Presidential Commission On Educational Reform)
Presidential Commission On Educational Reform)
Presidential Commission On Educational Reform)
Sec. 2, Article XIV of the Constitution - Mandates system of scholarship grants and student
loan programs
Sec. 3, Article XIV of the Constitution - Requires parents’ permission for students to attend
religious instruction in public schools
PCER (Presidential Commission on Educational Reform) - Recommends the establishment of a one-year Pre-
Baccalaureate System
Education Act of 1982 - Stipulates the accountability of teachers for the efficient and effective
attainment of specified learning objectives
EDCOM - Recommends the use of the vernacular and Filipino as the medium of instruction for
basic education
R.A. No. 7160 - Mandates the making of the annual budget constituting the Special Education
Fund by the local government units
R.A. No. 7784 - Mandates the formulation of policies and standards that will improve the system
of teacher education
R.A. No. 7836 - Provides for the licensing of teachers with and without examination
R.A. No. 9155 - Specifies the Principle of Shared Governance
R.A.4670 - clarifies career opportunity tenure and leave privileges of teachers.
R.A.7610 - clearly defines the role of the teachers and their accountabilities in declaring children as
zones of peace
R.A.7836 - is known as Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994
R.A. 6713 - strengthens teacher education in the Philippines
BEAM - Focuses specifically on basic education in Regions IX, XI, and ARMM
Accreditation - Evaluates the school culture, curriculum, learning outcomes, and school and
community partnership
Adopt-a-School Program - Mobilizes support from the private and non-government sectors
Sec. 5 (4) Article XIV of the Constitution - States the right of teachers to professional
School- Based Management - Clarifies devolution of powers and active participation of the
The Philippine Constitution mandates that the state shall establish a complete,
adequate, and integrated system of education.
A system of education is complete when it satisfies the Constitutional mandate of free and
compulsory elementary education and free secondary education, and when those who are
qualified to go to higher education are given the needed assistance by the state.
A system of education is adequate when resources are available when needed; when every
child of school age is in school; when everyone has access to quality education; when every
barangay has a complete public elementary school and every province a complete public
secondary school.
A system of education is integrated when there is articulation from grade to grade (Grade 1 to
Fourth Year), and when there is coordination among basic education, technical vocational
education, and higher education.
You are informed of the DepED Integrated Scholarship Program during the break. Write a
letter to the Schools Division Superintendent requesting that you be recommended to the
program. Refer to the organizational structures of your school and division for the
communication flow of your request.
Teaching is a profession; you are licensed as a professional teacher. Give five qualities
that make you a professional.
On your first year of teaching, you had 45 pupils in the enrolment list. Five came in as transferees
after a month. You now have 50 learners but there were only 45 desks in the classroom. You have
distributed the textbooks; hence, you have nothing more for the five new comers (Give a step-by-
step procedure on how you will solve the problem.) Get the addresses of the pupils.
Encourage those in the neighborhood to share
their books. Encourage the parents to come to your class and see the classroom
condition. They may be motivated to bring chairs. Your homeroom PTCA should
know the problem. The parents may be motivated to help.
In October of the same school year, 10 pupils dropped out. You made a home visit. Six families
have left their temporary homes. The pupils did not return the books; four pupils were helping in the
farm. The parents were not interested to have the pupils back in school. Towards the end of the
school year, two more dropped out; 38 remained but three were still non-readers. (Write a journal of
activities on how you can: convince the parents to have pupils go back to school, help the non-
readers, and get relief from the lost books.) a. Give extra time to help the non-readers
b. Conduct home visitation c. Ask the assistance of the department head/coordinator on
how you can be relieved of lost school property.
When school opened in June, you were assigned as a facilitator in a remedial class in Mathematics.
You are not a major in mathematics so you feel In adequate to do the task. (Will you refuse the
assignment? Why? Why not? What training do you need if you accept the assignment?
Confer (grant) with your department head/school head. Tell them you need the support of the
regular teacher in Mathematics. Request training on subject content, teaching strategies, and
assessment of learning outcomes. You may also need training as a facilitator of learning.
Module 2
School Forms
Form 1 School Register
Form 2 Monthly Report of Enrollment and Attendance
Form 137-E Elementary Pupil’s Permanent Record
Form 138-E Elementary Pupil’s Progress Report Card
Form 18-E-1 Report on Promotions for Grades I-III
Form 18-E-2 Report on Promotions for Grades IV-VI
Form 137-A Secondary Students Permanent Record
Form 138-A Secondary Students Progress Report Card
Form 18-A Report on Secondary School Promotions