 11I1'1 gabaireachd f illvar, goileam III
charcoal 11 gual-fiodha III chatty ad} comhraideach, bruidhneach
charge 111 (respo"sibility &c) curam Ill, in Donald's - air cirram Dhomhnaill, cheap ad} 1 (ill price) saor, air bheag pris Ill, air pris iseal; 2 (derog: pelty,
in - of an urra ri, I was in - of the Post Office bha mi an una ri Oifis Itlltvortlly &c) suarach, a - ploy ploigh shuarach
a' Phuist, (idiolll) she took - of the house ghabh i an taigh os laimh cheat 11 cealgair(e) Ill, mealltair Ill, fear-foille III
(gell of lamh f); 2 (cosl, paylllelll) cosgais f, bank(ing) -s cosgaisean cheat v 1 meall vt, thoir an car (witll prep a), dean foill f (witl, prep air), they
banca(ireachd); 3ifee &c) tuarastallll, the lawyer didn't make a - cha -ed her mheaU iad i, thug iad an car aiste, rinn iad foill oirre; 2 (as vi:
do ghabh am fear-Iagha tuarastal, ill expr free of - saor ('s an asgaidh), in games &c) bi vi irreg ri foill f, they're -ing! tha iad ri foill!
there'll be no - for that bidh sin saor 's an a gaidh, ill expr freight - cheated ad} air a (&c) m(h)ealladh
faradh Ill; 4 (legal: accltsatioll) casaid f; 5 (lIIililary: a/tack) ionnsaigh f cheating ad} meallta(ch)
charge v 1 (lIIake respo"sible) cuir uaUach III (willl prep air), they -d me with cheating 11 foill f, mealladh III
the respnsibiIity for the journey chuir iad orm uallach an lurais; 2 check v 1 (exalllille for errors &c) sgrud VI, dean ath-sgrudadh III (willl prep
(- for goods &c) iarr paigheadh m (for airson); 3 (ballkillg &c) - to an air), thoir sUi! f (willl prep air); 2 (stop, reslraill) cuir stad III (witll prep
account cuir vI ri cunntas Ill; 4 (lIIililary: a/tack) thoir ionnsaigh f (witll air), bac vt, cuir bacadh III (witll prep air)
prep air), (trad) rach vi sios; 5 (legal) cuir casaid f (witll prep air) check-out 11 aite-paighidh m
charitable adj 1 (apt to give cllaritably) tabhairteach; 2 (illvolved ill cllarity) check-up 11 ath-sgrudadh Ill, dental - ath-sgrudadh-fhiacail, ath-sgrudadh
carthannach, - trust unas carthannach; 3 (of person: kindly disposed &c) Chiaclan Jpl gell
coibhneil cheek n 1 gruaidh f, (esp plltlllp, rosy) pluic f; 2ifam: lIerve, illsolence) aghaidh
charity n 1 (abstr) carthannas m, carthannachd f illvar; 2 (orgallisation: a -) f, bathais f, what a -! abair aghaidh!, what a - they've got! nach ann
buidheann-earthannais, buidheann-earthannach; 3 (COil: alllls, cllaritable orra a tha an aghaidh/a' bhathais!
gifts) deirc f; 4 (Bibl: Cllristiall -) carthannachd f invar, gradh III cheep, cheeping 11 bid Ill, biogail f
charm 111 (lIIagical) geas f, seun m, ortha f; 2 (persollal -) taitneas m, ciatachd cheep v biog vi
f illvar cheer" 1 (sigil ofapproval) iolach f, raise a - dean/tog iolach; 2 (1II00d, spirils
charming adj 1 (persoll) taitneach, ciatach, t1achdmhor; 2 (persoll & place) &c) misneachail, they were of good - bha iad misneachail, also bha
grinn deagh shunnd m illvar orra
60 61
cheer v 1 dean/tog iolachf(with prqJ do), the people -ed (him) rinn/thog chill v fuaraich vti, meilich vti
an sluagh iolach (dha); 2 in erpr - up tog a (&c) c(h)ridhe m, that -ed chilly adj 1 (lit & fig) fuaraidh, fionnar; 2 (of welcome, recqJtion) fuar,
me up thog sin mo chridhe, (as vi: idiom) - up! tog ort! fionnar
cheerful adj greannmhor, aighearach, cridheil, swmdach chimney n 1 similear m; 2 (marine, industrial &c) luidhear m
cheerfulness 1l aighear ni, sunnd 111 invar chip n (ID sgealb f
cheerio! excl tioraidh! chips npl sliseagan-buntata!pl
cheery adj (esp person) aighearach, (person, atmosphere &c) cridheil chirp, chirping n bid m, blogail f
cheese n caise nif chirp v blog vi
chef n cbcaire m, ifemale -) ban-ehbcaire f chisel n gilb f
chemical adj ceimigeach, in erpr - substance ceimigf chocolate n & adj tebclaid & sebclaid f
chemical n ceimigf choice adj taghta
chemist n 1 ceimigear m; 2 (pharmacist) neach m chungaidhean, in erpr -'s choice n 1 (the thing &c chosen) roghainn mf, my own - of music mo
shop buth-ehungaidh f roghainn fhln de cheal m; 2 (alternative) roghainn mf, we've no - chan
chemistry n ceimigeachd f invar eil roghainn (eile) againn; 3 (abstr) taghadh nI
chess n tilileasg m choir n coisir f, coisir-dtiUil f
chest n 1 (thorax) cliabh m, broilleach m; 2 ifurnihtre &c) ciste f, linen - ciste choke much vt, tachd vt
anairt m gen, treasure - ciste ionmhais m gen choose v 1 (select) tagh vt, roghnaich vti, he chose the team thagh e an
chew v 1 cnamh vti, cagainn vti, cnuas & cnuasaich vti; 2 in erpr - over sgioba; 2 (single out) sbnraich vt
(ide1lS, events &c) cnuas & cnuasaich (with prqJ air), - over the news chop v 1 (wood &c) sgud vti; 2 in expr - off sgath vt dheth; 3 in erpr (food
cnuasaich air an naidheachd f; 3 in erprs (ofanimals) -ing the cud, (also, &c) - up (esp finely) mion-ghearr vt
fam, of humans) -ing the fat, a' cnilmh na Ore chopper n lilmhthuagh f
chick n isean m chosen adj & past part 1 (selected) taghta; 2 (singled out) sbnraichte
chicken n (young) isean m, eireagf, (mature) cearc f, roast - cearc rosta Christendom ", used with art, a' Chrlosdachd f invar
chide v cronaich vt, cain vt Christian adj Crlosdail, the - Church an Eaglais Chriosdail
chief adj priomh, ard, (precede the noun, which is lenited where possible) - Christian" Criosdaidh m
clerk priomh-chleireach m, - justice ard-bhreitheamh m Christianity" 1 (the faith) Criosdaidheachd f invar; 2 (co"duct, way of life)
chief n 1 (leader &c) ceannard m; 2 (of clan) ceann-cinnidh m, ceann-feadhna Criosdalachd f i"var
m, - of the MacDonalds ceann-cinnidh nan DOmhnaIJach Christmas n NolJaig f, Merry -! NolJaig Chridheil!, - DaylEve La nI/
chilblain n cusp f Oidhche (na) NolJaig, at - time aig am m na NolJaig(e)
child n (see also children below) 1 (abstr & general) duine eloinne m, how chuffed adj toilichte, (nrore fam: idiom) he's - tha e air a dheagh dhaigh m
many -ren do you have? one - cia mheud duine eloinne a th' agaibh?
chunk" cnap m, geinn m
tha aon duine eloinne; 2 (particular -, g'!PJerally young/infants) leanabh church n eaglais f, the - of Scotland Eaglais na h-Alba, - officer maor-
m, paisde & piliste m, leanaban m, naoidhean m, (boy -, esp a little older)
eaglais m
balach m (beag), (girl -, esp a little older) caileag f (bheag), she had a
churchyard" cladh ni, clachan m, cill f
- bha piliste aice; 3 (mise erprs) unruly/badly-behaved - ifam) droch
churlish adj iargalt(a), droch-nadarrach
isean m, - minder freiceadan m cloinne, .... care ciuam-doinne m
chum" crannagf, muidhe m, crannachan m
childhood n leanabas m
childish adj leanabail cigarette 1l toitean m
childless adj gun chlannf sing colI, - couple cilraid f gun chlann cinder n eibhJeagf
children n (see also child above) clann f sing colI, little - elann bheaga, two cinema" taigh-dhealbh m
- clithis chloinne, girl - elann-nighean, how many - do you have? cia cinnamon n caineal m
mheud duine eloinne a th' agaibh? circle n cearcall ni, dancing in a - a' dannsadh ann an cearcall
chill adj (lit & fig) fuaraidh, fionnar cirele v iadh & iath vt, in erpr - around cuartaich & cuairtich vt
chill n 1 (abstr) fionnarachd f inunr, (colder) fuachd f invar; 2 in expr catch a circuit n 1 (route &c) cuairt f; 2 (elec) cuairt f dealain m ge"
- gabh fuachd f invar circular adj cruinn, cearelach

circular 11 (corres) cuairt-litir f clansman n fear-cinnidh m

circulate v 1 (as vr) rach vi tirncheall, rach vi mun cuairt, a rumour about clanswoman 11 bean-chinnidh f
them was circulating bha fathann m mun deidhinn a' dol tirncheall/ clap v buail basan/(more fam) boisean Jpl, the audience -ped bhuail an
mun cuairt; 2 (as vt) cuir vi tirncheall, cuir vi mun cuairt, we -d a luchd-eisteachd m sillg coil am basan/boisean
rumour about them chuir sinn tirncheall/mun cuairt fathann mun clapping 11 bas-bhualadh m, bois-bhualadh m
deidhinn clarification 11 soilleireachadh m
circulation 11 cuairteachadh m, - of blood cuairteachadh fala (gell of fuil f) clarify v soilleirich vt
circumspect adj aireach, faiceallach clarity 11 siolleireachd f illvar
circumspection 11 aire f, faiceaU f clarsach 11 c1arsach f
circumstance 11 1 cuis f, suldheachadh m, if -s allow me ma cheadaicheas clash 111 (lIoise) gliongadaich f; 2 (co"fro"talio") connsachadh m, connspaid f
cuisean dhomh, in unfortunate -s ann an suidheachadh mi- clash v 1 (make 1I0ise) dean gliongadaich f; 2 (disagree &c) connsaich vi
fhortanach; 2 (evellluality) cor m, don't sign it under any -s na cuir (with le)
d' ainm nE ris air char sam bith clasp 11 cromagf
citizen 11 1 (gmeral) neach-aiteachaidh (pI luchd-aiteachaidh m sillg coil); class 111 (scllool) c1as m; 2 (social -) searsa m; 3 (idiom: of quality, competellce
2 (of a COlllltry) saoranach m, neach-duthcha (plluchd-duthcha m sillg &c) he's not in the same - as her cha tig e an uisge m na stimach dhi
coil), a French - saoranach Frangach; 3 -s poballm sillg, sluagh m sillg, classical adj c1asaigeach
consult the -s cuir comhairle f ris a' phoball classification 11 seOrsachadh m
citizenship 11 1 (tile slallls) saoranachd f illvar, inbhe f neach-duthcha m; classified adj & past part 1 searsaichte; 2 (of docllmml &c, cOlljidelltial)
2 (tile associaled rights &c) cair m duthcha (gell of duthaich f), seekJ dlomhair
apply for - sir/iaIT cair duthcha classify v searsaich vi
city 11 baile mar, (esp call1edral -) ca tha ir f clattering 11 glagadaich f
civic adj catharra, - responsibility dleastanas catharra claw lIinef
civil adj 1 (polile) modhail, cuirteil; 2 (relalillg 10 IlIe cilizms of a slate) clay 11 creadh f
slobhalta, cathaITa, - servant seirbheiseach catharra, seirbheiseach claymore 11 c1aimheadh-mar m, c1aidheamh leathann m, (less correctly)
slobhalta, seirbheiseach staite, - war cogadh catharra, - courtl1iberty c1aidheamh da-Iairnh m
cuirt/saorsa chatharra; 3 ill expr - engineer innleadair-thogalach m clean adj glan
civilian 11 slobhaltair 111 clean v 1 glan vt; 2 - out (byre &c) cairt vt
civility n modhf cleanse v glan vt
civilisation 11 slobhaltachd f illvar cleanliness 11 glaine f illvar
cladding 11 camhdach m clear adj 1 (of light, day &c) soilleir; 2 (esp of so.mds, sights, audible, visible)
claim 11 (law, illsllrollce &c) tagairt f, tagradh m taisbeanach; 3 (of area of grolllld &c) reidh; 4 (evidellt &c) follalseach,
claim v 1 (- rigllts, possessiolls &c: law, illsurollce &c) tagair vt, -ing his (more trod) leir (witll v irreg & defis & prep do), it's - that he's not guilty
prize/reward a' tagairt a dhuais; 2 (assert) cUm a-mach, he -ed that the tha e follaiseach nach eH e dontach, it was -to him that he was lost bu
world wasn't round chUm e a-mach nach robh an cruinne cruinn leir dha gun robh e air chall; 5 (of argllmellt, explallatioll &c) soilleir
claimant neach-tagraidh (plluchd-tagraidh m sillg coil), tagraiche m clear v 1 (poplllatioll) fasaich vt, fuadaich Vi; 2 (- obstacles, problems &c)
clamour 11 gleadhraich f reitich vt, - the road/way reitich an rathad; 3 - up (ulltidilless &c)
clamp 11 teanchair & teannachair m, glamradh m reitich vi, sgioblaich vt, - up that mess! reitich/sgioblaich am burach
clan 11 cinneadh m, c1ann f, (more trod) fine f, - Donald C(h)lann sin!; 4 - up (sitllaliolls, relatiollsllips &c) reitich vi; 5 ill expr - up
Dhamhnaill, - MacLeod C(h)lann LeOid, - chief ceann-dnnidh m, (illlellectual difficlllties & misllllderstalldillgs) soilleirich vt; 6 (idiom,jam)
also ceann-feadhna m - ofUout! thoir do chasan leat!
clang 11 gliongadaich f clearance 11 (of poplllalioll) fasachadh m, fuadach m, fuadachadh m, (lIisl)
clang v dean gliongadaich f the (Highland) -s a Fuadaichean
clanging 11 gliongadaich f cleared adj & past part (area ofgrolllld &c) re.idh
clannish adj cinneadail cleg 11 creithleagf

64 65
clemency ENGlISH-GAEUC D,cnONARY closeness closet ENGlISH-GAElIC DICf'O ARY coat

clemency n iochd f invar, trOcair f closet n dosaid f

clement adj 1 (esp of weather) ciuin, seirnh; 2 (of jlldge, ruler &c) iochdmhor, closure n dilnadh m
trOca ireach cloth n 1 (material) clo m, aodach m; 2 (jar dishes, dllsting &c) clud m, clobhd
clergy n cleir f, (IISIl IIsed with art) a' chJeir m, breid 111
clergyman 11 ministear m, deireach m, pears-eaglais m clothes, clothing n 1 (- in gel/era/) aodach m, (less IISIl) trusgan m, in expr
clerical adj 1 (relig) deireachail; 2 (secretarial &c) cleireachail, cleireachd a piece/an item of clothing ball-aodaich m; 2 (esp one's clothing at
(cleireachd f illvar, llsed adjectivalty), - staff luchd-Qbrach m sillg colt a given time) euid f aodaieh m gel/, she put on her - chOO i oirre a
deireachail, luchd-c1eireachd m sing colt euid aodaich; 3 (mise exprs) clothes peg mag-aodaich f, clothes-line
clerk n 1 (ill office &c) c1eireaeh m, (of higher statlls) clare m, - of the rop-aodaich 111, suit of clothes deise f, eulaidh & culaidh-aodaieh f,
Parliament Clare na Parlamaid; 2 ill expr (croftillg) the township/ bedclothes aodach-Ieapa m, nightclothes aodach-oidhche m
grazings - clare m a' bhaile cloud n neulm, sgoth f
clever adj 1 (esp melltalty) gLie, eirmseach; 2 (esp practicalty) tapaidh, gleusta cloud (over) v neulaich vti
& gleusda, deas; 3 (resollrceflll) innleachdach cloudy adj neulach, sgothach
cleverness 11 1 (esp mellta/) gLioeas m; 2 (esp practical) tapachd f illvar; clove n dobha f
3 (resollrcejullless) innleachd f clover n clobhar m, seamragf
cliff 11 creagf, bearradh 111, stalla m clown n 1 (in cirClls &c) deasaiche m, tuaistear m; 2 (ridiclllolIS, incompetent
climate 11 clJomaid f &c person) amadan m, bumailear 111, he's a - '5 e amadan/bumailear a
climb vI (l'i11 &c) dJrieh vt, s(t)reap vti; 2 ill expr - down emm vi, teirinn th' ann (dheth)
& team vi, he -ed down from the donkey's back chrom e bhon asail club' n 1 (weapon) cuaille m; 2 (jar sport) caman m, golf - (ie driver, wedge
f, he -ed down the rock chrom e leis a' chreigf, she -ed down from &c) caman m goilf m gen
the wall theirinn i bharr a' gharraidh m club' n (association &c) comann 111, club m, youth - comann oigridh f, golf
clinking 11 gLiong m, gliongartaich m illvar, dagarsaich f illvar - club goilf m gen
clip 11 (ie for fastellillg) eromagf, ceangal m cluck v dean gogail f invar
clip v 1 (Cllt) gearr vt; 2 (- sheep) lom vt, ruisg vt clucking n gogail f invar
cloak 11 cleOc m clump n bad m
clock 11 gleoc m, cloe & cleoc m clumsy adj (person, action) cearbach, in expr a - person cearbair m
clockwise adv deiseil & deiseal cluster n 1 (of nllts, fruits &c) bagaid f; 2 (of people) grunnan m (dhaoine)
clod 11 (of earth) ploe m, foid & fOd f co- prefix co-, eg co-t!ducation n co-fhoghlam m, cO-Qperate v co-obraich vi
clog v stop vt coach' n (transport) coidse f invar
cloister 11 clabhstair 111 coach' n (instrllctor &c) neach-teagaisg m, (esp sport) neach-treanaidh m (pI
close adj 1 (ie near) faisg, (less 11511) dJuth, (to air), - together/to each other luchd-teagaisg/treanaidh m sing call)
faisg air a cheile, - to the village/township faJsg air a' bhaile; 2 ill exprs coach V 1 teagaisg vt; 2 (sport &c) trean vt
a - connectionlJinklbond dluth-eheangal m (with ri, between eadar), coal n gual m
- on a month ago teann air mios mf air ais; 3 (of weather) bruJcheil, coalition n co-bhanntachd f
bruthainneach coalmine n meinn(e)-ghuail f
close 11 (in tenement &c) dobhsa m coarse adj 1 (to tI/£ tOllch) garbh, - material stuth m garbh; 2 (IIncollth)
close n crloch f, bring to a - thoir vt gu crich (dat) garbh, borb; 3 (crude, lewd &c) drabasta, draosta
close v 1 (as vt) dllin vt, thoir vt gu erieh (dat of erloeh ft, erJochnaich vt, - coarseness n 1 (to the tOllch) gairbhe f invar, gairbhead m; 2 (crllderless,
the door duin an doras, the chairman will - the meeting dilinidh am lewdness) drabastachd f invar, draostachd f invar
fear-eathrach a' choinneamh, bheir am fear-cathrach a' choinneamh gu coast n oirthir If costa tu
erich; 2 (as vi) duin vi, the shop was closing bha a' bhuth a' dilnadh, coastguard n 1 (the organisation) maoras-c1adaich m; 2 (individllal -) maor-
the window -d with a bang dhllin an uinneagfle brag m dadaieh m
closed adj & past part (bllildings, objects &c) dilinte coat n 1 (garmerlt) cota m, in expr - hanger crochadair-<:ota m; 2 (layer,
closeness n faisge f invar, dluths m covering) cota m, a - of paint cota peanta m, cota de pheant
66 67
coat ENGLISH-GAELIC DlcrIONARY colleague collect ENGLISH-GAELIC DlcrlONARY come

coat v comhdaich vt, cuir brat m (with prep air) collect v 1 (esp people) cruinnich vi, tionail vi, a crowd -d in front of
cobbler n greusaiche m the house chruinnich/thionail sluagh (mor) air beulaibh an taighe;
cobweb 11 lion m damhain-allaidh m 2 (things) cruinnich vt, co-chruinnich vt, he -s furniture bidh e a'
cock 11 1 (male domestic fowl or game bird) coileach m; 2 (vlllg: penis) slat f cruinneachadh aimeis f invar
(vlllg/fam) collection n 1 (abstr & con) cruinneachadh m; 2 (anthology) co-
cock v (gllll) cuir vt air lagh f chruinneachadh III
cock-crow n gairm f coilich (gen of coiJeach m) collective adj coitcheann, - responsibility uallach coitcheann
cocked adj & past part (of glln) air lagh f college n colaiste & colaisde f, private - colaiste phriobhaideach
cockle 11 coWeagf, sruban m collide v co-bhuail vi
cockroach n carnan 111 collision n co-bhualadh III
cocoa 11 coco m hzvar colon n 1 (typog) da-phuingf, coilean m; 2 (part of intestine) snathainn f
coconut 11 eno-bhainne f, eno-coco f colony 11 colonaidh m
cod 11 trosg m, bodach-ruadh m colour n 1 dath m, what -'s the coat? de an dath a th' air a' chota?; 2 (of
coddle v (treat over gelltly, spoil) muirnich vt, maothaich vt person's featllres, at a partiCIIlar moment) tuar Ill, snuadh m
code III (cypher &c) cod m, (/1) binary - cOd da-fhilIte, machine - cod inneiJ colour v dath vt, cuir dath m (with prep air)
m gen; 2 (rules, gllidelines &c) cod m, - of practice cOd obrachaidh m gen colour-blind adj dath-dhall
co-education n co-fhoghJam m coloured adj & past part dathte
coffee n cofaidh mf column n (architect lire, lIewspaper) colbh m
coffin 11 ciste-laighe f comb n 1 cir f; 2 (of gallle bird &c) cirean In
cognate adj daimheiJ comb v cir vt, - your hair cir d' fhalt m
coin 11 bonn m airgid m gen, in expr toss a - cuir crainn (pI of crann m) combat n comhragf
coincide v co-thuit vi combat v sabaid vi, srn vi, (with prep ri), - crime sabaid/stri ri eucoir f
coincidence 11 co-thuiteamas m combine v measgaich vt, co-mheasgaich vii
coincidental adj 1 co-thuiteamach; 2 (irrelevant, IlIlconnected) that's - chan combination n measgachadh m
eil sin a' buntainn ris a' chuisf come v 1 exprs with thig vi irreg, - in! thig a-steach' she didn't - with
coke n (fllel) cbe m invar me cha tainig i comhJa rium, coming this way a' tighinn an taobh
cold adj 1 (phys: weather, objects &c) fuar, a - day la fuar, the porridge is seo, before winter -s mus tig an geamhradh, - to an agreement!
getting - tha am brochan a' fas fuar; 2 (emotionally -) fuar, fad' as, a - understanding thig gu cordadh m/ gu aonta m, - to a decision/
person duine/neach fuar, duine/neach fad' as; 3 (welcome, atmosphere conclusion thig gu co-dhiInadh In, - together thig comhJa, the bus
&c) fionnar hasn't - tha am bus gun tighinn, - out of retirement thig air ais bho
cold n 1 (phys) fuachd mf, I can't standlbear the - of winter chan fhuiling chJuaineas m, - to my arms! thig nam chom m/nam achJais j!, - to
rni fuachd a' gheamhraidh; 2 (the ailment: IIsed with art) an enatan Ill, be thig gu bith, - upon thig air, tachair vi air, buail vi air, tuit vi air,
(less IISIl) am fuachd m, I'm getting althe - tha an cnatan a' tighinn we came upon an abandoned boat thachair sinn air bata treigte, she
orm, we caught althe - ghabh sinn an enatan came round/came to (ie recovered consciollsness) thainig i thuice fhein;
coldly adv (of emotions, behaviollr &c) gu fionnar, she answered - fhreagair 2 (other llIisc idioms & exprs), (book &c) - out nochd vi (an clo m), in the
i gu fionnar weeks to - anns na seachdainnean fpl (a tha) ri teachd, - along/- on
coldness 11 (esp phys) fuachd mf, (phys & emotional) fionnarachdf invar (with me IInderstood), also - here, tiugainn, trobhad (pi trobhadaibh)
Coli n Col(l)a m, ill expr a - man/person Col(l)ach m (also adj) imper, (expr mild protest) -, -! or - on now! exclud, ud!, - back till vi,
collaborate v 1 (work together) co-obraich vi; 2 in expr - with the enemy coming (back) home a' tilleadh dhachaigh, - close dluthaich vi (to ri),
thoir taic f don namhaid m we were -ing close to the sea bha sinn a' dluthachadh ris a' mhuir mf,
collaboration 11 co-obrachadh m - down teirinn & team vti, he came down from the pulpit theirinn e
collar n coilear m as a' chubaid f, coming down the hillside teamadh a' bhruthaich mf,
collarbone, the n ena(i)mh III an uga(in), ena(i)mh a' choiJeir - in usefullhandy dean feum Ill, scissors would - in usefuIlhandy
colleague 11 co-obraiche til, companach 111 just now dheanadh siosar Inf feum an-drasta, - about thachair vi,

68 69
come ENGUSH-GAEUC DICTIONARY commission commission E GUSH-GAEUC DICTIONARY com act

that's how it came about's ann mar sin a thachair, the tide came in commission v (work of art &c) ordaich vi
lion am muir, thitinig an litn m (a-steach) commit v 1 (carry 01/1) dean vt, gniomhaich VI, - a crime dean eucoir f 2 in
comedian 11 cleas<tiche m exprs - suicide cull its dha (&c) fhein/fhin, cull liimh f na (&c) b(h)eatha
comedy 111 (abslr) itbhachd f i1lvar; 2 (film, play &c) cleas-ch1uich f f, we will - suicide cuiridh sinn its dhuinn fhin, cuiridh sinn liimh nar
comely adj ceanalta beatha, - to prison cull vi an litirnh (dal ofliimhf), cull vi don phrlosan m,
comfort 11 1 (spirilual, emoti01lal & pllys) cofhurtachd f i1lvar; 2 (- for pai1l, - to memory mromhraich & mearnhraich vi, cUm vi air mheomhair f
worry &c) furtachd f i1lvar (for air), - for his anguish furtachd air a commitment 11 dealas m (to airson)
dMrainnf committee 11 comataidh f, the Housing - Comataidh an Taigheadais
comfort V furtaich vi (with prep air), cofhurtaich vt, we will - you common adj 1 coitcheann, - stair staidhre f choitcheann, the - Market
furtaichidh sinn oirbh am Margadh Coitcheann, a' Mhargaidh Choitcheann; 2 (crofti1lg) the -
comfortable adj 1 (phys) cofhurtail, seasgair; 2 (fi1l) -, comfortably off grazing am monadh m; 3 in expr - sen e toinisgf, ciall f 4 (Jreql/e1ltly
airgeadach, math dheth mel wilh) rumanta, a - occurence tachartas cumanta; 5 (uncouth &c)
comforting adj (spiritl/ally, emoti01lally) solasach mJ-mhodhail, garbh, (slr01lger) borb
comic n (ie a comedia1l) cleasaiche m common 11 1 (comm01l land) coitcheann m i1lvar, (i1l crofti1lg c01ller/: comm01l
comic, comical adj eibhinn, (less I/su) itbhachdach grazings) am monadh; 2 in expr the House of Commons Taigh m nan
coming n teachd m i1lvar, the - of Spring teachd an Earraich Cumantan; 3 in erpr they haven't much in - chan eil moran aca an
comma n cromagf, inverted -s cromagan turrach cumantas m
command n 1 (abstr) ceannas (of, over air) m; 2 (an i1lslrl/ction &c) ordugh commonly adv gu tric, an cumantas m, am bitheantas m
nr, reachd m iPJvar commonwealth n, the (British) Commonwealth An Co-fhlaitheas m
command V 1 (order, lell) thoir ordugh m (wilh prep do), they -ed me to commotion 11 upraid f
shut the gates thug iad ordugh dhomh na geataichean mpl a dhimadh; communal adj coitcheann, - facilities goireasan mpl coitcheann
2 (be in comma1ld of) bi vi irreg an ceann (with ge1l), the officer -ing the commune It co-chomann m
regiment an t-{)ifigeach (a tha/bha &c) an ceann na reiseamaid(e) communicant 11 (reIig) comanaiche m
commander n ceannard m, --in-ehief itrd-eheannard m communicate v 1 com-pitirtich VI, - information com-pitirtich fios m,
commanding adj (personality &c) ceannsalach cull fios (to gu); 2 (be in louch) in expr we still - with them bidh sinn
commemorate v cuimhnich vi a' cur ar cuid naidheachdan Jpl thuca fhathast, tha muinntireachd
commemoration n 1 (abstr) cuirnhne f illlXlr, service of - seirbheis f chuimhne, f invar eadarainn fhathast; 3 (express, cal/se 10 1/1Idersland) cull vi
seirbheis cuirnhneachaidh m gm; 2 (phys nwnunw,t &c) cuirnhneachan m an cNIl (dal of ciall f), I cannot - my feelings to you chan urrainn
commemorative adj cuimhneachaidh gen of cuimhneachadh m used dhomh m' fhaireachdainnean Jpl a chur an ceill dhut; 4 (reIig: receive
adjectivally, in erpr - medal bonn-cuimhneachaidh m communion) comanaich vi
commence v toisich vti (wilh preps air & ri), - work toisich air an obair f, - communication 11 1 (abstr) conaltradh m, eadar-theachdaireachd f invar,
ploughing toisich a' treabhadh, toisich ri treabhadh, toisich air/ris an means of -, also - media meadhanan mpl conaltraidh gen, - skills
treabhadh m, the battle -d thoisich am blitr sgilean mpl conaltraidh ge1l, - centre ionad m eadar-theachdaireachd;
commencement It toiseachadh m 2 (con: a1l individl/al messoge) fios m, teachdaireachd f, we received
comment v thoir (seachad) beachd m (on air) your - fhuair sinn ur teachdaireachd; 3 (Ihe acl ofcomllllmicaling) com-
commerce n ceannachd f invar, ceannach m, malairt f pitirteachadh m, (i1l a social c01llerl) muinntearachd f invar,
commercial adj 1 malairteach, - sponsorship goistidheachd f invar Communion n 1 (relig) comanachadh m; 2 (Presbylerianism: ti,e - season, Ihe
mhalairteach; 2 i1l expr - traveller fear-reic m siubhail, reiceadair- seql/e1lce of services i1lcll/ding the socrame1lt of -) ordaighean IIIpl
siubhailm communism tl co-mhaoineas m
commercial n (on TV &c) sanas-reic m communist n & adj co-mhaoineach m
commission n 1 (official lask &c) teachdaireachd f i1lvar; 2 (body of officials community 11 1 (a dislricl & its people) coirnhearsnachd f; 2 (comml/ne &c)
&c) coirnisean m, the European Commission An Coirnisean Eorpach, comann m, co-chomann m
Coirnisean na Roinn EOrpa; 3 (payment) tuarastalm; 4 (in armed services) compact adj 1 (dense &c) dluth, domhail & dUmhail; 2 (sIll1l1l, miniatl/re)
barantas m (oifigich m gen); 5 ifor work ofarl &c) ordugh m mion, meanbh, (/1) - disc meanbh-ehlitr m

70 71
compact E GlISH-GAElIC DICTIONARY competitive competitor ENGLISH-GAELIC DICTIONARY complimentary
compact 11 (agreemellt) co-chordadh m, cUmhnant 111 competitor 11 1 (Jar prizes, awards &c) co-fharpaiseach 111, farpaiseach;
compact v teannaich vti 2 (rival ill busilless &c) comhstritheach m
companion n companach m compilation 11 co-chruinneachadh m
companionable adj ceilidheach, cuideachdail complain v 1 gearain vi, (less 11511) talaich v, (about air, to ri), - to the
companionship n companas m manager gearain ris a' rnhanaidsear m; 2 ill expr apt to - gearanach
company 11 1 (commerce &c) companaidh mf, international companies complaining adj gearanach
companaidhean eadar-niliseanta; 2 (social) cuideachd f illvar, comann complaint III (grlll1lble &c) gearan m; 2 (official, legal-) casaidf, make/bring
m, in my - nam chuideachd, I like the - of young people is toigh a - dean casaid (against air); 3 (ailmellt) gearan m, galar m, !inneas m
learn cuideachd/comann na h-oigridh, ill expr fond of - wideachdail, complete adj 1 (ell tire, ill tact) iomlan, sliln, gu leir adv, a - Pictish standing
ceilidheach; 3 (of troops &c) comhJan m, - of soldiers comhJan stone torsa Cruithneach iomJan/slan, a - month mios m gu leir;
shaighdearan mpl gm 2 Ifi"ishetf) deiseil, uJIamh, the project is - tha am proiseict uUamh;
comparable adj coimeasach 3 (utter) dearg (precedes the 110111I), gu ch,,1 m, a - fool dearg amadan m,
comparative adj (gral1l) coimeasach, - adjective buadhair coimeasach amadan gu chill
compare v dean coimeas m (with prep eadar), coltaich vt (to ri), samhJaich complete v cuir crloch f (with prep air), thoir vt gu bull f, thoir vt gu crich
vt (to ri), - X and Y dean coimeas eadar X is Y, - X to Y coltaich/ (dat of crioch j), thoir vt gu ceann 111, she -ed her novel choll i crioch air
samhJaich X ri Y an nobhail f aice, we -d the project thug sinn am proiseict gu bull/gu
compared adj & past part, - to an coimeas, an taca, (with ri), she's c1ever- crich/gu ceann
to her brother tha i comasach an coimeas/an taca ri a brathair 111 completed adj & past part criochnaichte
comparison 11 1 coimeas f (between eadar); 2 ill expr in - to an coimeas ri, completely adv 1 (gu) bulleach, gu h-iomlan, gu tur, I'm - certain tha mi
an taca ri, she's clever in - to her brother tha i comasach an coimeas/an bulleach cinnteach, also tha mi liln-chinnteach, it was - destroyed
taca ri a brathair; 3 in expr (gram) adjective of - buadhair coimeasach chaidh a sgrios gu h-iomlan/gu tur, the two things are - different tha
compass 11 combaist f an da rud gu tor eadar-dhealaichte; 2 (more fam) dearg, she's - spoilt
compassion 11 iochd f invar, truas 111, truacantas 111, take - gabh truas (on tha i air a dearg rnhiUeadh, - naked dearg rWsgte; 3 ill expr - opposed
de), won't you take - on me? nach gabh thu truas dhlom? to, - against calg-dhireach an aghaidh (with gell), I'm - against
compassionate adj 1 (merciful) iochdmhor, truacanta; 2 (sympathetic) co- hunting tha mi calg-dhlreach an aghaidh sealgaireachd f illvar
fhulangach, co-rnhothachail complex adj 1 (ill structure &c) iomadh-fhillte; 2 (hard to IlIIderstand) deacair,
compatibility 11 co-fhreagarrachd f invar, (esp of people) co-chordaJachd f amalach
iuvar complex 11 (ie group of buildings & facilities) ionad m, sports - ionad spors
compatible adj co-fhreagarrach, freagarrach (with do or air), the wheel complexion 11 1 (of person's features) dreach m, tuar 111; 2 (appearance,
and the axle were not - cha robh a' chuibhle agus an aiseaJ f co- significollce, interpretation) coltas 111, cruth m, that puts a different - on
fhreagarrach, lain and Morag were ve.ry - bha lain agus Morag gle the matter tha sin a' cur coltais/cruth eile air a' chillsf
fhreagarrach dha cheile/air a cheile complexity 11 1 (ill structure &c) iomadh-fhillteachd f invar; 2 (difficulty
compel v thoir vi air, co-eignich vt, she -led me to leave thug i orm falbh, helI of understanding) deacaireachd f invar; 3 (complication, problem)
- me to do it eventually bheir e orm a dheanamh aig a' cheann thall duilgheadas 111, one of the complexities of this situation fear de
compensate V lfill) diol vt, cuidhtich vi dhuilgheadasan an t-suidheachaidh m seo
compensation n lfin) dioladh m, cuidhteachadh m compliance n geiUeadh m
compere 11 (at ceilidh &c) fear m an taighe 111 compliant adj urnha(i)l, macanta, striochdach
competence 11 comas m, beyond his - thar a chomais (gen) complicated adj 1 (ill structure &c) iomadh-fhillte; 2 (/Ji1rd to IIllderstand,
competent adj comasach solve) deacair, amalach
competition n 1 (Jar prizes, awards &c) co-fharpais f, farpais f, the Mod -s compliment n 1 moladh m, I paid him a - rinn mi moladh air; 2 (in corres)
co-fharpaisean a' Mhoid; 2 (rivalry betweell individuals, [inlls, Ilatiolls with -s le deagh dhUrachd 111
&c) comhstri f compliment v dean moladh m (with prep air), she -ed me on my Gaelic
competitive adj 1 (ill character) farpaiseach, stritheil; 2 (ill bllsiness &c) rinn i moladh air (cho math 's a bha) mo chuidfGaidhlig
farpaiseach, a - tender tairgse fharpaiseach, also tairgse air deagh phris f complimentary adj 1 luaidheach, molaidh ( gen of moladh m, llsed
72 73

adjectivally), - words briathran mpl luaidheach/molaidh; 2 ifree) an concern n 1 (interest, attention) aire m, for m invar, (for air), with -
asgaidh, a - ticket ticead f an asgaidh for nothing but his own affairs gun ame/gun for aige ach air a
comply v 1 (submit &c) geill vi (with do); 2 (reglllations, agreements &c) cUm ghnothaichean mpl £hem; 2 (worry) iomagain f, dragh m, a cause for -
vi (with ri) adhbhar m iomagain/dragha gen; 3 (- for others) co-fhulangas m, co-
comportment H giulan tIl, iomchar m, dol-a-mach 111 mhothachadh m; 4 (business, firm) gnothach m; 5 in expr that's no - of
compose v 1 (write &c) dean vt (suas), cuir vt ri cheile, I -d some poetry yours! chan e sin do ghnothach-sa!
rinn mi bardachd f invar, a song -d by X oran m air a chur ri cheile le X concern v 1 (affect &c) bum vi (witll preps do & ri), that doesn't - you chan
2 (regain composlire) socraich vt, she had no time to - herself cha robh eil sin a' buntainn dhutsa/riutsa, or (stronger: ie none of your business)
ume f / tide f aice i fhein a shocrachadh chan e sin do ghnothach-sa m; 2 in expr - oneself (ie worry) gabh
composed adj & past part 1 (written &c) deanta; 2 (calmed &c) socraichte uallach m (about mu); 3 in expr as far as , , , is -ed, a thaobh (witll gen),
composer n ughdar m, sgriobhadair m, (mus) cebl-sgriobhaiche m as far as the election is -ed a thaobh an taghaidh
compound adj fillte, - interest riadh fiBte concerned adj & past part 1 (worried) in exprs she's - about the state of the
comprehend v 1 ifacts &c) tuig vti; 2 (esp people, behaviollr: less 11511) fidir vt world tha uallach m oirre mu staid f an t-saoghail, become - gabh
comprehension n tuigse f invar uallach (about mu); 2 (relevant, involved) in expr the people - na daoine
compress v teannaich vt mpl ris am buin a' chuis, na daoine a tha an sas anos a' ghnothach m
compressed adj & past part teannaichte concerning prep 1 (to do with) a thaobh (with gen), he has problems -
compression n teannachadh 111 money tha duilgheadasan mpl aige a thaobh airgid m gen; 2 (about) mu
compromise n co-reiteachadh 111, cordadh Ut dheidhinn (with gen), they're saying dreadful things - the minister
compulsion n co-eigneachadh m tha iad ag radh rudan mpl uabhasach mu dheidhinn a' mhinisteir, a
compulsive adj, in expr he was a - gambler bha e na thraill m do rumour -ing him fathann m mu dheidhinn
cheanachas m, cha b' unainn dha cearrachas a sheachnadh concerln cuirm-ehiUil f
compulsory adj eigneachai!, do-sheachainte concierge 11 dorsair m
computation n tomhas m, aireamhachd f invar conciliate v (opposing parties &c) thoir vt gu reite f
compute v (distance, speed &c) tomhais vt conciliation If riHteachadh m
computer ,J coimpiutair nE, in expr - terminal ceann-obrach 111 conciliator n neach-reiteachaidh (pI luchd-reiteachaidh m sing call)
computerisation 11 coirnpiutaireachadh 111 concise adj 1 (speech &c: to the point) pongail; 2 (short) goirid, - dictionary
computing n coimpiutaireachd f invar fadair goirid .
com.fade fl companach m conclude v 1 (come to adecision or conclusion) co-dhUin vi; 2 (as vt: bnng too close)
con prefix co-, eg concord co-chordadh m thoir vt gu crich (dot of crioch j), thoir vt gu ceann m, criochnaich vt
conceal v cuir vt am falach m, falaich vt, ceil vt (from air), they -ed the conclusion n 1 (of meeting, train of thought &c) co-dhUnadh m, come to a -
ammunition chuir iad an connadh-Iamhaich am falach, - it from her thig vi gu co-dhUnadh, co-dhUin vi; 2 in expr bring to a - (project &c)
ceil oirre e thoir vt gu buil f (meeting, event &c) thoir vt gu co-dhUnadh m
concealed adj & past part am falach, falaichte conclusive adj deirnhinnte, dearbhte, - evidence flanais dheirnhinnte/
concealment n ceileadh m, ceiltinn f invor, falach m, deith f dhearbhte
concede v 1 (relinqllisll &c) geill vi; 2 (agree, recognise) aidich vi, I - that I concord n co-chordadh 1/1, - between the nations co-chordadh eadar na
was wrong tha mi ag aideachadh gun robh mi CeaIT naiseanan mpl
conceit n fein-mholadh m, mor-chuis f leom f concrete' adj saimeant (gen of saimeant m il1var), - walls ballaichean mpl
conceited adj morchuiseach, mor as (&c) fhein/thin saimeant
conceive v 1 (become pregnant) gin vti; 2 (think up &c) innlich vt, - a trick/a concrete' adj 1 (actllal, specific &c) sonraichte, a - example eisimpleir
stratagem innlich cuilbheart f shOnraichte; 2 (opposite of ahstr) nitheil
concentric adj co-mheadhanach concubine 11 coimhleapach mf
concept n bun-bheachd m condemn v 1 (criticise severely) cronaich vt, they -ed our conduct chronaich
conception n 1 (gynaecology &c) gineamhainn m invor; 2 (of plan, invention iad (gu mor) ar dol-a-mach m invar; 2 (sentence &c) dlt vt, - to death
&c) innleachadh m; 3 (understanding) tuigse f, you have no - of whatl dlt vt gu bas III
mean chan eil tuigse sam bith agad de a tha mi a' ciallachadh condemnation 11 dlteadh m

74 75
condensation ENGLISH-GAELIC DICTIO ARY confluence confront E GlISH-GAElIC DICTIONARY connection
condensation 11 (vapol/r) co-dhluthachadh III confront v (oppose, face lip to) seas vi (willl prep ri), (esp pllys) seas vi
condense v 1 (abridge: book &c) giorraich vt; 2 (vapol/r) co-dhluthaich vti mu choinneimh (willl gen), we -ed the committee sheas sinn ris a'
condition 11 1 (state) cor Ill, staid f, the pitiful - of the refugees cor truagh chomataidhf, she -ed the thief sheas i mu choinneirnh a' mhelrlich
nam fogarrach; 2 (stipl/latioll) cor Ill, cumha Ill, cumhnantlll, on - that confuse v 1 (mix I/p) measgaich vi suas, - different things measgaich suas
you marry me air chor/air chumha 's gum pos thu mi, on this - air rudan IIIpl eadar-dhealaichte; 2 (pl/zzle, disorentiate) breislich VI, cuir vt
a' chumhnant seo am breisleach m, cuir vt troimh-a-cheile, you're confusing me now tha
conditional adj 1 (gralll) cumhach, the - tense an trath cumhach Ill; 2 thu gam bhreisleachadh/gam chur troimh-a-eheile a-nis
(depelldelll) an crochadh (on air), a reir (willl gell), the price is - on the confusion n 1 (of different tllillgs, olle for IIIe oilier) measgachadh m suas;
colour tha a' phr's an crochadh air an dath III (a th' air &c), tha a' phris 2 (in crowds: distl/rbance &c) upraid f; 3 (of tllings, ill sitl/aliolls, places &c:
a relr an datha disorder, disarray) ill expr in - troimh-a-cheile, thar a cheile, the entire
condom 11 casgan 111 house was in - bha an taigh air fad troirnh-a-cheile/thar a cheile;
conduct 11 giUlan Ill, dol-a-mach III illvar, I don't think much of your - is 4 (mental -) breisleach III
beag orm an dhol-a-mach agad congenial adj taitneach, I find that - is taitneach learn sm, also tha sm a'
conduct v 1 (- a legal case, all argl/melll) tagair vt; 2 (- tOllrists &c) trebraich; cordadh rium
3 (- orcllestra) stiuir vii; 4 (bellave) ill expr - oneself giulam vi e/i (&c) congested adj (places, bl/ildings, galllerings &c) domhail & dUmhail, loma-
fhem/fhin, I'm -ing myself very well indeed! tha mi gam ghiUlan fhin liin
uabhasach math!; 5 (carry 01/1) cuir vt an gnJomh m, - an investigation congestion n dUmhlachd f invar
cuir sgrudadh III an gnlomh; 6 (- elec cl/rrellt) giulam vt congratulate v cuir meal-a-naidheachd (witll prep air), I -d them after the
conductor 11 1 (of orcllestra) stiulreadalr Ill; 2 (of elec cl/rrent &c) stuth- wedding chuir mi meal-a-naidheachd orra an deidh na bainnse
giillain 111 congratulations excl meal do naidheachd! f (fit 'enjoy YOl/r news!')
cone 11 1 (geometry &c) con m; 2 pine/fir - durcan m congregate v (esp of people) lionail vi, thig vi comhla, cruinnich vi
confederation 11 (of col/lllries) co-fhlaltheas m congregation n coitheanalm
conference 11 co-Iabhairt f invar, cOmhdhail f congress n 1 (an organisalion & its meetings) cOmhdhail f, Trades Union
confess v 1 (to misdeed &c) aidich Vii; 2 (refig) dean faoisid f, faoisidich vii Congress Comhdhail nan Aonaidhean IIIpl CiUird (gen of ceard or
confession 111 (re1ig) faoisid f, make - dean faoisid; 2 (legal &c) aideachadh ceard m); 2 (sexl/al -) co-ghineadh Ill, cuplachadh m
III conical adj conach, air chumadh III con m
confessor 11 (refig) sagart-faoisid m coniferous adj conach
confidant(e) 11 fear-rum m, (p/luchd-rum III sillg call), bean-ruin f conjectural adj tuaireamach, baralach
confide v leig a (&c) rUn m (in ri), don't - in them na leig do rUn riutha conjecture n tuaiream f, tuairmeas m
confidence 11 1 (trusl &c) earbsa f illvar (in ann, as), they have no - in conjecture v tholr tuairmeas, beachdaich vi, (about air)
you chan eil earbsa aca annaibh/asaibh; 2 (- ill oneselfJ misneachd f conjunction n (gram) naisgear m
illvar, feln-mhisneachd f i'lVar, (excessive) fem-speis f, fem-mholadh Ill; conjurer n cleasaiche Ill, caisreabhaiche m
3 (secret &c) rUn m, let me into your - leig do rUn rium. conjuring n c1easachd f invar, caisreabhachd f illvar
confident adj 1 (assl/red) misneachail, self-- fem-mhisneachail; 2 (IIopefl/l) connect v ceangail vt (to ri), (- togetller) co-cheangail vt
dOchasach, liin dOchais m gell, I'm - about the future tha mi dOchasach connected adj & past part 1 (abslr & con) ceangailte, co-cheangailte, global
mun am a tha ri teachd; 3 (cerlaill) cinnteach, are you - she'll come? a warming and the climate are - (to one another) tha blathachadh m na
bheilthu cinnteach gun tig i? cruinne is a' chIlomaid co-cheangailte (ri cheile); 2 (associated) - with
confidential adj diomhair an IUib (dat of lilb!J, an cois (dal of cas ), (botll willl gen), theft and the
confidentiality 11 diomhaireachd f illvar loss - with it gOidfagus an call a tha na IUib/na cois
confirm v 1 (prove: trullls, principles, tlleories &c) dearbh vt; 2 (asserl, connection n 1 (abstr & con) ceangalm, co-cheangalm; 2 (association, link)
strellglllell: faitll &c) damgnich VI, she -ed her faith by becoming a ceangal Ill, gnothach m (with ri), I have no - with that firm chan eil
nun dhamgnJch i a creidearnh m le a bhith a' dol na caillich-dhuibh ceangal sam bith/gnothach sam bith agam ris a' chompanaidh mf sm;
conflict 11 comhragf, comhstri f, stri f 3 (esp family -) buinteanas m, I have -s with Skye tha buinteanas
confluence n comar 111, inbhir III agam ris an Eilean m Sgitheanach; 4 in expr in - with a thaobh (witll

76 77
connection ENGLISH-GAELIC D,CT,ONARY consider consideration ENGLISH-GAELIC DICTIONARY consultation

gen), he has problems in - with money tha duilgheadasan mpl aige a consideration n 1 (- for others) co-fhulangas m; 2 (tl'inking over)
thaobh airgid m beachdachadh m (of air); 3 in expr take into - cuir vt san aireirnh f,
conquer v ceannsaich vt, thoir buaidh f (with prep air) we'll take the boy's age into - cuiridh sinn san aireirnh aois f a' ghille;
conqueror H ceannsaiche m 4 ifee &c) tuarastal m, duais f
conquest n ceannsachadh m consistent adj 1 (IInvarying) seasmhach, neo-chaochlaideach; 2 (tallying
conscience n cogais f, my - was tormenting me bha mo chogais gam with) co-chordail (with ri), it's - with what he said tha e co-chordail
sharachadh ris na thubhairt e
conscientious adj dlcheallach consolation n furtachd f invar, cofhurtachd f invar, - for his anguish
conscientiousness n dlcheallm, dicheallachd f invar furtachd air a dhorainn f
conscious adj 1 (not IInconsciolls, in possession of one's faCIlities) fiosrach; console v (after pain, worry &c) furtaich vi (with prep air), cofhurtaich vt, we
2 (aware, cognisant) fiosrach, mothachail, (of air), - of the danger will - you furtaichjdh sinn oirbh
fiosrach/mothachail air a' chlmnart m, in expr be - of (ie perceive) consolidate v (structllre, bllilding, silllalion &c) co-dhaingnich vt
mothaich vt (with prep do), we were - of the movement of the boat consonantn (Iang) co-fhoghar m, consan m, connragf
mhothaich sinn do ghluasad m a' bhiIta conspicuous adj faicsinneach, follaiseach, suaicheanta
consciousness n 1 (possession ofone's faculties) fiosrachdf invar; 2 (awareness) conspicuousness n faicsinneachd f invar
mothachadh m (of air) conspiracy n (plot &c) co-fheall f, cuilbheart f
consecrate v coisrig vt (to do or gu) conspire v dean co-fheall f, innlich cuilbheart f, (against an aghaidh with gen)
consecrated adj & past part coisrigte (to do or gu), - (communion) wafer constable n, (crofting, police) constabalm
abhlan coisrigte constancy n 1 (dllrabilily &c) maireannachd f invnr, seasmhachd f invar;
consecration n coisrigeadh m (to do or gu) 2 (loyalty) dUseachd f invar, seasmhachd f invar
consecutive adj an ceann m a cheile, an sreath mf a cheile, co-leanailteach constant adj 1 (lasling) buan, maireannach, seasmhach; 2 (IInchanging) neo-
consensus m co-aontachd f atharrachail; 3 (loyal) dlleas, seasmhach, a - friend caraid m dlleas;
consent n aonta(dh) m, cead ,n, get your parents' - faigh aonta/cead do 4 (ceaseless) gun sgur adv, - bickering connsachadh m gun sgur
phiIrantan mpl gen constantly adv gun sgur, daonnan, they're - on at me tha iad an sas annam
consent v aontaich vti, co-aontaich vti, (to ri) gun sgur
consequence n (of action &c) toradh m, buaidh f, buil f, the -(s) of your constellation n reul-bhad m
behaviour toradh do dhol-a-mach m invar, as a - of that mar thoradh constituency n (pal) roinn f taghaidh m gen, roinn-pharlamaid f
air sin constituent n 1 (a part) pairt mf, earrann f; 2 (pal) neach-taghaidh (plluchd-
conservancy n gleidhteachas m, nature - gleidhteachas nadair m gen taghaidh m sing call)
conservation n gleidhteachas m constitution n 1 (phys, of person) deanamh m; 2 (of connlry, organisation &c)
conservationist n neach-gleidhteachais (plluchd-gleidhteachais m sing call) bun-reachd m invar, bonn-steidh f
conservative adj gleidhteach constitutional adj 1 (to do with a cOllnlry's &c constitlltion) bun-reachdail,
Conservative adj (pal) Toraidheach - law lagh bun-reachdail; 2 (in accordance wilh the constillllion) co-
Conservative n (pal) Toraidh m chordail ris a' bhun-reachd f invar, the act was not - bha/chaidh an
conserve v gleidh vt, they're being -d in a museum tha iad gan gleidheadh achd f an aghaidh a' bhun-reachd
ann an taigh-tasgaidh m constrict v teannaich vi, faisg vt, tachd vi
conserved adj & past part gleidhte constriction n teannachadh m
consider v 1 (think, be of the opinion) saoil vi, creid vi, I - him to be an construct v 1 cum vi, dealbh vi, dean vt; 2 (bllilding &c) tog vi
idiot saoilidh mi gur e bumailear m a th' ann (dheth); 2 (think over) consul n cansa1 m
beachdaich vi, gabh beachd m, smaoin(t)ich vi, (more fam) cnuasaich consular adj consalach
vi, (all with prep air), will you - it? an smaoin(t)ich thu air?, am consult v sir beachd m (wilh gen), gabh comhairle f (with prep o/bho), he
beachdaich thu air?, -ing the events of the day a' smaoin(t)eachadh -ed the committee shir e beachd na comataidh
air tachartasan mpl an latha; 3 (observe, contemplate) beachdaich vt (with consultation n co-chomhairle f, sireadh m beachd m (wilh prep o/bho)
prep air), - the stars beachdaich air na reultan Jpl gabhal m comhairle f (with gen)

78 79
consume ENGLISH-GAELIC Dlcrlo ARY continent continental E GLlSH-GAELlC DlcrIONARY controversial

consume v caith vt continental adj 1 mor-roinneach, mor-thireach; 2 (ElIropean, from the

consumer n (esp ofgoods) neach-eaitheimh (plluchd-eaitheimh m sing coil), perspective of the British isles) Eorpach, na ROinn-Eorpa, - cheeses
caitheadair m, (esp of services, amenities &c) neach-cleachdaidh m (pI caisean mfpl na Roinn-Eorpa
luchd-deachdaidh m sing coil) contingency 11 tuiteamas m, - plan plana m luiteamais gen
consumption 11 1 (bllsilless, fin &c) caitheanth f; 2 (the illlless: used with the contingent adj tuiteamach
art) a' chaitheanth f contingent 11 (troops &c) buidheann f, comhJan m, cuideachd f
contact 11 1 (phys) beantainn m, suathadh m, (with ri), - lens lionsa- continual see continuous
suathaidh f; 2 in erpr in (physical) - with an taice ri; 3 (social relations, continue v 1 lean vi, the bad weather -d lean an droch airnsir f; 2 (persevere,
corres &c) muinnteareachd f illvar, conaltradh m, we're still in - with with task &c) lean vi (with prep air), cUm vi a' dol, she -d, (even) though
them tha muinntireachd eadarainn fhathast she was tired lean i oirre/chUm i a' dol, ged a bha i sgith, -! lean ort!,
contacl v cuir fios m (with prep gu), - the bank cuir fios chun a' bhanca m cUm ort!
contain v 1 (llOve capacity for) gabh vt, it can - a gallon gabhaidh e galan m; continuity n leantalachd f invor, leanailteachd f illvar
2 (have illside) that cage -s a lion tha I""nthann m sa cheidse f sin continuous, continual adj leanailteach, leantainneach, gun sgur m, - rain
contaminate v (ellvirollment &c) truaill vt uisge m leanailteach, - stationery/assessment paipear m/measadh m
contamination n truailleadh 111 leantainneach, - complaining gearan m gun sgur
contemplate v 1 (mentally) meomhraich & meamhraich vi, (more fam) cnuas contraception contraceptive tl casg-gineamhainn 111 invar

& muasaich vi, (all with prep air); 2 (mentally &/or visually) beachdaich contraceptive adj casg-gineanthainneach
vt (with prep air), - the stars beachdaich air na reuJtan'!pl contractn (legal, official,fin &c) cunnradh m, cinnhnantm, - of employment
contemporary adj 1 (occurring at the same period) co-airnsireil; 2 (modem &c) cunnradh-obrach m
an la m (gen sing) an-diugh, - dothes/customs aodach m sing coll/ contract v (ie shrink &c) teannaich vti, lughdaich vti, faisg vt, rach vi
doighean'!pl an la an-diugh a-steach
contemporary 11 co-aois m, co-aoiseach m, A and B were contemporaries contradict v cuir vi an aghaidh (with gen), she -ed them chuir i nan aghaidh
bha A agus B nan co-aoisean/ nan co-aoiseachan contraption n innealm, innIeachd f
contempt n tair f, tarcais f, dimeas m, (of, towards air) contrast v cuir vt an aghaidh (with gen), dean eadar-dhealachadh m (with
contemptible adj taireil, suarach prep eadar), - A and B cuir A an aghaidh B, dean eadar-dhealachadh
contemptuous adj tarcaiseach, tailceasach eadar A agus B
contentn (of book, argllment &c) susbaint f, brigh f invor contribute v 1 (to chnrity &c) thoir vt seachad (airgead &c); 2 (assist in
content adj toileach, sona, (strollger) riaraichte, toilichte project &c) cuidich vi (to le), cuir vti (to ri)
content, contentment n toileachas m, toil-inntinn f, toileachas-inntinn m contribution n 1 (to charity &c) deirc f; 2 (reglllar payment(s) for specific
content v toilich vt, riaraich vt Pllrpose) tabhartas m, pensionlNational Insurance -s tabhartasan
contented adj toileach, sona peinnsein m/ tuachais m aiseanta; 3 (non-fin: - to project &c)
contention n connspaid f cuideachadh m (to le); 4 (- to magazine &c) cuid-sgriobhaidhf, larnh-
contentious adj connspaideach sgriobhainn mf
contentment n see content n above contrive v 1 (invellt, improvise: idea or object) innlich vt, (object) dealbh vt, -
contents n, 1 na tha/bha ann, na tha/bha am broinn (with gell), the - of an emergency plan innlich plana-eiginn m; 2 (manage, slIcceed) rach vi
the chest na tha/bha sa chistef, na tha/bha am broinnfna ciste; 2 (list impersollal (with prep aig) (to air), he -d to bring them together chaidh
of -, of book &c) dilr-innse m; 3 (abstr, illtellectllal -: matter, sllbstance of aige air an toirt comhJa
book &c) susbaint f invar, brigh f invor contrived adj & past part (attitlldes, emotions &c: insillcere) fal!sa, breugach
contestn 1 stri f invar, (esp in games &c) farpais f contrivance n 1 (abstr) innIeachdadh m; 2 (con: the object contrived) inneal
contestant n farpaiseach m m, innIeachd f
continentnl (general) roinn f, mor-roinn f, mor-thir f, the - of Europe (An) control v 1 (people, emotions &c: gain/regain control) ceannsaich vt, - a
Roinn-Eorpa; 2 (11511 from a more local point of view) rn-mor m, on the - disturbance ceannsaich airnhreit f; 2 (maintain control) cUm smachd m
(ie ElIrope from the perspective of the British Isles) air rn-mor (na h-)Eorpa (with prep air)
f illvar controversial adj connspaideach

80 81
controversy E GlISH-GAElIC DICTIONARY conviviality coo ENGLISH-GAELIC D.CTIO ARY corporate
controversy n connspaid f coo v (of doves, pigeons) dean dilldail f
conundrum n toimhseachan m cooing n dilldail f
convene v gamn vt, - a meeting gairm coinneamh f cook n cbcaire m, ifemale -) ban-chbcaire f
convenience n (abstr & con) goireas m, (publiC> -s goireasan cooker n cucair m, gas/electric - cucair-gas/dealain
convenient adj 1 gOireasach, (more fam) deiseil, that will be - for you bidh cookery, cooking n cbcaireachd f invar, in expr cooking pot prais f
sin deiseil dhuibh; 2 in expr - for faisg air - for the shops faisg air na cool adj (lil & fig) fionnar, fuaraidh, (esp fig) leth-fhuar, she answered -Iy
bUithtean mJpI f1ueagair i gu fionnar, a - welcome/reception failte fhionnar/leth-
convent Il clochar 111 fhuar, also failte gu math fuar
convention n 1 (gathering) co-chruinneachadh m; 2 (docnment, agreement) cool, cool down v fionnaraich Vii, fuaraich vii
ciunhnant m, Human Rights - CUmhnant air CoraicheanJpI a' Chinne co-operate v co-obraich & co-oibrich vi
Daonna; 3 (accepled praclice) gnath m, c1eachdadh m, literary - gnath co-operation n co-obrachadh m
litreachail co-operative adj, co-obrachail
convential adj gnathach co-operative n co-chomann m, crofters' - co-chomann chroitearan mpl gen
converge 11 co-aom vi co-ordinate v co-ordanaich vt
convergence n co-aomadh 111 copious adj lionmhor, pailt
conversant adj eolach (with air), - with computers eolach air copper n copar m
coimpiutairean mpl coppersmith n ceard-eopair m
conversation n (in more formal contexl) agallamh m, (more everyday) copulate v co-ghin vi, cuplaich vi, (of male) - with rach air muin f invar
comhradh m, ifam) craic f, we had a wee - rinn sinn cOmhradh beag, (wilh gen), the bull -d with the cow chaidh an tarbh air muin na ba
bha beagan comhraidh againn copulation n co-ghineadh m, cuplachadh m
converse v dean comhradh, bruidhinn vi (with ri) copy n 1 (exacl reproduction) mac-samhail m, lethbhreac m; 2 (one ofa number
conversion n 1 (esp relig) iompachadh m; 2 (of dwelling &c) leasachadh m, of idenlical books, newspapers &c) lethbhreac m, he Signed copies of his
atharrachadh m novel chuir e ainm m ri lethbhreacan den nobhail f aige
convert n (rdig) iompachan m, (Presbylerianism: usu derog, implying a degree coqueHe n guanagf
of devoulness Ihe speaker considers excessive) neach m fo chillam m coquettish adj guanach, in expr - girl guanagf
convert v 1 (relig) iompaich vt, she was -ed chaidh a h-iompachadh, coracle n curach f
(Presbylerianism: usu derog, implying a degree of devoutness Ihe speaker cord n cord m
considers excessive) ghabh i an cillarn m; 2 (dwelling &c) leasaich VI, core n eitean m, buillsgean m, an apple - eitean ubhail m gen, the earth's -
atharraich vi eitean na talmhainn
converted adj & past part 1 (relig) iompaichte, (Presbylerianism: USII derog, core adj in expr (ed) a - subject priomh chuspair m, bun-chuspair m
implying a degree of devoutness the speaker considers excessive) fo churarn cork n arc m, (esp for bolt/e) corcais f, draw/pull a cork tarraing coreais
m; 2 (dwelling &c) leasaichte corn I n (agric) arbhar m
convey v 1 (transporl) giulain vt, (less usu) iomchair vt; 2 (legal) thoir thairis corn' n (on foot) corn m
coraichean Jpl (taighe &c); 3 (make understood) cuir vt an ceill (dal of ciall corner n 1 (esp internal) cUil f, comair m, he was siHing in the - bha e na
f) (to do), how will I - to you the extent of my grief? ciamar a chuireas shuidhe sa chUll/sa chomair; 2 (exlemal & internal) oisean m & oisinn
mi an ceill dhut meud m mo bhroin m? f, at the - of the house aig oisean an taighe; 3 (usu eXlemal) uileann &
conveyance n 1 (transporl) carbad m, sebl-iomchair m; 2 (legal: (the process) uilinn f; 4 (Jig: predicament &c) in expr a tight - cUll-churnhangf
toirt f invar thairis choraichean Jpl gen (laighe &c), (the documenls) coir Cornish adj Comach
f sgriobhte (taighe &c) Cornishman n Comach m
conveyancing n toirt f invar thairis choraichean Jpl gen (taighe m &c) corn-yard n iodhlann f
conviction n (legal) cliteadh m coronation n crtmadh m
convivial adj 1 (person) cuideachdail, ceilidheach; 2 (gathering &c) liln corporal adj corporra, - punishment peanas corporra
cridhealais m corporal n corpailear m
conviviality n cridhealas m, corporate adj corporra, a - body buidheann chorporra

82 83
corpse 11 corp (marbh) m, (less 1/51/) marbhan m councillor 11 (local al/thority &c) comhairliche m
corpulent adj sultmhor counsel 11 1 (advice) comhairle f, take/get - gabh comhairle (from o/bho);
correct adj 1 ceart, the answers are - tha na freagairtean JPI ceart; 2 (calcl/- 2 (legal represelltative, advocate &c) neach-tagraiclh (plluchd-tagraidh m
latiolls &c) cruinn; 3 (idiom) if I remember -ly mas math mo chuimhne f sillg coli)
correct v ceartaich vt, cuir vt ceart counsellor 11 neach-comhairle (plluchd-comhairle m sillg coli)
correction Il ceartachadh m count v 1 cunnt vti, cunntais vti, -ing sheep a' cunntaclh/a' cunntas
correspond v 1 bi vi irreg co-fhreagarrach (to do), X -s to Y tha X co- chaorach JPI gen; 2 (matter) cunnt vi, he (emph) doesn't - chan eil esan
fhreagarrach do Y; 2 (by letter &c) co-fhreagair vi, sgriobh vi gu cheile a' cunntadh
correspondence 11 1 (abstr) co-fhreagairt f; 2 (letters &c) co-fhreagairt f, co- counter n (shop &c) cuntair m
sgriobhaclh m counter v rach vi an aghaidh (with gell)
correspondent 11 1 (by letter &c) co-sgriobhadair m, co-sgriobhaiche; country 11 1 duthaich f, ltr mf, (esp as political elltity) rioghachd f, foreign
2 (jol/rnalism) neach-naiclheachd (pI luchd-naiclheachd m sillg coli), countries du!hchannan/fuean cein; 2 (territory of a given grol/P &c)
naiclheachdair m du!haich f, the Mackay - DU!haich MhicAoiclh; 3 (rural area) du!haich
corresponding adj co-fhreagarrach (to ri) f, we lived/were living in the - bha sinn a' fuireach air an du!haich
corridor 11 trannsa f county 11 siorrachd f, siorramachd f illvar
corrie 11 coire m couple 11 1 (mall & wife) caraid f, childless - caraid gun chJann f sillg coli,
corroborate v co-clhearbh vt married - caraid phosta; 2 (pair, hvosome) dithis f (USI/ I/sed of people
corrosion 11 1 (abstr) meirgeaclh m; 2 (con) meirgf ollly), they came in -s thilinig iad nan dithisean; 3 !Jam: a few, olle or
corrugate v preas two) the appropriate 11 sillgfollowed by no dha, in a - of days an ceann la
corrugated adj preasach m no dhil, give me a - of apples thoir clhomh ubhalm no clha
corrupt adj 1 (esp jillallcially, politically &c) coirbte, - businessman! couple v 1 (collllect carriages &c) co-cheangail vt; 2 (sexually) cuplaich vi
politician fear-gnothaich/fear-poileataics coirbte; 2 (esp morally, coupling 11 1 (carriages &c) co-eheangal m; 2 (sexl/ally) cuplachadh m, (of
sexually) truaillte, (esp sexually) draosla, drabasda cattle) dair f
corrupt v coirb vt, (esp morally, sexually) truaill vt coupon 11 cupon nE
corrupted adj & past part coirbte, (esp morally, sexl/ally) truaillte courage 11 1 (phys) gaisge f illvar, gaisgeachd f illvar, (sometimes rash -)
corruption n 1 (abstr) coirbteachd f invar, (esp moral, sexl/al) truailliclheachd danadas m, braisead f; 2 (esp illller & moral -) misneach f, rnisneachd f
f invar; 2 (actioll of corruptillg) coirbeaclh m, (esp morally, sexl/ally) invnr, smior III
truailleaclh m courageous adj 1 (phys) gaisgeil, (sometimes rashly) dana, bras; 2 (esp
cosmonaut n m, speurair III morally) rnisneachail
cost n cosgais f, cosg m illvar, the - of living cosgais bith-beO m, travel -s courier 11 teachdaire 111
cosgaisean siubhailm gen course 11 1 (academic &c) cUrsa m, Gaelic -s cUrsaichean Gaidhlig,
cost v cosg vt, how much does it -? de a chosgas e/i?, de a !ha e/i a' cosg?, immersion - cUrsa-bogaidh m; 2 (seafaring &c) cursa m, gabhail mf,
also (more fam) de na !ha e/i? (less I/SII) seolm, keeping her on - ga cumail air chursa, (fig, fam) you
costly adj cosgail, daor knocked me off - chuir thu as mo ghabhaiJ rni; 3 in expr (of time) in
costume 11 (stage, party &c) culaiclh f, fancy dress - cuJaiclh-choirnheach due - ri tide; 4 ill expr golf - raon m goilf m gell
cosy adj seasgair, cofhurtail court 11 (royal &c) cUirt f, law - ruirt-Iagha
co"on 11 cotan Ill, (more trad) canach mf court v 1 (amorol/sly) dean suirghe f illvar (with prep ri), he -ed a girl rinn
couch n langasaid f e suirghe ri nighean; 2 (throl/gh ambitioll &c) dean rniodalm (with prep
cough n casadaich f illvar, casad m do), dean sodal m (with prep ri), he -ed the important people rinn e
cough v dean casad m, casadaich vi rniodal do/rinn e sodal ris na daoine (pi of duine m) mora
coughing 11 casadaich f illvar courtesan 11 siursach f, striopach f
council 11 comhairle f, The Sco"ish Arts Council Comhairle Ealain na courteous adj culrteil, siobhalta, moclhail, suairc(e)
h-A1ba, regional - comhairle-roinneil, - house taigh-eomhairle, - tax courtesy 11 moclhalachd f illvar, siobhaltachd f illvar, moclh f
cls chomhairle courting 11 suirghe f illvar, leannanachd f illvar

84 85

courtly adj cuirteil crash 11 1 (impacl) bualadh Ill; 2 (Iloise) staim f; 3 (accidelll) tubaist f rathaid
courtship 11 suirghe f illvar, leannanachd f illvar m gell; 4 ill expr - helmet cloga(i)d-diona f
cousin 11 co-ogha mf crawl v snaig vi, crub vi
cove 11 geOdha mJ, camas m, bagh m, ob m creak, creaking 11 diosgan m, diosgail f illvar
covenant 11 (legal, official, fill &c) cumhnant m, cunnradh m creak v dean diosgan III
Covenanter 11 (hisl) Cumhnantach III cream 11 1 (of milk) uachdar m, barr (a' bhainne) m; 2 (cosmelic -) ce m, hand
cover 11 comhdach m, (of book) hard/soft - comhdach cruaidh/bog - ce la irnhe f gell
cover v comhdaich vi creamy adj uachdarach
covered adj & pasl part 1 comhdaichte; 2 - in (esp Iwtllral phellomella) fo crease 11 preasagJ, filleadh III
prep (Iellites the followillg COilS where possible & lakes the dat), mountains crease v preas vt, fill vt
- in mist/cloud/snow beanntan (pI of beinn f) fo cheo m/fo sgothf/fo create v cruthaich VI, innlich vi
shneachd III creation Il 1 (artistic &c) cruthachadh Ill; 2 (of pia 115, devices &c) innIeachadh
covering Il cOmhdach m, floor - comhdach urlair III Ill; 3 (refig) cruitheachd J, IIsed wilh arl, Creation A' Chruitheachd; 4 ill
coverlet 11 cuibhrigf expr (relig) the King/Lord of - Righ III nan DUI (gell pi of dui! f)
covert adj falaichte, diomhair creative adj 1 (ill arls &c) cruthachail, - writing sgriobhadh cruthachail;
covertly adv os iosal 2 (illllovative, illvelltive) innleachdach, tionnsgalach
covet v sanntaich vI, miannaich vt, (less 11511) togalr vi creativity 11 (i'l/lovatioll, illvellliveness) tionnsgal m, tionnsgalachd f invar,
covetous adj sanntach innIeachd J,
covetousness n sannt m creator n 1 (esp refig) cruithear m, the - An Cruithear; 2 (arts &c) ughdar m;
cow Il bo J, for pi crodh (m sillg call) COIl also be llsed, dairy -s crodh-bainne 3 (- of more tedmical things) tionnsgalair III
cow v cuir vi fo eagalm creature 11 creutair m, (also fam, of Ill/mans) the poor -! an creulair bochd!
cowed adj & past pari fo eagallll credibility 11 creideas m
coward n gealtaire m, cladhaire m credible adj so-chreidsinn
cowardice n gealtachd f illvar, cladhaireachd f invar credit 11 1 (fill) dail J, buy/sell on - ceannaich/reic vti air dail; 2 ill expr -
cowardly adj gealtach, cladhaireach card cairt-iasaid J; 3 (idiolll) he took the - for what I did! chuir e na
coy adj malda rinn mise as a leth thein!
crab n partan m, (larger) crubagf creed 11 (refig &c) creud J, creideamh m
crabbit adj greannach, crost(a), diombach creel 11 cliabh m, lobster - cliabh ghiomach IIIpl gell
crack Il 1 (liaise) brag m, pleasg m; 2 (split &c) sgoltadh m; 3 ifam: creep v ealaidh, snaig, - off home ealaidh dhachaigh adv
cOllversalioll) craic f crescent" carran m
crack v 1 (liaise) dean pleasg m, dean brag Ill; 2 (split &c) sgain vii, sgoilt crest 11 1 (of cock; also dall &c emblem) drean m, (of olher birds) topan m; 2 (of
& sgolt vti hill) mala f (mwc &c)
cracking Il (spfittillg &c) sgolladh m crestfallen adj gun mhisneachd f illvar
cradle n creathail f crevice" cos tIl, sgoltadh tu
craft 11 ceaird f crime tJ eucoir J. commit a - dean eucoir
craftsman Il fear-eeairde & fear-eiUird (plluchd-eeilirde/ciUird m sing coli) criminal adj eucorach, - law lagh m na h-eucorach (gen of eucoir f)
crafty adj carach, seolta, fiar criminal n eucorach m
crag Il creagJ, carraigf crimson adj cro-dhearg
craggy adj creagach cringe v crub vi, striochd vi
cramp Il (lIsed with art) an t-orc, I've got - tha an t-orc orm cripple 11 crioplach & cripleach III
crane Il 1 ifor liftillg) crann m; 2 (bird) corra-mhonaidh f crisis 11 eiginn f, cruaidh-chas m, gabhadh m
crannog Il crannagf criterion 11 slat-thomhais f
crap 1 ifam, vlIlg: excremellt) Il cac m; 2 (fig: llseless &c) ill expr it's a load of- critic 11 1 (one who fillds falllt) cronadair m; 2 (arls &c) neach-sgrudaidh (pI
's e torr m caca a th' ann luchd-sgrudaidh m sillg call), sgrudair Ill, breithniche III

86 87
critical E GUSH-GAELIC DICTJO ARY crouched crow E GLlSH-GAELlC D,CTIONARY cubic

c.ritical adj 1 (filldillg fal/It) caineach; 2 (crl/cia/) dealamach, riatanach crow' 11 leannagf, carrion - leannag dhubh, hooded - leannag ghlas
criticise vI (- adversely) cain vti, laigh cron III (with prep do); 2 (review arts crow' 11 (of cock) gairrn f
&c) sgrud vt, breithnich vt crow v (cock &c) gairrn vi
criticism 11 1 (adverse) caineadh Ill, cronachadh Ill; 2 (review of arts &c) crowd 11 1 grunn Ill, (bigger) sluagh (mbr) Ill, (derog) graisg f, prabar Ill,
sgritdadh Ill, breithneachadh Ill, ill expr piece 01 - leirmheas III there was a good - there bha grunn math (dhaoine) ann; 2 ([alii: "gang"
critique 11 sgritdadh Ill, breithneachadh Ill, (esp of arts) leirmheas III &c) treud Ill, lan and Alan and all that - lain is Ailean agus an treud
croak 11 rbeail f, grag III sin uile
croak v dean gragail f crowd v 1 (as vt) they -ed the hall lion iad an talla; 2 (as vi) they -ed into
croaking 11 rbeail f, gragail f illvar the hall chaidh/ thainig iad a-steach dhan talla nan ceudan IIIpl
croft 11 erait & cruit f, (ill the Gaelic of sollle districts) lot f crowded adj (places, bllildings, gatherillgs &c) dbmhaiJ & ditmhail, loma-lan
crofter n croitear & c:ruitear Ill, The Crofters Commission Coim.isean m crowdie n gruth m, 51aman nE
nan Croitearan, a -5' co-operative co-chomann m chroitearan mpl gen crown 11 1 (for royalty &c) crUn Ill; 2 (- of head) mullach 11/ (a' chinn)
crolting 11 croitearachd f illvar crown v crim vt
cromag 11 cromagf crowning" crtmadh 111
crony 11 seana-charaid m crucial adj deatamach
crook 11 1 (person) eucorach Ill; 2 (bend in object, river &c) litb Ill, caime f; crucifix 11 crann-ceusaidh 111, crois f
3 (shepherd's -) cromagf crucifixion 11 ceusadh m
crooked adj crom, fiar, a - stick bata crom crucify v ceus vt
crop' 11 (agric - & -si barr Ill, pbr III crude adj (in IInprocessed state) amh, - oil ola f amh
crop' 11 (of bird) sgrbban 11/ cruel adj cruaidh, an-iochdrnhor
cross adj crost(a) & crosda, (strollger) leargach cruelty 11 an-iochd f illvar
cross 11 1 crois f, (make) the sign 01 the - (dean) comharradh III na croise; crillsie 11 (trod) critisgean III
2 ([or crllcifixioll) crann-ceusaidh Ill; 3 (heraldry &c) St Andrew's Cross crumb 11 (of bread &c) criomagf, spritilleagf, -5 spritilleach III sillg coil
AnCrann crumble v 1 (as vt) criomagaich, she -d the bread chriomagaich i an t-aran;
cross v 1 rach vi tarsainn (with gel/), they -ed (over) chaidh iad tarsainn, 2 (as VI) rach vi na (&c) c(h)riomagan ./pI, the bread -d in the bag
they -ed (over) the bridge/the mountains chaidh iad tarsainn na chaidh an t-aran na chriomagan sa phoca 111
drochaid f/nam beanntan '/pI; 2 (thwart &c) rach vi an aghaidh (with crunch, crunching n cnagadh 111
gen), don't - me! na rach nam aghaidh!; 3 (relig) in expr - oneself dean crunch v cnag vi, the shingle was -ing beneath his feet bha am mol a'
comharradh TU na craise cnagadh 10 chasan'/pl
crossbar 1J crann-tarsainn 111
crusade n cogadh-eroise 111
cross-border adj lar-ehriochail
crush v preas vt, pronn vt
cross-examine v cruaidh-cheasnaich vt, mion-cheasnaich vt
crust n plaosg 111, ritsg Ill, the Earth's - ritsg na Talmhainn
cross-fertilise v lar-thoraich vt
crutch /1 1 (of body, trousers) gobhal & gabhal Ill; 2 (walking aid) crasg f,
crossing n (of water) aiseag IIIf
cross-reference" tar-iomradh 111
crux n, in expr the - of the matter cnagf na citise
crosspiece n rongf, rongas III
cry /11 (call, shout) gairmj; eighf, glaodh 111; 2 (- of po ill, anguish &c) gaoirf
cross-roads n crois f rathaid III gell
cry v 1 (call, shout) gairm vi, eigh & eibh vi, glaodh vi; 2 (weep) guiI vi, gail
crossword n toimhseachan-tarsainn m
crotchet 11 (111115) dubh-nota III vi, caoin vi, (vigorously) ran vi
crouch 1J crilban 11J, crubagan III crying n 1 (callillg, shoutillg) gairrn f, eigheachd f illvar; 2 (weeping) gull11,
crouch v dean cruban Ill, dean crubagan Ill, rach vi na (&c) c(h)ruban/ caoineadh m, (11511 vigorous) ranail m invar, ranaich 111 invar
c(h)rubagan, crub vi, they -ed down rinn iad cruban, chaidh iad nan crystal 11 criostal 111
cruban/nan critbagan, chritb iad cub n cuilean III
crouched, crouching adj & adv na (&c) c(h)ruban Ill, na (&c) c(h)rubagan Ill, cube" dub m
he was -ed down/crouching bha e na chritban/na chrubagan cubic adj ciitbach

88 89
cuckold n ceile m meallta current n 1 (water) sruth m, agajnst the - ris an t-sruth, with the - leis an
cuckold v, she -ed her husband mheall i a ceile III (le fear m eile) t- ruth; 2 (elec) sruth(-dealajn) m
cuckoo n cuthagl curriculum n clar-oideachajs m
cucumber n eu1aran m curriculum vitae n cunntas-beatha m
cud n Or I, chewing the - a' cnamh na dre curse nl (nralediction) maUachd & mollachd f 2 (swear) mionn mI. mionnan
cudgel n cuaille m m
Culdee n (relig Irist) ceile-De m curse v 1 (as vt: - someone) mallaich; 2 (as vi: swear) mionnajch
cull v tanakh vt cursed adj maUajchte & mollaichte
cull, culling n tanachadh m cursing n 1 (/IIalediction) mallachadh //I; 2 (swearing) mionnachadh Ill,
culpability n coireachd I invar speuradh m
culpable adj coireach, ciontach cursor n (IT &c) cUrsair //I
cultivate v (land) ajtich vt, obraich vt cursory adj aithghearr, cabhagach, a - look at the accounts sUi! I aithghearr
cultivated adj 1 (land) ajtichte; 2 (person) culturail ill na cunntasan mpl
cultural adj cuJturach curtail v 1 (slrorten, make slrarter) giorrajch vt; 2 (Cllt slrort) cuir stad m (witlr
culture n cultar m, Gaelic - cultar na Gajdhlig(e) prep ill), the meeting was -ed chajdh stad a chur ail a' choinneirnh I
cunUn n lus-MlUcClrimein III (ron am m/ron mhithich I invar)
cumulative adj tionalach curtailed adj & past part giorraichte
cunrung adj carach, sealta, fiar, innleachdach curtajIment n giorrachadh III
cunnmg n seOltachd I illlNlr, innleachd I curtain n cUirtean m, cUirtear m
cup n 1 cupa m, cup m, (dilllin) cupan m, copan m, a - of tea cupa teatha; curvature n cailne f, lubadh m
2 (as troplry &c) cuach I. the World - Cuach na Cruinne curve n 1 c.;me I. !ub f 2 (in a river) camas m
cupboard n preas(a) Ill, clothes - preas-aodajch m curve v crom vti, lub vti
curb n bacadh m curved adj earn, lubte, crom, a - stick bata crom
curb v bac vt, cull bacadh m (witlr prep air) cushion tJ pillean TIl, cuisean m
curd(s) n gruth //I, slaman //I custard n ughagan m
cure n leigheas m, iocshlaint I. (for air), a - for asthma leigheas air a' custody 11 1 (care, responsibility) cUram //I, she had - of the child, the child
chuing was in her - bha am piliste ill a cUram-sa; 2 (/11l1seum &c) have - of
cure v 1 (- tire malady & lire patient) leighis vt, slanaich vi, (- lire patient) cull (an object) gleidh vt; 3 (prison &c) in expr in - an greirn m, an lairnh (dat
vt am feabhas m; 2 (bacon,fislr &c) ciUraig vt o/lamhf), remand in - cuir vt an greirn/an laimh
curious adj 1 (strange) neOnach; 2 (desiring knowledge, i'ifomration) custom n 1 (esp 01 an individual) abhaist m, cleachdadh m, it was a - of mine
ceasnachail, fajghneach, faighneachail to take a glass of brandy b' abhajst dhomh/bu chleachdadh dhomh
curl n bachlagI. camagI. dual m glainneIbranndajdh I a ghabhail; 2 (more general) cleachdadh m, doigh
curl v (Irair) bachlajch vt, dualajch vt Ill, the -s of the country doighean/cleachdaidhean na duthcha; 3 (esp
curled, curly adj (ollrair) bachlach, camagach, dualach trad -s) gnath Ill, gnaths Ill, nos m
curlew n guilbneach m customary adj abhajsteach, gnathach, (looser) cumanta
curling n (sport) crolajdh m invar, (less trad) curladh //I customer n 1 (esp for goods) neach-eeannach(d) (pI luchd-eeannach(d) m
currency n 1 (con) illgead m, weaklstrong - airgead lag/laidir; 2 (more sing call); 2 (esp for prolessional services) neach-de.ilige (plluchd-deilige
abstr: - rates) rujth-illgid I. - fund ciste I rujth-ailgid, speculate on m sing call)
currencies dean tuairmeas //I air rujth-airgid customs n cusbainn I invar, - officer oifigear m na cusbajnn, - duty cls-
current adj 1 (in effect or existence at present) laithreach, an latha (gen) chusbainnl
an-iliugh, - legislation reachdas m lajthreach, the - situation cut n 1 gearradh m; 2 (jig: fin &c -s) gearraidhean mpl, he lost his job on
suldheachadh an latha an-iliugh, also an suldheachadh a th' ann a-nis; account of the -s cham e obail I air sgath nan gearraidhean
2 in expr (banking) - account cunntas //I laithreil, cunntas rujth (gen 01 cut v 1 gearr vt, - down gearr s10s; 2 - up (esp finely) mion-ghearr vt;
rujth I. used adjectivally) 3 (crops) buajn vt, - the corn buain an t-arbhar; 4 (mise exprs) I - out

90 91
smoking leig mi seachad smocadh m, - out the middleman dUin
a-mach am fear meadhanach, [ - him dead chuir mi mo chill ris, D
chaidh mi seachad air mar nach robh e ann
cutting adj 1 (of remarks &c) geur, guineach; 2 (made for -) gearraidh (gm of dab v suath vt
gearradh m, llsed adjectivally), a - edge faobhar m gearraidh dabble v, he -s in/with carpentry tha lamh f aige ann an saorsainneachd
CV n cimn tas-beatha m f illvar
cycle 11 1 (pedal -) baidhsagal m, (more trod) rothar m; 2 (economics, science Daddy 11 ifam) dadaidh m
&c) cuairtf daddy-longlegs 11 breabadair m
cyclic, cyclical adj cuairteach daffodil 11 lus-a'-chrom-chinn m
cycling n baidhsagalachd f illvar, (more trad) rothaireachd f illvar daft adj gorach, amaideach, don't be -! na bi gorach!
cyclist 11 baidhsagalair m dagger 11 biodag f
cymbaln tiompan m daily adj laitheil
daily adv gach la m, a h-uile la, we see him - bidh sinn ga fhaicinn gach
la/a h-uile la
dainty adj mm
dairy 11 taigh-bainne m, ill expr - cowslcattle crodh-bainne m
daisy ,J neainean m
dale 11 gleann m, (smaller) gleannan m
dam 11 dam & dam m
damage v mill vt, dochainn vt
damage n milleadh m, eron ni, damaiste ", invaT
damaged adj millte
damn 11, (idioms) [ don't give a - for X ifam) cha toir mi ho-ro-gheallaidh
m ;nvar air X, chan eH diu 111 ;nvar a' choin agam mu X
damn v 1 (lit) dit vt; 2 (ill excls) - it! mac an donais!, - them! taigh m na
galla dhaibh!
damnation fl diteadh m
damned adj 1 mallaichte; 2 (as excl, swear) the - hammer! ord m na croiche!,
- car! car f na galla!
damp adj tais
damp 11 taiseachd f illvar
dampen v taisich vt
d.mpness 11 taise f illvar, taiseachd f illvar, dampachd f illvar
damp-proof adj taise-dhionte, taise-dhionach
dance IJ dannsa m, in expr - floor ilrlar 111
dance v danns vti
dancer" dannsair III
dancing 11 dannsadh m
dandelion 11 beaman-Bride m
dandruff 11 carr & cair f
danger n cunnart m, (1/51/ stronger) gabhadh m, in - ann an cunnart, ann an
gabhadh, mortal - cunnart-bais m
dangerous adj cunnartach, (I/Sl/ stronger) gabhaidh, (esp of sitl/atioll)
cruadalach, ill expr a - situation cruaidh-ehas m

92 93

dangle v 1 (as VI) bi vi img air bhodagan m, bi a' bogadan, it -d/was dawn 11 1 camhana(i)ch[an latha Ill, bris(t)eadh III an latha; 2 (idiolll) from
dangling at the end of a rope bha e air bhodagan/a' bogadan aig - to dusk 0 mhoch gu dubh
ceann m ropa m; 2 (as vt) cuir air bhodagan, I -d it above him chuir day n 1 la & latha 11, the -s of the week laithean na seachdainn, what
mi air bhodagan e os a chionn - is it? de an la a th' ann?, by night and by - a dh'oidhche [ 's a la,
dank adj tais agus fuar the other - an la roimhe, one of these -s latha no latheigin, a - off
dare v 1 diu-aig vi, we didn't - (to) leave the house cha do dhuraig sinn la dheth, - unit ionad-Iatha Ill, in expr the next/following - lairne-
an taigh m fhagail; 2 (cJwllenge, defy to do something) thoir du(bh)lan m mhaireach & lama-mhaireach III invar; 2 (Iifetillle) la & latha Ill, re [
(with prep do & infin o[verb), I -d him to steal the apple thug mi dUlan inoor,!inn 111[, at the end of my -s aig deireadh III/crioch[mo la, in
dha an t-ubhal a ghoid; 3 (idiolll) don't (you) - move! na gabh (thusa) my grandfather's - an re mo sheanar m, ri !inn mo sheanar
ort gluasad III daybreak 11 bris(t)eadh III an latha
daring adj dana, (esp rasMy -) bras daylight 11 solas m an latha
daring n danadas Ill, (esp rash -) braisead[ dead adj 1 marbh, the king is - tha an flgh marbh, in exprs - body corp m,
dark adj 1 dorch(a), ciar, (esp - & gloomy) doilleir, - cloud neul dorcha, the corp marbh m, (less usu) marbhan m, - and buried san uaigh[; 2 (exact)
Dark Ages a Linntean [pI Dorcha, in erpr the evening grew - chiar vi in expr in the - centre of the field ann an teis-meadhan III/ann an
am feasgar; 2 (qualifying a colour) dubh-, - blue dubh-ghorm, - brown ceart-mheadhan III an achaidh; 3 (campletely) in expr - against calg-
dubh-dhonn; 3 (o[ person's complexion) ciar dhireach an aghaidh (with gell)
darken v 1 ciar vi, doilleirich vti; 2 (drawing &c: shade, lIIake darker) deadline tJ ceann-ama m
duibhrich vt deadly adj marbhtach, basmhor
dark-haired adj dubh, dorcha, a - woman boireannach dubh deaf adj 1 bodhar; 2 (idiolll) he's as - as a post cha chJuinn e bid m
darkness 11 1 dorchadas Ill, duibhref 2 in expr shroud/cover in - duibhrich deafen v bodhair vt
vt, sgilil vt deafness n buidhre [
darling adj gaolach, my - girl mo chaileag ghaolach deal n 1 (business -) cunnradh m; 2 (arrallgement, agreemellt) cUmhnant m; 3
darling n 11uaidh Ill; 2 (as affectionate vac expr) (my) -! a ghaoil!, a luaidh!, (degree, extent) in exprs a good -, a great - fada (with COlllp adJ), this one
my -! m' eudail!, m' ulaidh! is a great - betterlbigger/stronger tha am fear seo fada nas fhearr Inas
dam v cilirich vt motha/nas treine
dart n gath Ill, guin III deal v 1 (playillg cards) riaraich vti, roinn vti; 2 - with deilig vi (with prep ri),
dash n 1 ruith f (usu stronger) dian-ruith & deann-ruith f 2 (typog) sgriob I'll - with it tomorrow deiligidh mi ris a-maireach, - with customers
[ deilig ri luchd-eeannaich m sing call; 3 (buy & sell) deilig vi, - in shares
dash v 1 ~th vi; 2 in expr they -ed off/away - dh'fhalbh iad nan ruith [ deilig ann an searaichan mpl
data n data III moor, fiosrachadh Ill, (IT) - processing obrachadh-data dealer n (collllllerce &c) neach-deiligidh (plluchd-deiligidh m sing call)
Ill, gniomhachadh-data Ill, - security tearainteachd [ invar data, _ dear excl, - oh - dhuine! dhuine!, obh! obh!, - me! 0 mo chreach f.
protection mon III data dear adj 1 (expensive) daor, cosgail; 2 (persoll) ionmhainn, gaolach, caomh,
database n (IT) stor-data III her - friend a caraid m ionmhainn; 3 (affectiollate address) my - a
date! n1 (calendar) ceann-Ia & ceann-Iatha m; 2 in expr bring up to - iu-aich ghraidh, m' eudail; 4 (ill corres) - Sir A Charaid, - Sirs A Chairdean, -
vt Madam A Bhanacharaid, - Mr Fraser A Mhaighstir Fhriseil, - Morag
date 2 n (fruit) deit[ A Mhorag a bhanacharaid, - Donald A Dhomhnaill a charaid, (more
date v 1 (- document &c) cuir ceann-Ia m (with prep air), - a letter cuir personal or affectionate) A Dhomhnaill choir,
ceann-Ia air litir f 2 (become outdated) rach vi irreg as an fhasan m dearth 11 cion III illoor, gainne f dith III
dated adj sean(n)-fhasanta, as an fhasan m death 11 1 bas m, caochJadh Ill, (trad) eug m, - certificate urras m bais,
dative adj (gralll) tabhartach, the - case an tuiseaJ tabhartach - throes greirn-bais Ill; 2 ill expr I was scared to - bha eagal III mo
daub v smeur & smiiu- vt bheatha 11/ orm
daughter 11 nighean [ death-bed n leabaidh [bhais [ gen
daughter-in law n bana-chliamhainn f bean-mmc[ death-dealing adj marbhtach, basmhor
daunt v cuir vt fo eagallll, cuir eagal m (with prep air), geiltich vt debar v bac vt

94 95

debase v 1 (persoll: hl/miliate) isuch vt, maslaich vt, dean vi irreg dimeas m decimal 11 deicheamh m
illvar (witb prep air), cuir vt (ann) an suarachas m; 2 (persoll: corrupt) decipher v fuasgail vt
truaill vt; 3 (- currellCY) cli-Iuachaich vt decision T/ co-dhiJnadh m, come to/reach a - co-dhiJin vi, thig vi gu co-
debate 11 deasbad mf, connsachadh m, (about air, mu, mu dheidhinn) dhiJnadh
debate v deasbad vti, deasbair vi, connsaich vi, (about air, mu, mu decision-making 11 co-dhiJnadh m
dheidhinn) decisive adj 1 (persoT/s: - ill character, actiolls) duineil; 2 (leadillg to a decisioll)
debauch v claon vt, coirb vt, truaill vt co-dhiJnaidh (gell of co-dhiJnadh m), it was he who made the - speech
debauchery T/1 (sexual) mi-gheanmnachdf iT/var, striopachas m; 2 (driT/kiT/g) is esan a rinn an braid cho-dhiJnaidh; 3 (maill, crl/cial) prlomh, the -
pbitearachd f iT/var element in this situation a' phriomh ealamaid anns an t-suidheachadh
debilitate v lagaich vti, fannaich vti seo
debility 11 laigse f decisiveness 11 (ill character, actiolls) duinealas m
debris 11 sprUilleach m declare v 1 abair vti irreg, can vti def, cuir vt an ceill (dat of ciall fJ; 2 ill expr
debt T/1 fiach m, repay a - clioghail fiach; 2 (moral &c, 1I0t fill) comain f, I'm - war gairm cogadh m
greatly in your - tha mi fada nad chomain decline T/ lughdachadh m, crlonadh m
debtor T/ feichear m decline v 1 (deteriorate &c) lughdaich vi, crion vi, rach vi nas miosa; 2 (tUnt
decade 11 deichead m dowlI &c) cliult vt
decadence T/ claonadh m decompose v lobh vi, bris vi sios
decadent ndj air claonadh decomposition 11 lobhadh m, bris(t)eadh m sios
decapitate v di-eheannaich vt decorate v maisich vt, sgeadaich vt
decapitation 11 di-eheanna(cha)dh m decoration 11 maiseachadh m, sgeadachadh m
decay 11 lobhadh m, seargadh m decorative adj sgeadachail
decay v lobh vi, caith vi, cnon vi decorous adj 1 (well-be/raved) beusach, modhail; 2 (proper, acceptable)
deceit 11 meaUadh m, cealgf, foill f eubhaidh, iomchaidh
deceitful adj mealltach, cealgach, faUsa, foilleil decorum 11 stuaim f, deagh bheus f, modh mf
deceive v meall vt, cealg vt, dean foill f (with prep air) decrease 11 lllghdachadh m
deceived adj meaUta decrease v liJghdaich vti
deceiver 11 mealltair m, cealgair(e) m decree 11 brdugh m
December 11 DUbhlachd f illvar, I/sed with art, an DiJbhlachd, the first of - decree v brdaich vi
a' chiad la m den DiJbhlachd decrepit adj (people) brebite, anfuann
decency 11 beusachd f illvar decriminalise v cli-€ucoirich vt
decent adj 1 (persolls: moral, hOliest &c) cou, beusach; 2 (persolls: fair, decrirninalisation If di-eucoireachadh 111
reasollable) cothromach; 3 (actiolls, arrallgemellts &c: reasollable, dedicate v coisrig vt (to gu)
appropriate) cothromach, iomchaidh, a - salary tuarastal cothromachl dedication 11 coisrigeadh m (to gu)
iomchaidh deduce v dean vt irreg a-mach, obraich vt a-mach, dean vt irreg dheth
deception 11 mealladh m, cealgf, foill f deduct v (sl/btract) thoir vt air falbh (from bho & 0)
deceptive adj meaUtach deduction 11 1 (sl/btractioll) tOirtf illvor air falbh (from bho & 0); 2 (illtellectual
decide v 1 (make a decisioll) co-dhiJin vi, thig vi gu co-dhiJnadh m; 2 ill expr process) deanamh m a-mach, obrachadh m a-mach, deanamh dheth
- on/upon (ie choose, appoillt) sbnraich vt, - on a day for the meeting deed 11 1 (actioll) gniomh m, bad - droch ghnJomh; 2 ifeat) euchd m
sbnraich latha m airson na coinneimh; 3 iform a plall or illtelltioll) cuir deep adj 1 (lit: phys) domhainn; 2 (jig: of persollality, draracter) domhainn,
vt romham, romhad (&c) (with illfillitive of verb), I -d to close the shop diomhair
chuir mi romham a' bhiJth a dhiJnadh (also rinn mi suas m' inntinnf deep freeze 11 reothadair m
a' bhiJth a dhiJnadh) deep 11 dubh-aigeann m illvar, doimhne f illvar, I/sed with art, the - an
deciduous adj seargach dubh-aigean, an doimhne
decimal adj deicheach, - place ionad deicheach deepen v doimhnlch vti

96 97
deer 11 1 (gelleral term) fiadh m; 2 (partiCIIlar -) red - (stag) damh m, (hillO) definition 11 mlneachadh m
eilid f, roe - (buck) boc(-£arba) m, (Jemllle) earb f; 3 ill expr - forest frith f deflation 11 (ecollomics) seargadh m
deface v mill vt deforestation 11 di-ehoilJeachadh m
defamation tl tuai.leas 111, m1-chliu ", deform v cuir vt a cumadh m
defamatory adj tuaiJeasach deformity 11 1 (abstr) rni-chumadh m; 2 (specific: phys) meangf
defame v cUI-chain vt, mJ-chliuitich vt defraud v feallaich vt, dean foill f (with prep air)
defeat 11 call m, (esp military, illvolvillg rout) ruaigf defrost v d.1-reoth vti
defeat v 1 faigh buaidh f, (more fam) dean an gnothach m/a' chills, deft adj deas, ealamh .
buadhaich vi, (all with prep air), we -ed them fhuair sinn buaidh orra, defunct adj ] (of persolls) marbh, nach maireann; 2 (of systems, Ideas &c) a
rion sinn an gnothach orra; 2 (esp of thillgs 0111' fails to achieve) fairtlich chaidh a c1eachdadh m
vi, failich vi, (with prep air), I wanted to climb the mountain but it -ed defy v thoir du(bh)lan m (with prep do & i"/i"itive of verb), we defied t~em
me bha rni airson a' bheinn a dhJreadh ach dh'fhairtlich/dh'fhailich thug s.inn dwan dhaibh, he defied me to tell the truth thug e dwan
iorm dhomh an fhlrinn innse
defecate v cac vi degeneracy 11 (mora/) coirbteachd f illvar
defecation m cacadh 111 degenerate adj (morally) coirbte .. .
defect 11 (moral or phys) faillinn f, meangf degenerate v (plrys, morally &c) rach vi sios, rach VI Irreg am rruosad f
defect v treig vi (to gu) degradation n .1sleachadh m
defective adj 1 (havillg a defect) meangail; 2 (ill complete) neo-iomlan, a - degrade v islich vt .. ,
verb gn.1omhair m neo-iomlan degree n 1 (of heat, allgles) puingf; 2 (of progress, devdopmellt, abrllty &c) lI'e
defence 11 dion m, Centre for - Studies lonad m airson Eolas-illona m f illvar; 3 (1Il1iversity -) ceurn.'" .
defenceless adj gun d.1on m dehydrate v sgreubh vt, cnon vtr, searg vtl
defend v dion vt dehydration 11 sgreubhadh m, crionadh m, seargadh m
defendant 11 (law) neach-diona m (plluchd-dJona m sillg call) deity 11 1 (abstr) illadhachd f illvar; 2 (a god) illa m, a Roman - illa
defender 11 d.1onadair m Romanach dia nan Romanach mpl
defensible adj so-dhJonta dejected adj fo'bhron, dubhach, smalanach, fo smalan m, (more fam) sios na
defer v 1 cuir vt air (an) ath la m, cuir vt air dail f, cuir dail (with preps ann (&c) inntinn f, we were - bha sion SIDS nar n-inntinn
an or air), - the meeting coo a' choinneamh air ath la, - construction dejection n bri)n ru, smalan rn, smuairean m ~.
of the bridge coo dail ann an/air togailfna drochaid(e); 2 (give way) delay 11 dilil f, maille f illvar, without - gun dail . . ,
geill vi (to do), he -red to the manager gheill e don mhanadsair m delay v 1 (hillder) cuir maille f invar, coo dailf, (WIth prep all' or ann), cum vt
deference 11 urram m, umhJachd IIf illvar air ais, that -ed the project chuir sin maille/dail air a' phroiseact mf/
deferential adj umha(i)1 anos a' phroiseact, I don't want to - you chan eH rni airson ur cum~
defiance 11 dubhlan & dulan m air ais, (idiom) if they're -ed ma theid maille f mvar orra; 2 (drag 0111' s
deficiency 11 1 (lack) easbhaidh f, dith m; 2 (Jalllt,failillg) failligeadh m heels) mairnealaich vi, bi vi irreg mairnealach
deficient adj 1 (missillg, ill short sllpply) easbhaidheach, a dJUth; 2 (Jalllty) delectable adj blasmhor
easbhaidheach delegate n riochdaine m . . .,
deficit 11 1 easbhaidh f, d.1th m; 2 (ill balallCl' sheet &c) call m delegate v tiomain vt (to do), - authonty nomam ughdarras m .
defile v (places, objects, rdig, morals &c) truaill vt, salaich vt delegation n 1 (abstr: - ofalltllOrity, respo"slbl1lty &c) nomnadh m (to do), 2
defilement 11 truailleadh m (call: a -) buidheann m{riochdachaidh m
define v minich vt, soilleirich vt, - your terms minich na briathran mpl a delete v dubh vt as, dubh vt a-mach
tha thu a' c1eachdadh deliberate adj a dh'aon ghnothach m, a dh'aon rUn m . .
definite adj cinnteach, deimhinne/deirnhinnte deliberate v (reflect UpOIl inwardly; also of comllllltee &c, dISCUSS) beachdalch
definitely adv gu dearbh, gun teagamh, are you tired? I - am! a bheil thu vi (upon, about air)
sgith? tha gu dearbh!, will she come tomorrow? -! an tig i a-maineach? deliberately adv a dh'aon ghnothach m, a dh'aon rUn m
thig gun teagamh! deliberation 11 beachdachadh m (upon, about air)

98 99
delicacy ENGLISH-GAELIC DICfIONARY demonstration demoralize ENGLISH-GAELIC DICfIONARY deplorable

delicacy n 1 (abstr: refinement) fmealtas m; 2 (abstr: phys or emotiO/lal vlllner- demoralize v ml-mhisnich vt
ability) maothachd f invar demote v islich vt
delicate adj 1 (refined &c) finealta; 2 (phys or emotionally vlllnerable) maoth demure adj stuama
delicious adj ana-bhlasta den n 1 (topog) lag 1IIf; 2 (of anilllat &c) garaidh III
delight n aighear m, aoibhneas m, solas m denial 11 aicheadh III
delight v toilich vt, riaraich vt denigrate v dean dimeas m invar (with prep air), he -d the First Minister
delighted adj & past part llan-thoilichte, riaraichte, solasach; 2 (idiom) he's rirm e dimeas air a' Phriomh Mhinistear
- tha e air a dheagh dhoigh denounce v 1 (betray) brath vt; 2 (oppose, speak Ollt agaillst) cuir vi an
delightful adj taitneach, ciatach aghaidh, rach vi irreg an aghaidh, (with gen), they -d the war chuir iad
delinquency n coire f ciontachd f invar an aghaidh a' chogaidh
delinquent 1I coireach Ill, ciontach III dense adj 1 (of trees, hair, vegetation &c) domhail & dumhail, dluth, tiugh;
delirious adj breisleachail 2 (lIIentally -) maol, maol-aigneach, (Jalll) tiugh
deliri urn n breisleach III density 11 dluths m invar, tiughad Ill, tighead III
deliver v 1 (- goods &c) libhrig vt, Iiubhair vt; 2 (set free) saor vt, fuasgail vt; dent n beam f tulg III
3 (- baby) asaidich vt; 4 (- speech &c) gabh vt, thoir vt seachad, he -ed dental adj deudach, fiaclach, ill expr - surgery (ie the place) ionad m fiaclaire m
a speech ghabh e oraid f thug e seachad ora id, also rirm e oraid dentist n fiaclair(e) m
deliverance n saorsa f fuasgladh III dentistry n fiaclaireachd f invar
delivery n 1 (of goods &c) IJbhrigeadh Ill, Iiubhairt Ill; 2 (of baby) asaid f dentures n fiaclan-fuadain JPI
delude v meall vt, she was deluding herself bha i ga mealladh fhein denunciation n 1 (betrayal) brathadh Ill; 2 (opposition, speaking Ollt agaillst)
deluge n tuil f, dUe f (stronger) dUe bhathte, cur III an aghaidh (with gen)
delusion n mealladh III deny v 1 (- aCCllsation &c) aicheidh vt, -ing his guilt ag aicheadh a chionta
delusory adj mealltach Ill; 2 (reject, disown) diWt vti, aicheidh vt, she won't - her own daughter

delve v rannsaich vt, cladhaich vt, delving into his family history a' cha diWt i a nighean f fhein, -ing his faith ag aicheadh a cJueideimh
rannsachadh eachdraidhf a theaghlaich (fhein) Ill; 3 (deprive of! ciun vt air ais (with prep 0, bho), the soldiers denied

demand n 1 iarrtas Ill; 2 (econolllics, bllsiness) feill f margadh m, will there them food chiun na saighdearan IIIpl biadh m air ais bhuapa
be a - for it? am bi feill/margadh air? depart v falbh vi, (less IISIl) irnich vi, they -ed yesterday dh'fhalbh iad an-de
demand v iarr vt, they -ed a pay rise dh'iarr iad ardachadh III paighidh department n roirm f (ed) the French - Roirm na Fraingis
(gell of paigheadh Ill) departmental adj roirmeil
demean v diblich vt, islich vt departure n falbh III
demented adj 1 air bhoile f invar, air chuthach m, (lIIore falll) as a (&c) rian depend v 1 (accept sl/pport or help frOIll) cuir taic f (with preps air or ri), - on
Ill, as a (&c) c(h)iall f; 2 (idiom) it was nearly driving me - bha e gus me cuir do thaic orm/riurn; 2 (trust) cuir creideas m, cuir earbsa f invar,
mo chur dhiom fhin, also bha e gus mo chur as mo rian (with prep ann), can we - on him? an urrairm dhuinn creideas/earbsa
demi- prefix leth-, eg demigod leth-dhia III a chur ann?; 3 (vary according to) bi vi irreg an crochadh (on air), that
democracy n deamocrasaidh Ill, (more trad) sluagh-fhlaitheas m will - on the price bidh sin an crochadh air a' phrls f
democrat,., deamocratach m dependable adj (person, bllsiness &c) urrasach
democratic adj deamocratach dependence n eisimeileachd f invar, eisimeil f
demolish v leag vt, sgrios vt dependent adj 1 an eisimeil f(witll gen), eisimeil (on air), the company was
demolition 11 leagall f sgrios III - on its shareholders bha a' chompanaidh an eisimeil an luchd-earrann
demon 11 deamhan 111 III sing coil aice, - on her brother an eisimeiJ a brathar; 2 (addicted) an

demonstrate v 1 (prove) dearbh vt; 2 (- prodllcts, techniqlles &c) taisbean vt; urra (on ri), na &c t(h)railllll (on do), they were - on drugs bha iad an
3 (pol &c: take part in lIIarch, rally &c) tog vt fianais f urra ri drogaicheanJPI, bha iad nan traillean do dhrogaichean
demonstration n 1 (proof! dearbhadh m; 2 (- of products, techniqlles &c) dependent n neach-eisimeillll (plluchd-eisimeillll sing coil)
taisbeanadh m; 3 (pol &c: lIIarch, rally) fianais-dhubhlain f (esp march) depict v dealbh
caismeachd f deplorable adj maslach, tamailteach

100 101

deplore v is v irreg & def beag (with prep air), is ole (with prep le), I - the derrick 11 crann(-togail) m
opinions you expressed is beag orm na beachdan mpl a chuir sibh an descend v 1 (phys) teirinn & team vti (with prep a, or direct object), crom vi
ceill (dat of ciall j) (with preps o/bho & le), thig vi sios/a-nuas, he -ed from the pulpit
deploy v (measl/res, strategies &c) cuir vt an gnlornh m theirinn e as a' chilbaid f, -ing the hillside a' teamadh a' bhruthaich
depopulate v fasaich vt mf, he -ed from the donkey's back chroO' e bhon asail (dat of asal j),
depopulation n fasachadh m he -ed the rock chrom e leis a' chreig (dat of creagj); 2 (be a desCerldant
deport v fuadaich vt oj) see descendant & descended below
deportment n giUlan m descendant n fear m I to, f de shlol m coli, fear I te de shliochd m call (with
deposit n 1 !fin: advallce paymellt 011 purchases &c) earlas m; 2 !fin: payment gell of ancestor), she's a - of Diarmad is e/i te de shlol Diarmaid a tha
into accol/nt) tasgadh m innte, -s siol/sliochd (with gell of ancestor), (the) -s of Diarmad sioll
deposit v taisg vt sliochd Diarmaid
depot 11 1 (store &c) bathamach m; 2 (base, celltreJor business &c operatiolls) descended past part de shliochd m call, de shlol m call, he's - from the Lord
ionad m of the Isles is ann de shlol Tigheama m nan Eilean mpl a tha e
deprecate v coirich vt descent n 1 (phys) teamadh m, cromadh m; 2 (olle's ancestry, gellealogy)
depress v 1 (lit, phys) broth vt sios; 2 (sadder, &c) cuir vt sios, fag vt dubhach, sinnsearachd f illvar
fag vt fo smalan m, the news -ed me chuir an naidheachd f sios mi, describe v thoir tuairisgeul m (with prep air)
dh'fhag an naidheachd dubhach mi description 11 1 (of person or thillg) tuairisgeul m, the police already have
depressed adj fo bhran m, dubhach, sO'alanach, fo smalan m, (more fam) the thief's - tha tuairisgeul a' rnheirlich aig a' phoileas m mu thrath;
sios na (&c) inntinnf, iosal/lseal, we were a bit - bha sinn rud beag 2 (of evellts &c) cunntas m
sios nar n-inntinn, bha sinn car 105a.1 descriptive adj dealbhach, tuairisgeulach
depression n 1 (of mood) bran m, smalan m, smuairean m, leann-dubh m; desert 11 fasach mf, (less usu) dithreabh f, the -s of Africa fasaichean
2 (of mood or weather) isleachadh m Afraga m gen
deprivation 111 (the actioll) cumail f air ais; 2 (the state ofpoverty, homelessness desert v 1 treig vt, dlobair vt, he -ed his family threigl dhlobair e a
&c) easbhaidh f theaghlach m, the people -ed the island threig na daoine mpl an
deprive v cUm vt air ais (with prep 0, bho), the soldiers -d them of food t-eilean; 2 (soldiers &c) teich vi
chUm na saighdearan mpl biadh m air ais bhuapa deserted adj & past part 1 (emply, lonely) uaigneach, fasaichte, fas, in expr
depth 11 doimhneachd f invar a - place fasach mf; 2 (of a person, ofan aballdoned hOl/se &c) treigte
deputation n buidheann-tagraidh mf deserter 11 fear-teichidh m (plluchd-teichidh m sing coli)
depute, deputy adj iar-, leas-, sl/ffixes, eg - director iar-stiUiriche m, leas- desertification n fasachadh m
stiUiriche ", desertion 111 (from army &c) teicheadh m; 2 (- of people) treigsinn m invar
deputy 11 neach-ionaid m (plluchd-ionaid m sing call), she appointed her- deserve v 1 bi vi irreg airidh (will. prep air), they - praise/to be praised tha
dh'ainmich i an neach-ionaid aice iad airidh air moladh m, (also: idiom) tha iad rim moladh; 2 (idiom) we
derelict adj treigte thoroughly -d it bu rnhath an airidh sinn
deride v mag vi, dean fanaid f, (with prep air) deserving adj airidh, (less I/su) toillteanach, (of air)
derision n magadh m, fanaid f, (of air) desiccate v tiormaich vti
derisive adj 1 (deriding, apt to deride) magail; 2 (-Iy illadequate) suarach design n dealbh & deilbh mf
derivation n 1 (abstr: the activity of etymologising &c) freurnh-fhaclachd f design v (techllical & artistic objects) dealbh & deilbh vt, dealbhaich vt,
invar, freurnhachadh m; 2 (con: esp - ofwords) freurnh m, bun m, tUs m, _ machines dealbh/deilbh innealan mpl
(an fhacail &c) designate v (specify person or thillg) sonraich vt, (esp person) airunich vt
derivative adj iasadach designer n dealbhaiche & deilbhlche m, neach-deilbh m (pI luchd-deilbh
derive v 1 (as vi) thig vi irreg (from bho, 0), A -s from B thainig A bho B; 2 m sillg coli)
(to translate vt) X -s this word from French a reir X, thig am facal seo designing n dealbhadh & deilbheadh m, dealbhachadh m
on Fhrangais f desire n 1 (abstr & con) miann mf, riln m, (COli) togradh m, (less I/Sl/) deidh f;
derogatory adj cur-sios, - statements briathran mpl cur-sios 2 (sexllal -) miann mf, a small flame of - lasair bheag miann

102 103
desire E GLlSH-GAELlC DICTIONARY detector detention ENGLISH-GAELIC DICTIONARY devolved

desire v 1 (wish for) miannaich vt; 2 (- to do solllethillg) rimaich vt, togair vti, detention 111 (abstr) larnhf, greim m, sas m, in - an laimh, an greim, an sas
(the latter is ojtellllsed as vi ill relativeflltl/re tellse), just as you - direach (all dat); 2 (the act of detainillg) cumail f an laimh/an greim/an sas
mar a thogras sibh deter v bac vt, caisg vt
desist v leig vi, sguir vi, (from de) deteriorate v 1 muth vi, rach vi am miosad m; 2 (of persoll) rach vi bhuaithe
desk 11 deasg III (&c), tuit vi bhuaithe (&c), she -d chaidh i bhuaipe
desolate adj 1 lasail, a - land tir IIIf fhasail; 2 (of person) treigte, truagh deterioration 11 1 muthadh m, dol m invar am miosad Ill, laillinn f; 2 (of
despair n eu-dbchas III persoll) dol III invar bhuaithe (&c), tuiteam m bhuaithe (&c)
despicable adj suarach, taireil determination 11 daingneachd f illvar, rim suidhichte
despise v dean tair f, dean tarcais f, (with prep air), coo vt suarach, we - determine v 1 (form a plan &c) cuir roimhe (&c), they -ed to build a house
them tha sinn gan cur suarach chOO iad romhpa taigh m a thogail; 2 (discover, elllcidate &c) dearbh vt
despite prep a dh'aindeoin (with gen), - the rain a dh'aindeoin an uisge determined adj & past part 1 (persistellt, forceflll) daingeann, suidhichte,
despised adj & past part 10 dhimeas a _ effort ionnsaigh dhaingeann; 2 (firmly resolved) mionnaichte:
despondency 11 mi-mhisneachd f invar suidhichte, she was - it wouldn't get the better of her bha I
despondent adj gun mhisneach f, dubhach, smalanach mionnaichte nach lairtlicheadh e oirre
despot n aintigheama Ill, deachdaire III deterrent 11 bacadh m, seiilm bacaidh gell, casg m
despotism 11 aintigheamas Ill, deachdaireachd f invar detest v fuathaich vt, bi vi irreg grain f aig (with prep air), I - them tha grain
dessert tJ mllsean III agam orra
dessert-spoon 11 spain-milsein f detestable adj graineil, fuathach
destabilise v dJ-dhaingnich vt detour 11 bealach m, take/make a - gabh bealach
destination tJ ceann-uidhe III detrimental adj millteach (to air)
destined adj & past part an dan (for do), what was - for him na bha an devalue v di-Iuachaich vti
dan dha devaluation 11 di-Iuachadh m
destiny n dan Ill, crannchur Ill, oppose/go against - cuir vi an aghaidh devastate v IHr-sgrios vt
dain, if that is my - mas e sin mo chrannchur, also mas e sin a tha an devastation 11 leir-sgrios m
prep dan dhomh develop v 1 (as vt: improve, modernise &c) leasaich vt, - the to~ centre
destitute adj airceach, ainniseach leasaich meadhan m a' bhaile; 2 (as vi: make progress &c) thJg VI aIr
destitution 1I airc f, ainnis f adhart, he/it's -ing nicely tha e a' tighinn air adhart gu doigheil
destroy v mill vt, sgrios vt, coo vi as (with prep do) developing adj, in expr - country tir nif 10 leasachadh m
destruction 11 milleadh Ill, sgrios III development 11 1 (improvemellt, modemisatioll &c) leasachadh m, a - board
destructive adj miIIteach, sgriosail bord m leasachaidh gell, - plan plana f leasachaidh gen; 2 (esp of
detach v dealaich vt persons: progress ill skill, knowledge &c) adhartas m, piseach m
detached adj & past part 1 dealaichte, - house taigh dealaichte; 2 (of person- deviate v saobh vi (from o/bho)
ality) fad' as, dUinte deviation 11 saobhadh m (from o/bho)
detachment 11 1 (abstr) dealachadh Ill; 2 (- of troops &c) buidheann nif, device 11 1 (mechallicnl) innealm, innIeachd f; 2 (idiom) leave them to their
comhlan Ill, cuideachd f own -s leig vi leotha
detail n 1 mion-phuingf; 2 ill exprs attentive to - mion-chuiseach, question devil 11 diabhalm, the - an Diabhal, an Donas m
in - mion-eheasnaich vt devilish adj diabhJaidh
detailed adj mionaideach, mion- (prefix), a - enquiry/study sgrudadh devious adj 1 (persoll, behaviollr) liar, carach; 2 (rollte &c) cuairteach
mionaideach, - knowledge/acquaintance mion-eo!as m (of/with air) devise v inn1ich vt, dealbh vt, (less 11511) tionnsgail & tionnsgain vt, - a
detain v 1 (delay, keep back) cUm vt air ais; 2 (- in CIIstody) cUm vt an lairnh stratagemla machine innlich cuilbheartf/innealm
(dat of lamh j), cUm vt an greim m/ an sas m devoid (of) adj as aonais, as eugmhais, (with gell)
detect v lorg vt, laigh lorgf (with prep air) devolution 1I tiomnadh m churnhachdanfPI gell, sgaoileadh-curnhachd m
detection 11 lorgf devolve v tiomnaich vt (to do), - power tiomnaich cumhachd f
detector n lorgair m devolved adj & past part liomnaichte

104 105
devote v coisrig vt (to gu) die, pi dice, n (sing) disinn m & dlsne mf, (PI) disnean m
devotion n 1 (relig: abstr) crabhadh m, diadhachd f invar; 2 in expr -s (ie diesel 11 diosailm invar
relig observances) adhradh m, Umaigh f; 3 (inlense love for a person) teas- diet 11 riaghailtfbldh (gen ofbiadh m)
ghradh m difference n1 diofar m (also difir m invar & deifir fJ, eadar-dhealachadh m,
devour v glam & glamh (also glam & glamh) vI, sluig vi, ith vi gu glamach what's the - between A and B? de an diofar/an t-eadar-dhealachadh
devout adj 1 crabhach, diadhaidh; 2 (idioms) she is very - tha i lim den (a th') eadar A agus B?; 2 (idiom) it makes no - chan eil e gu diofar,
Fhirinn f, become very - (11511 derog, implying a degree of devolllness the chan eil diofar ann
speaker considers excessive) gabh an curam different adj 1 diof(a)rach, diofraichte & deifrichte, (stronger) eadar-
devoutness 11 crabhadh m, diadhachd f illvar dhealaichte; 2 (idiom) you and I are - chan ionann thusa is mise
dew 11 dealt mf, dr(i)uchd m differentiate v eadar-dhealaich, dean eadar-dhealachadh m, dean sgaradh
dewy adj dealtach m, (between eadar)
dexterity 11 deas-Iamhachd f illvar differentiation n eadar-dhealachadh m
dexterous adj lamhach, deas-Iamhach difficult adj 1 (- to do, solve &c) doirbh, duilich, a - question/problem ceist
diabetes n tinneas m an t-siucair dhoirbh/ dhuilich, that's - to say tha sin doirbh a radh, trigonometry
diabolical adj diabhlaidh isn't - chan eil triantanachd f invar doirbh; 2 (- 10 I/lldersland) deacair,
diagonal adj trastanach a - book leabhar deacair; 3 (of circl/mslallces &c: - 10 bear, deal wilh)
diagonal 11 trastan m cruaidh, duilich; 4 in expr a - situation (ie predicamenl, emergency &c)
diagram 11 diagram m, (more lrad) dealbh-chumadh mf cruaidh-ehas m, eiginn f invar
dial 11 (of clock, instwmellts &c) aodann m, aghaidh f difficulty n 1 (problem) duilgheadas m, we've got difficulties where
dial v dean aireamh f (fan mfgell) money is concerned tha duilgheadasan againn a thaobh airgid m gen;
dialect 11 dualchainntf 2 (predicamenl, danger) cas m, (more seriolls) cruaidh-ehas m, eiginn f
dialogue 11 co-ehamhradh m, camhradh-dithis m invar, an aeroplane in - above the airport itealan m ann an eiginn/na
diametrically adj, ill expr - opposed to ca Ig-dhireach an aghaidh (wilh eiginn os cionn a' phuirt-adhair; 3 (effort) in expr with - air eiginn f, it
gen) was with - that he opened his eye's ann air eiginn a dh'fhosgail e a
diamond n daoimean m shuilf
diaphragm n sgairt f diffident adj diUid, narach
diarrhoeia n buinneach f, sgaird f, sput m, aliI/sed wilh arl, a' bhuinneadh, diffuse adj sgaoilte, sgaipte or sgapta
an sgaird, an sput diffuse v craobh-sgaoil vii
diary n leabhar-Iatha m diffusion n craobh-sgaoileadh m
dice n see die u dig v cladhaich vti, ruamhair vi
dictate v 1 (-letter &c) deachd vt; 2 (commalld &c) ardaich vi digest v 1 (lit) cnilmh Vii; 2 (jig: mentally - informalion &c) cnuasaich vi
dictation 11 (of letter &c) deachdadh m digestion n cnamh m, llsed wilh art, an cnilmh
dictator 11 1 (pol &c) deachdaire m; 2 (of letter &c) neach-deachdaidh m digging n cladhach m
(plluchd-deachdaidh m sing coil) digit n (arith &c) figear m
dictatorial adj deachdaireach, ceannsalach digital adj (IT &c) figearail, - clock gleoc figearail
dictatorship n deachdaireachd f inuar dignified adj stiliteil, stalda, stuama
diction n labhradh m dignify v ardaich VI, urramaich vt
dictionary n faclair m dignity n 1 (abslr: rank, statlls) urram m, inbhe f, maralachd f invar; 2 (- of
dicy adj 1 (dodgy, shaky) cugaUach; 2 (risky) cunnartach, ill expr a - situation 1II00mer or appearance) staitealachd f invar, staldachd f invar; 3 (idiom) it
cruaidh-chils m is beneath my - to speak to him cha diu learn bruidhinn f ris
didactic adj oideachail digs n laistinn m, taigh-Ioidsidh m
die v 1 (esp of persons) caochail vi, siubhail vi, (Irad) eug vi; 2 (of other dilatory adj mairnealach, slaodach
creatl/res) basaich vi (thollgh this is also l/sed by some speakers to refer to dilemma n irncheistf, in a - an/fo irncheist dat
hI/mans), 1I0le also the dog -d chailleadh an cu diligence 11 dicheallm
106 107
diligent ENGLISH-GAELIC DICfIONARY directly director ENGLISH-GAELIC DICfIO ARY discerning

diligent adj dkheallach director 11 neach-stiUiridh m (plluchd-stiuiridh m sil/g coil), stiillriche m, ill
dilute v tanaich vt, lagaich vt expr - General Ard-stiuiriche m
dilute adj, diluted adj & past part, tanaichte directory 1/ (jor phol/e &c) leabhar-seiilaidh m
dim adj 1 (of tig1Jt &c) doilleir; 2 (ullilltelligellt) maol-aigneach, (jam) tiugh; dirge 11 tuireadh m
3 ill expr I take a - view of X is ciar leam X, is beag orm X dirk 11 biodagf
dim v doiJIeirich vti dirt 11 salchar m
dimension 11 1 (size) meud m illoor, meudachd f il/var; 2 (measl/remellt) dirty adj salach, rapach
tomhas m, take -s gabh tomhasan dis- prefiX 1 ana- prefix, eg disadvantage 11 anacothrom m; 2 eas- prefix, eg
diminish v litghdaich vti, beagaich vti disobedient eas-urnhail; 3 ml- prefix, eg disadvantage v mi-Ieasaich
diminution 11 lughdachadh m, beagachadh m vt
diminutive adj meanbh, biodach, crion disability n ciorram m, in expr - aJJowance cuibhreann-ciorraim 111
dimple 11 tibhre m disabled adj ciorramach, ill exprs a - person ciorramach m, neach m
din upraid f, gleadhar m, othail f, iorghail f ciorramach (plluchd-ciorramach m sillg coil), the - na ciorramaich mpl
dine v gabh dinnear f, we - at eight gabhaidh sinn ar dinnear f aig a disadvantage 11 anacothrom m, mi-Ieas m
h-ochd disadvantage v ml-Ieasaich vt
dingy adj 1 (dark) doilleir; 2 (grubby) mosach, Iwdeach disadvantaged adj & past pari 1 (esp persoll) fo anacothrom m; 2 (regiol/ &c)
dining-room 11 seamar-bidh m, rum-bidh m ml-Ieasaichte
dinner 1/ dinnear f, (more trod) diathad f, used with art, an diathad, what disagree v rach vi an aghaidh (with gell), easaontaich vi, (less cOl/frolltatiol/al)
have we got/what are we gettinglhaving for our -? de a th' againn air 1- chan eil mi(se) den aon bheachd m, chan eil mi a' dolleis a sin, cha
ar dinnear?, she brought up her - chwr i a-mach a dinnear teid mi le sin
dinner-time 11 am dinnearach, (more trod) trath dinnearach disagreeable adj neo-thaitneach
diocese 11 sgire-easbaigf, sgireachd-easbaigf disagreement 1/ 1 (the act of disagreeillg) dol m il/var an aghaidh (with gell);
dip 11 1 (the actioll: ill liquid) tumadh m, bogadh m; 2 (jor sheep: the liquid) 2 (abstr & COil) easaonta f, ml-chiirdadh m, (a) - arose between us
dupm dh'eirich vi easaonta eadarainn; 3 (idiom) we were in total - bha sinn
dip v 1 (- ill liquid) turn vt, bog vt; 2 (- sheep) dup vti calg-d(h)ireach an aghaidh a cheile
diploma 11 teisteanas m disallow v mi-cheadaich vt
diplomacy 11 diopliimasaidh mf disappear v rach vi a sealladh m
diplomat 11 riochdaire dioplomasach disappoint v meall VI, leig vt sios
diplomatic adj diopliimasach disappointment 11 bris(t)eadh-dUil m, mealleadh-duil m
dipping 11 1 (ill liquid) tumadh m, bogadh m; 2 (- sheep) dupadh m disapproval 11 coireachadh m, dol m il/var an aghaidh (with gm)
dipsomania 11 tinneas m na dighe disapprove v 1 coirich VI, rach vi an aghaidh (wilh gel/); 2 (idioms) we -
direct adj direach of that chan eil sinn a' dol le sin, I - of your conduct is beag orm do
direct v 1 (COl/duct, show way &c) treiiraich vt, stiuir vt; 2 (WI/, mallage) stiUir dhol-a-mach m illvar
vi disarm v di-armaich vii
direction 11 1 taobh m, rathad m, they're coming in this - tha iad a' tighinn disarmament 11 di-arrnachadh m
an taobh/an rathad seo; 2 (compass -) aird f; 3 ill pi -s (illstructiol/s, disarray 11 ml-riaghailt f
guidelilles &c; also for route-fil/dillg &c) sealaidhean mpl, I followed disaster 1/ tubaist f, mor-thubaist f, calldachd f
your -s lean mi na sealaidhean agaibh; 4 ill expr (al roadside &c) - disbelief 11 as-creideamh m
board clar m seolaidh disc, disk 11 1 clar m, (11) compact - meanbh-chlar, hard/floppy - clar
directly adv 1 (straig1Jt) calg-d(h)ireach, go - to the office rach calg- cruaidh/subailte, - drive clar-inneal m; 2 (il/ spille) clar m, (al slipped-
d(h)ireach don oifis f; 2 (immediately) gun dail f, air ball, anns a' bhad (COil) clar sgiorrte, (the medical collditiol/) leum-droma m
m; 3 (shortly) a dh'aithghearr, an ceart(u)air, I'll be with you - bidh mi discard v tilg vi air falbh
agaibh an ceartair; 4 (idiom) - opposed to calg-d(h)ireach an aghaidh discernible adj follaiseach, so-fhaicinn
(with gell) discerning adj tuigseach

108 109
discernment ENGLISH-GAELIC DICTIONARY discretion discretion ENGLISH-GAELIC DICTIONARY disingenuous

discernment 11 tuigse f your - mar as roghnach leibh, we left it to their own - dh'fhag sirm
discharge V 1 (dllties, obligations &c) coiJean vt; 2 (debt) loc vt, pajgh vt; aca fhein e
3 (person from army &c) saor vt; 4 (glln) loisg vt, tilg vt; 5 (cargo &c) di- discrimJnate v 1 (IInjllstly) dean lethbhreithf(against an aghaidh, with gell);
luchdaich vti 2 (lIelltral: differelltiate &c) eadar-dhealaich vi, dean eadar-dhealachadh
disciple n dejsciobal m m, (between eadar)
disciplinary adj smachdachaidh (gen of smachdachadh m, llsed adjectivally), discrimJnation 11 1 (UlljllSt bias &c) lethbhreith f; 2 (capacity to judge, assess)
- tribunal tribiunal smachdachajdh breithneachadh m; 3 (abstr: making of distinctiolls) eadar-dhealachadh
discipline n 1 smachd m invar; 2 (ed: field of stlldy) cuspair m m (between eadar)
discipline v 1 (assert authority over) smachdajch vt, cuir smachd f (with prep discrimJnatory adj (showillg IIl1jUSt bias &c) lethbhreitheach
air); 2 (pullish) peanasajch vt discuss v deasbair vi (with prep mu), deasbad vi, beachdajch vi, (both with
disclose v foillsich vt, leig vt ris prep air)
disclosure 11 (abstr) foillseachadh m, leigeiJ m ris discussion 11 1 (abstr) deasbaireachd f illvar; 2 (COli) a - deasbad mf
disco n diosgo 111 invar disdain 11 tarcais f, tailceas m, tair f, dimeas m
discomfort n anshocair f disdain v dean tarcais f, dean lair f, dean dimeas m, (all with prep air)
disconcert v buair vt disdainful adj tareaiseach, tailceasach, taireiJ
disconnect v nee-eheangail vt, sgaoiJ vt disease n tinneas m, galar 1U, eus)aint!, heart - tinneas cridhe nz, infectious
disconsolate adj bronach, dubhach -s tinneasan gabhaJtach
discontent n mHhoiJeachadh m, diomb & diumb m illvar disembark v rach vi air tir mf
discontented adj mJ-thoilichte, diombach & djumbach disentangle v (objects, sitllatiolls &c) reilich vt, (objects) fuasgail vt, - this
discontinue v (all activity &c) cuir stad m (with prep air), leig vt seachad, wool for me reitich/fuasgaiJ a' chJoimh seo dhomh
sguir vi (with prep de), she -d the correspondence chuir i stad air a' disentangled adj & past part (wool &c) reidh
cho-sgriobhadh m, I'm discontinuing the music lessons tha mJ a' disgrace 11 1 (abstr) masladh m, tamailt J; 2 (sollrce of -) cws-mhaslaidh f,
leigeiJ seachad nan leasanan m ciUil m it's a -! 's e cuis-mhaslaidh a th' ann!
discord n 1 (abstr & con) easaonta f, mJ-chordadh m, - arose between us disgrace v naraich vt, maslaich vt
dh'eirich easaonta/ml-chordadh eadarainn; 2 (music) dl-chorda m disgraceful adj maslach, tamaiJteach, nar, that's -! is nar sin!
discount n (trade &c) lughdachadh m prlse/phrlsean f gen, lsleachadh m disgruntled adj diombach & diumbach, gruamach, mJ-riaraichte
prise/phrlsean, buy at a - ceannaich vti air prls(ean) lsleachaidh gen disguise 11 breug-riochd m
discount v 1 (trade &c) leag/lughdaich/islich pris(ean) f, reic vti air disgust n grain f, sgreamh m
prls(ean) lsleachaidh m gen; 2 (ignore, 1I0t take ill to accollllt) I am -ing disgust v sgreamhaich vt, cuir sgrearnh m (with prep air)
everything he said chan eiJ mJ a' cur sUim f ann an cail m invar sam disgusting adj graineiJ, sgreamhaiJ
bith a thuirt e dish 11 soitheach m, do/wash the -es dean na soitheachan
discourage v 1 mJ-mhisnich vt; 2 (dissuade from) thoir comhairle f(with prep dish-cloth 11 breid-shoithichean m
air followed by gun & infinitive ofverb), I -d him from joining the army dishonest adj eas-onarach, mJ-onarach
thug mJ comhairle f air gun a dhol dhan arm m dishonesty n ml-onair m
discouragement n 1 (the action) mJ-mhisneachadh m; 2 (the state of mind) dishonour n eas-onair ~ eas~urram III
mJ-mhisneachd f invar dishonourable adj eas-urramach
discourteous adj mJ-mhocthaiJ dishwasher n nigheadair-shoithichean m
discourtesy n mJ-mhocth m disillusion v bris rnisneachd f, I don't want to - you chan eiJ mJ airson do
discover v 1 (facts &c) faigh vt a-mach; 2 (objects &c) lorg vt mhisneachd a bhrls(t)eadh
discredit 11 1 (loss of trust, credibility) mJ-chreideas m; 2 (loss of reputation) disillusionment n call m rnisneachd f
mJ-dtliu m disinclined adj aindebnach, leisg, I was - to follow them bha mJ
discreet adj 1 (keeping cOllfidentiality) runach; 2 (tactflll &c) tuigseach aindebnach an leantainn, (more trad) bu leisg learn an leantainn, also
discrepancy 11 eadar-dhealachadh m, diofar m, (between eadar) bha leisgf orm an leanlainn
discretion n 1 (tact, good judgement) tuigse f, breithneachadh m; 2 in exprs at disingenuous adj cealgach, fallsa

110 111
disinherit ENGLISH-GAELIC DICTIONARY displease displeasure ENGLISH-GAELIC DICTIONARY dissident
disinherit v thoir/cum oighreachdf(willl prep bh%), his father -ed him displeasure 11 } mi-thoileachas m; 2 (esp towards allolller persoll) diomb &
thug/chUm athair oighreachd bhuaithe diumb III jnvar
disinterested adj neo-thaobhach disposalll} (gettillg rid ofJ faighinnf invor cuidhteas m; 2 (- by sale) reic m
disjointed adj } (Iil) as an alt m; 2 (discol/rse &c) briste illvor; 3 (idiom) I won't manage with the means at my - cha dean rni
disk 11 see disc a' chllis leis na tha ri mo lairnh (dot ofl3rnhfJ
dislike n mi-thaitnearnh m dispose v } (place, arrallge &c) suidhich VI, socraich vt; 2 in expr - of
dislike v, I - him is beag orm e, cha toigh learn e something faigh cuidhteas m rudeigin
dislocate v (joilll) cuir vt as an aIt m disposition n (temperamellt) nadar m, meinn f, aigne f
disloyal adj mi-dhileas, neo-dhileas dispossess v cuir vt a seilbh f
disloyalty 11 mi-dhilseachd f illvar, neo-dhilseachd f illvor disprove v breugnaich vt
dismal adj } (of wealller, ligllt) doilleir; 2 (of persons: depressed &c) dubhach, disputatious adj connsachai!, connspaideach
sios na (&c) inntinn f; 3 (of cOllditioll, olltlook, perforlllallce &c) bochd, dispute Il connsachadh Ill, connspaid f
truagh, a - excuse leisgeul bochd dispute v } (as vi: arglle) connsaich vi; 2 (as vt: - IlIe tmtll &c ofJ ceasnaich
dismantle v thoir vi as a cheile VI, cuir vi an ceist f
dismay Il mi-mhisneach f disqualification 11 di-cheadachadh m
dismay v } (discol/rage) mi-mhisnich vt; 2 (alanll) cuir eagal m (witll prep disqualify v di-eheadaich vi
air) disquiet 11 iomagain f, imcheist f
dismiss v} cuir vt air falbh; 2 (employee &c) cuir vi a dreuchd f disregard n } (lack of cOllcem) neo-ehmarn m (for air), - for safety neo-
dismissalll (of employee &c) cur m a dreuchd f chmam air tearainteachd f illvor; 2 (lack of respecl) dimeas m (for air)
dismount v teirinn & team vi (from bh%) disregard v, ill expr they -ed my instructions cha robh sitim f aca de na
disobedience 11 eas-iunhlachd f illvar h-orduighean mpl agam
disobedient adj eas-umhail disreputable adj } (ill appearallce) cearbach, luideach, grodach; 2 (ill
disobey v rach vi an aghaidh (witll gell) cllaracler, bellaviollr) neo-mheasail, (Jam) fiadhaich, (more disapprovillg)
disorder 11 } (lack of orderlilless) mi-rian m, mi-riaghaUt f, ill expr in - tamailteach, maslach
troirnh-a-ehei!e, after the accident everything was in - an deidh na disrepute Il mi-ehliu m, bring X into - tarcafig mi-chliu air X
tubaist bha a h-uile cailm i'lVar troirnh-a-cheile; 2 (emotiollal, moral -) disrespect 11 dimeas 111 ;nvaT, eas-urram m
buaireas m; 3 (menlal-) mi-rian m; 4 (civil-) aimhreitf, buaireas m disrupt v (evellt, meetillg &c) buair vt, cuir vt troirnh-a-cheile, cuir vt thar
disorderly adj mi-rianail, mi-riaghailteach, buaireasach, airnhreiteach a cheile
disown v diult vi, aicheidh vt, she won't - her own daughter cha diUlt i disruption Il } (11Ie actioll) buaireadh; 2 (tile slate ofaffairs) aimhreit f; 3 (relig
a nighean fhein lIisl) The Disruption Bris(t)eadh m na h-Eaglaise
disparage v dean tair f (witll prep air), cuir vt an suarachas m dissatisfaction 11 mi-thoileachadh m
disparagement 11 } (abstr) tair f; 2 (11Ie action) cur m an suarachas m dissatisfy v mi-thoilich vt
disparaging adj taireil dissembler Il cealgair(e) m
disparate adj (gu tur) eadar-dhealaichte dissembling adj cealgach
disparity Il neo-ionannachd f invar disseminate v sgaoil VI, craobh-sgaoil vt
dispense v } (sl/pply) solair vt, riaraich VI; 2 ill expr - with dean vi irreg as dissemination n sgaoileadh m, craobh-sgaoileadh m
aonais (willl gell) dissent 11 (abstr & call) easaonta f, - arose between us dh'eirich easaonta
dispersalll sgaoileadh m, sgapadh m eadarainn
disperse v sgaoil Vii, sgap vii dissent v easaontaich vi (from ri)
display Il (of arl, goods, tecJlIliql/es &c) taisbeanadh m dissenting adj easaontach
display v } (esp arl, goods, lecJllliql/es &c) taisbean & taisbein vt; 2 (IT, dissertation Il trachdas m
eleclrollics &c) sealladh m, clar m taisbeanaidh m, digital - sealladh disservice n mi-sheirbheis f
figearail dissident adj easaontach
displease v mi-thoilich vt dissident n easaontaiche m

112 113
dissimilar ENGUSH-GAELlC OtcnONARY distress distressed ENGLlSH-GAEUC OtcnONARY divorce
dissimilar adj eu-eoltach (to ri) distressed adj na (&c) eiginnf invar, craidhte, air a (&c) s(h)arachadh, air a
dissimilarity n eu-eoltas m (&c) t(h)amailteachadh
dissimulation n cealgaireachd f invar distribute v roinn vt, riaraich vt, sgaoil vt
dissipate v (wealth) slruidh vt, caHh vt, ana-caith vt distribution n roinn f, riarachadh m, sgaoileadh m
dissipation n slruidheadh m, ana-caitheamh f district n cearn m, sgire f, ill mf, remote - cearn iomallach, - council
dissolve v lleagh vti; 2 in erpr - parliament sgaoil parlamaid f comhairle f sgire gen
dissuade v thoir comhairle f (with prep air or do), thoir vt (with prep air), distrust 1l mi-earbsa 111, amharas III
(botl' followed by gun and infinitive of verb), I -d him from joining the distrustful adj mi-earbsach, amharasach
army thug mi comhairle f dha gun a dhol dhan arm m, thug mi air gun disturb v 1 (bother, intmde IIpon &c) cuir dragh m (with prep air); 2 (disrupt
a dhol dhan arm sitlllltion &c; also - emotionally) buair vt
distance n astar m disturbance n 1 (tile action) buaireadh m; 2 (the reslllt) aimhreit f, buaireas
distant adj 1 fad air falbh, cein, iomallach; 2 (of person) fad' as 111, an-fhois m
distaste n grain f (for air) disunity n eas-aonachd f invar
distasteful adj graineil, mi-ehailear disuse n mi-ehleachdadh m, in erpr fall into - rach vi irreg a cleachdadh m
distend v at vi, seid vi ditch n clais f, digf
distil v (spirits) tarraing vti ditty n duanagf, luinneagf
distillation n (of spirits) tarraingf, grudadh m dive v daibh vi, daibhig vi
distiller n griIdair(e) m diver n daibhear m
distillery n 1 taigh-staile m; 2 (illicit -) taigh dubh, poit dhubh diverge v dealaich vi ri cheile, their paths -d dheaJaich na slighean JpI aca
distinct adj 1 (esp sounds, sights: clear) taisbeanach; 2 (different, separate) ri cheile
eadar-dhealaichte, air leth, (more trod) fa leth, (less strong) diof(a)rach, diverse adj caochladh n (followed by gen pi of nOlln), de dh'iomadach
a - species seersa m eadar-dhealaichte/air leth seorsa m (follows no'm), - methods caochladh dhoighean, - excuses
distinction n 1 (difference) eadar-dhealachadh m (between eadar); 2 (pre- leusgeulan mpI de dh'iomadach seersa
enlinence) ilrd-urram m, oirdheirceas m diversion 11 1 (filII, entertainment) dibhearsan m, spors f, (more trod) fearas-
distinctive adj air leth, araidh chuideachd J; 2 (- of traffic) tionndadh m slighe f
distinctly adv gu taisbeanach, gu soilleir, he sawlheard them - chunnaic/ diversity n iomadachd f invar
chuala e gu taisbeanach/gu soilleir iad divert v 1 (phys, also - funds &c) tionndaidh vt a leth-taobh m; 2 (amllse &c)
distinguish v eadar-dhealaich, dean eadar-dhealachadh m, (between thoir dibhearsan m (with prep do)
eadar) diving n dilibheadh m, daibhigeadh m
distinguished adj (ie pre-eminent) barraichte, oirdheirc divide v 1 pilirtich vt, riaraich vt, roinn vt; 2 (by force, throllgh disllnity &c)
distort v 1 (lit: phys) cuir vt a cumadh m; 2 (misquote, misrepresent) dean mi- sgar vt
aithris m, thoir claon-iomradh m, (with prep air), you have -ed what divided adj & past part 1 (lit) roinnte; 2 (of persons: - by force, disagreements
I said tha sibh air mi-aithris a dheanamh/claon-iomradh a thoirt air &c) air a (&c) sgaradh; 3 (arith) air a roinn (by le), 72 - by 3 72 air a
na thuirt mi roinn le 3
distortion n 1 (lit: phys) ath-ehumadh m; 2 (misqllotatioll, misrepreselltation dividend n 1 (gain) buannachd f, the peace - buannachd na slthe; 2 (from
&c) mi-aithris m, claon-iomradh m shares) duais-shearaichean f
distract v tarraing airefinvar (from bh%) divine adj 1 diadhaidh; 2 (comillg from God) Ohe (gen of De m, llsed
distracted adj & past part 1 (preoccllpied) fad' as; 2 (in intense mental state) as adjectivally), - grace gras m Ohe
a (&c) rian m divinity n 1 (abstr: ti,e attribute of a god) diadhachd f invar; 2 (the sllbject of
distraction n 1 (pastime) caitheamh-aimsir m, cur-seachad m; 2 (illtellse stlldy &c) diadhaireachd f invar
mental state) boile f illvar division n 1 (abstr: the process) pilirteacheadh m; 2 (through disagreement, by
distress n (mental state, also danger) eiginn f invar, a boat in - bata m ann force &c) sgaradh m; 3 (aritll &c) rOinnJ; 4 (con: eg in Jootbol£) roinn f, the
an eiginn, bata na eiginn second - an dama roinn
distress v (mentally, emotiollally) saraich vt, craidh vt, pian vt, tamailtich vt divorce 11 sgaradh-posaidh m

114 115

divorce v dealaich vi (with prep ri), he -d his wife dhealaich e ris a' mhnaoi dog n 1 cu m; 2 (more trod: of any canine species) madadh m
(dot of bean f) aige dogged adj 1 (as term of praise: persistent &c) leanailteach, diorrasach; 2 (as
divot n fal m, ploe m, sgrath & sgroth f adverse criticism: stllbbom, intractable) dUx, rag, rag-mhuinealach
divulge v foill ich vt, innis vt dogmatic adj (intractable in one's opinions) rag-bharaileach
dizziness n tuainealaich f, (less 11511) luasgan m dole 11 daB nE ;nvar
dizzy adj tuainealach dole out v riaraich vt
do v 1 dean vt irreg, - your duty dean do dhJeastanas m, don't - that! doleful adj bronach, smalanach
na dean sin!, I did my best rinn mi mo dhlcheall m (to air), didn't dolln liudhagf, doileagf
you - well!, also well done! nach math a rinn thu!, well done! math dollar n dolair m
fhein, math thu fhein!, that will -, that will - the job/trick! nl sin an dolt n bumailear m, umaidh m, stalcaire m
gnothach, nl sin a' chitis!, - business dean gnothach m (with ri), it domestic adj taigheil
will - you good nl e feum m dhut, that won't be done cha teid sin a domesticate v callaich vt
dheanamh, that can't be done cha ghabh sin a dheanamh, cha ghabh domesticated adj 1 (of animals) calla & callda; 2 (of Iwme-loving person)
sin deanamh; 2 don't neg imperative, expr by neg particle na,followed by dachaigheil
imperative of the relevant verb, don't leave it on the floor! na fag air an domestication n callachadh m
lar m e!, don't have anything to - with himlit! na gabh gnothach m domicile n aite-fuirich m, aite-comhnaidh m, dachaigh f
ris!; 3 (be sllfficient) foghain vi, will that -? am foghain sin?, (to children dominance n smachd m, lamhf an uachdair, (over air), he achieved - over
&c) that will -! foghnaidh sin!; 4 (other idioms & erprs) (Jam) how are them fhuair e smachd/lamh an uachdair orra
you -ing? de an doigh (a th' ort)?, de do chor?, a wee stroll would _ dominant adj 1 (exerting power, allthority) ceannsalach, smachdail;
you good b' fheairrde thu cuairt bheag, what's -ing? (Jam) de (a) tha 2 (principal, main &c) prlomh (precedes the nOlln, which it lenites
(a') dol?, - away with cuir vi as do, - up (ie renovate &c) leasaich vt, where possible), the - group of the party prlomh bhuidheann mf a'
nuadhaich vt, caraich vt, cuir vt air dOighf phartaidh
docile adj 1 seirnh, ciuin, samhach; 2 (biddable) macanta, umha(i)1 dominate v 1 (achieve dominO/ICe over) ceannsaich vt, smachdaich vt, cuir vt
docility n 1 seimhe f invar, aUineas m; 2 (obedifllce) macantas m, UrnhJachd fo smachd m, faigh smachd (with prep air); 2 (be in a position ofdomi'lOnce
f invar over) cum vt fo smachd, the Romans -d them for many years chUrn na
dock' n (bot) copagf Romanaich mpl fo smachd iad fad iomadach bliadhna f
dock 2 n (in seaport &c) doea m domineering adj ceannsalach
dock I V 1 (Cllt, shorten) giorraich vt, cut & eutaich vt; 2 (Jam: redlice) they donate v tiodhJaic vt, thoir vt (seachad), (to do)
-ed my pay lughdaich iad am paigheadh m invar agam donation n tabhartas m, tiodhJac m, (to do)
dock 2 (ship &c: as vt) cuir vt san doea m, (as VI) rach vi a-steach dhan doea done adj & past part 1 deanta & deante; 2 (Jam: finished) deiseil, ullamh,
docken n (bot) copagf are you nearly -? a bheil thu gu bhith deiseil?, have you - with the
docker 11 docair nE phone? a bheil thu deiseil den fon mf!; 3 in erpr well -! math fhein!,
doctor n 1 (medical) do(c)tair m, (more trad) lighiche m; 2 (non-medical, PhD math thu-fhein!, nach math a rinn thu!
&c) ollamh m, - Carnpbell An t-ollamh Cairnbeul donor n labhartaiche m, tabhairteach m
doctorate n ollamhachd f invar don't neg imperative, see do 2
doctrine n teagasg m doomsday n La-Iuain m
document n sgriobhainn f, paipear m door n 1 doras m, the main/front - an doras mor, the - handle lamh f an
documentary adj 1 sgriobhte, - evidence fianais f sgrlobhte; 2 (media &c) dorais, bar the - cuir an crann air an doras, living next - a' fuireachd
aithriseach, a - film film m aithriseach an ath-dhoras, out of -s a-mach air doras; 2 (idiom) at death's - ri uchd
documentary n (media &c) film m/program m (&c) aithriseach m a' bhais; Note: traditionally doras was IIsed for the door opening while the
dodge n (stratagem &c) innJeachd f, (more fam) ploigh f door leaf was comhla mf, bllt doras is now offen IIsed for both
dodgy adj 1 (dllbiolls) cugallach; 2 (risky) cunnartach doorman tJ dorsair 111, portair 111
doff v cuir vt (with prep de), we -ed our caps chuir sinn d.hJnn ar doorpost n ursainn f
ceapannan mpl doorstep n leac f (an) dorais

116 117
doorway ENGUSH-GAEUC DICTIONARY downpour downstairs ENGLlSH-GAEUC DICTIO ARY dread
doorway n doras m (see Note under door) downstairs adj 1 (position) shios an staidhre f, they are - tha iad shios an
dormant adj na (&c) c(h)adal m, na (&c) t(h)amh m staidhre; 2 (movement) sios an slaidhre, they went- chaidh iad sios an
dormitory n seOmar-eadailm staidhre
dose n tomhas m (iocshJaint j) downstream adv (movement) leis an t-sruth
double adj dubailte downwards adv 5105
double v (numbers, quantities &c) dublaich vti dowry n tochradh m
double-barrelled adj, a - shotgun gunna dubailte doze" do-chadalm, leth-chadalm, dusalm, norragf
doubt n 1 teagamh m, without (a) - gun teagamh, there's no - about it doze v 1 dean dusal m, dean norrag (bheag); 2 (idioms) I -d off chaidh vi
chan eil teagamh ann, cast - (up)on cuir vt an (prep) teagamh m, they mi nam chJo-chadalm, thainig vi do-chadal orm
cast - on his veracity chuir iad an teagamh an fhireanlachd aige; dozen 11 dusan III
2 (perplexity, puzzlement) imcheist f, iomadh-ehomhairle f, in - as to dozy adj 1 (with sleep) cadalach; 2 (metltally slow) maol-aigneach
what I would do ani fo imcheist de a dheanamn, ann an iomadh- drab adj (in colour) lachdann, odhar, doilleir
chomhairle de a dheanainn draft n (of document) dreachd f, dreachdadh m
doubt v 1 (cast - (up)on) cuir vt an teagamh m, cuir vt an amharas m, drag v 1 tarming vti, slaod vti, (at/on air), dragh vt; 21Jig) in expr - one's
cuir teagamh (with prep ann an), they -ed his innocence chuir iad heels miiimealaich vi
an teagamh/an amharas an neo-ehiontachd f invar aige, chuir iad dragonfly n tarbh-nathrach m
teagamh san neo-ehiontachd aige; 2ljail to believe) will he go back? I drain n 1 (agric, plumbing &c) clais f, dreana f; 2 (source offin waste or loss)
- it an teid e air ais? cha chreid mi gun teid traoghadh m (on de), a - on resources traoghadh den mhaoin f
doubtful adj teagmhach drain v 1 (empty a container &c) traigh vt; 2 (drain liquids from container &c)
doubting adj teagmhach, amharasach laom vt; 3 (cookery) taom vt, - the carrots laom na currain mpl; 4 in expr
doubtless adv gun teagamh - away 5101 vi as, the waters -ed away shiol na h-uisgeachan mpl as
dough n laois f drainage n dreanadh m
dour adj dill, gruamach drainpipe n plob f dreanaidh m get!
dove n calman m drake n fac m, mac m
dowdy adj cearbach, luideach, robach dram n drama m, dram m, will you take a -? an gabh thu drama?
down adv 1 (movement) sios, my shares have gone - tha mo shearaichean drama drama m
mpl air a dhol slos; 2 (movement: from point of view of person(s) making dramatic adj dramadach & dramatach
the movement) sios, go - rach vi slos, he went - (towards them) chaidh dramatist n sgriobhaiche m drama m gen, dramaire m
e sios (dhan ionnsaigh); 3 (movement: from point of view of person(s) draught n (of liquid) tarraingf, Ijam) balgam m, sgailcf, steallagf
towards whom the movement is made) a-nuas, come - thig a-nuas, he draughtboard n bord-damais m
came - (towards me) thiiinig e a-nuas dham ionnsaigh; 4 (position) draughts n (game) damais f invar
shlos, they're all - there tha iad uile shios an sud; 5 (mise idioms & draw n Ijootball match &c) geama m ionannach
exprs) sit - dean suidhe m, (more fam) suidh vi sios, (less usu) suidh draw v 1 (pull, drag) larraing vti, slaod vti, (on air), dragh vt - on the rope
a-bhiin, go - (of sun) laigh vi, knock -, throw -, let-, leag vt, he let- larming air an ropa m, - breathlblood tarraing anail flfuil f, - a pint/a
the window leag e an uinneag, she's lying - tha i na laighe, she was cork tarraing pinntml corcais f; 2 (less lit uses) tarraing vt, - a picture
a bit - bha i rud beag slos na h-inntinn, also bha i rud beag lseal liosal, tarraing dealbh m, - to a dose tarraing vi gu crich (dat of crioch j);
she walked - the slope choisich i leis a' bhruthaich mf, slow - (as vt) 3 in exprs - lots cuir croinn (pI of crann m), tilg croinn, -ing lots (ie the
cuir maille f invar (with preps air or ann), slow - the improvements cuir action) crannchur m; 4 in expr - near dluthaich vi, teann vi, (to ri), we
maille air na leasachaidhean mpl were -ing near to the sea bha sinn a' dluthachadh/a' teannadh ris a'
downcast adj smalanach, fo smalan m, dubhach, (more fam) slos na (&c) mhuir mf; 5 (- weapon, sword) rUisg vt
inntinn f, lseal & losal drawer n drabhair m
downhill adv 1 leis a' bhruthaich mf; 2 (idiom: fig) she went - chaidh vi i drawing n dealbh mf
bhuaipe drawing-pin n lacaid f, tacaid-bhalla f
downpour n dile f, (heavier) dile bhathte dread n uamhann & uabhann m, oillt f, uabhas m

118 119
dreadful ENGLISH-GAELIC D,cno ARY drive drive ENGLISH-GAELIC D'CT'ONARY drunk

dreadful adj 1 oillteil; 2 (often with attenllated meaning) eagalach, uabhasach, - a machine by steam iomain inneal m le smuid f; 3 (sport: propel)
sgriosail, the music was just -! bha an ceol direach eagalach/ iomain vi, - a ball iomain bala m; 4 (other exprs & idioms) - (on) (esp
uabhasach/ sgriosail! liveslock) iomain vt, - on (people, allimals) greas VI, - away fuadaich vt,
dreadfully adv, uabhasach, eagalach, garbh, - poor uabhasach/eagalach the dog drove away the fox dh'fhuadaich an cu an sionnach, also chuir
bochd, things are - busy just now tha cUisean Jpl garbh dripeil an- an cu teicheadh m air an t-sionnach, - out or away v rua(i)g VI, fogair
drasta vt, fuadaich VI, the people were -n fromJout of the glen dh'fhogradh
dream n bruadar m, aislingf an sluagh m as a' ghJeann m, it was nearly driving me mad/demented/
dream v 1 bruadair vi (about/of air), I was -ing about you bha mi a' out of my mind bha e gus mo chur dhiom fhin/far mo chinn (gen of
bruadar ort; 2 in expr you're -ing! tha thu ri bruadar!, tha thu ag ceann m)/as mo rian m
aisling! drivel n 1 seile m invar, ronn m; 2 (fig: foolish lalk, nonsense &c) amaideas
dreamer n aislingiche m m, (fam) sgudal m
dreary adj 1 (moumful) namhaidh; 2 (dull, tediolls) slaodach driver n, (of a vehicle) driiibhear m
dregs n (in liqllids) grUid f driving n (a vehicle) draibheadh m
drench v drUidh vi (with prep air), the rain -ed me dhrWdh an t-uisge drizzle 11 ciubhran & ciuthran m
orm drizzle v braon vi
drenched adj & past part drUidhte, bog fliuch droll adj eibhinn, ait
dress n 1 (woman's gannent) dreasa f; 2 (mode of -) eideadh m, Highland - drone! n (of bagpipe) dos m
an t-eideadh Gaidhealach drone 2 n 1 (bee) seillean m dlomhain; 2 (sollnd of bee) torman m
dress v 1 (- oneself) euir vti (with prep mu), I -ed chuir mi urnam, chuir mi droning 11 torman m
urnam m' aodach m; 2 (- someone else) cuir aodach (wilh prep air), I -ed droop v searg vi
him chuir mi aodach air; 3 in expr - up sgeadaich vt drop n 1 boinne f, braon m, drudhag f, a - of milk boinne bhainne m,
dressed adj & pasl pari, in exprs I got - chuir mi urnam (m' aodach m), well won't you take a - of tea? nach gabh thu drUdhag ti?; 2 (on end of nose)
- spruiseil boinneagf, a - on his nose boinneag ri shroin (dal of sron f)
dresser n (fumitllre) dreasair m drop v 1 (as VI) tuit vi, the glasses -ped thuit na gloinneachan Jpl; 2 (as
dressing-gown n cota-Ieapa m vt: lel fall accidenlally) leig vt as, I -ped the glasses leig mi as na
dried adj & past pari 1 normaichte; 2 in expr - up crion, seac gloinneachan Jpl; 3 (as vI: release deliberately) leag vi, - bombs leag
drift n, (idiom) you made me lose my - chuir thu as mo ghabhailmf mi bomaichean mpl; 4 (olher exprs & idioms) - to bits rach vi na (&c)
drift v (snow &c) cath vi c(h)riomagan Jpl, the toys were -ping to bits bha na deideagan Jpl a'
drifter n (fishing) drioftair m dol nan criomagan, I -ped off (ie dozed) chaldh mi nam chIo-chadal m,
drill' n (tool) drile f, (more lrad) snlomhaire m, tolladair m thainig clo-chadal orm
dri1l 2 n (anny &c) drile f drought n normachd f invar, tart f
drill' v toll vt, in expr (oil indllslry) -ing platform clar m tollaidh m gen drove nl (of cattle) drobh m; 2 (fig: in pi) -s miltean mpl, drobhan mpl, they
dri1l 2 v (army &c) drilich vi, dean drile f came in -s thiiinlg iad nam miltean/nan drobhan
drink n 1 (ofall kinds) deoch f, a - of milk/of water deoch bhainne m/ uisge drover n (of cattle) drobhair m
m; 2 (alcoholic -) deoch f, deoch-Iaidir f invar, he's fond of the - tha e drown v 1 bath VI, he was -ed chaidh a bhathadh m; 2 (sormds) - (out)
measail air an deoch bath vt
drink v 1 01 Vii, gabh VI, - a cup of tea ol/gabh cupan m teatha f invar; drowsy adj cadalach
2 (alcoholic drinks) 01 vii, I don't - at all cha bhi mi ag 01 idir drudge n traillmf, sgalagf
drinker n (IISU excessive) poitear m, misgear m drudgery n lrailleachd f illvar, obair f sgalaigf
drinking n 1 (general & of alcoholic drinks) 01 m; 2 (of alcolwl: USII excessive) drug n 1 (medical) cungaidh f, cungaidh-leighls f; 2 (medical & illicit) droga f
pOitearachd f invar; 3 in exprs - companion co-phoitear m, - spree druid n draoidh m
(now ralher lrad) daorach f drum n (mus) druma f
drip, dripping n 1 (abslr & con) sileadh m, snlghe m; 2 (Ihe SOli/Id) gliog m drunk adj 1 air mhisgf, air an daoraich (dat of daorach f), leis an daoraich,
drive v 1 (- a vehicle) draibh vii, driiibhig vti; 2 (propelmllclrinery &c) iomain vt, I'm - tha mi air mhisg, tha mi air an daoraich, tha an daorach orm,

120 121
drunk ENGUSH-GAEUC D,crro ARY dung dun .I ENGUSH-GAEUC DrcrlO ARY d as
tha mi leis an daoraich, (strollger: lam) tha smwd I orm, tha mi air mo dunghill 11 dUnan Ill, siteag & siligf, otrach III
phronnadh; 2 ill exprs make - cuir misgf, cuir an daorach f, (witlr prep duodenum 11 beullll a' chaolain
air), they made me - chuir iad misg/an daorach orm, half - air leth- dupe v thoir an car (witlr prep a), dean foill I (witlr prep air), cealg vt, he -d
mhisg me thug e an car asam, rinn e foill orm
drunkard 11 poitear m, misgear III duplicate 11 1 mac-samhail m, lethbhreac Ill, (of de); 2 document (&c) in -
drunkenness 11 daorach f, misgf, ifalll) smwd I sgriobhainn I (&c) le lethbhreac
dry adj llioram, here's a dry towel for you seo agad tubhailte thioram, the duplicate v dean mac-samhail m/lethbhreac III (witlr prep de)
loch was - bha an loch m lioram; 2 (- frolll tlrirst) pititeach, tartmhor, duplicity 11 cealgf, foill I
iotmhor; 3 ill exprs - spell, - weather, spell of - weather (esp followillg durable adj buan, maireannach,
a railly period) turadh m duration 11, ill expr for the - of the meeting fad na coinneimh, fhad 's a bha
dry v lliormaich vti, the dishes haven't been dried chan ell na soithichean a' choinneamh a' dol
IIIfpl air an liormachadh; 2 ill expr - up (ie witlrer) crion vti during prep 1 ann an, fad, (occas) ri, it was snowing - the night bha e a' cur
dryer 11 liormadair m an t-sneachda III san oidhche I (also air an oidhche), it was snowing -
dryness 11 1 liormachd I illvar; 2 (frolll tlrirst) pathadh m, tart Ill, iota III the (whole) night bha e a' cur sneachda fad na h-oidhche; 2 ill expr he
dual adj duballte fell asleep - her talk chaidh/thuit e na chadal III is i a' toir! seachad
dubious adj 1 (lravillg dOl/bts) teagmhach, amharasach; 2 (arol/sillg dOl/bts, na h-oraid aice
I/Ilreliable) neo-earbsach, cugallach dusk 11 1 duibhre I illvar, eadar-sholas Ill, camhanaich I na h-oidhche, beul
duchess 11 ban-diuc I III na h-oidhche; 2 (idiom) from dawn to - 0 mhoch gu dubh
duck 11 tunnag/, (wild -) lach I dusky adj (01 persolls) ciar
duck v (ill liqllid) turn vt dust 11 duslach Ill, dust III illvar, slUr m
ducking 11 (ill liqllid) turnadh m dustbin 11 bucaid I
due adj 1 (fittillg) dligheach, cubhaidh, iomchaidh, - respect meas duster 11 dustair III
dligheach; 2 (expr tlwt a time limit &c Iws expired) bi vi irreg followed by dusty adj dustach, slUrach
prep ri alld a verbalIlOWI, this book is - backl- to be returned tha an Dutch adj Duitseach
leabhar III seo ri thoir! air ais, this bill is - (to be paid) tha an cunntas Dutchman 11 Duitseach III
seo ri phaigheadh; 3 (owed) you're - ten pounds from me tha ceithir dutiful adj dleastanach
notaicheanfpl agad orm; 4 ill expr in - course ri lldef, we'll get it in- duty III dleastanas Ill, (less IISII) dleas m, they did their - rinn iad an dleaslanas;
course gheibh sinn ri llde e 2 (tax) cis f, customs - ds-chusbainn I illvar, - free saor 0 chlsean
due 11 (wlrat olle is entitled to) dlighe I illvar, dleas III dwang 11 rong m, rongas I
duelllcomhrag~thisl dwarf 11 luchraban m, troich ml
duet 11 oran~this m dwell v 1 (live) fuirich vi, (less IISIl) tiImh vi; 2 (settle ill, illlwbit) tuinich vi,
duke 11 diuc m itilich vt, gabh comhnaidh f, the first race that dwelt in America a'
dull adj 1 (01 light, colollrs &c) doilleir, ciar; 2 (tediol/s) liosda, slaodach chiad chinneadh III a thuinich ann an Ameireagaidh I
dull v 1 (esp liglrt) doilleirich vti; 2 (- paill &c) faothaich vti, lasaich vt dweller III (esp in Irollse, town &c) neach-eomhnaidh m (plluchd-eomhnaidh
dulse 11 (bot) duileasg III m sing call); 2 (esp in a cOl/ntry, contillent) neach-aiteachaidh III (plluchd-
duly adv gu dligheach ititeachaidh m sing call), tuiniche III
dumb adj (pernwllently or tenlporarily) balbh dwelling n 1 (abstr) comhnaidh J; 2 (call: - place) itite-ebmhnaidh Ill, itite-
dumbness 11 balbhachd I illvar fuirich m; 3 (- IWllse) taigh m, taigh-eomhnaidh m, (lIwre trod) filrdach I
dump 11 1 (rubbislr Ireap &c) otrach Ill; 2 (place: slwbby &c) itite grodach, (Ilot dye 11 dath m
wortlr freqllelltillg) itite m gun !heum dye v dath vt, cuir dath m (witlr prep air)
dun adj odhar, ciar, lachdann, (less 1151/) riabhach dyed adj dathte
dunce n burnailear 111, i:unaidh Ill, stalcaire m dyke n gi\r(r)adh m
dung 11 (w;ed as mallllre) innear & inneir f, todhar Ill, cow - buachar m, dynamic adj innsgineach
- heap dUnan m, otrach Ill, siteagl dynasty n gineal 1Ilf, cineal Ill, sliochd III call

122 123
earth ENGLISH-GAELIC D,Cf,ONARY eavesdro

talamh/san uir e; 3 (idiollls) where on - did he go? cai!' idir an deach

E e?, where on - is he? caite fon ghrein (dot of grian f) a bheil e?, why on
- did you do it? carson, a chiall a rinn thu e?
each adj 1 gach, - house gach taigh Ill, I went there - day chaidh mi ann earthly adj 1 talmhaidh adj, an - creature creutair talmhaidh; 2 (temporal,
gach la Ill, - and every gach aon, gach uile, - and every house gach opposite of spiritllal, heavellly) saoghalta, talmhaidh
aon taigh, she's on at me about - and every thing bidh i an sas annam earthquake 11 crith-thalmhainn f
mu gach uile mm; 2 as proll ill expr - other a cheile, (less 11511) each a earthworm Il cnuinlh-thalmhainn f, boiteagf
cheile, they kissed - other phog iad a cheile, talking to - other a' ear-wax ceir-chluaise f
bruidhinn ri cheile, seeing - other a' faicinn each a cheile; 3 (per capita) earwig Il gobhlagf, fiolan Ill, fiolan-gobhlach m
an urra f, they received a thousand pounds - fhuair iad mile not(a) f ease Il 1 fois f, socair f, ill expr take your - gabh fois, gabh vi air do shocair;
an urra 2 (ill persollality, character, 1II00d) at (his &c) - socair, socrach (adjs);
eager adj 1 (pllrsllit, elldeavollr &c) dian; 2 (persoll) dealasach, (esp to work, 3 lfillallcial -) seasgaireachd f illvar
oblige &c) easgaidh ease v 1 (slIfferillg &c) faothaich vti, lasaich vt; 2 (bollds &c) fuasgail vt
eagerness 11 dealas m, easgaidheachd f illvar, dealasachd f illvar easelll sorchan-dealbha III
eagle 11 iolair(e) f, golden - iolair(e) bhuidhe easier COlllp adj nas fhasa, that will be - bidh sin nas fhasa
ear 11 1 duas f, - drum druma IIIf (na) duaise, faillean m, - piercing easiest Slip adj, as fhasa (ill past & collditiollal tellses a b' fhasa), the - thing
toUadh-chluasan Ill; 2 (idiom) give an - dean eisteachd f illvar (to do); was to come back b' e an rud III a b' fhasa tilleadh m
3 (- of COni) diasf easing 11 1 (of paill, sllfferillg) faothachadh m, rurtachd f illvar; 2 (of bollds
earache 11 greim-cluaise m &c) fuasgladh m
eardrum Il faillean m east adj sear adj, an ear f illvar, the - side an taobh sear, an taobh an ear, an
earl 11 iarla 111 - wind gaoth f on ear
earldom 11 iarlachd f illvar east adv an ear f illvar, sear adv, going - a' dol an ear, - of Eden an ear air
early adj mach, trath (advs), (11511 Lit/poet) og (adj), in the - morning mach/ Eden, sear air Eden
trath sa mhadainn f, san og-mhadainn east 11 ear f illvor, the - (ie cOlllpass directioll) an aird an ear, in the - san ear,
early adv 1 moch, trath, - in the morning mach/trath sa mhadainn J; from the - on ear, a wind from/out of the - gaoth f as an ear, the -
2 (before set or expected tillle) trath adv, ran mhithich f illvor, ran am m, (ie locatioll, part of a cOlllltry &c) an taobh III an ear or an taobh sear
_ for the meeting trMh airson na coinneimh, it's too - for ripe apples Easter 11 (lIsed with the art) a' Chaisg, - Monday DUuain III illvar na Caisge
tha e ro thrath airson ubhlan mpl abaich, she retired - leig i seachad/ easterly adj an ear f illvar, an - wind gaoth f an ear
leig i dhith an obair f £on mhithich/£On am, - departure falbh m £on eastern adj an ear f illvar, sear adj, the - towns na bailtean mpl an ear, na
mhithich/£On am, we arrived - rainig vi sinn ron am bailtean sear
earmark Il (all livestock) comharradh-duaise III eastwards adv an ear, chun an ear, chun na h-airde an ear, sailing - a'
earmark v 1 (livestock) cuir comharradh-duaise III (with prep air); 2 lfig: seoladh (chun) an ear
gelleral) comharraich vt easy adj 1 furasta, soirbh, sirnplidh, an - job obair fhurasta, an - question
earn v coisinn vt, buainnich vt, -ing big money a' cosnadh airgid III gell ceist shoirbh; 21fillallcially -) seasgair; 3 (idiollls) take things - gabh vi
mhoir air do (&c) s(h)ocair f, (excl) take it -I, go -! socair! or air do shocair!
earnest adj 1 (ill character, persollality) diIrachdach, stolda; 2 (more temporary) easy-going adj 1 (patiellt, apt to Pllt lip with allllOyallces &c) foighidneach;
ill exprs in- ann an da-riribh adv, they weren't in - cha £Obh iad ann an 2 (Ilot disciplillariall) ceadach; 3 (Ilollchalmlt; call also be pej, illlplyillg
da-riribh, half in - eadar fealla-dha f illvar is da-riribh 'collldll't care less' attitllde) coma-co-dhiu
earnings 11 cosnadh Ill, tuarastal f eat v 1 ith vti; 2 (idiolll) he came home to - thainig e dhachaigh gu
ear-ring 11 duas-fhail f bhiadh m
earth 11 1 (the plallet) IIsed with art, the - an cruinne mf, an cruinne-ce mf, eatable adj ion-ithe
an talamh m if ill gell sillg), the surface of the - uachdar m na cruinne, eating Il ithe & itheadh m
on the face of the - air aghaidh na talmhainn; 2 (soil, grolllld) talamh eaves H anainn f
III if ill gell sillg), (less IISII) uir f, they put him into the - chuir iad san eavesdrop v dean farchIuais f

124 125
eavesdropping ENGLISH-GAELIC DlcnONARY educate educated E GLlSH-GAELlC DlcnONARY egotistical
eavesdropping n farchluais f educated adj foghlaimte, foghlamaichte, ionnsaichte
ebb n (of tide) traghadh m, traoghadh m education 11 foghlam m, ionnsachadh m, oideachas m, sgoil J, pre-schooU
ebb v (of tide) lraigh vi, traogh vi nursery - foghlam fo-sgoile, adult - foghlam-inbhidh, Gaelic-
eccentric adj (of person, behaviour) neonach, as a' chumantas, rudanach medium - foghlam tro meadhan m na Gaidhlig, the Education
ecclesiastic, ecclesiastical adj eaglaiseil Department Roinn f an Fhoghlaim, we got our - in Lewis fhuair sinn
ecclesiastic 11 eaglaiseach m, pears-eaglais m ar sgoil ann an LeOdhas
echo n mac-talla m, sgailc-ereige f educational adj 1 (providing edl/catioll or illformatioll) oideachail; 2 (to do
echo v ath-ghairm vi with educatioll) foghlairn (gell offoghlam m, I/sed adjectivally) - facilities
eclectic adj ioma-shebrsach, an - collection cruinneachadh m ioma- goireasan mpl foghlaim
sheorsach eel 11 easgann f
eclipse n dubhadh m, - of the sun/of the moon dubhadh na greine/na eery adj iargalta, uaigealta
gealaich effect 11 1 (of actioll &c) toradh m, buil J, buaidh J, eifeachd f illvar, the -(s)
eclipse v duibhrich vti of your behaviour toradh do dhol-a-mach m illvar, the greenhouse
economic adj (related to economics, the economy) eaconamach - buaidh an taigh-ghlainne; 2 (impressioll &c made 011 someolle)
economical adj 1 (thrifty) cunntach, caomhantach, cUramach (a-thaobh drUidheadh Ill, ill expr have an - on someone drUidh vi air cuideigin;
airgid); 2 (cheap, not excessive) an - price deagh pmis J, pris 3 ill expr put into - (ptall, ideas &c) cuir vt an gnlomh III
chothromach/dhoigheil; 3 in expr - with the truth cunntach leis an effective adj eiIeachdach
fhirinnf effectiveness 11 eifeachdachd f invar, eifeachdas m
economics n eaconamachd f invar, eaconamas NI effects IIpl1 (olle's belollgillgs ill general) sealbh & seilbh f sing call; 2 ill expr
economise v caomhain vti, gleidh vt, silbhail vt household - aimeis (taighe) f sillg call illvar
economist n eaconamair m effeminacy 11 boireanntachd f invar
economy n 1 eaconamaidh m, the national - eaconamaidh na duthcha, effeminate adj boireannta
free market - econamaidh saor-rnhargaidh; 2 in exprs domestic - effervescence 11 (of persoll) beOthalas m
taigheadas m, banas-taighe m invar, make economies gearr vi sios, effervescent adj 1 (of liquid) builgeanach; 2 (of persoll) beothail
gearr vi air ais, (in air), make economies in our expenditure gearr efficiency Il eifeachdachd f invar, eifeachdas m
sios air an teachd-a-mach tu ;uvar againn efficient adj eifeachdach
ecstasy 11 mire J, meadhail f invar, meadhradh m, in - air mhire effigy n iornhaigh f
ecstatic adj air mhire J, make someone - cuir cuideigin air mhire effluent n as-shruthadh m
eddy 11 cuairteagf effort 11 1 (abstr) saothair J, it's not worth the - (to you) chan /hiach
edge n 1 iomall m, oir f, the - of the wood iomall na coille, the - of the dhut do haothair; 2 (call; all -) oidhirp J, (esp a strenuous -) spilim
roof oir a' rnhullaich; 2 (of blade, tool &c) faobhar m, cutting - faobhar J, make an - thoir oidhirp (at air); 3 (resl/lts of -) oidhirpean '/pI, the
gearraidh m gell, ill expr put an - on (blade, tool &c) faobharaich vt; 3 in editor didn't like my -s cha bu toigh leis an fhear-deasachaidh m na
expr (of persoll) on - cHsgeach h-oidhirpean agam
edgy adj cHsgeach effrontery Il ladarnas 11/, (more fam) aghaidh J, bathais J, what -! abair
edible adj ion-ithe ladarnas!, abair aghaidh!
edict n riaghailt J, reachd m invar egalitarian adj co-ionannachail
edit v deasaich vt egg 11 ugh m
editing 11 deasachadh m egg-cup Il gucag-uighe f
edition n 1 (abstr) deasachadh m; 2 (con) c1o-bhualadh m, a new - of his egg-shaped adj ughach
novel c1o-bhualadh ill den nobhail f aige egg-white Il gealagan 11/
editor 11 deasaiche m, neach-deasachaidh m (plluchd-deasachaidh m sing ego 11, used with art, the - am fein 11/ illvar
call) egoist, egotistll feinear 11/
educate v foghlaim vt, teagaisg vt, thoir sgoil f (with prep do), - the new egoism, egotism 11 feineachd f i,IVar
generation teagaisg an ginealach ur egotistical adj feineil

126 127

Egypt n, I/sed with art, An Eipheit f invar electrician n dealanair m

Egyptian 11 & adj Eipheiteach electricity 1/ dealan m, the Electricity Board Bbrd 11/ an Dealain
eiderdown n cloimhteachan m electrify v 1 (lit) dealanaich vt; 2 (fig) cuir gaoir f(with prep air), she electrified
eight nl/meral & adj ochd, (of people) ochdnar II/f the audience chuir i gaoir air an luchd-eisteachd 11/ sillg coli
eighteen nUlI/eral & adj ochd-deug electronic adj 1 eileagtronaigeach, dealanach, - keyboard meur-chlar
eighth adj ochdamh dealanach; 2 ill exprs - mail, e-mail post m dealain m gen
eighth n ochdamh 11/ elegance" grinneas ni, snas m
eightsome n ochdnar 11/[, an - reel ruidhle-ochdnar 11/ elegant adj grinn, fineaHa, eireachdail
eighty nUII/ & adj ceithir fichead, (in altemative IIIll1/berillg system) ochdad 11/ elegiac adj tuireach
either adv 1 nas motha, I won'l go home! I won't -! cha teid mi dhachaigh! elegy 11 cumha m, marbhrann 11/, tuireadh 11/
cha teid mise nas motha! (also cha teid no mise!), no-one else saw element 1/ (gel/eral, also sciellce &c) eileamaid f
me - cha mhotha (a) chunnaic duine eile mi; 2 in expr - ... or an elementary adj 1 bunaiteach; 2 (not profoul/d) simplidh; 3 in expr - knowledge
dara/darna cuid ... no, (ill Ileg sentences) an aon chuid ... no, give bun-eblas m (of, about air)
me - meat or fish thoir dhornh an dara cuid f.oil f no iasg m, (ill Ileg elevate v ardaich vt
sentences) I won't go - to Glasgow or to Edinburgh cha teid mi an aon elevator n ardaichear m
chuid a Ghlaschu no a Dhun Eideann eligibility 1/ ion-roghnachd f invar, freagarrachd f invar
eject v tiJg vt a-mach, cuir vt a-mach, (from a) eligible adj 1 ion-roghnach, freagarrach; 2 (ql/alified) uidheamaichte
elaborate adj 1 (involvillg much work) saothrach; 2 (detailed) mionaideach; eliminate v 1 (expel, remove, cut out &c) thoir vt (from a), cuir vt a-mach
3 (multifaceted) iomadh-fhilIte (from a), gem vt as, he was -d from the competition chaidh a thoir!
elaborate v 1 (create, develop) innlich vt, tionnsgail vt, obraich vt a-mach; as an fharpais m, the council is eliminating (fil/al/cial) waste tha a'
2 (give more detail) leudaich vi (on air), he -d on his plans leudaich e chomhairle a' gemadh as ana-eaitheimh 11/; 2 (destroy, kill) cuir vi as (with
air na planaichean mpl aige prep do), they -d their enemies chuir iad as do na naimhdean mpl aca
elastic adj subaiHe, - band bann subailte elimination 1/ 1 (removal &c) toirt f (from a), cur 11/ a-mach (from a),
elastic n lastaic & lastaigf invar gearradh 11/ as; 2 (destructiOIl, killillg) cur 11/ as (with prep do); 3 (expulsion
elasticity n subailteachd f invar frOIl/ body &c) tiJgeadh 11/, tilgeil [, toirt f il/var air falbh
elated adj & past part aoibhneach, (jall/) air a (&c) d(h)eagh dhoigh [, they elision 11 (gram) bathadh 11/
were - bha iad air an deagh dhbigh elm 11 leamhan NI
elbow n uileann & uilinn f elongate v sin vti, fadaich vti
elbow v uiUnich vti, thoir upag(an) f (willl prep do) elope v teich vi (with cbmhla ri)
elder! n 1 (chl/rch -) eildear m, (more trad) foirfeach m; 2 (older of two) am elopement 1/ teicheadh 11/ (with comhla ri)
fear/an te (&c) as sine, John is the - is e lain am fear 11/ as sine eloquence n fileantachd f il/var, deas-bhriathrachd f invar
elder2 n (the tree) ruis f, droman 11/ eloquent adj fileanta, deas-bhriathrach
elect v (esp poll tagh vt, they weren't -ed cha deach an taghadh 11/ else adj 1 eile, something - rud m eile, somewhere - (ann an) aiteigin 11/
elected adj & past part taghte illvar eile, who - was there? cb eile a bh' ann?, I don't want anything-
election 1/ taghadh m, - campaign iomairt f taghaidh gel/, - expenses chan eil mi ag iarraidh ciiilll/ invar eile; 2 ill exprs anything -, nothing
cosgaisean Jpl taghaidh - an cbrr 11/ illvar, she didn't say anything - cha ruirl i an cbIT, there
elector 1/ neach-taghaidh m (plluchd-taghaidh 11/ sil/g call) was nothing - to it (than that) cha robh an cbIT ann (ach sin)
electoral adj taghaidh (gel/ of taghadh 11/, used adjectivally), - district sgire elucidate v minich vt, soilleirich vt
ftaghaidh elucidation n mineachadh m, soilleireachadh 11/
electorate 1/ luchd-bhotaidh 11/ sil/g call elude v siolp vi air falbh, ealaidh vi as, ealaidh vi air falbh, (all with prep
electric adj dealain (gel/ of dealan m, used adjectivally), - light/fire solas 11/ / air), seachain vt, he managed to - me chaidh aige air ealaidh/siolpadh
teine m dealain, - current sruth m deaJain, - cooker cucair m deaJain air falbh orm, chaidh aige air mo sheachnadh
electrical adj 1 dealain (gel/ of dealan m, used adjectivally); 2 il/ expr - engineer elusive adj doirbh a ghlacadh, doirbh a lorg
innIeadair-dealain 11/ emaciated adj seang, seargte

128 129
e-mail ENGLISH-GAELIC D,uIO ARY emergency emigrant ENGLISH-GAELIC DICflONARY empty
e-mail 11 post m dealain m gell emigrant n eilthireach m
emanate v thig (from a-mach a), news emanating from Poland emigrate v fag a (&c) d(h)uthaich f !hein, rach vi irreg a nuB thairis, he -d
naidheachdan Jpl (a tha) a' tighinn a-mach as a' Pholainn f illlJllr dh'fhag e a dhuthaich fhein
emancipate v saor vi, fuasgail vt, (from bho/o) emigration n as-irnrich f
emancipation 11 1 (Ihe actioll) saoradh m, fuasgladh m, (from bho/o); 2 (Ihe emigre n eilthireach m
stale) saorsa f (from bho/o) eminence tI 1 (rank, honollr &c) mor-inbhe f; 2 (topog) aird f
emasculate v (castrale) spoth vI, gearr vt eminent adj 1 (mosl importallt &c) priomh (precedes ti,e IIoun, which it lelliles
embargo 11 bacadh m, trade - bacadh-maJairt m where possible), the - people of the town priomh dhaoine mpl a' bhaile;
embark v 1 (as VI) rach vi air bord (wilh gell), we -ed chaidh sinn air bord 2 (distillguished &c) inbheil, an - surgeon lamh-Ieigh nz inbheil
(a' bhilta/na luinge &c); 2 (as vi) cuir vt air bord (wilh gell); 3 ill expr emit v cuir vi (a-mach), leig vt a-mach, - fumes coo a-mach deatach f
_ on (begill, Imdertake), toisich vi (on/upon air), rach vi an sas m (on/ emotion n faireachdainn f, (more extreme or trollbled) buaireas m
upon ann an), gabh vt os lilirnh (dal oflamhj), we -ed on a new project emotional adj 1 (person: affected by -) gluaiste, (more extreme or lrollbled)
thoisich sinn air proiseact mf ill, chaidh sinn an sas ann am proiseact ill, buairte; 2 (event &c: involving or arollsillg emolioll) gluasadach,
embarrass v 1 (callse 10 feel shame) naraich VI, tamailtich vt, maslaich Vi; dritidhteach, (more extreme or trollbling) buaireasach; 3 in expr - arousal
2 (make Imeasy) coo vi troimh-a-cheile, buair vt gluasad m
embarrassed adj & pasl pari 1 (Ihrollgh shame) narach; 2 (Ihrollgh Ulleasilless) emotive adj gluasadach, druidhteach, (more extreme or trollbling)
troimh-a-cheile, air (a &c) b(h)uaireadh; 3 (Ihrollgh shylless) diitid, buaireasach
narach, air a (&c) nilrachadh empathy n co-fhaireachdainn f
embarrassment 11 1 (throllgh shame) naire f i,lVar, tilmailt f, masladh m; emperor n iompaire m
2 (Ihrollgh Ulleasilless) buaireas m; 3 (throllgh shylless) diitide f illvar, emphasis 11 cudthrom m, putllay great - on X cuirIIeig cudthrom mor
naire f illvar air X
embassy 11 1 (abslr) tosgaireachd f; 2 (the premises & illslillltion) ambasaid f emphasise v cooIleig cudthrom m (wilh prep air), - how good her
embellish v maisich vt, sgeadaich VI, snuadhaich vi qualifications are leig cudthrom air cho math agus a tha an
embellishment n maiseachadh m, sgeadachadh m, snuadhachadh m t-uidheamachadh m aice
ember 11 eibhJeagf emphatic adj deimhinn(e), deimhinnte, cinnteach, laidir, an - denial
embitter v searbhaich vt aicheadh m deimhinn/deimhinnte
embittered adj & past part searbhta empire n iompaireachd f
emblem n suaicheantas m employ v 1 (use) c1eachd vi, (less IISIl: esp - lools, weapollS) iomair vt;
embrace v 1 teannaich vt, embracing each other a' teannachadh a cheile, 2 (- workers &c) fastaich, also fasdaich & fastaidh, vi, thoir obair f (with
also an gairdeanan a cheile, she -d him theannaich i (ri a broiUeach prep do)
nz/ri a h-uchd m) e; 2 (inclllde) gabh vi a-steach, his work -s that of employee 11 neach-obrach m (pI luchd-obrach m sing call), obraiche &
X and Y tha/bidh an obair aige a gabhail a-steach obair X agus Y; 3 oibriche nz, cosnaiche nz
(adopl ellthusiastically &c) gabh vi (with prep ri) we -d communism employer n fastaidhear nz, fastaiche m
ghabh s.inn ri co-mhaoineas m employment n 1 (abslr) cosnadh m, obair f, the - Minister Ministear nz a'
embroidery 11 1 (tile aclivity) grNs f; 2 (the prodllcl) obair-ghreis(e) f Chosnaidh; 2 (the act of employillg people) fastadh m
embryo 11 tUs-ghinean mf empower v thoir ughdarras m, thoir cumhachd mf, (with prep do)
emerald 11 smaragf empowered adj & posl pari ughdarraichte
emerge v 11Jrom bllildillg &c) thig vi a-mach (from a); 2 (offacts &c: become empress 11 ban-iompaire f
kllOWtl, apparellt) thig vi am follais f illvar, it -d this week that she was emptiness 11 fal(a)mhachd f invar
married thainig e am folia is air an t-seachdain-sa f gun robh i posta; 3 empty adj 1 falamh; 2 (of place: deserled) falamh, (slronger) fas, the glens
(come 10 ti,e fore) thig vi irreg an uachdar m, he -d as leader ofthe party are - tha na gleanntan falamh/fas; 3 (wilhollt sllbstmlCe) diomhain,
thilinig e an uachdar mar cheannard m a' phartaidh - words faclan diomhain
emergency 11 1 (sitllalioll) cruaidh-ehas m; 2 (more abstr) eigioo f illvar, (often empty v 1 falmhaich vt; 2 (esp liqllids from contai,rer &c) traigh & traogh VI,
llsed adjeclivally) an - exit doras-eiginn m taom vt; 3 (- of populalioll) fasaich vi

130 131
empty-headed ENGLISH-GAELIC DlcrloNARY endeaVOU.T endeavour ENGLlSH-GAELlC DtcrloNARY enigma
empty-headed adj faoin endeavour v feuch vi (to ri), dean iomairt f/oidhirp f (to gus or air)
enable v cuir vI na (&c) c(h)oma m, thoir comas/cothrom m (witll prep ending 11 (0/ meeling, work of arl &c) co-dhilnadh m, crloch f, deireadh m
do), that -d us to pay the bill chuir sin nar comas/thug sin cothrom endless adj 1 (colllillllO/) gun sgur m, - criticism caineadh m gun sgur;
dhuinn an cunntas a phaigheadh 2 (elema/) slorraidh, bith-bhuan
enamel lJ cruan III endorse v 1 (clleql/e &c) cuir a.inrn m (willl prep ri); 2 (sl/pporl) cuir aonta m
enchant v cuir vi fo gheasaibh (obs dol pI of geas j) (willl prep ri)
enchanted adj & pasl parI 1 (/il) seunta; 2 (/il & fig) fo gheasaibh (obs dol endurance 11 cruas 111, cruadal ni, fulang fIl, fulangas 111
pI of geas j) (by aig), he was - by the girl bha e fo gheasaibh aig an endure v 1 fulling & fuJamg VIi, they had to - cold and hunger b' fheudar
nighean dhaibh fuachd mfis acras m fhulang; 2 (conlilll/e, lasl, persisl) lean vi
enchantmentn 1 (abslr) geasachd f invar; 2 (con: a spell &c) geas f enduring adj 1 (persisling) leantainneach; 2 (elemal) maireannach, buan,
encircle v cuartaich vt bith-bhuan
enclose v 1 cuartaich VI, iadh & iath Vi; 2 (esp in corres, packels &c) coo vi enemy 11 niunhaid m
an cois (dol of cas j) (willl gen), coo vi an luib (dol of lub j) (willl gen), energetic adj Juthmhor, brlghmhor, sgairteil
- something in a leller coo rudeigin an cois litreach f gell energy 1l 1 Juth til, - conservation caomhnadh III lutha gen, - SOUfce bun-
enclosed adj & pasl parI 1 cuairtichte; 2 (corres &c) an cois (dol of cas j) lutha m; 2 (of illdividuals) !uth(s) m, brigh f illvar, spionnadh m, sgairt f
(willl gell), an lUib (dol of lub j) (willl gell), - with this leller an cois na enfeeble v lagaich Vii, fannaich vii
litreach seo enforce v coo vI an gniomh m, - the law coo an lagh m an gniomh
enclosure 11 1 (IIIe actioll) cuairteachadh m, iathadh m; 2 (COli: all enclosed engage v dean VI, bi vi irreg an sas m (willl prep ann an), - in tradel
piece of grolllld &c) lann f, (esp for lives lock) crb m; 3 in expr (corres) -s commerce dean malairt f, also malairtich vi, - in politics bi an sas ann
with this leller (paipearan &c) an cois (dol of cas j) na litreach seo am poileataics f illvar
encompass v 1 (ellcircle) cuairlich Vi; 2 (embrace, cOlllaill) gabh vI a-steach engaged adj & pasl parI, 1 (belrollled) they got - yesterday thug iad
encourage v 1 (raise spirils &c) m.isnich vI; 2 (I/rge) coo impidh m (willl prep gealladh-posaidh m (dha cheile) an-de; 2 (pllone, salespersoll &c) trang,
air), brosnaich VI, coitich VI, they -d me to give away all my money he's - just now tha e trang an-drasta, also chan eil e saor an-drasta
chuir iad impidh orm mo chuid f airgid m gell air fad a thoi.rt seachad engagement 11 1 (belrollla/) gealladh-pbsaidh m, - ring famne-gealladh-
encouragement 11 1 (raisillg of spirils &c) m.isneachadh m; 2 (I/rgillg) pbsaidh mf; 2 (appoinlmelll &c) coinneamh f, I have a prior - tha
brosnachadh m, coiteachadh m coinneamh agam mu thrath
encouraging adj misneachail, brosnachail engine n einnsean m, a car - einnsean-dtir, ;', expr a fire - carbad-
encumber v uallaich vi smalaidh m
encumbrance 11 uallach m, eallach m engineer 11 einnseanair m, innIeadair m, electrical - innIeadair-dealam m
end 11 1 (IIIe pllys - of somelllillg) ceann m, the - of the bridge ceann na civil - innIeadair-thogalach m '
drochaid(e), the - of my tether ceann mo theadhrach (gell of teadhair engmeer v .innlich vI
j); 2 (more abslr, & esp of lime) deireadh m, crioch f, the - of the world engineering 11 einnseanaireachd / illvar, innIeadaireachd f illvar
crioch na cruinne, come to an - thig vi gu crlch (dol), at the - of my English adj Sasannach
days/life aig deireadh/crkh mo la, the - of the month deireadh a' English 11 1 (long) Beurla f, oftel' I/sed willl arl, a' Bheurla; 2 (people) the _
mhiosa, at the - of the day (also in the -) aig deireadh an la, also aig a' na Sasannaich mpl
cheann thall; 3 ill expr on - (ie ill sl/ccessioll), an ceann a cheile, an sreath engrave v grabhail vI
m/ a cheile, three days on - lri laithean mpl an ceann a cheile engraver grabhalaiche m
end vI (complele, brillg 10 all -) cuir crlochf(willl prep air), thoir vI gu crich engraving 11 grilbhaladh m, grilbhaJachd f illvar
(dol of crloch j), crlochnaich vi; 2 (esp meelillg) co-dhuin vii enhance v 1 (increase, al/gmelll) meudaich Vi; 2 (improve) leasaich VI; 3 (_
endanger v cuir vt an cunnart 111 appearallce) sgeadaich vI
endangered adj & pasl pari an cunnartm, an - species gnefillvar/sebrsa enhancement 11 1 (inerease) meudachadh m, ill expr - of salary ilrdachadh
111 an cunnart m paighidh (gen of piligheadh m I/sed adjeclivally), ilrdachadh tuarastail
endearments Ilpl faclan m/briathran m gaoil (gell of gaol m) m gen; 2 (improvemenl) leasachadh m; 3 (- ofappearOllCe) sgeadachadh m
endeavour 11 iomairt f, oidhirp / enigma 11 toimhseachan m, snaidhm m

132 133
enjoy v 1 gabh Uachd f illVar (wilh prep ann an), (less 11511) meal vi; 2 (most enterprise n iomairt f, Highlands and Islands Enterprise lomairt na
freqllently expressed IIsing Ihe vi cord, wilh prep ri) how are you -ing Gaidhealtachd, - zone ceam f iomairt gen
that? ciamar a tha sin a' cordadh ribh?, I didn't - the music at all cha enterprising adj iomairteach, ionnsaigheach, gnJomhach
do chord an ceol rium idir entertainment n 1 dibhearsan & dibheirsean m; 2 (hospitality) feisleas m
enjoyable adj 1 tlachdmhor; 2 a chordas (with prep ri), - music, music I enthusiasm n 1 (in general) dealas m; 2 (abollt a parlicular thing &c)
find - ceOl m a chordas rium deidhealachd f invar (about air)
enjoyment n Uachd f invar, toil-inntinn f, toileachas m enthusiastic adj 1 (in general) dealasach; 2 (abollt a parlicular thing &c)
enlarge v 1 (as vt) meudaich vI, leudaich vi; 2 (as VI) rach vi irreg am meud deidheil (about air)
m invar, leudaich vi entice v meall vt, tiilaidh vt, breug vi
enlarged adj meudaichte, leudaichte enticement n mealladh m, tilladh m
enlargement n meudachadh m, leudachadh m enticing adj meaIJach, talaidheach
enlighten v soWeirich vt entire adj 1 (not divided, fragmented &c) iomlan, slan, one was broken
enlightened adj & past part (aware, broad-minded &c) luigseach, toinisgeil, but the other was - bha an dama fear m briste ach bha am fear eile
saor-inntinneach iomlan/sJi\n; 2 (in ils entirety) gu teir, air fad, the - army an t-arm gu
enlightenment n soWeireachadh m, soWseachadh rn, (hisl) the, an - month mios mf gu Jeir, mios air fad
Enlightnment An Soilleireachadh, An SoWseachadh rn, the age of - entirely adv gu tur, gu buileach, gu h-iomlan, uile-gu-Ieir, the two things
!inn rnf an t-soilleireachaidh/an t-soWseachaidh
are - different tha an da cud m gu tur / gu buileach eadar-dhealaichte,
enlist v (esp in armed forces) liostaig vi, gabh vi san arm m (&c)
- useless gun fheum m uile-gu-Jeir
enliven v beothaich vI, brosnaich vI, brad vi
entitled adj & past part airidh (to air), she is - to it tha i airidh air, also tha
enmity n naimhdeas m
coir f aice air
ennoble v uaislich vt
entitlement n 1 (abstr) dlighe f invar, dleas m, coir f, airidheachd f invar;
enormous adj ro-mhor, (morefam) uabhasach/eagalach mor
2 (con: amounl, allowance &c one is enlitled to) cuibhreann mf
enough n 1 gu leOr adv, leOr f invar, we've - food tha biadh gu leOr againn,
tha gu leOr de bhiadh againn, tha gu leOr bldh (gen ofbiadh m) againn, entrails n 1 mionach m, innidh f invar; 2 (usu ofanimals) greaIJach f
(more trod) tha ar leor de bhiadh againn, have you got -? a bheil gu entrance n 1 (abslr) teachd-a-steach m invar, inntrigeadh m; 2 (con: way in)
leor agad?, I got (more than) - of it fhuair mi mo leor dheth, right -! rathad m inntrigidh (gen of inntreagadh m used adjectivally), slighe f
ceart gu leor!; 2 IIsing foghain vi, will that be -? am foghain sin?, (10 inntrigidh, (by a door) doras m inntrigidh; 3 (admission to ed establishment
noisy children &c) that's -! foghnaidh (siud)!, (saying/idiom) - is -, - is &c) inntrigeadh m, - exam/test deuchainn f inntrigidh gen
as good as a feast foghnaidh na dh'fhoghnas; 3 (idiom) I've got more entrant n 1 (in competition) farpaiseach m; 2 (in exam) deuchainniche m
than - tha tuilleadh '5 a choir agam entreat v guidh vi, iarr vi gu dian, cuir irnpidh m, (all wilh prep air), I'm
enquire v faighnich vi (of de or do) -ing you to stay! tha mi a' guidhe ort fuireach!
enquiry n 1 ceist f; 2 (investigation) rannsachadh rn, faighneachd f entreaty n guidhe mf, irnpidh f
enrage v cuir an fhearg (with prep air), feargaich vi, he -d his father chuir entrepreneur n neach-iomairt m (plluchd-iomairt m sing call)
e an fhearg air athair entrust v earb vt (to ri), cuir cUram m (with gen) (to air), leig vt (to le),
enraged adj & past part air bhoile f invar, air bhainidh f invar, air chuthach m don't- yourself to them na h-earb thu-fhein riutha, he -ed his family
enrich v 1 bear/aich & beairtich vi, saoibhrich vt; 2 (- soil) mathaich vt to me's ann ormsa a chuir e cUram a theaghlaich m, - the child's
enrol (at college &c) elilraich vti upbringing to her leig leathase togail f a' phaiste, leig leathase am
enrolmentn elilrachadh m piliste a thogail
enslave v trilillich vi entry n 1 (mainly abstr) inntrigeadh m, teachd-a-steach m invar, right of
enslavement n 1 (abstr) trailleachd f invar; 2 (act ofenslaving) triillleachadh m - cOir-inntrigidh f; 2 (con) doras m/rathad m (&c) inntrigidh gen (cf
ensnare v rib vt, glac vt (ann an ribe j) entrance n 2 above); 3 (tenemmt close) elobhsa m
entangle v amail vt, aimhreitich VI, in expr - oneself, get -d rach an sas entwine v suain vt
m (in ann) entwined adj & past part 1 air suaineadh, fillte; 2 (unintentionally,
enter v 1 rach/thig a-steach (with prep do), inntrig vi; 2 (on keyboard, inconveniently) air amaladh
calclllator &c) put vi ann, cuir vii a-steach enunciate v cuir vi an ceill (dat of ciall j)

134 135
envelop v paisg vt, suain vt erect adj direach, stand - seas vi direach
envelope n ceis f, ceis litreach (gen oflitir j) erect v tog vt
envious adj 1 farmadach, an - woman boireannach farmadach; 2 in e.rprs erode v criom vt, cnamh vt, bleith vt
she became/grew/felt - of her sister (esp at a given moment) gabh i erosion n criomadh m, cnamhadh m, bleith f
farmad m ri piuthar, she was - of her sister (ie a more permanent feeling) err v 1 rach vi air iomrall m, rach vi air seachran m, dean mearachd f; 2 (esp
bha farmad aice ri piuthar from spiritf/al point of view) peacaich vi
environment n fuairmeachd f irlVar errand n teachdaireachd f invar, going on an - a' dol air theachdaireachd,
envoy n tosgaire m also a' dol air gnothach m
envy n farmad m, (less IISIl) !nu(th) m erratic adj neo-chunbhalach, caochlaideach, carach, luasganach
envy v gabh farmad m (with prep ri), (more permanent feeling) he envied his erring adj seachranach, an - spouse ceile seachranach
sister bha farmad aige ri phiuthar f erroneous adj mearachdach, iomrallach, an - rumour fathann
ephemeral adj diombuan, siubhlach mearachdach
epilogue n dimadh m, faclan-dimaidh mpl error n1 (abstr) iomrall m; 2 (con) mearachdf, make an - dean mearachd,
epicentre n teis-meadhan m rach vi air iomraU
episcopal adj easbaigeach erudite adj foghlaimte, foghlamaichte, an - man duine foghlaimte, also
Episcopalian n & adj Easbaigeach sgoiJear m, eolaiche ",
episode n (of drama series &c) earrann f erudition n sgoilearachd f invar
epitaph n marbhrann m erupt v 1 bruchd vt (from, out of a, a-mach a), the shoots -ed out of the
equal adj co-ionann & co-ionnan (to, with ri), - pay paigheadh m co- ground bhruchd na h-oganan npl a-mach as an talamh m; 2 (volcano)
ionann, the scores were - bha na sgoraichean mpJ co-ionann spreadh vi
equal n 1 coimeas m, mac-sarnhail m, seis(e) m, I never saw his - chan eruption n 1 bruchdadh m (from, out of a, a-mach a); 2 (of volcano)
fhaca mi a choimeas/a mhac-sarnhail a-riamh, she met her - fhuair i spreadhadh m
a seis; 2 in e.rpr she's not the - of her mother chan {hiu i a mathair escape n 1 (abstr, & act of escaping) teicheadh m, tarradh & taireadh m as; 2
equal V ionann (with v is), co-ionann (with v bi), X -s Y is ionann X agus (means of -) dol-as m invar, there was no - for us now cha robh dol-as
Y, 2 times 2 -s 4 tha 2 uiread 2 co-ionann ri 4, also tha 2 uiread 2 a' againn a-nis, - route slighe f dol-as gen, rathad m dol-as
deanamh 4 escape v teich vi, tarr & tair vi as, the soldiers -d theich na saighdearan
equality n co-ionannachd f invar, - of opportunity co-ionannachd mpl, thair na saighdearan as
cothruirn m gen escortn (gllard &c) coirnheadach m, freiceadan m sing & coll, faire f coll
equanimity n socair f (inntinn f gm), reidheachd f invar (inntinn) escort v 1 (accompany) rach vi comhla (with prep ri), he -ed her back chaidh
equation n (maths) co-aontar m e air ais comhla rithe; 2 (- IInder sllpervision) thoir vt irreg (to gu), the
equator n, Ilsed with art, the - am meadhan-chearcall m police -ed him to the frontier thug am polas chun na crkhe e
equidistant adj co-astarail (from bh%) Eskimo adj & n Easgiomach m
equilibrium n1 meidh f, cothrom m, in - air mheidh, put into - cuir vt air especially adv 1 (as qllalifying adj or adv) air leth, - good/well air leth math;
meidh; 2 (- of two objects) co-chothrom m 2 (in partiwlar) gu h-araidh, gu sonraichte, I like sport, - football IS
equip v uidheamaich vt toigh learn spors f, gu h-araidh ball-coise m
equipment uidheam f, acainn f espouse v (jig) taobh vi (with prep ri), - a policy taobh ri poileasaidh m
equipped adj uidheamaichte, acainneach essay n aiste f
equitable adj cothromach, direach, gun chlaonadh m essayist tl aistear Ut
equivalence n co-ionannachd f invar essence n (lit & fig) brigh f invar, sugh m, the - of his philosophy brigh na
equivalent adj co-ionann feaUsanachd aige
equivocal adj da-sheaghach essential adj 1 (indispensable) riatanach, deatamach, do-sheachainte;
era n !inn f 2 (basic, fllt/damental) bunaiteach
eradicate v cuir as (with prep do), splon vt (as a &c b(h)un m) establish v 1 (inaf/gllrate, set lip) steidhich vt, cuir vt air b(h)onn m, cuir vt
erase v dubh vt as, - it dubh as e air chois (dat of cas j); 2 (offacts &c: find Of/t, demonstrate) dearbh vt
136 137
establishment ENGLISH-GAELIC DICflONARY evaporate eva oration ENGLISH-GAELIC DICflONARY

establishment 11 1 (abstr) steidheachadh Ill, cur III air b(h)onn Ill, cur air evaporation n deatachadh m
chois (dat of cas j); 2 (con) ionad Ill, the proprietor of this - sealbhadair evasive adj (persolls, allswers to qllestions &c) mi-fhosgarra, fiar
m an ionaid sea eve n (of specifiC days) oidhche f, New Year's Eve Oidhche Challainn f gen
estate III (Iallded -) oighreachd f; 2 (housing -) ionad-thaighean Ill, sgeama- even adj 1 (grollnd, sllrface &c) comhnard, reidh; 2 (nulllbers: not odd)
thaighean m, ill expr (coullcil &c) -s office oifig f fearann-thogalach; cothrom, - number aireamh chothrom; 3 (steady, regular) cunbhalach,
3 (misc erprs) - agent ceannaiche-seHbhe Ill, industrial - raon m cothromach, at an - pace air cearn cunbhaJach; 4 (equal) co-ionann, the
grUomhacha is m scores were - bha na sgoraichean IIIpl co-ionann
esteem 1l meas 111, urram trl, onair f even adv 1 eadhon, fiu is/agus, wread is/agus I didn't - have two pounds
esteem v meas vt cha robh eadhon da nota f agam, cha robh fiu is/illread is da nota
esteemed, estimable adj measail, urramach, miadhail agam, without - so much as a piece of bread gun uiread agas pios
estimate If meas m invar, tuai.ream f, tuairmeas ni, tuairmse f III arain III gen, they didn't - look at us cha do rinn iad fiu agus sUH
estimate v 1 meas vt, thoir tuaireamf(with prep air); 2 (- vallle) cuir luach fa thoir! oirnn; 2 (idiom) - Calum grew afraid thilinig an t-eagal air
III invar (with prep air) Calum £hein
estuary n beullll aibhne (gen of abhainn j), inbhir III even-handed adj cothromach, he is - tha e cothromach, also chan eil e
eternal adj maireannach, siorraidh, bith-bhuan, sior-mhaireannach, - life taobhach
beatha mhaireannach evening n feasgar m, good -! feasgar math!, we'll be in in the - bidh sinn
eternity n slorraidheachd f invar ann feasgar, inIduringlin the course of the - air an fheasgar, the - star
ethereal adj adharaH, spioradaH, neo-<:horporra reu! f an theasgair
ethical adj beusaH, (less trad) eiticeH event n 1 (occurrence) tachartas Ill, tuiteamas m; 2 (case, cirCllmstance) in
ethics n beus-«llas Ill, beusalachd f invar, (less trad) eitic f exprs in the - of rus being guilty mas e an rud e 's gu bheH e ciontach,
ethnic adj (relating to etJlllicity) cinealach I'm not going in any - chan eH mise a' dol ann co-dhiu; 3 (at sports
ethnicity n cinealachd f invar lIIeeting &c) co-fharpais f
ethos n 1 (essential feature!s) of something) brlgh f, susbaint f; 2 (rationale eventful adj tachartach
behind sOlllething) feaUsanachd f invar, the - of the course feaUsanachd eventuality n (circumstance) cor m, don't touch it in any - na buin ris air
a' chillsa chor sam bith, also na buin ris ge b' e de a thachras
etymology n 1 (the discipline) freurnh-fhadachd f illvar; 2 (of a particlllar eventually adv aig a' cheann m thall, mu dheireadh thall, luath no mall, we
word, name &c) freurnh Ill, bun Ill, tUs III (an £hacaH, an ainm &c) built the house - thog sinn an taigh aig a' cheann thall/mu dheireadh
eulogy n 1 (abstr) moladh Ill; 2 (con: poelll) dan-molaidh Ill, (prose -) aiste- thall, we'll manage it - theid againn air luath no mall/aig a' cheann
mholaidh f, (spoken -) oraid-mholaidh f thall
euro n euro IIIf (pI eurothan), the - zone cearn III an euro ever adv 1 (with lIeg v) gu brath tuilleadh, he won't - come bade cha tUl
Europe n An Roinn f Eorpa f illvar, (less USII) Eorpa f invar e gu brath tuilleadh; 2 in expr for - gu brath, gu slorraidh, a-ehaoidh,
European adj & n Eorpach, a Roinn III Eorpa f invar, the European Ben Nevis will be there for - bidh Beinn Nibheis ann gu brath/gu
Coounission An Coirrtisean Eorpach, also Cointisean na Roinn Eorpa siorraidh, I'll love you for - bidh gaol m agam ort a-ehaoidh, for -
evacuate v falmhaich vt, (esp of people) fasaich vt and - gu siorraidh brath; 3 in expr you'll hardly - see the likes of rum
evacuation n falmhachadh Ill, (esp of people) fasachadh m is gann a chi thu a leithid f
evacuee n fograch Ill, neach-fuadain m (p/luchd-fuadain III sing call) evergreen adj sior-uaine, (of trees) neo-sheargach
evade v ealaidh vi air falbh, siolp vi air falbh, (both with prep air), seachain everlasting adj maireannach, - life beatha mhaireannach
vt, he managed to - me chaidh aige air ealaidh/siolpadh air falbh eve.ry adj a h-uUe, gach, - day a h-uUe la m, - single day gach aon la, each
orm, chaidh aige air mo sheachnadh III and - day gach uUe la, - one of them a h-uUe fear m aca, (corres &c)
evaluate v 1 (monetary vallle) luachaich vt, cuir luach III invar (with prep air); with - good wish leis gach deagh dhillachd m
2 (lIIore generally) meas vt everybody, everyone pron a h-uUe duine Ill, (esp - concerlled) na h-uUe
evaluation n 1 (of monetary value) luachachadh & luachadh Ill; 2 (more proll, - will die in the end gheibh a h-uUe duine bas III aig a' cheann
generally) measadh m III thaU, - lost their money chaill a h-uHe duine/na h-uUe an cilld f
evaporate v deataich vi airgid m gen
138 139
everyday ENGliSH-GAEliC D,cnONARY excellence excellent ENGLISH-GAEliC DICTIONARY exempt

everydayadj laitheil excellent adj air leth, air leth math, math dha-riribh, (more trod or formal)
everyone proll, see everybody, above oirdheirc, an - bottle of wine botal air leth de dh'fhion, that was - bha
everything 11 a h-uile cail m illvor, a h-uile sion m, gach (aon) rud m, gach sin air leth math/math dha-riribh
(aon) nJ m exception 11, ill expr with the - of ach a-mhitin, everyone returned home,
evict v cuir vt a-mach (from a) with the - of lain thill a h-uile duine m dhachaigh, ach a-mhitin lain
evidence 11 1 (testimollY givell) fianais j, teisteanas m, give - thoir fianais; exceptional adj air leth, as a' chumantas m, an - man duine m air leth
2 (proof) dearbhadh m (of air), - of his guilt dearbhadh air a chionta m excess ", eus nl, tuilleadh 's a' choir, an - of food/noise eus bldh ", gent
evident adj follaiseach, soilleir, it's - that he's not guilty tha e follaiseach tuaim m gen, drink to - 01 cus, there was an - of it bha tuilleadh '5 a'
nach eil e ciontach choir dheth ann
evidenlness 11 follais f illvar excessive adj 1 cus m, - noise/rain cus m tuaim/wsge gell; 2 (oceas: esp witll
evil adj 1 ole; 2 ill exprs the - one an Donas m, the - eye an droch-shuil f abstr 1l01lllS offeelillg, psycllOlogieal slates &c) ro- prefix (Ienites followillg
evil" donas m, (slrollger) ole m, good and - am math is an t-ole COilS wllere possible), eg - anxiety ro-chilram m
evil-natured, eVil-tempered adj droch-nadarrach excessively adv ro (Iellites followillg COilS wllere possible), - permissive ro
evolution n (of life forms &c) meanbh-chinneas m, muthadh m cheadachail
evolve v 1 (life forms &c) muth vi; 2 (develop) athareaich vi (mean air mhean), exchange 11 1 malair! j, (more trod) iomlaid f; 2 (currellcy) iomlaid j, the -
his philosophy -d over the years dh'atharraich an fheallsanachd aige rate luach m na h-iomlaid, also co-Iuach m an airgid
mean air mhean re nam bliadhnachan mpl exchequer 11 Roinn f an lonmhais
ewe 11 caora j, in lamb - caora-uain, - with a lamb at foot caora is uan m excite 1 (esp emotiolls) tog vt; 2 (people) brod vt, gIuais vi, sprebd vt, cuir vt
na cois (dat of cas f), - with twin lambs caora-<:haraid air bhioran m; 3 (sexually) brod vi
exact adj 1 (accurate) ceart, (Slims, fig 11 res &c) cruinn, grinn; 2 (persoll, work excited adj & post port air bhioran m, togarrach, meanmnach, (more exlreme)
&c) pongail, mionaideach; 3 ill exprs in the - centre of the field ann am boile j, air bhoile
an ceart-mheadhan m an achaidh, the - thing I needed an dearbh rud excitement 11 togarcachd f illvor, meanmnachd f illvor, (more extreme) boile
m a bha dhith orm f illvar
exactly adv direach, - as I would wish direach mar a thogeainn, (expr exclamation 11 1 clisgeadh m; 2 (grom) c1isgear m, ill expr - mark clisg-
agreemelll) -! direach (sin)! phuingf
exalt v ardaich vt, cuir vt an airde f illvar exclude v cUm vi (from bh%), dUn vi a-mach (from a), - him from the
examination III (ill scllool &c) deuchainnj, entrance - deuchainn inntrigidh room cUm bhon rUrn 111 e, dun a-mach as an rum e
(gell of inntrigeadh m); 2 (medical &c) sgrudadh m, dental - sgriJdadh exclusion" as-du.nadh 111
fhiaclan Jpl gell excrement 1'1 cac m
examine v 1 (ill scllool &c) ceasnaich vt, thoir deuchainnean Jpl (witll prep excursion 11 cuairt j, sgriob j, (to do), an - to the islands cuairt/sgnob do
do); 2 (medical &c) sgriJd vI, dean sgriJdadh m (witll prep air) na h-eileanan mpl
examinee tJ deuchainniche m excuse 11 leisgeul m
examiner 11 1 sgrudaiche m; 2 (scllool &c -) neach-eeasnachaidh m (pI excuse v 1 thoir leisgeulm (witll prep do), math vt, we -d her ghabh sinn
luchd-eeasnachaidh m sing coil) a leisgeul; 2 (excl) - me! gabh(aibh) mo leisgeul!; 3 (allow to leave) thoir
example 11 m, for - mar eisimpleir (abbrev m.e.) cead m illvar falbh (witll prep do), (allow to be absellt) thoir cead followed
exasperale v leamhaich vt by gun & illfin of tile verb, the chairman -d him from the meeting thug
exasperated adj & past port frionasach, diombach, saraichte an caithriche cead dha gun a bhith aig a' choinneimh f
exasperating adj frionasach, leamh execute v 1 (0 task, process &c) thoir vt gu buil j, gniomhaich vt; 2 (kill) cuir
exceed v rach vi irreg thairis, rach seachad, (witll prep air), you -ed my vi gu bas m
instructions chaidh sibh thairis/seachad air na h-orduighean mpl a executive adj gniomhach
thug m; dhuibh executive 11 1 gniomhaiche m; 2 (coil) the - an roinn-gniomha f; 3 ill expr
exceedingly adv anabarrach, ro- prefix, uabhasach (fhein), cianail fhein, (pol) The Scottish Executive Riaghaltas m na h-Alba
- good anabarrach math, (more trod) ro-mhath, (more fam) uabhasach exempt adj saor (from bh%), neo-bhuailteach (witl. prep do), - from taxes
(fhein) math, - slow cianail fhein slaodach saor 0 chisean Jpl, neo-bhuailteach do chisean
excellence 11 feabhas m, (more trod or formal) oirdheirceas m exempt v saor vt (from bh%)

140 141

exemption n saoradh m (from bh%) expedient n innleachd J, seol m

exercise 11 (phys, ed &c) eacarsaich f expedition n turas 111
exercise v 1 (make llse of) deachd vt, - power deachd cumhachd mf expel v fogair vt, coo vt a-mach, (with prep a), the people were -led from
invar; 2 (put into effect) coo vt an gnlornh m, - rights cull an gnlornh the glen dh'fhogradh an sluagh as a' ghleann m
coraichean Jpl; 3 (take exercise) bi vi irreg ag eacarsaich expenditure n teachd-a-mach m invar, caHeachas m
exhaust n (of engine) traghadh & traoghadh m, - pipe plob-thraghaidh f expense n cosgais J, travelling -s cosgaisean-siubhail Jpl
exhaust v 1 (person) daoidh vt; 2 (use up resources &c) caith vt expensive adj cosgail, daor
exhausted adj & past part 1 (person) daoidhte; 2 (resources &c) caithte, experience v 1 (- sensations, emotions) mothaich vt; 2 (know, live through)
cosgte aithnich vt, (esp emotions) bi vi irreg fo (prep), we didn't - poverty cha
exhaustion n 1 (of people) daoidheachd f invar; 2 (of resources &c) (abstr) do dh'aithnich sinn bochdainn J, like a person experiencing fearla
caithteachd f i'IVar, (the action) caithearnh m nightmare mar neach m a bhiodh fo eagalm/fo throm-laighe mf
exhibit v 1 seal! vt, -ing signs of weariness a' sealltainn chornharraidhean experience n eOlas m (of air), - of the world eOlas air an t-saoghal
mpl sgiths f invar; 2 (art &c) taisbean & taisbein vt experienced adj eOlach, fiosrach, (in air), deachdte (in ri)
exhibition n 1 (of art, goods, tecl"'iques &c) taisbeanadh m, - hall taisbean- experiment n deuchainn J, dearbhadh m
lann J, tal!a-taisbeanaidh f; 2 (bad behaviour) in expr what an -! abair expert adj 1 (knowledgeable) eOlach (in, on, about air); 2 (- at perJonning tasks
dol-a-mach! &c) teOma (in, at ann an)
exhilarate v cull aoibhneas m/sunnd m (with prep air), sunndaich vt expert n 1 (knowledgeable person) eOlaiche m; 2 (- at performing tasks &c)
exhort v brosnaich vt, earalaich vt, (to gu) ealantach m
exhortation n brosnachadh m, earail J, earalachadh m, (to gu) expertise 11 1 (blOwledge) eolas m; 2 (- in performillg tasks &c) ealantachd f
exile n 1 (the state) fuadan m, fogradh m, fogairtf invar; 2 (the person) neach- invar, teOmachd f invar
fuadain m (plluchd-fuadain m sing coli), fog(ar)rach m, eilthireach m expiation 11 reite f
exile v fuadaich vt, fogair vt, they were -d chaidh am fuadach(adh), explain v minich vt, soilleirich vt
chaidh am fogradh explanation n 1 mineachadh Ill, soilleireachadh Ill; 2 (reason: idiom) what's
exist v 1 bi vi irreg ann, fairies don't - chan eil slthichean mpl ann; 2 (live) the - for that? de as coireach ri sin?
mair vi beD, bi vi irreg beD, 1 couldn't - without music cha mhairinn explanatory adj mineachail
beo/cha b' urrainn dhornh a bhith beD gun cheolm explode v spreadh vti
existence n 1 bith J, bring into - thoir vt am bith, pass out of - rach vi a exploit n euchd m, deas m, (jam) ploigh f
bith; 2 (con: life) beatha J, a wretched - beatha thruagh exploit v 1 dean feum m (with prep de), thoir brlgh f invar (with prep a); 2 (-
exit n 1 doras m dol m a-mach, slighe f dol a-mach; 2 ill expr (pal) - poll more unfairly) gabh brath m, gabh fath m invar, (with prep air)
cunntas m sgaoilidh m gm explore v rannsaich vt
exonerate v saor vt 0 choire f explorer 11 rannsachair m (dhuthchannan Jpl gen)
exotic adj allmharach, coigreach explosion n spreadhadh m
expand v 11eudaich vti, meudaich vti; 2 (swell) seid vi, at vi explosives npl stuth-spreadhaidh m
expanded adj 1leudaichte, meudaichte; 2 (swollen) seidte, air seid(eadh) export n 1 (abstr) as-rnhalairt f, - market margadh mf as-rnhalairt gm;
expansion n 11eudachadh m, meudachadh m; 2 (by swelling) seideadh m 2 (con: products &c -ed) as-bhathar m sing call
expect v 1 (anticipate) coirnhead vi (with prep ri), we're -ing storms tha sinn export v as-rnhalairtich vti, reic vt an cein
a' coirnhead ri stoirmeanJpI; 2 (- a visit) I-lam -ing her tha dUil/sUil/ exporter n as-mhalairtear 111
fiughair (all f) agam rithe; 3 (suppose) bi vi irreg an duil f (with prep aig & expose v 1 leig vt (with prep pron ris), thoir vt am follais f invar; 2 (- /Jody)
conj gu), bi vi irreg an dUil (with conj gu), I - he'll come tha dUil agam rUisg vt
gun tig e, I don't - he'll manage it chan eil mi an dUil gun teid aige air; exposed adj ris, rUisgte, nochdte, his back was - bha a dhruirn m ris, - to
4 (with double neg COllStr) eg, I'll be drunk tonight! I - you will! bidh the sun ris a' ghrein (dat of grian f)
mi air an daoraich dat a-nochd! cha chreid mi nach bi! exposition n cu.nntas rH, mlneachadh rH
expectation n dUil J, fiughair f exposure 11 1 leigeil m ris, toirt f illvar am follais f invar; 2 rusgadh m
expedient adj iomchaidh, £reagaITach express adj 1 (rapid) luath, often as prefix in this sense, eg - train luath-

142 143
express ENGLISH-GAELIC DICTIONARY extremely extremity E GlISH-GAElIC DICTIONARY eyewitness
threana f, - service luath-sheirbheis f; 2 (precise, deliberate) I did it extremity n 1 (of extended area) iomaJl Ill, crioch f; 2 (of a tine) eeann Ill; 3 (a
with the - purpose/intention of annoying you rinn mi e a dh'aon crisis &c) eiginn f illvar
ghnothach Ill/a dh'aon rim III gus dragh III a chur art. exuberance n suilbhireachd f illvar
express 11 (traill) luath-threana f exuberant adj suilbhir
express v cuir vt an ceill (dat sillg of ciall j), - your feelings cuir ur eye n 1 sUil f, - contact glaeadh III sUla, the evil - an droch-shUil f; 2 ill
faireachdainnean JPI an ceill exprs - socket glue f, - of a needle crb III snathajd f gm
expression n 1 (trallsient facial -) fiamh Ill, meinn f, coltas Ill; 2 (lIIore eyeball n claeh f na sula
perlllalletlt facial -) gnills f; 3 (lallg: idiolll, phrase &c) abairt f, dbigh- eyebrow n mala f
labhairt f; 4 (abstr: act of expressillg feelillgs &c) cur III an ceill (dat sillg eyelash 11 fabhra Ill, rasg III
of ciall j) eyelid n fabhra III
expressly adv a dh'aon ghnothach Ill, a dh'aon rim Ill, I wrote the letter - eyesight n fradharc & radharc Ill, leirsinn f invar
to bring the matter to an end sgrIobh mi an Utir a dh'aon ghnothach/a eyewitness n suil-fhianaise f
dh'aon rim airson/gus a' chillsfa thoir! gu ceann III
extend v 1 (increase size) leudaich vti; 2 (hold or stretch Ollt) sin (a-mach) vti,
- the hand of friendship to them sin lamh a' chairdeis dhaibh/thuca
extended adj 1 (increased ill size) leudaichte; 2 (held or stretched Ollt) sinte
extension n 1 (increase in size) leudachadh Ill; 2 (holding or stretching Ollt)
sineadh III
extensive adj 1 (sizeable &c) farsaing, leathann, mor; 2 (opposite of illtetlsive)
extent 11 1 (phys) farsaingeachd f invar; 2 (lIIore abstr: degree, illtmsity &c)
meud III invar, the - of her anxiety meud a h-iomagain
exterior n (an) taobh a-muigh, the - of the building taobh a-muigh an
external adj (phys) an taoibh (gell of taobh Ill) a-muigh, (also 1II0re fig) an -
student oileanach III an taoibh a-muigh
extinct adj (oolcaIlO, species &c) marbh, a bith f illvar
extinguish sma(i)l vt (as), cuir vt as, much vt, ruch vt, - the fire cuir as/
small as an teine rH
extinguisher 11 smaladair Ill, muchadair III
extract 11 earrann f (from de or a)
extract v (pl/Il or take Ol/t) thoir vt as, tarraing vt as, he -ed the tooth thug
e as an fhiacail
extraordinary adj as a' chumantas, air leth
extravagant adj cajth(t)each
extreme adj 1 anabarrach, (occas: esp with abstr 1101/115 offeeling, psychological
states &c) ra- prefiX (Ienites followillg cons where possible), - anxiety ro-
ehillam Ill; 2 (exceptional) an - example eisirnpleir III air leth
extreme 11 (eg of clilllate) anabarr III
extremely adv anabarrach, air leth, (occas: esp with abstr 'WIIIlS of jeelillg,
psyclwlogical states &c) ro- prefiX (Ienites following COilS where possible),
- good air leth math, anabarrach math, math dha-riribh, gu dearbh
fhein math, - willing ro-thoileach, - white ra-gheal

144 145
fair adj 1 (attractive) bbidheach, maiseach; 2 (of hair, complerioll) ban; 3 V"St
F &c) cothromach, reusanta, a - man duine cothromach, a - decision
breith chothromach; 4 (idiom) we gave them - odds thug sinn cothrom
fable n OOsgewm, fionnsgewm m na Feinne dhaibh
facade n 1 (ofbllilding &c) aghaidht 2 (olltward pretellce &c) sgililf fair n (market; also rides, amllsemellts &c) feill f, faidhir f, The Mull Fair An
face 11 1 (of persoll) aodann m, aghaidh f, - to - aghaidh ri aghaidh, she Fhaidhir Mhuileach
struck me full in the - bhuail i mi an dilr m' aodainn, I told her the fair-haired adj ban
truth to her - dh' innis mi an fhlrinn clhi an dilr a h-aodainn; 2 (topog: fairly adv 1 (qllite, pretty) an ire mhath, car m, caran m, we were - tired bha
- of hill &c) aghaidh f, the - of the mountain aghaidh na beinne, on sinn an ire mhath sgith/car sglth; 2 (in afair manller) gu cothromach
the - of the earth air aghaidh na talmhainn fairy 11 sithiche m, bean-sith(e) f, the - follc, the fairies na daoine-sith mpl,
face v 1 (11Im towards) cuir a (&c) aghaidh f (with prep ri), I -d the wall na sithichean mpl
chuir mi m' aghaidh ris a' bhalla; 2 (be orielltated towards) bi vi irreg mu faith 11 creidearnh m, the Islamic - an creideamh loslamach
choinneirnh (with gen), (less IISIl) bi vi irreg fa chomhair (with gell), I was faithful adj dlleas
facing her bha mi mu coinneirnh, I was facing the window bha mi mu faithfulness n dllseachd f illvar
choinneirnh na h-uinneig(e); 3 in erpr - up to seas vi (with prep ri), - up faithless adj mi-dhileas
to problems/enemies seas vi ri duilgheadasan mpl/ri nilirnhdean mpl fake adj fuadain, breige (gell of fuadan mIbreug f lIsed adjectivally),
facility 111 goireas m, the dub has lots of facilities tha goireasan gu leOr 19u - diamonds daoirneanan mpl breige
leOr de ghoireasan aig a' chIub m; 2 (lIalllral bent,flair) alt m (for air) fake III (persoll: dissembler &c) mealltair m, cealgair(e) m; 2 (fake object) rud
facing adv mu choinneirnh, (less lISIl) fa chomhair, (with gell), I sat down - m (&c) bre.ige (gell ofbreug llsed adjectivally)
the window shuldh mi 5105 mu choinneirnh na h-uinneige fall' n lulteam III
facsimile n mac-sarnhailm, lethbhreac m faIl 2 11 (alltllmll) foghar m
fact 11 firinn f, rud m, it's a -! '5 e an fhlrinn a th' ann!, the - is, I was tired fall v 1 lult vi, stumbling and -ing a' luisleadh 's a' lulteam, shares fell
'5 e an rud a th' ann gun robh mi sglth, or is ann gun robh mi sglth, if today thult searaichean IIIpl an-eliugh, it fell to him to be a soldier
it is a - that he is lazy mas e (an rud e) '5 gu bheH e leisg thult dha a bhith na shaighdear m, (idiom) -ing to bits a' dol na (&c)
factor' n (of estate &c) bilillidh m, maor m c(h)riomagan JPI; 2 (come to rest) laigh vi (on air), her shadow fell on
factor2 11 (aspect, elemellt) adhbhar m, eileamaid f, one of the -5 in his me laigh a faHeas III orm; 3 in expr - out (ie qllarrel) rach vi irreg thar a
decision fear de dh'adhbharan a cho-dhimaidh m gen, the main - in cheile, rach vi irreg a-mach air a cheile, I caused them to - out chOO mi
this situation a' phriomh eileamaid san t-suldheachadh m seo thar a cheile iad, they have -en out tha iad lroirnh-a-eheile
faculty n 1 comas m, - of speech, comas-bruidhne f, comas-eainnte f, fallow adj ban, - land/ground talarnh ban
comas-Iabhairt t 2 ill erpr the - of movement/motion liIth m falls 11 (waterfall) eas m, leum-uisge m, linne f, spiItm
fade v mon vti false adj 1 (deceitflll &c) meallla, mealllach, fallsa; 2 (artificial) fuadain, breige
fail v 1 (as vi: person, bllsilless &c) filillig vi, (esp bllsiness) rach vi fodha, he (gell ofbreugf lIsed adjectivally), - teeth fiadan-fuadain mpl, - moustache
-ed dh'fhilillig e, his business -ed dh'fhilillig an gnlomhachas aige, slais bnreige; 3 (wrollg) cem, a - conclusion co-dhimadh cem
chaidh an gnlornhachas aige fodha; 2 (as vt) filillig vt, he -ed his exams fame n cliiI III invar, (stronger) glbir f illvar, win - coisinn cliiI
dh'fhilillig e na deuchainneanJPI aige; 3 (- ill health) rach vi bhuaithe, familiar adj 1 (knowledgeable) eOlach (with air), - with computers eOlach
she is -ing tha i a' dol bhuaithe air coirnpiutairean mpl; 2 (accllstomed) deachdte (with ri), - with her
failing n fililligeadh m, filillinn f ways cleachdte ri a dbigh(ean) t 3 ifreqllelltly met with) cumanta, (less
failure n fililligeadh m 11511) gnilthach, - complaints gearanan mpl cumanta
faint adj 1 fann, lag, a - voice guth fann, - from/with hunger lag leis an familiarity 11 eOlas III (with air), - with computers eblas air coirnpiutairean
acras m; 2 (idiom) I haven't the -est idea chan eH cilHm illvar a dh'fhios IIIpl
nragam family n 1 (esp immediate -) teaghlach m; 2 (extellded -) cilirdean (pI of caraid
faint n new m, laigse f m), daoine (pI of duine m), culdeachd f, all my - are in Stomoway tha
faint v fannaich vi, fannlaig vi, rach vi irreg an laigse f, rach vi irreg an new m mo chilirdean/mo dhaoine air fad ann an Stebmabhagh
faint-hearted adj meata famine 11 gort(a) f

146 147

famous adj ainmeH, cliUiteach, iomraileach fated adj an dan (for do), Ihal was - for him bha sin an diln dha
famously adv, (idiom) we gel on - tha sinn gu math mor aig a cheile falten v reamhraich vti
fan m (for vel/tilatiol/ &c) gaotharan m falty adv creiseach
fank 1/ (tile structllre, also the activity of dippillg &c at tI,e -) faingf, fang m, faucet " goc tu
Ihere'll be a - lomorrow bidh faing ann a-miUreach fault tI 1 (defect itl persotl or object) filillinn f, gaoid J; 2 (defect itl object)
far adj & adv 1 (phys distOl,ce) fad(a), how - is il? de cho fada 's a tha e?, - easbhaidh f, cearb J; 3 (moral defect itl persotl) meang J; 4 (geological -,
away/off fad(a) air falbh, - and wide fad is farsaing, ill expr as - as (ie - itl metal &c) sgaineadh m; 5 (gllilty actiotl) cionl(a) m; 6 itl exprs at -
lip fo) gu ruige prep (with 'IOm), we'll go as - as the ridge Iheid sinn coireach, ciontach, il wasn't my - cha mhis' a bu choireach (ris), find
gu ruige an druim; 2 (time) ;" expr so - (ie lip to ti,e presellt) gu ruige - faigh coire f (with do)
seD, chun a seo, we haven't made any mistakes so - cha do rinn sinn favour 1/ fabhar m, seirbheis f, baidh f, he did you a - rinn e fabhar /
mearachdan Jpl gu ruige seo/chun a seo; 3 (il/tetlsifyitlg adv: mllch) seirbheis/baidh dhut
fada, _ better fada nas fhearr, - older f,da nas sine, (idiom) we had - favour v 1 (side with) cUm taobh (witl, prep ri); 2 (prefer) is v irreg & deffhearr
loo much bha luilleadh 's a' choir againn (with prep le), I - the olher applicanl 's e an neach-tagraidh m eHe as
farawayadj fad air falbh, cein fhearr learn
fare' tI (Otl blls &c) faradh m favourable adj fabharach
fare 2 tI (provisiol/s) biadh m, Ion m fawn adj odhar
farewell tll cead m, we bade Ihem - ghabh sinn ar cead dhiubh; 2 (as excl) fawn tI mangf
_! soraidh fleat/leibh!, beannachd fleal/leibh!, sliln leal/leibh! fawn v dean miodal m (on do), dean sodal m (on ri)
far-felched adj (a theid) thar na ftrinn, itl expr - lalk/slories/lales rabhd m, fawning tI miodal m (on do), sodal m (on ri)
rabharl m, fax tI (IT) facs m, - machine inneal m facsa getl, send a - cull facs (10 gu)
farm 1J tuathanas lIJ, in expr home - manas lIJ fax v CUll (litir &c) na facs m (with prep gu), I'll - you itlI'Il fax it 10 you
farmer tI tuathanach m cuiridh mi thugad e na facs
farming tI 1 (tile activity) tuathanachas m; 2 (the sllbject, ti,e theory of -) fear tll eagal (occas feagal) m, (less IISIl) fiamh Ill; 2 itl expr for - Ihal air eagal
aiteachas tu 's/is (with cotlj gun), mus (also mun & mum) COtlj, for - thal I miss the
fascinaled adj fo gheasaibh (obs dat pi of geas j), I was - by il bha mi fo Irain air eagal 's gun caill mi an Ireana f, he held the ladder for - she
gheasaibh leis, she had me - bha mi fo gheasaibh aice should fall chum e greim m air an fharadh m mus tuiteadh i
fashion n fasan m, a new - fasan Ur, in - san fhasan, out of - as an fearful adj eagalach
fhasan feasibility tI ion-dheanlachd f il/var
fashion v cum vt, dealbh vt feasible adj ion-dheanta
fashionable adj fasanla, san fhasan m feasl 1/ 1 (batlqllet) cuirm f, feis (also feisd & feisl) f, f1eadh m; 2 (idiom/
fasl adj luath, a - train luath-threana f sayitlg) enough is as good as a - foghnaidh na dh'fhoghnas; 3 (relig-)
fasl 1/ Irasgf, trasgadh m, - day la-traisg m, la-trasgaidh m feill f, the - of SI BridelBridget An Fheill Bride f getl
fasl v bi vi irreg na (&c) l(h)rasgf, traisg vi, they are -ing Iha iad nan trasg, feasl-day tI latha-feille m
tha iad a' trasgadh feal tI euchd m, cleas m
faslen v ceangail vt fealher tI ite f, (smnll) iteagf
faslening 1/ ceangal m fealhered adj iteach, iteagach
fasl-flowing adj cas, bras feature tI (characteristic &c) fearl m
fastidious adj orraiseach February tI Gearran m, IIsed with art, an Gearran, also a' mhios mharbh
fal adj reamhar, sultrnhor fecund adj torach & lorrach
fal tI 1 creis f, geir f, saill f; 2 (body -) sull m fee 1/ (charged by lawyer &c) luarastal f
falal adj marbhlach feeble adj fann, lag, lapach, meata, a - voice guth fann
fa le 1/ dan m, (more trad) crannchur m, oppose/go againsl - cuir vi an feeble-minded adj lag na (&c) inntinn f
aghaidh dain, he accepled his - ghabh e ris na bha an dan dha, if thal feel v 1 fairich vti, - cold and heat fairich fuachd mf is teas m itlvar, how
is my - mas e sin mo chraIU1chur are you -inglhow do you - today? ciamar a Iha thu a' faireachdainn

148 149
feel E GLlSH-GAEUC D'CfIONARY fetter fettle E GUSH-GAELIC D'CfIONARY fi ative
an-diugh?, -ing disgruntled a' faireachdainn diombach; 2 (be fettle n, in expr he's in fine - tha e ann an deagh thriom m/air a (dheagh)
consciolls of) mothaich vt, we felt the motion of the boat mhothaich dhOighf
sinn gluasad m a' bhata; 3 (tollcll, IUlIIdle &c) laimhsich vt; 4 in expr - the feud n falachd f invar, connsachadh m
absencel1ack of ionndrainn vt fever n fiabhras m, teasach m, scarlet/yellow - am fiabhras dearg/buidhe
feeling adj mothachail few adj, in exprs he has very - friends tha gle bheag de charaidean mpl
feeling n 1 (pllys, emotional) faireachdainn f; 2 (abstr: tile sense or facility of-) aige, his friends were - (trod) bu thearc a charaidean, as - as three
mothachadh m; 3 (tile act of -) faireachdainn, mothachadh m cho beag ri a tri
fell v leag vt (gu lar m) few n (persolls or tllillgs) beagan m, (more positive) grunnan m, (witll gen),
fellow n 1 (man, glly &c) fear m, that- over yonder am fear ud thall, a - by he has a - friends tha beagan/grunnan charaidean mpl gen aige, has
the name of Carnpbell told me dh'innis fear Caimbeulach dhomh (e); he any friends? only a - a bheil caraidean aige? chan eil ach beagan,
2 (mise IIsages) (compliment) aren't you the (clever &c) -! nach !uSa an did you see your friends? I saw a - (of them) am faca tu na caraidean
gille/am balach!, the old - am hodach, (excl) the poor -! an duine/an agad? chunna mi beagan/grunnan dhiubh
creutair bochd!, an truaghan!, also IIsed in vac case a dhuine bhochd!, a fickle adj caochlaideach, carach
chreutair bhochd! fiction n uirsgeul m
fellow- prefix, expressed by prefix co-, eg fellow-worker co-oibriche m, fictional, fictitious adjs uirsgeulach
fellow-feeling co-fhulangas m, co-bhaidh m fiddle 11 fidheall f, a tune on the - port m air an fhidhill dat
fellowship n 1 (company, friendsllip) comann m, cuideachd f, caidreabh m, fiddler n fldhlear m
conaltradh m; 2 (body, association &c) comann m, caidreabh m fidelity n dilseachd nf ;'IVar
female n (of IIl1mans) boireannach m, te f invar, a male and a - fireannach fidgety adj luasganach
magus boireannach field n 1 (maillly agric) achadh m, pairc(e) f; 2 (jor a variety of IIses) raon
female adj boireann trl, playing - raon-cluiche 111, air- raon-adhair 111, oil - raon-ola m;
feminine adj 1 boireannta; 2 in expr (gram) the - gender a' ghne bhoireann 3 (area ofknowledge, expertise &c) raon m, that's not my - chan e sin mo
fence n feansa f, (more trod) callaid f raon-sa; 4 (IT) raon m
fem(s) n raineach f field glasses prosbaigf sing
ferocious adj garg fiendish adj diabhlaidh
ferocity n gairge f invar fierce adj 1 (pllrsllit, figlllillg, COli test &c) dian; 2 (person) garg, fiadhaich
ferret n feOcallan m fierceness n gairge f invar
fertile adj 1 (land, plants &c) to(r)rach; 2 in expr make - toraich vt fifteen 11 & adj cbig-deug, - minutes cbig rnionaidean Jpl deug
fertilisation n torachadh m, siolachadh m fifteenth adj cbigeamh-deug, the - day an cbigearnh la m deug
fertilise v 1 (grollnd) leasaich vt, mathaich vt; 2 (egg, embryo) toraich vt fifth adj cbigeamh
fertilised adj to(r)rach, - egg ugh to(r)rach fifty 11 1 leth-cheud m, - women leth-eheud boireannach (sing), the fifties
fertiliser n leasachadh m, mathachadh m na leth-eheudan, a man in his fifties duine (is e) na leth-eheudan; 2 (ill
fertili ty n torachas m alt nllmbering syslem) caogad m
fervent adj (person) dillachdach, (persons, emotions, deeds) dian fig n 1 flogais f, flge f; 2 (idiom) [ don't give a - for X ifam) cha toir mi ho-
fervour n deine f i,IVar ro-gheallaidh air X, chan eil diu a' choin (gen of cU m) agam do X
festival n 1 feis (also feis<! & feist) f, literature/music - feis litreachais m fight n 1 (esp pllys) sabaid f, cbmhrag f, (with, against ri), (less seriOIlS)
gen/chiUil (gen ofceal m); 2 (esp reUg -) feillf tuasaid f; 2 (IISIl verbal) trod m; 3 (more abstr) strl f invar, the - for
festive adj cuirmeach women's rights an strl airson chbraichean (gen pi of cbir f) nam ban
fetch V 1 faigh VI, - bread from the kitchen faigh aran m as a' chidsin m; (gen pi of bean f)
2 in expr go to/and - something falbh vi/rach vi irreg a dh'iarraidh fight v 1 sabaid vi, gleac vi, (with, against ri); 2 (IISI1 verbally) troid vi
rudeigin, go (imperative) and - my book thalla a dh'iarraidh an (with ri)
leabhar agam fighting 11 sabaid f, cbmhragf, (with, against ri)
fetter n geirnheal m fig-tree 11 crann m flogais m gell, crann-flge m
fetter V geimhJich vi figurative adj figearach

ISO 151

figure It 1 (sllape) cruth m, dealbh mf, I made out the - of a man rinn mi novel chuir i crioch air an nobhail f aice; 2 as vi, corres to Eng perfect
a-mach cruth duine m gelt; 2 (persolt's pllysique) deanamh m, ilt expr a fine teltse have you -ed &c, see finished 2 below
- of a man duine air a dheagh thogail; 3 (aritll &c) aireamh f, figear m finished adj & past part 1 (task &c) coileanta, criochnaichte; 2 (of persolt:
file I It (melalwork &c) eighe f having completed a lask &c) deiseil, ullamh, have/are you - yet? a bheil
file 2 It (paperwork, IT &c) faidhJe m thu deiseil/ullamh fhathast?, have you - with the phone? a bheil thu
fill It lan m, leOr f iltvar, I got my - of it fhuair mi mo lan/mo leor dheth deiseil/ullarnh den fon mp', the police had - questioning him bha am
fill V lion vti poileas ullarnh de cheasnachadh m
filled adj lionta finite adj crioch(n)ach
filler It lionadair m fir n giuthas m, in expr - cone dUIcan m
fill y It loth f fire It 1 teine m, light/put out the - cuir air/cuir as an teine, go on - rach
film It 1 (tllilt caveriltg) sgail(e) f; 2 (ciltema, pllotograplly) film m vi na (&c) t(h)eine, set- cuir teine (to ri), las vt, electric - teine-dealain,
filter It siol(t)achan m - grate diath-theine f; 2 ilt expr - engine carbad-smalaidh m
filter v siolaidh vii fire v 1 (a fireanlt) tilg vt, loisg vti; 2 ilt expr - an arrow leig saighead f; 3
filtering, filtration It sioladh m (sack, dismiss) cuir vi a dreuchd f
filth It salchar m fire-extinguisher It inneal-smalaidh m
filthy adj salach fireplace It teallach m, teinntean m
fin It ite f fireside It cagailt f, taobh m an teine, teallach m, by the - ris a' chagailt
final adj deireannach, on the - day air an la dat dheireannach firm adj 1 (coltstant, steady) cunbhalach; 2 (solid) teann, daingeann; 3 (in
finally adv 1 (evelttually) aig deireadh an la, aig a' cheann thall, he managed actions, clmracter) duineil
it - chaidh aige air (a dheanamh) aig a' cheann thall; 2 (at loltg last) mu firm It companaidh mf
dheireadh thaU, he - managed it chaidh aige air mu dheireadh thaU firmament It, used with art, the - an iarmailt f
finance It (admilt &c) ionmhas m first adj 1 ciad, IISIl wilh arl, the - lesson a' chiad leasan m, in the - place
financial adj ionmhasail anns a' chiad iiite m, in the - instance anns a' chiad dol-a-mach m
find v 1 faigh vt irreg, lorg vt, (implying more dif!iCl/lty) faigh lorgf(willl prep invar, - thing in the morning a' chiad char m sa' mhadainn f, - aid
air), she found a penny on the pavement fhuair Ilorg i sgillinn fair a' ciad-fhuasgladh m; 2 in expr (he fell &c) head - (thuit e &c) an comhair
chabhsair m, you'll - him in the pub gheibh sibh san taigh-seinns' m a chinn (gelt of ceann m)
e; 2 - out (discover, learn) faigh vt a-mach, they found out that he was first adv 1 (- of a series) an toiseach m, Flora came - thainig Floraidh
brokelbankrupt fhuair iad a-mach gun robh e briste; 3 (consider &c) ilt an toiseach; 2 (- ilt time) at - an toiseach, I didn't like him at -
exprs I - it good is math learn e, I - that pleasing is toigh learn sin cha bu toigh learn e an toiseach, - of all, at the very - an toiseach
fine adj 1 (in texture or dimmsiolts) min; 2 (in appearaltce, quality) gasda & toiseachaidh m gm
gasta, ala inn, breagha, grinn, the soldiers looked - bha na saighdearan firstly adv sa chiad iiite m, -, I must welcome you all sa chiad aite,
mpl a' coirnhead gasta, a - house taigh m alainn, a - day la breagha; feumaidh mi fiiilte fa chur oirbh uile
3 (of weatller) math, breagha, - weather side mhath, side bhreagha; 4 firth It linne f
(jam: as excl) -! taghta!, your dinner's in the oven, -! tha do dhinnear fish It iasg m sing & coil
san iimhainn, taghta!; 5 (jam: excelleltt, "great") glan, gasta, that's just - fish v iasgaich vi
tha sin direach glan/gasta; 6 (of person: - ilt healtll or spirils) air a (&c) fisher, fisherman n iasgair m
d(h)oigh f, gu doigheil, Murdo was in - fettle bha Murchadh air a fishing n iasgach m, they're at the - tha iad aig/ris an iasgach, - net lion-
(dheagh) dhoighf, how are you? I'm - ciamar a tha thu? tha (mi) gu iasgaich m, fishing-boat It bata-iasgaich m, - rod slat-iasgaich f, in expr
doigheil - line driamJach mf
fine It UnnIagh m, cain f fishmeal It min-€isgf
finger It corragf, meur f, little/pinkie - Illdagf, ring - mac-an-aba m fissure It sgoltadh m, sgaineadh m
finger v laimhsich vt fist It dom m, (derog) crogf
fingerprint It meur-Iorgf fistful It lan m dUirn (gelt of dom m), dodach m, I had a - of coins bha lan
finish v 1 (as vt) cuir crioch f (witll prep air), criochnaich vt, she -ed her mo dhUirn de bhuinn (pI ofbonn m) airgid m gelt agarn

152 153
fit adj 1 (well) slan, fallain, ifam) ann an deagh thriom m; 2 ifam: ready 10 flashy adj (esp in dress) spaideil
lackle lask &c) deiseil, uIlamh, are you -? a bheil sibh deiseil?; 3 (phys flask n searragf
able) air chothrom (wilh illfill of verb), - to go out air chothrom a dhol flat adj comhnard, reidh
a-mach; 4 (suitable) freagarrach, cubhaidh, a land - for heroes tir mf flat 11 (ie dwelling) lobht(a) m
a tha freagarrach do ghaisgich mpl, a pool - for swimming linne flattened adj leudaichte, his nose was - against the window pane bha a
fhreagarrach airson snairnh (gell of snamh m) shronfleudaichte ris an losan m
fit 11 1 (oulbllrsl &c) lasgan m, a - of anger lasgan feirge (gell of feargf); 2 ill flatter v dean miOOaJ m, dean briOOaJ m, (with prl!Jl do)
erpr a fainting - neulm, laigse f flattery 11 miOOaJ m, briOOaJ m
fit v 1 (clothillg) thig vi (wilh prep do), will it - me? an tig e dhomh?; 2 (go flatulence 11, used wilh arl, a' ghaoth
ill 10 available space) teachd vi, will it - in the back of your car? an teachd flatulent adj gaothach
e an cWm do chair m gell?; 3 (premises, boat &c) - out uidheamaich vt flaw n 1 (moral) meangf; 2 (in object) faillinn f, easbhaidh f, gaoid f
fitted out adj & past part uidheamaichte, acainneach flawless adj 1 (of person) gun mheangf; 2 (of abject) gun faillinn f
fitting adj 1 freagarrach, cubhaidh, iomchaidh, a - conclusion co-dhunadh flax 1'J lion m
freagarrach/cubhaidh; 2 ill erprs as was - for you/on your part (trad) flea n deargad f, deargann f
mar bu chubhaidh dhut, as was (only) - mar bu choir, he repaid it, as flee v tan vi as (also tair vi as), teich vi
was (only) - dh'ath-dhiol e e, mar bu choir (dha) fleece It rilsg m
fittings IIpl (ill fillished boat &c) uidheam f, acainn f fleece v 1 (shel!Jl) ruisg vti; 2 ifam: rob, cheat) spUill vt gu buiJeach
five 11 & lIum adj (a) coig, (of people) coignear mf illvar (takes gen pi), - fleet n (of vehicles, ships) cabhlach m, (of ships) loingeas & luingeas m
minutes coig mionaidean Jpl, how many? - cia mheud? a coig, - fleeting adj 1 (transiellt) cliombuan; 2 ill erpr - glimpse boillsgeadh m,
ministers coignear mhinistearan mpl gell plathadh m, (of de), I got a - glimpse of her fhuair mi boillsgeadh/
fivesome n coignear mf invar (takes gell pi) plathadh dhith
fix n (diffiCIIIt silualioll) eiginn f illvar, staingf, cruaidh-chas m, I'm in a - flesh n feoiJ f
tha mi ann an eiginn/ann an (droch) staing, tha mi nam eiginn fleshly, fleshy adj feolmhor
fix v 1 (rl!Jlair objects, machilles &c) caraich vt, cuir vi ceart, cuir vt air doigh flex n (elec) fleisgf
f; 2 (sort out situatiolls &c) reitich VI, socraich vi; 3 - together tath vi, flexibility 11 subailteachd f illvar
ceangail vi ri cheile flexible adj lubach, subailte
fixed adj & past part 1 lfirmly ill place) teann, suidhichte; 2 (of silllaliolls flight n 1 (of bird &c) iteagf, in - air iteig (dot); 2 (ill battle &c) ruaigf, ruith
&c: put righl) reidh, socraichte; 3 (rl!Jlaired) caraichte; 4 (settled, f, te.icheadh m, in erpr put to - cuir an teicheadh, cuir an ruaig, (with
consislent) seasmhach, suidhichte, of no - abode gun aite-comhnaidh prl!Jl air), rua(i)g vt, we put them to - chuir sinn an teicheadh/an ruaig
seasmhach orra
fjord n loch-mara m flimsy adj 1 (material &c) tana; 2 (easily broken) brisg
flabby adj (lit: of body) sultach, (lit & fig) bog fling v tiJg vt (at air)
flair n liut f (for air) flipper n (of divers) dabar-snairnh m
flame 11 lasair f, going up in -s a' dol na (&c) lasair, a' dol na (&c) flit v irnrich vi, dean vt irreg imrich f
lasraichean Jpl flitting n irnrich f
flame v las vi float v 1 (as vt: set afloat) cuir vt air flOO m; 2 (as VI) bi vi irreg air fleOdradh
flaming adj lasrach m, the ball is -ing tha am ball air fleOdradh
flammable adj lasanta flock n 1 (of allimals) treud m, greigh f; 2 (of birds) eaJt(a) f
flannel n flanainn f flock v 1 (birds) cruinnich vi (nan eultan Jpl); 21fig: people) ill erpr they -ed
flare v, - up v las vi to the fair chaidh/thainig iad dhan fheW f nan ceudan mpl
flash n 1 lasair f, drithJeann m; 2 ifam: illstallt of lime) plathadh m, it went flood n dUe f, tuiJ f
past in a - chaidh e seachad ann am plathadh floor n 1 Urlar m, lar m, a stone - Urlar doiche (gell of dach f), - covering
flash v dealraich vi comhdach m Urlair gen; 2 (storey) lobht(a) m
flashing adj lasrach, - eyes sUilean Jpllasrach floppy adj subailte, (17) - disc clar subailte

154 155
flour 11 flUr m, min-flujr f following adj & pres parI 1 a leanas (rei fill of lean VI), read the - words
flow v doirt vi, sruth vi, ruith vi, sil vi, (esp liqllids from conlainer &c) taom leugh na faclan mpl a leanas; 2 (IIext) ath (precedes IlIe nOWI, wllicll
vi it lel/ites wllere possible: 11511 llsed witll IlIe arl), the - week an ath
flow n 1 (of liqllids) sruth m; 2 (of conversalioll &c) sruth m; 3 in expr the sheachdain f, also an t-seachdain an deidh sin
minister (&c) was in full - bha am ministear (&c) a' CUI dheth folly 11 goraiche f illvar
flower" dithean 111, Elm m, sithean m fond adj 1 deidheil, mea ail, (of air), she was - of me bha i deidheil/
flowery adj (covered in flowers) flUranach measail orm; 2 (mise exprs) - of the opposite sex leannanach, - of
fI uctuating adj caochJaideach company ceilidheach, - of talking comhraiteach
fluent adj (ill a lallg) fileanta, - in Gaelic fileanta sa Ghaidhligf, in expr a - fondle v meadajch & miadajch vt
speaker (of a long) fileantach m fondness 1/ deidh f
fluently adv gu fileanta, ill expr she speaks Gaelic - tha i fileanta sa food 1/ biadh m, (less 11511) Ion m, frozen - biadh reota
Ghajdhligf, also tha a' GhaighJig aice gu fileanta fool 1/ amadan m, oinseach f (trad of a female, bill also IIsed of males),
flush 11 (on face) rudhadh m, rudhadh-gruaidhe m bumailear tIl, umaidh 111, stalcaire nE
flushed adj ruiteach foolish adj gorach, amaideach, faoin, baoth
fI ute n cllisle-ch.iiril f foolishness n goraiche f invar, amaideas m, faoineas m
flutter v (esp wings, lIearl) plap vi, (more severe) plosg vi foot n 1 (parI ofbody) casf, on - de chois (dot), on one's feet air chois; 2 (hollom
fluttering n (esp of Ilea rI, willgs) plap m invar, (more severe) plosg m, or hose of sometlling) bun m, bonn m, the - of the hill bun/bonn a'
plosgartaich f chnllic; 3 (measllremel/I) troigh f, two feet long da throigh a dh'fhad
fly 11 1 cuileagf; 2 (for fislling) maghar m footballn ball-coise m
fly v itealaich vi, rach vi irreg air iteig (dol of iteagj), sgiathaich vi footpath 11 frith-rathad m
flying adj & pres parI air iteig (dot of iteagj) footprint 11 lorg(-eoise)f, in my own -s air mo lorgan thin
flying n 1 (abslr) iteagf; 2 (tile aclion) itealaichf footstep 1/ ceum m
fly-over 11 (in road syslem) os-rathad m footwear 1/ caisbheart f
foam cop m, cobhar m for prep 1 do (lakes IlIe dol, lel/iles following cOl/sollalll wllere possible), - me
foaming adj copach dhomh(sa), - you (sil/g) dhu(i)t(sa), - him/it (m) dha(san), - her/it if)
fodder n connlach f sing call, fodar m dhi(se), - us dhllinn(e), - you (PI) dhuibh(se), - them dhaibh(san), I'll
foe n namhaid ni, eascaraid 111 do that - you ni mj sin dhut, it's hard - me tha e doirbh dhomh, (trad)
fog n ceo 111 is duilich learn e, how did it goltum out - you? damar a chaidh dhut?;
foggy adj crothach, crothar 2 airson (willl gm), she went - some eggs dh'fhalbh i airson uighean
fold! n (for liveslock: esp slleep) cro m, (esp for cattle) buaiJe f mpl, don't be sorry - her na bi dllilich air a son, she wrote an essay -
fold 2 n (in material &c) filleadh m (ie 10 oblige) her brother sgriobh i aiste f airson a brathar m, he lost his
fold v 1 fill vt, preas VI, in expr - up paisg vI; 2 (fig: fail) rach vi fodha, the life - (the sake 00 the Prince chaill e a bheathafairson a' Phrionnsa
company -ed chaidh a' chompanaidh fodha m, are you - leavingi- a pint? a bheil thu airson falbh m/airson pinnt
folded adj & past parI fillte m?, they voted - the government bhot iad airson an riaghaltais m; 3
folder 11 pasgan m (of time: sillce) 0 chionn & bho chionn (willl gell), I've been working
foliage 11 duilleach m here - a year tha mi ag obair an seo bho chionn bliadhna f, (idiom) I
folk n 1 (people) daoine mpl, manynots of - moran dhaoine gen, the fairy haven't seen you - a long time! 's fhada 0 nach fhaca mi thu!; 4 (of
- na daoine-sith mpl; 2 (inllabitants of a partiClllar area &c) mllinntir f, lime: durillg) fad (willl gell), airson (witll gell), car (willl dol), we were
Vist - muinntir Uibhist gell there - a fortnight bha sinn ann fad cola-deug m invar, we were in
folks npl (relatives) daoine mpl, cuideachd f, cairdean mpl, my -s mo Glasgow - a while bha sinn ann an Glaschu airson greis f, also bha
dhaoine, mo chujdeachd f, mo chairdean sinn treis mhath/greis mhath an Glaschu
follow v lean vIi for conj (ralller formal: as, because) oir, he left, - the njght was growing dark
follower n 1 neach-Ieanmhainn m (pI luchd-leanmhainn m sillg call); 2 -s dh'fhalbh e, oir bha an oidhche a' fas dorch
muinntir f, cujdeachd f, his -s left him dh'fhag a mhllinntir e forbid v toirmisg vI

156 157
forbidden ENGLlSH-GAELIC OlcnO ARY fork forked E GLlSH-GAELlC OlcnONARY foursome
forbidden adj & past part toirmisgte forked adj gobhlach, - taiIflighlning earball/dealanach gobhlach
force n 1 (pol &c -) cumhachd mf invar; 2 (pllys -) neart m, spionnadh m; 3 form l n 1 (sllape) cumadh m, cruth m, dealbh mf, I made out the - of a man
(excessive -, violellce) fbimeart m, ainneart m, eiginn f invar, take by - rinn mi a-mach cumadh/cruth duine m gen; 2 (artistic -) cruth m, (Lit
thoir vt air eiginn; 4 (body of people) feachd f, the Air Force Feachd an &c) matter and - cuspair m is cruth; 3 (borrowed or copied -) riochd m, a
Adhair, a work- feachd obrach/oibre (gm of obair j) ghost in the - of a cat taibhse mf an riochd cait m gen; 4 (mood, spirits)
force v thoir vt (witll prep air), co-eignich vt, she -d me to leave thug i orm dbigh I, gleus mf, Murdo was on good - bha Murchadh air a (dheagh)
falbh, he'll - me to do it eventually bheir e orm a dheanamh aig a' dhbigh/air (deagh) ghleus
cheann thall form 2 n (seat) furm m
fore- prefix ro- (also roi(mh)-) prefix, eg foretaste ro-bhlasad m, foretell form 3 n (to fill in) foirrn mf
v ro-innis vt form v cum vt, dealbh vt, he -ed an image out of the stone chum e
forearm n ruighe mf lomhaigh f as a' chloich (dat of clach j)
forecast n (esp weatller) ro-aithris f formal adj foirrneil, - language/speech cainnt fhoirmeil
forecaster n tuairmsear 111 former adj sean(n), a bha ann (&c) roirnhe, a - policeman sean
forehead n bathais I, maoil I, clar m aodainn m gen phoileasman m
foreign adj cein, coirnheach, thall thairis, - country duthaich, - forsake v lreig vt, cuir a (&c) c(h)w (witll prep ri), he forsook his family
language canan cein threig e a theaghlach m, - the faith of your forefathers lreig creideamh
foreigner n coigreach m, eilthireach m, (less I/Sl/) coirnheach m nE ur sinnsirean mpl gen
foreleg n cas f toisich (gen of toiseach m I/sed adjectivally) fort 11 1 daingneachf; 2 (IIist) hill - dUn m
foreman n maor nz, maor-obrach m fortify v (structl/re, bl/ildillg &c) daingnich vt
foremost adj priomh (precedes tile nOI/Il, wllicll it lenites wllere possible), the - fortitude 11 misneach I, misneachd f invar, cruadalm
singer in Scotland a' phriomh sheannadair m ann an Alba fortnight n cola-deug m invar, we'll be back in/after a - bidh sinn air ais
foresee v ro-aithnich vt an ceann cola-deug gen
foresight n ro-shealladh m fortress n daingneach f
foreskin n ro-ch.raiceann m fortuitous adj tuiteamach, - occurrences tachartasan mpl tuiteamach
forest n coille (mhbr), in exprs pine - giuthsach I, deer - (trod) frith f fortunate adj fortanach
forester n forsair m fortune 11 1 (luck) fortan m, sealbh m, good - deagh fhortan, the wheel
forestry n forsaireachd f invar, in expr - worker forsair m, coillear m of - cuibhle f an fhortain, ill expr - teller fiosaiche m; 21jillallcial -)
forewarn V cuir vt air ea.ralas 111 bearlas m, ionmhas m, saidhbhreas m, stbras m, the family - ionmhas
foreword 11 ro-radh m an teaghlaich m, ill expr he made a - rinn e airgead mbr, mbr, rinn e
forge n ceardach I, teaUach m (ceardaich gen) fhortan
forget v 1 diochuimhnich & di-chuimhnich vt; 2 (idioms & exprs) when was Fort William n An Gearastan m
that? I - euine a bha sin? chan eil cuimhne f illvar agam, I forgotlhave forty nI/m da fhichead, (in alt nl/mberillg system) ceathrad m
forgotten it chaidh e as mo chuimhne, the old songs were forgotten forwards adv (of vellicle, movement &c) air adhartf, air aghaidh I, an comhair
chaidh na sean brain mpl air diochuimhne f invar a (&c) t(h)oisich
forgetful adj dlochuirnhneach foster brother/sister 11 co-alta mf
forgetfulness n dlochuimhne f invar foul n (sparts & games) feaUadh m
forgotten adj & past part air diochuimhne f invar, be - rach vi irreg air found v cuir vt air chois (dat of cas j), cuir vt air bhonn m, - a business cuir
dlochuimhne, bi vi irreg air a (&c) leigeil air dlochuirnhn' gnothach m air chois/air bhonn
forgive v math & maith vi, thoir mathanas, (witll prep do), - me! maith fountainhead 11 mathair-uisge f
dhomh! four n & Ill/m adj 1 (I/sed ofobjects) ceithir 2 (I/sed of people) ceathrar mf illvar
forgiveness n mathanas ", (witllgell pi), there are - (people) there tha ceathrar ann, - sons ceathrar
fork n 1 gobhal & gabhal m, - in the road gobhal san rathad, - of a mhac; 3 (idiom) he's on all -s tha e air a mhagan/a mhag(a)ranJPI
bicycle gobhal-baidhsagail m; 2 (table -) forc(a) I, gre.imire m; 3 ifarm four-legged adj ceithir-chasach
or garden -) gobhlagf, grapa m fou.I'Some fl ceathrar 11If invar

158 159
fourteen ENGUSH--GAELlC OIenONARY frequently fresh ENGLISH-GAELIC Oleno ARY front
fourteen 11 & IIl1m adj ceithir-deug fresh adj 1 ilr, - herringlbutter sgadan m/im m ilr, a - start toiseachadh m
fourth 11 ceathramh m ilr, make a - start toisich vi as ur; 2 (of weatller) fionnar
fourth Ill/m adj ceathrarnh fretful adj frionasach
four-wheeled adj ceithir-chuibhleach friction 11 1 suathadh m; 2 (fig: betweell people) rni-chordadh m
fox 11 sionnach m, madadh-ruadh m, balgair m Friday 11 Oihaoine m illvar, - afternoon/evening feasgar m Oihaoine,
foyer n (of pllblic bllilding) for-thalla m Feasgar-haoine m
fraction 11 (matlls &c) bloigh f fridge 11 frids m, (more trad) fuaradair 11/
fragment n bideagj. criomagj. bloigh f fried adj & past part rosta, - potatoes buntiita m sillg call rosta
fragment v rach vi na (&c) b(h)ideagan Jpl friend 11 1 caraid mpl caraidean a good - of mine deagh charaid dhornh,
fragmented adj & past part briste, na (&c) c(h)riomagan Jpl, pronn female/woman - banacharaid; 2 (idiom) we are great -s tha sinn gu
fragrant adj cUbhraidh math mor aig a cheile
frame 11 1 ceis j. fream m, picture - ceis-dealbha, climbing - ceis-streap m, friendly adj cilirdeil
bicycle - ceis-bhaidhsagail; 2 ill expr - of mind fonn m, gean m, gleus friendship 11 cairdeas m
mfinntinnfgen, what - of mind is he in today? de am fonn/an gean fright 11 1 (abstr) eagal m, (occas) feagal m, take - gabh eagal; 2 (call: a -)
a th' air an-diugh? clisgeadh m, he gave me a - chuir e clisgeadh orm
framework rz fream tu frighten v cuir eagal m (witll prep air), he -ed me chuir e eagal orm
frank adj fosgarra, fosgailte frightful adj eagalach, uabhasach, oillteil
fraud 11 foill f frightfully adv eagalach, that was - good bha sin eagalach math
fraudulent adj foilleil frill 11 fraoidhneas m
fraudulentlyadv le foillj. obtain goods - faigh bathar m sillg collie foill fringe 11 1 (peripllery) iomall m, oir j. on the -(sI (ie remote) air an iomall;
free adj 1 (at tiberty) saor, mu sgaoil m invar, mu reir, the prisoner is - tha 2 (011 material, IIair &c) fraoidhneas m
am priosanach saor/mu sgaoil, ill expr set - coo vt/leig vt mu sgaoil, frivolity 11 aotramas m, (more pe)) faoineas m
fuasgail vt, saor vt; 2 (at leisllre, - from) saor (from bh%, is), an tarnh frivolous adj aotram, (more pe)) faoin
m, are you -? a bheil sibh nur tarnh?, - from anxiety saor 0 chilram frock 11 froea m
m, I'm - of debts now tha mi saor 0 £hiachan mpl a-ms; 3 (- of clwrge, frog n losgann m
gratis) saor, (stronger) saor 's an asgaidh j. I got my food (completely) from prep 1 (erpr directioll, poillt of origill &c) bho & 0 (takes tile dat,
- fhuair mi mo bhiadh m saor 's an asgaidh; 4 in expr - verse saor- lellites followillg COIISOllallt wllere possible), - me (bh)uam, - you (sing)
rannaigheachd f illvar (bh)ua(i)t, - him (bh)uaithe, - her (bh)uaipe, - us (bh)uainn, - you
free v 1 (liberate) fuasgail vt, coo vt mu sgaoil m illvar, leig vt mu sgaoil, (PI) (bh)uaibh, - them (bh)uapa, she went up - the beach chaidh i
cuir/leig vt mu reir; 2 (- tangled, collgllt &c object) fuasgail vt suas bhon chladach m, get some fish - the van faigh iasg m on bhan
freedom 11 saorsa f illvar j. a letter from Murdo Iitir f 0 Mhurchadh, (mllcllless commOIl ill tllis
free-standing adj neo-eisimeileach sellse) de & dhe (takes tile dat, Ifllites followillg COIlSOllant wllere possible), -
freeze v reOdh & re6th vti me dhiom(sa), - you (sillg) dhiot(sa), - himJit (m) dheth(san), - her)it
freezer 11 reothadair 111 if) dhith(se), - us dhinn(e), - you (pi & formal sillg) dhibh(se), - them
freight 11 luchd m, ill expr - charge faradh m dhiubh(san), lift stones - the ground tog c1achanJpI den lar m; 2 (erpr
French adj Frangach point of origill) a (before tile art as), food - Tesco's/- the shop biadh m a
French 11 (Iang) Fraingis f, IIsed witll art, an Fhraingis Tesco's/as a' bhuth mj. a band - Scotland comhlan-ciuil a Alba, where
Frenchman 11 Frangach m are you -? co as a tha thu/sibh?, where did he come/spring -? co as
frequency n (abstr, also elec) tricead m a noehd esan?; 3 (expr a seqllfllce of time) bho & 0 (takes tile dat, lellites
frequent v tathaich vi (witll prep air) followillg consonant wllere possible), - morning till night 0 rnhoeh gu
frequently adv (gu) mc, gu bitheanta, (less 11511) gu minig, he falls - bidh dubh, - that time forward/on bhon am m sin air adhart, - Monday to
ea' tuiteam gu mc, she doesn't come as - as she used to cha tig i cho Friday bho Ohiluain m invar gu Oihaoine m invar
tric agus a chIeachd (i)/agus a b' abhaist dhi, he's - late is me a bhios front adj 1 toisich (getl of toiseach m), - leg cas-toisich fi 2 ill erpr - door
e air dheireadh, ill expr - met with cumanta doras mor, doras-aghaidh m

160 161
front ENGLISH-GAELIC DlcrlONARY fulling full-length ENGLISH-GAELIC DlcrlONARY furthermore

front 11 1 (tile frOllt part of anytllillg) toiseach 11/, at the - aig/anns an full-length adj lan-fhada
toiseach, also an toiseach, in the - (ie ill tile cab) of the lorry ann an fully ado 1 gu h-iomlan, uile-gu-Ieir, we succeeded - shoirbhich leinn gu
toiseach na lairidh, - end first an comhair a thoi ich; 2 (tile front sl/rface h-iomlan/uile-gu-Ieir; 2 (II/isc erprs) - grown inbheach, I was - aware
ofanytiling) beulaibh 11/ inoar, aghaidh f, the - of the building beulaibh bha lan-fhios 11/ agam, there are - two thousand of them there tha da
an togalaich, back to - cUlaibh 11/ invar air beulaibh; 3 in erpr in - (ie mhile 11/ dhiubh ann aig a' char 11/ as lugha
alleat!) air thoiseach (of air), lain was in - bha lain air thoiseach, a long fulmar n fulmair 11/
way in - of us fada air thoiseach birnn; 4 in expr in - (ie facing, opposite, fulness n lanachd nf inoar
a person, object &c) mu choinneirnh, fa chomhair, (witll gen), ro (before fumes n deatach f, emit/give out - CUiI (a-mach) deatach
art ron), in - of me mu mo choinneirnh, fa mo chomhair, romharn, in fun n 1 spbrs f, dibhearsan & dibheirsean 11/, we had (some) - last night
- of the shop ron bhuth II/f; 5 (a weatller -) aghaidh f, a warm/cold - bha spbrs againn a-raoir, have - at someone's expense faigh spOrs
aghaidh bhlath/fhuar air cuideigin II/f invar, in expr full of - spbrsail; 2 in expr make - dean
frontier n crloch f fanaidf, mag oi, (of air), they were making - of him bha iad a' fanaid
frontwards ado an comhair a thoisich 11/, an comhair a chinn (gen of air/a' magadh air, bha iad a' deanamh fanaide gen air
ceann 11/) function n 1 (pl/rpose, I/se) gniomh 11/, feum 11/; 2 (post, occl/pation) oifis
frost n reothadh 11/, hoar - liath-reothadh 11/ f, dreuchd f, obair f; 3 (task, action) gniomh 11/, bodily -s gniomhan-
froth cop 11/, cobhar 11/ bodhaig mpl, (/1) - key iuchair-ghnJomha f; 4 iformal lIIeal &c) cuirm f
frothy adj copach function 0 obraich, occas oibrich, vti
frown n mwg 11/, gruaim f, sgraingf fund n 1 (fin) maoin f, in erpr a trust - ciste-urrais f; 2 (large accl/ml/lation)
frown 0 cuir mwg 11/, cuir gruairn f, (with prep air), she -ed chuir i muig/ stbr m, a - of knowledge stbr-eOlais m
gruairn oirre fund 0 maoinich ot
frowning adj gruamach funeral n tiodhJacadh Ill, adhlacadh m, tbrradh m
frozen adj reOdhta & rebthte, my feet are -! tha mo chasan Jpl rebthte! funnel n 1 (- of sllip, indl/strial cllimney &c) luidhear m, simileaI m; 2 ifor
fruit n 1 meas 11/, - tree meas-chraobh f, - juice sugh-measa 11/; 2 (crop, pOl/ring) lionadair 11/
prodl/ce) toradh 11/, the -Is) of the earth toradh na talmhainn funny adj 1 (amI/sing) eibhinn, (less I/Sl/) abhachdach; 2 (peCllliar &c)
fruitful adj tor(r)ach neonach, araid
fruitless adj 1 (trees &c) gun mheas 11/; 2 (fig: vain) dlomhain, gun tor(r)adh 11/ furious adj air chuthach 11/, air bhoile f invar, air bhainidh f inoar, ifam)
fruity adj measach fiadhaich, become - rach oi ail chuthach/air bhoile/air bhilinidh, I
fry 0 frighig ot, rbist & rbst ot was - after what he said to me ifam) bha mi fiadhaich an deidh na
fuck 0 (ol/Ig/taboo) rach oi air muin f inoar, he -ed her chaidh e air a muin thuirt e rium
fuel connadh 11/ sing coll furlough n fbrladh m
fugitive n fbgrach & fbgarrach 11/ furnace n fWmeis f
full adj 1 (fillet!) lan, lionta, - up, - to the brim loma-Ian, half - leth-Ian; furnish 01 (fit Ol/t factory &c) illdheamaich ot; 2 (-JrollSe) cuir airneis f inoar
2 (colI/plete) lan, iomlan, a - length film film 11/ lan fhada, he fell - call (ann an taigh 11/); 3 (pl/rvey, sl/pply) solair ot
length thillt e a lan-fhada, --time job obair f lan-thlde/lan-itine, a furnishings npl ilirneis f, airneis bhog
- orchestra orcaslra f iomlan; 3 in erpr (typog) - stop stad-phuing f, furrow n 1 (in grol/nd) dais f, sgrlob f; 2 (in brow) preas m, preasan m
puing-stad f; 4 in exprs a - account cunntas/iomradh mionaideach, furrow 0 1 (grol/nd) sgrlob ot, daisich ot; 2 (brow) preas ot
- of holes tolltach, (idioll/s) he left at - tilt/at - speed dh'fhalbh e na furry adj molach
dhian-ruith f, dh'fhalbh e aig peilear 11/ a bheatha f gen further adj 1 (additional) a bharrachd, tuilleadh, eile, we don't need
full ado, in expr she struck him - in the face bhuail i e an daI 11/ anything - chan fheum sinn cail m inoar a bharrachd, send (us) a
aodainn 11/ gen _ two lorries cuiribh da lalaidh f a bharrachd thugainn, give me
full 0 (clotll) luaidh ot _ information thoir dhomh tuilleadh fiosrachaidh m gen, she received
full-grown adj 1 (of person) inbheach; 2 in erprs - man duine foirfe, a - leHer fhuair i litir f eile; 2 in erpr - education foghlam m (aig)
become - thlg oi gu ire f invar aId-ire f inoar,
fulling n (of clotll) luadhadh 11/ furthermore ado a bharrachd air sin, a thuilleadh air sin

162 163

fury n cuthach Ill, bainidh f invar

fussy adj 1 ro-chillamach, ro-phongail; 2 in expr I'm not - (ie don't lIIind) is G
coma learn, tha mi coma co-dhiu
futile adj faoin, diomhain, the - endeavours of mankind oidhirpean JPI Gaeln Gaidheal & Gaidheallll
faoin mhic-an-duine m sing coll (gen) Gaelic nl Gaidhligj, I speak - tha Gaidhlig/a' Gaidhlig agam, translate
futility n faoineas III English into - cuir Gaidhlig air Beurla f invar, where did you leaml
future adj 1 ri teachd, - years/generations na bliadhnachan JPI/na pick up your -? cail an do thog thu do chuid f Gaidhlig? gen, also
ginealaich IIIpl (a tha) ri teachd; 2 (gralll) teachdail, the - tense an trath often IIsed with art, speaking in - bruidhinn sa Ghaidhlig; 2 (lIsed
teachdail adjectivally) The Gaelic Society of Inverness Comann Gaidhlig lnbhir
future n 1 (with art), the - an t-am ri teachd; 2 in expr in - bho seo a-mach, Nis, the Gaelic Association Comann na Gaidhlig, - people/speakers
turas III eile, in -, make sure you're wearing a safety helmet! bho seo luchd III sing coll na Gaidhlig
a-mach/turas eile, dean cinnteach gu bheil c1ogaid-diona mort! gaffer n maor Ill, maor-obrach III
gain n (fin) prothaid j, buannachd f
gain v coisinn vt, buannaich vt, - a reputation coisinn ctiu m invar
gait n gluasad Ill, giulan III
gale n geile III
gallery n Ijor exhibitions, art &c) taisbean-Iann f, gaileiridh m
galling adj leamh, frionasach
gallon n galan m
gallows n croich f
gambler n cearraiche & cearraiche III
game n 1 c1uich & c1uiche m, geam(a) m, board - c1uich-bwId; 2 (esp
football) geam(a) m, will you be going to the -? am bi thu a' dol dhan
gheam(a)?; 3 (hllnted creatllres) sitheann f, (as food) geam(a) m
gamekeeper n geamair m
gang n 1 (of labollrers, criminals &c) buidheann mf; 2Ijam/pej: crowd, grollp)
treud m, the - he goes to the pub with an treud leis am bi e a' dol
dhan taigh-sheinnse III
gannet n swaire m, (yollng -) guga m
gap n bearn j, fosgladh m, a - in the wall bearn sa ghar(r)adh m, a - in the
market fosgladh sa mharcaid f
garage n garaids f
garb n eideadh m, the - of the Gael an Hideadh Gaidhealach
garden n garradh & garadh Ill, (more trad) lios mj, in expr - centre ionad-
gairnealaireachd m, margadh-garraidh IIIf
gardener n gairnealair m
gardening n gairnealaireachd f invar
garlic rz creamh m
garrison n gearastan & gearasdan m
garron 111 gearran nE
garrulous adj beuJach, (more fam) cabach, gobach
garter n gartan m
gas nl deatachj, emiUgive out - cuir (a-mach) deatach; 2 (domestic -) gas
rn, - cooker cucair 111 gas

164 165
gasp, gasping n plosg III gentility 11 (abslr quality) uaisle f illvar
gasp v (for breatl,) plosg vi gentle adj (persoll, weather) ciUin, seimh
gate 11 geata m gentleman n duine uasal m, (trad) uasal m
gather v 1 (people) cruirutich vii, tionail vi, thig comhla, they -edlhe -ed genuine adj 1 (alltllelllic) fior (precedes tile 11, /elliles a Jolluwillg consollallt
them in the barn chruinnich iad/chruinnich e iad san t-sabhal m; where possible), - gold fior or m, a - expert fior eOlaiche Ill; 2 (sincere,
2 (/iveslock) cruirutich VI, tionail vt, tru(i)s Vi; 3 - together (people & trllstwortlly &c) neo-chealgach, direach
Ihings) co-chruinnich vii; 4 (esp ofclolllillg: bUlldle lip, IlIck lip &c) tru(i)s geography n cruinn-eblas m, tir-.,olas m
VI, her petticoats were -ed up bha na cotaichean-bilna mpl aice air an geology n geOlas III
trusadh germ n bitheagf
gathered adj (people) cruinn, the congregation was - in the church bha an German 11 & adj 1 Cearmailteach m; 2 (tile lallgllage) IIsed witll arl, a'
coitheanal cruinn san eaglais f dat Chearmailtis I invar
gathering n (of people: abstr & call) cruinneachadh m, co-ehruinneachadh Germany Il, IIsed witll art, A' Chearmailt f illvor
"" tional ", germinate v ginidich vi
gauge n tomhas m, meadhadair m germination 11 ginideachadh m
gauge v tomhais vi gesture III gluasad Ill; 2 (beckolling -) smeideadh m
gear' n 1 (assorled possessiolls &c:Jam) treal(1)aichf, tidy up your - sgioblaich gesture v (esp to sllmmoll or greet someolle) smeid vi (to air)
do threallaich; 2 (olle's lools, eqllipment &c) uidheam f, acainn f get v 1 (obtain) faigh vt irreg, - some fish from the van faigh iasg m on
gear> n (engill) gear f invar, giodhar m bhan f, I didn't - the job cha d'fhuair mi an obair; 2 (become, grow) fas
gear up v uidheamaich vt vi (witll ad}), rach vi (of/ell with abstr n), they got tired dh'fhas iad sgith,
geared up adj & past pari uidheamaichte, acainneach she's -ting old tha i a' fas sean, - used fas vi eleachdte (to ri), - better
gelding III gearran m (Ileal & improve) rach am feabhas m, also thig vi bhuaithe, she got better
gender n 1 gin f, gne f invor; 2 (gram) gne f invar, the feminine/masculine (ie recovered) chaidh i am feabhas, thainig i bhuaithe, the local services
- a' ghne bhoireann/fhireann are -ling better tha na seirbheisean Jpl ionadail a' dol am feabhas, -
gene n ginef bigger rach am meud m illvar; 3 (misc exprs & idioms) go to - something
general adj 1 coitcheann, - knowledge/education foghlam/eolas falbh vi a dh'iarraidh rudeigin, - advice gabh comhairle f, - the upper
coitcheann, - election taghadh-coitcheann, - strike stailc choitcheann; hand faigh/ gabh lamh f an uachdair (of air), - the better of failich also
2 in expr in - (on IIIe wllole) san fharsaingeachd f invar, in - the majority fairtlich vi (witll prep air), (esp ofa persoll: s/iglltlylam) dean an gnothach
are against him san fharsaingeachd tha a' mhor-chuid na aghaidh; 3 ill m, dean a' chitis f (botll witll prep air), I wanted to climb the mountain
expr in - (lIorlllally, uSllally) an curnantas Ill, am bitheantas m, mar as but it got the better of me bha mi airson a' bheinn a dhlreadh ach
trice dh'fhailich i orm, we got the better of the other team rinn sinn an
general Il seanailear m gnothach/a' chilis air an sgioba mf eile, they got engaged thug iad
generally adv 1 (011 tile wlwle, - speaking) san fharsaingeachd f illvor; gealladh-pOsaidh m dha cheile, - involved in politics rach an sas ann
2 (llomlOlly, IIsually) an cumantas m, am bitheantas m, mar as trice am poileataics f illvor, - acquainted withl- to know someone cuir
generation Il 1 (willl elllpll on lime) \inn m, from - to - bho \inn gu \inn; aithne f illvor/ eOlas m air cuideigin, - used to it! eleachd thu fhein ris!,
2 (with empll all people) ginealach m, two -s of my family da ghinealach also faigh eOlas m air!, - up (from bed, sittillg positioll &c) eirich vi, I got
den teaghJach m agam, the sixties - ginealach nan tri-ficheadan mpl up late yesterday dh'eirich mi anmoch an-de, (more idiomatic) bha mi
generator n gineadair nE fada gun eirigh an-de, - down (ie descend) teirinn & team vi, she got
generosity 11 fialaidheachd f illvar down from the wall theirinn i bhaIT a' ghaITaidh m, - down (ie into
generous adj fialaidh, fial, faoilidh, tabharlach crollclling positioll) rach vi na (&c) c(h)riIbagan m, dean crilban m, - on
genitals 11 buill-ghineamhainn mpl, female - pit I, romagf, male - bod m, someone's nerves leamhaich cuideigin, - a move on! cuir car m dhiot!,
(jamlvlllg) slat f tog ort!, she got over it thainig i bhuaithe, - over an operation faigh
genitive adj (gram) ginideach, the - case an lWseal ginideach, (as 1I0UIl) vi seachad air opaireisean mf, - on well/smoothly with someone bi
the - an ginideach vi irreg reidh ri cuideigin, we - on well (with each other) tha sinn gu
genteel adj (ill mallllers &c) uasal math mor aig a cheile, - out! thoir do chasan Jpl leat!, - rid/shut of

166 167
something faigh cuidhteas m (de) rudeigin, - stuck in teann vi ris an gloom, gloominess n 1 (of light) doilleireachd f invar; 2 (of mood &c) gruaim
obair f, crom vi air an obair, - to (affect) druidh (with prep air), the news f, smalan III
didn't - to her cha do dhruidh an naidheachd f oirre, (more fam) cha do gloomy adj 1 (of settillg &c) ciar; 2 (of light) doilleir; 3 (of lllood &c) doilleir,
chuir an naidheachd suas no sios i, how did you - on? damar a chaidh gruamach, mugach
dhut/dhuibh?, ciamar a dh'eirich dhut/dhuibh? glorify v gloirich vt
ghost n taibhse mf, tannasg m glorious adj glormhor, oirdhei.rc
giant n farnhair Ill, fuarnhair(e) III glory n 1 ifame) cliu m invar, gloir f; 2 (spiritual, heavellly -) gloir f
gibbet n croich f gloss 11 (1lIstre) liomh f
giddiness n 1 tuainealaich f, luasgan m; 2 ifig: of character) guanalas m glossy adj liomharra
giddy adj 1 (lit & fig) tuamealach, guanach; 2 in expr - girl guanagf glove nlamhainnf, rniotagf, meatagf, a pair of -s paidhir nifmhiotagan
gift 11 1 tiodhlac Ill, gibht f, tabhartas Ill; 2 (natural -, talent) talann m pi gen
gift v tiodhlaic vt, thoir vt seachad glue n glaodh m
gill 11 (offish) giilran m glue v glaodh vt
ginger adj (hair, animal's coat &c) ruadh glug v plubraich vi, plub vt
girln 1 caileagf, nighean f, a little - caileag bheag, -s clann-nighean f sing glutton adj geocaire m, m
call; 2 (mostly IIsed in songs) gruagach f, cailm f, nlghneagf gluttonous adj geocach, craosach
give v 1 thoir (to do) vt irreg, thoir vt seachad, tiodhlaic vt, she gave gluttony n gei>caireachd f invar, ccaos m
us a present thug i tiodhlac m dhuinn, - advice thoir cornhairle f, gnash v giosg vt, -ing his teeth a' giosgail fhiaclan JPI gen
- evidence thoir flanais f, - me your hand thoir dhornh do larnh f; gnaw v cagainn vti
2 (deliver, perforlll &c) gabh vt, - a talk gabh oraid f, - us a song! gabh go v 1 (lIIake olle's way, proceed) rach vi irreg, falbh vi, gabh vti, - to Glasgow
oran m!; 3 (mise exprs & idiollls) - up leig vt de & leig vt seachad, I've rach do Ghlaschu, - to bed rach a chadal m, - to fetch/get something
-n up smoking leig rni seachad smocadh m, he gave up his job leig rach/falbh a dh'iarraidh rudeigin, - on an errand rach air gnothach Ill,
e dheth obair f, don't - up! (ie persevere) cUm vi ris!, we didn't - the - in rach a-steach, also inntrig vi, she went her way ghabh i an rathad
game away cha do leig vi sinn oirnn, - a row to cain vt, - in, - way Ill, they went to the hill ghabh iad chun a' mhonadh Ill, thug iad am
gelll vi (to do), (of traffic) - way geW slighe f, - out (ie emit) cuir vt monadh orra, note also thalla ifor falbh) and theirig ifor rach) IIsed as
(a-mach) illlper, eg (off you) - home/to the shop! thalla dhachaighldhan bhilth
giver n (to charity &c) tabhartaiche m, tabhairteach m 1IIf'., - to bed! theirig a chadal Ill!; 2 (expr changed states) rach vi irreg,
glad adj 1 (happy, pleased) toilichte, I got the job! I'm - fhuair rni an obair! - off/downhill rach bhuaithe, - mad/insane rach air chuthach III/air
tha rni toilichte; 2 (willillg) toileach, I'd be - to do that for you bhithinn bhoile f illvar lair bhainidh f invar, - astray/wrong (lit or 1II0rally) rach
toileach sin a dheanarnh dhut air iornrall m; 3 (leave) falbh vi, they went (away) yesterday dh'fhalbh
gladness n gairdeachas Ill, toileachas Ill, toil-inntinn f, toileachas-inntinn III iad an-de, right! I'm -ing ceart! tha mi a' falbh, she's -ne tha i air
glance n plathadh m, suil f (aithghearr), (at air) falbh; 4 (mise idiollls & exprs) let us -! tiugainn! illlper of vi def, - back
gland n faireagf, sweat - faireag an fhallais till vi, -ing back home a' tilleadh dhachaigh, - bad/rotten lobh vi, - to
glass n glainne & gloinne f see/visit someone tadhail vi air cuideigin, keep -ing! cum vi ort!, how
glasses npl 1 (ie spectacles) glainneachan mpl, speuclairean mpl; 2 ill expr did it -? ciamar a chaidh (dhut/dhaibh &c)?
field -es prosbaigf sing, goal n 1 (aim, ambition) rniann mf, rUn m; 2ifootball &c) tadhallll
glasshouse n taigh-glainne III goat n gobhar nif
glen n gleann m gob nifalll) gob m, cab Ill, shut your -! duin do ghob/chab!
glimpse 11 aiteal m, plathadh Ill, (of de) gobble v glam & glamh vt
glint 11 lainnir f, deaIradh III God; god m Dia, dia m, -'s grace gras m Dhe gen, the -s of the Romans
glitter n lainnir f, dealradh III diathan nan Romanach mpl
glitter v dealraich vi goddess 11 ban-dia f
global adj 1 cruinneil; 2 in expr - warming blathachadh m na cruinne godfather n goistidh m
globe 11 cruinne mf if ill gen sing) godhead 11 diadhachd f invar
168 169
godliness ENGLISH-GAELIC DICI10NARY government governor ENGLISH-GAELIC DIcrIONARY grass park
godliness 11 diadhachd f illvar governor 11 riaghladair m
gold 11 ar m gown 11 gUn m
gold adj air (gell sing of ar m), a - coin/medal bono m air grab v gabh greirn m (with prep air), he -bed her bag ghabh e greirn air a'
golden eagle n iolair(e)-bhuidhe mhaileid f dat aice
goldsmith 11 ar-cheard & ar-cheard m grace 11 gras m, God's/divine - gras Dhe (gell of Dia m)
golf n go(i)lf m, - club (tlte stick) caman m (goilf), - course raon m goilf gell graceful adj eireachdail, grasmhor
good adj 1 math, - at singing math air seinn f math air arain mpl, that's gracefulness 11 grasmhorachd f invar
-! 's math sin!, very - gle mhath, - morning/night! madainn/ graceless adj gun ghras m
oidhche mhath!, - for you! math thu-fhein!, it's - to see you! 's math gracious adj grasmhor
d' fhaicinn!, it's - that you're here's math gu bheil thu ann; 2 deagh graciousness n grasmhorachd f invar
(precedes tlte 1101/11, wlticlt it lenites wltere possible), he's a - singer is e grade n ire f illvar
deagh sheinneadair m a th' ann (dheth), that's a - sign! is e deagh gradient n caisead m
chomharradh m a tha sin!, he's a - friend of mine/to me tha e na gradually adv mean air mhean, uidh f air n-uidh, beag air bheag
dheagh charaid m dhomh; 3 (expr good measure) pailt, a - three feet graduate v gabh ceum m, ceumnaich vi
in length tri troighean f pailt de dh'fhad m; 3 (mise exprs) - grief! an graduation n ceumnachadh m
dalas!, 0 mo chreachf-, mo chreach-s' a thainig!, - heavens! a chiall f!, grain III grainnean m, a - of salt/sugar grainnean salainn mgell/siucair m
full of - sense lan ceille (gen of ciall f), (idiom) a wee stroll (&c) would gen; 2 (from cereal crops) gran m sing call, (a single -) grainnef
be - for you b' fheairrde thu cuairt bheag (&c) graip 11 gra pa III
good 11 feum m, (occas) math m, - and evil am math is an t-ole; this gram(me) n gram m, a hundred -s of sugar ceud gram de shiucar m
machine's no - chan ell feum anns an inneal m seo, what's the - grammar,., gramar m
of talking? de am feum/am math a bhith a' bruidhi.nn?, do - dean grammatical adj gramarach
feum (to do), the holidays will do you - ni na saor-Iaithean feum grand adj 1 (important, self-importallt) mar, mar aige (&c) fhein, mar as (&c)
dhuibh, (idiom) a drink of water (&c) would do you - b' fheairrde thu thein, (ironic) the - folk na daoine mpl mara; 2 (jam: expr approval) glan,
deoch f uisge m gell (&c) gasta, sgoinneil, (esp as excl) taghta, that was just - bha sin direach
good- prefix deagh-, eg -hearted deagh-chridheach glan/gasta/sgoinneil, We'll see you tomorrow as usual. -! Chi sinn
goodbye excl beannachd f leat/leibh!, slan leat/leibh!, (more fam) mar sin a-maireach thu, mar as abhaist. Taghta l
leat/leibh! grandchild n ogha m
goodness n 1 (moral &c) mathas m; 2 (- ill food &c) brigh f, susbaint f; 3 (as granddaughter 11 ban-ogha f
excl) -! a chiall!, (my) - me! obh! obh! grandeur n marachd f illvar
goods n 1 (mercltandise) bathar m sing call, - vehicle carbad-bathair m; grandfather n seanair m
2 (possessiolls, worldly -) maoinf, in expr my worldly - (trad) mo chuid grandmother 11 seanffihair f, (jam) granaidh f
f den t-saoghalm grandson n ogha III
goodwill n deagh-thoil f deagh-ghean m granite clach-ghrain f eibhir f
goose n geadh mf, ill expr solan - swaire m granny 11 (jam) granaidh f
gooseberry n graiseid f grant 11 (fill) tabhartas III
gore 11 fuiI f grant v builich vt (to air)
gorgeous adj greadhnach granular adj grilinneach
gorse n conasg m grape 11 fion-dearc f
gory adj fuil(t)each, - battle cath fuilteach graph n graf m·
gossip 11 1 (abstr & call) seanchas m; 2 (person wlto gossips) goistidh m grasp n greirn Ill, glacadh III
gossip v bi vi irreg ri seanchas m dat grasp v 1 glac vt, gabh greirn m (with prep air), greimich vi (with prep air or
govern v (a country &c) riaghail vti, riaghlaich vti ri); 2 (understand) tuig vt
government n 1 (abstr) riaghladh m; 2 (con) riaghaltas m, a nationalllocal - grass n feur 111
riaghaltas naiseanta/ionadail grass park 11 faiche f pairc(e) f
170 171
grasshopper 11 fionnan-feoir 111 green adj uaine, gorm, (less intense -) glas, - grass feur gorm/uaine,
grassy adj feurach - hillocks tulaichean IIIpl glasa
grate 11 greata 111, ill expr fire - cliath-theine f green n 1 (colollr) dath 111 uaine; 2 (expal1se ofgrass) reidhlean 111
grateful adj taingeil, bUidheach greenhouse 11 taigh-glainne m, the - effect buaidh f an taigh-ghlainne
gratification 11 toileachadh 111 greens n (ie vegetables) glasraich f sil1g call il1var
grating'l1 (scrapil1g &c) sgriobadh 111 greet v failtich vt, cuir failte f (with prep air)
grating' 11 (grid &c) cliath f greeting 11 failte f, dilrachd 111
gratitude 11 taingf, taingealachd f il1var, buidheachas 111 gregarious adj greigheach, ceilidheach
grave adj 1 (of persol1's character) stolda; 2 (of state of affairs &c) fior dhroch grey adj 1 glas, - trousers briogais ghlas; 2 (of lal1dscape, hair) liath, ill expr
(precedes the 1101111, which it lmites where possible), - news fiar dhroch turnlbecome!go - liath vi, fas vi liath
naidheachd f grey v liath vi, her hair is -ing tha a fait 111 a' liathadh
grave n uaigh f greyhound n miolchu 111
gravel 11 grinneallll, morghan 111 grid 11 cliath f, cattle - cliath-chruidh (gen of crodh 111 sil1g call), (on maps) -
gravestone 11 leac f, leac uaighe f gel1, clach-chinn f line loidhne-cleithe (gel1 of cliath) f, - reference comharradh-cleithe 111,
gravity 11 (jorce) iom-tharraingf - square ceamagf cleithe
graze'v (skill of hand &c) ruisg vt griddle, gridiron n (baking) greideal f
graze'v (livestock &c) feuraich vt, ionaltair vi grief 11 1 mulad f, (stronger) dolas, (excl) good -! an dolas!, 0 mo chreach
grazing n 1 (abstr) feurachadh 111, ionallradh m; 2 (con: pastllre) feurach f!, mo chreach-s' a thainig!
111, ionallradh 111, clua(i)n f; 3 ill exprs (in crafting call text) common - grievance 11 citis-ghearain f
monadh 111, the -s clerk clarc 111 a' bhaile grieve v 1 caoidh vti, (saying) what the eye doesn't see the heart doesn't -
grease 11 creis f over cha chaoidh duine 111 an rud 111 nach fhaic e; 2 (lIIollm) bi vi irreg
greasy adv creiseach ri bron 111, they are grieving tha iad ri bron
great adj 1 mor, a - crowd sluagh mor 111, a - poet bard mor, a - deal of grievous adj crai(dh)teach
money (jalll) airgead mor, (idiolll) we are - friends tha sinn gu math grilln (jar cooking) grios 111
mor aig a cMile; 2 (expr approval &c: fa 111) gasta, (esp as excl) taghta, that grill vI (cooken) griosaich vt; 2 (il1terrogate) mion-cheasnaich vt
was just - bha sin direach gasta, I'll do the dishes for you. -! Ni mi grind v 1 (general) prann vt; 2 (esp corn) meil vt, bleith vt
na soithichean IIIpl dhul. Taghta! grip n greirn m, glacadh 111, keep a - on something cUm greirn air
great- prefix (jar falllily relationships) iar-, eg great-grandchild iar-ogha IIIf rudeigin
greatcoat 11 cola-mar m grip v gabh greirn 111 (with prep air), - the ladder gabh greirn air an fharadh
greater COlllp adj 1 mo/motha, the - nation an naisean 111 as motha/(in past 111, (idiom) she was -ping his hand bha greirn aice air lairnh f dat air
& conditional tenses) a bu mhotha that nation is - 's e an naisean sin
J grizzled adj riabhach
as motha; 2 ill expr the - part a' mhor-chuidf, the - part of his life a' groan 11 (of pain or grief) mead m, she let out a - leig i cnead (aiste)
mhor-chuid de (a) bheatha f groan v dean cnead m, leig cnead, she -ed rinn i cnead, leig i cnead
great-grandchild 11 iar-ogha 111 (aiste)
greatly adv gu mor grocer n grosair m
greatness 111 (size, extent) meudachd f il1var, the - of their debts meudachd groove n clais f
nam fiachan IIIpl aca; 2 (ill prestige, replltation &c) morachd f invar grope v 1 (in search of sOlllething) rilraich vi; 2 (jeel ol1e's way blil1dly)
Greece 11 (lIsed with art) A' Ghreig smeuraich vi
greed n (jar wealth,/ood) gionaiche m invar, (jar food) sanntlll, gebcaireachd gross adj 1 (ill character) garbh, borb; 2 (of 5111115 of 1II0ney) iomlan, slim, -
f il1var interest riadh 111 iomlan
greedy adj (jar wealth, food) gionach, (jar food) sanntach, geocach grotty adj (jam) grod, mosach, drabhail
Greek adj Greugach grouchy adj crost(a) & crasda, gruamach, fo ghruairn f dat
Greek nl (person) Greugach 111; 2 (the lal1gllage) IIsed with art, a' Ghreugais ground adj & past part pronn
f invar ground 11 1 (lal1d) talarnh 111 (j ill gen sil1g), fearann 111, arable!

172 173

cultivated - taJamh-aitich, fallow - taJamh biln, cultivate/tiJl the - grumpiness 11 gruaim f

aitich am fearann, a piece of - pios m fearainn gen; 2 (the surface of grumpy adj gruamach, fo ghruaim f dat, crost(a) & crosda
the -) lar m, he knocked himJit to the - Jeag e gu Jar e, stretched out grunt 11 1 gnbsaU J; 2 (esp of pig) rilchd m
on the - sinte air an Jar; 3 (of pibroch & other music) lirJar m; 4 -s (ie grunt v 1 dean gnbsail J; 2 (esp of pig) rilchd vi
reasoll(s), justificatioll &c) adhbhar m, the -s for his complaint adhbhar guarantee n 1 (gelleral) bar(r)antas m; 2 (esp in fin matlers) urras m, stand as
a ghearain m gell - for someone rach vi an urras air cuideigin
groundless (without justificatioll) gun adhbhar m guarantee v rach vi an urras m (that ... gu ...)
grounds' IIpI (callse, justification) see ground 11 4 guard 111 (abstr: soldier &c) fairef, be on - dean/cUm faire; 2 (colI; COli) faire
grounds' IIpI (ill liqllids) grUid f f, freiceadan m, put a - on it coo faire air; 3 (a single -, a member of the
group 11 1 (of people) grunn m, (smaller) grunnan, there was a - of people -) fear-faire m; 4 ill expr put someone on his/her - coo cuideigin air
at the bus stop bha grunn(an) dhaoine mpl gen aig aite-stad m nam earaJas m
busaichean mpl; 2 (esp a - fonlled for a specific pllrpose) cbmhJan m, guess 11 tuaiream f, tuairmse f, tomhas m, take a - at it thoir tuaiream air
buidheann mf, a pressure - buidheann-stri, a research - buidheann- guess v tomhais vt, thoir tuaiream f, - how many there are tomhais cia
rannsachaidh, (music) a - cbmhJan-eiirilm mheud a th' ann
grouse'lI (the bird) coUeach-fraoich m, ill expr red - cearc f ruadh, cearc- guest n aoigh m
£hraoich guidance 11 1 trebrachadh m, iUJ m, (ed) - teacher tidsear-trebrachaidh m;
grouse' 11 (gnllnble &c) gearan m 2 (advice) comhairle f
grouse v gearain vi guide n 1 neach-iiril m (pI luchd-iiril m sillg colI), (esp tOllrist -) neach-
grove n doire mf trebrachaidh m (pI luchd-treOrachaidh m sing colI); 2 in expr - book
grow v 1 fas vi, it's barley that's -ing here's e ebrna m invar a !ha a' fas leabhar-iirilm
ann a sheo, the boy's -ing pretty quickly tha am baJach a' fas gu math guide v trebraich vt, sebl vt, stiuir vt, - tourists trebraich luchd-turais m
luath; 2 (become) fas vi (with ad)), thig vi (with n & prep air), rach vi (with sing colI
prep an/am & abstr n), - old fils sean, they grew tired (of it) dh'fhas guideline(s) 1I(P1) stiUireadh m, sebladh m
iad sgith (dheth), I grew afraidlsorrowful/hungry thainig eagaJ m/ guilt n ciont(a) m, (less IISU) coill f illvar
muJad ",/acras 111 orm, - bigger rach am meud m invar, - worse rach guiltless adj neo-chiontach
am miosad J; 3 - up (pass through childhood) tog vt (in passive voice), guilty adj ciontach, coireach, (of air), 11/ expr - person ciontach m,
(reach matllrity) thig vi irreg gu inbhe f, I grew up in Coli thogadh mi coi.reach m
ann an CoUa; 4 (of sky &c) - dark ciar vi, fas vi dorcha, the evening gull 11 faoUeag f, great black-backed - farspag & arspag f, lesser black-
grew dark chiar am feasgar backed - (f)arspag bheag
growl, growling 11 dranndan m, dranndaU f illvar, grUnsgaJ m gullet 11 sJugan m
growl v dean dranndan m, ill expr apt to - dranndanach gulp, gulping n glug m, glugan m
grown adj & past part, a - man duine deanta/foirfe, duine a th' air fas suas, gum n (plant sllbstallce & adhesive) bith f, (adhesive) glaodh m
ill expr fully - inbheach gum(s) n (of mOllth) caireas m, cairean m
grown-up adj & n inbheach m gumption 11 toinisgf, ciall f
growth 11 (con & abstr) fas m, cinneas m, new/fresh - lir-fhas m, economic - gun n gunna m, (artillery -) gunna mbr
ci.nneas eaconamach gunner 11 gunnair m
grub' n (of illsect) muimh f gurgle, gurgling 11 1 (of persolls) glug m; 2 (of liqllids) glugan m, plubraichf
grub' n (food) biadh m gust 11 osagf, oiteagf
grumble 11 gearan m gut n 1 (illtestine) caolan m, (idiom: vlIIg) I spewed my -s up chOO mi
grumble v 1 gearain vi (about air), (less usu) taJaich vi, you needn't bother a-mach rilchd m mo chaolanan; 2 (-s of other creahlres & fam for 1111111011
grumbling all the time! cha leig thu a leas a bhith a' gearan/ri gearan stomach) mionach m, fish -s mionach-eisg (gell of iasg m)
fad na h-itine!; 2 in expr apt to - gearanach gut v (fish &c) cut vti
grumbling adj gearanach gutter'lI ifor draillage) guitear m
grumbling n gearan m gutter' n (offish &c) cutair m

174 175

handcuff 11 glas-liiirnhe f, -s glasan-lairnhe

H handfull1liin m dUim (gen of dbm m), dbrlaeh Ill, I had a - of seed bha lan
mo dhUim agam de shiol m
habit n deachdadh m, abhaistm, gnath m handgun 11 daga & dag III
habitat 11 arainn f handicap n 1 (gel1eral) bacadh m, poverty is a great - '5 e bacadh mbr a
habitual adj abhaisteach, (less IISIl) gnathaeh th' anns a' bhoehdainnf; 2 (phys -) ciorram III
hag 11 1 (pej) cailleach f; 2 in expr peat - poll-mbna(eh) m, poll-mbnadh m handicapped adj 1 (by a disability) ciorramaeh, mentally - ciorramaeh na
haggis 11 taigeis f (&c) inntinn f, ill exprs a - person ciorramaeh n, the - na ciorramaich
hail, hailstone 11 daeh-mheallain f IIIpl; 2 (- socially, economically &c) ana-cothromaeh
hair 11 1 (coli: on /lI/mal1 head) fall m sing coli, gruag f sil1g coli, (a single -) handkerchief n neapaigear III
fuiltean m, rbineagf; 2 (- of al1imal) fionnadh m sing coli, gaoisid f sing handle n 1 (of tool &c) casf, knife - cas-sgeine (gen ofsgianj); 2 (ofjl/g, ml/g,
coli; 3 (idiom) - of the dog leigheas m na poit ClIp, casserole &c) duas f
hairdresser 11 gruagaire m handle v 1 (phys) liiirnhsieh vt, (esp tool, weapon) iomair vt; 2 (- sitl/ations,
hairdryer 11 tiormaiehear-gruaig m people &c) deilig vi (with prep ri), lairnhsich vt
hairy adj fionnach, molach, robaeh, rbmach handlebar n crann-liimh m
half adv 1 leth, leitheaeh, - dead leth mharbh, - awake na (&c) leth- handshake n crathadh-lairnhe III
dhusgadh m (a/so na (&c) leth-dhUisg), we were - awake bha sinn nar handsome adj gasta, eireaehdail, a sturdy, - man duine calma, gasta
leth-dhusgadh/nar leth-dhUisg, - full leitheach lan, it's - past four handwriting n lamh-sgriobhadh III
tha e leth uair f an deidh a ceithir; 2 (idiolll) - in jest/earnest eadar handy adj 1 deiseil, ullarnh, goireasaeh, that'll be - for you bidh sin deiseil/
fealla-dha f invar is da-rlribh adv ullarnh dhut; 2 in expr be/come in - dean feum m, bi vi irreg feumail,
half 11 11eth f, leth-chuid f, the other - an leth eile, a mile and a - mile IIIf (for do), scissors would be -/would come in - (for us) just now
gu leth, - and - leth mar leth, how much did you lose? - (of it) de a dheanadh siosar mf feum (dhuinn) an-drasta, bhiodh siosar feumail
ehaill thu dheth? an darna leth; 2 in expr - as much (a) leth wread III (dhuinn) an-drasta; 3 (good with one's hands) gleusta, deas-liimhaeh
il1var, _ as much again leth-uiread eile, - as much as Peter has leth hang v (person, pictllre &c) croch vt
uiread agus a tha aig Peadar hanged adj & past part crochte
halfhearted adj leth-fhuar, a - welcome failte f leth-fhuar hanging adj & pres part an croehadh m, crochte, -ing behind the door an
halfwayadv leitheaeh-slighe, leitheaeh-rathaid, (between eadar), - between crochadh air cul m an dorais
X and Y leitheach-slighe eadar X is Y hangman n crochadair m
halln talla m, the village/town - talla a' bhaile hangover n ceann m daoraieh f gen
Halloween 11 Oidhche f Shamhna (gen of Samhain j) happen v 1 (ocCllr, befall) taehair vi (to do), what's -ing? nothing de a tha a'
halo n fainne-solais f taehairt? ehan eil ciiil, what -ed to 'ames? de a thaehair do Sheumas?,
hamlet n dachan III that's how it -ed (often impersonal in Gaelic) 's ann mar sin a thaehair,
hammer n ord 111 sin mar a thaehair (e); 2 (become oj) eirieh vi (with prep do), what -ed
hand n 1lamh f, (derog: of large, cllllllSy &c hand) crbgf, he didn't shake my to 'ames? de a dh'eirich do Sheumas?; 3 (chance: with Gaelic impersonal
_ cha do rug e air lairnh dot orm, the back of the - cUI m na laimh(e), constrs) taehair vi, tuit vi (with prep do), I -ed to see him on the street
hollow of the - glac f, helping - lamh-ehuideaehaidh f, he's on his thaehair gum faca mi air an t-sraid e, thuit dhomh fhaicinn air an
-s and knees tha e air a mhag(ar)an, what couldn't he turn his - to? t-sraid; 4 ill expr - on/upon (ie cOllie across, stl/mble I/pon) taehair vi,
cb ris naeh cuireadh e a liimh?, take a matter in - gabh gnothach m os amais vi, (with prep air)
lairnh dot; 2 ill expr on the other - air mhodh mf eile, air an laimh eile happening n tachartas Ill, tuiteamas III
hand v 1 sin vt (with prep gu), she -ed me the key shin i thugam an iuchair; happy adj toiliehte, (less cOllllllon) sona, I'm - to do that for you tha mi
2 in exprs - over thoir vt seachad, - around thoir vt ffiWl cuairt, cuir toiliehte sin a dheanamh dhut, I hope they were - tha mi an di>chas
vt m W1 cuairt gun robh iad toilichte/sona
handbag n maileid-liiirnh f happy-go-lucky adj guanach, (can be pej) coma-co-dhiu
handball 11 ball-lairnhe m harass v daoidh vt, saraich vt

176 177
harassment n sarachadh m, sexual - silrachadh gneitheasach, sarachadh harrow v 1 (agric) cliath vti; 2 (- emotionally) erilidh vt
drUiseach harrowing adj crili(dh)teach, dorainneach, a - story sgeuJachd
harbour n port m, cala m dhorainneach
hard adj 1 (lit & fig) cruaidh, - work obair chruaidh, a - land fu mf harsh adj 1 (person, silualion) cruaidh, garbh, a - land fu mf c(h)ruaidhl
c(h)ruaidh, (of book) - coverlback comhdach cruaidh, (IT) - disc clar g(h)arbh, a - man duine cruaidh/garbh, a - voice guth garbh; 2 (pllys
cruaidh; 2 (diffiClllt, painful) duilich, it is - for me to leave is duilich sensations, words, temperament) geur, searbh, a - tasle bias geur I searbh,
leam falbh; 3 (difficult, taxing) doirbh, a - question ceist dhoirbh f, - words briathran mpl geura/searbha, a - wind gaoth gheur
that's - to say tha sin doirbh a radh; 4 (of argllment, book &c: - to harshness n cruas m, gelle f invar, searbhachd f invar
understand) deacair; 5 (idiom) the army was - on their heels bha an harvesl n foghar m, buain f, the barley - foghar an eiima
t-arm teann orra haste n 1 cabhag f, (stronger) deann f, in - ann an cabhaig dat, he left in
harden v cruadhaich vti, don't - your heart! na cruadhaich do chridhe m' (great) - dh'fhalbh e na dheann, make - dean cabhag, (as imper) make
hard-hearted adj cruaidh-ehridheach -! greas ortl greasaibh oirbh!, dean I deanaibh cabhag!
hardihood n cruadal m, cruas m hasten v 1 (make hasle) dean cabhag f; 2 (lIurry on olllers) cuir cabhag (witll
hardiness n cruas m, fulang m prep air)
hardly adv 1 (10 a small extenl, rarely, willl diffiClllty) is gann (willl conj a), hasty adj (aclion &c) cabhagach
we - saw him is gann a chunnaic sinn e, he - uttered two words is hatch v 1 (eggs) guir vti; 2 (- a plot &c) innlich vi
gann a leig e as da fhacal m, we - made out what she was saying is hatchet n lilrnhthuagh f, lilrnhadh m, lilrnhagf
gann a rinn sinn a-mach de a bha i ag radh; 2 (barely, scarcely) cha mhor hate n gram f, fuath m
(willl conj gun), he - uttered two words cha mhor gun do leig e as da hate v fuathaich VI, more USll expr by bi vi irreg grainfwilll preps aig & air, eg
fhacal; 3 (esp expr difficulty) is ann air eiginn f invar (witll conj a), we - I - him tha grain f agam air, they - her !ha gram aca oUce
made out what she was saying is ann air eiginn a rinn sinn a-mach hateful adj graineiJ, fuathach
de a bha i ag radh hatred n gram f, fuath m
hardness n cruas m haugh n innis f
hardship n cruadal m haughtiness n ilrdan m, uaibhreas m, uabhar m
hardworking adj gnlomhach, deanadach, dicheallach, easgaidh, ifam) haughty adj uaibhreach, ilrdanach
cruaidh air an obair f dal haul v tarraing vti (on air), slaDd vii
hardyadj fulangach, cruadalach, cruaidh haulage n 1 giUlan m; 2 (tile c1mrges levied for -) faradh m
hare n maigheach f, gearr f haunt v (visil freqllently, Imng around inial) tathaich vi (willl prep air)
harm n 1 lochd m, milleadh m, beud m; 2 (nolllsu pllys) eron m; 3 (idiom) a have v 1 (expr possession &c) bi vi irreg (willl prep aig), I - a house and a
pint (&c) wouldn't do me any - cha bu mhiste mi pinnt m (&c) dog tha taigh m agus ell m agam, she had a headache bha ceann goUt
harm v 1 goirtich vt, mill vi; 2 (not USll pllys) dean eron m (will, prep air); aice; 2 exprs willl gabh VI, thoir vt, will you - a cup of tea? an gabh
3 (- someone's feelings, silllalion &c) ciim vt thu cupan m ti f i/lvar?, don't - anything to do with himlit! na gabh
harmful adj lochdach, cronaiJ, millteach, cunnartach gnothach m ris!, - pity on them gabh truas m dhiubh, - a look at the
harmonious adj ceiilmhor newspaper thoir sUiJ f air a' philipear-naidheachd m; 3 - to (ie musl)
harmony n 1 (music) co-sheirm f; 2 (lack ofdissension &c) co-aontachadh m, feum vi, 's fheudar, in pasl & co/ldilionallenses b' fheudar (willl prep do),
co-chordadh m; 3 (idiom) they lived in - with their neighbours bha I - to admit that ... feumaidh mi aideachadh gu ... , do you - to go?
iad reidh ris na nabaidhean mpl aca am feum sibh falbh?, she has to/had to stop's fheudar/b' fheudar dhi
harness n uidheam f, acainn f sgur, Nole also construclions sucll as I - a lot to do tha moran agam ri
harp n clilrsach f, (more trad) cruit f dheanarnh, I - a letter to write tha lifu f agam ri sgrlobhadh; 4 - to (be
harper n clarsair m, (more trad) cruitear m or feel compelled), thig vi irreg (witll prep air & verbal nOlln), I had to do it
harpsichord n cruit-chOrda f thilinig orm a dheanarnh m, (also, using dOllble /leg conslr) cha b' urrainn
Harris n, used witll art, Na Hearadh f invar, - Tweed An Clo Hearach, An dhomh gun a dheanarnh
Clo Mor, in expr a man from - Hearach m hay n Irathach m
harrow n cliath f hay-fork n gobhJagf

178 179
hazardous adj cwmartach heartburn 11 losgadh-braghad m
haze n ceo m hearth 11 cagaUt f, teallach m, teinntean m, at the - ris a' chagailt dal
hazel 11 calltairm m hearthstone 11 leac f theallaich m gen
hazelnut 11 eno f cha Ilta inn m gen heartiness 11 cridhealas m
hazy adj ceothach hearty adj (persoll, atmospllere &c) cridheil, a - welcome failte chridheil
head adj prlomh (precedes tile 1101111, wllicll il lelliles wllere possible), the - heat " teas ut invnr, - wave tonn mf teasa gen
clerk a' phrlomh-ehJeireach m, the - office of the company priomh- heat, heat up, v teasaich vii
oifis f a' chompanaidh heater 11 (domestic &c) uidheam f teasachaidh m gell
head 11 1 ceann m, he shook his - chrath e a cheann, she bentlbowed her heath n 1 monadh m, sliabh m, mointeach f; 2 (tile plalll) fraoch m
- chrom i a ceann, - first an comhair f illvar a chirm gell, side of the - heathen 1J c.inneach 111
lethcheann m; 2 ill expr - of hair gmagf; 3 ill expr (of collisioll &c) - on heather 11 fraoch m
an comhair a thoisich; 4 ill expr a - (ie each) an urra f, we spent SOp a heather-cock n coileach-fraoich m
- chosg sinn leth-eheud sgillinn f sing an urra heating 11 (domeslic &c) teasachadh m, - appliance uidheam f teasachaidh
headache 11 ceann m goirt, I have a - tha mo cheann goirt gell
headgear 11 ceannbheart f heave v 1 (tllrow) tilg VI, caith vt; 2 (IIalll &c) tarraing vi, slaod vi, (on air)
heading 11 (in text &c) ceann m heaven n 1 neamh m, flaitheas m, parras m; 2 ill expr the -5 an iarmailt f;
headland 11 rubha m 3 (excl) good -si obh! obh!, 0 mo chreach!; 4 ill expr why, in -'s name,
headline 11 ceann-naidheachd m (did you do it &c)? carson, a chiall, (a rinn thu e &c)?
headlong adj na (&c) d(h)ian-ruith f, na &c d(h)eann f, they left in a - rush heavenly adj neamhaidh
dh'fhalbh iad nan deann-ruith/nan deann heaviness 11 truimead m, the - of my heart truimead mo chrldhe m
headlong adv an comhair f illvar a (&c) c(h)inn m gell, she feU - thuit i an heavy adj trom, (less 11511) cudthromach, - parcels parsailean mpl troma, a
comhair a cinn - step ceum trom, - on the booze (fam) trom air an deoch f, with a -
headstrong adj 1 (wilflll) ceann-Iaidir; 2 (ohstillale) rag-mhuinealach heart le cridhe trom
head-teacher 11 (IISIl secolldary scllool) maighistir-sgoUe m Hebrew n (Iallg) Eabhra f
heal v slanaich vii, leighis vI, it -ed shlainich e Hebrides 11, the - lnnse Gall'!pl
healing 11 slanachadh m, leigheas m hectare" heactair m
health 11 1 slamte f, - centre ionad-slainte m; 2 ill exprs in good - slan, hectic adj (alwork &c) dripei!, things are preHy - just now tha cuisean'!pl
fallain, in bad - tirm, euslainteach, (toast) good -! slamte! gu math dripeU an-drasta
health-giving adj (food &c) fallain hedge 11 callaid f, falm
healthy adj (in good IIealtll, also IIeallll-giving) 51 an, fallain hedgehog 11 graineagf
heap 11 torr m, cruach f, (small -) cruachan m heed n aire f invar, feart & feairt f, without paying - to it gun aine/feart
heap v cruach VI, cam vt a thoirt air
hear v cluinn vt irreg, he can't - a thing cha chluinn e bid m/biogf, I -d heel 11 1 sail f, (less 11511) bonn-dubh m; 2 (commalld to dog) (come to my) -!
you were ill chuala mi gun robh thu tirm, it's good to be -ing from cui m mo chois'! (gell of cas fJ; 3 (idioms & exprs) the army was hard on
you! '5 math a bhith a' cluinntirm bhuat! their -s bha an t-arm teann orra, he took to his -s thug e na buinn
hearing n claisneachd & claisteachd f illvar, I'm losing my - tha mi a' call mpl as, thug e a chasan '!plleis, (fig) drag one's -s maimealaich vi, bi vi
mo chlaisneachd irreg mairnealach, bi slaodach
heart" 1 cridhe ni, - disease tinneas nE cridhe gell, - attack clisgeadh m height III (lil) airdef, what - is it? de an airde a tha ann?; 2 (fig) ill expr at
cridhe, greirn-eridhe m; 2 ill exprs in good - misneachail, the - of the the - of hisfher powers/strength an treun f illvor a neirt (gell of neart
maHer enagf na cUise Ill), also aig Mrd f a c(h)omais (gell of comas m)
heartbeat buille f cridhe m gell heir 11 oighre m
heartbreak n bris{t)eadh m cridhe m gen heiress 11 ban-oighre f
heartbroken adj & pasl part, she's - tha a cridhe m briste, you left me - held adj & past part 1 gleidhte; 2 (- ill captivity) an greirn m, an sas m, an
dh'fhag thu mi '5 mo chridhe bri te laimh {dal of lamh fJ

180 181
helicopter ENGUSH-GAEUC DlcnONARY herself hesitate ENGUSH-GAEUC DlcnONARY himself
helicopter n heileacopta(i)r m hesitate v 1 (through indecision) miiirnealaich vi, bi vi irreg an irncheist f, bi
hell n 1 (lit) ifrinn f, (less usu) iutham(a) f; 2 (mise fig e:rprs & idioms) - of eadar-dha-Iionn; 2 (through unwillingness) is v irreg & defleisg, with prep
a ... garbh adv, things are - of a busy just now tha cWsean Jpl garbh le & verbal nOUlI, I - to admit it is leisg leam aideachadh
dripeil an-drasta, they set off - for leather dh'fhalbh iad nan dian- hesitating adj (undecided) an irncheist f, eadar-dha-Iionn
ruith f, thog iad OITa nan deann f, (as excl) -! mac m an donais!, (with heterogeneous adj ioma-sheOrsach
attenuated meaning) it was sheer -! bha e direach sgriosail! hibernation n cadal-geamhraidh m
hellish adj 1 (lit) ifrinneach; 2 (with attenuated fig meaning) sgriosail, a - day hiccups n an aileagf sing, I've got (the) - tha an aileag orm
latha m sgriosail hidden adj & past part falaichte, am falach m, air falach
hello excl hala hide' n (pelt) se.iche f, bian m
helm n falmadair m, ailrn f hide' n (place of concealment) aite-falaich m
helmet n cJoga(i)d m hide v 1 (as vt) cuir vt am falach m, ceil vt (from air), - it cuir am falach e,
help n 1 (relief, aid) cobhair f, (as excl) -! (dean) cobhair orm!, cuidich mi!; - it from her ceil oine e; 2 (as vi) rach vi am falach m (from air), they
2 (more general) cuideachadh m, thank you for your - maran taing f hid (from me) chaidh iad am falach (orm)
airson ur cuideachaidh gen; 3 in expr financial - taic f airgid (gen of hide-and-seek n falach-fead m
airgead m); 4 (person who helps) cuidiche mf, home - cuidiche-taighe hide-out n aite-falaich m
help v 1 cuidich vti, dean cobhair f (with prep air), - them cuidich iad, hiding n falach m, in - am falach, go into - rach vi am falach
(more trad) cuidich leotha, dean cobhair OITa, a -ing hand liimh f hiding place n aite-falaich m
cuideachaidh m gen; 2 (avoid, prevent oneself &c) I can't -/couldn't - ... high adj ard
chan urrainn/cha b' urrainn dhornh, with conj gun, I couldn't- being higher adj nas iiirde (in past & conditional tenses na b' airde), as iiirde (in past
sad cha b' urrainn dhornh gun a bhith branach; 3 (idiom) it can't be & conditional tenses a b' iiirde), that hill is (the) - 's e an cnoc m sin as
-ed chan eil cothrom m air airde, a - hill cnoc as iiirde
helper n cuidiche m highland adj (topog) ard-thlreach
helpful adj cuideachail highland n (Iopog) iird-thlr mf
hem n faitheam m Highland adj Gaidhealach & Gaidhealach, - Games Geamannan mpl
hemisphere n leth-duuinne mf Gaidhealach
hemp n cainb f Highlander n Gaidheal & Gaidheal m
hen n cearcf Highlands n Gaidhealtachd & Giiidhealtachd f invar, used wilh art, the _
her pass adj 1 a (does not lenite afollowing noun), - mother a mathair; 2 aice a' Ghiiidhealtachd, in the - air a' Ghaidhealtachd
ifollows the noun and art: tends to be used with objects &c less intimntely highlight v 1 soillsich vt; 2 (fig: emphasise &c) cuir cudthrom m (wilh prep
connected with the individual concerned) - pen am peann aice (though note air)
exceptions such as - house an taigh aice, - husband an duine aice) high-ranking adj inbheil
her pron i, (emph form) ise highway n rathad-mar
herb n luibh mf, Ius m high-yielding adj torach
herd n treud m, (esp of cattle) buar m hilarity n cridhealas m,
herd v (usu cattle) buachaillich vi hill n 1 (large -, mountain) beinn f, (usu small 10 medium-sized) cnoc m, (small,
heritage n 1 (lit & fig) dileab f, the - of history dileab na h-eachdraidh; usu rounded) tom m, (esp conical or mound shaped) tarr m, (usu rounded
2 (inherited property &c) oighreachdj; 3 (cultural-) dualchas m or conical) dUn m, (usu conical) cruachf (dimin) cruachan m, (stony) cam
hermaphrodite adj fireann-boireann m, (usu rocky) creagf, (usulumpy) meall m; 2 (esp agric &c: rough grazing
hermaphrodite n fireann-boireann m &c) monadh m, (moorland) mainteach f, sliabh m
hero n curaidh m, gaisgeach m, laoch m hillock tJ cooc ni, rnocan m, toman nI, tulach m
heroic adj gaisgeil hillside, hillslope n leathad m, ruighe mf
heroism n gaisge f invar, gaisgeachd f invar hilly adj cnocach, monad ail
heron n cOITa-ghritheach f him pron e, (emph form) esan, he saw - chunnaic e e
herself reflexive pron i-fhein, for examples of use cf myself himself reflexive pron e-fhein,jor examples cf myself

182 183
hind 11 (Jemale of red deer) eilid f hollow adj casach, falamh
hinge 11 ludagf, banntach f hollow /I 1 toll m; 2 (Iopog) cos m, glac f, lag mf
hip 11 (allal) cruachann f holly /I cuileann m
hippopotamus 11 each-aibhne m holy adj 1 naomh, the Holy Ghost/Spirit An Spiorad m Naomh; 2 in expr
hire v (workers) fastaich, also fasdaich & fastaidh, vi - Communion comanachadh m
hirsute adj ramach homage (before royalty &c) iunhlachd f invar
historian 11 eachdraiche m home adv dhachaigh, going - a' dol dhachaigh, I'm away -! tha mi a' falbh
historical adj eachdraidheil dhachaigh!, the way - an rathad m dhachaigh
history 11 eachdraidhf, local- eachdraidh ionadail, she did - at university home 11 1 dachaigh f illvar, that's my - 's e sin mo dhachaigh(-sa), old
rinn i eachdraidh anns an oilthigh m folks' - dachaigh nan seann daoine mpl; 2 in exprs at - aig an taigh m,
hither adv 1 an seo, a-bhos, an taobh seo, an taobh a-bhos, a-nail; 2 ill expr away from -, not at - on taigh, - help cuidiche mf taighe gell, - farm
- and thither thall 's a-bhos manas m, Home Secretary/Office RUnaire mlOifts f na DUthcha,
hitherto adv gu ruige sea - rule fein-riaghladh m
hoar frost 11 liath-reothadh m homeland 11 duthaich f, the Mackay - DUthaich MhicAoidh
hoard 11 tasgaidh f homesick adj cianalach
hoard v taisg vi homesickness n cianalas m
hoarse adj 1 tUchanach; 2 (idiom) I am -, I have become - tha an tUchadh homewards adv dhachaigh
air tighinn orm; 3 ill expr a - voice guth garbh homogeneous adj aon-sebrsach
hoarseness 11 tUchadh m homonym n co-ainrnear m
hobby 11 cur-seachad m homosexuality 11 fearas-feise f
hobnail 11 tacaid f honest ndj onarach, ionraic
hoe 11 todha m honesty n onair f, ionracas m
hoe v todhaig vi honey 11 miI f, tasting of - air bias m na meala (gell of miI)
hoeing 11 obair-thodha f honeycomb n dr-mheala f
hog(g) 11 (1-2 yr old ewe lamb) othaisgf honeymoon 11 mios mf nam pagfpl gen
hoist v tog vi, - the sails togaibh na siUilmpl honeysuckle 11 iadh-shlat & iath-shlat f, Ius m na meala (gen of miI f)
hold 11 greim m, take - of something gabh greim air rudeigin, keep - of honorary adj onarach, urramach, an - member of the society ball m
something cUm greim air rudeigin onarach/urramach den chomann m
hold v 1 (lake hold of) gabh greim m (wilh prep air), (keep hold) cUm greim honour n 1 (personal-) onairf, on my -! air m' onair!; 2 (respecl, dislinclioll)
(wilh prep air); 2 (colllaill) cum vi, gabh vi, will it - all my clothes? an urram 111, confer an - on someone euir /builich urram air cuideigin;
cum elan gabh e mo chuid f aodaich m gell aidad?, the hall will - 300 3 (Jame, renowII) cliu m invar, glair f
people gabhaidh an talla tri cheud duine m sillg; 3 ill expr - back, - up honour v 1 (bestow all hOlloLlr on) onaraich VI, cull Ibuilich urram m (wil/r
(ie delay) cUm vi air ais, cuir maille f illvar (wilh prep air or ann), I won't prep air); 2 (respecI, revere) onaraich Vi; 3 (keep, sland by,fLllfil) coilean VI,
- you back/up cha chUm rni air ais sibh, - up the proceedings cull he -ed his commitment choilean e a ghealladh m
maWe air/anns a' ghnothach m, (idiom) if they're held up ma tMid honourable adj onarach, urramach
maille orra; 4 in expr - on to (ie keep, save) cum vt, gleidh vt, - on to hood n (/readgear) cachall m
this for me till Friday cUm sea dhomh gu Dihaoine m invar; 5 (idiom) hoodie n (crow) feannag ghlas
she was -ing his hand bha greim aice air lairnh dal air hoof n (of IlOrse, cattle &c) ine f, ladhar m
holding n (of land) lot f, croit f hook n (Jar faslellings, ILlmgillg objecls,fis/rillg, &c) cromagf, dubhan m
hole 11 toll m, in expr full of -s tolltach hoolie 11 (Jam) ho-ro-gheallaidh m illvar
hole v toll VI, the boat was -d chaidh am bata a tholladh hooligan /I glagaire m
holiday n 1 (esp vacation, lime off) saor-Iatha m, -s laithean-saora & saor- hooliganism 11 miastachd f invar, glagaireachd f invar
liiithean mpl; 2 (esp pLlblic -) latha-feWe m hoop 11 (wooden) rongf
holiness 11 naomhachd f invar hooter /I dudach f, dudagf

184 185
hope n 1 dbchas m, without - gun dOchas, put one's - in something cuir house n taigh m, (less usu) fardach f, dwelling - taigh-ebmhnaidh m, the
dOchas ann an rudeigin; 2 (expectation) duil f, without - of returning man of the - fear an taighe m, the House of Commons/of Lords Taigh
gun dUi! ri tilleadh m nan Cumantan/nam Morairean
hope v bi vi irreg an dOchas m, I - she won't come tha mi an dOchas nach house v 1 (people) thoir taigh m, thoir Ibistinn m, (with prep do); 2 (- objects
tig i, it'U be a good day, I - bidh la math ann, tha mi an dOchas in museum &c) gleidh vt
hopeless adj gun dbchas housecoat n cbta-Ieapa m
hopelessness n eu-dOchas m house-fly n cuileagf
horizon n filire f, on the - air faire housewife n bean f (an) taighe m
horizontal adj cbmhnard housework n obair-taighe f
horn n 1 (of animal) adharc f, (also the material) a - spoon spain f adhairc housing n 1 (ahstr) taigheadas m, the Housing Committee Comataidh f an
gen; 2 (drinking -, musical instrument) cbrn m Taigheadais; 2 (con) taighean mpl, - scheme sgeama-thaighean m
hornless adj maol how inter adv 1 damar, - are you today? ciamar a tha thu an-diugh?, - did
horrible adj 1 uabhasach, oillteil; 2 (of belraviour) suarach (to ri), I was - to he do it? damar a rinn e el, - did you get on damar a chaidh dhuibh?;
her last night bha mi suarach rithe a-raoir 2 (in exprs ofquantity) - many cia mheud & co mheud, - many people
horrify v cuir oillt f (with prep air), oilltich vt were there? da mheud duine m sing a bha ann?, - much milk have
horror n uamhann & uabhann m, oillt f, uabhas m, -s of war uabhasan we got? de a tha againn de bhainne? m; 3 (- follawed by an ad)) de cho
cogaidh m gen plus adj plus agus/'s plus rei pron a plus verb, - long will you be here?
horse n each m, in expr work- each-oibre & each-obrach de cho fada 's a bhios tu ann?, - useful is it? de cho feumail 's a tha
horseback n muin f invar eich (gen of each m), on - air muin eich e?; 4 (mise idioms) - are you (doing)? ifam) de do chor m?, de an dbigh
horsefly n creithleagf f (a th' ort)?, de am fonn m?, (cost) - much is it? de na tha el, that's _
horsehair n gaoisid f it is! is ann mar sin a tha (e)!
horseman n marcaiche m, horsemen marcaichean mpl, eachraidh m sing coll howe n (topog) lag mf
horsemanship n marcachadh m, marcachd f invar however adv 1 ge-ta, co-dhiu, a dh'aindeoin chUis, he didn't die, - cha
horseshoe n crudha m do chaochail e, ge-ta/co-dhiu/a dh'aindeoin chUis (gen of cUis f); 2 (in
horticulture n tuathanachas-gilrraidh m concessive clauses) air cho plus adj plus agus/is plus conj gu plus verb,
hose n ifor water) piob-uisge f - tired you may be air cho sglth 's gu bheil thu/'s a tha thu, - poor he
hospitable adj fialaidh, fia!, failleachail, fail teach, faoilidh was air cho bochd 's gun robh el's a bha e
hospital n ospadal m, (more trad) taigh-eiridinn m, in - anns an ospadal howl n (esp of dog) ulfhart m, donnal m
hospitality n aoigheachd f invar, furan m howl v 1 (usu of animals) nuaUaich, (esp dogs) dean ulfhart m; 2 (of humans:
host' n (at hotel) bsdair & bstair m, (at hotel, private house) fear m (an) weep noisily) ran vi
taighe m howling n 1 (usu of animals) nuallaich f, (esp of dogs) donnalaich f; 2 (of
host" n 1 (body of people) mbr-shluagh m; 2 (an army) feachd f humans: noisy weeping) ranailm invar, ranaich f
hostage n braigh mf hubbub upraid f, gleadhar, othail f, iorghail, toirm f
hostel n bstail f hue n 1 (colour) dath m; 2 (esp of person's complexion) fiamh m, neul m; 3 (of
hostile adj nillmhdeil person's fentures: not nee pen/wnent) tuar m
hostility n nairnhdeas m hug v 1 filisg vt; 2 (idioms) come and let me - you! thig nam chom m!, thig
hot adj 1 teth; 2 (idiom) - off the presses ill on chlb m nam achlais f'.
hot-blooded adj lasanta hum n cronan tIl, torman m
hotel n taigh-osta m human adj 1 daonna, the - race an cinne-daonna, - rights coraichean JPI
hotelier n ostair m daonna; 2 in expr - being duine m
hot-water-botUe n botal m teth humane adj truacanta, iochdmhor
hour n uair f, a quarter of an - cairtealm na h-uarach, after an - an deidh humanity n (humaneness; also /Ire quality of being human) daonnachd f invar
uair a ifor de) thlde f, an deidh uair an uaireadair, at this - aig an uair humanity, humankind n mac an duine m sing coll, (used with art) an cinne-
seo daonna 111

186 187
humble adj 1 (in statlls &c) iosal & iseal, iriosaJ & iriseal; 2 (self-effacing &c) husband n duine m, ceile m, (trod: affectiollate) companach m, my - an
umha(i)l, iriosal & iriseal duineagam
humble v (IIl1miliate &c) UmhIaich vt, irioslaich & irislich vt, islich vt hush! excl ist!, pi istibh!, also eist!, pI eistibh!
humbleness umhJachd f invar, irioslachd & irisleachd f invar hush v ciiIinich vt, (esp cllild) talaidh vt
humid adj tais husk 11 cochaU m, plaosg m
humidity n taise f invar, taisead m hydro-electricity n dealan-uisge m
humiliate v umhJaich vt, irioslaich & irislich vt, islich vt hydrogen 11 haidraidean m
humiliation n UmhIachadh m, irioslachadh & irisleachadh m, isleachadh m hymn 11 laoidh mf, dan m spioradail
humility n irioslachd & irisleachd f invar hyphen 11 tathan m
humming n cronan m, torman m hypocrisy n cealgf
humorous adj eibhinn, abhachdach hyPocrite n cealgair(e) 11/
humour n 1 abhachd f invar, abhachdas m; 2 (mood) gleus mf, gean m, in hyPocritical adj cealgach
good - air (deagh) ghJeus, also gleusta, good/bad - deagh/droch hypothesis n beachd-bharail f
ghean, what sort of - is he in today? de an gean a th' air an-diugh? hyPothetical adj baralach
hump n (011 tile back) croit & cruit f
hump-backed adj crotach
hundred n ceud m, alone - people ceud duine m sing, -s of them came
thainig iad nan ceudan, several - years iomadh ceud bliadhna f sing
hundredth nllm adj ceudamh
hung adj & past part crochte
Hungarian n & adj Ungaireach m
Hungary n (witll art) An Ungair f
hungry adj 1 acrach, acrasach, in exprs I am - tha an t-acras orm, I grew -
thilinig an t-acras orm; 21jig: - for SIlCCesS &c) gionach
hunt n sealgf, ruaigf
hunt v sealg vti
hunter, huntsman n sealgair III
hunting n sealgf
hurricane 11 doineann f
hurried adj cabhagach
hurry n cabhagf, in a - ann an cabhaig dat, he ate his dinner in a - ghabh
ea dhlnnear f ann an cabhaig, we're in a -! tha cabhag oirnn!
hurry v 1 (as VI) greas vi (witll prep air), dean cabhag f, - (up)! greas ort!
(pi greasaibh oirbh!), dean cabhag', they ought to - bu chOir dhaibh
greasad (verbal 1I0W. of greas vI) orra; 2 (as vt) - up/on coo cabhag f
(witll prep air), luathaich vt, - someone (up) coo cabhagf air cuideigin,
the teacher was -ing us on bha an tldsear gar luathachadh/gar
putadh air adhart
hurt adj & past part (pllys or emotionally) ciurrte, leonta & leonte, air a (&c)
hurt n ciiIrradh m, leOn m, goirteas m
hurt v 1 (as vt: - pllys) goirtich vt, (pl.ys or emotionally) ciiIrr vt, leOn vt; 2 (as
vi) bi vi irreg goirt, my back -s tha mo dhruirn goirt
hurtful adj 1 (esp emotionally) cronail; 2 (of remarks &c) guineach

ill-bred adj mi-mhodhail
I illegal adj mi-Iaghail
illegitimate adj 1 (by birth) diolain; 2 (mora/ly, lega/ly &c) neo-dhligheil
I pers pron mi, (emph) mise, mi-fhin, - did it rinn mi e, - (emph) did it! is illegitimacy n (by birth) diolanas m
mi-fhin e!
mise a rirm e!, rirm ill-health 11 tinneas m, euslaint(e) f, anfhannachd f
ice neigh or eighre or deigh f, - age !inn mf deighe gen ill-humour 11 gruaim f, in an - fo ghruairn dat
iceberg 11 cnoc m eighre f gen, beinn-deighe f ill-humoured adj groamach
ice cream n reOiteagf ill-mannered adj mi-mhodhail
Iceland 11 Innis fTlle illness n 1 (abstr: ill-health) tinneas m, euslaint(e) f, mental - tinneas-
Icelander 11 Tlleach m inntinn m; 2 (con: all -) tinneas m, galar m
Icelandic adj Tlleach ill-tempered adj 1 cTOst(a), diombach, groamach, greannach; 2 (usu more
icicle n caisean-reota ni, stab m reota permilnenl characteristic) droch-niidarrach
Id n (psych), used with art, the - an t-Eadh m ill-timed adj mi-thriithail
idea n 1 beachd m, beachd-smuain f, smuain f, abstract - cUis-bheachd ill-treatment n droch-liiirnhseachadh m
m; 2 (idiom) I haven't the faintest -, I've no - chan eil dill m illvar a illuminate v soilleirich vi
dh'fhios m agam illumination 11 soilleireachadh m
identical adj co-ionann (to ri), ionann (to agus/is), - to X co-ionann ri X, illustrate v dealbhaich vi
(used with v is) X and Y are - is ionann X agus Y illustrious adj ainmeil, diwteach, iomraiteach, oirdheirc
idiom n (Iallg) gniithas-cainnte m ill-will n gamhlas m, mi-rim m
idiomatic adj (Iang) gniithasach im- neg prefix do-, mi-, eu-, eg impossible adj do-dheanta, impatience 11
idiot n amadan m, bumailear m, oinseach f (trad afemale but also used of milles) mi-fhoighidinn f, improbable adj eu-coltach
idle adj 1 (unoccupied, ullemployed, not nee pe)) na (&c) t(h)iimh m, diomhain, image n 1 (ill arl, seulplure &c, also ill mirror &c, Lil, publicity) iomhaigh f; 2
the are - because of the strike tha an luchd-obrach m sing (likelless) mac-samhailm, he was the - of his brother is e mac-samhail
call na thiimh air sgiith na stailc; 2 (pej: lazy) leisg, in expr - man/person a bhriithar m gen a bha ann
leisgeadair m; 3 in expr - talklchatter rabhd m, riibhart m imagery n iomhaigheachd f invar
idleness n 1 (inactivity: not lIec pej) tiimh m; 2 (pej: laziness) leisg(e) f imaginary adj mac-meanmnach
idol n iomhaigh f, iodhal m imagination n mac-meanmna m
if conj 1 ma, (ill neg) mur(a), - it rains ma tha/bhios an t-wsge ann, have a imaginative adj mac-meanmnach, tionnsgalach
break - you're tired leig d' anail f ma tha thu sgith, I won't go - you're imagine v dealbh VI, an event you couldn't - tachartas m nach b' urrainn
not keen on it cha tiHd mise (ann) mura bheil (jam mur eil) thusa air dhut a dhealbhadh
a shon; 2 (in more hypothetical statements, in past and collditiollal tenses) immature adj an-abaich
nan, - I was/were rich I'd build you a castle nan TObh mi beartach immeasurable adj gun tomhas m, at an - speed aig astar m gun tomhas
thogainn caistealm dhut immerse v (ill liquid) bog vi, turn vt
ignite v 1 (as vt) cuir teine m (with prep ri), las vt, they -d the bale chuir immersion n 1 (in liquid) bogadh m, turnadh m; 2 (Iallg leaching &c) bogadh
iad teine ris a' bheile J; 2 (as VI) rach vi na t(h)eine, the bale -d chaidh m, - course ciusa-bogaidh
a' bheile na teine immigrant n, fear-irnrich m, in-irnriche m
ignominy 11 niiire f immigration n irnrich f a-steach, in-irnrich f
ill adj 1 (sick &c) tinn, euslainteach, (jam) bochd; 2 in apr - at ease imminentadj a tha (&c) a' tighinn, they talked of the - conflict bhruidhinn
anshoerach; 3 (bad, lIIrfavourable &c) a) can be expressed in compounds iad mun chogadh m a bha a' tighinn
with droch(-) adj (precedes the 1I0un & lenites following consollant where immoral adj mi-bheusach
possible), followed by n, adj, &c, eg --natured, --tempered adj droch- immorality n mi-bheus f
niidarrach, --treatment n droch-liiirnhseachadh m, b) call be expressed immune adj saor, dionta, (from o/bho)
by prefixes eu- or mi-, followed by the appropriate nOUII, eg --health n impact 11 1 (lil: pJrys) co-bhualadh m; 2 (jig: effecI) buaidh f; 3 (jig: - nwde on
eusliiinte f, --will 11 mi-rim m (see further examples below) somoolle) drilidheadh m

190 191

impartial adj cothromach, gun lethbhreith f impressive adj drUidhteach

impatience 11 1 mHhoighidinn f; 2 (esp for somelhillg to be over) fadachd f imprint 111 (phys) lorgf; 2 (pl/blishillg) do m
;nvar, fadal ", imprisonment 11 braighdeanas m, daorsa f illvar, ciomachas m
impatient adj 1 mJ-fhoighidneach; 2 (esp for somelhillg 10 be over: idiom) improbable adj eu-coltach
I was - all the time he was talking bha fadachd f illvar orm fhad 's a impromptu adj gun uIIachadh m
bha e a' bruidhinn improper adj mJ-iomchaidh
impede v cuir bacadh m (wilh prep air), cuir maille f illvar (wilh prep air / improve v 1 (as vi) leasaich VI, - the company's profile/image leasaich
ann) iomhaigh f na companaidh; 2 (as vi) rach vi am feabhas m, the local
imperative adj 1 (esselllial) riatanach, deatamach; 2 (gram) aithneach, the - services are improving tha na seirbheisean Jpl ionadail a' dol am
mood a' mhodh ilithneach feabhas; 3 (- ill a skill, actiVity &c: idiom) we're improving tha (am)
imperfect adj neo-choileanta piseach a' tighinn oiron
imperial adj lmpireil improvement 11 1 leasachadh m, an - grant tabhartas m leasachaidh gell;
impermeable adj neo-dhrUidhteach 2 (ill skill, aclivily &c) piseach m
impersonal adj 1 neo-phearsanta; 2 (of almosphere, persoll &c) fuar, (of impudence 11 beadaidheachd f illvar, danadas m
persoll) fad' as, dUinte impudent adj beadaidh, dana, bathaiseach
impersonate v pearsanaich vI, riochdaich vi impulsive adj bras
impertinence 11 mi-mhodh m, beadaidheachd f illvar, danadas m in prep 1 (posilioll, sill/alioll) ann an, ann am, (wilh arl) anns an, anns a',
impertinent adj mi-mhodhail, beadaidh, dana, bathaiseach sa, san (&c), - a mess ann am bUrach m, - a house ann an taigh m, -
impetuous adj bras, cas danger ann an cunnart m, - the house anns an taigh, - general san
impetus 11 deann f, deine f illvar fharsaingeachd f illvar, - autumn as t-fhoghar; 2 (illlo) do, put a bag -
implacable adj neo-thruacanta the car cuir milileid f dhan char m, throw a stone - the loch tilg dach f
implement 11 innealm, acainn f dhan loch m; 3 (dl/rillg) ri, air, ann an, anns an (&c), - my grandfather's
implement v coo vi an gniomh m, thoir vi gu buil f time/day ri Lion mf mo sheanar, - the afternoon/evening anns an
implicated adj & pasl pari, - (in) an lUib (wilh gell), an sas (with prep ann fheasgar m; 4 (after) an ceann (wilh gm), - a short time an ceann m
an), - in the plot an luib na cuilbheirt ghoirid; 5 (with compass direcliolls) mu, islands - the north eHeanan
impolite adj mJ-mhodhail mpl mu thuath; 6 (misc exprs & idioms) - front of ro & roirnh, before arl
import' 11 (Irade) bathar m a-steach, in-mhalairt f ron (with the dal), a car was - front of the door bha car m ron doras m,
import" 11 (meallillg, sigllijicallce) seagh m, brlgh f - Donald's care/charge air cUram m Dhomhnaill, he put a piece in his
import v thoir bathar m sillg coll (&c) a-steach pocket - case he should grow hungry chuir e pios 1/1 na phOca m gun
importance 11 1 diofar m, deilir f, cudthrom m, it's of no - chan eil e gu fhios nach tigeadh an t-aeras air
diofar; 2 (emphasis) cudthrom m, lay/put great - on X leig cudthrom in- lIeg prefix mJ-, do-, an-, eu- (occas ao-), neo-, eg injustice 11 mi-eheartas
mOT air X m, innumerable adj do-aireamh, infirmity 11 anfhannachd f illvar,
important adj 1 cudthromach, trom, - matters gnothaichean mpl euslainte f, incapable adj neo-chomasach
cudthromach, cuspairean mpl troma, a big - man (irollic) duine mor inaccurate adj mearachdach
cudthromach m; 2 ill erpr it's not - chan eH e gu diofar inactivity 1l tamh 111
impossible, impracticable, adjs do-dheanta inadequacy 11 uireasbhaidh f
impractical adj 1 (1101 ill keepillg wilh commOIl sellse, l/llrealislic) neo- inadequate adj uireasbhach
phrataigeach; 2 (cOllllol be dOlle) do-dheanta inadvertent neo-aireach
impression 11 1 (phys mark made 011 somelhillg) comharradh m, lorgf; 2 (- inappropriate adj neo-iomchaidh
mf/de 011 someolle) drUidheadh m, make an - druidh vi (wilh prep air), incalculable adj gun tomhas m, at an - speed aig astar m gun tomhas
the news made no - on her cha do dhrUidh an naidheachd f oirre incantation 11 ortha f
(idir), (jam: idiom) cha do chOO an naidheachd suas no SiDS i; 3 (melltal incapable adj neo-chomasach
-, sl/rmise &c) my - is that he's a liar saoilidh mi gur e breugair a incessant adj leanaHteach
th' ann; 4 (prilllillg) do-bhualadh m incest" col m

192 193
incestuous ENGLlSH-GAELlC D'CTIO ARY indentation independence E GLlSH-GAELlC DICTIONARY inefficiency
incestuous adj colach independence 11 neo-eisimeileachd f illvar
inch tI birleach mf, he's every - a man (trad) is duine m gach birleach dheth independent adj neo-€isirneileach
incident It tachartas HI, tuiteamas HI index 111 (to cOlltellts ofbook &c) clar-amais m; 2 (scale, yardstick) dar-innse m,
incidental adj tuiteamach - of industrial production dar-innse toradh m gnlomhachais m getl
incisor tI (tooth) clar-fhiacail f India 11, used witII art, na h-lnnseachan mpl
inclination tI 1 (des;re, wish) togradh Ill; 2 (tetldellcy) aomadh III Indian n & adj lnnseanach III
incline tI 1 claonadh m; 2 (topog) leathad Ill, bruthach IIIf indicate v cOmharraich vt
incline v 1 crom vti, claon vti, she -ed her head chrom i a ceann m; 2 (telld) indicative adj (gram) taisbeanach, the - mood a' mhodh thaisbeanach
aom vi indicator n taisbeanair m
inclined adj dual(t)ach, buailteach, they are - to be stingy/mean tha iad indifference 11 1 (the attitude of mind) neo-shuirn J; 2 (idiom) it's a malter of
dualach/buailteach a bhith spiocach - to me is coma learn e
include v gabh vt a-steach, Highland Region -s Inverness tha Roinn f na indifferent adj 1 coma, (strollger) coma-eo-dhiu, it's - to me is coma leam
Gaidhealtachd a' gabhail a-steach lnbhir Nis e, in the face of her husband's anger she was (completely) - roirnh
income Il teachd-a-steach m ;lIvar, ill expr - tax cis-e(h)osnaidh f fheirg (dat offeargf) an duine aice bha i coma-eo-dhiu; 2 (- quality) ach
incomer ,., coigreach ut, srainnsear ut meadhanach (math), with lIeg v, the meal was - cha robh am biadh ach
incoming adj a thig vi a-steach, ill expr - mail post III a-steach meadhanach (math)
incompetence 11 neo-ehomasachd f illvar indigence n uireasbhaidh f, ainniseachd f invar
incompetent adj neo-ehomasach indigenous adj dUthchasach, rusanach
incomplete adj neo-iomlan indigent adj uireasbhach, ill expr an - person uireasbhach m
inconsistent adj 1 (liable to vary) caochlaideach, neo-sheasmhach; indignant adj diombach & diumbach
2 (colltradictory &c) neo-ehbrdail (with ri) indignation 11 diomb & diumb m invar
inconvenience 11 dragh Ill, I don't want to put you to/cause you any - indignity 11 tamailt f
chan eil mi airson dragh a chur oirbh indirect adj neo-dhireach
inconvenience v cuir dragh III (with prep air), (more falll) bodraig vt, indispensable adj riatanach
I don't want to - you chan eil mi airson dragh a chur oirbh/airson indissoluble adj do-sgaoilte
ur bodraigeadh individual adj 1 (relating to the individual) pearsanta, - duty dleastanas
incorrect adj mearachdach, cearr, - report aithisg mhearachdach pearsanta; 2 (separate) fa leth, he questioned each - witness cheasnaich
increase 111 meudachadh m; 2 (- ill pay) ardachadh m e gach fianais f fa leth
increase v meudaich vti, cinn vi, rach vi am meud HI illvar individual 11 neach m invar, duine m, (lIIore trod) urra m
incumbent adj mar fhiachaibh (obs dat pi of fiach Ill) (with prep air), it is - individually adv fa leth, he questioned each witness - cheasnaich e gach
upon me to say a few words ifornUlI) tha e mar fhiachaibh orm facal fianais f fa leth
III no dha a radh Indo-European adj & n lndo-Ebrpach m
indebted adj & past part (jillatlcially & fig) fo fhiachaibh (obs dat pi of fiach indolence n leisg(e) f
Ill) (with prep do), I'm - to them, tha mi fo fhiachaibh dhaibh indolent adj leisg
indecent adj mi-bheusach industrial adj 1 gnlomhachail, tionnsgalach; 2 in expr - estate raon m
indecency Il mi-bheusachd f illvar gnlomhachais m gen
indeed adv 1 gu dearbh, are you tired? I am -! a bheil thu sgith? tha gu industrious adj deanadach, gnJomhach, dJcheallach
dearbh!, he's rich! is he -? tha e beartach! a bheil gu dearbh? (also industriousness n deanadas m, gnlomhachas m
a bheil, a bheil?); 2 (as illtellsifier of all adj or adv) gu dearbh fhein, industry n 1 (the abstr quality) deanadas Ill; 2 (mamljacturillg, nUlnufacturers
uabhasach fhein, cianail (fhein), very good/very well - gu dearbh &c) gnlomhachas m, the electricity/food - gnlomhachas an dealain/a'
fhein math, uabhasach fhein math, cianail (£hein) math, also math bhidhe
dha-riribh inebriate v cuir vt air mhisgf
indefinite adj neo-chinnteach inebriated v misgeach, air mhisgf
indentation 11 eagf inefficiency n neo-eifeachdas III
194 195
inefficient ENGLISH-GAELIC DICTIONARY ingenuity ingredients ENGLISH-GAELIC DICTIONARY inside

inefficient adj neo-eifeachdach ingredients n (rather trad) cungaidh [

inequali ty n eas-aontarachd [ invar, neo-ionannachd [invar inhabit v comhnaich vi, fuirich vi, (with prep ann an), aitich vt
infant n leanabh m, leanaban m, paiste m inhabitant n neach-aiteachaidh m, neach-comhnaidh m, -s luchd-
infantile adj leanabail aileachaidh m sing coli, luchd-eomhnaidh m sing coli, muinntir[
infectious adj gabhaltach, - diseases tinneasan mpl gabhaltach inherent adj 1 (in a person) dual(t)ach, it's - in him to be hospitable tha e
inferior adj 1 (in rank, in phys position) lochd(a)rach, (n)as isle; 2 (- in dualach dha a bhith failleach; 2 (in an object, sitllation &c) bunaileach,
qnality) (n)as miosa (to na), that one is - tha am fear ud nas miosa, bunasach, gneitheach
also chan eil am fear ud cho math inherit v sealbhaich vt (mar oighreachd j), faigh vt mar oighreachd
inferior tJ iochdaran 111 inheritance n 1 (esp material -) oighreachd [, - tax cis [ oighreachd gen;
inferiority n lochdaranachd [ invar 2 (esp cllltllral -) dualchas m
infernal adj ifrlnneach inheritor n oighre m
infertile adj neo-thor(r)ach inimical adj nairnhdei!
infertility n neo-thor(r)achas m initial adj dad, IIsed with art, a' chiad (for both m & [nol/ns), precedes the nOlln,
infestation n plaigh [ which it I"'lites where possible, the - response a' chiad fhreagairt [
infinite adj neo-chriochnach initially adv an toiseach m, an loiseach toiseachaidh m gen, sa chiad dol-a-
infinitive adj (gram) neo-chrlochnach mach 111 itlvar, sa chiad aite m
infinity n neo-crlochnachd [invar injure v 1 (11511 phys) goirtich vt, (phys or emotionally) leon vt, ciim vt; 2 (not
infirm adj euslainteach, anfhann 11511 pl,ys) dean eron m (with prep air)

infirmary n taigh-eiridinn m injured adj 1 (phys or emotiOlIally) leanta & leonte, cimrle; 2 (as n: in accident,
infirmity n 1 euslaint(e) f, anfhannachd [invar; 2 (more transient) laigse [ war &c) the - na leaintich mpl
inflame v (fig: sitnation &c) cuir lasair [(with prep ri) injurious adj eronail, lochdach, milIteach
inflammable adj lasanta injury n 1 (phys or emotional) lean m; 2 (not 11511 phys) cron m
inflate v seid vt (suas) injustice 1l mJ-eheartas m
inflation n 1 (lit) seideadh m; 2 (fin) ahnhorachd [invar ink n inc m invar, (more trad) dubh m
inflexible adj rag inn n taigh-osta m
influence n 1 (personal, political &c) cwnhachd m[ invar, buaidh f; 2 in expr innards n innidh [invar, mionach m, (esp o[ animals) greallach [
under the - of an lUib f, fo bhuaidh f, (with gen), under Ihe - of his innate adj 1 (in a person) dual(l)ach; 2 (in an object) gneitheach
friends an lUib/fo bhuaidh a charaidean mpl; 3 in expr under the - (ie innkeeper n oslair m, fear m (an) taighe m gen
o[ drink) air mhisg[ innocence n neo-cruontachd [invar
influence v thoir buaidh [(with prep air) innocent adj neo-ehiontach, neocruonta
influential adj buadhach, cwnhachdach innuendo n leth-fhacalm
inform v 1 thoir fios m, cuir fios, cuir brath m, (all with prep gu), innis vti innumerable adj do-aireamh
(with prep do), he -ed me (of it) thug e fios thugam (mu dheidhinn) input n eur-a-sleach m
informal adj neo-fhoirmeil input v 1 cuir vt ann; 2 (esp at keyboard) put vt ann
informality n neo-fhoirmealachd [invar inquiry n rannsachadh m
information n 1 fiosrachadh m, I'd like to receive - about the companyl inquisitive adj ceasnachai!, faighneachail
firm bu loigh learn fiosrachadh fhaighinn air a' chompanaidh mf, (17) insane adj air chuthach m, air bhainidh [ invar, air bhoile [ invar, (more
- technology teicneolas m fiosrachaidh gen; 2 (facts, news &c) fios m, is [am) as a (&c) c(h)iallf, as a (&c) rian m, go - rach vi air chuthach/air
there any - oflabout Mary? a bheil fios air Mairi? bhainidh/air bhoi!e/as a (&c) c(h)iall
informed adj fiosrach, fiosraichle, (about air) insanity n cuthach m, bilinidh [invar, boile [invar
infra- prefix, fo-, bun-, prefixes, eg infra-red adj fo-dhearg, infrastructure n insect n frlde f, meanbh-fhride[
bun-structair m inseparable adj do-sgaradh
ingenious adj innleachdach, teama, tionnsgalach inside adv 1 (expr position) a-staigh, they are - tha iad a-staigh; 2 (expr
ingenuity n innleachd [invar, (less 11511) tionnsgalm movement) a-steach, come -! thig(ibh) a-sleach!

196 197
inside ENGLISH-GAELIC DICTlO ARY intellectual intelligence E GlISH-GAElIc DICTIO ARY interruption
inside 11 ltaobh m a-staigh, (esp 01 bllilding) broinn I; 2 (in expr) - out caoin intelligence n inntinn f, tuigse I invar
I air aseaoin I intelligent adj tOinisgeil, tuigseach, eirmseach
inside prep 1 (expr positioll) a-staigh, am broinn (witll gen), we were - the intend v bi vi irreg airson, (stronger resolve) coo vt roirnhe (&c), runaich vi,
barn bha sinn a-staigh san t-sabhal m, bha sinn am broinn an t-sabhail, they -ed to build a house bha iad airson/chOO iad romhpa taigh m
there's a swimming pool - the house tha amar-snairnh m am broinn a thogail
an taighe m; 2 (expr movemellt) a-steach (witll prep do), come -! thig(ibh) intense adj 1 (01 persolls, emotions, deeds) dian; 2 (o/"eat &c) anabarrach
a-steach! (tllollgllllote tllat thig(ibh) a-staigh is also commonly IIsed in tllis intensity 11 deine I illvar
sense), they went - the church chaidh iad a-steach dhan eaglais I intensive adj dian, d1uth, - farming tuathanachas dian, - care d1uth-aire m
insight n 1 (abstr: tile mentallaclllty or capacity) tuigse I illvar, (less 11511) intent, intention 11 rUn 111, that was my - b' e sin mo rim, also b' e sin a
leirsinn I invar; 2 (con: knowledge or IInderstanding comillg sllddenly to bha mi airson a dheanarnh, with the sole/express - of deceiving us a
olle) geur-bheachd m dh'aon rUn/a dh'aon ghnothach m gus ar mealladh m
insignificant adj crion, suarach intentionally adv a dh'aon rUn m, a dh'aon ghnothach m
insipid adj leambach inter- prefiX eadar-, eg interface n (IT &c) eadar-aghaidh I
inspect v sgriid vt inter v tiodhlaic vt, adhlaic vt
inspection n sgriidadh m interact v eadar-obraich vi
inspector n neach-sgriidaidh m (plluchd-sgrudaidh m sillg coli) intercourse 11 1 (social -) conaltradh m, caidreabh m; 2 (sexual-) cleamhnas
inspire v misnich vt m, feis(e) f, co-ghineadh m, cuplachadh m; 3 in exprs have (sexual) -
instalmentn earrann I faigh muin I illvar, co-ghin vi, cuplaich vi, he had - with her chaidh e
instance n 1 (example) eisimpleir m, for - mar eisimpleir; 2 in expr in the air a muin
first - an prep toiseach m, anns a' chiad dol-a-mach m invar interestn 1 Uidh I (in ann), I have no - in it chan eil Uidh agam ann, take
instant adj grad (precedes tile nO'IIl, wllicll it lenites wllere possible), - coffee an - in something gabh uidh ann an rudeigin; 2 (jin) riadh m
grad-chofaidh I interested adj, in exprs I'm not - (in it) chan eil Uidh I agam ann, be - in
instant n 1 momaid f, plathadh m, tiota m; 2 (idiom) in an - ann am something gabh Uidh ann an rudeigin
priobadh m (na sUla) interesting adj inntinneach, uidheil
instruct v 1 (edllcate &c) teagaisg vt, oileanaich vt, - the new generation interface n (IT &c) eadar-aghaidh I
teagaisg an ginealach ill; 2 (command &c) ordaich vt (witll prep do), they interfere v gabh gnothach m (in/with ri), buin vi (in/with do or ri)
-ed me to set fire to the house dh'ordaich iad dhomh teine m a chur interim adj eadar-amail
ris an taigh m interior n taobh m a-staigh, (esp 01 bllilding) broinn I
instruction n 1 (ed) foghlam m, teagasg m, oileanachadh m; 2 (command &c) inte.rlude n eadar-Uine I
ordugh m; 3 -s ifor use, assembly &c) sebladh m intermarriage 11 eadar-phosadh m
instrument n 1 (tool, device &c) inneal m, ball-acainn m; 2 (musical -) intermediate adj eadar-mheadhanach
ionns(t)ramaid I, inneal-ciUil m intermingle, intermix v co-mheasgaich, co-measgaich & coimeasgaich vti
insubordinate adj eas-urnhail international adj eadar-naiseanta, - companies companaidhean mJpI
insulate v (elec &c) dealaich vt (from ri) eadar-naiseanta
insulating adj (ie non-condllctive) do-ghiUlan internet tI eadar-lion 111, - site ionad 111 eadar-lln gen
insult n tilmailt I, tair f, (to air) interpret v 1 (explain &c) minich vt; 2 (lallg) eadar-theangaich vti
insult v dean tair I (witll prep air), tamailtich vt interpretation n 1 mineachadh m; 2 (lang) eadar-theangachadh m
insulting adj tilmailteach, tilireil interpreter n (lang) eadar-theangaiche m
insurance n arachas m, urras m, - policy poileasaidh-arachais m interrogate v ceasnaich vt
integrity n ionracas m interrogation 11 ceasnachadh m
intellect n inntinn I interrogative adj ceisteach
intellectual adj 1 (01 book, persoll &c: lIaving - qualities) inntinneach; 2 (to do interrogator n neach-ceasnachaidh m (plluchd-ceasnachaidh m sing col/)
witll tile intellect) inntinn (gen o/inntinnJ), - ability/capacity comas m interrupt v bris(t) vi a-steach (witll prep air)
inntinn interruption n casgadh m

198 199
interval n 1 (esp in space) beam f 2 (esp in time) eadar-itine f a thighinn a-steach, they -d me to a party dh'iarr iad mi/dh'fhiathaich
interview 11 agaUamh m iad mi/thug iad cuireadh dhomh gu partaidh m
intestine n 1 caolan m; 2 -5 innidh f invar, (esp of animals) greaUach f invoice" cimntas m
intimate ad} 1 dJilth, dJilth-chairdeil; 2 ill exprs - knowledge/acquaintance involved ad} & past part 1 an sas (with prep ann an), - in politics an sas
mion-eolas m (of/with air); 3 (sexl/ally -) he was - with her chaidh e ann am poileataics f invar, get - in the work rach vi irreg an sas anns
air a muin f illvar an obair f 2 ill expr get - (ie have to do with) gabh gnothach m (with
into prep 1 do, a-steach do, (with dot), throw a stone - the loch tilg clach ri), don't get - with those people na gabh gnothach ris na daoine ud;
f dhan loch m, put catUe - the byre cull spreidh f a-steach don 3 (comrected with, attaclred to) an lilib (with gell), there's plenty of work
bhathaich f 2 (jam: illterested il/, keen 011) he's - computing tha Uidh - in my new job tha obair f gu leOr an lUib mo dhreuchd f gen Uir
mhor aige ann an coirnpiutaiIeachd f illuar ir- prefiX mi-, neo-, eas-, prefixes, eg irregular ad} mi-riaghailteach,
intoxicating ad} daorachail irresponsible ad} neo-chilramach, irreverent ad} eas-urnhail, eas-
intoxication 11 daorachf, misgf urramach
intrepid ad}, cmadalach Ireland 11 Eirinnf
intrepidity n dil.nadas m, cruadal m Irish ad} Eireannach, na h-Eireann, - Gaelic Gaidhligf na h-Eireann
introduce v (people) cull vt an aithne f invar (with gell), I -d them (to each Irishman 11 Eireannach
other) chull mi an aithne a cheile m iad iron 11 (tire metal; also the hOllsehold implement) iarann m, the Iron Age Linn
introduction n 1 (Of people) CUI m an aithne f illuar; 2 (ill book &c) ro-radh m mf an larainn
introvert ad} ditinte iron v (clothes &c) iamaich & iamaig vti
intuition If imfhios 111 iron filings min-iarainn f
intuitive ad} imihiosach ironic(al) ad} loranta
inured ad} deanta (to ri), - to war/poverty deanta ri cogadh m/bochdainn f ironing 11 iamachadh & iamaigeadh m
invalid n euslainteach m irony 11 loran(t)as m
invent v innJich vt, tionnsgail & tionnsgain vt irreconcilable ad} do-reiteachail
invention n (abstr & call) innIeachd f, tionnsgalm irregular ad} 1 mi-riaghailteach, ml-ordail; 2 (gram) neo-riaghailteach,
inventive ad} innJeachdach, tionnsgalach - verbs gnlomhairean mpl neo-riaghailteach
inventiveness n innIeachd f, tionnsgal m irrelevant ad} nach buin (&c) ris a' ch"is f/ris a' ghnothach m, gun
inventor n tionnsgalair m, innliche m bhuntainneas m, nach eil (&c) buntainneach, this letter is - chan eil
invert v 1 (tllrn over) cull vt bun-os-cionn; 2 (maths &c: reverse position &c oj) an litir f sea buntainneach, that remark is - chan eil am facal sin a'
cull vt an aite a cheile, - X and Y cull X agus Y an aite a cheile buntainn ris a' chilis
inverted ad} & past part 1 (tllrned over) bun-os-cionn; 2 ill expr (typog) irresponsible ad} neo-ehilramach
- commas cromagan Jpl turrach irreverent ad} eas-urnhail, eas-urramach
invest v (fin) cull vt an seilbh m, - money/capital cull airgead m/calpa m irrigate v uisgich vti
an seilbh irrigation 11 uisgeachadh m
investigate v rannsaich vt irritable ad} crost(a) & crosda, dranndanach, frionasach, cas
investigation n rannsachadh m irritate v cuir greann m, cuir an fhearg, (with prep air), the music -d me
investment 11 1 (abstr, also the activity) cur m an seilbh m, tasgadh m; 2 (con: chuir an ceol greann orm
tire ftmds invested) airgead m an seilbh, airgead-tasgaidh m irritating ad} (sitllatiolls &c) frionasach, they're constantly asking me -
investor n neach-tasgaidh m (plluchd-tasgaidh m sing call) questions bidh iad a' cur cheistean Jpl frionasach orm fad na h-itine
invigorate v nearlaich vt is v see under be
invitation 11 cuireadh m, 6athachadh m, (to gu), - to a party cuiIeadh gu Islamic ad} loslamach
partaidh m, (idiom) (we got) an - to a wedding (fhuair sinn) 60S m na island 11 eilean m, (less IISI/) innis f, on the - anns an eilean, air an eilean
bainnse (gell of banais j) islander 11 eileanach m
invite v iarr vt (sometimes with prep air - see examples), thoir cuireadh m Islay 11 hefilluar, in exprs an - pe.rson lleach m, from/belonging to - heach
(with prep do), (to gu), we won't - you to come in chan iarr sinn oirbh ad}

200 201

isle n eilean m, the Western Isles a h-Eileanan Siar, the Western

Isles Council Comhairle f nan Eilean (Siar), the Isle of Man Eilean
Mhanainn m gen
isolated adj iomallach, - areas/districts ceamaidhean mpl iomallach jab n (with elbow &c) upagf
Israel n losrael & Israel f invar jab v (esp with elbow) uillnich vti, thoir upagf (with prep do)
Israeli n losralach & Israeleach m jackdaw n cathagf
Israelite n & adj (Bibl, hist) losralach & Israeleach m jagged adj eagach
issue n (mafter, problem &c) ceist f, cWS f, gnothach m jam n silidh m invar
issue v cuir vt a~mach jamb n ursainn f
it pron (f) i, (m) e, here's a glass, take - seo glainne f, gabh i, he saw - (m) janitor n dorsair m
chunnaic e e, he (emph) did - rinn esan e, that's - sin el, can they do January n Faoilleach, also Faoilteach, m, I/sed with art, am Faoilleach, am
_? an urrainn dhaibh a dheanamh?, (impersonal -) -'s my sister who Faoilteach, the 20th of - am ficheadarnh la m den Fhaoilteach
left is i/is e mo phiuthar f a dh'fhalbh jaundice n (used with art) a' bhuidheach
Italian adj & n 1 Eadailteach m; 2 (lang: I/sed with art) an Eadailtis f invar jaw n giall f, peirceall m
italics npl cl" m eadailteach jawbone n peirceall m
Italy n (used with art) An Eadailt f javelin n gath m, sleagh f
itch n tachas m jealous adj 1 (esp sexually) eudach & iadach, eudmhor; 2 (enviol/s)
itch v tachais vi farmadach
ivy n eidheann f jealousy n 1 (esp sental) eud & iad m invar, eudach & iadach Ill; 2 (envy,
non-sental -) farmad m
jeans n dinichean JPI
jeer v mag vi (at air)
jeering adj magail
jeering n magadh m (at air)
jelly m silidh m invar
jersey n geansaidh m
jest n fealla-dha f invar, half in - eadar fealla-dha 's da-rlribh adv
Jesus proper name losa
Jew n ludhach m
jewel n seud m, ililleagf, leugf, (esp one worn as an ornament) usgar m
jeweller n seudaire m
Jewish adj ludhach
jiffy n (instant) priobadh m (na sUla), tiota m, (dimin) tiotan m, tiotagf, in
a - ann an tiotag, ann am priobadh na sUla
jingle v dean gliong m
jingling n gliong m, gliongartaich f invar
job nl obair f, cosnadh m, (I/sl/non-manl/al) dreuchd f, out of a - gun obair,
gun chosnadh, - centre ionad m obrach gen, ionad cosnaidh gen; 2 in
expr (jam) that'1I do the -/that's just the - nJ sin an gnothach/a' chuis
Jock and Doris n (ie 'one for the road') deoch-an-dorais f invar
jog n (with elbow &c) upagf
jog v (with elbow &c) put vt, thoir upagf (with prep do)
join v 1 (fix, connect) ceangail vi , tath VI, (to ri); 2 (enlist &c) gabh vi (with
prep ann an), he -ed the navy ghabh e san neibhidh m

202 203
joint adj co- prefix, eg - secretary co-rimaire Ill, - venture co-iomairt f jury 11 diilraidh m
joint 11 (allat) alt Ill, the elbow - alt na h-uilne, ill expr finger-- rudan III just adj (lIpright, fair) direach, ceart, cothromach, coir, a - man duine
jointed adj altach direach/ceart/cothromach/coir, a - decision breith chothromach
joke 11 1 (11511 verbal) feaUa-dha f illvar, (verbal or 1101l-verbal) abhcaid f; just adv 1 (silllply, altogether) direach, that would be - great! bhiodh sin
2 (hlllllorolls story) naidheachd f; 3 (practicnl -) cleas Ill, car Ill, they dineach sgoinneil l ; 2 (a mOlllellt ago) direach, he's - left tha e dlreach
played a - on me rinn iad cleas orm, thug iad an car asam an deidh falbh; 3 (expressillg agreemellt) - so! direach (sin)!; 4 ill erpr -
joke v bi vi irreg ri feaUa-dha f illvar, I'm not joking! chan ann ri fealla-dha about (ie practically) cha mhor, an ire mhath, we see her - about every
a tha mi!, also tha mi ann an da-riribh, tha mi ga chiallachadh day bidh sinn ga faicinn a h-uile la, cha mhor, the winter's - about
joking 11 feaUa-dha f illvor over tha an geamhradh an ire mhath seachad; 5 (ill comparisolls) a
jollity n cridhealas Ill, cheart, A:s - as good as B tha A a cheart cho math ri B
jostle 11 (ill crowd, in sqllabble &c) upagf justice 11 ceartas Ill, coir f, ionracas Ill, the Justice Department Roinn f a'
jostle v uillnich vti, put vti Cheartais, standing up for - a' seasamh na corach (gell of coir)
journal 11 1 (diary) leabhar-Iatha Ill; 2 (periodical) iris f, raitheachan III juvenile adj leanabail
journalist 11 fear-naidheachd Ill, neach-naidheachd Ill, naidheachdair Ill, -s
luchd-naidheachd III sillg call
journey n turas m, in expr -'s end ceann-uidhe m
journey v siubhail vi, (less 11511) imich vi, triaU vi
jovial adj (person, atlllosphere &c) cridheil
joy 11 gilirdeachas Ill, agh III
joyful adj aighearach, greannmhor, aghmhor
judge v 1 breithnich vti, thoir breith f illvar (with prep air); 2 ill expr judging
by a reir, judging by appearances, he's a foreigner a reir c(h)oltais III
gell, 's e cOigreach III a th' ann (dheth)
judg(elment 11 1 (tire mental faCility or capacity) tuigse f illvar, toinisg f; 2
(legal -) breith f illvar, binn f, breithneachadh Ill, pass - thoir breith,
thoir a-mach binn, (on/upon air)
juggler 11 cleasaiche III
juggling n cleasachd f illvar
juice n sugh fIl, fruit - sugh-measa 111
juicy adj sughmhor
July n, IIsed with art, An t-Iuchar III
jumble 11 1 (collectioll of misc objects) treal(l)aich f, truiJeis f illvar, (more
worthless) sgudalm; 2 (state of IIl1tidillesS, disorder) bilrach Ill, in a - ann
am burach m, also bun-os-eionn, thar a cheile, troirnh-a-eheile
jump 11 leurn m, silrdagf, standing - cruinn-Ieurn III
jump v lleum vIi; 2 (throllgh fear, sllrprise) clisg vi, he -ed chlisg e, he made
me - chuir e clisgeadh III orm, chlisg e mi
jumper 11 geansaidh III
jumpy adj (nervolls &c) c1isgeach
June 11, llsed with art, An t-6g-m!Uos, An t-6g-m!Uos, An t-6gmhios III
junk 11 1 (lIIisc objects, 11511 IIl1tidy) treal(l)aich f, truiJeis f illvor, put that -
on the floor and sit down cuir an trealaich III sin air an lar agus dean
suidhe; 2 (ntbbish) sgudalm
Jura 11 Diura, ill expr a man/someone from - Diilrach m (also ad))

204 205
kilo, kilogram n cilo m, ciJeagrarn m, a - in weight cileagram de
K chudlhrom 1/1
kilometre n cilemeatair 1/1
kail n cal m kilt n feile beag & feileadh beag, eile beag & eileadh beag
keel n 1 (of boat) druim 1/1; 2 (Jig) in expr put/seI on an even - (sitl/ations, kilt v (ie - a garment) tru(i)s vt, her petticoats were -ed bha a cOtaichean-
relationships &c) reitich vt bilna air an trusadh
keen adj 1 easgaidh, dlirachdach, clian, - 10 do it easgaidh a dheanamh, - kin adj cairdeach (to do), I'm - to you tha mi cairdeach dhut
10 gel up in Ihe morning easgaidh gu eirigh sa mhadainn f; 2 in expr kind adj 1 coibhneil, laghach; 2 (in coms &c) with -est regards leis gach
- on (ie fond of, person &c) deidheil air, - on drink/music deidheil air deagh dhlirachd 1/1
deoch-lilidirf/air ceol m; 3 (- for Sl/ccess, ambitiol/s) gionach kind n seorsa m, (less I/Sl/) gne f invar, things of many -s/of every - rudan
keenness n deine f invar mpl de dh'iomadach seorsa/de gach seorsa, what - of a day is il? de
keep v 1 cUm vti, - a grip onJ- hold of something cUm greim m air rudeigin, an sebrsa la m a th' ann?, a book of thal - leabhar m den t-seorsa
- back! cUm/ cumaibh air ais!, I won'l - you back cha chiun mi air ais kindle v 1 (as vt) las vt; 2 (as VI) gabh vi, the fire -d ghabh an teine
sibh, how are you -ing? ciarnar a tha thu/sibh a' cumail?, we didn't kindliness n coibhneas m
- New Year cha do chiun sinn a' Bhliadhna Or, - going! ciun ort!, also kindly adj coibhneil, coir, bilidheil
lean ort!, - at it! cUm ris!, - time with someone cUm caismeachd f ri kindness n 1 (abstr) coibhneas m; 2 (con: an act of -) bilidh f
cuideigin, - up/pace with someone ciun ruith f ri cuideigin, - watch, king n rlgh m
- a look oul cUm faire f, also dean faire, - away (from a specified place) kingdom n rioghachd f
cUm as an lathair f, - away (from particl/lar people, bad infll/ences &c) kingly adj rioghail
seachain(n) vt; 2 (store, preserve) gleidh vt, Ihey're being kepi in a kinship n cilirdeas m, (- by blood) cilirdeas-fala (gen of fuiI j), (- by marriage)
museum tha iad gan gleidheadh ann an laigh-Iasgaidh m cilirdeas-posaidh m, also c1eamhnas m
keepsake n cuimhneachan m kirkton n c1achan m
kelp n ceilp f kirkyard n c1adh m, c1achan m, cill f
kelpie n each-uisge m kiss n pogf
kennel n laigh m chon (gen pi of cU m) kiss v pog vt
kepi adj & past part gleidhle kitchen n cidsin m
kerb n (part of pavement) iomall m cabhsair m gen kite n 1 (the flying stn'Cture) iteileagJ; 2 (the bird) c1amhan-gobhlach m
kernel n eilean m kitten n piseagf, isean m cait m gen
kestrel n c1amhan-ruadh m knack n tiut f(of, for air), I haven't got the - for that chan eil an tiut agarn
kettle n coire rn, put the - on cuir air an coire air sin
key n 1 (Jor locking &c; also of piano, typewriter, compl/ter &c) iuchair f, (of knead v (dol/gh) fuin vt
pocket calcl/lator &c) pulan m, (11) function - iuchair-ghniomha J; 2 knee n glUnf
(ml/sic: tonality) gleus mf kneecap n failmean & falman m
key in v (data &c) pUI vt ann knees-up n (jam) ho-ro-gheallaidh m invar
keyboard n meur-ehlilr m knickers n drathais & drathars Jpl invar
khaki adj lachdann knight n ridire m
kid n 1 (yol/ng goat) meann m; 2 (child) paisle & paisde m kni I v figh vti
kid v 1 larraing vi (with prep a), I was -ding you bha mi a' larraing asad/ knitted adj & past part fighte
asaibh; 2 (idiom) I was only -cling cha robh mi ach mas fhior knitter n figheadair m
kidney n dubhagf, ara f, aime f knitting n fighe f invar, - needle bior-fighe m
kill v marbh vt knob n map m, magf
killer n marbhaiche rn, murtair m knobby, knobbly adj mapach
killing n marbhadh m knock n 1 (esp the sol/nd) cnag J; 2 (deliberate -, on door &c) gnogadh m;
kiln n athf 3 (blow, impact) buille f, buaJadh m

206 207
knock v 1 (as uz) cnag vi; 2 (as vt) gnog vt, - at the door gnog an doras;
3 (strike) buail vt; 4 ill erpr - down v leag vt L
knocking Il (Iloise, all door &c) gnogadh m
knoll Il tom m, cnoc m, tulach m, (smaller) tolman m label Il bileagf
know v 1 (esp people) bi vi irreg eOlach (with prep air), is vi irreg & de! aithne label v cuir bileagf(with prep air), bileagaich vt
f illvar (with prep do), that's Hugh, do you - him? 's e sin Oisdean, a laboratory Il obair-Iann f, deuchainn-lann f
bheil thu eblach air? lan aithne dhut e?, get to - someone cuir aithnel labour Il 1 saothair f, obair f, - costs cosgaisean JpI saothrach gerz, - relations
eOlas m air cuideigin; 2 (offacts, illformatioll) bi vi irreg fios m (with prep dilirnhean-obrach mpI; 2 (pol) Labour na Uibaraich mpI, am Parlaidh
aig), I - tha f(h)ios agam, they didn't - he was ill cha robh fios aca Labarach
gun robh e tinn, no-one -slit's not -n where he is chan eil fios caite a labour v saothraich vi
bheil e; 3 ill erpr let - cuir fios, leig fios, (with prep gu), will you let us labourer n oibriche 111
-? an cuir sibh/an leig sibh fios thugainn? lace Il (of shoe) barrall m, iall f brbige f gerz
knowe Il tom 1/1, cnoc m, tulach m, (small -) tolman 1/1 lacerate v reub vt
knowledge Il 1 (illfonllatioll) fios 1/1, has anyone any - of his whereabouts? lack Il dlth m, cion m illuar, easbhaidh f, - of practice dlth deachdaidh m
a bheil fios aig duine m dut a bheil e?; 2 (more structllred or teamed gen, - of common sense dlth ceille (gerz of dall f)
-) eOlas m, - of computers/history eOlas air coimpiutairean mpII lack v 1 bi vi irreg as aonais (with gen), bi gun, they - a house tha iad as
eachdraidh f aonais taighe m gen, (more usu) chan eillaigh aea, -ing common sense
knowledgeable adj eblach, fiosrach (about/on air) gun chiall f; 2 (erprs where the thillg lacked is the subject ill the Gaelic
knuckle Il rudan m selltellce) bi a ifor de) dhlth m, bi a dh'easbhaidhf, (with prep air), they - a
kyle, kyles Il caol m, caolas m house tha laigh m a dhlth orra, what do they -? de a tha a dhlth orra?
lacking adj 1 a dhlth, a dh'easbhaidh, food is - tha biadh m a dhlth; 2 gun,
as aonais (with gerz), a family - a place to stay teaghlach m gun aite-
cbmhnaidh m
lad Il gille m, balach m
ladle Il ladar m, liagh f
lady Il 1 (polite for woman) bean-uasal f; 2 ifemale equivalellt of lord)
baintigheama f, leadaidh f
ladybird Il daolag-bhreac-dheargf
lag (behind) v bi vi irreg air dheireadh
lair Il garaidh m
laird Il uachdaran m, tighearna m
lake Il loch m, (smaller) lochan m
lamb Il 1 (the allimaI) uan m; 2 (the meat) uainfheOil f
lame adj crubach, bacach, cuagach, ill expr - person crubach m, bacach m
lament Il tuireadh 1/1, (trad, Lit) eumha m
lament v caoidh vH, caoin vi, dean tuireadh nE, a man doesn't - what he
doesn't see cha chaoidh duine m an rud m nach fhaic e
lamentation Il caoidh f, tuireadh m
lamp n lampa mf, (less usu) lbehran 1/1, ill expr oil - crUisgean m
land Il 1 (territory, COUlltry) duthaich f, tir mf, a foreign - duthaich/tir
chein, the Mackay -s DUthaich MhicAoidh; 2 (earth, agricultural -)
talamh 1/1 if ill gen sillg), fearann m, arable/cultivated - talamh-aitich,
cultivate/till the - ilitich am fearann, fallow - talamh biln, a piece of
- plos m fearainn gerz; 3 (- as opposed to sea) tir 1/If, on - air tir

208 209
land v laigh vi, the plane -ed laigh a' phleana IIIf thainig i air deireadh, five minutes - coig mionaidean Jpl air deireadh,
landing-place n 1 (for boats) laimrigf, cidhe Ill; 2lfor aircraft) raon-laighe III I was - bha mi fadalaeh; 2 (advanced hOllr) anmoch, - at night anmoch
landlady 11 (Of/lOte!, pub, boardillg house &c) beanftaighe III gen, the - bean san oidhehe I, it was getting - bha e a' fas anmoch; 3 (deceased person)
an taighe naeh maireann (verbal noun of mair vI), the - Johnny Campbell
landlord n (of pub &c) fear-taighe m, ostair m, the - fear an taighe III Seonaidh Caimbeul naeh maireann
landmark n (for navigation) comharradh-stiitiridh Ill, iwm Latin adj Laiclinneaeh
landowner n 1 neaeh-fearainn m (P/ luehd-fearainn m sing coli); 2 (esp Latin n (Iang) Laideann f
lallded gentry) tighearna m, uaehdaran III latte.r adj, in erprs at the - end aig a' eheann m thall, at the - day air an la
landscape 11 1 (phys) cruth-tire Ill; 2 (ill art &c) dealbh-tire mf, sealladh- m dat dheireannaeh
tire m lattice cliath-uinneigf
lane n caol-shriUd f, lonaid f laugh n gilire mf invar
language n 1 (esp in general & abstr sense) cainnt f, the faculty of - comas m laugh v dean gilire mf invar, gair vi
cainntegen, bad - droch ehainnt, -laboratory cainnt-lannf; 2 (national laughing n gilireaehdainn f invar, gilireaehdaieh f invar
&c -) canan m, canain I, the - of the Gaels canan nan GiUdheal mpl, laughing-stock n citis-mhagaidh I, adhbhar III gilire nif invar, they were a
a foreign - dman rein, a lesser.usedlminority - mion-ehanan m OT - bha iad nan citis-mhagaidh/nan adhbhar gilire
canan beag; 3 (fT) programming - canan-programaidh III laughter n gilire nif invar, gilireaehdainn f invar
lanky adj caol, seang launeh v 1 (boat) cuir vt air flod Ill, cuir vt air bhogf; 2 (- company &c) cuir
lantern n lanntair m, lainntear m, (less 11511) IOchran III vt air ehois (dot of cas f), cuir vt air bhonn m
lap n uehd m, the boy was sitting on her - bha am balaeh na shuidhe air laundry n taigh-nighe m
a h-uehd law 11 lagh Ill, against the - an aghaidh an lagha
lap v imlieh vt lawful adj 1 (not against the law) laghail; 2 (legitimate) d1igheaeh
lapwing n curracagf lawn n faiehe I, reidhlean m
large adj 1 mor, (esp blllky, burly) tomadaeh & tomaltaeh, a - estate lawsuit n MS I, cuis-Iagha f
oighreaehd mhor, a - quantity meud mor, a - man duine mor, a - lawyer n neaeh-Iagha m (plluehd-Iagha III sing coli)
book leabhar tomadaeh; 2 in erpr by and - san fharsaingeaehd f invar, lay 11 (poem, song) laoidh mf
by and -, the majority are against him san fharsaingeaehd, tha a' lay v 1 lJloortiles &c) leag vt; 2 (egg) beir vt; 3 (mise erprs) - bare lom vt,
mhor-ehuid na aghaidh - blame cuir coire f (on air), - great emphasis on X leig cudthrom
larger comp adj mOl motha mor air X
lark n 1 (bird) uiseagf, topagf; 2 (spree, fun) ploighf, sporsf; 3 (trick &c) laziness n leisg(e) f
car ni, cleas 111 lazy adj leisg
laser n leusair m, - beam gath m leusair gen lazy-bed n feannagf
lass, lassie n caileagf, nighean f lazybones n leisgeadair m
last adj mu dheireadh, deireannaeh, this is the - opportunity you'll get lead adj (prillcipal &c) priomh, - singer priomh sheinneadair m
's e seo an cothrom mu dheireadh a gheibh thu, on the - day air an la lead n 1 (erample to be followed) stiUir I, give althe - thoir stiUir (to do);
deireannaeh, air an la mu dheireadh 2 (leading position) ill erpr he was in the - bha e air thoiseaeh; 3 (dog's
last adv 1 (in final position) air deireadh, she came - thainig i air deireadh; -)iallf
2 (of time) in erpr at (long) - mu dheireadh (thall), the rain stopped at lead n (lIIetal) luaidhe mf illvar, a - soldier saighdear m luaidhe gen
(long) - sgull an t-uisge mu dheireadh (thaU) lead v 1 t:reOraieh vt, stiUir vt, he led his congregation to Canada
last v 1 (survive, - out &c) mair vi, it won't - two days eha mhair e da la threOraieh e a ehoitheanal m gu Canada; 2 (as vi: be in the lead) bi vi
m sing; 2 (continue, persist) lean vi, will the fine weather -? an lean an i"eg air thoiseaeh, they led/were -ing after five minutes bha iad air
deagh aimsir fi thoiseaeh an de.idh ehoig mionaidean Jpl; 3 in erpr - astray (morally)
lasting adj maireannaeh, Jeantainneaeh, - peace slth mhaireannaeh claon vt, (phys or morally) cuir vt air seachran Ill, cuir vt air iornraU m
lateh n clairnhean m leader n ceannard m
late adj & adv 1 (after appointed time &c) air deireadh, fadalaeh, she came - leadership n ceannardas m

210 211

leaf n (of tree, book) duilleagf journey left them tired dh'fhilg an turas sgith iad; 5 (desert, abandon)
leafletn (pl/blicity &c) duilleachan Ill, bileagf treig vt, he left his family threig e a theaghlach Ill; 6 (- in olle's will)
leak n aodion III tiornnaich vt (to do); 7 (entrust with a task &c) leig vt (with preps le or
leaking adj aodionach do), - it to her to bring up the child leig leathase am piliste a thogail,
leakproof adj (hol/se, boat &c) dionach, uisge-dionach - it to me (ie I'll handle it/see to it &c) leig dhomhsa e
leaky adj aodionach leavings n fuidheaU & fuighealllll, he got his pick of it, I got the - fhuair
lean adj 1 (of person) tana, seang; 2 (of lIIeat) gun saill f, neo-shultmhor esan a roghainn IIIf dheth, fhuair mise am fuidheall
lean v 1 (ie not I/prigM) bi vi irreg air lliiaradh Ill, the post-edlwas -ing bha lecher 11 druisear m
am post air lliiaradh; 2 (- for sl/pport) cuir/Ieig a (&c) t(h)aitf, cuir/leig lecherous adj druiseach
a (&c) c(h)udthrom Ill, (on air, against ri), - on me, cuir/leig do thaic lechery n druis f
orm, - against a tree cuir/leig do thaic ri craoibh (dat ofcraobhf) lecture 11 oraid f, give a - thoir seachad oraid, dean oraid
leaning adj 1 (not vertical) claon, air lliiaradh Ill; 2 (sl/pported) an taic f, an lecturer " oraidiche ",
tacsa Ill, (against ri), - against a tree an taic ri craoibh (dat of craobh f) ledge n 1 (topog) leac f; 2 (of willdow) oir f na h-uinneig(e)
leap n leum m leek n creamh-gilrraidh III
leap v leum vti lees n (in liql/ids) gruid f
leap year n bliadhna-Ieum f left adj 1 cll, ceilrr, my - foot mo chas chli; 2 in expr on hislher - air a lilimh
learn v ionnsaich vti, (- less forlllally) tog vt, I -t my Gaelic in Skye thog (dat of Iilmh f) chB
mi mo chuidfGilidhligfsan Eilean III Sgitheanach left-handed adj ciotach
learned adj foghlairnte, foghlamaichte leg 11 cas f
learner n neach-ionnsachaidh III (plluchd-ionnsachaidh III sing coil) legacy n (lit or fig) dileab f, the - of history dileab na h-eachdraidh
learning n1 (knowledge, scholarship) ionnsachadh Ill, foghlam Ill, oideachas legal adj 1 (not agaillst the law, also, to do with the law) laghail; 2 (Iegitilllate
Ill; 2 (traditional -) beul-oideachas III &c) dligheach
lease n gabhaillllf, the farmer took the - of a farm ghabh an tuathanach legend n uirsgeullll, fionnsgeullll, faoinsgeullll
III tuathanas III air gabhail legendary adj uirsgeulach
lease v 1 (- Ol/t) thoir vt (seachad) air gabhaiJ IIIf/air mhilJ Ill, the landlord legible adj so-leughte
-d (out) a farm thug an t-uachdaran seachad tuathanas III air gabhail; legislate v reachdaich vi
2 (rent, take on lease) gabh vt air mhilllll, the farmer -ed a farm ghabh legislation 111 (the actioll) reachdachadh Ill; 2 (the actl/allaws &c) reachdas III
an tuathanach III tuathanas air mhilJ legislature n reachdaireachd f
leash n iall f legitimate adj dligheach
least 1 COlllp adj lugha; 2 in expr at - co-dhiu, there were 2000 there at - leisure n1 saor-uine f; 2 in exprs I am at- tha mi nam thilmh Ill, - pursuits)
bha dil rnhiJe III sing ann co-dhiu, at -, that's what he said's e sin a activities cur-seachadan IIIpl
thuirt e, co-dhiu; 3 il/ expr at the very - aig a' char III as lugha, at the leisurely adj socrach, a - pace ceum socrach
very - we lost two thousand pounds aig a' char as lugha chaill sinn lemon liomaid f
dil rnhiJe nota f sing lend v thoir vt air iasad Ill, thoir iasad (with prep de), (to do), I lent James
leather adj leathair (gen ofleathar Ill), a - jacket seacaidfleathair a pound thug mi nota f do Sheumas air iasad, thug mi iasad de nota
leather n leathar III do Sheumas
leave n 1 (perlllission) cead III invar, by your - le ill cead; 2 (parting) cead length 11 fad Ill, a mile in - mile IIIf a (jar de) dh'fhad, it flew the - of the
III invar, in expr take - gabh cead (of de), dealaich vi (with prep ri), we house dh'itealaich e air fad an taighe, increasing in - a' dol am fad
took our - of them ghabh sinn ar cead dhiubh, dhealaich sinn riutha; lengthen v 1 (as vt) cuir vt am fad, we -ed it chuir sinn am fad e; 2 (as vi)
3 (- frOIll arlllY &c) forladh III rach vi am fad, it's -ing tha e a' dol am fad, also tha ea' fas nas fhaide
leave v 1 (depart) falbh vi, they left yesterday dh'fhalbh iad an-de, she's lenite v (lang) seirnhich vt
left tha i air falbh; 2 (depart frolll) filg vt, leaving Stornoway a' filgail lenition n (lnllg) seimheachadh III
Steornabhaigh; 3 (Pl/t, leave behind) filg vt, where did you - the car? lens 11 lionsa f
cilite na dh'fhilg thu an cilr?; 4 (lIIake, cal/se to be, with ad)} filg vt, the leopard n liopard III

212 213

leper n labhar m Lewis n Leodhas or Eilean m LeOdhais, (nickname, in songs &c) Eilean
leprosy n luibhre f invar Fraoich (gen of fraoch m)
lesbian adj & n leasbach f Lewisman n LeOdhasach Ill, Lewis woman ban f LeOdhasach
-less suffix mi-, eu- (OCC1l5 ao-), eg careless mi-ehillamach, hopeless eu- lexicography n faclaireachd f invar
dOchasach liable adj buailteach, - to change buailteach do chaochladh m, - to spend
lessen v 1 lughdaich vti, rach vi sias, the noise -ed lughdaich am fuaim, money buailteach airgead III a chosg
chaidh am fuaim sias; 2 in expr his suffering/pain -ed thainig liar n breugaire III
faathachadh m air libel n tuaileas III
lesser adj 1 as lugha, (in past & conditionnl tenses) a bu lugha, the - number! libel v cui< tuaileas (with prep air)
quantity an aireamh/am meud as lugha; 2 mian- prefiX, beag, lesser- liberal adj 1 (generous) fialaidh, fial, tabhartach; 2 (permissive &c) ceadach,
used language mian-ehanan m, canan beag; 3 (in nnmes ofbirds, animals ceadachaiJ; 3 (pal) libearalach (m & ad}), - democrat libearalach
&c) beag, - black-backed gull farspag bheag deamocratach
lesson n leasan m liberate v saor vt, cui</leig vt mu sgaoil, fuasgaiJ vt
lest conj air eagal is gu, gun fhias nach, mus, he put a piece in his pocket library n leabharlann nif
- he should grow hungry chuir e pias m na phbca m gun fhias nach lice npl mialan'!pl
tigeadh an t-acras air, he kept hold of her - she should fall chUm e licence n cead III invar, driving - cead-draibhidh m, television - cead
greirn m airre mus tuiteadh i/air eagal 's gun tuiteadh i telebhisein m gen
let v 1 (permit) leig vt (with prep le), he - me buy it leig e learn a cheannach, license v ceadaich vt, ughdarraich vt
- her bell - her get on with it! leig leatha!, will you - us know? an licensee n (of public house, hotel) ostair m, fear m (an) taighe
leig sibh fias m dhuinn?, also an cui< sibh fias thugainn?; 2 in expr - go licensing n ceadachadh Ill, ughdarrachadh Ill, in expr - board bord m
(ie release) leig as vt, saar vt, fuasgail vt, (esp from captivity) leig vt mu ceadachaidh gen, bord-eeadachd III
sgaail m invar, cui< vt mu sgaail, - the dogs go leig as na cain (pI of lichen n crotal In
cU m), they - the prisoners go leig/chui< iad na priosanaich mpl mu licit adj ceadaichte, laghail
sgaoil; 3 in expr - off/out (ie emit &c) leig vt (with or without adv as), he lick n irnlich f
- off a fart leig e brairn m (as), also rinn e brairn, they - out a yellleig lick v irnlich vti
iad as sgreuch m; 4 in expr - on (ie give the game away &c) leig vi (with lie n breugf, tell a - innis breug
prep air), we didn't - on cha do leig sinn oirnn; 5 in expr - down (ie lie' v laigh vi, - down laigh sios, I lay down laigh mi sios, in expr lying
lower) leag vt, he - down the window leag e an uinneag f; 6 in expr (down) na (&c) laighe IIIf invar, she's lying down tha i na laighe, they
- down (ie disappoint &c) leig vt sios; 7 (idiom) - me see fuirich ort, were lying (down) on the ground bha iad nan laighe air an lar m
fan ort, that happened ... , - me see now ... , in Stornoway thachair Iie'v (tellllntrllths) innis/dean breug(an) f(Pl)
sin ... , fuirich ort ... , ann an Stei>rnabhagh; 8 (- property &c) thoir vt life n 1 (abstr & con) beatha f, (lIIore trad: con) saoghal Ill, a hard - beatha
(seachad) air mMl m, he has - his house tha e air an taigh m aige a chruaidh, all my - fad mo bheatha gen, way of - doigh-beatha f, - cycle
thoirt seachad air mhaJ; 9 (imper: can be archaic) expressed by imper forms cearcalllll (na) beatha, - member ball beatha gen, in expr long - to you!
of verb, eg - us see faiceamaid, - them hear chJuinneadh iad, - me not saoghal fada dhuibh!; 2 (the breath of -) deo f invar, (a spark of -) rong m,
go na racham as long as there's - in me fhad 's a bhios an dei> annam, there wasn't
letter n (corres, orthography) litir f, thank you for your - tapadh leat airson a spark of - in her cha robh rong innte; 3 (lifespan, lifetime) maireann
do litreach gen, -s of the alphabet litrichean na Ill, beo m, la m, he never left the island in his - cha do dh'fhag e an

lettuce n leiteis f t-eilean ri bhei>/ri mhaireann, at the end of my - aig criochfmo lagen;
level adj reidh, comhnard 4 in exprs he was running for dear - bha e a' ruith mar a bheatha, bha e
level n 1 (of progress, development, ability &c) ire f invar; 2 (of rank, attainment, a' ruith aig peiJear m a bheatha, - expectancy dUll f aois f gen
ability) inbhe f; 3 (of height, volume) airde f life-belt n crios-sabhalaidh Ill, crios-teasairginn m
lever n luamhan m lifeboat n bata-teasairginn m, bata-eoibhre III
lewd adj drabasta, draosta, collaidh life-jacket n seacaid-teasairginn f
lewdness n drabastachd f invar, draostachd f invar lifelong adj fad-beatha

214 215
lifestyle 11 doigh-beatha f liken v coimeas vt, dean coimeas m (with prep eadar), - A and B coimeas
lifetime 11 maireann m, beo m, la m, re f illvar, !inn mf, (trad) saoghal m, A agus B, dean coimeas eadar A agus B
in/during my - rim mhaireann, rim bheO, rim latha, rim shaoghal, in likeness 11 1 (abstr: resemblallce) coltas m; 2 (COli: represelltation ill portrait,
my grandfather's - an re mo sheanar m gm, ri linn mo sheanar, at the sculpture &c) iomhaigh f; 3 (shape, disguise &c) riochd m, he appeared
end of my - aig deireadh f mo la gen in the - of a cat nochd e an riochd cait m gell
lift v tag vt (from de, far), - stones from the ground tog clachan JPI den likewise adv cuideachd, mar an ceudna, I was good at dancing, my
lar m/far na talmhainn (gm f of talamh m), - (up) your head tag do sister - bha mi math air dannsadh, (agus) mo phiuthar cuideachd/
cheann m, that -ed my spirits thog sin mo chridhe m ma r an ceudna
light adj aolrom, - stones/music clachan JPI / ceOlm aotrom liking 11 1 (affection) tlachd f illvar, speis f, baidh f; 2 ill e:rpr he has a - for
light n 1 (natural or artificial) solas m, raylbeam of - gath m solais, put the (chocolate &c) tha e deidheil air (teoclaid mf &c)
- on/off cuir air/as an solas, electric - solas-dealain m; 2 (mise idioms lily 11 lili(dh) f
& e:rprs) the Northern Lights a Fir mpl Chlis, bring to - thoir vt am limit 11 1 (maximum permitted) crioch f, speed - crioch astair m gen, astar-
foUais f invar, come to - thig vi am foUais chriochf; 2 (edge, boulldary) crlochf, iomaU m, the -(5) of the country
light v 11as vti, - a cigarette las toitean m, (fig) his face would - up bhiodh crioch/iomall na duthcha
aodann m a' lasadh; 2 (- fire, lamp &c) cuir vt air, - the fire cuir air an limit v cuingealaich vt (to ri), cuir crlochf(with prep ri), -ed to five minutes
teine m; 3 in e:rpr - upon (ie come to rest Upoll) laigh vi (with prep air), air a chuingealachadh ri coig mionaideanJPI, he -ed our costs chuir e
each thing his eye would - upon gach rud m air an laigheadh a shUil crloch ri ar cosgaisean JPI
f; 4 ill e:rpr - upon (ie come UpOIl by chance) amais vi air limited adj 1 (people, attitudes) cumhang; 2 (busilless) earranta, a - company
light-heartedness 11 mire f invar, sunnd m illvar, aighearachd f illvar companaidh mf earranta, Birlinn - Birlinn Earranta
lightning n dealanach m limping adj cuagach, bacach, crubach
like adj 1 (similar) coltach (with prep ri), she's not - her brother chan eil line 11 1 (pellcil -, phone - &c) loidhne f, parallel -s loidhnichean co-shinte,
i coltach ri a brathair, - each other coltach ri cheile; 2 (stronger: just/ (In on - air loidhne; 2 (- of verse or prose, of people, objects) sreath mf
exactly -) ionann agus, takes the v is, A is (exactly) - B is ionann A line v (curtaills &c) linig vt
agus B; 3 (idioms) you look - a soldier tha coltas m saighdeir m gen linen 11 (the material & things made from it) anart m, a shirt of - leine f anairt
art, I'm tired! you look - it! tha mi sgith! tha a choltas (sin) art!; 4 mar gell, bed - anart-Ieapa m
(a followillg noun without the art is ill the dat, & lenited), singing - a girl ling' n (tIle fish) langa f
a' seinn mar chaileig, he left, just - his brother dh'fhalbh e, direach ling' n (the plallt) fraoch m
mar a bhrathair; NB: Note the difference between he is - (ie resembles) his linguist 1'1 cananaiche III
sister tha e coltach ri phiuthar, alld he sings - his sister (ie sillgs as his linguistic adj cananach
sister sings) bidh e a' seinn mar a phiuthar linguistics t'l cananachas m
like n Jeithid f, coimeas m, samhail m, a man the -(5) of him a poss lining 11 (material) linigeadh m
adj leithid de dhuine m, his/her - never existed cha robh a leithid link n 1 (con: in chain &c) tinne f, ceangalm; 2 (abstr: logical -, - of cause &
ann a-riarnh, I never saw his - chan fhaca mi a-riamh a leithid/a effect &cl ceangal m (with ri, between eadar), there is no - between
choimeas/a shamhail, the -Is) of that a leithid sin the meat and the illness chan eil ceangal sam bith eadar an fheOil agus
like v 1 is vi irreg deftoigh (with prep le), (call be strollger: be fOlld of) bi vi irreg an tinneas m, a cIose - dluth-cheangal m; 3 (relationship, association)
deidheil (with prep air), I - my school/the teacher is toigh leam an sgoil daimh mf invar (with ri), I have no -Is) with that firm chan eil daimh
fagam/an tidsear m, 1- Mary/chocolate tha mi deidheil air Miiiri/air sam bith agam ris a' chompanaidh mf sin; 4lfamily &c -) buinteanas m,
teoclaid mf; 2 (wish, desire) togair vti (oftell used as vi ill relative future I have -s with Skye tha buinteanas agam ris an Eilean Sgitheanach
tellse), we'll go on holiday, if you - theid sinn air laithean-saora mpl, link v ceangail vt, co-cheangail vt, (to/with ri)
ma thogras tu, just as you - direach mar a thogras sibh; 3 ill e:rpr (ill linkage 11 ceangalm, (esp ahstr) co-cheangalm
shop, cafe &c) what would you -? de (a) tha a dhlth oirbh? linked adj & past part co-cheangailte (to ri), global warming and the
likeable adj t1achdmhor, taitneach, ciatach climate are - (to one another) tha blathachadh m na cruinne is a'
likelihood n collas m chliomaid co-cheangailte (ri cheile)
likely adj coltach, it's - that she'll come tha e coltach gun Iig i linn n [inne f

216 217
lint 11 lion m lively adj 1 beothail; 2 (idioms) look -! tog vi ort!, crath dhiot an cadalm!
lion 11 lei:>ghann & lei:>mhann m liver rr adha m, (usu of arrimal) gruthan m
lip 11 1 (of mouth) bile f, (less USll) li(o)p f, ill erprs lower - beuJ-iochdair m, Livestock rr stoc m, (esp cattle) crodh m, spreidh f
upper - beuJ-uachdar m; 2 (of corrtairrer, jug &c) bile f, oir f, iomaJJ m Living adj 1 beO, I didn't see a - soul chan fhaca mi duine beO; 2 irr erpr I'm
lipstick rr dath-lipean m still in the land of the - tha mi a' cumail beO, tha mi beO fhathast
Liquid adj sruthach living n 1 (abstr) bith-beO f, the cost of - cosgais f bith-beO gerr; 2 (a
liquid rr lioon m livelihood) teachd-an-tlr m illvar, beOshJaint f; 3 (arr income) teachd-
liquidate v 1 (comparry &c) leagh vt; 2 (kill, execllte) cuir vi as (with prep do) a-steach m invar
Liquidation rr (of comparry &c) leaghadh m lizard n laghairt mf
Lismore rr Lios Mar load rr 1 (burderr &c, esp as carried by humarrs/allimals) eaJJach m, uaJJach m,
lisp, lisping n liotachas m, irr erpr she has a - tha i liotach (esp carried by a Ill/marr) uJtach m; 2 (cDlgo) luchd m; 3 (irr pI) -s ifam: a
lisp v bi vi irreg liotach, she -s tha i liotach lot, lots, /llQny) tarr m (with gm), -s of people are of that opinion tha
lisping adj liotach tarr dhaoine mpl den bheachd m sin
list n 1 (general) liosta f; 2 (irr publication) clar m, - of contents clar-innse m, load v (boat, vehicle &c) luchdaich vt
- of names/people clar-ainmean m, clar-dhaoine m loading rr luchdachadh m
list v dean liosta f (with prep de) loads npl (ie lots, many &c) see load n 3
listen v eist (to ri), -ing to the songs ag eisteachd lis na h-i>rain mpl loaf n lof mf, (more trad: IJOmemade bread -, - of sugar &c) buileann f
listener rr neach-eisteachd m, -s luchd-eisteachd m sirrg coli loan n iasad m, get something on - gabhl faigh rudeigin air iasad, get a -
literal adj litireil of something faigh iasad de rudeigin
literary adj litreachail loanword n (Iarrg) facal m iasaid m gm
literate adj litireach loathe v fuathaich vt, (but usu expressed as follows) I - himlthem &c tha
literature rr litreachas m, Gaelic - litreachas na GaidhJig grainfagam air/orra
litigious adj connspaideach, agartach loathing 11 grain f, fuath mf
litre rr liotair m loathsome adj grilineil, fuathach
litter' n (rubbish, urrtidiness) truileis f jrrvar, (strorrger) sgudal m lobster rr giomach m
litter'rr (yourrg of arrimals) cuain f, (more trod) aJ m lobsterpot 11 cliabh m ghiomach mpl gerr
little adj 1 beag, (smaller) meanbh, - by - beag air bheag, beag is beag, local adj ionadail, - authoritylhistory ughdarras m/eachdraidhfionadail
mean air mhean, uidh f air n-uidh; 2 in expr the Little Minch An Cuan locate v (filld, trace) faigh lorg f air, the police -ed him fhuair am poileas
Sgith lorg air
little rr 1 (a certain amourrt) beagan m (with gerr), I have a - money tha location rr (site, positioll &c) suidheachadh m, aite m
beagan airgid m agam; 2 (a very small or limited amourrt) a' bheagf(with loch rr loch m, sea - loch-mara m
prep de), there was only a (very) - room in the boat cha robh ach a' lochan rr lochan m
bheag de rum m sa bhata m lock' rr (all door &c) glas f
littoral rr oirthir f, costa m lock' (of Iwir) dual m
live adj beO lock v glais & glas vt, - the door glaislglas an doras
live v 1 (be alive) bi vi irreg beO, (more trod) is vi irreg def beO, mair vi beO, locked adj & past part glaiste
as long as I - cho fad's a bhios mi beO, cho fad's a mhaineas mi beO, locum 11 (med) neach-ionaid m
rim mhaireann m, rim shaoghal m, (more trad) cho fad's as beO mi; locust 11 IOcast m
2 (dwell &c) fuirich vi, camhnaich vi, fan vi, we were living in Islay at lodge v 1 (as VI) fan vi, fuirich vi, - with someone fan I fuirich aig cuideigin;
the time bha sinn a' fuireach/a' camhnaidh ann an lIe aig an am m,- 2 (as vt: house, accommodate) thoir taigh m, thoir laistinn m, (with prep
with someone fan I fuirich aig cuideigin; 3 (survive, /llQke a living) thig do); 3 (deposit, eg in musellm, ballk &c) taisg vt
vi beO, how will we - in this place? ciamar a thig sinn beO san aite lodger 11 laistear m
sea?, I can't - on that! cha tig mi beO (or cha tig mi suas) air! lodging(s) n 1 laistinn m, (less usu) fardach f; 2 irr erpr a night's - cuid f
livelihood n teachd-an-tlr m irrvar, beOshJaint f, bith-beO f oidhche f gm
218 219

loft 11 lobht(a) m lord n 1 (ruler, landowner &c) tigheama m, (hist) The Lord of the Isles
loggerheads n, at - thar a cheile, troimh-a-cheile, they were at - bha iad Tigheama nan Eilean mpl gen, Triath m nan Eilean; 2 (peer &c) morair
thar a cheile/troimh-a-cheile, I set them at - chuir mi thar a cheile/ m, the House of -s Taigh m nam Morairean; 3 (relig) The Lord An
troimh-a-eheile iad Tigheama; 4 (excl) Good -! a Thighearna!
lonely, lonesome adj (persoll or place) aonaranach, uaigneach lorry n laraidh f
long adj 1 (ill time & dimensioll) fad (a), how - is it? de cho fada '5 a tha lose v caill vti
e? (also de an fhad a th' ann), don't be - na bi fada!, the days werel loss n call m
seemed - for us bha na laithean mpI fada dhuinn; 2 (- alld weary) lost adj & past part air chall m, caWte, I'm - tha mi air chall, we got -
cian, a - (weary) road rathad cian; 3 ill expr - drawn out fadalach, chaidh sinn air chall
maimealach; 4 (idioms) - time no see! 's fhada 0 nach fhaca mi (&c) lot' n 1 (OIle'S fate) crannchur m, if that is my - mas e sin mo chrannchur;
thu!, (to impatient child &c) it won't be - now chan fhad' thuige a-nis 2 (one's - in life) it was his - to be a soldier thuit dha a bhith na
long adv 1 (dimensioll) de dh'fhad (also a dh'fhad), a mile - mile mf a shaighdear m; 3 in exprs draw -s cuir crainn (pI of crann m), thilg
dh'fhad, it's two feet - tha da throigh f de dh'fhad ann; 2 (time) fada, crainn, cuir crannchur, drawing of -s crannchur 111
as - as I live cho fad (a) 's is beo mi, also (more trad) rim mhaireann 101' n 1 (considerable qllantity) moran m, ifam) grunn m, ifam) torr m, (all
m; 3 (misc exprs) the whole night - fad na h-oidhche, at - last mu with gen), gu leOr adv ifollows the 11011I1), a - of food moran bldh (gen of
dheireadh thall, (in stories &c) - - ago 0 chionn fada nan cian, fada biadh) m, I spent a - of years there chuir mi seachad moran/grunn
fada ron a seo bhliadhnachan JPI an sin, -s of people moran/torr dhaoine mpl, a -
long- prefix fad-, eg long-lived fad-shaoghalach, long-sighted fad- of money moran/torr airgid m, also ifam) airgead mor, we've got a -
fhradharcach, long-suffering fad-fhulangach of troubles tha trioblaidean JPI gu leor againn; 2 (misc exprs) thanks a
long V 1 in expr - for (ie desire) miannaich vt; 2 ill expr - for (ie nostalgically) -! moran taing!, ceud m taing!, a - better fada/moran nas £hearr, such
ionndrainn vt a - na h-uibhir, na h-uiread, (with prep de), there were such a - of
longing n 1 (desire) miann mf; 2 (with nostalgia) cianalas m; 3 (with people there bha na h-uibhir /na h-uiread de dhaoine mpl ann
impatiellce) fadachd f invor (for ri) loth adj leisg, aindeonach, I am - to sell it is leisg learn a reic
look 11 sui! f (at air), a quick - at the newspaper sUiJ aithghearr air a' lottery n crannchur m, the national - an crannchur naiseanta
phaipear-naidheachd m, takelhave a - thoir si,i! (at air); 2 (physical loud adj 1 (at higll vO/llme) ard; 2 (noisy) faramach, fuairnneach; 3 (of style,
appearallce, aspect) dreach m, with a ghostly - air dhreach taibhse mfgell; garmellts &c) spaideil
3 (of persoll's featllres, not lIec permanellt) tuar m; 4 (transiellt, 011 face, in eye) loudspeaker n glaodhaire m
fiamh m; 5 (resemblallce, appearance) coltas m, (idioms) you have the - of a louse n mial f
soldier tha coltas saighdeir m gen art, by the - of it a-reir c(h)oltais gen lout n duine barb
look v 1 coimhead vi, thoir sUiJ f, (at air), - at her coirnhead oirre, that -s/is loutish adj graisgeil
-ing good! ifam) tha sin a' coimhead math!; 2 (resemblance: idioms) -ing loutishness n graisgealachd f invar
like a ghost air dhreach m taibhse mfgell, you -like a soldier tha coltas love n 1 (esp sexllal & intimate -) gaol m, ifor less intimate affection) gradh m,
m saighdeir m gell art; 3 ill expr - for sir vt, lorg vt, bi vi irreg an toir f she's in - tha i ann an gaol, I gave my - to her thug mi mo ghaol dhi,
(with prep air), the company is -ing for workers tha a' chompanaidh young - gaol na h-oige, my first - mo chiad ghaol, the land of my -,
mf a' sireadh luchd-obrach m sillg call, he went to town -ing for his the land (that) I love tir mf mo ghraidh gen; 2 (the person loved) leannan
brother chaidh e don bhaile m an toir air a bhrathair; 4 (idiom) (I'm m, my - mo leannan; 3 (in vac exprs: affectionate address) (my) -! (esp
tired! &c) you - it! (tha mi sgilh! &c) tha a choltas (sin) art! to lovers alld close family) a ghaoil!, a luaidh!, (IISIl for more general, less
loom n (weaving) beart-thighe f intimate llse) a ghraidh!, m' eudail!
loop n lubf love v 1 (esp sexllally, intimately) bi vi irreg gaol m (with preps aig & air),
loose adj 1 fuasgailte, sgaoilte, neo-cheangailte; 2 (fig: of immoral person, (for less illtimate affection) bi vi irreg gradh m (with preps aig & air), I -
behaviollr) mi-bheusach you tha gaol III agarn ort, tha gradh agarn art; 2 in expr the land (&c)
loose v leig (as) vt, - an arrow !eig (as) saighead f I - tir IIIf (&c) mo ghraidh (gell of gradh m); 3 (like or enjoy greatly) is
loosen v ifastenings &c) fuasgaiJ vt, sgaoil vt, lasaich vt, - a knolla shoelace vi irreg & def toigh (with prep le), I - football is toigh learn (gu mor)
fuasgail snaidhrn m/barraIJ m ball-eoise m

220 221

loveliness n (woman, place &c) boidhchead f inuar, (esp of woman) maise f lurching n tulgadh m
invar lure v tiiJajdh vt, meall vt
lovely adj (place, weatlrer, girl &c) breagha, (woman, place &c) bOidheach, lust 11 drillsf, ana-miann m
(esp of woman) maiseach lust v miannaich vi, ill erpr - after miannaich vt
lover n leannan m, ill erpr live-in - coileapach mf lustful adj dritiseach, driJiseil
loving adj gaolach, gradhach, maoth Luxemburger 11 Lucsamburgach 1/1 (also as ad))
low adj 1 (of plrys position, statlls, sollnd) losal & iseal, in a - voice ann luxurious adj 50ghail
an guth losal; 2 (- in spirit) smalanach, 5105 na (&c) inntinnf; 3 (- in luxury 11 50gh 1/1
morale) gun rnhisneach(d) f lying adj breugach
low v (cattle) geum vi, (cattle & esp deer) langanaich vi
lower adj 1 (in plrys position, stah.s, qllality) lochd(a)rach; 2 ill erpr - lip
beul-lochdair m; 3 (comp adj) (n)as isle, (in past & conditional tellSeS) (n)a
lower v (plrys & fig) islich vt, (plrys) leag vt, he -ed the window leag e an
lowing n (cattle) geurnnaich f, (cattle & esp deer) langanajch f
Lowland adj Gallta, (lang) - Scots (IISIl witlr art) A' Bheurla Ghallta
Lowlander n Gall m
Lowlands 11 1 (of Scotland) the - A' Ghalltachd f inuar, A' Mhachair(e)
Ghallta, Machair na h-Alba, in the - air a' Ghalltachd, air a' Mhachair
Ghallta; 2 (as general geograplrical tenn) comhnardan mpl
lowliness 11 UmhJachd f inuar, irioslachd & irisleachd f inuar
lowly adj urnha(i)l, 10sal & lseal, iriosal & iriseal
loyal adj d1Ieas
loyalty n dilseachd f invar, d1Ise m inuar
lubricate v Uillich vt
lubrication n iJilleachadh m
luck /I fortan m, (IISIl good -) sealbh m, good/bad - deagh/droch fhortan,
good -! fortan leat!, sealbh ort!
lucky adj 1 fortanach, sealbhach; 2 (idiom) he'll be - (if he isn't killed &c)
'5 math a dh'eireas dha (mura teid a mharbhadh &c)
luggage 11 treal(l)ajchean -",1, bagajchean mpl
Luing n Lllinn m, Eilean m Lllinn gen, i/l erpr a man from - Lllinneach m
(also as adj)
lukewarm adj (lit & fig) leth-fhuar, (welcome, attitude &c) flonnaf, - tea
teatha leth-fhuar, a - welcome failtefleth-fhuar, failte fhionnar
lullaby n liiladh m, oran m taJaidh gm
lumber n treal(l)ajch f
lump n reap m, map Ill, meall m, - of peat ceap mona (gm of moine!J
lumpy adj mapach
lunch n 1 biadh m meadhan-la, (trad: llsed witlr art) an ntisean m; 2 ifor
worker, sclroolc1rild &c) (packed) - plos m
lung n sgarnhan m
lurch v (seas, slrip, trees &c) tulg vi, luaisg vi

222 223
a family to - tha teaghlach m agam ri chumail suas; 3 (machinery &c)
M gleus vt, cairich vt
maintenance n 1 (abstr: financial &c sllpport) cumailm suas; 2 (keep, feed, of
machair, machair-land n (grassy stretches of land, esp adjoining the Atlantic livestock &c) beathachadh m; 3 (of machinery &c) gleusadh m, citradh m
seaboard) machair(e) f in nom case, m in gen sing majestic adj 1 greadhnach, glormhor; 2 (like a monarch) rioghail
machine n innealm, washing - inneal-nigheadaireachd m, inneal-nighe m majesty n 1 (abstr: royalty) rioghalachd f invar; 2 (splendollr, grandellr)
(also nigheadair m), fax - inneal-facsa m morachd f invar, greadhnachas m
mackereln rionnach m sing & coll major adj 1 (principal) priomh (precedes the nOlln, which it lenites where
mad adj 1 (with rage, insanity) air chuthach m, air bhainidhf invar, air bhoile possible), the - town am priomh bhaile, the - reason for his conduct
f invar, go - rach vi air chuthach/bhainidh/bhoile; 2 (idioms) go quite! priomh adhbhar a ghiUlain; 2 (of great importance, gravity &c) mor, gle
totally - (with rage) gabh an cuthach dearg, it was nearly driving me chudthromach, a - accident tubaist mhor, a - exhibition taisbeanadh
- bha e gus mo chur dhlom fhin/ gus mo chur as mo rian m mor / gle chudthromach
Madam n Bean-Vasal f (voc) A bhean-uasal major n (military rank) maidsear m
made adj & past part deanta & deante; i/l exprs - up (story &c) uirsgeulach; majority n (of objects &c & people) mor-chUid f the - of his life a' mhor-
- up (assembled) co-dheanta chuid de a bheatha f the - are in favour tha a' mhor-chUid air a shon
madness n boile f invar, cuthach m make v 1 dean vt irreg, I'll - jam tomorrow ni mi silidh m invar a-maireach,
magazine n iris f (esp a qllarterly) raitheachan m they made progress rinn iad adhartas m, - a profit dean prothaid f
maggot n cnuirnhf cnuirnheagf - war dean cogadh m, - fun dean fanaid f also mag vi, (of air), they
magic adj draoidheil, seunta were making fun of her bha iad a' deanamh fanaid oirre/a' magadh
magic n draoidheachd f invar oirre; 2 in expr - for (ie head for) dean vi (with prep air), he made for the
magical adj draoidheil boat rinn e air a' bhata m; 3 (createJashion) dealbh vt, - a statue dealbh
magician n draoidh m lomhaigh f; 4 (callseJorce to do something) thoir vt (with prep air), she
magistrate n maigh(i)stir mlagha (gen oflagh m) made me leave thug i orm falbh, he'll - me do it eventually bheir e
magnanimity n mor-mheanmna m, ard-aigne m orm a dheanarnh aig a' cheann m thall; 5 (transmit/arollse an emotion
magnanimous adj mor-mheanmnach &c) cuir vt (with prep air), she made him angry chuir i an fhearg air,
magnet n clach-iUilf (less trad) magnaitf he made me jump (ie startled lIle) chuir e clisgeadh mf orm, also chlisg
magnetic adj iUil-tharraingeach, (less trad) magnaiteach e mi; 6 (callse to be) fag vt, the journey made them tired dh'fhag an
magnetism n iUil-tharraingf turas sglth iad; 7 (misc idioms & exprs) - a mistake rach vi air iomrall
magnificent adj greadhnach, glormhor, (less lISll) oirdheirc Ill, also dean mearachd f - a start toisich vi (on/at air), - a fresh start
magnify v meudaich vt, -ing glass glainne-mheudachaidh f toisich vi as Ur (on/at air), - an impression on driJidh vi (with prep air),
magnitude n meudachd f invar, the - of their debts meudachd nam the play made an impression on me dhrUidh an dealbh-chluich form,
fiachan mpl aca - new V nuadhaich vt, Uraich vt, ath-nuadhaich vt, - haste greas vi
maid n 1 (servant) searbhanta f; 2 (yollng woman) maighdeann fold - (with prep air), - haste! greas ort, pi greasaibh oirbh, they made haste
seana-mhaighdeann; 3 (virgin) maighdeann f oigh f, ainnir f ghreas iad orra, - off (escape &c) tarr/tair vi as, - up (face) maisich
maidenhead, maidenhood n maighdeannas m vt, - up (anecdote, incident &c) they asked (me) if I was making it up
mail n post m, the Royal Mail Am Post Rloghail, air - post-adhair m, e- dh'fhaighnich iad (dhomh) am b' e uirsgeul m a bh' agam/an e an
mail post-dealain m fhlrinn a bh' agam, - out (dissemble, pretend) leig vi (with prep air), the
main adj 1 priomh (precedes the nOlln, which it le/lites where possible), the - soldiers made out they were civilians leig na saighdearan II1pl orra
town am priomh bhaile, the - reason for his conduct priomh adhbhar gun robh iad nan siobhaltairean mpl, - out (assert) cUm vt a-mach, they
a ghiUlain m; 2 in expr - door doras mor, - road rathad mor are making out that the world will end tomorrow tha iad a' cumail
mainland n tir-mor & tir mor m (not 11511 with art), on the - air tir-mor a-mach gun tig an saoghalm gu crich (dat of crloch j) a-maireach
mains n (agric) manas m maladministration n ml-rianachd f invar
maintain V 1 (assert) cUm vt a-mach, he -s that Stalin was right bidh e malady n tinneas m, galar 111
a' cumail a-mach gun robh Stalin ceart; 2 (sllpport) cUm vt suas, I've male adj fireann, fireannta, - cat cat fireann

224 225

male n fireannach m, -s on the right and females on the left, please! manifold adj iomadh-fhillte
fireannaich air an laimh (dat ofliimhj) dheis is boireannaich mpl air an mankind n mac-an-duine m, an cinne-daonna m (used with art)
laimh chli, mas e ur toil f e! manIiness n duinealas m, fearalachd f invar
malevolence tl gamhlas ni, mi-rim nE manly adj duineil, fearail, - qualities feartan mpl duineil/fearail
malevolent adj gamhlasach man-made adj 1 (manufaefured) saothraichte; 2 (as substitute for the natural
malice It gamhJas m, mi-rim ni, & neirnh m object &c) fuadam, breige
malicious adj gamhlasach, nirnheil manner n 1 (- ofdoing something) doigh m, modh, nos, in a particular - air
mallet n fairche m dhoigh/mhodh araidh, the traditional - (esp ofsinging) an seann nos;
malnutrition n dlth m beathachaidh m gen 2 (manner of belJJ1ving) dol-a-mach m invar, I didn't like his - bu bheag
malpractice n mi-ehleachdadh m leam/orm an dol-a-mach (a bha) aige
Mammy n mamaidh f manners n beus f (good -) modh f goodlbad - deagh/droch bheus
man n 1 (emplJJ1sising gender) fear m, fireannach m, a - and a woman fear is mannish adj (esp of woman) duineil, firean(n)ta
bean f fear / fireannach agus boireannach m, the - of the house fear an manpower n 1 luchd-obrach m sing call, take on extra - fastaich luchd-
taighe, men on the right and women on the left, please! fireannaich obrach a bharrachd; 2 (more abstr) sgiobachd f invar, - planning
air an lilirnh (dat of liimh j) dheis is boireannaich mpl air an laimh chli, planaigeadh m sgiobachd
mas e ur toil f e!; 2 (stressing male gender less) duine m, I met a - on manslaughter n duine-mharbhadh m, murt m
the stair thachair mi ri duine air an staidhre f when I'm a - an uair a manual n leabhrachan m, leabhran m, (esp instruction -) leabhar-
bhios mi nam dhuine; 3 (mankind, humanity) mac-an-duine m sing coli, mineachaidh m
an cinne-daonna m, -'s futile efforts oidhirpean Jpl diomham mhic- manufacture n saothrachadh m
an-duine gen manufacture v saothraich vt, dean vt
Man n, the Isle of -, Eilean m Mhanainn m gen manufacturing n saothrachadh m
manage v 1 (- firm, organisation &c) stiUir vt, riaghail vt; 2 (handle situation manure n 1 mathachadh m, leasachadh m, innear & inneir f; 2 in expr
&c) deilig vi (with prep ri), liiirnhsich vt, she -d the problem extremely - heap siteagf otrach m, diman m
well dheilig i ris an duilgheadas uabhasach math; 3 (succeed in doing manure v (land) mathaich vt, leasaich vt, (with seaweed) feamainn vt
something, be up to a task &c) faigh vi (with prep air), rach vi agam (&c) manuscript n lamh-sgriobhainn nrf
(with prep air), dean a' chitis (with prep air), I'll - to go back there some Manx adj Manainneach
time or other gheibh mi air tilleadh ann uair no uaireigin, will you - Manxman n Manainneach m
to find a job? an teid agad air obair f fhaighinn?, the box is heavy, many adj 1 moran m (with gen pi n), iomadach adj, iomadh adj, (both
will you - it? tha am bogsa trom, an dean thu a' chitis air?; 4 (live, get with /lam sing n), ifam) torr nr, ifam: usu less numerous) grunn m, (both
by) thig vi irreg beO, thig suas, I can't - on that! cha tig mi beO/cha tig with ge/l pi n), - people moran dhaoine mpl, - thanks! moran taing
mi suas air sin! f!, - times, - a time iomadach/iomadh uair f - people are of that
management 1 (abstr: fire process) stiUireadh m, riaghladh m, - centre opinion tha torr dhaoine den bheachd m sin, I spent a good - years
ionad-stilliridh m; 2 (con: the managers &c) luchd-stiUiridh m sing coli, there chuir mi seachad grunn bhliadhnachan Jpl an sin; 2 in expr so -
luchd-riaghlaidh m sing call uimhir f invar, uiread m invar, na h-uimhir, na h-uiread, there were so
manager n manaidsear nE, neach-stiUiridh m invar, neach-riaghlaidh nE - people there bha (na h-)uimhir / (na h-)uiread de dhaoine mpl ann;
invar (plluchd-stiUiridh & luchd-riaghlaidh 11/ sing call) 3 in expr how - cia mheud & co mheud (with nom sing n), how - years?
manageress n bana-mhanaidsear f co mheud bliadhna f?
mane n (of horse, lion &c) muingf many n moran m, - of them moran dhiubh, there weren't - there cha
mangle v (lacerate &c) reub vt robh moran ann, did you buy books? not - an do cheannaich sibh
manifest v 1 (show, display qualities &c) taisbem vt, nochd vt; 2 in expr - leabhraichean? cha do cheannaich moran
itself thig vi an uachdar m, thig vi am folia is f invar, nochd vt, their map n c1ilr-duthcha m, mapa m
bravery -ed itself in wartime thiiinig an cuid f gaisge f invar an mar V mill vt
uachdar/am follais an am m cogaidh m gel!, nochd an cuid gaisge an marble n marmor m
am cogaidh March n (used with art) Am Milrt

226 227

march' n (bolllldary, limit) crlochf, this is the - of my land is e seo crloch mash v pronn
an fhearainn agam mashed adj & past part pronn, - potato buntata pronn
march' n 1 (of soldiers &c) marsail f, mearrsadh m; 2 (mllsic) caismeachd f mask n 1 masg m; 2 (as disgllise, fallCY dress &c) aghaidh-choirnheach f,
marching n marsail f, mearrsadh m aodannan m
mare 11 lair f mason n clachair nI
margarine u margarain m iuvar mass adj mor- prefix, eg - production n mor-bhuileachadh m, - media mor-
margin 11 iomall m, oir f, at/on the -(5) (ie remote) air an iomalJ, air an oir, mheadheanan mpl
also iomallach adj mass' n 1 (abstr: blllk, magllitllde) tomad m; 2 (large qllalltity or nllmber: of
marginal adj iomaUach, air an iomall m objects) meud mor, uirnhir f invar, uiread m invar, a - of paper meud
mariner n marakhe ni, seoladair nI mor paipeir m gen, uirnhir de phaipear; 3 (of people) sluagh mor, meud
maritime adj na mara (gell of muir fJ mor dhaoine mpl gen
mark 11 1 comharra(dh) m, (school &c) goodlbad -5 deaghl droch mass' n (relig) aifreann m
chomharraidhean, (livestock) ear - comharradh cluaise f gen, - of massacre n casgairt f, mort m, (hist) the - of Glencoe Mort Ghlinne-
respect comharradh-urraim m, question - comharradh-ceiste m; 2 (- Comhainn m gen
left by persoll, allimal, object) lorg f, comharradh m; 3 (typog) puing f, massacre v casgair vt
exclamation - clisg-phuingf massage n suathadh m (bodhaigf gen)
mark v 1 (leave a mark) fag lorg f, fag comharradh m, (with prep air); massage v suath vt
2 (staill) fag spot m, fag smal m, (witll prep air); 3 (teacher &c) ceartaich mast 11 (of sMp &c) crann m, radio/television - crann-eraolaidh m
vt, comharraich vt; 4 (- occasiolls &c) comharraich vt, to - his birthday master n 1 (olle in alltllDrity, or in position of superiority over others)
gus an ceann-bliadhna m aige a chomharrachadh maigh(i)stir m, uachdaran m; 2 (of boot &c) caiptean m, sgiobair m;
market 11 1 margadh mf, marcaid f, (esp for livestock) feill f, - town baile- 3 in expr (at ceilidh &c) - of ceremonies fear m an taighe; 4 in erpr
margaidh m, a common - margadh coitcheann; 2 (abstr: demand, for question - ceistear ni, fear-ceasnachaidh m
prodllct &c) margadh mf, feW f, (for air), will there be a - for it? master v 1 (people, enlDtions &c) ceannsaich vt, faigh lamh f an uachdair
am bi margadh/feW air?, ill expr free - economy econamaidh saor- (with prep air); 2 (a topic or activity) faigh eblas m (with prep air)
mhargaidh masterful adj ceannsalach, smachdail
marketing n margaideachd f invar masterly adj (at performing task, as artist &c) ealanta, barraichte
market-place n ionad-margaidh m masterwork n sar-obair f
marking n (teacher &c) ceartachadh m, comharrachadh m, - scheme masticate enamh vt, enuas vti, cagainn vti
sgeama-comharrachaidh m masturbate v brod vt, fein-bhrod vi
marquee n puball & puball m masturbation n brodadh m, fein-bhrodadh m
marred adj & past part millte match' n (for lighting; also football &c -) maids(e) m, (for lighting: trod)
marriage 11 posadh m lasadair m
married adj & past part posta (to aig or ri), a - couple caraid phosta, - to match' n (worthy or superior 0ppollent) seis(e) m, she met her - that day!
Andrew posta aig/ri Anndra, newly - nuadh-phosta, ill expr get - fhuair i a seis an la m sin!
pos vi match v freagair vi, co-fhreagair vi, (with prep do), the coat -es the hat tha
marry v pos vti an cOta a' co-fhreagairt don aid (dat of ad fJ
Mars n Mart m matching adj co-fhreagarrach
marsh 11 feith(e) f, boglach f mate 11 1 (pal) companach m, (less i'ifonlw/) caraid m; 2 (on ship) meite m
mart' n (Se: beef animal) mart m mate v co-ghin vi, cuplaich vi
mart' 11 (market) margadh mf, feW f material adj 1 (ie 1I0t abstr or spiritual) corporra, stuthai!, ruthei!, rudail; 2 (ie
marvel 11 iongnadh m, miorbhail f significant, weighty, meaningful) cudthromach & cudromach, seaghach;
marvellous adj iongantach, mlorbhaileach 3 (ie real, substantial) fiar, - gain/advantage fior bhuannachd f
masculine adj 1 fireann, firean(n)ta; 2 (grom) fireann, - word/noun facall material n 1 ifabric, cloth &c) stuth m; 2 (more generally: -for creating or constmet-
ainmear fireann, the - gender a' ghne fhireann ing something) stuth m, adhbhar Ill, building -5 stuthan-togalaich mpl,

228 229

collecting - for a book a' cruinneachadh stuth airson leabhair m gen, maybe adv & conj, is dOcha, (is) ma(th) dh'fhaodte (also's mathaid), it'll be
shoe-making -(s) stuth/adhbhar bhrogJPI gen a fine day, - bidh lii breagha ann, 's dOcha/ma dh'fhaodte, - it won't
materialism n saoghaltachd f invar snow's dOcha/ma dh'fhaodte naeh euir i, - he's ill 's dOcha gu bheil
materialist n duine saoghalta e !inn, also faodaidh gu bheil e !inn, - he'll come tomorrow's docha
materialistic adj saoghalta gun lig e a-miiireach
materially adv 1 (ie financially) a thaobh airgid m gen, a thaobh beartais m mayor n mear m
gen, I'm no worse off - chan eil mi dad f invar nas miosa dheth a thaobh MC n (at ceilidh &c) lear m an taighe
airgid; 2 (ie significantly, considerably) gu mor, gu ire f mhoir (dat), the me pers pron mi, (emph) mise, mi-fhin, don't you know -? It's - (emph)!
situation has changed - tha an suidheachadh air atharrachadh gu nach aithnich thu mi? 's mise!,s mi-fhin a th' ann!
mor/gu ire mhoir meadow, meadowland n c1ua(i)n f daB f faiche f, leana f (esp beside
maternal adj 1 (pertaining to a mother, motherly) miithaireil; 2 (in family watercourse, loch) innis f
relationships) - uncle briithair-miithar m, - aunt piuthar-miithar f, meal' n (ground cereals &c) min f
- grandfather athair-miithar f meal' n biadh m, (trod) diathad f Ion m, the midday - biadh meadhan-lii
maternity n miithaireachd f invar m gen, also (trod: with art) an ruisean m
mathematics, maths n matamataig(s) m invar meaJtime n triith m bidh/bidhe (gen ofbiadh m)
mating n eo-ghineadh m, cuplachadh m mean adj 1 (petty, insignificant) erion, suarach; 2 (stingy) spioeaeh, mosach
matter n 1 (chem &c: material substance) stuth m; 2 (affair &c) euis f gnothach mean n meadhan m
m, how did the - go/turn out? ciamar a chaidh vi a' chitis/an gnothach?, mean v 1 eiaUaich vt, (more fam) minig vt, what do you -? de a tha thu a'
the nub/crux of the - magf na citise; 3 (subject -) cuspair m, (Lit &c) ciallachadh?, (more fam) de a tha thu a' minigeadh?, what does this
_ and form euspair is eruth m; 4 (something wrong) what's the -? de a word -? de a tha am faeal seo a' ciallachadh?; 2 (idiom: be serious) bi v
tha eeiirr?, what's the - with you? de a tha a' cur ort?, (to sick person) irreg ann an da-riribh, they didn't - it cha robh iad ann an da-riribh;
de a tha thu a' gearan?; 5 in expr reading - stuth m leughaidh (gen of 3 (intend) bi vi irreg airson, I didn't - to do it eha robh mi airson a
leughadh m, used adjectivally); 6 (pus) braehadh m, iongar m dheanarnh, also cha robh mi a' ciallachadh a dheanarnh, cha do rinn
matter v bi vi irreg gu diofar !freq in neg exprs), that doesn't - chan eil sin mi a dh'aon rim mla dh'aon ghnothach m e
gu diofar, also is v irreg def coma sin, it doesn't - whether she comes meander v (river &c) lub vi
or not is coma an lig i no nach lig meandering adj (road, river, argllment &c) lubach
mattock 11 caibe m meaning n ciallf, (esp sense of words & exprs) brlghf invar, seagh m, words
mature adj 1 (person) inbheach, abaieh, - student oileanach m inbheach; without - laclan mpl gun chiall, the - of (the) words brigh nam laeal,
2 !fruits &c) abaich the word isn't used with that - cha chleachdar am lacal san t-seagh
mature v abaich vi, (esp people) thig vi gu inbhe f thig vi gu ire f invar sin
maturity n 1 (adulthood) inbhe f ire f invar, come to/reach - thig vi gu meaningful adj brighrnhor
inbhel gu ire; 2 (offruits &c) abaichead m meaningless adj gun chiaU
maul v 1 (with hands) liiirnhsich vt; 2 ifam: in fight &c) pronn vt, dochainn vt means n 1 doigh f meadhan m, - of transport doigh(ean)-siubhaill
maw n 1 (mouth, esp vorocious) eraos m; 2 (crow, gizwrd) sgroban m; giUlain m; 2 in expr by - of tro mheadhan m (with gen), by - of the
3 (stomach, esp greedy) maodal f mionach m hammer tro mheadhan an itird (gen of ord m); 3 (wealth &c) beartas m,
maximum adj as motha (sup of mar), - speed astar m as motha saidhbhreas m, in expr a man of - duine airgeadaeh
May n (used with art) An Ceitean m, (less trod) a' Mhiiigh, a - morning meantime n eadar-ama m, in the - anns an eadar-ama
madainn Cheitein (gen IIsed adjectivally) meanwhile adv re na h-Uine seo/sin
may v 1 (ie be permitted, allowed to) faod vi def - we go? yes/no am faod measles n used witl! art, a' ghriu(th)lach f (idiom) she has (the) - lba i sa
sinn falbh? faodaidhl chan fhaod; 2 (expr possibility) faod vi def it - be ghriulach
that there is life on the moon dh'fhaodadh e a bhith gu bheil beatha measure n 1 (abstr, also device, tool) tomhas m, tape - ribean-tomhais m;
f air a' ghealaieh f, he - be ill faodaidh gu bheil e !inn, in expr be that 2 (a certain or limited amollnt) na h-uirnhir f invar, na h-uiread m invar,
as it - biodh sin mar a bhitheas e; 3 (trod: expr wishes &c) gum(a) conj, we had a - of security bha na h-uirnhir Ina h-uiread de thearainteachd
- you be in good health! fallain gum bi thu!, long - you live! guma f invar againn; 3 (expedient, sollltion &c) eeum m, take/implement -s
fada beD thu! (also saoghal fada dhut!) gabh ceumannan (to gus), safety -s ceumannan-siibhailteachd mpl

230 231

measure v (dimensions, speed, weigllt &c) tomhais vt memorial adj cuimhneachaidh (gen of cuirnhneachadh m, I/sed adjectivally)
measurement n tomhas m, take -s gabh tomhasan memorial n 1 cuirnhneachan m; 2 (in the form ofa stone or IIlOnl/ment) dach f
measuring adj tomhais (gen of tomhas m), - tape teip f tomhais chuirnhne f invar, clach f chuirnhneachain gen, clach chuirnhneachaidh
meat n feOil f (gen of cuimhneachadh m, llsed adjectivally)
mechanic n meacanaig m, (more trad) innleadair m memorise v meOmhraich & meamhraich vt, cUm vt air mheOmhair f, cUm
mechanical adj innealach vt air chuirnhne f invar
mechanism n 1 innealm; 2 (means, not nec meelmnical) meadhan m, a - for memory n 1 (thefacility and siteof-) meomhair & meamhair f, cuirnhne finvar,
collecting taxes meadhan airsonl gus cisean Jpl a thoirt a-steach commit to - meomhraich & meamhraich vt, cUm vt air mheomhair,
meddle v gabh gnothach m (in/with ri), buin vi (in/with do, ri), don't - (idiom) if my - se.rves me rightly/doesn't deceive me mas math mo
with it na gabh gnothach ris, na buin dha/ris chuimhne, (ID random access - (RAM) cuimhne thuairmeach, read
media npl, I/sed witll art, the - na meadhanan mpl only - (ROM) cuimhne bhuan; 2 (what is remembered) cuimhne f invar
medical adj leigheil, (less trad) meidigeach (of air), I've no - of him chan eil cuimhne agam air
medicine n 1 (abstr: tile science) eolas-leighis m; 2 (con: medication) leigheas menace v maoidh vi, bagaif vi, (with prep air), he was menacing me bha e
m, iacshlaint f, cungaidh f, cungaidh-leighis f, cough - leigheas- a' maoidheadh orm
chasad m menace n maoidheadh 111
medieval adj meadhan-aoiseil mend v 1 cairich vt, cair vt; 2 (remedy, improve) leasaich vt
meditate v meOmhraich & meamhraich vi (on/about air) menstruation n fuil-m(h)iosa f
meditation n meOmhrachadh & meamhrachadh m (on/about air) mental adj innlinn (gen ofinnlinnf, I/sed adjectivally), innlinneach, innlinneil,
Mediterranean adj Meadhan-thireach - ability/capacity comas m innlinn, - illness linneas-innlinn m,
Mediterranean n, the - Am Muir mf Meadhan-thireach euslaint 111 inntinn
medium adj meadhanach mention n iornradh m, guth m, tarraingf, (of air),
medium n meadhan m, through the - of tro mheadhan m (witll gen), mention v 1 thoir iornradh m, thoir guth m, (with prep air), he didn't -
education through the - of Gaelic foghlam m tro mheadhan na it cha lug e iornradh/guth air; 2 in erpr not to - gun guth (with prep
Gaidhlig air), pears are dear, not to - apples tha peuran Jpl daor, gun ghuth air
meek adj umha(i)l, macanta ubhlan mpl
meekness Umhlachd f invar menu n 1 clar m bidh (gen ofbiadh m); 2 (ID clar m iuil (gen of iUlm)
meet v 1 (congregate) cruinnich vi, coinnich vi, thig vi comhla, lionail vi, merchant 11 ceannaiche "" marsanta ",
they - in the village hall bidh iad a' cruinneachadh ann an talla m a' merciful adj iochdmhor, tfbcaireach
bhaile; 2 (encol/nter, by chance or by arrangement) coinnich vi, tachair vi, mercury n airgead beo
(with prep ri), I met X in the town choinnich mi/thachair mi ri X sa mercy n iochd f invar, trbcair f, truas m, God's mercies trbcairean Dhe (gen
bhaile, did you ever - him? an do choinnich thu a-riamh ris?; 3 in expr of Dia m), have - gabh truas (on de)
go to - them (ie towards them) rach vi nan coinneimh f merge v co-m(h)easgaich vti, co-aonaich vti
meeting n 1 (business -, - ofsocieties &c) coinneamhf, annual - coinneamh merit n 1 (worth, value) luach m invar, fiu m invar, without - gun luach, gun
bhliadhnail; 2 (an encol/nter, by elmnce or arrangement) coinneachadh m £hiu; 2 (honour, repl/tation) cliu m invar
melancholy adj 1 (person, mood &c) gruamach, dubhach, fo ghruaim f dat; merit v toill vt
2 (atmosphere, music &c) liamhaidh meritorious adj airidh
melancholy n gruaim f, mwad m mermaid n maighdeann-mhara f
melodious adj CeOlmhor, fonnmhor, binn merriment 1J cridhealas 111, mire f invnr
melody n port f, fonn m merry adj 1 aighearach; 2 (tipsy) air leth-mhisgf
melon n meal-bhucan m mess n 1 (litter, I/I/tidiness) truileis f invar; 2 (messy state) bUrach m, in a -
melt v leagh vti ann am bUrach, also troirnh-a-cheile, thar a cheile, bun-os-cionn
member n ball m message n fios m, teachdaireachd f invar, give him this - thoir am fios seo
membership n ballrachd f invar dha, going on a - a' dol air theachdaireachd
memorandum n cuimhneachan m, meorachan & meamhrachan m messenger tJ teachdaire ",

232 233
metal E GLlSH-GAELlC DlcnO ARY might might ENGLISH-GAELIC Dlcno ARY mme
metal adj meatailt, de mheatailt f, - doors darsan mpl meataill, dorsan de might v 1 (expressing possibili~y) faod vi def, it - be that there is life on
mheatailt Mars dh'fhaodadh e a bhith gu bheil beatha m air Mart m, he - be ill
metal n meatailt f faodaidh gu bheil e tinn, also's dOcha gu bheil e tinn, dh'fhaodte gu
metallic adj meatailteach bheil e tinn; 2 (expressing pennission) - I leave now? no! am faod mi
metamorphosis n cruth-atharrachadh m lalbh a-ms? chan fhaod!
meteor, meteorite n dreagf mjghty adj 1 (pol, mili~arily &c) cumhachdach; 2 (phys) neartmhar
meteorology n eOlas-slde m migrant n fear-irnrich m, neach-irnrich m, -s luchd-irnrich m sing coli
meter n meidheadair m migration n irnrich f
method n 1 (abs~r: organisa~ion, orderliness &c) ordugh m, riaghailt f, rian m; mild adj 1 (of person, wea~her &c) ciWn, seimh, a - morrung/breeze
2 (way of doing some~hing) doigh f, seal m, alt m madainn/oiteag chiWn; 2 (of illness &c) beag, a - fever fiabhras beag
methodical adj ordail, riaghailteach, rianail mile n mile mf
methodicalness n ordugh m, riaghailt f, rian m militant adj mileanta
methodology n doigh-obrach f miHtant n mileantach m
meticulous adj (person, work &c) mianajdeach, mian-chwseach, pongail, a military adj armailteach
- enquiry/study sgrudadh mionajdeach milk n bainne m, in expr - cows crodh-eadraidh m
metre n 1 (nni~ of lengtll) meatail m; 2 (poe~ic rhy~hm) meadrachd f invar, millcing n bleoghann f invar
rannajgheachd f invar mill n muileann mf, muilinnf
metric adj meatrach mill v (corn &c) meil v~, bleith v~
metrical adj meadrachail miller fJ muillear m
mew v dean mialajch/ miamhail f invar million n millean & muillean m
meMng, miaoMng, n miaJaich f invar, miamhail f invar millstone n clach-mhuilinn f
microwave n meanbh-thonn f mimic v atharrais vt
midday n meadhan-la m, the - meal biadh m meadhan-la gen, (~rad) an mimicry n atharrais f invar
ruisean m MIDch n, used UJi~h ar~, the - A' Mhaail , the Little - An Cuan Sglth
midden siteagf, otrach m, dilnan m mind n 1 inntinn f, she's got a good - tha inntinn mhath innte, frame/state
middle n meadhan m, a belt around my - crias m mum mheadhan, the of - gleus mf inntinn gen, also fonn m, gean m, doigh m, peace of - tail-
very/exact - an ceart-mheadhan, an teis-meadhan, right in the - of inntinnf; 2 (preoccllpa~ion &c) ruram m, airefinvar, she is on my - tha i
the town ann an ceart-mheadhan/ann an teis-meadhan a' bhaile ail ma chilram/ail m' a;re, also tha i fa-near dhamh, tha i nam inntinn
middle-age n meadhan-aais f f; 3 (decision, in~l!IItion) in expr make up one's - cull v~ (UJi~h prep ro),
middle-aged adj leth-shean they made up their -s to bujld a house chull iad ramhpa taigh m a
mjddling adj & adv meadhanach, I'm only - well today chan eil mi ach thogail, no~e also ~he idiom she had a - to tidy the house bha e fa-near
meadhanach an-diugh, you only did - well cha do rinn thu ach dhi an taigh a sgioblachadh; 4 (memory) cuimhne f, keep in - cUm v~
meadhanach math air chuimhne, it slipped my - chaidh e as mo chuimhne, call to - cull
midge n meanbh-chuileagf v~ na (&c) c(h)uimhne, it called to - my mother's house chull e nam
midget n luchraban m chuimhne tajgh m ma mhathar; 5 (sanity &c) ciall f, rian m, reusan m,
midrught n meadhan-aidhche m he lost his - chaill e a chiall, she's out of her - tha i as a ciall/as arian,
midsummer n leth m invar an t-samhraidh it was nearly driving me out of my - bha e gus ma chur as ma nan,
midwile n bean-ghlWn f also bha e gus ma chur dhiom thin
midMnter n leth m invar a' gheamhrajdh mmd v 1 (care, be concerned) in exprs I don't -! tha mi coma!, I don't _ in the
mien n meinn f, dreach m, snuadh m least! tha mi cama-co-dhiu!, never -! cama leat!, dad ort!; 2 (mise exprs)
might n 1 (mainly abs~r: pol, mili~ary &c) cumhachd mf invar, the - of the she was -ed to tidy the house bha e fa-near dhi/bha i am beachd an
Roman Empire cumhachd lompaireachd f na Roimhe; 2 (absrr, also tajgh a sglablachadh, pears are dear, never - apples tha peuran Jpl
often phys) neact m, Samson's - neart Shamsoin, (saying) - before right daor, gun ghuth m ail ubhJan mpl
theid neact thar cearl m mme pass pron lleam(sa), it's - 's ann learnsa a tha e; 2 in exprs he's a good

234 235
friend of - tha e na dheagh charaid m dhomh, a cousin of - co-ogha misleading adj meallta
m dhomh misprint n clb-mhearachd f
mine 11 ifor coal &c, also explosive device) meinn(e) f Miss n A' Mhaighdeann(-uasal) f, - Campbell A' Mhaighdeann(-uasal)
miner n memnear 111 Chaimbeul, (vac, for corres &c) Dear - Campbell A Mhaighdeann(-
mineral adj meinneach & meinneil uasal) Chaimbeul, (abbrev) A Mh(-uas) Chaimbeul
mineral n meinnear 111, me.innearach m miss v 1 ifail to catch &c) caill VI, I -ed the train chaill mi an Ireana f, Didn't
mineralogy 11 meinn-eiJlas m, meinnearachd f illvar you see the film? You didn't - much! Nach fhaca sibh am film? Cha
mingle v measgaich vt, co-mheasgaich, co-measgaich & coimeasgaich vti, do chaill thu mbran!; 2 (pille for &c) ionndrainn vt, bi vi irreg fadachd f
(with ri) -ed together air am measgachadh ri cheile, also am measg a invar orm (&c) (with prep ri), she's -ing you tha i gad ionndrainn, tha
cheile fadachd oirre riut
minimum adj as lugha missile 11 urchair f
mining 11 meinnearachd f invar missing adj a dhith, (less usu) a dh'easbhaidh, the cover of the book was
minister n (religion, politics) ministear m, the First Minister Am Priomh - bha cbmhdach m an leabhair a dhith
Mhinistear, in expr prime - priomhaire m mission n teachdaireachd f invar, rim m, going on a - a' dol air
ministry n (religioll, politics) minislrealachd f theachdaireachd
minor' adj 1 (ie less important, lesser-lIsed &c than olhers) mion- prefix, beag, missionary n teachdaire m, (less lrod) misionairidh m
_ language mion-chanan m, canan beag, - road rathad beag; 2 (slight, mist n ceO m, (less 11511) ceathach m
1101 grave) beag, a - problem duilgheadas beag mistake n mearachd f, iornrall m, make a - dean mearachd, rach vi air
minor' adj (of person: IIIlder-age) mion-aoiseach iornrall
minor 11 (ie IIl1der-age person) mion-aoiseach m mistaken adj mearachdach, iornrallach, - opinion beachd mearachdach
minority 111 mion-chuidf, beag-ehuid f; 2 ill expr - language mion-chanan Mister n Maighstir m (abbrev Mgr), - Fraser Maighstir Friseal, (vac,for corres
m, canan beag &c) Dear - Fraser A Mhaighstir Fhriseil, (abbrev) A Mhgr
minute adj 1 (very small) crion; 2 (detailed, metiwlolls) mion- prefix, mistress n 1 (wolllall in allthority, or in position of superiority over others)
mionaideach, - questioning mion-cheasnachadh m, ceasnachadh bana-mhaighistear f; 2 in expr school- ban(a)-mhaighstir-sgoile f;
mionaideach 3 (sexual partner) coileapach f
minute n mionaid f, twenty -s fichead mionaid, wait a -! fuirich mistrust n mi-earbsa t1l
mionaid! misty adj fo cheb m, cebthach, the hills are - tha na beanntan (pI of beinn f)
miracle 11 miorbhall f, capable of -s comasach air miorbhailean fo cheb
miraculous adj miorbhaileach mitigate v maothaich vt
mire 11 eabar m, poll m, sinking into the - a' dol fodha san eabar mitten n miotagf
mirth n mire f hrvar mix v measgaich VI, co-mheasgaich, co-measgaich & coimeasgaich vt, -ed
mis- prefix mi-, eg misfortune 11 mi-shealbh m, misinterpret v mi-mhinich vt together air am measgachadh ri cheile, also am measg a cheile
miscellaneous adj measgaichte, de gach sebrsa m mixed adj & past pari measgaichte
miscellany 11 measgachadh m mixer 11 ifor food, cemelll &c) measgaichear m
mischance n 1 (abslr) ml-shealbh m; 2 (con) tubaist f mixing, mixture 11 measgachadh m, co-m(h)easgachadh m
mischief" donas m moan v 1 (through grief &c) caoin vi; 2 (complain, grllmble) gearain vi (about
misconduct 11 mi-ghiUlan m air), you needn't bother -ing all the time! cha leig thu a leas a bhith
miserable adj truagh, brbnach a' gearan fad na h-uine!
misery n truaighe f mob 11 graisgf, prabar m
misfortune 11 (abstr) mi-shealbh m, (abstr & call) dosgainn f, driod-fhortan m mock v mag vi, dean fanaid, (with prep air)
mishap 11 tubaist f, driod-fhortan m mockery 11 fanaid f, magadh m, (of air)
misinterpret v mi-mhinich vi mocking adj magail
misjudge v (sitllatioll &c: assess wrongly) mi-thuig vi mod 11 mOd m, local - mOd ionadall, the National Mod Am MOd
mislead v meall vt aiseanta

236 237

mode 11 (of doing something) doigh f, (more abstr) modh f, -s of transport moody adj 1 (of changeable disposition) caochlaideach; 2 (more temporary)
doighean-siubhail mpl, - of governing modh-riaghlaidh Ill, dubhach, diombach & diumbach, aren't you the - one today! nach
model n mac-samhail m tusa (a) tha dubhach/ diombach/greannach an-diugh!
moderate adj 1 (not olltstanding) meadhanach; 2 (esp of persons, behaviollr, mooing n geumnaich f
temperament: not excessive or given to excess) measarra, stuama moon n gealach f, the harvest - gealach (bhuidhe) an abachaidh, full -
modem adj ill, ill-nodha, these - times na h-amannan mpl ura sea lan-ghealach, gealach lan, the rays of the - gathan mpl na gealaich
modernisation 11 illachadh m moonshine 11 (whisky) poitean III
modernise v iuaich moor, moorland n mainteach f, monadh m, sliabh m, aonach m
modest adj 1 (shy, seif-effacing &c) diuid, malda; 2 (of lUOlllan, decorolls ill moral adj beusach, moralta
dress, behaviollr &c) banail; 3 (not excessive) measarra; 4 (not olltstanding) morale 11 misneach f, misneachd f invar
meadhanach; 5 (in more positive contexts) beag, my mother left me a morality n moraltachd f invar
- legacy thiornnaich mo mhathair dileab bheag dhomh, a - bet on a morals n beusanlPI, good - deagh-bheusan
horse geall beag air each m more adv, prol1 & n 1 tuilleadh m invar, barrachd f invar, do you want <any/
modicum n na h-uirnhir f invar, we had a - of security bha na h-uirnhir de some) -? a bheil thu ag iarraidh tuiIIeadh/barrachd?, - information
thearainteachd f invar againn tuiIIeadh/barrachd fiosrachaidh m gen, don't do that any - na dean
modish adj fasanta sin tuiIIeadh, why aren't - records being made? carson nach ell an
Mohammedan n & adj Mohamadanach m tuilleadh chlaran mpl gen gan deanamh?; 2 in expr - than barrachd air,
moist adj tais corr m invar is, - than twenty miles barrachd air/corr is fichead mile
moisten v taisich vt mf sing, - than I was expecting to see barrachd air na bha mi an dUiI
moistness, moisture n taise f invar, taiseachd f invar fhaicinn, (idiom) I've got - than enough tha tuilleadh 's a' choir agam;
molar n (tooth) fiacail chuil (gen of cUI m, IIsed adjectivally) 3 (corres to else) a bharrachd, I don't want anything - chan eil mi ag
mole n 1 (the animal) famh f; 2 (on skin) ball-dorain m iarraidh cail m invar a bharrachd; 4 (corres to additional) a bharrachd,
moment n 1 momaid f, tiota m, (dimin) tiotan m, tiotagf; 2 ill expr the - conj two - workers dithis neach-obrach m a bharrachd; 5 in expr - or less
(ie as soon as), cho luath agus/is, we began the - he came in thoisich an ire mhath, the winter's - or less over tha an geamhradh an ire
sinn cho luath agus a thainig e a-steach mhath seachad
monastery n manachainn f morning n 1 madainnf, in/in the course of/during the - anns a' mhadainn,
Monday n Diluain m il1var this - madainn an-diugh, yesterday - madainn an de, tomorrow -
money n airgead m, pocket- airgead-pbcaid, ready - airgead ulIamh, that's madainn a-maireach, three in the - tri uairean fpi sa mhadainn, the -
a lot of -! 's e airgead mar a !ha sin!, a waste of - call m airgid gen star reul f na maidne; 2 ill expr from - till night 0 mhoch gu dubh
monitor n (11) foillsear m morose adj gruamach, mugach
monitor vt cUm sUil (with prep air) morrow n, in expr on the - lairne-mhaireach & larna-mhaireach adv
monk n manach m morsel n (ie to eat) greim m bidh (gen ofbiadh m)
monkey n muncaidh m mortal adj 1 (110t immortal) basmhor, your - body and your immortal
monolith 11 tarsa m soul do chorp basmhor is d' anam m neo-bhasmhor; 2 (deadly, fatal)
monster n uilebheistm, the Loch Ness - Uilebheist Loch Nis m gen marbhtach, basmhor, a - blow buille mharbhtach; 3 in expr in -
month n mios mf danger an cunnart m bais (gen ofbas m)
monthly adj miosach, miosail mortgage 11 morgaidse m
monument n dach f chuimhne f gen mortification 11 1 (hllmiliatiol1) isleachadh m, UmhIachadh Ill; 2 (shaming)
moo v geum vi narachadh m
mood n 1 gean m, gleus m, fonn m, what - is he in today? de an gean/ mortify v 1 (hllmiliate) islich vt, UmhIaich vt; 2 (shame) naraich vt
am fonn a th' air an-diugh?, in a good - air deagh ghleus, in a bad mosque n mosg m
- diombach & diumbach, dubhach, greannach; 2 (gram) modh f, moss 11 (bot) coinneach f
the imperative - a' mhodh aithneach, the indicative - a' mhodh most 11 1 a' mhor-ehuid f, a' chuid-mhor, a' chuid as mo/as motha, - of
thaisbeanach his life a' mhor-<:huid de a bheatha f, - people a' mhor-ehuid, - of the

238 239
bread a' chuid as motha den aran m; 2 in expr at - aig a' char m as mb, move 11 1 (jlitting) imrich f; 2 ill expr get a - on dean cabhagf!, tog ort!
at- we will only lose twenty pounds aig a' char as mb cha chaill sinn move v 1 (phys) gluais vti, caraich vti, cuir car m (with prep de), the army
ach fichead nola f sing -d towards the town ghluais an t-arm chun a' bhaile, don't- the table
most Slip adj 1 expr by as (ill the past & conditional tenses a bu, in the flltllre na gluais/na caraich am bbrd, don't - from the table na caraich bhon
a bhitheas & a bhios) followed by the Slip fonn of the adj, she is the - bhbrd, don't - it! na cuir car dheth!; 2 in expr unable to - gun Iuth/
beautiful woman is ise am boireannach as bbidhche, he will be the luths m; 3 (- emotionally) gluais vti, dritidh vi (with prep air), I was -d
- famous man is esan am fear as ainmeile a bhitheas (ann); 2 (very, chaidh mo ghluasad m, the film -d me dhriJidh am film orm; 4lj1it, _
exceptionally) anabarrach, gIe, his talk was - interesting bha an braid hOllse) irnrich vi, dean imrich f
aige anabanach inntinneach movement n 1 gluasad m, we heard a - chuala sinn gluasad; 2 (tile facility
mostlyadv mar as trice, we - eat porridge mar as trice bidh sinn ag ithe or power of -) luth m, luths m
lite f invar moving adj 1 (in motioll) gIuasadach, siubhlach; 2 (emotionally _)
moth n Iebman m gluasadach,drUidhteach
mother n mathair f moving 11 ljIitting) irnrich f
motherhood n miithaireachd f invar mow v (grass &c) lom vt, geaIT vt
mother-in law n miithair-cheile f much adj, adv, n, 1 (qllantity) mbran m, - food mbran bidh (gen ofbiadh Ill),
motherly adj mathaireil, maithreil I haven't (very) - money chan eil mbran airgid m gen agam, we didn't
motion n (movement, also parliamentary &c -) gluasad m get (very) - cha d'!huair sinn mbran, thank you/thanks very - mbran
motionless adj gun ghluasad m laingf, what's doing/happening? not - (Jam) de (a) tha (a') dol? chan
motive n adhbhar m, -less gun adhbhar eil mbran; 2 in expr too - cus m, too - talking cus bruidhne (gen of
motor n motair m bruidhinn f), I drank too -! dh'bl mi cus!, note also idiom far too _
motor-bike n motair-baidhg m, (more trad) motair-rothar m tuilleadh '5 a' chbir; 3 (in variolls kinds ofcomparative exprs) mbran, fada,
motorcar n car m, (trad) c.rbad m fiu is/agus, uimhir f invar, uiread m illvar, - better mbran/fada nas
mould' n dbimhfliath, dbimhleachfliath fhem, - older mbran/fada nas sine, there wasn't as - as a piece of
mould' n (Jar fanning, shaping) molldair m bread left cha robh fiu is pios m arain m gen air !hagail, they didn't so
mound n 1 (topog: rOllnded hill) tom m, tolman m, tbrr m; 2 (heap &c) lbrr m, - as look at us cha do rinn iad fiu agus sUi! f a thoirt birnn, give me as
a - of sand tbrr gainmhich f gen - again thoir dhomh uimhir eile (dheth), don't give me as - as James
mount n (horse for ridillg) each m (diollaid f gen) (has)! na toir dhomh uirnhir ri Seurnas!, half as - a Ieth uiread, without
mount v Ileum vi air mum f invar (with gell), he -ed the horse Ieurn e air so - as fifty pence gun uiread agus Iethcheud sgillin f sing, I had so _
mum an eich; 2 (of animals matillg) rach vi air muin f illvar (with gen), money bha (na h-)uimhir de dh'airgead m agam; 4 (in direct & indirect
the bull-ed the cow chaidh an tarbh air mum na ba; 3 (- 011 exhibitioll qllestions) in expr how - de, how - is there (of it)? de a th' ann dheth?
&c) cuir vt air chois (dot of cas f) also de an uimhir a th' ann?, I don't know how - there is chan eil fhjos
mountain n beinn f, (also, ill some - names) sliabh m m agam de a th' ann dheth; 5 (misc idioms) I don't think - of her hat is
mountain ash n caorann f beag orm an ad aice, (cost) how - is it? de na tha e?
mountainous adj beanntach, sliabhach, monadail muck out v (byre &c) cairl vt
mourn V 1 (as vi) hi vi irreg ri bran m, caoidh vi, caoin vi, dean tuireadh m, mucus n Tonn m
they are -ing tha iad ri brbn; 2 (as vt) caoidh vt, he is -ing his parents mud n poll m, eabar m
tha ea' caoidh a pharantan mpl gen mug n (for drinking) muga f
mourning If bron m, they are in - tha iad ri brcm mugging n brath-ghoid f
mouse n luch f, !uchagf muggy adj (of weather) bruthainneach
mouth n beul m, (Jamlvlllg) cab f, gob m, (pej whell IIsed of IlIlIIrans) craos m, Mull 11 Muile, (The) Isle of - Eilean m Muile, (poetic, ill songs) an t-Eilean
shut your -! duin do bheul!, (Jam/vlllg) dUin do chab! Muileach
mouth music 11 port-a-beul m multi- prefix ioma-, eg multilingual adj ioma-chananach, multimedia adj
mouthfullllan m beOil m gen, I took a - of haggis ghabh mi Ian mo bhebil loma-mheadhan, multinational adj ioma-thireach, multilateral adj
de thaigeis f ioma-thaobhach

240 241
multiplication n (matlls) iomadachadh m san sgathan m, I was drying - bha mi gam thiormachadh fhln, by _
multiply v 1 (as vi: become more nllmerolls) cinn vi, meudaich vi; 2 (as vt: matlls) learn fhln, I made the calce - rinn mi-fhln a' cheic, as for - air mo shon
iomadaich vt (by le), two multiplied by four a dhil air iomadachadh le fhln.
a ceithir, also a dhil uiread a ceithir mysterious adj dlomhair
Mummy n mamaidh f mystery n dlomhaireachd f invar
munitions n connadh-lilmhaich m sing call myth n uirsgeulm, fionnsgeulm, faoinsgeul Ill, miotas m
murder n mort & murt m
murder v mort & murt vt
murderer n marbhaiche nI, mortair & murtair m
murmur, murmuring n (of voices, water) cronan m, monmhar m, (esp of
water) torman m
muscle n feith f
muscular adj feitheach
muse v me<'>mhraich & meamhraich vi, (more fam) cnuas & cnuasaich vi,
(on, about air)
museum n taigh-lasgaidh m
music n ceOl m
musical adj 1 ce<'>lmhor, fonnmhor; 2 in expr - instrument inneal-ciUil m,
ionns(t)ramaid f
musician n neach-ciUilm, -s luchd-ciUilm sing call
Muslim n & adj Muslamach m, Mohamadanach m
mussel n feusgan m
must v feum vi, (more trad) isl's fheudar dhomh (&c), we - goneave
feumaidh sinn falbh, 's fheudar dhuinn falbh, I - admit that ...
feurnaidh mi aideachadh gu ... , - you go? am feum sibh falbh?, (lIsed
impersonally) there - be a strike feurnaidh gu bheil stailcf ann
mutate v muth vi
mutation n muthadh m
multon n muilt-fheoil f, fe<'>i1-eaorach f
mutual adj 1 can be conveyed by a prep pltrase including (a &c) cheile, eg their
- respectnoathing (&c) am meas/a' ghrilin (&c) a th' aca air a cheile,
our - friend an caraid againn, an caraid a th' againn le cheile; 2 can also
be conveyed by a nOlln witlt tlte prefix co-, eg - agreement co-chordadh
m, co-aontachd f, co-reiteachadh m, - consent co-aontachadh m,
- acquaintance co-eDlas m, - assistance co-chuideachadh m
my pass adj mo, also very commonly expr by art pillS nOlln followed by agam,
- mother mo mhathair f, - home mo dhachaigh f invar, - bac1c is sore
!ha mo dhruim m goirt, - car/watch an car I an t-uaireadair agam, -
insurance policy am poileasaidh-urrais agam, as a general mle, tlte
more intimate ti,e connection, tlte more likely is mo to be used, note Itowever
examples SIlCIt as ti,e following, - wife a' bhean agam, - husband an
duine agam & IJrom some speakers) mo dhuine m, - house an taigh
agam & mo thaigh
myself reflexive pron mi-fhln, I saw - in the mirror chunnaic mi mi-fhln

242 243
clraracter) nadar m, aigne f, meinn f; 3 (esp Irereditary -) dualchas m, it's
N in his - to be proud tha e na dhualchas dha a bhith ardanach, also tha
e dualtach dha a bhith ardanach
nail'lI (offillger, toe) ine f naughty adj crost(a), dona, mi-mhodhail, he's - today tha e cmsta an-
nail'lI (joillery) tarrangf, tarragf diugh, a - boy gille dona
naked adj lomnochd, rUisgte, lom navel 11 imleagf
nakedness 11 luime f illvar navy 11 1 (esp tire force & illstitutioll) neibhi(dh) m[; 2 (tire vessels) cabhlach
name 11 1 amm m, what's your -7 de an t-amm a th' ort/oirbh7, my - is nz, loingeas m
Angus's e Aonghas an t-ainm a th' orm, second/family - sloinneadh Nazi adj & 11 asach m
m, cinneadh m; 2 (reputatioll &c) diu m illvar, he made a - for himself neap-tide 11 con(n)traigh f
choisinn e diu near adj 1 faisg, Chrishnas time is - now tha am m na ollaig(e) faisg
name v ainmich vt, thoir ainm m (witlr prep air) (oirnn) a-nis
namely adv is/'se sin (ill past tellseb' esin), one man arrived late, - MacDonald near prep faisg (witlr prep air), cIIuth (witlr prep do or air), an coir (witlr gell),
thainig aon fhear m air dheireadh, b' e sin an DOmhnallach m - the town faisg air a' bhaile m, dluth don bhaile, they didn't come -
nap 11 norragf, norrag chadailm gen, dusalm, norradaich f, take a - gabh me cha tiiinig iad nam choir
norrag, dean dusal near v dluthaich vi (witlr prep ri), teann vi (witlr prep ri or air), we were -ing
napkin 11 neapaigin f the sea bha sinn a' dluthachadh ris a' mhuir mf, it was -ing midnight
nappy 11 badan m bha e a' teannadh air meadhan-oidhche m
narration 11 (abstr & COil) aithris f, (COli) cimntas m nearly adv 1 faisg air, teann air, - a month ago faisg/teann air rnios mf
narrow adj 1 (plrys) caol, (less usu) cumhang, a - bed leabaidh chaol; 2 (jig: air ais; 2 cha mhor adv, theab v def, we see her - every day bidh sinn
ill attitudes, Opilliolls &c) cumhang ga faicinn a h-uile la m cha mhor, we - missed the bus theab sinn
narrow, narrows " caol ni, cao)as 111 am bus a chall, I - fell theab rni tuiteam, they - ruined me theab iad
narrow v 1 (as vi) fas vi caol, the road -ed dh'fhas an rathad m caol; 2 (as mo sgriosadh; 3 1I0te also cOllj gu(s) plus verbal expr, & double lIeg expr
vt; - dOWII, restrict, reduce) cuingealaich vt (to ri) cha mhor nach (COllj), I'm - ready tha mi gu bhith deiseil, he was -
narrow-minded adj cumhang dropping the parcel bha e gus am parsail a leigeil as, I - lost my purse
nasty adj 1 (esp ill appearallce) mosach; 2 (of persoll: ill beltaviour) suarach (to cha mhor nach do chaill rni an sporan agam
ri), I was - to her bha mi suarach rithe nearness 11 faisge f illvar
nation" naisean m neat adj (esp of persoll) grinn, cuimir, (of perSOIl, object) sgiobalta, (esp of
national adj naiseanta, the - lottery an crannchur naiseanta, - insurance objects) snasail, snasmhor, a - wee boat eathar beag snasmhor
arachas 111 naiseanta neatness 11 grinneas m, sgiobaltachd f illvar
nationalism 1'1 naiseantachas fit necessary adj deatamach, riatanach, (less usu & weaker) feurnail
nationalist 11 & adj niiiseantach m neck 11 1 arnha(i)ch f, muinealm, the back of the - cwm na h-amhaich
nationality 11 naiseantachd f illvar neckband, necklace 1'1 crios-muineil m
nationhood tJ naiseantachas m nectar n neactair 111
native adj 1 duthchasach; 2 ill expr - speaker (of a lallg) fileantach m need 11 1 feurn m, (more trad) easbhaidh [; 2 ill expr in - feurnach,
native 11 duthchasach m easbhaidheach, (of air), in - of improvement feurnach air (a)
natural adj 1 (ill keepillg witlr, or a product of, ature) nadarra(ch), - selection leasachadh m; 3 (illdigellce) airc f, uireasbhaidh f
taghadh m nadarra, - gas gas m nadarra; 2 (ill keepillg witlr a persoll's need v feurn vti def, bi vi irreg feum m agarn (&c) (witlr prep air), bi vi irreg
lIature) dual(t)ach (for,to do), it's - for him to be proud tha e dualtach a dhith/a dh'easbhaidh (witlt prep air), bi vi irreg feurnach (witlr prep
dha a bhith ardanach air), it -s a bit of tidying up yet feumaidh e beagan m sgioblachaidh
naturally adv 1 (ill a lIaturalmallller) gu nadarra(ch); 2 (ofcourse) tha f(h)ios m, m gell fhathast, I - money feurnaidh mi airgead m, tha feurn agarn air
that will be free of charge, - bidh sin saor 's an asgaidh f, tha f(h)ios airgead, tha airgead a dhith orm, what do they -7 de a tha a dhith
nature 11 1 (tire lIatural world) nadar m, - conservancy gleidhteachas m orra/a dh'easbhaidh orra7, I - some peace tha mi feurnach air fois [;
nadair gelt, - reserve tearmann m nadair gen; 2 (a person's temperament, 2 (oftellwitlr implicatioll 'don't bother') cha leig/ruig thu (&c) (a) leas m

244 245
invar, you don't - to come with us cha leig thu (a) leas tighinn comhJa nervous, nervy adj c1isgeach, nearbhach, frionasach
rinn; 3 (with 'at least' implied) chan fhuilear adv, with prep do, he -s a nest n nead m
fortnight off chan fhuilear dha cola-deug m invar dheth net adj lom, - weight eudthrom m lom
needed adj (lacking) a dhJth, some pepper is - tha piobar m a dhJth net PI IJon m, fishing - IJon-iasgaich
needle n 1 smithad f; 2 in exprs eye of a - cro-snathaid m, knitting - bior- nether adj iochd(a)rach
fighe m netting PI IJon m
needlework n 1 (the activity) greis f; 2 (the product) obair-ghreis f nettle n feanntagf, deanntagf
needy adj feumach, easbhaidheach, uireasbhach, in expr a - person network " llonra m
uireasbhach m neuk PI citi.l f
negative adj aicheil neuter adj (la PIg) neodrach
neglect PI dearmad m neuter v spoth vt, gearr vt
neglect v 1 (fail to perfoml aPl action &c) dearmaid vi, cuir vt air dhearmad neutral odj neo-philirteach
m, I -ed to inform you dhearmaid mi fios m a chur thugaibh, - to neutrality PI neo-phairteachd f illvar
do somethJng cuir rudeigin air dhearmad; 2 (- something/someone) never adv 1 (for past time: with a v ill the neg) a-riarnh, have you been to
dearmaid vt, leig vt air dhearmad m Egypt? -! an robh thu san I;ipheit? cha robh a-riamh!; 2 (for future time,
neglectful adj dearrnadach with a v iPl the Pleg) a-<:haoidh, gu brath, gu slorraidh (tuilleadh), they
negligence n dearmad m, dearrnadachd f invar will - return cha till iad a-<:haoidh/gu brath/gu siorraidh tuilleadh;
negligent odj dearmadach 3 (mise exprs & idioms) pears are dear, - mind apples tha peuran Jpl
neigh PI sitir f daor, gun ghuth air ubhlan mpl, - mind! coma leat!, dad ort!, the
neigh v sitrich vi twelfth of - la-luain m
neighing n sitir f nevertheless adv a dh'aindeoin chills f gePl, a dh'aindeoin sin, an deidh sin,
neighbour PI nabaidh m, coimhearsnach m he came last, but was pleased with himself - thilinig e air deireadh,
neighbhourhood n coimhearsnachd f invar, nabaidheachd f invar ach bha e air a dhoigh a dh'aindeoin chills/a dh'aindeoin sin
neighbourly adj nabaidheil new adj ur, nuadh, - friends caraidean mpl ma, New Year a' Bhliadhna Or,
neither adv 1 nas motha, I won't go home! - will I! cha teid mi dhachaigh! what's -? (fam) de as m?, brand/split - m-nodha, the New Testament
cha teid mise nas motha!, also (more idiomatic) cha teid no mise!; 2 in An Ttomnnadh m Nuadh
constr - ... nor IJollowed IJy Plouns or proper 1I0uns) aon chuid f ... no, newlyadv m, nuadh, - arrived from Glasgow air m-thighinn a Glaschu,
he'll marry - Morag nor Mary cha phos e aon chuid Morag no MiIiri, - published m on chlo m, air m-fhoillseachadh, - wed nuadh-
IJollowed IJy adjs) eadar, he is - small nor big tha e eadar beag agus phosta
mor; 3 (idiom) it's - one thing nor another tha e eadar-dha-Iionn news n naidheachd f, fios m, guth m, (TV, Radin &c) the - na naidheachdan,
neither conj cha mhotha (a), - did anyone else see me cha mhotha (a) is there any - of Mary? a bheil fios/guth air MiIiri?, I haven't heard
chunnaic duine m eile mi any - of himlit cha chuala mi guth mu dheidhJnn, (idiom) there
neither proPl IJor m PlOUIIS) fear m seach fear, IJor f nouns) te f seach te, I've was (absolutely) no - of Murdo sgeul m no fathann m cha robh air
two sons but - (of them) is married tha da mhac agam ach chan ell Murchadh
fear seach fear dhJubh posta newsman PI fear-naidheachd m, neach-naidheachd m (plluchd-naidheachd
neologism n nuadh-fhacal m m sing coli), naidheachdair m
neophyte PI (relig) iompachan m newspaper pilipear-naidheachd m
nephew n (brother's son) mac m brathar m gePl, (sister's son) mac peathar next adj 1 ath (precedes the nOI/PI, which is lePlited where possible: usu used with
(gen of piuthar f), my - mac mo bhrathar or mac mo pheathar the art), - week an ath sheachdain f, the - man/one an ath fhear m,
Neptune n Neiptiim m living - door a' fuireach an ath-dhoras; 2 iPl expr - to (phys) ri taobh f
nerve 11 1 (anat) leith f, nearbh f; 2 (brass neck, cheek) bathais f, aghaidh (with gen), lilmh ri (with dat)
f, (idioms) what a -! abair bathais/aghaidh, what a - he's got! nach next adv an deidh sin, and - they went to the cinema agus an deidh sin
ann air(san)/aige(san) a tha a' bhathais/an aghaidh!; 3 ill expr get on chaidh iad don taigh-dhealbh m
someone's -s leamhaich cuideigin nibble v creirn vt, pioc vt

246 247
nice ENGLISH-GAELIC D,CfIONARY nobody no-claims discount E GLlSH-GAELlC DlcnONARY north
nice adj (peeple, objects, situatio"s) snog (slightly fam), (esp peeple) laghach, no-claims discount 11 lughdachadh m neo-thagraidh m ge"
a - man duine m snog/laghach, that was -! bha siud snog!, a - place nod" gnogadh m cinn (gell of ceann m)
aite m snog nod v 1 gnog an ceann; 2 ill expr - off rach vi na (&c) c(h)I<K:hadal m,
nick" 1 (illdentatio" &c) eagf; 2IJam ill £"g: form, cOllditio,,) gleus mf, in norradaich vi, she -ded off chaidh/thuit i na c1o-chadal
good - air (deagh) ghleus mf dat noise" fuaim mf, (esp louder -) toirm /. faram m
nickname 11 far-ainm Uti frith-ainm Ut noisy adj fuaimneach, faramach
niece 11 (brother's daugllter) nigheanfbrathar m ge", (sister's daugllter) nighean nomad " in.iltear Ut
peathar (gm of piuthar f), her - nighean a brathar or nighean a peathar nominate v ainmich vt
niggardly adj spiocach, mosach nomination Il ainmeachadh m
niggling adj (situatio"s &c) frionasach, they're constantly asking me - non- prefix neo- eg non-renewable adj neo-Ieantainneach, non-resident"
questions bidh iad a' cur cheistean Jpl frionasach orm fad na h-Uine neo-ainche m, non-political neo-phoi!eataigeach
night" 1 oidhche f, Tuesday - oidhche-Mhairt, good -! oidhche mhath non-commital adj learn leal, neo-cheangallach
(Ieat/leibh)!, a -'5 lodging/accommodation cuid f oidhche ge", by - none pro" 1 (of objects) gin pro" (after "eg v), he was wanting nails but I
and by day a dh'oidhche 's a la m; 2 ill expr from morning till - 0 had - bha e ag iarraidh thairngean (ge" pi of tarraingf) ach cha robh
mhoch gu dubh gin agam; 2 (of people) aon duine m, aon fhear m, aon te/' after "eg verb,
nightgown 11 gim-oidhche 111 I invited a lot of people but - came thug mi cuireadh m do mhoran
nightmare 11 trom-Iaighe m/. like a person in the grip of/having a - mar dhaoine ach cha tainig aon duine; 3 ill expr that's - of your business!
neach a bhiodh fo throm-Iaighe chan e sin do ghnothach-sa! m
nil " (ill scores &c) neoni f illvar nonetheless adv a dh'amdeoin chillsfge", a dh'aindeoin sin, an deidh sin,
nimble adj 1 (ill perjormi"g tasks &c) dis, deas, ealarnh; 2 (athletic, agile) he came last, but was pleased with himself - thainig e air deireadh,
lu!hrnhor ach bha e air a dhoigh a dh'aindeoin chills/a dh'aindeoin sin
nimbleness 11 1 (i" performillg tasks &c) diseachdf illvar; 2 (phys agility) !uth nook" cui! f
& luths m noon" meadhan-Ia m
nine lIum 1 naoi or naodh; 2 (of people) naoinear mf, - sons naoinear mhac no-one 11 duine m (after lIeg v), I saw - (at all) chan fhaca mi duine (sam bith),
(mpl gm) chan fhaca mi duine idir I duine no dume, there was - on the road cha
nineteen nuUt naoi-deug or naodh-deug robh duine (beo) air an rathad m, - saw it chan fhaca duine e
no adj 1 expr by Ilegforms of the verb followed by the appropriate "OUll, we have noose" lub f
- money chan eil airgead m againn, this machine's - good/use chan nor adv 1 nas motha, I won't go home! - will I! cha teid mi dhachaigh! cha
eil feum m anns an inneal m seo, there are - fairies chan eil sithichean teid mise nas motha!, also (more idiomatic) cha teid no mise!; 2 ill co"slr
Jpl ann, we eat - meat cha bhi sinn ag ithe feOla (ge" of feOil f), we neither ... -lJollowed by "0'1115 or proper 1I0,ms) aon chilld f . .. no, he'll
found - gold cha do lorg sinn or m (sam bith/idir); 2 (expr prohibitio,,) marry neither Morag - Mary cha phos e aon chuid Morag no Mairi,
chan fhaodar (presellt passive of faod v,) followed by tl,e appropriate verbal 1J01l0wed by adjs) eadar, he is neither small - big tha e eadar beag agus
1I0UII, - smoking chan fhaodar smocadh m mor; 2 (idiom) it's neither one thing - another (ie six and half a dozen)
no adv, tl,e Ilegatillg word is expressed ill Gaelic by pul/i"g the v of tire questio" tha e eadar-dha-Iionn
i"to tire "eg, is he there? - a bheil e ann? chan eil, did you do it? - nor co"j cha mhotha (a), - did anyone else see me cha mhotha (a) chunnaic
an do rinn thu e? cha do rirm is it a cat you've got? - an e eat Ut a
l duine m eiIe m.i
th' agad? chan e, are you Alan? - an sibhse Ailean? cha mm normal adj cumanta, abhaisteach
nobbly adj cnapach normality 11 eu.mantas m
nobility" 1 (abstr quality) uaisle f i"vnr; 2 (co,,) the - na h-uaislean mpl normally adv an cumantas m, am bitheantas m
noble adj uasal, flathai! orse adj LochIannach
noble, nobleman" duine-uasal m, flath m, mor-uasal m orseman IJ Lochlannach Ut
nobody, no-one 11 duine m (after "eg v), I saw - (at all) chan fhaca mi duine north adj tuath, Perth is - of Kinross tha Peairt tuath air Ceann Rois,
(sam bith), chan fhaca mi dume no duine, there was - on the road cha North Vist Uibhist a Tuath, the - country an taobh tuath
robh duine (beo) air an rathad m, - saw it chan fhaca duine e north 11 1 tuath f illvar, living in/going to the - a' fuireach/a' dol mu

248 249
thuath, the islands in the - na h-eileanan mpl mu thuath, a breeze notice v thoir an aire, thoir fa-near, (with prep do), mothaidl vt, she didn't -
from the - oiteagf on tuath, the - (of an area) an taobh tuath, the - of the car cha tug i an aire/cha tug i fa-near don char m, I -d it in passing
the country taobh tuath na duthcha (gen of duthaich ft, ceann a tuath mhothaich mi e san dol m invar seachad
na duthcha; 2 (the compass point) an aird(e) f tuath notorious adj (esp persons) iornraiteach
northerly adj mu thuath, the - islands na h-eileanan mpl mu thuath nought n (scores, marks &c) neoni f invar, (also in fig expr) come to - rach
northern adj 1 tuath, the - part of the country taobh tuath na duthcha (gen vi gu neoni
of duthaich ft, ceann a tuath na duthcha; 2 (astronomy) the Northern noun" ainmear ni, plural - ainmear iolra
Lights Na Fir mpl Chlis nourishment n Ion m, beathachadb m
Norway n 1 Nirribhidb f, (more trad) Lochlann f; 2 ill expr - spruce giuthas novel adj 1 (lIew) ur, nlladh; 2 (esp unusual, odd) annasach
m LochJannach novel n nobhail f
Norwegian n & adj LochJannach m novelistu nobhailiche nif
nose n sron f, my - is bleeding tha mo shron a' leum, - bleed leum- novelty n 1 (abstr) illachd f invar; 2 (novel object, idea &c) annas m
sroine m now adv 1 a-nis(e), (more immediate: just -, right -, at tire moment) an-drasta,
nostalgia n cianalas m, fadachd f invar, fadal m, (for ri) (less usu) an ceart(u)air, he's getting old - tha e a' fas sean a-nis, we'll
nostalgic adj cianalach do it (right) - nl sinn an-drasta (fhein)/an-ceartair e; 2 (excl: expr
nostrilll cuinnean m disapproval) - -! lid lid!
not adv, 1 expressed by pre-verbal particles cha, chan, cha do, nach, nach do, nub n, in expr the - of the matter cnagf na cUise
mur(a), na &c, I will - go cha teid mi, I'm - tired chan eil mi sgith, nudear adj niudasach, - waste sgudal m nilldasach
I'm - doing it chan eil mi ga dbeanamb, I did - do that cha do rinn nude adj lomnochd
mi sin, he did - know her cha b' aithne dba i, I was - born there cha nude n lom-neach m
do rugadb mi an sin, isn't it empty? nach eil e falamb?, won't you go nudity n luirne f invar
(there)? nach teid sibh ann?, didn't you do it? nach do rinn thu e?, nuisance plaigh f, dragh m
she said (that) she was - tired thuirt i nach robh i sgith, if they do numb adj lapach, meilichte
_ go (there) mur(a) teid iad ann, do - sing! na seinn!; 2 (rendered by numb v (esp with cold) meilich vt
gun followed by an infinitive in exprs such as) he asked me - to be rude number n aireamh f, figear m, - four ilireamh a ceithir, phone - aireamh-
db'iarr e orm gun a bhith mi-mhodhail fon f, a great - of people ilireamb mhor dbaoine mpl gen, cardinall
notch n eagf ordinal - figear ardail/ordail
note n 1 nota f, take -s gabh notaichean, send me a - cuir nota thugam; numeral n (arith &c) figear m
2 (music) pong m numerous adj lionnlhor
note v 1 (acknowledge) thoir fainear (with prep do); 2 (take mmtal note) nun n cailleach dbubh
mei'>mhraich & meamhraich vt nurse n nurs f, (more trad) banaltram f, bean-eiridinn f
nothing n 1 (zero) neoni f invar, (also in fig expr) come to - rach vi gu neani; nurse v eiridnich vt, altraim vt
2 (in neg exprs) dUI m invar (sam bith), rud m sam bith, I've got - at all nursery n 1 (in house) sei'>mar-cloinne m; 2 (ed: - school) sgoil f ilraich (gen
chan eil dUl/rud sam bith agam, what did you buy? - de a cheannaich of arach m used adjectivally); 3 in expr - education foghlam m fo-sgoile;
thu? cha do cheannaich cail, we've - to do chan eil cail againn ri 4 (gardening) lios-ilraich m
dbeanamh, - would make me do it chan eil cail a bhei.readb orm a nursing n eiridinn m invar, banaltramachd f invar
dbeanamh; 3 (idioms) have - to do with him/it! na gabh gnothach m nut n (bot & engin) cno f, hazel- cnQ-challtainn f, a - and bolt cno is crann m
ris!, he said - cha duirl e guth m/bid m/smidf(jam) nutrients npl beathachadb m
notice n 1 (attention) aire f invar, feart f, for m invar, sUim f, without taking nuts, nutty adj (jam: mad) as a (&c) c(h)iall f
(any) - of it gun aire a thoir! dba, gun for/feart a thoirt air, I'm not nutty adj (taste) cnothach
taking any - of what they said chan eil sUim sam bith agam de na nylon n naidhlean m, (as ad)) naidhlein gen, a - shirtleine f nilidhlein
thuirl iad; 2 (information displayed) sanas m, she put up a - on the
board chuir i sanas an aird/chuir i suas sanas air a' bhord m; 3 (advance
notification) brath f, receive - faigh brath (of air)

250 251
obscure v 1 (darken) doilleirich vt, newaich vt; 2 (collceal) ceil vt, falaich vt
o obsequious adj urnha(i)l
obsequiousness Umhlachd f invar
oak 11 darach 111 observance n (of rules, principles &c) gleidheadh m
oar 11 ramh 111 observant ad} mothachail, furachail
oath 11 (testimolly &c, also swear, curse) mionn mf, mionnan m, boid f, takel observe v 1 (lIotice) mothaich vt; 2 !follow rules &c) gleidh vt; 3 (celebmte)
swear an - thoir mionnan/bOid cUm vt, we didn't - New Year cha do chum sinn a' Bhliadhna Or
oatmeal 11 min-ehoirce f obsession 11 beO-ghlacadh m
oats 11 coirce m sing call obsolete adj a cleachdadh m
obedience n Umhlachd f illvar obstacle n (lit & fig) bacadh m, cnap-starea m
obedient adj umha(i)1 obstinacy 11 raige f invar
obeisance n (before royalty &c) Umhlachd f illvar obstinate adj rag, dilr, (stronger) rag-mhuinealach
obey v bi vi irreg umhail (with prep do) obstruct v bac vt
object 11 1 cud m, mm; 2 (blltt, recipient) cuis f, culaidh f, (less lISIl) fath m obstruction n bacadh nE, rnap-starra nE
illvar, (tmd) cuspair m, they were an - of ridicule bha iad nan cilis- obtain v faigh vt irreg, - employment faigh obair flco nadh m, - fraudu-
mhagaidhflnan culaidh-mhagaidhf, an - of envy culaidh-fharrnaidf, lently faigh vt le foW f
the - of his love (tmd) cuspair a ghraidh m gen; 3 (reasoll, pllrpose) adhbhar obvious odj follaiseach, soWeir, am folia is, it's - he's not guilty tha e
m, the - of his journey adhbhar an turais aige; 4 (gram) cuspair m !ollalseach/soWeir nach eil e ciontach, become - thig vi am follaisf
object v cuir vi an aghaidh (with gm), - to the proposals cuir an aghaidh obVIOusly adv 1 tha f(h)ios, that will be free of charge, - bidh sin saor 's
nam molaidhean mpl an asgaidh, tha fios; 2 also relldered by tha e follaiseachl soWeir, he's _
objective adj cothromach, neo-phairteach not guilty tha e follaiseach/soilleir nach eil e ciontach
objective If rUn m, amas 111 obviousness 11 follais f illoor
objectivity 11 cothromachd f illoor, neo-phairteachd f illvar occasion n 1 uair f, turas m, I was there on one - bha mi ann uair bha
obligation 11 coma in f (to aig), under an - to X fo chomain aig X mi ann aon turas, ill expr some - or other uair no uaireigin; 2 (~allse,
oblige v 1 (exert moml complllsioll) cuir vi mar fhiachaibh (obs dot pi of reason) adhbhar m, we had - to complain bha adhbhar-gearain m
fiach m) (with prep air), they -d me to accept the post chuir iad mar agamn, bha adhbhar againn a bhith a' gearan; 3 (event, fllnction &c)
fhiachaibh orm an dreuchd f a ghabhail; 2 (do 0 favollr) dean fabhar tachartas nE, a civic .... tachartas catharra
m, dean baidh f, dean seirbheis f, (witll prep do), they -d me rinn iad occasional adj 1 corra (precedes the 1I01ln, wllicll it lellites wllere possible), also
fiibhar Ibiiidhl seirbheis dhomh expr by adv phrase bho am gu am, I have the - pint with him gabhaidh
obliged adj & past part 1 (morally compelled) they made me feel - to nu corea phinnt m comhla ris, also gabhaidh rnl pinnt comhla ris bho
accept the post chujr iad mar fhiachaibh (obs dot pi of fiach m) orm am gu am
an dreuchd f a ghabhail, I was - to repay the loan chaidh a chur mar occasionally adv bho am gu am, an-drasta 's a-rithist, uaireannan, air
fhiachaibh orm an t-iasad a dhJoladh; 2 (gmtef"l, in moml debt) an uairean (tmd air uairibh)
comain (with gell), fo fhiachaibh (obs dot pi offiach m) (to do), I'm (very occupant n (of bllilding &c) neach-eomhnaidh m (pI luchd-comhnaidh m
much) - to you tha mi (fada) nad chomain, I'm - to them, tha rnl fo sillg call)
fhiachaibh dhaibh occupation 11 obair f, (IISll 1101I-mO/wal) dreuchd f
obliging adj easgaidh, debnach occur v 1 (take place) tachair vi, it -red two years ago thachair e 0 cJtionn
oblique adj claon, fiar da bhliadhna/da bhliadhna f sillg air ais; 2 (come to mind &c) thig
obliqueness 11 claonadh m VI ~-steach (wltll prep air), it -red to me that they weren't listening

oblivion 1I diochuimhne f illvar, pass into - rach vi air diochuimhne thiiinig e a-steach orm nach robh iad ag eisteachd
obscene adj 1 drabasta, draosta; 2 (in expr) - talk rabhd & rabhart m Occurrence 11 tarnartas 111, tuiteamas m
obscenity 11 drabastachd f invar, draostachd f illvar ocean 11 cuan m, fairge f, the Atlantic Ocean An Cuan Siar
obscure adj 1 (poorly lit &c) doilleir; 2 (abstruse) deacair; 3 (little kllowlI) neo- o'clock adv uair f, uairean fpl, at two - aig da uair, it's three - tha e tri
ainmeil, neo-aithnichte uairean, twelve - da uair dheug

252 253
OClave n (music) gamagf offensive adj 1 (action &c) oilbheumach, lamailleach; 2 (smell &c)
Odober n (used with art) An Diunhair f sgreamhail,sgreataidh
odd adj 1 (nol even) corr, - number aireamh chorr; 2 (occasional, rare) corra offer n lairgse f, make an - thoir lairgse (for air, 10 do)
(precedes Ihe noun, which it lenites where possible), lhe - person came in offer v llairg vt, labhainn vt, he -ed his help lhairg e a chuideachadh m,
from lime 10 time thigeadh corra dhuine m a-sleach bho am m gu am; he -ed to do it lhairg e a dheanamh; 2 (reJig: - up as a sacrifice) lobair vt
3 (strange, unllsual) neOnach, annasach offering nllabhartas m; 2 (reJig: sacrificial -) lobamf
odds npl in expr fair - colhrom m na Feinne off-hand adj 1 (we/come, reception &c) fionnar; 2 (attitude &c: uninterested)
odds and ends criomagan Jpl, rreal(l)aich f coma-<:o-dhili, (nol givillgfull attentioll) fad' as
odour n boladh m office n oiftgf, oifis f, lhe posl - oifis a' phuisl, lhe Scottish Office Oifis
oesophagus n slugan m na h-Alba
of prep de & dhe, (takes the dal, lenites following consonanl where possible), officer n 1 (in forces &c) oiftgear m, oifigeach m; 2 in expr church - maor-
- me dhlom(sa), - you (sing) dhlOI(sa), - him/it (m) dhelh(san), - her! eaglais m
il (f) dhllh(se), - us dhinn(e), - you (pI) dhlbh(se), - lhem dhlubh(san), official adj oifigeil, lellhem know -Iy cuir fios m thuca gu h-oifigeil
mosl - il a' chuid f as mo dhelh, al this lime - lhe year aig an am sec official n oifigeach Ill, he's a council -tha e na oifigeach aig a' chomhairlef
den bhliadhna f, lhe twentielh - lhe monlh am ficheadamh la m den offspring n clann f sing coli, (more remote generations) gineal mfsing call, 5101
mhlos mf, full - milk lan de bhainne m, one - lhose who were lhere m sing coli, sliochd m sing call
fear m de na bha ann, a fool - a man amadan m de dhuine m, a brooch often adv (gu) Iric, iomadach uair f, iomadh uair, (more trod) gu minig,
_ silver braisle f de dh'airgead m, Note: de/dhe can occur as a, usu in set lhat - happens bidh sin a' tachairt gu tric, she doesn't come as - as
exprs, eg - one mind (ie unanimous) a dh1aon rim m she used to cha lig i cho tric agus a chIeachd (i)/agus a b' abhaisl,
of course adv tha f(h)ios m, lhal wilI be free of charge, - bidh sin saor '5 we - used 10 go lhere is tric a rachadh sinn ann, I did it - rinn mi
an asgaidh, tha fios, are you pleased? - I am! a bheilthu loilichle? tha iomadach/iomadh uair e
fios gu bheil!, also '5 mi a tha! oil n 1 ola f, Uillidh m, vegetable - ola-luis, mineral - ola-lhalmhainn; 2
off adv 1 dheth, lhe electricity's - tha an dealan dheth, turn lhe radio - in exprs - lamp crUisgean m, - rig crann-ola m, - lanker lancair m ola
cuir dheth an reidio m, lhe cream's going - tha an I-uachdar a' dol fgen
dheth; 2 (in phrases & idioms expr movemenl, deparlure) be -! log orl!, oily adj liilleach
- you go home! thalla(ibh) (imperJor falbh) dhachaigh! adv, - you go ointmenl n ungadh m
10 lhe shop for me! thalla don bhlith mf dhomh!, righl! I'm - ceart! OK, okay adj, adv & excl cearl gu leOr, Ihal's - tha sin ceart gu leOr, I gOI
tha mi a' falbh, she took herself -!- she went 10 America thug i on - chaidh dhomh ceart gu leOr, do il tomorrow! -! dean a-maireach
Ameireagaidh f oirre; 3 (misc exprs) far -, a long way - fad' air falbh, e! ceart gu leOr!
I dropped/dozed - chaidh mi nam chIo-ehadal m, make - larr vi as, old adj 1 (of considerable age, also former) sean (seann before d, 5, I, 1, n or r)
also tair vi as, puI something - (till anolher day) cuir rudeigin air ath lenites following cons exc for d, 5 & t, - people seann daoine mpl, in lhe
la m, go - (ie detoriate) rach vi bhuaithe, she went - chaidh i bhuaithe, - days sna seann laithean mpl; 2 (as prefix) sean(n)-, eg --fashioned
(clothing &c) lake - cuir vt dheth (&c), take your coal - cuir dhlol do sean-fhasanta; note also Ihe fonn seana-, eg - maid seana-mhaighdeann
chOla m f, - bachelor seana-ghille m
off prep bharr (jar de bharr m, /it from the lOp or surface (of», also far, (willl omen 1'J manadh m
gm), he took a book -lhe lable thug e leabhar bharr a' bhUird, a stone omission 11 dearmad m, sins of - peacaidhean mpl dearmaid gen
fell - lhe wallthuil clach f far a' gharraidh omil v 1 (jail to include) fag as; 2 (through negJigellce, fail to perfoml an
offence n 1 oilbheum Ill, give - to someone dean oilbheum do chuideigin; actioll &c) dearmaid vi, cuir vt air dhearmad m, I -ted to inform you
2 (illegal action) coire f, eucoir f, commil an - dean coire, also ciontaich dhearmaid mi fios m a chUT thugaibh, - to do something cuir rudeigin
vi air dhearmad
offend v 1 (give offence to) dean oilbheum m (with prep do), she -ed me omni- prefix uile-, eg -potent uile-churnhachdach
rinn i oilbheum dhomh; 2 (law: commit all illegal ac/ion) dean coire f, on prep 1 air, - me orm(sa), - you (sing) ort(sa), - him/it m air(san), -
cionlaich vi her!it f oirre(se), - us oirnn(e), - you (PI) oirbh(se), - lhem orra(san),
offender n (law) cionlach m, coireach m prep prollS, - lhe table air a' bhord m, a tune - lhe fiddle port m air an

254 255
fhidhill (dat of fidheall f), a book - history leabhar m air eachdraidh on the shelf are broken but the other -s are OK tha an fheadhainn a
I, - a journey air turas nI, - my mind air rn' aire (in,var, air rn' aigne Ih' air an sgeilp fbrisle ach tha an fheadhainn eile ceart gu lear; 4 (ill
f illVar, air mo chillam m, he was - good form (le /11 fllle fettle) bha sllccession) - after another/the other an ceann m a cheile m gen, aon an
e air a dheagh dhoigh f, - the spot (ie immediately) anns a' bhad m, deidh aoin mf gen, three accidenls - after the other Iri tubaislean.fP1
an larach f nam bonn mpl, the television broke down - me bhris an an ceann a cheile/an deidh a cheile; 5 (in tllm) - after the other/- by-
telebhisean m sios orm; 2 (mise exprs) - purpose a dh'aon ghnothach, fear m/lefmu seach, fear seach fear, te seach le, - after the other/- by
_ my own nam aonar, leam fhin, - drugs a' gabhail dhrogaichean .fPI, - they wenI through the door fear mu seach/fear seach fear, chaidh
air na drogaichean, dependent - drugs an urra ri drogaichean, na (&c) iad Iron doras m; 6 (idioms) it's all - (ie indifferent) chan eil e gu diofar,
t(h)raillmf do dhrogaichean . , that's all - 10 me is coma learn sin
on adv 1 (expr progression, continllity) air adhart, from thatllme - bhon am one pron duine Ill, neach m, it would amaze - chuireadh e iongnadh m air
m sin air adhart, how are you getting -? ciamar a tha thu a' faighinn duine, a love - couldn't express gaol m nach cuireadh neach an ceill
air adhart, her pupils are coming - well tha na sgoilearan mpl aice (dat of ciall f)
a' tighinn air adhart gu math, and so - '5 mar sin ~ir adhart; 2 (1II1SC onerous adj Irom
exprs) they get - well (together) tha iad gu math mor alg a cheile, the one-way adj aon-sligheach
light was _ bha an solas air, put your coat - cuir umad do chota m, onion fl uinnean III
we walked - choisich sinn romhainn, she's always - at me! tha I an on-line adj air-Ioidhne
sas annam an-<:omhnaidh!, he's got nothing - (ie III1c1otlled) tha e dearg onlooker n neach-<:oimhid m (plluchd-<:oimhid m sing coil)
rUisgte, I've got nothing - at the moment (ie no commitments &c~ tha onslaught n ionnsaigh mf
mi saor an-drasta, chan eil cailm invar agam n dheanarnh an-drasta, onus n uallach m, the - is on you (emp/r) '5 ann oirbhse a tha an I-uallach
what's - tomorrow? de a tha a' dol a-maireach? open adj 1 fosgaille, an - window uinneag fhosgaille, the shop is - tha
once adv 1 (at some time in tile past) uair, uaireigin, we were there - bha sinn a' bhulh mf fosgaille, an - (ie pllblic) meeting coinneamh fhosgailte;
ann uair; 2 (on a single occasion) aon uair, aon turas Ill, 1 went there - 2 (of persons: frank, approacllable &c) fosgailte, fosgarra, faoilidh; 3 in
chaidh mi ann aoo uair/aon turas, - or twice uair no dha; 3 in exprs exprs bring into the - thoir vt am follais f, come into the - thig vi am
_ upon a time fada fada ro sea, uaireigin den t-saoghal, at - anns a' follais
bhad, air ball, gun dail f open v fosgail vti, - the door! fosgail an doras!, the door -ed dh'fhosgail
once conj (ie as soon as) aon uair is/'s/agus, - he got started everyt~ng an doras, the shop's -ing tha a' mf a' fosgladh
would be fine aon uair '5 gun toisicheadh e bhiodh a h-uile cail m opened adj & past part fosgaille,
invar air doigh f open-handed adj fialaidh, fial
one adj 1 (nllm) aon (lenites following COilS exc for d, t & s), (empll) aonan, opener n fosglair m
_ woman aon bhoireannach m, it's - (empll) pound he owes me, not opening n 1 (apertllre) fosgladh m, beam f; 2 (opportllnity) fosgladh m,
two '5 e aonan nota f a th' agam air, chan e na dha; 2 (often in contrast to colhrom m, an - in the market fosgladh sa mhargadh mf
eile other) an dara & an dama, - son is industrious but the other - is openness n (of information, cllaracter) fosgailleachd f invar, fosgarrachd f
lazy tha an dara mac easgaidh ach tha am fear eile leisg, put to - side juvor
cuir an dara taobh m; 3 (- ofa pair) leth-, on - leg air leth-<:hois (gen of operate v obraich vt, - a machine obraich innealm
casf), on - elbow air mo/a &c leth-uilinnfdat operation n 1 (abstr) gniomh m, put into - cuir vt an gniomh; 2 (con: project
one n 1 (representing a m sing nOlln) fear m, here are some books, take - &c) gnothach m, he'll be taking charge of the - bidh esan a' gabhail a'
or two of them seo agad leabhraichean mpl, gabh fear no dha dhiubh, ghnothaich os lairnh (dat oflamhf); 3 (medical -) opaireisean m, she's
which - do you prefer? co am fear as fhearr leat?, (idiom) I'm (&c) - of recovering from an - tha i a' faighinn seachad air opaireisean
them tha mise (&c) air fear dhiubh, many people are tired of it, and opponent 11 1 (sport, competitioll &c) farpaiseach m; 2 (politics) neach-
he's _ of them tha moran dhaoine mpl gen sgith dheth, agus tha esan dubhlain m (plluchd-dubhlain m sing call)
air fear dhiubh; 2 (representing a f sing n) te f invar, this - is smaller opportune adj 1 (timeolls) milhich, Iralhail, na (&c) l(h)rath m, a word
than that - tha an te sea nas lugha na an le sin; 3 -5 (pI, of people & (spoken) at an - moment facal m na thralh; 2 (appropriate, propitiolls)
objects) feadhainn f sing call, IIsed witll art, an fheadhainn, these -5 are fabharach, freagarrach
going home tha an fheadhainn seo a' dol dhachaigh, Ihe -s that are opportunity n cothrom m, fosgladh m, (less ItSIl) fath m invar, opportunities

256 257
for higher education cothroman air foghlam m ard-ire, he saw an - dh'ordaich iad dhomh na geataichean II1pl a dhilnadh; 2 (in caf€ &c)
in the clothing market chunnaic e fosgladh ann am margadh mf an ordaich vti
aodaich, an - for some fun fath airson sporsa f gen ordered adj ordail, riaghailteach, rianail
oppose v cuir vi an aghaidh (with gen) orderliness n ordugh m, riaghailteachdf invar, rian 111
opposed adj an aghaidh (with gen), I'm (completely/totally) - to that tha orderly adj ordail, riaghailteach, rianail
mi (calg-d(h)ireach) an aghaidh sin, they were (completely/totally) - ordinal adj ordail, an - number cunntair m ordail
to each other bha iad (calg-d(h)ireach) an aghaidh a cheile m gen ordinance n riaghailt f, reachd m invar
opposite adv & prep, mu choinneimh, fa chomhair, (with gen), the man - ordinary adj 1 abhaisteach, curnanta, gnathach; 2 (as n) in expr out of the
(me) an duine a bha (na sheasamh &c) mum choinneimh, I was - her . . as a chumantas m

bha mi mu coinneimh, he stopped - me stad e fa mo chomhair ore n meinn(e) f

opposite n ceart-aghaidh f organ l n (bodily -) ball(-bodhaig) m, reproductive -s buill-ghineamhainn
opposition 11 1 (abstr) cur m an aghaidh, dubhlan m; ~ (co~: e~p pal) II1pl
dubhlanaich mpl, the - na dubhlanaich, (as ad) - parties parta,dhean organ' n (mus) organ m
mpl dubhlanach; 3 (rivals in business, sport &c) the - na comhstrithich organisation n 1 (abstr) ordugh 111, riaghailt f, rian 111 i'lVar; 2 (the act
mpl, na co-fharpaisich mpl (againn &c) of orgallising) ordachadh m, cur m an ordugh m; 3 (con: body &c)
oppression 1'1 foimeart m . buidheann mf, a charitable - buidheann-charthannachd
oppressor n fear-foirneirt m (plluchd-foimeirt m slllg call) organise v 1 (put in order) cuir vt an ordugh m, ordaich vt, cuif rian 111 (with
optic, optical adj fradharcach prep air); 2 (set up &c) cuir vt air chois (dat of cas j), cuir vt air b(h)onn
option roghainn mf, we've no - chan eil roghainn (eile) againn 111, - an investigationla playgroup cuir sgrudadh m/croileagan f air
or cOllj 1 no, war - peace cogadh m no sith f; 2 in expr - else air neo, eat chois/air b(h)onn
your dinner, - else you'l1 be hungry gabh do dhinnear f, air neo bidh origin n tUs m, (prov) the fear of God is the - of wisdom's e tUs a' ghliocais
an t-acras ort eagalm Dhe gen, also is e eagal an ligheama IUs an eolais
oral adj 1 broil (gen ofbeulll1, used adjectivally), - evidence fianais-bhroil f; original adj 1 (innovative &c) ill; 2 (first, initial) tUsail
2 in expr - tradition beul-aithris f original1y adv o/bho thus m, an toiseach m (toiseachaidh m gen), sa chiad
orange adj orainds, dearg-bhuidhe, what colour is it? (it's) - de an dath a aite m, they were living here - bha iad a' fuireach an seo 0 thus/an
th' air? tha orainds toiseach
orange n 1 (jruit) orain(d)sear m; 2 (colour) orainds f, dearg-bhuidhe m originate v tarmaich vt
oration n oraid f ornament n ball-maise m
orbit n cuairt f, reul-chuairt f, the sun's - cuairt na greine ornithology n eun-eolas m
orchard n ubhalghort m oscillate v luaisg vi
ordain v ordaich vt oscil1ation n 1 (abstr) luasgadh m; 2 (more con: an -) luasgan m
ordained adj & past part 1 ordaichte; 2lfated) an dan m (for do), what was other adj 1 eile, the - half an leth m invar eile, on the - hand air an laimh
- for him na bha an dan dha (dat of lamh j) eile, give me the - one thoir dhomh am fear m/ an te
ordeal n deuchainn f, (stronger) cruaidh-dheuchainn f f eile; 2 (often in contrast to an dara & an dama, one) eile, eg one son
order n 1 (command, also - in eaI'. &c) ordugh m, he gave me an - thug is industrious but the - (one) is lazy tha an dara mac easgaidh ach
e dhomh ordugh; 2 (correct sequence) ordugh m, put in - cuir vt an tha am fear eile leisg; 3 (in pi) the -s (of persons) each proll, (of persons
ordugh, ordaich vt, alphabetical - ordugh aibidealach, out of - & things) an fheadhainn f sillg call eile, she did better than the -s
a-mach a ordugh; 3 (orderliness, tidiness, organisation, as thillgs should !inn i na b' fhearr na cach, I went, along with the -s chaidh mi
be) ordugh m, rian m, in - ann an ordugh; 4 (working -, condition) ann, comhla ri cach/comhla ris an fheadhainn eile; 4 in expr each -
doigh f, gleus mf, ordugh m, in good - air doigh, air (deagh) ghleus, a cheile m, they kissed each - phog iad a cheile, talking to each - a'
also gleusta & gleusda adj, put in good - cuir vt air doigh, cuir vt air bruidhinn ri cheile; 5 in expr or -, expr by the appropriate noun followed
(deagh) ghleus, out of - a-mach a ordugh, also briste adj; 5 in expr in - by air choreigin, eg something or - rud 111 air choreigin, somebody or
to conj gus, in - to clean the house gus an taigh a ghlanadh - duine m air choreigin; 6 (mise exprs) the - day an la m roirnhe, one
order v 1 (instnlct) ordaich vi (with prep do), they -ed me to shut the gates after the - (in time or space) an ceann a cheile, an deidh a cheile, three

258 259
accidents one after the - trl tubaisteanJpI an ceann a cheile/an deidh outside n taobh m a-muigh (with gen), on the - air an taobh a-muigh, the
a cheile - of the building taobh a-muigh an togalaich
otherwise adv air neo, eat your dinner, - you'll be hungry gabh do outside prep air (an) taobh m a-muigh (with gen), - the building air taobh
dhinnearfair neo bidh an t-acras ort a-muigh an togalaich
otter n dobhran m, (informal) biast-dhubh & beist-dhubh f outskirts 11 iomaU m sing, on the - of the town air iomall a' bhaile
ought v bu chOir f (impersollal, with prep do), I - to golleave bu choir dhomh outstanding adj 1 (of high qllality) air leth, air leth math, an - man
falbh m, you - not to smoke cha bu choir dhut smocadh m, it's not as duine m air leth, that was - bha sin air leth math; 2 (bills, debts) gun
good as it - to be chan eil echo math agus bu choir (dha a bhith) phaigheadh m
ounce f1 Unnsa 111 outwith prep 1 (beyond) thar (with gen), - my competence thar mo chomais
ourselves reflexive proll sinn thin, for examples of IIse cf myself m gen/mo chomasan mpl gen; 2 (olltside,fllrth of) air taobh m a-muigh
out adv & prep 1 (esp of motioll: lit & fig) a-mach (of a), he went - chaidh (with gen), - the community/the country air taobh a-muigh na
e a-mach, - of here!lget -! a-mach a seo (Ieat/leibh)!, the way - an coirnhearsnachd f invar /na duthcha (gen of duthaich f)
t-slighe (dol) a-mach, (by a door) an doras m (dol) a-mach, a page - of oval adj ughach
a newspaper duilleagf a-mach a paipear-naidheachd m, - of workla oval n ughach m
job a-mach a obair f also gun chosnadh m, - of order a-mach a ordugh ovary n ughlann f
m, my book's (come) - thilinig an leabhar m agam a-mach, - of danger over adv 1 (IISIl expr movement) thairis, they went - chaidh iad thairis, turn
a-mach a cunnart m, make - (ie assert) cum vi a-mach, she was making - cull vti thairis, also cull vt a (&c) c(h)eann m fodha, cuir vt bun-os-
- that Einstein was a fool bha i a' cumail a-mach gum b' e amadan cionn; 2 (misc exprs) - and - again (expr repetition) uair f is uair, (expr
m a bh' ann an Einstein; 2 expr by a, as, put the fire/the light - cuir as motion) rolling - and - a' dol car m mu char, all- (iefinished) seachad,
an teine/an solas m, let - leig vi (with prep a), I let - a shreik leig mi that's (all) - now tha sin seachad a-nis, all - (ie everywhere) anns a
sgreuch m asam, - of sight a sealladh m or as an t-sealladh, - of his h-uile h-aite m, anns gach aite m, it will be wet all - bidh i fliuch anns
mind as a chiall f as a rian m, - of the ordinary as a' chumantas m, a h-uile h-aite
they got the hell - of it thug iad na buinn (pI ofbonn m) asta, thug iad over prep 1 (expr position or movement) thar (with gen), - me tharam(sa), _
an casan (pI of cas f) leotha, way - (ie sollltion, means of escape) dol m you (sing) tharad(sa), - him/it (m) thairis(-san), - her/it If) thairte(se),
invar as, there was no way - for them cha robh dol as aca; 3 (olltside) - us tharainn(e), - you tharaibh(se), - them tharta(san), he had a
a-muigh, he's - in the garden tha e a-muigh anns a' gharradh m; 4 rifle - his shoulder bha raidhfil f aige thar a ghuailne f they went
(misc exprs) - (ie 1I0t at home) on taigh m, my wife's - tha a' bhean - the ocean chaidh iad thar a' chuain; 2 (expr movement) tarsainn air,
agam on taigh, - in America ann an Arneireagaidh thall, - of sorts (ie thairis air, (with dat), they went - the bridge/the mountains chaidh
crotchety &c) diombach & diumbach, (IISIl of child) crast(a) & crasda, - iad tarsainn/thairis air an drachaidf/air na beanntan (pi of beinn f),
of sorts (ie not in best of health) ach meadhanach (after a verb in the lIeg), the plane passed - the town chaidh am pleana thairis air a' bhaile m;
he's - of sorts today chan eil e ach meadhanach an-diugh 3 (above) os cionn (obs dat of ceann m) (with gen), clouds - the ocean
outburst n (of noise, emotion &c) lasgan m neoil (pi of neuJ m) os cionn a' chuain, - me os mo chionn; 4 (time: in
outcome 11 toradh f buil f the collrse of) re (with gen) - the years re nam bliadhnachan Jpl; 5 in expr
outgoing adj 1 (person) faoilidh, cuideachdail, failteach; 2 in expr - mail all - (in every part of) air feadh (with gen), all - the country air feadh na
post m a-mach duthcha (gen of duthaich f), there were empty glasses all - the place
outlaw n neach-cWrn m (plluchd-cWrn m sing call) bha glainneachan Jpl falamh air feadh an aite m
outlaw v cuir vt fon choill (dat of coille f) over- prefiX ra-, eg over-expose v ra-nochd vt, over-weight adj ra-throm
outlawed adj & past part 1 (persoll) fon choill (dat of coille f); 2 (sllbstances, overcoat 11 cota mar m
practices &c) mJ-laghail, toirmisgte, fo thoirmeasg m, neo-cheadaichte overcome v 1 (qllell: people, emotions &c) ceannsaich vt; 2 (people, problems
output n (of indllstry &c) toradh m &c: vanqllish, sllcceed over) thoir buaidh f (with prep air), (more colloqllial)
outrageous adj uabhasach dean a' chws f dean an gnothach m, (both with prep air), we will -
outside adv 1 (movement) a-mach, go - rach vi a-mach, thalla imper a-mach, the enemy bheir sinn buaidh air an namhaid m, ni sinn a' chuis/an
- with you! a-mach leat!; 2 (positioll) a-muigh, where's lain? he's - cait gnothach air an namhaid
a bheil lain? tha (e) a-muigh over-expose v ro-nochd vt

260 261
overflow ENGUSH-GAEUC DICTIONARY oyster-eatcher

overflow v (lit & Jig) cuir vi thairis, the water -ed chuir an t-uisge thairis,
a land -ing with creatures of every kind tir mf a' cur thams le p
creutairean mpl de gach seersa m
overhead adj os-cinn, - cable caball m os-einn pace n 1 (slride, step) ceurn Ill, we quickened our - luathaich sinn ar ceurn,
overhead adv os a (&c) c(h)ionn (obs dat of ceann m), I saw a plane - take a - forwardlback gabh ceum air adhart/air ais; 2 (speed) astar Ill,
chunnaic mi pleana mf os mo dUonn run at a good - ruith vi aig deagh astar, they were going at/making a
overload v an-luchdaich vt good - bha astar math aca; 3 in expr keep - cUm ruithf(with ri), keep
overlord n ard-uachdaran m - with the others cUm ruith ri cach pron
overseas adv 1 (expr movemerlt) a-nullthairis, they went- chaidh iad a-null pace V ceumnaich vi
thairis; 2 (expr position) thaU thairis, they are - tha iad thall thairis, - Pacific, n the An Cuan 5eirnh
market margadh mf thaU thairis pacify v 1 (calm &c) ciUinich vt, sithich vt, seimhich vt, socraich vt; 2 (sllbdlle
oversight 11 (careless omission) dearmad m by force) ceannsaich vt
overt adj foUaiseach pack' n paca m, a - of cards paca chairtean Jpl gen
overtime n corr-lline f, seach-thim f pack' n (derog: mob, crowd of people) graisgf
overturn v cuir a (&c) c(h)eann m fodha, cuir vt bun-os-cionn, (esp boot) pack v 1 (parcel &c) paisg vt; 2 in fam exprs - up/in (break down) bris vi,
cuir vii thairis my radio's -ed up tha an reidio III agam briste/air briseadh/ air a
over-weight adj ro-throm bhriseadh, - in (give lip) leig vt dheth (&c), she's -ing in her job tha i
owe v 1 (fill & moral debts) bi vi irreg fo fhjachaibh (obs dat pi of6ach m) (with a' leigeil dhith a h-obrach
prep do), we -them (money) tha sinn fo fhiachaibh dhaibh; 2 (fin debts: package parsaillll, pasgadh m, pasgan m
note tlwt it is the person owed IIIOlley who is said to 'have' the money 'on' ti,e packed adj & past part 1 (places, bllildings, gatherings &c) loma-lan, domhail
deblor) we - them fifty pounds tha leth-eheud m not f sing aca oirnn, & dUmhail, the hall was - bha an talla loma-lan; 2 (objects, woodland,
they - us fifty pounds tha leth-eheud not againn orra people) closely - dJilth
owl n cailleach-oidhchef, (esp a bam -) cornhachagf packed lunch n pios m
own adj 1 (lIsing tire pass fomred witll aig) aige (&c) f(h)ein/fhin, my - house packet n pacaid f
an taigh agam fhin, a house of his - taigh m aige dha fhein; 2 (lIsing packing n pasgadh III
pass pron) he broke his - leg bhris e a chas f fhein pacln cordadh m
owner 11 1 sealbhadair m, share - sealbhadair-shearaichean (gen pI of paddle n pleadhagf
sear m); 2 in expr who's the - (of this lorry &c)? co leis a tha (an lilraidh paddle v (- canoe; also - with feet) pleadhagaich vti
fseo &c)? pagan n & adj paganach m
ox n damh tu page 11 (of a book &c) duilleagf, taobh-duilleig(e) Ill, (abbrev d or td, pi dd or
ox-tail 11 earball m dairnh III gen tdd), the Yellow Pages Na Duilleagan Buidhe
oxygen n ocsaidean III pail n peile m, bucaid f, (esp for milking) cuman m, cuinneagf
oyster-eatcher n gille-bri(gh)de Ill, trilleachan f pain n (11511 phys) pian f, (mental/emotional or phys) cradh m
pain v (1151/ phys) pian vt, (mentally or emotionally) craidh vt, ciilrr vt
pained adj (emotionally or merltally) dorainneach
painful adj (phys) goirt, (emotionally/menially) dorainneach, (merltally/
emotionally or phys) pianail, crai(dh)teach, my back's - tha mo
dhruim m goirt, a - reminder cuirnhneachan m sing craiteach, a -
conversation/interview agallarnh dorainneach
painstaking adj (persoll, work &c) mion-chiliseach, ro-phongail, ro-
paint n peant(a) III
paint v peant vii
painter n (arlist or Iradesman) peantair m

262 263

pair n 1 (liSt/ IIsed of people) dithis f. they came in -s ~a~g iad nan parliamentary adj parlamaideach
dithisean, the - of you an dithis agaibh; 2m expr - of twms caraldfslllg; parrot n pearraid f
3 (of objects, creatt/res) paidhir mf, a - of gloves paidhir mhiotagan fpl pari 11 1 (a proportioll ofa whole) cuidf. pii.i.ttm, give me - of it thoir dhomh
gen, a - of oystercatchers paidhir thrilleachan mpl gen cuid dheth, the greater - of his life a' mhor-ehuid de (a) bheatha f.
pain companach m, (less informal) caraid m - of the book was good bha pairt den leabhar m math; 2 (sectioll,
palace 11 paileis f. (more trod) luchairt f division) earrann f. the first - of her novel came out thainig a' chiad
pale-faced adj glas-neulach earrann den nobhail f aice a-mach; 3 (portion, share) cuid f. roinn f. my
palm' n (of halld) basf, boisf, (less 11511) glacf - of the world's goods mo chuid den t-saoghal; 4 (ill dispt/te &c) taobh
palm' 11 (the tree) pailm f, craobh-phailm f m, she took our - ghabh i ar taobh, also chajdh i as ar leth; 5 (mise
palpitate v (esp heart) plosg vi, (less severe) plap vi exprs) spare -s piiirtean-<:iiraidh mpl, take - (participate) gabh pairt,
palpitation n (esp of heart) plosg m, plosgadh m, plosgartaich f com-palrtich vt, -s of the body buillmpl a' chuirp, for my (own) - ...
pamphlet n leabhrachan m, leabhran m air mo shon fhln ...
pan 11 pana m part V dealaich vti (from ri), death -ed them dhealaich am bas iad, they
pancake n foileagf -ed dhealajch iad ri cheile, you won't - him from his money! cha
pane 11 losan m dhealaich thu ri a chujd f airgid m gell e!
panel 11 pannalm, a wooden - pannal-fiodha, the Children's Panel Pannal participant 11 com-pairtiche m, (esp in a competitioll) farpaiseach m
na Cioinne participate v gabh pairtm, gabh com-pairl f. com-pairtich vi
pang 11 guin m participation 11 com-pairt f
pannier n cliabh m particle 11 1 mlr m, mirean m; 2 (gram) mion-fhacalm
pant n plosg m particular adj 1 arajdh, sonrajchte, it's a - house/one house in - that
pant v plosg vi I want to buy's e tajgh m araidh a tha mi airson a cheannach, a -
panting n plosg m, plosgadh ni, plosgartaich f . . sort seorsa m araidh/sonrajchte; 2 (of persoll: precise, attelltive to detail)
pants 11 1 (t/ndenoear) drathais & drathars fpl mvar; 2 (trollsers) bnogals f, mion-ehillseach, pongail; 3 ill neg expr he's not - (ie doesll't milld) is
triubhas m coma leis, tha e coma co-dhiiJ
paper n paipear m, wall- piiipear-balla m, news- paipear-naidheachd m parting n dealachadh m
paper-mill n muileann-piiipeir nlf partition 11 pairteacheadh m
papist adj (1I0t PC) papanach partition v pairtich vt, roinn vt
Papist n (1I0t PC) Papanach m partner 11 1 pairtiche m, com-pairtiche m; 2 (sext/al -) coileapach nif,
parable 11 cosarnhlachd f companach IIlf
Paradise 1"1 Parras rn, flaitheas m party 11 1 partajdh ni, a political - partaidh poileatajgeach, The Labour/
paraffin n paireafain m invor Liberal Democratffory Party Am Partaidh Liibarach/Libearalach
parallel adj co-shlnte, - lines loidhnichean fpl co-shinte
Deamocratach/Toraidheach, The Scottish National Party Partajdh
parcel 11 parsail ni, pasgan m
ajseanta na h-Alba; 2 (social gatherillg) piirtajdh m, (more boisterot/s;
parched adj 1 (Persoll) lotmhor; 2 (grollnd &c) tioram
fam) ho-ro-gheallajdh m illvar
pardon 11 mathanas nI
pardon v 1 ma(i)th vt, thoir mathanas m (with prep do); 2 ill exprs (as pass 11 1 (topog) bealach m; 2 (games) pas m; 3 (doct/mellt) cead m inntrigidh
111 gen, pas m
opology) _ me! gabh(aibh) mo leisgeulm!, (on not entching what someolle
pass V 1 rach vi seachad (with prep air), the train -ed (me) chaidh an
ltas said) -? b' aillleibh?
treana f seachad (orm), the time -ed quickly chaidh an Uine seachad
parentn piirantm
parenthesis n eadar-radh m gu luath; 2 (spend) cuir vt seachad, caith vt, - time cuir seachad Uine f;
parish n sglre f, sglreachd f, paraiste f 3 (mise exprs) - away (ie die) caochail vi, siubhail vi, - me the salt sin
parity n ionannachd f illvar, co-ionannachd f invor thugam an salann, - the biscuits round cuir timcheall na briosgaidean
park n 1 (recreation, agric &c) pairc(e) f, car - pairc-charajchean f; 2 (site for fpl, - into oblivion rach vi air dlochuirnhne f, the pain -ed off
variot/s activities) raon m, business - raon gnlomhachais m gen dh'fhalbh am pian Ill, - water dean miJn m, mUin vi, I noticed it in
parliament n parlamaid f -ing mhothaich mi dha san dol m invar seachad

264 265
passage n 1 (in building) trannsa f; 2 (in book) earrann f; 3 (tllrougll IIills) pea n peasair f
bealach m; 4 (across river, strait &c) aiseag mf, (longer, maritime) turas- peace n 1 (opposite of war) slth f, war or - cogadh m no slth; 2 (tranquility)
mara m, a rough - turas(-mara) garbh fois f, slth f, (esp of tile deal!) they are at - tha iad aig fois, also tha iad
passenger n neach-siubhailm (pI luchd-siubhaUm sing call) nan tiImh; 3 in expr - of mind toU-inntinn f
passionate adj (person) lasanta peaceful adj 1 (opposite of warlike &c) sitheil; 2 (calm, tranquil) silmhach, a _
passive adj fulangach, (gram) the - voice an guth fulangach sleep/evening cadal/feasgar silmhach
passport n cead-siubhail m, cead m dol m invar thams peach n peitseagf
past adj & adv 1 seachad, all that's - now tha sin uile seachad a-nis, - time peak n 1 (pointed mountaintop) stUc f, binnean m; 2 in expr he's at his - tha
an t-am a chaidh seachad, also an t-am a dh'thalbh; 2 in expr he's - his e ann an treun f invar a neirt (gen of neart m), tha e aig ilird f a neirt,
best tha e air a dhol dheth, tha e air a dhol bhuaithe; 3 (gram) caithte, tha e aig (a) ilird
the - tense an trath caithte peal n 1 (of bells) seirm f, bualadh m; 2 in expr a - of laughter lasgan m
past, the n an t-am a chaidh seachad, an t-am a dh'thalbh giline mf invar
paste n (flour & water) glaodhan m peanut n mo-thalmhainn f
pastime n cur-seachad m, my favourite - an cur-seachad as them learn pear n peur f
pastry n pastra f invar peasantry n tuath f
pasture n clua(i)n f, ionaltradh m, (beside water) dail f, innis f peat n 1 (coli) moine f sing coli, - bog, - hag, - bank poll-mona(ch) or
pasture v feuraich vt poll-monadh m, - smoke, - reek ceO m na mona(ch)/na monadh,
patch n 1 (of material &c) tuthag f, breid m; 2 in exprs - of ground plos they're (working) at the -(s) tha iad aig a' mhoine, win/cut/gather-
(beag) fearainn m gen, - of fog/mist bad m ceO m gen dean/buain moine; 2 (a single -) foid f, fad m (monach); 3 - iron/spade
Paternoster n paidir f tairsgeirf
path n frith-rathad m, slighe f, the - of righteousness slighe na fireantachd pebble n deideagf, molagf
f invar peck v (birds &c) pioc vti
patience n foighidinn f pedal n troighean m
patient adj foighidneach pedestrian n coisiche m
patient n euslainteach m pee n mim m, have a - dean mim, dean dUeagf
patron n fear-take m, goistidh m pee v dean mUll ni, mUin vi
patronage n taic(e) f, goistidheachd f invar peeln (offruit, vegetables &c) rnsg m, plaosg m
patronymic n sloinneadh m peel v (fruit, vegetables &c) rUisg vt, plaoisg vt
pattern n patran m peeled adj & past part rwsgte, - potatoes buntata m invar coli rnisgte
paunch n maodal f, mionach m peer n 1 (- of tile realm) morair m; 2 (one's equal) seise m
pavement n cabhsair m peevish adj frithearra, (usu ofchild) crost(a)
pavilion n paillean m peewit n currcagf
paving stone ifor floor) leac-ilrlair f, (for pavement) leac-chabhsair f peg n magf, clothes - mag-aodaich f
paw n crogf, spogf, magf pellet n (ie as projectile) peileir m
paw v (of persons: IIandle improperly, rougllly) (droch-)Iairnhsich vt pelt v 1 tilg vt, caith vt, (with prep air), they were -ing me with eggs bha
pay n paigh m invar, paigheadh m, tuarastal m, a - rise ardachadh m iad a' tilgeil uighean mpl ge" orm; 2 in expr - with stones clach vt
paighidh gen pen 1 n (for writing) peann m
pay V 1 paigh vti, - a bill piligh cunntas m/bUeagf, he left without -ing pen' n (for livestock) buaile f, (esp sheep) cro m
dh'thalbh e gun philigheadh, you'll - for your sins paighidh tu penal adj peanasach
(airson) do pheacaidhean mpl; 2 (misc exprs) - attention thoir an aire penalise v peanasaich
(to do), thoir fea(i)rt f (to air), - a compliment dean moladh m (witll penalty n (punishment) peanas m
prep air), - X a visit rach vi air cheilidh mf air X, cuir ceilidh air X, penciln peansaU m
tadhail vi air X, - back (fin or in revenge) dloghaU & dlol vt penetrate v 1 (make one's way into) rach vi a-steach, (more violently) bris vi
payment n 1 paigheadh m, dlo(gh)ladh m; 2 (in reparation or in return for a-steach, (with prep do); 2 (break or pierce IIole(s) in) toll vt; 3 (pass or break
sometlling: esp a ransom) emgf through defences &c) thig vi, rach vi, (more violently) bris vi, (all with prep
266 267
troimh, wilh dol); 4 (esp of waler) driJidh vi, the rain -ed to my skin dh'fhaodte; 2 (os conj) is/'s dbcha, (is) ma(th) dh'fhaodte, theagarnh,
dhrwdh an t-uisge arm faodaidh, (all followed by conjs gun/gum, nach &c), - he'll come
penny n 1 sgillinn f, (idiom) I haven't a - to my name chan eil sgillinn tomorrow's docha gun tig e a-maireach, - it won't snow ma
ruadh (no geal) agam; 2 (1list) Scots - peighinn f dh'fhaodte nach cuir i, - he's ill faodaidh gu bheil e /inn, - she won't
pension n pein(n)sean m, retirement - pein(n)sean-duaineis m come theagarnh nach tig i
pensioner n neach m pei(n)nsein m gen (plluchd-pein(n)sein m sing coli) peril n gabhadh m, (11511 less slrong) cunnart m, in - ann an gabhadh
Pentland Firth, the n An Caol Arcach perilous adj gabhaidh, (11511 less slrong) cunnartach
people n 1 (/lIIman beings in general) daoine (pi of duine m), manyflots of period n 1 (Dj time) greis f, treis f, he spent a - of time in Australia chuir
- mbran dhaoine mpl gen; 2 (poplllace) sluagh m, (esp ruml: more tmd) e seachad greis/treis ann an Astrailia f illvar; 2 (school lesson) trath(-
tuath f, unrest among the - aimhreit f am measg an t-sluaigh; 3 (Ihe teagaisg) m; 3 (mellslrual -) fuil-mios f
- of 0 partiCIIlar place) muinntir f, poball m, the - of this town(ship) periodicaln iris f, (esp 0 qllarlerly) raitheachan m
muinntir a' bhaile seo, the - of Vist, Vist - muinntir Vibhist, the - of peripheral adj iomallach, - areas/districts cearnaidhean mpl iomallach
Ireland, the Irish - poball na h-Eireann; 4 (one's relalivesJolks) cairdean periphery n iomall m
(pI of caraid m), daoine mpl, my - are in Stomoway tha mo chilirdean/ permanent adj maireannach, buan
mo dhaoine ann an Stebmabhagh; 5 (associates, followers, companions) permeable adj so-dhriIidhteach
muinntir f, cuideachd f, he left the country but his - didn't go with permissible adj ceadaichte
him dh'fhag e an diIthaichf ach cha deach a rnhuinntir/a chuideachd permission II cead III invar, with your - le ur cead, I gave them - to leave
cbmhJa ris; 6 (0 mce, tribe, &c) cinneadh m, the Eskimo - cinneadh nan thug mi cead dhaibh falbh, planning - cead-dealbhaidh m
Easciomach mpl permissive adj ceadachail
pep up v (cooking; also fig) piobraich vi permit n cead 111 invar
pepper n piobar m permit v leig vi (with prep le or do), ceadaich VI, he -ted me to buy it leig
pepper V piobraich vi e leam a cheannach, - new development in the town centre ceadaich
per capita adv an urra f, (do &c) gach pearsa m, a thousand pounds - mile leasachadh m iIr ann am meadhan m a' bhaile
not(a) f sing an urra permitted adj & pasl pori ceadaichte
perceive v (visllally) faic VI, (visl/ally, mentally) mothaich vt perplex v cuir vi an imcheist f
per cent adv sa cheud m, four - ceithir sa cheud perplexed adj an/fo imcheistf, imcheisteach
perception 11 1 (the mental faCIlity or capacity) tuigse f invar, leirsinn f illvor; perpleXing adj imcheisteach
2 (sigllt) fradharc & radharc m, leirsinn f invar; 3 (ideo, view) beachd m, perplexity n imcheist f
his - of himself am beachd a bh' aige air fhein persevere v cUm vi (wilh prep ri), lean vi (wilh prep air), -! cUm ris!, she -d
perceptive adj geur-chwseach, tuigseach, mothachail lean i oine
perch v (come 10 resl) laigh vi (on air) persevering adj leantainneach
perfect adj 1 (not 11511 ill moml sense) coileanta, (gmm) the - tense an trath persistent adj 1 (of persolls: lenaciolls &c) gramail & greimeil; 2 (of silllaliolls
coileanta; 2 (esp momlly) foirfe; 3 !Jam: expr approval &c) taghta!, that's &c: 10Ilg-lasting) leanailteach
- tha sin taghta person n (regardless ofgender) duine m, neach m illvar, (less 11511) pearsa m
perforate v toll vi personal adj pearsanta
perform v 1 (carry olll,flllfil) coilean VI, thoir vt gu buil f, - a task coilean personality n pearsantachd f invar
gnlornh m, coilean pios m obrach (gen of obair f); 2 (theatre, cinema) personneln sgiobachd f illvor, luchd-obrach m sing coli
duich vi, deasaich vi, - in a play duich ann an dealbh-ehluich mf, (in perspiration n fallas m
orcheslm, bond &c) duich vi; 3 (- song, /Ill/sic &c) gabh vt, - a song gabh perspire v bi vi irreg fallas m (with prep air), cuir fallas (with prep de), bi vi
bran m; 4 (acqllit oneself) he -ed well's math a rinn e irreg na (&c) f(h)allas, I'm perspiring tha fallas orm, tha mi a' cur fallas
performance 11 !Jlllfilment of lask &c) coileanadh m, toirt f invar gu buil dhiom, tha mi nam fhallas
perfume n ciIbhrachd f invar persuade v cuir impidh f (wilh prep air), iompaich VI, they -d me to give
perhaps adv & conj 1 is/'s dbcha, (is) ma(th) dh'fhaodte (also is mathaid), up my job/to retire chuir iad impidh orm mo dhreuchd f a leigeil
theagarnh, it'll be a fine day, - bidh la breagha ann, 's dOcha/ma dhiom

268 269
ersuasion ENGLISH-GAELIC DICTIONARY ickaxe pickle ENGLISH-GAELIC DICTIONARY pins and needles
persuasion n irnpidh f pickle 11 picil f
persuasive adj irnpidheach picnic 11 cuirm-chnuic f
perverse adj (obstinate) rag, diu, (stronger) rag-mhuinealach Pict 11 Cruithneach m
perversion n claonadh m picture n dealbh IIif
perversity 11 (obstillacy) raige f illvar picture v dealbh vt
pervert v 1 (- persons) truaill vt, c1aon vt; 2 (- jllstice &c) c1aon vt piece n 1 (bit, particle) criomag j; bloigh j; (smnller) mlr m, falling to -s
pest 11 (rodellt &c, also illcollVelliellce) plaigh f a' dol/a' tuiteam na (&c) c(h)riomagan; 2 (componetlt part) plos m,
pestiferous adj plaigheil earrann f; 3 (solldwich) plos m; 4 (misc exprs) they arrived in one -
pestilence 11 pliligh f rainig iad slan is fallain, bits and -s treal(l)aich f sillg
pestilential adj plaigheil pierce v toll vt
pet 11 peata m piercing 11 tolladh m, ear - tolladh-chluasan m
peter out v slolaidh vi as piety n crabhadh m, diadhachd f invar
petition 11 tagradh m pig 11 mucf
petrol 11 peatro(i)l & peatrail m pigeon n 1 calman m; 2 (idiom) put the cat among the -s cuir an ceOl air
petticoat 11 cota-ban m feadh na fidhle
petty adj 1 (all smnll scale) mion- prefix, - theft/pilfering mion-bhraide f; piggy-back 11 (a - ride) gioma-goc m
2 (smnll-millded &c) mon, suarach pig-headed adj rag-mhuinealach
pharmacist 11 neach m chungaidhean Jpl get, piglet n uircean & oircean m
pharmacy n 1 (the premises) bitth-chungaidh(ean) f; 2 (knowledge, profession pigsty n fail-mhuc f
of -) eOlas m leigheasan mpl gen, eOlas-chungaidhean m pigtail 11 figheachan m
pheasant n easagf pile n cruach j; torr m, ditn m, (smaller) cruachan m
phenomenal adj iongantach pile, pile up v cam vt, cruach vt
phenomenon n 1 (science & philo) slon m; 2 (amazing thing) iongantas m, pilfer v dean mion-bhraide f
miorbhail j; (less IISIl) suaicheantas m pilfering mion-bhraide f
philosopher n feallsanach m pilgrim n eilthireach m
philosophy 11 feallsanachd f pilgrimage n eilthireachd f
phlegm n ronn m pill n pile f
phone n fon nif, I was talking to him on the - bha mi a' bruidhinn ris air pillar n 1 (architect lire &c) colbh m; 2 (of rock) carragh f
a fon, what's your - number? de an aiceamh-fon f a th' agad? pillion 11 pillean III
phone v cuir fon mj; fon vi, fonaig vi, (all with prep gu), he -d her chuir e pillow 11 duasagf
fon thuice, dh'fhon(aig) e thuice pilot 11 pileat & paidhleat III
photograph n dealbh mj; take a - tog dealbh pimple 11 plucan m, gujrean III
physical adj corporra pin 11 prine m, (less IISIl) dealgj; safety - prine-banallraim m
physique n deanarnh m pincers n (pair of -) teanchair & teannachair m sing
piano n piana & piano m pinch n (with fillgers, IIai/s) gomagj; pioc m
pibroch n ceOl mor m, (loosely) plobaiceachd f invar pinch v 1 (with fillgemails &c) pioc vti; 2 (steal) goid vti, dean braid f
pick' n (1001) pic m, piocaid f pinching n 1 (with fingernails &c) piocadh m; 2 (stealillg) goid j; braid f
pick' n (choice) roghainn j; you'll get your - of it gheibh thu do roghainn pine 11 giuthas m, in exprs - wood/forest giitthsach j; - cone durcan m
dheth pinhead n ploc-prine m
pick v 1 (select) tagh vt, roghnaich vt; 2 (- flowers &c) cruinnich vt; 3 (- at pink adj pinc
food) pioc vi, creirn vi; 4 - up tog vt, (also fig) I -ed up my Gaelic in pink n pinc m
Skye (en'ph) 's ann san Eilean m Sgitheanach a thog mi mo chuid f pinkie n litdagf
Gilidhligf gell pinnacle n binnean III
pickaxe n pie m, piocaid f pins and needles an cadal deilgneach

270 271
pint 11 pinnt m, I fancy a - tha mi airsan pinnt plaintive adj tiamhaidh
pipe 11 1 piab f, feadan m, water -5 piaban-uisge, exhaust - piab- plait n dual m, fiUeadh m
thraaghaidh J; 2 ifor smokillg) piab(-thambaca); 3 (musical illstrumellt) plait v (hair, rope &c) dualaich vt, fiU vt
cuisle I- cuislean m; 4 (bag-) piab I- (Highlalld bag-) piab mhor, (usu plaited adj & past part fiUte
with art) a' phiab mhor, - music ceOl m na piaba plan n 1 (intention, also map, diagram &c) plana m; 2 (strategy, stratagem)
piper n piabaire m innIeachd J; 3 (technical drawing) dealbh-ehurnadh mf
piping 11 (1Illlsic & performallce) piabaireachd f illvar plan v 1 (general) planaig vti; 2 (- technical & artistic objects) dealbh & deilbh
piss n film tu vt; 3 (- a strategy, stratagem) innlich vt
piss v dean mlm m, mUin vi, (illvolulltarily) caiU mlm, I almast -ed myself plane' n (carpentry) loeair I- loear m
theab mi ma mhlm a chall plane' n (aircraft) pIeana I- itealan m
pistal n daga & dag m plane' n (geometry &c) raan m
pit n 1 (topog &c, a 11011010) lag mf, glac I- sloe m; 2 ifor potatoes &c) sloe m; planet n planaid f
3 (milling) meinn(e) f plank n de.ile f, clar m
pitch I 11 (tar) bith I- teaIT & telm f planner n neach-dealbhaidh m (plluchd-dealbhaidh m sing call)
pitch' n ifor football &c) raan-eluiche m planning n dealbhadh m, planaigeadh m, - permission cead m dealbhaidh
pitch' n (musical-) ilidef gen
pitch v 1 (throw) tilg. (esp carelessly) sad vt; 2 (seas, ship, trees &c) tuIg vi plant' n (botallical) luibh ml- Ius m
pitch-fork 11 gabhIagf plant> n (manufacturing &c) 1 (equipment &c) uidhearn J; 2 (the premises)
piteous adj lruagh, (more pe)) suarach factaraidh f
pith n glaodhan m plant v coo vt, - potatoes coo buntilta m invar call
pitiable, pitiful adj lruagh, (more pe)) suarach, ill erpr - person/creature plaster n 1 ifor building &c) sglaib f invar; 2 (sticking -) plasd & plast m
lruaghan m plastic n & adj plastaigf
pitiless adj neo-thruacanta, an-iochdmhar plate nl (tableware) lruinnsear m; 2 (metal &c -) lannf
pity n 1 iochd f invar, lruas m, lruacantas m, won't you take - on me? nach platform nl (in concert 11011 &c) ard-Urtar m; 2 (railway &c) ard-ehabhsair m,
gabh thu lruas dhJam/rium?; 2 ill expr that's a -! tha sin duilich!, (more comhnard m; 3 (oil illdustry) clar m, drilling - clar-tallaidh m
trod) is duilich sin!, is lruagh sin!, also (idiom) b' ale an airidh (e)! platter n mias f
pitying adj lruasail play n 1 (the activity) cluich & cluiche m, (esp children: less usu) cleas m;
place n 1 (gellera/) aite m, a bonny - aite breagha, in its proper - na (h-)aite 2 (more con: stage -) dealbh-ehIuich mf; 3 in erpr (sport) foul - feaUadh m
£hein, in - of strife an aite str! f illvar, take - gabh aite, also tachair vi; play v 1 cluich vti, - football/rugby cluich ball-eaise m/rugbaidh m,
2 (esp - where a particular activity &c is carried out) ianad m, - of work - Rangers cluich (an aghaidh) Rangers, - Hamlet on the stage cluich
ianad aibre/abrach (gen of abair j), - of worship ianad-adhraidh m Hamlet air an ard-Urlar m, - the accordeon cluich (air) a' bhogsa m,
place v cuir vt, (more carefully or elaborately) soeraich vt, suidhich vt, she -d - a tune on the accordeon gabh part m air a' bhagsa; 2 in erpr - shinty
the book on the table chuir i an leabhar m air a' bhord m, - a bet coo iamain vi, they were -ing shinty bha iad ag iamain
geallm (on air), - a statue on a column socraich/suidhich iomhaigh player n (stage, games, music) cluicheadair III
fair calbh m playground n raan-duiche III
place·name n ainm n aite m gen playgroup n croileagan m
plague n plaigh f, a - of mice plaigh de luchan JPI playing n cluich & cluiche m, (esp children: less usu) cleas m
plague v (exasperate) leamhaich vt, saraich vt plea n 1 (request) guidhe mJ; 2 (law) tagradh Ill, tagaif! f
plaid n 1 (esp the material & pattem) breacan m; 2 (- blallket) plaidef plead v 1 guidh vi (with air), I'm -ing with you to stay! tha mi a' guidhe
plain adj 1 (evidellt) saiUeir, fallaiseach, (more trad) leir, it was - to him art fuireach!, he -ed with us to let him go/set him free ghuidh e Ollnn
that he was lost bha e sailleir/follaiseach dha gun rabh e air chall, a leigeiI mu; 2 (in court of law) tagair vti
(more trad) bu leir dha gun rabh e air chall; 2 (of thillgs, situatiolls: pleasant adj (of people, also things, situations) tlachdmhar, tailneach (to, for
ullcomplicated) sirnplidh, aan-fhillte; 3 (ullpretelltious) simplidh, lam ri), (esp of people) datach
plain 11 (topog) comhnard m, machair mf pleasanlness n tailneas m

272 273
please v 1 (content, give pleas lire) cord vi (with prep ri), toilich vt, riaraich pluck n (call rage &c) smior m, misneach(d) f
vt, taitinn vi (with prep ri), it -d me chord e rium; 2 (wish, prefer) togair pluck v (flower, harpstring &c) spion vt
vi, IISIl in expr mar a thogras (rei flit) lu/sibh, black or white, (just> as plug n (jor sink, contailler &c) cnag f, (jor sillk, contailler, powerpoint &c)
you - dubh no geal, (direach) mar a thogras sibh; 3 (polite reqllest) - plucan m, (electric -) cnag-dealainf
mas e do thoilf/ur toil e, - close the door dlin an doras m, mas e do plumage 11 iteach m
thoil e plumber 11 plumair m
pleased adj & past part 1 (satisfied, content) toilichte, riaraichte, air a (&c) plunder 11 cobhartach mf, (trad: esp cattle) creachf
d(h)oigh f, air a d(h)eagh dhoigh, I'm - to be here, tha mi toilichte plunder v creach v/i, spUiU & spUinn vti
a bhith ann, Murdo was very - (with himself) bha Murchadh air a plunge n (illto liquid) turnadh m
dheagh dhoigh; 2 (prolld, approvillg) moiteil (with a), we're - with you plunge v (into liqllid) turn vt
tha sinn moiteil asad plural adj (gram) iolra, - noun ainmear m iolra
pleasing adj 1 (persolls, also things, sitllatiolls) tlachdmhor, taitneach, (to ri); plural 11 (gram) iolra m
2 ill expr I find that - is toigh learn sin, tha sin a' cordadh rium Pluto 11 (planet) Pluta m invar
pleasurable adj tlachdmhor pm adv feasgar, seven - seachd uairean [pI feasgar
pleasure n 1 tlachd f invar, taitneas m, toileachadh m; 2 (esp mental -) toil- poacher n poitsear m
inntinn f, toileachas-inntinn m pocket n pbcaid f, - money airgead m pbcaid gen
pleat n fiUeadh m pod 11 (of peas & bealls &c) plaosg m
pleat v fill vt pod v (vegetables &c) plaoisg & plaosg vt
pleated adj & past part fillte poem 11 dan m, duan m, laoidh mf, pios m bardachd f illvar
pledge n geaUadh m, (less USII in this sellse) geallm poet n bard m, filidh m
pledge v geall vti, thoir geaUadh m, rach vi an geaU m poetic adj bilrdail
Pleiades, the n An Grioglachan m sing poetry 11 bardachd f illvar, rann m, (less IISU) dilnachd f illvar
plentiful adj pailt, 1l0nmhor poignant adj tiamhaidh
plenty n 1 (ample su!ficiettcy, superfluity) pailteas m, the land of - tir mf a' point n 1 (of pencil, pin &c) bior m, gob m, rinn m; 2 (topog: promontory)
phailteis; 2 in expr - of gu leor, we've got - of time tha line f gu leOr aird f, rubha m, sron f, rinn m; 3 (ill a scale, series &c, in an argumellt &c)
againn, there are - of people around who think that (way) tha gu leor puingf, - of balance puing-chothromachaidh m; 4 (the - at isslle) ceist
ann/ tha daoine mpl gu leor ann a tha den bheachd m sin f, cUis f, that's not the -! chan e sin a' cheist/a' chills!, also chan e sin
pliable adj subailte, so-lUibte, so-lubadh an rud m!, (note also idiom) you made me wander from the - chuir thu
pliant adj lubach as mo ghabhailmf mi; 5 (mise exprs) allon the - of death ri uchd III a'
pliers npl greimire m bMis, on the - of guts), we're on the - of leaving tha sinn gu falbh, on
plop n plub m the - of losing my mind gus mo chiall f a chall, - of view (ie opinion)
plop v plubraich, plub barail f, beachd m, - of view (ie perspective: lit & fig) sealladh m, from
plot' n 1 (conspiracy, stratagem) cuilbheart f, innleachd f; 2 (Lit) sgeulm, the the - of view of the old folks bho shealladh nan seann daoine, -s of
- of her novel sgeul na nobhail aice the compass ilirdean [pI, (USII with art) na h-ilirdean
plot' n 1 (- of gralllld) pios m fearainn m gell, pios-talmhainn m; 2 (flower point v 1 (with finger &c) tomh vi (at ri); 2 ill expr - out sbnraich vt
&c bed) ceapach m pointed adj 1 (slrnrp) biorach; 2 (speech &c: to the point) pongail
plot v innlich vt, dean co-fheall m (against an aghaidh with gen), - an pointless adj c1lomhain, faoin, gun fheum m, - pastimes cur-seachadan
uprising innlich ar-a-mach m invar, - against the government dean mpl c1lomhain
co-fheaU an aghaidh an riaghaltais poison 11 puinnsean m, nimh & neimh m
plough n 1 (agric) crann m; 2 (astronomy) The Plough An Crann-arain poison v puinnseanaich vt
plough v treabh vti poisonous adj (lit) puinnseanach, (lit & fig) nimheil
ploughiing n treabhadh m poke v brodaich vt
plover n feadagf, green - currcagf poker n pOcair m
ploy n 1 (activity, escapade) ploigh f; 2 (stratagem, tac/ic) innJeachd f Poland 11, used with art, A' Pholainn f illvar

274 275
polar bear 11 mathan ban Pope 11 Papa m, 1/51/ with art, Am Papa
pole 11 1 cabar m, pola m, ridge - cabar-droma m, maide-droma m; 2 (geog) popish adj (/lot PC) papanach
pola m, the north/south - Am Pola a Tuath/a Deas; 3 ill expr the - star populace 11 sluagh m, muinntir f, poballm
an reul-iuil f popular adj 1 mor-chordte; 2 (pertaillillg to the people) poibleach
Pole 11 Polach m population 11 1 (call: the people themselves) sluagh m, muinntir f, poball m;
police 11 poileas m, a - car car-poileis m 2 (more abstr: the people as a statistic) aireamh-shluaigh f
policeman 11 poileasman m, poileas III pork 11 feoil-muice f, muic-fhebil f
policewoman /I ban-phoileas f porpoise 11 peileagf
policing 11 obair f phoileis m gell porridge 11 lite f illuor, brochan m
policy 11 (gouemme/lt, illsl/rallce &c) poileasaidh m portl m 1 (harbour &c) port m; 2 (a cOlIl/rbotioll with a -) baile-puirt m,
Polish adj Polach Glasgow is a - '5 e baile-puirt a th' ann an Glaschu
polish 11 liomh f port' 11 (wille) fion-poirt m
polish v liomh vt portable adj so-groUlan
polished adj liomhaITa porter 11 1 portair m; 2 (doorkeeper) dorsair m
polite adj modhail, cUirteil portion 11 mid f, cuibhreann m, roinn f, a half - leth-ehuid f
politeness 11 modhalachd f illvar portray v 1 (all stage &c) riochdaich vt; 2 (ill pailltillg, drawillg &c) dealbh vt,
political adj poileataigeach, - asylum tearmann m poileataigeach tarraing vt
politician 11 neach-poileataics m (plluchd-poileataics m sillg call) portrayal 11 1 (011 stage, screell) riochdachadh m; 2 (ill paillti,lg, drawillg &c)
politics /I poileataics f illvar dealbhadh m, tarraingf
poll 11 1 (electioll, vote) taghadh m; 2 (head) ceann m, (hist) - tax cis-chinn f Portugal 11, I/sed with art, A' Phortagail
pollutant 11 stuth-truaillidh m Portuguese 11 & adj Portagaileach m
pollute v (ellvirolllllellf &c) truaill vt, salaich vt position 11 1 (job) oifis f, dreuchd f 2 (phys, ecollomic &c) suidheachadh m,
polluted adj & past part truaillte the family was in a difficult - bha an teaghlach ann an suidheachadh
pollution 11 truailleadh m doirbh; 3 ill expr a crouching - gurraban m
poly- prefix ioma-, eg polygamy 11 ioma-phosadh m, polyglot adj ioma- possession(s) /11 seilbh f, maoin f 2 (idiom) my worldly -s mo chuidf den
chananach, polygon /I ioma-cheamagf t-saoghalm
pompous adj morchUiseach possessive adj seilbheach
pond 11 lochan m, Ion m, glumagf possessor 11 seilbheadair & sealbhadair m
ponder v cnuas & cnuasaich, meomhraich & meamhraich vi, (more possible adj 1 ion-dheanta; 2 COlIlIlIOllly expr by gabh vi, is that -? no! an
rigorol/sly) beachd-smaoin(t)ich vi, (about, upon air) gabh sin a dheanamh? cha ghabh!, as hot as - cho teth 's a ghabhas
ponderous adj 1 (heavy) trom; 2 (ll/mberillg &c) slaodach post' 11 (mail) post m, the Post Office Oifis f a' Phuist
pony /I ponaidh m pos!'l (wooden -) post m, lJence -) stob m; 2 (idiom) he's as deaf as a - cha
pony-tail 11 (011 head) figheachan m chluinn e bid m/biogf
pool 11 Ion m, glumagf, (esp below a waterfall) linne f post- prefix iar-, eg post-graduate iar-cheumaiche m
poor adj 1 (illdigellt) bochd; 2 (I//lfortl/llate) truagh, bochd, (excl) - man! postal adj tron phost m, - vote bhot f tron phost
fellow/creature! a thruaghain!, a dhuine bhochd!; 3 (of - quality, postcard 11 cairt-phuist f
illadeql/ate) droch (precedes the 1I0UII, which it lellites where possible), postcode 11 cOd m puist (gell of post m)
suarach, - weather droch aimsir f, droch shide f, in a - state ann an postie, postman 11 post(a) m, Alec the - AiJig Post
droch staid f, it was pretty - cha robh e ach suarach postpone v cuir vt dheth, cuir vt air an ath la m, cuir vt air ais
poor 11 (illdigellt), the - am bochd m sillg call, na daoine mpl bochda, na postscript 11 fo-sgriobhadh m
daoine uireasbhach posture /1 giulan m
poorly adv 1 gu dona, they did - 's ann gu dona a rinn iad, also cha do rinn pot 11 poit f, flower- poit-fhlillan, tea-pot poit-ti f illuor
iad ro mhath idir, they fared - 's ann gu dona a chaidh dhaibh, also cha potato, potatoes 11 & IIpl buntata m illvar sillg & call, plant potatoes cuir
deach dhaibh ro mhath idir; 2 (I/llwell) he's - tha e (gu math) bochd buntata, potato blight cnarnh m, gaiseadh m a' bhuntata

276 277

poteen n poitean m pre- prefix ro- also roi(mh)-, eg prefix (gralll) 11 ro-leasachan Ill, pre-payment
potent adj 1 (ruler &c) cumhachdach; 2 (drink &c) laidir; 3 (remedy, course of 11 ro-phaigheadh III
action) eifeachdach, buadhmhor preamble 11 ro-radh III
potential n comas m (with gen), - for growth comas-fais m precarious adj 1 (1II1reliable, shaky, 'dodgy') cugallach, the world is (a) -
po"er n creadhadair m (place) (trad) is cugallach an saoghal; 2 (risky) cunnartach
pottery n creadhadaireachd f illvar precious adj 1luachmhor, priseil; 2 ill expr - stone clach f uasaJ; 3 excI (my)
pound' n 1 (Scots & Ellg money) not(a) f, Irish - punnd m Eireannach; -! rn' ulaidh!, rn' eudail!
2 (weight) punnd m precipitate adj 1 (actiolls &c) cabhagach, bras; 2 (stream, hills/ope) cas,
pound' n !for IlOldillg animals &c) punnd m (strealll) bras
pound V pronn precipitation 11 (of liquids) sileadh III
pounded adj pronn precis 11 gearr-chunntas III
pounding 11 pronnadh III precise adj 1 (of persoll, descriptioll &c) pongail, mionaideach; 2 (of figures
pour V 1 dairt vti, sil vti, ruith vti, - me a pint dairt pinnt m dhomh, water &c: accllrate) grinn, pongail
-ing through the roof uisge III a' dartadh/a' sileadh tron mhullach m; precision 11 (acCllracy) pongalachd f ;'Ivar
2 (- with rain) sil vi, it's -ing tha e a' sileadh precocious adj luathaireach
powder 11 pudar & fUdar Ill, in expr reduce to - pudaraich vt predator 11 sealgair III
powder v pudaraich & fUdaraich vt, cuir pudar/fUdar III (with prep air) predestination 11 ro-ordachadh III
power 11 1 (lIIight: lIIilitary &c) cumhachd IIIf illvar, neart Ill, the - of the predicament 111 (difficlllt sitllatioll) cas m, cUil-<:humhangf, grave/extreme-
Roman Empire cumhachd/neart lompaireachd f na Rairnhe; 2 (pal cruaidh-<:has m; 2 (state of illdecisioll) ioma(dh)-chomhairle f, irncheistf,
& social -) cumhachd IIIf illvar, ughdarras m, smachd III invar, reachd in a - ann an ioma-ehomhairle, an/fo irncheist
m invar; 3 (individual's vigollr &c) neart Ill, he was at the height of predict v ro-innis vt
his -s bha e ann an treun f invar a ne.irt gell, also bha e aig iiird f a predictable adj ro-innseach
neirt; 4 (electric -) cumhachd mf invar, dealan Ill, the -'s off tha an preface fl ro-radh 111
cumhachd/an dealan dheth; 5 (capacity, capability) comas Ill, - of prefer v is v irreg def{ill past & cOllditional tellses b'),jollowed by £hearr lenited
speech, comas-bruidhne (gen of bruidhinn j), intellectual -s comas- COlllp adj of math, with prep le, I - meat's £hearr learn feail f, they would
inntinnf, that's beyond my -s tha sin thar mo chomais/mo chomasan - cheese b' £hearr leotha caise 111
gen; 6 in expr the - of movement/motion luth m preference 11 roghainn 1IIf, my own - in music mo roghainn mf fhin de
powerful adj 1 (phys) laidir, neartrnhor, lu!hrnhor; 2 (pol, militarily) cheal m
cumhachdach prefix (gralll) 11 ro-leasachan m
practicable adj ion-dheanta, a ghabhas deanamh pregnancy 11 leatrom 111
practically adv an ire mhath, the winter's - over tha an geamhradh an ire pregnant adj torach & torrach, trom
mhath seachad prejudice 11 claon-bhiiigh f, claon-bhreith f
practice n 1 (nil/sic &c) cleachdadh m, - makes perfect is e an cleachdadh a premature adj 1 ron am Ill, ron mhithich f illvar; 2 (esp birth) an-abaich
ni tebma; 2 (habit, custom) cleachdadh m, abhaistf, it was my - to swim prematurely adv ron am Ill, ron mhithich f illvar
every day bha e na chleachdadh agam a bhith a' sniimh a h-uile la m premier adj prlomh (precedes the 1101/11, which it lellites where possible), the -
praise n moladh m, luaidh m invar league a' phrlomh roinn f, the - town of the district prlomh bhaile III
praise v mol vt, luaidh vt, dean moladh m, dean luaidh f, (both with prep na sgiref
air) premier 11 (pol) prlomhaire III
praiseworthy adj iOnmholta preoccupation 1J eiuarn m
prattle n goileam m, gobaireachd & gabaireachd f invar preoccupied adj 1 (through allxiety) fo chUram Ill; 2 (with one's thoughts or
prattling adj gobach al/elltioll elsewhere) fad' as
pray v 1 (beseech &c) guidh vi (with prep air); 2 (relig) dean Umaigh f (to ri) preparation 11 deasachadh Ill, uidheamachadh Ill, ulIachadh m
prayer n 1 (entreaty) guidhe mf; 2 (relig) Umaighf, (less usu) guidhe mf, the prepare V 1 deasaich vt, ulIaich vt, - foodJa meal deasaich biadh Ill,
Lord's - Omaigh an Tigheama, a - meeting coinneamh f Umaigh gen they were preparing themselves for war bha iad gan deasachadh

278 279
thein airson cogaidh m gen; 2 (by adjllstil1g, tlll1ing &c) gleus vt; 3 (by leig na saighdearan mpl orra gun robh iad nan slobhaltairean mpl; 2 (esp
eqllipping, fitting Ollt &c) uidheamaich vt kidding, joking) in expr I was only -ing cha robh mi ach mas fhlor
prepared adj & past part 1 deiseil, ullamh, deas, is the dinner -? a bheil pretext n leisgeulm
am biadh deiseil/ullamh?; 2 (el1gille, eqllipmel1t &c) air ghleus mf; pretty adj grinn, boidheach, ceanalta
3 (eqllipped, fitted Ollt &c) uidheamaichte; 4 (willing) deonach, they're pretty adv gu math, an ire mhath, - old gu math aosta, we were - tired
not - to do it chan eil iad deonach (air) a dheanamh bha sinn gu math sgith/an ire mhath sglth, the winter's - well over
pre-paymentn ro-phaigheadh m tha an geamhradh an ire mhath seachad
preponderance n lromalach f prevent v bac vt, coo bacadh m (with prep air), caisg vt, cuir casg m (with
preposition n (gram) roirnhear m prep air)
Presbyterian n & adj Cleireach m prevention 11 casg m, casgadh m
Presbyterianism n Cleireachd f invar preventive adj casgach
Presbytery 11 Cleir f prey 11 cobhartach mf, creach f
pre-school adj fo-sgoile, - education foghlam m fo-sgoile price 11 prisf, high -s prlsean arda, buy at a good - ceannaich vti air deagh
prescribe v ordaich vt phrls
prescription 11 (med) ordugh m cungaidh f gel1 prickle 11 bior m, calg m, dealgf
pre-selection n ro-thaghadh m pride n 1 (esp legitimnte -) prois f, moit f; 2 (IISI1 more excessive -) ardan,
presence n1lathair f, (get) out of my -! a-mach as mo lathair!; 2 (abstr, ti,e morchuis f, uabhar m, uaibhreas m
fact of being present) lathaireachd f inoor prime adj 1 prlomh (precedes the nOIlI1, which it lel1ites where possible), -
present adj 1 an lathair f, ann, I knew those who were - bha mi eolach number prlomh-aireamh f, his - objective am prlomh amas m a bha
air na bha an lathair/ann; 2 (cllrrent, contemporary &c) in exprs (at) the aige; 2 il1 expr (Philo) - cause mathair-adhbhar m
- time (aig) an am m seo, (more immediate) I can't help you at the - prime n lreun f invar a (&c) neirt (gel1 of neart m), in my - (ann) an lreun
time chan urrainn dhomh ur cuideachadh an-drasta, the - situation mo neirt, also aig aird f mo neirt
an suidheachadh sa tha sinn a-ms/aig an am seo, the - government prime minister tl priomhaire nE
riaghaltas m an latha m gen (an-diugh) prince 11 prionnsa m
present' n tiodhJac m, gibht f princely adj ftathail
present' n (time) in exprs the - an t-am a tha lathair, at - aig an am seo, princess n bana-phrionnsa f
a-ms, (more immediate) an-drasta, (more general: these days &c) san latha principal adj prlomh (precedes ti,e nOlln, which it lenites where possible), the -
m an-diugh town am prlomh bhaile m
present v 1 (ProdIlCts, techniqlles &c) taisbean & taisbein vt; 2 (as gift) thoir principle n prionnsabal m, in - ann am prionnsabaJ
(seachad) vt, tiodhlaic vt, (to do) printn1 (abstr & COI1: books &c) clo & clodh m, appear in - nochd vi an clo;
presentation 111 (- of prodllcts, techl1iqlles &c) taisbeanadh m; 2 (formal - to 2 (trace, imprint of somethillg) lorgf, larach f
official, retiree &c) tabharlas m print v (books &c) clo-bhuaiJ vt, coo vt an clo m
preserve v gleidh vt, God will - us gleidhidh Dia sinn printed adj & past part clo-bhuailte, - by X clo-bhuailte le X, also air a
preserved adj & past part gleidhte c(h)lo-bhuaJadh le X
president 11 (offirm, company, cOllntry) ceann-suidhe m printer n clo-bhualadair m
press n1 (printil1g -, also pllblishing !/Ouse) clo m, hot off the -es Ur on chlo, printing 11 1 clo-bhualadh m; 2 in expr - error clo-mhearachd m
the Ostaig - Clo Ostaig; 2 in expr the - (pllblished media il1 general) na prison H priosan 111
paipearan(-naidheachd) mpl prisoner n priosanach nz, domach m
press v 1 (phys: sqlleeze, compress) faisg vt, teannaich vt; 2 (IIrge) coitich vt, private adj 1 (secret) uaigneach, dlomhair; 2 (col1fidel1tial) dlomhair,
brosnaich vt; 3 (callse to hllrry) cuir cabhagf (with prep air), greas vt pearsanta; 3 (place &c, 110t opel1 to all) prlobhaiteach; 4 (not state-Oluned)
pressing adj (ie IIrgel1t) cabhagach, eiginneach, cudthromach prlobhaiteach, - college colaisde phrlobhaiteach, the - sector an roinn
pressure n1 cudthrom, cudrom & cuideam m, atmospheric - cudthrom an phrlobhaiteach
aile; 2 (psych: stress &c) uallach m, under - fo uallach privately adv (ie il1 secret, il1 confidellce &c) os losal & os lseal, gu dlomhair
pretend v lleig vi (with prep air), the soldiers -ed that they were civiHans prize 11 duais f, she won a - at the Mod choisinn i duals aig a' MhOd m

280 281
probability E GLlSH-GAELlC DICTIONARY profit profit ENGLlSH-GAELlC DICTIONARY pronoun

probability 11 coltachd f illvar profit v tairbhich & tarbhaich vi

probable adj coltach, it's - that she'll come tha e coltach gun tig i profitable adj tairbheach & tarbhach, buannachdail
probablyadv tha (&c) e coltach followed by cOllj gu, he'll - come tomorrow profound adj domhainn, a - book/thought leabhar domhainn/smuain
tha e coltach gun tig e a-maireach dhomhainn
probity 11 iomacas III progeny n 1 (of IIIWllIns) gineal mf, slolm sillg call, sliochd m sillg call; 2 (of
problem 11 1 (poillt at isslle) ceist f, cUis f, is it too costly? that's the - a birds, allilllals) aim
bheil e ro chosgail? 's e sin a' cheist/a' chills, atso 's e sin an rud Ill; program, programme 11 (broadcastillg, 17) program m, (fD applications -
2 (diffiCIIIty) duilgheadas Ill, lrioblaid f, we've got -s where money program-ehleachdaidhean m
is concemed tha duilgheadasan againn a thaobh airgid III gell, that programming n (17) programadh m, - language canan m programaidh
won't be a - for him cha bhi sin na dhuilgheadas dha, social -s gen
duilgheadasan soisealta, the loss of my job was the start of our -s b' progress 11 1 (the abstr COIICept) adhartas Ill; 2 (ill skill, activity &c) piseach
e eaU III m' obrach (gell of obair j) toiseach III ar lrioblaidean gell Ill, adhartas /11, we're making - tha (am) piseach a' tighinn oirnn, tha
proceed v rach vi air adhart (with le) sinn a' deanamh adhartais gell, also (more fam) tha sinn a' tighinn air
process 111 (illdllstrial -, IT f"IlCtioll or procedllre) gnlomh Ill; 2 ill erpr the - adhart
of law modh III an lagha progressive adj adhartach
process v 1 (illdllStry &c: deal with, prepare, treat materinls &c, appropriately) prohibit v toirmisg vt
giUllaich vt, gnlomhaich vt, saothraich vt; 2 (- illformatioll) laimhsich prohibited adj & past part toirmisgte, fo thoirmeasg m
vt, cuir vt an eagar m; 3 (IT) gnlomhaich vt, obraich vt, - data prohibition 11 toirmeasg m
gnlomhaich/obraich data III illvar prohibitive adj toirmeasgach
processing 111 (illdllstry &c) giUllachadh m, gnlomhachadh m,saothrachadh project 11 proiseact /IIf, plana m
Ill; 2 (IT) ill erprs word - facladaireachd f illvar, data - gnlomhachadh- prologue n ro-radh m
data m, obrachadh-data m prolong v sin vt a-mach
processor 11 (IT) gnlomh-inneal m, ill expr (17) word - facladair m promise 11 geaUadh m, geallm
proclamation 11 gairm f promise v geaU vti, thoir gealladh /11 (with prep do), he -d me he wouldn't
procrastinate V maimealaich vi, maiJlich vi do it again gheaU e dhomh nach deanadh e a-rithist e, - me you'll
prodigal adj slrodhail & struidheil, the - son am mac strOdhail/struidheil write to me thoir geaJladh dhomh gun sgrlobh thu thugam
produce 11 (of lalld, p[allts, illdllstry &c) toradh m promised adj & past part 1 geallta; 2 ill expr the - land tir mf a' gheallaidh /11
produce v (illdllstry &c) saothraich vt, dean vt, tarmaich vt promising adj geaUtanach, - player/student c1uicheadair m/oileanach m
producer 11 (offilm, play &c) riochdaire m geaUtanach
product 11 1 toradh m; 2 -s (ie items, goods) bathar m sillg call promontory 11 ilird f, sron f, (rollllded) maol /11, (IISIl coastal) rubha m
productive adj ([alld, plallts &c) torach promote v ardaich vt
profane v (places, objects, refig, morals &c) lruaiII vt prompt adj 1 (011 time) an deagh am /11, mithich; 2 (persoll: ill performillg
profession n (ie occllpatioll) dreuchd f tasks) deas, easgaidh, ealamh
professional adj 1 (relatillg to a job or profession) dreuchdail, - terminology promptly adv, he did it - (qllickly) rinn e gu deas e, (by the appoillted time)
briathrachas m dreuchdail; 2 (workillg for paymellt, also havillg high - rinn e an deagh am m e
stalldards) proifeiseanta, a - singer seinneadair proifeiseanta prone adj 1 (phys positioll) air a (&c) b(h)euJ m fodha, air a (&c) b(h)euJ sios,
professor 11 proifeasair m ([oosely) sinte, they were - bha iad air am beuJ fodha/slos; 2 (1llIVillg
proficiency n comas III a telldellCY to) buailteach (with 1101111, & prep do), - to laughter/change
proficient adj comasach buailteach do ghaireachdainn f illvar/ do chaochladh /11, also ill exprs
profile 11 1 (PIIYs) leth-aghaidh f; 2 (jollrl/alism &c: descriptive accollllt) - to fear eagalach, - to anxiety/worry adj cUramach, iomagaineach;
cunntas m; 3 (pllblicity &c) iomhaigh f, improve the company's - 3 (with verbal erprs) dual(t)ach, buailleach, - to spend money
leasaich iomhaigh na companaidh mf dual(t)ach/buailteach airgead m a chosg, - to tell lies dual(t)ach/
profit 111 (esp fill) prothaidf, buannachd f, make a - dean prothaid; 2 (more buailteach a bhith ag innse bhreugan Jpl gell
general) buannachd f, tairbhe f invar pronoun 11 (gram) riochdair m

282 283
pronounce v ([allg) fuaimnich vt Protestant n & adj Prostanach m
pronunciation 11 ([allg) fuaimneachadh m proud adj 1 (IISI/ legitimately) proiseil, moiteil, (of a), we're - of you tha
proof 11 dearbhadh m (of air), - of his guilt dearbhadh air a chionta m sinn proiseil/moiteil asad; 2 (I/Sl/ excessively) uaibhreach, ardanach,
prop 11 taic(e) f morchuiseach
propagate v (plallts, allima[s) tarmaich vt prove v dearbh vt
propel v (- machillery &c) iomain vt, - a machine by steam iomain inneal proved, proven adj & past part dearbhte
m le smuidf, (sport) - a ball iomain bala m proverb" seanfhacal m, radh m ;uvar
propellant 11 sluth-iomain m provide v 1 (general) thoir vt seachad; 2 (esp traders &c) solair vt, - accom-
proper adj 1 (sl/itable, fittillg) doigheil, iomchaidh & iomchuidh, modation for the tOurlsts solair loistinn m don luchd-turais m sillg coli;
cothromach, cubhaidh; 2 (mora[, decellt) beusach; 3 (rea[, complete) fior, 3 (esp admin, fill &c) uIlaich vt, - finance for a new hospital uIlaich
dearg (both precede the 1101/11, which is lellited where possible), a - fool fior ionmhas m airson ospatail m gen uir
amadan m, dearg amadan provided cOllj air chumha is (with conj gu), cho fad is (with cOllj a), - (that)
properly adv gu doigheil, do it -! dean gu doigheil e! the salary is high air chumha is gu bheil an lurastal ard, cho fad's a
property 11 1 (possessiolls) sealbh m, seilbhf, 2 (characteristic &c) buadh f, tha an turastal ilrd
feart m providence 11 sealbh m, freasdalm
prophecy 11 faidheadaireachd f, faisneachd f provision n uIlachadh m, - of finance uIlachadh ionmhais m gen
prophesy v faisnich vti provisional adj sealach
prophet 11 faidh m, fiosaiche m provisions n Ion 111
propitious adj fabharach provost n prabhaistm
proposal 11 moladh m, the government's -s for a new bridge molaidhean prow" toiseach m
an riaghaltais airson drochaid f gell Uire proximity 11 faisge f invar
propose v 1 (intelld to do somethillg) cuir vi roirnhe (&c), runaich vi, they prudence 11 faiceall f, earalas m
-ed to build a house chuir iad romhpa taigh m a thogail; 2 (offer, prudent adj faiceallach
sllggest) tairg vi, he -d to do it thairg e a dheanamh; 3 (pl/t forward PS abbrev see postscript
idea, recommelld) mol vti psychiatrist n lighiche-inntinn m
propped adj & past part an taic f, an tacsa m, (against ri), - (up) against a psychiatry n leigheas-inntinn m
tree an taic/an tacsa ri craoibh (dot of craobhj) psychologistn inntinn-eblaiche m
proprietor 11 seilbheadair & sealbhadair m psychology n ealas-inntinn m
prose n rosg m puberty 11 inbhidheachd f invar
prospective adj san t-sealladh m, san amharc m pubes n, pubic hair 11 ram mf invar, gaoisid & gaosaid f
prosper v soirbhich vi (IISI/ impersonal: followed by prep le, with dot), the public adj 1 (con//",mal) coitcheann, poblach, - swimming pool amar-
business -ed shoirbhich leis a' gnlomhachas, we -ed shoirbhich snairnh m coitcheann/poblach; 2 (opposite of private) follaiseach,
leinn poblach, a - enquiry rannsachadh follaiseach, a - meeting coinneamh
prosperity 11 soirbheachas m, soirbheachadh m fhollaiseach/phoblach, a - company companaidh mf p(h)oblach, the
protection 11 1 (abstr & COli) tearmann m, dJon m, under the court's - fo - sector an roinn phoblach, an earrann phoblach; 3 ill exprs - address
thearmann/fo dhion na cUirte; 2 (more call) fasgadh m, seek - from system 11 glaodhaire m, - house taigh-seinnse m
the downpour sir fasgadh on dile f; 3 ill expr (IT) data - dJon-data m, publication nl (abstr) foillseachadh m; 2 (abstr & con) clo-bhualadh m, GaJrm
tearainteachd f invor data m illvar -s Clo-bhualaidhean GaJrm; 3 (con: periodical) iris f, rilitheachan m
protestn 1 (gelleral) gearan m; 2 (pal &c: demollstratioll, rally, march) fianais- publicise v cuir vt am follais f invor, thoir vt am follais, foillsich vt
dhubhlain f (against an aghaidh followed by gell) publicity 11 1 (abstr) follaiseachd f illvor, sanasachd f invar,; 2 (co//: pl/blic
protest v 1 (gelleral) gearain vi; 2 (po[ &c: demollstrate, march &c) tog fianais 1I0tices &c) sanas(an) m(p/), (commercia[) sanas(an)-reic m(pl),
f (against an aghaidh followed by gen) publish v 1 foillsich vt, cuir vt an ciD m; 2 ill exprs be -ed nochd vi an ciD,
protester 11 (pal &c: at demonstration, march &c) neach-togail-fianais m (P[ newly -ed Ur on chlo, air Ur-fhoillseachadh
luchd-togail-fianais m sillg coli), (against an aghaidh followed by gen) publisher 11 foillsichear m

284 285
publishing 11 foiUseachadh m b' fheudar dhomh cudthrom m a chur orm, - one's hope in someonel
pudding 11 1 mllsean Ill; 2 (saVOllry -) marag f, black/white - marag something cuir dOchas m ann an cuideiginlrudeigin, - into words
dhubhlgheal cuir vt an ceiU (dat of ciall j), - an end to (esp persoll) cuir vi as (with prep
puddle 11 glumagf, Ion III do), - an end to (process &c) cuir stad Ill, cui< erloch f, (with prep air),
pull n tarraingf, slaodadh m - something off (till another day) cui< rudeigin air ath lam, also (less
pull v 1 tarraing vti, (more heavily) slaod vti, - a cork tarraing corcais f trod) cuir rudeigin dheth (gu la m eile), - by/aside coo vt mu seach,
2 (idiom) they were -ing my leg bha iad a' tarraing asam coo vt an dara taobh m, - into action (plan &c) cuir vt an gnlomh
pullet n eireagf m, - at risk/in danger coo vt an cunnart m, - to the test coo vt gu
pulley n ulagf deuchainn f, also dearbh vt, - down (belittle, hllmiliate someolle) coo
pullover 11 geansaidh m vt an suarachas m, - out (Pllblish) coo vt a-mach, - right (wrollgs &c)
pulp 11 glaodhan m, pronnadh m, wood - glaodhan-fiodha m cui< vt cearl, - right, - in order (IIlachillery &c) coo vt air ghJeus mf,
pulpit n cubaid f, (less IISll) erannagf also gleus vt, I don't want to - you to any trouble chan eiJ mi airson
pulverise v pronn vt dragh m sam bith a chur oirbh, - Gaelic into French coo Frangais f
pulverised adj & past part pronn, air a (&c) p(h)ronnadh air Gaidhlig f, (idiom) - the cat among the pigeons coo an ceOl air
pump n pumpa m feadh na fidhJe; 2 (other mise erprs) - down (rebel/ioll &c) ceannsaich vt,
punctilious adj (persoll, work &c) mion-chUiseach, pongail, mionaideach much vt, - (great) emphasis on X leig cudthrom (mor) air X, - right,
punctual adj pongail - in order (silllaliolls, relatiollships &c) reitich vt, Jeasaich vt, - to shame
puncture 11 toll m maslaich vt, - up with fuiling & fuJaing vt, (less trod) coo vi suas ri,
puncture v toll vt they had to - up with cold and hunger b' fheudar dhaibh fuachd mf
punish v peanasaich vt, smachdaich vt is aeras m fhulang, b' fheudar dhaibh cur suas ris an fhuachd is ris an
punishment 11 peanas m, corporal - peanas corporra aeras, - up (for the night) faigh cuid-oidhcheflcuidfna h-oidhche,
punitive adj peanasach we - up for the night at the hotel fhuair sinn (ar) cuid-oidhche/fhuair
pup n cuiJean m sinn cuid na h-oidhche aig an taigh-osta m
pupil 11 1 (school) sgoilear m; 2 (of eye) dubh m (na sWa) putrefaction n grodadh Ill, lobhadh Ill, breine f
puppet 11 fear-breige m, pupaid f putrefy v grod vi, lobh vi
puppy n cuiJean m putrid adj grod, lobhte
purchaser n neach-ceannach III (p/luchd-<:eannach m sing col/) puzzle n toimhseachan m, crossword - toimhseachan-tarsainn m
purchasing n ceannach III puzzle v cuir vt an irncheist f
purgatory n purgadair III puzzled adj & past part ani fo irncheist f
purling 11 (of stream) eronan Ill, torman m puzzling adj irncheisteach
purple adj coeeair, purpaidh
purple 11 purpar Ill, purpaidh f
purpose 11 run m; 2 ill expr on - a dh'aon run, a dh'aon ghnothach m
purring n eronan III
pursue v rua(i)g vt, Jean vt (gu dian)
pursuit 11 Itoir f, ruaigf, in - an toir (of air); 2 (military) ruithf 3 (hobby &c)
cur-seachad m, my favourite - an cur-seachad as fhem leam
pus n brachadh m, iongar rn
push v put vt, (more rOllghly) brilth vt, sath vt
pustule n guirean m
put v 1 (exprs with coo vt) - coal on the fire cui< gual rn air an teine m,
- your clothes on cui< ortlumad do chuid f aodaich m gell, - money
on a horse coo airgead III air each rn, - the light on/off coo air I as
an solas m, - the fire out coo as an teine m, I had to - on weight

286 287

quarters n 1 (mi[itary) taigh-feachd m, gearastan m, cairtea!an mpl; 2 (non-

Q military) aite-fuirich m, loistinn m
quaver v crith vi
quadrangle n ceithir-cheamagf quay n cidhe m, lairnrigf
quadrilateral adj ceithir-cheamach queen n banrigh f banrighinn f
quadruped adj & n ceithir-chasach queer adj neonach
quagmire n suil-chritheach f bog m, boglach f feith(e) f quell v (people, emotions &c) ceannsaich vt, much vt, - unrest ceannsaich
quaich n cuach f airnhreitf
quaint adj neonach, annasach, sean-fhasanta quelling n ceannsachadh m
quake n 1 crith f; 2 (earthqllake) crith-thalmhainn f quench v 1 (thirst) bath vt; 2 (jire, spirit &c) much vt
quake v bi vi irreg air chrith f crith vi, he was quaking with fear bha e air querulous adj gearanach
chrith leis an eagal m, in expr start to - rach vi air chrith query n ceist f
qualification n 1 (jar employment, stlldy &c) uidheamachadh m; 2 (esp in question n 1 ceist /' in exprs ask X a - cuir ceist air X, - master ceistear
written form) -(s) teisteanas 111, barrantas m m, - mark comharradh-ceiste m; 2 (point at isslle) ceist f cills f, is it
qualified adj & past part (jar employment, stlldy &c) uidheamaichte, too costiy, that's the - a bheil e ro chosgail, 's e sin a' cheist/a' chills;
barrantaichte, (of the standard reqllired) aig ire f invar (na h-obrach &c) 3 (dollbt) call into - cuir vt an teagamh m
qualify v 1 (be lip to a partiCl/lar job) bi vi aig ire f invar (na h-obrach); 2 (esp question v 1 (Pllt qllestions) ceasnaich vt, cuir ceist(ean) f (with prep air);
by formal qllalifications: - for employment, stlldy &c) bi vi uidheamaichte 2 (dollbt, contest) cuir vt an teagamh m, cuir teagamh (with prep ann
(airson na h-obrach/a' chillsa &c) an), they -ed my integrity chuir iad an teagamh an t-ionracas m agam,
quality n 1 (attribllte &c) buadhf feartm, beus f, natural qualities buadhan chuir iad teagamh san ionracas agam
nadarra(ch), intellectual qualities buadhan inntinn f gen; 2 (degree of questionable adj amharasach
excellence &c) mathas m questioner t1 ceistear 111
quandary n ioma(dh)-chomhairle f, irncheist f in a - as to what I would questioning n ceasnachadh m
do ann an ioma(dh)-chomhairle de a dheanainn questionnaire n ceisteachan 111
quantity n uimhir f invar, uiread 111 invar, meud m invar, we had a (certain) queue n ciudha mf
- of food bha na h-uimhir/na h-uiread de bhiadh 111 againn, give me quick adj 1 (in moving from place to place) !uath, astarach; 2 (of person, in
the same - as Seumas (has) thoir dhomh uirnhir ri Seumas, thoir performing tasks &c) clis, deas, tapaidh, ealamh; 3 (mentally -) luath na
dhomh uiread 's a tha aig Seumas, in expr what - do you require? de (&c) inntinn f geur-chuiseach, geur na (&c) inntinn; 4 (brief hllrried)
a dh'fheumas sibh dheth? aithghearr, a - look at the clock suil f aithghearr air a' chleoc m
quarrel n 1 (IISIl verbal) trod 111, argamaid f a - arose between them quicken v luathaich vti, our pace -ed luathaich ar ceum m, we -ed our
dh'eirich trod eatarra; 2 (verbal or phys) tuasaid f; 3 (phys) sabaid f pace luathaich sinn ar ceum
quarrel v 1 (sqllabble &c, IISIl verbally) troid vi, connsaich vi; 2 (phys) sabaid quickly adv gu luath, the time passed - chaidh an Uine seachad gu luath
vi (with ri); 3 (jail Ollt) rach vi thar a cMile, they -Iedlhave -led chaidh quickness n 1 (of person, in performing tasks &c) luas m, cliseachd f invar; 2
iad thar a cheile, tha iad troirnh-a-eheile (menta[ or phys -) graide f invar
quarrelling n trod 111, I can't sleep on account of their - chan urrainn quick-tempered adj aithghearr, cas
dhomh cadal air sgath an troid gm quiet adj 1 (person, atmosphere, weather &c) ciuin, samhach, seirnh; 2 (of
quarrelsome adj connspaideach, connsachail, airnhreiteach persons: silent, not speaking) tosdach; 3 in expr be -! tosd!, ist! (pI istibh!)
quarry' n (jar stone &c) cuaraidh m & eist! (P[ eistibh!), bi/bithibh samhach
quarry' n (of hllnters &c) creachf quietn 1 (silence) tosd m invar; 2 (ca[m) ciuineas m, samhchair f
quart n cairteal m quieten v 1 (silence) tosdaich vt; 2 (ca[m) ciuinich vti, silhich vti, socraich
quarter n 1 ceathramh m; 2 (clock time) cairtea! 111, (less IISIl) ceathramh m, vti, talaidh vt
a -/three -s of an hour cairteal/ tri chairteil na h-uarach (gen of uair j), quietiy adv os iosal & os iseal
a -to four cairtea! gu ceithir; 3 (- of year) raithf quietness n 1 (silence) tosd m invar; 2 (ca[m) ciUineas m, samhchair f
quarterly n (periodica[) rilitheachan m quilt n cuibhrig mf

288 289
quit adj saor adj is, cuidhteas m (with or withoLlt prep de), we're - of the bad
lodgers tha sinn saor is na droch laisdearan mpl, fhuair sinn cuidhleas R
(de) na droch laisdearan
quit v fag vt, (can be more drastic) treig vt, she - her post/job threig i a rabbit n rabaid f, (more trad) coineanach m
dreuchd I, the people - the island threig na daoine mpl an t-eilean rabble 11 prabar m, graisgf
quite adv 1 (completely) (gu) buileach, gu tur, gu h-iomlan, gu lear, she's race' n 1 (ethnicity) cinealm, - relations dilirnh-chinealan f; 2 (more loosely:
not - ready chan eil i buileach deiseil, - different gu tur eadar- tribe, people, esp supposedly of common descent) siolm sing call, cinneadh
dhealaichte, in exprs I'm - certain lha mi liIn-chinnleach, that's - right m, ginea] mf, the - of Diarmaid (the Campbells) siol Diarrnaid gen; 3 in
tha sin ceart gu lear, also (stronger) tha sin cho ceart ri ceart; 2 !fairly, expr the human - an cinne-daonna m
somewhat) gu math, we were - tired bha sinn gu math sgith, - old gu race' n (sports &c) reis f
malh aosla; 3 (expr agreement) direach (sin)!, I was wrong! -! bha rni racial adj cinneadail, cineaJtais (gen of cinealtas m, used adjectivally),
cean! direach! - discrimination lethbhreilh chinneadail, c1aonadh cinealtais
quiver v bi vi irreg air chrith f, crith vi racialism, racism n grain-chinnidh f, cineaJtas m
quiz 11 ceasnachadh m racialist, racist adj cinealtach
quota n cuid I, cuibhreann mf, (less trad) cuota m racist n neach cinealtach
racket' n (noise) gleadhraich f, (loLlder) iJpraid I, othail f
racket' !for sport) racaid f
racket" (dishollest bLlsiness &c) foill f, gnlomhachas foilleil, companaidh IIIf
radiance n dealradh Ill, lainnir f
radiant adj dealrach, lainnireach, boillsgeach
radiate v 1 (shine) dealraich vi; 2 (emit) sgaoil vt
radio n reidjo m, what's on the -? de a th' air an reidio?
radioactive adj reidio-bea
raffle n crannchur-gilllll
rafter n cabar m
rag n luideagf, c1iJd & dobhd 11/
rage n cuthach m, bainidh f invar, boile f invar, in a - air chuthach, air
bhiUnidh, air bhoile, fly into a -/go mad with - rach vi air chuthach,
gabh an cuthach (dearg)
ragged adj cearbach, luideach
raging adj 1 (of persons: with madness or anger) air chuthach Ill, air bhainidh
f invar, air bhoile f invar; 2 (of seas) doineannach
raid n creach f
rail n reile f
railings n reilichean JPI
rain n uisge Ill, (heavy) diJe I, (torrential) dUe bhathte, the - stopped at
long last sguir an l-uisge mu dheireadh thall, in expr acid - uisge-
searbhaig 11/
rain v 1 bi vi irreg an t-uisge ann, sil vi, (lightly) fras vi, it's -ing tha an
t-uisge ann, (LlSLl more heavily) tha e a' sileadh, it always -ed bha/
bhiodh an t-uisge ann an-eamhnaidh; 2 (idiom) it was -ing cats and
dogs bha diJe bhathte ann
rainbow n bogha-frois 11/
290 291
raincoat" cota-froise m rate v 1 (evalllate) meas vt, cull luach m (with prep air), luachaich vt;
rainfall n sileadh m 2 (more fam) in erpr how do you - (himlit &e) de do/ur b(h)eachd
rainforest n eoille-uisge f (air &c), how do you - them as players? de do bheachd orra mar
rainproof adj uisge-dlonaeh chluicheadairean? mpl
raise v 1 tog vt, - your head tog do eheann m, that -d my spirits thog sin rather adv 1 (fair[y, somewllllt) car, earan, beagan, rudeigin, rud beag,
mo ehridhe m, - an issue tog euspair m, I was -d in Coll thogadh mi - tired ear/earan/beagan/rudeigin/rud beag sgith; 2 (erpr preferellce)
ann an Colla; 2 ill expr - oneself eirich vi, she -d herself (up) onto one b' Ehearr leam (&c), they would - have cheese b' Ehe"r leotha eaise
elbow dh'eirich i air a leth-uilinn f mf; 3 in erpr - than seach prep, give us money - than promises thoir
rake n (too[) raean m, rae m dhuinn airgead m seach geallaidhean mp[
rally 11 tionalm, eruinneachadh m ratify v daingnich vt
rally v (raise spirits, encol/rage) misnieh vt, ath-mhisnich vt ration" cuibhreann ut
RAM 11 (In abbrev random access memory euimhne thuaireameach rational adj reusanta
ram 11 (tl/p) rllda m, reithe m rationale 11 feallsanachd f, the - oflbehind the proposals feallsanachd
rampart tI mur m nam molaidhean mp[
random adj 1 tuaireamach; 2 in expr at - air thuaiream f; 3 (In - access rattle 11 (ie toy &c) clach-bhalgf
memory euimhne thuaireameach rattling 11 (of lighter objects) clagarsaieh f illvar, (Iollder) glagadaich f,
randy adj druiseach, druiseil gleadhraich f
range n 1 (scale, series) raon m, sreath mf, - of temperature raon teothachd raven n fitheach m
f illvar, - of responsibilities sreath de dhleastanasan mpl; 2 (for artillery ravish v (ie rape) eignich vt
&c practice) raon-bualaidh m; 3 (of hills, mOl/ntains) sreath mf ravisher n eigneachair ut
ranger 11 maor m, countryside - maor-duthcha m, park - maor-pitirce m raw adj (1II1cooked, IIl1processed) amh, - meat froil f amh, - materiaHs)
rank n (ill hierarchy, progressioll, armed services &e) inbhe f stuth(an) m(pI) amh
ransack V rannsaich vt ray n gath m, (less 11511) leus m, - of light gath solais m gen, the -s of the
ransom 11 eirigf sun gathan na greine
ransom v fuasgail vt le eirigf, saor/saoraich vt le eirig raze v leag vt, - to the ground leag vt gu lar m
rape 11 eigneaehadh m razor n ealtainn f, ([ess trad) rasair m
rape v eignich vt reH reiterative prefir ath- (Jenites followillg consollant where possible) eg
rapid adj 1 (genera[) luath; 2 (of watercol/rse) bras, cas; 3 (of person's reassess V ath-mheas vt also (more illformal) meas vt a-rithist, re-count
movemellts) grad, aithghearr 11 ath-ehunntadh m
rapier 11 claidheamh eaol reach V 1 (arrive at, will to) ruig vti, we -ed Perth rainig sinn Peairt;
rapist 11 eigneachair m 2 (fig, abstr: arrive at, achieve) thig vi (with prep gu), - an agreement!
rare adj 1 (ill short sl/pply, seldom met with) gann, teare, ainneamh; 2 (I/nllslla[) understanding thig gu eordadh m/reite f, - a decision/conclusion
annasach; 3 (fam: expr approval) taghta, that was -! bha sin taghla! thig vi gu eo-dhi1nadh m, also eo-dhUin vi; 3 (attain with hand &c) ruig
rarely adv gu tea rc, commollIy rendered by is v irreg de[ gann, (less 11511) is vi (with prep air), can you - the top shelf? an ruig thu air an sgeilp f as
ainneamh, (both with eOllj a), you'll - see the likes of him is gann a chi airde?, - for my hand ruig air mo lairnhf; 4 (pass) sin vt (with prep gu),
thu a leithid f - me the sugar sin thugam an siuear
rarity n 1 (abstr) gainne f illvar, gainnead m invar, teiree f invar; 2 (con) a - read v leugh vti
annas m, ([ess 11511) suaicheantas m reader n leughadair m
rat 11 radan & rod an ut reading n leughadh m
rate n 1 (of speed) astar m, luas m, they were going along at a good - bha ready adj 1 (prepared, finished &c) deiseil, uIIamh, (less 11511) deas, the
astar math aea; 2 (- of progress &c) ruith f, at this - air an ruith seo; food's/meal's - tha am biadh m deiseil/ ullamh, are you -? a bheil
3 (fill: level) luaeh m illvar, ire f, the - of exchange luaeh na h-iomlaid, thu deiseil/uIIamh?; 2 (keen, willing) easgaidh (to gu), deonach, - to
co-Iuaeh an airgid, the interest - ire/luach an reidh; 4 (Ioca[ taxes) -s help you easgaidh gur euideaehadh, - to do it deonach a dheanamh,
reataichean mpl (more trad) dronach air a dheanamh; 3 (expr eOllveniellce, halldilless)

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ready ENGUSH-GAEUC DICTIO ARY reassess reassessment ENGUSH-GAEUC DICTIONARY recover

uIlamh, - to hand uIlamh, - money airgead m uIlamh; 4 in erpr get - reassessment n ath-mheasadh m
deasaich vt, uIlaich vt, get the food - deasaich am biadh, (esp mac/lines, rebel n reubalach m
equipmeut &c) gleus vt, cuir vt air ghleus, uidheamaich vt rebel v dean ar-a-mach m invar, eirich vi (suas), (against an aghaidh with
real adj 1 (actual) mtheil, fior, rudail; 2 (geuuine) fior (precedes the noun, gell)
which it lellites where possible), - gold fior or m; 3 (out & out) fior, dearg. rebellion n ar-a-mach m invar
(precede the 1I0UII, which is lenited where possible), gu c(h)UI m (follows the rebuke 11 achmhasan m
noun), they're - musicians's e fior luchd-ciiril m sing call a th' annta, rebuke v cronaich vt, thoir achmhasan m (with prep do)
a - idiot dearg amadan m, a - Highlander fior Ghaidheal, Gilidheal recall v 1 (remember) cuirnhrtich vi (with prep air), mebmhraich &
gu chUl mearnhraich vti; 2 (call back, summon again) gairm vt air ais
realise v 1 (comprehend, appreciate) tuig vti, (trod or formlll) fidir vti, J - that! receipt 11 (for money &c) cuidhteas m
tha mi a' tuigsinn sin!; 2 (be/become aware) thig vi a-steach (with prep recent adj ill, a - book leabhar m ill
air), I -d that they weren't listening thilinig e a-steach orm nach robh recently adv (bh)o chionn ghoirid
iad ag eisteachd reception n 1 (welcome) failte f, what sort of a - did you get? de seorsa m
realism n fiorachas m failte a thuair sibh?; 2 (desk ill hotel &c) ionad m failte gen; 3 (fullction)
reality n fiorachd f invar cuirm m, (the) wedding - cuirm f na bainnse (gell ofbanais fJ
really adv fior (precedes the adj, which it lenites where possible), uabhasach receptionist 11 (hotel &c) failtiche m
fhein (precedes the adj), gu dearbh, the food was - good/- excellent bha recession 11 (fill) seacadh m
am biadh fior mhath/uabhasach thein math, are you tired? J - am! a recitation tl aithris m
bheil thu sgith? tha gu dearbh!, he's rich!, is he -? tha e beartach! a recite v aithris vt
bheil gu dearbh? reckon v 1 (arithmetic &c) cunnt vti; 2 (collsider, thillk) saoil vi, meas vi,
reanimate v ath-bheothaich vt (slightly fam) J - it will rain soon saoilidh mi gum bi uisge m ann a
reappraisal n ath-bheachdachadh m (of air) dh'aithghearr, what do you -? de do bheachd (air)?
reappraise v ath-bheachdaich vi (with prep air) reckoning 11 1 (arithmetic &c) cunntas m, cunnladh m; 2 (sum due) cunntas
rear n 1 (ofgroup &c) deireadh m, she was in the - bha i air dheireadh, she m, bileagf (cunntais gen)
brought up the - thainig i air deireadh; 2 (of building &c), (outside) cUi recline v 1 (referring to the movement) laigh vi (sios); 2 (referrillg to the
m, ciJlaibh m illvar, (inside) tonf, there were trees at the - of the church positiDrl) bi v irreg na (&c) laighe mf illvar
bha craobhan Jpl (ann) air cUI / air cUlaibh na h-eaglaise, the - (part) of recognised adj & past part aithnichte
the hall ton an talla; 3 (fam: backside, bum) ton f, mas m recollect v cuirnhrtich vi (with prep air)
rear v 1 (childrell, livestock &c) tog vt, I was -ed in ColI thogadh mi ann an recollection n cuirnhne f illvar (of air), I've no - of him chan eil cuirnhne
Colla; 2 ill erpr - up (surge upwards &c) eirich vi (suas) agam air idir
reason I 11 1 (the faculty of -) reusan m; 2 (sanity) ciall f, rian m, reusan m, J recommend v mol vt
nearly lost my - cha mhor nach deach mi as mo chiall/mo rian, theab recommendation n moladh m, the government's -s for a new tax
mi a dhol as mo chiall/mo rian molaidhean an riaghaltais airson cise f gen Uire
reason' n (cause, explanation) adhbhar m, dris f, (less usu) fath m invar, the - reconcile v (opposing parties &c) reilich vt
for my sadness adhbhar/fath mo bhroin m gen; 2 ill erpr what's the-? reconciliation n reite f
de as coireach? (for air), the electricity's off, what's the - for that? tha record n 1 (of events &c) cunntas m, dilr m; 2 (sound recordillg) dar m
an dealan m dheth, de as coireach air sin? record v 1 (events &c) cJaraich vt, sgrlobh cunntas (of air, de); 2 (sound)
reason v reusanaich vi daraich vt
reasoning" reusanachadh m recording 11 1 (abstr) c1arachadh m; 2 (call) dar m; 3 in erpr - tape teip f
reasonable adj 1 (statements, situations &c: logical, consistellt with reason or chlaraidh (gen of cJaradh m)
sense) reusanta, dallach; 2 (situations &c: fair, appropriate) cothromach, recount v 1 (relate) thoir cunntas m (with prep de or air), innis vt
reusanta, a - salary tuarastal cothromach; 3 (persons: amenable to, re-count 11 ath-chunntadh m
displaying, reason or common sense) toinisgeil, ciallach re-count v ath-eunnt vti, (more infonllOl) cunnt vt a-rithist
reassess v ath-mheas vt recover v 1 (from illness & other ordeals &c) rach vi am feabhas m, thig

294 295
recover ENGLISH-GAELIC DICTIONARY reflection reformation ENGLISH-GAELIC D,CT,ONARY regular

vi bhuaithe, the invalid -ed chaidh an t-euslainteach am feabhas, reformation 11 ath-Ieasachadh m, (hist, reUg) the Reformation an t-Ath-
thainig an t-euslainteach bhuaithe, (less trad) dh'fhas an t-euslainteach leasachadh
na b' £hearr; 2 (retrieve) faigh vt air ais reform v 1 (reshape) ath-ehruthaich vt; 2 (change for better &c) leasaich vt,
recreate v ath-ehruthaich vt ath-Ieasaich vt
recreation n 1 (creating anew) ath-chruthachadh m; 2 (pastime &c) cur- refrain n (mllsic, poetry) .eist mf
seachad m refrain v cUm vi (from bh%), seachain vt, - from strong drink cUm on
recruit v 1 (workers, staff) fastaich vt; 2 (armed forces) tog vt deoch f lilidir, seachain (an) deoch laidir
rectangle n ceart-cheamach m, ceart-ehearnagf refresh v iIraich vt
rectangular adj ceart-cheilrnach refreshment 11 1 (abstr) urachadh m; 2 (call: meal &c) biadh m (is deoch j),
rectify v cearlaich vt, cuir vt ceart, leasaich vt Ion m, beathachadh m
rectum n ton f refrigerate v fjonnaraich vt
recycle v ath-chuairtich vt refrigeration 11 fjonnarachadh m
red adj 1 (of hllman hair, animal's coat) ruadh, a --haired man fear ruadh, refrigerator 11 !rids m, (less IISIl) fuaradair m
- grouse cearc f ruadh; 2 (IISI1 brighter -) dearg, - corpuscle !ride refuge 11 (abstr & COil) tearmann m, comraich f, dion m, fasgadh m
dhearg, - wine fion dearg refugee 11 fograch & fogarrach m
red 11 dearg m refusal 11 diUltadh m
redcoat n (hist) saighdear dearg refuse n sgudalm, (less IISIl) fuighleach m
redcurrant n dearc dhearg refuse v diUlt vti, we -d food dhiUlt sinn biadh m, their father -d to let
redden v 1 (as vt: make red) deargaich vt; 2 (as vi: tllmlbecome -) fas vi dearg them leave dhiUlt an athair m leigeilleatha falbh, refusing to get up
reddish- adj prefix dearg-, eg -brown dearg-dhonn a' diUltadh eirigh
reduce v lughdaich vti, islich vt refute v breugnaich vt
reduction 11 lughdachadh m, rent - lughdachadh mail (gen of maIm) regal adj rioghail
reed n 1 cuilc f; 2 (of mllsical illstrllment) ribheid f regard 11 1 (respect) meas m, urram m, (for air), I have a great deal of - for
reel 11 1 ifor thread &c) iteachan m, pioma f; 2 (dallce) ruidhle m, ridhilm, her tha meas mor agam oirre; 2 (more affectiollate -) speis f; 3 (attentioll,
eightsome - ruidhle-ochdnar m care, cOllcem) for m illvar (for air), suirn f (for de), he continued, with
redundant adj anbharra no - for me lean e air, gun for a thoirt ormsa, lean e air, gun suirn aige
re-election 11 ath-thaghadh m dhiomsa; 4 (corres &c) with kindest -s leis gach deagh dhiIrachd m;
refectory 11 biadh-Iann f 5 ill expr with - to thaobh or a-thaobh (with gen), with - to the war
refer v 1 (ad mill &c) cuir vt (to gu), - the matter to the manager cuir a' chuis (a-)thaobh a' chogaidh
chun a' mhanaidseir m, - back cuir vt air ais (to gu); 2 (melltioll, allllde) regarding prep thaobh or a-thaobh (with gen), he has problems - money
thoir iomradh m, thoir tarraing f, thoir guth m, (to air), (esp persolls) tha duilgheadasan aige (a-)thaobh airgid m
ainmich vt, - to something thoir iomradh/tarraing/guth air rudeigin regiment 11 reiseamaid f
referee n (sport) reilear m region 11 1 ceam m, sgire f, tir mf; 2 (local government admin) roinn f,
reference 11 1 (as to character, qualifications &c) teisteanas m; 2 (melltion) (formerly) Highland Region Roinn f na Gaidhealtachd
iomradh m, tarraing f, guth m, (to air), he made no - to it cha tug e register v daraich vti
iomradh/tarraing/guth (sam bith) air register n dar m, - of electors dilr (an) luchd-taghaidh m sillg call
reflect v 1 (thillk) cnuas vi, cnuasaich vi, mebrnhraich & mearnhraich vi, registration 11 clilrachadh m
(more rigorollsly) beachd-smaoin(t)ich vi, (onlupon air); 2 (mirror) tilg regret 11 aithreachas m
vt air ais, ath-thilg vt regret v bi vi irreg duilich, (more formal) bi vi irreg an t-aithreachas m (will.
reflection 11 1 (colltemplatioll &c) cnuasachadh m, meornhrachadh & prep air & cOllj gu), I - having done that tha mi duilich gun do rinn mi
mearnhrachadh m, (more rigorolls) beachd-smaoin(t)eachadh m, (onl sin, tha an t-aithreachas orm gun do rinn mi sin
upon air); 2 (reflected image) faileas m, ath-iomhaigh f, the - of the regular adj 1 (orderly, ill accordallce with rules &c) riaghailteach, ordail;
moon on the surface of the loch faileas na gealaich air uachdar m an 2 (as regards time: consistellt, evenly spaced &c) cunbhalach; 3 (gram)
locha naghailteach, - verbs gnlomhairean mpl riaghailteach

296 297
regularise v riaghailtich vt release v 1 (set free) fuasgail vt, cuir/leig vt mu sgaoil m invar, saor vt;
regularity" riaghailteachd f i"var 2 (fire) leig vt, - an arrow leig saighead f; 3 (let out, let go/slip) leig vt
regulate v riaghlaich vt, riaghailtich vt, riaghail vt as, - the dogs leig as na coin (pI of cu Ill); 4 (bring out film, recording &c)
regulation" 1 (abstr) riaghladh m; 2 (more co,,: a -) riaghailt f cuir vt a-mach
rehearsal" aithris f relevance n buinteannas m (to do, ri)
rehearse v aithris vti relevant adj 1 a bhuineas (&c) (rei Jut of buin vi; to do, ri), buntainneach,
reign" rioghachadh m (law) evidence - to the case fianais f a bhuineas don chills f dot, this
reign v rioghaich vi letter is - tha an litir f sea a' buntainn ris a' ghnothach III dat; 2 in e:rpr
reject v diUlt vt, she won't - her own daughter cha dhiUlt i a nighean f be - buin vi (to do, ri), that is - to the question tha sin a' buntainn
fhein don chills/ris a' chillsf dat
rejection" diUltadh m reliable adj 1 (esp morally) earbsach, urrasach; 2 (esp practically) seasmhach,
rejoice v dean gilirdeachas m (at ri) cunbhalach
rejoicing" gilirdeachas m reliance n earbsa / invar, creideas nI, place . . . in someone cuir earbsa ann
relate v 1 (recou"t) innis vt, aithris vt, (to do), I'll - what I know innsidh an cuideigin mf invar, thoir creideas do chuideigin
mi na tha a ifor de) dh'fhios agam (air); 2 (be perti"e"t, co""ected) bi vi relic n 1 (residue &c) fuidheall & fuighealllll, (less usu) iarmad m; 2 (keepsake
irreg co-cheangailte (to ri), this -s to what I said yesterday tha seo co- &c) cuirnhneachan m
cheangailte ris na thubhairt mi an-de relief n 1 (from pain, worry &c) furtachdf invar (for/from air), - for/from his
related adj 1 (- by ki"ship) cilirdeach (to do), I'm - to you tha mi cairdeach anguish furtachd air a dhorainn f; 2 (from pain, suffering) faothachadh
dhut; 2 (linked) co-cheangailte (to ri), the two things are - tha an da & faochadh m, he experienced some - thainig faothachadh air
rud m sing co-cheangailte (ri cheile) relieve v 1 (pain, suffering) faothaich vti; 2 (pain, worry &c) furtaich vi, (with
relation n 1 (ki,,) caraid m, my -s mo chilirdean (pI of caraid m), mo prep air), she -d his anguish dh'fhurtaich i air a dhorainn f
dhaoine (pI of duine m), a - of mine caraid dhomh (note also he's a - religion n creideamh m, the Islamic - an creideamh loslamach
of mine tha e cilirdeach adj dhomh), all my -s are in Stornoway tha religious n 1 diadhaidh, crabhach; 2 (idiom: not PC) they (&c) became very
mo chilirdean/mo dhaoine air fad ann an Steornabhagh; 2 (relevance) - ghabh iad (&c) an eu.ram
buinteanas m, in e:rpr bear - to buin vi ri, that bears no - to the relinquish v leig vt (with prep de), leig vt seachad, lreig vt, she -ed her post
matter chan eil sin a' buntainn ris a' chills f (idir); 3 in expr sexual -s leig i dhith/leig i seachad a dreuchd f
cleamhnas m relinquishment n leigeil f seachad, lreigsinn m i"var
relationship" 1 (of kinship) cilirdeas m, blood - cilirdeas-fola (gen offull!); reluctance n leisg(e) f
2 (not necessarily of ki"ship) cairdeas m, daimh mf invar, the - between reluctant adj leisg, aindebnach, in e:rpr be - is v irreg & defleisg (with prep
the two families an cilirdeas/an daimh eadar an da theaghlach m sing; le), bi vi irreg (eisg(e) f (with prep air), I am - to sell it is leisg leam a
3 (- between things, ideas &c) ceangal m, co-cheangal m, (to ri, between reic, I was - to leave bha leisg(e) Orm falbh
eadar) rely v cuir earbsa f invar (on ann), earb thu-fhein (&c) (on ri), don't - on
relative adj (gram) dilirnheach, - particle mion-fhacal m daimheach them na cuir earbsa annta, na h-earb thu-fhein riutha
relative n (kin) caraid m, my -s mo chilirdean (pI of caraid m), mo dhaoine remain v 1 (stay) fuirich vi, fan vi, you - where you are! fuirich/ fan thusa
(pI of duine m), a - of mine caraid dhomh (note also he's a - of mine far a bheil thu!; 2 (continue to be) it -s a good hotel's e taigh-osta math
tha e cilirdeach adj dhomh), all my -s are in Stornoway tha mo a th' ann fhathast
chilirdean/ mo dhaoine air fad ann an Stebrnabhagh remainder n 1 (residue) fuidheall & fuigheall Ill, (less usu) iarmad m;
relax v 1 (rest, take o"e's ease) gabh fois f, bi vi irreg na (&c) t(h)ilmh m; 2 (take 2 (arithmetic) fuidheall & fuigheall m
things easily) gabh vi air a (&c) s(h)ocair f; 3 (calm dow", be less streseed remark n facal Ill, cutting -s faclan geura, also briathran mpl geura
&c) socraich vti, as excI -! socair!, air do shocair!; 4 (- grip, tension on remarkable adj air leth, sonraichte
object &c) fuasgail vt remedial adj leasachaidh (gen of leasachadh III used adjectivally),
relaxation n fois f, socair f - education/unit foghlam m/ionad m leasachaidh
relaxed adj (esp people) socair, (people, atmosplJere &c) socrach, a - pace ceurn remedy n 1 (health) leigheas m, iocshlaintf, (for air), a - for asthma leigheas
socrach air a' chuing f; 2 (jor problem &c) leasachadh m, fuasgladh Ill, there

298 299
remedy ENGLISH-GAELIC DIe-no ARY repairer repay E GLlSH-GAELlC DlcrlONARY request

was no - for the matter cha robh leasachadh air a' chUis, a problem repay V dioghail & diol vt, - a debt dio(ghai)l fiach m
without a - ceistf/duilgheadas m gun fhuasgladh repayment n dio(gh)ladh m
remedy v (situation &c) leasaich vt, cuir vt am feabhas m, cuir vt ceart repeat v 1 (verbally) can vt def a-rithist; 2 (actio liS &c) dean vt (&c) a-rithist,
remembe.r v 1 cuirnhnich vti, mebrnhraich & mearnhraich vi, (with prep she -ed the song ghabh i an t-bran a-rithist/turas m eile
air); 2 (idioms) I don't - (himJit &c) chan eil cuimhne f agam (air &c), replace v 1 (retum to its place) cuir vt air ais (na (&c) aite m); 2 (exc/lOlIge,
if I - rightly mas math mo chuimhne f substitute) cuir vt an aite m (with gen), - X by Y cuir Y an aite X; 3 (-
remembrance n cuimhne f broken, wom out object &c) we -d the fridge fhuair sinn/cheannaich
remind v 1 (recall &c) cuir vt na (&c) c(h)uimhne f, -ing me of my young sinn frids m ur / eile
days a' cur nam chuimhne laithean mpl m' bige f gell; 2 (jog memon;) replacement n 1 (stolid-in &c) neach-ionaid m; 2 (for car &c) - part, pairt-
cuimhnich vi (with prep do), cuir vt na (&c) c(h)uimhne, he -ed me to caraidh mf
give him the key chuimhnich e dhornh/chuir e nam chuimhne an replica 11 mac-samhail m, (more trad) lethbhreac m
iuchair a thoirt dha reply n freagairtf, I didn't get a - cha d'fhuair mi £reagairt
remnant, remnants n fuidheaU & fuigheall m, (less usu) iarmad m, he got reply v freagair vi, thoir freagairt f (to do), he hasn't replied yet cha do
his pick of it, I got the -s fhuair esan a roghainn mf dheth, fhuair mise fhreagair e fhathast, we'll - to you soon bheir sinn freagairt dhuibh a
am fuidheaU dh'aithghearr
remote adj 1 (phys distallt from celltre &c) iomallach, cein, - area/district report' 11 1 (ill lIewspaper &c) iornradh m, aithisg f, cunntas m, a - of the
cearn m iomaUach; 2 (- in time or space) cian; 3 (of place: isolated, lonely) strike iomradh air an stailc J; 2 (pol, business &c: fonllal -) aithisgf
uaigneach; 4 (of persoll: withdrawlI &c) fad' as, dUinte report' 11 (of glllrjire) urchair f
remoteness 11 (itl time or space) cian m repository n ionad-tasgaidh m
removal n 1 toirt f invar air falbh; 2 (from within somethillg) toirt as; represent v (lawyer, spokesmall, actor, artist, sportsmall, politiciall) riochdaich vt
3 (flittillg) irnrich f representation 11 riochdachadh m
remove v 1 thoir vt air falbh; 21Jrom withill something) thoir vt as representative n riochdaire m, (trade) union - riochdaire-aonaidh m
remuneration 11 (from employment) piligh m illvar, paigheadh m, tuarastal m, repress V (people, emotiolls &c) ceannsaich vt, much vt
(less usu) cosnadh m repression 11 (of people, emotiolls &c) ceannsachadh m, muchadh m
rend v reub vt, srac vt repressive adj ceannsachail
renew v 1 (rellovate, refresh) illaich vt, ath-nuadhaich vt; 2 (replace) ath- reproach 11 tarcais f, tailceas m
nuadhaich vt; 3 (reaffirm &c) ath-nuadhaich vt, they -ed their vows reproach v cronaich vt, cain vt, don't - her na cronaich i; 2 (with following
dh'ath-nuadhaich iad an geaUaidhean mpl complemellt) tilg vt (with prep air followed by conj gu, lIach), they
renewal n urachadh m, ath-nuadhachadh m -ed me with not being conscientious thilg iad orm nach robh mi
renovate v illaich vt, nuadhaich vt, ath-nuadhaich vt, (more colloquial) cuir dicheallach
vt air dbigh f reproachful adj tarcaiseach, tailceasach
renovation n illachadh m, nuadhachadh m, ath-nuadhachadh m, (more reproduce v 1 (breed) gin vti, tarmaich vti; 2 (copy &c) dean lethbhreac
colloquial) cur m air dbigh f m/mac-samhail m (with prep de), - this book dean lethbhreac den
renown n diu m invar, glbir f leabhar m sea
renowned adj (persolls or thillgs) ainmeil, (esp persolls) iornraiteach, reproduction 11 1 (breedillg) gineadh m, gineamhainn m invar; 2 (facsimile of
cliuiteach book, picture &c) lethbhreac m
rent' n (for property &c) maIm reprOductive adj gineamhainn m illvar gell used adjectivally, - organs buill-
rent' 11 (rip) reubadh m, sracadh m ghinearnhainn mpl
rent v 1 (as tenant) gabh vt air mMI m dot; 2 (as lalldlord) thoir vt seachad reptile 11 peist f
air mMl dot republic n poblachd f, the Irish Republic Poblachd na h-Eireann
rented adj & past part air rnhaJ m dot, a - house taigh m air rnhal republican adj & n poblachdach m
repair pr caradh m republicanism n poblachdas m
repair v caraich vt reputation 11 ainm 111, diu m ;lIvar
repairer 11 neach-earaidh m (plluchd-caraidh m sing coli) request 11 iarrtas m, (less 11511) iarraidh m

300 301
requesl ENGLISH-GAELIC DICflONARY resourcefulness res peel ENGLISH-GAELIC DICflONARY relching
requesl v iarr vt, they -ed a pay rise dh';arr iad ardachadh m pilighidh respect 11 meas m, urram m, onair f, I have a greal deal of - for her
(ge" of paigheadh m) tha meas mor agam oirre, worthy of - airidh air urram, urramach,
rescue" silbhaJadh m, a - boal bala-silbhaJaidh m, also bala-Ieasairginn m measail, mark of - comharradh m urrairn ge"
rescue v leasairg & leasraig vt, silbhail vt respect v thoir urram m, thoir meas m, (with prep do)
research" rannsachadh m, sgrUdadh m respeclable, respected adj measail
research v rannsaich, dean rannsachadh m (with prep air), sgrUd vi, she's respectful adj modhail, cUirteil, siobhalla
-ing the history of the country tha i a' rannsachadh eachdraidh respiration m anaJachadh m
f na dilthcha (ge" of dilthaich j), tha i a' deanarnh rannsachadh air respite n (from paill, sufferi"g) faothachadh & faochadh m, he experienced
eachdraidh na dilthcha some - thainig vi faothachadh air
resemblance" samhladh m, collas m, coirneas f respond v freagair vt
resemble v bi vi irreg collach (with prep ri), bi vi irreg collas m (with gen a"d response" freagairl f
prep air), she doesn'l- her brother chan eil i collach ri a brilthair, chan responsibility" uallach m, cilram m, clleastanas m, they charged me with
eil collas a brathar oirre the - for the journey chuir iad orm uallach an turais, it's your - is ann
resembling adj collach (with prep ri) oirbhse a tha an I-uallach, under Donald's - air cilram DhOrnhnaill
reservation" 1 (booki"g) gleidheadh m; 2 (place set aside for particular group, responsible adj 1 (i" elmrge) an urra (for ri), I was - for the Posl Office
species &c) learrnann m; 3 (me"tal -) leagamh m, arnharas m bha mi an urra ri Oifis f a' Phuisl, they made me - for the journey
reserve " 1 (of money, goods &c) slor m, sloras m; 2 (place set aside for chuir iad orm uallach m an turais; 2 (the cause of or reaso" for somethi"g)
particular group, wildlife &c) learrnann m, nature - learrnann-nildair m; coireach (for ri), there's not a soul on Ihe streelloday, who's/what's
3 (in personality: reticence &c) diUide f, (more distant) dUinleachd f invar - for Ihal? chan eil duine beb air an I-sraid f dat an-diugh; cO/de as
reserve v (book seat &c) gleidh vt (for a is) coireach ri sin?, James was - for il is e Seumas a bu choireach
reserved adj & past part 1 gleidhle, (copyrigilt) all rights - na coraichean Jpl ris
uile gleidhle; 2 (of persons: retice"t &c) diUid, silmhach, (more distant) resl' " fois f, lamh m, lake a - gabh fois, also (fam) leig d' (&c) anail f, (esp
fad' as, dUinle of dead) they are al - now tha iad aig fois/nan lamh a-nise; 2 i" expr
reservoir n loch-Iasgaidh m come 10 - (0" a surface) laigh vi; 3 (- ill music) losd m i"var
reside v cornhnaich vi, fuirich vi resf' 11 1 (others, (the) other people) the - cach prOll, an fheadhainn f sillg
residence 11 1 (abstr) cornhnaidhf, - permil cead m cornhnaidh gen; 2 (call) eile, she did better Ihan Ihe - rinn i na b' fhearr na each, like the -
aile-cornhnaidh m, ilile-fuirich m, dachaigh f illvar coltach ri cach/ris an fheadhainn eile; 2 (other thi"gs) Ihe - an corr m
resident n neach-eornhnaidh m (plluchd-eomhnaidh m sillg coli) illvar, will you lake Ihe -? an gabh lhu an corr?; 3 (remainder, residue)
residue" fuidheall & fuigheall m, iarrnad m, he gal his pick of it, I gal the fuidheall & fuigheall m
- fhuair esan a roghainn mf dheth, fhuair mise am fuidheaU rest v gabh fois f, (fam) leig d' (&c) anail f
resolule adj 1 (persevering, undaunted, determined) gramail & greirneil, reslauranl n laigh-bidh m
misneachail, suidhichle; 2 (bold &c) dilna restrain v caisg vt, bac vt, cuir casg m (with prep air), ceannsaich vt
resolution" 1 (of elmracter) rnisneach f, misneachd f i"var; 2 (- of problem restraint n bacadh Ill, casg t1J, casgadh m
&c) fuasgladh m; 3 (aim, i"te"tion, also admin &c) run m, pass/adopl a restrict v (limit) cuingealaich vt, cuibhrich vt, (10 gu), a speech -ed 10
- gabh vi ri run five minules oraid f air a cuingealachadh/air a cuibhreachadh ri coig
resolve" run m (suidhichle) mionaidean Jpl
resolve v 1 (to do somethi"g) cuir vt roirnhe (&c), rUnaich vi, they -ed result" (of actioll &c) loradh m, buil f, eifeachd f illvar, the -(5) of your
10 build a house chuir iad romhpa laigh m a thogail; 2 (- diffiCIIlty, behaviour loradh do dhol-a-mach m i"var, as a - of thal mar thoradh
situation &c) fuasgail vt, reitich vt air sin, exam - loradh deuchainn f get!
resource" 1 (admi" &c: esp equipment, materials &c) goireas m, sloras m, - retailing n meanbh-reic 111
centre ionad-ghoireasan m, natural -5 slorasan nadarra(ch), renewable relain v gleidh vt, cUm vt (air ais)
- sloras leanlainneach; 2 (admi" &c: esp fi" -s) ionmhas m si"g relard v cuir maille (with prep air or ann), maillich vt
resourceful adj innJeachdach, tionnsgalach retch v rilchd vi
resourcefulness" innJeachd f, tionnsgaJ m, tionnsgalachd f i"var relching n ruchd m, ruchdail f

302 303

retire v 1 (for night) rach vi a laighe mf invar, rach vi don leapaidhj; 2 (from prep de), (less trad) faigh dior is, we got - of the bad lodgers fhuair
work) leig dheth (&c) obair f/dreuchd f, ['11 - next year leigidh mi sinn cuidhteas (de)/fhuair sinn clior is na droch loisdearan mpl
dhlom m' obair/mo dhreuchd an ath-bhliadhnaf rid v, in expr - oneself (&c) faigh cuidhteas m (with or without prep de),
retirement n duaineas m, come out of - thig vi air ais bho chJuaineas, (less trad) faigh clior is, we - ourselves of the bad lodgers fhuair sinn
- pension peinnsean tu cluaineis gen cuidhteas (de)/fhuair sinn dior is na droch loisdearan mpl
retract v thoir vt air ais, tarraing vt air ais riddle n (pl/zzle &c) toimhseachan m
retrospectn ath-bheachd m riddle v (grain &c) criathraich vt
return n tilleadh m, - journey turas-tillidh m ride n (on vehicle) cuairt f, we had a - on a bus ghabh sinn cuairt air bus
return v 1 (as vi) till vi, -ing home a' tiIleadh dhachaigh adv; 2 (as vt, - to m
owner &c) cuir vt air ais, thoir vt air ais ride v 1 (esp horse) marcaich vi; 2 (on vehicle) siubhail vi (on air)
reveal v 1 (objects) leig vt ris, nochd vt, seall vt, -ing her knees a' leigeil a rider n marcaiche tu
glUinean mfpl ris; 2 (facts) foillsich vt ridge n 1 (topog) druim m; 2 (agric, hist: - of land for cultivation) iomair(e) f,
revelation n (offacts) foillseachadh m imire m, (in the form ofa 'Iazybed') feannagf
revenge n dloghaltas m ridge-pole n maide-droma Ill, maide-mullaich m
revenue n teachd-a·steach tu ;nvar ridicule n fanaid f, bUrt m
reverence n urram m ridicule v dean fanaidf(witll prep air)
reverend adj urramach, (of minister) the Reverend William Campbell an ridiculous adj (person, sitl/ation) amaideach, gun chiall f
t-Urramach Uilleam Caimbeul riding n (of horse) marcachadh Ill, marcachd f invar, - school sgoil-
review n 1 (critique ofbook) lihrmheas m invar (of air); 2 (study, investigation) mharcachdf
sgriIdadh Ill, rannsachadh m, (of air); 3 (reappraisal &c) ath-sgriIdadh rifle n raidhfil f
Ill, ath-bheachdachadh m, (of air)
rifle v rannsaich vt
review v 1 (book) dean leirmheas m invar (with prep air); 2 (study, investigate) rig' n (agric, hist: ridge of100ld for cl/ltivation) iomair(e) f, imire m, (in the form
sgriId vt, rannsaich vt; 3 (reappraise &c) ath-bheachdaich vi (with prep of a 'lazybed) feannagf
air), ath-sgriId vt rig' n 1 (equipment &c) uidheam f sing call, acainn f sing call; 2 in expr oil -
revile v mab vt, cain vt crann-ola tu
revise n 1 (for exam &c) ath-sgriId vt; 2 (go back on) atharraich vt, I've -d my rig out v (eql/ip with machinery &c) uidheamaich vt, beartaich vt
opinion on that tha mi air mo bheachd m atharrachadh air sin rigging n uidheam f sing coli, acainn f sing call
revival n 1 (general) ath-bheothachadh m; 2 (relig -) dusgadh m right adj 1 (opposite of left) deas, (less usu) ceart, my - hand mo lamh
revive v ath-bhebthaich vt dheas, on the - hand side air an liiirnh dheis (dat); 2 (correct) cearl, the
revolt n ar-a-mach m invar (against an aghaidh, with gen) answers are - tha na freagairteanfpl cearl, absolutely -, as - as can be
revolt v /;irich vi (suas), dean ar-a-mach m invar, (against an aghaidh, with cho ceart ri cearl, - angle cearl-uiIinn f, put- cuir vt cearl, cearlaich vt;
gen) 3 in exprs standing up for what is - a' seasamh na corach (gen of cbir j),
revolver n daga & dag m he repaid it, as was only - dh'ath-dhlol e e, mar bu choir
reward n duais f right adv, in exprs - in the middle of the town ann an teis-meadhan m a'
rheumatism n (used with art) an loinidh mf invar bhaile, ann an ceart-mheadhan m a' bhaile, the - Reverend William
rhyme n co-fhuaim m Campbell am Fior Urramach Uilleam Caimbeul, -I, - then! ceart ma-
rhyme v dean co-fhuaim III (with le or ri) tha!
ribbon n rioban m right n 1 (opposite of left) an lamh dheas, on the - air an lairnh dheis (dot);
rice n rus tu 2 (jl/stice &c) coir f, ceartas Ill, ceart m, standing up for - a' seasamh
rich adj 1 (wealthy) beartach, saidhbhir; 2 (of soil) torach na corach (gen of cbir j), (prov) might before - theid neart m thar ceart;
riches n beartas m, saidhbhreas m, ionmhas m, storas Ill, maoin f 3 (moral or legal entitlement) cbir f, dlighe f invar, dleas m, you've no -
rick n cruach f, (slllall) cruachan Ill, coc & goc m, ruc(a) m to do that chan eil cbir agad sin a dheanamh, - of entry/access cbir
rid adj & adv 1 saor (of 0), we're - of them at last! tha sinn saor uapa mu inntrigidh m gen, human -s cbraichean daonna, (copyrigIzt statement)
dheireadh thall!; 2 in expr get - of faigh cuidhteas m (with or without all -s reserved na cbraichean uile gleidhte

304 305
righteous ad} ionrajc, dlreach rob v creach vti, spUill & spUinn vti
righteousness n ionracas m robber n meirleach m, spUinneadair m, gadaiche m
rightful ad} dligheach robe n (ceremonial) eideadh m
rightly adv 1 (in accordance with morality &c) mar bu choir, he returned the robin n bru-dhearg m
money, (quite) -, chuir/thug e an t-airgead air ais, mar bu choir; 2 in robust ad} (of persons) calma, tapaidh, rudanach
erpr if I remember - mas math mo chuimhne f invar rock n 1 (the material & a -) creagf; 2 (pillar of -) carragh f; 3 (esp a - by the
rigid ad} 1 (lit) rag, cruaidh; 2 (jig: of person: in opinions, attitlldes &c) rag- sea) carraigf
bharaileach, rag-mhuineaJach rock v 1 (as vi: seas, ship, trees &c) tuJg vi, luaisg vi; 2 (as vt) tuJg vt, - the
rigidity n raige f invar cradle tuJg a' chreathail; 3 in expr - to sleep talaidh vt
rim n oir f, bile f, iomall m rocket n rocaid f
ring n 1 cearcall m, dancing in a - a' dannsadh ann an cearcall; 2 ifor finger) rocking n Iuasgan m
fainne mf, wedding - fainne-posaidh, fainne-posta, engagement - rocking-chair n seithear-lolgaidh m
fainne-gealladh-posaidh; 3 in erpr - finger mac-an-aba m rocky ad} creagach
ringlet n dual m, bachJagf, camagf roe-buck n boc-earba m
ring-road n cuairt-rathad m roe-deer n earb f
rinse v sgol vt roll v 1 (seas, ship &c) tuJg vi, luaisg vi; 2 (as vi, of ball, wheel; as vt, - pastry,
rip n reubadh m cigarette &c) roilig vti; 3 (material &c) - (up) paisg vt, fill vt; 4 (sleeves) -
rip v reub vt, srac vt up tru(i)s vt, he -ed up his sleeves thruis e a mhuilchinnean mpl
ripe ad} abakh ROM n (1T) abbrev read only memory cuimhne bhuan
ripen v abaich vti Roman ad} & n 1 Romanach m; 2 in erpr - Catholic Caitligeach m & ad}
ripeness 11 abaichead m romance n 1 (romantic novel) rolaist m, nobhail f romansach; 2 (love affair)
rise n 1 (topog: slope) leathad m, bruthach mf, we climbed a slight - dhirich leannanachd f invar
sinn leathad/bruthach beag; 2 (promotion, increment) ardachadh m, a Romania n Romainia f
pay - ardachadh paighidh (gen of paigheadh m); 3 (teasing, vexing) in Romanian n & ad} Romainianach m
erpr take a - out of farranaich vt, tarraing vi (with prep a) roof n mullach m, ceann m
rise v 1 (phys) eirich vi, he rose to his feet/to a standing position dh'eirich roof-tree n maide-droma m, maide-mullaich m
e na sheasamh m, she rose early in the mommg dh'eirich i trath sa rook n ri>cais f
mhadainn f; 2 (become higher, lit or fig) rach vi an airde f invar, prices/ room n 1 (space) rUm m, there was no - in the boat cha robh rum sa bhata
costs are rising tha prisean/cosgaisean JPI a' dol an airde; 3 (rebel) - (up) m; 2 (apartment) seomar m, rum m
eirich suas, dean ar-a-mach m invar, (against an aghaidh with gen) root n (lit & fig) freumh m, tree - freumh-craoibhe m, he went off to the
risk n cunnart m, at - ann an cunnart, put at - cull vt an cunnart islands, in search of his -s thug e na h-eileanan mpl air, an toir air a
risky ad} 1 cunnartach, (IISIl stronger) gabhaidh; 2 (of precariolls bllsiness fhreumhaichean
ventllre &c) cugallach rope n rop(a) m
rival n (in bllsiness, sport &c) farpaiseach m rosary n conaire f, paidlrean m
rivalry n comhstri f, farpais f rose n ros m
road n rathad m, main - rathad mor, single/double track - rathad rot n grodadh m, lobhadh m
singiJte/dubailte, - accident lobaist f rathaid gen, the - home an rot v grod vi, lobh vi
rathad dhachaigh adv rotate v 1 (as VI) rach vi irreg mun cuairt; 2 (as vt) cuir vt mun cuairt, cuir
roar n beue m, ran m car m (with prep air); 3 (- crops &c) cuartaich vt
roar v beuc vi, ran vi, (esp of animals) nuallaich vi rotted, rotten ad} grod, lobhte, in expr go rotten lobh vi
roaring n beucadh m, ranailm invar, ranaich f rottenness n lobhadh m
roast ad} & past part rosda & rosta rough ad} 1 (to the tOllch) garbh, - material sloth garbh; 2 (jig) garbh, a _
roast v roist & rosd vt night oidhche gharbh; 3 (hairy, shaggy) molach, fionnach; 4 (IIncollth,
roasted ad} & past part rosda & rosta violent &c) borb, garg

306 307

roughness n gairbhe f invar, gairbhead m royalty n 1 rioghalachd f invar

round adj Cnllnn rubber tJ rubair m, - band crios-rubair III
round adv timcheall, mun cuairt & mu chuairt, the picture on the telly rubbish n1 (hol/sehold &c refuse) sgudalm, (less I/Sl/) fuighleach m; 2 (objects
was going - and - bha dealbh mf an telly m a' dol timcheall, timche.all, of little worlh or vall/e) sgudal m, truileis f invar, treal(l)aich f; 3 (fam,
pass _ the bi cuits cuir timcheall na briosgaidean fpl, the cold's gomg one's odds & ends, possessions) treal(l)aich f, put that - of mine on the
_ tha an cnatan a' dol mun cuairt floor and sit down cuir an treallaich sin agam air an lar m agus dean
round n cuairt f, the postman's - cuairt a' phosta, a - of golf cuairt:ghoilf f suidhe m; 4 (foolish or inaccl/rale remarks, opinions &c) sgudal m, it's a
round prep 1 timcheall (wilh gm), timcheall (with prep air), mun cuaut (wllh load of -! 's e torr m sgudail gen a th' ann!/a tha 'n sin!
prep air), we'll go - the loch theid sinn timcheall an locha, there are rucksack n maileid-droma f, poca-droma m
salesmen going - the town tha luchd-reic m sing call a' dol timcheall a' ruddy adj ruiteach
bhaile, they built houses - his garden thog iad taighean mpltimcheall rude adj mi-mhodhail, mi-shJobhalta
air a' ghi\rradh m aige, are there any shops - here? a bheil bUithtean rugged adj garbh, a - land tir mf gharbh
mfpl timcheall air an seo?, all - her fada mun cuaut mrre; 2 (esp of ruin n 1 (- or -s ofbuilding) tobhla f sing, larach f sing; 2 (fin -) bris(t)eadh m
garment &c) mu (lakes Ihe dat), - me urnam(sa), - you (sing) urnad(sa), ruin v 1 creach vt, sgrios vt, mill vt; 2 (child &c: spoil) mill vt, they're -ing
_ him/it (m) uirne(-san), - herlit if) uirnpe(se), - us urnamo(e), - you that boy tha iad a' milleadh a' bhalaich ud; 3 (fin) bris(t) vI
(PI) umaibh(se), - them urnpa(san), put your coat - you cuir umad do ruination n 1 creach f, sgrios m, milleadh m; 2 (fin) bris(t)eadh m
chota m, a bandage - his head bann m mu cheann m ruinous adj 1 (COl/sing ruin) sgriosail, millteach; 2 (of bl/ilding) a' tuiteam
round up V (livestock &c) cruinnich vI, tionail vt, tru(i)s vt sios, at tuiteam as a cheile
roundabout adj, in expr we went/took a - way (ie a delol/r) ghabh sinn rule' n 1 (al/thority) ceannsal m, smachd m invar, reachd m invor, under
bealach m his enemy's - fo cheannsal/smachd/reachd a namhaid m; 2 (a -,
roundabout n (al road junction, also in playpark &c) timcheallan m ordinance &c) riaghailt f, (less I/Sl/) reachd m invar
roundness 11 cruinne m/, cruinnead nE rule' n (for measl/ring) ruilear m
rouse v 1 (from sleep) dUisg VIi, mosgail vti; 2 (arol/se emolions, cOl/rage &c) rule v 1 (goven! a cOl/nlry &c) riaghail vIi; 2 (issl/e order, ordain &c) reachdaich
brod vt, brosnaich vI, misnich vt; 3 in excl - yourself! tog ort! vi, ordaich vi
rout n (military &c) rua(i)gf, ruill, f . ' ruler' 11 (head of stale &c) riaghladair m
route n rathad m, slighe f, they took another - ghabh lad rathad eile, ruler' 11 (for measl/ring) ruilear m
I didn't know the - cha robh mi eclach air an t-slighe, en - air an Rum n Rum, Eilean m Ru(i)m, Eilean Ruma
t-slighe rum 11 ruma m
routine adj gnathach rumble, rumbling n 1 tonnan m; 2 (of inteslines) ruchdail f
routine n gnath-ehiIrsa m ruminate v 1 (cows &c) mamh a' chir; 2 (Il11mmls: think over &c) muas &
row' n 1 (din) gleadhraich f, othail f, faram m; 2 (ql/arrel, squabble) trod m, muasaich vi (on, about air)
tuasaid f; 3 in exprs they had a - chaidh iad thar a cheile, give a - to rummage v ruamhair vi, ruraich vi, rannsaich vi, sporghail vi
cam vt rumour n fathann m, -s are going around tha fathannan a' dol timcheall
row' n 1 (line, sl/ccession &c) sreath mf; 2 in expr in a - (ie in sl/ccession) run n 1 ruith f, they went away at a - dh'fhalbh iad nan ruith; 2 in exprs
an sreath mf a cheile, an ceann m a cheile, an deidh a cheile, three he was on the - bha e fon choill f invor, out of the common/ordinary
accidents in a - tri tubaisteanfpl an sreath a cheile/an ceann a cheile/ - of things as a' chumantas m ;lIvar
an deidh a cheile run v 1 ruith vti, she ran two miles yesterday ruith i da mhile m! sing
row' v (boat) iomair vti an-de, the train's/the water's not -ning chan eil an treana/an t-uisge
row' v (ql/arrel) connsaich vi, troid vi a' ruith; 2 (misc exprs) - out (of supplies &c: come to an end) ruith vi
rowan n caorann mf a-mach (of a), the sugar ran out ruith an siucar a-mach, we ran out
rowdy adj upraideach, gleadhrach of sugar ruith sinn a-mach a siucar m, - out (of liql/ids: flow) sruth vi,
rowing n (boat) iomradh m, good at - math air iomradh ruith vi, sil vi, - away iflee) teich vi, tarr as, also tilir as, the soldiers
royal adj rioghail ran away theich na saighdearan mpl, thair na saighdearan as, - over
royalties npl (for book &c) elleas m sing ughdair m gm (overflow) cuir vi thairis

308 309
rung n rongJ. rongas m
running n ruithf, I like - is toigh leam a bhith a' ruith
runny adj (liquids,joods &c) tana
runway n (airport &c) raon-Iaighe m sack n poca m, sac m
rural adj duthchail sack v 1 (ransack &c) rannsaich vt, creach vt; 2 (dismiss from job) cuir vt a
rush, rushes n(pl) (ie the planl) luachair f sing coli dreuchdf
rush n 1 (hosle, hurry) cabhagJ. we're in a - tha cabhag oirnn, he finished sacred adj naomh, coisrigte
it in a - chuir e cnoch f air ann an cabhaig (dat); 2 (hurried gait) dian- sacrifice n (relig) iobairt f
ruith & deann-ruith J. he left in a - dh'fhalbh e na dhian-ruith sacrifice v (relig) iobair vt
rush v 1 (carry out action &c hurriedly) expr by the appropriate verb followed sad adj , b~onach, muJad~ch, truagh, dubhach, cianail, that's -! is truagh
by na (&c) d(h)ian-ruith m, or ann an cabhaig (dat of cabhag j), or gu sm., I m - tha rnI bronach/muJadach, tha muJad orm, (more trad) tha
cabhagach, they -ed home chaidh iad dhachaigh nan dian-ruith, mj fo bhron m/ fo mhuJad m
they -ed their dinner ghabh iad an dinnear f ann an cabhaig/ gu saddle n dioUaid & diaUaid f
cabhagach; 2 (cause to -) cuir cabhag f (with prep air), she -ed the sadness n bron m, mulad nI, cianalas m
pupils at the end of the morning chuir i cabhag air na sgoilearan aig safe adj 1 (building, place ofrefuge &c) dionach, tearainte; 2 (person) silbhailte;
deireadh m na maidne 3 In expr - and sound sliln is faUam, (more trad) gu sliln faIlain
Russia n Ruisia J. an Ruis f safeguaId n tearrnann rn, mon 111
Russian I n & adj Ruiseanach m safeguard v dion vt
Russian' n (lang) Ruiseanais f invar safety n tearainteachd f invar, sabhailteachd finvar, in - an tearainteachd,
rust n meirg f - equipment uidheam f sing coli silbhailteachd
rust v meirg vti, meirgich vti sailor 11 seoladair m, maraiche m, he's a - tha e na shebladair, also tha e aig
rustproof adj meirg-dhionach muir mf/aig fairgef
rusty adj meirgeach saint n naomh m
rut n (in ground) dais J. sgrlob f saintliness n naomhachd f invar
rut, rutting n (of deer) dilmhair f saintly adj naomh
rutting adj 1 (of deer) dai.reach; 2 in expr - time/season dilmhair f salary n tuarasdal & tuarastal nif
rye n seagal m sale n 1 reic m invar, it's not for - chan eil e ri reic; 2 (esp of livestock) feill
J. Iamb - feill-uan f
salesperson neach-reic m (plluchd-reic m sing coli)
saliva n seile m ;nvar
sallow adj odhar, lachdann
salmon n bradan m sing & coli
salt n salann m, a grain of - grainnean m salainn gm
sal tire n (heraldry &c) crann m, the Saltire An Crann
salutation n fililte f
salute n failte J. (bagpipe music) Chisho!m's - FiIilte an t-SiosaJaich
salute v fililtich vt
same adj 1 ceart (precedes the nou1l), (more emph) ceudna, dearbh (precedes
~he noun, which itlenites wher:e possible), fhein, at the - time aig a' cheart
am m, the - amount/quantity a' cheart uirnhir f invar, a' cheart uiread
m /Ilvar, the (very) - man an d uine ceudna, an dearbh dhuine, also an
aon duine, the (very) - man I saw yesterday an duine fhem a chunna
mj an-de
same n 1 (similar, identical) ionann, co-ionann (used with v is), you and I are

310 311
not the - chan ionann thusa 's mise, it wasn't the - when we we,re what did you -? de a thu(bha)irt thu?, - it again can a-rithist e, as they
young cha b' ionann nuair a bha sinn og; 2 ill erpr the - as ionann - mar a chanas iad, what do you - in Gaelic for 'spade'? de a chanas
is/agus, co-ionann ri, Y is the - as X is ionann Y is/agus X, tha Y co- sibh sa Ghaidhligf ri 'spade'?, also de a' Ghaidhlig a th' air 'spade'?
ionnan ri X, 'bum' and 'uisge' are the - as each other tha bum is/agus saying n seanfhacal m, facal Ill, (less usu) radh m illvar, 'blood is thicker
uisge co-ionann ri cheile; 3 ill erpr (give me &c) the - again (thoir than water' is a - is e seanfhacal a th' ann an 'is tighe full f na bUm m'
dhomh &c) uimhir f illvar eile, (thoir dhomh &c) uiread m illvar eile scab n sgreab f, carr & cair f
sample 11 eisimpleir m, taghadh m, samhla m scale' n (offish, reptile &c) lann f
sanctity n naomhachd f invar scale' n 1 (range, sequellce) raon Ill, sreath IIIf, - of temperature raon
sanctuary 11 (abstr & COil) tearmann m, cornraich f teodhachd f invar; 2 (Ill us) sgala f; 3 (ill drawillgs &c: proportion) sgeile f,
sand n gainmheachf tomhas Ill, - drawing dealbh IIIf sgeiJe gell
sandal n cuaran m scales 11 ifor weighing) meidh f, cothrom III
sandpaper 11 paipear-gainmhich III scallop 11 creachan m, - shell slige f chreachain gell
sandwich n plos Ill, (more trad) ceapaire III scalpel 11 sgian f leigh m gen
sandyadj gainmheil scandalous adj tiimailteach, maslach
sanity 11 ciall f, rian Ill, reusan m, I nearly lost my - cha mhor nach deach Scandinavia n Lochlann f
mi as mo chiall/mo rian, cha mhor nach do chaill mi mo rian Scandinavian n & adj Lochlannach III
sap n 1 (of tree) snodhach Ill, sugh m; 2 (fig: essence, vigour) brlgh f invar scant adj gann, tearc
sarcasm n gearradh m, searbhas m scantness n gainne f illvar, gainnead III illvar, teirce f invar
sarcastic adj gem, searbh scanty adj 1 gann, tearc; 2 (hair, crop &c) gann, tana; 3 (gam/ent) goirid
sardonic adj searbh scar n larach f
satchel n maileid f scarce adj gann, tearc
satellite n saideallll scarcely adv 1 (to a slllall ertellt, rarely) is gann (with conj a), cha mhor (with
satisfaction n toiJeachadh Ill, sasachadh Ill. cOllj gun), we - ever saw him is gann a chunnaic sinn e, he - uttered
satisfied adj & past part riaraichte, sasaichte, toilichte two words is gann a leig e as da fhacal m sing, cha mhor gun do leig e
satisfy v riaraich vt, sasaich vt, toilich vt, foghain vi (with prep le) as da fhacal; 2 (esp erpr difficulty) is ann air eiginn f invar (with cOllj a),
Saturday 11 Disathairne III invar we - made out what she was saying is ann air eiginn a rinn sinn
sauce n 1 ifor food) leannra Ill, (less trad) sabhs Ill; 2 ifam: cheek) aghaidh f, a-mach de a bha i ag radh, he - opened his eye is ann air eiginn a
bathaisf dh'fhosgail e a shUll f
saucer n sasar m, flat 111 scarceness, scarcity 11 gainne f illvar, gainnead III invar, teirce f invar
saunter v sraidearaich vi scarecrow If bodach-rbcais m
sausage n isbean 111 scare 11 eagal m, (weaker) clisgeadh m, I had a - ghabh mi an t-eagal
savant n eblaiche III scare v cuir an t-eagal (with prep air), he -d her chuir e an t-eagal oirre
save v 1 (- from dallger or other difficulty) siibhail vt, teasairg & teasraig vt, scared adj & past part 1 fo eagal Ill, a - man duine III fo eagal dat; 2 (mise
they were -d by a lifeboat chaidh an siibhaladh/an teasrgainn le bata- erprs) I was - (becallle -) thainig an t-eagal orm, ghabh mi an t-eagal,
teasargainn Ill, it's the visitors who -d the island is e an luchd-tadhail (was ill a - state) bha an t-eagal orm, I was - stiff/- to death bha eagal
III sing call a theasairg an t-eilean; 2 (spiritually: convert &c) tearainn vt, mo bheatha f gen orm, I never get - cha ghabh mi an t-eagal uair sam
siibhail vt, - the heathens tearainn na paganaich mpl; 3 (preserve, keep bith
safe) gleidh vt, God will - us gleidhidh Dia sinn; 4 (molley: put aside) scarlet adj 1 sgarlaid; 2 ill erpr - fever (used with art) am fiabhras dearg
sabhaiJ vt, gleidh vt, cuir vt mu seach; 5 (1II0Iley: ecollomise) caomhain scarlet 11 sgarlaid f
vt scary adj critheanach
saved adj & past part sabhailte scatter v sgap vti, (less brusque) sgaoil vti
savings 11 sabhaladh m, tasgadh m scatter-brained adj guanach, in erpr - girl guanagf
sawdust n min-siiibh f scattered adj & past part sgapte
say v abair vti irreg, can vti def, what are you -ing? de a tha thu ag radh?, scenery 11 sealladh m duthcha (gell of duthaich fJ

312 313
scent" (pleasa"t or IIllpleasallt) faile & faileadh 11/, aile 11/, boladh 11/, (IISIl Scots pine" giuthas m
pleasallt) boltrach 11/ Scotswoman 11 ban-Albannach f
sceptical adj teagmhach Scottish adj Albannach
schedule" 1 dar-tlde 11/, clar-obrach 11/; 2 ill erprs ahead of - trath adv, ron scoundrel" slaoighlire Ill, balgair m
mhithich f illvar, air thoiseach, behind - fadalach, air dheireadh scourge" 1 (lit) sgilirs(air) m; 2 (fig: destrllctive eve"ls &c) SgriDS m, plaigh f
scheme 11 1 sgeama 11/, housing - sgeama-thaighean 11/; 2 (plot &c) innleachd scourge v sgiius vt
f, cuilbheart f scowl" gruaim f, mwg Ill, sgraingf
scheme v dean innleachd(an) ftpl) scowl v cuir gruaimf, cuir mwg m, (with prep air), she -ed chuir i gruaim/
scholar" 1 (school pllpil & leamed adlllt) sgoilear 11/; 2 (lea riled adlllt) e61aiche mwg oirre, sitting in the corner, -ing (of male perso,,) na shuidhe anns
at chomair ni, is gruaim/muig air
scholarly adj sgoilearach scowling adj gruamach
scholarship" (abstr: enlditio,,; also co,,: bursary &c) sgoilearachd f scrap' " 1 (small piece) mlr m, bideag f, criomag f; 2 (left after scrappi"g
school" sgoil f mllchi"ery &c) fuighealllll
schooling 11 sgoil f, we got our - in Fort WiUiam fhuair sinn ar sgoil anns scrap'" (figIrt) luasaidf, (IISU more serious) sabaidf
a' Ghearaslan scrap' v (figIrt) bi vi irreg ri luasaid f dat
schoolmaster" maighistir-sgoile 11/ scrap'v 1 (wom-ollt mad,i"ery &c) bris(t) vt suas, cuir vi as (with prep do);
schoolmistress" ban(a)-mhaighstir-sgoile f 2 (pla"s &c) leig vt seachad
schoolteacher" tidsear m, fear-leagaisg m, neach-leagaisg 11/ (pI luchd- scrape" 1 (scratch &c) sgriob f; 2 (tricky situatio" &c) (droch) staingf, cUil-
leagaisg 11/ si"g call), bean-leagaisg f, maighislir-sgoile 11/, ban(a)- chumhangf
mhaighslir-sgoile f scrape v 1 (ge"eral) sgriob vti; 2 (i"volulltarily: esp ski" oflumd &c) rWsg vt
science tl saidheans ni, eOlas m scratch" sgriob f, sgrob m
scientific adj saidheansail scratch v 1 (damage) sgriob vt; 2 (- a" itch) tachais vi, sgrob vt, sgriob vt
scientist" neach-saidheans 11/ (plluchd-saidheans 11/ si"g call), e61aiche 11/ scream 11 sgreuch m, sgread 11/, sgiamh m
scoff' v (II/ock &c) mag vi, dean fanaid f, (with prep air) scream v leig sgread m (with prep a), sgreuch vi, sgread vi, sgiamh vi, she
scoW v (way ofeati"g) glam & glamh vt -ed leig i sgread aisle
scoffing adj (II/ockillg) magail scree 11 sgairneach f
scoffing' " (mockery) magadh 11/ screech" sgread m, sgreuch m
scoffing' 11 (- offoo<l) glam(h)adh 11/ screech v sgread vi, sgreuch vi
scold v cain vt, cronaich vI screen n sgailean nI
scolding" caineadh 11/, cronachadh 11/ screen v sgail vt, sgailich vt, failich vt, ceil vt
scooP" ladar 11/, liagh f, taoman 11/ screw n sgriubha mf, (more trad) bilhis f
scorch v doth vt screwdriver n sgriubhaire m
score' 11 (ill wood &c) sgriob f sc.ripture n sgriobtair m
score'" (twe"ty) fichead 11/ (takes Ihe "om si"g, ie radical, of tI,e "o,m), three scrotum 11 clach-bhalg III
- years tri-fichead bliadhna f scrub v sgilr vt
score' " (sporls, games) sgor 11/, (more lra<l) eunntas m scruffy adj luideach, robach
scorn" larcais f, lailceas m, tair f, dimeas m i"var scruple n imcheisl f, teagamh m
scorn v dean tarcais f, dean tair f, dean dimeas m i"var, (all wilh prep air), scrupulous adj 1 (morally -) ionraic, onarach, cogaiseach; 2 (pu"ctilious &c)
they -ed us rinn iad tarcais/tair/dimeas oimn mion-chltiseach, mionaideach, pongail, ciuamach
scorned adj & pasl pari fo dhimeas m i"var scrutineer n sgriidair nI
scornful adj tarcaiseach, tailceasach, l3ireil, dimeasach scrutinise v sgriJd vt, rannsaich vt
Scot " Albannach m scrutiny n sgriJdadh m, rannsachadh 11/
Scots" (Ia"g) (a') B(h)eurla Ghallta, Albais f scullery" <iIlaist f
Scotsman n Albannach m sculpture n 1 (the action) snaigheadh m; 2 (tIre product) iomhaigh (shnaighle)
314 315

scurf 11 dirr f characteristics fo-fheartan Jpl; 2 (ed: above primary) - school ard-sgoil f,
scurrilous adj tuaileasach, sgainnealach, maslach - education foghlam m ard-sgoile gell
scythe 11 speal f second-hand adj deachdte
sea 11 1 muir mf, cuan m, fairge f, on land and - air muir 's air tir mf, go secrecy 11 diomhaireachd f illvar
to - rach vi irreg gu muir, he's at - tha e aig muir/aig fairge, - bird secret adj 1 (of place) uaigneach; 2 (offact, dowmellt &c) diomhair
eun-mara m, - loch loch-mara m; 2 in expr (fig) all at- troirnh-a-eheile, secret 11 cagar m, rim (diomhair) m
am breisleach m secretarial adj deireach
sea-bed 11 grunnd m na mara, grinneal m secretary 11 1 (clerical grade staff) deireach m, ban(a)-chleireach f; 2 (PA)
seaboard 11 oirthir f neach-euideachaidh m pearsanta, ban(a)-chuideachaidh phearsanta
sea-chart cairt-iitil f f; 3 (political &c office) rimaire m, ban-rimaire f, the Secretary of State
seafarer" maraiche III RUnaire na Stilite
seagullll faoileagf secrete' v (Caliceal) cuir vt am falach m, falaich vt
seal' 11 (sea ereatl/re) ron m secrete' v (- liquids) sil vti, snigh vti
seaI'll (idelltifyillg image, also - on dowment &c) seula m secretly adv os iosal & os iseal
seam 11 fuaigheal m section 11 1 (esp of objects) earrann f, pairt mf, a - of his novel earrann den
seam v fuaigh vt, fuaigheil vt nobhail f aige, a - of the building earrann/pairt den togalach m; 2
seaman n 1 maraiche m, seOladair m; 2 in expr he's a - tha e aig muir nIf (group of people, departmellt &c) roinnf, buidheann mf, the secretarial-
search 11 toir f, lorgf, be in - bi vi irreg an toir f (of air), lorg vt, sir vt, he an roinn chleireach, a - of soldiers buidheann (de) shaighdearan mpl
went to town in - of his sister chaidh e dhan bhaile m an toir air a sector 11 roinn f, the public/private - an roinn phoballach/
phiuthair f dat phriobhaideach
search v 1 rannsaich vt, - the building rannsaich an togalach; 2 - for bi vi secular adj saoghalta, talmhaidh
irreg an toir f (witlt prep air), lorg vt, sir vt secure adj 1 (safe &c) tearainte, dlonach, - hide-out ilite-falaich m tearainte/
seashore 11 (esp between higlt- alld low-water mark, esp sandy) traigh f, (can be dionach; 2 (officialy/legally recogllised) tearainte, - tenure (of land &c)
stolly/ sltillgly) dadach m gabhaltas tearainte, - status for Gaelic inbhe thearainte airson na
sea-sickness rt cur m invnr na mara, tinneas 111 (na) mara Gaidhlig; 3 (bl/siness &c: fin -) urrasach
season n 1 (spring &c) raithf; 2 (less specific) trilth m, a word in - (ie at tlte security n tearainteachd f invar, (IT) data - tearainteachd dilta m illvar
appropriate time) facal m na thrath sedimentn (in liql/ids) gritid f
sea-spray n cathadh-mara m see v 1 faic vti irreg, I can't - anything at all chan fhaic mi diilm invar sam
seat 11 1 (pltys) suidheachan m; 2 (more abstr: place wltere one sits) aite-suidhe bith, it's good to - you '5 math d' fhaicinn, I'll be -ing you bidh mi
m, there wasn't a - to be had cha robh aite-suidhe ri fhaighinn; 3 in gad fhaicinn/ gur faicinn, I'll - you later/again chi mi fhathast sibh/
expr take a -! dean suidhe m!; 4 (site of all activity &c) ionad m, a - of thu, we'll -! chi sinn!; 2 (I/Ilderstalld, realise) faic vti irreg, tuig vti, is v
learning ionad-sgoilearachd m; 5 !jam: backside) mas m, ton f irreg defleir (witlt prep do), I - now! tha mi a' faicinn/a' tuigsinn a-nis,
sea-trout 11 banagf he could - that he was wrong bu leir dha gun robh e cearr; 3 (filld Ol/t,
sea-voyage 1l turas-mara m clteck) feuch vi, faic vi, I'll go and/to - if the potatoes are done/ready
seaweed 11 feamainn f theld mi ann feuch a bheil am buntilta m sing call deiseil, open the door
secluded adj (place) falaichte, uaigneach, a - glen gleann falaichte to/and - if it's still raining fosgail an doras m feuch a bheil an t-uisge
second adj 1 dara & darna, the - day of the month an dara la den mhios ann fhathast; 4 (be sI/re to &c) feuch vi (witlt collj gu), - that you're there
mf, he was/came -/in - place bha e san dara h-aite m; 2 ill expr - sight early feuch gum bi thu ann ron am m; 5 (visit) come/go to - thig/rach
an da shealladh m, taibhsearachd f illvar v irreg air cheilidh mf, tadhail vi, (witlt prep air), we'll come to - you
second 11 (clock time) diog m, liota m, (more loosely) liotagf, I'll only be a - tomorrow thig sinn air cheilidh oirbh a-maireach; 6 - to (tend to objects
cha bhi mi ach diog/ tiotag &c) sgeadaich vt, cuir vt ceart, - to the fire sgeadaich an teine m; 7
second v cuir taic f (witlt prep ri), I will - the motion cuiridh mi laic ris a' (mise exprs) I'll - to it ni mise e, I'll - you along the road theld mi an
ghluasad m rathad mleat/comhla riut, let's - fuirich (ort), I saw him ... let's - ...
secondary adj 1 (sl/bsidiary) fo- prefix (Iellites followillg COilS wltere possible), - yesterday chunna mi e ... fuirich (ort) ... an-de, - off (drive away)

316 317
see ENGLISH-GAELIC DICl10 ARY selfishness selfless E GUSH-GAELIC DICl10NARY sentence

rua{i)g vt, cuir vt an teicheadh m (with prep air), the dog saw off the fox selfless adj neo-fheineil
ruaig an ell am madadh ruadh, chuir an ell teachadh air a' mhadadh self-love n fein-speis f
ruadh, - off (defeat &c) dean a' chws/an gnothach, faigh lamh f an self-respect n fein-mheas m
uachdair, (with prep air), we saw off the other tearn rinn sinn a' chws/ self-service n fein-fhritheaJadh m
an gnothach air an sgioba mf elle, - red rach vi air bhoile f inror self-sufficient adj fein-fhoghainteach
seed n slol m sillg coil, fras f sillg call, barley - siol-ebma m illror, sow - sell v reic vti, I've nothing to - chan eiJ eail m invar agam ri reic, - at a siol good price reic air deagh phris f
seek v sir vt, lorg vt seller n reiceadair nE
seem v 1 (expr resemblallce, or impressioll givell) bi vi irreg coltas m (with geu & semen n s101 111, siol-ginidh 111
prep air), he -s like a decent man tha coltas m duine m gell choir air; 2 ill semiH prefir leth- (Ienites followillg cons where passible: see eramples below)
erpr (impersollal) it -s tha e coltach (with collj gll), a reir c(h)oltais (gell semicircle n leth-ehearchall m
of coltas m), it -s that he lost his job tha e coltach gun do chaill e obair semicircular adj leth-ehearclach
f, it -s there'lI be a storm a reir choltais, bidh stoirm mf ann; 3 (expr semicolon n leth-choilean m
experiellce, or impression received) bi vi irreg followed by the appropriate semi-detached adj leth-dhealaichte
adj (witl, prep do), the days -ed long to us bha na laithean mpl fada seminar n (bllSilless &c) seirninear m, (more trod) co-labhairt f
dhuinn, it -ed long/tedious to me (more trad) b' fhada learn e semivowel n leth-fhoghair m
seemingly adv a reir c{h)oltais (gen of coltas m) senate n seanadh m
seer n fiosaiche m, fitidh m senator" seanadair m
seethe v 1 (water &c) goil vi; 2 (person: - with rage) bi vi irreg air bhoile f send v cuir vt (to gu), - away/off vt air falbh, I sent you a letter chuir
illvar, bi vi irreg air bhainidh f illror mi !itir fthugad, - him word cuir fios m thulge, - for someone cuir vi
segregate v dealalch vt (from ri) a dh'iarraldh cuideigin mf invar, cuir 60S m air cuideigin, - for the AA
segregation 11 dealachadh m (from ri) cuir fios air an AA, - on an errand cuir vt air gnothach m
seize v glac vt, heir vi, gabh greim m, (all with prep air), greimich vt (with senior adj 1 (first in rollk) priomh (precedes the n011ll & lellites followillg cons
prep air or ri) where passible), - judge priomh bhrithearnh m; 2 (oldest) as sine, (in past
seized adj & past part glacte & cOllditional tense) a bu shine; 3 in erpr - citizen seann duine m, neach-
seizure 11 glacadh m peinnsein m (plluchd-peinnsein m sillg call)
seldom adv is gann, (more trod) is ainneamh, (witl, conj a), you'll - see the sensation 11 (abstr) mothachadh m, (abstr & COil) faireachdainn!
likes of him is gann a chi thu a leithid f sense 11 1 (lIIlderstalldillg, illtelligence) tuigse! inror, ciall f; 2 (commoll -)
select v tagb vt, rOghnaich vt, he -ed the tearn thagb e an sgioba mf toinisg f, ciall f; 3 (esp ill pi: OIle'S reasoll) rian m, ciaJl f, I nearly went
selected adj & past part air a (&c) t(h)aghadh, tagbta out of my -s cha mhor nach do chaill mi mo rian, theab rni a dhol as
selection n taghadh m, roghainn m mo rian
-self reflerive sllffir fhin, fhein, myself uti fhin, yourself (sillg fam) thu senseless adj 1 !foolish, mem/illgless, poilltless) gun chiaIJ f, cliomhain, faoin;
fhein, himself e fhein, herself i fhein, ourselves sinn fhin, yourselves/ 2 (stlllllled &c) neo-fhiosrach
yourself (pI & sing fomm/) sibh fhein, themselves iad fhein; he saw sensibility 11 mothachadh m
himself chunnaic e e fhein, they were washing themselves bha iad sensible adj (Imvillg commoll sellse) ciallach, tuigseach, toinisgeil
gan nighe fhein, take care of yourself thoir an aire f illror ort fhein, as sensitive adj 1 mothachail; 2 (too -) bog, maoth; 3 (tollchy) frionasach; 4 (of
for myself air mo shon fhin, Mary herself Mairi fhein sitllatiolls: tricky, precariolls) cugallach
self- reflerive prefir fein- (Ienites followillg cons where possible: see eramples sensitivity 11 mothachadh m
below) sensual adj feblmhor, colJaidh
self-government n fein-riaghJadh m sensuality 11 feblmhorachd f illvar
self-importance 11 fein-speis f sentence 11 1 (legal) binn f, breith! illvar, give/pronounce - thoir a-mach
self-indulgence n fein-mhilleadh m binn, thoir breith, (on air); 2 (gram) seantans mf, (more trod) rosg-rann f
selfish adj feineil, fein-ehwseach sentence v 1 thoir a-mach binn f, thoir breith! illvar, (with prep air), he -d
selfishness n feinealachd f invar them thug e a-mach binn orra; 2 ill ezpr - to death dit vt gu bas m

318 319
sentiment n 1 ifeeling) mothachadh m; 2 (opillion: IISIl in pi) beachdan mpl, _ apart cuir vt air leth m illvar, - aside cuir vt an dara taobh m, cuir vt
smuainteanJPI, the -s you expressed na beachdan a chuir sibh an oWl mu seach, this - me tlUnking chuir seo gu smaointeachadh m mi, - the
(dat of ciall j) cat among the pigeons cuir an cebl air feadh na fidhle; 3 (of the sun) laigh
sentimental adj (of persoll) maoth-inntinneach vi, rach vi foctha; 4 (other mise exprs) - the house on fire leig an wgh
sentinel, sentry n fear-faire m na theine m, cuir teine ris an wgh, - free fuasgail vt, - to/aboutteann
separate adj 1 (apart, another) air leth, fa leth, eile, in a - room ann an vi (with prep ri), crom vi (with prep air), he - about climbing theann e
seomar m air leth/fa leth, ann an seomar eile; 2 (distillct, illdependellt) ri streap, she - to work chrom i air an obair f, she - o~/out gha~h 1 an
eadar-dhealaichte, (less strong) diof(a)rach, the two questions are rathad m, thog i oirre, they - about each other ghabh lad dha cheile
completely - tha an da cheist f sillg gu lur eadar-dhealaichte settee n sOfa f, (more trad) langasaid f
separate v 1 dealaich vti (from ri), he -d the brothers (from each other) selling n (sitllation &c) suidheachadh m
dhealaich e na braHhrean mpl (ri cheile), death -d them dhealaich am settle v 1 (calm, make or become comfortable &c) socraich vti; 2 (sort, solve)
bas iad; 2 (- ill to smaller qllantities, portions &c) roinn vt reitich vt, socraich vt, - the matter/dispute reitich an gnothach/a'
separation n 1 dealachadh m (from ri); 2 (of spouses) sgaradh-posaidh m chonnspaid; 3 (close, fi"alise) cuir crioch f (with prep air), ~at -s the
sequence n sreath mf, rllith f matter! tha sin a' cur crioch air a' chills f; 4 (come to rest) lalgh VI, the
serene adj ciUin, socair, (less IISIl) suairnhneach bird -d on its nest laigh an t-eun air a nead m; 5 (esp liqllids) traigh
series n sreath mf vi; 6 (inhabit) luinich vi, the first race that -d in America a' cmad
serious adj 1 (important, weighty) trom, cudthromach, - matters cuspairean cmnneadh m a thuinich ann an Ameireagaidh f
mpl troma/cudthromach; 2 (severe, extreme) droch, a - crime droch settled adj & past part (fixed, established) suidhichte, seasmhach, - in his
eucoir J; 3 (persons: - minded, earnest) diIrachdach, (sober, staid) stolda; ways suidhichte na dhoighean JPI .
4 (opposite of jesting) ann an da-riribh, I told you I was pregnant, but settlement 11 1 (habitatiolla!: abstr & con) tuineachadh m; 2 (of dlspllte &c)
I wasn't -! dh'innis mi dhut gu robh mi trom, ach cha robh mi ann an reiteachadh m
da-riribh! settler n 1 neach-tuineachaidh m (pI luchd-tuineachaidh m sing coil); 2 ill
serpent n nathair f expr (pe)) white - seatla;r geal . .
serve v 1 fritheil vi (with prep air), - someone fritheil air cuideigin, - at sever v 1 (Cllt off) gearr vt dheth; 2 (fig: part, separate) dealaich vtI, sgar vtI,
table fritheil air a' bhOrd m, (more trad) freastail vi don bhord; 2 (dish (from ri)
Ollt food &c) riarajch vt, thoir vt seachad; 3 (do the task in hand &c) that several adj iomadh, - hundred years iomadh ceud m bliadhna f .
will - nj sin an gnothach m; 4 (animals mating) rach vi irreg air muin f severe adj 1 (persoll, disciplille &c) cruaidh, teann; 2 (hard to bear) gOlrt, a
invar (with gen), the bull -ed the cow chaidh an tarbh air muin na ba _ trial deuchainn ghoirt; 3 (extreme) droch (precedes the nOlln, whIch It
service n 1 !reastal m, frithealadh m, - at table !reastal don bhord m, lenites where possible), - disadvantage droch anacothrom m
- station, - area steisean m/ionad m frithealaidh gen; 2 (helpflll action) sew v fuaigh vti, fuaigheil vti
seirbheis f, he rendered me a - rinn e seirbheis dhomh; 3 (chllrch, sewage 11 otrachas m, - works ionad m otrachais gen
tennis, garage &c) seirbheis f sewer n saibhear m, giOOar m
service v 1 (machinery &c) gleus vt, cUm vt air doigh J; 2 (provide sllpport, sewing n (abstr & con) fuaighealm
sllpplies &c for) fritheil vi (with prep air) sewn adj & past part fuaighte
semle adj trailleil sex 111 (gellder) gnefillvar, the female/male - a' ghne bhoireann/fhireann;
session n (parliament, committee &c) seisean m, in - ann an seisean 2 (sexllal activity, lovemaking) feise f, (less IISU) sugradh m, have - faigh
set adj & past part (fixed, established) suidhichte, steidhichte, - procedures muin f invar, co-ghin vi, cuplaich vi, he had - with her chaldh e aIr a
doighean-obrachJPI suidhichte, - in rns ways suidhichte na dhoighean muin
JPI sexist adj gneilheil
set n seat(a) m sexual adj 1 gneitheach, gneitheasach; 2 in exprs - equality c?-ionannachd
set v 1 (place, position) suidhich vt, socraich vt, cuir vt, - the statue on f nan gne f invar, - relations/intercourse feise f, - deSIre rruann mf,
the column suidhich/socraich/cuir an iomhaigh air a' cholbh m; 2 in (more IlIstflll) ana-miann mf, drilis f
variolls exprs with cuir vt, - up cuir vt air chois (dat of cas j), cuir vt air shabby adj 1 luideach, cearbach, robach; 2 (condllct &c) suarach, (stronger)
bhonn m, she - up a business chuir i gnothach m air chois/ air bhonn, tiiireil
320 321
shackle E GLlSH-GAELlC D,cnONARY share share ENGLISH-GAELIC D,cnONARY shelter

shackle n geimhealm (dheth), a half - leth-ehuid; 2 (jin) earrannf, sear m, -s fell today thuit
shackle v geirnhJich vt earrannan/searaichean an-diugh
shade n dubhar m, sgilil(e) f, dubharachd f invar, in the - of the walls fo share v 1 (- something wit/lathers) co-roinn vt; 2 (- out) pairtich vt, roinn
dhubhar(achd)/sgail nam ballachan mpl vt, riaraich vt
shade v duibhrich vti shared adj & past port 1 roinnte; 2 (held or used in common) coitcheann, -
shadow n 1 (shade) dubhar m, sgail(e)f, dubharachdfinvar, in the - of the facilities goireasan mpl coitcheann
walls fo dhubhar(achd)/sgail nam ballachan mpl; 2 (thrown -) faileas sharp adj 1 geur, - knife sgian gheur, - eye suil gheur, also sUi! bhiorach,-
m, her - fell on me laigh a faileas orm taste bias geur; 2 (pointed) biorach, a - stick maide biorach; 3 (mentally
shadowy adj faileasach _) geur/grad/luath na (&c) inntinnf, eirmseach; 4 (remarks, tongue &c)
shady adj dubharach geur, guineach, biorach
shaggy adj molach, romach, fionnach, robach sharpen v faobharaich vt, geuraich vt
shake n (involuntary) crith f sharpness n geire f invar . .
shake v 1 (deliberately) crath vti, he shook his head/fist chrath e a cheann shatter v 1 (as VI) rach vi irreg na bloighdean !pI; 2 (as vt) blOlghdlch vt
mla dhom m; 2 (involuntarily) bi vi irreg air chrithf, (less usu) crith vi, shattered adj & past part 1 (lit) na (&c) b(h)loighdean !pI; 2 (jig & fam:
he was shaking with the fever bha e air chrith leis an fhiabhras m, in exlulUsted) seac searbh sglth
expr start to - rach vi air chrith; 3 (surfaces &c) luaisg vi, the building shave v bearr vt, lom vt
was shaking bha an togalach a' luasgadh; 4 in expr - hands, beir vi air she pers proll i, (emph form) ise, - saw her chunnaic i i
lairnh f dat (with prep air), he didn't - hands with me cha do rug e air sheaf n (of corn) sguab f
laimh orm shear v (sheep) rUisg vt, lom vt
shaking adj air chrith f, - with fever air chrith leis an fhiabhras m shearing n (of sheep &c) rUsgadh m, lomadh m
shaking n luasgan m shears n (ie a pair of -) deamhais mf sing
shaky adj 1 (lit) cugallach, critheanach, (stronger) tulgach, - on his feet shebeen 11 taigh dubh, bothan m
cugallach air a chasan, - bridge drochaid chritheanach; 3 (jig: dodgy, shed n seada nif, bothan m
dubious) cugaHach, don't get involved in it, it's pretty - na gabh shed v doirt vt, - blood doir! full f
gnothach m ris, tha e gu math cugallach sheep n (single -) caora f, (pI) caoraich!pl
shallow adj 1 (lit) eu-domhainn, (of water) tana; 2 (jig: of person, activity &c) sheepdog n cit-chaorach m
faoin, diomhain sheepfank faing & fangf
shambles n bUrach m, in a - ann am bUrach sheepfold n cro(-ehaorach) m, faing & fangf
shame n 1 naire f invar, masladh m, tamailt f, feel - gabh naire, without sheepish adj oarach & n3ireach
- gun naire, for -! na.ire!, - on you! mo naire ort!; 2 in exprs put to - sheep-shearer n lomadair m
naraich vt, maslaich vt, that's a -! tha sin duilich!, (more trod) is truagh sheep-tick n mial-chaorach f
sin! sheet n Ilfor bed) siot(a) m; 2 (of paper) duilleagf
shame v naraich vt, maslaich vt shelf n 1 sgeilp f; 2 (topog: rock -) leac f, (esp in sea) sgeir f . .
shame-faced adj narach shell n 1 (of nuts, eggs) plaosg m, sligef; 2 (of -fish; also artIllery -) sligef,
shameful adj nar, maslach, tamailteach scallop - slige-ehreachain f .
shameless adj gun naire, ladama shell v 1 (nuts, eggs) rUisg vt, plaoisg; 2 (peas & beans) plaOlsg vt
shaming n narachadh m, maslachadh m shellfish n (a -, also call) maorach m
shamrock n seamragf shelter n 1 (esp from elements) fasgadh m (from 0 & bho), - ,belt crios
shape n cruth m, curnadh m, dealbh & deilbh mf, a stone in the - of a horse fasgaidh gen, take - from the downpour gabh f~sga~ on dile f; 2 (esp
clachfair churnadh/dhealbh/cruth eich m gen, I made out his - in protective -) dion m, in the - of the casUe fo dhion a chalsteil
the darkness rinn mi a-mach a chruth/a churnadh san dorchadas m shelter v 1 (as vi: take cover &c) gabh fasgadh m (from bho/o), we -ed from
shape v cum vt, dealbh vt the weather ghabh sinn fasgadh on t-side; 2 (as vt, lit and fig: prOVIde -)
shapely adj cuirnir thoir fasgadh m (with prep do), (esp protectively) dion vt, the castle -ed
share 1/ 1 cuid f, cuibhreann m, roinn f, there's your - sin agad do chuid-sa us dhion an caisteal sinn

322 323

sheltered adj fasgach, (esp protectively) dionach, - spot bad fasgach shoot v 1 (witll afireanll) loisg vti, tilg vti, (at air); 2 (- a person) tilg vi ann
sheltering adj fasgach, (esp protectively) dionach, a - wood coille fhasgach (&c), leig peilear m ann (&c), he shot her leig e peilear innte
shepherd 11 dobair m shooting n losgadh m, tilgeil f
shepherding 11 dobaireachd f illvar shop 11 buth mf, fish - buth eisg (gen ofiasg m), chemist's - buth-clmngaidh
sheriff 11 siorram m, the Sherrif Court cuirt f an t-siorrairn f, craft - buth chiuird (gell of ceard & ceard m), in expr blacksmith's -
sheriffdom 11 (lIist) siorramachd f illvar ceardach f,
shield 11 1 sgiath f, (trod, lIist) targaid f 2 (fig) dion III shopkeeper n neach-butha m (plluchd-butha m sillg coli), the - fear m na
shield v dion vt butha, bean f na butha
shieling 11 (lIist) airigh f, (less IISIl) ruighe mf, - hutlbothy bothan m ilirigh shore 11 1 (of sea: esp betweell lIigh- alld low-water mark, esp solldy) traigh f,
shift v caraich vt, gluais vti, cuir car m (witll prep de) (call be stony/sllingly) cladach m; 2 (in opposition to sea) tir mf, on - air
shifting adj 1 (liable to move) gluasadach; 2 (incollstallt, liable to change) fir mf
caochJaideach, carach, luaineach short adj 1 gOirid, gearr, - story sgeuJachd ghoirid, the days are getting -
shifty adj fiar, carach tha na laithean mpl a' fas gOirid, a - time ago 0 chionn ghoirid, in/after
shilling 11 (lIist) tastan m a - time an ceann ghoirid, an Uine ghearr, in the - term sa ghearr-Uine
shin n lurgann f, faobhar m na lurgainn f 2 (of person: bnlsque &c) aithghearr, cas; 3 ill exprs in - supply gann, a
shine n (011 slloes &c) llomh f dhlth, easbhaidheach, food is -/in - supply tha biadh gann/a dhith,
shine v 1 (as vi: lights &c) dealraich vi, dearrs vi, the sun's not shining chan we won't go - cha teid sinn a dhlth, - cut bealach goirid, we took a -
eil a' ghrian a' dearrs(ach)adh; 2 (as vt: - slloes &c) llomh vt cut ghabh sinn beaJach goirid
shingle 11 mol m, morghan m shortage n cion nm illvar, dith m, gainne f, uireasbhaidh f, the potato -
shining adj 1 (esp lights) dealrach; 2 (- witll polish &c) liomharra cion/dith a' bhuntata m sing coli
shinty n iomain f, camanachd f invar, we were playing - bha sinn ag shortcoming n faillinn f, meang m
iomain, ;n expr - stick caman m shorten v 1 (as vt) giorraich vt; 2 (as vi: grow sllorter) rach vi an giorrad m
shiny adj 1 (esp lights) deillrach; 2 (- witll polisll &c) llomharra, gleansach shorter comp adj giorra, the days are getting - tha na laithean mpl a' fas nas
ship 11 longf, soitheach m, bilta (mar) m giorra, also tha na lilithean a' dol an giorrad m
shipping n loingeas & luingeas m, luingearachd f illvar shorthand n gearr-sgnobhadh m
shipwreck 11 long-bhris(t)eadh m short-legged adj gearr-chasach
shirt 11 leine f shortly adv 1 a dh'aithghearr, an ceann ghoirid, (ann) an Uine gheilrr, she'll
shit v lJam/vlllg) cac vi be here - bidh i ann a dh'aithghearr; 2 (bnlsquely) gu grad
shit(e) 11 lJamlvlllg) cac m, (fig: famlvlllg, pe)) it's a load of -! 's e torr m caca shortness n giorrad m
gell a tht ann! shorts n 1 (trollsers) briogais ghoirid; 2 (cillema) filmichean mpl goirid
shiver 11 crith f short-sighted adj gearr-sheaUach
shiver v bi vi irreg air chrith f, crith vi, start to - rach vi irreg air chrith short-sightedness n gearr-shealladh m
shivering adj air chrith f, - with cold air chrith leis an fhuachd mf shot 11 1 1Jr0m fireanll) urchair f, I heard a - chuala mi urchair; 2 lJam:
shivering 11 crith f attempt) oidhlrp f, ionnsaigh f, (at air), he had another - at it rinn e
shock 11 (tllrollgll fear or sllrprise) clisgeadh m, he gave me a - chuir e oidhirp eile air, in expr lJam) I gave it my best - rinn mi mo dhlcheall
clisgeadh orm m air; 3 (irollic) a big - duine mar (cudthromach), the big -s na daoine
shocking adj oiUteil, uabhasach IIlpl mora
shoddy adj 1 luideach, cearbach, robach; 2 (workmanship &c) dearrnadach, shotgun 11 gunna-froise m
coma co-dhiu should allxiliary v bu (past of is v irreg defJ choir f (witll prep do), I - goll -
shoe n 1 brogf 2 (of horse) brog-eich f, (more trod) crudha m be going bu choir dhomh (a bhith a') falbh, you -n't smoke cha bu
shoe v (lIorse) crudhaich vt, cuir crudha m (witll prep air) choir dhut smocadh m, it's not as good as it - be chan eil e cho math
shoe-lace 11 iaU fbroige (gm ofbrogfJ, barraU m 's a bu choir (dha a bhith)
shoemaker, shoe~repajrer n greusaiche 111 shoulder 111 gualann & guaJainnf, - to - gualainn ri gualainn; 2 ill expr-
shootn (of plants &c) ogan m, gas f, bachJagf blade cnilimh-slinnein m

324 325

shout n glaodh Ill, iolach f, eigh [ searbh sgith (of de), I'm - and tiredlheartily - of your carrying-on!
shout v glaodh vi, dean/tog iolachf, eigh or eibh vi tha mi seac searbh sglth den dol-a-mach m illvar agad!
shove v 1 (jostle &c) put vt; 2 (esp - objects) siith vt, sparr vt, - it into the sick 11 1 (ill pi: ill people) the - na h-euslaintich mpl; 2 (vomit) diobhairt m
cupboard siith a-steach sa phreas m e, - your hand into the sack sparr jnvar
do lilmh[ sa phoca m sick up v diobhair vt, tilg vt, cuir vt a-mach, the boy sicked up his dinner
shovel 11 sluasaid [ dhlobhair/thilg am balach a dhinnear f, chuir am balach a-mach a
show n 1 (o[ art, goods, techlliques &c) taisbeanadh Ill; 2 (ostentation &c) spaide[ dhinnear
show v 1 seall vt, nochd vt, (to do), - me it seall/nochd dhomh e, also sicken v 1 (becollle sick) fas vi tinn; 2 (disgust) cuir sgreamh III (with prep air),
leig fhaicinn dhomh e; 2 ([am: him up &c) nochd vi, he didn't - (up) sgreataich vt, it -s me tha e a' cur sgreamha gen orm
before midnight cha do nochd e (a-staigh) ro mheadhan-oidhche m; 3 sickle" corran 111
(exhibit) taisbean & taisbein vt sickly adj (off colollr) bochd, (stronger) tinn, euslainteach
shower 11 1 (o[ raill) fras f, (heavier) meall m, meall-uisge m; 2 (bathroom sickness n tinneas Ill, gearan Ill, galar Ill, - benefit sochair[tinneis gell
equipment) frasair m, (the shower olle takes) fras m; 3 ill expr ([0111: group o[ side 11 1 taobh Ill, (lIIore trod) leth m illvar, (esp o[ body, hill) cliatha(i)ch f,
illcolllpetellts) what a -! abair burnalairean mpl! there's a pain in my - tha pian[nam chliathaich, the lorry struck the
showery adj frasach - of the house bhuail an lilraidh[taobh/cliatha(i)ch an taighe Ill, the
showing adv <is, her elbow was - bha a h-uileann [ <is west - (o[ the COUlltry &c) an taobh siar also an taobh an iar, at my - rim
showy adj spaideil, basdalach thaobh, - by - taobh ri taobh, put tolon one - cuir an dara taobh, ill
shrewd adj geur-<hUiseach, tuigseach, (less usu ill this sense) seOlta expr - of the head lethcheann Ill; 2 (topog: - o[hill) leathad m, bruthach
shriek n sgread m, sgreuch m mf, cliatha(i)ch f; 3 (in dispute &c) taobh Ill, leth III illvar, we took her -
shriek v sgread vi, sgreuch vi ghabh sinn a taobh-se, chaidh sinn as a leth, chUm sinn taobh rithe; 4
shrill adj sgalanta (pride) lebm [
shrimp n carran m side v ill expr we -d with her ghabh sinn a taobh-se Ill, chaidh sinn as a
shrink v lughdaich vii, teannaich vti leth m illvar, chUm sinn taobh rithe
shrinkage n lughdachadh m, teannachadh m sideways adv an comhair a (&c) t(h)aoibh (gen o[taobh m), the mare fell -
shrivel v searg vi, crlon vi thuit an lill[an comhair a taoibh
shroud 11 marbhfhaisg[ siege n seist m[, under - fo sheist, Jay - cuir seist (to air)
shrub 11 preas Ill, (less usu) dos m siesta n dUsaJ III feasgair m gen
shrunken adj & past part crion, seargte sieve Il criathar tu
shun v 1 (avoid) seachain vt, cUm vi (with prep 0), - her seachain i, cUm sieve, sift v criathraich vt
uaipe; 2 (ostracise &c) cuir cUI III (with prep ri) sigh 11 osnaf, osnadh m, osann Ill, (less usu) ospagf, heave a - leig/dean
shut adj & past part 1 (buildings, objects &c) dUinte; 2 ([am: rid) cuidhteas osna, osnaich vi
m (with or without prep de), saor (of 0), clior (of is), we got - of the sigh v leig/dean osna [, osnaich vi
builders fhuair sinn cuidhteas an/den luchd-togalaich m sing coli, sighing n osnaich f, osnachadh m
we're - of them at last! tha sinn saor uapa/tha sinn clior is iad mu sight 11 1 (eye-) fradharc & radharc m, leirsinn [invar, (less usu in this
dheireadh thall! sellse) sealladh Ill; 2 (field o[ vision) sealladh Ill, (flradharc m, fianais
shut v dUin vti, - the door dUin an doras, the shop was -ling bha a' bhuth f, he wasfhe came in(to) - bha/thilinig e an sealladh/san t-sealladh,
m[ a' dilnadh, the window - with a bang dhUin an uinneag le brag Ill, bha/thainig e san (fh)radharc/am fianais, out of - a sealladh, as an
(vulg) - your gob! dUin do chab/ghob Ill! t-sealladh, as an (fh)radharc, a fianais, out of my -! a-mach as mo
shy adj diitid shealladh/as m' fhianais!, we lost- of him chaill sinn sealladh air, we
shy v 1 (horse &c) thoir uspagf; 2 in expr apt to - sgeunach were in - of the island bha sinn am fianais an eilein; 3 (view, spectacle)
shyness 11 diitide [invar, diitideachd [invar sealladh Ill, beautiful -s seallaidhean breagha; 4 ill expr second - an
sick adj 1 (ill &c) tinn, euslainteach, (less usu) anfhann, in exprs - pay da shealladh m sing, taibhsearachd [invar
piligheadh m tinneis m gen, - leave forladh m tinneis gen; 2 ill expr sign n 1 comharra(dh) Ill, samhla(dh) Ill, that's a goodfbad -! is e
be - (ie vomit) diobhair vi, sgeith vi; 3 ([ed up &c) sgith, (stronger) seac deagh/droch chomharradh a tha ('n) sin!, - of respect comharradh

326 327
sign E GLlSH-GAELlC D1cnO ARY simultaneously sin E GUSH-GAELIC DICtIONARY siren
urraim m gell, '-an' is a - of the plural is e '-an' samh1a/comharradh sin 11 1 peacadh m, a mortal - peacadh-bais, original - peacadh-gine;
an iolra; 2 (givillg illformatioll, directiol/s &c) soighne m, road - soighne- 2 (Ilot Ilecessari[y ill fl/Il reI sense) cionl(a) m
rathaid m; 3 (hillt, sigllal) sanas m, comharra(dh) m, he gave me a - sin v peacaich vi, (Ilot Ilec ill fl/Il rei sellse) ciontaich vi
with a wink of his eye thug e sanas dhomh le priobadh m a shwa (gell since collj 1 (COl/sal) on & bhon (with conj a), a chionn is (with conj gu),
of sUil f); 4 (trace &c) lorgf, sgeulm, there's no - of it/him chan eillorg they put the stock on the hill - the grazing was good up there chuir
air, is there any - of Seumas? a bheil sgeul air Seurnas? iad an spreidh f dhan mhonadh m on a bha/a chionn 's gu robh an
sign v cuir m' (&c) airun m (with prep ri), she -ed the letters chuir i a t-ionaltradh math shuas an sin; 2 (time) 0 & bho, on & bhon (with collj
h-ainm ris na litrichean JPI a), the first letteI she's sent me - I got to know her a' chiad litir a tha
signal 11 sanas m, comharra(dh) m, he gave me a - with a wink of his eye i air a chur thugam bhon a chuir mi eblas m oirre, it's a long time - I
thug e sanas dhomh le priobadh m a shwa (gell of sUil f) was at school's fhada on a bha mi san sgoil f, (or, with subordinate v in
signature 11 airun m (sgriobhte), append your - to the contract enclosed neg) 's fhada 0 nach robh mi san sgoil, it's a long time - we saw you
cuir d' airun ris a' chiunhnant m a tha an cois (na litreach seo) is fhada 0 nach fhaca sinn sibh
significance 11 brigh f, ciall f, statements of no - briathran mp[ gun since prep (time) 0 chionn & bho chionn, I've been working for him - a
bhrlgh year ago tha mi ag obair aige bho chionn bliadhna f
significant adj 1 (of importallce) cud(th)romach, a - change atharrachadh sincere adj dillachdach, fosgarra
cudthromach; 2 (meallingflll) brigheil sincerity 11 dillachd mf, treibhdhireas m
signify v ciallaich vt, what does the new policy -? de a tha am poileasaidh sincerely adv (corres) yours - le dillachd mf, is mise le meas III illvar
ill a' ciallachadh? sinew n feithf
signpost n clilr-seOlaidh m, post-seOlaidh m, soighne sinewy adj feitheach
silence n tosd m illvar, silrnhchair f, (as commalld) -! tosd! sinful adj peacach
silent adj 1 silrnhach, gun fhuaim mf, (esp of persons) losdach, na (&c) sing v 1 seinn vti, gabh vt, will you - for us? an seinn thu dhuinn?, - a
t(h)osd m invar, they were - bha iad nan tosd; 2 (rendered speechless) song! gabh oran m!; 2 ill expr - to sleep tillaidh vt; 3 (of birds) ceileir vi
balbh, (strollger) bog balbh, he was - in the face of his wife's anger singe v doth vt
bha e balbh ro fheirgf dat na mna aige singer 11 seinneadair m, ban-seinneadair f
silk n sloda nE single adj 1 singilte, - !.rack road rathad singilte, - bed leabaidh shingilte;
silky adj siodach 2 (I/llmarried) singilte, gun phosadh m, when I was - and my pocket
silliness 11 goraiche f illvar, amaideas m, faoineas m did jingle nuair a bha mi singilte 's a bha mo phbca m a' gliongadaich;
silly adj gorach, faoin, baoth, don't be -! na bi gorach! 3 ill exprs a - man fleasgach m, a - woman maighdeann f; 4 (ill emph
silt n eabar Ill, poll m exprs) aon, we didn't see a - person chan fhaca sinn fiu is aon duine m,
silver n airgead m also chan fhaca sinn duine sam bith/duine beo/duine no duine, every
silver adj airgid (gen of airgead m, I/sed adjectivally) - gach aon, it rained every - day bha an t-uisge ann gach aon la m
silversmith 11 ceard-airgid m singular adj 1 (strallge) araid, nebnach, (strollger) iongantach, wasn't
similar adj coltach (to ri), all the buildings were - (to each other) bha na that -? nach robh sin araid/nebnach?, (trod) nach neonach sin?, a -
togalaichean mp[ air fad coltach ri cheile occurrence tachartas m ionganlach; 2 (exceptiolla[) sonraichte, araidh,
similarity 11 coltas m a - man duine sonraichte/araidh; 3 (gram) singille, - noun ainmear
simile n (Lit &c) samhla(dh) m singille
simple adj 1 (easy) furasta, soirbh, simplidh, a - job/question obair/ sink v 1 (levels, [iql/ids) traigh vi, traogh vi, siolaidh vi; 2 (send/go to the
ceist fhurasda; 2 (p[aill, ,,,,pretelltiol/s) simplidh, a - dwelling ilile- bottom) cuir vt fodha, rach vi irreg fodha, - a boat cuir fodha billa m,
comhnaidh simplidh; 3 (--millded) simplidh, baoth the boat sank chaidh am billa fodha
simplicity 11 simplidheachd f illvar sink 11 (kitchell &c) sinc(e) IIlf
simplify 11 simplich vt sinner 1l peacach m
simultaneous adj 1 co-amail; 2 ill expr - translation eadar-theangachadh sip n drudhagf, balgam m
m mar-aon adv sip V gabh drudhagf, gabh balgam Ill, (of de)
simultaneously adv aig an aon am m siren 11 dudach mf, dudagf

328 329
sister n piuthar j; --in-law (SpOllse'S -) piuthar-eheilej; (brothers wife) bean- bian m, in expr calf - laoighcionn m; 3 (of frllit, vegetables) plaosg m,
bhratharf rusgm
sisterhood, sisterliness n peathrachas m skin v 1 Ijrllit, vegetables) ritisg vt, plaoisg vt; 2 (allimals) thoir an craiceann
sit v 1 (be in a sitting position) bi vi irreg na (&c) s(h)uidhe m, you were m (will, prep de); 3 (graze &c) ritisg, I -ned my hand ritisg mi mo
-ting in the corner bha thu nad shuidhe sa chomair m; 2 (take a seat) lamh f; 4 (peat-bank) feann vt
suidh vi, dean suidhe m, he sat in the corner shuidh e sa chomair, - skinny adj 1 (tllin) caol, tana, seang; 2 (mean) spiaeach, mosach
down suidh vi sios, dean suidhe m, - (down) beside me dean suidhe skip n leum m, stirdagf
rim thaobh m; 3 (seat someolle) cuir vt na (&c) s(h)uidhe, we sat them skip v 1 (small jl/mp) leum vi, dean stirdag f; 2 (witll rope) sgiobaig vi;
(down) in the corner chuir sinn nan suidhe iad anns a' chornair m; 3 (omit) rach vi irreg thairis (with prep air), we'll - the last question
4 in expr - an exam feuch/suidh deuchainnf theid sinn thairis air a' cheist f mu dheireadh
site n 1 larach j; ionad m, a house -, a - for a house larach taighe III skipper n (of boat &c) sgiobair m, caiplean III
gen, Site of Special Scientific Interest lonad de Shuim Shornalchte skipping n (with rope) sgiobaigeadh m
Shaidheansail; 2 (setting, location, position) suidheachadh Ill, a good - skirl n sgiort f
for a cinema deagh shuidheachadh airson taigh-dhealbh III gen; 3 (TT) skittish adj 1 guanach, luaineach, tuainealach, in expr - girl guanag f;
ionad Ill, larach j; internet/web - larach-Un f 2 (lIorse &c: mettlesome) c!isgeach, sgeunach
sitting n1 (- of COllrt, parlialllent &c) suidhe Ill, seisean m; 2 ill expr - room skivvy 11 sgalagf
seOmar suidhe gm skull n claigeann 11/
situation 11 1 (circIIlIIstallces) suidheachadh Ill, staid j; our - was beller sky n speur Ill, adhar m, iarmaill j; up in the - shuas san speur/sna
after I found work bha an suidheachadh againn na b' £hearr an deidh speuran mpl/ san adhar
dhomh obair f £haighinn, we were in a bad - financially bha sinn skylark n uiseagj; (less 1151/) lopagf
ann an droch staid a thaobh airgid III gell, in a (very) difficult - ann slab n 1 (of stone, rock) leac j; in exp slab-like leacach; 2 (- of cake &c)
an droch staingf; 2 (setting, location, positioll) suidheachadh Ill, a good sgonn m
- for a cinema deagh shuidheachadh airson laigh-dhealbh III gen; slacken v ifastenings &c) fuasgail vt, lasaich vt
3 (post, job) dreuchd f slander n cUl-ehameadh m
six n & nlllll adj 1 sia; 2 (idiollls) - and half a dozen bo mhaol odhar agus slander v cui-chain vt, cain vt
bo odhar mhaol, at -es and sevens troimh-a-cheile slanderous adj cUl-ehainnteach
sixty n & 1111111 adj tri-fichead slant n fiaradh m, c1aonadh m, at a - air fhjaradh
size n 1 meud m invar, meudachd f illvar, the - of the house/the field slanting adj air fhjaradh, fiar
meud an laighe/an achaidh, increase in - rach vi irreg am meud, the slap n sgallc j; sgealp j; sgleogf
- of their debts meud/meudachd nam fiachan m aea, about the - of slap v sgealp vt
a pig mu mheudachd muice (gell of muc f); 2 (dilllellsiolls) tomhas Ill, slale n sgleat m
the - of the tractor tyre tomhas laidhr f an tractair slaughter 11 casgairt f invar
sizeable adj tomadach & lomaltach, (lIIore falll) gu math mor slaughter v casgair vt
skeleton 11 cnairnhneach III slaughterhouse n laigh-spadaidh m
sketch 11 sgeidse j; - book leabhar m sgeidse gm slave n traill mf
skewer n dealgf slaver n ronn "" seile m invar
ski n sgith j; -s sgithean slavery n trailleachd f invar, traillealachd f invar
ski v sgithich vi slay v casgair vt, morl & murl vt, marbh vt
skiing n sgitheadh III sledge 11 slaodan m
skilful, skilled adj gleusla & gleusda, sgileil, leoma, - in the handling sleek adj s!lom
of weapons gleusta ann an laimhseachadh III nan arm IIIpl gen/nam sleep n 1 cadal Ill, (light -) dusalm, (11511 deeper) suain Ill, go to -! thall' a
ball-airm IIIpl gen chadal!, dean cadal!, peaceful - cadal samhach/seimh, I didn't get a
skill n Sgillll wink of - cha d'£huair mi (fiu is) norragf chadail gen; 2 in expr sing!
skin n 1 (of creatllres, Ill/mans) craiceann m; 2 (l,ide of boville &c) seiche j; rock to - lalaidh vt

330 331
sleep v 1 dean cadalm, caidil vi, - now/go to sleep now! dean cadal a-nisi, slogan 11 sluagh-ghairm f
thall' a chadal a-nisi, - well! caidil gu math!; 2 (be asleep) bi vi irreg na slop v doirt vt
(&c) c(h)adal m, we were -ing bha sinn nar cadal slope 11 1 daonadh m; 2 (topog: hill-) leathad m, bruthach mf, aodann m
sleeping-bag 11 poea m cadail m gell slope v 1 daon vti; 2 (jam) - off ealaidh vi air falbh
sleepless adj gun chadalm, a - night oidhche f gun chadal sloping adj daon
sleepy adj 1 cadalach, a - child paiste cadalach; 2 in expr I'm (&c) - tha an sloppy adj 1 (jood &c) tana, - porridge brochan tana; 2 (of workmanship
cada! orm (&c), also tha mi cadalach &c: careless) dearmadach, coma co-dhiu; 3 (in appearallce) cearbach,
sleet n flin & flinne m invar luideach, robach
sleeve 11 muinchill, muinichill & muil(i)cheann m, he rolled up his -s slosh v (sound) plubraich vi, plub vi
thruis e a mhuilcheannan sloth n leisg(e) f
sleigh n slaodan m slothful adj leisg, diomhain
slender adj caol, seang slovenly adj luideach, rapach, robach
slice 11 (- CIlt from somethillg; also kitchen tool) sliseagf, fish-- sliseag-eisgf slow adj mall, slaodach, mairnealach
slide 11 (ill playpark &c, or made all ice) sleamhnagf sleamhnan m slow, slow down v 1 (go/become slower) rach vi irreg am maille f invar;
slide v (all slippery sllrface) sleamhnaich vi 2 (make slower) cuir maille f invar (with prep air or ann)
slight adj 1 beag, a - cold cnatan beag, a - mist on the hill ceo beag air a' slowness n maille f invar
mhonadh m; 2 (of person: - in bllild) beag, tana; 3 (of little value or merit) slow-willed adj mall na (&c) inntinn f, (jam, pej) tiugh
aotrom, (more pej) suarach sludge n eabar m, poll m
slight v cuir vt an suarachas 111, cui! vt air dlmeas m illvnr, cuir vt air bheag slug n 1 (the creature) seilcheagf; 2 (jam: bullet) peilear m
suim f dean dimeas (with prep air) sluggish adj slaodach
slightly adv beagan, she left - early dh'fhalbh i beagan ran am m, it was slum n slum(a) m
raining - bha beagan uisge m gen ann slumber n suain f cadal m
slim adj caol, tana, seang slurry 11 giodar m
slim v seangaich vt, ill expr I had to - b' fheudar dhomh cudthrom m a slut 11 (slatternly woman) luid f breunagf
chall sly adj carach, fiar
slime" clabar 111 smack n sgailc f sgealp f
slimming 11 seangachadh m, call m cudthruirn m gen smack v sgealp vt
slink v ealaidh vi, sio!p vi, - off home ealaidh/siolp dhachaigh, - away small adj 1 beag, mion- prefiX (lellites followillg COilS where possible), (very -)
ealaidh/siolp air falbh meanbh, - girl caileag bheag, - salary tuarastal beag, - town baile
slip nl (stumble &c) tuisleadh m; 2 (error) mearachd f (less usu) iomrallm; beag, cut up - mion-ghearr vt, theft on a - scale mion-bhraide f; 2 in
3 in expr - of the tongue tapagf exprs - change airgead pronn m, - intestine caolan m
slip v 1 (stumble) tuislich vi, (esp on slippery surface) sleamhnaich vi; smart adj 1 (ill dress, appearallce &c) grinn, cuimir, snasai!; 2 (mentally -)
2 (surreptitious movement) siolp vi, ealaidh vi, - inside/away siolp geur/luath na (&c) inntinn f eirmseach, geur-chuiseach, tOinisgeil
a-steach/air falbh, - off home ealaidh dhachaigh adv; 3 in expr it -ped smash v smuais vt, smuid vt, spealg vt, bris vt na (&c) spealgan Jpl
my mind chaidh e as mo chuimhne f invar smashed adj & past part 1 smuaiste, briste, na (&c) spealgan Jpl; 2 (jam:
slipped adj & past part, in expr - disc dar m sgiorrte drunk) air a (&c) p(h)ronnadh, I was - bha mi air mo phronnadh, also
slipper n slapagf bha smuid (mhor) orm
slippery adj 1 (lit) sleamhainn; 2 (fig: of person) carach, fiar smashing adj (jam: great, excellellt &c) sgoinneil, taghta, that's -! tha sin
slipshod adj (of workmanship &c) dearmadach, coma co-dhiu sgoinneil/taghta!, (as excl) -! taghta!, also math dha-riribh!
slippy adj sleamhainn smear v smiur vt, smeu! vt
slip-up n mearachd f smell n (pleasallt or unpleasant) aile(adh) & faile(adh) m, boladh m, (usu
slit n sgoltadh m pleasant) boltrach m, (bad or foul) tochd m invar, it had a bad - bha
slit v sgoilt & sgolt vt droeh aile (a' tighinn) dheth
sliver n sgealbagf smell v 1 (as vt) fairich vt, feuch vt, can you - the peat reekt? am fairich
332 333

thu/am feuch thu ceb III na mbna?; 2 (as vi) it -s tha faileadh In snarl, snarling n dranndan Ill, dranndail f invar
(a' tighinn) dheth snatch v glac vt, beir vi irreg (witli prep air)
smiddy n ceardach f sneak v ealaidh vi, snaig vi, siolp vi, - off home ealaidh dhachaigh
smile n faite-gaire f, fiarnh-ghaire & fiarnh a' ghaire m, snodha-gaire Ill, sneer v dean fanaid f (at air)
(sly -) miogf sneering n fanaid f (at air)
smile v dean faite-gaire f, dean fiarnh-ghaire or fiarnh a' ghaire Ill, dean sneeze 11 sreothart In
snodha-gaire III sneeze v dean sreothart m
smirk n miogf sneezing, sneezing fit n sreothartaich f
smite v buail vt sniff n boladh III (atlof de), a - atlof the cooking pot boladh den phrais f
smith n 1 ceard & ceard Ill, silver- ceard-airgid Ill, copper- ceard-copair In; sniff v IlJlower &c) gabh boladh III (witli prep de); 2 in expr - at (look down
2 (black-) gobha m on) dean tair f (witli prep air)
smithy n ceardach f snivel v smuch vi
smoke n smwd f, ceb m, (usl/ligliter) tOitf, emit/give out- cuir smwd, peat snooze n dusallll, norragf, norrag chadailfgen, takelhave a - dean dusal!
.... ceo na mbna norrag
smoke v 1 fJire &c) cuir smwd f, smwd vi, the fire's smoking tha an snooze v dean dusallll, gabh norragf
teine a' cur smuide gen; 2 (- tobacco) smoc vti, do you -? am bi thu snore " srann f
a'smocadh? snore v srann vi
smoking n (of cigarettes &c) smocadh In, no -, - not allowed chan fhaodar snoring " srannail f, what a lot of - you were doing last night! de an
(pres liabitual passive of faod vi dej) smocadh m t-srannail a bha ort an raoir!
smoky adj cebthach, toiteach snout n sac HI
smooth adj (surface &c) min, reidh snow 11 sneachd m
smoothe v dean vt reidh, dean vt min snow v cuir (sneachd Ill), it's -ing tha e a' cur (an t-sneachda)
smoothly adv, in exprs the day passed - chaidh an latha m seachad gu snowdrift n cathadh III
socair, in expr we get onlalong - with them tha sinn reidh riutha snowflake n bleideagf (shneachda m gen), plebdagf
smother fJire, person, dissent &c) much vt, ruch vt, (person) tachd vt, (esp fire) snowman n bodach-sneachda /11
sma(i)1 vt snowplough n crann-sneachda m
smoulder v cnamh-Ioisg vi snub v cuir a (&c) c(h)UI (witli prep ri), they -bed us chuir iad an cUI rinn
smudge n smalm snug adj seasgair
smudge v smeur vt so adv 1 (before an adj) cho, he was - busy! bha echo !rang!, I'm not - good
smug adj toilichte leis (&c) fhein/fhin, he says we're - tha e ag radh gu today chan eil mi cho math an-diugh, I'm not - young as I was chan
bheil sinn toilichte leinn fhin eil mi cho bg agus a bha mi; 2 - many/much (na h-) uimhir f invar,
smuggler n cUl-rnhutaire m there were - many people there bha na h-uirnhir de dhaoine IIIpl ann,
smuggling n cUl-rnhutaireachd f invar I had - much money bha uirnhir de dh'airgead m agam; 3 in exprs and
smut n 1 (small dirty mark) smal m, spot m; 2 (sl/ggestive talk) drabastachd f - on's mar sin (air adhart), apples, pears, cherries and - on ubhlan
invar, draostachd f invar, rabhd /11 IIIpl, peuran Jpl, siristean Jpl 's mar sin, also's a leithid sin, she said we
smutty adj (suggestive) drabasta, draosta were lazy, rude, scruffy ... and - on, and - on thuirt i gu robh sinn
snack n srubagf, pios m leisg, mi-rnhodhail, luideach ... 's mar sin air adhart, - far chun a seo,
snag n duilgheadas m gu ruige seo, it hasn't happened - far cha do thachair e chun a seo/gu
snail n seilcheagf ruige seo, you didn't do it! I did -! cha do rinn thu e! rinn gu dearbh!,
snake n nathair f (excl expr agreement) just-! direach!, also direach sin!
snappy adj 1 (sliort-tempered: of people) aithghearr, cas, (of dogs & people) so conj 1 (tlierefore) mar sin, I'm tired (and) - I'm leaving tha mi sgith 's
dranndanach; 2 (of action &c: brisk, prompt) deas, aithghearr mar sin tha mi a' falbh; 2 (in order tliat) gus an/am, (neg) gus nach,
snare 11 ribe m airson, (neg) airson nach, - (that) he would have some pocket money
snarl v dean dranndan Ill, the dog -ed rinn an cu dranndan, in expr apt gus am biodh airgead-pbcaid m aige, - (that) you can find the house
to - dranndanach gus an urrainn dhut an taigh a lorg, - (that) she wouldn't be hungry

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gus/airson nach biodh an t-acras oirre, (in order that, also with the resl/It soften v maothaich vti, bogaich vti
that) air dhoigh is, air chor is, (with cOlljs gu, nach), - (that) I wouldn't software n (IT) bathar bog, - developmentleasachadh 1/1 bathair buig gell
be impolite air dhoigh 's nach bithinn ml-mhodhail, he shut the door soggy adj bog fliuch
- (that) I wouldn't get in dhilin e an doras air dhoigh is/air chor is soiln talamh m if ill gell sing), Uir f
nach fhaighinn a-steach, he spoke in a low voice - (that) I didn't hear soil v salaich vt
him bhruidhinn e ann an guth 1/1 10sal air dhoigh 's nach cuala ml e solace 11 furtachd f invar, 50las 1/1, (for air), - for his anguish furtachd air
so pron 1 (relldered by repetitioll of v offoregoillg selltellce) did he wash his a dhorainn f, in expr bring - furtaich vi (with prep air), we will bring
hands? I think - an do nigh e a Iilmhan JPI? saoilidh ml gun do nigh, you - furtaichidh sinn oirbh
is it gold? I don't think - an e or a th' ann? cha chreid mi gur e solar adj (na) greine (gell of grian f), the Solar System Rian 1/1 na Greine,
soak v 1 drilidh vi (with prep air), fliuch vt (chun na seiche), the rain -ed An Coras-greine
me (to the skin) dhritidh an t-uisge orm, he got -ed to the skin chaidh solder v tilth vt
a fhljuch(d)adh chun na seice; 2 (steep washillg &c) cuir vt am bogadh soldering iron 11 iarrann 1/1 tilthaidh 1/1 gell
m, she put some clothes to - chuir i aodach 1/1 sillg coli am bogadh; soldier n saighdear 1/1
3 ill expr - up swgh & silgh vt, my coat -ed up the rain shwgh mo sole n bonn 1/1, - of the footlof the shoe bonn na coise/na broige (gen of
chota m an t-uisge casf & brogf)
soaked, soaking adj bog fliuch solemn adj 50laimte
soap n siabann m solicitor 11 neach-Iagha 1/1, (male) fear-Iagha 1/1, ifemale) bean-Iagha f, -s
soapy adj siabannach luchd-Iagha m sing coli
sob 11 glug 1/1 caoinidh 1/1 solicitude 11 iomagain f, irnnidh & iomnaidh f
sober adj 1 measarra, stuama, stolda; 2 (1I0t dWllk) sobair, stuama solid adj 1 cruaidh, - fuel connadh cruaidh; 2 (sound, durable) teann,
sobriety n stuairn f invar daingeann, - foundation bunait theann/dhaingeann, - structure
soccer n ball-coise 1/1 structar daingeann; 2 (I/Iore fig; well-fol/llded, reliable) tilbhachdach, a -
sociability 11 conaltradh 1/1 business gniomhachas tilbhachdach
sociable adj cuideachdail, conaltrach, cNlidheach solidify v cruadhaich vti
social adj 1 (ofperson) conaltrach; 2 (pertaining to society) soisealta, - security solitary adj (place, person) uaigneach, aonaranach
tearainteachd shoisealta, - work obair shoisealta solitude n uaigneas 1/1, aonaranachd f illvar
socialism n soisealachd f invar soluble adj so-Ieaghte
socialist adj soisealach solution nl (illliql/id) leaghadh 1/1, eadar-sgaoileadh m; 2 (- to problel/l &c)
socialist 11 soisealach 1/1 fuasgladh 1/1
society n 1 (the social cOl/ll/lunity) comann-5Oisealta 1/1, soisealtas 1/1, he solve v (problem, difficl/lty &c) fuasgail vt, - a crossword fuasgail
turned his back on - chuir e a chill 1/1 ris a' chomann-soisealta/ri toirnhseachan-tarsainn 1/1
soisealtas; 2 (col/lpany) cuideachd f, he likes the - of young people some adj 1 (1I0t always relldered in Gaelic) give me - money thoir dhomh
is toigh leis cuideachd na h-oigridh; 3 (elub, organisatioll &c) comann airgead 1/1, I could do with - peace b' fheilirrde mi slth f; 2 (a certain
1/1, The Gaelic Society of Inverness Comann Gilidhlig Inbhir Nis, al/lount) deannan (with gell), he has a nice house and - money tha taigh
building - comann-togalaich 1/1 snog agus deannan airgid 1/1 gell aige; 3 in expr - people feadhainn f
sock n sacais f sing coli, cuid f sing coli, - people are in favour, others are against tha
socket 11 (electric) bun-dealain 1/1 feadhainn/cuid air a shon, tha feadhainn eile/cuid eile na aghaidh
sod n 1 foid & fOd f, fill m; 2 (coli) foid f, when I'm beneath the - nuair a some proll (people) feadhainn f sing coli, cuid f sing coli, - are in favour,
bhios mi fon fhoid dat - are against tha feadhainn/cuid air a shon, tha feadhainn eile/cuid
sod v (swear) - the lot of them! Iaigh m na galla dhaibh uile! eile na aghaidh
sofa 11 langasaid f some- prefix --eigin (suffix), see somebody, someday, someone, something,
soft adj 1 (to the tOl/ch) min, bog, - material stuth mm/bog, (of book) - cover sometime, somewhere
comhdach bog; 2 (of character) bog, maoth; 3 ill expr - drink deoch f somebody, someone pron cuideigin 11If jnvar, duine m, -'s come in tha
lag cuideigin air tighinn a-steach, is there - there/in? a bheil duine ann?

336 337
someday adv latheigin m invar & adv sympathy, regret &c) truagh, it was a - affair's e rud/gnothach truagh a
someone pron see somebody bh' ann; 3 (unsatisfactory, paltry) suarach, a - excuse leisgeul suarach
somersault n car 111 a' mhuiltein sort n 1 sebrsa m, (less IISU) gne f invnr, all -s of things rudan mpl de gach
something pron rudeigin m invnr & pron, (less 11511) nitheigin m invar, is - sebrsa, a book of that - leabhar m den t-sebrsa sin; 2 in expr out of -s
wrong? a bheil rudeigin cearr? (ie grouchy &c) diombach & diumbach, (11511 of child) crost(a)
sometimes adv uaireannan adv, air uairean Jpl, - I'm sad, - I'm cheerful sort v 1 (classify; also - post) sebrsaich vt; 2 (arrange, order, - Ollt) cuir vt
uaireannan bidh mi muladach, uaireannan eile bidh mi sunndach an brdugh m, brdaich vt, cuir vt air dbigh f; 3 (objects: put right, mend)
somewhat adv rudeigin, rud beag, car, she was - depressed bha i cairich vt, cuir vt air ghJeus mf; 4 (reso[ve/- Ollt situations, relationships
rudeigin/rud beag slos na h-inntinnf, bha i rudeigin/rud beag lseal, &c) reitich vt; 5 (tidy) cairich vt, sgioblaich, reitich vt, - your bed!
- tired rud beag/car/rudeigin sgith cairich do leabaidh f, - your room!, sgioblaich an rum m agad!
somewhere adv ann an aiteigin m invnr, I lost it - chaill mi ann an iliteigin e so-so adj ach meadhanach (after verb in neg), I'm only - today chan eil mi
somnolent adj cadalach ach meadhanach an-diugh, the food was only - cha robh am biadh
son n mac m, they have two -s tha dithis mhac mpl gen aca, the prodigal ach meadhanach
- am mac strbdhail/slruidheil soul n 1 anam m, body and - corp m is anam; 2 in expr a (living) - duine
song n bran (in some areas amhran) m, (less IISIl) luinneagf, duanagf, sing beb, there wasn't a (living) - on the road cha robh duine beb air an
a -! gabh bran!, waulking - bran luadhaidh/luaidh m gen rathad; 3 (Jam: IISU expr sympathy) creutair m, the poor -! an creutair
son-in-law n cliamhainn m bochd!
sonorous adj ath-fhuairnneach sound adj 1 (of persons: - in health) fallain, safe and - sliln is fallain;
soon adv 1 (in a short time) a dh'aithghearr, ann an uine ghoirid, ann am 2 (of organisations &c: seCllre, trustworthy) tabhachdach, urrasach, a
beagan Uine, we'll be there - bidh sinn ann a dh'aithghearr, it was - business gniomhachas tabhachdach/urrasach; 3 (of jlldgement &c:
- finished/over bha e seachad ann an Uine ghoirid/ann am beagan reliable) earbsach
Uine, they were - lost ann am/an deidh beagan Uine bha iad air chall, sound n 1 fuairn mf, the - of the traffic fuaim na trafaig, - wave fuairn-
also cha b' fhada gus an robh lad air chall; 2 (before the 1151101, set or thonn mf; 2 (much quieter: USII in neg exprs) bid f, blogf, he can't hear a
expected time) trath, we didn't expect you so - cha robh dUiI f againn - cha chJuinn e bld/blog, he didn't utter a - cha tuirt e bid/biog
riut cho trath, it's too - for ripe apples tha e ro thrath airson ubhJan soup n brot m, (trod) eanraich f
mpl abaich; 3 in expr as - as cho luath 's/is/agus (with conj a), as - as sour adj goirt, searbh, geur, - milk bainne goirt
he arrived the noise stopped cho luath 's/agus a thainig e sgull am source n bun m, IUs m, the - of evil bun an uilc (sen of ole m), (prov) the
fuairn mf fear of God is the - of (all) wisdom's e IUs a' ghliocais eagal m Dhe
sooner adv 1 nas traithe (in past & conditional tenses na bu traithe; 2 in expr (sen of Dia m)
- or later luath no mall, - or later that wall will fall down luath no south n & adj 1 deas f invar & adj, South Vist Uibhist a Deas, the South
mall tui tidh am balla sin Pole Am Pbla a Deas, the - of the country an taobh deas den duthaich
soot n sUith(e) m f, taobh a deas na duthcha, living in/going to the - a' fuireach/a' dol
soothe v ciWnich vt, talaidh vt, (esp suffering) faothaich vt mu dheas, the islands in the - na h-eileanan mpl mu dheas, a breeze
soothsayer n fiosaiche m from the - oiteagfon deas, Kinross is - of Perth tha Ceann Rois deas
sorcerer, sorceress n draoidh m, ban-draoidh f air Peairt; 2 (the compass direction) - an aird(e) deas
sorcery n draoidheachd f invar southerly adj mu dheas, - islands eileanan mpl mu dheas, he went in a -
sordid adj 1 (morally) suarach, truaillidh, coirbte; 2 (phys) drabhail, salach, direction chaidh e mu dheas
grod, mosach southern adj deas, mu dheas, the - part of the country taobh a deas na
sore adj goirt, a - head ceann goirt, my back's - tha mo dhruim m goirt, a duthcha, in the - corner of a wood anns a' chuilm mu dheas de choille
- trial deuchainn ghoirt f, the - isles na h-eileanan mpl mu dheas
sorrow adj brbn m, mulad f, (less IISU) tUirse & tilrsa f invar southerner n deasach m
sorrowful adj brbnach, muladach, tilrsach souvenir n cuimhneachan nE
sorry adj 1 duilich, I'm -! tha mi duilich!, I'm - for myself tha mi duilich sovereign n righ m
air mo shon thin, also (more trod) tha truas m agam rium thin; 2 (causing sow n crain f, muc f

338 339
sow v 1 (seed) cuir vt; 2 (- dissellt, dOllbt &c) sgaoil vt species 11 (bioi) gne f invar, cinealm, seOrsa m
sowing 11 1 (of seed &c) cur m; 2 (of dissellt, doubt &c) sgaoileadh m specific adj araidh, sbnraichte, it's a - car that I'm looking for is e car m
space n 1 (room) rUm m, there was no - in the boat cha robh rUm sa araidh/sbnraichte a tha mi a' sireadh
bhiHa m; 2 (openillg, gap &c) beam f, a small - in the wall beam bheag specifically adv a dh'aon ghnothach m, a dh'aon rUn m, I wrote the letter-
sa bhalla m; 3 (extra-terrestrial -) fanas m, the - age !inn mf an fhanais, to bring the matter to an end sgrlobh mi an litir f a dh'aon ghnothach/
an !inn-fanais mf a dh'aon rUn gus/airson a' chilis a thoirt gu ceann m
spacecraft, spaceship n soitheach-fanais m, speur-shoitheach m specify v sonraich vt, comharraich vt
spacious adj rUmail specimen Il sampall 111
spade 11 spa id f, (mare trad) caibe m speck 11 smalm
spanner 11 spanair m speckled adj ballach, breac
spar 11 (joinery &c) rongf, rongas m spectacle n sealladh m
spare adj 1 saor, - time Uine shaor, also saor-uine J; 2 (sllrpllls) a bharrachd, spectacles IIpl speuclairean mpl, glainneachan Jpl
- money airgead m a bharrachd; 3 ill expr (machillery &c) - parts, -s spectator 11 neach-<:oimhid m (plluchd-<:oimhid m sing coil)
pairtean-caraidh mJpI spectre n bOcan m, taibhse mf
spare v 1 ifrom Pllllislullellt &c) dean iochd f invar (with prep ri), leig vt mu speculate v 1 (melltally) beachdaich vi (about air); 2 (fin) dean tuairmeas
sgaoil, fuasgail vt, the emperor -ed her rinn an t-iompaire iochd rithe; m (on air)
2 ill expr if I'm -d ma bhios mi air mo chaomhnadh, ma mhaueas speculation 11 1 (melltal) beachdachadh m; 2 (fin) tuairmeas m
(rei flit of mair VI) mi beO, I'll see you tomorow, if I'm -ed chi mi speculative adj 1 (mentally) beachdachail, baralach; 2 (fill) tuairmseach
a-maireach thu, ma bhios mi air mo chaomhnadh speech nl (in general & abstr sellse) cainnt f, labhairt f invar, the faculty of
spark 11 1 sradagf, give off -s Jeig sradagan; 2 (- of life, vital -) rong m, - comas m cainnte/labhairt gell; 2 (talk, oration) oraid f, give/make a -
there's not a - of life in her chan eil rong innte thoir seachad braid, dean oraid; 3 (Imlg, gram) comhradh m, indirect -
sparkle 11 drithleann m, lainnir f comhradh neo-dhireach
sparkle v lainnrich vi speechless adj balbh, (stronger) bog balbh
sparkling adj lainnireach speed 11 1 luas m, luath(a)s mf, (esp ofvel/icles) astar m, - limit crloch f astair
sparrow n gealbhonn m gen, at an incalculable - aig astar gun tomhas m, an insane - astar
sparse adj gann, tana, - crop bare gann, - hair fait tana gun chiall f, they were going at a good - bha astar math aca; 2 (esp of
speak v 1 bruidhinn vti, (less USII) labhair vi, (to ri), - to him bruidhinn ris, persons: haste) deannf, (strollger) deann-ruith & dian-ruithf, he left at
-ing Gaelic a' bruidhinn (na) Gaidhlig, -ing in Gaelic a' bruidhinn (great) - dh'fhalbh e na dheann, he left at full - dh'fhalbh e na dhian-
sa GhaidhJig, in expr (idiom) -ing with one voice a' bruidhinn as beul ruith, also (more fam) dh'fhalbh e aig peilear m a bheatha; 3 ill expr put
m a cheile; 2 in expr I - GaelidEnglish (&c) tha Gaidhlig/Beurla on - luathaich vi
(&c) agam; 3 (address) thoir vt irreg seachad oraid f (witll prep do), speed v 1 draibhig vi co luath/aig astar m CO mhor; 2 ill expr - up luathaich
tomorrow I'm -ing to the local history society a-maireach bidh mi a' vi
toir! seachad oraid f don chomann m eachdraidh f ionadail; 4 in expr speedy adj luath, cabhagach, (esp vehicles) astarach
broadly/generally -ing san fharsaingeachd f illvor, broadly/generally spell' n (elle/lOntment) geas f, seun m, ortha f, under a - fo gheasaibh (obs
-ing, the roads are good san fharsaingeachd, tha na rathaidean mpl dat pi ofgeas)
math spell'lI 1 (of time) greis f, a - of unemployment greis gun obair f, we were
spealcer n 1 (Iectllrer &c) oraidiche m, neach-labhairt m; 2 in expr native - in Skye for a - bha sinn greis san Eilean m Sgitheanach, bha sinn san
(of a lang) fileantach m, the native -s' class c1as m nam fileantach; 3 Eilean Sgitheanach airson/fad greis, a - at/with the scythe greis air
(office in parliamellt) Labhraiche m an speal f, sunny - greis ghreine (gen of grian f); 2 in expr (esp after
spear n gath m, sleagh f prolOllged wet weather) dry - Iuradh m, what a good dry -1 is math an
special adj araidh, sbnraichte, air leth, it's a - place to/for me's e aite m Iuradh (e)!
araidh/sbnraichte/air leth a th' ann dhomh(sa), a - bottle of wine spell v litrich vt
botalm air leth de fhion m spellbound adj & past part fo gheasaibh (obs dat pi of geas f: with gen), - by
specialist 11 speisealaiche m her beauty fo gheasaibh a bbidhcheid (gen ofboidhchead f)
340 341

spelling 11 litreachadh III split adj & past part 1 sgoilte; 2 ill erpr (jam) - new w--nodha
spend v 1 (lIIolley) cosg vt, caith vt; 2 (time) cuir vt seachad, (less usu) caith split 11 sgaineadh m, sgoltadh m
vt, I spent the holidays in the States chuir mi seachad na saor-laithean split v 1 sgoilt & sgolt vti; 2 - (up) (ie divide) roinn vt (between air), the
mpl sna Stailean'!pl (Aonaichte) estate was - up bha an oighreachd air a roinn suas, we - it between
spendthrift adj caith(t)each, slruidheil & strOdhail them roinn sinn orra e; 3 ill erpr - up (ie separate, part) dealaich vi
spendthrift 11 slruidhear m (with prep ri), sgar vti, the couple - up dhealaich a' charaid (phosta)
sperm 11 siol(-ginidh) Ill, ill erpr - cell ceaUa-silf ri cheile
spew v cuir vti a-mach, sgeith vi, (jam/vulg) I -ed my guts up chuir mi splosh v plubraich, plub
a-mach riJchd m mo chaolanan mpl gell splutter v dean plubraich f
sphere 11 cruinne mf spoil v 1 (as vI) rach vi irreg bhuaithe; 2 (as vt) mill vt; 3 (illdulge child &c)
spherical adj cruinn mill vt
spice 11 spiosradh m spoil, spoils 11 (plullder &c) cobhartach mf, spUilleadh & spUinneadh m,
spice v (lit) spiosraich vt, (lit & fig) - (up) piobraich vt creachf
spicy adj spiosrach spoilt adj & past part 1 (lit, also fig of child, dog &c) millte; 2 in expr - brat
spider 11 damhan-allaidh m uilleagan m
spike 11 spie f, bior m spoke 11 spogf
spill v doir! vti, - blood doir! fuil f spokesman n fear-Iabhairtm
spin 11 1 (revolutioll) car m, give the wheel a - cuir car den chuibhle f; spokesperson 11 neach-Iabhairtm (pI luchd-Iabhairt m sing call)
2 (drive &c) cuairt (bheag), we'll go for a - in the car gabhaidh sinn sponsor 11 (of sporting or ClIltural evel/t &c) goistidh m
cuairt (bheag) sa char m sponsorship 11 goislidheachd f invar
spin v cuir car m (with prep de), - the propeller cuir car den phropailear m spool n iteachan m
spine 11 1 (backbolle) (the) - cna(i)mh m (an) droma; 2 (all thistle &c) bior m spoon n spain f
spinster 11 boireannach m gun phosadh m, (esp elderly -: fam) seana- spoonfuln lan-spaine m
mhaighdeann f sport 11 1 (games, also fill1 &c) spors f, we had some - with him/at his
spirit 11 1 (relig) spiorad m, the Holy Spirit An Spiorad Naomh; 2 (ghostly expense bha spors againn air, football's my favourite - 's e ball-coise
-) taibhse f; 3 (courage &c) misneach f, misneachd f illvar, smior m; m an spors as fhearr learn, -s complex ionad-sporsa m; 2 in expr fond
4 (alcollOlic) -s deochflaidir of/good at - sporsail
spirited adj misneachail, smiorail/smearail sporting adj 1 (jair) cothromach, (idiom) a - chance cothrom m na Feinne;
spiritual adj (relig) spioradai], - songs dain mpl spioradail 2 (relatillg to sport) sporsail
spirituality 11 spioradalachd f illvar sporty adj sporsail
spirtle 11 maide m poite f gell spot 11 1 (pimple &c) guirean m, plucan m; 2 (place) bad m, iiite m, a sunny
spit' 11 (saliva &c) smugaid f - bad grianach, a bonny - aite breagha; 3 (stain &c) smal m, spot m;
spit2 11 (jar cookillg) bior-rostaidh m 4 ill erprs beauty - (on face) ball-maise Ill, (place to visit) aite breagha,
spit v tilg smugaid f on the - (ie immediately) anns a' bhad, she did it on the - rinn i anns
spite 11 garnhlas m, tarcais f, tailceas m a' bhad e, also rinn i an larach f nam bonn mpl e
spite v dean tarcais f (with prep air) spot v (see: usu at a distallce) faigh faire f (with prep air)
spiteful adj garnhlasach, tarcaiseach, tailceasach spouse n ceUe 111 illvar
spittle 11 smugaid f spout 11 1 (of pot &c) feadan m; 2 (jet or flow ofliqllitf) sputm, steall f; 3 (large
splash 11 plubraich f, plub m, make a - dean plubraich waterfall) sputm
splash v plubraich vi, dean plubraichf, plub vi sprain n (of allkle &c) sgochadh m, siachadh m
splendid adj gasta & gasda, greadhnach, iilainn, the soldiers looked - bha sprain v (ankle &c) sgoch vt, siach vt
na saighdearan a' coimhead gasta, that was -! bha sin gasta/iilainnJ, spray 11 1 (device for waterillg &c) steaUaire m; 2 (- from sea) cathadh-
also bha sin math dha-riribh maram
splendour 11 greadhnachas m spray v steall vti

342 343
spree" (esp dri"ki"g -) daorachl squat v dean cruban m, rach vi na (&c) c(h)ruban m, crub vi, they -ted
spread v sgaoil vti, she - (out) her arms sgaoil i a gairdeanan mpl, (down) rinn iad cruban, chaidh iad nan cruban
the rumour - through the town sgaoil am fathann air feadh a' squeak, squeaking n 1 (olobjects rubbi"g together &c) diosgan m, dlosgail I
bhaile m, fine views - out beneath us seallaidhean mpl breagha air an invar, giosg m; 2 (01 animals &c) sgiamh (beag)
sgaoileadh fodhainn squeak v 1 (objects rubbi"g &c) giosg vi; 2 (animals &c) sgiamh vi
sprightlyadj luthmhor, clis, sgairteil, brighmhor squeal" sgiamh m, sgal m
spring" 1 (leap) leurn m; 2 (01 water) fuaran m, tobar mf; 3 (the seaso,,) squeal v sgiamh vi, sgal vi
earrach m, in (the) - as t-earrach; 4 i" expr - tide reotha(i)rt ml squeamish adj orraiseach
spring v 1 (leap) leurn vi; 2 (appear; lam) nochd vi (from a), where did you squeeze n teannachadh m, faisgeadh m
- from? co as a nochd thu(sa)?; 3 i" exprs - to mind thig vi na (&c) squeeze v teannaich vt, faisg vt, preas vt
inntinn f, thig vi na (&c) c(h)uimhne I ;,rvar squint adj (asla"t) claon, fiar, air fhiaradh
sprinkle v crath vt, - salt on the fish crath salann m air an iasg m squint 1'J claonadh T1J, fiaradh m, spleuchd m
sprint" deann-ruith & dian-ruith I squint v seall vi claon, seall vi fiar, spleuchd vi
sprout" 1 (0" pla"t) bachJagf; 2 (veg) Brussels - buinneag Bhruisealach squirrel" febragl
sprout v (pla"t) cuir a-mach bachJagan /pI squirt n (01 liquid) steall I, stealladh m
spruce adj euimir, snasail, sgiobalta squirt v steall vti
spruce n giuthas m, Norway - giuthas LochIannach St Kilda n Hiort & Hirt I invar
spry adj beothail, clis, a - old guy bodach beothail St Kildan n & adj Hiortach, Hirteach & TITteach m
spur, spur on v 1 (e"courage) brosnaich vt, spreig vt, stuig vt, piobraich vt; stab n 1 sathadh m; 2 (jam: a try, a shot) oidhirp f, ionnsaigh mf, (at air),
2 (hurry 0") cuir cabhagl (with prep air), greas vt, brod vt we'll have another - at it bheir/ni sinn oidhirp/ionnsaigh eile air
spurt" 1 (olliquid) steallf, stealladh m, sput m; 2 (acceleratio,,) briosgadh m, stab v sath vti
cabhagf, get/put a - on! dean cabhag!, also greas ort! stabilise v 1 (as vt) bunailtich vt; 2 (as VI) fas vi bunailteach
spurt v (liquids) steaIJ vti, Sp"t vti stability" bunailteachd I i"var, seasmhachd I invar
spY" 1 brathadair m, fear-brathaidh m; 2 i" expr - satellite saideal m stable adj seasmhach, bunailteach
brathaidh m gen stable n staball m
spying n 1 (espionage) brathadh m; 2 (eavesdropping on neighbours &c) stack n (01 corn &c) cruach f, mulan m, coc/ goc m, small - cruachan m
farchluais I stack v cruach vt, cam vt
spy v 1 (engage i" espionage) brath vi; 2 (eavesdrop on neighbours &c) dean stack-yard n iodhlann I
farchluais I (on air) staff! n (employees) luchd-obrach m sing coil, clerical - luchd-obrach
squabble n connsachadh m, tuasaid f, trod m cleireachail
squabble v connsaich vi, troid vi, (with ri), they were squabbling bha iad staff' n 1 (01 bishop &c) bachall m; 2 (music) cliath I
a' trod ri cheile stag n (red deer -) darnh m
squabbling n trod m stage' n 1 (01 progress, development, ability &c) ire I invar; 2 in expr at this -
squad n buidheann mf, sguad m in/of my life aig an ire I invar seo/aig an am m sea de mo bheathal
squalid adj 1 drabhail, robach, grod, mosach; 2 (action, behaviour) suarach, stage' n (theatre &c) ard-llilar m
taireil stagger v 1 tuirnhsich vi, tuislich vi; 2 (fig: surprise) cuir (mor-)iongnadh m
squalln sgal m, meall m (with prep air), I was -ed bha (mor-)iongnadh orm
squalor n mosaiche I invar stagnant adj marbh, - water uisge marbh
squander v caith vt staid adj stolda
square adj 1 (in slUlpe) cearnach; 2 (surface area) cearnagach, - metre stain n 5mal m, spot 111, sal m
meatair cearnagach stain v 1 dath vt; 2 (accidentally) fag smal m, fag spot m, (with prep air), it
square n (shape, also - in town &c) ceamagl -ed her dress dh'fhag e smal air an dreasa I aice
squash v 1 (lit) bruth vt, preas vt; 2 (fig: quash, quell) ceannsaich vt, much vt stained adj & past part 1 dathte, - glass glainne/gloinne dhathte;
squat n (position) crUban m 2 (accidentally) salaichte

344 345
stair E GLlSH-GAELlC DlcrIONARY slarling slart E GLlSH-GAELlC DICfIONARY slatutory

slair n ] (single step) ceum m; 2 (single step & staircase, aflig"t of -s) staidhre slart n ] (ill time) toiseach m, IUs 11/, the - of summer toiseach an
f, staidhir f, she went up Ihe - chaidh i suas an staidhre, she's up Ihe t-samhraidh, he's been working here from/since the (very) - tha e
- tha i shuas an staidhre ag obair an sea 0 thus; 2 (of a process &c) loiseachadh m, a fresh -
slaircase, slairs 11 staidhir f, slaidhre f loiseachadh as ur, in erpr make a fresh - toisich vi as ur; 3 (sllOckJrig"t,
slake' n (for fencillg &c) post m, stob m, (more trad) cipean 11/ nervol/s reaction) c1isgeadh m, uspagf, he gave me a - chuir e clisgeadh
Slake' n (in gamblillg) geallll/ orm, he gave a - thug e uspag
stalk n gas f slart v ] toisich vi (wit" preps air or ri), teann vi (with prep ri), - singing
slallion n aigeach m toisich a' seinn, -10 sing toisich air/ri seinn, he -ed climbing theann
slalwart adj ] (sturdy) calma, tapaidh, smioral, treun; 2 (loyal, dependable) e ri slreap, - afresh toisich as ill, (saying) -inglgelling -ed is a day's
seasmhach, daingeann, dlIeas work is e obairflatha m gentoiseachadh m; 2 (nervol/s reaction) clisg vi,
slamina n ] (strellgt") neartm, spionnadh m; 2 (stayillg power) curnail-ris f, thoir uspagf, he -ed chlisg e, thug e uspag
fulang m, slartle v cuir clisgeadh 11/ (wit" prep air), c1isg vt, he -d me chuir e c1isgeadh
slamp 11 (postage) stamp(a) f orm, chlisg e mi
stamp v ] (letter) cuir slamp(a) f (wit" prep air); 2 (wit" foot) breab vt, starvation n gorl & goirt f
stamp vti, she -ed her foot al me bhreab i a cas f riurn; 3 in erpr - oul slarve v ] (as vi: die of starvation) caochail vi leis a' ghoirt f dat; 2 (as vt:
cuir vi as (wit" prep do), - oul racism cuir as do chinealas m/ghrain- deprive offood) cuir lrasgf, leig goirl f, (wit" prep air), they -d me chuir
chinnidhf iad lrasg orm, leig iad gOirt orm; 3 in expr he -d them to dealh chuir
stance n (P"ys, moral, p"ilo &c) seasamh m e gu bas m leis a' ghoirt iad
sland v ] (rise to olle's feet) seas vi, eirich vi (na &c s(h)easamh m), the state n ] (condition) cor m, slaid f, the pitiful - of Ihe refugees cor lruagh
audience slood (up) sheas an luchd-eisleachd m sing coli, he stood nam fogarrach mpl, - of emergency slaid eiginneach, in a bad -
up sheas e suas, sheas e an-Mrd, dh'eirich e (na sheasamh); 2 (be in a ann an droch slaid; 2 in expr he was in a good - of mind bha e air a
stallding position) bi vi irreg na (&c) s(h)easamh m, I sloodJwas -ing (dheagh) dhoigh m; 3 (pol) staitf, the French - an stail Fhrangach, slili!
under a tree bha mi nam sheasamh fo chraoibh dat; 3 (tolerate, bear) na Frainge
fuiling & fulaing vti, (less trad) cuir vi suas (wit" prep ri), they had 10 slale v ] (feelings, t"Ol/g"ts, ideas &c) cuir vt an ceill (dat of ciall j), I will -
- cold and hunger b' fheudar dhaibh fuachd mf is acras m fhulang, my opinion cuiridh mi mo bheachd m an ceill; 2 (facts, details &c) Ihoir
b' fheudar dhaibh cur suas ri fuachd is acras, I can't - him/it!, chan vt (seachad), - your name thoir seachad ur n-amm 11/
£huiling mi e!; 4 ill erpr - up for (ie support) seas vt, who will - up for slalely adj sliliteil, - gaitJpace ceum m slaileil
you? co a sheasas Ihu? stalementn] (abstr) cur 11/ an ceill (dat of ciall j); 2 (esp in pi: I/tterances, t"ings
standard adj ] (usual, 1I0rll/al) suidhichte, curnanla, gnathach; 2 (applicable said) -s briathran mpl, foolish -s briathran amaideach, I don'l believe
to all) coitcheann politicians' slalements cha chreid mi briathran luchd-poileataics (m
standard n ] (I/nit of comparison, a criterioll) slat-thomhais f; 2 (level of sing call); 3 (account of events, circumstances &c: verbal or written) aithris
acIJievemellt, ability &c) ire f invar, inbhe f f, (esp formal & written) aithisgf, (esp for legal pl/rposes) teisteanas m
sland-in n (t"eatre &c) neach-ionaid m statesman n staitire m
standing slone 11 tursa m, carragh f, gallan m slation n ] (trallsport, radio &c) sleisean m; 2 (IT &c) work - ionad-
slanding jump cruinn-Ieum m obrach m
stanza lJ rann mf slationary adj na slad 11/, gun gluasad m
star n reu! f, rionnagf, the pole - an reu!-iUil f stationery n paipearachd f sing coli, stuth-sgriobhaidh m
starch 11 stale 111 slatue n iomhaigh f
slare 11 spleuchd 11/ stature n ] ("eigilt) airde f; 2 (build) deanamh m, logail f, meudachd f;
stare v spleuchd vi (al air) 3 (moral, professiollal &c -) inbhe f
slarfish 11 crasgag & erosgagf slatus n inbhe f, - symbol comharradh m inbhe gen
stark adj ] (landscape, sitl/atioll &c) garbh, cruaidh; 2 in expr - naked dearg statule n reachd m invar, riaghailt f
riJisgte statutory adj] (in accordance wit" statl/tes) reachdail, dligheach; 2 (compl//sory
starling 11 druid f, druideagf by law/statl/te) reachdail

346 347
staunch ENGLISH-GAELIC DICfIO ARY stepping-stone step-sister ENGLISH-GAELIC DlcnONARY stinginess

staunch adj seasmhach, daingeann, dileas, treun, laidir step-sister n leas-phiuthar f

staunch v caisg vt sterile adj 1 (barren) seasg, neo-thorach; 2lfig: fruitless) gun toradh m, gun
stave n (music) c1iabh m fheum m, dlomhain, - debate deasbad m gun toradh/ gun fheum
stave off v cuir dailf(willl prep ann or air), cum vi air falbh, -the summons stem n 1 (of boat) deireadh m; 2 (Jam: backide) ton f, mas m
cuir dail air a' bhair!innfilzvar, in order to - hunger gus an t-acras a stem adj 1 (of discipline, masler &c) cruaidh, teann; 2 (unsmilillg &c) dur,
chumail air falbh gruamach, gnu, mugach
stay v 1 (remain) fuirich vi, fan vi, you - where you are! fuirich/fan thusa sternum n c!iathan m
far a bheil thu!; 2 (dwell) fuirich vi, fan vi, gabh cbmhnaidh f, (in ann stew n 1 stiubha f; 2 in expr (Jam, fig) in a - ann an (drach) staingf, ann an
an), we were -ing in Islay at the time bha sinn a' fuireach/a' gabhail cruaidh-chas m, ann an eiginn f invar
cbmhnaidh ann an lIe aig an am m, -ing with Calum a' fuireach/a' steward n 1 (on eslate &c) maor m; 2 (on boat &c) stiubhard m; 3 in expr
fantainn/a' fantail aig Calum shop - riachdaire m aonaidh m gen
steadfast adj 1 (loyal) dUeas; 2 (sleady, enduring) daingeann, seasmhach stewardess n bana-stiubhard f
steady adj 1 (af slruclures &c: firm) cunbhalach, bunai(l)teach, seasmhach, stick n bata m, maide m, (supple -) gad m, walking - bata-coiseachd m,
daingeann, teann; 2 (of persons) stblda, stuama; 3 as adv in exprs _I, _ stick v 1 (adhere) lean vi (to ri); 2 (get sluck, caughl) rach vi an sas m (in ann
on!, socair!, take it -!lgo -! air do shocair', gabh vi air do shocair! an), she stuck in the brambles chaidh i an sas annS na drisean Jpl;
steady v daingnich vt 3 (thrusl, push carelessly) s3th VI, - it in the cupboard sath a-steach
steak n staoigf dhan phreas m e; 4 in expr - at it! (persevere) cUm vi ort!, cUm vi ris!,
steal v 1 (as vt) goid Vi; 2 (as VI) dean meirle f invar, bi vi irreg ri goid f; 3 in lean vi ort!
expr - away siolp vi air falbh, ealaidh vi air falbh stick-in-the-mud n duine m lag-chUiseach
stealing n goid f, meirle & meirle f invar, (usu more petty) braid f sticky adj leanailteach
steam n toit f, smuid f, deatach f, - from the pot toit as a' phoit f, in expr - stiff adj 1 (Iil) rag; 2 (Jam: diffiCIIIt, excessive, harsh) doirbh, cruaidh, a - exam
boat bata-smUide m deuchainn dhoirbh, a - sentence binn chruaidh; 3 in expr I was scared
stea?, v 1 cuir toit f, it was -ing bha e a' cur toite gen, bha toit a' tighinn - bha eagalm mo bheatha f orm
as; 2 (Jam: very drunk) I was -ing bha mi air mo phronnadh/air mo stiffen v 1 (lit) ragaich vti; 2lfig: laws, condilions &c) dean vi nas cruaidhe;
dhaIJadh 3 (resolve &c) daingnich vt
steel n stailinn f, cruaidh f stiffness n raige f invar
steep adj cas, a - brae bruthach c(h)as stifle v llfire &c) sma(i)l vi, much VI, IUch vi; 2 (person, life) much VI, tachd
steep v (in liquid) turn vt, cuir vt am bogadh m Vi; 3 (uprising, spirit, opposition &c) much VI, ceannsaich vt
steeple n stiobalJ m still adj 1 (weather) ciUin, samhach, seirnh, a - morning madainn chiUin;
steer V stiu.IT vI 2 (motionless) gun ghJuasad m, na (&c) t(h)ilmh, the Irees were - after
steering-wheel n cuibhle-stiUiridh f the storm bha na craobhan Jpl gun ghJuasad/nan tilmh an deidh na
steersma.n n stiuireadair m stoinne
stem n 1 (of plO/II) gas f; 2 (of boat) toiseach m still adv 1 fhathast, it's - raining tha an t-uisge ann fhathast; 2 (neverlheless)
stench" tbchd m lImar a dh'aindeoin sin, air a shon sin, co-dhiil, it's hard, but we'll manage
step n 1 (pace) ceum m, take a - forwardlbackward gabh ceum air adhart/ it - tha e doirbh, ach nl sinn an gnothach m air a dh'aindeoin sin/air
air ais, - by - ceum air cheum, also uidh air n-uidh; 2 (of slair &c: a shon sin/co-dhiil
single -) ceum m, lJlight of -s) ceumannan Illpl, go up the -s rach vi still n poit-dhubh f
suas/ dirich vt na ceumannan still v ciilinich Vii, sl!hich Vii, socraich vii
step v gabh ceum m, thoir ceum, - forward gabh ceum air adhart stimulate v 1 (phys, emotionally, sexually) brad VI, (emotionally) brosnaich Vi;
step-brother n leas-bhrathair III 2 (revive, revitalise) beothaich vi
step-child n dalta mf sting n (of wasp &c) guin m, gath m
step-father n oide m sting v guin VI, cuir gath m (wilh prep ann), it stung me ghuin e mi, chuir
step-mother n muime f e gath annam
stepping-stone n sinteagf Stinginess n splocaireachd f invar

348 349
stinging ENGLISH-GAELIC DrcnoNARY stool stoo ENGLlSH-GAELlC DrCf'ONARY straddle
stinging adj 1 (sensotions &c) gem, goirt; 2 (remarks &c) guineach, gem stoop v crub vi
stingy adj spioeach, mosach stop n 1 (abstr) stad f. they came to a - thainig iad gu stad, he brought
stink 1/ tOchd m invar the car to a - thug e an car gu stad, put a - to something cuir stad air
stint n greis f. treis f. (sllorter) greiseag f, treiseag f. (at air I aig) a - at the rudeigill, in expr bus - aite-stad m bus m gen; 2 (typog) puingf. full -
peats greis air/aig a' mhoinef stad-phuingl
stipend n tuarastall stop v 1 (as VI) stad vi, thig vi gu stad m, sguir vi, the lorry -ped stad an
stipulate v sbnraich vt laraidh f. thainig an laraidh gu stad, (break off work &c) we -ped at
stipulation n 1 (abstr) sbnrachadh m; 2 (con: in contracts &c) cumha f. noon sguir sinn aig meadhan-Iatha m; 2 (as vt) stad vt, thoir vt gu stad,
cUmhnant m cuir stad (witll prep air), he -ped the lorry stad e an laraidh, thug e an
stir v 1 (pllys) gluais vi, caraich vi, down in the forest something -red laraidh gu stad, I'll - yom carrying-on! euiridh mi stad air do dhol-
shios sa choille f ghluais rudeigin; 2 (emotionally) gluais vt, drUidh vi a-mach m invar!; 3 (prevent) cuir bacadh m (witll prep air), caisg vt, coo
(witll prep air), the music -red me ghluais an ceol mi, dhrUidh an ceol casg m (witll prep air), her parents -ped them getting married chOO a
orm; 3 (liqllids, food) cuir car m (witll prep de), - the soup coo car den parantan bacadh air am posadh m; 4 (give lip, abandol/ an activity) leig
bhrot m; 4 in e;rprs - up (enliven &c) beothaich vt, she -red up the vt (witll prep de), leig vt seachad, sguir vi (witll prep de), she -ped work!
embers of the fire bheothaich i eibhleagan an teine, - up (emotionally, working leig i dhith a h-obairflan obair, I'm -ping smoking tha mi a'
to action &c) brod vt, brosnaich vt, ifam) - your Slumps! tog ort! sgm de smoeadh mla' leigeil seachad smoeadh, - it! sguir dheth!; 5 in
stirk n gamhainn m e;rpr - up (apertllre &c) tachd vt, dUin vt suas
stirring adj 1 (to action) brosnachail; 2 (emotionally) gluasadach, drUidhteach stopcock n goe m
stitch n 1 (needlework) greim Ill; 2 (pain in side) acaid f stoppage 11 1 (cessation of activity) stad m, (tllrollgll indllstrial action) staik f;
stitch v fuaigh vt, fuaigheil vt 2 (obstruction, blockage) bacadh m, dimadh m
stitched adj & past part fuaighte storage n storadh m
stoat n neas f. neas mhor store n 1 (repository &c) ionad-tasgaidh m, tasgaidh f. stor m; 2 (sllop) buth
stob n stob m, post m mf. go to the - for me thalla don bhuth dhomh; 3 (IIoard, aeel/ml/lation,
stock n 1 (livestock) stoe m, (esp cattle) spreidhf, crodh m; 2 (ofsllOp) bathar III of objects, knowledge &c) stor m
sing call; 31fin) searaichean mpl, earrannan '!pI, the - market margadh store v 1 sto(i)r vt, (esp in mllsellms &c) taisg vt; 2 in expr - away cuir vt air
nif nan searaichean/nan earrannan all sparr m
stocking n stocainn f. osan m storehouse n ionad-tasgaidh 111
stolid adj dUr, stolda storey n lobht(a) m
stomach n stamag f. (less 11511) goile f, (more fam) balg m, broinn f. bru f. storm n stoirm f. doineann f. gailleann f
mionach m, maodal 111 stormy adj (of weatller) stoirmeil, doineannach, gailleanach, gailbheach
stomachfuJ n (lit & fig) liIn m a (&c) b(h)ronn (gen ofbruf) (of de), I had a story n 1lfictional) sgeulachd f, short - sgeulachd ghoirid; 2 (can be factllal:
- of it fhuair mi liIn mo bhronn dheth wllen fictional, often trad in content) sgeul m, a - about Finn sgeul air
stone n (individllal -, - in general) clach f. he threw a - at me thilg e Fionn, the - of my life sgeul mo bheatha 1 gen; 3 (//511 verbal, often
clach orm, - walls ballachan mpl cloiche (gen), a memorial - clach- Ill/morolls) stoiridh & storaidh m, naidheachd f
chuimhne f. also carragh-chuimhne I, a plum - clach-phlumaise m, story-teller n sgeulaiche m, (of trad stories) seanchaidh m
precious - clach uasal, the Stone of Destiny Clach na Cinnearnhainn, stout adj 1 (brave, endllring) treun, - heroes gaisgich threuna mpl; 2 (plllmp
also Clach Sgain (ie '01 Scone'), An Lia-Fail f. in e;rpr pelt with -s clach &c) reamhar, sultrnhor
vt; 2 (weig1Jt) clach f. - of potatoes clach bhuntata m sing call; 3 (slab stove n stobh(a) 1
of -) leac I, tomb-, grave- leac-uaighe I, paving-- leac-Urlair; 4 in e;rprs stow v 1 (store, conserve) taisg vt, gleidh vt; 2 (plltltidy away) coo vt (air
standing - gallan m, tmsa m, - circle Msachan mpl falbh), - it in the cupboard coo (air falbh) dhan phreas m e
stone v clach vt, illg clachan'!pl (witll prep air) straddle v rach vi irreg casa-gobhlach, bi vi irreg casa-gobhlach, rach vi irreg
stonemason n c1achair m gobhlachan, (all witll prep air), he -d the chair chaidh e casa-gobhlachl
stony adj clachach chaidh e gobhlachan air a' chathair f. he was straddling the chair bha
stool n stol m, furm m, (trad) ereapan m e casa-gobhlach air a' chathair

350 351
straggle v bi vi irreg air dheireadh strenuous adj saothrachail
straggler 11 slaodaire m, neach m (a tha &c) air dheireadh stress 11 1 (emphasis) cudthrom & cuideam m, lay - on punctuality leig
straight adj 1 direach, - line loidhne dhlreach; 2 (hollesl, lruslworlhy) cudthrom air pongalachd f illvar; 2 (psych -) uallach m, under - fo
direach, ceart, onarach; 3 (idiom) I gave it to her - thuirt mi rithe/ uallach; 3 (Iallg) cudthrom & cuideam m, the - comes on the first
dh'innis mi dhi an clar m a h-aodainn m e syllable thig an cudthrom air a' ch.iad lide m
straighten v dirich vIi stress v (emphasise) leig cudthrom (mor) (wilh prep air), - punctuality leig
strain n 1 (Iensioll: on rope &c) teannachadh m; 2 (jrom phys effort) spairn f; cudthrom air pongalachd f illvar
3 (psych -) uaUach m, under a - fo uallach stretch 11 (phys) sineadh m
strain v 1 (Pllt - on rope &c) teannaich vI; 2 (make phys efforl) dean spairn stretch v sin VIi, the rope is -ing tha an ropa m a' sineadh, she -ed (out)
(mhor), he had to - to lift the barrel b' fheudar dha spaim mhor a her left leg shin i a-mach a cas chll
dheanamh gus am baraille a thogail/mun togadh e am baraille; 3 (- stretched adj & pasl parI sinte, - (out) on the ground sinte air an lar m, also
liquids) slolaidh vI na (&c) s(h)ineadh air an lar
strainer n 1 ifor liquids) slol(t)achan m; 2 (tensioner) teannaire m strew v sgaoil VI, sgap VI, they -ed flowers on the ground sgaoil iad
strait n caol ni, caolas 111 flilraichean mpl air an lar m
straits npl (ie difficulties) droch staing f, cruaidh-chas m, eiginn f illvar, in strict adj (of perSOIl, disciplille &c) cruaidh, teann
dire - ann an droch staing, ann an cruaidh-chas, ann an eiginn stride 11 ceurn m, (longer) sinteag f, a - forward ceurn air adhart, we
strand' n (seashore) traigh f quickened our - luathaich sinn ar ceurn
strand' n (of malerial; also of argllment &c) dual m strife 11 stri f, cbmhstri f
strange adj 1 (odd, 1It1l,sual, surprisillg &c) nebnach, annasach, (s/rollger) strike 11 (illduslrial &c) stailc f
ionganlach; 2 (unfamiliar) coimheach strike v 1 (hil) buail vI; 2 (illdustry &c) rach vi irreg air stailc f; 3 (impress)
stranger n coigreach tu, srainnsear 111, coimheach 111 drUidh (wilh prep air), I was struck by her beauty clhrUidh a
strangle much VI, tachd vt bbidhchead form; 4 (occur 10) thig vi a-steach (wilh prep air), it struck
strangulation 11 muchadh m, tachdadh m me that he was a liar thainig e a-steach orm gun robh e na bhreugaire
strap n iaUf m; 5 ill erpr - up a tune tog fonn m
strapping n (physique) tomadach & tomaltach, calma striking adj druidhteach
stratagem n cuilbheart f, innJeachd f string 11 1 sreangf; 2 (of musical illslrumelll) teud m
strategy 11 roimh-innleachd f string v 1 (violin &c) cuir teud m (wilh prep air); 2 in expr - two words
strath n srath m together cuir da fhacalm sillg an ceann m a cheile
straw n 1 connJach f sillg call; 2 ifor drinkillg) srabh m stringency n teanntachd f illvar
stray adj (1051, walldering &c) air seachIan m, air iornrallm, ill erprs - animal stringent adj teann
ainmhidh-seachrain m, - dog cu-fuadain m (gell of seachIan & fuadan strip 11 (of malerial &c) sliaU f
m, used adjeclivally) strip v (body &c) rUisg VI, lom vI
stray v (phys or morally) rach vi air seachIan m, rach vi air iornrallm stripe 11 sliall f
straying n dol m illvar air seachIan m, dol air iornraU m stripe v sliall vI
streak n sliaU f, srian f striped adj sliallach
streak v sliall vI stripling 11 bganach m, bigear m
stream n sruth m, (often more precipilous) aUt m, (small -) sruthan m, alltan stripped adj & pasl pari rUisgte
m, (large -) abhainn f strive v 1 (contend &c) sir, vi (with/against ri); 2 (make greal efforl) dean
stream v ruith vi, sruth vi, sil vi spaim f (to gus)
street n sraid f stroke n 1 (blow) buiUe f, (less usu) beurn m; 2 (sporl) buiUe f; 3 (med)
strength n 1 neartm, spionnadh m, luth & luths m, brigh & briogh f invar, stro<: III
at the height of hislher - an treunf illvar a neirt gen, aig aird f a neirt; stroke v 1 (dog &c) sUob & sUog vI; 2 (persons, affecliollately or amorously)
2 (pal, military -) cumhachd mf illvar, neartm cneadaich & cniadaich vI
strengthen v 1 (esp phys) neartaich vI; 2 (- slructure, bllildillgs, beliefs, stroll 11 cuairt f, car m, I'll take a - outside gabhaidh mi cuairt a-muigh
inlell/ions &c) daingnich vI stroll v gabh cuairt f, coisich vi gu socrach, coisich air ceurn socrach
352 353
stron E GLlSH-GAELlC DlcnONARY s style ENGLISH GAELIC D,cnONARY substantiate

strong adj 1 (phys) laidir, neartmhor, luthmhor, (call be with overtolles of style 11 1 stoidhle f, ( like his -! is toigh learn an stoidhJ' (a th') aige, there's
bravery) treun; 2 ill expr - drink deoch-lilidir f a ponderous - about his writing tha stoidhle throm air a chuid f
stronghold 11 daingneach f, (trad) dUn m sgriobhaidh III gell; 2 (lIIode of doing things) mocth 1IIf, (more lrad) nos m,
strop 11 iall f the traditional - (esp of singing) an seann nos
structural adj structarail sub- prefix, fo-, eg subconscious adj fo-mhothachail, subtitle(s) n fo-
structure tJ structair tu thiotal(an) Ill, sub-contract v fo-ehunnraich vt
struggle n 1 (abstr & COli) stri f, spairn f, (con) gleac m, (with, against ri); sub-committee 11 fo-chomataidh f
2 (in aid of something, to achieve something) iomairt f subconscious adj 1 fo-mhothachail; 2 (in Freudian sense) fo-inntinneil
struggle v stri vi, gleac vi, (with, against ri) subconscious n fo-inntinn f
strut v spai(s)dirich vi subdivide v fo-roinn vt
stubborn adj 1 (obstillate) rag, dur, (strollger) rag-mhuinealach; 2 (tellacious) subdue v 1 (people) ceannsaich vt, cuir vt fo smachd f; 2 (spirit, uprising &c)
diorrasach much vi,
stuck adj & past part an sas m, he was/got - in the mud bha e/chaidh e an subject n 1 (ed) cuspair lit, a core - priomh chuspair, my favourite -
sas sa phollm, get - into the work rach vi an sas anns an obair f, also an cuspair as fhearr leam; 2 (- lItEtter &c) cuspair m, the - of our
crom vi air an obair conversation cuspair a' chomhraidh againn, the - of his novel/talk
stud 11 (of IlOrses) greigh f cuspair na nobhail(e)/na h-oraid(e) aige; 3 (of mOllarchy &c) ioehdaran
student n oileanach m, mature - oileanach inbheach, part time - oileanach m; 4 (gram) cuisear m, suibseigf .
pairt-uine subjection n 1 (abstr: the slate or conditioll) ceannsal m, smachd lit lIIvar;
studies IIpl foghJam m, cursa III foghlairn m gell, she was neglecting her - 2 (COIl: tI,e actioll) ceannsachadh m
bha i a' leigeil a' chUrsa foghJaim aice air dhearrnad m subjugate v cuir vt fo smachdf, smachdaich VI, ceannsaich vi .
study n 1 (Iearnillg) ionnsachadh m; 2 (illvestigation ofa topic) rannsachadh subjugation n 1 (abstr: Ihe stale or condition) ceannsal Ill, smachd III lIIoor;
m, sgrudadh m; 3 (room) seomar-Ieughaidh m 2 (con: Ihe action) ceannsachadh III
study v 1 (Ieam a particular subject &c) ionnsaich vt, -ing Gaelic ag submerge v tum vt, cuir vi foctha
ionnsachadh na GilidhJig; 2 (investigate, research) rannsaich vt, sgrud submission n geiUeadh m, striochdadh 1/1, geilJ f
vt, dean rannsachadh/sgrudadh m (with prep air) submissive adj macanta, umha(i)l
stuff 11 1 (material &c) stuth m, (trad) cungaidh f, (Jam) that's good -! 's e submissiveness n Umhlachd f invar
stuth math a tha sin!; 2 (Jam: assorted possessions &c) treal(1)aich f, tidy submit v 1 (as vi: give ill &c) gMl vi, striochd vi, (to do); 2 (as vI: presellt,
up your - sgioblaich do threaIJaich I,alld ill &c) cuir vt a-steach, - a proposal cuir a-steach moladh III
stuff v 1 lion vt; 2 (push roughly) sath vt, dinn vti, (into a-steach do) subordinate n ioehdaran III
stumble n tuisleadh m subscription n (to magazine &c) fo-sgriobhadh m
stumble v tuislich vi subsection n fo-earrann f .
stumbling-block n cnap-starra(dh) m subside v 1 laigh vi, lughdaich vi, rach vi sios, socraich vi: siol~idh v':
stump 11 ploe m, stoe m the wind's subsiding tha a' ghaoth a' laighe; 2 (esp I/q,"ds) tralgh VI,
stun v cuir vt na (&c) t(h)uainealm siolaidh vi, the floods -d thraigh na tuiltean JPI
stunt tJ deas 111 subsidence n fo-thuiteam m
stupid adj 1 ('lIIilltelligellt) gorach, baoghalta, (more fam) tiugh; 2 (silly) subsidy n tabhartas m, subsadaidh III
gorach, amaideach, baoth, faoin, don't be -! na bi (cho) gorach! subsistence 11 teachd-an-tir m, bith-beb mf - allowance cuibhreann m
stupidity 11 1 (lack of illtelligellce) goraiche f illvar, baoghaltachd f illoor; 2 teachd-an-tir gen, - agriculture tuathanachas bith-beo gen
(sillilless) goraiche f invar, amaideas m, faoineas III subsoil n fo-thalamh m, fo-Uir f
stupor n tuaineal m substance n 1 (abstr) brigh f, susbaint f, a book without - leabhar m gun
sturdiness 11 tapachd f invar bhrigh; 2 (lIIaterial, matter) stuth Ill, explosive - stuth sgailceanta
sturdyadj (phys) calma, (phys & 1II0rally) tapaidh, a - handsome man duine substantial adj 1 (sound, solid) tabhachdach, a - business gniomhachas
calma gasta tilbhachdach; 2 (- ill bulk) tomadach & tomaltach
sty n (agric) fail f substantiate v dearbh vi

354 355
substitute ENGLISH-GAELIC DICTIO ARY suffer suffer E GLlSH-GAELlC DlcnONARY summons

substitute n (sport &c) neach-ionaid m (plluchd-ionaid m sing call) e nuair a bha e tinn, they had to - cold and hunger b' fheudar dhaibh
substitute v cuir vt an aite m (with gen), - X for Y cuir X an aite Y fuachd mf is acras m fhulang
subterfuge f cuilbheart f, innleachd f suffering n (mental or phys) cradh m, fulang m, fuJangas m
subterranean adj fon talamh mf suffice v foghain vi, will that -? am foghain sin?
subtitle(s) n fo-thiotal(an) m(pl) sufficiency 11 lear f illvar, faghnadh m
subtitle v cuir fo-thiotalan mpl (with prep air) sufficient adj & 11 gu lear, na dh'fhaghnas, - time uine f gu lear, have you
subtle adj (mentally) geur-chuiseach, innleachdach got-? a bheil gu lear agad?, is that -? am foghain sin?
subtract v thoir vt air falbh (from bho) suffocate much vt
suburb n iomall-baile m suffocation 11 muchadh m
subway 11 fo-rathad m, fo-shlighe f, suffrage n cair-bhataidh f, guth-bhataidh m
succeed v IlJollow) lean vt, thig vi an deidh (with gm); 2 (thrive &c) soirbhich sugar PI siucar m
vi, also as vi impersonal with prep le, the business -ed shoirbhich an suggest v mol vt
gniomhachas, we -ed totally shoirbhich leinn uile gu le.i.r suggestion n moladh m
success 11 1 buaidh f; 2 (esp material) soirbheachas m suicide n fein-mhorl & fein-mhurt m
successful adj soirbheachail suit n (of clothes) deise f, (less IISIl) culaidh(-aodaich) f, trusgan m
succession 11 1 (series, seqllellce &c) sreath mf, a - of ministers preached suit v freagair vi (with prep air & do), thig vi (with prep do & ri), that hat
there shearmonaich sreath de mhinistearan mpl an sin; 2 in expr in doesn't - you! chan eil an ad sin a' freagairt ort!, it doesn't - me to
- an ceann m a cheile, an sreath mf a cheile, an deidh a cheile, fear be unoccupied/idle cha fhreagair dhomh a bhith nam thamh, hows
m mu seach, te f mu seach, three accidents in - tri tubaistean Jpl an the job -ing you? ciamar a tha an obair a' freagairt dhut? la' tighinn
ceann a cheilel an sreath a cheile, the Ministers resigned in - thug na riut?
Ministearan mpl suas an dreuchd f an ceann a cheilel fear mu seach suitable adj freagarrach, (less 11511) iomchaidh & iomchuidh, the house
succinct adj (report, docllment &c) cuirnir wasn't - for him cha robh an taigh m freagarrach dha, a place - for
such adj 1 den leithid f, den t-searsa m, 1J01l0ws the nowl), you shouldn't swimming aite ireagarrach airson snilirnh m gen
read - trash! cha bu chair dhut truileis f invar den t-searsa (sin)/den suitcase" ceus 1Pl maileid f

leithid (sin) a leughadh; 2 ill expr in - a way (that) air dhaigh f is, air sulk 11 gruairn f, mitig m
chor m is, (with cOlljs gun, nach), in - a way that I couldn't get in air sulk v cuir gruairn flmuig m (with prep air), he -edlbegan to - chuir e
dhaighlair chor is nach b' urrainn dhomh faighinn a-steach gruairn/muig air
such pron a lei thid f, samhail m, I saw - a thing as that once chunnaic sulkiness n gruairn f, mitig m
mi a leithid sin (a rud m) aon turas m, I knew - a man bha mi eblach sulking, sulky, sullen adj gruamach, mugach
air a leithid de dhuine m, - as her never existed cha robh a leithidla sully v truaill vt, salaich vt, cuir smal m (with prep air)
samhail ann a-riamh, a leithid cha robh a-riamh ann sulphur 11 pronnasg m
such adv 1 in expr - a lot na h-uimhir f invar, na h-uiread m invar, (of de), sulphurous adj pronnasgail
there were - a lot of people there bha na h-uirnhir/na h-uiread de sultry adj (weather) bruthainneach, bruicheil
dhaoine mpl ann; 2 in excl - a with adj & n, abair, - a kind man! abair sum 11 sitim f, a - of money suirn airgid m, we did -s at school rinn sinn
duine caoibhneil! suimeannan anns an sgoil f
suck v deoghail vti, sugh vti summarise v thoir gearr-chunntas m (with prep air)
suction 11 deoghalm, sughadh m summary adj (brief, brusqlle) aithghearr, bras
sudden adj grad, obann, gun fhiosta, - noise fuairn mf ghrad I obannl gun summary n gearr-chunntas m (of air)
fhiosta summer n samhradh m, - school sgoil-shamhraidh f
suddenly adv gu grad, gu h-obann, gun fhiosta, he rose - dh'eirich e gu summit n 1 mullach m, barr m, - of the mountain mullach na beinne; 2 in
gradl gu h-obannl gun fhiosta expr - meeting n coinneamh f nan ceannardan mpl, ard-choinneamh f
suddenness n graide f, graidead m Summon v gairm vt, cuir vi a' dh'iarraidh, cuir fios m (with prep air)
suet n geir f summons n 1 gairm f; 2 (legal) sumanadh m, (more trad) bilirlinn f illvar
suffer v fuiling & fuJaing vti, he didn't - when he was ill cha do dh'fhuiling summons v (legal) sumain vt

356 357

sumph n amadan m, oinseach f bha an fheOil piliIt, bha feOil gu leOr ann/againn (&c); 3 in expr in
sumptuous adj soghail short - gann, a dhlth, food was in short - bha biadh m gann/a dhlth
sun n grian f, the -'s rays gathan mpl na greine, eclipse of the - dubhadh supply v solaraich vt
m na grEdne support n (lit or fig) taic(e).r. lacsa 11/, financial - taic-airgid m
sunbathe v gabh a' ghrian support v 1 (assist, back) cUm taic f (witll prep ri), thoir taic (witll prep do),
sunbeam n gath-greine f seas vt, who will - you? co a chumas taic riut?, co a sheasas thu?;
sunburn n losgadh-greine m 2 (side witll) cum laobh m (witll prep ri), gabh taobh, we -ed her chUm
Sunday n 1 (trad used by Catllolic communities) Didomhnaich m invar; 2 (trad sinn laobh rithe, ghabh sinn a laobh; 3 (maintain) cUm vt suas, I've a
used by Protestant communities) La m na Sabaid family to - tha leaghlach m agam ri chumaiI suas
sunder v 1 (of persons: part, separate) dealaich vt (from ri); 2 (of objects: split supporter n fear-taice 11/, neach-taice m (plluchd-taice m sing col1)
&c) sgain vti supporting, supportive adj taiceiI
sundial n uaireadair-greine m suppose v saoil vi, I - they'll be on the train saoilidh mi gum bi iad air an
sundry adj 1 (assorted) de gach seorsa m, de dh'iomadach seorsa, treana.r. I - you're right saoilidh mi gu bheil thu ceart
measgaichte adj, - objects rudan mpl de gach sebrsa/de dh'iomadach suppress v (emotiolls, risillg &c) much vt, ceannsaich vt, cUm vt fodha
sebrsa; 2 (various) caochladh m (witll gen pi), iomadach adj (precedes tile supreme adj ard- prefix, sar- prefix, prlomh (precedes tile now" wllicll it leniles
IWW' wllicll is in nom sing/radical case), in - places ann an caochladh wllere possible), - power ard-chumhachd f
aiteachan, ann an iomadach aite sure adj 1 cinnleach, deirnhinn(e) & deirnhinnte, (of as), are you - she'll
sunflower n neoinean-greine Ut come? a bheil thu cinnleach gun tig i?, it'll rain, I'm - (of it) bidh
sunlight n solas m (na) greine an I-uisge m ann, tha mi cinnteach/deimhinnt' as; 2 (ill slatement of
sunny adj 1 grianach, a - spot bad grianach; 2 in expr - interval/spell greis agreement, or certainty) expressed by creid vi & donble neg, I'll be drunk
f ghreine (gen of grian f) tonight! I'm - you will! bidh mi air an daorach f a-nochd! cha chreid
sunrise 11 eirigh f (na) greine mi nach bi!, I'm - he'll be at the game tonight cha chreid mi nach bi e
sunset n dol-fodha m (na) greine, laighe mf invar (na) greine aig a' gheam a-nochd; 3 (reliable &c) earbsach, seasmhach
sunshade n sgaiIean-greine m surety n (esp in fin matters) unas m (for air), in expr stand (as) - for
sunstroke 11 beum-greine "' someone rach vi an urras air cuideigin
sunwise adj deiseal (tile opposite of tllis is tuathal) surface n uachdar m, barr m, on the - of the earth/the waves air uachdar
superannuation n peinnseanachadh m m na lalmhainn/nan tonn IIlpl
Super-Ego n, the - an SiIr-Fhein m surface v thig vi an uachdar 11/
supercilious adj ilrdanach surfeit n sath Ill, leOr f illvar, cus 11/, we got a - of it fhuair sinn ar silth/ar
superficial adj uachdarach, eu-domhainn leor dheth, a - of wine eus flona m gen
superfluous adj thar a' chorr, iomarcach surge v bruchd vi (out of a-mach a), they -d out of the hall bhrUchd iad
superior adj 1 (in rallk) uachdarach; 2 (- in quality) (n)as fhearr, (in past & a-mach as an laUa 11/
conditional tenses (n)a b' fhearr) surgeon n lamh-Ieigh 11/
superior n (in rank) uachdaran 11/ surgery n 1 (11Ie discipline) lamh-Ieigheas Ill; 2 (surgical illtervenlion) obair-
supernatural adj os-nadarra(ch) leigh f; 3 (tile place) leigh-lann f (dotair m gen), a dental - ionad m
supersonic adj thar-astar-fuaim fiaclaire m gen; 4 (- of politiciall &c) freasdal-Iann f
superstition n saobh-ehrabhadh m surly adj gruamach, mugach, gnu, iargalt(a)
superstitious adj saobh-ehrabhach surname n sloinneadh m, (less usu) cinneadh m, what's your -? de an
supervise v cUm sUi! f (witll prep air), stiUir vt sloinneadh a th' agaibh/a th' oirbh?, also de an fhin' a th' agaibh
supper n suipeir f surplus n corr "" (excessive) cus m, our guests have eaten, give the - to
supple adj subaiIte, lubach the neighbours tha ar n-aoighean IIlpl air ithe, thoir an corr do na
supplier n solaraiche m nabaidhean mpl, a - of taJlcing cus bruidhne (gen ofbruidhinn f)
supplies n (esp foodstuff) Ion m surprise n 1 iongnadh m, (stronger) mor-iongnadh m, iongnantas m; 2 in
supply n 1 (abstr) solar m; 2 (more con) in expr there was a good - of meat expr she took us by - Ihainig i oirnn gun fhiosla

358 359
surprise v 1 coo iongnadh III (wilh prep air), she -d us chOO i iongnadh sway v luaisg vi, tulg vi
oirnn; 2 (by arriving unexpecledly) she -d us thainig i oirnn gun swear n mionn 111[, boid f
fltiosta swear v 1 (legal &c) mionnaich Vii; 2 in exprs - an oath thoir mionnan m,
surprised adj & past part, in expr I was - ghabh mi iongantas III/iongnadh III also mionnaich/gabh boid f, will you - to it? an toir thu d' fhacallll
surprising adj iongantach, that's not - (trad) chan iongnadh III sin air?; 3 (curse &c) mionnaich vi
surrender n geilleadh Ill, striochdadh m, (to do) swearing n 1 (of legal oalh &c) mionnachadh Ill; 2 (cursillg, bad language)
surrender v geill vi, striochd vi, (to do) droch-chainnt f, mionnachadh Ill, guidheachan mpl
surround v 1 cuartaich & cuairtich vt, iadh & iath vt; 2 in expr the house sweat n fallas m, - gland faireag-fhallais f
was completely -ed by woods bha an taigh air a chuairteachadh sweat v bi v irreg fallas (wilh prep air), cuir fallas (with prep de), I'm -ing tha
ceithir thirncheallle coilltean Jpl, also bha coilltean fada mun cuairt air fallas orm, tha mi a' cur fallas dhiom, also tha mi nam fhallas
an taigh sweaty adj fallasach
survey n 1 (of land &c) tomhas Ill, (less trad) sOObhidh m, the Ordnance sweep v sguab vti
Survey an Suirbhidh Ordanais; 2 (a study, invesligalion &c) sgrudadh sweet adj 1 (Iastes) miIis; 2 (slllel/s) cubhraidh; 3 (so///Ids, music) binn
m, rannsachadh Ill; 3 (- in fom/ of queslionnaire &c) sOObhidh Ill, postal sweet n 1 (desserl) milsean Ill; 2 (sweetie) suiteas m, -s suiteis IIIpl, siucairean
- sOObhidh tron phost III IIIpl, rudan IIIpl mills
survey v 1 (land &c) tomhais Vi; 2 (sludy, invesligale &c) sgrud VI, rannsaich sweeten v milsich vi
VI, dean sgrudadh/rannsachadh m (wilh prep air) sweetheart n leannan m
surveyor n fear-tomhais Ill, neach-tomhais III (pI luchd-tomhais III sing sweetness 11 milseachd f illvar
col/) swell vat vi, seid vi, (less usu) bOc vi
survive v thig vi be<'>, mair vi beO, (on air), cUm beO, if I - ma thig mi as swelling v at m, bOcadh III
beo, ma mhaireas mi beo, I can't - on that! cha tig mi beD air sin!, how swift adj 1 (of movemenl) luath, siubhlach; 2 (of persoll: - in performing lasks
are you? I'm surviving ciamar a tha thu? tha mi beo fhathast/tha mi &c) clis, deas, ealamh; 3 (sudden) grad
a' cumail beD swim v snamh vi, I like to - is toigh learn a bhith a' snamh
suspect adj fo arnharas III swimmer n snamhaiche m
suspect n neach m fo amharas m swimming n snamh III
suspect v bi vi irreg arnharas m (with prep aig), I - that these figures are swing n 1 (child's -) dreallagf; 2 (in voting Itabils &c) gluasad m
wrong tha arnharas agam gu bheil na figearan IIIpl seo ceau swing v (ill wind &c) luaisg vi, tulg vi
suspend v 1 (pltys) croch Vi; 2 (puI in abeyance) coo dail f (wilh prep ann), - Swiss adj Eilbheiseach
the work cuir dilil air an obair f; 3 (relieve of dulies) coo vi a dreuchd f switch' 11 (elec) suidsef
suspension 11 crochadh Ill, in expr - bridge drochaid-chrochaidh f switch' n (supple slick) gad m
suspicion n amharas m switch v 1 (lights &c) - on coo vi air, - off cuir vi asl dheth; 2 (excltange, -
suspicious adj arnharasach (of a) round) cuir vi an iiite m a cheile, she -ed the glasses round chOO i na
sustain v (jeed &c) cUm vi suas, beathaich vi glainneachan Jpl an iiite a cheile
sustenance n Ion m, beathachadh III switchboard n suids-ehlar III
swagger v spai(s)dirich vi swoon n neullll, laigse f
swallow' n (of liquid) balgam Ill, (lIIore copious) steallagf swoon v rach vi an neulm, rach vi an laigse f, fannaich vi, fanntaich vi
swallow' n (bird) gobhlan-gaoithe m sword n claidhearnh Ill, two-handed - claidheamh da-Iairnh, claidhearnh
swallow v sluig & slug vti mor
swallowing n slugadh III swordsman n c.Iaidheamhair 111
swamp n boglach [, feith(e) [, bog III syllable n 1 (Iil) lide Ill; 2 (loosely) biog[, bid Ill, smid [, esp ill expr they (&c)
swan n ealaf didn't utter a - cha tuirt iad (&c) biog/smid
swarm n sgaoth m syllabus n clar-oideachais m, clar-oideachaidh m
swarm v sgaothaich vi symbol 1I 1 comharra(dh) m, status - comharradh-inbhe m; 2 (Lit &c)
swarthy adj (of persons) ciar, lachdann samhJalll

360 361
s bolic ENGLISH-GAELIC DICTIONARY s slematidal)

symbolic, symbolical adj samhlachail

symbolise v riochdajch vi, samhlajch vi T
symbolism 11 samhlachas m
symmelrical adj cothromaichle lable n 1 bord m; 2 (in book &c) elilr m, - of conlenls elar-innse m
symmelry 11 co-chothromachd f illvar lacil adj losdach, - approval aonla losdach
sympalhetic adj co-fhu]angach, mOlhachail, co-mhothachaiJ, tlligseach laciturn adj tosdach, dillnle, (IIIrouglt sltyness) djUid
sympalhise v co-fhuiling vi, co-mhothaich vi lack' n (sailing) gabhaiJ mJ, laca f
sympalhy n co-fhulangas m, co-mhothachadh m, tlligse f illvar lack' n (small nail) lacaid f
symposium n co-labhairl f lackel n lacajd f
symplom 11 comharra(dh) m lackle n (gear, equipment) uidheam f sillg call, acaffin f sillg coll
synopsis n giorrachadh m, gearr-ehunnlas m lackle v thoir ionnsajgh J, thoir oidhirp J, (willt prep air), rach vi an sas m
synthetic adj fuadam (witlt prep ann an), lomorrow we'll - Sgiur A1asda;, a-mmeach bheir
syphon n lionadm m sinn ionnsa;gh/oidhirp m SgUrr m A1asdm gen, she -d her new job full
syringe 11 sleal!m(e) m of optimjsm chaidh i an sas san obm f ill <tice 's i lan dbchltis m gen
syslem n 1 (order) riaghaiJl f, rian m; 2 (mecltanisms, procedures &c) sioslam lactic n innIeachd m
m, modh mJ, doigh J, - of governmenl sioslam riaghlaidh m gell, lactical adj innIeachdach
modh-riaghlaidh m; 3 ill expr public address - glaodhaire m ladpole n ceann-pholan m, ceann-simid m
syslematidal) adj riaghailteach, ordail laH n earbal! m, a dog wagging its - cll m (is e) a' crathadh earbaill gen,
forked - earball gobhlach
l<tilor n laillear m
laml v 1 (sully) truaill vt, salaich vt; 2 (jIavour) thoir droch bhlas m (10 do)
lake v 1 gabh vti, - place gabh aile m, also lachm vi, - leave gabh cead
m ;nwr (of de), - in (ie comprise, illclllde, also - in mentally) gabh vi
a-sleach, - in hand, - on (work &c) gabh vi os lairnh (dal of lilmh j),
- pity gabh truas m (on de & ri), (food &c) will you - a cup of lea?
an gabh thu cupan m ti?, - counselladvice gabh comhallle J, - a rest!
break gabh fois J, - things easily gabh all a (&c) s(h)ocair J, in expr
(excl) - it easy! soc<tir! or all do shocall!, - a stroll/walk gabh cuall! J,
she look 10 her bed ghabh i ris an leabaidh J, - advantage of X (nol
lIec unfairly) gabh cothrom m m X, - (unta;,) advanlage of X gabh
brath m air X, the hall will - 300 (people) gabh<tidh an laIIa tri ceud
(duine); 2 thoir vt, - it 10 rum thoir dha e, - away thoir m falbh, I'll
- a trip 10 Glasgow bheir mi sgriob f do Ghlaschu, - a look thoir sWl
f (al all), - care (of yourself) thoir an me (orl fhein), - yourself off!
thoir do chasan Jpl leaI!, also log orl!, Ihey look 10 their heels thug
iad na buinn (pI of bonn m) asia, she look herself off 10 America
thug i Ame.ireag<tidh f oirre, also thog i oirre gu Ameireag<tidh; 3 misc
exprs - a breather! leig d' anail f., - a pholograph log dealbh mJ, (in
family &c) - after someone rach vi ri laobh cuideigin nif. - an exam
feuch deuchltinn f, - my hand beir vi all mo lairnh (dal oflilmh j), - 10
someone lebdh vi ri cuideigin m, - your coal off cull vi dhjol do chola
m, - part gabh parrl mf(m ann), compairtich vi, - (Holy) Communion
comanajch vi, - on (workers) faslajch & fasl<tidh vt, - in (ie understand)
tllig vt, (ie deceive) meal! vt

362 363
taken in adj & past part (deceived) mealIta task 11 1 obair I, pios m obrach <Sell of obair j), gniomh m, gnothach m the -
tale 11 sgeulachd f, (esp trod -) sgeul m before us an obair/an gniomh/an gnothach a tha romhainn, - force
talent 11 taJann m buidheann f ghniomha gell; 2 ill expr take to - thoir achrnhasan m
talented adj talantach, ealanta (with prep do), I must take them to - feumaidh mi achrnhasan a thoirt
talk 11 1 (abstr) bruidhinn f; 2 (collversatioll) cornhradh m, we had a - rinn dhaibh
sinn cornhradh (beag), also (more fam) chtill sinn ar cinn mpl comhla, taste m 1 iflavollr) bias Ill, the - of honey bias na meala <Sell of mil j); 2
a bit of a - cornhradh beag, bonn m cornhraidh gell; 3 (address, speech) (small qllalllily) blasad m, a - of honey blasad meala; 3 (artistic &c
oraid f, give a - thoir vt seachad ora id, dean vt oraid, (to do) discernmellt) tuigse f illvar (a thaobh ealaine f gell &c)
talk v 1 bruidhinn vi, (less 11511) labhair vi, (to ri); 2 (COil verse) dean comhradh taste v 1 (as vt) blais VI, feuch vt, - this beer blais/feuch an leann m a tha
m; 3 ill exprs -ing of this and that a' cornhradh a-null '5 a-nail, also a' seo; 2 (as vr) ill exprs it doesn't - of anything chan eil bias m (sam bith/
cnamh na eire, the minister was -iog away bha am ministear a cur idir) air, it -5 of paint tha bias a' pheanta air, cake tasting of honey
dheth ceic f air bias na meala <Sell of miI j)
talkative adj cornhraiteach, bruidhneach, (more pe)) beulach, cabach, gabach tasteless adj mi-bhlasta, gun bhlas m
talking 11 bruidhinn f, (less IISIl) labhairt f tasty adj blasta, (strollger) blasmhor
tall adj (people, bllildillgs &c) ard, (of people, less IISIl) fad(a), a - womanJ tatter 11 luideagf, cearb I, the curtains are in -5 tha na cWrtearan IIIpl nan
building boireannach/ togalach m ard, a - lanky woman boireannach luideagan
fada caol tattered adj & past part luideach, cearbach, nan (&c) luideagan ./pI, reubte
talon 11 spu(i)r m, me f tatty adj luideach, cearbach
tame adj 1 (allimal &c) calIa & callda, solt; 2 (iIlSipid, IIIlexcitillg) gun bhrigh taunt 11 magadh m
I, gun smior m, his speech was - bha an ora id f aige gun bhrigh taunt v mag vi (wilh prep air), they were -ing her bha iad a' magadh
tame v callaich vt, ceannsaich vt oirre
tamper v 1 bean vi, bum vi, (with do or ri), don't - with the radio na bean taut adj teann
ris an reidio m; 2 (more maliciollsly) - with mill vt tavern 1l tajgh-osta m
tan v 1 (leather) cairt & cart vt; 2 (sl/llbatlle) gabh a' ghrian tawdry adj suarach
tangible adj beanailteach tawny adj lachdann, odhar, ciar
tank' 11 (Jor waler &c) amar m tax " els I, cain I, - avoidance seachnadh m else gell, - cut gearradh m else
tank' 11 (warfare) tanca f gell, - rate ire f else gell
tanker 11 tancair Ill, oil - tancair ola f gell tax v 1 (callse to pay tax) ctill/Ieag cain f (with prep air), - the population
tanning 11 (leather) cartadh III euir cam air an t-sluagh m; 2 (levy tax 011 goods &c) ctill ds f (with prep
tannoy n glaodhaire m air), - tobacco cuir ds air tombaca tu
tap' 11 (plllmbillg) tap mf, goc m taxable adj els-bhuailteach
tap' n (light blow) magf taxation 11 els I, cain f
tape n teip I, measuring - teip-thomhais I, recording - teip-ehlaraidh I, taxi 11 tagsaidh m
did you hear their new -? an cuala tu an teip Ut aca? tea 11 1 (drillk) tl f illvar, teatha f illvar, a cup of - cupa m tl gell; 2 (meal)
tar 11 tearr I, bith f biadh m feasgair f gell
tardy adj 1 (late) fadalach; 2 (slow) mall, mairnealach, (less IISIl) athaiseach teach v teagaisg vti, ionnsaich vti, (to do), my grandfather taught me
targe, target 11 targaid f what wisdom I have theagaisg mo sheanair m dhomh na tha agam de
target 11 1 (archery &c) targaid I, cuspair m; 2 in expr (pllblicity &c) - ghJiocas m, - maths teagaisg matamataig m, - boys teagaisg gillean
audience luchd-amais m sillg coli mpl, - boys maths/- maths to boys teagaisg matamataig do ghillean
tariff 11 dar-phrisean m teacher 11 fear-teagaisg m, neach-teagaisg m, bean-teagaisg I, tidsear m,
tart adj 1 (tastes) geur, searbh; 2 (remarks &c) geur, searbh, guineach maighistir-sgoile m, ban(a)-mhaighistir-sgoile I, -s luchd-teagaisg m
tartan" breacan m sillg coli
tartan adj breacanach, tartanach, - cloth/clothing aodach breacanach/ teaching n teagasg m, (less IISIl) oileanachadh m, the - staff an luchd-
tartanach teagaisg m sing coli

364 365

team 11 buidheann m/, (esp sport) sgioba ml, research - buidheann- temperance 11 stuamachd / illvar
rannsachaidh, football - sgioba ball-coise m gell temperate adj (0/ people) measarra, stuama, (0/ weather) ."imh
tear" reubad.h tIl, sracadh III temperature 11 teodhachd / illvar
tear v 1 (lacerate &c) reub vt, srac vi; 2 (sllalch) spion vt (from a), - it (away) tempest 11 doineann I, gailleann /
from him spion as e; 3 (r/lsh &c) falbh (&c) na (&c) d(h)ian-ruith I, she tempestuous adj gailbheach, doineannach
tore out of the house dh'fhag i an taigh m na dian-ruith, also dh'fhag i temple' 11 (relig) team pall m
an taigh aig peilear m a beatha / gell temple' 11 (allal) lethcheann m
tear" sracadh m temporal adj aimsireil, talmhaidh, saoghalta
tear, teardrop tl deur tU temporary adj sealach, - accommodation aHe-<:omhnaidh sealach
tearful adj deurach tempt v buair VI, meall vt, (wilh milder overtolles) talaidh vt, the deviUevil
tease v tarraing vi (with prep a), farranaich vi, he's teasing the other boy one -ed me bhuair/mheall an diabhal m mi, - the customers back
tha e a' tarraing as a' bhalach m eile tillaidh an luchd-<:eannach m sillg colI air ais
teat 11 sine f temptation 11 buaireadh m, mealladh m
tea-towel 11 tubhailte-shoitltichean / ten 11 & adj 1 deich; 2 (0/ people) deichnear nif illvar (with gen pi), - sons
technical adj teignigeach, teicneolach deichnear mhac
technician 11 teicneolaiche m tenacious adj diorrasach
technique 11 doigh(-obrach) I, alt m tenacity 11 diorrasachd / i/lvar
technological adj teicneolach tenancy 11 gabhaltas m
technologist 11 teicneolaiche m tenant n maladair m
technology 11 teicneolas m, (fT) information - teicneolas fiosrachaidh m gm tend' v (careJor) eiridnich vt, - the sick/ill eiridnich na h-euslaintich mpl
tedious adj fadalach, liosda, maimealach tend' v 1 (be liable 10) bi vi irreg buailteach, bi dual(t)ach, (with illjillilive 0/
tedium 11 fadachd / illvor, fadal m, fadalachd f illvor, liosdachd / invor verb or wilh prep air), he -s to be mean tha e dualach/buailteach a bhith
teem v cuir vi thaiTis (with le), the woods -edlwere -ing with creatures spiocach, she -s to spend money tha i dualach/buailteach airgead m
of every kind bha na coilltean JPI a' cur thairis le creutairean mpl de a chosg, we - to get tired tha sinn buailteach air fas sgith; 2 (habit,
gach sebrsa m routine) in expr - to mar as trice bi vi irreg, with participial construclion,
teenager 11 (0/ eilher sex) deugaire m we - to get up very late on Sunday mar as trice, bidh sinn ag eirigh
teens Ilpl deugan mpl gle anmoch (air) UI m na Sabaid
telephone 11 fon nif, I was talking to him on the - bha mi a' bruidhinn ris tendency 11 1 (trend) aomadh m, economic - aomadh eaconomach;
air a' fon, what's your - number? de an aireamh-fon / a th' agad? 2 (propellsily) in expr he (&c) has a - to complain (&c) tha e (&c)
telephone v cuir fon nif, fon vi, fonaig vi, (all with prep gu), he -d her chuir buailteach/dual(t)ach a bhith a' gearan (&c)
e fon thuice, dh'fhon e thuice tender adj (phys or emotiollally) maoth, (emolioMlly) bog, a - heart cridhe
telescope n prosbaig mf bog
television 11 telebhisean m, /lsed wilh &wilhoul arl, I saw a good programme tender n (commerce &c: offer) tairgse /
on (the) - chunnaic mi program math air an telebhisean, - licence tender v (commerce &c: offer) tairg vti
cead m gell tendril 11 ogan m
tell v 1 (command) ordaich vi (wilh prep do), they told me to shut the gates tense n (gram) trath m, the present - an trath lathaireach, the past
dh'ordaich iad dhomh/(Iess/orma/) thuirt iad riurn na geataichean mpl (preterite) - an trath caithte, the imperfect - an trath neo-<:hoileanta,
a dhimadh; 2 (recount, relale) innis vii, - me about it! innis dhomh mu the perfect - an trath coileanta, the future - an trath teachdail, the
dheidhinn!, - a story innis sgeulachd I, I'll - what I know (about it) conditional - an trath cumhach
innsidh mi na tha a (for de) dh'fhios m agam (air), to - (you) the truth, tense adj 1 (phys) teann, rag; 2 (emotiollally, Ilervous/y) nearbhach, clisgeach,
I don't know leis an fhirinn innse, chan eil fhios am frionasach
temper 11 1 nadar m, bad - droch nadar; 2 in expr in a bad - diombach & tense v teannaich vti
diurnbach, cmst(a) & crosda tension 11 1 (esp phys) teannachadh m; 2 (emotioMI, nervous) frionas m
temperament n meinn I, nadar m tent n teanta /, (large) paiUean m, (larger slill) puball & puball m

366 367
tenth E GLlSH-GAELlC DICTIONARY testimonial testimony ENGLISH-GAELIC D,CT,ONARY thaw

tenth adj deicheamh testimony 11 fianais f, teisteanas m, dearbhadh m

tenure n gabhaltas m testy, tetchy adj monasach, cas
tepid adj (lit & fig) leth-fhuar, flodach, - soup brot m leth-fhuar, the tether 11 feist(e)f, teadhair f, ill exprs - post cipean m, (calql/e) at the end of
relationship between us had become - bha an daimh mf invar a bha my - aig ceann m mo theadhrach gel1
eadarainn air fas leth-fhuar text n 1 teacsa J; 2 (of sermon &c) ceann-teagaisg m
term' n 1 (condition) cumha f, the -s of the contract cumhachan a' textual adj teacsail
chUmhnaint; 2 (terminology) briathar m, what/which - do you use for than conj 1 na, they are older - me tha iad nas sine na mise; 2 ill expr
'ministeria]'? co am briathar a th' agaibh air 'ministerial'?, technical more - corr is, barrachd air, more - twenty miles corr is/barrachd
-s briathran teimeolach/teignigeach; 3 (in relationships) in exprs be on air fichead m mile mf sing, more - Mary has barrachd air na tha aig
good -s with someone bi vi irreg reidh ri cuideigin, they are on bad Maui
-s tha iad troirnh-cheile/thar a cheile, also chan eil iad a' tarraing ro thank v 1 thoir taingf (with prep do), I want to - you tha mi airson taing
mhath a thoirt dhut/dhuibh; 2 ill exprs - you! tapadh leat/leibh!, (less LlSII)
term' n (period) teirm f, the autumn - teirm an fhoghair, his - of office taing dhut/dhuibh!, - you very much! moran taing!, ceud taing!
teirm na dreuchd aige thankful adj taingeil, buidheach
terminal n (IT) ceann-obrach m thanks n taingf, many -I, - a lot! moran taing!, give - thoir taing (to do)
terminate v cuir criochf(with prep air), thoir vt gu crich (dat), - a lease cuir that adj sin, a tha 'n sin, (I/Sl/ more distallt or remote) ud, - book an leabhar
crioch air gabhail mf sin/ud, an leabhar a tha 'n sin, (as adv) it wasn't - good cha robh e
terminology n 1 (abstr) briathrachas m; 2 (con: in form of lexicon &c) cho math sin
briathrachan m that rei prol1 a, (in neg) nach, the drink - I drank an deoch f a dh'ol mi, the
terminus n ceann-uidhe m film - I didn't see am film nach fhaca mi
terra firma n Hr mf that prol1 sin, (I/sl/more distant or remote) siud, what's -? de a tha sin/siud?,
terrible adj (with fl/II or attenl/ated meaning) eagalach, uabhasach, sgriosail, -'s my house sin an taigh agam, -'s the point is e sin an rud/a' chills,
it was just -! bha e direach eagalach/uabhasach/sgriosail! - is my hope, -'s what I hope's e sin mo dhOchas m, -'s a lot of
terribly adv 1 uabhasach, anabarrach, eagalach, - good uabhasach/ money's e airgead mor a tha sin, it wasn't as good as -! cha robh e
anabarrach math, also uabhasach fhein math; 2 in exprs how did it go? cho math sin!, are you tired? I am -! a bheil thu sgith? tha mi sin! (also
it went absolutely -! ciamar a chaidh dhuibh? cha deach(aigh) ach gu 's mi a tha!), -'s it! sin e!
dubh dona!, things are - busy just now tha ciJiseanfpl garbh dripeil that conj 1 gu, gun, (before b, f, m & p) gum, (neg) nach & (with v is) gur, it's
an-drasta certain/definite - she's lost '5 cinnteach gu bheil i air chall, I'm glad
terrier n abhagf - you came tha mi toilichte gun tainig sibh, they said - they weren't
terrify V cuir oillt f, coo eagal mor, (with prep air), oilltich vt ready thOOt iad nach robh iad deiseil, is it gold? I don't think - it is
territory n duthaich f, Hr mf, the Mackay - DUthaich MhicAoidh m sil1g gen an e or a th' ann? cha chreid mi gur e; 2 in expr so - (ie with the intention
terror n uamhann & uabhann m, oillt f, uabhas m -), gus am, gus an, (neg) gus nach, so - he would have some pocket
terse adj aithghearr, a - reply freagairt f aithghearr money gus am biodh airgead-pOcaid m aige, so that you can find the
tertiary adj in expr - education foghlam m (aig) ard-ire f invar house gus an urrainn dhut an taigh m a lorg, so - she wouldn't be
test n 1 dearbhadh m, deuchainn f, -s on a new car dearbhaidhean air car hungry gus nach biodh an t-acras oirre; 3 in expr so - (ie with the resLllt
m ill, put to the - cuir vt gu deuchainn, dearbh vt; 2 (ed) deuchainn f, -, also, with the intelltion -) air dhoighfis, air chor m is, (with conjs gu,
entrance - deuchainn-inntrigidh f gun, gum, (neg) nach), she didn't lock the door so - I could get in cha
test v cuir vt gu deuchainn f, dearbh vt, they -ed the new machines chOO do ghlas i an doras m air dhoigh/air chor '5 gum (b' urrainn dhomh)
iad na h-innealan mpl ilia gu deuchainn faighinn a-steach, he spoke in a low voice, so - I didn't hear him
testament 11 (legal &c, Bibl) tiomnadh m, the Old Testament An Seann bhruidhinn e ann an guth m losal, air dhoigh/air chor is nach cuala
TIomnadh, the New Testament An TIomnadh uadh mie
testicle 11 magairle mf, c1ach f thatch n tughadh m
testify v thoir fianais f thatch v tugh vt
testimonial n teisteanas m thaw n aiteamh m

368 369
thaw ENGlISH-GAElIC DlcrIO ARY these thesis ENGLISH-GAELIC DlcrIONARY third
thaw v leagh vti thesis n trachdas m
the definite art 1 masc sing: nom & acc an, am, an 1-, gen & dat an, a', an 1-; they pron mpl & Jpl iad, (emph fomls) iadsan, iad fhein
2 [em sing: nom & acc an, a', an 1-, gen na, na h-, dat an, a', an 1-; 3 pi, thick adj 1 (phys) liugh; 2 (o[ trees, hair, vegetation &c: dense) dluth, domhail
both genders: nom & acc na, na h-, gen nan, nam, dat na, na h- (see table & dUrnhail; 3 (mentally: [am) liugh
on p. 422) thicket n doire mf, bad m
theatre n laigh-eluiche m thickness n lighead m
theft" goid f, meirle & meirle [invar thickset adj lomadach & tomaltach
them pron mpl & Jpl iad, (emph form) iadsan thief n gadaiche m, meirleach & meirleach m
theme n 1 cuspair m, the - of her lalk cuspair na h-oraid aice; 2 (m liS) thieve v goid vti, dean meirle [invar, (IISIl more petty) dean braid [
lirlar m thieving n goid f, meirle & meirle [invar, (IISII more petty) braid f, are you
themselves reflexive pron,for examples o[ llse see myself still at your -? a bheil thu ri goid fhathast?
then adv 1 (at that time) aig an am m sin, I was young -, bha mi og aig an thigh n sliasaid f, (less IISII) leis[
am sin; 2 (next) an uair sin, he read the paper and - he wenI 10 bed thimble n meuran m
leugh e am paipear(-naidheachd) 's an uair sin chaidh e a chadal m/ thin adj 1 (o[ persons) caol, tana, seang; 2 (o[sllbstances: - in consistency) lom,
don leabaidh f; 3 (in that case) ma-tha & ma-la, Ihe door's open! close tana, - porridge brochan m lom/tana; 3 (o[ trees, hair &c: sparse) tana,
il -I tha an doras fosgallle! dUin e ma-la!, righl -I cearl ma-tha! gann,lom
theologian n diadhaire m thin v (crops &c) lanaich vt
theology n diadhachd [invar thing n 1 (object) rud m, nl m, a stone is a - 's e rud a tha ann an clach f; 2
theory n 1 (principles) leOiridh f, in - a reir leoiridh gen; 2 (a slIrmise &c) (more [am & general) dllm invar, sian & sion m, dad m invar, what's in
beachd m, beachd-smuain m the cupboard? not a - de a th' anns a' phreas m? chan ell cail/sian/
therapisl n leasaiche m, leiripiche m, speech - leasaiche-eainnl m dad; 3 (matter, affair &c) cUis f, rud m, -s are pretty busy just now
there adv 1 an sin, sin, (IISIl more distant or remote) an siud, (more emph) tha cUisean gu math dripeil an-drasda, their divorce was a bad - 's e
ann an sin, ann an siud, I was born .... rugadh mi an sin, where's my droch rud a bh' anns an dealachadh-phosaidh m aca; 4 (point at isslle)
book? it's -1- it is cail a bheiJ an leabhar m agam? sin e, what are you cUis f, gnothach m, did he steal it or didn't he? that's the - an do ghoid
doing -? de a tha thu a' deanamh ann an sin?; 2 (over) - (IISII expr e e no nach do ghoid? 's e sin a' chUls/an gnothach; 5 in exprs first- in
position) thall (an sin), here and - thall 's a-bhos, an siud 's an seo, over the mornlng a' chiad char m sa mhadainn f, I haven't heard a - about
- in America (&c) ann an Ameireagaidh [(&c) thall, what are they him cha chuala mi guth m mu dheidhinn
doing over -? de a tha iad a' deanarnh thall an sin?; 3 (present) ann, an think v 1 (consider, contemplate: philosopher &c) beachd-smaoin(l)ich vi,
lathair f, I knew those who were - bha mi eOlach air na bha ann/na beachdaich vi, (less rigorollsly) smaoin(l)ich vi, muas & muasaich vi,
bha an lathair meOmhraich & meamhraich vi, (about air), he set me -ing chuir e gu
there pron 1 (expressed by the v irreg bi, & a prep phrase) -'s a man at the door smaoinleachadh m mi; 2 (be o[ the opinion) creid vi, saoil vi, bi vi irreg
tha duine m aig an doras m, -'s not a lot of peace in the world chan den bheachd m, I - that you are right !ha mi a' creidsinn/saoilidh
eil moran sithe [gen san l-saoghaJ m; 2 (expressed by tI,e v irreg bi & a mi/tha mi den bheachd gu bheil sibh ceart; 3 in exprs I - it good (&c)
prep pron) -'s a strike tha stailc[ann, - was no petrol cha robh peatrall (trad) is math (&c) leam e, - over muas & muasaich vi (with prep air),
m ann, -'s nothing to be done chan eil dad m invar ri dheanamh, also - over what happened muasaich air na thachair
chan eil cothrom m air; 3 (expressed by the v irreg bi & a verbal expr) -'s thinking n 1 (tI,e process,[aclllty,activity) smaoin(l)eachadh m, beachdachadh
something happening tha rudeigin a' lachairl m; 2 (rationale) fealJsanachd f, the - behind the proposals feallsanachd
therefore adv a chionn sin, air sgath sin, mar sin, do bhrigh sin, uime sin, nam molaidhean mpl
we've no money, - we've no food chan eil airgead m againn, (agus) think-tank n buidheann-bheachdachaidh[
mar sin/air sgath sin chan eiJ biadh m againn thinning adj lana, - hair falttana
thereupon adv le sin, leis a sin, the bar closed, - he went home dhUin am third n lrian m invar, I lost two -s of my savings chaill mi da thrian de
bar, (is) leis a sin chaidh e dhachaigh mo shabhaladh m
thermometer n leas-mheidh f, lomhas-Ieas m third Ill/m adj 1 treas, the - (day) of the month an treas la m den mhlos mf;
these pron, see this 2 in expr (insllrance &c) - party an treas neach m

370 371
thirst ENGLISH-GAELIC Dlcrlo ARY thrashing thrawn ENGLISH-GAELIC DlcrlONARY throw
thirst 11 pathadh m, (stronger) tart m, 10ta(dh) m thrawn adj rag, dill, (stronger) rag-mhuinealach
thirsty adj 1 paiteach, (strollger) tartmhor, iotmhor, a - dog cu paiteach; thread III (sillgle -) snathainn m; 2 (coli) snath m sillg coli
2 ill exprs I waslI grew - bha/thiiinig am pathadh orm threadbare adj lom, a - coat cola m lom
thirteenth IIl1m adj treas deug, the - (day) of the month an treas la m deug threat 11 maoidheadh m, bagairt f, bagradh m, a - of war bagairt cogaidh
den mhios mf . m gell
thirty 1111111 & adj deich ar (for thar) thichead, fichead '5 a deich, (in alternatIVe threaten v maoidh vi, bagair vi, (with prep air), he was -ing me bha e a'
1IIIIIIbering system) trithead m maoidheadh/a' bagairt orm
this, these pron 1 sea, who's this? co (a) tha seo?, this is my wife, and these three Ill/m adj 1 tri; 2 (of people) lriUir mf invar (wilh gell pi), - brothers triUir
are the boys seo a' bhean agam, agus sea na gillean; 2 (as demonstrattve bhrailhrean (gell pi ofbrathair m)
adjective) seo, also a tha seo, this boy am balach (a tha) seo, thi~ one (m) threefold, three-ply adj tri-fillte
am fear (a tha) seo, if) an le (a tha) seo, these ones an fheadhamnf slllg threesome 11 triUir mf illvar (with gell pi)
coli (a tha) seo, iad seo, these (ones) are going home tha an fheadhainn thresh v buail Vii, -ing the corn a' bualadh an arbhair m sing gell
sea/iad sea a' dol dhachaigh threshold n stairs(n)each f
thistle 11 duaran m, foghnan m, glogan m thrifty adj 1 curamach (a thaobh airgld m), gleidhteach; 2 ill expr be -
thither adv 1 ann, a-nuB, I'm going - tha mi a' dol ann/a-null; 2 in expr (with) caomhain vii
hither and - thaB 's a-bhos, a-null's a naB thrill 11 gaoir f, give a - cuir gaoir (to air)
thong 11 iaB f thrill v cuir gaoir f (wilh prep air)
thorax 11 cllabh m thrilling adj gaoireil
thorn n 1 (the plant) droigheann m; 2 (the prickle) dealgf, bior m thrive v 1 soirbhich vi, the business -d shoirbhich an gniomhachas;
thorny adj 1 (lit) droighneach; 2 (fig: Iricky, sellsitive &c) duilich. doirbh, a 2 soirbhich vi (as impersollal v, wilh prep le), he -d shoirbhich leis
_ problem duilgheadas doirbh/duilich . throat 11 1 amha(i)ch f, sgornan m; 2 ill expr I set them at each other's -s
thorough adj 1 (of persoll) pongail, dicheaBach, dealasach; 2 (of Job of chuir mi aig ugannan mpl a cheile iad, chuir mi thar a cheile iad
work &c) mionaideach, mion- prefix, a - enquiry/study SgrUdadh throb 11 (esp of heart) plosg m
mionaideach, - knowledge/acquaintance mion-eblas m (of/with air); 3 throb v (esp hearl) plosg vi, dean plosgartaich f, (less severe) plap vi
(0111 and 0111, IIlter) dearg (precedes n), gu c(h)wm (follows the 11), a - fool throbbing n (esp of heart) plosgadh m, plosgarlaich f
dearg amadan m, amadan gu chul, a - scoundrel dearg slaoightear m, throne 11 righ-ehathair f
slaoightear gu chw throng 11 sluagh mor, mor-shluagh m
thoroughfare n Iro-shlighe f throng v rach (&c) vi nan (&c) ceudan mpl/nam (&c) millean mpl/nan (&c)
though adv ge-tii & ged-tha, I was at the fank all day, I'm not tired - bha drobh(an) m(pl), we -ed to the meeting chaidh/thainig sinn dhan
mi aig an fhaingf dal fad an la m gell, chan eil mi sglth ge-ta choinneimhf nar ceudan/nar mlllean/nar drobh
though conj ged, - he wasn't ill ged nach robh e \inn, she didn't stop - throttle v much VI, tachd vt
she was exhausted cha do sguir i ged a bha i daoidhte through adv 1 (fam: finished &c) deisell, (less 11511) uBamh, deas, (with de),
thought 11 1 (the process,facl/lty, activity) smaointeachadh m, beachdachadh are you -? a bheil thu deiseil?, they aren't- with the phone yet chan
m; 2 (a -) smuain & smaoin f, (call be more rigorolls -) beachd m, beachd- ell iad deiseil den fon mt fhathasl, they were - asking questions bha
smuain m, melancholy -s smuaintean dubhach, -s on the coming iad uBamh de cheasnachadh m; 2 in expr - and - gu c(h)ulm, a Gael/
war smuaintean/beachdan/beachd-smuaintean air a' chogadh m a Highlander - and - Gaidhealm gu chul
tha romhainn; 3 (illlerest, concern) for m invar (for air), he had no - for through prep Iro & troimh (takes dal, & lellites followillg COilS where possible),
anything but his own affairs cha robh for aige ach air a ghnothaichean with art Iron, - me tromham(sa), - you (sillg) tromhad(sa), - him, - it
mpl fhein (m) Iroimhe(san), - her, - it if) troimhpe(se), - us tromhainn(e), - you
thoughtful adj 1 (pensive &c) smuainteachail; 2 (considerale) tuigseach, (pi) tromhaibh(se), - them Iromhpa(san), - a glass darkly dorcha tro
suimeil ghlainne f, they came - the wood thaimg iad Iron choille f
thousand n mile m (followed by nom sillg ie radical) throw 11 tilgeadh m
thrash v slac & slaic vi throw v 1 tilg VI, caith vt, (at air), he threw it at me thilg e orm e, don't -
thrashing 11 slacadh m stones! na tilg dachan JPI!; 2 ill exprs - away tilg vt air falbh, - down (ie

372 373
demolish,fell) leag vi (gu lar m), - up tUg (suas) vii, diobhair vii, sgeith of relalionship, friendship) dilimh mf invar, cilirdeas m, the -s between
vii, he threw up his dinner thilg e suas a dhlnnear f the two families an dilimh/an cilirdeas eadar an dil theaghJach m sing
thrush n (Ihe bird) smeOrach f tie v ceangail vi (to ri), - together ceangail vi ri cheile
thrust n 1 sathadh m, a - of the knife sathadh na sgeine; 2 (Jig: essence, tier n sreath m, two -s of government da shreath de riaghaltas m
'drift,) brigh f invar, comhair m, the - of his argument brlgh na ties n (of kinship, friendship) dilimh mf invar, cilirdeas m (see tie n 3)
h-argamaid(e) aige tight adj 1 (lil) teann, a - rope ropa teann; 2 (leaving liltle leeway) teann,
thrust v 1 sath Vii, sparr VI, (in/into (a-steach) do), - your hand into the a - budgeUtimescale buidseat m/raon-ama m teann; 3 (in short supply
sack sath/sparr do lamhfa-steach don phoca m, in expr he - the knife &c) gann, money's - this month tha (an to) airgead gann air a' mhios
into him/it shath e an sgian f ann; 2 in erpr (Jig) - upon sparr vt (with mf seo; 4 in erpr (Jig) a - corner cruajdh-chas m, cUil-chumhang I,
prep air), the new law was - upon us chaidh an lagh m Ur a sparradh cTuadal m, staingf
oimn tighten v teannaich vti
thumb n ordagf tightening n teannachadh m
thump n buille f (dhUim, gen of dom m) tile n leac I, (snmller) leacagf
thump v dom VI, slac & slaic vt till conj gus an, gus am, (neg) gus nach, I won't get the meal ready - you
thunder v tairneanaich & tiiimich vi come home cha deasaich mi am biadh gus an tig thu dhachaigh, I'll
thunder n tilirneanach m earn money - we've got enough of it cosnaidh mi airgead m gus am
Thursday n Diardaoin m invar bi gu leOr againn dheth, keep it - you don't need it cUm e gus nach
thus adv air an doigh f seo, air an doigh a leanas, (less formlll) mar seo, bi feum m agad air
open the packet - fosgail a' phacaid air an doigh seo/air an doigh a till prep gu & gus (wilh dol), gu ruige (wilh nom), we'll waiUstay _ six
leanas/mar seo o'clock fanaidh sinn gu sia uairean JPI, I can't keep/save it - tomorrow
thwart v cuir bacadh m, cuir stad m, (wilh prep air), we -ed his schemes chan unainn dhomh a ghJeidheadh gu(s) a-maireach, we'll be busy-
chuir sinn bacadh/stad air a chuid f innIeachdan JPI gen ew Year bidh sinn trang gu ruige a' Bhliadhna Ur
tick' n (marking &c) striochagf till v aitich VI, obraich VI, - the soil/landlground aitich/oibrich am
tick' n 1 (sound of clock) diog m; 2 (inslanl) diog m, tiota m, (dimin) tiotan m, fearann
tiotagf, I'll be with you in a - bidh mi agajbh/leibh ann an diog/ann tiller n 1 (ofhoal) failmf, ailmf 2 (- of land) fear-aitich m
an tiotag tilt' n (slant) c1aonadh m, fiaradh m
tick' n (Ihe parasile) mial I, sheep-- miaJ-chaorach f tilt" n, in erpr at full - na (&c) d(h)ian-ruithf, (more fam) aig peilear m a (&c)
ticket n ticead I, tiocaid I, ticeard f b(h)eatha f gen, they left at full - dh'fhalbh iad nan dian-ruith/aig
tickle v diogail vii peilear am beatha
ticklish adj diogalach, ciogailteach tilt v cJaon vi, aom vi, rach vi air fhiaradh m
tide n 1 seel-mara m, triligh I, there's a big - today tha traigh mhor ann tilted, tilting adjs air fhjaradh m
an-diugh; 2 (usu wilh arl) the - an tide mf, an tide-mhara mf, the -'s timber n fiodh m, a - house tajgh-fiodha m
against us tha an tide(-mhara) nar n-aghaidh; 3 in erprs high - muir- time n 1 (Ihe abslr phenomenon) tim f 2 (clock -) uair I, what - is it? de an
lan m, lan-mhara m, spring-- reothart I, neap - con(n)trajgh I, the - uair a tha e?, at this - aig an uair seo; 3 (- as it is lived/experiencetf)
came in Lion vi am muir tidef, Uinef, (the) -'s passing tha an tide a' dol seachad, spend _ cuir
tidings n najdheachdan JPI, (more fam) sgeuJ m, guth m, - from the seachad tide/Uine, all the - fad na tide, fad na h-Uine, plenty of _
battlefield najdheachdan on bhJar m, are there any - of lain? a bheil tide/ Uine gu leor, a waste of - call m Uine gen, an hour's - uair a !for
sgeuJ/guth air lain? de) thide, about - too! bha a thide ajge!, he took his - thug e fada gu
tidy adj 1 (of person,jigure: well tumed-out; also ofobjecls: trim, well-made &c) leOr!, in - (ie evenlually) ri tide, ri Uine; 4 (specific moments or periods
cuirnir, grinn, sgiobalta, snasail, snasmhor; 2 (of room, space, objects &c; of -) am m, !inn mf, re f invar, at this - aig an am seo, at the - of the
neal, not unlidy) sgiobalta, (less usu) cunbhalach Great War aig am a' Chogaidh Mhoir, she was poorly at the _ bha i
tidy v sgioblajch vt, ordaich VI, cuir vi an ordugh m, cuir vi air doigh I, bochd aig an ilm, from - to - bho am gu am, at -s he's naughty and
"'itich vt at other -s he's good aig amannan bidh e crosta agus aig amannan eile
tie n 1 (necklie) taidhf 2 (jor faslening, securing) ceangaJ m, bann m; 3 (link(s) bidh e gle mhath, olden -s na lajtheachan mpl/an t-am a dh'fhalbh,

374 375
these modem -s na h-amannan uta sea, in our ancestors' - ri linn ar title n (book &c -, rank &c) liolal m
sinnsirean mpl gen, in my grandfather's - ri linn/an re mo sheanar m tittle-tattle n goileam m, gobaireachd & gabaireachd f invar
gen; 5 (an appointed or appropriate -) am m, (less usu) trath m, she arrived tizzy n, in expr in a - troimh-a-cheile, am breisleach m
before - thainig i ron am, it's - for us to leave tha an t-am againn to conj 1 (in order -) gus, airson, she bought a broom - clean the house
falbh, it's high -/not before - tha an I-am ann, meal - trath-bidh m, cheannaich i sguab f gus/airson an laigh m a ghlanadh, he found a
prayer - trath-ilrnaigh m, a word at the right - facal m na thrath; 6 (a job - get some money fhuair e obair f gus/airson airgead m fhaighinn,
period or stretch of -) line f, greis f, treis f, (less usu) lamall m, (sllOrter) come - see me thig gam fhaicinn; 2 in expr he came home - eat thainig
line ghoirid, greiseag f, treiseag f, (less usu) lacan m, for a - airson e dhachaigh gu (a) bhiadh m
greis, car uair, after a - an ceann greise/tamaill, a short - before lhat to prep 1 gu & gus, wl.en followed by art, thun & chun (with gen), - me
line ghoirid roimhe sin; 7 (occasion, repetition) uair f, luras m, I was thugam(sa) & chugam(sa), - you (sing) thugad(sa) & chugad(sa), -
there one - bha mi ann aon uair/aon luras, any - uair sam bith, many him, - it (m) thuige(san) & chuige(san), - her, - it If) thuice(se) &
-5, many a - iomadach uair, iomadh uair, - and - again uair is uajr, chuice(se), - us thugainn(ne) & chugainn(ne), - you (pI & polite sing)
the first - I saw her at chiad uair a chwma mi i, at -s uaireannan, air thugaibh(se) & chugaibh(se), - them thuca(san) & chuca(san), he
uairean, the last - an luras mu dheireadh; 8 in exprs some - uaireigin went - (esp to the outskirts of, as far as) Glasgow chaidh e gu Glaschu,
m & adv, I'll see you some - chi mi uaireigin thu, some - or other uair I'll send a book - her cuiridh mi leabhar m thuice, we went - the gate
no uaireigin chaidh sinn chun a' gheala m; 2 do (takes the dat, lenites following cons
timely, timeous adj mithich, an deagh am m, trathail where possible), - me dhomh(sa), - you (sing fam) dhu(i)t(sa), - him!
timepiece lJ uaireadair m it (m) dha(san), - her/it If) dhi(se), - us dhuinn(e), - you (pI & sing
times adv (arith &c) uiread m invar, air iomadachadh (with prep le), two - polite) dhuibh(se), - them dhaibh(san), give it - lain thoir do dh'lain
two a dha uiread a dha, a dha air iomadachadh le a dha e, tell it - Mary innis do Mhairi e, he's a good friend - me tha e na
timescale n raon-ama m dheagh charaid m dhomh, what happened - you? de a thachair dhul?,
timetable n clar-tide m, clar-ama m he went - (ie into) Glasgow chaidh e do/a Ghlaschu, I'll go - (the)
timid adj 1 (shy, bashful) diUid, narach, malda; 2 (jumpy, nervous) clisgeach; church theid mi don (or dhan) eaglais f, a trip - the islands sgriob/
3 ifearful) meala, (usu stronger) geallach cuairlf do (or dha) na h-eileanan mpl; 3 (with compass directions) mu, he
timidity n 1 (shyness) diuide f invar, naire f invar; 2 ifearfulness) mealachd f went - the south chaidh e mu dheas; 4 (expr tlll/t something is or needs
invar, (stronger) geallachd f invar to be done) ri, I've lots - do lha moran agam ri dheanamh, that house
tin n 1 (tire metal) slaoin f; 2 (can for drinksJood &c) cana m, canaslair m is - be sold tha an laigh m sin ri reic, they deserve - be praised tha
tinge n 1 fiamh m, dath m; 2 (esp of complexion) fiamh m, luar m iad rim moladh m; 5 (when equivalent to part of the English infinitive) a
tinker n ceard & ceard m ifollowed by the verbal nOIIll, which is lenited where possible), I'm going -
tinkle v dean gliong m, dean gliongartaich f invar swim tha mi a' dol a shnamh, you ought not - hit your brother cha
tinkling n gliong m, gliongartaich f invar bu choir dhul do bhrathair a bhualadh
tint n 1 fiamh m, dath m; 2 (esp of complexion) fiamh m, luar m toad n muile-mhagf
tiny adj crlon, (less usu, & used mainly as prefixes) meanbh, mion toast n (drink) deoch-slainle f
tip n (slender end of anything) baIT m, on the - of my tongue air bilrr mo tobacco n lombaca m
theangaidh f gen today adv an-diugh
tippler n p6ilear m, misgear m toe n ordagf, ordag-choise f, the big - an ordag mhor
tippling n poilearachd f invar together adv 1 comhla, le cheile, living - a' fuireach comhla (ri cheile),
tipsy adj air leth-mrusgf a' fuireach le cheile, they left - dh'fhalbh iad comhla (ri cheile); 2 in
tiptoe n corra-biod m invar, on - air a (&c) c(h)orra-biod errrs - with comhla ri, she left - with the others dh'fhalbh i comhla
tire vI sgithich vti; 2 (as vI) fas vi sgith; 3 in expr - out claoidh vt ri each pron, join - ceangail vt (ri cheile), come - (congregate, unite)
tired adj & past port 1 sgith; 2 in exprs - out claoidhle, - of sgith de, sick thig vi comhla, coinnich vi, cruinnich vi, bring - cruinnich vt, pulling!
and - of seac searbh sgith de working - (idiom) a' tarraing air an aon ramh m, string!put two words
tiresome adj frionasach, siirachail - cuir da fhacal m an ceann a cheile/an allaibh (obs dat pi of all m) a
tissue n sluth m chiWe m gen

376 377

toil 11 saothair f, obair chruaidh was singing at the - of his voice bha ea' seinn (aig) i1ird f a chlaiginn
toil v saothraich vi, bi vi irreg ag obair f gu cruaidh (gen of c1aigeann m)
toilet 11, (pllblic or private) taigh-beag m, (Pllblic) goireasan mpl top v (beat, cap) thoir baIT m (with prep air), that -s everything I ever saw!
tolerable adj meadhanach math tha sin a' toir! barr air a h-uiIe cailm illVllr a chunna mi a-riamh!
tolerablyadv meadhanach math, you only did - well cha do rinn thu ach topic 11 cuspair m
meadhanach math topography 11 cumadh-tire m
tolerance 11 ceadachas m topsy-turvy adj bun-os-cionn, troimh-a-eheile
tolerant adj ceadach torch 11 leus m, Ibchran m
tolerate v fuiling VI, cllir vi suas (with prep le or ri) torment 11 (lIIelllal/elllotiollal) dbrainn f, (mental/emotiollal or phys) cradh m
tomb 11 uaigh f, tuam m torment v (mentally/emolionally or phys) craidh vi, s3raich vi, (weaker) pian
tombstone 11 leac f uaighe f gell VI, my conscience was -ing me bha mo chogais f gam chr3dh/gam
tomcat 11 cat fireaon sharachadh
ton 11 toona & tunna m torrent 11 1 (watercourse &c) bras-shruth m, dbrtadh m; 2 (dowllpour) dlIe f,
tongs 11 (pair of -) clobha m sillg dlIe bhathte
tongue 11 Iteanga f, on the tip of my - air bilrr m mo theangaidh gen; 2 ill torso n corn m
e;rpr slip of the - tapagf; 3 (lall8'lage) canamf, canan m, the - of the tortuous adj (road, river, argument &c) lubach
Gaels canan nan Giiidheal torture 11 (mental or phys) cradh m, (weaker) pianadh m, put to - cllir vi an
tonne n tunna tIE cradh
too adv (ie also) cwdeachd, has Ewan left? yes, and lain - an do dh'fhalbh torture v (esp phys) cuir vt an crildh m, ciUrr VI, (mentally or phys) cr3idh VI,
EOghann? dh'fhalbh, agus lam cwdeachd (weaker) pian vi
too adv 1 (10 all excessive extelll) ro (Ielliles followillg adj where possible), it's - Tory adj Tbraidheach, the - Party am Partaidh Tbraidheach
late to go for a walk tha e ro anmoch airson cuair! fa ghabhail, - keen Tory n Tbraidh m
on drink ro dheidheil air an deochf; 2 ill e;rpr - much cus m (with gell), toss 11, ill expr !fam) I don't give a - for X cha toir mi ho-ro-gheallaidh m
tuilleadh m 's a' chbir f, - much talking cus brllidhne (gen ofbrllidhinn invar air X
j), I ate - much dh'ith mi cus, here's some ironing for you, I've too toss v 1 (as vi: seas, ship, trees &c) tulg vi, luaisg vi; 2 (as vt: throw) tilg vi, -
much already! seo iarnaigeadh m dhut, tha tuilleadh 's a' chbir dheth the caber tilg an cabar; 3 ill e;rpr - a coin cllir crainn (pI of crann Ill),
agam mar a tha! they -ed a coin to see who would pay chwr iad crainn feuch cb a
tool 11 inneal m, ball-acfhainn m phaigheadh
tooth 11 fiacail f, wisdom - fiacail-forais f, false teeth fiaclan-fuadain Jpl, - total adj 1 iomlan, uile-gu-Ieir, - cost cosgaisfiomlan/uiIe-gu-leir; 2 (litter,
of a saw fiacail saibh m gell complele) dearg (precedes Ihe 1101111, which it lenites wllere possible), gu
toothache 11 deideadh m (JlSCd with arl), I've got (the) - tha an deideadh c(h)ul III (follows the nOlm), a - fool dearg amadan m, amadan gu chU!
orm totaln (resILIl ofaddition) sWm f, iomlan m
toothbrush 11 bruis-fhiaclan f totally adv gu tur, (gu) buileach, gu h-iomlan, uile-gu-Ieir, the two things
toothed adj fiaclach are - different tha an da rod m sing gu tur eadar-dhealaichte/(gu)
toothpaste 11 uachdar-fhiaclan m buileach eadar-dhealaichte, I'll defeat him - nl rni an gnothach m air
toothy adj fi.aclach gu buileach/gu h-iomlan, we succeeded - shoirbhich vi impersonal
top adj 1 (phys) as airde, the - floor an lobht' m as airde; 2 (beslJoremost &c) leinn uile-gu-Ieir/ gu h-iomlan/gu buileach
as thearr, priomh (precedes the 1101111, which is lellited where possible) touch v 1 (phys) bean vi (with prep ri or do), laimhsich vt, don't - the pictures
top 11 1 barr m, muJlach m, ceann m as iiirde, - of the milk barr a' bhainne, na bean ris na dealbhan mJpI, also na teirig faisg air na dealbhan; 2 (jig,
the - of a tree baIT craoibhe f gell, the - of a mountain muUach beinne have to do with &c) bean vi (with prep ri), bllin vi (with prep do or ri),
f gell, - of the ladder muJlach an araidh, also ceann shuas an araidh, a gabh gnothach m (with prep ri), it's a dodgy business, don't - it 's e
great stone with a bird on - of it c1ach mhbr is eun m air a mullach; 2 gnothach cugaJlach a th' ann, na bean ris/na bllin dha/na bllin ris/
ill e;rprs on - of air mllin f illvar (with gen), she put on a blouse and on na gabh gnothach ris idir; 3 (- emotiollally) gluais vti, drWdh vi (with
- of that a jacket choo i blobhs m oUre agus air muin sin seacaid f, he prep air), the song -ed them ghluais an t-bran iad, dhrUidh an t-bran

378 379
touch E GLlSH-GAELlC DICTIONARY trade trade ENGLISH-GAELIC D1CT10 ARY transmission

orra, also bha buaidh mhor aig an oran orra; 4 ill expr - on/upon (ie 2 (commercial exchallge) malairtf, ceannachd f illvar, ceannach m, engage
melltioll, refer to) thoir iomradh m, thoir tarraingf, (with prep air), in his in - dean malairt, malairtieh vi
talk he -ed upon the state of the economy anns an oraid aige thug e trade v dean malairt f, malairtich vi
iomradh/tarraing air staidfan eaconomaidh trader 11 neach-malairt m (pI luehd-malairt m sillg call), marsanta m,
touching adj (emotiollally affectillg) gluasadach, druidhteach ceaJUlaiche 111
touchy adj frionasach, frithearra tradesman 11 1 (practitioller ofa trade) fear-eeairde m; 2 (retailer, mere/rnllt &c)
tough adj 1 (of persolls) eruaidh, fulangaeh, buan; 2 (materials, food &c) marsanta m, ceannaiche m
righinn trading 11 ceannachd f illvar, eeannach m, malairt f
toughen v righnich vti tradition 11 1 (C11ltural heritage: ill tenlls of olle's descellt/OIlcestry) dualchas
toughness 11 1 (of persolls) eruas m, fulang m, fulangas m; 2 (of materials,food m, (or tile place olle belollgs to) duthchas m; 2 (oral -: esp sollg & story)
&c) righnead m beul-aithris f illvar, (oral -: esp trad lore & learnillg) beul-oideaehas Ill,
tour 11 euairtf, turas m, - to the islands euairt/turas do na h-eileanan mpl beul-oideas m
tourism 11 turasachd f illvar traditional adj tradaiseanta, dualchasach, - music ceOl m tradaiseanta/
tourist 11 neach-turais m, -s luchd-turais m sillg call, - office oifisfturasachd dualchasach
f illvar, the Scottish Tourist Board BQrd m Turasachd f illvar na h-A1ba tradition-bearer 11 seanchaidh m
towards prep 1 (whell followed by a 1I0UII) a dh'ionnsaigh (with gell), chun traffic 11 (road &c) trafaigf
& thun (with gell), - the town(ship) a dh'ionnsaigh a' bhaile, chun/ tragic adj dorainneach, micheanta, a - story sgeulachd dhorainneach
thun a' bhaile; 2 (when followed by a pers proll) a dh'ionnsaigh, - me trail 11 (-left by persoll, allimal) lorgf, on the - of the deer air lorg an fheidh
dham ionnsaigh, - you Ifam sillg) dhad ionnsaigh, - him/it (m) dha (gell of fiadh m)
ionnsaigh, - her/it If) dha h-ionnsaigh, - us dhar n-ionnsaigh, - you trailer 11 (trallsport) slaodair m
(pI or formal sillg) dhur n-ionnsaigh, - them dhan ionnsaigh, the boy train 11 (railway, tube) trean(a) f, I missed the - chaill mi an treana, express
was running - her bha am balach a' ruith dha h-ionnsaigh - luath-threana f
towel 11 tubhailte f, searbhadair m train v 1 (sport, ed &c) trean vti; 2 (teach a trade &c) teagaisg vt, oileanaich vt
tower 11 titr m, turaid f trained adj ionnsaichte, uidheamaichte
town 11 baile m, (bigger) baile mor, market - baile-margaidh m, - hall talla- training 11 1 (sport, ed) treanadh m; 2 (ed, for trade &c) teagasg m,
baile m, the - hall talla m a' bhaile oileanachadh m, uidheamachadh m
township 11 baile III (eroitearachd fJ, the - clerk clare m a' bhaile trait 11 (of e/rnracter) fea(i)rt III
toy 11 deideagf traitor 11 brathadair m
trace 11 1 lorg f, larach f, sgeul m, it didn't leave a - cha do dh'fhag e trample v saltair vt
lorg/larach, there's no - of it chan eillorg/sgeul air; 2 (idiom) there trance 11 neulm, go into a - rach vi an neul
was (absolutely) no - of Murdo sgeul no fathann m cha robh air tranquil adj ciUin, samhach, sltheil, seirnh
Murchadh tranquility 11 ciUineas m, s3rnhchair f, sith f, fois f
trace v faigh lorgf (with prep air), lorg vt, the police -ed them fhuair am tranquilizer 11 tamhadair 11
poileas lorg orra transact v dean vt, - business dean gnothach m (with ri)
track 11 1 (path &c) ceurn m, frith-rathad m, utraid f; 2 (oftell with more abstr transgress v 1 ciontaich vi; 2 (usu ill re/ig sense) peacaich vi
cOllllotatiolls: route) slighe f, a -less wilderness fasach m gun slighe; transgression 11 1 ciont(a) m; 2 (ill relig sellse: abstr & call) peacachadh m,
3 (- left by persoll, allimal, object) lorgf, on the - of the deer air lorg an peacadh m
fheidh (gen of fiadh m) transient, transitory adj diombuan, siubhlach
track, track down v faigh lorgf (with prep air), the police -ed him down translate v eadar-theangaich vti (into gu), cuir vt (with prep air), - into
fhuair am polas lorg air English eadar-theangaich gu Beurla f illvar, - English into Gaelic cuir
tract 11 (pamphlet &c) trachd mf Gaidhligf air Beurla
tractable adj soithearnh, (excessively so) socharach translation 11 (abstr & call) eadar-theangachadh m
tractor 1J tractar m translator 11 eadar-theangair m
trade 11 1 (a craft) eeaird f, -(sI union aonadh-eeaird & aonadh-eiuird m; transmission 11 craobh-sgaoileadh m, craoladh m

380 381
translucent E GUSH-GAEUC D,crIONARY trembling tremendous E GLlSH-GAELlC D,crIONARY tropical

translucent adj trid-shoillseach tremendous adj 1 (ill size) uabhasach mar; 2 (ill qllality) uabhasach (thein)
transmit v craobh-sgaoil vti math, (lIIore fam) taghta
transmiller 11 crann-sgaoilidh m tremor 11 crith f
transparent adj trid-shoilleir trench 11 dais f, treinnse f
transport 11 1 (gelleral) comhdhail f; 2 ifor people: travel from place to place) trend n aomadh 111, economic - aomadh eaconomach
siubhalm, means/modes of - doigheanJPI siubhail gell; 3 ifor goods &c: trespass 11 (011 lal1lJ) briseadh m chriochan JPI gell
carriage frolll place to place) giUlan Ill, (less 11511) iomchar m trespass v (011 101111) bris criochan JPI
transport v giUlain vt, (less UslI) iomchair vt trews 11 triubhas 111
trap 11 ribe IIIf tri- prefix tri-, eg triangle 11 tri-cheamag J, trilingual adj tri-ehiinanach,
trap v rib vt, glac vt tripartite adj tri-phiiirteach
trapped adj & past part glacte, an sas m trial 11 1 dearbhadh Ill, -s on a new car dearbhaidhean air car III ilr; 2
trappings 11 uidheam f coll, acainn f coll (ordeal) deuchainn J, my mother's illness was a - for me bha tinneas
trash 11 treal(l)aich J, truileis f illvar, (lIIore worthless) sgudalm m mo mha thair f gell na dheuchainn dhomh
travel 11 siubhal m, ill exprs - agency buth-lurais mJ, - centre ionad III triangle 11 tri-ehearnagJ, triantan m
siubhail gell triangular adj tri-eheamach, trianlanach
travel v siubhail vi, (also as vt, rather trad, eg) -ling (over) the moor a' tribe 11 treubh f, cinneadh m, fine f
siubhal na mointich/na mointeach, (less 11511) triall vi tribulation 11 trioblaid f, deuchainn m
traveller 11 neach-siubhailm, -s luchd-siubhailm sillg coll tribute 11 moladh m, ill expr pay - to mol vt
travelling adj siubhail (gell of siubhal m, llsed adjectivally), - bank banca m trick 11 1 (IISIl playflll) deas Ill, (call be less playJr1f) car m, (lIIore elaborate &
siubhail seriolls: a plot &c) cuilbheart J, play a - dean deas (on air), thoir an car
trawler 11 tralair III (on a), they played a - on me rinn iad deas orm, thug iad an car asam;
tray 11 sgiilm 2 ill expr ifam) thal'll do the -! III sin an gnothach!, III sin a' chuis!
treachery 11 brathadh m, cealgaireachd f illvar trick v meall vt, (call be less seriolls) thoir an car III (with prep a), they -ed
tread v (as grapes &c) saltair vt her thug iad an car aiste
treason 11 brathadh m trickle 11 sileadh (beag)
treasure 11 ionmhas m, ulaidh J, tasgaidh III trickle v sil vi
treasurer n ionmhasair m trifling adj crion, suarach
treasury 11 (departnIellt ofgovemmellt) roinn f an ionmhais m trilingual adj tri-ehiinanach
treat v 1 (behave towards) liiirnhsich vt, gnathaich vt, deilig vi (with prep ri), trim adj cuirnlr, sgiobalta, snasail, snasmhor
he -ed his wife badly is dona a lairnhsich e/a ghnathaich e a' bhean trim 11 gleus mJ, in good - air ghleus
aige, how does he - the customers? damar a bhios e a' deiligeadh ris trip' 11 (jollmey) luras Ill, euairt J, sgriob f, - to the islands luras/cuairt/
an luchd-eeannaich m sillg coll; 2 (lIIed) leighis vt sgriob do na h-eileanan IIIpl
treatise 11 trachd mJ, trachdas m triP'1I (stllmble) tuisleadh m, sgiorradh m
treatment 11 1 (way of behavillg towards someolle) laimhseachadh m, trip v (stllmble) tuislich vi
gnathachadh m; 2 (lIIed) leigheas m triple adj tri-fillte, tribilte
treaty 11 co-ehordadh m, cunnradh m triumph 11 buaidh f
treble adj triobailte triumphant adj buadhmhor
tree 11 1 craobh J, fruit - craobh mheas gell, oak - craobh-dharaich; 2 (1I0W trivial adj 1 (poilltless, eIIlpty) faoin, dlomhain; 2 (withollt siglliJicallce) crion,
11511 ill lIames of trees ollly) crann m, eg fig - crann-flogais m, olive - suarach
crann-ola m troop 11 1 (of soldiers &c) buidheann mJ, cuideachd f; 2 (of actors) comhlan
tremble 11 crith f m
tremble v bi vi irreg air chrith J, crith vi, he was trembling bha e air chrith, Tropic of Cancer 11 TropaigfChansar
star/to - rach vi irreg air chrith Tropic of Capricorn 11 TropaigfChapricorn
trembling adj air chrith J, - with fear air chrith leis an eagallll tropical adj tropaigeach

382 383

trot n lrotan m trunk n 1 (of 1IIIIIIOn body) corn m; 2 (of elephant &c) sran J; 3 (lllggage &c)
trot v dean lrotan m ciste f; 4 (of tree) stoc m, bun m craoibhe (gell of craobh f)
trotting n lrotan m trust n 1 earb$O f invar, creideas m, put one's - in something coo earb$O
trouble n 1 (inconvenience, bother, worry) dragh m, I don't want to put you ann an rudeigin m; 2 (legal, fill, bllsiness: a -) urras m, set up a -
to any - chan eiJ mi airson dragh a chur oirbh; 2 (misfortllne, diffieulties steidhich urras, a - fund ciste-urrais f
&c) lrioblaid f, duilgheadasan mpl, (droch) staingf, (can be more seriolls) trust v 1 thoir creideas m (with prep do), earb vti (with prep a), do you -
eiginn f invar, - came upon us thainig trioblaid oimn, the loss of my me? no! an toir thu creideas dhornh? cha toir', also a bheiJ earb$O agad
job was the start of our -s b' e call m m' obrach f gen toiseach m ar annam/a$Om? chan eil!, they didn't - their neighbours cha robh
trioblaidean, I'm in - tha mi ann an droch staing, tha mi nam eiginn, iad ag earb$OOO as na nabaiOOean IIIpl aca, cha robh earb$O aca as na
tha mi ann an eiginn, an aeroplane in - above the airport itealan m nabaiOOean aca; 2 in expr - in cuir earb$O f illvar (with prep ann), - in
ann an eiginn os cionn a' phuirt-aOOair m; 3 (effort, plltting oneself Ollt) providence cuir earbsa anns an £hreastal
$Oothair f, it's not worth the/your - chan £hiach OOut do shaothair; trusting adj earbsach
4 (distllrbance, disorder, IInrest) airnhreit f, buaireas m trustworthy adj (person, bllsiness &c) earb$Och
trouble v 1 (inconvenience) cuir dragh m (with prep air), (more fam) bodraig trusty adj diJeas
vt, I don't want to - you chan eiJ mi airson dragh a chur oirbh/airson truth 11 1 firinn f, to tell (you) the -/- to tell, I don't know leis an fhirinn
ur bodraigeaOO; 2 (harass, vex) saraich vt, they were -d withlby debts/ innse, chan eiJ fhios am; 2 in expr he's telling the - 's e an fhirinn a
bad neighbours bha iad air an sarachaOO le fiachan mpl/le droch th' aige
nabaiOOean mpl; 3 (distllrb, IIpset) buair vt, the bad news -d me greatly truthful adj firinneach
bhuair an drochd naiOOeachd f mi gu mar; 4 (take the -, make the effort, try n 1 (attempt) oidhirp f (at air), he had another - at it thug e/rinn e
fam) bodraig vi; 5 in expr what's troubling you? de (a) tha a' gabhail oidhirp eile air; 2 in expr give it a - (ie sample it) feuch e, feuch vi ris
riut?, de (a) tha a' cur ort? try v 1 feuch vti (to ri), I'll - to open the door feuchaiOO mi ris an doras
troubled adj 1 (anxiolls) fo iomagain f, fo chw-am m; 2 (vexed, harassed) fhosglaOO, they tried to lift us OO'fheuch iad ri ar togail f, - it (out)
air a (&c) s(h)ilrachaOO; 3 (lIpset) air a (&c) b(h)uaireaOO, air a (&c) (ie sample it) feuch ris, - this beer feuch an leann m a tha seo, - to
t(h)amailteachaOO be there early feuch gum bi sibh ann ron am m, be good! I'll - bi
troublesome adj (person, sitllatiOlI) draghail, buaireasach math! feuchaidh mi; 2 (- Ollt, test &c) cuir vt gu deuchainn f, dearbh
trounce v (sport) dean an gnothach/a' chitis (with prep air), we -d them vt, they tried out the new machines chuir iad na h-innealan mpl ura
this time! rinn sinn an gnothach/a' chitis orra an turas seo! gu deuchainn
troupe n comhlan m, - of actors cbmhlan de OO'actairean mpl trying adj deuchainneach
trousers n (also a pair of -) briogais f, triubhas m tube n (small) feadan m, (of variolls sizes) plob f
trout n breac m tuberculosis n (lIsed with the art) a' chaithearnh
truce n fosaOO m, call/declare a - gairm fosaOO tuck up v (garment) !Tu(i)s vt, her petticoats were tucked up bha na
truck' n (transport) lilraiOO f cotaichean-bilna mpl air an tru$OOO
truck' n (dealings &c), have - bean vi (with ri), buin vi (with do or ri), gabh Tuesday m Dirnairt m invar
gnothach m (with ri), have no - with them na bean riutha, na buin tug n tarraingf
OOaibh/riutha, na gabh gnothach riutha, also cUm vi bhuapa tug v tarraing vti (at air)
true adj 1 ifactllal, aceurate, tmthflll) fior, fIlinneach, the rumour/story is tuition n teagasg m, (less IISIl) oideachas m
- tha am fathann/an sgeul f fior, a true account of what happened tumble n tuiteam m
cunntas firinneach air na thachair; 2 (genlline, allthentic, real) fior tumble v 1 (as VI) tuit vi, he -d to the ground thuit e gu lar m; 2 (as vt) leag
(precedes the nOlln, which it lenites where possible), (of person) gu c(h)w vt, he -d him to the ground leag e gu lar m e
m, - gold fior or m, a - Scot fior Albannach m, Albannach gu chw; tumour n at ",
3 (loyal) diJeas tumult n upraid f, iorghail f, othaiJ f
truly adv fior (Ienites afollowing adj where possible), the food was - good bha tumultuous adj upraideach, iorghaiJeach
am biaOO fior rnhath tune n 1 (air, melody) port m, fonn m, strike up a - on the fiddle gabh port
trumpet n lrombaid f air an fhidhill (dat of fiOOeall f), a song to the tune 'The Thistle of

384 385

Scotland' bran m air fonn 'Fbghnan na h-Alba', raise a - tog fonn; 2 turret n turaid f
(correct tlll/illg) gleus mf, in - air ghleus tussle 11 tuasaid f
tune v (mllsical illstrllmellt, machille &c) gleus vt, cuir vt air ghleus mf tut tut! excl ud ud!
tuned adj & past part air ghleus mf tweed n clb m, Hams - An CJb Mbr, An CJb Hearach
tuneful adj ceblmhor, fonnmhor, binn tweezers 11 greirniche m
tuning 11 (the pitch) gleus mf, (the actioll) cur m air ghJeus twelfth adj dara-deug, the - day an dara la m deug
tuning-fork 11 gobhal-gleusaidh m twelve n & adj 1 d(h)a-dheug, - o'clock da ltair f dheug; 2 (Jam) dusan m,
tup tl reithe "" ruda/ruta nE - years old dusan bliadhna f sillg a (Jar de) dh'aois f
turbulence 11 1 (1Il1rulilless &c) gairge f illuar, aimhreit I, buaireas m; 2 (of sea twentieth adj ficheadamh
&c) luaisgeachd f illvar, tulgadh m twenty nllm fichead m, takes the nom sillg (radical) of the nOlln, - pence/years
turbulent adj 1 (of people, sitllatiolls &c: lll1ruly, trollblesome) garg, fichead sgiUinn/bliadhna f
airnhreiteach, buaireasach; 2 (of seas, flight &c) luaisgeach, tulgach twice adv 1 (repetitiolls) da uair I, da thuras m, we did it - rinn sinn da
turd 11 tudan & tildan m uair/da thuras e, once or - uair no dha; 2 (qllalltity) - as much a dha
turf n 1 (a sillgle -) falm, sgrath I, ceap m, ploc m; 2 (call & illdividllal) fbid liread III invar (as agus/is), give me - as much as Mairi has thoir
& fbd I, when I'm beneath the - nuair a bhios mi fon fhbid dat dhomh a dha uiread agus a tha aig Mairi
Turk 11 Turcach m twig v (1II1derstami) tuig vti
Turkey 11, llsed with art, An Tuirc f twilight n (morning or evelling) eadar-sholas m, camhana(i)ch I, morning -
turkey 11 eun-Frangach m, cearc-Fhrangach f camhana(i)ch an latha, bris(t)eadh m an latha, evening - camhana(i)ch
Turkish adj Turcach na h"idhche, also duibhre f illvar
turn n 1 (cirClllar movemellt) car m, tionndadh m, give the wheel a - cuir twin n leth-aon m, leth-<:haraid I, a pair of -s caraid f sillg call
car den chuibhle I, a turn of the wheel carltionndadh den chuibhle; twine v toinn vti
2 (stroll) car m, cuairtf, I'll take a - outside bheir/gabhaidh mi carl twinkle v priob vi
cuairt a-muigh; 3 (ill games, qllelle &c) cuaiet f; 4 (deviation) tionndadh twinkling 11 (lit & fig) priobadh Ill, in expr (fig) in the - of an eye ann am
m, a - to the left tionndadh chun na lairnh chli; 5 in expr in - mu seach, priobadh na swa
fear m mu seach, te f mu seach, they each spent a while in - in the twist n car nE, sn'iomh nz, toinneamh 111
kitchen thug iad geeis f mu seach anns a' chidsin m, they went in - twist v sniomh vt, dualaich vt, toinn vti
through the door fear mu seach/te mu seach, chaidh iad tron doras m, twisted adj & past part sniomhte, toinnte
she picked up the cards in - thog i na cairtean fplte mu seach twitter v ceUearaich vi
turn v 1 tionndaidh vti, (as ut) (phys & fig) the tide's -ing tha an tide- two 11 & adj 1 d(h)a (takes the dot, lellites a followillg .IOUlI where possible), -
mara f a' tionndadh, whom could he - to? cb ris a thionndadh e?, he dogs da chu m, - stones da chloich I, a time or - uair no dha; 2 (IIS11
-ed against me thionndaidh e nam aghaidh, the lead -ed to gold llsed of people ollly: with gell pi of followillg nOIlIl) clithis I, there were
thionndaidh an luaidhe mf illuar na h-or/gu br m, (as vt) she didn't _ people at the table bha dithis aig a' bhbrd m, - soldiers clithis
- her head cha do thionndaidh i a ceann m, - the steering wheel shaighdearan mpl gm, they came in -s thainig iad nan dithisean, the
tionndaidh a' chuibhle(-stiitiridh) I, also cuir car m den chuibhle(- _ of you an dithis agaibh; 3 (as prefix) da-, eg --eyed adj da-shUileach,
stiuiridh), - the mirror to the wall tionndaidh an sgathan m ris a' --tier adj da-shreathach, --legged adj da-ehasach
bhaUa m; 2 cuir vti, I -ed my back t%n him chuir mi mo chw m eis, twosome 11 dithis f (cf previolls entry, rllbric 2)
- over cuir vt thairis, - them away cuir air falbh iad, he -ed against two-tier adj dil-shreathach
me chuir vi e nam aghaidh; 3 mise exprs - out (ie happell, 'go'). tachair type' n (killd &c) sei>rsa Ill, gne f invar
vi, rach vi irreg, (both call be llsed impersollally) as it -ed out mar a type' 11 (printing &c) db III
thachair (e), how did it - out (for you)? damar a chaidh dhut?, - up type v do-sgriobh vti
(appear, arrive &c) nochd vi, tionndaidh vi suas, tionndaidh vi an-aird', typed adj & past part db-sgriobhte
he didn't- up last night cha do nochd e/cha do thionndaidh e suas typescript 11 c1o-sgriobhadh Ill, do-sgriobhainn f
a-raoir, she -ed up (ie at the hOllse) unexpectedly thainig i a-steach gun typewriter 11 do-sgriobhadair m
dUil againn rithelgun fhiosta m typical adj 1 (representative) samhlachail, ilbhaisteach; 2 (of person:

386 387
typical ENGUSH-GAEUC D,cno ARY tyre
elmrncteristic, in charncter) duaJ(t)ach (of do), it's - of you to tell lies
tha e dualtach dhut a bhith ag innse bhreugan Jpl gen u
typist 11 clo-sgrlobhaiche m
tyrannical adj ainlighearnail udder n uth m
tyranny 11 ainligheamas m ugliness 11 grandachd & granndachd f invar
tyrant 11 ainlighearn(a) m ugly adj granda & grannda
tyre n taidhr f uileann pipes 11 piob-uilne f
ulcer n neasgaid f
ultimate adj deireannach, mu dheireadh
ultimately adv aig a' cheann m thall
umbilical adj imIeagach
umbilicus 11 imIeagf
umbrage n, (idiom) take - at something gabh rudeigin anns an t-sroin (dat
of sron])
umbrella n sgillean-uisge m
un· prefiX 1 eu- prefix, eg unlikely adj eu-collach; 2 mi- prefix, eg unfortunate
adj mi-fhortanach; 3 nee- prefix, eg unusual adj neo-abhaisteach; 4 ain-
prefix, eg unwilling adj aindebnach; 5 ana- prefix, eg unfairness n
ana-cothrom f; 6 the neg idea of un· is also relldered by gun followed by a
nOlln or verbal nOlln, eg unemployed adj gun obair f, unsolved adj gun
fhuasgladh m; 7 tire prefiX do- indicates that somethillg cannot be dOlle,
eg uncountable adj do-aireamh, ungovernable adj do-riaghlaidh;
8 dictionaries give very mallY examples of words begilllling with the prefixes
listed above, and a good lI/1mVer are given below, bllt it is often more natllrnl
in Gaelic to use instead a verbal construction in the negative, or a nOlln
constr with gun - the next entry below exemplifies this
unable adj 1 eu-comasach; 2 I was - to lift it cha robh e comasach dhomh
a thogail, cha b' urrainn dhomh a thogail, - to move gun luth m, - to
speak gun chainnt f
unaccustomed adj neo-chleachdte (to ri)
unadventurous adj lag-chwseach
unanimity n aon-innlinn f
unanimous adj aon-innlinneach, aon-ghuthach, aon-toileach
unasked adj gun iarraidh m, come - thig vi irreg gun iarraidh
unassuming adj iriosal & iriseal
unattainable adj do-ruigsinn
unavoidable adj do-sheachanta
unceasing, unceasingly adj & adv gun sgur m
uncertain adj mi-clUnnteach
uncertainty 11 teagamh m, mi-clUnnt f
uncivil adj mi-shlobhalta
uncle 11 (on mother's side) brathair m mathar f gen, (on father's side) brathair
athar m gen
unclothed adj lomnochd, rWsgte, (less /1511) lom

388 389
uncommon E GUSH-GAELIC DICTIONARY understanding undertake E GLISH-GAELIC DICTIONARY ungodly

uncommon adj neo-chumanta, tearc undertake v 1 (take on) gabh vt os lairnh (dat oflamh f); 2 (gllarantee, promise
unconcerned adj coma to do something) geall vi
unconditional adj gun chumhachan Jpl, - surrender geilleadh m gun undertaker n neach-adhlacaidh m (plluchd-adhlacaidh m sing coil)
chumhachan undertaking n 1 (project &c) gnothach m; 2 (commitment, aSSllrance &c)
uncountable adj do-aireamh geaUadh m
uncouth adj barb, garbh, graisgeil underwear 11 fo-aodach m sillg coll
uncouthness n grilisgealachd f invar undo v 1 neo-dhean vt; 2 (1Il1tie &c) fuasgail vt, la50ich vt, - a knot/a
uncultivated adj fas, ban, - ground talamh fas/ban shoelace fuasgail snaidhm m/barrall m
undecided adj & past part ann an iomadh-<:homhairle j; eadar dha lionn In sing, undoubtedly adv gun teagamh m (sam bith)
- as to what I would do ann an iomadh-<:homhairle de a dheanainn undress v 1 (as vt) rUisg vt; 2 (as vI) cuir dheth (&c) a (&c) c(h)uid f aodaich
under- prefix 1 (referring to ImW/' phys level &c) fo-, eg underpass n fo-cathad m gell, we -ed chuir sinn dhinn ar cuid aodaich
m, fo-shlighe j; underclothes npl fo-aodach m; 2 (expr subordination) fo-, undressed adj lomnochd, rillsgte
iar-, Under-Secretary of State Fo-rimaire m na Slilite, under-elerk iar- unease 11 an-shoeair f, imcheist f
chIeireach m, under-gamekeeper iar-gheamair m; see also examples below uneasy adj anshoerach, an-fholseil, fo imcheist f
under prep 1 fo (lenites following 1I0un where possible & takes the dat), - me unemployed adj gun obair j; gun chosnadh m
fodham(5O), - you (sing fam) fodhad(5O), - him, - it (m) fodha(san), - unemploymentn cion-eosnaidh m, - benefit sochair f cion-eosnaidh, ifam)
her, - it if) foidhpe(se) or foipe(se), - us fodhainn(e), - you (pI or sing doi! m invnr
formal) fodhaibh(se), - them fodhpa(san) or fopa(san), - the surface unenterprising adj lag-ehUiseach
fon uachdar m, - a tree fo chraoibhj; - an obligation fo chomainf(to unequal adj neo-ionann
aig), - control fo smachd m invar, - a spell fo gheasaibh (ohs dat pi of unexpected adj, unexpectedly adv, gun dUi! f ris (&c), gun suil f ris (&c),
geas f); 2 (adv usage) the boat went - chaidh am bata fodha gun fhiosta, an - visit ceilidh mf ris nach robh dUi!/suil , he arrived
underclothes npl fo-aodach m sing coll -Iy thainig e gun duil/sUi! againn (&c) ris, thainig e gun fhiosta
underdeveloped adj dl-lea5Oichte (dhuinn &c)
undergo v 1 (endure &c) fuiling & fulaing vt, - hardship fuiling cruadal m; unfair adj mJ-ehothromach
2 in expr - surgery rach vi fo obair-Ieigh f unfairness n ana-eothrom m, mi-chothrom m
undergraduate 1I fo-cheumnaiche m unfaithful adj neo-dhileas
underground adj fo-thaiamh unfamiliar adj coirnheach
undergrowth n fo-fhas m unfashionable adj neo-fhasanta
underhand adj cealgach, os lo5Ol & os lseal unfavourable adj neo-fhabharach
underline v 1 (lit) cuir loidhne f (with prep fo); 2 (jig: confirm, emphasise) unfeeling adj fuar, neo-mhothachail
comharraich vt, leig cudthrom m (with prep air), daingnich vt unfeigned adj fior, neo-chealgach
underling n lochdaran m unfit adj 1 (ill health) euslainteach, (less IISIl) anfhann; 2 in expr he's - for
underpants n drathais & drathacs f invar the job (through lack of ability &c) chan eil e aig ire f illvar na h-obrach,
underpass n fo-rathad m, fo-shlighe f (more fam: calqlle) chan eil e suas ris an obair f
under-secretary 11 (clerical grade) iar-chleireach m, (government office) fo- unfold v sgaoil vti, fosgail vti
rimaire m unforeseen adj gun dUi! j; gun sUi! f, an - occurrence tachartas m ris nach
understand V tuig vti, lean vti, are you -ing me? a bheil sibh gam robh dUi!/sUi! (againn &c)
thuigsinn/gam leantainn? unfortunate adj mJ-fhortanach, mi-shealbhach
understanding adj tuigseach, mothachail, an - friend caraid tuigseach unfounded adj (claim &c) gun bhunait mf
understanding n 1 (the mental faculty or capacity; also sympathetic -) tuigse unfriendly adj neo-chairdeil
f invar; 2 (good sense, judgement, intelligence) ciall j; toinisg j; tUr m; unfruitful adj neo-tharbhach, neo-thorach
3 (agreemellt behueen parties) cordadh m, we had an - about that bha unfurl v sgaoil vti, fosgail vti
cordadh againn/eadarainn mu dheidhinn sin, reach/come to an - thig ungainly adj cearbach
vi gu cordadh ungodly adj neo-dhiadhaidh

390 391
ungovernable ENGLISH-GAELIC DICTIO ARY unknowable unknown ENGLISH-GAELIC DICTIONARY unsaleable

ungovernable adj do-riaghlaidh unknown adj 1 neo-aithnichte; 2 in exprs - to (ie withol/t someone's knowledge)
ungrateful adj ml-thaingeil, ml-bhuidheach gun fhios m (with prep do or aig), - to Mary, he sold the house gun
unhappiness n ml-shonas m fhio do Mhitiri/gun fhios aig Mitiri, reic e an taigh m; 3 in expr a bookJ
unhappy adj ml-shona, mi-thoilichte man (&c) - to me (ie thall have no kllowledge of) leabhar/duine m (&c)
unhealthy adj 1 (in poor health) tinn, euslainteach, (less 1/51/; infirm) anfhann; nach eil mi eolach air/air nach eil mi eolach
2 (bad Jor health) ml-fhallain, (more lam) dona (dhut &c) unlawful adj ml-laghail
unholy adj 1 (nol holy) ml-naomh; 2 (snlanic &c) diabhlaidh unless conj 1 call be expressed by the conjs ach & mur(a), I won't go - you're
unhurt adj sian, slan is fallain agreeable/in favour cha teid mi ann ach ma tha thusa air a shon, cha
unification n co-aonachadh m teid mi ann mura bheil thusa air a shon; 2 nole also the CIImbersome
unified adj & past part (co-)aonaichte construction he wouldn't be satisfied - I went with him chan
uniform adj cunbhalach, aon-fhillte fhoghnadh leis gun mise dhol comhla ris
uniform n eideadh m, deise I unlicensed adj gun cheadachd I il/var
unify v co-aonaich vt unlike, unlikely adj eu-coltach
unilateral adj aon-taobhach unlimited adj neo-ehriochnach
unimportant adj gun chudthrom m, gun bhrlgh f, neo-chudthromach unload v falrnhaich vi, aotromaich vt
uninjured adj slan, slan is fallain unlucky adj mi-shealbhach, ml-fhortanach
uninteUigent adj neo-thoinisgeil unmanageable adj do-stiUiridh, do-eheannsachaidh
unintelligible adj do-thuigsinn unmanly adj neo-fhearail
uninteresting adj liosda, tieram, neo-inntinneach unnecessary adj neo-riatanach
uninterrupted adj (ie contilll/al) gun stad m, gun sgur m, leanailteach, unobtrusive adj neo-fhollaiseach
leantainneach unoccupied adj fits, falarnh
uninvited adj & adv gun iarraidh m, come - thig vi gun iarraidh unofficial adj neo-oifigeil
union n aonadh nE unpaid adj 1 (bill &c) neo-dhlolta; 2 (worker &c) gun phitigheadh 1tI, gun
unique adj gun samhail m, gun seis(e) m, air leth tuarastal m
unit n (leam, orgal/isntion &c) aonad f, development - aonad-leasachaidh I unparalleled adj gun choirneas I
unitary adj aonadach unpleasant adj ml-thaitneach, ml-chitilear
unite v 1 (join) ceangail vt, co-eheangail vt, (to/with ri), aonaich vii; 2 (join unpolluted adj neo-thruaillidh
logelher, cooperale) thig vi comhla unprepared adj neo-ullarnh, gun ullachadh m
united adj & past pari aonaichte, the United Nations a Duthchannan Jpl unproductive adj neo-tharbhach
Aonaichte, the United States Na Stititean Jpl Aonaichte unprofitable adj (esp fin) neo-bhuannachdail, (more generally) neo-
unity 11 aonachd I invar tharbhach
universal adj (commol/ to all) coitcheann, uile-ehoitcheann, - suffrage coir- unprotected adj neo-thearainte
bhotaidh choitcheann unrecognised adj neo-aithnichte
universe n 1 (I/sed with arl) an domhan, an cruinne-ee mf, A' Chruitheachd; unreasonable adj ml-reusanta
2 ill expr the King/Lord of the Universe (ie Ihe Deity) Rlgh m nan Ditl unreliable adj neo-earbsach, cugallach, the world is - (trad) is cugallach
(gen pi 01 d Uil f) an saoghal
university n oilthigh m, Glasgow University Oilthigh Ghlaschu gel/, unresolved adj gun fhuasgladh m, an - problem/question ceist I gun
the Open University An t-Oilthigh Fosgailte, she's at - tha i aig an fhuasgladh
oilthigh unripe adj an-abaich
unjust adj ml-cheart, ana-ceart unrivalled adj gun seis(e) m, gun choirneas ItI
unkempt adj luideach, cearbach, robach unruliness 1/ gairge I illvar, aimhreit f, buaireas m
unkind adj neo-choibhneil unruly adj (people) garg, airnhreiteach, buaireasach, upraideach
unkindness n neo-choibhneas m unsafe adj mi-shabhailte
unknowable adj do-aithnichte unsaleable adj do-reicte

392 393
unsavoury adj mi-bhlasta eirich vi (suas), I got - late yesterday dh'eirich rni anmoch an-de, (more
unselfish adj neo-fheineiJ colloquially) bha rni fada gun eirigh fan-de, stand - seas vi, seas vi suas,
unsettled adj neo-shuidhichte seas vi an aird, eirich vi (na &c s(h)easamh m), we stood - sheas sinn
unsheathe v (sword &c) rillsg vt (suas/an aird), dh'eirich sinn nar seasarM, rise - (rebel &c) eirich vi
unskilled adj neo-ealanta, neo-uidheamaichte suas, - and about air chois (dot of cas j), keep it -! cUm vi ort!, don't
unsociable adj neo-chuideachdail give -! cUm vi ris!, grow - (ie mature) thig vi gu inbhe f, grow -! na bi
unsolved adj gun fhuasgladh m, an - problem/question ceist f gun cho leanabail!, dry - (ie wither) crlon vti, hurry -! (ie be quick) greas
fhuasgladh ort/{p/) greasaibh oirbh!, dean/deanaibh cabhagf, is he - to the job?
unsound adj neo-fhaJIain a bheil e aig irefna h-obrach?, (0[50) a bheil e suas ris an obair?, what
unsparingly adv gun chaomhnadh m are you - to? de a tha sibh ris?, (jam) what's -? de a tha cearr (ort &c)?,
unspeakable adj do-labhairt put - a notice cuir suas sanas tu, cuir sanas an airde, wake - ditisg vti,
unstable adj neo-sheasmhach, critheanach, cugaJlach shut -! dUin do bheuJ m!
unsteady adj critheanach, cugaJlach, tulgach, - on his feet cugallach air a up prep in expr - to (of movement - as far as; of time - until) chun & thun
chasanJP[ (with gen), gu ruige (with nom), we went - to the gate chaidh sinn chun
unsuitable adj mJ-fhreagarrach, neo-iomchaidh a' gheata m, the floods came (right) - to the house thainig na tWltean
untidy adj 1 (of places, objects) ml-sgiobalta, troimh-a-cheile; 2 (esp ofperson's JPI gu ruige an taigh, it hasn't happened - to now cha do thachair e
appearance) cearbach, luideach, robach chun a seo/gu ruige seo, we'll be busy (right) - to New Year bidh
untie v fuasgail vt, - a knolla shoelace fuasgail snaidhm m/barrall m sinn trang gu ruige a' Bhliadhna Ur
until conj gus an, gus am, (neg) gus nach, I won't get the meal ready - you upkeep n 1 cumaiJ f suas; 2 (of livestock &c) beathachadh m
come home cha deasaich mi am biadh gus an fig thu dhachaigh, I'll uphill adv ris a' bruthaich mf dot
earn money - we've got enough of it coisnidh mJ airgead m gus am uphold v cUm vt suas
bi gu leOr againn dheth, keep it - you don't need it any more cUm e upland n aonach m, monadh m, (esp in place-names) braigh m, uachdar m
gus nach bi an corr feum m agad air uplifting adj brosnachaiJ, a thogas an cridhe m
until prep 1 gu & gus (with dat), we'll wait/stay - six o'clock fanaidh upon prep 1 (lit & fig) air, - the table air a' bhOrd, we came - him on the
sinn gu sia uairean JPI, I can't keep/save it - tomorrow chan urrainn hill thachair vi e oirnn/thachair sinn air anns a' mhonadh m, it is
dhomh a ghleidheadh gu(s) a-maireach; 2 (up -) gu ruige (with nom), incumbent - you tha e mar fhiachaibh (obs dat pi of fiach m) oirbh;
we'll be busy - New Year bidh sinn trang gu ruige a' Bhliadhna Ur 2 (in addition to) thar (with gen), thousands - thousands miltean mp[
untimely adj neo-thrathaiJ thar mhiJtean
untruth n breugf upper adj 1 (lit & fig) uachdrach, (politics, law court &c) the - chamber an
untruthful adj breugach seamar uachdrach, (of river) - reaches cilIsa m uachdrach; 2 in exprs
unusual adj 1 neo-abhaisteach, neo-chumanta; 2 (novel) annasach - lip beuJ-uachdair m, get the - hand faigh litmh f an uachdair, dean
unwell adj tinn, (more fam) bochd an gnothach m, dean a' chills f, (of/over air), we got the - hand over
unwilling adj lleisg, amdeonach; 2 in expr I am - to sell it (&c) chan eil mi them fhuair sinn lamh an uachdair orra, rinn sinn an gnothach/a'
deonach (air) a reic m invar (&c), is leisg leam a reic (&c) chills orra
unwillingly adv an aghaidh a (&c) t(h)oil f gen, I stood up - sheas rni upright adj 1 (phys & morally) direach, stand - seas vi direach; 2 (morally)
(suas) an aghaidh mo thoil onarach, ceart, ionraic, an - man duine direach/onarach/ceart/ionraic
up adv & prep 1 (expr position) shuas, there's a plane - there tha pleana uproar n upraid f, gleadhar m, othail f, iorghail f
mf shuas an sin, she's - the stair tha i shuas an staidhre J; 2 (expr uproarious adj upraideach
movement: from point of view of person!s) away from whom the movement upset v 1 (knock over, overturn) leag vt, cuir vt bun-os-cionn; 2 (put objects,
is made) suas, she went - chaidh i suas, she went - the stair/the street situations &c into disarray) cuir vt troirnh-a-cheile; 3 (- someone
chaidh i suas an staidhre/an t-sraid; 3 (expr movement: from point of emotionally) buair vt, cuir vt troirnh-a-cheile, the news - us chuir an
view of person!s) towards whom the movement is made) a-nlos (lit 'from naidheachd f troirnh-a-cheile sinn, bhuair an naidheachd sinn
below'), come - to us! thig vi a-nlos thugainn!; 4 (mise idioma & exprs) upsetting adj (of situations &c) buaireasach, frionasach
- the hill/slope ris a' bruthaich mf, get - (from bed, sitting position &c) upside down adj bun-os-cionn

394 395
upstairs ENGLISH-GAELIC DlcrlONARY uterus utilise ENGLISH-GAELIC DlcrlONARY uvula
upstairs adv 1 (expr motioll) suas an staidhre f dat, they went - chaidh iad utilise v cleachd vt, cuir vt gu feum m, dean feum (witlr prep de)
suas an staidhre; 2 (expr positioll) shuas an stajdhre, they're - tha iad utility 11 1 (abstr) feum m, feumalachd f illvar; 2 (call: water, electricity &c
shuas an staidhre compallies) ill expr the - industries na gniomhachasan-seirbheis mpl
upstream adv (expr motioll) ris an t-sruth f dat, she went - chaidh i ris an utter adj dearg (precedes tire 1101/11, wlriclr it lenites wlrere possible), gu c(h)U1 m,
t-sruth an - fool dearg amadan m, amadan gu chill
up-to-date adj ill-nodha utter v abair vt irreg, can vt def, cuir vt an ceill (gen of cian j)
upturn n (in forllllles, ecollomy &c) car math utterly adv 1 gu rur, gu h-iomlan, gu buileach, uile-gu-leir, air fad,
urban adj bailteil, - developmentleasachadh bailteil, - sprawl sgaoileadh _ different gu rur eadar-dhealaichte, they were - destroyed chaidh
bailteil an sgrios m gu h-iomlan/gu buileach/uiIe-gu-leir/air fad; 2 (idiomatic
urbane adj suairc(e) I/ses will, dearg & dubh) she's - spoilt tha i air a dearg mhilleadh,
urbanity n suajrceas 111 _ naked dearg rwsgte, he's - lazy tha e leisg agus dubh leisg
urge v 1 (- to do somelllillg) cuir impidh m/impidh f (willl prep air), spreig u·tum n car m iomJan
vt, stuig vt, coitjch vt, they -d me to give up my job/to retire chuir iad uvula 11 doch f an t-sluigein
impidh/impidh orm mo dhreuchd f a leigeil dhiom; 2 - on (encol/rage)
brosnaich vt, piobraich vt, (lrl/rry 011, drive 011) greas vt, (esp livestock)
iomain vt
urgency n deilir f, cabhagf
urgent adj deifireach, cabhagach
urging 11 impidh m & impidh f, spreigeadh m
urinate v dean mlm m, mUin vi
urination 11 mlm nz, deanamh 111 mum nE gen
urine n film 111/ fual 111

usage n (cl/stom, Irabit &c) cleachdadh m, abhaist f, nos m, gnath(s) m

use 11 1 (I/tilisotioll) feum m, make - of cuir vt gu feum, dean feum (willl
prep de), we made - of it chuir sinn gu feum e, rinn sinn feum dheth;
2 (vall/e, I/sefl//lless) feum m, (occas) math m, this machine's no - chan
eil feum (sam bith) anns an inneal m seo, what's the - of talking? de
am feum a bhith a' bruidhinn?, de am math a bhith a' bruidhinn?
use v 1 cleachd vt, dean feum m (witlr prep de), - a hammer cleachd ord m;
2 (expr Irabitl/al sitl/atioll ill tire past) cleachd vi, I -d to be bad-tempered
chleachd mi a bhith droch-nadarrach, it's not as cold as it -d to be
chan eil e cho tuar agus a chleachd e a bhith, also chan eil e cho tuar
's a b' abhaist
used adj & past part 1 cleachdte, - car car cleachdte; 2 (accl/stomed) cleachdte
(to ri), I'm not - to it chan eil mi cleachdte ris; 3 in expr get - to it!
cleachd thu fhein ris!
useful adj 1 feumail, a - book leabhar feumail; 2 ill expr be - dean feum m
(to do), scissors would be - just now dheanadh siosar mf sillg feum
an-drasta, bhiodh siosar feumail an-drasta
useless adj gun fheum m, a - man/job duine m/obairfgun fheum
user 11 neach-cleachdajdh m, -s luchd-cleachdajdh m sillg call
usual adj abhajsteach, cumanta, gnathach
usuallyadv mar as trice, an cumantas m, am bitheantas m
uterus n machlagf

396 397

veal 11 laoigh-throil f
v veer v claon vi
vegetable, vegetables 11 glasraich f illvar, sillg & coli
vacancy n dreuchdf/aite m (&c) ri lionadh vehemence n deineas 111
vacant adj 1 (of site &c) falamh, ban; 2 (of job vacallcy &c) ri lionadh vehement adj dian
vacuous adj faoin vehicle 11 carbad m
vacuum n falmhachd f invar vein 11 cuisle f (less IISIl) feith f
vagina 11 faighean m, pit f velocity 11 luas & luaths m, astar m
vague adj nee-phongail, nee-shoilleir velvet 11 meileabhaid f
vain adj 1 (flltile) faoin, diomhain, the - endeavours of mankind oidhirpean vendor" reiceadair tu
Jpl faoin/diomhain mhic-an-duine m gen; 2 (COIICeited &c) mor as (&c) venerable adj urramach
fhein/thin, morchuiseach, I'm not - chan eil mi mor asam thin vengeance 11 dioghaltas m
valid adj eifeachdach, tabhachdach, a - driving licence cead-draibhidh m vennel 11 caol-shritid f
Meachdach venom n (jig & lit) nirnh & neirnh m, (lit) puinnsean m
validate v dearbh vt venomous adj (jig & lit) nirnheil, (lit) puinnseanach, puinnseanta
valley 11 gleann m, (small, narrow) glac m venture 11 (bllsilless &c) iomairt f
valour n gaisge f illvar, gaisgeachd f illvar verb 11 gniomhair m, regular -s gniomhairean riaghailteach, irregular -s
valuable adj luachmhor, priseil gniomhairean nee-riaghailteach
valuation n luachachadh m, meas m verbal adj broil (gell ofbeul m, used adjectivally), a - agreement cordadh m
value n 1 luach m illvar, (esp in lIeg exprs) fiu m illvar, what's its -? de an beOiI
luach a th' ann?, it's of no - tha e gun flUu, also chan flUach e; 2 in erpr verbatim adj & adv facal m air an thacal
is this of - to/for you? no an fhiach vi seo dhut? chan flUach verbose adj faclach, briathrach
value v 1 (estimnte vallle of) luachaich vt, meas vt; 2 (prize) CUll luach m invar verdict 11 breith f illvar
(with prep air) verge 111 oir f iomaLl m, criochf the - of the wood oir/iomall na coille;
valued adj measail 2 (at roadside) fal f
valueless adj gun fhiu m invar, gun luach m invar verify v dearbh vt
valve 11 ciochagf vernacular 11 cainnt f (na) duthcha, cainnt dhuthchasach
vandal n milltear m versatile adj iol-chomasach
vanguard n toiseach m, the - of the army toiseach an airm versatility 11 iol-chomas m
vanity n 1 (flltility) faoineas m, diomhanas m, (Bibl) - of vanities diomhanas verse III (poetry) bardachd f illvar, rann m, dilnachd f invar; 2 (esp cOlltrasted
nan dlomhanas; 2 (conceit &c) morchuis f with prose) rann m, prose and - rosg m is rann; 3 (a sillgle -) rann m; 4 in
vapour n deatach f smuid f emit/give out - cull deatach expr free - saor-rannaigheachd f illvar
variable adj caochlaideach ve.rsification 11 rannaigheachd f illvar
variation n atharrachadh nE vertical adj direach
variety 11 1 (abstr) caochladh m, a - of caochladh (with gen pi), a - of very adv 1 gle, fior, (strollger) ro, (alllellite afollowillg cons where possible), -
occupations caochladh dhreuchdan Jpl gell; 2 (sort, kind, genlls) seorsa old gle shean, - quickly gle luath, the food was - good bha am biadh
m,gnef fior mhath, the - Reverend William Campbell An Re-urramach/ Am
various adj caochladh m (with gell pi), in - places ann an caochladh Fior urramach Uilleam Cairnbeul; 2 ill expr - ... indeed cianail thein,
aHeachan mpl gen uabhasach thein, - good indeed cianail thein math; 3 (exact, identical)
varnish n falaid m dearbh, ceart, ceudna, thein, the - man! an dearbh dhuine! /11, an ceart
varnish v falaidich vt duine!, an duine ceudna!, an duine thein!, the - thing I needed an
vary v atharraich vti dearbh rud m a bha dhlth orm; 4 (even) thein, I lost the - lace out of
vat n dabhach f my shoe chaill mi am baraLl thein as mo bhroig (dat ofbrogf)
vault n (architechlre) crUisle m vessel 11 1 (sailillg -) soitheach m, long & lungf bata m; 2 (dish) soitheach m

398 399
vest ENGLISH-GAELIC DICfIO ARY vigorous vigour E GLlSH-GAELlC DICfIONARY vocational
vest 11 fo-leine f peitean m vigour 11 1 (phys) luth & luths m, neart m, sgairt f; 2 (intellechla/) sgairt f
vestige 11 lorgf there's no - of it chan eillorg air vile adj 1 (disgusting &c) graineil, granda & grilnnda; 2 (abject) diblidh
vet 11 bheatll, (more trad) lighiche-bheathaichean m, lighiche-spreidh m vilify v mab vt, dubh-ehain vt
vet v sgrud vi vine n crann-fiona m, fionnan m
veto l n bheato tu vinegar Il fion-geur m
veto' n dean bheato m (wilh prep air) violence Il fbimeart Ul, ainneart m
vex v saraich vi, e1aoidh vI, farranaich vi violent adj britideil
vexing adj (situalions &c) frionasach, leamh, they're constantly asking me violin n fidheall f, a tune on the - port m air an fhidhill dat
- questions bidh iad a' cur cheistean Jpl gell frionasach orm fad na violinist 11 fldhlear m
h-Uine vipe.r n nathair-nimhe f
vice I n 1 (immorality, wickedlless) aingidheachd f invar; 2 (ulldesirable trait or vi.rgin 11 Digh f ainni.r f maighdeann f
habil) droch-ghnaths m, droch-bheus f, droch-bheart f virginal adj Digheil
vice'll (clamp) teanchair & teannachair m virginity n (phys & abslr) maighdeannas m
vice- prefix iar- (lenites following cons where possible), eg vice-president iar- virtue n 1 (moral conducl) subhailc f deagh-bheus f; 2 (Lit: inherent quality,
cheann-suidhe 11l, vice-chairman iar-chathraiche m, iar-fhear-eathrach value) brlgh f invar, a food without - biadh m gun bhrlgh; 3 in expr
m by - of do bhrlgh, air sgath, a chionn, (all with gen), she got the job
vice versa adv, (and) - agus a chaochladh m, he gave her a present, and _ by - of her qualifications fhuair i an obair f do bhrlgh/m sgath nan
thug e tiodhlac m dhi, agus a chaochladh teisteanan mpl (a bh') aice
vicious adj 1 aingidh; 2 (hurtful &c) guineach, nimheil, - criticism virtuous adj (of moral cOllduct) subhailceach, deagh-bheusach
caineadh guineach/nimheil; 3 (phys violelll) brUideiJ, a - beating virulent adj nimheil
slacadh brUideil visible adj ri f(h)aicinn, ris, faicsinneach, leirsinneach, there was nothing -
victim n (of accidenl) lrointeach m cha robh dilm invar ri fhaicinn, her elbow was - bha a h-uileann ris
victor n buadhaiche m, buadhair m vision 11 1 (eyesight) fradha.rc & radharc m, leirsinn f invar); 21joresight &c)
victory n buaidh f leirsinn f illvar; 3 (supernatural dream &c) aislingf
video n bhideo f visit 11 1 (esp 10 a personltadhal m, ceilidh mf pay X a - cuir ceilidh air X,
view n 1 (attraclive scellery &c) sealJadh m, sealJadh duthcha (gell of duthaich also tadhail vi ai.r X; 2 (to a place) luras m, sgriob f (to do), a - to Uist
f), beautiful -s sealJaidhean breagha; 2 (a field of vision) fradharc & luras/sgriob do dh'Uibhist, on a - air luras
radharc m, sealladh m, fianais f come into - thig vi san (fh)radharc, visit v 1 (- people) tadhail vi, rach vi a cheilidh, rach m cheilidh mf (all
thig an sealladh or san t-sealladh, thig am fianais; 3 (Opillioll) beachd with prep air), -ing my parents a' tadhal air mo phil.rantan mpl, -
m, I take the - that ... tha mi den bheachd gu ... , that is not my -! friends tadhail ai.r caraidean mpl, rach a/m cheilidh m caraidean;
chan e sin mo bheachd-sa!; 4 in exprs in - of (ie cOllsiderillg) a' cur 2 (- places) rach vi air luras III (with prep gu), we -ed the Isle of Man
san aireamh f ifollowed by gen), leis mar a bha Ijollowed by 1l0UIl), in - chaidh sinn m luras gu Eilean Mhanainn, also bha luras againn gu
of the rent, we took the house a' cur san aireamh am mal/leis mar Eilean Mhannain
a bha am mal, ghabh sinn an taigh m, point of - sealladh m, it's an visitor III neach-tadhaillll (plluchd-tadhail m sing coli); 2 (holidaymaker &c)
improvement from the point of - that the costs will be lower is e fear-lurais Ill, neach-lurais m (plluchd-lurais III sing col/)
leasachadh m a th' ann bhon t-sealladh 's gum bi na cosgaisean Jpl nas vital adj 1 (lively &c) beothail, brighmhor, luthmhor; 2 in expr - spa.rk rong
isle, (or more simply) is e leasachadh a th' ann a-thaobh 's gum bi na f; 3 (illdispellsoble) riatanach, deatamach, ro-chud(th)romach
cosgaisean nas isle vitality 11 beothalachd f illvar
viewer n (TV &c) neach-eoimhid m, -s luchd-eoimhid m sillg call vivacious adj beothail, meanmnach
vigilance n furachas m vivacity 11 beothalachd f illvar, meanmna III
vigilant adj furachail vocabulary 11 1 (abstr) faelan mpl, briath.ran mpl; 2 (COil: in book fornl &c)
vigorous adj 1 (phys) luthmhor, brighmhor, sgairteil; 2 (ill argumellt, faelm m, briath.rachan m
discussion &c) sgairteil, a - exposition of his views mineachadh m vocation 11 1 (esp a callillg, eg the church) gairm f; 2 (occupalioll) dreuchd f
sgairteil de na beachdan mpl aige vocational adj dreuchdail, - training oideachas dreuchdail

400 401
vocative adj (gram) gairmeach, the - case an miseal gairmeach
voice n 1 guth m, in a low - ann an guth iosal/iseal; 2 ill expr singing at w
the top of my - a' seinn vi (aig) ard mo chJaiginn (gell of claigeann Ill);
3 (gralll) guth Ill, the passive - an guth fulangach wafer n sliseagf
voice v cuir vt an ceill (gell of ciaJl f), she -d her own anxiety chuir i an ceill wag v 1 (as VI) bog vi, the dog's tail was -ging bha earball a' choin a'
a h-iomagain f £hein bogadh; 2 (as vt) crath vt, a dog -ging ills tail ell III (is e) a' crathadh
void n fal(a)mhachd f invar, fanas Ill, fasalachd f illvar earbaiJ1 m gen
volatile adj caochJaideach wage, wages n tuarastal f, paigheadh Ill, (less IISU) duais f, cosnadh m
volcanic adj, bholcanach wage v dean vt, - war dean cogadh 111
volcano 11 bholcano Ill, beinn-theine f wager n geaJlIll, putlIay/place a - cWr geall (on air)
volume 11 (capacity) tomhas-llonaidh III wager v 1 (lit) cuir geaJlIII (on air); 2 (fig) cuir vi an geaJlIII, rach vi irreg an
voluntary adj saor-thoiJeach urras 111 (with conj gu/nach), I'll - he won't come cuiridh mi an geall
volunteer 11 saor-thoiJeach III nach tig e, theid mi an urras nach tig e
vomit n dlobhairtlllf invar wail v caoin vi, gull vi
vomit v dlobhair vti, sgeith vti, cuir vti a-mach waist n meadhan m
vomiting 11 diobhairt IIIf illvar, sgeith III waistcoat n peitean m
voracious adj craosach, geOcach, gionach wait v 1 fuirich vi, feith vi, (for ri), you - here! fuirich thusa an seo!, I was
vote v 1 bhot vi (for airson); 2 in expr - into office tagh vt -ing for you bha mi a' fuireach riut/a' feithearnh nut, - a minute!
voter n neach-bhOtaidh III (plluchd-bhOtaidh III sing call) fuirich mionaidfi, -ing for the bus a' feithearnh ris a' bhus 111; 2 in expr
voting n bhOtadh Ill, - rights coraichean Jpl bhotaidh gen the bus was -ing bha am bus na stad 111; 3 (serve) freastail vi (with prep
vouch v rach vi an urras m (for air), - for someone rach an urras air air), fritheil vi (on air), - at table freastail don bhord m, - on the guests
cllideigin mf invar fritheil air na h-aoighean mpl
voucher n cupon m waiter n gille-frithealaidh m
vow n geaIJadh m, boid f waiting list n liosta-feitheimh f
vow v geaIJ vti, thoir geaIJadh Ill, gabh boid f, boidich vi, he -ed he waitress n caileag-fhrithealaidh f
wouldn't do it again gheaJl e nach deanadh e a-rithist e wake, waken v 1 dUisg vti, I wakened/woke (up) at six dhUisg mi aig (a)
vowel n fualinreagf sia, - me (up)/- me in two hours dUisg mi an ceann da uair f gen a IJor
voyage n luras-mara m, bhoids(e) f de) thlde f; 2 in excl - up! dUisg!/dUisgibh!, (to slow or sleepy person)
vulgar adj 1 (uncouth &c) graisgeil, garbh, borb; 2 (indecent) draosta, crath dhlot an cadal!
drabasta; 3 (belonging to the people) coitcheann, cumanta, - tongue wakened adj & past part na (&c) d(h)Uisg, na (&c) d(h)usgadh
cainnt choitcheann/chumanta walk n cuairtf, go forltake a - gabh cuairt/rach vi irreg air chuairt
vulgarity n 1 (uncouthness) graisgealachd f illvar; 2 (indecellcy) draostachdf walk v 1 coisich vi, I -ed along/on/onwards choisich mi romham; 2 (as
invar, drabastachd f invar opposed to driving/riding) rach vi irreg de chois (dat of cas f), I'll - there
vulnerable adj so-lronte theid mi ann dhem chois, also's e coiseachd f invar a nl mi (ann)
vulva pitf walker n coisiche 111
walking n coiseachd f invar, - stick bata 111 coiseachd gen
walln 1 (esp defensive or fortified) mill Ill; 2 (IISU inner or outer - of building,
bllt accas freestanding) balla 111; 3 !freestanding -, eg ofgarden) garradh &
gacadh 111
wallpaper n paipear-baJla III
walnut n 1 cno Fhrangachf, gall-ehno f; 2 (- tree) crann 111 ghaIJ-chno gen
walrus n each-mara m
wan adj glas-neuJach
wand n slat f, slatagf

402 403
wander v 1 (travel far & wide, at random, or like an exile) rach vi irreg air
fhuadan m, bl VI Irreg air fhuadan, (more trad) rach/bi aiI aUaban m; warn v thoiI rabhadh m (witlt prep do), earalaich vt, (about/against aiI),
2 (get lost, stray) rach vi irreg air seachran m, rach vi air iomraU m; 3 in they -ed me about/against her thug iad rabhadh dhomh oiIre
expr. you made me - from the point chuir thu as mo ghabhail mf mi warning n rabhadh m, earalachadh m, a - bell clag-rabhaidh m
wandenng ad) 1 (lost, astray) air iomralJ m, aiI seachran m; 2 (like an exile, a warrantn 1 (guarantee) bar(r)antas m, urras m; 2 (autltorisation) bar(r)antas
traveller) aiI fhuadan m, air aUaban m m, building - barrantas-togailm, arrest - barrantas-glacaidh m
wandering n 1 (wlten lost, astray) seachran m, iomraIJ m; 2 (like an exile, a warrior n 1 fear-<:ogaidh m (plluchd-<:ogaidh m sing coll); 2 (as trad term of
traveller) fuadan m, alJaban m praise) gaisgeach m, laoch m, curaidh m, seud m
want n 1 (lack) dlth m, cion m invar, uireasbhaidh f easbhaidh f; 2 (poverty) warship n long-<:hogaidh f
bochdamn f (less IISIl) ainnis f wart 11 fainne 111
want v 1 (require, wislt for) iarr vt, (more fam) bi vi aiIson (witlt gen), do you wary adj 1 (alert) faiceallach, cUramach; 2 (mistrustflll) amharasach,
- alsome coffee? a bheil thu ag iarraidh cofaidh Ill?, the children -ed teagrnhach
me to,buy a kitten bha a' chlann ag iarraidh orm piseagfa cheannach, wash v nigh vt, ionnJaid vt, - the baby nigh an leanabh m, I was -ing bha
I don t - you to be on your own chan eil mi airson gum bi thu nad rni gam nighe thin
aonar mf; 2 (reqlllre, look for) siI vt, the company -s workers tha a' washbasin n rnias-ionnJaid f
chompanaidh a' siIeadh luchd-obrach m sing coll; 3 (in sltop &c) what washer' n IJor screw or bolt) cearclan m
do you -? de tha a dhith m oiIbh?, I - a coat tha cota m a dhith orm; 4 washer' n (jar clotltes) nigheadair m
(lack, need) bi vi irreg a dhith, bi a dh'easbhaaidh f (witlt prep air), what washhouse n taigh-nighe m
do they' - (for)? de.a tha a dhith/a dh'easbhaidh orra?; 5 (like, wislt) washing n (abstr) nighe m invar, ionnJad m; (con: a botclt of waS/ling)
togalI VI (often used 11/ relative fut tense), we'll go on holiday, if you _ nigheadaiIeachd f invar
theid sinn air laithean-saora mpl, ma thogras tu washing-machine n nigheadair m, inneal-nighe m, inneal-nigheadaiIeachd
wanting adj a dhith m, a dh'easbhaidh f easbhaidheach, food is - tha m
biadh m a dhith wasp n speach f -'s sting gath f speacha gen
war n cogadh m, the First (World) War a' Chiad Chogadh, An Cogadh Mor, waste adj fas, - ground talamh fas
make/wage - dean cogadh, on a - footing aiI ghleus mf cogaidh gen waste n 1 caU m, cosg m invar, a - of time/money caIJ/cosg iJine f gen/
warble v ceileiI vi airgid m gen; 2 (ref"se) sgudal m, - collection/disposal togail f /
warcry n gairm-chogaidh f sluagh-ghairm f glanadh m sgudail gen
wardrobe n preas-aodaich m waste v (esp money) caith vt, cosg vt, struidh vt
warehouse n batharnach m wasteful adj caith(t)each, slruidheil
wares n bathar m sing call, selling their - a' reic an cuidfbathaiI gen waster 11 struidhear 111
warfare n cogadh m watch' n 1 (abstr: guard) faire f caithris f invar, keep - dean/cUm faire,
warlike adj 1 (as term of praise) cathach; 2 (more pej: be/ligerellt &c) cogach the night - faire na h-oidhche, caithris (na h-oidhche); 2 (con: ie tlte
warm a~) 1 (of weatlt~r, objects) blath, it's - today tha i blath an-dlugh, people on -) luchd-faire m sing coll, freiceadan m sing call, a (single)
-. milk bamne blath; 2 (of people, emotions, atmospltere) blath, cridheil, -la member of the - fear-faiIe m; 3 in expr The Black Watch Am
calIdeil, a - welcome failte chridheil Freiceadan Dubh
warm v 1 teasaich vt, teOdh vt, blathaich vt, - (up) the soup teasaich am watch' n (timepiece) uaireadaiI m
brot; 2 (fig: emotionally) tebth vi (to ri), - to someone tebdh ri cuideigin watch v coiInhead vt, - a mmtrV coiInhead film m/an TBh m
mf invar watcher n neach-<:oiInhid m (plluchd-<:oiInhid m sing coll)
war-memorial n cuimhneachan-cogaidh m watchful adj furachail
warm-hearted adj blath-chridheach watchfulness n furachas m
warming n teasachadh m, blathachadh m, teodhadh m, global _ watchman n fear-fa ire m, fear-coiInhid m
blathachadh na cruinne mf water n 1 uisge m, (esp in Lewis Gaelic) bum m, a drink of - deoch f uisge
warmth n 1 (lit) blaths m; 2 (of people, emotions, atmospltere) blaths NI, gen, fresh - (ie as opposed to salt -) fior-uisge, - rnill muileann-uisge mf;
cridhealas NI 2 i" expr pass - dean moo ni, muin vi
water v uisgich vt
waterfall E GUSH-GAELIC DlcnONARY weapon wear ENGLlSH-GAEUC DICTIO ARY weill!!.
waterfall n eas m, leum-uisge m, linne f, sput m wear n 1 (abstr) caitheamh I; 2 (con: apparel) aodach m, evening - aodach-
waterfowl n & npl eun-uisge m, pi eoin-uisge feasgair m
watering can n peiJe-frasaidh m wear v 1 (clollles) cuir vt (with prep air or, more tmd, mu), - your coat tOday
waterproof adj dionach, uisge-dhionach cuir (ort) do chota m an-dlugh; 2 in expr a man -ing a suit fear III is
watershed n druim-uisge m deisel air
watertight adj (house, boat &c) uisge-dhlonach, wind and - dlonach wear out v 1 (clothing &c) caith vI; 2 (of people: ex/mllsl, weary) claoidh vt,
waterway n slighe-uisge I sgithich vI
watery adj uisgeach weariness 11 1 (throllgh latiglle) sgiths & sgios I illvor, claoidheadh m,
waulk v luaidh vIi claoidh I illvar; 2 (through ledium &c) fadachd I invar, fadal m
waulking 11 luadhadh m, - songs orain mplluadhaidh & orain luaidh gen weary adj 1 (throllgh laligue) sgith, claoidhte, (esp throllgh stress, worry &c)
wave n (in sea, physics &c) tonn mf, --power cumhachd ml invar tuinne (gen saraichte, grow - fas vi sgith; 2 (callsillg weariness) cian, a - road rathad
01 tonn), sound - fuaim-thonn mf, heat - teas-tonn nif cian; 3 grow - (esp throllgh tedium) gabh fadachd I invar
wave v 1 (ascii/ale &c) luaisg vi, tulg vi; 2 (signal with the /ulIId) smeid vi, weary v claoidh VI, sgithich vt, (esp by harassment, pressure &c) saraich vI
crath a (&c) lamh{an) f(p/), (to/at ri), they were waving to her bha iad wearying adj sgitheiJ
a' smeideadh rithe/a' crathadh an liimhan rithe weasel n neas (bheag)
wax n ceirl weather n 1 aimsir f, side {also less usu tide)f, bad - droch aimsir/shide,
waxen, waxy adj ceireach unsettled - side chaochJaideach, - forecast tuairmse I (na) side, (a
way n 1 (rollte, road) rathad m, (sometimes with more abstr sense) slighe f, the spell of> dry/fine/fair - Ifollowing mill) turadh m; 2 in expr appalling!
- home an rathad dhachaigh, they went that - chaidh iad an rathad terrible/atrocious - side nan seachd sian{tan) JPl
sin, ghabh iad an t-slighe sin, we met them on the - thachair sinn weather-beaten adj (complexion &c) air dath m nan sian JPl
riutha air an rathad/air an t-slighe, give - geW slighe, right of - coir- weathercock n coiJeach-gaoithe m
slighef, - out tie exit) slighe dol m a-mach, (- oul via a door) doras m weave v figh vIi
dol m a-mach; 2 (direction) taobh m, rathad m, they're coming this _ weaver n breabadair m, figheadair m
tha iad a' tighinn an taobh/an rathad seo; 3 (distance) astar m, a long- weaving 11 fighe "if invar, breabadaireachd I invor, - loom beart-fhighe I
fada adj, that's a fair/a long -! 's e astar mor/math a tha sin!, 's fhada web n 1 lion m, spider's - lion darnhain-allaidh m gell; 2 (IT) 11511 with arl,
sin!, a long - away fad' air faJbh; 4 (- 01 doing something) doigh f, modh the - an t-eadar-lion, - site ionad m eadar-lin gen, larach-lin I
f, seol m, do it (in) this - dean air an doigh seo e, in a particular - air wed adj & past part posta, newly - nuadh-phosta, newly -s caraid I nuadh-
mhodh araidh, - of life doigh-beatha f; 5 in expr Ifam) there's no - phosta, get - pOs vi
that wiJJ work! chan obraich sin idir idir!, chan eiJ doigh gun obraich wedder n mult & molt m
sin; 6 (ClIslom(s) &c) doigh f, they aren't used to our -s chan eiJ iad wedding n banais f, - reception cuirm Ibainnse gen, in expr - ring fainne-
cleachdte ris na doighean againn; 7 in exprs - out (ie escape) dol-as m posaidh mf, fiiinne-post{a) nif
invar, there was no - out for us now except ... cha robh dol-as againn wedge n geinn III
a-nis ach ... , that's the - it is! is ann mar sin a tha (e)! wedlock 11 posadh m
weak adj 1 (phys) lag, Ifaint) fann, (less usu) lapach, - from hunger lag/ Wednesday 11 Didadain m illvor
fann leis an acras m, a - voice guth fann; 2 (emotionally) bog, meata, wee adj 1 beag, a - boy baJach beag; 2 in expr a - bit (adv) caran m, rud
maoth, gun smior m beag, a - bit tired caran sgith, rud beag sgith
weaken v lagaich vti, (less IISU) fannaich vti weed 11 luibh mf, Ius m
weakening n lagachadh m, faWinn I week 11 seachdain f, a - today seachdain an-dlugh
weak-minded adj lag na (&c) inntinn I weekend n deireadh-seachdain m, at the - aig deireadh na seachdaine
weakness n laigse I weekly adj seachdaineach, seachdaineil, (adv) a h-uile seachdain I
wealth n beartas & beairteas m, saidhbhreas m, ionmhas m, storas m, (less weep v caoin vi, gull vi, gail vi, (- vigorously) ran vi
usu) maoin I weeping u caoineadh "', gul 111, gal "" (IlS11 vigorous) ranail m invar, rmaich
wealthy adj beartach & beairteach, saidhbhir I invar
weapon n baU-airm I1J weigh v 1 (as vt) cothromaich vt, cuideamaich vt; 2 (as VI) what's it -? de an

406 407
weigh E GLlSH-GAELlC DICTIONARY well-informed wellington ENGLISH-GAELIC DICflONARY whatever
cudthrom a tha ann?, it-s a kilogram tha cileagram m de chudthrom wellington (boot) n bOtann m
m ann; 3 (melltally) - (up) beachdaich vi, gabh beachd m, (with prep well-known adj ainmeil, (esp persons) iomraiteach
air), -ing up the situalion a' beachdachadh/a' gabhail beachd air an well-liked adj mbr-thaitneach, mor-chordte
t-suidheachadh m well-mannered adj modhail
weight 11 cudthrom m, a kilogram in - cileagram m de chudthrom, I had well-ordered adj dbigheil, brdail, riaghailteach
to put on - b' fheudar dhomh cudthrom a chur orm well-timed adj an deagh am m
weighty adj cudthromach, trom, - matters cuspairean mpl cudthromachl Welsh adj Cuimreach
troma Welshman 11 Cuimreach m
weird adj neOnach west adj siar adj, an iar f illvar, the - wind a' ghaoth an iar, the - coast/-
welcome adj 1 (as excl) -! fajJte f oirbh/orl!, - to my house! tailte f oirbhl side (of the country) an taobh an iar, an taobh siar
orl don taigh m agam!, they bid us - chuir iad tailte oirnn; 2 (after expr west adv an iar f illvar, we're going - tha sinn a' dol an iar, - of the island
of tlumks, apprn:iation &c) you're - is/'s e do bheatha f, is/'s ur beatha, an iar air an eilean Itl, siar air an eilean
thank you very much! you're - moran laing! 's e do bheatha/ur beatha west n iar f invar, the - (ie compass direction) an aird f an iar, the - (ie
welcome n failte f, gabhail mf, we got a heartylIukewarm - fhuair sinn location) an taobh an iar or an taobh siar, breezes from the - oiteagan
failte chridheil/leth-fhuar, what sari of a - did you get? de an seorsa Jplon iar
failte a fhuair sibh? westerly adj on iar f invar, a - wind gaoth f on iar
welcome v cuir failtef(with prep air), faillich vt, they -ed us chuir iad failte western adj siar adj, an iar adv, the Western Isles Na h-Eileanan mpl an Iar
oirnn or Na h-Eileanan Siar
welcoming adj failteachail, fail teach westward(s) adv an iar, chun an iar, chun na h-airde an iar, going - a' dol
weld v tath vt (chun) an iar
welfare n 1 (materinl & psychological circumstallces} cor m, he became wet adj iliuch, a - day la iliuch, I'm - through/soaking - tha mi bog
anxious about the - of the refugees ghabh e curam m mu chor nam iliuch
fogarrach mpl gell; 2 (social security, bellefits &c) sochair (shoisealta), - wet v 1 iliuch vt, the water overflowed, -ling everything chuir an t-uisge
state stait f shochairean gen pI thairis, a' iliuchadh a h-uiJe call m illvar, (jam) - your whistle! iliuch
well adj gu math, faUain, slitn, I'm -, thank you tha (mi) gu math, tapadh do ribheid j!; 2 ill expr he - himself chaill e a mhiln m
leat, he's not a - man chan e duine fallain a th' ann (dheth) wether 11 mult & molt m
well adv 1 gu math, she did the work - 's ann gu math a rinn i an whale 11 muc-mhara f
obair; 2 (in Gaelic constructions with air plus the verbal noulI) deagh, it's what illter proll de, -'s your name? de an t-ainm a th' oirbh?, -'s
- made/done tha e air a dheagh dheanamh, also tha e air a dheanamh happening? de a tha a' tachairl?, -'s the good/use of talking! de am
gu math; 3 (other idioms & exprs) - done! math thu-fhein!, nach math math a bhith a' bruidhinn!, - do you think? de do bheachd m (air)?,
a rinn thu!, he's - off tha e gle mhath dheth, as - as (ie ill additioll to) I don't know - I'll do chan eil fhios agam (gu) de a ni mi; 2 in expr
cho math ri, a thuilleadh air, a bharrachd air, we have two flats as - - (did you say)? b' aill leat/leibh?, (less polite) de an rud m?; 3 (esp when
as the house tha da lobhta m againn cho math ris/a thuil1eadh air/a 'what' could be replaced ill Eng by 'which') cb, - books do you like best?
bharrachd air an taigh m, we get on (very) - (with each other) tha sinn cb na leabhraichean mpl as fhearr leat?; 4 ill exprs - for? carson?, - did
gu math mor aig a cheile, tha sinn reidh ri cheile, tha sinn a' tarraing you do that for? carson a rinn thu sin?, - a (jollowed by a 1I0,m) abair
gle mhath (imperative of abair vti irreg), eg - a fool! abair amadan m!, - a mess!
well n tobar mf, fuaran m, wishing - tobar-miann mf abair bUrach Ill!
well-behaved adj beusach, modhail, siobhalta what reI pron na, I gave him - I had thug mi dha na bha agam, they lost
wellbeing n (material & psychological circlllustallcesl cor m, math m, he - food they had chaill iad na bha aca de bhiadh m
became anxious about the - of the refugees ghabh e curam m mu whatever pron 1 (ellvisagillg multiple possibilities) ge b' e with the appropriate
chor nam fogaITach mpl gell proll, lISU de, - I did there, I don't remember it ge b' e de a rinn mi
well-built adj 1 (of person: sturdy &c) tomadach, tapaidh, calma; 2 (of (ann) an sin, chan ell cuirnhne f agam air, - the weather may be like
building) air a dheagh thogail ge b' e de an aimsir I an t-side a bhios ann; 2 (as object of mnin verb) cail
well-informed adj fjosrach (about air) III illvar sam bith f invar, rud m sam bith, ni III sam bith, also cail (&c)

408 409

air bith, you will get - you want gheibh thu cail/md/m sam bith a while v in expr - away time cair seachad Uine f (gu diomhain)
thogras tu; 3 (emph for what) de fon ghrein (dat sing of grian j), de air whim n saobh-smuain m
an t-saoghal, - do you mean? de fon ghrein/de air an t-saoghal a tha whimper n sgiugan m
thu a' ciallachadh?, (trad) gu de as ciall dhut? whimper V dean sgiugan m
wheat n cruithneachd & cruineachd f invar whinny n sitir f
wheel n cuibhle f (more trad, less IISIl) lOth mf whinny v dean sitir f
wheelchair 11 cathair-chuibhle f seithear-cuibhle m whin(s) n conasg III sing & call
wheeled adj rothach whip n cuipf
wheesht! excl ist!, pi istibh! & eist!, pi eistibh!, tosd! whip v cuip vt, (less USII) sgiilrs vt
whelk n faochagf whipping n cuipeadh III
whelp n cuiJean m whisky n uisge-beatha m, (nickname) mac-na-bracha m
when adv (illter) cuine (before a vowel cuin), - was that? cuin a bha sin?, I whisper n cagar m
don't know - it was chan eil fhios m am cuin a bha e whisper v cagair vii
when collj (non-inter) an uair a & nuair a, give me it - you've finished whispering n cagar m, cagarsaich f
with it thoir dhomh e an uair a bhios tu deiseil dheth whistle n1 (the noise) feadJ; 2 (the instrumerlt: perlllY -, Irish -) feadagf
whenever pron 1 (where there is dOllbt about the time ofoccurrence &c) ge b' e fldeagf he played a tune on the - ghabh e port m air an fheadaig dat;
cuin(e), - it happened, I don't remember it ge b' e cuin a thachair 3 in expr ifam) wet your -! iliuch do ribheid J!
e, chan eH cuimhne f agam air,; 2 (where the time of occurrence is whistle v 1 (a single whistle) dean feadf leig fead (with prep a), I -d rinn mi
IInimportant or IIndefined) uair f sam bith, come and see us - you like fead, leig mi fead asam; 2 (more COlltinllous whistling) fead vi, the wee
thig gar faicinn f illvar uair sam bith a thogras tu; 3 (emph for when) boy was whistling bha am balach beag a' feadail . .
cuin air bith, - did you say that? cuin air bith a thairt thu sin? whistling n 1 fead f, the - of the wind fead na gaoithe; 2 (contlnuOIIS, WIth
where adv 1 (inter) caite (before a vowel cait), -'s lain? cait a bheillain?; 2 in the mOllth) feadaireachd f invar, feadalaichf invar, feadarsaich f invar
expr - , .. from? co as ... ?, - are you from? co as a tha thu?, - did he white adj 1 (general) geal, black and - dubh is geal, - wine flon geal; 2 (esp
(emph) spring from? co as a nochd esan? of hair, & of colouring of humans & animals) ban, (trad) fionn, the - dog!
where conj ('IOn-inter) far a, you'll find it - you left it gheibh thu e far na horse an cui an t-each ban
ifor far an do) dh'fhag thu e white n 1 gealm, the - of the eye geaJ na sWa; 2 in expr the - of an egg
wherever pron 1 (where there is dOllbt about the place ofoccurrence &c) ge b' e gealagan III
caH(e), - it happened, I don't remember it ge b' e cait a thachair e, chan whiten v gealaich vti
eil cuimhne f agam air; 2 (where the place of oCCllrrence is IInimportant or whiteness n gile f invar, gilead m
IIndefined) aite m sam bith, we'll go - the sun's shining theid sin do whiting n cuidhteagf
aite sam bith far a bheil a' ghrian a' dearrsadh; 3 (emphfor where) cait who inter pron co, -'s he? co esan?, ... did it? co a rinn e?, I don't know -
air bith, - did you see that? cait air bith a chunna tu sin? it is chan eil fhios m agam co a th' ann
whereupon adv (is) leis (a) sin, the bar closed, - he went home dhUin am who rei pron a, (in neg sentence) nach, the man - sang and the woman -
bar, is leis a sin chaidh e dhachaigh wasn't listening to him am fear m a sheinn agus an te f nach robh ag
whether conj co aea, co-dhiu, I don't care ... you come or not tha mi coma eisdeachd ris
co aca/co dhiu an tig thu no nach tig whoever proll 1 (where there is doubt about ti,e identity of ti,e persoll) ge b' e
which pron co, - books do you like best? co na leabhraichean mpl as co, _ did it, I don't remember it ge b' e co a rinn e, chan eil cuirnhne
fhearr leat?, I'm not sure - of them I'll marry chan eH mi cinnteach f agam air; 2 (where the iderltity of the person is unimportant or IIndefined)
co aca a phosas mi duine III sam bith, we'll welcome - comes to the house cumdh Slnn
while conj fhad is a, - she was in France she learnt French fhad 's a bha i failte f air duine sam bith a thig dhan taigh Ill; 3 (emph for who) co air
anns an Fhraing dh'ionnsaich i an Fhraingis bith, co fon ghr",n (dat sing of grian j), - told you that? co air bith/co
while n greisf lreisf, tamaU m, trath Ill, (short -) greiseagf treiseagf tacan fon ghrein a dh'innis sin dhut?
m, for a - fad greis/tamaW, airson greis/tamaill, also car uair f, a - ago whole adj 1 (all object, period &c ill its entirety) gu leir, air fad, uile, the
o chionn ghreis/ tamaW _ army was captured chaidh an t-arm gu leir/air fad/uiJe an sas m,

410 411
~ - month mios mfgu "'ir/air fad, they ravaged the - country sgrios wilful adj ceann-laidir, rag, rag-rnhuinealach, dill
lad an duthaich fair fad/ gu leir; 2 (ill tact, Ill/divided) slitn, iomJan, the will n 1 toil f, God's - toil OM (gell of Dia m), (prov) where there's a _
(standing) stone isn't - chan eil an lursa slitn/iomJan, a - word facal there's a way far. a~ bi toil, bidh gniornh m; 2 ifor makillg legacy)
sliin, a - number airearnh sWan; 3 (of periods of time) fad (with Ihe gen), tiomnadh m, he dldn t make a - cha do rinn e liomnadh
the - time fad na h-Uine, I was poor my - life bha mi bochd fad mo willing adj deonach, easgaidh, toileach, they're not - to do it chan eil
bheatha f gell, I'll be up the - night bidh mi air mo chois (gen of cas f) iad deonach (air) a dheanarnh, chan eiJ iad easgaidh/toileach a
fad na h-oidhche dheanarnh
whole n 1 llsed wilh arl, an t-iomlan m, do you want the - of it? a bheil thu willingly adv a dheOin, - or not/or otherwise, - or un- a dheoin no a
ag iarraidh an t-iomJan (dheth)?; 2 in expr on the - san fharsaingeachd dh'aindeoin
f mvar, on the - the majority are against him san fharsaingeachd tha willingness n deOin f
a' rnhor-ehuid na aghaidh willow n seiJeach m
wholeness n slame f illvar willy-nilly adv a dheOin no a dh'aindeoin
wholesome adj slitn, fallain, - food biadh slitn/faUain wily adj carach, fiar, seDlta, (less 115/1) caon
whooping-cough 11 (/lsed wilh art) an lriuthach f win V 1 (as vi) coisinn VI, faigh vi irreg, buannaich VI, - fame/glory coisinn/
why inler adv carson, - did he leave? carson a dh'fhalbh el, - isn't Miijri buannaich eliu m invar, - a prize coisinn/faigh/buannaich duais f;
at work? don't ask - carson nach eil Mairi ag obair? na faighnich 2 (as vi: in battle, race, compelilion &c) buannaich vi, buinnig & buintig
carson VI, we won bhuannaich sinn, ifam: eg to 5Omeolle working 01 a lask) are
wicked adj ole, (less /15/1) aingidh you -ning? a bheiJ thu a' buinlig?; 3 in expr - to (ie reach) buannaich
wickedness n ole m, donas m, (less /lSII) aingidheachd f invar VI, we won to the village at dusk bhuannaich sinn am baile am beul
widdershins adj luathal m na h-oidhche
wide adj farsaing, leathann, far and - fad is farsaing wind n 1 gaothf, the west - gaoth an iar, a breath of - oiteagf, ospagf;
widen v leudaich vti 2 (inlestinal -) lIsed wilh art, a' ghaoth
widened adj leudaichte wind v toinn vt
widow 11 ban(n)trach f windfall n lurchairt f
widower n ban(n)trach m winding adj (road, river &c) lubach
widowhood 11 banntrachas m winding-sheet n marbhfhaisgf
width n farsaingeachd f invar, leud m windmill n muiJeann-gaoithe mf
wield v (tool, weapon &c) lairnhsich VI, iomair vt window n 1 uinneagf, look out of the - coirnhead vi a-mach air an uinneig
wife 11 1 bean f, bean-phosta f, my - a' bhean agam; 2 in expr ifam) the _ (dol), - bars cliath-uinneige f; 2 in expr - pane losan m
a' chailleach windowsill n oir f (na h-)uinneige
wife, wifie n ifam) cailleach f, the hen - cailleach nan cearc Jpl windsock n muincheann-gaoithe m
wig n gruag-bhreige f windy adj 1 gaothach, a - day latha gaothach; 2 ill expr it's - today tha
wild adj 1 (nol domeslicaled) fiadhaich, - goat gobhar fhiadhaich; 2 (wealher, gaoth f ann an-dlugh
landscape &c) garbh, a - night oidhche gharbh, - country tit mf gharbh; wine n fion m, red/white - fion dearg/ geal
3 (lI11ruly, t/lrblllenl) garbh, garg, borb, a - people sluagh garbh/garg/ w~ng n 1 sgiath f; 2 in expr on the - air iteig (dot of iteagf)
borb; 4 ifam: angry) fiadhaich, I was - after what he said to me ifam) WInk n 1 priobadh m (na swa); 2 ill expr - of sleep norragf chadaiJ m gen,
bha mi fiadhaich an deidh na thOOt e riurn; 5 ifam: hard-living, IUlrd- I dldn't get a - of sleep cha d'!huair mi norrag chadaiJ
drmkmg &c) fiadhaich, garbh, he's a - man, right enough! 's e duine wink v priob vi, (less IISIl) caog vi
fiadhaich/garbh a th' ann dheth, ceart gu leOr!; 6 in expr - and woolly winkle n faochagf
molach winner n buannaiche m
wildcat 11 cat fiadhaich winter n geamhradh m
wilderness 11 fasach mf, (less lISII) dlthreabhf wintry adj gearnhrachaiJ
wildness n gairbhe f invar, gairbhead m, gairge f invar, bOObe f invar wipe v suath VI, siab vi
wile n cuilbheart f, innleachd f, car m wiper n siabair m


wire n ueir f. barbed - ueir-bhiorach witness n 1 (abstr) fianais f. bear - thoir fianais; 2 (con: a - at sCelle of crime,
wisdom Il gliocas m at trial &c) fear-fianais m, neach-fianais m (pIluchd-fianais m sing call)
wise adj glic witness v 1 faic vt, bi vi irreg na (&c) f(h)ear-fianais m; 2 (legal: - a dOCllment
wish n 1 (a - to aclrieve, acquire &c sometlring, an ambitioll) miann mf, rUn &c) dean fianais f (witlr prep do)
m, togradh m, (less IISIl) deidhf; 2 (- directed towards otlrers) guidhe mf. witty adj eirrnseach
a good/ill - deagh/droch ghuidhe, (a good -, a greeting) dillachd m, wizard n buidseach m, draoidh m
(corres &c) with best -es leis gach deagh dhurachd wizardry n draoidheachd f invar
wish v 1 (desire sometlring, - for sometlring) miannaich vt, rimaich vt; wizened adj crlon
2 (- tlrat sometlring were tire case) is miann leis (&c), bu mhiann leis (&c), wobbly adj cugallach, - table bord cugallach
I - I could win a prize in the lottery bu mhiann leam gum faighinn woe n 1 (grief) bron m, mulad f; 2 (grief & misfortune) dolas m, truaighe f;
duais f sa chrannchur m; 3 (often llsed as vi in reI flit tense) togair vi, we'll 3 in excls &c - is me! an dolas!, mo thruaighe!, mo sgrios m!, - to/-
go on holiday, if you - theid sinn air laithean-saora mpl, ma thogras betide (trad) is mairg adj (witlr rei pron a), - to/- betide anyone who
tu, just as you - direach mar a thogras sibh; 4 (directing a good or bad - would come near him (trad) is mairg a thigeadh faisg air
at someone) guidh vt (witlr preps air & do), I - a curse on him guidhidh woeful adj bronach, muladach, truagh
mi mallachd fair, -ing him a Happy Christmas a' guidhe Nollaig wolf n madadh-allaidh m, (less IISIl) faolm
Chridheil dha, I - you hea!th and happiness (trad) guidheam (present woman n boireannach m, te f, (less IISU) bean f, women on the left please!
imperative) slainI' f is sonas m dhut boireannaich air an liIirnh f dat chli mas e ur toil m el, the - who sang
wishing well n tobar mf miann mfgen am boireannach/an te a sheinn, the - of the house bean an taighe m,
wisp n (esp of straw, hay) sop m an old - seann bhoireannach, ifam) cailleach f. (of one's wife) the/my
wit n 1 (witty Irumollr) eirmse f; 2 (common sense) toinisgf. ciallf; 3 (usu in pi: old -ifam) a' chailleach
mind, sanity) -s ciall f. rian m, reusan m, he lost his -s chaill e a chiall, womanly adj banail
she was at her -s' end bha i gu bhith as a ciall womb n machJagf. bru f. broinn f
witch n 1 bana-bhuidseach f; 2 in expr old - (pe)) cailleach f wonder n iongnadh 111, (stronger) iongantas m, miorbhail f. no - he's
witchcraft n buidseachas m pleased! chan iongnadh gu bheil e toilichte!
with prep 1 (accompanying, in tire company of) comhla ri, le (takes tire dat; wonderful adj iongantach, miorbhaileach
before tire art, leis), (less usu, more trad) cuide ri, mar ri, maille ri, I went wood n 1 (tire material: - in general, - not worked) fiodh m, put - on the
- the others chaidh mi ann comhla ri cach pron, where's Eilidh? fire cuir fiodh air an teine m; 2 (IISIl for slraped or worked -) maide m;
- the old folks cait a bheil Eilidh? comhla ris na seann daoine mpl, 3 (a group of trees) coillef. (small-) doire mf; 4 in expr pine - giuthsachf
- compliments le deagh dhillachd m, Note: tire use of le/leis for tlris woodcock n coileach-eoille m
sense of with wlren referring to people is not always considered to be good woodcutter n coillear m, gearradair-fiodha m
style; 2 (by means of) le (takes tire dat: before tire art, leis), he hit it - a wooden adj fiodha (gen sing of fiodh m), a - house taigh m fiodha
hammer/- the hammer bhuail e e le ord/leis an ord; 3 (expr direction, wood·louse 11 reudan m
esp in tire exprs) (going &c) - the slope/- the current (a' dol &c) leis a' wool n cloimh f, olann f
bhruthaich mf/leis an t-sruth m; 4 (as a consequence of) leis, I can't see woollen adj de chJoirnh f
you - it being so dark chan fhair mi thu leis cho dorch 's a tha e woolly adj 1 cloimheach, oUach; 2 (of IInkempt Iruman Irair) (wild and) -
withdraw v tarraing vti air ais, thoir vt air ais molach, romach; 3 (of tlrinking &c) ceothach
withdrawn adj (of persons) fad as, dUinte word n 1 (written or spoken) faca! m, 'eaglais' is a feminine - is e facal
wither v crion vti, searg vti boireann a tha ann an 'eaglais', she said a - or two/a few -s in
withered adj & past part crion, seargte Gaelic thubhairt i faca! no dha anns a' Ghaidhlig f. we didn't speak
withhold v cUm vt air ais a - of Gaelic on the ferry cha do bhruidhinn sinn facal Gaidhlig air
without prep gun (takes dat, aspiratesllenites following cons except for d, n a' bhat'-aiseig 111, - for - facal air an fhacal; 2 (esp in pI, statements,
& t), - peace/rest gun fhois f. - delay gun dilil f. she bought it - my pronouncemellts &c) briathran (pI of briathar m), foolish/sensible -s
knowledge/- me knowing cheannaich i e gun fhios m dhomhsa briathran amaideach/ciaUach, don't believe politicians' -s na creid
withstand v 1 (resist) seas vi (witlt prep ri); 2 (bear, tolerate) fuiling & fulaing vt briathran luchd-poileataics m sing call; 3 (promise, - of IlOnour) facalm,

414 415
will you give me your - (on it)? an toir thu dhomh d' fhaca] (air)?; mu), she was - bha i fo chmam/fo iomagain, also bha uallach m oirre;
4 (infonnation, news) fios m, guth m, sgeuJ m, we sent him - chuir 2 in expr become - gabh uallach, gabh/dean dragh m; 3 (- in a nervy,
sinn fios thuige, is there any - of Mary? a bheil fios/sgeuJ air Mairi?, niggly way) frionasach
I didn't hear a - about her cha chuala mi guth mu deidhinn; 5 (esp in worry n 1 dragh m, uallach m, lack of money is causing me - tha dith m
neg sentences: a sollnd, a syllable &c) bidf, biogf, smid f, he didn't say a airgid m gen a' deanamh dragh dhomh; 2 in expr prone to - cUramach
- cha duirte bid/biog/smid, he didn't hear a - cha chuala e bid/biog; worry v 1 (as vi: be worried, begin to worry) gabh dragh m, dean dragh m,
6 in exprs (IT) - processor facladair m, - processing facladaireachd f gabh uallach Ill, don't -! na dean dragh!, also dad ort!, coma leat!,
invnr na gabh ort!; 2 (as vt: callse worry) cuir dragh m (with prep air), dean
wordy adj faclach, briathrach dragh (with prep do), - someone cuir dragh air cuideigin, dean dragh
work n 1 (abstr & con) obair f, (11511 more ahstr) cosnadh m, I've got - to do do chuideigin, lack of money is -ing me tha dith m airgid m gen a'
tha obair agam ri dheanamh, hard - obair chruaidh, out of - a-mach a deanamh dragh dhomh; 3 in expr it didn't - me in the least cha do
dh'obair, gun obair, gun chosnadh; 2 (the prodllct of -) obair f, needle- chuir e suas no sios mi (jam)
obair-ghreis f, handi- obair-lairnhe f; 3 (IT) - station ionad-Qbrach m worrying adj (person, sitllation) draghail, iomagaineach, irncheisteach
work v 1 (as VI) obraich occas oibrich vi, the washer isn't -ing chan eil an worse camp adj 1 nas miosa, (in past tense) na bu mmosa, the father is
t-inneal-nighe ag obrachadh, we tried to play a trick on her but it wicked but the son is - tha an t-athair ole ach tha am mac nas miosa,
didn't - dh'fheuch sinn car m a chur aiste ach cha do dh'obraich e; 2 getlbecome - fas vi nas miosa, also rach vi irreg am miosad f; 2 in expr
(as vt) obraich vt, - a machine obraich inneal m, - landla croft obraich the _ miste & misde (with v irreg & defis), I am the - for it is miste mi e,
fearann m/croit f, also aitich fearann/croit; 3 (to be at -) bi vi irreg ag you'd be none the - for a dram cha bu mmste sibh drama m
obair, he's -ing today tha e ag obair an-diugh; 4 (to have -) bi vi irreg worship n adhradh m
obair (with prep aig), are you -ing just now? a bheil obair agad an- worship v dean/thoir adhradh m (with prep do)
drasta? worst sllperlative adj 1 as miosa, (in past tense) a bu mmosa, you were the -
worker n 1 fear-obrach m, neach-obrach m, oibriche Ill, -s luchd-obrach is tusa a bu mmosa, the - man/one am fear as miosa; 2 ill exprs the -
or luchd-oibre III sing call, fellow - co-<>ibriche m; 2 in expr forestry - of diu m itruar (with gell), the - of jobs/professions diu nan dreuchdan
coillear m Jpl, at - aig a' char m as miosa, we'll only spend four pounds at - cha
workforce n luchd-obrach or luchd-Qibre m sing call chosg sinn ach ceithir notaichean Jpl aig a' char as miosa
working party n buidheann-obrach mf worth adj ftach adj, fiu adj, (with v is), luach m invar, one more time? it's not
workman n oibriche m, fear-Qbrach III _ it! aon uair f eile? chan fhiach el, a thing - seeing rud m as fhiach
workshop n buth-obrach IIIf fhaicinnfillvar, is this - anything to/for you? no! an fhiach seo dhut?
world n 1 (esp the - as man's abode, and as opposed to heaven) saoghal m; chan fhiach!, for what it's - airson na 's fhiach e, it's not - our while/-
2 (esp the - as the physical globe, the planet) cruinne mf (IIsed with art: our effort chan fhiach dhuinn ar saothair f, what's it - de a luach?, it's
m in nom sing, f in gen sing), the - an cruinne, the end(s) of the - not - lOp chan fhiu e deich sgillinn f
cnoch f na cruinne, (sport) the World Cup Cuach f na Cruinne; 3 (a worth n ftach m, give me two pounds' - of it thoir dhomh fiach da nota f
particlllar sphere ofactivity) saoghal m, the business -/the - of business dheth
saoghal a' ghnlomhachais m; 4 in expr (emph) where in the - cait air an worthless adj 1 (withollt vallle) gun fhiu m invar, gun luach m invar; 2 (of 110
t-saoghal, where in the - are they going? cait air an t-saoghal a bheil llse) gun fheum m
iad a' dol? worthwhile adj ftach adj, with v irreg & de[ is (to/for do), is it - for us? an
worldly adj 1 (as opposed to heavenly, spiritllal &c) saoghalta, talmhaidh; fhiach e dhuinn?, an fhiach dhuinn ar saothairf?
2 in exprs - goods/wealth maoin f, my - possessions/goods (trod) mo worthy adj 1 airidh, toillteanach, (of air), - of a kiss airidh/toillteanach air
chuid f den t-saoghal m pogf; 2 (decellt) cbir, a - man duine coir
worm n boiteagf, cnuimhf wound n (PIIYs or emotional) leon m, (less 11511) lot m, creuchdf
worn adj & past part 1 caithte; 2 (of clot/ring, fabrics: threadbare &c) lom, a - wound v (phys or emotionally) leon vt, (less 11511) lot vt, creuchd vt
coat cota m lom; 3 in expr - out (of objects) caithte, (of living creatllres: wounded adj 1 leOnta & leOnte; 2 in expr the - na leOintich mpl
exhallsted &c) claoidhte wounding adj (remarks &c) guineach
worried adj 1 fo chmam m, draghail, fo iomagain f, iomagaineach, (about woven adj & past part ftghte
416 417
wrangle u conas 111
wrangle v connsaich vi, connspaid vi x
wrangling 11 connspaid I
wrangling adj connspaideach x-ray 11 x-gath m, gath-x 1/1, - therapy leigheas 1/1 x-gath
wrap v 1 (ellvelope &c) suain vt; 2 - (up) (parcel &c) paisg vt, fill vi xenophobia 11 gaU-ghamhlas 1/1
wrapping 11 pasgadh m Xmas 11 (USIl IIsed wilh defillite arl) An Nollaigf, - time am 1/1 na NoIIaig(e),
wrath 11 feargl Merry -! Nollaig Chridheil!
wrathful adj feargach xylophone 11 saidhleafon m
wreathe v toinn vi
wreck 11 (01 ship) long-bhriseadh m
wreck v 1 sgrios vt, mill vt; 2 (jig: - someolle's plall &c) mill vi y
wren 11 dreathan-donn m
wrestle v gleac vi (with, against ri) yacht 11 sgoth-Iongf, (less lrad) gheat I
wretch 111 (poverly-slrickell, ulllortwwle &c persoll) truaghan m; 2 (despicable yard' 11 1 (ellclosed space) cUirt f; 2 (school play area &c) raon-cluiche 1/1;
&c persoll) duine suarach, duine tilireil 3 (agric:lor corn, straw &c) iodhlannl
wretched adj 1 (pitiable) truagh, - poverty bochdainn thruagh, - personJ yard'lI (1Il1it 01 measurement) slat I
creature truaghan m; 2 (despicable &) suarach, taireil yardstick 11 (Iil & fig: ie criterioll &c) sIat-thomhais I
wring v faisg vi yawl 11 geola I
wrinkle 11 preas & preasadh m, preasag/, (less IISIl) roe I yawn 11 mearan & meanan m
wrinkle v preas vt yawn v dean mearanaich/meananaich f, you're -ing a lot today! 's ann ort
wrinkled, wrinkly adj preasach a tha a' mhearanaich an-diugh!
wrist 11 caolm an duim (gell 01 darn m), my - caol mo dhillm yawning 11 mearanaich & meananaich I
writ 11 sgriobhainn-<:huirte I year 11 bliadhna f, four -s old ceithir bliadhna a dh'aois, leap - bliadhna-
write v 1 sgriobh vti (to gu), she wrote me a letter sgriobh i litir I thugam, leum I, (advs) this - am bliadhna, next - an ath-bhliadhna, last - an-
he -s poetry bidh e a' sgriobhadh bardachd I illvar; 2 ill expr - off uiridh, the - before last a' bhon-uiridh
debts cuir fiachan mpl as a' chunntas m yearling adj bliadhnach
writer 11 1 sgriobhadair m, sgriobhaiche m; 2 ill expr writer-in-residence yearling 11 bliadhnach 1/1
filidh m, writer-in-residence at Sabhal Mar Ostaig filidh aig Sabhal yearly adj bliadhnail
Mar Ostaig yearning 11 fadachd I illvar, fadalm (for ri)
writing 11 sgriobhadh m, (halld-) lamh-sgriobhadh m yeast 11 beirm I
wrong adj 1 (01 stalemellts, opilliolls &c: ill correct, illappropriate) cearr, yell 11 sgairt f, glaodh 1/1, ran 1/1, (esp shrill & sudden) sgalm, sgiarnh m
mearachdach, iomraUach, a - answer freagairt chearr, you are -! tha yell v dean sgairt f, glaodh vi, ran vi, (esp shrilly & suddellly) sgal vi, sgiarnh
thu cearr!, the - train an treana chearr, far - fada cearr; 2 (morally -) vi
eucorach, (strollger) ole, - actions gniomhan mpl eucorach yelling 11 sgreuchail I illvor, ranailm illvor, ranaich I invor, sgaladh III
wrong adv 1 (1I0t as it should be, awry) cearr, tuathail, there's something - yellow adj buidhe, the Yellow Pages Na DuiIIeagan!p1 Buidhe
with my back/my radio tha rudeigin cearr air mo dhruim Ill/air an yes adv 1 (as affirmalive response) rendered by repetitioll olt/re main verb used in
reidio m agam; 2 ill expr what's - with you? de a tha a' gabhail riut?, de Ihe question, are you tired? - a bheil thu sglth? tha, did you believe it?
a tha thu a' gearan?; 3 ill expr go - (ie IIwke a mistake) rach vi air iomraII _ an do chreid thu e? chreid, will you go? - an teid thu ann? theid, did
m; 4 ill expr go - (morally) rach vi air iomraII m, rach vi air seachran m you see him? - am faca tu e? chunnaic; 2 (as a non-affimwtive respo"se
wrong 11 eucoir f, coire I 10 a slatemelll, or 011 beillg addressed &c) seadh adv (v irreg & del is, pillS
wrong v dean eucoir I (wilh prep air), they -ed me rinn iad eucoir orm obs neuler pron eadh), lain! -? lain! Seadh?, I saw Mairi yesterday. -?
wrongful adj eucorach Chunna mi Mairi an-de. Seadh? I was in the bar- The bar? The bar
wynd 11 caol-shraid I in the village. Oh yes. Bha mi anns a' bhar. Am bar? Am bar anns a'
bhaile. Oh seadh, seadh

418 419
yesterday adv an-de house an taigh m agad/agaibh; Nole Ihal as a gelleral rule Ihe
110'111, -

yet adv 1 fhathast, the rain hasn't stopped - cha do sguir an t-uisge poss adjs mo, do, &c lelld to be I/sed ill preferellce 10 agam, agad &c Where
fhathast, is breakfast ready? not - a bheil a' bhracaist deiseil? chan the connection with tire object concerlled is more intimate
eil fhathast, we'll get the beller of ilIcrack it - nJ sion a' chws air yours poss proll 1 (sing,fam) leat(sa), (pI & formal sillg) leibh(se), is it -? an
fhathast; 2 ;11 expr the bus (&c) hasn't come (&c) - tha am bus (&c) gun ann leatsa/leibhse a tha e?; 2 (ill corres) -s sincerely le dw-achd m, is
lighinn (&c) Alathast mise le meas m invar
yet cOllj ach, ge-ta, air a shon sin, they got engaged, - they didn't get yourself reflexive proll (sing, fam) thu-fhein, (pi & formal sillg) sibh-fhein,
married thug iad geaUadh-posaidh m dha cheiJe, ach cha do phos take care of - thoir an aire ort fhein, thoiribh an aire oirbh fhein; for
iad/cha do phOs iad ge-ta/cha do phos iad air a shon sin fl/rlher examples cf myself
yew 11 (wood & Iree) iubhar m, (Iree) craobh-iubhair f youth n (abslr) 1 oige f ;'lVar, the days of my - laithean mpl m' oige;
yield 11 (of crops, illveslmelll &c) toradh m 2 (yol/ng mnle person) a - oigear m, oganach m, gille m; 3 (call: YOl/ng
yield v 1 (sl/bmil) geill vi, slriochd vi, (to do); 2 (as vI) thoir vI suas (to do), people) oigridh f sing call ;lIoor, the - of today/today's - oigridh an la
he -ed his power thug e suas a chumhachd mf inoor; 3 (give, provide) an-diugh, a - club/group buidheann mf oigridh
thoir vI seachad, this investment -s five per cent bidh an tasgadh seo
a' toirt seachad coig sa cheud m, also's e toradh m an tasgaidh seo coig
sa cheud z
yielding adj (of grol/lld &c) bog, tais; (of perSOIl, characler) sochar, meata
yielding n geiJIeadh m, slriochdadh m zeal n dloghras m, dealas m, eud & iad m ;nvar
yobbish adj graisgeiJ zealous adj dealasach, dw-achdach, dicheallach
yobbishness 11 graisgealachd f illvar zero n neoni f jnvar
yoke 11 cuingf, (also fig) beneath the tyrant's - fo chuing an ainligheam.a zesIful adj brighrnhor
yolk 11 buidheagan m zinc n si(o)nc m
yon, yonder adj ud, ann an siud, - house an taigh ud, an taigh ann an zone n sOn m
siud zoo n suthaf
yonder adv 1 an siud, ann an siud; 2 in expr over - thall, thall an siud, over
- in America ann an Ameireagaidh f thaU, thall an Ameireagaidh, it's
raining over - tha e a' sileadh thall an siud
you pers pron (sillg fam) thu, (pI & formal sing) sibh, (emph) thusa, sibhse &
thu-fhein, sibh-fhein, I'm well, how are -? tha mi gu math, ciamar
a tha thu-fhein/sibh-fhein?, good for -! 's math thu fhein!, (Nole
Gaelic cOIIslr wilh poss adj & verbal 1101/11 eg) it's good to see - is math
d' fhaicinn/ur fakion
young adj log, a - girl caileag fog, a - man duine m og, also gilIe m,
oganach m, - people/folk 11 daoine mpl oga, also oigridh f sing coli
;nvar; 2 ill exprs my - days laithean mpl m' oige f invar, - love gaol m
na h-oige,
young 111 (- ofanimals, birds) aIm; 2 in expr the - (ie yO'lIIg people) na daoine
youngster 11 (male) oganach m, (of eilher sex) oigear m, -s oigridh f sing call
your poss adj 1 (sing, fam) do (/elliles following cons where possible), (pI &
formal sing) ur, bhur, - parents do pharantan mpl or ur parantan, get
- breath back! leig d' anail f. or leigibh ur n-anail; 2 also expressed by
prep prolls agad (sillg,fam) & agaibh (pI & formal sing), appended 10 Ihe

420 421
N The Forms of the Gaelic Article
Singular Plural
Masculine Feminine Both Cenders

Nom an (before consDllnnls, exc b, f, m, 1') an (before a vowel or ftl, d, I, 11, r or t) na

& am (before b.J, m, 1') a' (before bh, ch, gh, mh, ph) na h- (before a vowel)
Ace an 1- (before a vowel) an 1- (before s followed by I, 11, r, or by a vowel)
e.g. an taigh, an si01, an sruth an ite, an fhras na caileagan
am bodach, am fraoch a' chraobh. a' ghaoth na h 0rain

an t--cilean an t-side, an t-srcn

Cen an { Same as na nan

a' Nom na h- (before a vowel) nam (before b, f, m, p)
an t· Femillitlt!

e.g. an ei lean, an taighe, an fhraoich na gaoithe, na craoibhe, na sroine nan taighean, nan omn
a' bhodaich na h-He nam bodach
an t-sil, an t-sruith

Oat an
{same as
{same as
na h-
1Sa",e as
Nom Plural
an t- Feminitle an t- Femi"ine
e.g. an eilean, an taigh, an fhraoch an traigh na caileagan
a'bhodach a' ghaoith, a' chraoibh na h-orain
an t-slol, an t-sruth an t-suil, an t-slait, an t-groin

Note: In the Dative Singular, for both genders, after a preposition ending in a vowel the article is shortened to 'n or 'n h and combined
with the preposition. E.g. don bhuth, on taigh, bhon I-slol. tron choille, fon t-sruth, mun bhord.
'One of the most useful new tools for learners, readers and writers
of Gaelic . .. Recommended with enthusiasm'
Wilson McLeod, Am Brdighe

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