Kinematics of Continua: OM X X X X X
Kinematics of Continua: OM X X X X X
Kinematics of Continua: OM X X X X X
◦ ◦
xi = xi (X k ). (1.1)
◦ ◦i
Since x = x ēi , the relationship (1.1) takes the form
◦ ◦
x = x(X k ). (1.2)
Let us fix curvilinear coordinates of the point M, and then material points
of the continuum B are considered to be numbered by these coordinates X i.
For any motion of the continuum B , coordinates X of material points are
considered to remain unchanged; they are said to be 'frozen' into the medium
and move together with the continuum. Coordinates Xi introduced in this way
for a material point M are called Lagrangian (or material).
Due to Axiom 3, at every time t there is a one-to-one correspondence be-
tween every point M∈B X i and its radius-vector
with Lagrangian coordinates
−−→ i i
x = OM with Cartesian coordinates x , where x and x depend on t. This
means that there is a connection between Lagrangian X , and the Cartesian x
coordinates of point M and time, i.e. there exist functions in the form (0.3)
xi = xi (X k , t) ∀X k ∈ VX . (1.3)
These functions determine a motion of the material point M in the Cartesian
coordinate system Oēi E3a .
of space The relationships (1.3) are said to be the law
of the motion of the continuum B .
Coordinates xi in (1.3) are called Eulerian (or spatial) coordinates of the
material point M.
Since x = x ēi and the coordinate system Oēi is the same for all times t, the
equivalent form of the motion law follows from (1.2):
Since the consistency conditions (0.4) must be satisfied, from (1.2) and (1.4)
we get the relationships
◦ ◦
x(X k , 0) = x(X k ), xi (X k , 0) = xi (X k ). (1.5)
Here the initial time t=0 is considered as the time t1 in (0.4), because just at
time t=0 we introduced Lagrangian coordinates Xi of point M.
Figure 1.1. The motion of a continuum: positions of continuum B and material point M in
reference and actual configurations
X k = X k (xi , t) ∀xi ∈ Vx ⊂ R3 .
The closed domain V = W(B , 0) in a fixed coordinate system Oēi , which
is occupied by continuum B at the initial time t = 0, is called the reference
configuration K, and the domain V = W(B, t) occupied by the same continuum
B at the time t > 0 is called the actual configuration K.
Figure 1.1 shows a geometric picture of the motion of a continuum from the
reference configuration K to the actual one K at time t in space E3a .
It should be noticed that if the contin-
uum motion law (1.3) (or (1.4)) is known,
then one of the main problems of contin-
uum mechanics (to determine coordinates
of all material points of the continuum at
any time) will be resolved. However, in ac-
tual problems of continuum mechanics this
law, as a rule, is unknown and must be
found by solving some mathematical prob-
lems, whose statements are to be formu-
lated. One of our objectives is to derive
these statements.
Figure 1.2. Extension of a beam Example 1.1. Let us consider a continuum
B, which at time t=0 in the reference con-
1.1. Material and Spatial Descriptions 3
◦ ◦ ◦
figuration K is a rectangular parallelepiped (a beam) with edge lengths h1 , h2 and
h3 , and in an actual configuration K at t>0 the continuum is also a rectangular
parallelepiped but with different edge lengths: h1 , h2 and h3 . We assume that
corresponding sides of both the parallelepipeds lie on parallel planes, and for
one of the sides, which for example is situated on the plane (x2 , x3 ), points
of diagonals' intersection in K and in K are coincident (Figure 1.2). Then the
motion law (1.3) for this continuum takes the form
xα = kα (t) X α , α = 1, 2, 3, (1.6)
◦ ◦
i.e. coordinates xi , xi = X i of any material point M in K and K are proportional,
and kα (t) = hα (t)/hα is the proportion function. The motion law (1.6) is called
the beam extension law.
Example 1.2. In K, let a continuum B be a
rectangular parallelepiped oriented as shown in
Figure 1.3; its motion law (1.3) has the form
x = X + a(t)X ,
1 2
x =X ,
2 2
x = X 3,
Figure 1.3. Simple shear of a
◦i beam
where x = X i, a(t) is a given function. In K
this continuum B has become a parallelepiped, all
cross-sections of which are planes orthogonal to
the Ox3 axis and are the same parallelograms.
This motion law is called simple shear; the tangent
of the shear angle α is equal to a. ¤
Example 1.3. Consider a continuum B, which in K is a
rectangular parallelepiped (a beam) shown in Figure 1.4;
under the transformation from K to K this parallelepiped
changes its dimensions without a change in its angles (as
in Example 1.1) and rotates by an angle ϕ(t) in the plane
Ox1 x2 around the point O (Figure 1.4). The motion law
for the continuum is called the rotation of a beam with Figure 1.4. Rotation of a
beam with extension
extension. In this case equations (1.1) have the form
◦ ◦
xi = F0 ij xj , xj = X j , (1.8)
where the matrix F0 ij is the product of two matrices, the rotation matrix O0 and
the stretch matrix U0 :
à !
cos ϕ − sin ϕ 0
F0 ij = O0 i k
k U0 j , O0 i
j = sin ϕ cos ϕ 0 ,
0 0 1
4 Chapter 1. Kinematics of Continua
à ! à !
k1 0 0 k1 cos ϕ −k2 sin ϕ 0
U0 j = 0 k2 0 , F0 ij = k1 sin ϕ k2 cos ϕ 0 ,
0 0 k3 0 0 k3
and kα (t) = hα (t)/h0α are the proportion functions characterizing the ratio of
lengths of the beam edges in K and K (as in Example 1.1). ¤
1.1.2. Material and Spatial Descriptions. In continuum mechanics, physical
processes occurring in bodies are characterized by a certain set of varying scalar
fields φ = φ(M, t), vector fields a = a(M, t), and tensor fields of the nth order
n Ω(M, t). We will consider tensors and tensor fields in detail in paragraph 1.1.4
(see also [12]).
Since in the Cartesian coordinate system Oēi a material point M corresponds
to both Lagrangian coordinates Xi and Eulerian coordinates xi , varying scalar
and vector fields can be written as follows:
e j , t) = φ(x
φ(X i , t) = φ(X i (xj , t), t) = φ(x e , t),
i j
a(X , t) = a e(x , t) = ae(x, t), (1.9)
With the help of the motion law (1.3) (or (1.4)), we can pass from functions
of Lagrangian coordinates to functions of Eulerian coordinates in formulae (1.9).
In continuum mechanics the tilde e is usually omitted (we will do this below).
For a fixed time t in (1.9), we obtain stationary scalar and vector fields.
M is fixed, and
If in (1.9) a material point time t changes within the interval
0 6 t 6 t0 , then we get an ordinary scalar function φ = φ(M, t) and vector
function a = a(M, t) depending on time.
According to relationships (1.9), there are two ways to describe different
physical processes in continua.
In the material (Lagrangian) description of a continuum, all tensor fields
describing physical processes are considered as functions of Xi and t.
In the spatial (Eulerian) description, all tensor fields describing physical
processes are functions of xi and t.
Both the descriptions are equivalent. It should be noted that for solids we
more often use the material description, where it is convenient to fix coordinates
Xi of a material point M and to observe its motion at different times t. For
gaseous and fluid continua, Eulerian description is more convenient; when an
observer fixes a geometric point with coordinates xi and monitor the material
points M passing through this point x at different times t.
1.1.3. Local Bases in K and K. Using the motion law (1.4) and relationship
(1.1), at every material point M with coordinates X in the actual and reference
configurations we can introduce its local basis vectors:
◦ ◦
∂x ∂xi ◦ ∂x ∂ xi ◦
rk = = ēi = Qi k ēi , rk = = ēi = Q i
k ēi , (1.10)
∂X k ∂X k ∂X k ∂X k
where ◦ ◦
Qi k = ∂xi /∂X k , Qi k = ∂ xi /∂X k ,
◦ ◦
P ik = ∂X i /∂xk , P i k = ∂X i /∂ xk (1.11)
1.1. Material and Spatial Descriptions 5
◦ ◦
In K and K introduce metric matrices gkl , g kl and inverse metric matrices
◦ kl
g kl , g as follows:
∂xi ∂xj
gkl = rk · rl = Qi k Qj l δij = δij ,
∂X k ∂X l
◦ ◦
◦ ◦ ◦ ∂ xi ∂ xj
g kl = rk · rl = δij , (1.12)
∂X k ∂X l
◦ ◦
g kl glm = δm
, g kl g lm = δm
It should be noted that although local bases ri and ri have been introduced
in different configurations K and K, they correspond to the same coordinates Xi
(if one consider the same point M); therefore each of the bases can be carried
as a rigid whole into the same point in K or in K. Due to this, we can resolve
◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
a = ai ri = ai ri = ai ri = ai ri . (1.16)
If curvilinear coordinates Xi are orthogonal, then the vectors ri are orthog-
◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
onal as well: (ri · rj = δij ), and matrices
qg ij and g ij are diagonal; hence we
◦ ◦
can introduce Lam
e's coefficients H α = g αα (α = 1, 2, 3) and the physical
orthonormal basis
b◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
rα = rα /H α = rα H α . (1.17)
Components of a vector a with respect to this basis are called physical:
b◦ b◦
a = ai ri . (1.18)
The actual basis ri is in general not orthogonal even if the basis ri is
orthogonal; therefore we cannot introduce the corresponding physical basis in K.
One can introduce a physical basis in K not with the help of ri , but with the
help of another special basis (see paragraph 1.1.7).
◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
E = gim ri ⊗ rm = g im ri ⊗ rm = g im ri ⊗ rm = g im ri ⊗ rm . (1.21)
For a second-order tensor T, in continuum mechanics one often uses
the transpose tensor TT = T ij rj ⊗ ri and the inverse tensor T−1 , where
T−1 · T = E. The inverse tensor exists only for a nonsingular tensor (when
1.1. Material and Spatial Descriptions 7
where Ωi 1
and Ωi 1
are components of the n-th order tensor with respect
to the corresponding polyadic basis.
For fourth-order tensors, analogs of the tensor E are the first, second and
third unit tensors defined as follows:
∆I = ei ⊗ ei ⊗ ek ⊗ ek = E ⊗ E,
∆II = ei ⊗ ek ⊗ ei ⊗ ek , ∆III = ei ⊗ ek ⊗ ek ⊗ ei , (1.22)
and also the symmetric fourth-order unit tensor
∆ = (∆II + ∆III ). (1.22a)
∆ = ∆ijkl ei ⊗ ej ⊗ ek ⊗ el , ∆ijkl = (δ ik δ jl + δ il δ jk ).
Ω(m 1 m2 m3 m4 )
= Ωi i i i
1 2 3 4
rim ⊗ rim ⊗ rim ⊗ rim
1 2 3 4
1.1.5. Covariant Derivatives in K and K. Introduce the following nabla-
operators in configurations K and K, respectively:
∂ ◦ ◦ ∂
∇ = rk ⊗ , ∇ = rk ⊗ . (1.23)
∂X k ∂X k
Applying the nabla-operators to a vector field, we get the gradients of a
vector in K and K:
∇ ⊗ a = rk ⊗ = ∇k ai rk ⊗ ri , (1.24)
∂X k
◦ ◦ ∂a ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
∇ ⊗ a = rk ⊗ k
= ∇k ai rk ⊗ ri = ∇k ai rk ⊗ ri = ∇k ai rk ⊗ ri ,
where we have denoted the following covariant derivatives in different tensor
bases in configurations K and K:
◦ ◦
◦ ◦ ∂ ai ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ∂ ai ◦ ◦
∇k ai = k
− Γm
ik am , ∇k ai = k
+ Γikm am (1.25)
∂X ∂X
8 Chapter 1. Kinematics of Continua
∂ai ∂ai
∇k ai = − Γm
ik am , ∇k ai = + Γikm am .
∂X k ∂X k
◦ ◦
Here Γm
ij and Γm
ij are the Christoffel symbols in configurations K and K. For the
Christoffel symbols the following relations (see [12]) hold:
1 ∂gki
³ ∂g
ij = g
− ijk , kj
2 ∂X
à ◦ ∂X ∂X !
◦ ◦
◦ ◦
1 km ∂ g ∂ g ki ∂ g ij
Γmij = g kj
+ − . (1.26)
2 ∂X i ∂X j ∂X k
Contravariant derivatives in K and K are introduced as follows:
◦ ◦ km ◦
k◦ ◦
∇ ai = g ∇m ai , ∇k ai = g km ∇m ai . (1.27)
The covariant derivatives (1.25) are components of the second-order tensors
∇ ⊗ a and ∇ ⊗ a, therefore during the passage from the local basis ri to another
one they are transformed by the tensor law (1.20).
◦ ◦
The nabla-operators ∇ and ∇ in K and K can be applied to a tensor field
n Ω(X i ) of n-th order:
◦ ∂ nΩ ◦ ◦
n ◦ ◦ k ◦ ◦
∇⊗ k
= ∇k Ωi
Ω = rk ⊗ 1
r ⊗ ri ⊗ . . . ⊗ rin ,
n k ∂ nΩ
∇⊗ Ω=r ⊗ k
= ∇k Ωi 1 k
r ⊗ ri ⊗ . . . ⊗ rin ,
◦ ◦ ◦
where ∇k Ωi 1
and ∇k Ωi 1
are the covariant derivatives in K and K,
◦ ◦ ∂ ◦i ◦ ◦
∇k Ωi 1
= Ω 1
+ Γimk
Ωi 1
. (1.29)
∂X k
In the same way we can define operations of scalar product of the nabla-operator
in K (the divergence of a tensor):
n ◦ ∂ nΩ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
∇· Ω = rk · k
= ∇k Ωki 2
ri ⊗ . . . ⊗ rin , (1.30)
∂X 2
and vector product of the nabla-operator in K (the curl of a tensor):
◦ n ◦ ◦
n ◦ ∂ Ω 1 ◦ ◦ ◦
∇× Ω = rk × k
=q ²ijk ∇i Ωji2 rk ⊗ ri ⊗ . . . ⊗ rin .
∂X ◦
1.1.6. The Deformation Gradient. Consider how a local neighborhood of a
point M is transformed during the passage from configuration K to K. Take an
◦ ◦
arbitrary elementary radius-vector dx connecting in K two infinitesimally close
points M and M0 (Figure 1.6). In configuration K, these material points M and
M0 are connected by the elementary radius-vector dx.
1.1. Material and Spatial Descriptions 9
Figure 1.6. Transformation of an elementary radius-vector during the passage from the reference
configuration to the actual one
The vectors dx and dx can always be resolved for local bases:
k ∂x ◦ ∂x ◦
dx(X ) = k
dX k = rk dX k , dx(X ) = k
dX k = rk dX k . (1.32)
∂X ∂X
On multiplying the first equation by rm and the second by rm , we get
◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
rm · dx = rm · rk dX k = dX m , rm · dx = rm · rk dX k = dX m . (1.33)
Substitution of dX m (1.33) into the first equation of (1.32) yields
◦k ◦
dx = rk ⊗ r · dx. Changing the order of the tensor and scalar products (that is
permissible by the tensor analysis rules), we get the relation between dx and
dx: ◦
dx = F · dx. (1.34)
Here we have denoted the linear transformation tensor
F = rk ⊗ rk , (1.35)
called the deformation gradient. As follows from (1.34),
the deformation gradient connects elementary radius-
vectors dx and dx of the same material point M in
Figure 1.7. Geometric rep-
configurations K and K. resentation of the deforma-
Definition (1.19) allows us to give a geometric tion gradient
representation of the deformation gradient: if ri are
considered as the left vectors and ri as the right vectors, then, by formulae
of paragraph 1.1.4 (see [12]), the tensor F takes the form
◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
F = ri ⊗ ri = [r1 r1 r2 r2 r3 r3 ].
According to the geometric definition of a tensor (see paragraph 1.1.4), the
tensor F can be represented as equivalence class of the ordered set of six vectors
ri , ri (Figure 1.7).
10 Chapter 1. Kinematics of Continua
∂a ∂a ◦ ◦ ∂a ◦
∇ ⊗ a = ri ⊗ i
= rj δji ⊗ i
= rj ⊗ rj · ri ⊗ i
= F−1T · ∇ ⊗ a. N (1.38)
∂X ∂X ∂X
1.1.7. Curvilinear Spatial Coordinates. Notice that the choice of Cartesian
basis Oēi as a fixed (immovable) system in the spatial (Eulerian) description
of the continuum motion is not a necessary condition. For some problems of
continuum mechanics it is convenient to consider a moving system O0 ē0i with
−−→ 0 0
the origin at a moving point O (x0 = OO ) and a moving orthonormal basis ēi
(Figure 1.8), which is connected to ēi by the orthogonal tensor Q:
ei = x
x e k ),
ei (X (1.44)
which, due to (1.27), are connected to x by the relations
a = a(xi , t) = a e i , t);
e(X (1.47)
therefore coordinates ei
X are called curvilinear spatial coordinates.
Introduce local vectors
∂x ∂xj
ri = = ē . (1.48)
∂Xei ei j
In particular, the basis ē0i may be fixed (Figure 1.9), then ē0i = ēi , x
e = x,
and curvilinear spatial coordinates ej = X
X e j (xi ) are independent of t; the basis
ri is independent of t as well, and from (1.46) and (1.48) it follows that the basis
coincides with ri : ◦
∂xj ∂ xj ◦
ri = ēj = ē = ri .
i j
∂X i ∂X
When the basis ē0i is moving, bases e
ri and ri are no longer coincident.
12 Chapter 1. Kinematics of Continua
The vectors e
ri are directed tangentially to the coordinate lines ei
X and defined
simultaneously with ri at every point M at any time t > 0.
A change of vectors e
ri in time is defined only by the motion of basis ē0i ,
because from (1.42), (1.43) and (1.48) it follows that
∂X ek
∂xj ∂ X
³ ∂X
ek ´
ē0i = Qj i e
r k = e
rk = e
rk , (1.50)
∂xj xi ∂xj
∂e i
ei j
∂X e i 0k
ri = geike
e rk = j
ē = ē . (1.53)
∂x xk
According to formulae (1.51) and (1.52), we find the relation between
matrices gij and gekl :
e k ∂X
∂X el e k ∂X
∂X el
gij = ri · rj = i
r ·e
j k
rl = gekl . (1.54)
∂X ∂X ∂X ∂X j
The inverse matrix g ij is found from (1.54) by the rule of matrix product
inversion (see Exercise 1.1.13):
∂X i ∂X j kl
g ij = ge . (1.55)
e k ∂X
∂X el
1.1. Material and Spatial Descriptions 13
From (1.51), (1.53) and (1.55) we can find the relation between vectors of
reciprocal bases ri and ri :
∂X i ∂X j kl ∂ X ∂X i k
ri = g ij rj = ge j
rm = e
r . (1.56)
e ∂X
∂X k e l ∂X ek
Let there be a tensor
n Ω, then it can be resolved for the basis ri and for the
basis e
ri :
Ω = Ωi 1 ei
ri ⊗ . . . ⊗ rin = Ω 1
ri ⊗ . . . ⊗ e
e rin . (1.57)
1 1
∂ nΩ ∂X i k el
∂ nΩ ∂X ∂ nΩ
∇ ⊗ n Ω = ri ⊗ = e
r ⊗ = δ l k
r ⊗ e ⊗ n Ω. (1.62)
i e k e l i k e l
∂X ∂X ∂ X ∂X ∂X
The remaining two formulae in (1.61) can be derived in the same way (see
Exercise 1.1.8). N
Going to components of a tensor
n Ω with respect to bases ri and e
ri , from
(1.58) we get the relation between the covariant derivatives:
∇i Ωj 1 ...jn e iΩ
=∇ ej 1 ...jn
. (1.63)
Determine the tensor H transforming coordinates ei
X into Xj:
H = rj ⊗ e e ij e
rj = H rj = H̄ ij ēi ⊗ ēj .
ri ⊗ e (1.64)
Then we get the relations (see Exercises 1.1.10 and 1.1.11):
◦ ◦
ri = H · e ej e
ri = H ri = H−1T · e e ij )−1e
ri = (H rj .
i rj , (1.65)
14 Chapter 1. Kinematics of Continua
The coordinates ei
X e ri
ri and e
are often chosen orthogonal, then the bases
are orthogonal as well, and the matrices g
eij and ge are diagonal; and we can
introduce the physical (orthonormal) basis:
rα = e eα,
rα /H (1.66)
where eα =
H geαα are Lam
e's coefficients, which are in general not coincident
with the coefficients Hα = g αα . Tensor components with respect to the basis
rα are called physical:
T = Teij b
ri ⊗ b
e e
rj . (1.67)
Relations between physical and covariant components of a tensor are determined
by the known formulae (see [12]).
Exercise 1.1.1. With the help of formulae (1.10), (1.12), (1.13) and (1.17) show that if
the motion law of a continuum describes extension of a beam (1.6) (see Example 1.1),
then the local basis vectors ri and the metric matrices have the forms
◦ ◦
ri = ei , r i = ei ,
rα = kα ēα , rα = (1/kα )ēα , α = 1, 2, 3,
◦ ◦ ij ij
g ij = δij , g =δ ,
2 −2
k1 0 0 k1 0 0
(gij ) = 0 k22 0 , (g ij ) = 0 k2−2 0 ,
k32 −2
0 0 0 0 k3
i.e. √
gαβ = kα2 δαβ , g αβ = kα−2 δαβ , Hα = gαα = kα , b
rα = eα .
Exercise 1.1.2. Show that if the motion law of a continuum describes a simple shear
(see Example 1.2), then the local basis vectors and the metric matrices have the forms
◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
r i = ei , r i = ei , g ij = δij , g ij = δ ij ,
r1 = ē1 , r2 = aē1 + ē2 , r3 = ē3 ,
r = ē − aē ,
r = ē ,
r3 = ē3 ,
2 2 2
à ! à !
1 a 0 1+a
−a 0
gij = a 1 + a 0 ,
g = −a 1 0 .
0 0 1 0 0 1
Exercise 1.1.3. Show that if the motion law describes rotation of a beam with extension
(see Example 1.3), then with introducing the rotation tensor O0 and the stretch tensor
U0 :
x = F0 · x, F0 = O0 · U0 .
1.1. Material and Spatial Descriptions 15
Show that the local basis vectors and metric matrices for this problem have the forms
ri = F0 ki ēk , ri = ēi ,
k1 cos2 ϕ + k22 sin2 ϕ (k12 − k22 ) cos ϕ sin ϕ 0
gij = F0 ki F0 lj δkl = (k12 − k22 ) cos ϕ sin ϕ k12 sin2 ϕ + k22 cos2 ϕ 0 ,
0 0 k 2
g = k1 k2 k3 ,
k2 sin ϕ + k1 cos2 ϕ (k1−2 − k2−2 ) cos ϕ sin ϕ
−2 2 −2
g ij
= (k1−2 − k2−2 ) cos ϕ sin ϕ k2−2 cos2 ϕ + k1−2 sin2 ϕ 0 .
0 0 k3
Exercise 1.1.4. Using the property (1.14) of reciprocal basis vectors, show that the
following relations hold:
◦ ∂X i ∂X i k
ri = ◦k ēk , ri = P ik ēk = ē .
∂x ∂xk
Exercise 1.1.5. Show that F, FT , F−1 and F−1T in the Cartesian coordinate system
take the forms
Exercise 1.1.11. Using (1.47), show that in formulae (1.64) the tensor H has the
following components with respect to bases ēi and e
ri :
◦ ◦
∂ xi ∂ X ∂xi ∂X k k ei ∂xk ∂X i
H̄ ij = (H̄ ij )−1 = e ij = ∂ x ∂ X ,
H e ij )−1 =
, ◦j ,
e k ∂x j ◦k .
e j ∂x
∂X k ∂x ∂X
∂X ∂x ∂X
Exercise 1.1.12. Introducing the notation F ij for components of the deformation
◦ ◦ ◦
ij ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
gradient F with respect to basis ri : F = F ri ⊗ rj = F i j ri ⊗ rj , show that formula
(1.36) yields
◦ ◦
rj = F i j ri .
16 Chapter 1. Kinematics of Continua
Exercise 1.1.13. Show that the Levi-Civita symbols are connected by the relations
²ijk ²ijk = 6, ²ijk ²ilm = δjl δkm − δkl δjm , ²ijk ²ijl = 2δil ,
√ √
g ²ijk = (1/ g ) ²mnl gmi gnj glk . ²ijk T jk = 0
where T jk are components of an arbitrary symmetric tensor: T jk = T kj .
Exercise 1.1.14. Using relations (1.14a), show that the local bases vectors are
connected by the relations
√ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
rα × rβ = g rγ , rα × rβ = g rγ , α 6= β 6= γ 6= α.
Exercise 1.1.15. Show that the unit fourth-order tensors ∆I , ∆II and ∆III defined by
formulae (1.22) have the following properties:
∆I · · 4 Ω = E ⊗ E · · 4 Ω, ∆II · · 4 Ω = Ω(2134) ,
∆III · · 4 Ω = 6 Ω, ∆ · · 4 Ω = (Ω(2134) + Ω),
for arbitrary second-order tensor T and fourth-order tensor Ω. As follows from these
Exercise 1.1.16. Show that components of the symmetric unit fourth-order tensor ∆
with respect to a tetradic basis have the form
∆ = (ei ⊗ el ⊗ ei ⊗ el + ei ⊗ el ⊗ el ⊗ ei ) = ∆ijkl ei ⊗ ej ⊗ ek ⊗ el .
∆ijkl = (δ ik δ jl + δ il δ jk ).
Exercise 1.1.17. Show that for any second-order tensor T and for any vector a the
following formula of covariant differentiation hold:
∇ · (T · a) = T · · (∇ ⊗ a)T + a · ∇ · T.
1 ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
C = (gij − g ij )ri ⊗ rj = εij ri ⊗ rj ,
1 ◦
A = (gij − g ij )ri ⊗ rj = εij ri ⊗ rj , (2.1)
1 ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
Λ = (g ij − g ij )ri ⊗ rj = εij ri ⊗ rj ,
1.2. Deformation Tensors and Measures 17
1 ◦
J = (g ij − g ij )ri ⊗ rj = εij ri ⊗ rj .
1 ◦ 1 ◦
εij = (gij − g ij ), εij = (g ij − g ij ), (2.2)
2 2
have been defined independently of each other, therefore the formal rearrange-
ment of indices is not permissible for these components, i.e.
1 1
C = (FT · F − E), A = (E − F−1T · F−1 ),
2 2
1 1
Λ = (E − F−1 · F−1T ), J = (F · FT − E). (2.5)
2 2
H Let us derive a relation between C and F. Having used the definitions of gij ,
g ij and F, we get
³ ◦ ◦
´ 1 ³◦ ◦
´ 1
C= (ri · rj )ri ⊗ rj − E = ri ⊗ ri · rj ⊗ rj − E = (FT · F − E).
2 2 2
The remaining relations of (2.5) can be proved in the same way:
1 ◦ ◦ 1
A = (E − ri ⊗ ri · rj ⊗ rj ) = (E − F−1T · F−1 ),
2 2
1 ◦ ◦ 1
Λ = (E − ri ⊗ ri · rj ⊗ rj ) = (E − F−1 · F−1T ), (2.6a)
2 2
1 ◦ ◦ 1
J = (ri ⊗ ri · rj ⊗ rj − E) = (F · FT − E). N
2 2
18 Chapter 1. Kinematics of Continua
and also the left CauchyGreen measure g−1 and the right Almansi measure
G−1 : ◦
g−1 = g ij ri ⊗ rj = F · FT = E + 2J,
◦ ◦
G−1 = g ij ri ⊗ rj = F−1 · F−1T = E − 2Λ. (2.8)
u = x − x. (2.9)
Figure 1.10. The displacement vector of a point M from the reference configuration to the actual
Theorem 1.4. The deformation tensors and the deformation gradient are
connected to the displacement vector u by the relations
F = E + (∇ ⊗ u)T , F−1 = E − (∇ ⊗ u)T ,
FT = E + ∇ ⊗ u, F−1T = E − ∇ ⊗ u, (2.10)
and also µ ¶
1 ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
C= ∇⊗u+∇⊗u +∇⊗u·∇⊗u ,
1 ¡ ¢
A= ∇ ⊗ u + ∇ ⊗ uT − ∇ ⊗ u · ∇ ⊗ uT , (2.11)
1 ¢
Λ= ∇ ⊗ u + (∇ ⊗ u)T − ∇ ⊗ uT · ∇ ⊗ u ,
µ ¶
1 ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
J= ∇⊗u+∇⊗u +∇⊗u ·∇⊗u .
1.2. Deformation Tensors and Measures 19
H The definition (2.9) of the displacement vector and the properties (1.35) of the
deformation gradient yield
◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ∂x ◦
FT = ∇ ⊗ x = ∇ ⊗ (x + u) = ri ⊗ i
◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
= ri ⊗ ri + ∇ ⊗ u = E + ∇ ⊗ u. (2.12)
1 ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
εij = (∇i uj + ∇j ui + ∇i uk ∇j uk ),
εij = (∇i uj + ∇j ui − ∇i uk ∇j uk ), (2.26)
ε = (∇i uj + ∇j ui − ∇k ui ∇k uj )
◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
gij = g ij + ∇i uj + ∇j ui + ∇i uk ∇j uk = g ij + ∇i uj + ∇j ui − ∇i uk ∇j uk , (2.28)
◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
g ij = g ij + ∇i uj + ∇j ui + ∇k ui ∇k uj = g ij + ∇i uj + ∇j ui − ∇k ui ∇k uj . (2.29)
Thus, we have proved the following theorem.
Theorem 1.6. Components of the deformation tensor εij , εij and metric ma-
trices gij , g
ij are connected to components of the displacement vector u by
relations (2.26)(2.29).
1 ◦ 1 ◦ ◦
εij = (gij − g ij ) = (ri · rj − ri · rj ). (2.30)
2 2
1.2. Deformation Tensors and Measures 21
◦ ◦ ◦
where ψαβ and ψ αβ are the angles between basis vectors rα , rβ and rα , rβ in K
and K, respectively.
◦ ◦
Consider elementary radius-vectors dx and dx in configurations K and K,
and introduce their lengths ds and ds, respectively:
◦ ◦ ◦
ds2 = dx · dx, ds2 = dx · dx. (2.32)
Since dx is arbitrary, we can choose it to be oriented along one of the basis
vectors rα . Then dx will be directed along the corresponding vector rα as well,
because under this transformation rα becomes rα for the same material point M
with Lagrangian coordinates X . In this case we have
¯ ◦ ¯
◦ ◦ ¯ ∂x ¯ ◦
|dx| = dsα = ¯ α dX α ¯ = |rα | dX α ,
¯ ¯
¯ ∂x ¯
|dx| = dsα = ¯ α dX α ¯ = |rα | dX α . (2.33)
◦ ◦
dsα /dsα = |rα |/|rα | = δα + 1, (2.34)
where δα is called the relative elongation. Formula (2.34) yields
|rα | = |rα |(1 + δα ). (2.35)
On substituting this expression into (2.31), we get
µ ¶
1 ◦ ◦ ◦
εαβ = |rα ||rβ | (1 + δα )(1 + δβ ) cos ψαβ − cos ψ αβ . (2.36)
Consider the case when α = β, then ψαβ = ψ αβ = 0 and
1 ◦ ¡ ¢ g◦ ¡ ¢
εαα = |rα |2 (1 + δα )2 − 1 = αα (1 + δα )2 − 1 . (2.37)
2 2
Let coordinates Xi be coincident with Cartesian coordinates xi , then g αβ =
= δαβ ; and for infinitesimal values of the relative elongation, when δα ¿ 1, we
εαα ≈ δα , (2.38)
i.e. εαα is coincident with the relative elongation.
In general, εαα is a nonlinear function of corresponding elongations.
22 Chapter 1. Kinematics of Continua
Consider α 6= β and assume that X i = xi , then ψ αβ = π/2; and from (2.36)
we get
1 ◦ ◦
εαβ = |rα ||rβ |(1 + δα )(1 + δβ ) cos ψαβ =
q q
1 ◦ ◦ 1
= g αα g ββ (1 + δα )(1 + δβ ) sin χαβ = (1 + δα )(1 + δβ ) sin χαβ , (2.39)
2 2
where χαβ = ψ αβ − ψαβ = (π/2) − ψαβ is the change of the angle between basis
vectors rα and rβ . For small relative elongations, when δα ¿ 1, and small angles
χαβ ¿ 1, from (2.39) we get
εαβ ≈ χαβ /2, (2.40)
i.e. εαβ is a half of the misalignment angle of the basis vectors.
n dΣ = rα × rβ dX α dX β = g ²αβγ rγ dX α dX β =
= (1/ g )²ijk gαi gβj rk dX α dX β (2.45)
1.2. Deformation Tensors and Measures 23
√ 1
n dΣ · n dΣ = g ²αβγ rγ · √ ²ijk gαi gβj rk )(dX α dX β )2 =
= (²αβk ² ijk
gαi gβj )(dX α dX β )2 = (δαi δβj − δβi δαj )gαi gβj (dX α dX β )2 =
= (gαα gββ − gαβ )(dX α dX β )2 = ge(dX α dX β )2 = dΣ2 . (2.46)
Hence, n · n = 1.
◦ ◦
The surface element dΣ in K corresponds to the surface element dΣ in K,
◦ ◦
which is constructed on elementary radiusvectors dxα and dxβ :
◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
n dΣ = rα dX α × rβ dX β = rα × rβ dX α dX β . (2.47)
◦ ◦
Here n is the unit normal to
Since rγ = F−1T · r , we get
√ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
n dΣ = g ²αβγ F−1T · rγ dX α dX β = g/g F−1T · rα × rβ dX α dX β =
◦ ◦ ◦
= g/g F−1T · n dΣ. (2.48)
g ◦ ◦ ◦ g ◦ ◦ ◦
dΣ2 = ◦ (n · F−1 · F−1T · n) dΣ2 = ◦ (n · G−1 · n) dΣ2 . (2.50)
g g
◦ ◦ ◦
dΣ/dΣ = g/g (n · G−1 · n)1/2 . (2.51)
On the other hand, expressing n from (2.49) and then multiplying the
obtained relation by itself, we obtain
◦ ◦ ◦
g g
d Σ2 = (n · F · FT · n) dΣ2 = (n · g−1 · n) dΣ2 , (2.52)
g g
Thus, we find that
dΣ/dΣ = g/g (n · g−1 · n)1/2 . (2.53)
24 Chapter 1. Kinematics of Continua
q q ◦
◦ ◦
dΣ/dΣ = g/g k = g/g (1/k). (2.55)
Thus, we get
k = 1/k. (2.56)
Substitution of (2.52) and (2.53) into (2.49) gives the desired relations
◦ ◦ ◦
kn = F−1T · n, k n = FT · n. (2.57)
1.2.7. Representation of the Inverse Metric Matrix in terms of Components
of the Deformation Tensor. Components gij of the metric matrix are connected
to components of the deformation tensor εij by relation (2.2). In continuum
mechanics, one often needs to know the expression of the inverse metric matrix
g ij in terms of εij (but not in terms of εij ). To derive this relation, we should
use the connection between components of a matrix and its inverse (see [12]):
g ij = ²imn ²jkl gmk gnl . (2.58)
For g ij , we have the similar formula
◦ 1 imn jkl ◦ ◦
g ij = ◦² ² g mk g nl . (2.59)
On substituting the relations (2.2) between gmn , g mn and εmn into (2.59), we
1 ◦ ◦
g ij = ²imn ²jkl (g mk + 2εmk )(g nl + 2εnl ) =
1 ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
= ²imn ²jkl (g mk g nl + 2g mk εnl + 1g nl εmk + 4εmk εnl ). (2.60)
Removing the parentheses, modify four summands in (2.60) in the following way.
The first summand with taking formula (2.59) into account gives the matrix
◦ ◦
g ij (g/g). To transform the second and the third summands, we should use the
formulae q q
◦ jkl ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
(1/ g )² = g ²tsp g jt g ks g lp . (2.61)
◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
(1/g)²imn ²jkl g mk = ²imn ²tsp g jt g ks g lp g mk = ²imn ²tmp g jt g lp =
◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
= (δti δpn − δpi δtn )g jt g lp = g ij g nl − g jn g il . (2.62)
◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
(1/g)²imn ²jkl g mk εnl = (g ij g nl − g jn g il )εnl . (2.63)
1.2. Deformation Tensors and Measures 25
√ √
g ²ijk = (1/ g ) ²mnl gmi gnj glk
(see [12]), and relationship (2.62) has been obtained by using formula (2.61) and
the properties of the Levi-Civita symbols (see Exercise 1.1.13).
On substituting formula (2.63) into (2.60), we get
◦³ ´
g ◦ ij ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ 2
g ij = g + 2(g ij g nl − 2g il g jn )εnl + ◦ ²imn ²jkl εmk εnl . (2.64)
g g
◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ 2
´ ◦
3g = g g ij + 2(g ij g nl − g il g jn )εnl + ◦ ²imn ²jpl εmp εnl (g ij + 2εij ). (2.65)
Thus, we get
◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
3g = g(3 + 4g nl εnl + (2/g)²imn ²jpl g ij εmp εnl +
◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
+ 2g ij εij + 4(g ij g nl − g il g jn )εnl εij + (4/g)²imn ²jpl εij εmp εnl . (2.66)
Modifying the third summand on the right-hand side by formula (2.63) and
introducing the notation
◦ 1 ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
I1ε = g nl εnl , I2ε = (g ij g nl − g il g jn )εij εnl , I3ε = det (εij gik ), (2.67)
g = g(1 + 2I1ε + 4I2ε + 8I3ε ). (2.68)
Here we have taken account of formula (2.58) for the matrix determinant
and also the relation I3ε = (1/g)det (εij ). Thus, we have proved the following
Theorem 1.8. The inverse metric matrix g ij is expressed in terms of compo-
◦ ij
nents εij of the deformation tensor and g by formulae (2.64) and (2.68).
Formulae (2.64) and (2.68) allow us to find the expression of contravariant
components εij of the deformation tensor in terms of εij . It follows from (2.2)
◦ ◦
ij ◦ ij ij ◦ ij g −g g ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ 1
ε = (1/2)(g − g ) = g − (g ij g nl − g il g jn )εnl − ²imn ²jkl εmk εnl .
2g g g
Substitution of formulae (2.26) or (2.27) into (2.64) and (2.69) gives the
expression for components εij in terms of components of the displacement vector
ui or ui .
26 Chapter 1. Kinematics of Continua
Exercise 1.2.1. Using the results of Exercise 1.1.1, show that the deformation gradient
F and its inverse F−1 for the problem on a beam in tension (see Example 1.1) have the
T −1 −1T
F=F = kα ēα ⊗ ēα , F =F = ēα ⊗ ēα .
α=1 α=1
For this problem, the deformation tensors are determined by the formulae
1 1
εαβ = (kα2 − 1)δαβ , εαβ = (1 − kα−2 )δαβ .
2 2
Exercise 1.2.2. Using the results of Exercise 1.1.2, show that for the problem on a
simple shear we have the following formulae for the deformation gradient:
F = F ij ēi ⊗ ēj = E + aē1 ⊗ ē2 , FT = E + aē2 ⊗ ē1 ,
F−1 = E − aē1 ⊗ ē2 , F−1T = E − aē2 ⊗ ē1 ,
i.e. Ã !
◦ 1 a 0
F = 0 1 0 , det F = 1,
0 0 1
F = F0 ij ēi ⊗ ēj = cos ϕ kα ēα ⊗ ēα + k3 ē3 ⊗ ē3 + sin ϕk2 (ē2 ⊗ ē1 − ē1 ⊗ ē2 ).
1.3. Polar Decomposition 27
Exercise 1.2.4. Using formulae (1.36), (2.18)(2.25) and the results of Exercise 1.1.7,
show that local basis vectors are connected to displacements by the relations
◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
ri = rk (δik + ∇k ui ), ri = rk (δik − ∇i uk ).
Exercise 1.2.5. Using formulae (2.37) and (2.39), show that the physical components
b◦ ◦ ◦
of the deformation tensor εαβ = εαβ / g αα g ββ are connected to relative elongations δα
and angles χαβ by the relations
b◦ 1 b◦ 1
εαα = ((1 + δα )2 − 1), εαβ = (1 + δα )(1 + δβ ) sin χαβ .
2 2
u=u rk , F−1 = (Fe−1 )ki e ri ,
rk ⊗ e (Fe−1 )ki = δik − ∇
e iu
ek .
Exercise 1.2.7. Using formula (1.34), show that the following relationships hold:
◦ ◦ ◦
|dx|2 = dx · G · dx, |dx|2 = dx · g · dx.
F=O·U or F = V · O. (3.1)
Here U and V are the symmetric and positive-definite tensors, O is the
orthogonal tensor, and each of the decompositions (3.1) is unique.
H Prove the existence of the decomposition (3.1) in the constructive way, i.e. we
should construct the tensors U, V and O. To do this, consider the contractions
of the tensor F with its transpose: FT · F and F · FT . Both the tensors are
symmetric, because
and F · FT can be denoted as λ2α and λ2α . These tensors are diagonal in their
eigenbases, i.e. they have the following forms:
◦ ◦ ◦ X
◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ X
FT · F = U2 , F · FT = V2 . (3.7)
The constructed tensors V and U are symmetric due to formula (3.6) and
positive-definite, because for any nonzero vector a we have
◦ ◦ ◦ X
◦ ◦
a·U·a= λα a · pα ⊗ pα · a = λα (a · pα )2 > 0, (3.8)
α=1 α=1
as λα > 0. In a similar way, we can prove that the tensor V is positive-definite.
Both the tensors V and U are nonsingular, because, under the conditions of
the theorem, the tensor F is nonsingular. And from (3.7) we get
Here U and V are symmetric, positive-definite tensors, O and O are orthogonal
Show that each of the decompositions (3.12) is unique. By contradiction, let
there be one more resolution, for example
e · U.
F=O e (3.13)
But then
e 2 = U2 ,
FT · F = U (3.14)
hence, e = U,
U because the decomposition of the tensor FT · F for its eigenbasis
◦ ◦
is unique. Signs at λα and eα
λ are chosen positive by the condition. The
◦ ◦
coincidence of U and e
U leads to the fact that e
O and O are coincident as well,
because ◦ ◦
e =F·U
O e −1 = F · U−1 = O. (3.15)
This has proved uniqueness of the decomposition (3.12). We can verify unique-
ness of the decomposition F=V·O in a similar way.
Finally, we must show that the orthogonal tensors O and O are coincident,
i.e. formula (3.1) follows from (3.12). To do this, we construct the tensor
◦ ◦ ◦
F · OT = O · U · OT . (3.16)
Due to (3.12), this tensor satisfies the following relationship:
◦ ◦ ◦
O · U · OT = V · O · OT . (3.17)
The tensor O · OT is orthogonal, because
◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
(O · OT )T · (O · OT ) = O · OT · O · OT = O · OT = E. (3.18)
Then the relationship (3.17) can be considered as the polar decomposition of the
◦ ◦
tensor O · U · OT . This tensor is symmetric, because
◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
(O · U · OT )T = (OT )T · (O · U)T = O · U · OT . (3.19)
Then the formal equality
◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
O · U · OT = O · U · OT (3.20)
is one more polar decomposition. However, as was shown above, the polar
decomposition is unique; hence, the following relationships must be satisfied:
◦ ◦ ◦
V = O · U · OT and O · OT = E. (3.21)
◦ ◦
Thus, the orthogonal tensors O and O are coincident: O = O. N
The tensors U and V are called the right and left stretch tensors, respec-
tively, and O is the rotation tensor accompanying the deformation.
30 Chapter 1. Kinematics of Continua
1 1
C = (U2 − E), A = (E − V−2 ),
2 2
1 1
Λ = (E − U−2 ), J = (V2 − E). (3.22)
2 2
H To see this, let us substitute the polar decomposition (3.1) into (2.5), and then
we get the relationships (3.22). N
1.3.2. Eigenvalues and Eigenbases.
Theorem 1.11. Eigenvalues of the tensors U and V defined by (3.6) are
coincident: ◦
λα = λα , α = 1, 2, 3, (3.23)
and eigenvectors pα and pα are connected by the rotation tensor O:
pα = O · pα . (3.23a)
H To prove the theorem, we use the definition (3.6) and the first formula of
◦ ◦ ◦ X
V= λα pα ⊗ pα = O · U · O = λα O · pα ⊗ (O · pα ) = λα p0α ⊗ p0α ,
α=1 α=1 α=1
where ◦
p0α = O · pα .
According to the relationship, we have obtained two different eigenbases of the
tensor V and two sets of eigenvalues, that is impossible. Therefore,
◦ ◦
p0α = O · pα = pα and λα = λα ,
as was to be proved. N
Due to (3.5), both the eigenbases are orthogonal. Therefore, reciprocal
vectors of the eigenbases do not differ from pα and pα :
◦ ◦
pα = pα , pα = pα . (3.24)
The important problem for applications is to determine λα , pα and pα by the
given deformation gradient F. To solve the problem, one should use the following
1.3. Polar Decomposition 31
4) Write the dyadic products (3.6) and find resolutions of the tensors U and V
for the eigenbases; for example, for the Cartesian basis ēi :
3 ◦ ◦ X
U= bi α Q
λα Q b j α ēi ⊗ ēj , V= bi α Q
λα Q b j α ēi ⊗ ēj .
α=1 α=1
Exercises show examples of determination of the tensors U and V.
Remark 2. Notice that a solution of the quadratic equations (3.28a) may be
b i b i , this
not unique due to the choice of signs of matrix components Q α and Q α
ambiguity is resolved by applying one more additional condition, namely the
condition of coincidence of the vectors pα and pα when t → 0+ :
t → 0+ ⇒ pα (t) = pα (t), α = 1, 2, 3.
32 Chapter 1. Kinematics of Continua
For the matrix bi α ,
Q the ambiguity of the sign choice remains. However, if
there is a field of eigenvectors pα (x, t), then this ambiguity may be retained only
at one point x0 at one time, for example, t = 0; and for the remaining x and t,
a sign at Q b i α is chosen from the continuity condition of the vector field p α (x, t)
(for continuous motions). If the eigenvector field pα (x0 , 0) contains the vectors
ēα , then the remaining ambiguity is resolved by the condition pα (x0 , 0) = ēα .
The ambiguity of a solution of the system (3.26a), (3.28a) may also appear,
if at some time t1 at a point x the eigenvalues λα (t1 ) prove to be triple. In this
case, values of the matrices b i α (t1 )
Q and b i α (t1 )
Q are determined, as a rule, by
passage to the limit:
◦ ◦
b i α (t1 ) = lim Q
Q b i α (t), b i α (t1 ) = lim Q
Q b i α (t), α = 1, 2, 3.
t→t1 t→t1
In the case of double eigenvalues λα , these formulae are applied only to their
corresponding matrix components bi α
Q and bi α . ¤
1.3.3. Representation of the Deformation Tensors in Eigenbases.
◦ ◦
Theorem 1.12. In the tensor bases pα ⊗ pβ and pα ⊗ pβ , the CauchyGreen
tensors C and J, the Almansi tensors A and Λ, and the deformation measures
G, g−1 and G−1 , g have the diagonal form:
1 ◦ ◦ X
1 ◦ ◦
C= (λ2α − 1)pα ⊗ pα , Λ= (1 − λ− 2
α )pα ⊗ pα , (3.29a)
2 2
α=1 α=1
A= (1 − λ− 2
α )pα ⊗ pα , J= (λ2α − 1)pα ⊗ pα ;
2 2
α=1 α=1
◦ ◦ X
◦ ◦
G= λ2α pα ⊗ pα , G−1 = λ−2
α pα ⊗ pα , (3.29b)
α=1 α=1
X 3
g−1 = λ2α pα ⊗ pα , g= λ− 2
α pα ⊗ pα .
α=1 α=1
H On substituting formulae (3.6) into (3.22), we get (3.29a). Formulae (3.29b)
follow from (3.29a) and (2.7), (2.8). N
Similarly to formulae (3.29), we can introduce new deformation tensors by
◦ ◦
determining their components with respect to the bases pα ⊗ pβ or pα ⊗ pβ as
◦ X
◦ ◦ X
Among the tensors (3.30), the logarithmic deformation tensors and mea-
◦ X
◦ ◦ X
H= lg λα pα ⊗ pβ , H= lg λα pα ⊗ pβ , (3.31)
α=1 α=1
◦ ◦
H1 = H + E, H1 = H + E,
are the most widely known; they are called the right and left Hencky tensors,
and also the right and left Hencky measures, respectively.
With the help of the eigenvectors pα and pα we can form the mixed dyads
◦ X
pα ⊗ pα = pα ⊗ pα · O = ( pα ⊗ pα ) · O = E · O. (3.32)
α=1 α=1 α=1
Here we have used the properties (3.23a) and (3.24), and the representation of
the unit tensor E in an arbitrary mixed dyadic basis.
Thus, the rotation tensor O accompanying the deformation can be expressed
in the eigenbasis as follows:
◦ ◦
O= pα ⊗ pα = pi ⊗ pi . (3.33)
On substituting (3.33) and (3.6) into (3.1) and taking (3.5) into account, we
get the following expression of the deformation gradient in the tensor eigenbasis:
◦ X
◦ ◦ ◦ X
F=O·U= pα ⊗ pα · λβ pβ ⊗ pβ = λα pα ⊗ pα . (3.34)
α=1 β=1 α=1
According to (3.34), the transpose FT and inverse F−1 gradients are ex-
pressed as follows:
◦ X
FT = λα pα ⊗ pα , F−1 = λ−1
α pα ⊗ pα . (3.35)
α=1 α=1
1.3.4. Geometrical Meaning of Eigenvalues. Vectors of eigenbases pα and
pα are connected by the transformation (3.23a). In K take elementary radius-
◦ ◦
vectors dxα oriented along the eigenbasis vectors pα , then in K they correspond
to radius-vectors dxα :
◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
dxα = pα |dxα |, dxα = F · dxα . (3.36)
Substitution of (3.34) into (3.36) yields
◦ ◦ ◦
dxα = λβ pβ ⊗ pβ · pα |dxα | = λα |dxα |pα , (3.37)
34 Chapter 1. Kinematics of Continua
i.e. the elementary radius-vectors dxα in K will be also oriented along the
corresponding eigenbasis vectors pα .
◦ ◦
Denote lengths of the vectors dxα and dxα by dsα and ds, respectively, and
derive relations between them:
◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
ds2α = dxα · dxα = dxα · FT · F · dxα = |dxα |2 pα · FT · F · pα =
◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
= ds2α pα · G · pα = ds2α λ2α . (3.38)
Here we have used equations (3.29b) and (3.36). Formula (3.38) proves the
following theorem.
Theorem 1.13. Eigenvalues λα (principal stretches) are the elongation ratios
for material fibres oriented along the principal (eigen-) directions:
λα = dsα /dsα . (3.39)
1.3.5. Geometric Picture of Transformation of a Small Neighborhood of a
Point of a Continuum. In K, consider a small neighborhood of the material
point M contained in a continuum; then every point M , connected to M by the
elementary radius-vector dx (Figure 1.12), will be connected to the same point
M by radius-vector dx inK. These radius-vectors are related as follows:
dx = F · dx. (3.40)
The relation can be considered as the transformation of arbitrary radius-vector
dx into dx.
i ◦
F̄m = (∂xi /∂ xm ), (3.42)
which depend only on coordinates x of the point M, but they are independent
of coordinates dxm of its neighboring points M0 . Therefore the transformation
1.3. Polar Decomposition 35
(3.41) is a linear transformation of coordinates dxm into dxi , i.e. this is an affine
As follows from the general properties of affine transformations, straight
lines and planes contained in a small neighborhood in K will be straight
lines and planes in actual configuration K. Parallel straight lines and planes
are transformed into parallel straight lines and planes. Therefore if a small
neighborhood in K is chosen to be a parallelogram, then in K the neighborhood
will be a parallelogram as well (although angles between its edges, edge lengths
and orientation of planes in space may change).
Since a second-order surface in K (and, in general, a surface specified by an
algebraic expression of arbitrary n-th order) is transformed into a surface of the
same order in K, a small spherical neighborhood in K is transformed into an
ellipsoid in actual configuration K (Figure 1.12).
As follows from formula (2.34), the ratio of lengths dsα /dsα of an arbitrary
vector (or of elementary radius-vector dx in K and K) is independent of the
initial length dsα of the vector (because the relative elongation δα is independent
of dsα ).
According to the polar decomposition (3.1), the transformation (3.40) from
K to K can always be represented as the superposition of two transformations:
◦ ◦ ◦
dx = O · dx0 , dx0 = U · dx, (3.43)
realized with the help of the stretch tensor U and the rotation tensor O, or
dx = V · dx0 , dx0 = O · dx. (3.44)
The stretch tensor U, which has three eigendirections pα , transforms a small
neighborhood of the point M with compressing or extending the neighborhood
along these three directions pα . The tensor O rotates the neighborhood deformed
◦ ◦
along pα as a rigid whole until the direction of pα becomes the direction of
◦ ◦
pα . If one use the left stretch tensor V, so rotation of axes pα in K till their
coincidence with pα is first realized, and then compression or tension of the
neighborhood occurs along the direction pα . The result will be the same as for
U. ◦
If a point Mα is connected to M by radius-vector dxα oriented along
the eigendirection pα (which is unknown before deformation), then in K the
point Mα will be connected to M by radius-vector dxα oriented along the
corresponding eigendirection pα .
If a small neighborhood of point M is chosen to be a sphere in K (see
Figure 1.12), then in K the sphere becomes an ellipsoid with principal axes
oriented along the eigendirections pα .
Thus, the transformation of a small neighborhood of every point M contained
in a continuum under deformation can always be represented as a superposition
36 Chapter 1. Kinematics of Continua
Exercise 1.3.1. Using the formula (3.21a), show that the following relations between
V and U hold:
Vm = O · Um · OT , Um = OT · Vm · O
for all integer m (positive and negative).
Exercise 1.3.2. Using the results of Exercises 1.1.1 and 1.2.1, show that for the
problem on tension of a beam, eigenvalues λα are
λα = kα , α = 1, 2, 3.
The stretch tensors U and V are coincident and have the form
U=V= k α eα ⊗ eα ,
and eigenvectors pα and pα coincide with eα :
p α = p α = eα , α = 1, 2, 3.
The rotation tensor O for this problem is the unit one: O = E.
Exercise 1.3.3. Using the results of Exercises 1.1.2, 1.2.2 and Remark 2, show that
for the problem on simple shear (see Example 1.2 from paragraph 1.1.1), the tensors U2
and V 2
are expressed as follows:
eigenvalues λα are
λ2α = 1 + bα |a|, α = 1, 2; λ3 = 1,
q q
a a
b1 = + 1 + a2 /4 , b2 = − 1 + a2 /4 ,
2 2
eigenvectors pα and pα (a > 0) are
◦ 1 ◦
pα = p (ē1 + bα ē2 ), p3 = ē3 ,
1 + b2α
1 1
p1 = q (b1 ē1 + ē2 ), p2 = − q (b2 ē1 + ē2 ), p3 = ē3 ,
1 +b 2
1 + b22
p β
b1 1 + b1 a b2 1 + b2 a
Uβ = + , β = 0, 1, 2,
1 + b21 1 + b22
and the rotation tensor O has the form
O = Ō j ēi ⊗ ēj = cos ϕ(ē21 + ē22 ) + sin ϕ(ē1 ⊗ ē2 − ē2 ⊗ ē1 ),
à !
cos ϕ sin ϕ 0
Ō j = − sin ϕ cos ϕ 0 ,
0 0 1
b1 b2 b21 b22
cos ϕ = − , sin ϕ = − .
1 + b21 1 + b22 1 + b21 1 + b22
Show that functions b1 (a) and b2 (a) satisfy the following relationships:
b1 = 1, b2 = −1, λ1 = λ2 = λ3 = 1,
◦ 1 ◦ 1
p1 = p1 = √ (ē1 + ē2 ), p2 = p2 = √ (ē1 − ē2 ).
2 2
Exercise 1.3.4. Using the results of Exercise 1.2.3, show that for the problem on
rotation of a beam with tension (see Example 1.3 from paragraph 1.1.1), eigenvalues λα
have the form
λα = kα , α = 1, 2, 3,
and eigenvectors
pα = ēα , pα = O0 · ēα , α = 1, 2, 3.
Using formulae from Exercise 1.1.3 and data from Example 1.3, show that tensors
U, V, O, and also C, A, Λ and J have the form
V = O0 · U0 · OT
= V0 ē21 + V1 O3 + V2 ē22 + k3 ē23 = V0 ij ēi ⊗ ēj ,
à !
V0 V1 0
V0 j = V1 V2 0 ,
0 0 k3
V1 = k1 cos2 ϕ + k2 sin2 ϕ, V1 = (k1 − k2 ) cos ϕ sin ϕ,
V2 = k1 sin ϕ + k2 cos2 ϕ,
C = (U20 − E) = (kα2 − 1)ēα ⊗ ēα ,
2 2
38 Chapter 1. Kinematics of Continua
Λ = (E − U−
)= (1 − kα−2 )ēα ⊗ ēα ,
2 2
1 −2 1 ij ij 1 1
A = (E − V ) = (δ − g )ēi ⊗ ēj , J = (V2 − E) = (gij − δij )ēi ⊗ ēj ,
2 2 2 2
where metric matrices gij and g ij are determined by formulae from Exercise 1.1.3.
We should take into consideration that the tensors C and Λ do not feel the beam
rotation they are coincident with the corresponding tensors for the problem on pure
tension of the beam. Show that if we change the sequence of transformations (i.e. we
first rotate and then extend the beam), then the tensors A and J do not feel the rotation.
∂a ∂xj ∂a ∂a ∂a
j ∂t
= v̄ j P kj k
= v̄ i ēi · ēj P kj ⊗ k
= v · rk ⊗ = v · ∇ ⊗ a. (4.6)
∂x ∂X ∂X ∂X k
Then the relationship (4.4) yields
da ∂a
= + v · ∇ ⊗ a, (4.7)
dt ∂t
1.4. Rate Characteristics of Continuum Motion 39
where we have introduced the notation for the partial derivative with respect to
time which will be widely used below:
∂a ∂a i ¯
= (x , t)¯ i . (4.8)
∂t ∂t x
The total derivative (da/dt) is also called the material (substantial, indi-
vidual) derivative with respect to time, (∂a/∂t) in (4.7) is the partial (local)
derivative with respect to time, and v · ∇ ⊗ a is the convective derivative.
The material derivative da/dt characterizes a change of the vector field a in
a fixed material point M, the local derivative determines a change of values of
a in time at a fixed point x in space, and from (4.6) we get that the convective
derivative characterizes a change of the field due to transfer of the material
particle M from a point x to a point x + vdt in space.
If we choose the vector v as a, then the relationship between the displacement
u and the velocity v vectors has the form
dx du ∂u
v= = = + v · ∇ ⊗ u. (4.10)
dt dt ∂t
Similarly to formula (4.5), we can define the total derivative of the nth-order
n Ω with respect to time:
n dn ∂ nΩ ¯
Ω̇ = Ω(xi , t) = (X i , t)¯ i . (4.11)
dt ∂t X
d n ∂ nΩ
Ω= + v · ∇ ⊗ n Ω. (4.12)
dt ∂t
H Proof of the theorem is similar to the proof of the relationship (4.7). Details
are left as Exercise 1.4.6. N
Let us consider now the question on components of the total derivative tensor.
Theorem 1.15. Components of the total derivative tensor
n Ω̇ are connected
with the corresponding components of a tensor
nΩ with respect to stationary
bases ri , ēi and e
ri and a moving basis ri as follows:
d ◦ i ∂ ◦ ¯
Ω = Ωi (X i , t)¯ i ,
1 1
dt ∂t X
d i ∂ ∂
Ω̄ 1
= Ω̄i (xi , t) + v̄ k k Ω̄i (xi , t),
1 1
dt ∂t ∂x
d e i ∂ e i e i e kΩ
e i (X
e i , t),
Ω 1
= Ω (X , t) + vek ∇
1 1
dt ∂t
40 Chapter 1. Kinematics of Continua
d i in ∂
Ω 1 ...
= Ωi 1 i
(X , t) + (Ωi 1 ...
∇k v iα )(X i , t), (4.16)
dt ∂t
n d i i d ◦ ◦ ◦
Ω̇ = Ω̄ 1
(x , t)ēi ⊗ . . . ⊗ ēin = Ωi (X i , t)ri ⊗ . . . ⊗ rin = 1
dt dt1 1
d e i e i d
= Ω ri ⊗ . . . ⊗ e
(X , t)e
rin = Ωi (X i , t)ri ⊗ . . . ⊗ rin . 1
dt dt 1 1
◦ ◦ ◦
Ω = Ω̄i 1
(xi , t)ēi ⊗ . . . ⊗ ēin = Ωi (X i , t)ri ⊗ . . . ⊗ rin =
=Ωe i (X
e i , t)e
rin = Ωi (X i , t)ri ⊗ . . . ⊗ rin ,
ri ⊗ . . . ⊗ e 1
1 1
and choose arguments of components of the tensor Ω as in formula (4.18).
Then, substituting the resolution (4.18) for the basis ri into the definition
(4.11), we get the expression (4.13), because dri /dt = 0.
On substituting the resolution (4.18) for the basis ēi into the relationship
(4.12), we obtain
n ∂ Ω̄i
Ω̇ = ēi ⊗ . . . ⊗ ēin + v̄ k ēk · m Ω̄i 1 m
ē ⊗ ēi ⊗ . . . ⊗ ēin . (4.18a)
∂t 1
∂x 1
e i
∂Ω 1
Ω̇ = e rin + veke
ri ⊗ . . . ⊗ e e mΩ
rk · ∇ ei 1 m
r ⊗e
ri ⊗ . . . ⊗ e
rin ; (4.19)
∂t 1 1
¯ X n ¯
n ∂Ωi ¯ 1
∂riα ¯
Ω̇ = ¯ i ri ⊗ . . . ⊗ rin + Ωi 1 ...iα
ri ⊗ . . . ¯ . . . ⊗ rin .
∂t X
1 1
∂t X i
Due to the definition (1.10) of local bases vectors and the definition (4.1) of the
velocity, we have
¯ ¯ ¯
∂riα ¯ ∂2x ¯ ∂v ¯
(X j , t)¯ j = i ¯ j = ¯ = ∇iα v k rk . (4.21)
∂t X ∂t∂X X α
∂X iα X j
On substituting (4.21) into (4.20) and then collecting components at the same
elements of the polyadic basis, we derive the formula (4.16). N
1.4. Rate Characteristics of Continuum Motion 41
d Ω
d nΩ = dt (4.22)
is called the d i f f e r e n t i a l of a tensor field (or the differential of a tensor)
n Ω(xi , t).
According to formula (4.12) for the total derivative of a tensor with respect
to time, we get that the differential of a tensor can be written in the form
³ ∂ nΩ ´
d n Ω(xi , t) = + v · ∇ ⊗ n Ω dt. (4.23)
According to (4.10), the relation (4.23) takes the form
∂ nΩ
d nΩ = dt + dx · ∇ ⊗ n Ω (4.24)
When a tensor field is stationary (i.e. ∂ n Ω/∂t = 0), the differential of the
tensor field has the form
db n Ω = dx · ∇ ⊗ n Ω. (4.25)
For stationary tensor fields db n Ω = d n Ω, but in general these differentials
are not coincident.
According to Theorem 1.15, components of the tensor d nΩ with respect to
the fixed basis ri are written as follows:
j1 ...jn ◦ ◦ ◦
j1 ...jn d Ωj ...jn1
b◦ ◦
dx = (∇ ⊗ x)T · dx = F−1 · dx, (4.29)
dx = F · dx. (4.30)
On comparing formulae (4.30) with (1.34), we find that the elementary radius-
vector dx, introduced in paragraph 1.1 and connecting two infinitesimally close
material points M and M0 , coincides with the vector dx in the notation (4.25).
42 Chapter 1. Kinematics of Continua
∂ ∂r ∂r
(rα × rβ ) = α × rβ + rα × β . (4.31)
∂t ∂t ∂t
H Determine the derivative of the vector product of two local basis vectors with
respect to time:
∂ ∂ ∂
(rα × rβ ) = (Qi α ēi × Qj β ēj ) = (Qi α Qj β )ēi × ēj =
∂t ∂t ∂t
∂Qi α j i ∂Qjβ
= ēi × Q β ēj + Q α ēi × ēj .
∂t ∂t
With use of relation (1.10) we really get (4.31). N
Theorem 1.17. For arbitrary continuously differentiable vector fields a(x, t) =
= āi (xk , t)ēi and b(x, t) = b̄i (xk , t)ēi , we have the formulae
∂ ∂a ∂b
(a × b) = ×b+a× , (4.32)
∂t ∂t ∂t
∂ ∂a ∂b
(a ⊗ b) = ⊗b+a⊗ , (4.33)
∂t ∂t ∂t
∂ ∂a ∂b
(a · b) = ·b+a· . (4.34)
∂t ∂t ∂t
H A proof is similar to the proof of Theorem 1.16. N
Theorem 1.18. The total derivatives of the vector and scalar products of two
arbitrary vector fields a(x, t) and b(x, t) with respect to time have the forms
d da db
(a × b) = ×b+a× , (4.35)
dt dt dt
d da db
(a · b) = ·b+a· . (4.36)
dt dt dt
H To prove formula (4.35), one should use the property of the total derivative
d ∂
(a × b) = (a × b) + v · ∇ ⊗ (a × b).
dt ∂t
Modify the first summand by formula (4.32) and the second summand by the
formula ∇ ⊗ (a × b) = (∇ ⊗ a) × b − (∇ ⊗ b) × a [12], then we get
d ∂a ∂b
(a × b) = ×b− × a + v · (∇ ⊗ a) × b − v · (∇ ⊗ b) × a.
dt ∂t ∂t
Collecting the first summand with the third one and the second summand with
the fourth one, and using the property (4.7) of the total derivative of a vector,
we obtain
d da db da db
(a × b) = ×b− ×a= ×b+a× .
dt dt dt dt dt
Formula (4.36) can be proved in a similar way. N
1.4. Rate Characteristics of Continuum Motion 43
Theorem 1.19. The total derivative of g with respect to time is connected to
the divergence of the velocity v by
d√ √ √
g = g ∇i v i = g ∇ · v. (4.37)
H Let us differentiate the second relation of (1.15) with taking formula (4.31)
into account:
d√ d ∂2x
g = r1 · (r2 × r3 ) = · (r2 × r3 )+
dt dt ∂t∂X 1 µ ¶ µ ¶
∂2x ∂2x
+ r1 · × r3 + r1 · r2 × . (4.38)
∂t∂X 2 ∂t∂X 3
∂2x ∂v
= = ∇i v = ∇i v j rj ,
∂t∂X ∂X i
we get
d√ √
g = ∇1 v g · r1 + r1 · (∇2 v × r3 ) + r1 · (r2 × ∇3 v). (4.39)
Here we have used the relations from Exercise 1.1.14.
According to the definition of the vector product (0.2), we obtain
√ √ √
r1 · ∇2 v × r3 = r1 · g ²ijk ∇2 v i δ3j rk = g ²i31 ∇2 v i = g ∇2 v 2 . (4.40)
On substituting (4.40) into (4.39), we really get formula (4.37). N
1.4.5. The Velocity Gradient, the Deformation Rate Tensor and the Vor-
ticity Tensor. Consider elementary radius-vectors dx and dx connecting two
infinitesimally close points M and M in configurations K and K, respectively.
Determine the velocity of the point M relative to the configuration connected
to the point M. b :
To do this, determine the velocity differential
³◦ ´ µ ¶T
b ∂ ∂2x i ∂2x ◦i ◦ i ∂v T ◦ ◦ ◦
dv = dx = i
dX = i
⊗ r · dx = r ⊗ i
· dx = ∇ ⊗ v · dx.
∂t ∂X ∂t ∂X ∂t ∂X
Here we have used the second equation of (1.33), the definition of the gradient
(1.24) and formula (4.1). In a similar way, using the first equation of (1.33):
dX i = ri · dx, we get one more expression for the vector b :
b = (∇ ⊗ v)T · dx.
dv (4.42)
The second-order tensor (∇ ⊗ v) is called the velocity gradient, which
connects the relative velocity b of an elementary
dv radius-vector dx to the vector
dx itself:
b = L · dx,
dv L = (∇ ⊗ v)T . (4.43)
Just as any second-order tensor (see [12]), the tensor L can be represented by a
sum of the symmetric tensor D and the skew-symmetric tensor W:
L = D + W. (4.44)
44 Chapter 1. Kinematics of Continua
D = (∇ ⊗ v + ∇ ⊗ vT ). (4.45)
W = (∇ ⊗ vT − ∇ ⊗ v). (4.46)
ω = W · · ², W = ω × E. (4.47)
where ² is the Levi-Civita tensor, which has the third order (see [12]). This
tensor is determined as follows:
² = √ ²ijk ri ⊗ rj ⊗ rk . (4.48)
On substituting (4.44)(4.47) into (4.42), we prove the following theorem.
Theorem 1.20 (CauchyHelmholtz). The velocity v(M0 ) of an arbitrary point
M0 in a neighborhood of the material point M consists of the translational
motion velocity v(M) of the point M, the velocity ω × dx of rotation as a
rigid whole and the deformation rate D · dx, i.e.
b = ω × dx + D · dx
dv (4.49)
v(M0 ) = v(M) + ω × dx + D · dx + o (|dx|). (4.49a)
Example 1.4. Determine the tensor L for the problem on tension of a beam
(see Example 1.1), substituting (4.2) into (4.43):
∂ X X
3 3
T ∂
i i α
L = ē ⊗ v = ē ⊗ k̇α X ēα = k̇α ēα ⊗ ēα = L.
∂X i ∂X i
α=1 α=1
Since the velocity gradient L in this case proves to be a symmetric tensor, from
(4.45) and (4.46) it follows that
D = L, W = 0.
Thus, in this case ω = 0. ¤
Example 1.5. Determine the tensor L for the problem on simple shear (see
Example 1.2), substituting formula (4.2) into (4.43):
∂v ∂v̄ j i ∂v̄ 1
LT = ēi ⊗ = ē ⊗ ēj = ē2 ⊗ ē1 = ȧē2 ⊗ ē1 .
∂X i ∂X i ∂X 2
According to formulae (4.45) and (4.46), we get
W = (ȧ/2)(ē1 ⊗ ē2 − ē2 ⊗ ē1 ) = (ȧ/2)(δ1i δ2j − δ2i δ1j )ēi ⊗ ēj .
Using formula (4.47), we determine the vorticity vector
1 ȧ ȧ ȧ
ω = W · · ² = (δ1i δ2j − δ2i δ1j )²jik ēk = (²21k − ²12k )ēk = − ē3 ,
2 4 4 2
D= Dα qα ⊗ qα , qα · qβ = δαβ . (4.50)
b α = ω × dxα + D · dxα .
dv (4.52)
Multiplying the left and right sides of the equation by dxα and taking account
of the property of the mixed derivative dxα · (ω × dxα ) = 0, we get
b α = dxα · D · dxα .
dxα · dv (4.53)
Substituting in place of D its expression (4.50) and in place of dxα their
expressions (4.51), we obtain
b α = |dxα |2
dxα · dv Dβ qα · qβ ⊗ qβ · qα = Dα |qα |2 . (4.54)
b α = dxα · ∂ dxα =
dxα · dv
1 ∂ ∂
(dxα · dxα ) = |dxα | |dxα |. (4.55)
∂t 2 ∂t ∂t
On comparing (4.54) with (4.55), we obtain the following theorem.
Theorem 1.21. Eigenvalues Dα of the deformation rate tensor D are the
rates of relative elongations of elementary material fibres oriented along the
eigenvectors qα :
1 ∂
Dα = |dxα |. (4.56)
|dxα | ∂t
46 Chapter 1. Kinematics of Continua
1.4.7. Resolution of the Vorticity Tensor for the Eigenbasis of the Defor-
mation Rate Tensor. Modify the right-hand side of (4.52) as follows:
q̇α = = ω × qα = W · qα . (4.59)
Using formula (4.59), we can resolve the tensor W for the eigenbasis qα of
the deformation rate tensor as follows:
x(t + dt) − x(t) = v(M) dt, x0 (t + dt) − x0 (t) = v(M0 ) dt. (4.62)
Formulae (4.61) and (4.62) and simple geometric relations (see Figure 1.13)
v(M0 )dt − v(M)dt = dx0 − dx. (4.63)
On substituting (4.63) into (4.49a), we obtain the relation between elementary
radius-vectors dx0 and dx:
dx = dx + dtω × dx + dtD · dx + dt o(|dx|). (4.64)
The relation (4.64) can be considered as the transformation of coordinates
dxi → dx0i in a small neighborhood of the point contained in a continuum. Since
dtω and dtD are independent of dx and dx0 , so the transformation is linear,
i.e. affine. The relation (4.64) can be represented as a superposition of two
transformations up to an accuracy of o(|dx|):
dx = AD · dx, AD = E + dtD, (4.65)
0 00
dx = Qω · dx , Qω = E + dtω × E. (4.66)
The tensor AD is symmetric and has three eigendirections, which are
coincident with the eigendirections qα of the deformation rate tensor D.
So just as the tensor U, the tensor AD transforms a small neighborhood of
a point M by extending or compressing the neighborhood along the principal
directions qα . The material segments |dx00α | oriented along the eigendirections qα
retain their orientation under the transformations (4.65), but their lengths vary
as follows:
transformations from K to K, but qα only under infinitesimal transformations
from K(t) to K(t + dt).
1.4.9. Kinematic Meaning of the Vorticity Vector. Just as any orthogonal
tensor, the orthogonal tensor Qω of infinitesimal rotation from K(t) to K(t + dt)
can be represented in the form (see [12])
Qω = E − e × Edϕ. (4.69)
On comparing (4.69) with (4.66), we get
dϕ dϕ
ω=− e, |ω| = , (4.70)
dt dt
i.e. the vorticity vector ω is really oriented along the instantaneous rotation axis
e, and the length |ω| is equal to the instantaneous angular rate of rotation of the
trihedron qα of the deformation rate tensor.
Let us consider now the question: relative to what system the vorticity vector
ω defines the rotation rate.
To answer the question, we introduce another orthogonal rotation tensor
OW = qi ⊗ ēi , (4.71)
which transforms the Cartesian trihedron ēi as a rigid whole into the orthonor-
mal trihedron qi :
qi = OW · ēi . (4.72)
The tensor OW is a function of time t, because qi = qi (t).
According to (4.60) and (4.72), the vorticity tensor W takes the form
W = q̇i ⊗ qi = ȮW · OT
W. (4.73)
With the help of (4.73) we can represented the orthogonal tensor Qω as
Qω = E + dtW = E + dtȮW · OT
W. (4.74)
Thus, at each time t two orthogonal tensors OW and Qω connect local neigh-
borhoods of a point M in the reference K and actual configurations K(t + dt).
If in K we consider an elementary radius-vector dx , then in K we find its
◦ 00
corresponding radius-vector dx obtained with the help of the rotation tensor
OW , and in K(t + dt) radius-vector dx0 :
dx00 = OW · dx00 , dx0 = Qω · dx00 .
A fixed observer connected to the Cartesian trihedron ēi sees both the trans-
formations: finite rotation for time t, which is described by the tensor OW , and
instantaneous rotation of a local neighborhood for time dt, which is described by
the infinitesimal rotation tensor Qω
1.4. Rate Characteristics of Continuum Motion 49
W = ω × E. (4.75)
1.4.10. Tensor of Angular Rate of Rotation (Spin). In paragraph 1.3 we
have introduced the tensor ȮW · OTW , where OW is the orthogonal tensor of
rotation. Such tensor Ω = Q̇ · Q
T can be set up for any orthogonal tensor Q
depending on time t.
The tensor Q̇ · QT is skew-symmetric, because
Qω = E + dtQ̇ · QT , (4.79)
which, according to (4.67), is the orthogonal tensor of infinitesimal rotation; and
this tensor can be represented in the form (4.68) or (4.69):
Qω = E − dϕe × E, (4.80)
where dϕ is the infinitesimal angle of rotation of the trihedron hi about the axis
with the direction vector e. Comparing (4.79) with (4.80), we get the expression
Q̇ · QT = − e × E, (4.81)
which makes clear the sentence that the tensor Q̇ · QT characterizes the instan-
taneous angular rate dϕ/dt of rotation of the trihedron hi about the axis e.
The tensor Q̇ · QT is called the tensor of angular rate of rotation or the
Expressing the tensor Q from (4.78) in terms of the bases hi and ēi (hα =
= hα , α = 1, 2, 3, as the vectors are orthonormal):
Q = hi ⊗ ēi , (4.82)
we get another representation of the spin:
Q̇ · QT = ḣi ⊗ hi . (4.83)
Thus, we have proved the following theorem.
Theorem 1.24. The spin connects the rates ḣi and the vectors hi defined by
formula (4.78) as follows:
◦˙ ◦
pi = ΩU · pi . (4.90)
2) If hi = pi , then the corresponding spin ΩV and the rotation tensor OV
have the forms
ΩV = ȮV · OT i
V = ṗi ⊗ p , OV = pi ⊗ ēi , (4.91)
ṗi = ΩV · pi . (4.92)
3) If hi = qi , then the corresponding spin ΩW coincides with the vorticity
tensor W (see (4.73)):
ΩW = ȮW · OTW = q̇i ⊗ qi = W, (4.93)
q̇i = ΩW · qi . (4.94)
4) If we take the rotation tensor O accompanying deformation as Q, then, as
shown in (3.23a), the tensor O connects two moving bases pi and pi :
pi = O · pi . (4.95)
The tensor O can be expressed in terms of OV and OU as follows:
◦ ◦
O = pi ⊗ pi = pi ⊗ ēi · ēj ⊗ pj = OV · OT
U. (4.96)
The corresponding spin Ω has the form
Ω = Ȯ · OT = (ȮV · OT T T
U + OV · ȮU ) · OU · OV =
= ȮV · OT T T T
V + OV · ȮU · OU · OV = ΩV − OV · ΩU · OV . (4.97)
1.4. Rate Characteristics of Continuum Motion 51
Unlike the cases 1)3), the spin tensor Ω characterizes the angular rate of
rotation of the trihedron pi relative to the moving trihedron pi , but not relative
to the trihedron ēi being fixed.
Therefore, for the cases 1)3) the spins characterize the total angular rate,
and for the case 4) the relative rate.
Ḟ = L · F, Ḟ = L,
(F−1 )• = −F−1 · L, (F−1 )• = −F−1 · F−1T · L. (4.99)
H Differentiating the relationships (1.35a) with respect to time t and taking the
definition of the velocity (4.1) into account, we get
ḞT = ∇ ⊗ v = FT · ∇ ⊗ v, Ḟ = (∇ ⊗ v)T · F. (4.99a)
According to the definitions of tensors L (4.43) and L (4.98), from (4.99a) we
obtain formulae (4.99).
Differentiating the identity (F · F−1 )• = Ė = 0, we find that Ḟ · F−1 =
= −F · (F−1 )• ; whence we get
(F−1 )• = −F−1 · Ḟ · F−1 . (4.100)
On substituting the first two formulae of (4.99) into (4.100), we obtain
Ġ = 2FT · D · F, ġ = −LT · g − g · L,
(G−1 )• = −2F−1 · D · F−1T , (g−1 )• = L · g−1 + g−1 · LT ;
and also
◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
T T J̇ = (1/2)(L · FT + FT · L),
Ċ = (1/2)(F · L + L · F),
◦ ◦
Ȧ = (1/2)((E − 2A) · L · F−1 + F−1T · LT · (E − 2A)), (4.105)
◦ ◦
Λ̇ = (1/2)(F−1 · L · (E − 2Λ) + (E − 2Λ) · LT · F−1T ),
◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
T T ġ = −(g · L · F−1 + F−1T · LT · g),
Ġ = F · L + L · F
(G−1 )• = −(F−1 · L · G−1 + G−1 · LT · F−1T ), (4.106)
−1 • ◦ ◦
(g ) = L · FT + FT · L.
H To prove formula (4.103), we must differentiate the relationships (2.5) with
respect to t and apply formulae (4.99):
1 1
Ċ = (ḞT · F + FT · Ḟ) = (FT · LT · F + FT · L · F) =
2 2
= FT · (LT + L) · F = FT · D · F, (4.107)
Ȧ = (Ḟ−1T · F−1 + F−1T · Ḟ−1 ) =
= (LT · F−1T · F−1 + F−1T · F−1 · L) =
= (L · (E − 2A) + (E − 2A) · L) = D − LT · A − A · L,
1 1
Λ̇ = − (Ḟ−1 · F−1T + F−1 · Ḟ−1T ) = (F−1 · L · F−1T +
2 2
−1 T −1T 1 −1
+F ·L ·F )= F · (L + LT ) · F−1T = F−1 · D · F−1T , (4.109)
1 1
J̇ = (Ḟ · FT + F · ḞT ) = (L · F · FT + F · FT · LT ) =
2 2
= (L · (E + 2J) + (E + 2J) · LT ) = D + L · J + J · LT . (4.110)
Formulae (4.104) follow from (4.103), if we have used the connections (2.7) and
(2.8) between the deformation tensors and measures.
Formulae (4.105) follow from (4.107)(4.110), if we have gone from L to L:
L = L · F−1 . (4.111)
1.4. Rate Characteristics of Continuum Motion 53
Using the connections (2.7) and (2.8) between the deformation tensors and
measures, from (4.105) we get formulae (4.106). N
Relations between the tensors U̇, V̇ and the velocity gradients L and L are
more complicated. To derive them, we should use representations of L and L in
terms of the eigenbasis vectors.
Theorem 1.27. The following expressions for the velocity gradients hold:
◦ ∂ ◦ X
◦ ◦
L =∇⊗v = ∇⊗x= λ̇α pα ⊗ pα + ΩU · FT − FT · ΩV , (4.112)
3 µ ¶
T λ̇α λ ◦
L = (∇ ⊗ v) = δαβ + α ΩU βα pα ⊗ pβ + ΩV , (4.113)
λα λβ
where ΩU αβ are components of the tensor ΩU with respect to the eigenbasis
pα :
◦ ◦ X
◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
ΩU = p•i ⊗ pi = ΩU αβ pα ⊗ pβ , ΩU αβ = pα · ΩU · pβ = p•α · pβ . (4.114)
H To prove formula (4.112), we should consider the first formula of (4.99a) and
substitute into this formula the expression (3.35) for F in the eigenbasis:
◦ X
◦ ◦ ◦
LT = ḞT = (λ̇α pα ⊗ pα + λα (p•α ⊗ pα + pα ⊗ ṗα )). (4.115)
Using formulae (4.90) and (4.92), from (4.115) we derive the relationship
To prove formula (4.113), we use formulae (4.112) and (4.111), having
expressed F−1 in the form (3.35); then we get
◦ X
◦ ◦ ◦ X
L = L · F−1 = ( λ̇α pα ⊗ pα + λα (pα ⊗ p•α + ṗα ⊗ pα )) · λ−1
β pβ ⊗ pβ =
α=1 β=1
3 ³ λ̇ λα ◦ • ◦ X ´ 3
= δαβ pα ⊗ pα + (pα · pβ )pα ⊗ pβ + ṗα ⊗ pα . (4.116)
λβ λβ
α,β=1 α=1
Here we have taken into account that the vectors pα are orthonormal. Using
formulae (4.90) and (4.92), from (4.116) we derive the formula (4.113). N
From formula (4.113) it follows that the deformation rate tensor D and the
vorticity tensor can be represented in terms of the eigenbasis pα as follows:
3 µ µ ¶ ¶
λ̇α 1 λα λ ◦
D= δαβ + − β ΩU βα pα ⊗ pβ , (4.117)
λα 2 λβ λα
54 Chapter 1. Kinematics of Continua
3 µ ¶
1 λα λ ◦
W= + β ΩU βα pα ⊗ pβ + ΩV . (4.118)
2 λβ λα
Here we have taken into account that the tensors ΩU and ΩV are skew-
Denote components of the tensor D with respect to the basis pα by Dαβ :
Then from (4.117) and (4.119) we get that diagonal components of the de-
formation rate tensor Dαα with respect to the eigenbasis pα determine the
relative rates of lengthening the material fibres oriented along the eigenvectors
pα (compare with formula (4.56)):
³ 2
1 λα − λβ
2 ´ ◦
Dαβ = ΩU βα , α 6= β. (4.121)
2 λα λβ
From formulae (4.119) and (4.121) we can express the components ΩU αβ in
terms of components of the deformation rate tensor:
◦ 2 λα λβ ◦
ΩU αβ = Dαβ , α 6= β ; ΩU αα = 0. (4.122)
λβ − λα
2 2
The diagonal components ΩU αα are equal to zero, because the tensor ΩU is
On substituting the relationships (4.122) into (4.118), we find the expression
for components ΩV αβ of the tensor ΩV with respect to the basis pα in terms of
the tensors W and D (and, hence, in terms of the velocity gradient L):
◦ λ2α + λ2β
ΩV αβ = pα · ΩV · pα = pα · W · pβ − Dαβ , α 6= β , (4.123)
λ2α − λ2β
ΩV = ΩV αβ pα ⊗ pβ . (4.124)
Remark. The expressions (4.122) and (4.123) are valid only if the eigenvalues
are not multiple: λα 6= λβ (α 6= β ; α, β = 1, 2, 3). If within the interval [t1 , t2 ] all
three eigenvalues are coincident: λα = λ (α = 1, 2, 3), then the stretch tensors
◦ ◦i
are spherical: U = λpi ⊗ p = λE, V = λE, and the eigenbases are not uniquely
defined: as pi and pi we can take any orthonormal triple of vectors. In particular,
one of the bases can be taken as fixed ∀t ∈ [t1 , t2 ], for example, pi can be chosen
1.4. Rate Characteristics of Continuum Motion 55
as coincident with pi (t1 ); and the second basis pi can depend on time t. In this
case pi ≡0 ∀t ∈ [t1 , t2 ], and from (4.114) and (4.118) it follows that within the
considered time interval:
ΩU αβ = 0, ΩU = 0, (4.125)
ΩV = W, ΩV αβ = pα · W · pβ , α, β = 1, 2, 3.
These relationships take the place of formulae (4.122), (4.123) in this case.
If within the time interval [t1 , t2 ] only two of three eigenvalues are coincident,
◦ ◦
for example, λα = λβ , then their corresponding eigenvectors pα and pβ are not
uniquely defined as well: only their orthogonality to the vector pγ , corresponding
to the third eigenvalue λγ , is given. Then we can extend the definition of pα and
◦ ◦
pβ so that p•α · pβ = 0 ∀t ∈ [t1 , t2 ]. In this case it follows from (4.114) that the
◦ ◦ ◦
only component ΩU αβ vanishes, but ΩU αγ 6= 0 and ΩU βγ 6= 0.
It follows from (4.118) that the component ΩV αβ is determined by the
ΩV αβ = pα · W · pβ , ΩU αβ = 0. (4.126)
◦ ◦
The remaining components ΩU αγ , ΩU βγ and ΩV αγ , ΩV βγ are determined by
formulae (4.122) and (4.123).
If the situation with multiple roots appears only at some time t, then the
values of ΩU αβ (t) and ΩV αβ (t) can be determined by passing to the limit. ¤
Substituting formulae (4.114) and (4.118) into equation (4.97), and taking
expressions (4.89) and (4.91) for OU andOV into consideration, we obtain the
representation of the spin Ω in the basis pα :
λ2α + λ2β ◦
Ω=W− ΩU βα pα ⊗ pβ −
2 λα λβ
◦ ◦ ◦
− ΩU αβ (pi ⊗ ēi ) · pα ⊗ pβ · (ēj ⊗ pj ). (4.127)
◦ ◦
l αβ = pα · ēβ , lαβ = pα · ēβ , (4.128)
substituting (4.122) into (4.127) and collecting like terms, we obtain the follow-
ing expression of the spin Ω in terms of W and D (i.e. in terms of L):
Ω=W+Ω (4.129)
e =
Ω e γρ pγ ⊗ pρ ,
Ω e γρ =
Ω e αβ ,
γ ,ρ=1 α,β=1
56 Chapter 1. Kinematics of Continua
e γρ =
Ω ((λ2α + λ2β )δαγ δβρ − 2λα λβ lαγ lβρ )Dαβ .
λ2β − λ2α
Theorem 1.28. Rates of the deformation measures U̇, (U−1 )• and V̇, (V−1 )•
are connected to the velocity gradient L by the formulae
e T ) · F),
e · O + OT · (D + Ω
U̇ = (FT · (D + Ω)
(U −1 • 1
) = − (F−1 · (D − Ω) e T ) · F−1T ),
e · O + OT · (D − Ω
V̇ = ((L + Ω) · V + V · (LT + ΩT )), (4.130)
(V−1 )• = ((Ω − LT ) · V−1 + V−1 · (ΩT − L)).
H Let us express the tensors V and U from the polar decomposition (3.1):
U = OT · F, V = F · OT . (4.131)
Since U and V are symmetric tensors, these expressions can be rewritten in the
symmetrized form
1 1
U = (FT · O + OT · F), V = (F · OT + O · FT ). (4.132)
2 2
U̇ = (ḞT · O + FT · Ȯ + ȮT · F + OT · Ḟ),
V̇ = (Ḟ · OT + F · ȮT + Ȯ · FT + O · ḞT ). (4.133)
On substituting formulae (4.99) and the expression (4.97) for the spin Ω into
(4.133), we obtain
U̇ = (FT · LT · O + FT · Ȯ · OT · O + OT · O · ȮT · F + OT · L · F) =
= (FT · (LT + Ω) · O + OT · (L + ΩT ) · F), (4.134)
V̇ = (L · F · OT + F · OT · O · ȮT + Ȯ · OT · O · FT + O · FT · LT ) =
= ((L + Ω) · V + V · (LT + ΩT )).
e = D + Ω.
LT + Ω = D + WT + W + Ω e (4.135)
Substituting (4.135) into (4.134), we really get the first and the third formulae
of (4.130).
The remaining two formulae in (4.130) can be proved in a similar way. N
1.4. Rate Characteristics of Continuum Motion 57
After substitution of the expressions (4.131), formula (4.136) takes the form
Ḃ = ((ȮT · F + OT · Ḟ) · U−1 + U−1 · (ḞT · O + FT · Ȯ)) =
= (OT · (Ω + L) · F · U−1 + U−1 · FT · (LT + ΩT ) · O) =
= (OT · (Ω + L) · O + OT · (LT + ΩT ) · O), (4.138)
Ẏ = ((Ḟ · OT + F · ȮT ) · V−1 + V−1 · (Ȯ · FT + O · ḞT )) =
= (L · F · OT · V−1 + F · OT · ΩT · V−1 + V−1 · Ω · O · FT +
−1 1
+V · O · FT · LT ) = (L + V · Ω · V−1 + V−1 · Ω · V + LT ). (4.139)
xi = xi (X k , t), 0 6 t 6 t0 . (4.142)
The origin of the curve at t = 0 is a point with
Cartesian coordinates xi (X k ) of the material
point M in K, and the end of the curve at t = t0
i k 0
is a point with Cartesian coordinates x (X , t )
of the point M in K(t ) (Figure 1.14). The
curve (4.142) is called the trajectory of the
point M in the Cartesian coordinate system
Figure 1.14. Trajectory of material
Oēi . point M
In the spatial description, the trajectory
(4.142) at fixed Xk is a solution of the kine-
matic equation (4.10):
xi = xi (X k , τ ), τ1 6 τ 6 τ2 , (4.144)
which at its every point xi has a tangent being parallel to the velocity v(xi , t) at
the considered point and at the considered time. The equation of the streamline
has the form
dxi /dτ = v̄ i (xj , t), τ1 < τ 6 τ2 , (4.145)
τ = τ1 : xi = xi1 .
Thus, the trajectory of a material point and the streamline are described, in
general, by different equations, and so they are not coincident.
However, if the motion of a continuum is steady-state within time interval
t1 6 t 6 t0 , then in Eulerian description all the partial derivatives of all values,
describing the motion, with respect to time vanish, in particular ∂v(xi , t)/∂t = 0.
So the trajectory equations (4.143) and the streamline equation (4.145) become
coincident within the interval t1 6 t 6 t0 , if they have at least one common point
M1 :
dxi /dτ = v̄ i (xj ), t 1 = τ1 < τ 6 τ2 = t 0 , (4.146)
τ = τ1 : xi = xi1 = xi (X1k , t1 ).
In other words, in the steady-state motion a material
point M moves along a streamline: at time t = t1 its
coordinates are the same as coordinates of point M1
at parameter value τ = τ1 , and at time t = t2 they are
the same as coordinates of point M2 at parameter
value τ = τ2 (Figure 1.15).
Multiplying the equation (4.145) by the basis
vectors ēi , we can rewrite the streamline equation in
Figure 1.15. The streamline
the vector form
v · ∇fv = 0, (4.150)
which is a partial differential equation for determination of the function f (xi ) by
the known velocity field v(x , t) at fixed t.
If a curve L is closed, then the set of streamlines drawn through its points
is called the stream tube.
Let a curve L be not a vortex line. Drawing a vortex line through each point
of the curve L, we obtain the vortex surface Σω , which is described by the
equation fω (xi ) = 0. This relation is a solution of the differential equation
ω · ∇fω = 0. (4.151)
If L is a closed curve, then the surface Σω is called the vortex tube.
◦ ◦
k • = k(n · D · n).
Exercise 1.4.3. Using formulae (2.57), (4.99) and the result of Exercise 1.4.2, show
that a rate of changing the normal n is determined as follows:
ṅ = γn − n · L, γ = n · D · n.
Exercise 1.4.4. Using the results of Exercise 1.4.2, show that for the coefficient k
determined by formula (2.54) we have the following equation:
k̇ = −k(n · D · n).
Exercise 1.4.7. Using the representation (3.6) for tensors U and V and formulae (4.90)
and (4.92), show that rates of stretch tensors are expressed as follows:
◦ ◦ X
U̇ = λ̇α pα ⊗ pα + ΩU · U − U · ΩU , V̇ = λ̇α pα ⊗ pα + ΩV · V − V · ΩV .
α=1 α=1
Exercise 1.4.8. Show that expressions for rates of the Hencky tensors (3.31) have the
◦ X
λ̇α ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ X
H• = pα ⊗ pα + ΩU · H − H · ΩU , H• = pα ⊗ pα + ΩV · H − H · ΩV .
λα λα
α=1 α=1
Exercise 1.4.9. Using representations (4.114) and (4.124) for tensors ΩU and ΩV , and
also equation (4.120) and the result of Exercise 1.4.8, show that rates of the Hencky
tensors can be expressed in the form
◦ X
3 ³ ´
◦ ◦ 2λα λβ λβ ◦ ◦
H• = Dαβ pα ⊗ pβ + lg − 1 Dαβ pα ⊗ pβ ,
λβ − λα 2
α,β=1 α,β=1
3 ³ ´
2λα λβ λβ
Ḣ = D + lg − 1 (pα · D · pβ )pα ⊗ pβ .
λ2β − λ2α λα
Exercise 1.4.10. Show that expressions for H• and Ḣ derived in Exercise 1.4.9 can be
rewritten as follows:
◦ ◦
H• = 4 XH · · D, Ḣ = 4 XH · ·D,
where the following fourth-order tensors are denoted:
◦ ◦ ◦
XH = XH ijkl pi ⊗ pj ⊗ pk ⊗ pl , 4 XH = XH ijkl pi ⊗ pj ⊗ pk ⊗ pl ,
³ ´
2λα λβ lg λβ ∆
αβkl , α 6= β ,
XH ijkl = λβ − λα λα 2 2
∆αβkl = (1/2)(δαk δβl + δαl δβk ).
∆ , α = β ,
Exercise 1.4.11. Show that relations (4.114) and (4.122) for ΩU , equations (4.123)
and (4.124) for ΩV and equation (4.129) for Ω can be rewritten as follows:
ΩU = 4 ΩU · · D, ΩV = 4 ΩV · · D + W, e · · D + W,
Ω = 4Ω
◦ ◦
ΩU = ΩU ijkl pi ⊗ pj ⊗ pk ⊗ pl , 4
ΩV = ΩV ijkl pi ⊗ pj ⊗ pk ⊗ pl ,
e =Ω
Ω e ijkl pi ⊗ pj ⊗ pk ⊗ pl ,
2λ α λ β ∆
2 2
λα + λβ ∆
αβkl , α 6= β , αβkl , α 6= β ,
ΩU αβkl = λβ − λα2 2
ΩV αβkl = λβ − λα 2 2
0, α = β,
0, α = β,
1.5. Co-rotational Derivatives 61
Exercise 1.4.12. Using the definitions (4.45) and (4.46) of the tensors D and W,
and also the properties of unit tensors, show that D, W and L are connected by the
D = ∆ · · L, e · · L,
W=∆ e = (1/2)(∆III − ∆II ).
ψ h = ψ̇. (5.3)
a and a tensor T we can introduce co-rotational derivatives ah
For a vector
and T as vectors or tensors, components of which with respect to the same
basis hi coincide with rates of changing vector a and tensor T components,
dai d ij
ah = hi , Th = T hi ⊗ hj . (5.4)
dt dt
If we consider the basis hi , then for the basis we can determine other co-
rotational derivatives:
dai i
aH = h, (5.5)
TH = Tij hi ⊗ hj . (5.6)
Thus, the co-rotational derivative ah (or Th ) determines the rate of varying
a vector a (or a tensor T) for an observer moving together with the basis
hi . For the observer, the basis hi is fixed, and hence in (5.4) the basis is not
differentiated with respect to time. In a similar way, the derivatives aH and TH
determine the rates of changing a and T for an observer moving together with
the basis hi .
62 Chapter 1. Kinematics of Continua
d i d j i
Td = T hi ⊗ hj , TD = T h ⊗ hj . (5.7)
dt j dt i
Since vector components ai and ai can always be expressed in the form
i i
a =a·h , ai = a · hi , (5.8)
and tensor components Tij , T ij , T ij and Ti j , with the help of the scalar product
of (5.2) by h or hj , can be written as follows:
T ij i
=h ·T·h j
, Tij = hi · T · hj , T ij = hi · T · hj , Ti j = hi · T · hj ,
so rates of changing vector and tensor components in (5.4), (5.5) and (5.7) can
be represented in the explicit form:
dhi dr ∂2x ∂v ∂v
= i = = = ri · rj ⊗ = ri · ∇ ⊗ v = (∇ ⊗ v)T · ri . (5.12)
dt dt ∂t∂X i ∂X i ∂X j
In this case, as a basishi we consider the reciprocal local basis ri , the
derivative of which dr /dt with respect to time has the form
d i d
(r ⊗ ri ) = E = 0, (5.13)
dt dt
dri dr
⊗ ri = −ri ⊗ i = −ri ⊗ (∇ ⊗ v)T · ri . (5.14)
dt dt
1.5. Co-rotational Derivatives 63
j j
dh dr
= = −rj · (∇ ⊗ v)T = −(∇ ⊗ v) · rj . (5.15)
dt dt
On substituting the expressions (5.15) for the derivatives dhi /dt and dhj /dt
into (5.10), we get the formula for the Oldroyd derivative in the basis ri :
dai da i d
aOl = ri = · r ⊗ ri − a · (∇ ⊗ v) · ri ⊗ ri = a − a · ∇ ⊗ v, (5.16)
dt dt dt
dTij dT ij d
TOl = ri ⊗ rj = ri ⊗ rj = ri ⊗ ri · T · rj ⊗ rj −
dt dt dt
− ri ⊗ ri · (∇ ⊗ v)T · T · rj ⊗ rj − ri ⊗ ri · T · (∇ ⊗ v) · rj ⊗ rj =
= T − T · ∇ ⊗ v − (∇ ⊗ v)T · T. (5.17)
Here we have taken into account that ri ⊗ ri = E. Thus, we have proved the
following theorem.
Theorem 1.29. The Oldroyd derivative is related to the total derivative with
respect to time as follows (for a vector a and for a tensor T, respectively):
dai i
aH ≡ aCR = r = ȧ + (∇ ⊗ v) · a, (5.19)
dTij i
TH ≡ TCR = r ⊗ rj = Ṫ + ∇ ⊗ v · T + T · (∇ ⊗ v)T . (5.20)
1.5.4. Mixed Co-rotational Derivatives. Since any vector a is defined by its
components with respect to a vector basis, for example, in a moving basis hi or
hj , so for the vector in the moving bases we can determine only two co-rotational
derivatives: by Oldroyd and by CotterRivlin.
Any second-order tensor T is defined by its components with respect to a
dyadic basis. Therefore, besides the Oldroyd and CotterRivlin derivatives, which
specify the rates of changes of a tensor T in moving dyadic bases ri ⊗ rj and
ri ⊗ rj , by formulae (5.7) we can determine two more derivatives in moving
mixed dyadic bases:
dT ij d j i
Td = ri ⊗ rj , TD = T r ⊗ rj . (5.21)
dt dt i
64 Chapter 1. Kinematics of Continua
On substituting the expressions (5.12) and (5.15) into (5.11), we get the
following formulae for the rates of changing mixed components of the tensor T:
d i
T = ri · Ṫ · rj − ri · (∇ ⊗ v)T · T · rj + ri · T · (∇ ⊗ v)T · rj ,
dt j
d j
T = ri · Ṫ · rj + ri · (∇ ⊗ v) · T · rj − ri · T · (∇ ⊗ v) · rj . (5.22)
dt i
Having substituted (5.22) into (5.21), we get the following theorem.
Theorem 1.31. The mixed derivatives (5.21) are connected to the total deriva-
tive by the relations
Td = Ṫ − L · T + T · L, TD = Ṫ + LT · T − T · LT . (5.23)
The derivatives (5.21) are called the left and right mixed co-rotational
derivatives, where L = (∇ ⊗ v)T is the velocity gradient (see (4.43)).
It should be noticed that, unlike other co-rotational derivatives considered in
this paragraph, the mixed derivatives Td and TD do not form a symmetric tensor
when they are applied to a symmetric tensor T. This fact explains a scarcer
application of mixed derivatives in continuum mechanics.
1.5.5. The Derivative Relative to the Eigenbasis pi of the Right Stretch
Tensor. If we choose the eigenbasis pi of the right stretch tensor U as
◦ i
a moving basis hi , then, since pi are orthonormal, we get that h and hj
α i
are coincident: h = hα , α = 1, 2, 3, and |h | = 1. At every time, the moving
coordinate system defined by the trihedron pi executes an instantaneous rotation,
which is characterized by the spin ΩU (4.89), and due to (4.90) we have
dhi ◦˙ ◦ ◦ ◦
= pi = ΩU · pi = pi · ΩT
U = −pi · ΩU . (5.24)
On substituting (5.24) into (5.11), we get
dai ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
ah ≡ aU = pi = ȧ · pi ⊗ pi + a · ΩU · pi ⊗ pi = ȧ + a · ΩU , (5.25)
T ij ◦ ◦ ◦ dT ij ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
Th ≡ TU = pi ⊗ pj = pi ⊗ pj = pi ⊗ pi · Ṫ · pj ⊗ pj −
dt dt
◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
− pi ⊗ pi · ΩU · T · pj ⊗ pj + pi ⊗ pi · T · ΩU · pj ⊗ pj =
= Ṫ − ΩU · T + T · ΩU . (5.26)
aU = ȧ + a · ΩU , TU = Ṫ − ΩU · T + T · ΩU . (5.27)
1.5. Co-rotational Derivatives 65
dai dT ij
aH ≡ aV = pi , TH ≡ TV = pi ⊗ pj , (5.28)
dt dt
called the left derivatives in the eigenbasis.
Theorem 1.33. The left derivatives (5.28) in the eigenbasis are connected to
the total derivative with respect to time by the following relations (for a vector
a and for a tensor T, respectively):
a = ȧ − ΩV · a, TV = Ṫ − ΩV · T + T · ΩV . (5.29)
H A proof follows from (5.5), (5.10) and (5.11), because from (4.92) we have
= ṗi = ΩV · pi . (5.30)
Since the bases pi and pi are orthonormal, all the co-rotational derivatives
◦ ◦
relative to the mixed dyadic bases pi ⊗ pi , pi ⊗ pi coincide with TU or TV ,
respectively. N
1.5.7. The Jaumann Derivative (hi = qi ). If we choose the eigenbasis of the
deformation rate tensor as a moving basis hi = qi (it should be noted that the
basis qi is also orthonormal and
coincides with q ), then from (5.4) we get the
co-rotational Jaumann derivatives:
dai dT ij
ah ≡ aJ = qi , Th ≡ TJ = qi ⊗ qj . (5.31)
dt dt
Theorem 1.34. The Jaumann derivatives (5.31) are connected to the total
derivatives with respect to time by the relations (for a vector a and for a tensor
T, respectively)
aJ = ȧ + a · W, (5.32)
T = Ṫ − W · T + T · W. (5.33)
H According to the relationship (4.94), we get
= q̇i = W · qi ,
therefore, due to formulae (5.5) and (5.10) we find
aJ = ȧ · qi ⊗ qi + a · W · qi ⊗ qi = ȧ + a · W.
In a similar way, we can prove the relation (5.33). N
1.5.8. Co-rotational Derivatives in a Moving Orthonormal Basis. Let hi
be a moving orthonormal basis. In this case we denote co-rotational derivatives
by the following way: ah ≡ aQ and Th ≡ TQ . Due to orthonormalization of the
basis hi , the total derivatives of a and T with taking account of (5.1), (5.2) and
(5.4) can be written as follows:
da dai dh
ȧ ≡ = hi + ai i = aQ + ai ω h × hi , (5.34)
dt dt dt
66 Chapter 1. Kinematics of Continua
dT ij dhi
³ dh
Ṫ = hi ⊗ hj + T ij ⊗ hj + hi ⊗ j =
dt dt dt
= TQ + T ij ω h × hi ⊗ hj − hi ⊗ hj × ω h .
Here we have used formula (4.86) for derivative ḣi of the moving basis, where
ωh is the vorticity vector giving a rotation of the basis hi relative to the fixed
basis ēi (see (4.78) and (4.85)). With taking account of (5.1) and (5.2), formulae
(5.34) can be written in the form
aQ = ȧ − ω h × a, TQ = Ṫ − ω h × T + T × ω h . (5.35)
It should be noticed that if a = ωh, then
ω̇ h = ω hh , (5.35a)
because ωh × ωh = 0 due to properties of the vector product.
aS = ȧ + a · Ω, (5.38)
TS = Ṫ − Ω · T + T · Ω. (5.39)
H A proof of Theorem 1.35 follows from (5.10), (5.11) and the relation
¯h = Ω · h̄i , (5.40)
which is a consequence of (4.84). The relation (5.39) follows from (5.11). N
1.5.10. Universal Form of the Co-rotational Derivatives. On comparing
formulae (5.18), (5.19), (5.20), (5.27), (5.29), (5.33), (5.38) and (5.39), we can
notice that all the representations of the co-rotational derivatives and also the
total derivative with respect to time can be written in the universal form:
ah = ȧ − Zh · T, Th = Ṫ − Zh · T − T · ZT
h, (5.41)
h = { ·, Ol, CR, U , V , J , S },
where tensors Zh have the following representation for different h:
Zh = { 0, L, −L , ΩU , ΩV , W, Ω }, (5.42)
1.5. Co-rotational Derivatives 67
h = { ·, Ol, CR, U , V , J , S }.
Since tensors ΩU , ΩV and Ω are linearly expressed in terms of W and D
(see Exercise 1.4.11), so tensors Zh can be written as linear functions of W and
Zh = 4 ZDh · · D + 4 ZW h · · W. (5.43)
Table 1.1 gives expressions for fourth-order tensors
ZDh and
ZW h , where
4 e
Ω are defined in Exercise 1.4.11.
h · Ol CR U V J S
ZDh 0 ∆III ∆−III 4
ΩU 4
ΩV 0 4 e
Eh 0 −2∆ 2∆ 0 0 0 0
Ah = D − (Zh + LT ) · A − A · (ZT
h + L),
Jh = D − (Zh − L) · J − J · (ZT T
h − L ),
gh = −(Zh + LT ) · g − g · (ZT
h + L), (5.44)
−1 h −1 −1
(g ) = −(Zh − L) · g −g · (ZT
h − L ), T
1 1
Vh = −(Zh − (L + Ω)) · V − V · (ZT T T
h − (L + Ω )),
2 2
1 1
(V−1 )h = −(Zh − (Ω − LT )) · V−1 − V−1 · (ZT T
h − (Ω − L)),
2 2
h = { ·, Ol, CR, U , V , J , S }.
From these relationships we can find the following expressions:
(V − E)h = D − 4 Eh · · D − (Zh + ZT
h )−
1 1
− (Zh − (Ω + L)) · (V − E) − (V − E) · (ZT T T
h − (Ω + L )), (5.45)
2 2
68 Chapter 1. Kinematics of Continua
(E − V−1 )h = D + 4 Eh · · D + Zh + ZT
1 1
− (Zh − (Ω − LT )) · (E − V−1 ) − (E − V−1 ) · (ZT T
h − (Ω − L)).
2 2
Eh = 4 Eh · · D. (5.46)
The tensor
Eh differs from zero-tensor only when h = {CR, Ol} (see Exercise
1.5.3), its expressions are given in Table 1.1 (see paragraph 1.5.10).
Since tensors Zh and Ω are linearly expressed in terms of W and D
(see formulae (5.43), (4.129), (4.122)(4.124)), so on the right-hand sides of
equations (5.44) there are also linear functions of W and D, their explicit
expressions will be given in 3.2.22.
Exercise 1.5.1. Show that the mixed co-rotational derivatives, the left and the right co-
rotational derivatives relative to the eigenbasis and also the Jaumann and spin derivatives
satisfy the differentiation rules of scalar products:
(A · B)h = Ah · B + A · Bh , (a · A)h = ah · A + a · Ah ,
(ψA)h = ψ h A + ψAh , h = {·, d, D, U , V , J , S},
and the Oldroyd and Cotter-Rivlin derivatives do not satisfy this rule.
Exercise 1.5.2. Show that for the co-rotational derivatives, the following rules of
differentiation of scalar products of two vectors a and b and also of two tensors T and
B remain valid:
(a · b)h = (a · b)• = ah · b + a · bh , h = {U , V , J , S};
(T · · B)h = (T · · B)• = Th · · B + T · · Bh , h = {d, D, U , V , J , S}.
Exercise 1.5.3. Show that the following co-rotational derivatives of the unit tensor E
give the zero-tensor:
Eh = 0, h = {·, d, D, U , V , J , S},
and the Oldroyd and CotterRivlin derivatives of E are different from zero:
◦ ◦ X
◦ ◦
UU = λ̇α pα ⊗ pα , CU = λα λ̇α pα ⊗ pα ,
α=1 α=1
1.5. Co-rotational Derivatives 69
λ̇α ◦ ◦ X
λ̇α ◦ ◦
ΛU = pα ⊗ pα , (U−1 )U = pα ⊗ pα ,
λ3α α=1
VV = λ̇α pα ⊗ pα , AV = pα ⊗ pα ,
α=1 α=1
Exercise 1.5.8. Show that the Oldroyd and Jaumann derivatives of a second-order
tensor T are connected by the relationship
TOl = TJ − T · D − D · T.
Exercise 1.5.9. Show that if for an arbitrary symmetric tensor T its co-rotational
derivatives are equal to zero:
Th = 0, h = {d, D, U , V , J , S},
then the first invariant of the tensor: I1 (T) = T · · E has its stationary value, i.e.
I˙1 (T) = 0.
Show that for the co-rotational Oldroyd and CotterRivlin derivatives this statement is
not valid.
Exercise 1.5.10. Using the results of Exercise 1.4.3, show that the co-rotational
derivatives of the normal vector n satisfy the following relations:
nCR = γn, γ = n · D · n,
nOl = γn − n · L − L · n, nJ = γn − n · D.
Exercise 1.5.11. Show that the following co-rotational derivatives of a symmetric
tensor give a symmetric tensor: