3010 Chap01
3010 Chap01
3010 Chap01
Within the scope of classical mechanics, all particles of a continuous medium (or,
more briefly, continuum) can be distinguished each from other, i.e., can be individ
ualized. The individual particles are associated with triples of numbers (£1,6.6)-
Such a triple is called the Lagrangian coordinates of the corresponding individual par
ticle. The Lagrangian coordinates are used to indicate this particle, i.e., to serve as
its "name" (in the same manner as integers serve as "names" of particles in the case
of their discrete configuration). The coordinates of the point occupied by a particle
at the initial instant are ordinarily used as the Lagrangian coordinates of this par
ticle. The motion of a continuum and processes taking place in it are described by
fields of physical quantities (velocity, pressure, temperature, etc.). If these quantities
are considered as functions of the Lagrangian coordinates ( 6 1 6 . 6 ) a n d t i m e '. t n e
description is referred to as Lagrangian or material. From this viewpoint, events are
considered to take place in the individual particles. The function r(fi, 6 , 6 , 0 . o r
motion law, is used as a basic kinematical characteristic in the Lagrangian descrip
tion. The vector r ( 6 , 6 . 6 . t) is the position (relative to a chosen frame of reference)
of the particle ( 6 - 6 . 6 ) at the instant t. If a coordinate system is chosen in the
three-dimensional Euclidean space of vectors r (i.e., a one-to-one correspondence is
set between the vectors and triples of numbers r «-» (xu x2, £3)). then the motion law
is represented also by the functions re* = / . ( 6 . 6 . 6 . O . » = !. 2 > 3 - T h e velocity and
-jj- =v,(x 1 ,x 1 ,x 3 , t) , 1= 1,2,3,
subjected to the initial conditions
should be found. This solution x, = /i(£i,f2.&5.0. * = 1,2,3, when found for all
values of the parameters (^1,^2,^3)1 gives the motion law in Lagrangian description,
and (f 1, £2,61) are the Lagrangian coordinates of the particles. Then, for any quantity
B(xi,X2-,X3,t), the Eulerian description of which is known, the Lagrangian descrip
tion is obtained as the composite function B(f\(£,t), fc(£,t),f3(£,t),t). A motion
of a continuum is well, although incompletely, represented by the particle paths and
streamlines. The locus of the positions of a particle (^1,^2.^3) at all instants is called
the path of this particle. A curve, determined for a given instant to, whose tangent
at any point x is in the direction of the velocity vector v(x, to), is called a streamline.
The equation of a streamline at an instant to has the following form
dX\ dl2 d.X3
v\{x,t0) v2{x,t0) v3(x,tQ) '
In general, streamlines depend upon the instant t0 for which they are found. When
a motion is steady, the streamlines do not depend upon the instant to and coincide
with the particle paths. A motion is referred to as steady if the velocity field in the
Eulerian description does not depend upon the time t. In the problems of this sec
tion, (x1.x2.i3) and (£1,^2, £3) denote respectively spatial Cartesian and Lagrangian
(T — const).
a) Find the velocity and acceleration fields in the Lagrangian description, b) A
particle occupied the point (a, b, c) at the instant t = r. Find its position at the
instant t = 3r.
0 1.5 Consider the functions £a = ga(xi,x2,X3,t), a = 1,2,3, inverse, at instant
t, to the functions ij = /,(^i,^2,^3> 0> * = 1.2,3, representing a motion law. What is
the physical meaning of their values? Find the values of the substantive derivatives
0 1.6 Find velocity and acceleration fields in the Lagrangian and Eulerian de
scriptions if the motion is a) a three-axis extension:
i i = a(t) & , x2 = b{t) & , i 3 = c(t) & ;
b) a simple shear:
*i = fI + b(t) & , x2 = & , x3 = & ;
c) a uniform deformation and simultaneous rotation of a body with a fixed point:
x, = i4 n (0€i + >M*)& + AaMk , (det\\A„\\ ± 0).
0 1.7 Introduce Lagrangian coordinates and find the motion law of a medium if
the motion is described by the velocity field
Xi 2ti 2 3<2X3 . „,
vi = —— , v2 = , v3 = (r = const > 0 .
t +T t* + T* ts + Tl
0 1.8 Introduce Lagrangian coordinates and find the motion law of a medium, the
streamlines, and the particle paths, if the motion is described by the velocity field
0 1.10 a) Can the functions representing a motion law be found from the known
particle paths? b) Can a velocity field at a given instant be found from the streamlines
known for this instant?
0 1.11 Find and sketch the streamlines and particle paths if motions of a
medium are described by the velocity fields a) V\ = —uix2, v2 = u;xi, v3 =
u (UJ,U = const); b) Vi — — Ax2, v2 = Bxit v3 = 0 (A = const >
0, B = const > 0); c) V\ = —Vsinuit, v2 = Vcosuit, v3 = 0 (u>, V =
© 1.12 Can the particles of a medium move with nonzero acceleration if a) the
velocities of all the particles are identical? b) the velocity at any point of the space
does not vary depending on the time?
0 1.13 The density of every individual particle of an incompressible medium is
constant. Can the density at any point of the space depend upon the time?
0 1.14 While a medium moves with the velocity field
Vi = —wx2 , v2 — CJXI , f3 = 0 (u> = const),
the temperature field
zl _ Kf£l) 2 _ K(—)2 _ {I—)
T = T0er a' b' c (T 0 ,r,a,6,c = const).
is created in the space (with the help of appropriately distributed sources). Find the
rate of change in temperature in an individual particle at an instant t0 if this particle
is situated at the point of the space with the coordinates Xi = a, x2 = b, 13 = c at
this instant.
0 1.15 A medium moves with the velocity field
vi = kx\ , t>2 = —kx2 , v3 = 0 (fc = const)
and the density field
p = po + Ax2ekt (po, A = const).
Find the rate of change in density in each of the particles of the medium.
0 1.16 The position of an individual particle (C1.C2.f3) at any instant t is given
by the relationships
*i = /i(Ci + W , & , 6 ) , t = 1,2,3, (U = const).
Show that a) the motion is steady, b) the parametric equations of the streamlines
have the form x{ = /j(r,C2.C3). * = 1.2,3, where T is a parameter, and the pair of
numbers C2. C° specifies a streamline.
Q 1.17 A medium moves so that the paths of all particles lie on rays originating
from a point O, and the speed v and density p depend only upon the instant t and
distance x to the point O. The mass contained, at the instant t = 0, within the sphere
with the center O passing through some particle is often used as one of Lagrangian
coordinates f of this particle to describe such a motion (referred to as spherically
symmetric). Show that the expression
f = f AirR2p(R,t)dR
is valid for the Lagrangian coordinate f of a particle at a distance a; from the point O
at an instant t. Show that the speed and density of the medium depends only upon
£ and t in the Lagrangian description. Find the equation for these functions v(£, t),
p~(£, t) (including also the function x(£, t)) with transforming the equation
dp dp dv pv _
dt dx dx x
expressing the mass conservation law in the Eulerian description.
0 1.18 The motion of a medium is represented by the functions
I =
xi=£u x2 = & (1 + - J , 3 ^J-T (r = const).
a) Find the velocity and acceleration fields, b) Find the velocity, at the instant t = IT,
of the particle situated at the point with the coordinates (a, a, a) at the instant t = r.
0 1.19 Find the velocity and acceleration fields in Lagrangian and Eulerian de
scriptions if the motion of the medium is represented by the functions
Xl = 6 + c(<)£2 , X2 = 6 + C(t)& , X3 = £3.
T = T0 (l + ^ j (To, r = const).
Find the rate of change in temperature at the instant t = r in the individual particle
situated at the point with the coordinates
Xi = if/a , i 2 = 2u 2 /a , x 3 = 3w2/a .
2. Tensors and their Cartesian Components 9
Uj = AikAjit kt ■
This formula is referred to as the tensor transformation rule (in orthonormal bases).
Only orthonormal bases will be used further in this section.
Tensors of third, fourth, etc., ranks and their components are introduced with the
help of the tensor products abc, abed, etc. (similar to tensors of second rank). The
tensor products e^e^et, eie.,efcef, etc., can be used as bases in the spaces of tensors of
third, fourth, etc., ranks. A vector is a tensor of first rank. A number (independent
of a chosen basis) is called a scalar and is a tensor of zeroth rank.
Multiplication by a number a is defined for any tensor t, the components of the
product a t being (at)ij„,m = aty...m where t„...m are the components of the tensor t.
Addition of two tensors a and b of the same rank is defined, the components of the
sum a + b being the sum of the components (a + b)y...m = Oy...m + 6y...m. Besides of
these operations, multiplication of any two tensors is determined. For example, the
A contraction is often performed in a tensor product, e.g., the tensor with the
components Ca — AijBji is the result of the contraction in the tensor product with
the components AijBki. Contractions can be performed simultaneously with respect
to every of chosen pairs of indices, e.g., the tensor with the components Py = Aijkieu is
the result of the two contractions in the tensor product with the components >ly«em„.
For any second rank symmetric tensor t (ty = tji), there exists an orthonormal
basis e* in which the components t\2 = t2l, *i3 = t^x, t23 = t32 vanish. The straight
lines, along which the vectors of this basis are directed, are called the principal axes
of the tensor t. The components t*lt t22, t33 in this basis are called the principal
components or eigenvalues of the tensor t.
The eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a tensor t are defined as the numbers A and
vectors with components Vi satisfying the following system of equations
Up, = Xvi .
Therefore the eigenvalues can also be obtained from the criterion for existence of a
nonzero solution vt of this system det ||ty — A<5y|| = 0, i.e.,
A3-/1A2 + / 2 A - / 3 = 0
h = Ui , h = -^{Uitjj ~ UjUj) , I3 = det ||ty|| .
The numbers Ix, I2, h are independent of the orthonormal basis in which the com
ponents Uj are considered in these formulae (see Problem 2.15). They are called the
invariants of the tensor t. Any number-valued function of Uj possessing the same
property is also called an invariant of the tensor t. Any invariant of the tensor t can
be expressed in terms of the invariants I\, I2, h-
2. Tensors and their Cartesian Components 11
Expressions w i t h indices
0 2.1 Write out in detail the following expressions using only numerical values of
the indices (not their letter notations)
a) Uu
b) pijUj, Ujpih p^m, UiPij\
c) qijdibj, qijbjd,, b^di, a ^ f y , a.fyqy, fya^y, flyO,^;
d) Oijbij, cijibji, ciijbji, bijdji.
Indicate equal expressions.
0 2.2 Compute
a) sums 6it, 6^, tfyfybfa;
b) the same sums if all the indices run the values 1,2,..., n.
0 2.3 Write the formula for computation of the substantive derivative in Eulerian
description dA/dt in the short form using the summation convention.
0 2.4 Let t{j be the components of a tensor in an orthonormal basis e*.
a) Show that the numbers Ty = tjt (for example, Tj2 = £21) are the components of a
certain tensor.
b) If Ui and Vj are the components of vectors, is TyUjiij = UjUiVjl Is UjUiUj = TyUjUj?
0 2.5 a) In some orthonormal basis, the components of a tensor of second rank
satisfy the relationship ty = tj{. Show that a similar relationship is valid for its com
ponents in any orthonormal basis. In this case, the tensor is referred to as symmetric.
b) Components of a tensor of second rank in some orthonormal basis satisfy the
relationship ty = —tji. Show that a similar relationship is valid for its components
in any orthonormal basis. In this case, the tensor is referred to as antisymmetric.
0 2.6 Consider the sums ayt + by* of the components of tensors a and b in every
orthonormal basis and show that they are the components of a tensor.
© 2.7 Consider the products flyju£mn of the components of tensors B and e build
in every orthonormal basis and show that they are the components of a tensor. Show
that their sums By«eti are the components of a tensor as well.
0 2.8 Let Sij and a« be the components of symmetric and antisymmetric tensors.
Show that Sijdij — 0 (the "complete contraction" of a symmetric and an antisymmet
ric tensors equals zero).
© 2.9 Show that any tensor of second rank can be represented as the sum of a
symmetric tensor and an antisymmetric one. Is this representation unique?
0 2.10 Show that for a symmetric tensors the contraction syUjVj can be expressed
in terms of contractions of the form SyiOji^ (ttj, t>j, Wi are the components of vectors).
In other words, the values of a symmetric bilinear form can be expressed in terms of
the values of the corresponding quadratic form.
© 2.11 Show that if a tensor of second rank t satisfies the relation UjViVj = 0 for
any vector v, it is antisymmetric.
0 2.12 The tensors t (5) and t (d) with the components
are called respectively the spherical component and the deviator of a symmetric tensor
a) the deviator of a spherical component (t w ) ( < i ) ;
b) the spherical component of a deviator (t^)'*'.
© 2.13 Find the general form of a tensor of second rank t if its component t12 is
known to equal zero in any orthonormal basis.
© 2.14 Find the principal components and principal axes of the tensor with the
following matrix of components in an orthogonal basis e^
/ 1 -v/3 0 \ / 1 -\/3 0 \
a) -y/3 -1 0 b) -N/3 -1 0
V 0 0 3y V 0 0 2/
© 2.15 Show that the following functions of the components ty of a second rank
symmetric tensor t are its invariants
a) J\ = ta, Jz = UjUj, J3 = Ujtjietid;
b) h = tu, h = \{tatii - 1^), I3 = det ||ty||.
© 2.16 Are the principal components of a second rank symmetric tensor its in
3. Curvilinear Coordinate Systems 13
0 2.17 Express the invariants Ii, I2, h, J\, J2, J3 (see Problem 2.15) in terms of
the principal components of the tensor t.
e* = g,kek, e, = gjkek, gv = ex ■ eP .
The quantities vl and Vj are called respectively the contravariant and covariant com
ponents of the vector field v in the coordinate system x\ Thus, we use upper indices
for contravariant components and lower ones for covariant components. In the case
of an orthogonal curvilinear coordinate system physical components are also often
used (see Problems 3.17, 3.19). If, besides coordinate system x', another coordinate
system x'k is used, its basis, dual basis and the components of a vector field v in it
(denoted with primes) are bound with the bases e^, e-* and the components of the
vector field v in the coordinate system x' by the relationships
dx dx
e'i = -en, v\ = ——-vk - the covariant transformation rule,
ox" ox' fi o\
dx" dx" ^ '
e" = 7T-re*i v" = TTT W * ~ the contravariant transformation rule.
ox" ox*
The following relationships are also valid
dx'k , dxlk ,
Ci =
-dxTek' Vi =
dx' lk 4 dx*
d^C ' V=
The numerical coefficients tli, tju and t'J, t'j are called respectively the contravariant,
covariant and mixed components of the tensor in the coordinate system i*. The dots
in the notations tk^_, t*| are used to indicate the sequence of the indices. For example,
in the expression A1^, the index i is the first, and the index k is the second. The
components of a tensor in a coordinate system xik are bound with its components
in a coordinate system x* by the so-called tensor transformation rule: the covariant
transformation rule is used for every lower index, and the contravariant one is used
for every upper index, e.g.,
y. =d^_d_^_d^
■k 1
dxP dx» dx " r
For any two coordinate systems xl and x'k, tpqr and t?xjk are the components of a
tensor t in these coordinate systems if and only if they are bound by the tensor
transformation rule. The tensor of third-rank is considered here as an example; the
formulated statement is valid for a tensor of any rank.
3. Curvilinear Coordinate Systems 15
Tensor operations. The product of a tensor t and a number a is the tensor with
components obtained by multiplying the components of a t by a, e.g.,
0 = (vfcl/)ei = (vfc^V •
Here we use special notation for the components of the tensor Vw: (Vw)^' = V**;',
(Vu)jfcj = VfcVj. The quantities V*w*, Vfct); are called covariant derivatives of, respec
tively, contravariant and covariant components of a vector field t;. They are found
with the use of the formulae
where the quantities T)k are the coefficients in the decomposition of the derivatives
of the basis vectors into components in this basis
^ k - r'r e,
dx ~ " '
(leading to one more formula dej/dxk = -T^e')- The quantities I>fc are called the
Christoffel symbols. They can be expressed in terms of derivatives of the metric tensor
ik +
2^ [dx* dxk dx'
The partial derivatives of any tensor field t with respect to coordinates xk are ex
pressed in terms of the components of some tensor with rank one higher than t,
namely Vt. The components of Vt are called covariant derivatives of the corre
sponding components of the tensor t and found with the use of formulae similar to
(3.3),e.g., ift = «' tn n e,e m e n ,
J ^ = (V^' m n )e<e m e n ,
Fit1 n
V ,l n vv
-m- ■ p( is- n ps A n , p n A- »
' ~ ~8xk~ k mfc
'■ +l»klm- ■
In particular, if T is a scalar, VfcT = dT/dx are the components of the vector grad T:
gradT = VfcTe* = g e * .
3. Curvilinear Coordinate Systems 17
Coordinate system
0 3.1 a) Show that the dual basis e* with respect to the given basis ei exists and
is unique, and that the following relationships are valid
where g,k are the components of the matrix ||<7,J|| reciprocal to the matrix ||<7y||,
gij = ej • er b) Verify the relationship e' ■ e? = glk. c) Verify the relationships
d) Verify that a basis and its dual basis are expressed in terms of each other according
to the formulae
! e2 x e3 2 e3 x d 3 Jd x e2
e = —^—, *■ = — - — , e = —-—, V. = d • (e 2 x e 3 )
e2 x e3 e3 x e1 e1 x e2 , 2 ,
ei = — y — , e2 = — ^ ^ , e3 = - ^ ^ , K* = e 1 • (e 2 x e3) .
© 3.2 a) Find the basis dual to an orthonormal one. b) Is the basis dual to an
orthogonal basis of non-unit vectors orthogonal? c) A basis ej is formed by unit
vectors every two of which make the angle 7r/3. Find the basis dual to it. Find the
contravariant components of the vector v = ae1 + be2 + ce 3 .
0 3.3 Prove the statement formulated in Problem 2.5 in the case when the basis
ej is arbitrary.
© 3.4 For every coordinate system, the sets of numbers are considered: 1) g^ =
Ci • ej, 2) g1' - the components of the matrix ||<7y|| reciprocal to the matrix ||<7ij||.
Show that they are respectively covariant and contravariant components of one and
the same tensor (metric tensor). Find mixed components of this tensor.
0 3.5 Show that the following sets of relationships for components of a tensor are
equivalent a) Sy = Sji <=> skl = slk <=$■ smn = snm b) Oy = — a,* <=> a w =
-alk ■<=> a m n = — anm It means that any of the sets of relationships (a) or (b)
can be accepted as a definition of, respectively, a symmetric or antisymmetric second
rank tensor (see Problems 2.5 and 3.3).
0 3.6 Are the following equalities valid for a second rank tensor t? a) t{ • = £'•'
b) t\ = tkk
Figure 3.1
0 3.8 Decompose the basis vectors e' 1 , e' 2 of plane Cartesian coordinates x' 1 , x' 2
over the basis of the polar coordinate system x 1 = r, x2 = (p bound with the Cartesian
coordinates by the relationships
/i a
x =rcos<p, x =rsmip.
Find the basis of a spherical coordinate system (express in terms of the basis e\ of
a Cartesian system). Find covariant, contravariant and mixed components of the
metric tensor in a spherical coordinate system.
3. Curvilinear Coordinate Systems 19
Figure 3.2
Find its components in the spherical coordinate system (see Problem 3.10).
0 3.12 Find the length squared of the differential element dxle\ + dx2e.2 + dx3e$
in elliptic coordinates x1 = r, x2 = ip, x3 = z bound with Cartesian coordinates x, y, z
by the relationships
© 3.13 Find the length squared of the element dx1ei + dx2e2+dx3e3 in ellipsoidal
coordinates x1 = r, x2 = 9, x3 = <p (with the coordinate surfaces r = const in the
shape of oblate ellipsoids of revolution) bound with Cartesian coordinates x, y, z by
the relationships
© 3.15 Sometimes, e.g., when studying a stream that flows about a body, it is
convenient to use a special curvilinear coordinate system associated with the surface
of the body. For a planar stream considered in its plane, such a coordinate system is
introduced as follows. Let, in the plane of the stream, the boundary of the body be
Figure 3.3
P h y s i c a l c o m p o n e n t s of vectors and t e n s o r s .
0 3.16 In mechanics, the length dimension is often assigned to Cartesian coor
dinates, and their basis vectors are regarded as dimensionless. In this case, for a
spherical coordinate system (see Problem 3.10), find the dimensions of a) the coordi
nates, b) the vectors of the basis and dual basis, c) the covariant and contravariant
components of the metric tensor, d) the covariant and contravariant components of a
velocity vector.
a) Show that
u P1 = t/i|e 1 |, vP2 = v2\e2\, t>P3 = t>3|e3|
3. Curvilinear Coordinate Systems 21
ei e1 e2 e2 e3 e3
(This triple of vectors is called the physical basis associated with the considered
orthogonal coordinate system), b) Express a scalar product u ■ v in terms of physical
components of the vectors u and v. c) Similarly to physical components of a vector,
introduce physical components of a second rank tensor.
0 3.18 a) Express the physical basis er, ev, ez associated with a cylindrical coor
dinate system (see Problems 3.7, 3.17) in terms of bases e^ of the cylindrical and e'i of
the Cartesian coordinate systems, b) A body rotates around an axis with the angular
speed oj{t). Regarding the rotation axis as the coordinate line x3 of a cylindrical coor
dinate system, find the physical components of the velocity and acceleration vectors
of the body points in this system.
0 3.19 Show that the physical basis associated with a cylindrical coordinate
system x' (see Problem 3.18a) is not the local basis of any coordinate system
yk (x1, x2, x3).
0 3.21 a) Show that the elements of the matrix \\a'-\\ of a linear operator are
the mixed components of a tensor of second rank. (A linear operator a is a linear
vector-valued function of a vector argument. For every coordinate system a matrix
||a'j|| exists such that av = a'-v'ej for any vector v; the matrix Ha^H is called the
matrix of the linear operator a), b) A linear operator projects a vector on the plane
orthogonal to the given unit vector n = n'e^. Find the matrix of this operator.
Tensor operations
0 3.23 For two second rank tensor a and b, consider the sums a,J + 6y of their
components in every coordinate system. Show that they are not components of tensor
unless a = 0 or b = 0.
0 3.24 Find the contravariant components of the sum of the tensors a = eiei and
b = e 2 e 2 where e* is the basis of the coordinate system x*, x1 = x[ + x'2, x2 — x'2,
x3 = x'-, and x[ are Cartesian coordinates.
0 3.27 Consider the numbers tu, UjUji Ujtjktki determined by the components of
a second-rank tensor t in an arbitrary coordinate system. Do they depend upon this
A3 - ^A 2 + 72A - I3 = 0
are valid; b) only those its components do not equal zero whose values of the indices
are obtained by permutation of the values 1,2,3; the corresponding components equal
«i23 or — f 123 if the permutation is, respectively, even or odd, i.e., the relationships
£ = € €
£ 123 = 231 312, 213 = ^132 = «321 = "^123
are valid; c) the component £123 is expressed in terms of g = det ||py|| according to
the formula
{ ^g,
— y/g,
if ei, e 2 , e 3 - is a right-handed basis,
if e-i, e2, e 3 - is a left-handed basis.
© 3.33 Verify the validity of the following relationships for Levi-Civita tensor
ey*e„r = W +W + W 5 -
-ftffi - * # « * - £«}«$
eiikepqk = Sft-Sft
eMejkl = 26)
eiiketjk= 6
© 3.34 Show that a vector product a x b may be represented with the use of
Levi-Civita tensor in the form
a x b = e,jka,ibjek = epqTapbqeT
in any coordinate system. (This is one of the reasons for which Levi-Civita tensor is
convenient in calculations.)
Q 3.35 a) Show that the mixed product of vectors a, b, c may be represented with
the use of Levi-Civita tensor in the form
a (6 x c) = tljka'b'ck.
in any coordinate system, b) Express components of the double vector product a x
(6 x c) of vectors a, b, c in terms of the components of these vectors.
0 3.36 Show that the volume of the parallelepiped constructed on vectors a, 6, c
equals le.jja'fe'c*].
© 3.37 Consider a set of numbers ?y* defined for any right-handed basis: e 123 =
«23i = «3i2 = 1, «2i.i = «i32 = «32i = - 1 , the other ei]k = 0. They are called
Levi-Civita symbols and often used in calculations (the notation eV* is used for them
as well, a) Does a tensor exist, the components of which are P]k in every basis?
b) Express the determinant of a given matrix and the components of the matrix
reciprocal to it in terms of the components of this matrix using Levi-Civita symbols.
© 3.38 a) Derive the formula for the differential of the determinant of a matrix
d(det||a' ; ||)=det||aV||6Va' f c
where ||6*J| is the matrix reciprocal to the matrix ||aV||. b) Derive the formula for
the differential of the determinant g = det \\g,j\\
dg = gg'3dgtj .
© 3.39 a) Derive the formula for the differentials of the elements of the matrix
J]6* -1| reciprocal to a matrix \\a'A\
dbkt = - 0 : > a m n .
b) Derive the formula for the contravariant components of the metric tensor
dg'} = -Wdgu .
Covariant differentiation.
0 3.40 Do the derivatives dvl/dx3, where v' are the contravariant components of
a vector, represent the components of a tensor?
© 3.41 Are Christoffel symbols n t the components of a tensor?
© 3.42 Is the following statement valid: if the component vl of a vector field
vanishes in some coordinate system, then V^u1 = 0?
3. Curvilinear Coordinate Systems 25
dlvv =
in a Cartesian coordinate system x" is called the divergence of the vector field v. Show
that the following formulae are valid in any coordinate system x': a) div v = V;v',
M V-y* = -i- a(v^.v')
e i e 2 e3
curl v =
¥ ¥ ¥
in a right Cartesian coordinate system x" with the basis e'i is called the curl (rotor)
of the vector field v. Show that the formula
curl v = t,ikV{Vjek
is valid for all coordinate system.
© 3.50 Show that, for a symmetric tensor of second rank b, the formula
, = J_ djjgby) _ i dgu
' y/g dxi 2 dx>
is valid.
© 3.51 Show that the expression of ViVj - VjV{ (vi are the components of a
vector) in terms of the partial derivatives and Christoffel symbols, in fact, does not
contain Christoffel symbols.
© 3.52 Show that, for an antisymmetric second rank tensor LJ, a) the formula
Viu/fc = J= ■gp(y/gujtk) is valid, b) the expression e'jfcVjU>Jfc does not contain the
Christoffel symbols (similarly to the preceding problem).
dxi dxk
in a curvilinear coordinate system xk (a and b are scalar fields). Show that the field v
is solenoidal, i.e. satisfying the condition div v = 0. b) Consider a solenoidal vector
field v, d i w = 0. Show that, in a neighborhood of a point where v does not vanish,
there exist two scalar fields a and b such that the formula
vi = y* da_ db_
dxi dxk
is valid for the components of v in any coordinate system xk. Thus, the previous
formula gives locally general solution v of the equation div v = 0.
equal to the spatial coordinates of the particle in its position at the initial instant,
i.e., & = Xi(£,0). As a deformation measure the Green strain tensor
o o o 1 / dxi dxi
e-ea0eae0, ea0 - - ^ — — - 6a0
2 \ dxi dxj
are often used; here, €a(x, 0 are the Lagrangian coordinates of the particle situated at
the instant t at the point x. A material line element emanating from the particle f and
corresponding to the vector d£ = d£a ea is the collection of particles with Lagrangian
coordinates within the limits from (£1,62,£3) to (£1 +d£i,£2 + ^621 £3 + ^3) occupying
the infinitesimal segment. At an instant t, the position of a material line element is
determined by the position x(£, t) of its initial point and by the vector
dx = dxi Ci — -£— d£a e{
(see Figure 4.1). Each of the tensors e and e allows one to immediately express the
(^1.^2-Sj) ""
Y dx
Figure 4.1
change in length squared ds2 of a material line element (one of them, in terms of d£,
the other, in terms of dx)
Here, dso is the length of the material line element at instant t = 0. The strain tensors
also allow one to find the relative elongation of any material line element, change in
angle of any two material line elements (see Problems 4.3-4.4) and relative change in
volume of a material solid element
dV - dV0 r ~i ~~o " V t 1
— - — - 2 = V I + 2 / i + 4 72 + 8 / 3 - l =
dV0 VI - 2/i + 4/a - 8/ 3
where I * and U, i = 1,2,3 are the invariants of the corresponding tensors defined
as h = £u, h = \{I\ - £ij£ij), h = det||ey|| (see Problem 2.15). The mechanical
meaning of components of Green strain tensor is illustrated by their relationship to
a) the relative elongations l\, I2, I3 reached at the current instant of the material line
elements directed, at instant t = 0, along the basis vectors ei, e.i, 63 respectively,
b) the angles ipap (a ^ /?) reached at the current instant made by these elements
(e.g., t/>23 is the angle between elements directed along e 2 and e 3 at the instant t = 0)
£<*0 = 2 K1 + U ( l + h) cos
4>a0 ~ <W]
(no summation over a, j3). In particular, for components with identical indices
(no summation over a). Similarly, components of Almansi strain tensor are de
termined by "reverse" characteristics of deformation: with the changes in length
"reached" at instant t = 0, relative to the length at instant t, of the material line
elements directed along the basis vectors es and angles made by these elements (see
Problem 4.17). Components of the strain tensors can be expressed in terms
of the displacement field in the Lagrangian description
u(Z,t) = {xa(Z,t)-£a)ea
or in Eulerian description
w(x,t) = (xi-Zi(x,t))ei
e j[x( t) +\ - I (*tb.+ 4. ^i _ ^ * \
' ' ~2\dxj dx, dx{ dxj •
are valid. In the case when relative elongations and rotations of all the material line
elements are small, i.e., when all the derivatives dua/d£p ~ 6 <C 1 are small (or,
identically, all the derivatives dii)i/dxj ~ 6 -C 1 are small), Green and Almansi strain
tensor differ only by a value of order <52 from linearized strain tensors e'"', e(1'
%W -?(')„ o ?« _ (dUa 4. dU
-eye,e, , e ti - 2 ^ ^ + ^ J •
°e®(Z,t)=e®(x(S,t),t) + 0(62).
Normally one neglects the difference between the two linearized tensors and considers
both as one linearized strain tensor. Depending on what is more convenient, its
components are calculated by either of the two sets of formulae
1 (dua dup\ 1 fdwi dwj\
+ +
2\d^ d^) ' 2[dx~ ~dx~) ■
This tensor is often called also the small strain tensor. The mechanical meanings of
its components are as follows: en is the relative elongation of a material line element
directed along e\ at instant t = 0); £22 and £33 have the similar meanings; £y when
i 7^ j is half of the decrease in angle made by material line elements directed along
ei and e^ at the instant t = 0.
or, briefly,
dx = Fd£ , dxi = Fiad£a
where the notation dxi/d(,a = Fia is used. The linear transformation F is called
the distortion, its matrix F = \\Fia\\ is called the distortion matrix or deformation
gradient. The components of the strain tensors are obviously expressed in terms of
the deformation gradient
a0 = -z(FkaFk0 - 6ap) , £ij = -((5y — H^Hyj)
where \\Hyj\\ is the matrix reciprocal to F: F^H^ = <5y. According to the theorem
of polar decomposition, the matrix F can be written in the form
F = RU , Fia = RtpUpa
Figure 4.2
is closely connected with the Green strain tensor (see Problem 4.19).
_ 1 / dvi dvj\
The mechanical meanings of these components are as follows: en is the rate of relative
elongation of the material line element directed along e.\ at the current instant; e22
and 633 have the similar meanings; e^ at i ^ j is half of the rate of decrease in angle
made by the material fine elements directed along e* and e, at the current instant.
4. Deformation. Deformation Rate. Vorticity. 31
The rate of relative change in volume of a particle is equal to the first invariant of
the strain rate tensor which in turn is equal to divergence of the velocity vector
en = ^— = divw .
1 . 1 dvk
w = - c u r l « = - e 0 * — et
where e^* are the components of Levi-Civita tensor. Namely, if Vo is the velocity
of the particle situated at a point r 0 , the velocity of the particle situated at a point
r0 + p is expressed by the Cauchy-Helmholtz formula
v = v0 + — ei + uxp + O(p')
where 3> = (l/2)eyPiP J . According to this formula, rotation with the angular veloc
ity w equal to the vorticity vector is superimposed on the velocity connected with
deformation (the second term in the formula) and the velocity of translation v0.
w(x,t) = wl(x,t)ei(x) ;
here, certainly, w(x(£, t),t) = u(£,t). To make notation briefer, the arguments of
functions are often omitted. Then, to avoid confusion, the notations e a (f) = e a and
e<(x) = e.i are introduced, in particular, u = ua e a, w = wxei. Then, the Green
strain tensor can be written in the form
o o ° a og o 1 / dx' dx* o \
e =ea0 e e" , ea0 = - ^——gij- ga0j
where e ^ is the basis dual to the basis e„ (see Section 3), 9a0 =ea- e0, and the
components of the metric tensor <7y = e< • e ; are calculated for the point x = x(£, t).
The Almansi strain tensor can be written in the form
<* 1/ d$a d^ c \
e = e«ee», £ij = - ^ fli , - — — 3a , j
where e m is the basis dual to the basis e„, #y = e^ • e,, and the components of the
metric tensor 9a0 =ea- e0 are calculated for the point £ = £(x, t). The expressions
of the components of the strain tensors in terms of displacement field remains the
same, but the partial derivatives are replaced by the covariant ones
where the covariant derivative V Q is calculated with use of the Christoffel symbols
r$ M (0 determined by the usual formulae (see Section 3) in terms of the components
of the metric tensor 9py{0- H t n e relative elongations and rotations of all material
line elements are small, the small strain tensor is used. It can be written in either of
the two forms
£< = aU0+ 0Ua e
" 2 {^ ^ ) ° ° *" '
£"> = - (ViWj + VjWi) e V .
Components of the strain rate tensor are expressed in terms of the velocity field by
the formula
In some cases, a special coordinate system, determined by the motion of the contin-
uum itself, is useful and referred to as concomitant. It, as any coordinate system, sets
correspondence between a point of the space and three numbers, namely, Lagrangian
4. Deformation. Deformation Rate. Vorticity. 33
coordinates £Q = £Q(x, t) of the particle situated at the point x at the current instant.
Thus, this system is differently determined for different instants: different triples of
numbers correspond to the same point of the space; rigorously speaking, they must
be denoted with (^m^m^m)- The coordinate lines £° at the instants ti ^ ti occupy
different positions, but pass through the same particles; this is why this coordinate
system is referred to as concomitant (with the motion of the continuum). Its basis
dr dr dxx dxx
In the concomitant coordinate system, the Almansi strain tensor can be written in
the form
e = iij&e3 , itj = - ^ - <?i;J
where e m is the basis dual to the basis e n , and #y = e, ■ e,- are the components of
the metric tensor. As in any coordinate system, the components e^ are expressed in
terms of the displacement field by the formula
The components of the Almansi tensor in the basis e* coincide with the components
of the Green tensor in the basis e a , ia0 =£ap-
Conditions of compatibility
In some important cases, the velocity field v of a flow in the continuum is determined
by one function <p and can be written in the form v = grad^x In this case, the vector
field v is referred to as potential, and the function <p is called its potential. By far not all
vector fields v are potential. It is clear that, to be potential, a vector field must satisfy
some conditions, since the three functions — its components — are expressed in terms
of one function — potential. The necessary condition for potentiality of a field v is
the relationship curl v = 0; it is called also the compatibility condition for components
of a potential field v. If the field w is considered in a simply connected domain, this
is the sufficient condition for existence of a single-valued potential. Similarly to the
relationship v = grad tp, the six components of a small strain tensor are expressed in
terms of the three components of the displacement w, and, consequently, cannot be
arbitrary. They satisfy the relationships
d2ekl | 6% d2eu ^ _Q
dxidxj dxkdxi dx^Oxj dxidxi
(xi is a spatial Cartesian coordinate system); these relationships also are called the
compatibility conditions for strain components. These are the necessary conditions,
and, when the tensor field of small strains e is considered in a simply connected
domain, are the sufficient conditions for the relationships
_ 1 Idnii dwA
~ 2 \dx~j + ~dx~j
to be valid, w being a vector field. In other words, the compatibility conditions for
strain components are the conditions of possibility, in principle, to obtain the strain as
a result of a displacement. In all the problems of this section, i* are spatial (Eulerian)
coordinates, and £a are Lagrangian coordinates. As Lagrangian coordinates of a
particle, spatial coordinates of the point, at which the particle was situated at the
initial instant (in the undeformed state), are taken. Unless otherwise stipulated, the
spatial coordinate system is Cartesian.
with reference to a spatial Cartesian coordinate system ii. (This deformation is called
a uniform uniaxial extension along the axis ij.) What happened to the material line
elements initially situated parallel to the coordinate axis xt and those orthogonal to
this axis? Consider the two cases: a > 0 and —1 < a < 0?
0 4.2 For a uniaxial extension (see Problem 4.1), find the displacement field in
Lagrangian and Eulerian descriptions, and calculate the components of the Green
and Almansi strain tensors.
in this particle as known, find the angle made by these material line elements after
deformation, b) For a uniaxial extension (see Problem 4.1), find the angle made after
deformation by the material line elements perpendicular to the axis x3 and making
the angles ±7r/4 with the axis i j before deformation.
0 4.5 Find relative change in volume caused by a uniaxial extension (see Prob
lem 4.1).
0 4.6 As a result of displacement, the particles (£1,62, £3) of a continuum are
situated at the points with the coordinates
*\ = £1 + a sin(fc^) , x2 = £2 , ^3 = 6
(Q = const, \a\ < 1, k = const)
with reference to a spatial Cartesian coordinate system x<. Show that a uniaxial
extension takes place in a small vicinity of each particle of the medium (see Prob
lem 4.1). What is the relative elongation of the material line element emanating from
a given point f and parallel to the axis Xi before deformation? Calculate the Green
deformation tensor. Indicate the particles in a small vicinity of which there is no
© 4.8 As a result of displacement, the particles (£1,62. £3) of a continuum are
situated at the points with the coordinates
with reference to a spatial Cartesian coordinate system Xj. Show that the relative
elongations of all material line elements are identical. Note that such deformation is
called a uniform extension or compression to what signs of a do they correspond?.
xi = f 1 + a(t)£2 , x2 = 6 , x3 = £3
0 4.11 For a simple shear (see Problem 4.9), find a) relative elongations of mate
rial line elements emanating from particle f and parallel to the axes x\, x2,13 before
deformation; b) all possible material line elements whose relative elongations at the
instant t equal zero.
0 4.12 Find the relative change in volume of a small material element during a
simple shear (see Problem 4.9) by two methods: with the use of the invariants of the
Green strain tensor and those of the Almansi strain tensor.
0 4.13 The small strain tensor at a point where small deformation takes place has
the following matrix of components in a Cartesian coordinate system
0.01 0.03 0 \
0.03 0.01 0
0 0 0.01 /
Find the maximal and minimal relative elongations of material line elements at this
point. Find the direction of the material elements whose relative elongation is a) max
imal, b) minimal. Calculate the relative change in volume at this point.
dsg /ds — 1 (where dsg is the length of the corresponding element before defor
mation) equal /*. The elements characterized by the vectors dx^ and dx^ in the
deformed state make the angle Vy before deformation. Prove the formula showing
the mechanical meaning of the components of the Almansi strain tensor
© 4.17 Prove that the eigenvalues of a Green strain tensor Aa and the eigenvalues
of an Almansi strain tensor Aj satisfy the inequalities
l+2Ao>0, l-2Aj>0.
© 4.18 Prove that for deformation with the Green strain tensor e and the Almansi
strain tensor e a) the material line element directed along a principal axis of the tensor
e before deformation is directed along a principal axis of the tensor e in the deformed
state, b) on the contrary, the material line element directed along a principal axis of
the tensor e in the deformed state was directed along a principal axis of the tensor
o °
e before deformation, c) the eigenvalues of the Green strain tensor A and of the
Almansi strain tensor A are related to each of them by
1 + 2A =
© 4.19 Prove the following polar decomposition theorem. The deformation gra
dient F = \\Fia\\ (and, in general, any nonsingular matrix) can be written in the
F = RU , F{0 = RiaUafj
where R = \\Ria\\ ls a n orthogonal matrix, and U = \\Ua0\\ is a symmetric positive-
definite matrix. The principal axes of the matrix U coincide with the principal axes
of the Green strain tensor, and the corresponding eigenvalues ka of the matrix U are
o J o
0 4.21 Show that the following motions cannot be reduced to each other by
imposing a rigid motion (i.e., a rotation and a translation): a) a rotation around the
axis X3, b) a uniaxial extension along the axis X\ (Problem 4.1), c) a simple shear in
the plane xi,x 2 (Problem 4.9), d) a double shear (Problem 4.14).
© 4.22 Represent the transformation of a small vicinity of a particle $ resulted
from a simple shear (see Problem 4.9) in the form of the extensions along three
mutually orthogonal directions, rotation and translation.
0 4.23 For a uniaxial extension (Problem 4.1) with the parameter a as a function
of time a = a(t) such that a(0) = 0, a) write the formula describing transition, for an
instant t, from a spatial coordinate system Xj to the concomitant coordinate system
£Q, b) draw the coordinate lines, find the basis vectors and the components of the
metric tensor for the concomitant coordinate system £a for an instant t, c) find the
components of the Green tensor for an instant t in the coordinate system x* as well
as the covariant, mixed and contravariant components of the Almansi strain tensor
for an instant t in the concomitant coordinate system £°.
0 4.24 For a uniaxial extension (Problems 4.1, 4.23), choose the coordinates Xj
of the space point at which a particle is situated at the instant t, as new Lagrangian
coordinates rf of this particle. Draw the coordinate lines, find the basis vectors and
the components of the metric tensor in the concomitant coordinate system rf at the
instant t = 0.
© 4.25 For a simple shear (Problem 4.9), find, for an instant t the coordinate
lines of the concomitant coordinate system passing through the space point with
the coordinates (0,0,0). Do they vary in time? Find also the basis vectors of the
concomitant coordinate system and the components of the metric tensor in it.
© 4.26 The axis of a cylindrical rod with circular cross section is positioned along
the axis x 3 of a spatial Cartesian coordinate system x{. The rod deforms according
to the formula
Does a change in volume of material solid elements take place during this motion?
V\ = kx2 , v2 = v3 = 0 (k = const) .
Find, for this instant, the rate of change in angle made by material line elements
emanating from the point x and situated along two straight lines making the angles
7r/4 with the axis Xi and n/2 with the axis 2:3.
V\ = 0 , v2 = k , v3 = 0 (k = const)
everywhere except the point r = 0. a) Draw the particle paths of the medium, find
the value of the velocity of a particle and the physical components of the velocity.
b) Calculate the components of the strain rate tensor, c) Find the vorticity vector.
d) Find the principal axes of the strain rate tensor. Do they rotate in time in an
individual particle? e) What is, at an instant, the angular velocity of the material
line elements which are situated at this instant along the principal axes of the strain
rate tensor?
© 4.36 Find the vorticity vector field tt> for a simple shear (Problem 4.9). Indicate
the material line elements angular velocity of which equals u; at an instant t. Find
the angular velocity of the material line elements directed at the considered instant t
along the axes X\, x2, X3.
0 4.37 The velocity distribution in a rigid body is determined by the Euler formula
v = v0 + fl x r where Q{t) is the angular velocity, r is the radius-vector with respect
to a point 0, v0(t) is the velocity of the point O. Calculate the vorticity vector for
this velocity field.
4. Deformation. Deformation Rate. Vorticity. 41
© 4.38 Prove that, if the strain rate tensor is identical for all particles of a medium
at an instant, then the vorticity vector is also identical for all the particles at this
0 4.39 The strain rate tensor equals zero in all particles of a medium. Show
that, in this case, the velocity field is described by the Euler formula for the velocity
distribution in a rigid body v = v0 + fi x r where r is the radius-vector relative to
a point O, Vo{t) is the velocity of this point, and f2(t) is a vector independent of r
(the vector of instantaneous angular velocity).
a) Show that in any curvilinear coordinate system x', the following equality holds
1 (dvj b\ii
UJn = '
2 ydx* dxi
b) Show that the vorticity vector w = 1/2 curl v can be represented by the above-
introduced tensor, since the following formulae are valid
a ) ^ ^ = 0, b)!(wV£) = 0
© 4.42 For a given in the Problem 4.41 motion of a continuum, consider at any
moment a vorticity line, that is, a line whose tangent is a vortex vector (at every
point of the line). Show that a vorticity line is frozen into the medium, that is it
passes through the same particles of the medium at any moment.
Compatibility conditions
© 4.43 Verify that the equality curlv = 0 is the necessary condition for poten
tiality of the vector field v.
0 4.44 Verify that the field velocity for a uniaxial extension (Problem 4.1) satisfies
the condition for potentiality. Find the potential of this velocity field.
0 4.45 Show that the compatibility condition for the small strain tensor can be
written, using Levi-Civita tensor, in the form a) ekip€ijq8z ^ = 0 in a Cartesian
coordinate system, b) ckipeljqVkS7ieij = 0 in any coordinate system. Here, e,jk are the
components of Levi-Civita tensor.
0 4.46 Indicate the conditions which a symmetric tensor field must satisfy to be
the strain rate tensor for a velocity field.
0 4.47 The tensor field is given by the formulae for its components in a Cartesian
coordinate system xi,x2, £3 &) £11 = Ax\, £22 = Bx\, £33 = Cx\, en = £13 = £23 = 0,
A,B,C = const; b) en = 2AxiX2, £22 = 2BxiX2, £12 = \{Ax\ + Bx%), £ i3 = e23 =
£33 = 0, A, B = const Is it the small strain tensor for a displacement field?
(eikj are the components of Levi-Civita tensor). Formulate this statement in a curvi
linear coordinate system.
© 4.49 The components ey and tJj of a second rank symmetric tensor field and
a vector field satisfying the condition divw = 0 are given in a Cartesian coordinate
system. Consider possibility to find the velocity field v for which e and w are the
strain rate and vorticity fields. Prove that this is possible if and only if the components
ey and c<y satisfy the following conditions
3ey du>i
dxk dxi
(eikj are the components of Levi-Civita tensor). Formulate this statement in a curvi
linear coordinate system.
5. Principles of Symmetry and Tensor Functions. 43
bl,jl...birjrTjl "•»'- = Til-ir (5.1)
where (b j) is the matrix inverse to the matrix (a'j), then it is said that the tensor T
is invariant relative to the group G, determined by (a'j). The symmetry group of the
tensor g itself (isotropy) is the complete group of rotations and reflections represented
by orthogonal matrices. The symmetry group of a given set of tensors containing g is
a subgroup of the complete group of rotations and reflections or coincides with that
A tensor function T = F ( T i , . . . , T N ) is a dependence of the components of the
tensor T upon the components of the tensors T 1 , . . . > T W which is invariant with
respect to choice of the basis ej. It means that, for a set of functions of the form
the relationships
JV»I—«r _ pil...ir(rHJl—JTl rjtjl—JTN\
are valid for any nonsingular matrix (aV,), i.e. in all coordinate systems the com
ponents of T are the same functions of the components of Ti, T 2 , ..., TN. This
condition can be written in the form
a = kb
where k is a scalar which may depend on |6| (in fact, the components of a metric
tensor g are needed to calculate |6|; so to be exact we should say that a is a function
of 6 and g).
tensor fields among which there is the metric tensor field g. The symmetry group
G of this set of tensor fields is the set of transformations of Cartesian coordinate
systems (x') preserving the form of each of these tensor fields. For example, for the
contravariant components of a tensor field of a rank r regarded as functions of the
variables x \
T'" - ( x " ) e : i - - - < = r > ^ ( x " ) e : i • • • < ,
b^u ... V'jr T>""jV(o'i(irt - <*)) = r > • ''(x*)
on the transformations xH = Wjx'+d where (a^), {b>k) are orthogonal matrices each
of which is the inverse of the other. The tensor field is said to be invariant relative
to the group G. The symmetry group of the metric tensor field g is the complete
group of motions of the Euclidian space. The tensor field invariant relative to the
group of translations of the coordinate origin x" = x' + c* is referred to as uniform.
Let us indicate the method of construction of tensor fields invariant with respect to
a given group G of the transformations x'* = bljXj preserving the position of the
coordinate origin O. That method is based on the definition of the tensor function.
Let G be a symmetry group of a set of tensors Tu..., TN given at a point O, and
r be the radius-vector of an arbitrary point P relative to O. Compose, for the point
0, the tensor function T = F(r, Tu ..., T„) whose components satisfy obviously all
the necessary conditions of symmetry as functions of the components of the radius-
vector r. The remaining step is to translate (without variation of the components)
the tensor T to the point P.
0 5.1 Find the eigenvalues of the matrix of rotation by the angle <p around the
axis x
© 5.2 Determine the general form of a matrix of rotation around a unit vector n
by an angle ip.
Q 5.3 Show that any orthogonal three-by-three matrix has at least one eigenvalue
equal to 1 or - 1 . To what transformation does the matrix
correspond ?
© 5.4 Show that an arbitrary orthogonal matrix can be represented either as a ma
trix of rotation around an axis (Problem 5.2) or as the product of a matrix of rotation
and a matrix of reflection in the plane perpendicular to the same axis (Problem 5.3)
0 5.5 Find the eigenvalues of an antisymmetric second rank tensor. Compare with
the eigenvalues of the orthogonal matrix of Problem 5.1.
© 5.6 Using the expansions of the functions of one variable F(x) in power series
over x, where 1) F(x) = ex, 2) F(x) = ln(l + 1 ) , 3) F(x) = (1 - x)" 1 , define the
corresponding analytic tensor functions F(S) replacing x by S.
© 5.10 Show that, if a tensor S is symmetric then any analytic tensor function of
S is also symmetric.
© 5.11 Let all the eigenvalues A< (i = 1,2,3) of a tensor S be real and different.
Show that, for any analytic tensor function F(S), the formula (called the Lagrange
interpolation polynomial)
© 5.12 Analyze, for the Problem 5.11, the cases of repeated eigenvalues of the
tensor S if there are three linearly independent eigenvectors.
© 5.13 Determine the symmetry group of the set of tensors (g, e) where g is the
metric tensor, e is Levi-Civita tensor.
© 5.14 Determine, for an orthonormal basis e<, the symmetry groups of the fol
lowing sets of tensors: a) g, e 3 ; b) g, c • e 3 ; c) g, e 3 e 3 (transverse isotropy with the
axes of symmetry parallel to e 3 ); d) g, e, e 3 ; e) g, 6, e 3 e 3 ; here, g is the metric
tensor, e is Levi-Civita tensor.
5. Principles of Symmetry and Tensor Functions. 47
0 5.23 Let a tensor function F(S, g), where S is a symmetric second-rank tensor,
g is the metric tensor regarded as constant, have the form
F = (kl9ij + kiSij + k^'S^ye*
where the coefficients fci, k2, k3 are the functions of the invariants of the tensor S.
Show that the necessary conditions for existence of a scalar potential $ of the function
F, Fij = ^TT", can be represented in the form
1 dka 1 dkp
a oJp p aJa
where Jx = SU, J2 = P'Sij, h = S^ShS*,.